ASSOCIATION OF MICROBIOLOGISTS OF INDIA (56th Annual Conference of AMI) December 7-10, 2015 A. First Circular Dear Member(s), This is indeed our pleasure to inform you that 56th Annual Conference of AMI will be organized from December 7th-10th, 2015 at Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. You are cordially invited to attend the 56th Annual Conference of AMI and participate in various scientific deliberations and AMI activities. Abstracts of the papers for presentation are to be prepared in short, not exceeding 300 words and indicating the name of the author presenting the paper. The posters are to be prepared strictly according to the size, the details of which will be informed in the Second Circular by the Organizing Secretary of the 56th Annual Conference of AMI. The details about last date for submitting the abstracts and registration fee etc will be notified in the second circular. For further detailed information please contact the Organizing Secretary at the address given below: Organizing Secretary : Prof. Atul K. Johri, School of Life Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi 110067, India, Email: Phone: 91-11-26704511 Dates of the Conference : December 7-10, 2015 Theme of the Conference : Emerging Discoveries in Microbiology for Mankind Website of conference: B. AMI - AWARDS Nominations for AMI Awards: As approved by the Central Council (C.C.) of AMI in its 5th meeting held on March 1, 2015 at Committee Room, Saramati PG Mens Hostel University of Delhi South Campus, New Delhi, the nominations are invited for the following awards before 31st August, 2015 to be awarded during 56th Annual Conference of AMI at Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi 110067. 1 1. AMI-Prof. G.S. Rangasamy Award: The AMI Prof. Rangaswamy award is open to all AMI members. Applicants should be 50 years but not older than 65 years and should be a member of the AMI of long standing (at least 10 years). He/she should have contributed significantly for the development of Agricultural Microbiology, in India or abroad as demonstrated by his work and publications. The award includes a cash of Rs 20,000/- and a citation. The awardee shall present his/her contribution during the conference. 2. AMI-Alembic Award (Triennial- Re-announced in 2015) : The AMI Alembic award is open preferably to all AMI members of at least 10 years standing and who have contributed significantly to any area of Microbiology. The applicant should be below the age of 45 years and must have done most of the work, which he/she submits for the award, preferably in India. The award will include cash of Rs 10,000/- and a citation. The awardee shall present his/her work during the conference. 3. AMI Young Scientist Awards (Annual) : The association shall give out one award each in Agriculture, Industrial, Medical & Veterinary, Molecular microbiology and Biotechnology, Dairy & Food and Environmental Microbiology to young Microbiologists of India. Applicants should be less than 35 years of age on last date of submission of the nominations, and must have demonstrated their ability as Microbiologists and should be a member of the Association at the time of nomination. The awards will be given during the annual conference of AMI. The awardees will be required to make a brief presentation of the work for which they are rewarded. The each award will include a cash of Rs. 5,000/- and a citation. 4. AMI- Best Poster Awards (Annual) : The award shall be given to the best poster presented in each of the following areas of Microbiology such as Agriculture, Industrial, Medical and Veterinary, Molecular, Dairy & food and Environmental Microbiology, during 56th Annual Conference of AMI. Each award will include a cash award of Rs.2000/- and a certificate. The procedure for selection shall involve review of the various posters by an expert committee jointly selected by the organizers and the C.C. AMI. Their decision will be final. 