TCC Main Campus Maps Chesapeake Campus 1428 Cedar Road Chesapeake, VA 23322-7108 Norfolk Campus 300 Granby Street Norfolk, VA 23510-1910 TIDEWATER COMMUNITY COLLEGE From here, go anywhere.TM Course Enrollment GUIDE Portsmouth Campus 120 Campus Drive Portsmouth, VA 23701-4331 2014 Virginia Beach Campus 1700 College Crescent Virginia Beach, VA 23453-1918 To view contact inform ation for m ain cam puses and off-cam pus locations, visit e/locations Recommended for currently admitted students. How to View My Financial Aid The following section is used to explain how to access and view your Financial Aid. 1. After logging in successfully, click Student Center. 2. Click View Financial Aid. 3. If necessary, select the Aid Year you wish to view and review your award summary. N ote: The award is shown as Am ount O ffered by term . This am ount is based upon your taking at least twelve credit hours. If you take fewer than 12 credits, your grant awards will be adjusted. Tidewater Community College 19 FAST TRACK 2014 SPRING SEMESTER FIRST EIGHT-WEEK SESSION November 2 – 8, 2013 November 9, 2013 – January 12, 2014 December 16 January 13 January 15 January 20 January 21 January 22 February 17 March 10 T O ENROLL ONLINE Returning students register for Spring classes* New and returning students register for Spring classes* Tuition due for Spring 2014 classes Classes begin Spring 2014 Graduation Application Deadline (Applications not received by the deadline will be processed the following term.) Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (college closed) Last day to add or change for a first eight-week course Last day to drop for tuition refund from a first eight-week course (See Note) Last day to withdraw without academic penalty from a first eight-week course Last day of instruction (includes examinations) • Click on myTCC located in the upper right corner of the TCC homepage • Login to myTCC to access SIS, then click on VCCS SIS: Student Information System • Click on Student Center* and review your Enrollment Dates. • Under the Academics section, click on Enroll • Select the term to enroll from the list shown, then click on Continue 2014 SPRING SEMESTER SECOND EIGHT-WEEK SESSION November 2 – 8, 2013 November 9, 2013 – March 16, 2014 March 10 – 16 March 17 March 24 March 25 April 18 May 8 May 9 May 16 • When searching for classes to include in your schedule, consult your Advisement Report Returning students register for Spring classes* New and returning students register for Spring classes* Spring Break (no classes - college open) Classes begin Last day to add or change for a second eight-week course Last day to drop for tuition refund from a second eight-week course Last day to withdraw without academic penalty from a second eight-week course (See Note) Tuition due for Summer 2014 classes Last day of instruction (includes examinations) Graduation under the My Academics tab or your academic program plan if needed. • Enter the five-digit class number of the class you wish to take or search for classes: select Class Search listed under the Find Classes section. Click on Search • Enter the search criteria and click on Search. View class listings and when you find the class you wish to take, click on Select Class. Click on Next to add the class to your Shopping Cart. • To enroll in a science class with a required lab, select the lecture class section number and click on Select Class. The Select Related Class Sections screen will open, providing a 2014 SUMMER SEMESTER TEN-WEEK REGULAR SESSION April 5 – 11 April 12 – May 18 May 8 May 19 May 26 May 27 May 29 June 2 June 30 July 4 July 29 list of the available Lab Sections. Select a related Lab Section. Click on Next and follow Returning students register for Summer classes* New and returning students register for Summer classes* Tuition due for Summer classes Classes begin Memorial Day (college closed) Last day to add or change for a ten-week course Last day to drop for tuition refund from a ten-week course Summer 2014 Graduation Application Deadline (Applications not received by the deadline will be processed the following term.) Last day to withdraw without academic penalty from a ten-week course (See Note) Independence Day (college closed) Last day of instruction (includes examinations) Tuesday, July 29, is the make-up day for Friday, July 4, and represents the final Friday of the Summer ten-week session. the steps above. • When you have selected all your classes, scroll below your class listings and click on Proceed to Step 2 of 3. • Review all your classes on the Confirm Classes screen; click on Finish Enrolling to have these classes added to your schedule. • If you have errors, a message will provide information that will tell you why that class cannot be added to your schedule. Click on Add Another Class; this will return you to your Shopping Cart. Click on the trash can icon in