Oakwood Primary Academy Prospectus – 2014-2015


Oakwood Primary Academy

Prospectus – 2014-2015


Introduction and Welcome

Values and Vision Statement


Key Dates

School Times and Routines


School Uniform


School Meals and Milk





Medicines and First Aid 8

Safeguarding and Child Protection 8

Behaviour 9

The Curriculum 11

12 Homework / Home Reading

Special Educational Needs

Breakfast Club



After-School Activities









Contact Details:

Oakwood Primary Academy

North Farm Road



Tel: 0113 240 2526

Fax: 0113 249 6642






– Rebecca Ingram M.A.

Interim Deputy Headteacher

– Jo Speak

Chair of Governors

– Ann Nicholl

Useful numbers:

Leeds City Council -

Admissions Team: 0113 222 4414

Benefits helpline: 0113 222 4404

Introduction and Welcome

Dear Parents / Carers

As you are considering your choice of school for your child, this booklet may help you to understand what happens at Oakwood Primary Academy.

We hope that we will work in partnership with you to provide the best possible education for your child. We are committed to supporting all children to achieve their potential. We provide a high quality education with a focus on essential maths and English skills. This is embedded in a curriculum that offers opportunities for children to achieve in all subjects. Oakwood

Primary Academy serves a rich and diverse community and we consider our approaches to inclusion as core to our ethos. We are very proud to have recently achieved:

 The Inclusion Chartermark – 2011

 The Stephen Lawrence Standard – 2012

 The Healthy Schools Standard – Re-validated 2011

We look forward to welcoming your child to our school.

Rebecca Ingram


Ann Nicholl

Chair of Governors




*Self-help *self-responsibility *democracy *equality *equity *solidarity

*Openness *honesty *social responsibility *caring for others


The Co-operative Academies Trust will provide an outstanding education for all our learners, founded on cooperative values, at the heart of the community, welcoming to adults and children of all faiths and none.

Our academy will support learners to reach and exceed expected standards of attainment, and it will be an agent of change in the wider community. It will be a safe environment where adults are dedicated to protecting the rights, meeting the needs, and supporting the aspirations of children. The academy will be recognised as an inclusive, high quality learning environment.

Our school will:

 Nurture all children in a safe and stimulating environment

 Provide for them a style of education that inspires the will to learn

 Prepare them for making wise choices throughout their lives

 Enable them to face their lives with courage and compassion

We believe that:

 Each human being is special, gifted, unique.

 We should value others for what they are – not just for what they do.

 We should balance high self-esteem with respect for others.

 Good relationships are fundamental for both our own individual good and for the good of the community as a whole.

We will provide:

 Structured learning of literacy, numeracy and I.C.T. skills to a high standard.

 A wide-ranging rich curriculum.

 Frequent opportunities for all children to express themselves creatively.

 Encouragement to communicate well and listen to others.

We will enable all children to:

 Value the beauty of the natural world.

 To wonder at the mystery of life and its possible origins.

 To feel the need to distinguish between good and bad, right and wrong.

 To glimpse the riches of love.

 To see how they can promote their own health and well-being.

 To be ready for their wider role as citizens.

A safe environment where education can prepare all children to be ready for life



Headteacher: Miss R J Ingram

Interim Deputy Headteacher: Mrs J Speak

Assistant Headteacher:

Assistant Headteacher:

Mrs M Birdsall (Leader of the Foundation Stage)

Mrs S Tasker (Leader of Years 1, 2 and 3)

Assistant Headteacher: Miss H Sheehan (Leader of Years 4, 5 and 6)

Curriculum Team Leaders: Mrs S Tasker (Literature); Miss H Sheehan (Maths/Science);

Intervention Teachers:

Class teachers:

Foundation Stage:

Year 1:

Year 2:

Year 3:

Mr M Burnett (ICT); Mrs M Birdsall (Foundation Subjects)

Mrs A Butler/Mrs J Caldecott

Year 4:

