Annual Report 2012 LGT Group Contents Corporate bodies 4 Financial highlights 5 Chairman’s report 6 Corporate governance 8 Consolidated financial statements 9 LGT Group Foundation 79 International presence and imprint 92 Contents 3 Corporate bodies as of April 2013 Foundation Board H.S.H. Prince Philipp von und zu Liechtenstein, Chairman Dr. Rodolfo Bogni 1 K B Chandrasekar 2 Dr. Phillip Colebatch 1 Sir Ronald Grierson 2 Dr. Dominik Koechlin 1, 2 Prof. Dr. Conrad Meyer 2 Senior Management Board H.S.H. Prince Max von und zu Liechtenstein, CEO LGT Group Dr. André Lagger, CEO LGT Financial Services Dr. Roberto Paganoni, CEO LGT Capital Partners Olivier de Perregaux, CFO LGT Group Thomas Piske, CEO LGT Private Banking Internal Audit Daniel Hauser External Audit PricewaterhouseCoopers Ltd., Zurich 4 Corporate bodies as of April 2013 1 2 Member of the Human Resources and Compensation Committee Member of the Audit Committee Financial highlights Assets under administration 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 CHF m 102 118 86 932 86 079 89 023 78 030 of which client assets under administration CHF m 99 448 84 486 83 547 86 604 75 912 of which LGT’s Princely Portfolio CHF m 2 670 2 446 2 532 2 419 2 118 CHF m 12 342 5 758 3 102 4 550 -1 265 of which net new money CHF m 10 515 8 562 3 102 -3 651 -1 265 of which through acquisition CHF m 1 827 0 0 8 201 0 of which through disposal CHF m 0 -2 804 0 0 0 Total operating income CHF m 957 709 883 779 788 Group profit CHF m 216 70 148 106 163 Appropriation of Foundation earnings and dividends CHF m -150 1 -75 -75 -75 -75 Group equity capital CHF m 3 345 2 932 3 084 2 958 2 561 Total assets CHF m 27 192 26 252 24 388 24 793 22 795 Net asset inflow Ratios Tier 1 % 21.5 17.5 19.3 18.5 16.5 Cost/income % 64 75 2 70 3 74 68 Performance of LGT’s Princely Portfolio % 11.5 -1.7 13.3 15.7 -24.1 1 830 1 779 1 889 1 985 1 870 Aa3 Aa3 Aa3 Aa3 Aa3 A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ Headcount at 31 December Rating 4 Moody’s Standard & Poor’s 1 Proposed 2 Excluding charges in connection with the sale of LGT Bank in Liechtenstein & Co. OHG in 2011 3 Excluding payment to German authorities in 2010 4 LGT Bank Ltd., Vaduz (formerly LGT Bank in Liechtenstein Ltd., Vaduz) Financial highlights 5 Chairman’s report thanks to good cost management, although the company continued to selectively invest in the expansion of its business in 2012. The cost-income ratio improved to 64%, compared to 75% the prior year. Depreciation, amortization and provisions were up by 80% to CHF 86 million in the year under review. This increase was primarily due to write-downs on goodwill. LGT Group posted group profit of CHF 216 million for the 2012 financial year. The group profit of CHF 70 mil­ .S.H. Prince Philipp von und zu Liechtenstein, Chairman LGT Group H (left) and H.S.H. Prince Max von und zu Liechtenstein, CEO LGT Group (right) lion in 2011 was net of one-off costs of CHF 50 million associated with exiting the private banking business in Germany. In consideration of this special item in the prior year, profits increased by 80% in 2012. 2012 was once again characterized by an unsettled LGT Group is very well capitalized and maintains a high economic climate and low interest rates for the whole level of liquidity. By December 31, 2012, its tier 1 capital financial services industry. In this challenging environ- ratio increased to 21.5%, compared to 17.5% at the ment, LGT Group made considerable progress in the end of 2011. implementation of its strategy in all of its business areas and markets. Higher asset base thanks to strong net new money inflows and solid investment performance Strong profit growth LGT Group attracted net new money inflows of CHF Supported by the larger asset base compared to the 10.5 billion in 2012, compared to CHF 8.6 billion in prior year, income from services increased by 15% in the prior year. These inflows in 2012 represented an 2012, while net interest and similar income increased excellent 12% growth on the assets managed at the by 4%. Income from trading activities and other income end of 2011. Both the private banking business, with was up by almost 150%, reflecting valuation adjust- its platforms in Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Austria, ments on high quality bonds held in LGT’s securities Singapore and Hong Kong, and the institutional asset portfolio to maintain liquidity as well as hedging trans- management business, recorded very good inflows. actions. Overall, LGT achieved a total operating income of CHF 957 million, up 35% on the prior year. On December 31, 2012, assets under management amounted to CHF 102.1 billion, up 18% on CHF 86.9 Total operating expenses increased by 9% to CHF 615 billion as at the end of the prior year. In addition to million in the period under review, whereof personnel the strong net inflows, a solid investment performance expenses rose by 12%. This increase was due to higher in a good trading year contributed to this result. performance-related compensation resulting from the 6 growth of the business, which was partially offset by Long-term strategic focus the positive effects of a change to the LGT pension fund For over twelve years we have pursued two major stra­ plan. Business and office expenses remained stable tegic objectives: building up a world class investment Chairman’s report management capability also for the institutional client have identified as particularly attractive. In 2012 we base and expanding our private banking business inter- completed two important acquisitions: In March we nationally to broaden and diversify our markets. The bought from Credit Suisse the highly rated insurance- challenging last years have shown that our priorities linked investment team (ILS) of Clariden Leu bank. ILS are right. manages assets of around USD two billion mainly for institutional investors and is one of the top five providers Today our business and client mix is well diversified and in this line of business. Insurance-linked investment predominantly located in the stable regions of Europe offer low correlation with traditional asset classes and and in growing emerging markets with a particular are therefore very well suited to enhance diversification strength in Asia where we have two strong hubs in of more traditional portfolios. In December LGT Capital Singapore and Hong Kong. In Europe we were also Partners acquired Clerestory Capital Advisors, LLC, able to strengthen our market shares by taking advan- a New York-based investment and advisory firm that tage of attractive consolidation opportunities. provides investors with global access to real estate via funds, co-investments and secondary investments. Growing Private Banking platform Both acquisitions ideally complement our core compe­ Our focus in 2012 was to build and grow our platforms tencies in asset allocation, alternative investments and in Austria, the Middle East and Asia. We also intend to manager selection. Our growing institutional client base strengthen our focus on the important UHNWI client and good investment track record confirm that we are segment with a new family office