the delete column to remove the classes that could not be added to your schedule. When finished, remember to log out of SIS. Note: Students who wish to withdraw without academic penalty should contact a counselor to determine the appropriate procedure and date. Withdrawals through completion of sixty percent of a session will result in a W grade. After sixty percent of a session is completed, a withdrawal will result in a grade of F in a credit course or a grade of U in a developmental course, except under mitigating circumstances that must be documented by the instructor and approved by the academic dean. * Please ensure that your user preferences are set to the institution and term Dynamic Session classes have unique refund and withdrawal dates. Please contact the Enrollment Services Office for procedures and dates. 18 for which you wish to enroll and/or pay tuition. Course Enrollment Guide—2014 2014 TCC Academic Calendar QUICK TIPS BEFORE YOU ENROLL IN COURSES Web registration is available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week to students eligible to register. * Walk-in registration is available to eligible students during TCC's official business hours. Know your TCC username and password so that you can enroll in classes online. Visit to easily view course descriptions by program and class offerings across all campuses. Prepare a list of potential classes for the semester. Review your Advisement Report under the My Academics tab in SIS. A counselor, advisor or program head can assist you with determining courses that meet your academic requirements. Determine your most important class; you will build your semester schedule around it, especially if you are trying to plan a schedule that meets specific days and times. Determine the range of dates and times for which you would like to schedule classes. Determine the course delivery methods that fit your learning style—face-to-face courses, 2014 SPRING SEMESTER SIXTEEN-WEEK REGULAR SESSION November 2 – 8, 2013 November 9, 2013 – January 12, 2014 December 16 January 13 January 15 January 17 January 20 January 30 March 10 – 16 March 27 May 8 May 12 May 14 – 15 May 16 Returning students register for Spring classes* New and returning students register for Spring classes* Tuition due for Spring 2014 classes Classes begin Spring 2014 Graduation Application Deadline (Applications not received by the deadline will be processed the following term.) Last day to add or change for a sixteen-week course Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (college closed) Last day to drop for tuition refund from a sixteen-week course Spring Break (no classes - college open) Last day to withdraw without academic penalty from a sixteen-week course (See Note) Tuition due for Summer 2014 classes Last day of instruction (includes examinations) Professional Development Days Graduation hybrid courses, online courses. Determine the campus or campuses you would be willing to travel to for face-to-face courses and hybrid courses. Determine the course length that fits your learning style—full semester, 12 weeks, 8 weeks, or dynamic sessions. If you are using financial aid, be sure to check on the status of your award. If you are using VA benefits, be sure you have met with your VA counselor/advisor. 2014 SPRING SEMESTER TWELVE-WEEK SESSION November 2 – 8, 2013 November 9, 2013 – February 9, 2014 December 16 January 15 February 10 February 17 February 24 March 10 – 16 April 8 May 8 May 9 May 14 – 15 May 16 Returning students register for Spring classes* New and returning students register for Spring classes* Tuition due for Spring 2014 classes Spring 2014 Graduation Application Deadline (Applications not received by the deadline will be processed the following term.) Classes begin Last day to add or change for a twelve-week course Last day to drop for tuition refund from a twelve-week course Spring Break (no classes - college open) Last day to withdraw without academic penalty from a twelve-week course (See Note) Tuition due for Summer 2014 classes Last day of instruction (includes examinations) Professional Development Days Graduation 17 Tidewater Community College Determine When Class Begins and Ends TABLE OF CONTENTS Classes are offered in different sessions, which determines when a class begins and when a class ends. For each session type, there are different dates to add or change a class, to drop a class for a tuition refund, and to withdraw from a class without academic penalty (receive a “W” grade). Refer to the section entitled Academic Calendar to find these important dates. A dynamic course has unique dates—these dates can be found at Look Up Your Username and Set Your Password ................................................................... 2 Login to myTCC to Access Student Information System (SIS) ................................................. 