2 5. AMI- Dr. Rana Memorial Best Poster Award (Annual) : This award shall be given to the over all Best Poster presented at the 56th Annual Conference of AMI. All Posters presented at the 56th Annual Conference are entitled to compete. The award shall consist of a cash of Rs. 4,000/- and a certificate. The procedure for selection shall involve review of the various posters by an expert committee jointly selected by the organizers and the C.C. AMI. Their decision will be final. Procedure of nomination for (1) Prof. G.S. Rangasamy Award, (2)AMI- Alembic Award, and (3) Young Scientists Awards Each nomination should be accompanied by complete details of the candidates like name, corresponding address, position held, academic distinctions, honors received, list of publications along with (i) Name of the Award applied for (ii) brief of scientific contributions/ achievements (iii) Curriculum vitae (iv) Reprints of selected papers of the last 5 years with impact factor and citation index (v) contribution towards AMI. Each nomination for the awards at Sr. No. 1, 2 & 3 shall be proposed by two members of AMI, one of which should be a life member and for the awards at Sr. No. 3 the nomination may be forwarded by Head of the Department / Major Advisor. Five sets of the nominations as well as one complete PDF file by e-mail (Mention Subject line- AWARD NAME) complete in all respects should be submitted to PROF. PRATYOOSH SHUKLA, General Secretary, AMI, Head, Department of Microbiology, Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak-124001, Haryana, INDIA, Phone-91-1262-393398;Fax-91-1262-274133, Cell-91-8813866019,919431171157 . E-mail: , latest by 31st August, 2015. 6. Fellow of Indian Academy of Microbiological Sciences (FIAMS) : The fellowship nominations are invited for election of Fellow of Indian Academy of Microbiological Sciences (FIAMS), earlier called as FAMI, for the year 2015. In all eleven sets of nominations complete in all respects should reach to the Founder Chairman, Indian Academy of Microbiological Sciences, Prof. R. C. Kuhad, Department of Microbiology, University of Delhi South Campus, New Delhi-110021 latest by 16th August, 2015. The nominee should have a minimum of 15 years of research/ teaching/technology development experience in any area of Microbiological Sciences with outstanding academic 3 record and should preferably be a member of Association of Microbiologists of India (AMI) for 10 years, out of which life member for 5 years. The copy of the Rules and Application/Nomination form for FIAMS can be downloaded from AMI website or may be obtained from FAMS office on request either by post or e-mail. Prof. R. C. Kuhad Chairman, Indian Academy of Microbiological Sciences Vice-Chancellor, Central University of Haryana C/o Lignocellulose Biotechnology Laboratory, Department of Microbiology University of Delhi South Campus, New Delhi – 110021 Mobile: +91-9871509870, Ph: 011-24111955, 24112231 Ext. 7174; 7368 Fax: 011-24115270, Email: *Note : Those who have already applied for FIAMS in the year 2013 and 2014 are requested to update their C.V. and re-submit the application mentioning the year of application on envelope to General Secretary, AMI on or before 16th Aug. 2015. 7. Election of the Office Bearer’s of AMI : President- Elect (2016) : The nominations for the post of the President Elect-2016 are invited on the format given at the end of the circular. The nomination duly filled, proposed and seconded as per the conditions given in the format should reach to the address given below on or before 31st August 2015: PROF. PRATYOOSH SHUKLA General Secretary, AMI Head, Department of Microbiology, Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak-124001, Haryana, INDIA, Phone-91-1262-393398, Cell-91-8813866019, 91-9431171157, E-mail: 4 PROCEEDINGS OF 55th GENERAL BODY MEETING OF AMI HELD AT ANNA AUDITORIUM OF TAMILNADU AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY (TNAU) , COIMBATORE- 641003 1. The 55th General Body (GB) Meeting of AMI was held on November 13, 2014 at 12.00 PM at the Anna Auditorium of Tamil Nadu Agricultural University (TNAU), Coimbatore-641 003. The list of members present in the meeting is appended at Annexure I. 2. At the outset, General Secretary invited the Presidents, AMI