Year 5:

Year 6:

Mrs C Clithero

Miss S Board

Mrs C Ramsbottom Miss S Grimshaw

Mrs K Doughty

Miss T Mpofu

Miss H Sheehan

Mr M Burnett

Higher Level Teaching Assistants:

Mrs C Armitage

Mrs M Francey

Mrs A Moscrop

Mrs S Sutton

Mrs L Wasylkiw

Learning Support Assistants:

Miss J Priestley

Mrs R Ahmed

Miss J Hodges

Mrs A Shepherd

Mr J Giddings

Mrs D Minnikin

Mrs C Mitchell

Mrs C Brennan

Mrs T Emerson

Mr M Hunter

Miss P Lister

Miss C Moore

Miss R Ondova

Mrs S Rathour

Mrs J Shortall

Mrs N Ward

Behaviour Support:

Sports Coaches:

Family Support:

School Office:

Site Manager (Carillion):

Mrs A Chalmers

Mrs B Holmes

Miss H Hussain

Miss J McDermott

Mr M Morrison

Mrs L Pechova

Mrs L Roberts

Mrs T Skey

Mrs H Williams

Mr B Nilsson

Mrs C Cole

Mrs A Crossley

Mrs T Hosty

Mrs M Khalil

Mrs L McLean

Mrs S Newsome

Miss L Price

Mrs K Rubery

Mrs A Wall

(Mrs Cole also organises Breakfast Club/After-School Activities)

Mr K Adams

Mrs K Jones

Mrs J Hughes

Mr M Vaughan

Mrs J Upton

Miss L Cole

Mrs J Dodds

Mrs L Bland

Mrs S Whittingham (PA to the Head)


Key Dates

School Calendar 2014 to 2015



Autumn mid-term


Spring mid-term


May Bank Holiday


Friday 24 October 2014

Friday 19 December 2014

Friday 13 February 2015

Thursday 2 April 2015

Friday 1 May 2015


Monday 1 September 2014

Monday 3 November 2014

Monday 5 January 2015

Monday 23 February 2015

Monday 20 April 2015

Tuesday 5 May 2015

Summer mid-term

Summer break

Friday 22 May 2015

Tuesday 21 July 2015

Monday 1 June 2015

Bank Holidays:


New Years Day

Good Friday

Easter Monday

25 & 26 December 2014

1 January 2015

3 April 2015

6 April 2015

May Day 4 May 2015

Spring Bank Holiday 25 May 2015

Training Days

Wednesday 21 January 2015 (Review Day) – school will be closed to ALL children.

Friday 19 June 2015 - school will be closed to ALL children


Breakfast Club – this is free to attend and opens at 8am.

School Doors open for class for all children at 8.45am.

Nursery Sessions

Morning session - every morning 8.45-11.45am

Afternoon session - every afternoon 12.00-3.00pm

First half - All day Mon, Tues and Weds am

Second half -Weds pm and all day Thurs and Fri


Morning Break

KS1 – 10.30am -10.45am

KS2 – Mon - Thu 11.00am -11.15am

Fri – 10.45am -11.00am

KS2 will do Wake up Shake up 5 minutes before playtime


Afternoon Break

Year 1 do not have a formal playtime as they will access the outside areas through the curriculum

Year 2 - 1.45pm -2.00pm

Year 3 – 1.45pm -2.00pm (Autumn term only)


Foundation Stage:

Years 1 and 2:

Year 3:

Year 3 :

Years 4, 5 and 6:

11.45am – 12.30pm

12pm – 12.45pm

12pm – 12.45pm - Autumn Term

12.15pm – 1pm – Spring and Summer Term

12.15pm – 1pm

Assemblies generally take place:

Years 4, 5 and 6 – Monday at 10.40am

Years 1, 2 and 3 - Wednesday at 9.00am

Reception, Years 1 and 2 (KS1) – Friday 9.00am – Parents Welcome

Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 (KS2) - Friday 2.30pm – Parents Welcome

Foundation Stage Assemblies take place on a Wednesday. The time changes to allow all Nursery children some assembly time. See the Foundation Stage newsletter for times and dates. Parents always welcome.