3 For the upcoming semester, click on the Dynamic link as displayed below: Enroll in a Class Using SIS ................................................................................................. 4 Search for a Class .............................................................................................................. 6 Narrow Your Search for a Class ........................................................................................... 8 Select a Class and Complete Enrollment ............................................................................ 10 Course Delivery Descriptions ............................................................................................. 12 Course Subject Abbreviations ............................................................................................ 13 Class Sessions Regular Class Session Description Class Section Codes ......................................................................................................... 14 16-Week Regular Session Class runs the entire semester January 13, 2014–May 12, 2014 Determine When Class Begins and Ends ............................................................................ 16 2014 Academic Calendar ................................................................................................. 17 Twelve Week 12-Week Session Class starts fourth week of semester February 10, 2014–May 9, 2014 Eight Week 1 First 8-Week Session Class runs for the first eight weeks of the semester January 13, 2014–March 10, 2014 Eight Week 2 Second 8-Week Session Class runs for the second eight weeks of the semester March 17, 2014–May 9, 2014 Four Week 1* First Four Week Session for MTE Four Week 2* Second Four-Week Session for MTE Four Week 3* Third Four-Week Session for MTE Four Week 4* Fourth Four-Week Session for MTE Dynamic* How to View My Financial Aid ........................................................................................... 19 TCC Main Campus Maps .................................................................................................. 20 Class that does not fit into any of the categories above *When searching for a class, pay attention to the various Meeting Dates, Days and Times 16 Course Enrollment Guide—2014 CLASS SECTION CODE EXAMPLES Look Up Your Username and Set Your Password 1. Type the web address to open the TCC homepage. At the top right corner English 111 – D01C Day section at the Chesapeake Campus of the window, click the myTCC button. English 111 – N55N Night section at the Norfolk Campus 2. Click LOOK UP YOUR USERNAME AND SET YOUR PASSWORD. UN01-1204 UCT2-0406 English 111 – H51P Hybrid section at the Portsmouth Campus English 111 – O65B Online section at the Virginia Beach Campus 3. Type your information in the four boxes. Note the format of the birthdate. Then click Search. UPOA-A203 English 112 – W412 Weekend section at Portsmouth Non-Military English 111 – N014 Night section at the Norfolk Naval Station 4. A Security Question window displays. A sample is displayed below—your question may differ. In the Answer box, type your answer, and then click Submit. A203 5. Type the required information in the four boxes using the guidelines at the Click on S ection to see m ore detailed inform ation about the class and about the class location. right, and then click Next. Once you have set your password, wait at least 10 minutes before attempting to sign in again. This will allow time for your password to be accepted by SIS, Blackboard, and Email. 2 Course Enrollment Guide—2014 Tidewater Community College 15 Class Section Codes Login to myTCC to Access Student Information System (SIS) The following class section is used to explain how to decode or interpret the class section to determine when the class is being offered, the class delivery method, and where the class is being offered: 1. Type the web address to open the TCC homepage. At the top right corner of the window, click the myTCC button. 2. a. In the USE myTCC TO ACCESS: STUDENT EMAIL, SIS, AIS, BLACKBOARD window, click in the My Username box and type your username. If you have misplaced your username, refer to the section entitled Look Up Your Username and Set Your Password. b. Click in the My Password box and type your password. If you have forgotten your username, refer to the section entitled Look Up Your Username and Set Your Password. EXAMPLE: ENG 111 - College Composition I - D01B - LEC(38186) - MoWeFr 7:00am–7:50am c. Click the myTCC button. Section D01B indicates a day lecture class held at the Virginia Beach Campus. Be careful not to schedule a class at one campus and a class immediately following at another campus or location. Mo=Monday, Tu=Tuesday, We=Wednesday, Th= Thursday, Fr=Friday, Sa=Saturday, Su=Sunday Course Subject Course Number Course Title Section Class Number Days Times ENG (English) 111 College Comp I D 01B 38186 