Teacher Support Strengthens Students’ Vocabulary Development An annotated Teacher’s Edition and assessments on paper and online supply the flexibility teachers need to meet the unique needs of their classrooms. Aligns with Common Core State Standards “. . .Sadlier’s Vocabulary Workshop is Learn more at sadliercommoncore.com Sadlier-Oxford an essential for schools serious about academic excellence in Language Arts. . .” Vocabulary Workshop Components Teacher’s Guide Flexibly implement Vocabulary Workshop in any classroom setting with the Planning and Pacing Guide. Retrieve secure test worksheets described below with your Teacher Access Card (found in the TE). Level Student Edition Annotated Teacher’s Edition ❖ Test Generator CD-ROM** Test Booklet Form B TEST PREP Blackline Masters Interactive Audio Pronunciation Program (4 CDs) (Package of 10, with Teacher’s Answer Key) Form A A (6) 978-0-8215-7106-4 978-0-8215-7116-3 978-0-8215-7136-1 978-0-8215-7626-7 978-0-8215-7636-6 978-0-8215-7676-2 978-0-8215-7656-4 B (7) 978-0-8215-7107-1 978-0-8215-7117-0 978-0-8215-7137-8 978-0-8215-7627-4 978-0-8215-7637-3 978-0-8215-7677-9 978-0-8215-7657-1 C (8) 978-0-8215-7108-8 978-0-8215-7118-7 978-0-8215-7138-5 978-0-8215-7628-1 978-0-8215-7638-0 978-0-8215-7678-6 978-0-8215-7658-8 D (9) 978-0-8215-7109-5 978-0-8215-7119-4 978-0-8215-7139-2 978-0-8215-7629-8 978-0-8215-7639-7 978-0-8215-7679-3 978-0-8215-7659-5 E (10) 978-0-8215-7110-1 978-0-8215-7120-0 978-0-8215-7140-8 978-0-8215-7630-4 978-0-8215-7640-3 978-0-8215-7680-9 978-0-8215-7660-1 F (11) 978-0-8215-7111-8 978-0-8215-7121-7 978-0-8215-7141-5 978-0-8215-7631-1 978-0-8215-7641-0 978-0-8215-7681-6 978-0-8215-7661-8 G (12) 978-0-8215-7112-5 978-0-8215-7122-4 978-0-8215-7142-2 978-0-8215-7632-8 978-0-8215-7642-7 978-0-8215-7682-3 — H (12+) 978-0-8215-7113-2 978-0-8215-7123-1 978-0-8215-7143-9 978-0-8215-7633-5 978-0-8215-7643-4 978-0-8215-7683-0 — —Principal, Belleville, IL Helps Students Succeed. . . in School, on Tests, and in Life! NEW! with Teacher Access Card for secure access to answers online and additional, secure SAT and ACT Practice Test Worksheets ** Vocabulary Workshop Test Generator with ExamView® Assessment Suite is versatile and user-friendly, easily allowing for quick and flexible customized assessment options for each level, A(6) to H(12+). Compatible with Windows 2000/XP/Vista for PCs, and OS X 10.2 or higher for MACs. ExamView® is the registered trademark of eInstruction Corporation. ❖ State-Specific Standardized TEST PREP Blackline Masters Online Student Assessment System allows teachers to create and edit questions and tests, assign them to classes through a secure student portal, and receive immediate feedback and reports to direct instruction. Student Test Booklets enable teachers to monitor progress with pre- and post-tests in two booklets for each grade level, Form A and B. Included are Mastery Checklist, Warm-Up Test, Unit Tests, Cumulative Tests, and a Final Test. TEST PREP Blackline Masters supply SAT-type standardized tests, practice exercises, and review tests for each grade. VocabularyWorkshop.com provides SAT and ACT practice worksheets and securely houses 45 test worksheets (accessible only with the Teacher Access Card) in standardized–test format that provide practice with a variety of skills: ● 15 on comprehension and vocabulary skills ● 15 with multiple-choice grammar and usage items ● 15 include timed essays Preview pages at Level Florida New York A (6) 978-0-8215-6666-4 978-0-8215-6656-5 B (7) 978-0-8215-6667-1 978-0-8215-6657-2 C (8) 978-0-8215-6668-8 978-0-8215-6658-9 Building an Enriched Vocabulary Grades 9–12 Grammar & Writing for Standarized Tests Grades 6–12 Help Students Master 550 Academic Words They’ll Encounter in Introductory College Courses Instill the Confidence and Skills Students Need for the SAT* and ACT* Building an Enriched Vocabulary, Grades 9–12 Grammar & Writing for Standardized Tests, 2nd Edition, Grades 9–12 978-0-8215-8125-4 978-0-8215-8126-1 978-0-8215-8127-8 978-0-8215-0268-6 978-0-8215-0269-3 Student Edition (Softcover) Student Edition (Hardcover) Annotated Teacher’s Edition (Softcover with Answers to Testing Program) Supplementary Exercise & Testing Program Student Edition Annotated Teacher’s Edition *SAT is a registered trademark of the College Entrance Examination Board, ACT is a trademark of ACT, Inc., and PSAT/NMSQT is a registered trademark of the CEEB and National Merit Scholarship Corporation. None of these were affiliated with the production of, nor endorse, this product. Vocabulary Workshop program typically outperformed students in comparable schools. . .” “ I am able to customize my instruction, set my own pace, and combine online and print components to meet the needs of my students. . ..” 