1 Transmission Cost Allocation by Cooperative Games and Coalition Formation Juan M. Zolezzi, Member, IEEE, and Hugh Rudnick, Fellow, IEEE Abstract-- The allocation of costs of a transmission system to its users is still a pending problem in many electric sector market regulations. This paper contributes with a new allocation method among the electric market participants. Both cooperation and competition are defined as the leading principles to fair solutions and efficient cost allocation. The method is based mainly on the responsibility of the agents in the physical and economic use of the network, their rational behavior, the formation of coalitions and cooperative game theory resolution mechanisms. The designed method is applicable to existing networks or to their expansion. Simulations are made with sample networks. Results conclude that adequate solutions are possible in a decentralized environment with open access to networks. Comparisons with traditional allocation systems are shown, cooperative game solutions compare better in economic and physical terms. Index Terms— Cooperative Game Theory, Nucleolus, Open Access, Transmission Cost Allocation, Transmission Expansion, Shapley Value. I. INTRODUCTION T he deregulation of the power industry, which started in South America in the 1980’s and which developed worldwide has originated a rich discussion about the best way to manage, economically and technically, the different markets and situations developed with deregulation. Without any doubt, the deregulation process has faced difficulties, successes and failures, with many problematic areas still being explored and developed [1], [2]. Among them, one of the most complicated ones has been the non-discriminatory open access to transmission and distribution networks, and the cost allocation among the different market agents utilizing those networks [3]. Different authors have emphasized the importance of the transmission system in the new deregulated markets [4], as facilitator of generator competition, allowing generators to allocate their production in consumer centers and allowing consumers to benefit from that competitive environment. Within that framework, the transmission tariff system and the user cost allocation must preserve an adequate resource allocation among market agents. It is desired that transmission prices and payment do not disturb decisions for new generation investment, for generator operation and for This work was supported by Fondecyt Project 1000517. J. M. Zolezzi is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Universidad de Santiago de Chile, Casilla 10233, Correo 2, Santiago, Chile (e-mail: jzolezzi@ieee.org). H. Rudnick is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Universidad Católica de Chile, Casilla 306, Correo 22, Santiago, Chile (e-mail: h.rudnick@ieee.org). consumer demand [5], [6]. At the same time, this must be achieved in a simple and fair form. Each country has had to find its solution in agreement with the characteristics of its transmission system. Classic and modern solutions to transmission cost allocation have not been able to satisfy expectations of regulators and market agents. Many solutions have been formulated and many applied, raging from wheeling bilateral schemes to multilateral open access ones. Most of them face problems due to lack of economic foundations [7]. Different allocation schemes have been formulated in recent years based on the “natural economic use” of the transmission system [8]-[10]. They aim at considering the way the transmission system is impacted by generators and consumers by the simple fact of being connected to the network, irrespective of their commercial contracts with other agents using the same network. In some countries this framework gives birth to the “area of influence” concept [7], [8]. Different methods have been suggested to identify the impact a generator or a consumer has on the flow of a transmission line within a transmission network, as well as how much of the generation of a given generator corresponds to a given load [11], [12]. These methods consider topological studies, proportionality principles and network flow equations and determine factors that are used to allocate complementary transmission charges or total transmission payments, based on the use made by the different agents. The beneficiaries’ method is another alternative that has been proposed, with solid economic bases, but it faces difficulties in practical applications [7]. Game theory provides interesting concepts, methods