Monday, Wednesday, & Friday 7:00 am -7:50 am F irst L etter or N um ber of the Section: n: D O 1B L ast L etter or N um ber of Sectio Section: io ion: o D O 1B Indicates when and delivery m ethod* d* IIndicates di t location l ti off class l or the th campus offering ff i the th class l for an online class D N L V O U S W I H 1 2 3 4 D ay Class N ight Class (starts after 4:30 pm ) L aboratory Class Com pressed Video Class O nline Class D ual E nrollm ent Class Service L earning Class Weekend Class—F riday N ight, Saturday or Sunday Independent Study Class H ybrid Class—O nline Class with a num ber of on-cam pus m eetings 1 st F our-Week Session 2 nd F our Week Session (MTE ) 3 rd F our-Week Session (MTE ) 4 th F our-Week Session (MTE ) *The two digit num ber in the m iddle indicates the sim plified section num ber. 14 3. Under My Tools, click VCCS SIS: Student Information System. Cam pus Codes: C Chesapeake N N orfolk P Portsm outh B Virginia B each O ff-Cam pus Codes: 0 K Chesapeake Military 1 Virginia B each Military (D am N eck and O ceana) 2 Portsm outh N on-Military 3 Portsm outh N aval Medical Center 4 Virginia B each Military (N orfolk N aval Station) 5 Portsm outh Military (N orfolk N aval Shipyard) 6 Portsm outh Military 7 Virginia B each N on-Military 8 Portsm outh Visual Arts Center 9 Chesapeake N on-Military K N orfolk O ff Cam pus-Virginia B each Military (L ittle Creek Am phibious B ase) Course Enrollment Guide—2014 3 Tidewater Community College Enroll in a Class Using SIS 1. After logging in successfully, under Self Service, click Student Center. 2. Under Academics, click Enroll. Please ensure that your user preferences are set to the institution and term for which you wish to enroll and/or pay tuition. 4 Course Enrollment Guide—2014 Course Subject Abbreviations ACC ACQ ADJ AIR ARC ART ASL AST AUB AUT BIO BLD BUS CAD CHD CHI CHM CIV CRF CSC CST DAN DIT DMS DSL ECO EDU EGR ELE EMS ENE ENF ENG ENV ESL ETR FIN FNS FRE FST GEO GER GIS GOL HIM HIS HLT Accounting Acquisitions Administration of Justice Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Architecture Arts American Sign Language Administrative Support Technology Auto Body Automotive Biology Building Business Management and Administration Computer Aided Drafting and Design Childhood Development Chinese Chemistry Civil Engineering Technology Crafts Computer Science Communication Studies and Theater Dance Dietetics Diagnostic Medical Sonography Diesel Economics Education Engineering Electrical Technology Emergency Medical Services Energy Technology English Fundamentals English Environmental Science English as a Second Language Electronics Technology Financial Services Funeral Services French Fire Science Technology Geography German Geographic Information Systems Geology Health Information Management History Health HMS HRI HRT HUM IDS IND INS INT ITD ITE ITN ITP JPN LGL MAC MAR MDL MEC MKT MSC MTE MTH MUS NAS NUR OCT PBS PED PHI PHT PHY PLS PSG PSY PTH RAD REA REL RTH RUS SAF SDV SOC SPA SSC TRK WEL Human Services Hotel-Restaurant-Institutional Management Horticulture Humanities Interior Design Industrial Engineering Technology Instrumentation Interpreter Education Information Technology Design and Database Information Technology - Essentials Information Technology - Networking Information Technology - Programming Japanese Legal Administration (Paralegal) Machine Technology Marine Science Medical Laboratory Mechanical Engineering Technology Marketing Military Sciences Math Essentials Mathematics Music Natural Science Nursing Occupational Therapy Public Service Physical Education and Recreation Philosophy Photography Physics Political Science Other Polysomnographic Technology Psychology Physical Therapy Assistant Radiography Real Estate Religion Respiratory Therapy Russian Safety Student Development Sociology Spanish Social Science Trucking Welding 13 Tidewater Community College Course Delivery Descriptions 3. If necessary, under Select Term, click 2014 Semester option button, and then click Continue. Traditional Courses Courses in which faculty and students meet face to face regularly. Delivered through Blackboard, the online learning management system at TCC, these classes require students to have regular and Online Courses reliable access to the internet and strong technical skills. A combination of internet-based coursework (generally utilizing Blackboard) and traditional classroom meetings, these classes Hybrid Courses require students to use computers and have internet access as well as meet on-campus with instructors. 4. After clicking Continue, a screen similar to the figure below displays: These courses follow a traditional on-campus meeting schedule, but they may require students to use computers and to have internet Technology-Enhanced access. A variety of technologies may be required, such as Courses Blackboard, word processing, PowerPoint, email, etc. If you know the 5-digit class num ber, you can type it in the E nter Class N br box, and then click enter instead of searching for a class. 