THE ANTEBELLUM SOUTH THE OLD SOUTH & SLAVERY 1820-1860 Slaves were expensive. Slaves were a major investment for slaveowners. 1845: 18-year-old healthy male slave: ~$15,000 2014 Dollars U.S. law and society was designed to protect slave-owners investment, not the slave Fugitive Slave laws (in the Constitution!) Later, stronger fugitive slave laws Most Southerners didn’t own slaves. Only 25% of southern families owned slaves. So why did Southerners fight so hard to keep slavery? Slaves were not “happy” or “better off” because of slavery How do we know? Writings left by slaves Accounts from escaped slaves Slave revolts Slave suicides This argument was commonly heard during slavery, and even today. A. The Southern Economy 1. Primarily agrarian 2. Economic power shifted from the “upper South” to the “lower South” 3. “Cotton Is King!” 1860 - 5 million Bales exported per year (57% of US exports) Value of Cotton Exports As a Percentage of All U.S. Exports A. The Southern Economy 4. Very slow development of industry 5. Rudimentary financial system. 6. Economic dependence on North 7. Inadequate transportation system. B. SOUTHERN SOCIETY “Slavocracy” 6,000,000 [plantation owners, small slaveowners] The “Plain Folk” [white yeoman farmers, tenant farmers,sandhillers,hill people] Black Freemen 250,000 Black Slaves 3,200,000 Total US Population --> 23,000,000 [9,450,000 in the South = 40%] (1850) Slave-Owning Families (1850) B. WHITE SOCIETY & CULTURE Why did many Southerners support the slave system when 75% didn’t own slaves? Was there a change in attitude re slavery? How did they justify slavery? Who did NOT support the slave system? Southern Yeoman farmer’s home Plantation House, St. Mary’s, MD (1830s) B. WHITE SOCIETY & CULTURE 3. Defense of Slavery & White Supremacy “necessary evil” → “positive good” Legal & constitutional History Religious Better than North – “wage slaves” Black Inferiority [Among Southerners] Elevated poor whites Southern Pro-Slavery Propaganda C. SLAVERY & SLAVE CULTURE 4. Slave Life & Culture Black Christianity [Baptists or Methodists]: * more emotional worship services; negro spirituals. Nuclear family with extended kin links, where possible. Importance of music in their lives. [esp.spirituals]. Slave codes Resistance Nat Turner “Sambo” Slave Rebellions and Uprisings, 1800-1831 Slave Cabin and Occupants Near Eufala, Barbour County, Alabama