and models that may be used when assessing the interaction of different agents in competitive markets and in the solution of conflicts that arise in that interaction [13], such as those of the electricity markets. In particular, cooperative game theory arises as a most convenient tool to solve cost allocation problems [14]. The solution mechanisms of cooperative game theory behave well in terms of fairness, efficiency and stability, qualities required for the correct allocation of transmission costs. Nevertheless, proposals to date are still in a developing stage, with contributions been formulated in wheeling transactions [15], in the allocation of expansion costs [16], [17] and other [18]. This paper presents a method to allocate charges among users of a transmission system, either in an existing network or an expanding one. The method is based in a model that integrates cooperation and coordination among the agents as 2 basic principles. It also considers the physical and economic use of the network by the different agents. It assumes a rational behavior of the agents, the formation of coalitions among agents, along with cooperative game solution mechanisms. The proposed method aims at achieving the transmission pricing principles defined in [5]. It is simple to apply and it has an adequate physical and economic understanding of the electricity transmission problem. It provides adequate signals to agents making investment decisions, ensuring fairness, efficiency and stability in the resultant allocation. The method is applied for cost allocation to consumers in a network, but it is equally applicable to generators or combinations of both. II. METHODOLOGY A. Formulation The proposed method analyses each transmission line at a time, as a problem with particular characteristics, with consumers being the agents that interact in a cooperative game. Each line is understood as an element within the transmission network, taking into account all its interactions. In an electric market, competition takes place essentially at the generation level. Under these conditions, generators aim at obtaining normal rents for the invested capital (included the radial lines to reach the network). Any additional charges for transmission, for an inelastic demand, will be passed over to consumers by means of a higher generation cost [7]. That means at the end that consumers are the ones who pay for the transmission system that is not implicit in the generation investment. The participation of an agent in covering the cost of a particular transmission line is determined by playing a cooperative game (NA, C), where NA is the set of the N players and C its characteristic function [13]. For basic concepts of cooperative game theory in cost allocation, refer to the appendix. The method considers the line power flow as a measure of line use, important for cost allocation purposes. Further, it is assumed that maximum line flow conditions line capacity and investment costs. Therefore, it is required to determine the system operational conditions that produce maximum flow in each line, one at a time. This means identifying the loads Li and generators gi for NB different buses that condition maximum line flows Fkmax , i.e., for a line k between buses l and m (see appendix A for argmax concept): ( L i , g i ) = arg max Fk ( L i , g i ); i = 1,..., N (1) The methodology is applicable to existing networks as well as to expansions. In the first case there will be abundant data on flows and operational conditions, for demand and for generation, for all possible conditions, for example as many as 8760 scenarios in a given year. From them the operational condition (generation, demand and marginal generation costs) can be obtained, in which the maximum flow takes place in a given transmission line. Thus, the characteristic function of the cooperative game for such line, based on the stand-alone flow requirements for each consumer agent or possible coalition of agents. In the second case, an expansion of a transmission system, the recommendation of the authors is to consider a large quantity of possible operation simulations. The following should be taken into account: demand curves, hydrological scenarios for hydroelectric plants (dry years, intermediate, wet), maintenance of generating units and transmission lines. The need is to identify the scenario that implies the greater flow through a line. Each player or agent evaluates its transmission requirement for a given system operation condition, either acting separately or