Prof. Tapan K. Adhya, Prof. S.S. Dudeja to chair the meeting. Other members seated on the dais included Prof. Ramesh C. Kuhad, Chairman, Indian Academy of Microbiological Sciences, Prof. Rup Lal, Immediate Past President, Prof. T. Satyanarayana, President Elect-2015, Dr. V.C. Kalia, Editor-in-Chief, IJM, Dr. Pratyoosh Shukla, GS, AMI and Dr. K. Kumar, Organizing Secretary, 55th Annual Conference of AMI. 3. General Secretary, Dr. P. Shukla welcomed all the members of AMI present in the GB meeting and began the proceedings with permission of President, AMI. Dr. Shukla, GS briefed the GB about the major developments in AMI since the last GB meeting held at M.D. University, Rohtak during the 54th Annual conference of AMI. He mentioned that the Association of Microbiologists of India was established in 1938 at Lucknow and in previous year it has completed the platinum jubilee celebrations (1938-2013). It is one of the oldest and most acknowledged scientific societies of India. Financially also, the Association has strengthened its position and the activities of the association is spreading across the country to help nurturing the aspirations of budding microbiologists. Large numbers of new members have enrolled themselves with the Association and the number of life members now stands at more than 4,000. The Association has successfully submitted its income tax return for the assessment year 2013-14 for the first time and got IT clearance following established norms. It annual book of accounts have also been audited by the auditors employed by the general Body. The Association is going international by signing MoU with many other sister microbiology organizations from Asia, Europe and Africa for making the relationship more formal by signing MoUs. The association is trying to make formal MoU with six international societies of microbiology which participated in AMI 2013 viz. American Society for Microbiology (ASM), Spain-India joint 5 scientific session of the Scientific Board of the European Section on Applied Biocatalysis, South Africa Society of Microbiology (SASM), Japanese Society of Enzyme Engineering (JSEE), Microbiological Society of Korea (MSK) and Nigerian Society of Microbiology (NGM). Within the country also new units of AMI has come up as far as Gwalior, Srinagar-Garhwal and Neemrana Members of the Association have also brought honour to themselves and glory to the Association by getting fellowship of various science Academies of the country and other prestigious awards and their involving as scientific board members of some high impact journals. 4. The GS then presented before the GB the annual report of the AMI and the proceedings of the CC meetings held during the year (2013-2014). 5. General Secretary brought to the notice of the GB that in spite of AMI spreading its wing all over India, the units are not very regular in sending their reports to the Central Unit which is mandatory. In fact, out of 45 registered AMI units only 6 units sent their report of activities/subscription during the year. GB took a serious view of the issue and asked the GS to send letters to the units to report on their activities to the GB on a regular basis. The report was subsequently proposed for approval by Prof. P.R. Thorat of AMI Barshi Unit, Maharastra and seconded by Prof. Sunil Pabbi of IARI, New Delhi. 6. The GS on behalf of Treasurer, AMI presented the audited report of financial accounts of the AMI, enrollment of new members and financial help extended to various AMI units to conduct activities of the units for popularization of Microbiology in the country. He mentioned that the Association is in good financial health and total fund available with AMI including all fixed deposits as on 07.11.2014 is Rs. Rs.1,34,59,212/-. . He also mentioned that income tax return has been for the assessment year 2014-15. Income Tax of Rs. 32,680/- has been paid for the assessment year 2014-15. Rectification of Income Tax Return by Income Tax Department has been received as a notice for the assessment year 2013-2014. According to Treasurer’s report the total funds available with AMI, including