WELCOME TO “TRANSFER SUCCESS AHEAD” LACC CUBS The Los Angeles City College Ambassadors seek to inform other LACC students, about the many academic and scholarship opportunities available at Los Angeles City College. WELCOME TO “TRANSFER SUCCESS AHEAD” LACC CUBS Scholar [from Princeton.edu] o Character - A learned person; someone who by long study has gained mastery in one or more disciplines o Character - A learner: someone who learns from teachers or takes up knowledge or beliefs o A student who holds a scholarship LACC CUBS – LEADERSHIP AND ACADEMIA o LACC Office of Student Life Ambassadors o LACC Associated Student Organization o Federal GEAR-UP High School Tutor Program o CO-OP Educational Programs o Ralph Bunche Scholars Program o Phi Theta Kappa International Honors Society of the Two-Year Colleges Los Angeles City College Ambassadors LACC Ambassadors are volunteer students from the Office of Student Life. Under the supervision of Earic Peters, Associate Dean of Student Life, the LACC Ambassadors provide services and activities for students. LACC Ambassador meetings are every Friday at Noon at the Resource Center, 2nd Floor. Learning Los Angeles City College Ambassadors LACC Ambassador Events: o Poker Night o Hollywood Rock the Mic o Getty Villa School Trip o And this Transfer Success Scholarship panel which you are sitting in right now o Many more! Looking to enrich your volunteering services on campus? Care about student life? Love to lead or support events with a team atmosphere? Then consider joining the LACC Ambassadors. To join the LACC Ambassadors, you can pick up/submit a LACC Ambassadors application from the Office of Student Life, 2nd Floor, Learning Resource Center. Los Angeles City College Associated Students Organization (ASO) The A.S.O. promotes campus life and diversity through goal oriented leadership activities. Some recent campus events: o Welcome Days o November 3rd Education Town hall Meeting o Halloween Madness Feast o Fall Club Rush 2009 – 26 clubs http://www.lacitycollege.edu/services/aso/ Student government officers attend senate meetings, and committee meetings, which follow parliamentary procedure. If you are appointed as a student government officer, you will be taught Parliamentary Procedure, among other things. There are also out of town leadership trips involved. California Community College Student Affairs Association Leadership Conference – Sacramento Student Senate of California Community Colleges General Assembly – San Francisco Applications for ASO student government positions are available at the Learning Resource Center’s front desk. Los Angeles City College Gear-Up Outreach Program Gear-Up is a federally funded program created to help high school students succeed in subject areas so that they can move on to 4 year universities. Gear-Up tutors come Los Angeles City College and other community colleges, specializing in the fields of: English, Math, Arts, and Sciences. This is a paid tutoring job. Example of Gear-Up Tutor Events: o Shadow Days o Career Exploration Day o College Roadtrip (Stanford, UC Berkeley, UC Santa Cruz) Interested in this rewarding tutoring experience? Turn in your resume to the Financial Aid office. You must have one 200 series level Math completed, English 101 completed, and at least a 3.0 G.P.A. Los Angeles City College Cooperative Work Experience Education The Coop-Ed mission strengthens student learning with on the job learning opportunities, providing meaningful internships to students of all majors. Two types of Cooperative Work Experience Education 1. Specific 2. General Specific Internships include, but not limited to: NBC Universal, Paramount, Sony, Warner Brothers Coop-Ed Students apply for internships for various majors. General Cooperative Work Experience Education: Leadership class – Learning Leadership models and gaining credit for Leadership Experience For more information, contact Devon Werble at the Cooperative Work Experience Education office. werbledm@lacitycollege.edu Los Angeles City College Ralph Bunche Scholars Program The Ralph Bunche Scholars Program is designed for motivated and talented LACC transfer students who want to transfer to a 4 year school. Finishing the program will enable them to be more competitive when they are planning to transfer to a 4 year school. o Honors section classes o Special attention and collaboration from professors o Transfer Alliance Program – Priority Consideration for admissions to UCLA’s college of letters and sciences, UCI, UCR, UCSC, Occidental College, Chapman University, and La Sierra University o Information sessions with Columbia University School of General Studies o And many more! Dr. Danielle Muller, Program Director http://www.lacitycollege.edu/services/honorsprogram/index.html Phi Theta Kappa Int’l Honor Society, LACC Beta Pi Kappa Chapter Phi Theta Kappa is the most prestigious and recognized Honors Society in the Two-Year College System. In order to be considered eligible: oYou must be enrolled at LACC Phi Theta Kappa members receive a certificate and pin upon induction into the society. They also have their Phi Theta Kappa membership included in their transcript. Members can also browse through a list of Phi Theta Kappa transfer scholarships. Select Universities apply. coursework that may be applied to an associate Once in the honors society, members can choose to participate in Chapter Activities or to run as Honors Society Chapter Officers. Members may also be nominated at the Regional State level (Nevada/California), as well as International Level. Los Angeles City College where presently enrolled Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society State/Int’l events: o Regional Honors Institute/State Debates o Regional Leadership Convention – San Diego o Spring Regional Convention & Regional Awards o International Conference – Disneyworld, Florida o You must have completed at least 12 hours of degree (part-time students may be eligible) o You must have a grade point average of 3.5 o You must receive an invitation to membership from o You must adhere to the moral standards of the society Website: http://laccptk.com/ E-mail: laccptk@yahoo.com Print out an application from the website and turn it in to: Dr. Danielle Muller, Chapter Advisor 3rd floor, English Department, Jefferson Hall LACC CUBS – UNIVERSITY TRANSFER PROGRAMS o UCLA Center for Community College Partnerships (C.C.C.P.) o UCLA C.C.C.P. Scholars Club o S.I.T.E.(Summer Intensive Transfer Experience) o S.T.P. (Summer Transfer Program) o S.T.O.M.P.(Student Transfer Opportunity and Mentor Program) o USC SCholars Club o UC Berkeley Starting Point Mentorship o The Celia J. Peeler Award o Vassar College – Exploring Transfer LACC CUBS – UCLA C.C.C.P. Scholars Club UCLA Center for Community College Partnerships (C.C.C.P.) The Center for Community College Partnerships is a partnership between UCLA and California community colleges, particularly those with large underrepresented student populations. Transfer students are the core of UCLA CCCP’s outreach to state and youth in California. 40% of graduating classes at UCLA are transfer students. Philosophy of UCLA CCCP Scholars transfer programs is that you are coming into a “Bruin family”. “LACC Cubs having fun at UCLA SITE ’09” LACC CUBS – UCLA C.C.C.P. Summer Intensive Transfer Experience UCLA C.C.C.P. – Summer Intensive Transfer Experience (S.I.T.E.) S.I.T.E. is a FREE 5-day summer residential program at UCLA. If accepted, you will spend a week living at UCLA, developing strong academic skills, meeting people who can assist you through the process, and learning the skills required for an effective transfer experience. S.I.T.E. participants also are paired up UCLA peer mentors (former S.I.T.E. participants and UCLA transfer students) who also act as S.I.T.E. group facilitators. http://www.aap.ucla.edu/cccp/site.html S.I.T.E. Applications are released around Mid-Spring. Call the department often to find out when applications are released. Deadline for applications is usually around the first week of June. Warning: Do not wait until then. Good luck Cubs! “LACC Cubs are assigned within a group of several CC transfers during UCLA S.I.T.E. - making the experience truly diverse!” LACC CUBS – UCLA Admissions S.T.O.M.P. Annual Student Conference UCLA Admissions – Student Transfer and Opportunity Mentor Program Annual Transfer Conference STOMP Annual Transfer Conference is an all day event program at UCLA. The UCLA Student Transfer Opportunity and Mentor Program (STOMP), along with Undergraduate Admissions and Relations with Schools (UARS) is convinced that the best way to aid Community College students interested in transferring to UCLA is to empower them by providing key information that will make their Community College experience productive, thus making them more competitive for admissions to the UC system, particularly UCLA. Attendees to the Transfer Conference include low income, first generation, and non-traditional students. http://www.admissions.ucla.edu/stompconference/default.htm Check with the LACC Transfer Center (AD 109) for more info! LACC CUBS – USC Jack Kent Cooke Foundation SCholars Club USC Jack Kent Cooke SCholars Club The USC SCholars Club is designed to assist exceptional community college students (Trade Tech, ELAC, LACC) in transferring to selective colleges and universities. Ideal candidates for the USC SCholars Club will meet the following selection criteria: o Student has completed at least one semester of courses o Student maintains full-time enrollment (enrolled in approximately 4 courses per semester) o Student has minimal withdrawals (Ws) on their academic record o Student’s course selection fulfills IGETC requirements or is enrolled in transferable courses SCholars Applications are in the Spring – Stay tuned. http://www.usc.edu/student-affairs/SCholars/club.html Check with the LACC Transfer Center (AD 109) for more info! LACC CUBS – USC Jack Kent Cooke Foundation SCholars Club USC Jack Kent Cooke SCholars Club Once admitted to the USC SCholars Club, you will have the opportunity to have a delicious, savory USC JCKF SCholars Club Breakfast at USC. In Picture: Transfer Center’s Ms. Armstrong-Turner, Ms. Love, USC Alumna Dr. Muller, with the 2009 LACC -USC SCholars Club. Fight ON Cubs! LACC CUBS – UC Berkeley Starting Point Mentorship Program UC Berkeley Starting Point Mentorship Program The Starting Point Mentorship Program provides community college students with UC Berkeley student mentors. The program is designed to encourage underserved students and welcomes all to explore their academic potential and prepare for transfer to UC Berkeley and the UC System. Mentors provide mentees with motivation, information, and access to resources. They also meet regularly throughout the semester to discuss goals, services, opportunities, and resources. UCB SPMP Application deadline currently unavailable. Sign up for our e-mail list! We will inform you as soon as we get the latest news from UCB Admissions! LACC