12 Course Enrollment Guide—2014 Tidewater Community College 5 4. To enroll in the class, in the Shopping Cart, click the check box to the left of the class you Search for a Class have selected, and then click enroll. 1. After ensuring that the correct semester is selected, on the add tab under Find Classes, if necessary, click Class Search, and then click search. 5. To complete enrollment, click Proceed to Step 2 of 3. In the Confirm classes window, verify again that this is the class you have selected, and then click Finish Enrolling. 2. a. Under Search for Classes, in the Course Subject box, type the course subject abbreviation (example: ENG, PSY, or SDV). See the section entitled Course Subject Abbreviations for more information. b. In the Course Number box, type the course number (example: 111 for ENG 111). c. Click the Course Career box arrow, and then click Credit. d. Click the Campus box arrow, and then click the campus for classes you wish to display. Com plete the enrollm ent process as soon as you have selected a class to be sure that you obtain one of the available seats. If you add all of your classes to your shopping cart and then finish enrolling, during peak registration tim es, a class you have added to your shopping cart m ay no longer have seats available. Leave blank to view college-wide course offerings. e. Click Search. (You can narrow your search by first clicking on Additional Search Options, which is explained in the section entitled Narrow Your Search for a Class.) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 6 Course Enrollment Guide—2014 • If enrollment errors occur, a message will provide information that will tell you why that class cannot be added to your schedule. • To return to your Shopping Cart, click Add Another Class. • To remove a class, in the Delete column, click the trashcan icon. • To enroll in a class with a required lab, search for the lecture class. A Select Laboratory Section window will display a list of available lab sections. In the left column, click the lab section option button. Then follow the steps to complete the enrollment process. • To drop or swap classes, click on Student Center, click on Enrollment, and then click on the appropriate tab. Tidewater Community College 11 Select a Class and Complete Enrollment 1. After finding the class that meets your criteria, click select class. 3. If you select a class that has more than 50 offerings or sections, the following message is displayed. If you do not wish to narrow your search, click OK. 4. After clicking OK, a screen similar to the figure below displays that lists all of the class 2. Verify that the class is the one that you want, read the Enrollment Information, and then click NEXT to add the class to your Shopping Cart. offerings/sections for the course subject, course number, and campus you selected (scroll to view all offerings/sections): B e sure that you have successfully com pleted the prerequisites and/or co-requisites for the course. Three sections; scroll down to view others below. 3. After clicking NEXT, a screen similar to the figure below displays: 10 Course Enrollment Guide—2014 Tidewater Community College 7 Narrow Your Search for a Class 1. To narrow your class search to meet specific criteria, such as specific dates, times, or 3. After clicking Search, a screen similar to the figure below displays that lists all of the class locations, click Additional Search Criteria. The example below displays a search for an ENG offerings and sections for the criteria you entered or selected. Scroll to see all course 111 class at the Virginia Beach Campus. offerings and sections. K ey for class status: TCC displays the class as open for enrollm ent or closed. Typically, if a class is closed, the m axim um num ber of students for the class has been reached, or the class is only available for a special set of students. The status can change unpredictably throughout the enrollm ent period. E x. This class is open and has available seats. 2. To narrow your class search to meet specific criteria, such as specific start times, end times, days of week, instructor, session, mode of instruction, or location, type the information or click the arrow in a box and then click the appropriate criteria. Then click Search This example narrows the results to display ENG 111 courses offered by the Virginia Beach Campus that start at 7 a.m. or later, end before or at 1 p.m., on Mondays and/or Wednesdays, that are offered during the regular 16-week session, and that are lecture courses. To display afternoon and evening tim es, enter p m after typing the tim e or enter the tim e in the 24-hour m ilitary form at. E x: 1:00 pm = 1300 8 Course Enrollment Guide—2014 Tidewater Community College 9