unit. We have intro- heading in the right direction. Alternative asset classes duced a Customer Relation Management system across continue to gain market share as more clients diversify all markets. This will allow us to align clients’ needs out of traditional fixed income and equity markets, and our solutions even better. a trend which should benefit our asset management efforts at LGT Capital Partners. Overall we are very well positioned to take advantage of the ongoing consolidation in the private banking and Outlook asset management industries and we have a platform LGT Group started well into the current year, and re- that is extremely attractive for clients and top client- mains confident about the further development of its advisors. This is thanks to our simple and effective own- business. However, it expects the economic environment ership structure, that sets us apart from most of our to remain unpredictable, and markets to be character- competitors, our strong balance sheet, a clearly defined ized by volatility. The company also intends to continue and pursued long-term strategy and a client-centric investing in the expansion of its business. advisory model. Asset Management: Inhouse investment expertise The more challenging the investment environment, the more important it is to have deep investment expertise in-house. In order to build a world class investment management capability we have invested in further strengthening our asset allocation know-how and our global manager selection competence across all asset classes. We focus on alternative asset classes that we Chairman’s report 7 Corporate governance LGT Group and its holding company, LGT Group Internal Audit reports directly to the Group’s Board of Foundation, are 100 percent controlled by the Prince Trustees. In accordance with a general principle, the of Liechtenstein Foundation (POLF), the beneficiary external auditors are re-evaluated on a regular basis. of which is H.S.H. Reigning Prince Hans-Adam II. von und zu Liechtenstein. The POLF names the Founda­ The consolidated LGT Group is supervised by the tion Board of LGT Group Foundation. The Group’s Liechtenstein Financial Market Authority (FMA). Local Foundation Board meets at least four times a year companies are supervised by their local authorities. and has constituted two separate committees (Audit Committee; Human Resources and Compensation Although it is a privately held company, LGT aims to Committee). The Chairman of the Group’s Foundation follow the standard practices of public companies; Board is H.S.H. Prince Philipp von und zu Liechtenstein. therefore LGT applies a transparent and proactive The Group’s Foundation Board has appointed the communication policy. LGT Bank Ltd. (formerly LGT Group CEO, H.S.H. Prince Max von und zu Liechtenstein, Bank in Liechtenstein Ltd.) is rated by Moody’s and who is responsible for the strategic and operational Standard & Poor’s. The LGT Group has applied Interna­ management of the Group. tional Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) since 1996. The compensation system is supervised by the Human Resources and Compensation Committee, and consists of a fixed salary component, a yearly bonus and a long-term incentive scheme (LTIS). As a privately held company, LGT has developed an internal LTIS based on an option scheme. Senior management and other key people are entitled to participate in the LTIS. The LTIS is calculated according to a predefined formula which includes, in particular, the result of operating activities, the investment performance of the Princely Portfolio and the Group’s cost of capital. LTIS options are granted yearly and can be exercised between three to seven years after grant. In addition to direct compensation, the management has the possibility to coinvest directly in client products. These co-investments are at the full risk/benefit of the subscribing employee. 8 Corporate governance Consolidated financial statements 9 Report of the group auditors 10 Report of the group auditors Consolidated income statement Consolidated income statement (TCHF) Note 2012 2011 Change absolute % Interest earned and similar income 203 784 199 517 4 267 2 Interest expense -92 645 -92 272 -373 0 Net interest and similar income 1 111 139 107 245 3 894 4 Income from services 2 562 062 487 678 74 384 15 Income from trading activities 3 255 065 56 572 198 493 351 Other operating income 4 29 150 57 499 -28 349 -49 957 416 708 994 248 422 35 -47 487 12 Total operating income Personnel expenses 5 -439 596 -392 109 Business and office expenses 6 -175 701 -174 170 -1 531 1 Other operating expenses 7 -85 557 -47 736 -37 821 79 -700 854 -614 015 -86 839 14 256 562 94 979 161 583 170 -33 539 -20 090 -13 449 67 223 023 74 889 148 134 198 215 969 70 341 145 628 207 7 054 4 548 2 506 55 Total operating expenses Operating profit before tax Tax expense Profit for the year 8 Attributable to: Equity holders of the parent entity Non-controlling interests The accompanying notes form an integral part of the consolidated financial statements. Consolidated income statement 11 Consolidated statement of comprehensive income Consolidated statement of comprehensive income (TCHF) Note Profit for the year 2012 2011 Change absolute % 223 023 74 889 148 134 198 10 433 14 351 -3 918 -27 259 802 -160 260 420 062 -262 223 534 -146 836 370 370 -252 thereof available-for-sale securities 40 578 -15 254 55 832 -366 thereof cash flow hedge -4 310 1 830 -6 140 -336 Total other comprehensive income 270 235 -145 909 416 144 -285 Total comprehensive income for the year 493 258 -71 020 564 278 -795 486 204 -75 568 561 772 -743 7 054 4 548 2 506 55 Other comprehensive income Changes in cumulative translation adjustments Net change in revaluation reserves, net of tax thereof investments in associates 25 Attributable to: Equity holders of the parent entity Non-controlling interests The accompanying notes form an integral part of the consolidated financial statements. 12 Consolidated statement of comprehensive income Consolidated balance sheet Consolidated balance sheet (TCHF) Note 2012 2011 Change absolute % Assets Cash in hand, balances with central banks 9 5 903 959 2 619 966 3 283 993 125 Loans and advances to banks 10 4 010 212 6 530 566 -2 520 354 -39 Loans and advances to customers 11 7 243 838 6 288 793 955 045 15 Securities held for trading purposes 12 8 935 4 948 3 987 81 Derivative financial instruments 30 756 918 1 435 273 -678 355 -47 Financial assets designated at fair value 13 3 442 402 3 538 563 -96 161 -3 Other investment securities 14 1 962 237 2 220 926 -258 689 -12 Investments in associates 15 2 671 693 2 446 237 225 456 9 Property and equipment 16 180 928 181 280 -352 0 Intangible assets 17 272 882 265 470 7 412 3 88 981 81 843 7 138 9 6 976 2 676 4 300 161 Prepayments and accrued income Deferred tax assets Other assets 8 18 Total assets 642 273 635 579 6 694 1 27 192 234 26 252 120 940 114 4 Liabilities Amounts due to banks 19 1 231 402 1 855 132 -623 730 -34 Amounts due to customers 20 19 094 587 17 253 591 1 840 996 11 Derivative financial instruments 30 805 327 1 512 064 -706 737 -47 Financial liabilities