Medicare Levy Surcharge Thresholds for 2011-12

17 April 2011
Cancer Australia
APHA's CEO represented the private hospitals sector at a forum of jurisdictional stakeholders to
determine strategic directions for Cancer Australia, the new National body established to
strengthen the Australian Government's strategic focus on cancer control.
Included in the discussion of key strategic issues were a focus on the contribution of the private
sector in relation to the funding and delivery of the majority of cancer treatment in a range of areas
and mechanisms to ensure appropriate engagement with the private sector.
Medicare Levy Surcharge Thresholds for 2011-12
For the 2010-11 income tax year, the income thresholds for the Medicare levy surcharge were
increased to $77,000 per year for singles and $154,000 per year for couples/families.
Under the Tax Laws Amendment (Medicare Levy Surcharge Thresholds) Act (No 2) 2008, the
income thresholds are indexed each year by using indexation factors calculated for full time adult
average weekly ordinary time earnings.
The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has advised that for the 2011-12 income tax year the income
thresholds will be as follows:
• Singles Surcharge Threshold: $80,000
• Family Surcharge Threshold: $160,000 (the family threshold increases by $1,500 for each
dependent child after the first).
The new income thresholds will be available on the ATO’s website in due course
Specialist Training Places – 2012
APHA has been informed that the Department of Health and Ageing will shortly release details of
Specialist Training Places for the 2012 academic year. We understand that the private sector and
regional, rural and remote settings will be the priority areas. Numbers of places are not known at
this stage. APHA will advise members as soon as we have more information.
National Procedure Banding Update
The Department of Health & Ageing has advised that there will be no changes to the MBS for 1
May 2011. As there have been no amendments to the National Procedure Banding Schedule
since the last release on 1 November 2011 – APHA will not be issuing a 1 May 2011 Banding
The Department of Health & Ageing has advised that it anticipates the next MBS release will be 1
July 2011 – therefore APHA will issue an update effective 1 July 2011 if any MBS changes affect
the Banding Schedule.
Australian Governance and Quality Conference 2011
Last year the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care was involved in the first
National Forum on Safety and Quality in Primary Health Care. This year, elements of the Forum
have been incorporated into a forthcoming conference hosted by the Australian Centre for
Healthcare Governance: the Australian Governance and Quality Conference 2011.
A flyer for the conference is attached below, and further details can be found at:
Tasmania Commences Public Reporting of HAIs – Australian First
Last week a report developed and released by the Tasmanian Infection Prevention and Control
Unit identified Tasmanian public hospitals. The surveillance report monitors Staphylococcus
aureus bacteraemia, Clostridium difficile infection, VRE and hand hygiene.
This is the first time public reporting of HAIs has occurred in Australia. The report can be found at
On the Radar - Issue 36
On the Radar is a summary of some of the recent publications in the areas of safety and quality in
health care. Some of this week’s content:
Sharing Resources: Opportunities for Smaller Primary Care Practices to Increase Their
Capacity for Patient Care
Engaging Minority Communities in Safer Healthcare
Respectful Management of Serious Clinical Adverse Events. IHI Innovation Series white
Health Literacy Interventions and Outcomes: An Updated Systematic Review
Health Affairs, Still Crossing The Quality Chasm
Clostridium difficile infection: a new threat on our doorstep
Statewide NICU Central-Line-Associated Bloodstream Infection Rates Decline After
Bundles and Checklists
On the Radar is available via email or as a PDF document from
APHA, PO Box 7426, Canberra BC, ACT 2610