RIgHTS CaTaLOg 2014 - Les Éditions Triptyque

Mœbius magazine
Conception : Sandra Felteau
sold rights and acquisitions
available titles
non-fiction Joël Des Rosiers
Lucie Joubert Antoine Ouellette
Marie-Christine Arbour Olivier Demers
Maxime-Olivier Moutier
Julia Pawlowicz
Marie Hélène Poitras
Joël Des Rosiers
Les Éditions Triptyque have been publishing literary and non-literary works since 1977.
Their catalog counts over 800 titles: fiction, non-fiction and poetry. They practice the copyright negotiation throughout the French-speaking world. Their books are distributed in
Canada by Dimedia and in Europe by Distribution du Nouveau Monde (Librairie du Québec à Paris).
Throughout the years, Triptyque have built up an incredible roster of writers who have won
prestigious awards and honors. For instance, Joël Des Rosiers won the Athanase-David
Award for his entire body of work, and Maude Smith Gagnon won the Governor General’s Award and the Emile-Nelligan Award. As for novels, we must mention Marie-Hélène
au mois de mars by Maxime-Olivier Moutier (republished in France by J’ai lu), Soudain le
minotaure by Marie Hélène Poitras (translated to English, Spanish and Italian), La chute
du mur by Annie Cloutier, and Marie-Christine Arbour’s three novels – which have gained
much attention. Triptyque have also built up a collection of musical studies of over 40 titles,
including two works by Antoine Ouellette, Le chant des oyseaulx and Musique autiste, which
have been very well received by the French-speaking public, both in Quebec and Europe,
and deserve to be better known in the English-speaking world.
Les Éditions Triptyque also edit the quarterly literary magazine Mœbius, which has recently
reached its 140th issue. In 2013, Mœbius published an anthology of 80 poets from Quebec
and France, Ouvrir le XXIe siècle, co-published with the Parisian magazine Les Cahiers du
Sold rights
Caribbean Theories | Joël Des Rosiers
English - Volack and wynn (2015)
Shoshanna’s story | Elaine Kalman Naves
McClelland and Stewart (2003)
Translated in french by
Chantal Ringuet (2016)
The Coincidence | Fulvio Caccia
English - Guernica (2015)
Italy revisited | Mary Melfi
Guernica (2009)
Translated in french by
Claude Béland (2015)
L’envers du landau | Lucie Joubert
Croatian - Artresor Naklada (2014)
This Could Be Anywhere | Maude Smith Gagnon (GG poetry 2012)
English - Bookland press (2013)
Monkey Ranch | Julie Bruck
Brick books (GG Award 2012)
Translated to French by
William S. Messier (2013)
The Death of Marlon Brando | Pierre Gobeil
English - Exile editions (2013)
Suddenly the Minotaur | Marie Hélène Poitras
(Anne-Hébert Award 2003)
English - DC Books (2007)
Spanish - Paraiso Perdido (2006)
Italian - Yorick libri (2008)
Vetiver | Joël Des Rosiers
English - Signature editions (2005) (GG Translation 2006)
In the Claws of the Cat | Claude Forand
English - Guernica (2006)
The Life of Margaret Laurence | James King
Vintage Canada
Translated to French by
Lynn Diamond (2007)
The Rules of Engagement | Catherine Bush
Phyllis Bruce Books Perennial
Translated to French by
Stéphane Brault (2006)
Various Miracles | Carol Shields
Random House Canada
Translated to French by
Benoît Léger (2004)
Un psychiatre et la Bible | Marc-Alain Wolf
French (France) - Éditions du Cerf (2005)
The Past at Our Feet | Lynn Diamond
English – Guernica (2004)
The Madonna of the St. Denis Bar-BQ | Huguette O’Neil
English - DC Books (2004)
The Little Flowers of Madame de Montespan
Jane Urquhart | porcupine’s quill
Translated to French by
Nicole Côté (2000)
Risible et noir précédé de Potence Machine | Maxime-Olivier Moutier
French (France) - J’ai lu (2000)
Mémoires d’un homme de ménage en territoire ennemi | Sir Robert Gray
French (France) - Balland (1999)
Musique autiste
Antoine Ouellette
Joël Des Rosiers
L’envers du landau
Lucie Joubert
joël Des rosiers
Métaspora. Essai sur les patries intimes
Convinced that the term « diaspora » was overused, Des Rosiers
thought it necessary to introduce the concept of « metaspora » during
his conferences in the past ten years. By exploring the most intimate
and emblematic thoughts and dreams of past and present times artists, such as Marie Ndiaye, Maryse Condé, Anthony Phelps, and even
Wyclef Jean, Joël Des Rosiers creates an innovating concept called
honors and awards
Rights held : world.
