Foton - Fisika UM - Universitas Negeri Malang

ISSN 1410 -3273
Jurnal Fisika dan Pembelajarannya
Volume 13, Nomor 2, Agustus 2009
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ISSN 1410-3273
Jurnal Fisika dan Pembelajarannya
Volume 13, Nomor 2, Agustus 2009
Pemilihan Model Pembelajaran Fisika untuk Meningkatkan Hasil
59 - 64
Agus Suyudi
Implementasi Modul Pendamping Bahan Ajar dan Tugas Terstruktur
65 - 74
Matakuliah Fisika Zat Padat untuk Meningkatkan Prestasi
Belajar Mahasiswa
Aluminium Induced in Phase Formation of Poly i-Quasicrystal
M. Diantoro, Y. L. Fitriyah] F. Gultom, dan D. H. Prayitno
Study Struktur Krislal Partikel Nano Mn304 dan Fe304 dengan
Menggunakan Difraksi Sinar-X dan Transmisi Mikroskop Elektron
81 - 88
Ahmad Taufiq, Sunaryono, Malik A, Baqiya, dan Darminto
Modulasi Gelombang Optik Menggunakan Laser Diode
dengan Sistem Injeksi Arus
89 - 96
Menentukan Panjang Gelombang dan Daya Optik SumberTunggal untuk Simulasi Bati Penguat Serat Terdadah Erbium
97 -100
(EDFA) Sistem WDM
Tip dan Trik Pembuatan Animasi Fisika dengan Program Aplikasi
101 -108
Pemahaman dan Pengintegrasian Atribut Soft Skills dalam
Pembelajaran Fisika di Jurusan Fisika FMIPA
Universitas Negeri Malang
Endang Purwaningsih
109 -116
Penyunting memanjatkan puji syukur ke hadlirat Allah SWT atas limpahan
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Akhirnya penyunting mengucapkan selamat menikmati artikel yang kami
FOTON. Jurnal Fisika dan Pembelajarannya
Volume 13. Nomor 2. Agustus 2009
Aluminium induced in Phase Formation of poly
i-Quasicrystal AljcC1i1_a._o.15Feo.15 system
1Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, State University of
Malang (UM) JL Surabaya 6, Malang 65145
2Department of Metalurgy Physics, National Atomic Agency (BATAN), Jl. Tamansari,
Bandung, Indonesia
INTISARI : We have synthesized a series of quasicrystalline AlxCu1_x-o.15Feo.15 samples by means of
Arc-melting technique. The composition of x ranged from O.GO to 0.75 with incremnent of0.05. While
Fe concentration were fixed to be 0.15 of molar ratio. These compositions supposed to be in the range
ofquasicrystalline state. We used metallic ingots as starting materials. The phase formation was
characterized using X-RD, microstructure using optical microscope and SEM-EDAX, and mechanical
properties was characterized using microvicker's hardness. From the charcterization of quasicrystal
using X-RD indicated that in every AlCuFe button samples exist icosahedral (i)-quasicrystalline
phase. The highest portion of icosahedral phase was found at x - 0.65 which ia suggested to bo
a stable phase. A drendritic phase on AlCuFe compounds appears to be dark as x increases. It
was also found from microstructure analyses that the average dimension of the grains reached by
AI0.05Cuo.2Feo.15. Since iAluminium has the lowest melting point among the three raw materials,
EDAX analyses was confirmed to the statement that there is always reduce amount of Aluminium in
each of AlCuFe compound. The highest value of hardness shows by x = 0.65 as later revealed that it
is associated to the portion of icosahedral phase.
KATA KUNCI : AlxCu1_x_o.15Feo.15, poli-quasicrystal, icosahedral, Arc Melting, microstructure,
discretely, even though they are not period
, ,„„„ .. ,.
Starts from the early 1980s, the discovery of
ic. Quasiperiodic objects can have any of the
infinite set of point group symmetries listed
. ,,
°. .__-__
Tables for Crystallography 2 ; because they
, .
quasicrystals was a surprise 1 .
, J .
. ...