designated at fair value 21 590 047 659 520 -69 473 -11 Certificated debt 22 1 572 986 1 516 851 56 135 4 Accruals and deferred income 85 892 60 867 25 025 41 Current tax liabilities 10 277 10 194 83 1 Deferred tax liabilities 8 103 925 78 665 25 260 32 Other liabilities 23 274 121 302 339 -28 218 -9 Provisions 24 78 234 70 571 7 663 11 23 846 798 23 319 794 527 004 2 Foundation capital 339 044 339 044 0 0 Retained earnings 1 991 906 1 850 937 140 969 8 -41 864 -52 297 10 433 -20 1 048 914 789 112 259 802 33 3 338 000 2 926 796 411 204 14 Total liabilities Group equity capital Cumulative translation adjustments Other reserves 25 Total Group equity capital and reserves attributable to LGT’s equity holder Non-controlling interests Total Group equity capital Total liabilities and Group equity capital 7 436 5 530 1 906 34 3 345 436 2 932 326 413 110 14 27 192 234 26 252 120 940 114 4 The accompanying notes form an integral part of the consolidated financial statements. Consolidated balance sheet 13 Consolidated statement of changes in equity Consolidated statement Foundation Retained Cumulative Other Total Non- capital 1 earnings translation reserves attribut- controlling adjust- able to interests ments LGT’s equity of changes in equity (TCHF) 1 January 2012 339 044 1 850 937 -52 297 789 112 2 926 796 5 530 Total 2 932 326 Appropriation of Foundation earnings and dividends 0 -75 000 0 0 -75 000 -5 105 -80 105 Net profit 0 215 969 0 0 215 969 7 054 223 023 0 0 10 433 0 10 433 0 10 433 0 0 0 259 802 259 802 0 259 802 0 0 0 223 534 223 534 0 223 534 Changes in cumulative translation adjustments Net change in revaluation reserves, net of tax thereof investments in associates thereof available-for-sale securities 0 0 0 40 578 40 578 0 40 578 thereof cash flow hedge 0 0 0 -4 310 -4 310 0 -4 310 Change in non-controlling interests 0 0 0 0 0 -43 -43 339 044 1 991 906 -41 864 1 048 914 3 338 000 7 436 3 345 436 Foundation Retained Cumulative Other Total Non- Total capital 1 earnings translation reserves attribut- controlling adjust- able to interests ments LGT’s equity 31 December 2012 1 January 2011 339 044 1 855 596 -66 648 949 372 3 077 364 6 349 3 083 713 earnings and dividends 0 -75 000 0 0 -75 000 -5 316 -80 316 Net profit 0 70 341 0 0 70 341 4 548 74 889 0 0 14 351 0 14 351 0 14 351 0 0 0 -160 260 -160 260 0 -160 260 0 0 0 -146 836 -146 836 0 -146 836 Appropriation of Foundation Changes in cumulative translation adjustments Net change in revaluation reserves, net of tax thereof investments in associates thereof available-for-sale securities 0 0 0 -15 254 -15 254 0 -15 254 thereof cash flow hedge 0 0 0 1 830 1 830 0 1 830 0 0 0 0 0 -51 -51 339 044 1 850 937 -52 297 789 112 2 926 796 5 530 2 932 326 Change in non-controlling interests 31 December 2011 1 Foundation capital is fully paid and cannot be broken down to units. The accompanying notes form an integral part of the consolidated financial statements. 14 Consolidated statement of changes in equity Consolidated cash flow statement Consolidated cash flow statement (TCHF) Note 2012 2011 223 023 74 889 Cash flow from operating activities Profit after tax Impairment, depreciation, provisions 69 429 12 056 Impairment on available-for-sale securities 4 0 0 Tax expense 8 33 539 20 090 Changes in accrued income and expenses 162 263 -181 223 Interest and similar income received 209 219 185 398 Interest paid -72 491 -88 668 Income tax paid -14 924 -26 830 Cash flow from operating activities before changes in operating assets and liabilities Loans and advances to banks Loans and advances to customers Trading securities and financial instruments designated at fair value Amounts due to banks 610 058 -4 288 2 545 790 -1 218 166 -958 011 -950 995 18 064 -470 659 -623 635 -16 398 1 848 879 3 297 458 -339 737 -851 793 Cash flow from changes in operating assets and liabilities 2 491 350 -210 553 Net cash flow from operating activities 3 101 408 -214 841 Amounts due to customers Other assets and other liabilities Cash flow from investing activities Proceeds from sales of property and equipment 1 033 626 Purchase of property and equipment 16 -20 627 -15 443 Purchase of other intangible assets 17 -49 378 -1 214 Cash inflow from sale of other intangible assets 17 0 10 000 Cash outflow on acquisition/foundation of subsidiaries -19 836 0 Cash inflow from sale of subsidiaries 32 0 21 412 Additions of share of investments in associates 15 -8 336 -177 232 Disposals of share of investments in associates 15 265 173 428 Proceeds from sales of investment securities 14 2 715 823 8 617 706 Purchase of investment securities 14 -2 423 571 -5 972 093 195 373 2 657 190 Net cash flow from investing activities Cash flow from financing activities Issue of certificated debt Repayment of certificated debt Dividends paid to non-controlling interests Dividends paid to beneficiary Change in non-controlling interests Net cash flow from financing activities Effects of exchange rate changes on cash Change in cash in hand, balances with central banks At the beginning of the period 9 At the end of the period 9 Change in cash in hand, balances with central banks 340 489 201 187 -284 354 -254 752 -5 105 -5 316 -75 000 -75 000 -43 -51 -24 013 -133 932 11 225 20 054 3 283 993 2 328 471 2 619 966 291 495 5 903 959 2 619 966 3 283 993 2 328 471 The accompanying notes form an integral part of the consolidated financial statements. Consolidated cash flow statement 15 Notes to the consolidated financial statements Group accounting principles Introduction Basis of consolidation LGT Group Foundation, Herrengasse 12, Vaduz, Subsidiaries are fully consolidated from the date on Principality of Liechtenstein, is the holding company which control is transferred to the Group. Inter-company of LGT Group, a global financial services institution. transactions, balances and unrealized gains on trans- The beneficiary of LGT Group Foundation is the Prince actions between Group companies are eliminated. of Liechtenstein Foundation. The main economic Subsidiaries are deconsolidated from the date that beneficiary of the Prince of Liechtenstein Foundation control ceases. The acquisition method of accounting is the reigning prince of Liechtenstein, H.S.H. Prince is used to account for the acquisition of subsidiaries Hans-Adam II. of Liechtenstein. by the Group. The cost of an acquisition is measured at the fair value of the assets given, e­ quity instruments The terms “LGT Group”, “LGT” or “Group” mean issued and liabilities incurred or assumed at the date LGT Group Foundation together with its subsidiary of exchange. Costs directly attributable to the acquisi- undertakings and the term “Company” refers to tion are expensed through income statement. Identi­ LGT Group Foundation. fiable assets acquired and liabilities and contingent liabilities a­ ssu­med in a business combination are Presentation of amounts measured ­initially at their fair values at the acquisition The Group publishes its financial statements in thou- date, ­irrespective of the extent of any minority i­nterest. sand Swiss Francs (TCHF) unless otherwise stated. The excess of the cost of acquisition over the fair value of the Group’s