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Quezon Cit y, Philip pines
August 1974
August 1974
2/PSSC Social Science Information
Editor's notes
Urban civilization is one of the chief the economic standpoint decentralization is large scale and then again with a little imcauses of moral degradation. In the era of an absolute necessity. With the expansion of provement in the financial condition the
number of crimes keep on decreasing. This
heavy industries and essential Government
urban civilization quite a lot of people are
offices, all have to be shifted to the vil- proves that most of the people of any
compelled to live undesirably in small, conlages. To stop overcrowding in the cities country, or for that matter, mankind on
gested places, - which is inimical to moralthe whole, is not criminally disposed by
this alone is the feasible way out. The conity in individual life. Solitary living for
gested city life not being there, the anti- nature. Man wants to live clothed and
some time is essential for a man for the
social people Will not be able to hide unstarved and pass his days in merriment.
cultivation and development of morality.
He. further wants that the progress of his
Where the population is very dense, milk
their spoils. If they at all do, the police can
natural development is not thwarted.
and vegetables are in short supply, whereas
easily detect them.
So the fundamentals of the solution of
these are indispensable for subsistence,
these various misdeeds centering around
Demand being more than the supply,
'vvant' lie in the strong, sound economic
adulteration goes on unchecked. To meet
Except for countries where the miniand
social structure. The one whom we
the deficit in the milk supply people. mix
mum necessities of life are met on the
as a thief or the one whom we
water with it. To meet the demand of whole, most of the crimes all over the
'thou' or 'thee' to-dav instead of addressing
diamonds imitation diamonds come out, world are committed due to want. Of
him in a more respectable way, could have
because demand is more than the supply. course the lure of anti-social activities due
been a reputed talent, had he been reared
On account of the anti-social elements a to want is not alike in all men at all places.
the healthy, social surroundings. The
city becomes the rendezvous of depravities Such crimes vary in intensity or magnitude
whom we neglect to-day as a whore,
and evils but generally such things are not . ina ccordance with degrees of moral
could have been a leader of some respectnoticeable in the villages. In a village everystrength of an individual.
able society or honoured and worshipped
body is known to everybody. Everybody
as the mother of some world famous;
Failing to keep up their mental equiliknows the means of livelihood of the
leader, had she received a little sympathy
other. But in the cities, even after twenty
years of living in it, people do not get want, even men of integrity and character from the societv in her earlier life.
For this if anybody has to be blamed"
acquainted with their neighbors. They who hate immorality from the cores of
we will have to blame those state leaders of
don't even know that there are many their hearts, also at times fall victims to
world who have grabbed power by'
swindlers lurking among them. For this
the general mass with the bait of,
reason we shall have to keep away from the
barbarity of the city life. The slogan of whom are more honest than the so-called, . sky-high allurements and bright hopes but
"Go back to the village" alone will cut no well-fed, well-dressed honest man, - are abandoned their responsibility of protecting them from the profiteers and hoarders,
ice. City iife has a great attraction for the . thrown behind the bars as criminals only
due to society's disparity of production
who bring about the destruction of theeco
people in general. People run to cities for
nomic foundations of the societv.
their livelihood. In order for the people to and distribution, and there, living in the
stay. in the villages, supply of cheap elect- evil company together with the scandal,
*• *• *•
ricity and expansion of cottage industries hatred and indignity of conviction contributing
may subscribe to the
in the villages are of paramount necessity
PSSC Social Science Information by conto-day. By cottage industry, I do not ly turn into naturalized criminals in the
tacting the Central Subscription ServiCe,
mean the old, outmoded, crude handi- later period i.e., after their release.
It is due to want in the famine-stricken
53-C Roces Ave., Quezon City, telephone
crafts. Cottage industries have got to be
good, modern, mechanized units. So from areas that offences are committed on a
3113.,Tel. No. 99-97-64.
Dennis G. Teves, editor
Leni S. Diaz
Rebecca T. Ducusin
*The PSSC is a nonstock nonprofit, private
. association of Philippine social-science
organizations. Incorporated in 1968, it was
NSDB-<:ertified as a tax-exempt science
foundation in 1973.
A quarterly newsl&tter published bv the
PHILIPPINE SOCIAL SCIENCE COUN- The Council has since January 1972 been
CIL (PSSC)* 53 - C Roces Avenue, Que- engaged in 12 special programs of research,
zon City, P.O. Box 655, Greenhills, Rizal training, and publications assistance aimed
at making Philippine social science more
professional, relevant, and rewarding.
PSSC . Executiye Board members for
1973-1974 are Oscar M. Alfonso, Rodolfo
A. Bulatao, Msrcedes B. Concepcion, Raul
P. de Guzman, Armand Fabella, Gloria D.
Feliciano, Josefa Generoso, Alfredo V.
Lagmay, Frank Lynch, Cristina P. Parel,
Emy M. Pascasio, and Loretta M. Sicat.
Executive Secretary is Dennis G, Teves.
August 1974A3
PSSC Social Science Information
Readers' comer
We hope that more articles and surveys like
the one 'conducted on the Bicol River Basin farmer response be published in your magazine
inasmuch as it is interesting study for policymaking.
July 15-Sept.20 - 10th Local Administration
and Development Program in Manila and
Baguio City. Sponsor: Local Government
Center, UP College of Public Administration.
Aug. 19-5ept.7 - Sub-Regional Workshop for
Workers' Population Educators. Sponsor:
Asian Labor Education Center, UP
Sept. 27-29 - First Manila Conference on Urban
Social Welfare. Sponsor: Manila Dept. of
Social Welfare and Community Chest Found·
Oct. 31-Nov. 2 - Conference on "Changes in the
Philippines" at the Mid-West Conference on
Asian Affairs. Sponsor: University of Kansas.
Dec. 6-8 - Western Conference for Asian Studies
- Panel on "The United States and the Philippines: That Special Relationship". Sponsor:
University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas.
Jennifer T. Liguton
Senior EConomist C
This section is reserved for comments,
suggestions, queries and letters to the editor
with the hope of establishing a forum for the
exchange of ideas among readers.
Letters published re-f1ect the views of the
correspondents and their publication does not
necessarily signify endorsement of the views
by the PSSC Social Science Information.
PSSC offers research grants
PSSC placement service
Position open
2 Male Research Assistants
• AB Political Science, BS Foreign Service
or as Library Science graduate
• Preferably with MA units
• Salary:P516/mo.
Bring transcript and blo-data to:
• Mr. S. Romero
Rm. 3162, Faculty Center
University of the Philippines
Dilimen, Quezon City
Positions wanted
0-1 -
Researcher/Reporter. Female, single, 20
years old. AB Journ, UP, 1973. Worked
as research assistant and field inter.
viewer. Minimum acceptable salary,
Researcher. Male, single, 22 years old.
Jcurn major. Was staff member in unlversity publications.
Clerk/Secretary. Female, single, 23 years
old. BSC Economics, UST, 1971. Willing
to accept P350. Worked as clerk at Research Center.
Researcher. Female, single, 21 years old.
AB History, UP 1972. Has MA units in
teaching (Social Studies). Willing to
accept P350.
Female, single, 28 years old. AB History, UP Tarlac, 1973. Minimum acceptable salary. P388.
Institutions and individuals may send·
particulars to
Placement Service
53-C, Roees Ave., o,c,
The Philippine Social Science Council (PSSC)
is offering several grant programs for researches
in the social science disciplines. These grants are
intended to help scholars undertake studies that
will not only contribute significantly to national
development but will also be instrumental in filling recognized gaps in existing social science
PSSC specifically offers research grants under
the following programs:
a. the Research Integration Program which
aims to support scholars interested in compiling·
annotated bibliographies of empirical studies
made on major development problem areas and
writing up a major integrative essay built upon
such bibliographies;
b. Modern Philippine History Program which
supports research work which has a multidisciplinary focus on Modern Philippine History.
ThiS period is defined to start at the mid-nineteenth century when the Pliilippines was opened
to rapid social change. Research of this nature
should help fill serious gaps in existing historical
knowledge and be pertinent to the nation's development needs; and
c. the Discretionary Research Awards which
are primarily meant to enable scholars to complete ongoing research projects by providing them
immediate supplementary funds not exceeding
P2,OOO upon their request.
For further information on any of the grants
offered, interested parties may write to:
The Executive Secretary
Philippine Social Science Council
53-C Roces Avenue, a.c.
or P.O. Box 655, Greenhills, Rizal
or may. cafl up telephone 99-97-64.
Research appointments
The Institute of Southeast Asian Studies is
an autonomous corporation established to promote research on modern Southeast Asia.
Though located in Singapore, it is a regional
in~titution for all intents and purposes.
Applications are invited from suitably qua-
lified Asian Social Scientists for Res «ercn
in the Institute. Candidates
must have Ph. D or equivalent qualifications.
Salary will depend on qualifications and experience and .the level of appointment offered, but
generally would be on par with comparable positions at the University of Singapore. In addition,
there are excellent fringe benefits, includinq a
13th· month annual allowance of one month's
salary, !\Stional Wages Council allowances, leave
and medical benefits.
Interested applicants are invited to write to:
The Executive Secretery
Institute of Southeast Asian Studies,
Cluny Road, Singapore 10,
Republic of Singapore
Research Fellowship Program
The Institute of Southeast Asian Studies at
Singapore announces the acceptance of applications for its Research Fellowship Programme.
This Program is particularly committed to
granting aid to applicants currently undertaking
researches who may be encountering difficulty in
the completion of their final reports.
The Fellowships are open only to candidates
of Asian origin, preferably those coming from the
Southeast Asian countries. The number of awards
made in anyone year varies depending on the
amount of money available and the quality of
applications received. Deadline for the
submission of applications to the Programme is
on October 31 each year.
Interested parties may inquire for further i'nformation on the Programme from:
The Executive Secretary
"Institute of Southeast Asian Studies
Cluny Road, Singapore 10
. Grants
fhe Population Council of New York is an
organization established for scientific tr aininq
and study in the field of population by fostering
research, training and technical consultation and
assistance in the social and biomedical sciences.
In the demographic division grants, support
is available tor ;
• 1. Research - the development, organization
and dissemination of scientific knowledge;
2. Institutional development - the establishment or support of institutional capacity to carry
out research, training and public service;
3. Demographic processes and structures;
4. The antecedents of demographic pro'
5. Th e effects of population processes; and
6. Population policy
Applications are .reviewed four times every
year. Th e quarterly deadlines are on the 15th of
January, April, July and October. Applications
received within these periods will be considered
for final decision by the Council's 80 ard of
Trustees at its subsequent quarterly meeting.
Successful applicants will be. notified of the
council's decision within two months of the
above deadli ne,
Requests for appl ication forms and other inquirfes should be addressed t9:
Grant Coordinator'
Demographic Division, The Population Council
245 Park Avenue, New York
New York 10017
Turn to page 28
4/PSSC Social Science Information
The dialogue between social science research, policy and action
Gelia T. Castillo
Within the context of rural develop-
rnent, research for intellectual curiosity's
sake is neither prestigious nor fundable.
This does not mean that such pursuits are
non-existent but whatever exists has been
most likely proposed and approved under a
"development-cover." Even a rural development umbrella, however, is still so
encompassing that it is hard to determine
what it excludes. In assessing the relationship of development research to policy,
four questions seem to be pertinent: Whose
development? Which policy? What reo
search? And how are priorities determined
with respect to the first three? At any rate
the greatest challenge to the social scientist
lies in the creative translation of-practical
problems into researchable ones which wi!1
yield solutions or answers to the practical
questions which have been asked by "developer". Actually there is a chicken and egg
problem in development research. The
latter helps define the magnitude and
dimensions of rural development problems
but a definition of these problems also lays
the boundaries for research. For example,
perhaps political sense and social pressure
has brought about a land reform program
but having decreed the Emancipation of
Tenants from the Bondage of the Soil,
there is an urgent need to determine size of
holdings and who holds them. In the
process of program implementation, it was
found that a majority of the landowners
are small owners. Having made a previous
pronouncement that development of a
strong middle class is a desirable national
goal, a possible conflict between the stated
policy and the reality was immediately
perceived. A study is now underway to
ascertain who the small landowners are in
order to have a basis for changing -or
pursuing previous policy.
Another more dramatic example is the
respect to land reform.
decision made earlier that water in the new (3) Research that is stimulated by policy
irrigation systems would bp. distributed on
consequences, e.g., the multitude of
a rotational scheme. Therefore the physical
studies generated by the "green reinfrastructure was constructed to achieve
this end. Given this state of affairs, a
-research project comparing farmers' organ- (4) Action-research which includes intensive studies of particular approaches to
ization for water distribution under the
rural development, case studies; pilot,
traditional continuous irrigation and under
projects, prototype, "experiments" or
the rotational scheme would not be very
helpful. As a matter of fact it will be
considered irrelevant. What would be more '(5) Evaluation studies of rural developuseful is research on variables which imment programs.
pinge on the effectiv,e implementation of (6) Studies which integrate results of rethe rotational scheme. There are six general
searches which focus on particular
types of rural development-oriented redevelopment problem areas.
Because the Philippines. has a prolife(1) Research which indicates or defines
of social science research centers
the development problem and suggests
most of which deal with some aspect of
what policies might be needed to solve
the problem. For example: the Philip- . rural development either in a big or a small
pines has 52,710 registered nurses of way, research integration projects are
almost indispensable not only for deterwhich 48 per cent care practicing in the
mining what is known and what else needs
country and 35 per cent are working
abroad. Of those practicing locally, 7"3 . to be known but also as a "collective"
per cent are within the Greater Manila device for reaching decision-makers.
Equally important is their potential useArea and other cities. In the meantime
33.3 per cent of registered livebirths in fulness to teachers who seldom have access
to a wide range of local research-based
1971 were attended to by local "granmaterials for teaching. What comes handy
ny midwives". The Food and Nutrithem are American books. Since social
tion R.esearch .Center survey showed
do not perish if they do not
that 27.5 per cent of the population
publish, 'research results tend to remain in
are normal nutrition-wise; 69.7 per
typescript, mimeographed form or in' gracent are undernourished (45.7 per
duate student theses most of which are
cent suffer from first degree malnutricirculated only in limited numbers, if at all.
tion; 20.5 per cent, second degree and
In the meantime, considerable investment
3.5 per cent are critically malhave been made in every research undernourished); 2.8 per cent are overtaking, reports of which are sometimes
known only to the researchers and, the
(2) Research that arises out of problems
funding agencies. The latter may not even
associated with implementation of
have the time nor the inclination to read
policy such as that cited earlier with
them. The need for pooling together,
codifying, analyzing, integrating and inTrus article is excerpted from the paper The
terpreting available data and research
Filipino Social Scientist and Ru~al Developrllenr
results is evident in the priority concerns of
by Gelia T. Castillo, her inaugural lecture as
the major social science outfits but little
Holder of a Professorial Chair in Rural Socioalong this line has been accompJished.
logy, March 13, 1974. An earlier version was
In order to be more relevant for policvpresented at the meeting on Social Science
making and action, the integration of
Research on Development, Bellagio, Italy, Febresearch findings sheuld be done not by'
ruary 13-15, 1974.
but by development problerm
. The author is a professor at the Department
area, such as: agrarian reform, credit"
of Agricultural Education, University of the
impact of agricultural innovations, family'
Philippines at Los Banos. She is also a member of
the Research Advisory Group of the Philippine
plannir.g, non-formal education, etc. An
Business for Social Progress. She was chosen-one
annotated bibliography, although informof the Ten Outstanding Women of the Philippines
ative and useful, is not as valuable fo~
for 1968 for her contributions in the field of
identifying gaps in knowledge and as a
Rural Sociology.
basis for research priorities as an actual
She obtained her MS from the Pennsvlvanls
analysis and synthesis of research findings
State University in 1958 and her Ph~ D. from
many of which might be conflicting. Two
Cornell. University in 1960.
examples of research integration projects
August 19714/5
PSSC Social Science Information
are W. F. Stinner's "Levels, Trends and
Differentials in Philippine Nuptiality Fertility, and Family Size Ideals and Preferences:An Integrated Summary of Research
conducted under USA10 Contract" which
was done for the Population Institute and
"AII in a Grain of Rice: A Review of
Philippine Studies on the Social and Economic Implications of the New Rice
Technology." The latter which was done at
Los Baftos includes a synthesis of researches in land reform, employment and
income distribution, diffusion and adoption, credit, cooperatives and other organizational components, the rice farmer, and
agricultural extension services all of which
have some relation to rice.
Despite the demand for it, the research
integration job is not a glamorous one. It is
a long and tedious process and no matter
how creatively one goes about his task, his
study is viewed as a mere compilation of
other people's work. The attraction is still
toward the opportunity to do "original"
research projects, the whole of which falls
under one's own byline. Moreover when
other researchers cite data from this integrative piece they only mention the original
source, and rarely, if ever, do they find the
need to footnote this secondary source
which has brought the hard-to-obtain research results to their doorstep.
Despite frustrating attempts to secure
support for this kind of work, an occasional bright spot appears in the latent
interest which one or two fundinq agencies
have shown. What is curious, however is
that one agency might support the research
integrator to do the job but will not bother
about its publication. Another agency
would argue that they cannot support such
a project because they are not smart
enough to predict how good a job the
person can accomplish. But as soon as the
manuscript is completed, they are eager to
pay for its reproduction. Still another
agency would support a research integration project because they are interested
only in using the research integrator to
bring together many fugitive materials
which they themselves could never get. He
is even made to understand that they have
no obligation to publish the manuscript;
neither is the research integrator free to use
the materials after they have been submitted. Somebody else would use these materials which will be gathered by the research
integ rat or. Fortunately, contract with
more than one funding agency provides
some alternatives. One does not have to do
what he does not want to do.
In the literature of development, one of
the most used, if not abused, word is
priority. Development research is no
excepnon to this. Objectively speaking,
there are at least four types of priorities for
development research:
(1) Systematically
determined priorities
based on an analysis of rural development problems in the light of what is
considered desirable as national goals.
Coupled with"this is a synthesis of past
and current, research findings which
will point out what the necessary
"unknowns" are.
(2) Natural inclination priorities (a euphemism for vested interests) dictated by
the importance of whatever is germane
to one's particular field of study or
a pro pos to one's professional
(3) Opportunistic priorities determined by
t he very pragmatic consideration
embodied in "Tell me what your angle
is as a funding agency, and I'll come
through with an appropriate proposal."Officials of funding agencies
wittingly or unwittingly provoke this
type of priority.
(4) Induced priorities set by someone who
possesses knowledge or money or both
and exercises persuasive powers over
researchers. This is not at all bad if he
happens to be very wise and very
rich!! !
. Because development research is supposed to contribute to the development
process, the nature of the links between
research and policy is always a pertinent
question. In the Philippines these links,
whether tight or loose, take several forms:
(1) Personal, informal and/or professional
interaction, advising or consulting
which takes place on an ad hoc basis
between researcher and policy maker.
