PHILOSOPHY B R O A D V I E W BP_Phil_Cat2013_PRESS.indd 1 P R E S S 2 0 1 3 12-11-13 10:38 AM TabLe oF CoNTeNTs Introduction to Philosophy 1 Critical Thinking 4 Logic 5 Ethics 6 Ethical Theory 6 Applied Ethics 7 Environmental Ethics 8 Biomedical Ethics 8 Business Ethics 9 Life, Death, and Human Nature 10 Feminist Philosophy 10 Social and Political Philosophy 11 Philosophy of Law 13 Aesthetics 14 Philosophy of Mind 15 Epistemology 15 Philosophy of Science 16 Philosophy of Religion 16 Philosophy of Language 17 Non-Western Philosophy 18 History of Philosophy 19 Broadview Editions 20 Index 25 broadview: wHaT peopLe are saYiNG “Broadview Press gives material form to the dictum that the book should be a thing of intellectual beauty.” — STEPHEN SLEMON, University of Alberta “Broadview makes available to the classroom a wide range of exciting texts that put it on the cutting edge of contemporary curriculum.” — DENISE GIGANTE, Stanford University Keep Up To daTe oN wHaT’s New FroM broadview Join our Friends List and you’ll receive periodic email updates listing recently published Philosophy titles. 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CoMpaNioN websiTes Several Broadview titles come with access to companion websites. Some are geared towards students and others are directed towards instructors. A variety of supplementary materials are available online, including additional readings, interactive exercises, sample essays, discussion questions, and more. broadview oFFers eLeCTroNiC eXaMiNaTioN Copies E-copies are delivered more quickly than bound books and don’t clutter up your bookshelf if you choose not to adopt the book. To request an examination copy, bound or electronic, write to and please indicate course title and estimated enrollment. MORE INFORMATION ABOUT BROADVIEW PRESS MAY BE FOUND AT: WWW.BROADVIEWPRESS.COM BP_Phil_Cat2013_PRESS.indd 2 12-11-13 10:38 AM InTRODUCTIOn TO PHILOSOPHY First Philosophy: Fundamental Problems and Readings in Philosophy First Philosophy: Concise Edition Fundamental Problems and Readings in Philosophy second edition second edition eDiteD BY anDreW BaiLeY WitH roBert m. martin eDiteD BY anDreW BaiLeY WitH roBert m. martin 2011 7.75x9.25 paper 1025pp 978-1-55111-971-7 Us $75.95 CDn $75.95 (not available in the UK or australia) 2012 7.75x9.25 paper 740pp 978-1-55481-057-4 Us $65.95 CDn $65.95 (not available in the UK or australia) “I would recommend First Philosophy to anyone teaching an introductory philosophy course.” – Paul Churchland, University of California, San Diego “This is an extremely well-done philosophy text.... [It] should become a standard in introductory philosophy classes.” – Patricia Blanchette, University of Notre Dame “First Philosophy has a good selection of articles for my purposes, and the accompanying introductory background material is absolutely brilliant.” – Jillian Scott McIntosh, Simon Fraser University “The introductions are fabulous; students find them very helpful. Overall, First Philosophy is an excellent anthology for first-year students; the text has made my job significantly easier.” – Jennifer M. Phillips, Indiana University, Bloomington Andrew Bailey’s highly regarded introductory anthology has been revised and updated in this new edition. The comprehensive introductory material for each chapter and selection remains, and new sections on philosophical puzzles and paradoxes and philosophical terminology have been added. New articles include Lorraine Code on feminist epistemology, A.J. Ayer on freedom and necessity, Susan Moller Okin on justice and gender, and Mary Midgley on the moral status of non-human animals, among others. The second concise edition of the acclaimed introductory anthology includes thirty-five readings, supplemented by the editors’ renowned introductions to topics and individual selections. All of the appendices from the full edition are included, as is access to the First Philosophy companion website, which includes additional readings, interactive quizzes, and materials on writing about philosophy. FIRST PHILOSOPHY is aLso avaiLabLe iN THree voLUmes: Volume I: Values and Society 2011 7.75x9.25 paper 375pp 978-1-55111-972-4 Us $49.95 CDn $49.95 (not available in the UK or australia) Volume II: Knowledge and Reality 2011 7.75x9.25 paper 350pp 978-1-55111-973-1 Us $49.95 CDn $49.95 (not available in the UK or australia) Volume III: God, Mind, and Freedom 2011 7.75x9.25 paper 425pp 978-1-55111-974-8 Us $49.95 CDn $49.95 (not available in the UK or australia) speciaL combiNed price: Please note that a special discounted price is available when any two of the above volumes are ordered together as a shrink-wrapped package. Please contact for more details. f o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n , v i s i t w w w . b r o a d v i e w p r e s s . c o m 1 BP_Phil_Cat2013_PRESS.indd 1 12-11-13 10:38 AM InTRODUCTIOn TO PHILOSOPHY Yes, But How Do You Know?: Introducing Philosophy Through Sceptical Ideas Nothing So Absurd: An Invitation to Philosophy BY PHiLLiP Hoffmann BY stePHen HetHerinGton 2009 6x9 paper 175pp 978-1-55111-903-8 Us $27.95 CDn $27.95 aUst $37.95 Yes, But How Do You Know? is an invitation to think philosophically through the use of sceptical ideas. How much can we discover about our surroundings? What sort of beings are we? Can we trust our own reasoning? In inviting, lucid prose, Hetherington addresses these and other questions, using scepticism to illuminate many perennial philosophical puzzles. Self-Knowledge: Beginning Philosophy Right Here and Now BY stePHen HetHerinGton 2007 5.5x7.25 paper 150pp 978-1-55111-798-0 Us $19.95 CDn $19.95 aUst $26.95 The book shows how profound philosophy can swiftly emerge from intense private reflection upon the details of one’s life, and as such will help the reader take the first steps towards philosophical self-understanding. Philosophical Conversations BY roBert m. martin 2006 6x9 paper 351pp 978-1-55111-649-5 Us $32.95 CDn $32.95 aUst $36.95 Philosophical Conversations is a light, informal, and contemporary introduction to philosophy. Using a dialogue format, Robert M. Martin delves into the traditional questions of philosophy in a manner that will engage students. 2003 6x9 paper 196pp 978-1-55111-408-8 Us $29.95 CDn $29.95 aUst $34.95 Written in clear, non-technical language, Nothing So Absurd is a succinct and accessible introduction to topics in the history of Western philosophy. The author presents material of great intrinsic interest in a fashion that also provides a sense of the broad sweep of the discipline. Great Philosophers: A Brief Story BY JeffreY reiD 2008 6x9 paper 130pp 978-1-55111-963-2 Us $22.95 CDn $22.95 aUst $25.95 Jeffrey Reid provides an engaging introduction to many of the principal ideas of luminaries such as Plato, Descartes, Hume, Kant, Hegel, Nietzsche, and Sartre. Socrates’ Children: Thinking and Knowing in the Western Tradition BY trUDY Govier 1997 6x9 paper 343pp 978-1-55111-093-6 Us $29.95 CDn $29.95 aUst $36.95 “Socrates’ Children is philosophically astute and written in the lively and accessible style for which Trudy Govier is justly esteemed.” – Frank Cunningham, University of Toronto God, the Devil, and the Perfect Pizza: Ten Philosophical Questions BY trUDY Govier 1989 6x9 paper 198pp 978-0-921149-50-7 Us $29.95 CDn $29.95 aUst $32.95 2 P H I L O S O P H Y B r o a D v i e W P r e s s 2 0 1 3 BP_Phil_Cat2013_PRESS.indd 2 12-11-13 10:38 AM InTRODUCTIOn TO PHILOSOPHY The Grasshopper: Games, Life and Utopia BY BernarD sUits introDUCeD BY tHomas HUrKa 2006 6x9 paper 179pp 978-1-55111-772-0 Us $26.95 CDn $26.95 aUst $31.95 “This unique book quite bowled me over, both intellectually and as a gorgeous literary feast. Bernard Suits not only makes philosophy enjoyable, as it should be, but does so without any compromise of real profundity.” – Simon Blackburn, Cambridge University “The Grasshopper is an amazing book. Philosophically profound, yet genuinely funny. While primarily an articulation and defense of a highly plausible definition of games, it also manages to raise some of the deepest and most challenging questions about the meaning of life.” – Shelly Kagan, Yale University There Are Two Errors in the the Title of This Book: A Sourcebook of Philosophical Puzzles, Paradoxes, and Problems revised and expanded (again) BY roBert m. martin 2011 6x9 paper 350pp 978-1-55481-053-6 Us $25.95 CDn $25.95 aUst $29.95 “This is a superb text for stimulating students’ interest and showing them how much sheer fun can be had from doing philosophy.” – Adam Rieger, University of Glasgow As this book richly and entertainingly demonstrates, philosophy is as much the search for the right questions as it is the search for the right answers. More Precisely : The Math You Need to Do Philosophy BY eriC steinHart 2009 6x9 paper 210pp 978-1-55111-909-0 Us $29.95 CDn $29.95 aUst $34.95 More Precisely provides a rigorous and engaging introduction to the mathematics necessary to do philosophy. Eric Steinhart demonstrates how mathematics applies to many fundamental issues in branches of philosophy such as metaphysics, philosophy of language, epistemology, and ethics. An Introduction to Philosophical Methods BY CHris DaLY 2010 6x9 paper 256pp 978-1-55111-934-2 Us $32.95 CDn $32.95 aUst $37.95 Rigorous yet accessible, this book introduces and illustrates the methodological considerations that are involved in current philosophical debates. The Philosopher’s Dictionary T hird Edition BY roBert m. martin 2002 4.5x7 paper 329pp 978-1-55111-494-1 Us $14.95 CDn $14.95 aUst $17.95 The central aim of The Philosopher’s Dictionary is to provide a comprehensive and up-to-date guide to philosophical terms. Definitions are brief, clear, and user-friendly. Notes on usage, spelling, and pronunciation are included, and there are brief entries on hundreds of the best-known philosophers. f o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n , v i s i t w w w . b r o a d v i e w p r e s s . c o m 3 BP_Phil_Cat2013_PRESS.indd 3 12-11-13 10:38 AM CRITICAL THInKInG Critical Thinking: An Introduction to the Basic Skills fifth edition BY WiLLiam HUGHes anD JonatHan LaverY 2008 6.5x9 paper 420pp 978-1-55111-884-0 Us $49.95 CDn $49.95 aUst $57.95 sixth edition BY WiLLiam HUGHes, JonatHan LaverY, anD KatHerYn Doran 2009 6.5x9 paper 390pp 978-1-55111-163-6 Us $49.95 CDn $49.95 aUst $57.95 “ “Critical Thinking works very well indeed with first-year students. As a means of improving their thinking it is more successful than anything I’ve tried.” – Cleo Boyd, University of Toronto Critical Thinking is a comprehensive and accessible introduction to the essential skills required to make strong arguments. The authors provide a thorough treatment of such topics as deductive and inductive reasoning, logical fallacies, the importance of inference, how to recognize and avoid ambiguity, and how to assess what is or is not relevant to an argument. NB: The 5th edition features material particularly appropriate for Canadian students (and uses Canadian spelling); the 6th edition features material particularly appropriate for American students (and uses American spelling). Good Reasons for Better Arguments: An Introduction to the Skills and Values of Critical Thinking BY Jerome e. BiCKenBaCH anD JaCQUeLine m. Davies 1996 6.5x9 paper 400pp 978-1-55111-059-2 Us $49.95 CDn $49.95 aUst $59.95 What Should I Believe?: Philosophical Essays for Critical Thinking eDiteD BY PaUL GomBerG 2011 6x9 paper 250pp 978-1-55481-013-0 Us $29.95 CDn $29.95 aUst $33.95 This anthology introduces students to the difficult philosophical questions that surround critical thinking, moving away from dogmatism and towards philosophical dialogue. Is That a Fact?: A Field Guide to Statistical and Scientific Information BY marK BattersBY 2009 6x9 paper 240pp 978-1-55111-587-0 Us $26.95 CDn $26.95 aUst $31.95 In this clear and engaging book, Mark Battersby provides a practical guide to thinking critically about scientific and statistical information. THE BROADVIEW LIBRARY OF LOGIC & CRITICAL THINKING Deductive Logic in Natural Language BY DoUGLas Cannon 2003 7x9 paper 284pp 978-1-55111-445-3 Us $46.95 CDn $46.95 aUst $63.00 Logic With Added Reasoning BY miCHaeL GaBBaY 2002 6x9 paper 217pp 978-1-55111-405-7 Us $49.95 CDn $49.95 aUst $70.00 Making Up Your Mind: A Textbook in Critical Thinking BY roBert mUtti 2002 7x9 paper 179pp 978-1-55111-427-9 Us $52.95 CDn $52.95 aUst $70.00 4 P H I L O S O P H Y B r o a D v i e W P r e s s 2 0 1 3 BP_Phil_Cat2013_PRESS.indd 4 12-11-13 10:38 AM LOGIC New! An Introduction to Logical Theory BY aLaDDin m. YaQUB Proof and Consequence: An Introduction to Classical Logic with ‘simon’ and ‘simon says’ software BY raY e. JenninGs anD niCoLe a. frieDriCH spring 2013 7x9 paper 450pp 978-1-55111-993-9 Us $54.95 CDn $54.95 aUst $64.95 This book introduces the reader to the three traditional systems of classical logic (Term, Sentence, and Predicate logic) and the philosophical issues that surround those systems. The treatment is conceptually tight: classical logical theory is developed as an attempt to characterize two central notions—logical possibility and demonstrative proof. The exposition is lucid, clear, engaging, and presupposes no special knowledge of any sort. Natural Deduction: An Introduction to Logic with Real Arguments, a Little History, and Some Humour BY riCHarD t.W. artHUr 2011 6.5x9 paper 350pp 978-1-55111-182-7 Us $44.95 CDn $44.95 aUst $49.95 Richard Arthur’s Natural Deduction provides a wide-ranging introduction to logic. In lively and readable prose, Arthur presents a new approach to the study of logic, one that seeks to integrate methods of argument analysis developed in modern “informal logic” with natural deduction techniques. The dry bones of logic are given flesh by unusual attention to the history of the subject, from Pythagoras, the Stoics, and Indian Buddhist logic through Lewis Carroll, Russell, Frege, and Monty Python. 2006 7x9 paper 220pp 978-1-55111-547-4 Us $67.95 CDn $67.95 aUst $74.95 Proof and Consequence is a rigorous, elegant introduction to classical firstorder natural deductive logic. The complete logic package includes the text, a study guide with extra questions, and access to logic exercise software. Introducing Symbolic Logic BY roBert m. martin 2004 7x9 paper 253pp 978-1-55111-635-8 Us $42.95 CDn $42.95 aUst $48.95 This short introduction to symbolic logic covers sentential and predicate logic, translations, truth tables, and derivations. Numerous exercises are included, accompanied by separate answer keys. Essentials of Symbolic Logic T hird Edition BY r.L. simPson 2008 6x9 paper 270pp 978-1-55111-893-2 Us $44.95 CDn $44.95 aUst $52.95 Logical Options: An Introduction to Classical and Alternative Logics BY JoHn L. BeLL, DaviD DeviDi, anD GraHam soLomon 2001 6.5x9 paper 300pp 978-1-55111-297-8 Us $49.95 CDn $49.95 aUst $65.00 Logical Options introduces many-sorted logic, second-order logic, modal logics, intuitionistic logic, three-valued logic, fuzzy logic, and free logic. f o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n , v i s i t w w w . b r o a d v i e w p r e s s . c o m 5 BP_Phil_Cat2013_PRESS.indd 5 12-11-13 10:38 AM ETHICS ETHICAL THEORY Ethical Theory: A Concise Anthology second edition eDiteD BY Heimir Geirsson anD marGaret r. HoLmGren 2010 6x9 paper 390pp 978-1-55481-015-4 Us $47.95 CDn $47.95 aUst $52.95 This anthology is designed for use as a brief introduction to ethical theory. Included are sections on various forms of ethical theory: Ethical Relativism; Divine Command Theory; Egoism; Consequentialism; Deontology; Justice; Virtue Ethics; Feminist Ethics; and, new to the second edition, Pluralism. Each section includes two or three of the most important and interesting contributions to the field, together with brief introductions by the editors. The second edition contains an improved approach to applied ethics, with moral problems integrated with each theory, and an expanded section on feminist theory. The Dimensions of Ethics: An Introduction to Ethical Theory BY WiLfriD J. WaLUCHoW 2003 5.5x8 paper 256pp 978-1-55111-450-7 Us $26.95 CDn $26.95 aUst $32.95 “This book provides an excellent, wide-ranging, highly readable introduction to ethical theory by a top-notch moral philosopher. Because the author is also an expert in legal philosophy, the connections between morality and law are especially well handled. Students taking a first course in ethics will profit immensely from this book.” – Matthew H. Kramer, University of Cambridge Personal Identity and Ethics BY DaviD sHoemaKer 2008 6x9 paper 293pp 978-1-55111-882-6 Us $37.95 CDn $37.95 aUst $42.95 Topics include personal identity and prudential rationality, and the practical consequences of accounts of personal identity