903411_VW612_bro.indd 1 — An Analysis of SAT & ACT Scores of Students Using the Sadlier Vocabulary Workshop Program, conducted by Questar Assessment, Inc., Apple Valley, MN To read the full report, download it from the Research section at VocabularyWorkshop.com. For on-level, honors, and AP students in middle and high school, Vocabulary Workshop will: Prepare students for the SAT and ACT tests with more SAT/ACT*-type exercises and practice tests than any other program Provide multiple exposures in a variety of formats to 300 new Unit words per level, increasing the likelihood students will remember the meaning with each experience Cultivate independent vocabulary study with a structured, consistent format Call for a FREE sample 877-930-3336 and mention Promo Code S4 Help students develop extensive vocabularies in preparation for college and their careers as specified in the Common Core State Standards. Aligns with Common Core State Standards on Facebook: www.facebook.com/SadlierSchool • “. . . Users of Sadlier’s Vocabulary Workshop (VW) program typically outperformed students in comparable schools nationally. More critically, VW-using schools generally show SAT and ACT achievement levels that are (a) above those prior to instituting the program, (b) superior to those of comparable schools not using these materials, or (c) higher in Verbal areas of the assessments than in Mathematics portions. Each of these three possible outcomes provides a positive indicator of the success of the program in improving students’ Verbal skills. . .” —Questar Assessment, Inc. 903411 978-0-8215-7573-4 “. . .Users of Sadlier’s Sadlier.com/previewVW6-12 04/11 Copyright ©2011 by William H. Sadlier, Inc. All rights reserved. Assessment Customers have always found Vocabulary Workshop rigorous and effective in building students’ vocabulary. Now, research proves that Vocabulary Workshop’s systematic instruction assures high-achieving students. Follow on Twitter: www.twitter.com/SadlierSchool Learn more at sadliercommoncore.com Online Support and Assessment Find correlations at VocabularyWorkshop.com/commoncore. * SAT is a registered trademark of the College Entrance Examination Board, ACT is a trademark of ACT, Inc., and PSAT/NMSQT is a registered trademark of the CEEB and National Merit Scholarship Corporation. None of these were affiliated with the production of, nor endorse, this product. 4/15/11 5:43 PM Teacher Support Strengthens Students’ Vocabulary Development An annotated Teacher’s Edition and assessments on paper and online supply the flexibility teachers need to meet the unique needs of their classrooms. Aligns with Common Core State Standards “. . .Sadlier’s Vocabulary Workshop is Learn more at sadliercommoncore.com Sadlier-Oxford an essential for schools serious about academic excellence in Language Arts. . .” Vocabulary Workshop Components Teacher’s Guide Flexibly implement Vocabulary Workshop in any classroom setting with the Planning and Pacing Guide. Retrieve secure test worksheets described below with your Teacher Access Card (found in the TE). Level Student Edition Annotated Teacher’s Edition ❖ Test Generator CD-ROM** Test Booklet Form B TEST PREP Blackline Masters Interactive Audio Pronunciation Program (4 CDs) (Package of 10, with Teacher’s Answer Key) Form A A (6) 978-0-8215-7106-4 978-0-8215-7116-3 978-0-8215-7136-1 978-0-8215-7626-7 978-0-8215-7636-6 978-0-8215-7676-2 978-0-8215-7656-4 B (7) 978-0-8215-7107-1 978-0-8215-7117-0 978-0-8215-7137-8 978-0-8215-7627-4 978-0-8215-7637-3 978-0-8215-7677-9 978-0-8215-7657-1 C (8) 978-0-8215-7108-8 978-0-8215-7118-7 978-0-8215-7138-5 978-0-8215-7628-1 978-0-8215-7638-0 978-0-8215-7678-6 978-0-8215-7658-8 D (9) 978-0-8215-7109-5 978-0-8215-7119-4 978-0-8215-7139-2 978-0-8215-7629-8 978-0-8215-7639-7 978-0-8215-7679-3 978-0-8215-7659-5 E (10) 978-0-8215-7110-1 978-0-8215-7120-0 978-0-8215-7140-8 978-0-8215-7630-4 978-0-8215-7640-3 978-0-8215-7680-9 978-0-8215-7660-1 F (11) 978-0-8215-7111-8 978-0-8215-7121-7 978-0-8215-7141-5 978-0-8215-7631-1 978-0-8215-7641-0 978-0-8215-7681-6 978-0-8215-7661-8 G (12) 978-0-8215-7112-5 978-0-8215-7122-4 978-0-8215-7142-2 978-0-8215-7632-8 978-0-8215-7642-7 978-0-8215-7682-3 — H (12+) 978-0-8215-7113-2 978-0-8215-7123-1 978-0-8215-7143-9 978-0-8215-7633-5 978-0-8215-7643-4 978-0-8215-7683-0 — —Principal, Belleville, IL Helps Students Succeed. . . in School, on Tests, and in Life! NEW! with Teacher Access Card for secure access to answers online and additional, secure SAT and ACT Practice Test Worksheets ** Vocabulary Workshop Test Generator with ExamView® Assessment Suite is versatile and user-friendly, easily allowing for quick and flexible customized assessment options for each level, A(6) to H(12+). Compatible with Windows 2000/XP/Vista for PCs, and OS X 10.2 or higher for MACs. ExamView® is the registered trademark of eInstruction Corporation. ❖ State-Specific Standardized TEST PREP Blackline Masters Online Student Assessment System allows teachers to create and edit questions and tests, assign them to classes through a secure student portal, and receive immediate feedback and reports to direct instruction. Student Test Booklets enable teachers to monitor progress with pre- and post-tests in two booklets for each grade level, Form A and B. Included are Mastery Checklist, Warm-Up Test, Unit Tests, Cumulative Tests, and a Final Test. TEST PREP Blackline Masters supply SAT-type standardized tests, practice exercises, and review tests for each grade. VocabularyWorkshop.com provides SAT and ACT practice worksheets and securely houses 45 test worksheets (accessible only with the Teacher Access Card) in standardized–test