Lost Property

There is a box in the Year 6 cloakroom; please check there first for any lost items. If you are unsuccessful please ask a member of staff from your child’s class to help you.

More precious items of lost property will be taken to the school office. The box is cleared out regularly and unclaimed items are disposed of. Please claim lost items as soon as possible.



Attendance is a high priority and we expect children to attend every day. We reward children weekly, termly and annually for good attendance. Children with attendance below 90% are considered a serious concern.

Parents with children whose attendance is causing a concern will be challenged.

If your child is too ill to attend school you must inform school before 8.45am of their absence by telephoning the school office on 0113 240 2526 or informing the class teacher if you are dropping off other children. If your child has an appointment they must be brought to school before or after the appointment when possible.

Please discuss any long term absence with a member of staff.

We consider attendance at school to be essential and do not encourage holidays during term time. If you are considering withdrawing a child for a holiday during term-time you must complete a request form and discuss the absence with the Headteacher.

Uniform at Oakwood Primary Academy

(In 2011, parents voted to support school uniform as an expectation at Oakwood.)


Trousers or skirts should be grey, black or navy. No denim

Polo neck or T-shirt should be white or emerald green – white shirts are acceptable

Jumpers, sweatshirts or cardigans should be navy – Hooded Jumpers (Years 3 to 6 only)

Shoes should be suitable for physical activity – trainers, pumps or shoes please. Flat boots in winter with a change for indoors. No heels or loose fitting sandals.

P.E. Kit

Children should always change for P.E. and change back afterwards.

Black or navy shorts or track suit bottoms with an emerald green /white t-shirt

Black pumps (indoor) / trainers (outdoor)

Light weight (indoor) pumps are essential for gymnastics and dance unless a child works in bare feet.

Bare feet are recommended for dance and gymnastics and are essential to the safe use of climbing apparatus.

Jewellery / Headscarves

Children should not wear jewellery to accessorise. Small earring studs can be worn.

Children who wear scarves for religious purposes should wear a plain scarf in black, grey or navy.

The school stocks uniform items with the school logo; price lists are available at the school office. Most items are available in high street stores and supermarkets. Children do not have to wear items with school logo.

Sew on badges are available.

Please make sure that all uniform (including coats and shoes) are clearly labelled.



Applications for a full-time school place at Oakwood must be made directly to the Leeds City Council

Admissions Team. The school cannot admit children directly without authorisation from the council. To contact

Admissions, telephone 0113 222 4414.


All Reception aged children who have been allocated a place at Oakwood are admitted full time in September using a staggered entry system. Dates will be given to parents individually.

Children who are allocated a place during the school year will be invited with their parents / carers to visit and will be admitted as soon as it is practical.

Extra support will be provided for families who have little English or whose children have special educational needs.

Parents can put their child’s name down for Nursery at the office using a yellow request form. (At any age)

Parents can request a specific session for their child according to their need.

Nursery sessions are offered as follows:

Morning session - every morning 8.45am -11.45am

Afternoon session - every afternoon 12.00pm - 3.00pm

First half of the week: All day Mon, Tues and Weds am

Second half of the week: Wed pm all day Thurs/Fri

Places are allocated in line with the Nursery Admissions policy (full copies are available in school).

Places in Oakwood’s nursery are in very high demand and we would recommend parents explore other provision in the local area if they are unsuccessful at getting a place.

School Meals and Milk

School dinners are the responsibility of Carillion, who own the school building. Water and milk are offered to all children at lunchtime.

Prices: January 2015

Children in Reception, and Years 1 and 2 are entitled to a free school meal.

Price for Nursery is £1.40 per day. Years 3 and 4 is £1.95 per day (£9.75 per week) and Years 5 and 6 is

£2.00 per day (£10 per week).