(2) Se m ina rs, workshops, conferences
organized by development agencies to
which social scientists are invited to
present papers, serve as resource persons, etc.
(3) Research commissioned by development agencies. Hopefully, research
results are at least read, if not used.
(4) Dialogues between social scientists,
polic.y makers and program administrators at the latter's invitation.
(5) Social scientists themselves become
policy makers or perform two roles
(6) Training programs for action workers
and development administrators where
research results are used as training
Social science graduate courses where
students come from rural development
agencies. Upon return to their respective agencies, they almost alwavs
occupy key positions.
(8) Social science publications. Because
they . are quite often addressed I to
other social scientists they may only
be of marginal utility to the policy
(9) Social scientists working in development agencies in a research and evaluation role.
(10) Research communicated via an intermediary. Where there is a residual
colonial mentality in the policy
maker, the researcher passes on his
research findings to the foreign expert
who then gives his advice with or
without mentioning the source. It is
not uncommon however, for the
foreigner to build up the local researcher in the eyes of the poliicy
maker byputting in a good word for the
research ha has done.
One or a combination of several of these
ways of reaching policy-makers and developers may be .found in the different
inst it ut ions engaged in development
research. These avenues are utilized not
only for domestic but also for regional or
international linkages. Some of these
methods have more direct and more immediate impact on policy than others but
formality of arrangement is no guarantee of
effect. The "whispering" linkage, depending upon who is'whispering to whom works
wonders in many ways.
Two examples of study series which
have been the basis for major development
policies are those on population and education. The former have been responsible
for generating' much of the basic facts and
figures without which it would not' have
been possible to argue that we have a
population problem. A series of conferences on the subject provided a forum for
academicians, practitioners, and policy
makers includinq church authorities. With
intensive cooperation from the media, all
the research papers have contributed immensely to the definition of the population
problem and its implications. They helped
objectify the issues involved and to banish
the undercover and sensitive nature of the
proposed solutions to the problem. Eventually a population policy was arrived at
and a population program was evolved .. In
the case of the studies conducted by the
Presidential Commission to Survey
Education, their recommendations on the
basis of survey findings were adopted for
implementation almost in toto via a Pnesidential Decree.
Development policy by the way,. is
Turn to next p.>ge
6fPSSC Social Science Information
more readily amenable to influence by
research results because only a few key
decision-makers need to understand and be
convinced for a policy to materialize.
Furthermore, development policy usually
comes in an oral declaration and/or a
written document which serves as the
framework for succeeding actions. What
deserves as much, if not more, research
investment is the dynamics of getting
things done, the process of implementing
whatever policies have been adopted. It is
in this area where the services of the
Filipino social scientist seem to be in
greater demand but it is probably in this
area also where he is most ill-equipped,
research-wise. He is asked to participate in
programs for rural health, credit, cooperatives, irrigation, agricultural innovations,
fam ily planning, agricultural education,
applied nutrition, employment, rural-urban
migration; regional development, etc. The
extent to which the policy maker or
program administrator takes into account
the research results as interpreted to him
by the social scientist is difficult to determine. A most optimistic assessment would
be to say that he is almost always consulted on any major development program.
For this' task, action research has much to
offer to the researcher's repertoire of
insights on the development process.
Unlike the usual research project, actionresearch as the name implies, combines
research and action. It documents and
analyzes the process by which a particular
rural development strategy is introduced,
accepted, rejected or modified and its
impact on the object of development.
Dozen's of projects can tell us the before
and after circumstances of a development
situation but what takes place in between
is rarely studied. In other words we need to
know much more about the nature of the
"stimulus" or the strategy itself which
brings about change and if it does not, why
With an action-research project, the
research input required to satisfy project
objectives is substantial, intensive, dynamic,
and continuous. Let us take the case of a
multiple cropping project which has the
'following objectives, all of which call for a
major social research investment:
August 1974
(4) To determine the economic and social
deve.lopment impact of multiple
'This expected pattern of introducing
multiple cropping is really a kind of social
technology which is an integral part of the
agronomic package which makes up multiple cropping. Without the necessary research input, only the direct participants in
the project will learn from it and therefore
, the whole raison d'etre for the pilot project
is defeated and lessons gained from the
multiple cropping strategy cannot be effectively shared.
Action-research, by its very nature leads
to a lot of role confusions and conflicts
because research action and evaluation are
simultaneously carried out. 2 The situation
is complicated even more if a university
administrator also happens to be project
leader, researcher and evaluator at the same
time. He will find it difficult to separate an
ad~inistrative report, which justifies project support, from the research report,
which documents and analyzes the various
dimensions of the action program which is
the object of study. For example, a report
of accomplishments which includes the
number of visitors and VIP's who came to
seeand were impressed by the project is a
public relations message, not a research
report. To illustrate further, if an actionresearch project were to report the case of
80 small farmers who were able to obtain
loans totalling P150,000 under an integrated farm-financing program, this would
not be a research accomplishment. The
object of the research is to analyze the
process by wh ich farmers came to borrow
, from the bank for multi-production purposes. There are at least three social phenomena worth investigating in this reagard:
(1) banks do not usually lend to small
farmers without collateral, etc. (2) small
farmers in the area are usually oriented
only toward rice, and (3) the emergence of
an integrated farm production and financing scheme is a very modern phenomenon
which entails a great deal of risk and
sophistication, Certain social mechanisms
must have been introduced to make this
development possible. An identification,description and analysis of such mechanisms
(1) To develop a pattern of introducing
would be a research achievement. 3The
multiple cropping to farmers for
problems of combined roles ill one project
are not insurmountable but the research
(2) To study the processes involved in the
role has to be exercised with the utmost
introduction and adoption of multiple
professionalism. Despite inherent difficulcropping.
ties, these types of projects are invaluable
(3) To identify the technological,
in the study of rural development strategies
educational, sociological and eco()A'\<l the intricacies of the development
nomic problems in the introdi
pv-acess. One other problem in carrying out
and adoption of multiple cropping.
such research is the relatively long-term
commitment (at least 3 to 5 years) whlchIs
required. Within this period the project is
subject to personnel turnover, natural calamities, major political changes and competing alternatives for the researcher's
time. These drawbacks, however, can be
assets in the sense that the project has a'
chance to respond to natural events which
normally occur in the lifespan of a
development program.
Finally, the use of research results as a
basis for deciding policy is not without its
hazards 'on both sides. It' is amazing how
much of our analysis and definition of
development problems is dependent on the
statistics' that we use. When the data base is
in question, whether in terms of methodology or integrity, of the statistical
system, one cannot escape bedevilling
doubts - as to whether the development
situation is what .itiis in --actual .fact or
whether it is just the statistics which have
made it so. For example, the Bureau of
Census and Statistics reports the 1970
population figure as 36,684,486. The
Population Institute disagrees and says that
the total is 37.8 million: The difference of
more, than a million represents only 3 per
cerrtof the BCS figures, but 1,115,524
Filipinos means a difference in our computed rate of population growth which in
turn affects family planning targets, food
production requirements, etc. Data on rice
production are another source of policy
headaches. As Crisostomo' and Barker
cited: .. The estimates of the Bureau of
Agricultural Economics are.frequentlv .cri-.
ticized by policy makers and others who
have attempted to use these as, a basis for
determining for a given year the level of
national self-sufficiency and import and
export requirements. The futility of this
exercise is discussed in Mahar Mangahas,
Efficient Forecasting and Philippine Rice
Import/Export Policy (Paper presented at
the Seminar on Consumption and Marketing of Rice in the Philippines, IHRI,
December 5-6, 1969). On the other hand,
they say that: "A separate set of government statistics on rice released by the
National Food and Agriculture Council is
at variance with these findings. In October
1971, they reported that the yields of
high-yielding varieties continued to average
about double those of the traditional
varieties. These estimates are not based
upon normal statistical sampling procedures, Furthermore, if these estimates were!
accurate, it would follow, that the Philippines would be exporting large surpluses of
rice instead of importing in 1971. We have
thus chosen to ignore the NFAC figur!!s illl
our analysis. n4 '
On the other Side of the coin, a wellknown social scientist once said: "SomeTurn to page 26
PSSC Social Science Information
August 197411
Initial inventory of Philippine social scientists
Almirol, Edwin B:
AS Anthro 1967, Silliman U
lnst, UP at Baguio'
Alsaybar, Bangele de Guzman
MA in Anthro 1974~UP
Research Asst, UP Population Institute
Antonio, CeliaM.
MA in Anthl'O,. UP
100, UP
Arce, Wilfredo F.
PhD Anthl'O 1968, Cornell U
AIIoc Prof and Chainnan, Dept of
SQcio -Anthro , AdM U
Bailen, Jerome Bermejo
MA Anthl'O 1973, UP
I~ III, UP DililYlCWl
Cadelil'la, Rowe Villaseca
MA Anthro. 1973, USC.
Director, Office for Social Research, U~C
Go (Ngo), Bemard (Tong Hi<lol Chua
Rice, Delbert
MA Anthro 1972, Silliman U
Acting Dean Kalahan Academy, Nueva Vlzeava
MA cand Anthro 1972 AdM U
President Pagkakaisa sa Pag-unlad Inc, Manila
Himes, Ronald S.
Ph 0 Anthro 1972, U of Hawaii
Assoc Prof, San 0 iego State U
Rich, John A.
MA Anthro 1970, U of San Carlos
Resource Person, Institute of Language and
Cultural Research, Davao City
Jacobson, Helga Eileen
Ph 0 Anthro. 1969, Cornell U
Asst Prof of Anthro , U of British Columbia
Jocano, Felipe Landa
pn D Anthro 1963, U of Chicago
Prof arid Chairman Dept of Anthro , UP
Rixhon, Gerard
MA Cultural Anthro AdM U
Dir, Coordinated Investigation of 'Sulu
. Culture, Notre Dame of Jolo College
Kikuchi, Louis Yasushi
MA Social Anthro. 1967, Tokyo Metropolitan U
Assoc Prof, Chuo-Gakwin U
Rogel, Amelia Otalla
MA cand Cultural Anthro
Klug, Linda Marie
Ph 0 Anthro 1972, U of Pittsburgh
Assot Prof, Central Washington State
Sodusta, Jesuscita. Lao Guico
Ph. 0 AMino cand 1975 U of Californ1e
Los Angeles .
Inst UP
lagmay, Leticia A,
1971, UP
Inst III Anthro , UP
Szanton, Ma. Cristina Blanc
MA Anthro 1970, U of Chicago
Claver, Francisco F.
PhD Anthro 1973, Colorado Boulder
Visiting Prof, East Asian Pastoral Institute,
Lewis, Henry Trickey
1967 U of California, Berkeley
Assec Prof and Chan-man, U of Alberta, Canada
Demetria, Agnes Magbanua
PhD cand Anthro, U of San Carlos
Inst II, Zamboanga State College,
Lynch, Frank SJ
Ph 0 Anthro 1959, U of Chicago
Resident Consultant, IPC and Prof. AdM U
Demetrio, Francisco Radaza
PhD in Folklore-Comparative
Religion 1966, UCLA
Chairman, Dept of Folklore Studies, Xavier U
Magannon, Esteban T.
MA Asian Studies 1970, UP
Inst III, UP
DeRaedt, Jules
PhD Anthro 1969, U of Chicago
Prof, St. Louis U
Dizon, Jesus A.N.
PhD Cand Anthro 1976
U of British Columbia
Eggan, Fred R.
PhD in Anthro 1933, U of Chicago
Prof of Anthro and Director
Phil Studies Progrem, U of Ch)cago
Evangelista, Alfredo E.
MA 1959, Uof Chicago
Asst Prof;" I, UP
Gsabucayan, Samuel Paez
Ph 0 cand Southeast Asia Studies, 1976
UP and CEU
senior Inst, DLSC Mia.
Edito?, (Vote: Thi, ls the initial inventory of
social sciBntist' based on the accomplished
directory form, sent back to the PSSC and
from data made available to us by educational
institutions and research centers. This listing
is by no means exhaustive and we are reiterating our call to all social scientists and social
science centers who have not yet been sent
forms to kindly contact the:
Executive Secretary
Philippine Social Science Council
53-C RocesAve.,Q.C.
Indicate the number of forms you need.
1974, UP
Ph D Anthro
Szanton, David
MA Anthro 1970, U of Chicago
Project Specialist in Asian Studies, Ford
Foundation, Bangkok
Solheim, II, Wilhelm G.
Ph D. Anthro 1959, U of Arizona
Prof Dept of Anthro., U of Hawaii
Talaroc, Edvilla R.
AB, 1970, USC
Faculty Member, USC
Manuel, Arsenio E.
; Ph D Ailthro 1970, U of Chicago
Prof III, UP
Tan, Eufemia Lucia S.
AS 1970, Divw,e Word U
Faculty Member, USC
Morrigey, William Joseph
MA Anthro 1956, Catholic U, Washington. D.C
Wulff, Inger Maja Johanne
Ph D Cultural Anthro , Uof Copenhagen
Curator. Danish National Museum,
. Ethnological Society
Murray, Francis Jerome; Jr,
Ph 0 Ailthro 1970, U of Pittsburgh
Director, Centre for Asian Studies,
U of Western Australia
Yenqovan. Aram A.
PhD Anthro 1964, U of Chicago
Prof, U of Michigan
Pelaez, Josephine T.
MA in Anthro, U of San Carlos
Senior Inst, U of San Carlos
Zamora, Estelita C.
MHE 1965,UP
Inst Anthro, UP
Pel'la, Estrellita lIagan
Ph D cand Anthro 1976, MLQuezon U
Head Dept of Research, INC
Rahman, Rudolf SVD
Ph 0 Anthro, U of Vienna
~cial Asst to the Pres for External Affairs
BPhilo 1931, UP
Prof Journ and Comm, UP
Ables, Higino A.
Ph D 1969, Michigan State U
Asst Prof I, UP
Ramas, Leonisa L.
Ph D Anthro, USC
Museum Curator, USC
Ramos, Amour Mones
MA Anthro 1972, Silliman U
Inst Social Science Dept, Phil Christian College
Abava, Hernando J.
Reyes, Romana Pahilanga de los
PhD Anthro, U of California; Berkeley
Research Associate, Institute of Philippine Culture,
Alfonso, Herminia M.
MA Comm, U of Pennsylvania
Asst Prof I, UP
Alingasa, Margarito Revilles SVD
MS A-V Comm 1966, Indiana U
Vice Pres for Administration, USC
Turn to next page
8/PSSC Social Science Information
Bautista, Paulina F.
MS 1967, Boston U
Assoc Prof I Comm, UP
Bueno, Pedro B.
BSA 1966, UP
Inst I, UP at Los Banos
Casambre, Alejandro Jr.
Ph 0 Speech Comm 1962, Ohio State U
Prof, UP
Castro, Caridad R. H.
MA cand, UP
Senior Research Asst, UP
Coseteng, Alice Marquez-Lim
MA 1956, Cornell U
Asst Prof IV, UP
David, Evelyn C.
MA Theater Arts 1967, U of California
Asst Prof I, UP
Fay, Todd Lawrence
MA Theatre 1968, Northwestern U
Visiting Research Associate, AdM U
Feliciano, Gloria D.
Ph 0 1962, U of Wisconsin
Prof VI and Dean IMC, UP
Flores, Leonila Briones
MA Mass Comm Research, UP
Science Writer, NSDB
Frio, Antonio S.
BSA 1968, UP
Inst I Agri Comm, UP at Los Banos
Galiano Ma. Purisima Sarador
MA Broadcast Comm 1974, UP
Researcher, BSMM
Gil, Avelina J.
MA 1955, USC
Assoc Prof A Comm, UE
Gomez, Ely D.
Ph 0 1969, Michigan State U
Asst Prof II Comm, UP at Los Banos
Gorospe, Bienvenido Guerrero
MA Comm Research 1974, UP
Gozo, Danilo A.
AB Journ 1968, UP
Inst II Broadcast Comm, UP
Gutierrez, Luzviminda T.
MA Comm 1973, U of Hawaii
Inst III, UP
Ingles, Raul R,
MA, Charleton U
Prof 1;. UP
Jazmines, Ma. Theresa Manahan
AB Comm 1968, UP
Inst II. UP
Llaguno. Francisco L.
MA Comm, Michigan State U
Asst Prof I, UP
Llanes, Elvira M.
MA 1940, Columbia U
Prof Comm, UE
Lim, Benito O.
MA 1971, U of Pennsvlvania
Asst Prof, UP
Lozare, Benjamin V.
AB Journ 1968, UP
Inst III, UP
Abarientos, Ernesto Pagtalunan
PhD 1969 Hawaii U
Asst Prof, UP at Los Banos
Magistrado, Orlando N.
B Fine Arts 1970, UP
Inst Agri Comm, UP
Abiad. Virginia de Guia
MA 1972.UP
Inst II, UP at Baguio
Malay, Armando J.
Certificate, U of Strasbourg
Prof V. UP
Mercado, Cesar M.
Ph 0 Agri Journ and Comm, U of Wisconsin
Asst Prof II, UP
Mithcell, Fil-Ame
MA Journ UP
Inst III, UP
Montecillo, Catalina M.
BSA 1967, UP
Moral, Elinora D.
MA Journalism 1971, Oh io State U
Inst, UP at Los Banos
Quebral, Nora C.
Ph 0 1966, U of Illinois
Assoc Prof III, UP at Los Banos
Taguiamon, Cynthia D.
BSA 1968, UP
I nst, UP at Los Banos
Tan. Alexis Sebastian
lnst, UP at Los Banos
Tan, Purisima Katigbak
MA Journ and Comm, Stanford U
Asst Prof IV, UP
Teodoro, Luis V. Jr.
AB Journ, UP
Inst IV, UP
Trinidad, Francisco D.
Assoc Pro f I, UP
Tuason, Josefina P.
AB 1966, UP
Inst II, UP
Agbisit, Elpidio Joven
BSA 1957, UP
Inst II, UP at Los Banos
Alb!!n, .Norma W.
PhD 1970, UP
Alforque, Silvestre Sario
MA cand 1975. UP
Alonzo, Ruperto Pascual
PhD 1974. U of Chicago
Inst UP
Alunan, Julio A
MS 1968 UP
Asst Prof, UP at Los Banos
Alviar, Nelly Guevarra
MS 1969,UP
Inst III, UP at Los Bafios
Amin, Muhammad Alih Basjah
MA Eco 1974, UP
Faculty of Eco, Syiah Kerala ,U, Indonesia
Andaya, Stephen Serquifla
MA cand Eco, UP
Inst, UP
Antiporta, Donato F
BSA 1965, UP
Inst III, UP at Los Banos
Apiratanapimonchai , Somchai
MA cand 1974, UP
Aragon, Corazon Tamolang
MS 1972, UP
Insf III, UP at Los Banos
Bacungan, Monina' Ca!uya
MA cand UP
Bahena, Elizabeth R
MA cand UP
Inst, UP in Manila
Valeros, Florentino B.