cooperating in a coalition with other agents also requiring the transmission network. To perform this evaluation, each agent must assess its use of each transmission line for a maximum flow condition. The values of Li obtained in (1) dimension the requirements of the game agents. The game characteristic function is defined by the standalone requirement fks for each agent and for each potential coalition S. Thus, the game characteristic function CkS, for line k and each potential coalition S, will be: C s k = f ks ; ∀ S ⊆ NA (2) The usefulness for each agent or agent coalition of utilizing line k is implicit in equation 2, through the line flow requirement. It is assumed that all agents act rationally so that they prefer to earn more money, or prefer to reduce their costs [13]. Thus, using a monetary unit to represent the usefulness of the line, it is possible to associate to each MW flow a monetary unit, without producing distortions in the game solution. It is equivalent to solve the game considering the MW usefulness for each agent or agent coalitions. Therefore, the characteristic function will be expressed in generic monetary units, being of no importance what monetary unit is used. What is important is the responsibility or participation each agent has in the financing of the line, not the money implied. It must be kept in mind that there are no restrictions to the formation of coalitions among the agents, understanding that they are intelligent and rational, i.e. that they create coalitions, which minimize their cost participation for given transmission lines. In so far as line cost functions are sub-additive, i.e. that the joint cost is lower than the sum of individual costs, it would be convenient to create coalitions for groups of agents. Given this sub-additive condition, coalitions will certainly be formed, and further all market agents will participate. This is the typical “grand coalition” of cost allocation problems. The power flow for line k from bus l to bus m for coalition S is calculated using a DC model, as: 1 (3) f ks = ( Θ ls − Θ ms ) ; ∀ S ⊆ NA x l ,m and with phase angles Θ given by 3 −1 θ = B s P s (4) where PS is the vector of injected powers (generation minus load) for each coalition S. To determine the injected generations, an economic dispatch is performed, taking into account the generation variable costs cvi and generation production level gi. NB ∑ min i =1 (5) cv i ( g i ) g i subject to total generation equal to total demand for coalition S. NB ∑g − ∑L i i =1 Li ∈S i =0 (6) g imin ≤ g i ≤ g imax (7) Thus, the economic dispatch for coalition S will determine line flows and these will determine the game characteristic function value for that coalition. This is done for all potential coalitions. With the obtained characteristic function values, the solution of the game is obtained using any cooperative game solution mechanism, such as Nucleolus, Shapley Value, Kernel and other [13]. As a result, the payoff configuration PC (payoff is the word for cost allocation in game theory) for line k is obtained. PC k = ( x k ; δ k ) (8) where x is the payment vector and δ is the coalition configuration for line k, see appendix B. This payoff configuration allows to determine the percentage cost allocation CA of line k to agent i. k CAi , k = k xik ( + ) N ∑x i =1 k i (9) (+) k i where x (+ ) are the positive values of cost allocation. The method does not consider compensation for negative values; these only reduce the magnitude of the positive assignments. As indicated before, a DC flow algorithm is used. For the cooperative game solutions, the Mathematica software is employed. To determine the allocation of the total cost of a transmission system to each agent, it is necessary to add its allocations for each line, i.e.: Ci = B. Electric market considerations The proposed method solves the transmission cost allocation, given an existing network. However, it also allows solving the cost allocation of an expansion, with no changes in the method. In the same way, the method may be applied to total transmission costs, as well as to complementary charges in a marginal cost scheme [8]. In the later arrangement, the marginal scheme couples well with the economic foundations of the game theory mechanisms. Agents must cooperate and coordinate to share the costs of the transmission network that interconnects them. That network is assumed to be the property of a third party, not involved in the energy business, but is interested to recover investments, operation and maintenance costs