' '
as non-crystallographic in the International
_, , ,
; „
,_, ,
some termer metallic compounds were already
known as usual or normal magnetic states,
. . , .
and normal 01 their crystal structures, some
have a single rotation axis ot order 5, or one
1 «._ •*
_ . •
greater than or equal to 7, or have lcosahe, .
t- _ c e_i_
dral symmetry with its six intersecting 5-fold
of them found in different unique uncommon
hidden properties. By rapid solidification ft
^^ The foundation of crystallography in
^ ^ nineteenth century was based on the
had made a solid that was discretely diffract-
restrictions that periodicity imposes. Period-
dral (designated by 1onwards) symmetry. It
Qnly hay_ l2^ and - fold symmetry axes,
ing like a periodic crystal, but with icosahe-
.. structures in two or three dimensions can
had long been known that icosahedral symmetry is not allowed for a periodic object [2J. By
w-th _Q exceptionS) cach crystal was found to
conform to onc of only 32 ways of combining
definition all quasi-periodic objects diffract
ISSN' 1410-3273
© 2009 Jurusan Fisika UM
Aluminium induced in ...
th** Byimnelry ax,*, the so-called "crystal-
lographic" point group symmetries. In the few years after large single-grain QC samples,
nineteenth century each known crystal iS such as Al-Co-Cu, Al-Cu-Fe, Al-Pd-Mn Al
be fit into one (or more) of these 32 point of uSlmZ
gwailable (5) Adecas°nal
e2lSnParL6m°UPS * "" -Nation of £ lvtm^ST^(QC)
was discovercd •»
In T Gt aL Ma thern>ody"amicalerv^Tntthe Stm,CtUral Pr°blems- the discov-
Id Tto produce
f' n,eUlod
were »*•**
frly ,o,
single grains
of Al-Co-
Mquasicrystals, although the Al content at
^ndoftheQC slightly increases££
chi rn growth.
mcnt °f ti,e meit *«tai on-stoichiometric
Aconventional crystal should satisfy both
od dtv ?i
Gr but no tr^-tional peri-
unexpected physical p^/jf *£" and -'heir
propei,ie, w|lich^^» ™
other phases. Among those properties i tlru
e,r hardness may reach unusual "due a
elasticity moduli hiJ
hardness and
m_ stab£ t
rat an enhanci!d «•«•prop
fe?' £" Tff**
U_ mechanical
Y Tin
n .
A,oCu0.25Fe0,5 (b) A,0,5Cuo2oFcoi5of £(a)
aiected by the nonperiodic order Minv „,,/
Alo.7oCu0,5Fe0,5 and (d) A.0,5Cu0,0Fe0 15 W
normalompnses ofbased
GO %
to 70 %of „J££
which is chemically alloyed with low tran^
teriafeihn•/ "• . T ^^alhne mat
'?" hardneSS eve» co'"Pare
Further, the surfaces ofquasicrystals (QQA
*? aP0Ssibm*
^ Tsai
have been studied intensively over thi p2t Zt^Z
-^rahardf equipments
[7]. AngtoPang
* al. [8] reported that AlCuFe compounds
FOTON/Vol. 13 No. 2/Agustus 2009
Markus, dkk
show increasing degree af hardness with in
creasing volume of quasi crystalline icosahe
dral AlCuFe.
The latest also supported by Kiteura et
al. Characterized at room temperature [91
Phase formation of AlCuFe quasicrystal sys
tem generally stable at the composition close
to Alo.G5Cu0.20Feo.i5[6]. The detail work
around the stable phase of AlCuFe system is
not yet available, mainly the correlation be
tween icosahedral phase and their hardness
properties. In this work we report a series of
cut cross sectionally and gently polished to
be etched to get fine surface. The struc
tural of prepared speciments were investi
gated by means of X-RD using Cu-K wave
length. While the microstruture investigation
was done under optical microscope, as well as
SEM as a complementary, and local concen
tration ofelemental composition were charac
terized using EDAX, a complementary equip
AlxCuj_x_o.15Feo.15 samples by means of Arc-
ment to SEM. Finally the hardness of the
samples were characterized under microvickerssystem. We used 4 points indentation with
from 0.60 to 0.70 with increment of 0.05. Detai should extend in the folowing sections.
be characterized their hardness. It was cho
sen only for white grain with four indentations
melting process. The composition of xspans
0.2 kg load for 10 seconds of each sampleto
are close each other.