for issues such as abortion, stem cell research, and cloning. Hypocrisy: Ethical Investigations BY BÉLa sZaBaDos anD eLDon soifer 2004 6x9 paper 352pp 978-1-55111-557-3 Us $36.95 CDn $36.95 aUst $39.95 “With one thoughtful and thorough treatise Szabados and Soifer have not only wonderfully remedied a very serious shortcoming within moral philosophy, but they have produced the seminal work on what promises to be a fresh and important discussion in ethical theory and applied ethics alike.” – Michael Nelson, University of Idaho Incompatibilism’s Allure BY isHtiYaQUe HaJi 2008 6x9 paper 220pp 978-1-55111-919-9 Us $36.95 CDn $36.95 aUst $42.95 “Incompatibilism’s Allure offers by far the most comprehensive and accessible treatment of the thesis that determinism is incompatible with both free will and moral responsibility.... It is clear, accessible, and organized in the best way possible for the purposes of introducing these complex ideas to the uninitiated.” – Michael McKenna, Florida State University Character, Virtue Theories, and the Vices BY CHristine mCKinnon 1999 6x9 paper 261pp 978-1-55111-225-1 Us $39.95 CDn $39.95 aUst $49.95 6 P H I L O S O P H Y B r o a D v i e W P r e s s 2 0 1 3 BP_Phil_Cat2013_PRESS.indd 6 12-11-13 10:38 AM ETHICS APPLIED ETHICS Moral Issues in Global Perspective second edition New! Propaganda and the Ethics of Persuasion eDiteD BY CHristine KoGGeL second edition This anthology seeks to challenge the standard approaches to moral issues shaped by Western liberal theory and to extend the inquiry beyond the context of North America. summer 2013 6x9 paper 350pp 978-1-55481-091-8 Us $34.95 CDn $34.95 aUst $42.95 Volume One: Moral and Political Theory 2006 7x9 paper 357pp 978-1-55111-747-8 Us $46.95 CDn $46.95 aUst $52.95 Volume Two: Human Diversity and Equality 2006 7x9 paper 395pp 978-1-55111-748-5 Us $46.95 CDn $46.95 aUst $52.95 Volume Three: Moral Issues 2006 7x9 paper 301pp 978-1-55111-749-2 Us $46.95 CDn $46.95 aUst $52.95 Ethical Issues: Perspectives for Canadians T hird Edition eDiteD BY eLDon soifer 2009 7x9 paper 720pp 978-1-55111-874-1 CDn $66.95 (available only in Canada) Topics include animal rights, abortion, assisted reproduction, euthanasia, censorship, pornography, the environment, multiculturalism, aboriginal rights, and ethics and the use of violence. Moral Matters second edition BY Jan narveson 2000 6x9 paper 337pp 978-1-55111-212-1 Us $37.95 CDn $37.95 aUst $42.95 “Moral Matters is a first-rate exploration of many of the important issues in applied or normative ethics.” – Susan Dimock, York University “a refreshingly direct style; this book is easy to read, and Narveson pulls no punches.” – Jocelyn Glidden, Weber State University BY ranDaL marLin Randal Marlin’s classic text is updated in this new edition. Additional revelations about a key atrocity story of World War I and the Northcliffe Press’s faking of credentials are used to illuminate contemporary deceptions by government, corporations, and media. An expanded section on ethics examines the implications of various forms of persuasion: not only hate propaganda but also insidious elements of more generally acceptable communication such as advertising, public relations, and government information, setting these in the context of freedom of expression. Animals & Ethics: An Overview of the Philosophical Debate T hird Edition BY anGUs taYLor 2009 7x9 paper 224pp 978-1-55111-976-2 Us $32.95 CDn $32.95 aUst $36.95 “Angus Taylor’s Animals & Ethics is, quite simply, the finest text on animal ethics available.” – Matthew Calarco, California State University, Fullerton Are animals part of the moral community? To what extent, if at all, do they have moral rights? Is it permissible to eat them, hunt them, or use them for scientific research? Taylor traces the background of these debates from Aristotle to Darwin and sets out the views of numerous contemporary philosophers, including Peter Singer, Tom Regan, and Mary Anne Warren. f o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n , v i s i t w w w . b r o a d v i e w p r e s s . c o m 7 BP_Phil_Cat2013_PRESS.indd 7 12-11-13 10:38 AM ETHICS ENVIRONMENTAL ETHICS reCeNTLY pUbLisHed! Environmental Ethics: An Interactive Introduction BY anDreW KernoHan 2012 6x9 paper 260pp 978-1-55481-041-3 Us $29.95 CDn $29.95 aUst $36.95 This book explains the basic concepts of environmental ethics and applies them to global environmental problems. The author concisely introduces basic moral theories, discusses how these theories can be extended to consider the non-human world, and examines how environmental ethics interacts with modern society’s economic approach to the environment. Online multiple choice questions encourage the reader’s active learning. Human Life and the Natural World: Readings in the History of Western Philosophy eDiteD BY oWen GoLDin anD PatriCia KiLroe 1997 6.5x9 paper 245pp 978-1-55111-107-0 Us $34.95 CDn $34.95 aUst $42.95 This anthology includes some of the most important, interesting, and influential readings on the relationship between humans and the rest of the natural world from classical times through to the late nineteenth century. Canadian Issues in Environmental Ethics eDiteD BY aLeX WeLLinGton, aLLan GreenBaUm, anD WesLeY CraGG 1997 7x9 paper 405pp 978-1-55111-128-5 Us $44.95 CDn $44.95 aUst $52.95 BIOMEDICAL ETHICS Readings in Health Care Ethics second edition eDiteD BY eLisaBetH (BoetZKes) GeDGe anD WiLfriD J. WaLUCHoW 2012 7.75x9.25 paper 680pp 978-1-55481-038-3 Us $69.95 CDn $69.95 aUst $76.95 Readings in Health Care Ethics provides a wideranging selection of important and engaging contributions to the field of health care ethics. The second edition adds a chapter on health care in Canada, and the introduction has been expanded to include discussion of a new direction in feminist naturalized ethics. Well and Good: Case Studies in Biomedical Ethics Third Edition BY JoHn e. tHomas anD WiLfriD J. WaLUCHoW 1998 6x9 paper 298pp 978-1-55111-206-0 Us $32.95 CDn $32.95 aUst $37.95 Concepts and Cases in Nursing Ethics Third Edition eDiteD BY miCHaeL Yeo, anne moorHoUse, PameLa KHan, anD PatriCia roDneY 2010 6x9 paper 396pp 978-1-55111-735-5 Us $52.95 CDn $52.95 aUst $59.95 Concepts and Cases in Nursing Ethics is a case-based exploration of the core principles of health care ethics applied to nursing. In this new edition, the conceptual analysis throughout has been updated in view of changes in the health care system. 8 P H I L O S O P H Y B r o a D v i e W P r e s s 2 0 1 3 BP_Phil_Cat2013_PRESS.indd 8 12-11-13 10:38 AM ETHICS BUSINESS ETHICS Professions in Ethical Focus eDiteD BY fritZ aLLHoff anD ananD J. vaiDYa 2008 7.75x9.25 paper 400pp 978-1-55111-699-0 Us $76.95 CDn $76.95 aUst $84.95 Ideal for accountants, engineers, journalists, lawyers, and physicians, this collection presents what classical and contemporary thinkers have to say about ethical dilemmas in the professions. The fifty essays in Professions in Ethical Focus are grouped together in five units, each representing a specific profession. Business in Ethical Focus eDiteD BY fritZ aLLHoff anD ananD J. vaiDYa 2008 7.75x9.25 paper 450pp 978-1-55111-661-7 Us $78.95 CDn $78.95 aUst $84.95 Business in Ethical Focus is a compilation of classical and contemporary essays on business ethics. Approximately fifty essays are organized into five units: Corporate Social Responsibility; Rights and Obligations of Employees and Employers; Justice and Fair Practice; Distributive Justice; and Advertising, Marketing, and the Consumer. Ethical Issues in Business: Inquiries, Cases, and Readings eDiteD BY PeG tittLe 2000 7.75x9.25 paper 549pp 978-1-55111-257-2 Us $52.95 CDn $52.95 aUst $64.95 The core of this text comprises chapters on key issues of business in Canada. Each chapter includes a hypothetical case study and an introduction highlighting key ethical points; two academic essays; and a reallife case study. Questions for discussion accompany the essays and case studies. BROADVIEW GUIDES TO BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL ETHICS Corporate Social Responsibility: An Ethical Approach BY marK s. sCHWartZ 2011 6x9 paper 200pp 978-1-55111-294-7 Us $26.95 CDn $26.95 aUst $27.95 “Corporate Social Responsibility: An Ethical Approach undoubtedly will become the essential compendium for understanding CSR and its relation to business ethics, stakeholder