2011 - Athanase-David Award, for his overall achievement
2008 - Finalist, Ouessant Island Book Prize, for Caïques and
Un autre soleil
2008 – Special mention, Casa de las Americas Prize, for Caïques
2006 – Governor General’s Award, for the English translation of Vetiver,
by Hugh Hazelton
2000 – Trois-Rivières International Poetry Festival Prize, for Vetiver
1999 – Montreal City Book Award, for Vetiver
1997 – Canadian Writers Association Prize, for Théories caraïbes
1994 – Laval City Excellence Award, for Savanes
1990 – Finalist, Governor General’s Award, for Tribu
Joël Des Rosiers is a poet, essayist and psychiatrist. He wrote :
Métropolis Opéra (1987), Tribu (1990), Savanes (1993, RPT in 2007),
Théories caraïbes (1997, RPT in 2009), Vétiver (1999), Un autre soleil
(2007), Caïques (2007), Lettres à l’Indigène (2009), and Gaïac (2010),
all published by Tryptique. He has participated in numerous poetry
meetings around the world, from Buenos Aires to Abidjan. His work is
internationally acclaimed by critics and academics alike, and has been
included in many anthologies.
lucie joubert
The book will be translated to English by Jo-Anne Elder
and to Croatian by ArTresor Naklada Editions, in 2014.
L’envers du landau
Regard extérieur sur la maternité et ses débordements
L’envers du landau is a reflexion on how women who choose to say no
to motherhood can find their place in a society where economy rests
upon a changing table. This work focuses on the pressure they feel
from their peers to come back into the fold, and on the scarecrows
placed along their way to prevent them from straying ever again. It is
also aimed towards those who suffer from being unable to give birth,
as victims of the race to childbirth at all cost, and to fulfill their role
as women.
honors and awards
Ottawa Book Award 2011
Rights held : world.
Sold rights :
Croatia - ArTresor Naklada
- Maternity
- Feminism
- Stereotypes
Lucie Joubert is a professor at Ottawa University. She has always
been interested in the status of women and in their humor, topics
of choice for two of her books, including L’humour du sexe. Le
rire des filles, published in 2002 by Triptyque. In 2013, Triptyque
published her last book, Les Cyniques. Le rire de la Révolution
tranquille (in collaboration with Robert Aird, Marc Laurendau and
André Dubois), which was a bestseller (non-fiction) in Quebec for
more than eight weeks straight (Gaspard).
antoine ouellette
More than 3000 copies sold !
Musique autiste. Vivre et composer avec le syndrome d’Asperger
In November 2007, the author and composer Antoine Ouellette was
diagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome, an autism spectrum disorder. In
this book, he offers an intimate look at his life as well as a guided tour
of the world of autism. He also seeks to give hope to anyone who has
been marginalized by society by heightening public awareness of the
still taboo topic : “the insanity”.
honors and awards
- Finalist, Hubert-Reeves Award 2012, for Musique autiste.
- Special mention, Société des écrivains francophones d’Amérique’s
Non-fiction Award 2009, for Le chant des oyseaulx.
recent activities
Rights held : world.
-Invited to the 2014 Paris Book Fair (with a subsequent tour of several cities in Switzerland and France)
-Invited to the 2013 Bruxelles Book Fair and to the 2012 Geneva
Book Fair.
-Guest on many radio and television shows such as: Des kiwis et des
hommes and C’est la vie (Radio-Canada), Club Social (TV5), Une
pilule, une petite granule (Télé-Québec), L’après-midi porte conseil
and Vous êtes ici (Radio-Canada).
After completing a B.A. in Biology, Antoine Ouellette has turned
his attention to music. In 2006, he obtained a Ph.D. in artistic studies and practices (UQÀM). After finishing his thesis, he published
Le chant des oyseaulx (2008) and Musique autiste. Vivre et composer
avec le syndrome d’Asperger (2011). Since then, he has given many
interviews, conferences, and workshops on autism. Being a musicologist, he teaches music history and musicology at the UQAM Music
Faculty. Lastly, as an Associate Composer, he wrote over forty scores.