format that provide practice with a variety of skills: ● 15 on comprehension and vocabulary skills ● 15 with multiple-choice grammar and usage items ● 15 include timed essays Preview pages at Level Florida New York A (6) 978-0-8215-6666-4 978-0-8215-6656-5 B (7) 978-0-8215-6667-1 978-0-8215-6657-2 C (8) 978-0-8215-6668-8 978-0-8215-6658-9 Building an Enriched Vocabulary Grades 9–12 Grammar & Writing for Standarized Tests Grades 6–12 Help Students Master 550 Academic Words They’ll Encounter in Introductory College Courses Instill the Confidence and Skills Students Need for the SAT* and ACT* Building an Enriched Vocabulary, Grades 9–12 Grammar & Writing for Standardized Tests, 2nd Edition, Grades 9–12 978-0-8215-8125-4 978-0-8215-8126-1 978-0-8215-8127-8 978-0-8215-0268-6 978-0-8215-0269-3 Student Edition (Softcover) Student Edition (Hardcover) Annotated Teacher’s Edition (Softcover with Answers to Testing Program) Supplementary Exercise & Testing Program Student Edition Annotated Teacher’s Edition *SAT is a registered trademark of the College Entrance Examination Board, ACT is a trademark of ACT, Inc., and PSAT/NMSQT is a registered trademark of the CEEB and National Merit Scholarship Corporation. None of these were affiliated with the production of, nor endorse, this product. Vocabulary Workshop program typically outperformed students in comparable schools. . .” “ I am able to customize my instruction, set my own pace, and combine online and print components to meet the needs of my students. . ..” 903411_VW612_bro.indd 1 — An Analysis of SAT & ACT Scores of Students Using the Sadlier Vocabulary Workshop Program, conducted by Questar Assessment, Inc., Apple Valley, MN To read the full report, download it from the Research section at VocabularyWorkshop.com. For on-level, honors, and AP students in middle and high school, Vocabulary Workshop will: Prepare students for the SAT and ACT tests with more SAT/ACT*-type exercises and practice tests than any other program Provide multiple exposures in a variety of formats to 300 new Unit words per level, increasing the likelihood students will remember the meaning with each experience Cultivate independent vocabulary study with a structured, consistent format Call for a FREE sample 877-930-3336 and mention Promo Code S4 Help students develop extensive vocabularies in preparation for college and their careers as specified in the Common Core State Standards. Aligns with Common Core State Standards on Facebook: www.facebook.com/SadlierSchool • “. . . Users of Sadlier’s Vocabulary Workshop (VW) program typically outperformed students in comparable schools nationally. More critically, VW-using schools generally show SAT and ACT achievement levels that are (a) above those prior to instituting the program, (b) superior to those of comparable schools not using these materials, or (c) higher in Verbal areas of the assessments than in Mathematics portions. Each of these three possible outcomes provides a positive indicator of the success of the program in improving students’ Verbal skills. . .” —Questar Assessment, Inc. 903411 978-0-8215-7573-4 “. . .Users of Sadlier’s Sadlier.com/previewVW6-12 04/11 Copyright ©2011 by William H. Sadlier, Inc. All rights reserved. Assessment Customers have always found Vocabulary Workshop rigorous and effective in building students’ vocabulary. Now, research proves that Vocabulary Workshop’s systematic instruction assures high-achieving students. Follow on Twitter: www.twitter.com/SadlierSchool Learn more at sadliercommoncore.com Online Support and Assessment Find correlations at VocabularyWorkshop.com/commoncore. * SAT is a registered trademark of the College Entrance Examination Board, ACT is a trademark of ACT, Inc., and PSAT/NMSQT is a registered trademark of the CEEB and National Merit Scholarship Corporation. None of these were affiliated with the production of, nor endorse, this product. 4/15/11 5:43 PM Teacher Support Strengthens Students’ Vocabulary Development An annotated Teacher’s Edition and assessments on paper and online supply the flexibility teachers need to meet the unique needs of their classrooms. Aligns with Common Core State Standards “. . .Sadlier’s Vocabulary Workshop is Learn more at sadliercommoncore.com Sadlier-Oxford an essential for schools serious about academic excellence in Language Arts. . .” Vocabulary Workshop Components Teacher’s Guide Flexibly implement Vocabulary Workshop in any classroom setting with the Planning and Pacing Guide. Retrieve secure test worksheets described below with your Teacher Access Card (found in the TE). Level Student Edition Annotated Teacher’s Edition ❖ Test Generator CD-ROM** Test Booklet Form B TEST PREP Blackline Masters Interactive Audio Pronunciation Program (4 CDs) (Package of 10, with Teacher’s Answer Key) Form A A (6) 978-0-8215-7106-4 978-0-8215-7116-3 978-0-8215-7136-1 978-0-8215-7626-7 978-0-8215-7636-6 978-0-8215-7676-2 978-0-8215-7656-4 B (7) 978-0-8215-7107-1 978-0-8215-7117-0 978-0-8215-7137-8 978-0-8215-7627-4 978-0-8215-7637-3 978-0-8215-7677-9 978-0-8215-7657-1 C (8) 978-0-8215-7108-8 978-0-8215-7118-7 978-0-8215-7138-5 978-0-8215-7628-1 978-0-8215-7638-0 978-0-8215-7678-6 978-0-8215-7658-8 D (9) 978-0-8215-7109-5 