MA 1937, U of Wisconsin
Prof A Comm, UE
Baguilat, Teodoro 8
MS 1957, U of Illinois
Assoc Lect, UP
Villanueva, Perla M.
MA 1948, Arellano U
Assoc Prof Cornm, UE
Barlia, Mirdanila S.
BS Bus Eco 1973, UP
Inst I, UP at BagiJio
Barretto, Felisa Roxas
MA Eco 1965 FEU
Chief Statistical Coordinator, Business
I3ranch, BCS
Concepcion, Mercedes Barrado
Ph 0 Socia 1963, U of Chicago
Prof and Dean, UP Population institute
L1Iin9, John E.
Ph.D, Socio 1969, U of Chicago
Visiting Research Associate, UP Pop lnst
Smith, Peter C.
Ph 0 Socio 1970, U of Chicago
Visiting Lect and Research Assoc.
UP Pop Inst
Bautista, Romeo M.
Ph 0 Eco 1970. Yale U
Chairman and Asst Prof IV UP
Bernardo Roberto M.
PhD 1967, U of California,' Berkeley
Asst Prof, UP
Blanco, Hotita Acosta
Economist BCS
August 1974/9
PSSC Social Science Information
Borton, R'aymond Eugene
PhD Agri Em 1964 Montana State U
Visiting Prof, UP at Los Baf'los
Diokno, Benjamin E
MPA 1970, UP
Asst Prof I, UP
Brazal, Socrates Lucero
MA cand Em 1975, UP
MA cand Eco 1974 UP
Buenaflor, Zenaida P
BSA 1954 PWU
lnst I, UP at Iloilo
Dosavla. Eduardo 0
BSA 1968. UP
I nst, UP at Los Banos
Cabalquinto, Virgilio F,
BSBA 1968,Ateneo de Naga
Inst II, UP
Cabanilla, Victoria L.
BSA 1968, UP
Asst Inst, UP at Los Baflos
Cabrera, Primo Labasano
MA cand 1975, UP
Calagopi, Aspi K.
General Manager Levi Strauss (Phil.), Inc.
Cando, Simeon Mangaliman
cand Dev Em 1975, UP
Canlas, Dante Bondoc
Inst III, UP at Tarlae
Caflete, Margarita Digman
MA Eco 1967, USC
Senior I nst USC
Caramancion, Manuel L
BSA 1966
Inst, UP at Los Baflos
Castro, Amado Alejandro
PhD ECO 1954, Harvard U
Prof, UP
Chamsupharindr, Pichai
PhD 1973. UP
Inst Fac: of Em, Thammasat U, Thailand
Chio, Teresita P.
MA Eco 1964 UP
Inst UP
Chumuichitra, Pichai
MA Eco 1973. UP
Emphasis, Elberto Enad
MA cand Eco 1975, UP
Enr;arnacion Jose Jr.
PhD Eco 1960. Princeton U
Prof UP
Esmundo, Jose A
AB 1964,UP
Asst Prof, UP
Evangelista, Danilo L.
BSA 1968, UP
Inst, UP at Los Baflos
Fabella, Armand Vincent
Post Graduate 1955, London School of
Vice President" Jose Rizal College
Fabella, Raul Villaseflor
MA cand Eco 1975 UP
Fandialal', Angel M.
PhD cand 1974 Michigan State U
Inst II, UP School of Economics
Floria, Rolando Noca
MA cand Eco 1975, UP
Gallardo, Joselito S.
PhD Eco cand Stanford U
Asst Prof,
Gaon, Benjamin V.
BSAE 1967 Mindanao Inst of Technology
Inst, UP at Los Baflos
lIag, Leodegario M.
Ph 0 1970, Purdue U
Asst Prof II
UP at Los Baflos
Jornales, Vicente Cruz
MA Eco and Ed , UP and UE
Prof Leet, MLQU
Jurado, Gonzalo Mejia
Ph 0 1970, U of Wisconsin
)l.sst Prof IV, UP
Karoonboonyanan, Merianan
MA Eco, UP
Kintanar, Agustin Jr.
Ph.. 0 1961, Yale U
Prof III, UP
Lecebal, Anac:leto
MA.Eco 1957, U of Sydney
Assoc. Prof I, UP
Lim, Milrisol Valera
MA cand Eco 1975, UP
Lumapas, Ruperta Iway
MA Ed 1954, USC
Asst Prof A, USC
Macarambon, Farduk M.
MA cand Eco, UP
Mangahas, Mahar K.
Ph 0 Eco 1970, U of Chicago
Al;st Prof IV and Dir IEDR, UP
Manuel, Pac:iencia Baysantos
MS 1969, UP
I nst III, UP at Los Baflos
Mariano, Eusebio P.
BSA 1964, UP
Inst I, UP at Los Ballos
Martin, Felipe Suva
MA 1958, Stanford U
Asst Prof II, IEDR
Co, Antonio B.
MA 1970, U of Southern California
Inst III, UP at Los Baflos
Gonzalo, Lido Palma
MA cand Eco 1975. UP
Senior Programmer, Development Academy
of the Philippines
Collado, Geronimo M
MA 1970, U of Wisconsin
Inst III, UP at Los Baflos
Gopez, Cesar Villena
BS Math 1972, UP
lnst, UP
Megino, Rogelio P.
BSA .1958, UP
Inst Agric Eco , UP at Los Ballos
Gregorio, Reynaldo Javier
Miranda, Casimiro V.
MA 1968, UP
Inst, UP
Constantino, Lilia Hosillos
MA candEco 1960. American U 'Washington
Chief Statistical Coordinator, BCS
Corcolon, Rolando G.
BSA 1958, UP
Inst III, UP at Los Baflos
Cruz, Dalmacio A
MS 1960'Cornell U
Asst Prof II, UP at Los Baf'los
Deveza, Dennis Sarthou
VIA cand Eco 1975.UP
·MA Eco 1961, Stanford U
Prof II, UP
Mayol, Rafael J.
MA Eco 1973, USC
Inst, USC
Guillergan, Perla J.
MA Eco 1969, UP
Inst III, UP
Moreno, Honorata Aguinaldo
MA Eco . 1970; UP
Asst Prof and Sec, UP .
Gultiano,Leo Mejoc
MA cand 1974, UP
Asst Inst, USC
Mulyakusumah, Mansur
MA cand 1974, UP
Hamedas, Carmen Vergel de Dies
MA cand Eco 1974, UP .
Monsod; Solita C.
MA Eco 1964, U of Pennsylvania
Asst Prof I, UP
Turn to next page
10/PSSC Social Science Information
Nasol, Ramon L.
MS 1967, UP
Asst Prof I, UP at Los Baf'los
Navarro, Corazon Orillos
MA cand Eco 1974, UP
- Nazir, Moehammad
Ph 0 cand Oev Eco 1977, UP
Inst I Syiah Kuala U , Indonesia'
Nolasco, Benjamin P.
Ph 0 cand Eco 1975, UP
Olivas, Gloria B.
Ph 0 1962, U of Wisconsin
Asst Prof Eco, UP
Opefta, Camilo Lalap
BSA 1970, UP at Los Bafios
Inst I, UP at Los Baftos
Oshima, Harry Tatsumi
Ph 0 Eco - 1956, Columbia U
Visiting Prof of Eco , UP
August 19741
Reyes, Basilio de los N.
Ph 0 1962, North Carolina State College
Prof II Ii UP at Los Baf'los
Flikken, Gerard Rutten
Ph 0 cand Eco 1975, UP
Asst Director, Asian Social Institute
Rikken, Remedios Ignacio
MA Eco 1965, Asian Social Institute
Staff member, Institute of Social Order
Rodriguez, Oscar Pabico
MA cand Eco 1975, Lyceum of the Phil
Analyst, Aguinaldo Development Corp
Te, Amanda Ng
MA cand Eco 1975, UP
Tecson, Gwendolyn del Rosario
MA Eco 1969, UP
Inst, UP
Tidalgo, Rosa Linda P.
MA 1965, Vanderbilt U
Inst III, UP o iii man
Tiongson, Fabian A.
Ph 0 1962, Cornell U
Prof I, UP at Los Baftos
Santimaneerat, Pornpimon
MA Eco 1973, UP
Inst , Thammasat U Bangkok
Tullao, Teresa Jr. Simbulan
MA Eco cand 1975, UP
Asst Inst , OLSC
Sandoval, Leanor Garcia
MBA 1966, U of California
Instructor, UP
Tomalang, Corazon B.
BSA 1968, UP
Inst, UP at Los Banos
Sandoval, Pedro R.
Ph 0 1963, U of Illinois
Prof, UP at Los Baftos
Toquero, Zenaida F.
BSA 1968, UP
Inst , UP at Los Baftt>s
Pacquea, Vicente Buniel
MA Eco 1972, UP
Inst IV, UP
Sta. Iglesia, Jesus C.
MS 1959. U of Kentucky
Asst Prof, UP at Los Baf'los
iorre, Tomas
AB Eco 1965, Letran
lnst , UP
Padua, Corazon Alfonso
Ma cand Monetary Theory 1975, UP
Segura, Marian Almirante
MA cand Eco 1975-76, UP
Torres, Enriqueta Bernal
MS 1967, UP
Inst IV, UP at Los Baftos
Paris, Tirso B. Jr.
MA Eco cand 1968, UP
Inst Ill, UP at Los Baftos
Sicat, Gerardo P.
Ph 0 1962, Massachusetts Institute of
Director-General , National Economic
Development Authority
Trinidad, Levy A.
Ph 0 1968, Purdue U
Prof Lect, UP at Los Bailos
Peftas, Salustia De Las C.
MA cand Eco 1974, UE
Economist, BCS
Tupas, Pedro Lopez
MA Eco , Columbia U
Assoc Prof, Jose Rizal College
Peralta, Aurora Gabriel
MA cand Eco 1974, Lyceum of the Phil
Simandjuntak, Sahat Barita
MA cand Eco 1974, UP
Asst Lecturer, Faculty of Agriculture,
U of North Sumatra
Piron, Georges B.
MA Eco 1963, Cambridge U
De la Salle College
Sioson, Rosita de Leon
MA cand Eco 1974, UP
Teaching Fellow, UP
Uberita, Jane Tagayuna
Ph 0 cand Eco 1975, UP
Poblador, Niceto S.
Ph 0 1972, U of Pennsylvania
Assoc Prof II, UP
Sorongon, Valentin Sucaldito
MBA 1972, UP
Prof, Jose Rizal College
Valdepefias, Vicente Jr.
Ph 0 Eco 1969, Cornell U
Chairman and Assoc Prof Dept of Eco, AdM U
Prantilla, Edmundo B.
Ph 0 1972, Iowa State U
Asst Prof I, UP at Los Baf'los
Sudthanom, Sumala
MA cand Eco, UP
Kasetsart U Bangkok, Thailand
Valdepeftas, Victor B.
MA Eco 1969, UP
Inst III in Forestry Eco, UP at Los Banos
Quiftones, Ambrosio Jr. Fabe
MA Eco 1973, UP
Inst III, Mindanao State U
Swwanpimolkul, Supan
MA cand Eco 1974, UP
Staff, Thammasat U, Bangkok
Quintana, Emilio U.
Ph 0 1960, Purdue U
Prof, UP at Los Baf'los
Tan, Edita A.
Ph 0 Eco 1967, U of California, Berkeley
Assoc Prof, UP
Quizon, Jaime Bulatao
MA cand Eco 1975, UP
Tan, Leonidas Sia
Ph 0 cand 1974, U of San Carlos
Chairman Dept of Eco, U of San Carlos
Racoma , Nazario S.
Inst , UP at Los Baf'los
Taracatac, Angei;na Paulin
MA Eco.;AdM U
Leet, Cebu Institute of Tech and USC
Nida Del Rosario
MA Eco cand 1975, UP
Valenzona, Rosa Linda Galenzoga
MA Eco 1969, UP
Asst Prof I, UP
Velasco, Emmanuel T.
MBA 1965, U of Chicago
Asst Prof IV, UP
Wattimena, Robert
MA cand Eco 1974, UP
Wattraseth, Prasert
MA cand Eco 1975. UP
August 19714/11
PSSC Social Science Information
Williams, Arthur Ross
Ph D cand Eco 1976, UP
Ybanez, Roy Calvo
MA cand Eco 1975, UP
Ybal'lez, Susan, Mansueto
MA cand Eco 1975, UP
Dl)8ppers, Daniel Frederick
Ph D Social Geog 1971, Syracuse U.
Asst Prof, U of Wisconsin
Sonido, Ernesto P.
Ph D in Geophysics 1963, St. Louis U Missouri
Assoc Prof III, UP
Tarnesis, Emmanuel V.
Ph D 1967, Stanford U
Prof I, UP
Tupas, Mateo H.
Ph D. 1950 U of Wisconsin
Prof V, UP at Baguio
Balanon, Angelita B.
AB Hist 1966. UP
Inst II, UP
Ledesma. Lilia S.
MA Asian Studies 1968, UP
Inst Thai Studies, UP
Baltazar, Elen a P.
AB 1967. UP
Inst II Hist, UP at Manila
Lim, Aurora Roxas
Ph D 1974 Cornell U
Asst Prof, UP
Barile. Lorna E.
AB Hist 1970. UP
Inst I, UP at Los Ballos
Baumgartner. Karl Joseph
MA Hist 1948 Fu Jen U , Peking
Assoc Prof, USC
Bauzon, Leslie Espaila
Ph 0 Hist 1970, Duke U
Asst Prof, UP
Bravo, Cirilo A.
LIB 1953. MLQU
Asst Prof Hist , UE
Calderon, Aurelio Beltran
Ph q Hist 1969, UST
Chairman Hist-Pol Sci Dept. DLSC
MA cand 1975, UP
Leet. UP in Manila
Lucero. Samson A.
MA Hist 1953, UP
Chairman Dept of Hist, USC
Magalit. Henry F.
Ph D 1970 Oklahoma State U
Asst Prof III, UP
Magos Alicia P.
MAT 1970. UP
Inst II Hist UP at Baguic
Mallari. Francisco Asia
MA Hist 1970, Loyola U Chicago
Prof Hist, Ateneo de Naga
Abanilla, Gerardo L.
MA 1952, FEU
Prof Hist, ·UE
Churchill. Bernardita Reyes
MA Hist 1961 Cornell U
Inst UP
Meimban, Adriel Obar
MA Hist cand 1975, MLQU
Assoc Ed and Researcher, Pasugo Editorial
Epistola, Silvino V.
Ph D 1971, Harvard U
Assoc Prof Asian Center, UP
Meuten, Bro. Paul Johannes
MBA cand 1976, Ateneo de Davae
Dean of Studies, Notre Dams of
Dadiangas College
Alfonso, Oscar M.
Ph D Hist 1966, U of Chicago
Prof "I Hist, UP
Evangelista. Oscar Llorente
MA Cairo U and U of Wisconsin
Asst Prof Hist and Asst Dean of
Student Affairs. UP
Alip, EUfronio M.
LID 1968 The China Academy, Taipei
Pres, Philippine National Historical Society
Garcia. Mariano J.
Ph D 1965, UST
Assoc Prof A Hist, UE
Ansay, Evelyn Canciller
Hist 1974, UP
Inst II, UP
Giang. Alunan
MA r965, U ot Cairo
Asst Prof Hist , UE
Apilado, Dig!"a Balangue
MA Phil Hist, UP
tnst , UP
Gotiangco. Gil Jr. Guerrero
MA Hist cand 1974, UP
Inst, I,JP
Ordofiez , Felizardo A.
AB 1952, UP
Assoc Prof Hist, UE
Ardlla, Jose SJ
MA. U of Chicago-
Gozun, Sylvia C.
MA 1950, FEU
Assoc Prof A Hist, UE
Padilla, Felicitas Ybiola
MA Pol Sci 1952, U of Manila
Asst Prof A, USC
Guerrero, Milagros C.
MA 1965, UP
Asst Prof I Hist, UP
Palacios. Lorente R.
MA 1958, Xavier U
Assoc Prof Hist Socio, UF
Jose, Raidis S.
AB 1971, UP
Inst Hist, UP at Baguio
Paman, Jose A.
MA 1959, UP
Asst Prof Hist., UE
Atienza, Obdulin
MA 1953. UST
Assoc Prof Hist., UE
Bacani, Edna N.
MA 1973, UP
Inst II Hist , UP at Clark Air Base
Balanag, Vincent M.
MA. 1952. Washington U
Prof Hlst , UE
Juco, Jorge
PhD cand, Fordham U
Mabunay. Maria Luisa Escarilla
AB Hist 1970 UP
Inst I, UP at Iloilo
Casambra, Napoleon Jimenez
Ph D Far Eastern Hist 1968 Stanford U
Vis Assoc Prof Hist, U of Kansas
Agoncillo, Teodoro .A.
MA 1935, UP
Prof VI, UP
Miranda, Dulce S:
Ph D 1971, Cornell U
Asst Prof II UP at Los Ballos
Oleta, Carmencita A.
AB Hist 1972, UP
Inst I Hist, UP
Onorato. Michael Paul
Ph D Far East Hist 1960, Georgetown U
Prof Hist, California State U Fullerton
Paterno, Roberto
PhD Harvard U
. Turn to next page
12/PSSC Social Science Information
Attuuat 1974
'Inada, Filipinas E.
MA 1956, UP
Asst Prof Hist, UE
Tan, S8mUlll 1<..
Ph 0 Soc:W Seience 1973, Iy. . . . U
Alit Prof III, UP • Ca.rte Air
OIl" .. iRo, Emesto A.
PhO . _ , tndiana U
Planas, Carmen Enriquez
Hist cand 1974, UP
Inst , UP
Taylo, Donata, V.
MA Hist 1965, UP
Alit Prof, UP
Crwr" Emltl1. L.
MA 1971, Uf'
Inst 14, UP
Ponterss, Moises S.
MA Ed 1965, CPH
Tirona, Mary Graci
MA, U of Hawaii
IV Hist UP at Iloilo
Radric, Felicitas L.
Ooctorado an Filosofiamy Letra, 1957,
IJniversidad ,Central de Madrid
Asst Prof Hisr , UE
Rljaretnam, M.
MA 1972, U of Mlchitan
Research Officer, ISEAS
Torres, Cristina Evangelista
MA units, UP
Inst I, UP Collage in Manila
Tria, Melinda Co
MA Hist 1969, U of WilCOnsin
II'IIt Hist, UP .t l.oI . . .
Tubangui, Helen
Raras, Emilia O.
Am Prof C Hist, UE
de Is Victoria, Virgilio
MA Hist 1972, USC
Rocamora, Jose Eliseo
MA, Cornell U
Asst Prof I, UP
Wico, David
M,A Hist 1933, U of California
'Prof, UP in Manila
Romero, Corona S.