La mort de Mignonne
Marie Hélène Poitras
Marie-Hélène au mois de mars
Maxime-Olivier Moutier
Retour d’outre-mer
Julia Pawlowicz
Marie-Christine Arbour
L’hostilité des chiens
Olivier Demers
Marie-Christine arbour
An exquisite master of style, Arbour fills her pen with aphorisms, litotes, and hyperboles to create an incredibly dense
and poetic story.
- Le Libraire
Chinetoque, Utop et Drag
Alice is a broken woman. After witnessing the death of her childhood
friend, she loses the man she loved excessively. Since she barely knew
her father, her mother, a strong woman, is the only person offering her
a shoulder to lean on. Tempted by dreams of exile, she gets hired as
a translator in Vancouver. There, she meets Doug, an eccentric composer, with whom she has a disappointing relationship. Solitude seems
to be her only comfort. She rejects modern-day consumer culture and
starts hanging out in a tumbledown shop owned by a Chinese man. At
first, Alice sees him as an anonymous, insensitive person, but she soon
feels an uncontrollable attraction towards him.
Rights held : world.
1977. Dreams of unknown lands seem very real and exoticism has always been tainted with mystery. Leucid Roy, a 40-year-old man working in a night club, suddenly decides to go off on an adventure in Ecuador up to the Amazonian jungle. He is searching for “the shock that
will give him a second wind”. Many say he is crazy, but Leucid wants to
go far, far away. He leaves with a guide and five other companions.
also available
Marie-Christine Arbour lives in Montreal. She has written short stories in several magazines. She also wrote Deux et Deux (Planète Rebelle,
2000) and Une mère (Pleine Lune, 2008). Recently, she published three
novels: Drag (Triptyque, 2011, finalist for the Marcel Thiry-ville de Liège
Award 2012), Utop (Triptyque, 2012) and Chinetoque (Triptyque, 2013).
Her latest book, Schizo, will be published in Fall 2014.
olivier demers
2012 Archambault Book Award
L’hostilité des chiens
The narrator of this strange story roams the streets of Montreal night
and day. He asks passersby questions about a missing girl while groaning his hate of mankind. Who is this odd detective? This irritable and
hot-tempered person? A misanthrope who suddenly fell in love? Or
a nutcase dreaming of an obscene crime? L’hostilité des chiens seeks
to corner this fictitious part of our identity. Written in short chapters,
this novel is filled with desire and hate, love songs and revolt. A brand
new, obsessive voice.
Behind L’hostilité des chiens lies the shadow of Dostoïevski - the one
of Notes from the Underground, the one with fierce and dreamlike
- Le Devoir
Rights held : world.
With L’hostilité des chiens, Olivier Demers gives us a hellishly efficient
novel. It’s a dark and violent trip to the darkest corners of Man’s soul.
However, it’s not only dark, but also human and sensitive.
- La recrue du mois
I’ve told Olivier Demers, in my morning babble between two sips of
coffee, that his novel is unique. It is unique because it is quite rare for
an author to give life to such an unfriendly narrator while resisting the
temptation to excuse his behavior. - Voir
Olivier Demers has a Master’s degree in Philosophy from Laval University and he teaches at the Cégep de Sherbrooke. He has already published a
book of poetry, but he now focuses on novels. L’hostilité des chiens (Triptyque, 2012) is his first novel. His next book, Contes violents, will be published
by Triptyque in Fall 2014.
Maxime-Olivier Moutier
Marie-Hélène au mois de mars
More than 7000 copies sold !
Marie-Hélène au mois de mars is a dark tale about a heartbreak that
pushed the narrator to a suicide attempt. It is a rich story dealing with
subjects like treason, mental illness, and the burden of heredity, that
demands the reader’s full commitment. The book is written in a nervous yet communicative style, and tells the story of an attempted suicide as well as the troubles of entering adulthood; two topics that are
still incredibly relevant these days.
foreign rights
-Potence Machine and Risible et noir were republished as pocket
books by J’ai lu, in France.
also available
Potence Machine and Risible et noir (short story collections)
Rights held : world.
Two ironic, cruel, and extremely sentimental short stories collections.