978-0-8215-7119-4 978-0-8215-7139-2 978-0-8215-7629-8 978-0-8215-7639-7 978-0-8215-7679-3 978-0-8215-7659-5 E (10) 978-0-8215-7110-1 978-0-8215-7120-0 978-0-8215-7140-8 978-0-8215-7630-4 978-0-8215-7640-3 978-0-8215-7680-9 978-0-8215-7660-1 F (11) 978-0-8215-7111-8 978-0-8215-7121-7 978-0-8215-7141-5 978-0-8215-7631-1 978-0-8215-7641-0 978-0-8215-7681-6 978-0-8215-7661-8 G (12) 978-0-8215-7112-5 978-0-8215-7122-4 978-0-8215-7142-2 978-0-8215-7632-8 978-0-8215-7642-7 978-0-8215-7682-3 — H (12+) 978-0-8215-7113-2 978-0-8215-7123-1 978-0-8215-7143-9 978-0-8215-7633-5 978-0-8215-7643-4 978-0-8215-7683-0 — —Principal, Belleville, IL Helps Students Succeed. . . in School, on Tests, and in Life! NEW! with Teacher Access Card for secure access to answers online and additional, secure SAT and ACT Practice Test Worksheets ** Vocabulary Workshop Test Generator with ExamView® Assessment Suite is versatile and user-friendly, easily allowing for quick and flexible customized assessment options for each level, A(6) to H(12+). Compatible with Windows 2000/XP/Vista for PCs, and OS X 10.2 or higher for MACs. ExamView® is the registered trademark of eInstruction Corporation. ❖ State-Specific Standardized TEST PREP Blackline Masters Online Student Assessment System allows teachers to create and edit questions and tests, assign them to classes through a secure student portal, and receive immediate feedback and reports to direct instruction. Student Test Booklets enable teachers to monitor progress with pre- and post-tests in two booklets for each grade level, Form A and B. Included are Mastery Checklist, Warm-Up Test, Unit Tests, Cumulative Tests, and a Final Test. TEST PREP Blackline Masters supply SAT-type standardized tests, practice exercises, and review tests for each grade. VocabularyWorkshop.com provides SAT and ACT practice worksheets and securely houses 45 test worksheets (accessible only with the Teacher Access Card) in standardized–test format that provide practice with a variety of skills: ● 15 on comprehension and vocabulary skills ● 15 with multiple-choice grammar and usage items ● 15 include timed essays Preview pages at Level Florida New York A (6) 978-0-8215-6666-4 978-0-8215-6656-5 B (7) 978-0-8215-6667-1 978-0-8215-6657-2 C (8) 978-0-8215-6668-8 978-0-8215-6658-9 Building an Enriched Vocabulary Grades 9–12 Grammar & Writing for Standarized Tests Grades 6–12 Help Students Master 550 Academic Words They’ll Encounter in Introductory College Courses Instill the Confidence and Skills Students Need for the SAT* and ACT* Building an Enriched Vocabulary, Grades 9–12 Grammar & Writing for Standardized Tests, 2nd Edition, Grades 9–12 978-0-8215-8125-4 978-0-8215-8126-1 978-0-8215-8127-8 978-0-8215-0268-6 978-0-8215-0269-3 Student Edition (Softcover) Student Edition (Hardcover) Annotated Teacher’s Edition (Softcover with Answers to Testing Program) Supplementary Exercise & Testing Program Student Edition Annotated Teacher’s Edition *SAT is a registered trademark of the College Entrance Examination Board, ACT is a trademark of ACT, Inc., and PSAT/NMSQT is a registered trademark of the CEEB and National Merit Scholarship Corporation. None of these were affiliated with the production of, nor endorse, this product. Vocabulary Workshop program typically outperformed students in comparable schools. . .” “ I am able to customize my instruction, set my own pace, and combine online and print components to meet the needs of my students. . ..” 903411_VW612_bro.indd 1 — An Analysis of SAT & ACT Scores of Students Using the Sadlier Vocabulary Workshop Program, conducted by Questar Assessment, Inc., Apple Valley, MN To read the full report, download it from the Research section at VocabularyWorkshop.com. For on-level, honors, and AP students in middle and high school, Vocabulary Workshop will: Prepare students for the SAT and ACT tests with more SAT/ACT*-type exercises and practice tests than any other program Provide multiple exposures in a variety of formats to 300 new Unit words per level, increasing the likelihood students will remember the meaning with each experience Cultivate independent vocabulary study with a structured, consistent format Call for a FREE sample 877-930-3336 and mention Promo Code S4 Help students develop extensive vocabularies in preparation for college and their careers as specified in the Common Core State Standards. Aligns with Common Core State Standards on Facebook: www.facebook.com/SadlierSchool • “. . . Users of Sadlier’s Vocabulary Workshop (VW) program typically outperformed students in comparable schools nationally. More critically, VW-using schools generally show SAT and ACT achievement levels that are (a) above those prior to instituting the program, (b) superior to those of comparable schools not using these materials, or (c) higher in Verbal areas of the assessments than in Mathematics portions. Each of these three possible outcomes provides a positive indicator of the success of the program in improving students’ Verbal skills. . .” —Questar Assessment, Inc. 903411 978-0-8215-7573-4 “. . .Users of Sadlier’s Sadlier.com/previewVW6-12 04/11 Copyright ©2011 by William H. Sadlier, Inc. All rights reserved. Assessment Customers have always found Vocabulary Workshop rigorous and effective in building students’ vocabulary. Now, research proves that Vocabulary Workshop’s systematic instruction assures high-achieving students. Follow on Twitter: www.twitter.com/SadlierSchool Learn more at sadliercommoncore.com Online Support and Assessment Find correlations at VocabularyWorkshop.com/commoncore. * SAT is a registered trademark of the College Entrance Examination Board, ACT is a trademark of ACT, Inc., and PSAT/NMSQT is a registered trademark of the CEEB and National Merit Scholarship Corporation. None of these were affiliated with the production of, nor endorse, this product. 