share of the identifiable net assets Accounting principles acquired is recorded as goodwill. If the cost of acqui- The consolidated financial statements for the financial sition is less than the fair value of the net assets of year 2012 are prepared in accordance with Interna­ the subsidiary acquired, the difference is r­ ecognized tional Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). LGT has directly in the income statement. applied IFRS rules since 1996. The consolidated finan- A list of the Group’s principal subsidiary undertakings cial statements are prepared on the historical cost is provided in note 32. convention, as modified by revaluation of availablefor-sale financial assets, financial assets and liabilities Investments in associates held at fair value through profit or loss and all Investments in associates are investments in companies derivative instruments. A summary of the principal over which the Group has significant influence but not Group accounting policies is set out below. control, generally accompanying a shareholding of between 20 percent and 50 percent of the economical The Group CEO and the Group CFO considered the rights. LGT associates are accounted for by the equity consolidated financial statements on 10 April 2013. method of accounting and are initially recognized at They were approved for issue by the Audit Committee fair value plus transaction costs. Unrealized gains on of the LGT Group Foundation Board on 24 April 2013. transactions between the Group and its associates are The Foundation Board approved the consolidated eliminated unless the transaction provides evidence of financial statements for issue on 25 April 2013. The an impairment of the asset transferred. Accounting accounts were presented for approval at the Founda­ policies have been changed where necessary to ensure tion Meeting to the Foundation Supervisory Board on consistency with the policies adopted by the Group. 25 April 2013. The Foundation Board proposed to the The investments in associates are reported in note 15. Foundation Meeting of 25 April 2013 the payment 16 of CHF 150 000 000 to the Prince of Liechtenstein The Group’s share of its associates’ post-acquisition Foundation. The accounts on pages 11 to 73 were profit or loss is recognized in the income statement, approved by the Foundation Board on 25 April 2013 or in other reserves. Its share of post-acquisition and are signed on its behalf by H.S.H. Prince Philipp movements in reserves is recognized in reserves. The of Liechtenstein, Chairman, and Olivier de Perregaux, cumulative post-acquisition movements are adjusted Group CFO. against the carrying amount of the investment. Notes to the consolidated financial statements Foreign currencies Goodwill and fair value adjustments arising on the Functional and presentation currency acquisition of a foreign entity are treated as assets Items included in the financial statements of each of and liabilities of the foreign entity and translated at the Group’s entities are measured using the currency the closing rate. of the primary economic environment in which the entity operates (“the functional currency”). Foreign exchange rates The conso­lidated financial statements are presented in The foreign exchange rates for the major currencies Swiss Francs, which is the Group’s presentation currency. which have been applied are as follows: Transactions and balances 2012 Average rate Year-end rate Foreign currency transactions are translated into the functional currency using the exchange rates prevailing on the dates of the transactions. Foreign exchange gains and losses resulting from the settlement of such transactions and from the trans­lation at year-end ex­change rates of monetary assets and liabilities denomin­ated in foreign currencies are recognized in the income statement, except when deferred in equity as qualifying cash flow hedges and qualifying net investment hedges. CHF per 1 USD 0.9327 0.9148 CHF per 1 EUR 1.2047 1.2068 CHF per 1 GBP 1.4826 1.4863 2011 Average rate Year-end rate CHF per 1 USD 0.8847 0.9356 CHF per 1 EUR 1.2332 1.2151 CHF per 1 GBP 1.4201 1.4545 Translation differences on non-monetary items, such as equities held at fair value through profit or loss, are Interest income and expense reported as part of the fair value gain or loss. Trans­lation Interest income and expense are recognized in the differences on non-monetary items, such as equities income statement for all instruments measured at classified as available-for-sale financial assets, are includ- amortized cost using the effective interest method. ed in the fair value reserve in equity. The effective interest method is a method of calcula­ting Group companies the amortized cost of a financial asset or a financial The results and financial position of all the Group liability and of allocating the interest income or interest entities that have a functional currency different from expense over the relevant period. The effective interest the presentation currency are translated into the rate is the rate that exactly discounts estimated future presentation currency as follows: cash payments or receipts through the expected life of n n n assets and liabilities for each balance sheet presented the financial instrument or, when appropriate, a shorter are translated at the closing rate on the date of period to the net carrying amount of the financial asset that balance sheet; or financial liability. When calculating the effective inter­ income and expenses for each account of the income est rate, the Group estimates cash flows considering statement are translated at average exchange rates; all contractual terms of the financial instrument (for all resulting exchange differences are recognized as a separate component of equity. example, prepayment options) but does not consider future credit losses. The calculation includes all fees and interest points paid or received between parties to On consolidation, exchange differences arising from the contract that are an integral part of the effective the translation of the net investment in foreign entities, interest rate, transaction costs and all other premiums and of borrowings and other currency instruments or discounts. Once a financial asset or a group of similar designated as hedges of such investments, are taken financial assets has been written down as a result of an to equity. When a foreign operation is sold, such impairment loss, interest income is recognized using the exchange differences are recognized in the income rate of interest used to discount the future cash flows statement as part of the gain or loss on sale. for the purpose of measuring the impairment loss. Notes to the consolidated financial statements 17 Commission income Intangible assets Commission income and any associated expense ari­sing Goodwill from the provision of private banking and investment Goodwill represents the excess of the cost of a business management services, credit commissions and interest combination over the fair value of the Group’s share of are all accounted for using the accrual method. Fixed the net identifiable assets of the acquired subsidiary/ commissions receivable and payable are accounted for associate at the date of acquisition. Goodwill on a evenly over the life of the relevant contract. business combination of subsidiaries is included in “goodwill and other intangible assets”. Goodwill on Performance fees are defined as management fees a business combination of investments in associates payable for the provision of investment management is included in “investments in associates”. Goodwill is services, but which are conditional on the performance tested annually for impairment and c­ arried at cost less of the fund or account under contract, c­ om­pared to accumulated impairment losses. Gains and losses on the performance of a specified benchmark. They are the disposal of an entity in­clude the carrying amount accrued according to the contract terms for the meas- of goodwill relating to the entity sold. urement period when they can be reliably measured, and are invoiced only after c­ onfirmation of the perfor- Software mance fee calculation. Software acquired by the Group is stated at cost less accumulated amortization and accumulated i­mpairment Property and equipment losses. Subsequent expenditure on software assets is Property and equipment and their subsequent costs capitalized only when it increases the future economic are stated at cost less accumulated depreciation and benefits embodied in the specific asset to which it accumulated impairment losses. All other repairs and relates. All other expenditure is expensed as incurred. maintenance are charged to the income statement Amortization is recognized in the income statement on during the financial period in which they are incurred. a straight-line basis over the estimated useful life of the Property and equipment are periodically reviewed for software, from the date that it is available for use. The impairment. An asset’s carrying amount is written estimated useful life of software is three to ten years. down immediately to its recoverable amount if the asset’s carrying amount is greater than its estimated Other intangible assets recoverable amount. The recoverable amount is the Other intangible assets are recognized on the balance higher of the asset’s fair value less costs to sell and sheet at cost determined at the date of acquisition value in use. Depreciation on it is provided, on a and are amortized using the straight-line method over straight-line basis, from the date of purchase, over the their estimated useful economic life, not exceeding estimated useful life of the asset. The assets’ residual 20 years. The amortization is recognized in other oper- values and useful lives are reviewed, and adjusted if ating expenses in the income statement. appropriate, at each balance sheet date. Estimated asset lives vary in line with the following: At each balance sheet date other intangible assets are reviewed for indications of impairment or changes in 18 Freehold buildings 50 years estimated future benefits. If such indication exists, an Leasehold improvements period of lease analysis is performed to assess whether the carrying IT equipment 3–5 years amount of other intangible assets is fully recoverable. Office equipment 5 years An impairment is charged if the carrying amount Motor vehicles 4 years exceeds the recoverable amount. Notes to the consolidated financial statements Financial instruments Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss Financial assets This category has two sub-categories: financial assets Purchases and sales of financial assets at fair value held for trading, and those designated at fair value through profit or loss, held to maturity and available through profit or loss at inception. A financial asset is for sale are recognized on the trade-date – the date classified in this category if acquired principally for t­ he on which the Group commits to purchase or sell the purpose of selling in the short term or if so designated asset. Loans are recognized when cash is advanced to by management. Derivatives are also categorized as the borrowers. Financial assets are initially recognized held for trading unless they are designated as hedges. at fair value plus transaction costs for all financial assets not carried at fair value through profit or loss. The Group designates financial assets and liabilities at Financial assets are derecognized when the rights fair value through profit or loss when either to receive cash flows from the financial assets have n ex­pired or where the Group has transferred substantially all risks and rewards of ownership. the assets or liabilities are managed, evaluated and reported internally on a fair value basis; n the designation eliminates or significantly reduces an accounting mismatch which would otherwise arise; Loans and advances n the asset or liability contains an embedded derivative Loans and receivables are non-derivative financial that significantly modifies the cash flows that would assets with fixed or determinable payments that are otherwise be required under the contract. not quoted in an active market. They arise when the Group provides money, goods or services directly to Held-to-maturity securities a debtor with no intention of trading the receivable. Held-to-maturity securities are financial assets with fixed Loans and advances to customers and to banks are or determinable payments and fixed maturity that LGT reported at their amortized cost less allowances for has the positive intention and ability to hold to maturity. any impairment or losses. Held-to-maturity securities are carried at amortized cost subject to a test for impairment. The ­difference between Investment securities initial recognition and nominal value is amortized over Investment securities are classified as financial assets the period to maturity. This amount and interest income at fair value through profit or loss, available-for-sale are stated as net interest income. and held-to-maturity securities. They are recognized on the balance sheet and initially measured at fair Available-for-sale securities value, which is the cost on the consideration given Available-for-sale securities are those securities that do or received to acquire them. Subsequent to initial not properly belong in trading securities or held-to- recognition, securities are remeasured to fair value, maturity securities. They are initially recognized at except held-to-maturity securities which are carried fair value (plus transaction costs). Available-for-sale at amortized cost subject to a test for impairment. To securities are subsequently remeasured at fair value or the extent that quoted prices are not readily available, amounts derived from cash flow models. Fair values for fair value is based on either internal valuation models unlisted equity securities are estimated using applicable or management’s estimate of amounts that could be price/earnings or price/cash flow ratios refined to reflect realized, based on observable market d ­ ata, assuming the specific circumstances of the issuer. Unrealized an orderly liquidation over a reasonable period of time. gains and losses arising from changes in the fair value of securities classified as