management, sustainability, and corporate citizenship. This marvelous work will be the bible for all serious students and scholars of CSR.” – W. Michael Hoffman, PhD, Executive Director, Center for Business Ethics, and Hieken Professor of Business and Professional Ethics, Bentley University, Waltham, MA Sexual Harassment: An Introduction to the Conceptual and Ethical Issues BY KeitH Dromm 2012 6x9 paper 110pp 978-1-55481-010-9 Us $22.95 CDn $22.95 aUst $25.95 Sexual Harassment: An Introduction to the Conceptual and Ethical Issues covers the most important normative, conceptual, and legal issues associated with sexual harassment. Ethics and Professionalism in Engineering BY riCHarD H. mCCUen anD Kristin L. GiLroY 2011 6x9 paper 246pp 978-1-55111-283-1 Us $29.95 CDn $29.95 aUst $33.95 McCuen and Gilroy situate engineering ethics in the wider context of business and environmental ethics, and guide students through case studies emphasizing value conflicts often encountered in engineering. f o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n , v i s i t w w w . b r o a d v i e w p r e s s . c o m 9 BP_Phil_Cat2013_PRESS.indd 9 12-11-13 10:38 AM LIFE, DEATH, AnD HUMAn nATURE Philosophy and Death: Introductory Readings eDiteD BY samantHa Brennan anD roBert J. stainton 2009 7.5x9 paper 414pp 978-1-55111-902-1 Us $47.95 CDn $47.95 aUst $54.95 An outstanding selection of core readings from the philosophical literature on death. The views of ancient writers such as Plato, Epicurus, and Lucretius are set alongside the work of contemporary figures such as Thomas Nagel, John Perry, and Judith Jarvis Thomson. The Price of Compassion: Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia eDiteD BY miCHaeL stinGL 2010 6x9 paper 250pp 978-1-55111-883-3 Us $34.95 CDn $34.95 aUst $35.95 Theories of Human Nature Third Edition BY Peter LoPtson 2006 7x9 paper 296pp 978-1-55111-653-2 Us $32.95 CDn $32.95 aUst $36.95 For the third edition, Loptson has addressed new developments in the rapidly expanding genetic and paleontological record, as well as expanded the discussion of the Christian theory of human nature. Readings on Human Nature eDiteD BY Peter LoPtson 1998 7x9 paper 564pp 978-1-55111-156-8 Us $69.95 CDn $69.95 aUst $76.95 This anthology brings together forty-five selections by a wide range of philosophers, and provides a representative sampling of the approaches to the study of human nature that have been taken within the Western tradition. FEMInIST PHILOSOPHY This important book is concerned with the issue of euthanasia and associated legislative and health care issues. The book follows a central strand in the debate over medically assisted death, the so-called “slippery slope” argument. Contemporary Feminist Theory and Activism: Six Global Issues Suicide: The Philosophical Dimensions 2009 6x9 paper 200pp 978-1-55111-904-5 Us $32.95 CDn $32.95 aUst $37.95 BY miCHaeL CHoLBi 2011 6x9 paper 200pp 978-1-55111-905-2 Us $26.95 CDn $26.95 aUst $29.95 Suicide: The Philosophical Dimensions is a provocative and comprehensive investigation of the main conceptual and ethical issues surrounding suicide. Philosophy and the Emotions: A Reader BY WenDY LYnne Lee Contemporary Feminist Theory and Activism explores six issues that are vital to a meaningful feminist movement. Lee’s aim is to draft a model for a reinvigorated feminism whose practical vitality and theoretical sophistication can provide foundational support for feminism’s emancipatory movements. A Feminist I: Reflections from Academia BY CHristine overaLL eDiteD BY stePHen LeiGHton 2003 6x9 paper 319pp 978-1-55111-371-5 Us $49.95 CDn $49.95 aUst $57.95 1998 5.25x8.5 paper 214pp 978-1-55111-219-0 Us $26.95 CDn $26.95 aUst $34.95 10 P H I L O S O P H Y B r o a D v i e W P r e s s 2 0 1 3 BP_Phil_Cat2013_PRESS.indd 10 12-11-13 10:38 AM SOCIAL AnD POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY The Broadview Anthology of Social and Political Thought: Essential Readings ancient, modern, and Contemporary texts eDiteD BY anDreW BaiLeY, samantHa Brennan, WiLL KYmLiCKa, JaCoB LevY, aLeX saGer, anD CLarK WoLf Readings in Political Philosophy: Theory and Applications eDiteD BY Diane JesKe anD riCHarD fUmerton 2011 7.75x9.25 paper 1000pp 978-1-55111-765-2 Us $69.95 CDn $69.95 aUst $72.95 “A terrific textbook for introducing students of any age to political philosophy.” – Rob Reich, Stanford University 2012 7.75x9.25 paper 1125pp 978-1-55481-102-1 Us $56.95 CDn $56.95 aUst $59.95 “This is a wonderful collection.… We should all be grateful to the editors for selecting and contextualizing so rich a body of materials.” – Kwame Anthony Appiah, Princeton University “… an impressive work—by far the best political anthology I have seen.” – George Klosko, University of Virginia “Quite simply, this is a fantastic anthology.” – Darren Walhof, Grand Valley State University This volume contains a carefully curated selection of the important works in political and social philosophy from ancient times through to the present. Every selection has been painstakingly annotated, and each figure is given a substantial introduction highlighting his or her major contribution within the tradition. aLso avaiLabLe iN THe compreHeNsive spLiT voLUme ediTioN: Volume One: From Plato to Nietzsche 2008 7.75x9.25 paper 1100pp 978-1-55111-742-3 Us $57.95 CDn $57.95 aUst $62.95 Volume Two: The Twentieth Century and Beyond 2008 7.75x9.25 paper 1100pp 978-1-55111-899-4 Us $36.95 CDn $36.95 aUst $39.95 “A brilliant anthology that makes political philosophy simultaneously more philosophical and more practical than it has ever before been conceived.” – Heidi M. Hurd, University of Illinois This anthology surveys important issues in Western political philosophy from Plato to the present day. Its aim is to show both the continuity and the development of political thought over time. Each unit begins with readings on the fundamental theoretical principles underlying political discourse. Theory is then connected to practice in readings on contemporary issues as well as court cases and other political documents. The Libertarian Idea encore edition BY Jan narveson 2001 5.25x8.25 paper 367pp 978-1-55111-421-7 Us $29.95 CDn $29.95 aUst $38.95 “This book is an important examination of both contractarianism and libertarianism. And beyond its intriguing central theses and its pointed applications of libertarian premises to policy issues, it provides an extensive and valuable critical commentary on recent philosophical attacks on libertarian themes.” – Ethics f o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n , v i s i t w w w . b r o a d v i e w p r e s s . c o m 11 BP_Phil_Cat2013_PRESS.indd 11 12-11-13 10:38 AM SOCIAL AnD POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY New! The Morality of War second edition Human Rights: Concept and Context BY Brian orenD BY Brian orenD fall 2013 6x9 paper 300pp 978-1-55481-095-6 Us $36.95 CDn $36.95 aUst $42.95 Praise for the first edition: “Brian Orend has written a wonderfully lucid and bravely innovative account of just war theory.” – Michael Walzer, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton “Brian Orend has written an ideal introduction to the morality of war: engaging, accessible, comprehensive, historically informed and bang up-to-date. Here are all the major issues, sensitively discussed with the aid of vivid case studies and examples. Of particular importance is Orend’s work on jus post bellum—justice after war—and his discussion of the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, and the broader ‘war on terror.’ This book deserves to be read by all those with an interest in the dilemmas of war and international relations.” – David Rodin, Oxford University The first edition of The Morality of War has been used as a required textbook at universities and military academies around the world. In this second edition, Brian Orend builds on the substantial strengths of the first, adding important new material on: cyber-warfare; drone attacks; the wrapup of Iraq and Afghanistan; conflicts in Libya and Syria; and protracted struggles (like the Arab-Israeli conflict). Updated and streamlined throughout, the book offers new research tools and case studies, while keeping the winning blend of theory and history featured in the first edition. This book remains an engaging and comprehensive examination of the ethics, and practice, of war and peace in today’s world. 