4/15/11 5:43 PM Online Connections Proven and Consistent 5-Step Lesson Design Each Unit starts with definitions and then builds on students’ understanding with exercises in multiple contexts to assure words are learned and retained. @ VocabularyWorkshop.com 2 SAT Prep Completing the Sentence challenges students to choose the word that logically and meaningfully fits into each sentence while also preparing them for the sentence-completion section of the SAT. Interactive Audio Program Grades 6–11 Enable students to hear the pronunciation of each key word (alone and in context) and then practice it. 3 Online Flash Cards Grades 6–8 Synonyms and Antonyms exercises reinforce word meanings and present additional examples of usage and context. Review Exercises Deepen Understanding and Prepare Students for Standardized Tests Every three Units include a Review, which after the first six Units, is followed by a Cumulative Review. Twelve types of exercises review as much vocabulary as possible from the reviewed Units. These Reviews help teachers determine if students are just memorizing words or internalizing them. Review and reinforce key word meanings and parts of speech. SAT Prep Grammar in Context uses sentences as context for practice in grammar skills assessed on standardized tests. Online Graphic Organizers Grades 6–8 Explore relationships between words with Concept Circle, Word Square, and Word Web graphic organizers. 1 Two-Word Completions raises the bar on typical sentence completion exercises by asking students to find the right pair of words that best completes the meaning of each of the sentences. Interactive Games & Puzzles Grades 6–12 Entertain students while they learn with word search, crossword puzzles, and multiple choice quizzes. 4 Choosing the Right Word prompts students to select the word (from two choices) that best finishes the sentence. Brief, simple Definitions give students a good “core” idea of what each word means. 5 Standardized Test Format Students read passages with the Unit words highlighted in Vocabulary in Context and then answer questions identifying the word closest to the meaning of the highlighted words in the passage. SAT Prep Vocabulary for Comprehension checks students’ comprehension of passages that include newly learned vocabulary, similar to the reading sections of the SAT, ACT, and PSAT*. “. . . Very engaging for my kids who are primarily English learners and all are low socioeconomics. I love it! Kids get great practice online and are willing to do this [rather] than worksheets or practice books. . .” –Teacher, Oceanside, CA Sample pages from Level E (10) 903411_VW612_bro.indd 2 * SAT is a registered trademark of the College Entrance Examination Board, ACT is a trademark of ACT, Inc., and PSAT/NMSQT is a registered trademark of the CEEB and National Merit Scholarship Corporation. None of these were affiliated with the production of, nor endorse, this product. SAT Prep Enriching Your Vocabulary broadens students’ understanding of the intriguing origins, history, and relationships between words that make up the English language. Building with Classical Roots introduces Latin and Greek roots and offers related strategies to find the meanings of words. Sample pages from Level E (10) 4/15/11 5:44 PM Online Connections Proven and Consistent 5-Step Lesson Design Each Unit starts with definitions and then builds on students’ understanding with exercises in multiple contexts to assure words are learned and retained. @ VocabularyWorkshop.com 2 SAT Prep Completing the Sentence challenges students to choose the word that logically and meaningfully fits into each sentence while also preparing them for the sentence-completion section of the SAT. Interactive Audio Program Grades 6–11 Enable students to hear the pronunciation of each key word (alone and in context) and then practice it. 3 Online Flash Cards Grades 6–8 Synonyms and Antonyms exercises reinforce word meanings and present additional examples of usage and context. Review Exercises Deepen Understanding and Prepare Students for Standardized Tests Every three Units include a Review, which after the first six Units, is followed by a Cumulative Review. Twelve types of exercises review as much vocabulary as possible from the reviewed Units. These Reviews help teachers determine if students are just memorizing words or internalizing them. Review and reinforce key word meanings and parts of speech. SAT Prep Grammar in Context uses sentences as context for practice in grammar skills assessed on standardized tests. Online Graphic Organizers Grades 6–8 Explore relationships between words with Concept Circle, Word Square, and Word Web graphic organizers. 