directly, or through an independent system operator. Given that there is open access, consumers may establish commercial contracts with any generators, without restrictions, other than generator capacities. Therefore, it is possible for each agent to consider different supply conditions, for example with one load demanding supply and absorbing all the transmission cost and another condition where several consumers cooperate, sharing supply and transmission costs. The assumption is made that the network has been adequately planned, in terms of transmission capacity, quality, security and backup. No congestion is assumed. The assumption is made that agents participating in the market are intelligent, independent and rational, that is, they prefer to maximize their profits, or they prefer to reduce their costs. Thus, they will be eager to cooperate in a rational economic environment. This means that no agent or coalition of agents will have a cost greater than its stand-alone cost, and the resultant game cost allocation will cover all transmission costs. This condition is known as a break-even condition or “Pareto optimum”. C. A simple example To better understand the proposal, a simple example with two buses and two generators is developed, based on the system indicated in Fig. 1. It is assumed that the variable cost of generator 1 (G1) is lower than that of generator 2 (G2). The maximum demand condition and the maximum line flow are given by P1 = 220 MW; P2 = 50 MW; L1 = 120 MW; L2 = 150 MW; F = 100 MW. P1 P2 F, C G1 G2 NL ∑ CA k =1 i ,k * CL k (10) Ci: total cost allocation for the transmission system, corresponding to agent i. CLk : real total cost of line in monetary units NL : number of transmission lines. L1 L2 Fig. 1. Example system. Only consumers L1 and L2 are to pay the transmission line. Those consumers are supplied at minimum cost, within the restrictions of the market where they are located. 4 If consumer L1 would independently require supply at minimum cost, it would request it from G1, having a lower cost and enough capacity to supply. Its stand-alone transmission cost is zero. For consumer L2, the situation is different, it needs to use the transmission line to connect to the cheapest generator, but it has the alternative of supply from G2 in bus 2, with a higher cost. If it chooses the first alternative, its stand-alone transmission requirement is 150 MW. The characteristic function of each game is determined based on the flow requirements for each possible coalition. Thus, the coalition where only L2 participates is possible and it has a flow requirement of 150 MW. If L2 wants to obtain energy from the most economic source, it would be interested in building its own transmission line with that capacity, or cooperating with other agents to reduce its costs. The 150 MW represents, in monetary terms, a cost of 150 monetary units for agent L2. That is why the characteristic game function for the coalition formed just by L2 has a monetary value of 150. If both consumers cooperate and coordinate to obtain supply together, they would face a common requirement of 100 MW for the transmission line, which corresponds to the necessary flow to obtain supply from the generators, considering their variable costs and generation capacities. Therefore, both consumers would be interested to cooperate in the payment of the transmission system (it would be indifferent for L1 and it would be attractive for L2. It is assumed that agents are interested in cooperation only if it implies a reduction of costs for each or at least, not an increase of costs). A coalition would be achieved. The coalition would be maintained over time, depending on how convenient it is for the agents and their transmission payments. From the above analysis, the following characteristic function of the cooperative game is obtained: C1=0; C2 = 150; C12 = 100. The result of the game, using different cooperative game solution mechanisms, gives the following payment configuration: PC = {0,100; 12}, which indicates that the total cost of transmission line 1-2 is to be paid by consumer L2. The solution indicates that the consumer located in the bus with lower cost generation must not pay for the transmission lines it does not use, given enough generating capacity to supply it. The “sunk demand” concept is supported under this analysis, but only for the load at the marginal bus, when there is enough local generation to supply it. Other methods formulated in the literature (area of influence of consumers, marginal participation, average