all fixed deposits is Rs.1,34,59,212/-.The INJM royalty from Springer has been received for the financial year 2013-2014 for Rs.17,40,522/-. Further in his report the treasurer informed that Springer has deducted Rs.4,28,951/- from the royalty of the financial year 2013-2014 because of the extra payment in financial 2012-2013. Further it was included that Springer has been paid Rs.1,26,000/- as on 26.7.2013 for INJM as publishing charges. In his report, Treasurer informed that A refundable loan 6 grant of Rs.50000/- has been released and another Rs.1,50,000 is sanctioned by CC for the 55th Annual AMI conference The report of the Treasurer was proposed for approval by Prof. Ram Chandra and seconded by Dr. Kashyap Kumar Dubey. 7. The Editor-in-Chief of INJM Prof. (Dr.) V.C. Kalia, read out his report highlighting the rapid and consistent progress made in the publication of the journal. He informed the house that this is evident from the enhanced visibly of the Journal year after year. He presented that a review of the performance of the paper processing during the last few years gives a clear reflection of its improvement. Further, he mentioned that the number of papers submitted to INJM has been increasing steadily from 577 in 2011, 765 in 2012 to 975 in 2013. The processing of the papers for the first decision used to take 44 days in 2011. However, it was made more rapid and the initial decisions were conveyed to the authors within 21 days in 2013. On the other hand, the final decision on submitted documents for acceptance used to be conveyed in 227 days in 2011, 164 days in 2012 has been reduced down to 123 days in 2013. The world-wide interest in INJM as reflected by the countries represented by the contributing authors, which has increased from 14 in 2011, 17 in 2012 to 21 in 2013. The article usage factor i.e. downloads of each published paper has improved from 90 in 2012 to 110 in 2013. In addition to this Dr. V.C. Kalia gave the data of performance of publication schedule of the different issues of INJM during 2013 and 2014 has been followed very meticulously. All the issues of INJM have been released on time. He emphasized that the Impact Factor of INJM has improved from 0.457 for 2012 to 0.832 for 2013 and the corresponding citations of the papers have also gone up from 331 in 2012 to 582 in 2013. Overall it was evident from his report more than 95% of the articles are published according to the date of their appearance under Online First. Dr. Kalia mentioned that in 2014, 680 articles have been received till 18th October. It was pleasure to note that there is no backlog of any kind. Further, he informed the GB that Prof. Dr. Yogendra Singh, CSIR-IGIB and Dr. G. S Venkateswaran, CSIR-CFTRI has been inducted into the Editorial team during 2014. Further he also informed that the issue of plagiarism has been virtually reduced to a negligible level with the help of iThenticate. In addition to this he informed the GB that in pursuance to CC decision to provide hard copies to those AMI Life members who have subscribed to it has been taken and the list has been submitted to M/s Springer for necessary action. Dr. Kalia endorsed that the quality of research papers has gone up, which has thus 7 raised the standard of INJM. The journal has already been listed in several international indexing services including PUBMED. He informed that INJM is subscribed by more than 6000 Institutions globally. There was appreciation in the GB of the efforts made by the Editor-in-Chief in maintaining the timeliness of publication, improvement of the quality and increase in the royalty amount from the journal. The reports of the Editor-in-Chief was proposed for approval by Prof. T. Satyanarayana and seconded by Dr. G. Venkateswaran. 