available-for-sale are recognized in equity. Equity securities for which fair values cannot be measured reliably are recognized at cost less impairment. When the securities are d ­ isposed of or im­paired, the related accumulated fair value adjustments are included in the income state­ment as income from investment securities. Notes to the consolidated financial statements 19 Borrowings A hedge is regarded as highly effective if actual results Borrowings are recognized initially at fair value, are within a range of 80 percent to 125 percent. being their issue proceeds (fair value of consideration received) net of transaction cost incurred. Borrowings Changes in the fair value of derivatives that are are subsequently stated at amortized cost, any differ- ­designated and qualify as fair value hedges and that ence between proceeds net of transaction costs and prove to be highly effective in relation to hedged risk the redemption value is recognized in the income are recorded in the income statement, along with the statement over the period of the borrowing using the corresponding change in the fair value of the hedged effective interest method. asset or liability that is attributable to that specific hedged risk. The fair value change of the hedged item Other liabilities in a portfolio hedge of interest rate risks is reported Other liabilities are reported at amortized cost. separately from the hedged portfolio in other assets Interest and discounts are taken to net interest and or other liabilities as appropriate. similar income on an accrual basis. If the hedge no longer meets the criteria for hedge Derivative financial instruments and hedging accounting, in the case of interest-bearing financial Derivatives are initially recognized at fair value on the instruments the difference between the carrying date on which a derivative contract is entered into amount of the hedged position at that time and the and are subsequently remeasured at their fair value. value that this position would have exhibited without Fair values are obtained from quoted market prices hedging is amortized to net profit or loss over the in active markets and valuation techniques, including remaining period to maturity of the original hedge. In discounted cash flow models and option pricing the case of non-interest-bearing financial instruments, models, as appro­priate. All derivatives are carried on the other hand, this difference is immediately as assets when fair value is positive and as liabilities recorded in the income statement. when fair value is negative. Changes in the fair value of derivatives that have been In the case of hedging transactions involving derivative recorded as a cash flow hedge, that fulfill the criteria financial instruments, on the inception of transaction it mentioned above and that prove to be effective in is determined whether the specific transaction is hedging risk are reported under other reserves in n a hedge of the value of a balance sheet item (a fair value hedge), or n a hedge of a future cash flow or obligation (a cash flow hedge). Group equity capital. If the hedged cash flow or the obligation leads to direct recognition in the income statement, the hedging instrument’s cumulative gains or losses from previous periods in Group equity c­ apital are included in the income statement in the same Derivatives categorized in this manner are treated period as the hedged transaction. as hedging instruments in the financial statements if they fulfill the following criteria: n n n existence of documentation that specifies the hedging transactions and are in line with the risk under­lying transaction (balance sheet item management principles of the Group. However, in or cash flow), the hedging instrument as well as view of the strict and specific guidelines of IFRS, they the hedging strategy/relationship, do not fulfill the criteria to be treated as hedging effective elimination of the hedged risks through transactions for accounting purposes. They are there- the hedging transaction during the entire reporting fore reported as trading positions. Changes in value period (high correlation), are recorded in the income statement in the corres­ sustained high effectiveness of the hedging transaction. 20 Certain ­derivative transactions represent financial Notes to the consolidated financial statements ponding period. Determination of fair values the Group holds. Price data and parameters used in For financial instruments traded in active markets, the the measurement procedures applied are generally determination of fair values of financial assets and reviewed carefully and adjusted, if necessary – particu­ financial liabilities is based on quoted market prices larly in view of the current market developments. or dealer price quotations. This includes listed equity securities and quoted debt instruments on major The fair value of over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives is exchanges as well as exchange traded derivatives. determined using valuation methods that are commonly accepted in the financial markets, such as present A financial instrument is regarded as quoted on an value techniques and option pricing models. The fair active market if quoted prices are readily and regularly value of foreign exchange forwards is generally based available from an exchange, dealer, broker, industry on current forward exchange rates. group, pricing service or regulatory agency, and those prices represent actual and regularly occurring market Private equity investments for which market quotations transactions on an arm’s length basis. If the above crite­ are not readily available are valued at their fair values ria are not met, the market is regarded as being inactive. as determined in good faith by the respective Board of Directors in consultation with the investment manager. For all other financial instruments, fair value is deter- In this respect, investments in other investment com- mined using valuation techniques. In these techniques, panies (fund investments) which are not publicly traded fair values are estimated from observable data in are normally valued at the underlying net asset value respect of similar financial instruments, using models as advised by the managers or administrators of these to estimate the present value of expected future cash investment companies, unless the respective Board of flows or other valuation techniques, using inputs (for Directors are aware of good reasons why such a valu- example, LIBOR yield curve or FX rates) existing at the ation would not be the most appropriate indicator of consolidated balance sheet dates. fair value. The Group uses widely recognized valuation models for In estimating the fair value of private equity fund in­­ determining fair values of non-standardized financial vestments, the respective Board of Directors considers instruments of lower complexity, such as options or all appropriate and applicable factors (including a sen- interest rate and currency swaps. For these financial sitivity to non-observable market factors) relevant to instruments, inputs into models are generally market- their value, including