2002 6x9 paper 272pp 978-1-55111-436-1 Us $34.95 CDn $34.95 aUst $39.95 The winner of a 2002 Choice Outstanding Academic Title Award, this book addresses a number of conceptual questions related to human rights and offers a detailed account of how the notion of human rights came to be such a powerful force in the contemporary world. Nonviolence, Peace, and Justice: A Philosophical Introduction BY Kit r. CHristensen 2009 6x9 paper 186pp 978-1-55111-996-0 Us $32.95 CDn $32.95 aUst $37.95 This book takes a philosophical approach to questions related to violence, war, and justice in human affairs. It is informed throughout by an ethical preference for nonviolent strategies in the achievement of human ends, and by a belief in the viability of a socially just, and thus peaceful, human future. Humanitarian Intervention: Moral and Philosophical Issues eDiteD BY aLeKsanDar JoKiC introDUCeD BY BUrLeiGH WiLKins 2003 6x9 paper 160pp 978-1-55111-489-7 Us $29.95 CDn $29.95 aUst $36.95 Lessons of Kosovo: The Dangers of Humanitarian Intervention eDiteD BY aLeKsanDar JoKiC introDUCeD BY BUrLeiGH WiLKins 2003 6x9 paper 184pp 978-1-55111-545-0 Us $27.95 CDn $27.95 aUst $34.95 12 P H I L O S O P H Y B r o a D v i e W P r e s s 2 0 1 3 BP_Phil_Cat2013_PRESS.indd 12 12-11-13 10:38 AM SOCIAL AnD POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY New! Globalization and International Development: The Ethical Issues eDiteD BY H.e. BaBer anD Denise Dimon spring 2013 7x9 paper 650pp 978-1-55481-012-3 Us $59.95 CDn $59.95 aUst $69.95 This new anthology offers a wide selection of readings on the contemporary moral issues that arise from the division between the Global North and South. The book is organized for teaching, with an initial section on ethical theory followed by selfcontained sections on eight major topics. Each section includes current empirical data and accessible readings from economists and other social scientists, as well as philosophical discussion of the ethical issues at play. The Immorality of Punishment BY miCHaeL J. Zimmerman 2011 6x9 paper 183pp 978-1-55481-055-0 Us $27.95 CDn $27.95 aUst $29.95 In The Immorality of Punishment Michael Zimmerman argues forcefully that not only our current practice but indeed any practice of legal punishment is deeply morally repugnant, no matter how vile the behavior that is its target. Despite the fact that it may be difficult to imagine a state functioning at all, let alone well, without having recourse to punishing those who break its laws, Zimmerman makes a timely and compelling case for the view that we must seek and put into practice alternative means of preventing crime and promoting social stability. PHILOSOPHY OF LAW Readings in the Philosophy of Law second edition eDiteD BY KeitH CULver 2007 7x9 paper 438pp 978-1-55111-810-9 Us $72.95 CDn $72.95 aUst $79.95 Readings in the Philosophy of Law is a concise anthology of central arguments and issues in legal theory. Retaining the structure and key selections of the first edition, the second edition is organized around the ideas of law and legal reasoning, limits on individual liberty, responsibility, and the idea of international law. Selections are edited lightly, most presented in their entirety, allowing readers to grapple with arguments in their original forms. Culver’s clear, accessible introductions are a particular strength of this collection, giving readers an extra “way in” to an understanding of complex arguments. Canadian Cases in the Philosophy of Law fourth edition eDiteD BY Jerome e. BiCKenBaCH 2007 6x9 paper 320pp 978-1-55111-775-1 Us $27.95 CDn $27.95 aUst $34.95 speciaL combiNed price: Readings in the Philosophy of Law may be ordered together with Canadian Cases in the Philosophy of Law for a special discounted price. Please contact for more information. Legal Reasoning encore edition BY martin P. GoLDinG 2001 5.25x8.25 paper 149pp 978-1-55111-422-4 Us $22.95 CDn $22.95 aUst $27.95 f o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n , v i s i t w w w . b r o a d v i e w p r e s s . c o m 13 BP_Phil_Cat2013_PRESS.indd 13 12-11-13 10:38 AM AESTHETICS The Extraordinary in the Ordinary: The Aesthetics of Everyday Life BY tHomas LeDDY 2012 6x9 paper 275pp 978-1-55111-478-1 Us $32.95 CDn $32.95 aUst $36.95 The Extraordinary in the Ordinary explores the domain of everyday aesthetics. Unlike most other writers in the field, Thomas Leddy stresses the close relationship between everyday aesthetics and the aesthetics of art. Special emphasis is placed on neglected aesthetic terms that have particular relevance to the everyday, such as “neat,” “messy,” “pretty,” “lovely,” “cute,” and “pleasant.” Natural Beauty: A Theory of Aesthetics Beyond the Arts BY ronaLD moore 2007 6x9 paper 320pp 978-1-55111-503-0 Us $36.95 CDn $36.95 aUst $39.95 Natural Beauty presents a bold new philosophical account of the principles involved in making aesthetic judgments about natural objects. It surveys historical and modern accounts of natural beauty and weaves elements derived from those accounts into a “syncretic theory” that centers on key features of aesthetic experience—specifically, features that sustain and reward attention. Art and Interpretation: An Anthology of Readings in Aesthetics and the Philosophy of Art eDiteD BY eriC DaYton 1999 7.75x9.25 paper 599pp 978-1-55111-190-2 Us $69.95 CDn $69.95 aUst $74.95 Contemporary Readings in the Philosophy of Literature: An Analytic Approach eDiteD BY DaviD Davies anD CarL matHeson 2008 7x9 paper 300pp 978-1-55111-177-3 Us $48.95 CDn $48.95 aUst $57.95 The readings in this collection bring together some of the most important recent work in the philosophy of literature by philosophers such as Martha Nussbaum, John Searle, and David Lewis. The readings explore philosophical issues such as the nature of fiction, the status of the author, the act of interpretation, the role of the emotions in the act of reading, the aesthetic and moral value of literary works, and other topics central to the philosophy of literature. The Aesthetics of Human Environments eDiteD BY aLLen CarLson anD arnoLD BerLeant 2007 6x9 paper 312pp 978-1-55111-685-3 Us $44.95 CDn $44.95 aUst $47.95 This collection brings together a set of essays that present some of the main ideas and themes concerning the aesthetics of human environments. It will appeal to any reader concerned about the aesthetic quality of the world in which we live. The Aesthetics of Natural Environments eDiteD BY aLLen CarLson anD arnoLD BerLeant 2004 6x9 paper 312pp 978-1-55111-470-5 Us $44.95 CDn $44.95 aUst $47.95 “At last, an anthology on environmental aesthetics! This is a field-defining work that will represent the gold standard in this new subdiscipline for years to come.” – J. Baird Callicott, University of North Texas 14 P H I L O S O P H Y B r o a D v i e W P r e s s 2 0 1 3 BP_Phil_Cat2013_PRESS.indd 14 12-11-13 10:38 AM PHILOSOPHY OF MInD A Historical Introduction to the Philosophy of Mind: Readings with Commentary EPISTEMOLOGY An Introduction to Epistemology second edition BY JaCK s. CrUmLeY ii second edition eDiteD BY Peter morton 2010 7x9 paper 500pp 978-1-55111-852-9 Us $67.95 CDn $67.95 aUst $74.95 This book has two aims: to present the philosophy of mind from a historical perspective so that theories in the field are seen to emerge in the process of solving problems with earlier theories; and to give students access to the original source material together with commentaries that explain the technical terms and jargon, outline the argumentative structure, and place the texts in their historical context. A Brief Introduction to the Philosophy of Mind BY neiL CamPBeLL 2005 6x9 paper 213pp 978-1-55111-617-4 Us $28.95 CDn $28.95 aUst $34.95 “In this refreshingly non-polemical survey of the major theories of mind, Campbell manages to be rigorous without being overly technical.” – Amy Kind, Claremont McKenna College Mental Causation and the Metaphysics of Mind: A Reader eDiteD BY neiL CamPBeLL 2003 6x9 paper 301pp 978-1-55111-509-2 Us $39.95 CDn $39.95 aUst $52.00 Blindsight and the Nature of Consciousness BY Jason HoLt 2003 5.5x9 paper 153pp 978-1-55111-351-7 Us $28.95 CDn $28.95 aUst $34.95 2009 6x9 paper 300pp 978-1-55111-907-6 Us $34.95 CDn $34.95 aUst $37.95 “... an outstanding resource for students and instructors at both introductory and advanced levels.” – Patrick