PSY 490 Week 5 Portfolio Presentation

PSY 490 Week 5 Portfolio Presentation
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PSY 490 Week 5 Portfolio Presentation
This portfolio is your final presentation.
Create an original capstone portfolio presentation that demonstrates your core content
Create the Portfolio Presentation.
- For Online and Directed Study students, these are MicrosoftВ® PowerPointВ®
presentations with notes.
- Format the portfolio consistent with APA guidelines.
- Introduction and concluding slides should not be used.
The title slide and reference slides are not included as part of the total required
number of slides. Speaker notes with appropriate citations are required to
demonstrate knowledge of concepts chosen and as a way to present the material
as if you were giving a formal in person presentation.
The information on the slides should only be the highlights with more in-depth
information included in the speaker notes.This means the notes need to be
comprehensive, well written, and demonstrate critical thinking. Each slide should
have at least 2 paragraphs of notes associated with it.
Complete the following in your presentation:
- Demonstrate an understanding of relevant theories. Please choose at least four major
psychological theories.
- Include examples to support major points.
- Explain which theories you like and why you like them.
- Explain which theories you dislike and why you dislike them.
- Explain how you arrived at your conclusions.
- Explain how these theories will influence the future of psychology.
- Investigate and discuss a new method that you can apply to or research in psychology
that you have not been exposed to or would like to learn more about.
- Explain how the information in this presentation affects your worldview.
- Explain how you used critical or creative thinking in the creation of the presentation.
- Be creative in how the information is presented on the slides.
- A minimum of 12 slides is required. The total slide count does not include the
cover or reference slides, so students are being required to submit at least 12
slides of content.
- Please do not use an intro or concluding slide. This is not a paper, but rather a
power point, and thus unnecessary.
- A minimum of 6 peer reviewed sources are required.
*Websites, magazines, and newspaper articles are not acceptable sources. Only
psychological journal articles and academic books may be used for assignments in this