1 Two-Word Completions raises the bar on typical sentence completion exercises by asking students to find the right pair of words that best completes the meaning of each of the sentences. Interactive Games & Puzzles Grades 6–12 Entertain students while they learn with word search, crossword puzzles, and multiple choice quizzes. 4 Choosing the Right Word prompts students to select the word (from two choices) that best finishes the sentence. Brief, simple Definitions give students a good “core” idea of what each word means. 5 Standardized Test Format Students read passages with the Unit words highlighted in Vocabulary in Context and then answer questions identifying the word closest to the meaning of the highlighted words in the passage. SAT Prep Vocabulary for Comprehension checks students’ comprehension of passages that include newly learned vocabulary, similar to the reading sections of the SAT, ACT, and PSAT*. “. . . Very engaging for my kids who are primarily English learners and all are low socioeconomics. I love it! Kids get great practice online and are willing to do this [rather] than worksheets or practice books. . .” –Teacher, Oceanside, CA Sample pages from Level E (10) 903411_VW612_bro.indd 2 * SAT is a registered trademark of the College Entrance Examination Board, ACT is a trademark of ACT, Inc., and PSAT/NMSQT is a registered trademark of the CEEB and National Merit Scholarship Corporation. None of these were affiliated with the production of, nor endorse, this product. SAT Prep Enriching Your Vocabulary broadens students’ understanding of the intriguing origins, history, and relationships between words that make up the English language. Building with Classical Roots introduces Latin and Greek roots and offers related strategies to find the meanings of words. Sample pages from Level E (10) 4/15/11 5:44 PM Online Connections Proven and Consistent 5-Step Lesson Design Each Unit starts with definitions and then builds on students’ understanding with exercises in multiple contexts to assure words are learned and retained. @ VocabularyWorkshop.com 2 SAT Prep Completing the Sentence challenges students to choose the word that logically and meaningfully fits into each sentence while also preparing them for the sentence-completion section of the SAT. Interactive Audio Program Grades 6–11 Enable students to hear the pronunciation of each key word (alone and in context) and then practice it. 3 Online Flash Cards Grades 6–8 Synonyms and Antonyms exercises reinforce word meanings and present additional examples of usage and context. Review Exercises Deepen Understanding and Prepare Students for Standardized Tests Every three Units include a Review, which after the first six Units, is followed by a Cumulative Review. Twelve types of exercises review as much vocabulary as possible from the reviewed Units. These Reviews help teachers determine if students are just memorizing words or internalizing them. Review and reinforce key word meanings and parts of speech. SAT Prep Grammar in Context uses sentences as context for practice in grammar skills assessed on standardized tests. Online Graphic Organizers Grades 6–8 Explore relationships between words with Concept Circle, Word Square, and Word Web graphic organizers. 1 Two-Word Completions raises the bar on typical sentence completion exercises by asking students to find the right pair of words that best completes the meaning of each of the sentences. Interactive Games & Puzzles Grades 6–12 Entertain students while they learn with word search, crossword puzzles, and multiple choice quizzes. 4 Choosing the Right Word prompts students to select the word (from two choices) that best finishes the sentence. Brief, simple Definitions give students a good “core” idea of what each word means. 5 Standardized Test Format Students read passages with the Unit words highlighted in Vocabulary in Context and then answer questions identifying the word closest to the meaning of the highlighted words in the passage. SAT Prep Vocabulary for Comprehension checks students’ comprehension of passages that include newly learned vocabulary, similar to the reading sections of the SAT, ACT, and PSAT*. “. . . Very engaging for my kids who are primarily English learners and all are low socioeconomics. I love it! Kids get great practice online and are willing to do this [rather] than worksheets or practice books. . .” –Teacher, Oceanside, CA Sample pages from Level E (10) 903411_VW612_bro.indd 2 * SAT is a registered trademark of the College Entrance Examination Board, ACT is a trademark of ACT, Inc., and PSAT/NMSQT is a registered trademark of the CEEB and National Merit Scholarship Corporation. None of these were affiliated with the production of, nor endorse, this product. SAT Prep Enriching Your Vocabulary broadens students’ understanding of the intriguing origins, history, and relationships between words that make up the English language. Building with Classical Roots introduces Latin and Greek roots and offers related strategies to find the meanings of words. Sample pages from Level E (10) 4/15/11 5:44 PM