MA 1959, AdM U
Assoe Prof A, Hilt, UE
Yuzon, lsagani Fabella
MA Asian Studies, 1971 UP
Sen Inst & Coordinator Hist Pol Sci
Dept, Oa la Salla Collage
Alit Prof B, USC
Prof III, I I
Cubar, Ernesto H.
MA 1961, U of California
Aut Prof Ill, UP
Cuber, Nally I.
MA 1961, U of California
Asst Prof I, UP
Cut!oftp,,,-,, s.
I"" , ~. Ana.
UI! '
Del ROSllrio,Fe
MA 19n AdM U
DI... ,Ro~G.
AI Phil'i_ne Liter.ture 1960, UP
In-st In Phil Literature I, UP
Elkins, Rid1ard Ewell
Salamanca, Bonifacio S.
Ph 0 1965, Yale U
Prot III Hist, UP
Salazar, Zeus A.
Ph 0 1968, Universidad de Paris
Assoc Prof I Hist, UP
Saniel, Josefa M.
Ph 0 1961, U of Michigan
Prof I, UP
Sanglay, Antonio R.
LIB 1950, Philippine Law School
Prof, Lecturer in History, UE
Santos, R. Joel de los P.
MA Asian Studies cand. UP
Inst I Hist , UP at Bagulo
Santos, Lourdes Y..
MA 1960, Ohio State U
Assoc Prof Hist
, UE
Schiff, Bartholomew SJ
PhD Georgetown U, Washington DC
Schumacher. John SJ
Ph 0 Hist 1965 Georgetown U'
Prof Hist AdM U
Sta. Rornana , Julna A.
MA 1955, U of Manila
Cnairman and Assoc Prof Hist Dept, UE
Tan, Antonio S.
Ph 0 Hist 1969, U of California, Berkeley
Assoc Prof., UP
Arlo Nimmo, Harry
Ph 0 Anthro
Consultant in-Bajau ethnology,
Coordinated Investigationof Sulu
Culture, I'Ibtra Dame of Jolo College
Arong, Jose (Rev.)
Ph 0 cend, International Oevt Education
Notre Dame of Jolo College, Coordinated
Investigation of Sulu Culture
Ashley, Seymour
SA Linguistics
Consultant in the Tausug Language,
Notre Dame of Jolo College
Coordinated Investigation of Sulu Culture,
Cabal, Oswald
BA, History
Curator of the Museum, Notre Dame
of Jolo College
Coordinated Investigation of Sulu Culture
Carreon, Me. Milagros B.
AB 1971, UP
Inst I in Pilipino, ,UPPadre Faura
Chua, Apolonio B.
AB 1971, U P
Inst I, UP
Chua, Lily T.
AB 1971, UP
Ph 0 Ling 1967, U of Hawaii
Internationel Translation Consultant
Summer I nstituta of Linguistics
Gamboa, Ruby V.
MA cand, UP
Inst I in Pilipino; UP in Manila
Gonzales, Lydia F.
MA 1972, UP
Inst IV in P8
Gonzales, Andrew B.
Ph 0 Ling 1970
U of california, Berkeley
Vi~res of Academic Affairs, OLSa
Goulet, Rosalina M.
Ph 0 1968, New Yortc U
Asst Prof of Applied linguistics, UP
Hernandez, Ma. Flor Angel Suaco
AB 1970, UP
Inst I in Piliplno, l,JPat Baguio
Kiefer, Thomas M..
Ph 0 Aftthro
Consulteflt in "ausug Ethnology
Notre Dame of Jolo College, Coordinated
Investigation of Sulu Culture
Landicho, Domingo G.
MA cancl 1974, NationlilTuchersCOllege
Inst i in Plllplno andPhil LanguageS,LP
Lechner, Thomas
Ph 0 cand Anthro, State U
of New York at Buffelo
August 1974/13
PSSC Social Science Information
Research A_ssoc:, Coordinated
Investigation of Sulu Culture
Notre Dame of Jolo Collega
Llamzon, Teodoro
PhD 1968 Georgetown U
Lorilla, Amalia L.
MA Education, 1966, UST
Inst I in Piliplno, UP at Iloilo
Malicsi, Jonathan Coloma
AB English 1966, UP
Inst II, UP Clark Air B• .,
Nofuente, Val aria
AB Pol Sci 1969, UP
Inst I In Pilipino and Philippine
Languagas, UP
SChellekens, Isabel Polo
MA 1968 AdM U
Verstraelen, Eugene F. SVD
Ph 0 Linguistics 1956, Utrecht
Prof, USC
Yap, Gloria Chan
PhD cand AdM - PNC consortium
Acay, Gerardo M.
AB 1959, UP
lnst, UP
Castilian, Abraham P.
MA Pol Sci 1969, UP
Inst I, UP at Iloilo
Adorable, Violeta Hermoso
Masters Pol Sci 1952, UP
Castro, Socorro B.
MA SOC Sci 1966, San Jose State College
Assoc Prof Pol Sci, UE
lnut IV, UP at Baguio
Pandjiris, Gloria Sis
MA 1961 AdM U
Agbayani, Jose Jr. Albano
LIB 1942, UP
Assoc Prof III, UP
Paz, Consuela J.
MA 1967, UP
Am Prof I Ling UP
Peneyra, Irma V.
MA 1972, UP
Inst II in Piliplno and Philippine
Literature, UP at Los Ballos
Agu ilar, Carmencita T.
AB 1960, Lyceum of the Phils
Inst I, Pol Sci, UE
Alobra, Visitacion
AS 1971, UP
Inst I Pol Sci, UP at Baguio
Alvina, Teresita H.
MA 1955, Northwestern.u
Inst Pol Sci, UE
Alvira, Ruben H.
M A 1960, UP
Inst Pol Sci, UP
Ramos, Jesus Fernundez
AB Pilpino 1972, UP
Anastacio, Charles Santiago
LIB 1973, San Beda College
lost Pol Sci, UP
Ramos, Ligaya de M
BSA 1963, LP
Inst II, UP College of Agriculture
Angeles, Vivienne S.M.
MA Pol Sci 1971, Kansas State U
Inst III Phil Studies, UP
Rosales, Concepcion L.
MA 1966, Spanish Instituto de Cultura
Anis, Geminiano M.
MA 1961, U of Punjab
Assoc Prof Pol Sci, UE
Sicat, Rogelio R,
Litt B 1964, UST
Inst I in Pilipino and Phil. Languages, UP
Arcetlena, Emerenciaha Yuvienco
Ph 0 Pol Sci, 1970,'UP
Prof Pol Sci, UP
,Spoehr, Alexander
Ph D Anthro
Consultant in Sulu'Archaeology and Ethnology
Coordinated Investigation of Sulu
Culture, I\btre DaMe,of Jolo College
Torres, Rosario L.
SSE 1971, LP
Inst 1, UP
Casambre, Athena Lydia
MA Pol Sci cand , UP
Inst Pol Sci and Hist, UP at Baguio
Cases, Manuel T.
Ph 0 Pol Sci 1971, U of California
Prof Lect, UP
Advincula, Shirley
MA, Georgetown U
Faculty, AdM U
Pascasio, Emy
Postdoctoral 1966 Harvard U
Chairman, Ling Dept, Adm U
Carlos, Clarita Reyes
MA Pol Sci cand 1975, UP
Inst UP
J\beleda, Maria Ligaya T.
Ph 0 Pol Sci cand 1974, U of Denver
Inst II, UP at Tarlac
Pallesen, Kemp
Ph 0 cand Ling
Consultant in Samal Language, Coordinated
Investigation of 9Jlu Culture,
Notre Dame of Jolo College
Palo, Ma. Teresita Martin
MA 1974 AdM U
Cardenas, Espiritu B.
LIB 1934, Phil Law School
Prof Lect Pol Sci, UE
Bslcos, Simplicio S.
MA 1950, UM
Inst Pol Sci, UE
Baluiong, Alfredo S. J.
MA Columbia U
Faculty, AdM U
Caoili, Olivia C.
MA 1955, U of Hawaii
Asst Prof Pol Sci, UE
Cifra, Evelyn O.
Inst Pol Sci, UE
Claudio,Sofronio T.
MA 1956, UP
Inst Pol Sci, UE
Concepcion, Purificacion G.
MPA 1954, UP
Inst Pol Sci, UE
Cortes, Irene R.
SJD Doctorate in the Sci of Law
1966, U of Michigan
Prof V, UP
Cruz. Vicente Jr. A.
MA in Commercial Law 1967,
COlumbia U
Prof Lect, Lyceum of the Phil Grad, Sch
Oagdag, Edgardo 'E.
AB 1966, UP
Inst, UP at Los Banos
David, Enrico D.
BSFS, 1969, UP
Inst, UP
Diamante, Melva M.
MA Pol Sci 1961, UP
Inst III Pol Sci, UP
Difunturom, Antonio B.
MA Pol Sci 1939, U of California
Inst Pol Sci, UP at Baguio
Domagas, Antonio B,
MA Pol Sci 1939, Uof California
Asst Prof III. UP
Domingo,Nestor F.
LIB 1961, UE
Inst Pol Sci, UE
Turn to next page
Augus'lt 1974
14/PSSC Social Science Information
Oubskv, Roman
MA Pol Sci 1961, Toronto U
Asst Prof I, UP
Espinoza, Lourdes M.
AB Pol Sci 1970, UP
Inst I, UP
Fernandez, Alejandro M.
Ph 0 Pol Sci 1966, Duke U
Prof Pol Sci UP
Flores, Oominador A.
Lansang,Cresencia M.
MA 1966, U of California. Berkeley
Assoc Prof Pol Sci, UE
Querubin, Silvestre
MA 1948, Uof Southern California'
Prof Leet Pol Sci, UE
Leagogo, Haydee G.
MA Pol Sci 1967, UP
Quisumbing, Purificacion V.
LIB 1964, UP
Asst Prof Pol Sci, UE
Ledesma,Teodoro B.
MA 1959, UP
Inst III, UP at Iloilo
Reyes, Elena leilani Gella'
Ph 0 Pol Sci cando 1977, UP
Inst, UP
Ph 0 1969, Indiana U
Asst Prof I Pol Sci, UP
Lorredo; Minda Luz
MA 1959, Uof Minnesota
Asst Prof Pol Sci, UE
Gatbonton, Corazon S.
AB 1956, UP
Inst Pol Sci, UE
Mank, Margaret L.
PI! 0, Harvard U
FacultY,AdM U
Genato, Ma. Lourdes G
AB 1971, UP
Inst Pol Sci, UP in Manila
Makalintal, Dolores M.
MA 1957, Yale U
Assoc Prof Pol Sci, UE
Gotanco, Christopher M.
AB 1969, UP
Inst Pol Sci, UP
Gomez, Lourdes
MA 1959, New York U
Chairman Pol Sci Dept, AdM U
Green, Justin J.
Ph 0 Soc Sci 1970, Syracuse U
Asst Prof, Villanova U
Henson, Antonio J.
MA Soc Sci and Pol Sci 1951, U of
Prof, De La Salle CollegeGrad Sch
Masa, Edward M,
MPA 1956, UP
Inst IV Pol Sci, UP at Iloilo
Rye, Ajlt Singh
Ph 0 Pol Sci cando 1974, UP
Asst Prof. UP
Maxino, Marcelino C.
PhD cand 1957, USC
Dean, Sch of Law, Foundation U
Mestenhauser,Josef A.
Ph 0 Pol Sci 1960,U of Minnesota
AslO.c Prof, U of lIIIinnesota
Hernandez, Mabini Gonzales
LIM Law 1970
Prof. Uof Manila
Miranda, Felipe B.
MA 1968, U of Chicago
Islam, Nazrul Mohammad
MA Pol Sci, UP
lnst, UP
Juco, Jorge M.
Ph 0 cand, Fordham U
Faculty, AdM U
Jurado, Elsa Perez
MA 1960, UP
Inst III, UP
Rivera, Temario C.
AS Pol Sci 1966, LP
Inst, UP
Ronas, Malaya Cruz
MA Pol Sci cando 1974, UP
Inst and Sec, UP at Clark Air Base
Mifleque, Natalia Manalon
MA Pol Sci cando 1975, UP
Inst I, UP
Isaac, Edmundo
LIM Law 1960, U of Madrid
Prof, MLQU andU of Manila
Reyes, Socorro Leyco
Ph 0 Pol Sci cand, 1975, UP
Leet, UP and 'OLSC
MaJul, Cesar Adib
Ph 0 1957, Cornell U
Hernandez, Carolina Galicia
MA Inti Relations 1964, U of Karachi
Inst IV Pol Sci, UP
Inciong, Li no J.
LIM 1949, UM
Prof Pol Sci, UE
Reyes, Rosalia Abaya
LIM, 1952, UM
AssocProf Pol Sci, UE
Nemenzo, Francisco Jr.
Ph 0 1965, U of Manchester
Assoc Prof I Pol Sci, UP
Oblena, Fortunato 0
MA 1965, U of Karachi
Inst Pol Sci, UE
Ssldlvar-5ali, Teresita ESguerra
Ph 0 1973, U of London
Inst I Pol Sci, UP
Sarte, Angelita L.
MSPA 1962, U of Colorado
Prof Pol Sci, UE
Sicat, Loretta Makasiar
Ph 0 Pol Sci 1970, Mass Institute of Tech
AsstPf'C)f IV, UP
Silvestre, Reynaldo Villaflor
Ph 0 Pol Sci cand , UP
Lect, UP in Manila
Sluimes, Laszlo
Ph 0 Pol Sci 1957, U of Amsterdam
Asst Prof, U of Amsterdam
Solidum, Estrella 0.
Ph D' Diplomacy and Inn Commerce,
1970, U of Kentucky
Asst Prof, UP
Pacls, Vicente Albano
MA 1925, U of Wisconsin
Prof Pol Sci, UE
Tancangco, Luzviminda Gabs
Pascual, Hidelito Sanchez
LIB 1971, UP
Inst, USC
Tapales, Juan Perez
MA Pol Sci cand 1975, UP
Inst, UP
Ponce, Florencio O.R.
LIB 1949, M LQ School of Lew
Tayag, Josefina
MA 1967, Denver U
Inst 11. UP in Manila
Inst, UP
MAPol Sci cand , UP
Inst, PCC
PSSC Social science Information
Tejada, Hanry R.
AB 1963, UP
Inst III, UP at Tarlac
Tlonoson, Celedonio E.
Grad. Studies In Law and Pol Sci, UST
Prof Pol Sci, UE
Velasquez, Danilo Castro
MA Pol Sci cand, 1974, UP
L.ect, UP
Ventura, Eva M. Duke
Ph D Pol Sci 1968, Southern illinois U
Assoc Prof, UP
Ventura, Mamerto S.
Ph D Govt 1966, Southern Illinois U
Prof, UP
Villacorta, Wilf(ido V.
Ph D Pol, 1972, Catholic Uof America
Asst ~rof, DlSCYu, Rolando LAB Pol Sci, UE
Inst I, UP
¥u, lydia N.
Faculty; ~dM U
Astilla, Estela
PhD Ed cand, USC
Chairman Psych Dept, USC
Carlot a, Anna Daisy J.
Ph D Psych 1973. U of Illinois,
Asst, Prof I, UP
Chang, Anna Kwan
MA Guidance cand 1976, USC
lnst, USC
Consolacion, Myrna Ibarra
MS 1972, U of Hawaii
Inst Researcher, PNC
Cosico, Ma.Fanny S.
MA Ed 1972, West Negros College
Guidance Counselor, USC
Daqulz, Renato Manalang
MA Psych 1973,UP
lnst , UP
David, Fredegusto G.
Ph Dcand.1974, Temple U
Asst Prof II, UP
Decenteceo, Edwin T.
Ph D cand,1974
Inst I, UP
De Jelus. Roland Palines
AB 1969, FEU
Director PEAT (Personnel
Evaluation, Research & Testing) ill.1CU
Deomampo, Narciso R.
Ph D 1973, Cornell U
Asst Prof III UP at los Banos
Reyes, Ma. Carmen'Alcuaz
MA 1969, U of Minnesota
Director, Central Guidance Asst to the Pres,l
Rosel, Antonietta Santos
MA 1974, Psych
Senior Col Inst, Divine Word U, Tacloban..
Domingo, Maria Fe A.
MA 1961 UP,
Asst Prof, UE
Singson, Caridacl N.
Professional Diploma 1952.Columbia U
Asst Prof II, UP
Enriquez, Virgilio
Ph D 1971, Northwestern U
Asst Prof, UP
TancO Patricia Pickett
MA .1959 Wellesley College Mass., USA
Research Assoc, AdM U
Felipe, Abraham I.
Ph 0. 1965 Vale U
.Assoc. Prof UP
Officer-in-<:harge, FAPE
Fernandez, Ma. Erlinda Lozada
AB Psych 1965, USC
Senior Inst, USC
Flores, Pura M.
Head, PWU Dept of Psychology
Farrales, Carmen Chita Custodio
MA Psych, UP
Junior Inst, DlSC
Galvez, Ma. Josefina L.
AB 1966, UP
Inst I Psych1 UP at Tarlac
Tang, Kendel Sunico
Ph D 1970, U of Hawaii
Assoc Prof,DlSC
Tal'l9CO, Angelita D.
~B 1970, UP
Inst I, UP
Tayag, Amanda H.
Ed D Guidance & Counselling, PWU
eoordinator, Child Study Center
Torres, Amaryllis Tiglao
MA Psych, 1973, UP
Inst. II, UP
Torres, Reinaldo
Ph D 1974, Oxford U
Tl1lining & Org, Dev. Coordinator;
, Organizational Psych'
Filipinas Shell and AdM U
Goertz,. Joseph SVD
'Ph D 1934, San Anselmo, Rome
Prof Psych and Dir Research and Scholarship
Programs, USC
Jabi"es, Conchita Ababat
MA Guidance caod 1975. USC
Inst, USC
Lagmav, Alfredo V.
Ph D 1955. Harvard U
Prof VI and Chairman Dept of Psych, UP
Ventura, Elizabeth Sobrino
AB Psych 1965, UP
Inst II,.UP
lazo,Lucita S.
Inst I, UP
Licuanan, Patricia Benitez
Ph D Psych 1970, Pennsylvania State U
Chairman and Assoc Prof Dept of Psych, AdM U
Necio, Dolores E.
MA Psych 1960, AdM U
Inst. Psych, UE
Paredes, Esteban F.
MA Psych 1968, Adm
. Assoc Prof & Chairman, UE Dept of Psych
Villegas, Lilia L.
AB 1967, UP
Inst I, UP at Baguio
UV, Maria Hilda CaRete
MA Guidance cand 1975, USC
laurel. Bro. Conradcr B.
MA Guidance cand, USC
Abuava, Jose Veloso
Ph O. 1959, U of Michigan
Prof Pub. Ad., UP
Carii'lo, ledivil'la V.