8. General Secretary then announced the AMI Awards for 2014 which was listed as the next agenda. The selection of the recipients of the following Fellowships and awards of AMI were placed and approved by the GB on a recommendation from the CC: A. 8 YOUNG SCIENTIST AWARD 1. Agricultural Microbiology Dr. Alok Pandey, DST INSPIRE Faculty, CSIR-CIMPAP Lucknow-226105 2. Industrial Microbiology Dr. Archana Sharma, Dept. of Microbiology, University of Delhi South Campus, New Delhi - 21 3. Environmental Microbiology Dr. Sangeeta Yadav, BBAU, Lucknow 4. Medical and Veterinary Microbiology NONE RECOMMENDED 5. Dairy and Food Microbiology Dr. Tapti B. Dey, Post Doctoral Fellow, Dept. of Microbiology, University of Delhi South Campus, New Delhi 6. Molecular microbiology and Biotechnology Dr. Aeshna Nigam, Department of Zoology, University of Delhi B. AMI Best unit award: a. b. First prize for the ‘AMI award for the best unit’ RECOMMENDED to the AMI, Pune unit. (Rs. 5000/-) Second prize for the ‘AMI award for the best unit’ RECOMMENDED to the MYSORE unit of AMI based at CFTRI, Mysore. (Rs. 3000/-) C. AMI-G.B Manjerekar Award Prof. R. C. Kuhad Professor, Department of Microbiology, Lignocellulose Biotechnology Laboratory, Ground Floor, Biotech Park Building, University of Delhi South Campus, New Delhi – 110021. D. AMI-Prof. S. R. Vyas Memorial Award (Biannual) Prof. Professor Rup Lal, Molecular Biology Laboratory, Room no 115, Department of Zoology, North Campus, University of Delhi, Delhi-110007, India. E. Prof. RC Kuhad, Chairman, IAMS briefed about the approval of CC for Fellow of Indian Academy of Microbiological Sciences (FIAMS). 1. Prof. S.R. Dave Department of Microbiology & Biotechnology University School of Sciences, Gujarat University, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad 380 009. 2. Prof. R.K. Saxena Department of Microbiology, University of Delhi South Campus 3. Prof. Anil K Saxena Division of Microbiology, IARI, New Delhi 4. Prof. K. Ramasami Vice Chancellor, TNAU, Coimbatore, TN 5. Prof. Asad Ullah Khan Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh 9 In view of their singular contribution in the field of microbiology, the following two Microbiologists were declared honorary fellows of the Academy. 1. Dr. Sandip Kumar Basu JC Bose Chair Professor, National Institute of Science Communication &, 14, Satsang Vihar Marg, New Delhi 2. Prof. Seyed E. Hasnain Kusuma School of Biological Sciences I.I.T. Delhi, Hauz Khas, New Delhi 110 016 GB congratulated all the awardees on their achievements. General Secretary requested the members to give wide publicity on the awards instituted and given away by AMI and also nominate talented young scientists for the different awards instituted by AMI. Dr. Shukla, General Secretary informed that AMI is going to involve online applications/ e-copy of applications (through email) for next year to save cost and time. He put this for approval of GB which was endorsed by GB. 9. Result of the election to the Post of President-Elect- 2016 was declared by the General Secretary which is detailed below: Total number of Ballots Received: 101 Invalid Ballots: 02 No of votes received by respective members: Prof. Sunil Khanna: 50; Dr. P. K. Joshi: 49 The GS informed that the counting of votes date was extended upon written request of Dr. P.K. Joshi (Candidate, President Elect 2015) to one day so that we can get 1 more day to receive ballots. This was approved by CC. The GS also informed the CC that he nominated his nominee Dr. Pooja Suneja Madan, MDU Rohtak for the day of counting. After counting of ballots was completed it was signed by all members of counting committee and further endorsed by Nominee of Dr. Joshi. However, the other candidate (Prof. Sunil Khanna) did not nominate anybody for this purpose and believed full faith in Returning officer deputed by CC. 10 There were discussions about cost involved in elections, return of fewer ballots and other issues related these days with postal delays and finally it was resolved by CC that Prof. Sunil Khanna is elected as President Elect-2015. During discussion on the issue for election for the post of President-Elect for the year 2016, Prof. L.V. Rao informed that the election ballots are sent to members which involve lots of cost and time so an effective voting system should be implemented by AMI. Further, Dr P.K. Joshi, contesting candidate for President Elect, mentioned his views and raised few objections regarding