School dinner should be paid for on a Monday morning in advance. Money should be taken to the school office in a labelled envelope.

If you are thinking of changing to or from school dinners the office need one weeks notice.

If your child brings a packed lunch it should be in a labelled lunch box / bag. Meals provided from home should not contain sweets, chocolate or fizzy drinks.


Milk is available for children from Reception to Year 2 at a cost of £4 per term. This should be paid at the beginning of each term. It is provided free to children in receipt of free school meals and to all children in


If you think your child is entitled to free school meals, or you need any advice, please contact the benefits help line on: 0113 222 4404.

Medicines and First Aid

Children in need of minor first aid will be seen by a First Aider. If your child requires further medical attention you will be contacted.

Oakwood Primary Academy will administer medication to a pupil if it is appropriate. We reserve the right to refuse and will judge every case individually. Please note:

Only prescribed medications can be given at school.

Parents MUST complete and sign a consent form.

All medication to be handed to a member of staff in the school office on arrival.

Medication has to be in original packaging with the prescription label visible.

Medication has to be clearly labelled with name, class, date and direction.

Parents must complete and sign a form in the office stating the dose needed and how often.

School will keep an accurate record of when medication has been given.

Pupils are not allowed to administer their medication themselves unless they are supervised by one of the school’s First Aiders.


We are aware that many children in school need inhalers. These children will need a named inhaler that can be kept in school at all times. It is the parent’s responsibility to ensure the inhalers are in date and replaced when necessary. Inhalers have to be taken on any school visit/trip.

Safeguarding and Child Protection

Designated staff members for child protection are Karen Jones, Rebecca Ingram, Jane Dodds and Clare

Ramsbottom. The policy is available on the school website.

All staff wear identity badges in school. We have security gates and doors. Parents/visitors must report to the office and we do not expect parents/unidentified visitors to be unaccompanied around the school or playground and they will be challenged by a member of staff if seen.


Below are some key messages about safety on the internet:


 should not be accessing the internet without supervision.

 should not be using social networking sites or sharing personal details on the internet.

 should not be using e-mail unless part of a specific task that meets all safe practices.

 should only use appropriate search engines.

 should refer to the internet safety rules.

 use their individual log-in details to access the internet.

 report any improper use of the internet.

The use of photographs, video and sound recording

The use of photographs, video and sound recording equipment is essential to the curriculum. However, the use of images of children is always sensitive. All images and recordings will be kept within school and the school’s internal computer network. Permission will not be given to outside agencies without written permission from parents.

Permission will be sought for use of images in any school presentations that might be distributed or accessed by the wider community eg. school newspaper, website, and competition entries.


When children are admitted to Oakwood Primary Academy we expect all children and their parents and carers to read and sign a home-school agreement. This outlines the partnership expectations of the school, the child and the family.

Policy documents linked to behaviour can be found on the school website or are available on request at the school office. Our ‘Behaviour Management Strategies’ reflect our vision/values statements.

We aim to make every child feel safe and secure at Oakwood Primary Academy by building good relationships between the staff, the children and their parents. Everybody should feel valued and respected by the school and we realize that this starts by the staff setting the right example and being good role models to the children.

At Oakwood Primary Academy we follow 6 golden rules:

Do be gentle – don’t hurt anybody.

Do be kind and helpful – don’t hurt people’s feelings.

Do listen – don’t interrupt.

Do work hard – don’t waste your or other people’s time.

Do look after property – don’t waste or damage it.

Do be honest – don’t cover up the truth.



We are very proud of the good behaviour and hard work that so many of our children show on a regular basis and we want to make sure the children know how we feel by:


Positive feedback on work

Learning linked reward systems

Golden Time on a Friday

Stars, stickers etc.