Ph D SOcia 1970. Indiana U
Assoe Prof and Director of Research,
UP College of Pub Ad
Alfonso. Caridacl Remana
Ph D Pol Eco and Govt 1965, Harvard U
Prof I Pub. Ad, UP
Dia,Manuel Abaya
MA Pub Ad, UP
Director, Asian Labor Education Centar, UP
Turn to Tl8xt page
August 1975
16/PSSC Social Science Information
Diokno, Benjamin Acosta
MA in Pub Ad 1970. UP
Asst Prof 1. UP
Endriga, Jose N.
MA Camp Tropical Hist
U of Wisconsin
Ramos. Carlos P.
Ph D. New York U
Prof VIII, Public Ad. UP
Gumtang. Eva A.
MA of Social Work, 1972, UP
Chief, Medical Social Service. Phil Gen
Samonte, Abelardo G.
Ph D 1959, Princeton U
Prof VII. Pub Ad and Chancellor.
UP at Los Ballos
Kalaw, Sister Lydia Tejico
MS Social Work. 1968, CEU
Director, Kaunlaran Multi-Purpose Center
Santiago. Asteya M.
MPA cand UP
Assoc Prof I, UP Institute of Planning
Lansang, Flora Celi
MA Social Work, 1951, PWU
Asst Prof VI Social Work, UP
Silao, Federico B
MPA 1966. UP
Asst Prof V, UP Institute of Planning
Lasan, Dolores Baja
Ed D 1970. PWU
Acting Director, PhiliPpine School of
Social Work, PWU
Asst Prof I, UP College of Public Ad.
Fernandez. Felisa D.
Ph D 1971. U of P.ittsbur9h
Asst Prof VI. Pub Ad, UP
Firmalino, Tito C.
MA CommunitY and Regional Planning. 1968
U of British Columbia
Asst Prof V Environmental Planning.
UP Local Government Center
Simpas, Santiago A.
Ph D cand U of Wisconsin
Asst Prof III Pub Ad, UP
de Guzman, Raul P.
Ph D Govt 1957, The Florida State U
Dean and Prof. UP College of Pub Ad
Soberano , Jose D.
Ph D 1961, U of
Prof III, Pub Ad. UP
Iglesias, Gabriel
Ph D Pol Sci 1971, U of Sussex
Asst Prof VI, UP
Tejada. Henry Ruiz
MA Devt Administration, UP
Inst, UP at Los Banos
Laquian, Aprodicio A.
Ph DEco Dev t
1965, Massachussetts
Institute of Technology
Senior Exec Dev t officer,
Phil Executive Academy
Turingan, Cynthia Dionisio
Diploma. Regional Dev t Planning 1971,
Settlement Study Center, Israel
Litonjua, Ma. Eloisa Franco
MA 1967, UP
Asst Prof I. UP Institute of Planning
Nierras. Jaime U.
MS Urban Planning 1972, Michigan State U
Inst III. UP Institute of Planning
Ocempo. Romeo B.
MPA 1964, UP
Asst Prof II, Pub Ad. UP
Perez, Saviniano Jr. M
BS Geology 1968, UP
Res Assoc,UP Institute of
Pilar, Nestor N.
MPA 1969, UP
Inst IV, Pub Ad. UP
Portugal, Ramon C
Ph D 1958. Syracuse U
Prof IV, UP
Puno, Leven S.
Grad Diploma 1966, London
School of Economics
Asst Prof III, Pub Ad, UP
Quetchenbach. Raymond Thomas SVD
Ph D Ed Administration 1968, USC
Dean, Graduate Scnool and Director,
Research Center. Divine Word U
Viloria. Leandro A.
MA 1967, U of British Columbia
Prof VI, UP Institute of Pla'nning
Aclerto, Pedro R.
Ph D Socio 1971, Louisiana State U
Asst Prof IV. UP
Alcasid, HerminiaL.
MS Social Work 1957, Simmons College
School of Social Work
Assoc Prof, UE
Libu nao, Res1ituta Bautista
MA Social Work 1969, UP
Medical Social Work Advise, MCH Div
National Dept of Health
Mabasa. Sister Teresa Albar
MA in Social Work 1968, Sf
Louis U
Program Director, Concordia Devt Center
Manuel, Marilyn Formento
MA Social Work, 1975, UP
Medical Social Worker, Domiciliary Service
Devt, FEU - NRMF Hospital
Mauricio, Aurora Barrios
MSSW. Phil School of Social Work
Director, The Golden Acres
Mendoza, Thelma Lee
MSW 1966, U of Michigan
Asst Prof Social Work, UP
Palacios, Teresita S.
MA 1965. UP
Asst Prof I Social Work, UP
Pangalangan. Evelina A.
MS Social Work 1966, UP
Asst. Prof II Social Work, UP
Almanzor, Angelina C.
Doctor of Social Welfare
Director Philippine S.chool of Social Work, PWU Pante, Bituin Gonzales
BSSW 1964, UP
Unit Manager, Phil Business for Social
Barbero, Elizabeth Z.
Courses leading to MSSW, PWU
Pineda. Josefina D.
Exec Director. Phil Nat I Volunteer
Service Coordinating Office
MS Social Service 1960, Boston U
Asst Prof IV Social Work, UP
Cosico, Arsenio A.
MS 1970, UP
del Prado. Celia Monzon
inst III, Social Work and Community Devt, UP
MSSW cand 1973, CEU
Dean of Students. De Ocampo
Fondevilla, Rosita Luna
Memorial School.
MSW Social Work 1965, UP
Director for Planning and Research. DSW
Ramos, Evelyn V.
Generoso, Leticia Cordero
MA 197-3, St Frances U
MA in Social Work. UP
Inst III Social Work. UP
Social Welfare Specialist, Bureau of
Rehabilitation. Dept of Social Work
Rogel. Ronaldo O.
1971. UP
Guerrero, Sylvia Hilornen
Inst II, Comprehensive Commcmity
Ph D 1971, U of Wisconsin
Healtn Program. UP
Assoc Prof I, UP
Autust 1974/11
ptIC Social Science In_""an
Ru ..... Roberto ~
MS e-nunity o.t 1967. Southern
Asst Prof Soci. Wortt UP
Sedsm, Uctefonso S.leza
MA in Community DeVlllopment 1974, UP
senior Research Assistant, UP ISWCO
Silva, Teresita Luisa
"A Social Work 1954. Catholic U, Wash DC
Assoc Director. Phil Business for Social Progress
Tlblante, Nathaniel B.
fit! 0 1956, Purdue U
Ptof VU, UP
AVC8fdo. Ms. Theresa Joves
AS Socia. UP
Res Am, UP Social Research Lab.
E~ Doiores Alana
MA Soc!to. 1971, IJt'
IftSt IV. UP
Barile, Dolores P.
M E<! 1962, U of Illinois
Jltural Educational Sociologist IV. UP at
.Los 8aftos
Erpste, MllI'Uyn T.
AB Socio 1970, UP
Inst SOcia, UP
Eshieman, J. Ross .
Ph.D 1963 Socia, Ohio State U
Prof and Chairman Dept of Socia,
Wayne State U
Blybay. Rebecca G.
BSE 1952. UST
Inst secto, UE
Bonifacio, Manuel Flores
Ph 0 Socia, U of Peimsylvania
Dean, UP Institute of Social Work and
COmmunity Development
Bredy. carol H.
Mll'Socio tt72. New School of Soclet
Villegea, Sister Emelina Abelardo
MSSW 1967, Phil School of Social Wor1c
Exec Director, Community Dev r-Center
Viloria Either C.
MSSW 1953, Smith College School for Social Work
~c Prof I. UP I
Uy, Hilaria Reyno
MSSW 1960, Phil School for Social Wor1c
Chief Social SerVice and Counselling Division,
Juwnile and Domestic Relations Court
Z81de. Ceferino Jr. Ab.Ua
M Ed 1963, Springfield College
Adriano, Paz V.
Ph 0 1956, Fordham U
Prof Socio, UE
Agas, Adelwisa Lorenzana
Ph 0 Socia, cand 1975, U of Michigan
Researcher, UP Local Govemment center
Alcasid. Herminia L.
MSSW 1957. Simmons College
Assoc Prof SOcia, UE
Alvarez, Ma. Paz Aleli C.
AB Socia 1956. UP
Inst II, UP at BagiJio
Ancheta. Pedro R.
MA 1961,Arellano U
Inst Socia. UE
Inlt II. UP It 8eguio
Ella, Zosirno C.
MA 1947,U of Manila
Prof SOcio. UE
Espaldo, Merle L.
MA 1982, U·of Michigan
Inst Socio. UE
Espayos. Jose
MA Socio 1974, UE
Inst, UE
.Bulatao, Rodolfo Andres Jr.
.ph 0 Socia 1971. U .ef Chicago
Aslt Prof Socia. UP
Espiritu, Socorro
1953, Syrec:II1S U
Prof. and ot.irman Dept of Socia. UE
cabalfin. Nenita
MA Socia 1955. UP
Asst· Prof I ·Socio, UP at Iloilo
Fabillar, Restituto
MA 1953, UP
AIst Prof SOcio, UE
calleja, Jesus C.
MA Socia 1974. UP
Inst C Soclo. UE
Flavier, Juan M.
MPH Pop Dynamics 1959, Johns Hopkins U·
Vice Pres, International Institute
of Rural Reconstruction
carroll. John Joseph
Ph 0 Socia 1962, CornellU
Prof, Pontificia Unlverslta Gregoriana
castillo, Galia T.
Ph 0 Rural Socia 1960. Cornell U
Prof. UP at Los Banos
catapusan. Gertrude Oiaz
MA Socia, 1965 Chapman College
Asst Prof SOcia. UE
cedillo. Valentin G.
MS 1954, Cornell U
Asst Prof Socia. UP at Los Banos
Cleto, Gloria Mascardo
MS Socia 1956, Cornell U
Cortes. Mercedes C.
Special Studies in Socia 1954, The American U
Asst Prof SOcia, UE
Angangoo, Ofelia R.
MA Socia 1956. UP
Assoc Prof I. UP
Cuyugan, Ruben Santos'
Ph 0 Socia 1959, Harvard U
Prof VI and Chancallor, Philippine Center for
Advanced Studies, UP
Apilado AIicia
AB Socia 1971, UP
Inst I. UP at BagiJio
David. Karina Constantino
MA Socia cand, Uof Manchester
lnst , UP
Apthorpe. Raymond James
Ph 0 SOciological Th,eory 1956. Oxford U
Visiting Prof, UP Institute of Planning
David, Randolf S.
Ph 0 Socia 1974. U .of Manchester
Inst ,UP
Arcega. Victoria M.
Ph 0 Socia cand 1974, Michigan State U
Research Assoc , UP Pub Ad
Oivinagracia, Samson G.
BSE Soc Science 1947, U of San Agustin
Inst III Soc SCience. UP at Iloilo
Ptt 0
Flieger, Wilhelm
Ph 0 Socio and Oemog • U .of Chicago
Chairman. Dept of Socio-Anthro , USC
Gadia, Lourdes Cruz
MA Oevt Ed 1973, Stanford U
Res Associate, UP
Gapas, Jose Rodrigo
MS Rural Socio 1963,.Cornell U
Proj Mgr. SOuthern cebu
Reforestation Dev't Proj
Groves, Murray
Ph 0 Socio-Anthro 1956, Oxford U
Prof SOcia.• U .of Hongkong
Guerrero, Sylvia H.
Ph 0 Socia 1971. Uof Wisconsi"
Assoc Prof, UP
Gwekoh, Victoria A.
BSE 1947,UST
Asst Prof SOcia. UE
Hollnstelnar, Mary Racelis
MA Socia 1960, UP
Director Institute of Philippine Culture,
Hottle. Maximilian Joseph
MA Socio 1970. AdM U
Inst Socia. Franciscan Seminary
Hunt. Chester L.
Ph 0 Socio 1948. U of Nebraska
Prof soclo, Western Michigan U
Jimenez. Pilar Ramos
MS Socia 1971, Asian Social Institute
Researc!l Traininq Coordinator
Philippine Social Science cOuncil
Turn to next page.
18/PSSC Socia' Science Information
Kasman, Edward Salkiya
MA Social Science 1962, UST
'nst A Socio, UE
Kitano, Kaichi
MA Socia 1970, U of Hawaii
Academic Dan, Far East Advanced
School of Theology
Lapei'la, Amelia
M'A Sociocand, UE
~e ~rof SOcio, UE
Limpin, Lydia B.
AB 1971, UP
Inst I Socio and Psych, UP at Baguio
Liwanag, Ramon S,
MA Socio 1962, Ohio State U
Asst Prof I, UP
Maturan, Eulalio Garcia
MS Rural Socio 1966, Uof Wisconsin
Assac Prof Socio, Silliman U
Medina, Belen Tan-Gatue
MA Socio 1955, UP
Asst Prof II, UP
Montenegro, John E.
MA Rural Socio 1959, U of Wisconsin
Director, Mindanao Dev t center
Nelson, Merwyn R,
MS Rural Socio 1967, U of Wisconsin
Agricultural Missionary, lsabela
Obordo, Angelita S.
MS 1968, Taxas A & M University
Inst II Socio arid PsYch ;UP at Los Baffos
Ortlnero, Aniceta MlI'Iuel
AB Philo 1966, UP
Inst lI'in Soc Sciences, UP in Manila
Panes, Immaculada P,
MA In Asian Studies 1972, UP
Inst I in Soc Science, UP at 110110
Panopio, Isabel
MA Socio 1954, U of Iowa
Prof Socio, UE
Parco, Salvador Abonal
Ph 0 Rural Socio, 1973, Pennsylvania State U
Asst Prof, Pennsylvania State U
Peralta, Ana Maria Rotor
MACT Socio 1972,:Pamantasan
ng Lun9sod· ng Maynlla.
Inst, UE
August 1974
Quisumbing, Trinidad T.
Special Studies in Behavioral Sciences 1960
Harvard U
Assoc Prof Socio, UE
Zsrco, Rizardo
MA 1959, UP
Asst Prof II, UP
Raymundo, Adelisa A.
MA 1957, Hunter College
AssaI: Prof Socio, UE
Ronquillo, Adelaida
MA Behavioral Science 1973, CEU
Asst Prof Socio, UE
Rothman, Nancy Ellen
MA Socio 1971, U·of Maine
Guidance Counselor, International School
Rubio, Clarissa Africa
MA Socio 1973, UP
Inst ·Socio, UP
Salcedo, Lucila Lagamon
MA Socio 1961, .Xavier U
Asst Prof Socio-Anthro, UE
Samonte, Virginia Pe Benito
Ph 0 Socio 1970, Uof Missouri
Asst Prof, UP at Los Barios
Santiago, Venancio Gutierrez
MA Socio 1972, UP
Inst ·Socio, UE
Santos, Arlyne de los G.
MA .cand ,UP
Inst I Socio, UP at Baguio
·Sobreviflas; Me. Victoria A,
MA Socio 197(, Maryknoll College
Inst I, Socio, U~
Soto, calerina E.
MA 1955, Catholic U of America
Asst Prof Socio, UE
Utieg, Sergio lasam
MA Soeio,·1970, Fordbern U
Instaoo Researcher, St. ·Paul College,
Valencia, Luzvimlridli Baria
MA Socio 1965,U of HawaII
Inst III Socio, UP
Vanderportaele, Dan D.
Ph 0 Socio, U of ChicagO
Chairman and AsSOI: Prof,
Illinois Institute of Technology
Poethig, Richard P.
MA Divine Christian Ethics, 1952,
Unio.n Theological Seminary
Director. Institute on the Church in
Urban-Industrial Society
Villavicencio, Veronice Roco
MA Socio 1974, AdM U
Part-time Proj Director, La Salle Greenhills
Portacio, Lorenza Samson·
MS Socio cand 1~75, Asian Social Institute
Inst ,Phil College of Criminology.
zaide, caferino Jr•.
M Ed 1965, Springfield College
Asst Prof Socio, UE
Abitora, Ester
Senior Statistician, BCS
Alviar, Santiago M.
MS Stat 1966, UP
Asst Prof -I, College of Agriculture
Angeles, BUenall8MUra R.
Ph 0 1966, George Washington U
AISt Prof IV, UP Statisticsl canter
De los Angeles, Noli
Statistical Coordinator III, BCS
Baal, Lydia Aguilar
MS Stat" UP
Statistician II, BCS
Baldemoro, Veronica Angeles
MA cend Stat 1975,UP
Belarmino, Isagani
Consultant, BCS
Beltran, Belen Tagullnao
Engineering. 1957, UST
as Chemical
cabazon, WilfredoE.
B SA 1968, UP
l'1st II in Stat UP et Los Bal'los
caldito, Gloria Cruz
MA Stat
AsstProf , UP Statistical canter
calixto, Julia V.
Ph 0 Stat·
Director. Center for Evaluation and Statistics
Dalisay, Amando
Consultant, BeS
David, Isidoro P.
Ph 0 1971, Iowa State U
Asst Prof I
Stat, UP at Los Baflos
Engracia, Luisa
Senior Statistician, BCS
Ferrer, Pilar L.
MA Stat 1970, UP
Asst Prof I, UP Statistical center
Julian, Raul
Statistician I, BeS
Lacuata, Cecilia Viernes
BS Chemical Engineering 1968 Mapua
Institute ot Technology
Statistician III, BCS
Lascano, Antonio Miranda
BSE English 1953, Golden Gate Collegas
Sanior Statistician, BeS
-me Sociql Science
August 1974/19
Lee, Edward
Statistician I, BCS
Nallion, Francisco· K.
BSA. 1968, UP College of Agriculture
Inst in Stat, UP at Los Baflos
Ramos, ligaya de M.
BSA 1963, UP
Inst II, UP at Los Baf\os
Magalit, Henry F.
Ph D 1970, Oklahoma State U
AsstProf III Stat, UP at Los Baf\os
Nazaret, Francisco V.
BS Mechanical Engineering, 1953, NU
Chief Statistical cOOrdinator, BCS
Ramos, Mariano de B.
Ph D 1968, Virginia Polytechnic Inst
Asst Prof III, UP at Los Baflos
Manuel, Manuel Jr. M
BSA 1969, UP
lnstructor-Prcgrammar I,UP at Los Baflos
Mariano, Roberto S,
Ph 0 1970, Stanford U
Asst Prof III, School of Economics
Orense, Marcelo
Assoc Prof, Dept of Stat, AdM U
Parel, Cristina P.
Ph 0 Math-5tat 1958, U of Michigan
Dean & Prof, UP Stat Center
Mata, Nicanor D. Jr.
Stat, 1973, UP
Senior Statistician, BCS
Que, Cristina
Statistician II, BCS
Mijares, Tito Abella
PhD Stat 1962, Harvard U
Director, BCS
Ramirez, Alfredo Marasigan
BS Agri 1968, UP at Los Bailos
Inst in Stat
Rosal, Leticia
Senior Statistician, BCS
Saguran, Felix
Statistician III, BCS
Sinsioco, Ceferino Sta. Ana
MA Stat 1969, UP .