Moutier doesn’t simply overwhelm us with his ironic and scathing
penmanship, he is also a man of ideas (on love, urban life, ethics, and
imagination) with a disconcerting and frank style of writing.
- Voir
After Potence Machine and Risible et noir, which made him come to be
considered as being “a major author” (Stanley Péan, Ici) and “a brand
new voice” (Réginald Martel, La Presse), Maxime-Olivier Moutier
completed his “Marie-Hélène Trilogy” with his first novel, Marie-Hélène
au mois de mars. Since 2006, he published five critically acclaimed novels
(Éditions Marchand de feuilles).
julia pawlowicz
A sensitive outlook on the passing of time, and a personal attempt to clear up the circumstances of emigration
through writing.
- Le Devoir
Retour d’outre-mer
Three tidal waves come crashing down on Maria’s life: the death of her
father, her mother’s disappearance, and passionnate love. Alone with
her brother and stranded in United States, she seeks to rebuild her life.
Her childhood memories of the scorching sun of Maghreb blend with
her gray dreams of Warsaw while she is scouring America for a path
which could lead her to a brighter future.
honors and awards
- Finalist, 2013 Five Continents Award 2013.
- Official pre-selection for the 2014 First Novel Festival of Chambery,
in France.
Rights held : world.
- The Holocaust
- Immigration in Quebec
- Mourning
- Love
- Filliation
Born in Poland, Julia Pawlowicz studied literature at McGill University, and she now teaches at Collège Édouard-Montpetit. She has
published and illustrated children’s novels, as well as short stories in
the magazines Virages, Jet d’Encre, Art le Sabord and Mœbius. Her texts
deal with the intimate, mystical, and metaphorical relationship between
human feelings and nature. Identity issues are also at the heart of her
writing. Retour d’outre-mer is her first novel.
marie hélène poitras
More than 7000 copies sold !
La mort de Mignonne et autres histoires
Marie Hélène Poitras offers us twelve stories with hypersensitive and
disillusioned characters, all searching for some sort of grace, which
only a few lucky ones can receive. A somber bestiary, fueled by the
same energy that carries away the teenagers, this collection of stories
finds balance between brutality and candor, feverishness and fatality.
In this world, light always finds a way through a dirty window or a
lizard. Twelve stories filled with beasts, desire, and humanity.
honors and awards
- 2003 Anne-Hébert Award, for Soudain le Minotaure.
- Finalist, 2006 Quebec Booker’s Prize, for La mort de Mignonne.
- Bronze medal in the Independant Publisher Book Awards in the category « Canada (East) Best Regional Fiction », for Suddenly the Minotaur.
Rights held : world.
foreign rights
- Soudain le Minotaure was translated into three languages:
English (DC books, 2007), Spanish (Paraiso Perdido, 2006), and Italian (Yorick Libri, 2008).
- Phébus Publishing acquired the rights of Griffintown for France
and the English version of the book will be published by Cormorant
Marie Hélène Poitras is a music journalist and editor of the
Zone d’écriture de Radio-Canada. Her two first books, Soudain le
Minotaure and La mort de Mignonne, were published by Triptyque.
She also wrote a series for teenagers called Rock & Rose. In October
2013, she won the France-Quebec Award for Griffintown.
Joël Des Rosiers
Finalist, Alain-Grandbois Award (Quebec Letters Academy)
A meeting between body and words. Wanting to touch the body inside the poem
looks for the shakings of the tongue. Through stasis and movement, the gaïac tree
represents it’s vital flow. A strange and beautiful sonority is presented to us in the
form of our collapsed memories.
Casa de las Americas Prize (special mention)
No other word could better describe the drift. Like a dazzling cry, Caïques points
out both the small craft and the isles where we leave the lost children of language.
Bodies assembled on a bulrush matt which don’t seem to scoff at death, but rather
call it to join in this infinite trip called life.
Laval City Award
When words become objects of ceremony, the book appears and disappears in
the savannah like a fetish, so we can find the language lost inside us.
contact us
Robert Giroux
President / publisher
(514) 597-1666
les éditions triptyque
2200, Marie-Anne Est Street
Montreal, Québec
H2H 1N1
@ triptyque@editiontriptyque.com
e (514) 597-1666
www.triptyque.qc.ca | www.revuemoebius.qc.ca
Canada | Dimedia: www.dimedia.com
Europe | DNM: www.librairieduquebec.fr