
Rel 3185
Module #1 (Weeks 1-3)
“Introduction to the course, PSI. Healing and Mediumship”
Welcome video; Items in Information Folder: “Avoiding Errors PPT,” “How to Get
Started…” “Critical Thinking” PDF, “Writing a Critical Review,” “Academic
Essay/Paper Guidelines and Recommendations,” 24-hour clock the rubrics for
discussions and grading
Module #2 (Week 4, 5) Skeptics, Skepticism
Module #3 (Weeks 6-8) Healing Energies, Spiritualism Smith’s Book: Walking
Through Walls
Module #4 (Weeks 9-13) Shamans and Shamanism, Piers Vitebsky’s
Shamanism, Malidoma Patrice Somé’s Of Water and the Spirit…
Module #5 (Week 15 and finals) Reincarnation and Past Life Regression, Jim
B. Tucker’s Life Before Life
Course Calendar
Introduction to
View “Welcome” video; read and study “Avoiding Errors
the course
PPT,” “How to Get Started…” read the “Critical Thinking”
PDF, “Writing a Critical Review,” “Academic Essay/Paper
Guidelines and Recommendations, ” examine the 24-hour
clock and read the rubrics for discussions and grading. All are
located in the Course Content “Information” folder
Module 1 (Weeks 1-3): Introduction: Course information listed above, PSI,
New Age Concepts, Healing and Mediumship
Week 1
Aug 25-31
Reading assignment: All Course Content Information and
“Avoiding Errors” (This contains the information for Quiz #1);
view the “H & M” PPT; Glossary Folder that contains
Glossary of terms for PSI, “New Age Concepts and glossary”
(for Quiz 2); the glossary for Vitebsky’s Shamanism and
Somé’s Of Water…posted that are definitive to the course
Essay #1
Short Critical Review of Websites listed for Week 1 - Due Aug
31 at 12:00 (A.B, C)
Complete the pre-course survey for Global Learning Initiative
(A.B, C)
Quiz #1, covers Course Content and “Avoiding Errors” opens
Thursday Aug 28 at 08:00, closes Sunday Aug 31 at 12:00
(matching, true/false/multiple choice)
Post your student biography by Sunday Aug 31 at 12:00
located in the Discussion Board; this is a requirement for the
Labor Day Holiday Sept 1, University Closed
Reading assignment: New Age Concepts and glossary;
review the ARE website: ; view PSI
PPT, read “Leichtman/Cayce Mediumistic Interviews,” review
Best Evidence, a short summary of the book by Michael
Schmicker (the book is on reserve in the Green Library, 2nd
Week 2
Sept 1-7
Labor Day
Holiday Sept 1
Discussion #1 (A.B) Post a PSI experience you have had, or
perhaps if you have not had a PSI experience, post one you
have heard about from a family member or friend; initial
posting due Thursday Sept 4 at 12:00; respond to at least 3
others’ posts by Sunday, Sept 7 at 12:00
Quiz #2 over PSI glossary and New Age information, terms
and definitions; opens Sept 4 at 08:00, closes Sept 7 at 12:00
(matching, true/false/multiple choice) (A.B, C)
Reading assignment: complete readings from Week 1
Live Chat Online #1: PSI…true or not; information is posted
in the Adobe Connect online live chat entitled “PSI” Thursday,
Sept 11 from 20:00- 21:00 (8-9PM),
Week 3
Sept 8-14
Essay #2: Select a PSI term to research that includes two
resources; write an essay of 300 or more words, (see
Academic Essay/Paper Guidelines); include a bibliography
(A.B, C) Due Sunday, Sept 14 at 12:00
Discussion #2, due Sept 14 at 12:00
Review the objectives as listed for Module 1 to ensure you
meet the objectives: 1) Define “healers,” “channelers” and
“mediums;” describe methods of healing used by them
(globally) and 2) how these have shaped the diversity from
past to present; 6) explain diversity and methods that are not
within current USA/European medical viewpoints
Module 2 Skeptics, Skepticism (Week 4)
Week 4
Reading/viewing assignment: Skeptics PPT; short
summary of Michael Shermer’s The Believing Brain; youtube
Sept 15-21
videos from Michael Shermer, “The Baloney Detection Kit” 14
From James Randi “Randi the Great” debunker of psychic
Essay #3 “Is skepticism the “only” valid belief system?” This
is an opinion essay; you may agree or disagree; include
bibliography; due Sunday, Sept 21 at 12:00, 300 word
minimum (A.B, C)
Quiz #3- PSI, skeptics, (matching, true/false/multiple choice)
Review the objectives for Module 2, to ensure you meet the
objectives: define skepticism, name some skeptics, and
discuss the skeptic viewpoint in terms of PSI and healing
Module 3 Healing Energies, Spiritualism, Ethnobotany, Animals (Weeks 5-8)
Week 5
Reading/viewing assignment: View DVD (4 Parts) on
Sept 22-28
Spiritualism in the US; From google images, the following on
psychic healing
Begin Philp Smith’s, Walking Through Walls, A Memoir
Week 6 Sept 29Oct 5
Reading/viewing assignment: Complete Smith’s book,
View/read about Smith
View 1) Bill Moyers, The Mystery of Chi
Week 7
Oct 6-12
View 2) John Vervaeke, Chi Explained Without Magic
Discussion #3, “Healing energies- chi, yoga, martial arts,
chanting, meditation; are these valid for health and healing?