Asst. Prof I, UP
Trinidad, Levy
Consultant, BCS
Warren, Narciso Rizal
BSME, 1965, Mapua Inst of Tachnology
~1atistician III, BCS
To be continued in our future issues
Bachelor of Arts
Ateneo de Manila University
Master of Law
Master of Arts
Bureau of the Census and Statistics
Master of Science
Bureau of Standards for Mass Media
National Science Development Board
Centro Escolar University
Doctor of Philosophy
Philippine Normal CoUege
Pol Sci
Political Science
De la Salle College
Public Ad
Public Administration
Ed D
Doctor of Education
Fund for Assistance to Private Education
Universi_tv of the East
.Bachelor of Laws
University of the Philippines
University of San Carlos
Institute of Economic Development
and Research
University of Santo Tomas
August 1974
20/PSSC Social Science Information
PSSC activities
PSSC receives additional support
The Ford Foundation has approved a
grant in the amount of P1, 1"50,000 to the
Philippine Social Science Council for Fiscal
Year 1975-76.
This grant which supplements the previous grant made by the Ford Foundation
is in support of the following programs of
the Council: Research Training, National
Survey Research, Modern Philippine His·
Program, Discretionary Research
Awaros, Travel and Seminars Awards, Research Integration and the PSSC Secretariat.
The Asia Foundation also renewed its
support to another PSSC program, the Central Subscription Service for the year 1974.
PSSC to hold annual meeting
The PSSC will hold its annual meeting
on September 30 at the Sulo Hotel,
Quezon City to elect the Executive Board
for Fiscal Year 1975.
Appointed at the last Executive Board
meeting to the Nominations Committee Marcelo Orense, chairman; Remigio Agpalo, Patricia Licuanan, members; and
Election Committee - Marcelo Orense,
chairman'; Aurora Silayan-Go and Cesar
Macuja, members.
Nomination forms have already been
sent to various social science institutions
and member associations.
UP Statistical Center coordinates
1915 National Survey
The Research Committee has awarded
to Gloria Caldito of the UP Statistical Center with Dean Cristi na P. Parel as the pri ncip al investigator the coordination of
PSSC's National Survey for FY 1975 entitled "A Survey of Filipino Households."
Surveys will be conducted in Luzon,
Visavas and Mindanao and will involve the
following PSSC-related research centers:
University of the Philippines (Baguio), St.
Ferdinand (llagan), Aquinas University
( Legaspi), Philippine Christian College,
Ateneo de Naga, Palawan Teachers College,
St. Paul (Tuguegarao), Silliman University,
La Salle (Bacolod}, University of Negros
Occidental Recoletos, University of San
Carlos, Central Philippine Unlversitvl Iloilo),
Divine Word University (Mindoro
Occidental), Divine Word University
(Levte], Notre Dame (Cotabato l, Ateneo
de Davao, Notre Dame [Sulu}, Immaculate
Conception (Misamis Occidental) and Ateneo de Zamboanga.
The focus of data gathering and analysis
will be on various aspects of the Filipino
households: the distribution of wealth and
the family as an agent of politicalization
and national development. This is the third
PSSC National Survey, the earlier ones
being Ethnic Attitudes in Five Philippine
Cities by Rodalfo Bulatao and A Survey on
National Development by the Institute of
Philippine Culture. The National Survey is
an annual project of the PSSC designed to
generate new data on significant national
development problems while simultaneously providing the new network of research
centers trained under PSSC's research training program, confidence and public credibilitv as capable research organizations.
Book on PSSC-supported research
off the press
Ma. Fe Hernaez Romero's research
studY,theNegros Occidental Between Two
Foreign Powers (1888-1909) has just been
published by the Negros Occidental Historical Commission, Bacolod.
Mrs. Romero undertook the research
through a grant from the Modern Philippine History Program of the Philippine
Social Science Council. The PSSC waived
its publication rights in favor of the Negros
Occidental Historical Commission.
The book is the first comprehensive
account of the history of Negros
Occidental from the pre-Spanish era to the
passage of the Payne-Aldrich Tariff Act by
the US Congress in 1909.
The author is at present an associate
professor at the Far Eastern University
teaching Asian and Western History and
holds an M.A. in History from the University of Chicago, 1960.
More PSSC grantees
The Philippine Social Science Council
4. Fay L Dumagat, Lhiversity of the
awarded eight more grants for research
Philippines: "Social Change in an Itneg
proposals under the Discretionary Research
(Tinggian) Community: 1723-1941~'
Awards Program.
5. .Lucita Lazo, University of the PhilipThe new grantees are:
pines: "Scaling'of the Philippine Thematic
1. Angelo Baybay, University of the
Apperception Test (PTAT)~'
Philippines: "A Proposal for an Initial lTV
6 Casilda E. Luzares, Ateneo de Manila
(Instructional Television) Video-Cassette
Ulli~ersity: "ACebuano Verb Grammar: A
Distribution System for Selected UniverCase Grammar Analvsis:"
sities in the Greater Manila Area~'
2. Ma. Lourdes S. Bautista, University
7. Angelo de Jos Reyes, De La SaUe
of Santo Tomas: "The Filipino Bilingual's
College: "Baseline Study and Project ProgLinguistic Competence: A Model Based on
ress Reports of/in Malibay (Pasay City) and
Leveriza (Manila)~' and
an Analysis of Code Switching~'
3. Gloria Chan-Yap, Ateneo de Manila
' 8. Malaya C. Ronas, University of the
University: "Hookien Chinese Loanwords
Philippines: "Philippine Foreign Policy Visin Ta9alog~'
a-Vis Egypt."
Subscribe to the
PSSC Social Science Information
A quarterly newsletter
published by the
." "
Philippine SOcial Science Council
Make checks payable to the Central
Subscription Service, , 53-G Roces Ave.,
Quezon City , Tel. 99-97-64
August 1914/21
PSSC Socia! Science lnformatiea
News briefs
PSA horns 8111mJai conference
The Philippine Statistical Association
held its annual conference last Friday, July
26 at the Central Bank auditorium.
Four papers dealing mainly on population and related problems, the year being
World Population Year, were read. They
were: Measurement of Labor Utilization,
Lita Domingo; Household Projections for
the Philippines, 1970-2000, Cecilia Lacuata; An Estimate of Life Table Functions
for the Philippines, 1970, Luisa Engracia
and Social Indicators for the Philippines,
Mahar Mangahas.
Mr. Tristram Eastwood, Philippine coordinator for the United Nations Fund for
Population Activities was the guest speaker
at luncheon.
Sitting as discussants were: Wilhelm
Flieger, University of San Carlos; Irenea V.
Tienzo, Department of Labor; Amando
Malvar, Philippine Refining Company; Exequiel Sevilla, National Life Insurance Company of the Philippines; Mabini Juan, Philippine American Life Insurance Company;
Burton T. Onate, Philippine Statistical
Association; and Menuel O. Hizon, Government Service Insurance System.
PAP 11th annual convention
Personality and clinical psychology Wl:l~
the main thrust of the 11th Annual Convention of the Psychological Association of
the Philippines on April 26-27 at the NSDB
Papers discussed ranged from studies on
industrial psychology, social psychology,
developmental psychology to experime ntal/measurement/educational psychorogy.
Among the speakers were Jose Cadusales,
Gertrudes Hanjo, Benedicto Villanueva,
Pura Flores, Teresa Buenaflor, Myrna Consolacion, Amanda TaY'!9, Edith Monsaratte, Leila lIan, Myrna U. Garcia, Consuelo Ignacio, Filma Brawner,
Linda, Leonora Pangan, Fe G. Soberano,
Marie Constance Gonzales, Moises Dlaz,
Ma. Alcestis Abrera.
I PC sociologist talks
a" PSS m9e'i:i ne
The Philippine Sociological Society conducted its first regular meeting Saturday,
July 20, 1974 at the Art Gallery, Rizal
Library, Ateneo de Manila University from
9-11 :30 a.m,
The meeting featured a lecture-discussion on "Tenants, Lessees and Owners:
The Welfare lrnplicatlons of Tenure Shifts
Invited to speak on the topic was Mrs.
Virginia A. Miralao, research associate at
the Institute of Philippine Culture and assistant professor at the Department of
Sociology-Anthropology, Ateneo de Manila
University. Mrs. Miralao served as the project director of the IPC study of the Nueva
Ecija rice farmers and land reform. The reo
search is an inquiry into the welfare implications of tenurial change being sought by
Philippine land reform study.
Mr. Jose Medina, assistant secretary for
field services and director of farm management at the Department of Agrarian Reform and Dr. Jesus A. Montemayor, director of the Agrarian Reform Institute in
Los Banos acted as commentators during
the lecture discussion.
New center created to support UPSE
On May 13, 1974, President Marcos
signed presidential decree No. 453 giving
way to the creation of the Philippine
Center for Economic Development (PCED)
within the UP system.
The new Center, as provided for by the
decree, will have a distinct corporate personality of its own although it will not be
autonomous unliketheUPat Los Bafiosand
the Philippine Center for Advanced Studies
The PCED was created primarily to
serve as a financial base to support the
programs - research, teaching, training,
including the endowment of faculty chairs
- of the UP School of Economics.
Ford F ou ndation consultant, Dr.
Stephen Lewis, noted that although the UP
School of Economics is continually producing outstanding economists and research projects, it is in danger of facing
possible deterioration and depletion of its
excellent staff through the failure to add,
at this stage, to its resources.
PCED national board of trustees chairman Gerardo Sicat also observed that while
the School has succeeded in filling up the
demands of government agencies for economic technicians, it has had to depend for
some form of financial assistance from
Rockefeller, Ford and other similar foundations.
He expressed the hope that with the
creation of the PCED, "there will be less
reliance on outside consultants on economic matters and more dependence on
local technical experts."
The PCED will receive P5 million from
the national treasury in addition to an
annual outlay of P2 million for six years
for its initial organization and operational
requirements. Source of funding is an
endowment fund to be derived from contributions, donations, bequests, grants,
loans, government subsidies and income
from the operations of the Center.
All affairs of the Center shall be directed by its board of trustees. It shall be run
by an executive director to be appoiinted
by the board. A finance committee headed
by a trustee shall be created to administer
the endowment fund and advise the
trustees on funding programs for tile
Manila city government sponsors
social welfare conterenee
The Manila Department of Social We!fare and the Community Chest Foundation
will co-sponsor the "First Manila Conference on Urban Social Welfare" to be held
on Sept. 27 through 29.
The conference is expected to set the
pace for integrated thinking and planning
for urban social welfare in the face of rapid
urbanization of the densely populated
Manila Bay metropolis area.
About 200 participants who include
social welfare officials, public administrators, social workers, social work educators, and civic leaders are expected to discuss the scope, rationale, objectives, direction, programs, methods and problems of
urban social welfare.
pasp sambehavan condominium
ready for occupancy
The Sambahayan Condominiurm in
Mandaluyong, Rizal is now ready fon occupancy. The condominium is a low-cost
urban housing prototype of the Philippine
Business for Social Progress (PBSP) and the
Social Security System .lSSS),
About 358 families will be selected to
occupy the condominium by rnidvear,
1974. As of this date, over 100 applications for residence have been approved
out of more than 500 screened for processing.
The housing prototype seeks to reverse
the current trend in the Metro Manila
housing directions. It aims to house l'owincome workers inside the city near their
places of work instead of allowinq the
unnecessary sprawl of low-cost subdivisions
to the surrounding towns.
The PBSP housing staff will take charge
of educating the new residents on housing
management to preserve the value and
livability of a low-cost condominium, At the
same time, the staff will help mold the
residents into a cohesive community and
initiate business activities to help raise
family income.
The P8SP staff will also train the
residents for self-government until such
time as they are, read,! and willing to
assume the task needed to maintain the
improvement of the community.
Turn to next !f8f!e
22/PSSC Social Science Information
foundations directory
off the press
The Philippine Directory of Foundations, a project of the Association of
Foundations is off the press.
The Directory is a ready reference for
schools, libraries and other institutions
interested in establish ing contacts with
Foundations and keeping abreast with the
developments in Foundation services. The
directory details each of some 131 Philippine Foundations' addresses and telephone
numbers, dates of establishment; dates of
National Science Development Board certification for NSDB - certified Foundations, objectives and purposes, modes of
activities, fields of interest, financial data
regarding net assets and income and information on the internal orqanlzatlon of
the Foundation.
The directory costs P30 or US $6.50
(postpaid) a copy.
Interested parties may secure copies at:
Ang Tao Enterprises, R. Magsaysay Blvd.
cor. Santol Road, P.O. Box 2156 Manila or
at any of the more reputable bookstores in
UPLB, PCAR undertake
library service project
The University of the Philippines at Los
Banos' (UPLB) and the Philippine Council
for Agricultural Research (PCAR) are curtently undertaking a Scientific Literature
Service (SLS) project designed to facilitate
library work for agricultural researchers.
Considered a major arm of the PCAR
Information Storage and Retrieval System,
the SLS project was given further support
with the signing recently of a memorandum agreement "between the two institutions.
Chancellor Abelardo G Samonte signed
for UPLB while Director-General Joseph C.
Madamba represented PCAR as the proponent agency.
August 1974
The agreement formally authorizes the
SLS to use UPLB libraries and their existing facilities in the implementation of the
project aimed at serving the information
needs of agricultural researchers and endusers in both the government and private
CRC conducts corporate
planning cour.
The Center for Research and Communication will conduct a corporate planning
course from July 1974 to April 1975 to
acquaint the participants with the tools of
economic analysis as they apply to business
CRC's staff of economists which include
Jesus Estanislao, Bernardo Villegas, Miguel
Guerrero, Emil Antonio and Danilo Venida
will introduce the participants to Economics of a Nation, Economics of a Firm,
Economic Forecasting, Economics of an
Industry, Economics of Marketing, Economics of Finance and Economics of Production.
At the end of the course, the part]cipants are expected to present a fullblown corporate planning paper integrating
operational, strategic and project planning
as applied totheir respective corporate responsibilities.
SEA meet on IORC sponsored project
Mayors and other high-ranking officials
from six Southeast Asian countries met recently with other researchers and staff of
the UP Institute of Social Work and Community Development to discuss measures
to cope with the problems of the sidewalk
vendors, hawkers and peddlers.
Results of the two-year study were presented in a conference held last May 30 at
the Hyatt-Regency Hotel. Dr. Terry Mc-
Gee, urban geographer from the Australian
National University who coordinated the
study, led the researchers from the participating nations in presenting the findings.
The study on vendors, hawkers and
peddlers in Manila, Baguio, Jakarta, Bandung, Kuala Lumpur and· Malacca was
funded by the International Development
Research Centre (IDRC) of Canada.
, The research coodlnators from participating countries who presented their findings were: Prof. W. J. Waworoentoe and
T.B. Mohamad Rais, Jakarta and Ba-ndung;
Timothy Lam Tim Fook and Tan Hong
Chun, Kuala Lumpur and Malacca; and Dr.
Sylvia A. Guerrero and Dr. Jose L. Guerrero, Manila and Baguio.
The studies focused on the alarming increase in the number of vendors and hawkers in the cities which has contributed to
the worsening of traffic problems as well as
problems on welfare, health and sanitation.
Agricultural information bank
to be established at L.os Banos
Prospects are now briqht for th~esta­
blishment of the Agricultural Information
Bank of Asia (AIBAI.
AlBA has been envisioned to serve as
the Asian component of an international
agricultural information system based in
According to SEARCA Director Jose P.
Drilon, Jr., the primary function of the
Bank is to facilitate the organization,
storage, and exchange of significant agricultural information among institutions and
entities engaged in agricultural research in
the region.
Drilon said the project would be initially participated in by member countries of
the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education
Organization (SEAMEO) - Indonesia,
Malaysia, Thailand, South Vietnam, Laos,
Khmer Republic, Singapore and the Philippines.
Seminars, conferences, workshops
The Bureau of Private Schools sponsor-· the "Implications of the Hackenberg Reed a "SeminarlWorkshop on Moral Values
port" on poverty explosion on July 4 to 6,
and Attitudes" for deans of men and
One of
speakers was Mary
women, guidance counselors and other perHollnsteiner, Institute of Philippine Cu~
sons concerned. The seminar was held at
ture director, who gave a talk on relocation
the Sacred Heart Boys High School in Cebu
and resettlement as an urban strategy.
City on June 28-29, 1974.
Heads of civic and professional clubs, government
officials, businessmen, religious
The University of San Carlos Economics
groups and leaders of squatter areas attendDepartment held a lecture-forum on June
ed the seminar.
15; 1974. The guest speaker, Director-GenThe University of the East College of
eral Gerardo P. Sicat of the National Economic and Deyelopment Authority talked Arts and Sciences held recently a seminar
on "Major Economic Policies for Rapid
on Philippine literature. Lectures were deliEconomic Development."
vered by Armando Bonifacio who talked
The Coordinating Council of Organizations on "A Study of Philippine Literature: A
of Davao conducted a seminar-workshop on
Philosophical Framework"; Andres Cristo-
bal Cruz on "Social Content in Philippine
Literature"; Maximo Ramos on "Folklore
and Philippine Literature"; Samuel Tan on
"Muslim Literature"; M.F. Sionil on "The
Filipino Novel in English"; and Patricia
Cruz on "Daluyan ng Diwang Pilipino:
Isang Pagtaya."
The Eastern Regional Organ;·stion for
Public Administration (EROP/.j conducted
its Sixth Asian Foreign Service Course at
the Manila Hilton in early July. The sessions were held in collaboration with the'
German Foundation for International De·,
velopment (Berlin) and the Japanese gov-,
PSSC Social Science Information
August 1974/23
Information section
Social sciences / humanities research centers
(Continued from last issue)
Full Name
Aquinas University Research Bureau
Current Head
Teresita G. Rementeria
Aquinas University
Legaspi City
Ateneo de Zarnboanqa Social Research
Restitute D. Banico
Ateneo de Zamboanga
Zamboanga City
Divine Word College Research Division
Fr. John McSherry, SVD
Divine Word College of San Jose
Occidental Mindoro
Philippine Center for Advanced
Ruben Santos-Cuyugan
Rm. 207, Palma Hell
Dillman, Quezon City
Population center Foundation
Conrado L. Lorenzo
Fort Bonifacio
South Superhighway
Philippine Center for Economic
Gerardo Sicat
UP School of Economics
Diliman, Quezon City
Palawan Teachers College Research Center
Victoria Timbancaya
Palawan Teachers College
Puerto Pr incesa
UP At Baguio Center for Research
Trinidad D. Abiad
UP at Baguio
Baguio City
Fellowship grantees
Entry format.
Grantee. Nature of grant. Place. Date. Grantor.
Ma Ligaya Abe/eda. Ph. D. in Political
Science. Lhiversity of Denver. July 1, 1973 _
Dec. 31, 1974. Japan Foundation.