In this works we used a single arc -melting
LM-1 system which is implemented an atmo
spheric control. The raw materials of Alu
minium, Iron, and Copper are in te form of
ingot with purity of 99.98%, Fe 99% dan Cu
99% respectively. It has prepared a series of
AIxCui_I_0.I5Fe0.i5 with x stands for molar
concentration ofAlumi'niun ranging from 0.60
to 9.70 with incrementally of 0.5. Basically
the the raw metallic materials were melted
using tungsten electrode in copper crucible.
1he electrode was generated from high cur
rent electric source tungsten innerst gas with
UHP Argon gas.
The appearance of icosahedral quasicrystal
phase of all samples were based on the re
sult of X-RD measurements. We have used
the result of S.M. Lee [10] to identify the
i-QC phases in the samples. The i-QC
phase of Alo.GoCuo.25Feo.15, Al0.65Cu„.20Feo l5l
Alo.7oCu0.15Fe0.I5, and A]0.75Cuo.,0Fe015 is
identified by I in the X-RD diagrams as
shown in Figure 1. There are also exist /3,A,
dan t phases that designated to less cop
per (AlFe(Cu)), (AlI3Fe4), and less Iron (Al-
Cu(Fe)) phases respectively.
It is readily known from Figure 1 that the
melted samples are not a single phase, there
are impurities exist, i.e. (3, A, dan t phases.
To get a quantitative picture the phase forma
tion, we then calculated a volume fraction of
each phase in every sample. Each of the iden
tified phases was calculated its volume frac
tion by dividing associated intensity by total
intensity. In this report we use symbol as in
the work of Lee[10]. The results is displayed
in Table 1. Beside the quantity of volume
fraction oficosahedral, the data seems to vary
depdend on their portion of Al fraction.
Gambar 2: Volume Fraction of I, /?,A, and r
Phases as a Function of Al Concentration
It would be easily when the data displayed
in relationship curves prior to discuss the re
sult. The data as stated in Table 1 were plot
ted using available spreadsheet. Detail of alu
The resulted samples were button-like with
diameter about 8 cm. The button was then
minium concentration effect to the formation
of i-QC is shown in Figure 2.
FOTON/Vol. 13 No. 2/Agustus 2009
Aluminium induced in ...
Tabbl 1: Volume Fraction of Each Phases in AlCu-Fe
Volume fraction (%)
Phase A
Phase 0(t)
Phase I
microscope of those samples (Fig.3) show
that even only slightly change in x give
rise to discrepancy of their phase forma
tion. There are dendritic phase which differ
ent dimension and orientation. The largest
denrit grain reach by Alo.e5Cu0.2oFe015 fol
lowed by Al0,7oCuo,,5Feo.,5, Al0.75Cuo.,oFeo.15
ar>d Alo.GoCuo.2r,Feo.i5 respectively. This opti
cal microscope image is in line with the previuos X-RD that at x = 0.65 to be a more
The as prepared of Al0.65Cuo.20Feo.,5 shows
highest icosahedral phase, followed respec
tively by AIo.70Cuo.I5Peo.15l Alo.ooCuo.25Fe015
-an Alo.75(_Uo.ioFeo.i5 compounds. It is also
seen from the figure that 0(T), alway vary
contrary to the Aphase. The comparable Al-
Cu Fe) or Al-Fe(Cu) phase almost monotonically decrease with increasing x down to a
convenient environment rather than other
composition. It seem also from the figure
that the color of grains also slightly dif
ferent. The dark brown grains shown by
low aluminium compounds (Al0.GOCu025Fe0 ,5
and AIo.gsCuo.ooFco.^) while higher alu
minium concentration (Al0.70CuiU5Fe0.l5 and
AIo.75Cuo.10Feo.15) appears to be closely to
bhtck grain of dendrit with also larger area
minimum value at x = 0.7 then increase with
of white metallic sea. This is again brings
us to the result of XRD pattern. The higher
the other hand, I phase just raised up to an
white metallic sea is increasing amount of (A)
increasing x. In contrast, Al rich (A) phase
vary the opposite way to the B(r) one. On
optimum value at x = 0.65 then decrease fair
ly monotonic down to x = 0.75. This evident
tells us that the most stable phase for icosahe
Al composition with black and large area of
The white metallic sea'is come from alumini
um rich, while dark black phase is from the
existing copper rich phase.
dral quasicrystal formation of AlxCu,_xFeo »
is at x = 0.65. Although we did not obtain
asingle phase of icosahedral, the result may
supported by the work of He et al [6].