participation, generalized load distribution factors, generation displacement distribution factors [9], [10]) give the same answer to the cost allocation when consumers pay for the networks. III. TEST SIMULATIONS To test and better understand the method, two systems are assessed, a radial network and a meshed network. A. Radial system Many South American transmission systems have a radial character, included the Chilean central interconnected network. Thus, the method is tested first in a radial network (Fig. 2), similar in structure to the Chilean one, with data provided in tables I and II. Economic dispatches for three operational conditions (maximum, medium and low demand) are given in table III G1 G2 1 G3 2 G4 3 L1 4 L2 L3 L4 Fig. 2. Radial system. TABLE I LINE DATA Line Impedance 1-2 2-3 3-4 0.00 + j0.15 0.00 + j0.05 0.00 + j0.14 Maximum power 200 MW 500 MW 200 MW TABLE II GENERATOR DATA Generator Type G1 G2 G3 G4 Diesel Coal Natural gas Hydroelectric Maximum power (MW) 50 600 400 200 Variable cost (US$/MWh) 70 22 12 0 TABLE III ECONOMIC DISPATCHES (MW) Demand Peak Medium Low G1 0 0 0 L1 120 84 48 G2 400 100 0 L2 500 350 200 G3 400 400 200 L3 300 210 120 G4 200 200 200 L4 80 56 32 TABLE IV LINE FLOWS (MW) Demand Peak Medium Low F21 120 84 48 F32 220 334 248 F43 120 144 168 Consumers are the interacting agents, which may act individually or forming coalitions, if it is beneficial for each one of them. The analysis is made for every transmission line in the system, considering the maximum flow condition for each line at a time. In real systems, and in the example, the maximum flow for each line does not necessarily take place at maximum demand. Table IV shows the resultant flows in the three lines for the three operational conditions. For line 1-2, the maximum flow takes place for the maximum demand condition, for line 2-3 it takes place for medium demand while for line 3-4 it is at low demand. The use of each line by the different agents is assessed as well as 5 the use by different coalitions. Applying the proposed method, the resultant characteristic game function is given in table V. The analysis to determine the characteristic function for each of the agents and for each possible coalition is done as follows. For line 1-2 the assessment is made that the only demand is that of consumer L1, and it must be supplied by existing generators, according to a merit order. Line 1-2 usage will be 120. Under that approach, other consumers, if alone, will not use line 1-2. If consumers cooperate, for example L1 and L2, they will share use of line 1-2, with a requirement of 120. The same would happen for coalitions L1&L3 and L1&L4. For that line, any coalition involving demand L1 will impose a requirement of 120. Any coalition not involving L1 will imply a null requirement of that line. In the same form, characteristic game functions will be determined for the other lines. Line 1-2 120 0 0 0 120 120 120 0 0 0 120 120 120 0 120 Line 2-3 84 350 0 0 434 84 84 350 350 0 390 434 84 334 334 TABLE VI GAME RESULTS FOR DIFFERENT LINES AND COMPARISSONS WITH ALTERNATIVE METHODS Line 1-2 Shapley Value Nucleolus GLDF Marginal Participations Line 2-3 TABLE V GAME CHARACTERISTIC FUNCTION Coalition C1 C2 C3 C4 C12 C13 C14 C23 C24 C34 C123 C124 C134 C234 C1234 The solutions are part of the game core, which allows assignment stability as well as coalition stability. None of the agents has the incentive to leave the coalition and group in a different way. There is no alternative coalition that would improve the assignment achieved by the agents. Line 3-4 48 200 120 0 200 168 48 200 168 120 200 168 168 168 168 Table VI finally gives the percentage cost allocation to the different agents using Shapley Value and Nucleolus cooperative game mechanisms. The table also provides the allocation resultant from the marginal participation method (area of influence approach) [10] and the generalized load distribution factors (GLDF) [9]. Although several solutions are close, differences arise depending on the line. All methods assign full responsibility of line 1-2 to consumer L1, which seems logic and predictable. The same happens for line 2-3, although allocations vary. For line 3-4, all methods, except Nucleolus, give equal results, with more responsibility for load L2, less for L3 and even less for L1. The different results given by the Nucleolus mechanism is explained by its sensibility to the game features [13]. It is possible to demonstrate (see appendix) that the results obtained with the proposed method comply with the