Rachel/e Agustin. Course on Local Government. Local Autonomy College. Tokyo, Japan.
March 3 - June 3, 1974. Colombo Plan.
-, --Rupel'tO--A-Ionzo. Ph. D. in Economics. University of Chicago. Sept. 22, 1969 - June 30,
1974. Rockefeller Foundation,
Femila Atmosfera. MA in Demography. UP
Population Institute. First semester, 1974-75.
Ford Foundation.
Ade/a Cano. M. A. in Demography. UP Population Institute. First semester, 1974 -'- 75. Ford
'Lourdes Carafe. Diploma Course in, Educational Psychology. Australia. February 27, 1974
- February 26, 1975. Colombo Plan.
Horner Chen, Jr. M. A. in Demography. UP
Population Institute. First semester, 1974 1975. Ford Foundation.
Elizaberh Espino. M. S. Agricultural Economics. UP Los Banos. First, semester, 1974.75.
Philippine Council for Agricultural Research.,
Ernesto Esroesta. M. A. in Demography. UP
Population Institute. First semester, 1974-75.
Ford Foundation.
Melinda' Feliciano. M.S. Statistics. UP Los
Banos. First semester, 1974-75. Philippine
council for Agricultural Research.
Tiro Co Firmallno. Special Program in Urban
Development Planning. School of Environmental
Studies. University College, London, Aprll t-June
30,1974. Colombo Plan.
Mariano Gino. Course in Urban Surveys. N:i.
therlands, December 3, 1973-July 1, 1974. Bilateral agreement;
Jennifer Liguton. Fellowship on Qlveloprnant, Cambridge University, United Kingdom.
One academic year starting September 1974.
Esreban Magannon. Graduate work in Malay
language. Ui'liversity of Malaya. May 1, 1972 April 30,1974.
Virginia Mag/angit. Graduate Training Award.
centro Escolar Lhiversity. January-August 1974.
Ford Foundation.
Eduardo Marzan. M. S. Agricultural Economics. UP,Los Balios. First semester, 1974.75.
Philippine Council for Agricultural Research.
Ofelia Mendoza. M. A. in Demography. UP
Population Institute. First semester, 1974-75.
Ford Foundation.
Margarer Monreban. M. A. in Demography.
UP Population Institute. First semester, 1974-75.
Ford Foundation.
Luisa Nartatez. M. A. in Demography. UP
Population Institute. First semester, 1974-75.
Ford Foundation.
Mario Nieves. Ph. D. in Public Administration.
Northern Illinois Lhiversity Aug. 1, 1973 - July
31,1974. Graduate Assistantship.
Elias T. Ramos. Ph. D. (lndustrlal Relations)
dissertation. U1iversity of Wisconsin. 1974-75.
Foreign Area Program, Sociai Science Research
Estrella Solidum. Exchange Program Award
and observation visit. Korea, Japan and Republic of China. At:lri17, 1974 and May 30, 1974.
Helen Sotis: M. A. in Demography. UP
Population Institute. First semester, 1974-75.
Ford Foundation.
Benwardo Umila. MA. in Development Education. Stanford University. Sept. 17, 1973 _
Aug. 31,1974. SIDEC.
Josefina Valera. M.A. in -Damoqraphv, UP
Population Institute. First semester, 1974-75.
Ford Foundation.
CorazonJ. Veneracion. Diploma Course in
Social Development. Coady International lnstitute, Francis Xavier University. May 3 - December 10, 1974; Coady International Institute.
Leila C. Vicente. Research Development and
Training in Family Planninq Communication.
United States. February 25 - May 24, 1 974.
Ricardo, Yuhico. M.A. in Anthropology. University of San Carlos Office of Population
Studies. First semester, 1974-75. University of
San Carlos.
Antonieta Zablan. M. A. in Anthropology.
University of San Carlos Office of Population
Studies. 1973-74. Lhiversity of San Carlos.
Research projects
Current researches and projects contemplated,
on901ng and completed for the period April to
June 1974.
Entry format: Title of research/project; Project director. Home institution. Status of project.
Source of funding.
Status of research/project:
Contemplated - formal proposal drawn
Ongoing - from preparatory activities. after
proposal is approved to ine stage before completion of final write-up
Completed - final write-up accomplished.
Bibliography qf /goror Anthropology. Adrrel O.
Meimban and Estrellita Pena, researchers,
Completed but not printed due to lack of
The Mamanwas of Agusan: Ail Ethnographic
Study. Eladio Pro Anino. CEUGS. New revision.
August 1914
24/PSSC Social Science Information
Philippine Trade with Japan and the U.s. Romeo
Bautista. UPSE.Ongoing. RF.
An Exploration of the Cultural ValYes of Two
Agricultural Communities of Reading Ma~
rials and Radio Programs. UP CF. Ongoing.
An Exploratory Study on Family Planning communication. RU/PD, Popcorn, Completed.
Comparative Effectiveness of Two Communication Strategies on Family Pla'nning KAP
Among Rural Workers in Laguna. Jose C.
Gatchalian, Jr.
UPALEC. Ongoing. M.A.
Instant Family Planning
Fe del
Mundo. IMCH. Contemplated. ICARP.
Demographic Effects and Complications of IUD
I nsertions in the Immediate Post-A bo rta I
Period. Solina Rosales-Iglesias. UPPI. On-
going. ICARP.
Determinants of Gegree of Labor I.tilization.
Peter C. Smith and Uta J. Domingo. Ongoing.
Knowledge, Attitude and Practice in Family Planning of Trade Union Welfare and Education
Officers in the Philippines. Marie Aganon. lP
Sectoral Employment Projections from a MacroModel with an input-Output Structure. Jose
Encarnacion, Jr. UPSE. Ongoing. CAMS.
Taxation Government Expenditures and Income
DistrU,ution. Edita Tan. UPSE. Ongoing. ILO.
The Feasibility of Agribusiness in Negros Occidental. Betty C. Abregana and Marilou de la
The Impact of Export Incentives and ExportRelated Policies on the Firms of Less D~
vetoped Countries. Gonzalo M. Jurado. UPSE.
Ongoing. UM.
James F. Phillips. Completed. ICARP.
Paramedic Pill Prescription Study. Mercedes B.
Concepcion. UPPI. Ongoing. ICARP.
Paramedic Prescription Study: Camarines Sur,
Camarines Norte, Albay and Sorsogon. Flora
B. Bayan and James F. Phillips. Ongoing.
Philippines: The POPCOM Motivators' Experiment James Phillips and Aurora Montano.
Development of Vocational Skills.
Edita Tan.
UPSE. Ongoing. RF.
History of
vey of
the University of Santo Tomas: Surthe University from the Educational
of 1865 to the American Occu-
Pablo Fernandez, O.P.AU. Ongoing.
IPCI PSSC on National Development Gloria A••
Effects of Inflation on the Distribution of Income and Wealth. Mahar Mangahas. UPSE.
Ongoing. RF.
Employment and Job Skills Picture of Baco/(Jd
City. Betty C. Abregana and Ma. Lourdes C.
Barredo. LSCSRC. Ongoing. LSCSRC/PSSC.
Foreign Trade and Philippine Economic Development, 1850 - 1965. Amado A. Castro. UPSE.
Occupational Prestige in Negros OccidentaL
A Critical Survey on Source Materials on Cebu
History. Balla Albos. Ongoing. USC.
Political Obstacles and Policy Consequences Df
Philippine Land Reform, 1954 - 1974. David
Wurfel. IPC. Ongoing.
Study of Land Reform and Agricultural Development in Nueva Ecija. Virginia' A. Miralao
IPC. Ongoing.
Income Distribution in the Philippines: Employed vs. Self-Employed. Jose Encarnacion, Jr.
UPSE. Ongoing. ILO.
Industrial Capital Utilization in the Phitippjnes.
Romeo Bautista.. UPSE. Ongoing. NEDA.
Market Concentration in Philippine Manufacturing in the 1960'£ Charles W. Lindsey
III. IPC. Ongoing.
Leticia de la Rama. UNO- R. Completed.
Development Study. Fernandino C. Yasav, IPC. Ongoing.
Priorities for Social Action in Barrio Mangagoy,
Bislig, Surigao del Sur. Renato A. Ocampo,
S.J. IPC. Completed.
Survey of Past Participants to the Residential
Labor Leadership Institute. Julie
Completed. February 1974. UP ALEC.
The General Labor Situation in Baguio Cit y
(1966 data). Marie E. Aganon. On qo i n g.
The Social World of the Hostesses.' A CaseStudy.
Ongoing. USC.
A Retrospective Study of the Philippine Normal
College Language Program, 1965 - 1973.
Gonzalo Lachica and Persia -Sleat, Ongoing.
Who's Who in
Labor. Juline R.
Dulnuan and Angeline B. Sugpatan. Ongoing.
Susan Lopez-Nerney. IPC. Ongoing. Bonifacio
Sibayan and Ford Foundation.
Historical Studies in Cebuano Dialect Eugene
Verstraelen, SVD. Ongoing. USC.
/fugao-English Dictionary. Francis H; Lambrecht.
Ongoing. ICRS.
Ka/inga-English-Kalinga Dictionary.' F.H.
brecht, director. EStrellita I. Pena, researcher.
Ongoing. Personalfunds,
Tagalog-Dictionary: On Historicel Principlas.
Pablo Fernandez, O.P. AU. Contemplated.
Comparative Study of Regional Cooperatien'
Under Functionet Groups and Inter-Governmental Groups in Southeast Asia. Estrella
Solidum. UPDPS. Completed.SEADAG.Study on
Technocrats in
ReoolrBt ~~8e<aJ1cE©1n$
Entry format: Title. Author/Editor."Type. Where
Published (if it is an article!. Vol. no. Date.,
Page no. Home institution. Price. Where·avail.
able. Publisher.
Ongoing. RF.
Human Resources in Asian Economic Development Harry Oshima. UPSE. Ongoing. RF.
Mary Hollnsteiner. IPC. Ongoing.
Fernandez. Ongoing. PSSC/IPC.
An Extensive Contrastive Study Between Cebuano and English. EiJgene Verstraelen, SVD
Ongoing RF.
Ramos. Ph.D. dissertation. University of Wisconsin-Madison.. Ongoing. For~ign Area Program. SSRC.
Intergenerational Mobility in a City Barrio. Bi
Chin uv, UNO~. Ongoing.
Internal Migration. Harry Oshima. UPSE; Ongoing. CAMS.
going. C E U G S . "
A Survey on Capital Formation in Agriculture in
the Philippines. BAEcon and DANR. On-
Diffusion of Planners' Norms: Land Reform
Under Martial Law. Richard Burcroff, UPSE.
AF- Tokyo.
Historical Trends in the Scope and Quality of
Collective Bargaining Provisions as Major
Mechanisms in Industrial Relations in the
Philippines. Julie Q. Casel, Ongoing. UP
Introductory Sociology-Anthropology Tex-tbook.
UPSE. Ongoing. RF.
A Study on the Urbanization, Poverty and Population Policy. Ma. Elena Lopez. IP,C. Ongoing.
The Cultural Context of Education Among the
Bontocs: A Case Study. Kate Botengan. On-
Capital Uilization in Government "Favored"
Export-Oriented Farms. Benjamin Diokno.
A Study of the Voluntary Agency's Role in the
Economic Development of the Urb~n Slums
in the Philippines. Kaa Friedenwald. IPC.
UPPI. Completed. Popcorn,
going. PCAR.
Industrial Relations in the Philippines. Elias T.
ALEC. Completed.
Lippe's Loop-Copper T. Comparative Study.
Tile Role of Bureeucrets, in National Development Eva M. D. Ventura. UPDPS. Ongoing.
the Government
UPDPS. Contemplated. IDRC.
Biblical Anthropology.
Basilio P. Balajadia. Paper. 1974. 95' pp.
DLSC TDC. P8.50. DLSC bookstore.,
"A Survey of Landed Property Concepts and
Practices Among the Marginal Agriculturists
of the Philippines." Marcelino Maceda. Article. Philippine Quarterly of Culture and,
Society. Vol. 2, Nos. 1-2. March-June 1974.
Pp. 5-20. USC.
Kaliriga Ullalim 1/ Francis H Lambrecht.
Book. 1974. 286 pp. ICRS. P28.0o. St.
Francis Xavier Seminary Baguio City.
Manuvu Social Organization. E. Arsenio Manuel.
Book. 424 pp. 1973. UP CDRC.
August 1975V25
PSSC Social Science Information
"Notes on the Beliefs and Practices of Contemporary Negritoes and the Extent of their Integration with the Lowland Christians in Southern Negros." Rowe Cadeliiia. Article. Philippine Quarterly of Culture and Society. Vol. 2,
Nos. 1-2. March-June 1974. Pp, 47-60. USC
"Salvage Excavation in Southern Luzon, Philippines: A Summary." Rosa Tenazas. Article.
Philippine Quarterly of Culture and Society.
Vol. 1, No.2. June 1973. Pp. 132-136. USC.
Studies in PHilippine Economic-Demographic Relations. M.B. Concepcion, R. M. Bautista, J.
Encarnacion, Jr., M. Mangahas, V.B. Paqueo,
P.C. Smith. Book. ERA I and IEDR. UPSE.
1974. '
'rhe Population Problems in the Philippines: Up·
to-Date Facts and Figures. Wilhelm Flieger,
Social Relations in a Phl7ippine Market: Sett-lt»
William G Davis.
terest and subjectivity,
Cavalry of Resistance. Cesario Golez. Book.
Publishing Company.
Pangasinan, 1572-1800. Rosario M. Cortes, Book.
UP Press. 1974.
,"The Legend of Lapulapu: An Introduction,"
Heidi Gloria. Article. Philippine Quarterly of
Culture and Society. Vol. I, No.3. September
1973. PI'. 200-206. USC.
Theorie. and Politics of Developmental Change.
Aurelio B. Calderon. Book. DLSC. 1974.
Movement: /880-1895. John
Schumacher. Book. 1973. 302 pp, Solidaridad
Publishing House.
The "Propaganda
"Causes ot Unemployment of Educated Labor."
Edita Tan. Article, Philippine Economic Journal. UPSE.
Introductory Microeconomics. Rolando Galano
and Efren Bordador, eds. Paper. 1974. 158
pp. DLSC TDC. P11. DLSC bookstore.
"Employment Effect of Currency Overvaluation:
A Preliminary Note on the Philippines." Gonzalo M. Jurado and Romeo Bautista. Article.
Economic Bulletin for Asia and the Far East.
Vol. XXIII, No.2. UPSE.
Papers and Proceedings of the Workshop on Manpower and Human Resources. PEJ special is-
sue.IEDR, NEDA and AF.
Rice Economy of the Philippines. Leon Mears,
al. Book. 1974.UPSE. oc. UP.
"Some Exercises with the National Economic
Council Input-output Tables." Jose Encarnacion, Jr. and 'G.M. Jurado. Article. NEDA
Journal 'Of Economic Development Vol. 1,
No.1. 1st semester, 1974. Pp. 55 - 79. NEDA.
Gu idel ines for Preparation and Submission of Research Proposals. Nestor Bondad. PCAR.
"New 'Perspectives in Education." Paolomaria
Vetter, S. Sp. S. Article. University Bulletin.
NSDB, FLWP and NRC. P19.95 paper, 1?28.
The Social World of the Tausug. Juanito A. Bruno. BOok. CEURDC. P15 paper, P20. cloth.
Unpublished papers
Entry Format: Title. Author/Researcher. Tvpe,
Page No. Home Institution. Funding Institution. Where Presented. Date.
ference on International Migration from the
Philippines, EWC, Hawaii. June 1974.
Population: The New News Beat. M.·B. Concepcion. Paper. Asian Science Writers Seminar.
The Philippine Population: 1985. Mercedes B.
Co nce'pcion. Paper. UPPI. Asian Science
"Writers Seminar.
"Government Housing as an Instrument of
National Policy:' Southeast Asian Low-Cost
Housing Study: Philippines. Loretta M. Sleet,
Monograph. DAP First National Conference
on Housing, 1973. NEDA.
"I ndicators of Political Opportunity and Political
Welfare." Workshop on Statistical Methods
for SocIal Indicators. Elsa P. Jurado. Paper.
DAP Social Indicators Project Workshop,
April 1974.
The Organic Hierarchical Paradigm and Politics in
the Philippines. Remegio E. Agpalo. Mono-
graph (Professorial Chair Lecture Series).
1973.45 PI>- UPDPS. UP Press.
The Political Elite and the People: A Study of
Politics in Occidental Mindoro. Remigio E.
Agpalo. Book. 414. pp. UP.
Towards a Southeast Asian Community. Estrella
D. Solidum. Book. UPDPS. 1974. UP Press.
United State:rPhilipplne Cooperation and Cross
Purposes: Philippine Post-War Recovery and
Reform. Mamerto S. Ventura. Book. 306 pp..
UPDPS. ac: Filipiniana Publications.
UPDP Series in Measurement l.ucita l.azo and
letter. Bi-monthly. 8 - 16 pp. PO.50. ALEC.
The Filipino Family in ·lts Rural and Urban
orientation. Paz P. Mendez. Book. CEURDC,
Diksyunaryo ng Wikang Pilipino. Ponciano B.
Foundation Directory. Narzalina Lim, ed. Ass F.
A Demographic Overview of Outmigtation from
the Philippines. Peter C. Smith. Paper. Con-
ALEC Report Andres I. Fernandez, ed. News-
1973. 315 PP. Berkeley: University of
fornia Press.
Pineda. 1974. INl..
"Linguistics and Philippine Prehistory:' Eugene
Verstraelen, SVD. Article. Philippine Quarter"A Government Sub-Model of the Philippine "
ly of Culture and Society. Vol. 1, I\b. 3. Pp.
Economy, 1955 - 1969." Gonzalo M. Jurado
167-174. 'September 1973. USC.
and Jose Encarnacion, Jr. Article. Philippine
Some Elementary Data on the Maranaw l.angEconomic Journal. 2nd semester, 1972.
uage:' E. Verstraelen, SVD. Article. Philippine'Quarterly of Culture and Society. Vol.2,
"An Economic-Demographic Model of the Philip·
Nos. 1-2. Pp. 72-a0. March"une 1974. USC.
pines." Agustin Kintanar, et al. Article.
Studies in Philippine Economic-Demographic
Relationship. 1974. Pp. 50-117 . UP I EDR.
Human Settlements Glossary. Carlos Fernandez,
et, al, Book. 1974. PTFHS. P50. TFO, Matim'lias Building, Espaiia Ext., ac.
Man, the Modern Tradition. Josephine A. Mockon.
Paper. 1974. 161 pp, Dl.SC TDC. P12~O.
DLSC bookstore.
Slum as a Way of Life. F. Landa Jocano. Book.
UPDA. 1974. UP Press.
Filipino Nationalism: 1872-1970. Teodoro A.