CUBS – UC Berkeley Starting Point Mentorship Program UC Berkeley Starting Point Mentorship Program Here is an example of a pairing between a UC Berkeley Starting Point Mentor and UC Berkeley Starting Point Mentee: Jane o Non-Traditional Student o UC Berkeley Starting Point Mentor, Double Major in Social Work and English o Transferred from Pasadena City College, Fall 2008 Carmela o Non-Traditional Student o UC Berkeley Starting Point Mentee, Prospective Major in Cognitive Science, Minor in Education o Currently Attending Los Angeles City College and expected transfer to UC Berkeley - Fall 2011 Method of constant communication: Phone and e-mail at least once every two weeks The Celia J. Peeler Award is presented annually to a community college student who enrolls at UC Berkeley following participation in the Starting Point Mentorship Program. This award is not merit or need based. UCB goal is to reward a student with a personal vision of assistance to others and to help him or her achieve that vision. LACC CUBS – VASSAR COLLEGE EXPLORING TRANSFER PROGRAM VASSAR COLLEGE EXPLORING TRANSFER PROGRAM For over twenty years, the Exploring Transfer (ET) program at Vassar College has successfully introduced community college students to the possibilities of transfer to a wide range of four-year colleges and universities. Exploring Transfer is designed to provide an introduction to the intensive study of the liberal arts to community college students who are pursuing associate degrees or certificates in vocational, liberal arts, or science programs. Exploring Transfer Community College Students live in one of Vassar’s residence halls where they are encouraged by program counselors to promote intellectual sharing and to provide mutual academic and personal support. Each student receives a scholarship that covers completely their summer tuition, room, board, books, and all other supplies. Qualifications: 1st generation in college, underrepresented students Strong background qualifies, regardless of Grade Point Average (G.P.A.) http://www.eter.vassar.edu Contact: Hector Plotquin, LACC Math Department, 3rd Floor Jefferson Hall LACC CUBS – SCHOLARSHIPS & QUESTION AND ANSWER PANEL o LACC Foundation o Jack Kent Cooke Foundation Transfer Scholarship o LACC Q & A Panel with Faculty, Staff, and Students o Giveaway Raffles o Pizza Time! o End of Transfer Success Scholarship Workshop LACC FOUNDATION Be aware that Spring LACC Foundation Scholarships are coming! Each year, the Los Angeles City College Foundation provides students with scholarships to allow them to continue to excel in their educational careers. The scholarships vary in their fields, the amount and the requirements to apply for them. However, they are all provided by the generosity of independent donors, LACC alumni and the campus community. To view the current list of available scholarships, visit: http://www.laccfoundation.org/applyforscholarships.html All inquires on available department scholarships should be addressed with the department chair or the designated representative. Research scholarships now. Look at the instructions. Practice filling one out. E-mail LACCSCHOLARAWARE@gmail.com for tips! In Picture: A small, but notable group of spring 2009 LACC Foundation scholarship recipients! JACK KENT COOKE FOUNDATION TRANSFER SCHOLARSHIP The Jack Kent Cooke Foundation’s Undergraduate Transfer Scholarship honors excellence by supporting outstanding community college students with financial need to transfer to and complete their bachelor’s degrees at the nation’s top four-year colleges and universities. The Jack Kent Cooke Foundation provides up to $30,000 per year to each of approximately 50 deserving students selected annually, making it the largest private scholarship for two-year and community college transfer students in the country. To be eligible for the program, students must be nominated by the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation Faculty Representative at their two-year institution. Students cannot apply directly to the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation. The application deadline is typically February 1. CCs set earlier deadlines for receiving applications to select their nominees. LACC’s Jack Kent Cooke Foundation Faculty Representative Professor Rozenkopf, Humanities Department, Da Vinci Hall, 3rd Floor. Please read: http://www.jkcf.org/scholarships/undergraduate-transferscholarships/ before contacting Professor Rozenkopf African American Heritage Committee Scholarships The African American Heritage Committee Scholarships is put together by faculty and African-American faculty and staff at Los Angeles City College. Scholarships vary and every year the AAHC gets bigger. Prospective Candidates: Exceptional in academics and in their goals and what the careers they want to pursue Majors of AAHC scholarship recipients: Business, Music, Cinema, Art, Chemistry, Administration of Justice Students are both Non-traditional, Traditional students Scholarships have different GPAs ranging from minimum 2.5 to 3.0 and above Scholarship recipients come from different circumstances, some single parent household, some single parent, some from out-of-state Applications open in February. All applications require a personal essay, and transcripts. All applicants must meet requirements of scholarship. If you are selected, you will also go through an interview process. Los Angeles City College AAHC Gala which awards the scholarship winners is during May.