Rysiew, University of Victoria This extensively revised and updated edition of An Introduction to Epistemology provides a concise and userfriendly introduction to the central topics in epistemology. In addition to providing comprehensive accounts of contemporary issues, it also pays serious attention to historical views. The new edition also includes coverage of recent work on contextualism, evidentialism, externalism and internalism, perceptual realism, and feminist epistemology. Additionally, the chapter on coherence theory is substantially revised, reflecting recent developments in the area. Knowledge and Inquiry: Readings in Epistemology eDiteD BY K. BraD WraY 2002 6x9 paper 465pp 978-1-55111-413-2 Us $46.95 CDn $46.95 aUst $52.95 “Knowledge and Inquiry covers the most important topics in contemporary epistemology, including some topics that are typically neglected in undergraduate-level epistemology anthologies (e.g., social epistemology). The selections are well-chosen for their accessibility as well as their importance. This is a wonderful textbook for anyone teaching an undergraduate course in contemporary epistemology!” – Ram Neta, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill f o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n , v i s i t w w w . b r o a d v i e w p r e s s . c o m 15 BP_Phil_Cat2013_PRESS.indd 15 12-11-13 10:38 AM PHILOSOPHY OF SCIEnCE PHILOSOPHY OF RELIGIOn New! Readings in the Philosophy of Religion Science and the World: Philosophical Approaches BY JeffreY foss second edition eDiteD BY KeLLY James CLarK spring 2013 7x9 paper 530pp 978-1-55111-624-2 Us $56.95 CDn $56.95 aUst $64.95 2007 7x9 paper 538pp 978-1-55111-803-1 Us $72.95 CDn $72.95 aUst $79.95 This new anthology includes both classic and contemporary readings on the methods and scope of science. Jeffrey Foss depicts science in a broadly humanistic context, contending that it is philosophically interesting because it has reshaped nearly all aspects of human culture—and in so doing has reshaped humanity as well. While providing a strong introduction to epistemological and metaphysical issues in science, this text goes beyond the traditional topics, enlarging the scope of philosophical engagement with science. Substantial introductions and critical questions are provided for each reading. “Kelly Clark’s impressive anthology was surely one of the very best available; in its second edition it is even better. Clark’s judicious selections are accessible to undergraduates; nevertheless, the anthology thoroughly covers the important topics and covers them in professionally fine style.” – Alvin Plantinga, University of Notre Dame Scientific Thinking BY roBert m. martin 1997 6.5x9 paper 333pp 978-1-55111-130-8 Us $39.95 CDn $39.95 aUst $46.95 “an excellent introduction... renders a number of complex and difficult topics very accessible.” – Teaching Philosophy Scientific Thinking is a practical guide to inductive reasoning— the sort of reasoning that is commonly used in scientific activity, whether such activity is performed by a scientist, a political pollster, or any one of us informally on a day-to-day basis. The Atheist’s Primer BY maLCoLm mUrraY 2010 6x9 paper 225pp 978-1-55111-962-5 Us $32.95 CDn $32.95 aUst $37.95 In lucid and engaging prose, Murray offers a penetrating yet fair-minded critique of the traditional arguments for the existence of God. Seeking God in Science: An Atheist Defends Intelligent Design BY BraDLeY monton 2009 6x9 paper 180pp 978-1-55111-863-5 Us $24.95 CDn $24.95 aUst $29.95 “It is refreshing to see a talented philosopher give intelligent design its due and make a serious attempt to weigh the evidence for and against it, without the weight of the ‘culture wars’ hanging over every sentence.” – John T. Roberts, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill 16 P H I L O S O P H Y B r o a D v i e W P r e s s 2 0 1 3 BP_Phil_Cat2013_PRESS.indd 16 12-11-13 10:38 AM PHILOSOPHY OF LAnGUAGE reCeNTLY pUbLisHed! The Semantics-Pragmatics Boundary in Philosophy eDiteD BY maite eZCUrDia anD roBert J. stainton 2012 6.5x9 paper 600pp 978-1-55481-069-7 Us $49.95 CDn $49.95 aUst $57.95 The boundary between semantics and pragmatics has been important since the early twentieth century, but in the last twenty-five years it has become the central issue in the philosophy of language. This anthology collects classic philosophical papers on the topic, along with recent key contributions. It stresses not only the nature of the boundary, but also its importance for philosophy generally. Logicism and the Philosophy of Language: Selections from Frege and Russell eDiteD BY artHUr sULLivan 2003 6x9 paper 298pp 978-1-55111-471-2 Us $37.95 CDn $37.95 aUst $42.95 “Everything one might want for a course on these two founders of early analytic philosophy is included, along with a seventy-five-page introduction that carefully lays out the contributions of each essay. No other collection has near so many papers from both Frege and Russell in one volume.” – Bernard Linsky, University of Alberta Logicism and the Philosophy of Language brings together the core works by Gottlob Frege and Bertrand Russell on logic and language. This is a collection for anyone interested in questions about truth, meaning, reference, and logic, and in the application of formal analysis to these concepts. Perspectives in the Philosophy of Language: A Concise Anthology eDiteD BY roBert J. stainton 2000 6x9 paper 352pp 978-1-55111-253-4 Us $39.95 CDn $39.95 aUst $46.95 This concise and affordable anthology is designed for use as a textbook in both undergraduate and graduate courses in philosophy of language. It aims to provide a core of essential primary sources and may be used either on its own, or in conjunction with a secondary source. Philosophical Perspectives on Language BY roBert J. stainton 1996 6.5x9 paper 239pp 978-1-55111-086-8 Us $36.95 CDn $36.95 aUst $44.95 “This is a very good text indeed. It covers the important issues in contemporary philosophy of language, and is extremely clear. It is written in a chatty, lively style... an excellent resource for those new to the philosophy of language.” – Patricia Blanchette, Notre Dame University. Philosophical Perspectives on Language is distinguished in several important respects from other introductions to the topic. Rather than looking at philosophy of language as a collection of loosely related topics—speech acts, demonstratives, sense and reference, truth and meaning, etc.—this book is organized around a unifying theme: language as a system of symbols that is known and used. speciaL combiNed price: Please note that a special discounted price is available when both of the above texts are ordered as a shrink-wrapped package. Please contact for more details. f o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n , v i s i t w w w . b r o a d v i e w p r e s s . c o m 17 BP_Phil_Cat2013_PRESS.indd 17 12-11-13 10:38 AM nOn-WESTERn PHILOSOPHY A Guide to Asian Philosophy Classics BY PUQUn Li New! Buddhism: A Philosophical Approach BY CYrUs PanJvani 2012 6x9 paper 300pp 978-1-55481-034-5 Us $34.95 CDn $34.95 aUst $39.95 “In A Guide to Asian Philosophy Classics, Puqun Li provides the student of Asian philosophy with a hugely intelligent companion volume that will inform a close reading of ten of Asia’s foundational texts. Drawing upon the best contemporary scholarly literature and competing translations, Li unfolds widely divergent visions of the consummate human experience that can be achieved through a process of self-initiated personal cultivation. It is hard to conceive of how more of the world’s wisdom could be responsibly engaged in one small book.” – Roger T. Ames, University of Hawai’i “This is a highly readable, issue-oriented guidebook to ten representative classics in Asian philosophy. The book gives beginners a clear, articulate, and thought-stimulating explanation of how to capture the basic ideas of these classics in a reflectively engaging way. It will inspire readers to pursue Asian philosophy in greater breadth and depth.” – Bo Mou, San José State University This book guides readers through ten classic works of Asian philosophy. Several major schools of Eastern thought are discussed, including Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Daoism/Taoism, and Chan/ Zen. The author connects the ideas of these schools to those of Western