The Gold Book

Showing good work to other members of staff

Termly Gold Awards



We are fully aware that we will have to deal with some disruptive and negative behaviour at Oakwood Primary

Academy. Our aim is to make the child aware that their behaviour is inappropriate and to teach them better ways to manage in the future. If the child doesn’t respond to the staff’s help appropriately, sanctions will be put in place. These range from:


Loss of playtime

Loss of part of their golden time

In Class time out

Out of class time out (supervised)

Sent to the Senior Leadership Team

In school exclusion

In the case of severe incidents or repeated disruptive behaviour the Senior Leadership team reserve the right to exclude children.



Our aim is to provide a broad and balanced curriculum. We believe that children learn in a variety of ways.

The school encourages your child to think logically, creatively and to develop a lively enquiring mind.

Throughout school we believe in supporting your child’s personal and cultural development to prepare them for life.

The major component of the curriculum is the national curriculum. This consists of the core subjects: Maths,

English and Science and ICT and the foundation subjects Design Technology; History; Geography; Music; Art;

Physical Education and RE.

The subjects are taught to all year groups either on a pure subject basis or through a themed approach. We support all areas of the curriculum through educational visits and visitors in school.

Oakwood Primary Academy is very keen for all children to make strong academic progress. Regular targets are set with each child and reviewed to help them improve. These targets are shared with parents so they can support their child at home.


All children have daily English lessons which follow national guidelines. In addition sessions that focus on essential basic skills are delivered at separate times. There is focus on developing English skills in all other areas of the curriculum. Reading is a key skill and we are keen to work in partnership with parents to promote reading at home. We use a combination of phonics teaching, sight vocabulary and guided reading opportunities to support children to learn to read.


Children have a daily Maths lesson, which again follows national guidelines, and additional lessons to focus on basic number skills.

ICT (Information Communication Technology)

Regular ICT lessons focus on key elements of the ICT curriculum. However, the use of ICT is embedded in the curriculum through the use of a range of technology. As well as an ICT suite classes have access to additional portable computers. We also use a range of technology throughout the school e.g. sound recorders, cameras, video cameras etc.


Through the RE curriculum we aim to encourage greater tolerance and understanding between all faiths and communities in school. Religious Education is taught in accordance with the Leeds syllabus.

Parents may withdraw their children from religious education and worship. In order to do this you should arrange to meet with the Headteacher. Requests to remove a child from RE must be made in writing

Sex and Relationships Education (SRE)

Sex and Relationship Education is part of the health education and science curriculum. The children are taught about personal hygiene, puberty and related facts. The science of reproduction is taught in line with the statutory part of the national curriculum.

The aim of our SRE education is to provide children with a sound basis for making balanced decisions about their lives in the future. Parents need to be confident about what we teach and we are happy to meet with you to discuss the content of lessons and share the resources we use. Please note that children cannot be withdrawn from the scientific content of the programme. We inform parents when these key lessons take place.


Foundation Subjects

We create a curriculum that is relevant to your child and that your child will enjoy taking an active role in. All the topics are themed and relate to the national curriculum, with appropriate links between subject areas.

The Curriculum in Nursery and Reception

We organise the Nursery and Reception classes together in a separate part of the school known as the

Foundation Stage Unit. We have two Reception classes and there are around 26 Nursery children in the unit at any given time. The Reception children are taught key skills in their classes for two hours a day. They also have daily small group phonic sessions. At these times the Nursery children have their own teaching sessions and access to activities in part of the unit. At other times all the children in the unit have access to a wide range of activities. These activities include resources that are always available and children can use on their own. Some activities will be led by an adult. The children are always closely supervised and can work indoors and outdoors.

We are very proud of our Foundation Stage Unit. It is recognised locally and nationally as a setting where there is good practice. Much of our work is inspired by the Reggio Emilia approach.

If you would like further information, please contact Mrs M Birdsall, our Foundation Stage Leader.


Homework is set regularly throughout the school and is important to support children’s learning. We rely on parents to encourage and support their children when completing their homework. In Reception activities are more informal and focus on reading and basic numbers.