Agoncillo, Book. 427 pp, ac; R.P. Garcia
"Emerging Issues in Population Policy and Pop
ulation Program Assistance." Mercedes B.
Concepcion. Paper. Working Papers: Third
Bellagio Conference on Population: UPPI.
June 1974.
"Philippines." M.B. Cor1cepcion. Article. Studies
in Family Planning. Vol. 5. No.5. May 1974.
"A Map of the Bettllr-Known Cultural Minorities
of the Philippines." Rosa Tenazas and Leonisa
Ramas. Article. Philippine Quarterly of Culture and Society. Vol. 2, Nos. 1,-2. March June 1974. USC.
1974. MI.
Vol. 17, No. 13. Page 3. March-April 1974.
Daisy Carlota, ads. UPDP.1974. 36 pp. UPDP
Room 3101.
Philippine Local Government: Issues, Problems,
Prospects. Raul de Glzman and Proserpina
Domlnqo-Tapalee, ads. Book. UPCPA.
The National Population Problem and World Population Year, 1974. M.B. Concepcion. Paper.
Rotary World Population Year Meeting. April
Comment on EconomiC Life in Asia. Gonzala M.
Jurado. Paper. UPSE. BiShops Institute, of
Social Action Workshop. March 1974.
Fertility and Labor Force Participation: Philippines 1968. Jose Encarnacion Jr. I ~DR Dis-
cussion Paper 73-B. August 1973.
Focus on Collective Bargaining, Occasional Paper
No. 2. ALEC Library and Research Staff.
On Measuring the Relative Contributions of'Several Classificatory Variables in the Explanation of a Dependent Variable. Jose Encar-
nacion. IEDR Discussion Paper 73-B. August
1973. UPSE.
Philippine Consumption Patterns. Edita A. Tan.
Report I LO, Geneva.
Population Growth and Collective Bargaining.
Jose C. Gatchalian. Paper. ALEC. National SeminarlWorkShop on Population Education for
Trade Union' Welfare and Education Officers.
December 1973.
. Setting Up aWorkers' Education Program on Population. Benito C. Gonzales. Paper. National
SeminarlWorkshop on Population Education
for Trade Union Welfare and Education Of•.
ficers. December 1973,
The Rationale and Strategy for the Inclusion of
Population Education in Workers' Education.
Manuel A. Dla, Paper. ALEC. National Seminar/Workshop on Population Education for
Turn to ne;t page "
26/PSSC Social Science Information
Trade Union Welfare and Education Ofncers,
December 1973.
Trends in Labor Education. Occasional Paper No.
1. ALEC Library and Research Staff. ALEC.
Legai Framework for Philippine Policies and
Programs. Paper. ALEC. National Seminar!
Workshop on Population Education for Trade
Union Welfare and Education Officers. December 1973.
The Media of Political Socialization. Philippine
Journal of Communications Studies. Loretta
M. Sicat. Article. UPDPS.
The Filipino Youth Look at Politics in the "Old
Society". Philippine Journal of Public Administration. Loretta M. Sicat, Article. UPDPS.
Translating PerSlJnality Inventories.
Lazo. Paper. SSHRC - NSDB. Annual Convention. PAP. 1974.
August 1974
A Study of Drug Dependents at the National
Bureau of Investigation Drug Abuse and Rehabilitation Center (1971-1972J. Cecilia M.
Datuin. Thesis. CEUGS. 1974.
Buhi: A Lake Town In Bicol. Nenita Madara.
Thesis. CEUGS. 1974.
Community and School: A CaseStudy Of Culture
and Education in a Tagalog Village. Salvacion
B. Matela. Thesis. CEUGS. 1974.
Family Values of Masbateifos as Reflected in
their Pro v e r b s. Concepcion V. Espeleta.
Thesis. CEUGS. 1974.
. From Political Unionism to Economic Unionism:
The Philippine Labor Movement as a Case
Study. Elias T. Ramos. M. A. Thesis. UWM
tnerero Negrito: A Case Study -ln Education and
Culture. Ernesto A. Cosme. Thesis. CEUGS.
Participation of Trade Unions in the Formulation
of National Population Policies. Augusto P.
Mercado. Paper. ALEC. National' Seminar!
Workshop on Population Education for Trade
Union Welfare and Education Officers. December 1973.
Socio-Politicallssues in Agrarian Reform. Loretta
M. Slcat. Lecture Paper. Seminar 'on Agrarian
Reform tor College and University Instructors
in the Greater Manila Area. March 28, 1974.
The Effects of Gainful Employment on Home'
Life: A Study of Working Mothers in. Cebu
City. Concepcion I baflez. Thesis. CEUGS.
The Filipino Social Scientist and Rural Development. Gelia T. Castillo. Paper. UPLB. 1974.
The Home and Family Background of Selected
Married Women Teechers in me Public Elementary Schools of Naga City. Lina B. Anter.o.
CEUGS. 1974.
The Young Widowed "Mothers of Malabon_ Marcela A. Quijano. Thesis. CEUGS 1974.
Association of Colleges and Universities in the
Asia Foundation
Agency for International Development
Asian labor Education Center
Association of Foundations
Bureau of Agricultural Economics
Council for Asian Manpower Studies
Community O:lvelopment Research Council'
Centro Escolar University Graduate School
CEU Research Development Center
Department of AgriCUlture and Natural Resources
Development Academy of the Philippines
De La Salle College Textbook O:lvelopment
Economic Research Associates, Inc.
East-West Center
Family Life Workshop of the Philippines
International Committee for Applied Research-in
Igorot Culture Research Studies
International Development Research Center
Institute of Economic Development and Research
International Labor Organization
Institute of Maternal and Child Health
Institute of National Language
Institute of Southeast Asian Studies
La Salle College Social Research Center.
(Bacolod City)
Museo Iloilo
National Economic Council
National Economic and Development Authority
The dialogue between...
From page 6
times the policy maker uses research the
way a drunkard uses a lamp post, for
support rather-than for illumination."
1. Arturo A. Gomez, "Introduction and IIlJo
pact of Multiple Cropping in Selected Communities in the Philippines," (Paper prepared for a
Seminar on Multiple Cropping Diversification in
Taiwan and Its Relevance to Southeast Asian
Countries) held in Taiwan, Oct. 29 to !\bv. 4,
2. G. 1'. Castillo, "Man With Many Faces: The
Researcher in a Program of Planned Change,"
A!D/C Paper No.1, April 1964, Agricultural
Development Council, Inc. N. Y. and "Research
and the Action Program" (Paper on Survey
Research Methodology), The Agricultural Development Council, Singapore
and New York.
Dec. 1972.
National Research Council
National Science Development Board
Psychological Association of the Philippines
Philippine Council for Agricultural Research .
Planning Division
l1Pilippine Economic Journal
Commission on Population
Philippine Social Science Councll
Presidential Task Force on Human Settlement
Rockefeller Foundation
Research Unit
.Southeast Asia Development Advisory Group
Social Communications Center Research
and Development Foundation
Social Science and Humanities Research Center
Social Science Research Council
Task Force Office
University of Michigan
University of'Negros Occidental-Recoletos
UNO·R Institute of R~search
University of thePhilippinesAsian Center
UP College of Forestry
UP Department of Psychology
UP Department of Political Science
UP I nstituta of Mass Communication.
UP Law center •...•
UP Population Institute
UP ~chool of Economics
United States Agency for International
University of San Carlos.
University of Wiscons'in - Madison
3. This illustration was stimulated by. a
discussion with Federico Cruz, farm management
technician of the UP at los Banos -' Southeast
Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and
Research in Agriculture (UPLB-SEARCAI Social
Laboratory at Pila, Laguna, December 19, 1973.
4. C. Crisostomo and R. Barker "Growth in
Philippine Agricultural and Rice Productivltv:
The Impact of the HYVs", Saturday Seminar,
/',gricultural Economics Department, IRRl, November 27,1971
August 19i14/27
PSSC Social Science Information
Social scientists on the move
Juan F. Jamias, associate professor at
the . UP Department .of Development
Communication returned recently after a
year's stay at the Asian Mass Communication and Research Information Center
(AMIC) in Singapore. He served is senior
programme specialist of AMIC.
Teresita S. Palacios, assistant professor
at the UP Institute of Social Work and
Community Development, participated in a
joint session of the Joint Committee of
Southeast Asia and Japan Study Groups of
the Cultural Relations for the Future. This
was held in -Kanezewa, Japan from June
4-14, 197.4.
Amelia Vareia, management specialist at
the UP College of Public Administration,
arrived recently from Kuala Lumpur after
attending a meeting to discuss the implementation systems for family planning.
Sponsored by Asian Center for Development Administration (ACDA), the meeting
lasted from May 19-23, 1974.
kok iii early August wnere he will partlcipate in the UNESCO Regional Workshop
to be held from August 18 - 27, 1974.
F. Landa Jocano will read a paper at the
Population Conference on Ethical Issues in
Population Programs in Bucharest, Rumania come August 13-24, 1974. The conference will be sponsored by the Population
Council in New York.
Three members of the UP Institute of
Social Work and Community ~velopment
left recently for Nairobi, Kenya to attend
t he X V 11th International Congress of
Schools of Social Work and Expert Group
on Social Work Education and Family
Planning. They are: Flora Celi Lansang,
Thelma Lee Mendoza and Esther Viloria.
The Congress is being sponsored by the Inter nat ional Association of Schools of
Social Work Inc. (IASSW).
Kenneth E. Bauzon political science
graduate student, Up, left June 1 to pursue'
an MA in History at Duke University. A
recipient of a fellowship grant from Duke
University, he intends to pursue a Ph. D. in
Political Science later on.
Benjamin Carino of the National De.
velopment Research Center was among
those who convened in the .Cooperative
Regional Development Project held in
Despansar, Bali. It was sponsored by the
International Development Research
Center (IDRC) of Ottawa on May 19 to 26.
Ponciano L. Bennagen of the UP Department of Anthropology attended a joint
session on Cultural relations between Japan
and Southeast Asia held in Japan on June 4
to 14.
Peter C. Smith of the UP Population
Institute attended the conference on International Migration from the Philippines
held at the East-West Center, University of
Hawaii from June 10-14, 1974. Other
delegates from the Philippines in the same
conference were: Josefina Cortes, Carlos
Fernandez, F; Landa Jocano and Cristina
Bany Popkin is scheduled to arrive in
October at the UP School of Economics
where he will serve as Visiting Assistant
Professor. His main research interest is the
economics of health and nutrition.
Karina C. David, instructor at the UP
Department of Sociology left recently for
Hawall where she will participate in the International Conference on Popular Culture
Heroes on July 6·August 6, 1974 sponsored by the Communication Institute of the
East-West Center.
Eliseo A. de Guzman of the UP Population Institute will be leaving for Bang·
Bienvenido A. Tan, Jr. was appointed
Executive Director of the Philippine
Business for Social Progress (PBSP) by its
Board of Trustees effective May 11, 1974.
He succeeds Ma;'uel Ylanan who served as
PBSP's executive director for three years.
Marcelo O'ense was appointed assistant
executivedirector of the Bureau of the
Census and Statistics. He was formerly
president of the Philippine Statistical
Estela Astilla is the neliv chairman of the
Psychology department of the University
.of San Carlos.
The UP Board of Regents approved recently the appointment of three new directors and the filling up of 21 professorial
chairs in the various UP units. Among
those appointed to the various professorial
chairs were: Rodolfo A. BiJlatao as assistant professor of sociology ; Ernesto A. Constantino, professor of linguistics; and'
Obdulia F. Slson, UPLB professor of agricultural education.
The Association of Foundations held its;
annual election of officers recently. Elect..
ed were: Chairman - Bienvenido Tan, Jr.
of the Tan Foundations; Secretary -Ignacio Bunye, Filipinas Foundation; Treasurer
- 'Narzalina Lim,' and Board Members Teresita Silva (Philippine Business for
Social Progress), Narzalina Lim (Ala-Ala
Foundation), Antonio Henson (Filipinas
Foundation), Cesar Sarino (Ecomomic
Development Foundation), Bienvenido
Tan, Jr. (Tan Foundation), Antonio Infante
(Tahanan Foundation), Manuel P. Manahan
(Philippine' Rural Reconstruction Movement) Dennis G. Teves (Philippine Social
Science Council) Mauro Garcia, (Jorge
Vargas Filipiniana Foundation); and Ernes·
to Aboitiz (Davao Development Corporation).
Jovino S. Lorenzo was designated chief
executive officer of the University oft-the
East by the UE board of trustees upon recommendation of Board Chairman Francisco Dalupan who begged off from' occupying the position for reasons of his advanced age.oThe designation was made necessary by a recent amendment in the UE
by-laws which transferred the general
powers of supervision from the university
president to the board chairman. Unden the
new set-up, the board chairman serves as
chief executive officer and the president as
chief academic officer. Lorenzo is vice.
chairman of the UE board of trustees.
.Dionisio C. Tiongco was inaugurated
fourth president of the Centro Escolar Wniversity on May 4, 1974. He served as treasurer of the universltv prlor to his naw
Tito Mijares, director of the Bureau ot
the" Census and Statistics was appointed
assistant director-general for statistics at
the National Economic and Development
Hector _Navata, O.P., coordinator of
student personnel services at the Aquinas
University was promoted to Vice President
of Student Personnel Serv ices effect i ve
June 1, 1974.
Orlando Aceron, O.P. and Miguel Dino,
O.P. are now the Vice President for Administration and Bursar and Vice. President
and Provost of Academic Affairs respectively of Aquinas University effective June
Rafael A. Esmundo was formally installed executive director of the Commissi:on
on Population (Popcom) on July 3, 19174.
He replaced Conrado LI. Lorenzo, Jr. who
assumed the position of executive director
of the Population Center Foundation.
2s/PSSC Soci~1 Science Information
August 1'974
From page 3
The Southeast Asia Population Research Awards Program
The International Development Research Cer...
tre and the Ford Foundation announce the estab-
lishment ofa joint program to stimulate and encourage Asian. social scientists to undertake research projects in population and to develop their
research skills. Particular emphasis will be placed
on attracting young faculty members in provincial universities, graduate students, and staff
members in appropriate fields in governmental
and other organizations. The Program is open to
nationals of the following countries: Burma, Indonesia, Khmer Republic, Laos, Malaysia, Philippines, SingalJore, Thailand and Vietnam.
Research areas
Th_e range of the research areas to be covered
will. be broad including a wide variety of research
problems relating to population, excluding reproductive biology. Some examples of research areas
that could fall within the general focus of the
Program are:
• Cultural. social, structural, personality and
ecological factors implicated in population cornRepublic of the
Department of Public
Works and Communications,
Buteau of Posts,
Required by Act 2580
The undersigned, Rebecca T. Ducusin, Managing Editor, Social Science Information,
pubtlsh ed quarterly in English at 53-C A.
Roces Ave., Quezon City, after having been
duly sworn in accordance with law, hereby
submits the following statement of ownership, management, and circulation, which is
required by Act 2580, as amended by Commonwealth Act 201 :
Editor: Dennis G. Teves, of P.O. Box 655
Gr'eerth ilts, Rizal
Managing editor: Rebecca T. Ducusin of P.O.
Box 655 Greenhills, Rizal
Business Manager: Oscar Clemente of P. 0
Box 655 Greenhills, Rizal
Owner: Philippine Social Science Council of
P.O. Box 655. Greenhills, Rizal
Publisher: Philippine Social Science Council
of P.O. Box 655 Greenhills. Rizal
Printer: i<;alayaan Press, MUeile de la Industria, Binondo, Manila
Office of publication: 53-C A. Roces Ave.,
Quezon City
Number of copies printed and circulated of
the last issue dated January 1974:
Sent to paid SUbscribers, 520; sent to other.
than paid subscribers, 480; total, 1,000,
Signed: Rebecca T. Ducusin, Managing Editor
Social Science Information
Subscribed and SWorn to before me this third
day of April 1974 at Manila, the affiant exh ibiting Residence Certificate A-9839023,
issued at Manila on March 15,1974.
Signed: Pedro C. Tugaoen
Postal Inspector
Note: This form is exempt from the payment
. of the documentary stamp tax.
Entered as second class mail matter on April
3. 1974.
position, distribution, growth and change.
• Determinants and related factors in fertility
trends; factors contributing to or related to fertility regulation and family planning programs;
familial, psychological, social, political and eco.nomlc effects of family planning. and contra, ception.
• Antecedents, processes and consequences
(demographic, social, psychological, political,
economic) of population structure, distribution
and change.
• Family structure, sexual behaviour and the
relationship between child-bearing patterns and
child development.
• Inter-relations between population variables
and the process of social and economic development (housing, education, health, quality of the
environment, etc).
• Population policy, including the interaction
of population variables and economic policies,
policy implications of population distribution
and movement with reference to both urban and
rural settings and the interaction of population
variables and law.
• Evaluation of on-going population education programs and/or development ,of knowledgebased population education program.
• Incentive schemes - infrastructures, opportunities; overall economic and social development
Date of applications
Research proposals may be submitted at any
time. Awards will be announced every January 2
and July 1. Applications must reach IDRC, Singapore, by September 15 '(for the January 2
,awards) and March 15 (for the July 1 awards),
However for the Januarv 2, 1975 awards, applications may be submitted up to November 15,
1974. Application forms and further information
may be obtained from:
International Development
Research Centre'
Tanglin, P.O. Box 101
Singapore 10
Ford Foundation's Southeast Asia Fellowship Program
The Ford Foundation Southeast Asia Fellowship Program, now in its-sixth year, provides
three basic types of awards:
Graduate Training Fellowship, essentially designed for junior faculty at Southeast Asian universities;
Research and Teaching Fellowships for Southeast Asians to support research projects and exchange professorships; ana
Research Fellowships for specialists on the reo
gion coming from elsewhere in the world.
In ge.neral, the Southeast Asia' Fellowship Program aims at the development and utilization of
the social science and humanities for the better
understand ing of the region's historical and contemporary social sciences and humanities and the
contarnporarv social -and cultural systems.
Two recent changes' of particular interes-t are,
the higher priority placed in, support for graduate
training wi thin Southeast Asia, and the acceptance of applications in the National Languages of
'Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand
and Vietnam.
Applications for Graduate Training and Research and Teaching Fellowships must reach 'Ford
Foundation -Bangkok, Thailand by October 15.
Applications for Research Fellowships (for nonSoutheast Asians) are due' on November 1. The
results of the selection meetings will be announced in December.
Application forms may be secured from:
Philippine Social Science Council
53-C Roces Ave, Q C
Ford Foundetion
Dona Narcisa Bldg., 6th Floor
Paseo de Roxas, Makat;, Rizal
Get your social science publication needs from:
53-C Races Ave:, Quezon City
Tel. 99·97-64
Philippine Sociological Review
Social Science Information
Philippine Statistician
Social Work
Philippine Economic Journal
°hilippine Journal of Psychology:
Philippine Journal of Linguistics
,PC Papers
Journal of History
Sulu Studies'