individual rationality principle, in the sense that nobody pays more than its stand-alone cost. They also comply with group rationality, in that the sum of all agent contributions is equivalent to the total line cost. The collective rationality also applies; the sum of the payments of any two possible coalitions is lower than the sum of individual payments. Shapley Value Nucleolus GLDF Marginal Participations Line 3-4 Shapley Value Nucleolus GLDF Marginal Participations Load L1 [%] 100 100 100 Load L2 [%] 0 0 0 Load L3 [%] 0 0 0 Load L4 [%] 0 0 0 100 0 0 0 Load L1 [%] 15.64 25.15 19.35 Load L2 [%] 84.36 74.85 80.65 Load L3 [%] 0 0 0 Load L4 [%] 0 0 0 19.35 80.65 0 0 Load L1 [%] 13.04 0 13.04 Load L2 [%] 54.35 100 54.35 Load L3 [%] 32.61 0 32.61 Load L4 [%] 0 0 0 13.04 54.35 32.61 0 The importance of cooperative game solution mechanisms, and that of the proposed method, is that these rationality, stability and fairness considerations are part of those methods and solution mechanisms. The obtained solution is based on those economic rational and interaction principles, taking into account the transmission network physical (electric) characteristics as well as the electrical market economic and financial conditions. Solutions are shown based on two cooperative game solution mechanisms: Shapley Value and Nucleolus. They are compared with other cost allocations methods, such as the GGDF and the marginal participation [9, 10]. Those methods are traditionally used for transmission cost allocation, but they do not consider the economic interaction among agents for cost allocation, and base themselves on consideration of physical network flows, based on DC modeling. It is important to remember that the proposed method, using game models, consider that network technical aspects, as well as economic ones, influence decisions by the agents, which act rationally. Similarly, these models consider other information, such as installed capacity per bus, variable generation costs and consumer sizes. B. Six bus Garver system The classic six-bus system (Fig 3), originally proposed by Garver [19], has been considered a good test network to assess transmission expansion methods and expansion cost allocation [16], [17]. The expansion decisions are assumed known for 6 this assessment and the problem is to determine how to assign expansion costs among agents participating in the system. Besides the system data provided in [19], required data for generators has been introduced and is given in table VII. Bus 6 has been considered the slack bar (needed for the marginal participation method). G1 L5 (240 MW) 1 5 L1 (80MW) G3 3 The characteristic function values for line 1-4 have been determined following the proposed method. The operation condition (Li, gi), equation 1, that conditions maximum flow for line 1-4, is first determined. Using a DC load flow, the flow requirements imposed by each load coalition on that line, according to equations 3 and 4, are determined. Minimum cost generation is considered, for each coalition S. To determine the injected generations, an economic dispatch is performed, following equations 5, 6 and 7. Table VIII is obtained, according to equation 2. The game solution, using Shapley Value and Nucleolus, for line 1-4 is given in Table IX. TABLE IX TRANSMISSION NETWORK COST ALLOCATION RESULTS FOR LINE 1-4 L3 (40 MW) Load L1 [%] 30,81 Method 2 Shapley Value L2 (240 MW) G6 6 4 L4 (160 MW) Fig. 3. Six bus Garver system diagram. TABLE VII MAXIMUM GENERATION CAPACITY DATA AND PRODUCTION VARIABLE COSTS Generator Generation Maximum Capacity (MW) Generation Level Variable Cost (US$/MWh) G1 G3 G6 150 165 545 50 165 545 70 22 12 Because of space restrictions, the characteristic functions of each of the cooperative games for each transmission line are not detailed, but only an example is given in Table VIII, which provides the data for the game function for line 1-4. TABLE VIII GAME CHARACTERISTIC FUNCTION FOR LINE 1-4 Coalition {f} {1} {2} {3} {4} {5} {1,2} {1,3} {1,4} {1,5} {2,3} {2,4} {2,5} {3,4} {3,5} {4,5} Value 0 22.375 11.9227 5.66697 15.897 45.0414 34.2962 28.0405 6.47654 67.4149 17.5897 3.97424 56.9641 10.23 50.784 29.1444 Coalition {1,2,3} {1,2,4} {1,2,5} {1,3,4} {1,3,5} {1,4,5} {2,3,4} {2,3,5} {2,4,5} {3,4,5} {1,2,3,4} {1,2,3,5} {1,2,4,5} {1,3,4,5} {2,3,4,5} {1,2,3,4,5} Value 39.9632 18,3993 77.2125 12.1435 73.0819 51.5179 1.69273 62.6311 27.6081 34.8114 24.0662 77.2125 37.2677 57.1849 27.6081 31.7479 Load L2 [%] 0,00 Load L3 [%] 4,15 Load L4 [%] 0,00 Load L5 [%] 65,04 Nucleolus 16,72 1,65 0,00 