Online Connections Proven and Consistent 5-Step Lesson Design Each Unit starts with definitions and then builds on students’ understanding with exercises in multiple contexts to assure words are learned and retained. @ VocabularyWorkshop.com 2 SAT Prep Completing the Sentence challenges students to choose the word that logically and meaningfully fits into each sentence while also preparing them for the sentence-completion section of the SAT. Interactive Audio Program Grades 6–11 Enable students to hear the pronunciation of each key word (alone and in context) and then practice it. 3 Online Flash Cards Grades 6–8 Synonyms and Antonyms exercises reinforce word meanings and present additional examples of usage and context. Review Exercises Deepen Understanding and Prepare Students for Standardized Tests Every three Units include a Review, which after the first six Units, is followed by a Cumulative Review. Twelve types of exercises review as much vocabulary as possible from the reviewed Units. These Reviews help teachers determine if students are just memorizing words or internalizing them. Review and reinforce key word meanings and parts of speech. SAT Prep Grammar in Context uses sentences as context for practice in grammar skills assessed on standardized tests. Online Graphic Organizers Grades 6–8 Explore relationships between words with Concept Circle, Word Square, and Word Web graphic organizers. 1 Two-Word Completions raises the bar on typical sentence completion exercises by asking students to find the right pair of words that best completes the meaning of each of the sentences. Interactive Games & Puzzles Grades 6–12 Entertain students while they learn with word search, crossword puzzles, and multiple choice quizzes. 4 Choosing the Right Word prompts students to select the word (from two choices) that best finishes the sentence. Brief, simple Definitions give students a good “core” idea of what each word means. 5 Standardized Test Format Students read passages with the Unit words highlighted in Vocabulary in Context and then answer questions identifying the word closest to the meaning of the highlighted words in the passage. SAT Prep Vocabulary for Comprehension checks students’ comprehension of passages that include newly learned vocabulary, similar to the reading sections of the SAT, ACT, and PSAT*. “. . . Very engaging for my kids who are primarily English learners and all are low socioeconomics. I love it! Kids get great practice online and are willing to do this [rather] than worksheets or practice books. . .” –Teacher, Oceanside, CA Sample pages from Level E (10) 903411_VW612_bro.indd 2 * SAT is a registered trademark of the College Entrance Examination Board, ACT is a trademark of ACT, Inc., and PSAT/NMSQT is a registered trademark of the CEEB and National Merit Scholarship Corporation. None of these were affiliated with the production of, nor endorse, this product. SAT Prep Enriching Your Vocabulary broadens students’ understanding of the intriguing origins, history, and relationships between words that make up the English language. Building with Classical Roots introduces Latin and Greek roots and offers related strategies to find the meanings of words. Sample pages from Level E (10) 4/15/11 5:44 PM Teacher Support Strengthens Students’ Vocabulary Development An annotated Teacher’s Edition and assessments on paper and online supply the flexibility teachers need to meet the unique needs of their classrooms. Aligns with Common Core State Standards “. . .Sadlier’s Vocabulary Workshop is Learn more at sadliercommoncore.com Sadlier-Oxford an essential for schools serious about academic excellence in Language Arts. . .” Vocabulary Workshop Components Teacher’s Guide Flexibly implement Vocabulary Workshop in any classroom setting with the Planning and Pacing Guide. Retrieve secure test worksheets described below with your Teacher Access Card (found in the TE). Level Student Edition Annotated Teacher’s Edition ❖ Test Generator CD-ROM** Test Booklet Form B TEST PREP Blackline Masters Interactive Audio Pronunciation Program (4 CDs) (Package of 10, with Teacher’s Answer Key) Form A A (6) 978-0-8215-7106-4 978-0-8215-7116-3 978-0-8215-7136-1 978-0-8215-7626-7 978-0-8215-7636-6 978-0-8215-7676-2 978-0-8215-7656-4 B (7) 978-0-8215-7107-1 978-0-8215-7117-0 978-0-8215-7137-8 978-0-8215-7627-4 978-0-8215-7637-3 978-0-8215-7677-9 978-0-8215-7657-1 C (8) 978-0-8215-7108-8 978-0-8215-7118-7 978-0-8215-7138-5 978-0-8215-7628-1 978-0-8215-7638-0 978-0-8215-7678-6 978-0-8215-7658-8 D (9) 978-0-8215-7109-5 978-0-8215-7119-4 978-0-8215-7139-2 978-0-8215-7629-8 978-0-8215-7639-7 978-0-8215-7679-3 978-0-8215-7659-5 E (10) 978-0-8215-7110-1 978-0-8215-7120-0 978-0-8215-7140-8 978-0-8215-7630-4 978-0-8215-7640-3 978-0-8215-7680-9 978-0-8215-7660-1 F (11) 978-0-8215-7111-8 978-0-8215-7121-7 978-0-8215-7141-5 978-0-8215-7631-1 978-0-8215-7641-0 978-0-8215-7681-6 978-0-8215-7661-8 G (12) 978-0-8215-7112-5 978-0-8215-7122-4 978-0-8215-7142-2 978-0-8215-7632-8 978-0-8215-7642-7 978-0-8215-7682-3 — H (12+) 978-0-8215-7113-2 978-0-8215-7123-1 978-0-8215-7143-9 978-0-8215-7633-5 978-0-8215-7643-4 978-0-8215-7683-0 — —Principal, Belleville, IL Helps Students Succeed. . . in