but not limited to the following: observable. n reference to the fund investment’s reporting informa­tion including consideration of any time lags between For more complex instruments, the Group uses intern­ally the date of the latest available reporting and the developed models, which are usually based on valuation balance sheet date of the respective Group entity in methods and techniques generally recognized as stand­ those situations where no December valuation of the ard within the industry. Valuation models are used pri­ underlying fund is available. This includes a detailed marily to value derivatives transacted in the over-the- analysis of exits (trade sales, initial public offerings, counter market. Some of the inputs to these models etc.) which the fund investments have gone through may not be market observable and are therefore estima- in the period between the latest available reporting ­ted based on assumptions. The impact on net profit of and the balance sheet date of the respective Group financial instrument valuations reflecting non-market ob- entity, as well as other relevant valuation information. ­servable inputs (level 3 valuations) is disclosed in note 29. This information is a result of continuous contact with the investment managers and, specifically, by The output of a model is always an estimate or approxi­ monitoring calls made to the investment managers, mation of a value that cannot be determined with distribution notices received from the investment certainty, and valuation techniques employed may managers in the period between the latest available not fully reflect all factors relevant to the positions report and the balance sheet date of the respective Notes to the consolidated financial statements 21 Group entity, as well as the monitoring of other finan­- events that occurred after the initial recognition of the cial information sources and the assessment thereof; asset (a “loss event”) and that loss event (or events) n reference to transaction prices; has an impact on the estimated future cash flows n result of operational and environmental assessments: of the financial asset or group of financial assets that periodic valuation reviews are made of the valua- can be reliably estimated. Objective evidence that a tions of the underlying investments as reported by financial asset or group of assets is impaired includes the investment managers to determine if the values observable data that comes to the attention of the are reasonable, accurate and reliable. These reviews Group about the following loss events: in­clude a fair value estimation using widely recog- n significant financial difficulty of the issuer or obligor; nised valuation methods such as multiple analysis n a breach of contract, such as a default or delin- n the Group granting to the borrower, for economic and discounted cash flow analysis; n review of management information provided by the quency in interest or principal payments; managers/administrators of the fund investments or legal reasons relating to the borrower’s financial on a regular basis; and difficulty, a concession that the lender would not mark-to-market valuations for quoted investments held by the managers/administrators of the fund investments otherwise consider; n which make up a significant portion of the relevant it becoming probable that the borrower will enter bankruptcy or other financial reorganization; Group entity’s net asset value. n the disappearance of an active market for that If the respective Board of Directors comes to the con- n observable data indicating that there is a measurable financial asset because of financial difficulties; clusion upon recommendation of the investment man­ decrease in the estimated future cash flows from a ager after applying the above-mentioned valuation group of financial assets since the initial recognition methods, that the most recent valuation reported by of those assets, although the decrease cannot yet be the manager/administrator of a fund investment is identified with the individual f­ inancial assets in the materially misstated, it will make the necessary adjust­ group, including: ments using the results of its own review and analysis. – adverse changes in the payment status of Typically, the fair value of such investments are remeas- borrowers in the group; or ­ured based on the receipt of periodic (usually quarterly) – national or local economic conditions that reporting provided to the investors in such vehicles by correlate with defaults on the assets in the group. the managers or administrators. For new investments in such vehicles, prior to the receipt of fund reporting, The Group first assesses whether objective evidence of the investments are usually valued at the amount con­ impairment exists individually for financial assets that are tributed, which is considered to be the best indicator individually significant, and individually or collectively of fair value. for financial assets that are not individually significant. If the Group determines that no objective evidence of In cases when the fair value of unlisted equity instru- impairment exists for an individually assessed finan- ments cannot be determined reliably, the instruments cial asset, whether significant or not, it includes the are carried at cost less impairment. asset in a group of financial assets with similar credit risk characteristics and collectively assesses them for Impairment of financial assets impairment. Assets that are individually assessed for Assets carried at amortized cost impairment and for which an impairment loss is or The Group assesses at each balance sheet date whether continues to be recognized are not included in a there is objective evidence that a financial asset or a collective assessment of impairment. group of financial assets is impaired. A financial asset or 22 a group of financial assets is impaired and impairment If there is objective evidence that an impairment loss on losses are incurred if, and only if, there is o ­ bjective loans and receivables or held-to-maturity investments evidence of impairment as a result of one or more carried at amortized cost has been incurred, the amount Notes to the consolidated financial statements of the loss is measured as the difference between the period (for example, changes in unemployment rates, asset’s carrying amount and the present value of esti- property prices, payment status, or other factors indica- mated future cash flows (excluding future credit losses tive of changes in the probability of losses in the group that have not been incurred) discounted at the finan- and their magnitude). The methodology and assump- cial asset’s original effective interest rate. The carrying tions used for estimating future cash flows are reviewed amount of the asset is reduced through the use of regularly by the Group to reduce any differences an allowance account and the amount of the loss is between loss estimates and actual loss experience. recognized in the income statement. If a loan or heldto-maturity investment has a variable interest rate, When a loan is uncollectible, it is written off against the discount rate