0,00 81,63 GLDF 33,15 0,37 6,67 0,00 59,81 Marginal Participations 30,61 0,00 7,75 0,00 61,64 Results obtained by the cooperative game solution mechanisms, Shapley Value and Nucleolus, differ among them, because of the fundamental different nature of the agent interaction they model. Shapley Value looks for a fair distribution based on marginal contributions of agents when randomly join a given coalition. Instead, Nucleolus minimizes the maximum discomfort of the final resultant allocation. Both methods have advantages and disadvantages. If they compare with traditional allocation costs, such as GGDF and marginal participation, the Shapley Value method provides closer results. On the other hand, all methods coincide in assigning the largest responsibility of the cost of line 1-4 to agents L1 and L5. The proposed methods work with games that are convex, which ensures that the Shapley Value will be at the center of the core. Besides, results comply with the individual rationality principle (no one pays more than its stand-alone above cost) and group rationality principle (all costs are covered). The collective rationality principle also applies. Solutions are part of the game core, which implies allocation stability and coalition stability. None of the agents has the incentive to leave the coalition or group in a different manner, as no alternative coalition may improve the allocation. Once the games, for each of the lines of the six-bus Garver system, are solved, it is possible to obtain the aggregated results for the whole system, as shown in Table X. TABLE X TRANSMISSION NETWORK TOTAL COST ALLOCATION RESULTS Method Shapley Value Nucleolus GLDF Marginal Participations Load L1 [%] 15,4 13,22 15,43 Load L2 [%] 19,63 24,92 14,66 Load L3 [%] 4,75 4,75 5,18 Load L4 [%] 9,51 9,04 19,91 Load L5 [%] 50,72 48,05 44,83 14,98 13,99 5,37 19,81 45,84 Those results include new investments, which correspond to one additional circuit for 3-5, two for 4-6 and 4 for 2-6 [19]. 7 Allocations of costs for only the new investments are given in table XI. Results show that larger loads have a larger cost allocation for the existing network as well as for the expansions. There are no published studies on the Garver system that could be used for comparison of cost allocation to consumers. References [16], [17] focus their assessment on cost allocation to buses. The authors are developing further research to also use the method to determine generator payments. TABLE XI ESPANSION COST ALLOCATION RESULTS FOR LINES 2-6, 3-5 AND 4-6 Method Shapley Value Nucleolus GLDF Marginal Participations Load L1 [%] 10,52 5,01 10,95 Load L2 [%] 29,76 36,79 28,98 Load L3 [%] 4,66 3,34 4,77 Load L4 [%] 18,33 17,19 19,12 Load L5 [%] 36,74 37,67 36,18 11,01 27,98 4,69 19,62 36,7 All methods give similar results, assigning more responsibility to the most important loads in the system. IV. CONCLUSION A new method has been proposed to allocate transmission costs to agents in a network. It is simple and transparent in its application and it is based on the real operation of the transmission system. If used as a complement to marginal pricing, it provides adequate economic signals to the agents for their optimal behavior in terms of efficiency. Cooperative game theory is used, allowing to incorporate efficiency and fairness principles. As a result, there is no alternative better allocation assignment and two agents in identical conditions are allocated equal payments. Thus, its applicability to competitive markets becomes most attractive. The presented method allows solving the transmission cost allocation problem, taking into account existent conditions of a given electric network. But it also allows solving the allocation of expansion costs, without any methodological change. Results are compared and validated with existing methods. A potential problem of the method is the handling of the dimension of the games, which grows with the ratio 2N, with N being the number of agents. The authors are developing an application process for systems with many buses, to be applied to the Chilean electrical market. The authors are also continuing research in algorithms for independent coalition formation, stability of coalitions and further applications in network expansion. V. APPENDIX A. ARGMAX CONCEPT For any set Z and any function f: ZR, argmax y e Z f(y) denotes the set of points in Z that maximize the function f, so arg max f ( y ) = { y ∈ Z | f ( y) = max f ( z )} y∈Z z∈Z (A.1) B. CONCEPTS OF COOPERATIVE GAME THEORY IN COST ALLOCATION A cost allocation