Gambar 4: Image of (a), (b)
Ao.G5Cuo.2oFeo.15 (c) Alo^Cuo.isFeo.^ dan (d)
Gambar 3: AMicro Graph Mgeen by Q
Microscope of as Cast (a) Al0.60Cu0.25Feo.,5 (b)
Ao.65Cuo.20Feo.i5 (c) Alo.70Cuo.15Feo.15 dan (d)
AIo.75Cuo.10Feo.15 at Magnification of 300X
The microstructure looks under optical
Alo.75Cuo.10Feo.15. The Alphabetic A, B, C, and
Dare The Area in Which EDAXdata Taken.
In line with optical microscope image which
is complementary equipment of hardness, we
have measured also SEM on which equipment
complementery to EDAX measurement. Al
though we do not see a clear image of dendrit-
FOTON/Vol. 13 No. 2/Agustus 2009
Markus, DKK
ic phase, it seem from the figure that he rel
ative appearance of aluminium rich is clearly
seen with increasing composition of Al.
Composition of each element was measured
using EDAX at the position as shown in the
SEM images of Figure 4. Result of the mea
surement of each sample are listed in Tabel
2-a, b, c, and d. When the resulted data of
elemental compositions were compared to as
prepared sampel it is found that some dis
crepancies between them. It is readily seen
that Aluminium behaves the most element
°" om as ' ns« ' as ' _b ' hid ' nfi
lost at any area in all samples investigated.
Korrpoa- Al
It is easily understod since aluminum has the
lowest melting point compare to the wo oth
ers. While copper shows a relatively rich at
as Function of Composition
pears to be comparable only at low amount of
aluminium i.e. at x = 0.60 and x = 0.65.
TABEL 2: Elemental Composition of Samples
Compared to as Prepared Samples For (A) x =
Synthesis of AlxCui_xFeo..5 by means of arcmelting methods resulted appearance oficosa
A, and Dspots. On the other hand, iron ap
0.60, (B) x = 0.65, (C) x = 0.70, (D) x = 075
0.25 0.15 x
Gambar 5: Hardness of Al-Cu-Fe Compounds
hedral quaicrystal phase which is identified by
XRD pattern. The highest amount of i-QC
0.61 0.36 0.024-A
0.46 0.02 0.24 B
0.56 0.23 0.14
phase was reached by composistion with x =
0.65, Although we found no single phase, this
result is support to the stable composition of
i-QC by other researcher. The volume frac
0.062 0.008 C
0.02 0.12 0.25
tion - composition relationship shown by X-
0.51 0.15 0.14 D
0.49 0.31 0.14
x=0.7 Al
0.65 0.2
x=0.75 Al
0.44 0.06
The average hardness of samples plotted
RD pattern is also depicted by its microstruc
ture as well as the hardness - composition re
againts composition of aluminium is shown in
Figure 5. Increasing amount of aluminium
This work was partially supported by
is not monotnically change hardness of sam
Fundamental Research Project of DGHE
2006/2007 and initials stage under
ples. The lowest hardness (620 HV) is reached
by the lowest amount of x of the sample. A
small amount of x from 0.60 to 0.65 give rise
to increase its hardness up to 801 HV, then
decerease slowly with increasing amount ofx.
This result suggest that the hardness of sam
ples is related to the amount of icosahedral
appearance in the samples. Although the re
lationship patern of those curvesarc not tigthly precise, the trend of optimum value is the
same of boths volume fraction of i-phase and
hardness patterns as function of their compo
cooperation project between UM and Nation
al Nuclear Agency (BATAN) Bandung In
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