School, on Tests, and in Life! NEW! with Teacher Access Card for secure access to answers online and additional, secure SAT and ACT Practice Test Worksheets ** Vocabulary Workshop Test Generator with ExamView® Assessment Suite is versatile and user-friendly, easily allowing for quick and flexible customized assessment options for each level, A(6) to H(12+). Compatible with Windows 2000/XP/Vista for PCs, and OS X 10.2 or higher for MACs. ExamView® is the registered trademark of eInstruction Corporation. ❖ State-Specific Standardized TEST PREP Blackline Masters Online Student Assessment System allows teachers to create and edit questions and tests, assign them to classes through a secure student portal, and receive immediate feedback and reports to direct instruction. Student Test Booklets enable teachers to monitor progress with pre- and post-tests in two booklets for each grade level, Form A and B. Included are Mastery Checklist, Warm-Up Test, Unit Tests, Cumulative Tests, and a Final Test. TEST PREP Blackline Masters supply SAT-type standardized tests, practice exercises, and review tests for each grade. VocabularyWorkshop.com provides SAT and ACT practice worksheets and securely houses 45 test worksheets (accessible only with the Teacher Access Card) in standardized–test format that provide practice with a variety of skills: ● 15 on comprehension and vocabulary skills ● 15 with multiple-choice grammar and usage items ● 15 include timed essays Preview pages at Level Florida New York A (6) 978-0-8215-6666-4 978-0-8215-6656-5 B (7) 978-0-8215-6667-1 978-0-8215-6657-2 C (8) 978-0-8215-6668-8 978-0-8215-6658-9 Building an Enriched Vocabulary Grades 9–12 Grammar & Writing for Standarized Tests Grades 6–12 Help Students Master 550 Academic Words They’ll Encounter in Introductory College Courses Instill the Confidence and Skills Students Need for the SAT* and ACT* Building an Enriched Vocabulary, Grades 9–12 Grammar & Writing for Standardized Tests, 2nd Edition, Grades 9–12 978-0-8215-8125-4 978-0-8215-8126-1 978-0-8215-8127-8 978-0-8215-0268-6 978-0-8215-0269-3 Student Edition (Softcover) Student Edition (Hardcover) Annotated Teacher’s Edition (Softcover with Answers to Testing Program) Supplementary Exercise & Testing Program Student Edition Annotated Teacher’s Edition *SAT is a registered trademark of the College Entrance Examination Board, ACT is a trademark of ACT, Inc., and PSAT/NMSQT is a registered trademark of the CEEB and National Merit Scholarship Corporation. None of these were affiliated with the production of, nor endorse, this product. Vocabulary Workshop program typically outperformed students in comparable schools. . .” “ I am able to customize my instruction, set my own pace, and combine online and print components to meet the needs of my students. . ..” 903411_VW612_bro.indd 1 — An Analysis of SAT & ACT Scores of Students Using the Sadlier Vocabulary Workshop Program, conducted by Questar Assessment, Inc., Apple Valley, MN To read the full report, download it from the Research section at VocabularyWorkshop.com. For on-level, honors, and AP students in middle and high school, Vocabulary Workshop will: Prepare students for the SAT and ACT tests with more SAT/ACT*-type exercises and practice tests than any other program Provide multiple exposures in a variety of formats to 300 new Unit words per level, increasing the likelihood students will remember the meaning with each experience Cultivate independent vocabulary study with a structured, consistent format Call for a FREE sample 877-930-3336 and mention Promo Code S4 Help students develop extensive vocabularies in preparation for college and their careers as specified in the Common Core State Standards. Aligns with Common Core State Standards on Facebook: www.facebook.com/SadlierSchool • “. . . Users of Sadlier’s Vocabulary Workshop (VW) program typically outperformed students in comparable schools nationally. More critically, VW-using schools generally show SAT and ACT achievement levels that are (a) above those prior to instituting the program, (b) superior to those of comparable schools not using these materials, or (c) higher in Verbal areas of the assessments than in Mathematics portions. Each of these three possible outcomes provides a positive indicator of the success of the program in improving students’ Verbal skills. . .” —Questar Assessment, Inc. 903411 978-0-8215-7573-4 “. . .Users of Sadlier’s Sadlier.com/previewVW6-12 04/11 Copyright ©2011 by William H. Sadlier, Inc. All rights reserved. Assessment Customers have always found Vocabulary Workshop rigorous and effective in building students’ vocabulary. Now, research proves that Vocabulary Workshop’s systematic instruction assures high-achieving students. Follow on Twitter: www.twitter.com/SadlierSchool Learn more at sadliercommoncore.com Online Support and Assessment Find correlations at VocabularyWorkshop.com/commoncore. * SAT is a registered trademark of the College Entrance Examination Board, ACT is a trademark of ACT, Inc., and PSAT/NMSQT is a registered trademark of the CEEB and National Merit Scholarship Corporation. None of these were affiliated with the production of, nor endorse, this product. 4/15/11 5:43 PM