the extending time for casting vote which was informed by President that due to his request only the time was increased to one day (i.e. up to 5 PM) so that maximum ballots could be made available. The GS also mentioned that at this point if Dr. Joshi makes such comments it shows that the support given by AMI is not acknowledged and he is not believing in AMI system which is wrong and against the rules and regulation of AMI where by giving membership association takes a pledge that all AMI members will respect decision of CC and GB and will abide with Rules and Regulation of being a member. Prof. K. Ramasamy, Vice Chancellor TNAU informed the house that since AMI CC has approved the decision of Returning officer and the CC only appoints the Returning officer this issue should not be discussed here and requested GB to approve this result. He reiterated further that CC and all members of AMI should make efforts to raise the voting percentage and adopt E-voting as approved by CC. Further there were various deliberations from Prof. R.C. Kuhad, Prof. Ram Chandra, Prof. Sunil Pabbi, Dr. G. Venkateshwaran, Prof. Gopal Reddy, Dr. S.K. Dash, Prof. S.S. Dudeja, Prof. KVBR Tilak, which was indicating to adopt unified voting system for next elections onwards. The GB unanimously approved the decision of CC and declared Prof. Sunil Khanna is elected as President Elect-2015. 10. While reporting on the progresses made on the ‘Revision of rules and regulations of the Association, the GS informed the GB that the revised rules and Regulation approved by CC are finalized by the committee under chairmanship of Prof. R.C. Kuhad and put this for approval of GB. The Revised nomination format also ensures the members towards their contribution for AMI. The GB approved the New Rules & Regulations of AMI (including Elections, nomination format etc.) which will come into effect from 01/04/2015. 11 11. The GS put forth the approval of CC for E-Voting for Conduct of all AMI election and deliberated a snapshot of deliverables. In the interest of AMI (in terms of cost and time), the GB approved the E-voting for AMI and requested the GS to inform all members through first circular. 12. The typographical errors related with IAMS (Reso. no 10) as resolved by 54th GB held at Rohtak discussed and resolved in 3rd Central Council (C.C.) Meeting (2014) held on 26.10.2014 as: ‘The matter about the link between CC AMI and IAMS was discussed and the CC resolved that Chairman IAMS will be member of CC AMI with voting right’. 13. The Travel fellowships (10-15) to Ph.D. students were approved by GB as earlier approved by CC. It was agreed that these fellowships will only be awarded as per guidelines finalized by committee and Travel assistance (Train fare- III AC) will be provided to selected awardees. 14. While finalizing proposal for holding the 56th Annual conference the GS informed that Prof. Atul Johri, Professor, School of Life Sciences, JNU, New Delhi has already presented his proposal for organizing AMI 2015 in 2nd CC meeting held on 10.08.2014 and it has been approved by subsequent CC meeting. The GS requested the GB to give its approval for holding 56th Annual AMI Conference at Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. Further a small presentation and invitation through Video conferencing was made by Prof. Atul Johri, Organizing Secretary, 56th Annual AMI Conference in which he assured all the members of hosting an incredibly thriving AMI Conference in full acquiescence with the suggestion and guidance of the AMI CC. 15. At the end, General Secretary thanked the Chair, Central Council members, Past Presidents of AMI for competently conducting the meeting and all the AMI members for their active participation. 16. In final remarks, Prof. T.K. Adhya, President, AMI expressed his full pleasure for the completion of all the agenda and taking substantial decision in a unanimous manner. He requested all the AMI members to work in such a spirit of teamwork and dedication for the delivering the message and mandate of AMI throughout the country and abroad. Sd/- (Pratyoosh Shukla) General Secretary 12 Sd/(Tapan K. Adhya) President Annexure I Members present in the 55th General Body Meeting of AMI held at the Anna Auditorium, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University (TNAU), Coimbatore-641003, India on 13.11.2014 Sl. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. Name Abhishek Dhanuka Akshay Nigam Amish Kumar Ankita Khmka Anukriti Sharma Aparna Kumari Aporva Sharda Archana Sharma (Dr.) Asit Ranjan (Dr.) B. Bhima (Dr.) B. Sampat Kumar (Dr.) B.S Shanti kumara B.V Pradeep (Dr.) Brajesh Singh (Prof.) C.C Roy (Dr.) Chandrakala Chiranjib Banerjee D. P Nagar (Dr.) D. Salairaj D.H Tambekar Prof. D.K. Yadav Devyani Tipre (Dr.) Eliza Khuzur G. Basker G. Govindrajan G. Selvakumar (Dr.) Gagandeep Kumar Ganesh Kumar Geet Shirnalli (Dr.) Gopalreddy (Dr.) Gopalswami (Dr.) Harsh Kumar Agarwal Affiliation Gujrat University, Ahmedabad Delhi University University of Delhi Gujrat University, Ahmedabad University of Delhi University of Delhi Gujrat University, Ahmedabad UDSC, New Delhi VIT, Vellore ICAR, IIHR, Bangalore VELS University, Chennai MKU, Madurai Karpagam university, Coimbatore Delhi S & T, Govt of Odisha Bangalore BIT, Mesra, Ranchi DRDE, Gwalior Alagappa University, TN Amravati University, Amravati IARI, New Delhi Gujrat University, Ahmedabad BIT, Mesra, Ranchi VIT, Vellore MKU, Madurai ICAR, IIHR, Bangalore Punjabi University, Patiyala MKU, Madurai GJU, Hisar Osmania University, Hyderabad TNAU, Coimbatore BIT, Mesra, Ranchi 13 Sl. No. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 14 Name Harsh Kumar Mishra Helianthus Verma Hemendra Yadav Jibu Thomas (Dr.) Jyoti Priya K. Chandrayan (Dr.) K. Ilamurugis (Dr.) K. Ramasamy (Dr.) K.K Dubey (Dr.) Kapil D. Kamble (Dr.) Ketaki Bhagwat Khatri Bhumika R Kishan Kumar Khetan L. Venkateshwara Rao (Prof.) Lebin Thomas M. Karthik M. Sundar (Prof.) M.N Khumbel Mamta S Purohit Mark A. Eiteman Mohammad Alsaigal Mrunalini Mrs. Mukesh Kumar Chaudhary N.O Gopal (Dr.) Namita Nayyar Neera Niral Sarkhuja P. Alagusundaram P. Kumar Raja P. Pandiyarajan (Dr.) P. Panveer (Dr.) P. Subramanyam P.K Joshi (Dr.) Parith Dipti Parnal Joshi Pinaki Sar (Prof.) Pooja Rani Poorva Pakhi Poorvisha R Affiliation BIT, Mesra, Ranchi University of Delhi BISR, Jaipur Karunya University BIT, Mesra, Ranchi TNAU Coimbatore TNAU, Coimbatore TNAU, Coimbatore MDU, Rohtak Amravati University Amravati Gujrat University, Ahmedabad Gujrat University, Ahmedabad BIT, Mesra, Ranchi Osmania University, Hyderabad MKU, Madurai Defence Food Research Lab, Mysore TNAU Coimbatore BARC, Mumbai Gujrat University, Ahmedabad University of Georgia AMU, Aligarh TNAU, Coimbatore BIT, Mesra, Ranchi TNAU, Coimbatore University of Delhi Defence Food Research Lab, Mysore Punjai Puliyampatti, Erode MKU, Madurai CSIR-NCL, Pune NIT, Trichi ICAR, IIHR, Bangalore TNAU, Coimbatore CSSRI, Karnal, Haryana Gujrat University, Ahmedabad AHGCollege, Karve Road, Pune IIT Kharagpur University of Delhi BIT, Mesra, Ranchi TNAU Sl. No. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. Name Prafulla Shede (Dr.) Pratyoosh Shukla (Dr.) Prince Sharma (Dr.) Priya Singh Priyanka Bharti Punit Kohli Qureshi Sufia R Anendrum (Dr.) R Selestin Antony R. C Kuhad (Prof.) R. Kantha R. Machendra R.S Kahlon (Prof.) Rajashree B Patwardhana (Dr.) Rajesh Prasad Rastogi (Dr.) Ram Chandra (Prof.) Rasmi Kumari Ravi S Surani Renu Aggarwal (Dr.) Richa Roshan Kumar Rup Lal Prof. S. Anuthiraj (Dr.) S. Karutha Pandian (Prof.) S. Krishnamurthi (Dr.) S. Murugan (Dr.) S.D Tambekar (Dr.) S.M Purushottam (Dr.) S.N Dash (Dr.) S.P Suriyaraj S.R Dave (Prof.) Sabu Thiograja Samrat Shimpi Sangeeta Yadav (Dr.) Sanjeev K Chandrayan Santhosh (Dr.) Santosh Kumar Gupta (Dr.) Saurabh Mishra Seethalakhmi Nagarajan Affiliation Agharkar Research Institute, Pune MDU, Rohtak Punjab University, Chandigarh University of Delhi BIT, Mesra, Ranchi University of Delhi Gujrat University, Ahmedabad TNAU, Coimbatore TNAU, Coimbatore UDSC, New Delhi Gulbarga University, Gulbarga VELS University, Chennai Punjabi University, Patiala Pune BRD School of Biosciences, VV Nagar BBAU, Lucknow University of Delhi Gujrat University, Ahmedabad CFTRI, Mysoe BIT, Mesra, Ranchi University of Delhi Delhi University, Delhi TNAU, Coimbatore Alagappa University MTCC, IMTECH, Chandigarh TNAU, Coimbatore Amravati University, Amravati KAU OUAT, BBSR PSGIAS Gujrat University, Ahmedabad USA Gujrat University, Ahmedabad BBAU, Lucknow TNAU, Coimbatore UAS, Raichur GOA University BIT, Mesra, Ranchi TNAU 15 Sl. No. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. 136. 137. 138. 139. 140. 141. 142. 143. Name Sham Diwanay (Dr.) Sheelu Yadav Sheetal Bhasin (Dr.) Shivakumar (Dr.) Shreekala K Nair (Dr.) Shriya Shinde Siddhiprada shete Sinosh Skariyachan Snehal V Kulkarni Subhojir Chakraborty Sufia K Rozy (Dr.) Suneeti Gere (Dr.) Sunil Pabbi (Dr.) Swanandi Sathaye Swati Joshi T. K Adhya (Dr.) T. Natarajan (Dr.) T. Satyanarayana Prof. Tanay Waingankar Tapati B Dey (Dr.) Thorat P.R (Prof.) Utkarsh Sood Uzma Athar V. M Subramanyam (Dr.) V.C Kalia (Dr.) Vatsala Dwivedi Versha Kelkar (Dr.) Vijay Kant Pandey Vijayu Mrs. Vinay Dubey Vineet Kumar Vipin Gupta Yogendra (Dr.) Affiliation AG College, Karve Road, Pune BBAU, Lucknow MRSC, Indore IIHT, Bangalore BU, Coimbatore NCL, Pune NCL, Pune Dayananda Sagar College, Bangalore Agarkar Institute, Pune UDSC NIT Durgapur Pune IARI, New Delhi Agarkar Institute, Pune UDSC, New Delhi KIIT University, Bhubaneswar Punjai Puliyampatti, Erode UDSC, New Delhi Thermo Fisher UDSC, New Delhi Amravati University Amravati University of Delhi BIT, Mesra, Ranchi R.M.R.C, Bhubaneshwar CSIR-IGIB, New Delhi University of Delhi Mumbai University BIT, Mesra, Ranchi TNAU, Coimbatore VIT, Vellore University of Delhi University of Delhi New Delhi Sd/PROF. PRATYOOSH SHUKLA, General Secretary, AMI Head, Department of Microbiology, MDU, Rohtak-124001, Haryana, INDIA, Phone-91-1262-393398; Fax-91-1262-274133, Cell-91-8813866019, 91-9431171157, E-mail: 16 Association of Microbiologists of India FORMAT FOR NOMINATION FORM FOR THE POST OF THE PRESIDENT ELECT-2016 OF AMI (Use the Format for Sending Nomination) We hereby propose the name of Dr./Mr./ Mrs.____________________________________________ Annual member/Life member of the Association since: ____________________________________ For the post of President Elect-(2016) Signature of the Proposer: ____________________________________________________ Name and Address in Block Letters: ________________________________________________ Signature of the Seconder: _____________________________________________________ Name and Address in Block Letters: ________________________________________________ Signature of the Seconder: _______________________________________________________ Name and Address in Block Letters: ________________________________________________ CONSENT OF THE CANDIDATE I agree to stand as a candidate to the office of President Elect-2016 of Association of Microbiologists of India (AMI). Name and Address in Block Letters: ________________________________________________ BIODATA OF THE CANDIDATE: (Briefly highlight the academic and administration achievements) The nominee for President Elect should be a life member of at least 10 years standing or as annual member for at least 15 years continuous standing and must have contributed to AMI significantly at any capacity (CC Member, GS, Treasurer, Editor-in-chief, Joint Secretary or AMI Unit President/Secretary/ Treasurer. (Please send membership proof, brief write about your contribution (Mandatory) to AMI, Future plan of action etc.). Nominations for President-Elect duly proposed by FAMI/FIAMS/ Ex-President and seconded by two other members, who may be Life Members with 10 year standing, along with the consent of the candidate, shall be sent to Prof. Pratyoosh Shukla, General Secretary, Association of Microbiologists of India, Head, Department of Microbiology, Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak-124001, Haryana, INDIA on or before 31st August, 2015. Brief Notes: Incomplete applications will be summarily rejected. By signing this form the AMI Members contesting agrees to abide the decisions made by CC and GB of AMI. Canvassing in any form will be treated as disqualification. 17