Philosophy and Ethics

GCSE Philosophy & Ethics
(Level 2)
Grades: A* - G
Teacher in charge: Miss Rosbrook
What is involved?
Learning will be through active investigation and analysis of information through a variety of media. Critical skills
including analysis and evaluation, small group/whole class discussion, debates and presentation of your own
ideas will form an important part of the programme.
ILT is differentiated to enable you to progress and extend your understanding.
What will I study?
All our topics are considered from a secular (non-religious) and Christian perspective.
 Philosophy focuses on ‘big’ questions about the world: Is there a God? Is there life after death? If science can
explain how the world was created do our lives have any purpose? Do humans create their own suffering?
 Ethics considers moral issues: Should we have the ‘right’ to die? When does life become ‘life’? Is marriage
outdated in today’s society? Can there ever be a ‘just’ war? Is the death penalty an acceptable punishment?
How will I be assessed?
Examination: 100%. There are 4 papers (2 in Philosophy and 2 in Ethics) taken at the end of Year 11. Each paper is
an hour in length and counts for 25% of your final Grade. There is no Controlled Assessment.
Philosophy: Belief in Deity and The End of Life / Good & Evil and Religion & Science.
Ethics: Human Relationships and Medical Ethics / Peace & Justice and Equality.
I need to:
Be able to work effectively with other people and on my own.
Be able to think analytically and critically about beliefs and philosophical theories, placing them into context with
the modern world.
Take part in discussions and debates.
What is this useful for after The Dean Academy?
A Level Philosophy, Religious Studies or Theology, Politics, Sociology, Psychology and other Humanities based
Law, Teaching, Medicine/Nursing, Politics, NGOs/Charities, Police, Journalism, Business & Management, Media.