philosophy, thereby making the material accessible to those who are unfamiliar with the cultures and intellectual traditions of Asia. A wide range of important topics are addressed: reality, time, self, knowledge, ethics, human nature, enlightenment, and death. fall 2013 6x9 paper 250pp 978-1-55111-853-6 Us $26.95 CDn $26.95 aUst $32.95 This book philosophically introduces basic truths, doctrines, and principles of Buddhism. Its goal is to explain the teachings of the Buddha and of Buddhism clearly and consistently. It is meant to be an accessible guide for those who have no background in Buddhism, and to be beneficial to the philosophical understanding of those who do. reCeNTLY pUbLisHed! Indian Philosophy: An Introduction BY m. ram mUrtY 2012 6x9 paper 160pp 978-1-55481-035-2 Us $24.95 CDn $24.95 aUst $29.95 “A unique Neo-Vedantic perspective on Indian philosophy in the grand tradition of Vivekananda, Aurobindo, and Radhakrishnan.... Highly recommended.” – Michael W. Myers, Washington State University This book introduces the vast topic of Indian philosophy. Beginning with a study of the major Upanishads, it then surveys the philosophical ideas contained in the Bhagavadgita. After a short excursion into Buddhism, it summarizes the salient ideas of the six systems of Indian philosophy: Nyaya, Vaisesika, Samkhya, Yoga, Purva Mimamsa, and Vedanta. It concludes with an introduction to contemporary Indian thought, highlighting the contributions of six philosophers: Aurobindo, Gandhi, Krishnamurti, Radhakrishnan, Tagore, and Vivekananda. 18 P H I L O S O P H Y B r o a D v i e W P r e s s 2 0 1 3 BP_Phil_Cat2013_PRESS.indd 18 12-11-13 10:38 AM HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY Basic Issues in Medieval Philosophy second edition eDiteD BY riCHarD n. BosLeY anD martin m. tWeeDaLe 2006 7x9 paper 960pp 978-1-55111-715-7 Us $72.95 CDn $72.95 aUst $79.95 “ “Basic Issues in Medieval Philosophy is unquestionably the best available textbook in the field.” – Norman Kretzmann, Cornell University ““Basic Issues in Medieval Philosophy is currently the best textbook on medieval philosophy in any modern language. It is outstanding in its area because the topical approach underlines both the relationship medieval philosophers have with ancient philosophers and the specific debates in which they were engaged among themselves. The selection of texts, some of which have never before been translated, is excellent. Bosley and Tweedale provide us with a decisively philosophical access to philosophy in the Middle Ages that allows the reader to discover a variety of competing views.” – Martin Pickave, University of Toronto In this anthology, the editors argue that medieval philosophy is best studied as an interactive discussion between thinkers working on very much the same problems despite being often widely separated in time or place. There is a considerable amount of material from central figures such as Augustine, Abelard, Duns Scotus, and William of Ockham, as well as extensive texts from thinkers in the medieval Islamic world. Each selection is prefaced by a brief introduction by the editors, providing a philosophical and religious background to help make the material more accessible to the reader. This edition, updated throughout, contains a substantial new chapter on medieval psychology and philosophy of mind. Contemporary Perspectives on Early Modern Philosophy: Essays in Honor of Vere Chappell eDiteD BY PaUL Hoffman, DaviD oWen, anD GiDeon Yaffe 2008 6x9 paper 350pp 978-1-55111-662-4 Us $59.95 CDn $59.95 aUst $69.95 Seventeen scholars have contributed essays to this collection on topics including dualism, ontology, identity and essence, causation, free will, perception, abstraction, and the moral law. Wittgenstein and the Practice of Philosophy BY miCHaeL HYmers 2009 6x9 paper 320pp 978-1-55111-892-5 Us $36.95 CDn $36.95 aUst $45.95 “A wide-ranging and extraordinarily clear introduction to Wittgenstein’s treatment of central philosophical problems about the nature of science, logic, language, and knowledge, the relationship between his earlier and his later philosophy, and his therapeutic conception of philosophical method.” – David Stern, University of Iowa The Logic of Hegel’s Logic: An Introduction BY JoHn W. BUrBiDGe 2006 6x9 paper 140pp 978-1-55111-633-4 Us $44.95 CDn $44.95 aUst $52.95 In this highly readable book, John Burbidge sets out to reclaim Hegel’s Science of Logic as logic and to get right at the heart of Hegel’s thought. Written with an eye to the reader of general interests, and avoiding as much as possible the use of Hegel’s technical vocabulary, it is an excellent introduction to an otherwise very difficult text. f o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n , v i s i t w w w . b r o a d v i e w p r e s s . c o m 19 BP_Phil_Cat2013_PRESS.indd 19 12-11-13 10:38 AM BROADVIEW EDITIOnS New! Meditations on First Philosophy (1642) first Philosophy edition REnÉ DESCARTES eDiteD BY anDreW BaiLeY transLateD BY ian JoHnston spring 2013 5.5x8.5 paper 100pp 978-1-55481-152-6 Us $9.95 CDn $9.95 aUst $9.95 This new translation incorporates revisions from the second Latin edition (1642) and the later French translation (1647) to make Descartes’ reasoning as lucid and engaging as possible. Andrew Bailey’s introduction and annotations help the reader to understand the context and purpose of Descartes’ project without over-explaining his arguments or advancing any particular scholarly interpretation. reCeNTLY pUbLisHed! Discourse on Metaphysics and Other Writings (1686) G.W. LEIBnIZ Leviathan (1651) revised edition THOMAS HOBBES eDiteD BY a.P. martiniCH anD Brian Battiste 2010 5.5x8.5 paper 670pp 978-1-55481-003-1 Us $16.95 CDn $16.95 aUst $18.95 “Renowned Hobbes scholar A.P. Martinich has produced the definitive version of Leviathan for student use.… Of special value are seven appendices drawn from the writings of contemporary critics of Hobbes’s thought, including Filmer, Lawson, Bramhall, Hyde, and others.” – George Wright, University of Wisconsin This revised edition includes new notes for readers, an expanded introduction, and a substantial part of Hobbes’s reply to Bramhall’s The Catching of Leviathan. Leviathan, Parts I and II (1651) revised edition THOMAS HOBBES eDiteD BY a.P. martiniCH anD Brian Battiste eDiteD BY Peter LoPtson 2012 5.5x8.5 paper 250pp 978-1-55481-011-6 Us $13.95 CDn $13.95 aUst $15.95 This edition contains the three most important presentations of Leibniz’s metaphysical system—the Discourse on Metaphysics, The Principles of Nature and of Grace, and the Monadology. Appendices contain seventeenth- and eighteenth-century texts that help illuminate or contextualize Leibniz’s ideas. Among these are extensive passages from Leibniz’s Theodicy, many of which are cited in the Monadology. 2010 5.5x8.5 paper 410pp 978-1-55481-040-6 Us $13.95 CDn $13.95 aUst $17.95 The Excellencies of Robert Boyle (1674) ROBERT BOYLE eDiteD BY J.J. maCintosH 2008 5.5x8.5 paper 342pp 978-1-55111-466-8 Us $26.95 CDn $26.95 aUst $30.95 Appendices include works by Boyle’s predecessors in the philosophy of science, other philosophical writings by Boyle, and selections from works by other figures mentioned in the texts. 20 P H I L O S O P H Y B r o a D v i e W P r e s s 2 0 1 3 BP_Phil_Cat2013_PRESS.indd 20 12-11-13 10:38 AM BROADVIEW EDITIOnS New! The Second Treatise and Other Writings (1680s) a Broadview anthology of social and Political thought edition JOHn LOCKE eDiteD BY anDreW BaiLeY, WiLL KYmLiCKa, et aL. summer 2013 5.5x8.5 paper 220pp 978-1-55481-156-4 Us $12.95 CDn $12.95 aUst $14.95 This edition of Locke’s groundbreaking work in political philosophy has its origin in the acclaimed Broadview Anthology of Social and Political Thought; the annotations and much of the introductory material in this edition are drawn from that anthology. The volume will also include a substantial selection of Locke’s other political writing (including the Letter on Toleration), together with other background materials—including selections from the work of Robert Filmer, Thomas Hobbes, and Samuel Pufendorf. 