cooperative game is given by a couple (NA, C), where NA is the set of the N agents and C is the cost function. The agents can group in many different ways according to their interests and convenience. The way in which N players group in m mutually exclusive and excluding coalitions S, is the coalition configuration. δ = {S1 , S 2 ,....S m } (B.1) d is a partition of NA that fulfills three conditions. S j ≠ Φ; j = 1,2,.., m (B.2) Si S j = Φ ; ∀i ≠ j S j = NA S j∈δ where Φ is the empty set. Each agent belongs to one and only one of the m coalitions and the members of a certain coalition are related to each other but not with other agents that belong to other coalitions. The costs assigned to each agent as a result of the game correspond to the vector of assignments or payments x = {x 1 , x 2 ,....., x N } , where xi is the agent i payoff. The result of a game is the payoff configuration PC: PC = {x; δ) = ( x 1 , x 2 ,....., x N ; S1 , S 2 ,....Sm ) (B.3) The solution of the game should fulfill the conditions of rationality (individual, collective and global) and stability. x (i) ≤ C (i ); ∀i ∈ NA (B.4) x ( S ) ≤ C ( S ); ∀S ∉ δ x ( NA) = C ( NA) with: x( S ) = ∑ x i (B.5) i∈S Any agent or coalition of agents should not have a bigger cost that their alternative cost or stand-alone cost. The resulting assignment of costs of the game to all the players must be identical to the total costs to be covered. This last condition is known as break-even condition or Paretooptimum. The payoffs that are Pareto-optimum and individually rational are denominated imputations. Besides, if it is collectively rational, the core of the game is obtained. The core of the game ( NA, C ) is the set of all the solutions PC (x; d) such: x (T ) ≤ C (T ); ∀T ⊂ NA , with: x(T ) = ∑ x i i∈T (B.6) 8 The core is, therefore, a subset of the group of imputations. This core concept is the simplest of all the solution concepts of cooperative games. It corresponds to a group of imputations that leaves no space for a better allocation to its players and does not allow subsidies among coalitions. Unfortunately, there are many games with too large cores (many solutions), no core at all or empty core. The empty core takes place when the collective rational is not achieved. Starting from the core it is possible to establish different theories that outline solutions to this type of games. Solutions could be: extensions of the core, stable set and bargaining set. Other solutions can be achieved with the excess theory, defined as the difference between the coalition stand-alone cost and the payoff for that coalition as a result of the game. Thus, the excess of coalition R with respect to the payoff vector x of the PC (x; d) is defined as: e( R , x ) = C ( R ) − x ( R ) [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] (B.7) [11] and represents the total amount that potential members of the R coalition collectively win or lose if they withdraw from R. From the excess definition it is possible to incorporate the Nucleolus and Kernel solution mechanisms. The nucleolus solution corresponds to imputations for which the maximal excess is minimized: max{min e( R, x)}; ∀R (B.8) Other traditional solution is the Shapley Value, given by: φi = ∑ (N − s )! (s − 1)![C(S ) − C(S − {i})] N! S ⊆ NA where: N: total number of players S: coalition of players s = |S|: number of players in coalition S i: player i ∈ NA (B.9) VI. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors gratefully acknowledge the support from Universidad de Santiago de Chile and Universidad Católica de Chile. We also acknowledge the helpful comments received from three anonymous reviewers VII. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] H. Rudnick, “The Electric Market Restructuring in South America: Success And Failures on Market Design”, Plenary Session, Harvard Electricity Policy Group, San Diego, California, January 1998. H. Rudnick and J. Zolezzi, "Electric Sector Deregulation and Restructuring in Latin America: Lessons to be Learnt and Possible Ways Forward", IEE Proceedings Generation, Transmission and Distribution, vol 148, no. 2, pp. 180-184, March 2001. I. Pérez-Arriaga, H. Rudnick and W. 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His research activities focus on the economic operation, planning and regulation of electric power systems. He has been a consultant with the World Bank and with utilities and regulators in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Central America, Chile, Colombia, Peru and Venezuela, as well as in Europe.