Respond with a positive or negative, and defend your
selection; initial post by Oct 2 at 12:00; respond to others by
Oct 5 at 12:00
Reading Assignments
Healing Plants-Ethnobotany: excerpts from Alice Micco
Snow/ Emma Stans PPT Seminole Healing Plants
Animals as healers- electronic readings
Essay #4 (A.B, C) Due Oct 12 at 12:00; discuss Philip
Smith’s dilemma regarding his father’s healing practices, 300
word minimum, use footnotes or endnotes (page numbers in
Smith’s book); include the book as a bibliography and any
outside resources
Live chat #2 Online, Thursday from 20:00-21:00 (A.B, C)
Week 8
Oct 13-19
Reading Assignment:
Begin Piers Vitebsky’s Shamanism; “Encyclopedia of
Shamanism” electronic posting
Essay #5, two parts, 150 words each, due Sunday, Oct 19
at 12:00; (A.B, C) combine both in the same submission
document; Part A: Ethnobotany select a plant that is used in
healing and describe its uses; locate 2 resources to verify
your findings in a short essay about the plant you have
selected and include an image of the plant
Part B: Animals as Healers- discuss whether or not you feel
animals can be healers; you may take a positive approach or
a negative perspective 150 words; list resources (the
resources can be from the class material presented for
“Animals as Healers”
Discussion #4 “Animals as healers and their use in healing”
initial post due Thursday Oct 16 at 12:00; respond to others’
posted by Sunday, Oct 19 at 12:00 (A.B, C)
Review the objectives for Module 3, to ensure you meet the
objectives: 1-3) define ethnobotany and the use of animals in
healing; 7) research a healing plant that fulfills research
requirements; 4) demonstrate cross-cultural dynamics in
healing from plants and animals
Module 4 Shamans, Shamanism (Weeks 9-13)
Week 9
Reading Assignments
Complete Vitebsky’s, Shamanism (be certain to carefully
Oct 20-26
examine the images from Vitebsky’s book; “Encyclopedia of
Shamanism” electronic posting
Week 10
Oct 27-Nov 2
Quiz #4 Plants and animals in healing, opens Thursday, Oct
23 sat 08:00, closes Sunday, Oct 26 at 12:00 (matching,
true/false/multiple choice) (A.B, C)
Reading Assignment: view Fire on the Mountain; view and
Daylight Savings Time Ends Nov 2
Week 11
Nov 3-9
Prepare for midterm exam next week
Midterm Exam covers Modules 1-4 (except Somé’s book)
opens Wednesday, Oct 29 at 08:00, closes Sunday Nov 2 at
12:00; (matching, true/false/multiple choice, select 1 short
essay question from the 3 offered) (A.B, C)
Read and study glossary from Somé (located in the Glossary
Discussion #5, “shamans as community healers and their
world view” initial post Nov 6 at 12:00; respond to others’
posts by Sunday, Nov 9 at 12:00 (A.B, C)
Week 12
Nov 10-16
Reading Assignment: Somé’s Of Water and the Spirit… pp
Week 13
Nov 17-23
Quiz #5 covers Vitebsky’s, Shamanism and glossary from
Somé; opens Thursday, Nov 13 at 8:00; closes Nov 16 at
12:00, (A.B, C)
Reading Assignment: complete Somé’s Of Water and the
Spirit… pp 149-311
Discussion #6 Somé’s experiences: from his capture,
education, return to find his village and initiation ritual; initial
post due Thursday, Nov 10 at 12:00; respond to others’
posts, Sunday Nov 23 at 12:00
Review the objectives for Module 4, to ensure you meet
them: 1-3) review and define plant use (ethnobotany) in
shamanic cultures; discuss animals in hunting societies and
for healing; 4) demonstrate cross-cultural dynamics in
shamanic world views, healing and rituals
Module 5 Reincarnation, Past Life Regression (Weeks 14, 15)
Week 14
Reading Assignment
Read Jim B. Tucker’s Life Before Life
Nov 24-30
Thanksgiving Holiday, University closed Nov 27-30
Week 15
Reading Assignment:
Complete Tucker’s book Life Before Life
Dec 1-7
Discussion #7, “Reincarnation,” and past life regression,
initial post Thursday, Dec 4 at 12:00; respond to others’
posts by Sunday, Dec 8 at 12:00 (A.B, C)
Part A, Final Critical Book Review, outline and abstract,
Due Saturday, Dec 6 at 12:00 (A.B, C)
Review the objectives for Module 5; ensure you meet them:
4) demonstrate cross-cultural dynamics regarding beliefs in
reincarnation past-life regression in healing; 2) distinguish
the global perspectives that have shaped the trends and
systems of diverse cultures in healing methods from the past
and through current concepts; 3) recognize patterns of
evolutionary change from rituals and practices that may
reshape the future while preserving the traditions of
aesthetics and cultural values of the past; 7) fulfill research
requirements (PPT, media or paper presentation) that
involve active contact with global forms of healing as
Finals, Dec 8-13
Part B Final Critical Book Review Due Saturday, Dec 13
at 12:00 (A.B, C)