All the children are expected to finish and return their homework on time. Rewards for the completion of homework are included in our behaviour policy. Reading is a key part of the work sent home. Reading regularly at home really helps children to succeed at school.

If reading books are lost or severely damaged (unusable again) then a charge of £2.50 will be asked towards the cost of a replacement book.

Special Educational Needs (SEN)

Our aim is to ensure that your child receives the best education and receives support that is appropriate to his or her needs.

School works closely with a number of professional services including Speech Therapy, Educational

Psychology, Early Years Support Service and Behavioural and Learning Support Services. We also have

Family Support Workers based within school.

All children are continually monitored as part of our daily routine. Children are put on the Inclusion and Special

Needs Register at either School Action or School Action+ as appropriate. Provision for SEN children will be within mainstream lessons. Pupils are supported by Learning Support Assistants at a level appropriate to the child’s needs.

At School, Action provision is made for the child within mainstream lessons, with extra support as necessary, and as outlined in the Group Education Plan. Children at School Action + are similarly catered for through mainstream lessons with an Individual Education Plan and with support from outside agencies as appropriate.


Provision for Special Educational Needs in school is provided by Miss Ingram, Mrs Speak and Mr Nilsson. If you need any further information, please call the School Office to arrange an appointment.

Gifted and Talented

If your child has excelled in any area this will be recognised and extra provision provided during the school day and through extra-curricular activities.

Breakfast Club

We run a breakfast club every day. It starts at 8 a.m. and is free to all children.

Children in Years 1 to 6 can attend breakfast club any day of the week without any prior agreement. However, as soon as they arrive and are registered in school they must remain in the club under the supervision of school staff.

We do allow children in Nursery and Reception to attend Breakfast club, however, we like to make sure we have enough staff to meet the needs of very young children. If you have a Nursery or Reception child who you would like to attend Breakfast Club, please contact the school office and they will help you to speak to an appropriate member of the school staff.

After-School Clubs

We offer a range of clubs after school including:

 Computer/iPad club

 Football

 Athletics

 Choir

 Girls football

 Healthy Eating

 Art Club

 Science Club

 Multisports, for all years

 Dance (Year 5)

 Skateboarding (Spring term only)

We also run an After School Care club, every day, from 3pm – 4.30pm (4pm on a Friday).

Some clubs are offered for fixed periods of time and others run all year. Places are limited. Letters go out to the appropriate age range at least termly offering places.

All clubs cost £1 per child, per session.

If you would like to know what is available for your child please contact Mrs Cole through the School Office.



Oakwood is a non-smoking site and no one is permitted to smoke on the site.


We consider good communication to be essential. We send out regular newsletters keeping parents informed. You can find copies of newsletters on the website.

We also send out information relating to individual classes and groups of children in letters eg. letters about trips

We follow up key messages using our text messaging service. We will also telephone if we need to make contact quickly. This system works really well, but we rely on you to keep us informed of any changes to your telephone contact details:

We welcome parents in school for assemblies on a weekly basis. Formal parental consultations to discuss progress are organised three times a year.

Class teachers are available at the beginning and end of the day and try to spend time with parents. However, time can be limited. If you have something important you wish to discuss with your child’s teacher please ask to make an appointment.

If you wish to speak to somebody else, the following people may be able to help you.


Interim Deputy Headteacher:

Assistant Headteacher:

Assistant Headteacher:

Miss R J Ingram

Mrs J Speak

Mrs M Birdsall (Leader of the Foundation Stage)

Mrs S Tasker (Leader of Years 1, 2 and 3)

Miss H Sheehan (Leader of Years 4, 5 and 6) Assistant Headteacher:

Family Support Co-ordinator:

Admissions and Family Support:

Mrs K Jones

Mrs J Dodds

The staff in the school office will always support you to arrange to speak to the person who can help you.

School Office: Mrs J Hughes

Mr M Vaughan

Mrs L Bland

Mrs S Whittingham (PA to the Headteacher)

To contact any of the above, please call the School on telephone number :

0113 240 2526