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This is a critical new presentation of Berkeley’s 1734 (third edition, first 1713) Three Dialogues, one of the most challenging and beloved classics of modern philosophy. f o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n , v i s i t w w w . b r o a d v i e w p r e s s . c o m 21 BP_Phil_Cat2013_PRESS.indd 21 12-11-13 10:38 AM BROADVIEW EDITIOnS New! Discourse on the Origin of Inequality (1755) a Broadview anthology of social and Political thought edition JEAn-JACQUES ROUSSEAU eDiteD BY anDreW BaiLeY, WiLL KYmLiCKa, et aL. transLateD BY ian JoHnston spring 2013 5.5x8.5 paper 160pp 978-1-55481-135-9 Us $10.95 CDn $10.95 aUst $11.95 Rousseau’s classic of political theory is presented here in a new, eminently readable, translation by Ian Johnston. This edition includes an introduction and annotations from the acclaimed Broadview Anthology of Social and Political Thought. Candide (1759) VOLTAIRE eDiteD BY eriC PaLmer New! 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Appendices include numerous selections from Paine’s other religious writing, his deist influences, and his contemporary opposition. The Communist Manifesto (1848) KARL MARx AnD FRIEDRICH EnGELS transLateD anD eDiteD BY L.m. finDLaY 2004 5.5x8.5 paper 256pp 978-1-55111-333-3 Us $13.95 CDn $13.95 aUst $14.95 Appendices include Engels’s “Draft of a Communist Confession of Faith,” correspondence and journalism of Marx and Engels, ten illustrations, and eight additional influential political manifestos from the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection (1859) CHARLES DARWIn eDiteD BY JosePH CarroLL 2003 5.5x8.5 paper 672pp 978-1-55111-337-1 Us $14.95 CDn $14.95 aUst $17.95 This unabridged edition includes selections from Darwin’s sources and contemporaries (including Genesis, Paley, Lamarck, Spencer, Lyell, Malthus, Huxley, and Wallace). f o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n , v i s i t w w w . b r o a d v i e w p r e s s . c o m 23 BP_Phil_Cat2013_PRESS.indd 23 12-11-13 10:38 AM BROADVIEW EDITIOnS On Liberty (1859) Three Essays on Religion (1874) eDiteD BY eDWarD aLeXanDer eDiteD BY LoU J. matZ 1999 5.5x8.5 paper 294pp 978-1-55111-199-5 Us $12.95 CDn $12.95 aUst $14.95 2009 5.5x8.5 paper 275pp 978-1-55111-768-3 Us $24.95 CDn $24.95 aUst $28.95 JOHn STUART MILL On Liberty remains an indispensable document for the understanding of vital political, philosophical and social issues. Appendices in this edition include material from de Tocqueville, early essays by Mill, comments by contemporaries (Fox, Carlyle, Hardy, Ruskin, Arnold, Eliot), and contemporary reviews and critiques. Utilitarianism (1861) JOHn STUART MILL eDiteD BY CoLin HeYDt 2010 5.5x8.5 paper 195pp 978-1-55111-501-6 Us $14.95 CDn $14.95 aUst $19.95 Colin Heydt provides an introduction that will enable readers to better understand the polemical context for Utilitarianism. Heydt shows how Mill’s moral philosophy grew out of political engagement, rather than exclusively out of a speculative interest in determining the nature of morality. Appendices include precedents to Mill’s work, reactions to Utilitarianism, and related writings by Mill. 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The Future of an Illusion (1927) SIGMUnD FREUD eDiteD BY toDD DUfresne transLateD BY GreGorY C. riCHter 2012 5.5x8.5 paper 200pp 978-1-55481-065-9 Us $13.95 CDn $13.95 aUst $17.95 In 1927 Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis, declared that religion is a universal obsessional neurosis. The Future of an Illusion provoked immediate controversy and has continued to be an important work for anyone interested in the intersection of psychology, religion, and culture. Included in this volume is Oskar Pfister’s critical engagement with Freud’s views on religion. 24 P H I L O S O P H Y B r o a D v i e W P r e s s 2 0 1 3 BP_Phil_Cat2013_PRESS.indd 24 12-11-13 10:38 AM i n de x Aesthetics of Human Environments, The 14 Aesthetics of Natural Environments, The 14 Age of Reason, The 23 ALEXANDER, Edward 24 ALLHOFF, Fritz 9 Animals and Ethics 7 Art and Interpretation 14 ARTHUR, Richard 5 ASTELL, Mary 21 Atheist’s Primer, The 16 BABER, H.E. 13 BAILEY, Andrew 1, 11, 20, 21, 22 Basic Issues in Medieval Philosophy 19 BATTERSBY, Mark 4 BATTISTE, Brian 20 BELL, John L. 5 BERKELEY, George 21 BERLEANT, Arnold 14 Beyond the Pleasure Principle 24 BICKENBACH, Jerome 4, 13 Blindsight and the Nature of Consciousness 15 BOSLEY, Richard N. 19 BOYLE, Robert 20 BRENNAN, Samantha 10, 11 Brief Introduction to the Philosophy of Mind, A 15 BV Anth of Social and Political Thought 11 Buddhism 18 BURBIDGE, John W. 19 Business in Ethical Focus 9 CAMPBELL, Neil 15 Canadian Cases in the Philosophy of Law 13 Canadian Issues in Environmental Ethics 8 Candide 22 CANNON, Douglas 4 CARLSON, Allen 14 CARROLL, Joseph 23 Catharine Trotter Cockburn 21 Character, Virtue Theories, and the Vices 6 CHOLBI, Michael 10 CHRISTENSEN, Kit R. 12 CLARK, Kelly James 16 CLARKE, Samuel 21 COCKBURN, Catharine Trotter 21 COLLINS, Anthony 21 Common Sense 22 Communist Manifesto, The 23 Concepts and Cases in Nursing Ethics 8 Contemporary Feminist Theory and Activism 10 Contemporary Perspectives on Early Modern Philosophy 19 Contemporary Readings in the Philosophy of Literature 14 Corporate Social Responsibility 9 Correspondence of Samuel Clarke and Anthony Collins, The 21 CRAGG, Wesley 8 Critical Thinking 4 CRUMLEY II, Jack S. 15 CULVER, Keith 13 DALY, Chris 3 DARWIN, Charles 23 DAVIES, David 14 DAVIES, Jacqueline M. 4 DAYTON, Eric 14 Deductive Logic in Natural Language 4 DENIS, Lara 23 DESCARTES, René 20 DEVIDI, David 5 Dimensions of Ethics, The 6 DIMON, Denise 13 Discourse on Metaphysics and Other Writings 20 Discourse on the Origin of Inequality 22 DORAN, Katheryn 4 DROMM, Keith 9 DUFRESNE, Todd, 24 ENGELS, Friedrich 23 Enquiry concerning Human Understanding, An 22 Environmental Ethics 8 Essays and Treatises on Philosophical Subjects 22 Essentials of Symbolic Logic 5 Ethical Issues: Perspectives for Canadians 7 Ethical Issues in Business 9 Ethical Theory 6 Ethics and Professionalism in Engineering 9 Excellencies of Robert Boyle, The 20 Extraordinary in the Ordinary, The 14 EZCURDIA, Maite 17 FALKENSTEIN, Lorne 22 Feminist I, A 10 FINDLAY, L.M. 23 First Philosophy 1 FOSS, Jeffrey 16 FREUD, Sigmund 24 FRIEDRICH, Nicole A. 5 FUMERTON, Richard 11 Future of an Illusion, The 24 GABBAY, Michael 4 GEDGE, Elisabeth (Boetzkes) 8 GEIRSSON, Heimir 6 GILROY, Kristin L. 9 Globalization and International Development 13 God, the Devil, and the Perfect Pizza 2 GOLDIN, Owen 8 GOLDING, Martin P. 13 GOMBERG, Paul 4 Good Reasons for Better Arguments 4 GOVIER, Trudy 2 Grasshopper, The 3 Great Philosophers 2 GREENBAUM, Allan 8 GROGAN, Claire 23 Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals 23 Guide to Asian Philosophy Classics, A 18 HAJI, Ishtiyaque 6 HETHERINGTON, Stephen 2 HEYDT, Colin 24 Historical Introduction to the Philosophy of Mind, A 15 HOBBES, Thomas 20 HOFFMAN, Paul 19 HOFFMANN, Phillip 2 HOLMGREN, Margaret R. 6 HOLT, Jason 15 HUGHES, William 4 Human Life and the Natural World 8 Human Rights 12 Humanitarian Intervention 12 HUME, David 22 HURKA, Thomas 3 HYMERS, Michael 19 Hypocrisy 6 Immorality of Punishment, The 13 Incompatibilism’s Allure 6 Indian Philosophy 18 Introducing Symbolic Logic 5 Introduction to Epistemology, An 15 Introduction to Logical Theory, An 5 Introduction to Philosophical Methods, An 3 Is That a Fact? 4 JACQUETTE, Dale 21 JENNINGS, Ray E. 5 JESKE, Diane 11 JOHNSTON, Ian 20, 22 JOKIC, Aleksandar 12 KANT, Immanuel 23 KERNOHAN, Andrew 8 KHAN, Pamela 8 KILROE, Patricia 8 Knowledge and Inquiry 15 KOGGEL, Christine 7 KYMLICKA, Will 11 LARKIN, Edward 22 LAVERY, Jonathan 4 LEDDY, Thomas 14 LEE, Wendy Lynne 10 Legal Reasoning 13 LEIBNIZ, G.W. 20 LEIGHTON, Stephen 10 Lessons of Kosovo 12 Leviathan 20 LEVY, Jacob 11 LI, Puqun 18 Libertarian Idea, The 11 LOCKE, John 21 Logic of Hegel’s Logic, The 19 Logic With Added Reasoning 4 Logical Options 5 Logicism and the Philosophy of Language 17 LOPTSON, Peter 10, 20 MACDONALD, D.L. 23 MACINTOSH, J.J. 20 Making Up Your Mind 4 MARLIN, Randal 7 MARTIN, Robert M. 1, 2, 3, 5, 16 MARTINICH, A.P. 20 MARX, Karl 23 MATHESON, Carl 14 MATZ, Lou 24 MCARTHUR, Neil 22 MCCUEN, Richard H. 9 MCKINNON, Christine 6 Meditations on First Philosophy 20 Mental Causation and the Metaphysics of Mind 15 MILL, John Stuart 24 MONTON, Bradley 16 MOORE, Ronald 14 MOORHOUSE, Anne 8 Moral Issues in Global Perspective 7 Moral Matters 7 Morality of War, The 12 More Precisely 3 MORTON, Peter A. 15 MURRAY, Malcolm 16 MURTY, M. 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