for measuring any impairment loss the related provision for loan impairment. Such loans is the current effective interest rate determined under are written off after all the necessary procedures have the contract. As a practical expedient, the Group may been completed and the amount of the loss has been measure impairment on the basis of an instrument’s determined. Subsequent recoveries of amounts pre­ fair value using an observable market price. viously written off decrease the amount of the provision for loan impairment in the income statement. The calculation of the present value of the estimated future cash flows of a collateralized financial asset If, in a subsequent period, the amount of the impair- reflects the cash flows that may result from foreclo- ment loss decreases and the decrease can be related sure less costs for obtaining and selling the collateral, objectively to an event occurring after the impair- whether or not foreclosure is probable. ment was recognized (such as an improvement in the debtor’s credit rating), the previously recognized For the purposes of a collective evaluation of impair- impairment loss is reversed by adjusting the allowance ment, financial assets are grouped on the basis of ac­count. The amount of the reversal is recognized in similar credit risk characteristics (i.e. on the basis of the income statement. the Group’s grading process that considers asset type, industry, geographical location, collateral type, past-due Assets carried at fair value status and other relevant factors). Those characteristics The Group assesses at each balance sheet date whether are relevant to the estimation of future cash flows there is objective evidence that a financial asset or a for groups of such assets by being indicative of the group of financial assets is impaired. In the case of debtors’ ability to pay all amounts due according to equity investments classified as available-for-sale, a the contractual terms of the assets being evaluated. signi­ficant or prolonged decline in the fair value of the security below its cost is considered in determining Future cash flows in a group of financial assets that are whet­her the assets are impaired. If any such evidence collectively evaluated for impairment are estimated on exists for available-for-sale financial assets, the cumu- the basis of the contractual cash flows of the assets in lative loss – measured as the difference between the the group and historical loss experience for assets with acquisition cost and the current fair value, less any credit risk characteristics similar to those in the group. impairment loss on that financial asset previously rec- Historical loss experience is adjusted on the basis of ognized in profit or loss – is removed from equity and current observable data to reflect the effects of current recognized in the income statement. Impairment losses conditions that did not affect the period on which the recognized in profit or loss on equity instruments are historical loss experience is based and to remove the not reversed through the income statement, they are effects of conditions in the historical period that do reversed through equity. If, in a subsequent period, the not exist currently. fair value of a debt instrument classified as availablefor-sale increases and the increase can be objectively Estimates of changes in future cash flows for groups related to an event occurring after the impairment of assets should reflect and be directionally consistent loss was recognized in profit or loss, the impairment with changes in related observable data from period to loss is reversed through the income statement. Notes to the consolidated financial statements 23 Renegotiated loans Leasing Loans that are either subject to collective impairment The leases entered into by the Group are operating assessment or individually significant and whose terms leases. The expenses from operating leases (the rights have been renegotiated are no longer considered to be and responsibilities of ownership remain with the ­lessor) past due but are treated as new loans. In subsequent are disclosed in business and office expenses. years, the asset is considered to be past due and disclosed only if renegotiated. Cash in hand For the purpose of the consolidated cash flow state- Provisions ment, cash in hand comprises liquid assets including Provisions for restructuring costs, legal claims and other cash and balances with central banks and post offices. operational risk are recognized, when the Group has a present legal or constructive obligation as a result of Taxation past events, when it is more likely than not that an out­ Corporate tax payable is provided on the taxable profits flow of resources will be required to settle the obliga- of LGT Group companies at the applicable current rates. tion and when the amount has been reliably estimated. Deferred income tax is provided in full, using the liabil­ ity method, on temporary differences arising between Fiduciary transactions the tax bases of assets and liabilities and their carrying The Group commonly acts as trustees and in other amounts in the consolidated financial statements. fiduciary capacities that result in the holding or placing Deferred income tax is determined using tax rates (and of assets on behalf of individuals, trusts, retirement laws) that have been enacted or substantially enacted benefit plans and other institutions. These assets and by the balance sheet date and are expected to apply income arising thereon are excluded from these finan- when the related deferred income tax asset is realized cial statements, as they are not assets of the Group. or the deferred income tax liability is settled. Deferred tax assets are recognized where it is probable that Repurchase and reverse repurchase transactions future taxable profit will be available against which (repo transactions) the temporary differences can be utilized. Repo transactions are used to refinance and fund money market transactions. They are entered in the balance Employee benefits sheet as advances against collateral and cash contribu­ Short-term benefits tions or with pledging of securities held in the Group’s Salaries are recognized in the income statement upon own account. Securities provided to serve as collateral payment. The amount for bonuses is accrued and will thus continue to be posted in the corresponding balance be paid at the beginning of the following year. sheet positions – securities received to serve as collateral are not reported in the balance sheet. Interest resulting Medium-term benefits from the trans­actions is posted as net interest income. Senior management and other key people of the Group are entitled to participate in a long-term incentive 24 Contingent liabilities scheme. The incentive scheme gives the holder the possi­ A contingent liability is a possible obligation that arises bility to participate in the development of the economic from past events and whose existence will be confirmed value added of the Group. In principle, the economic only by the occurrence or non-occurrence of one or value added represents the operating profit of the more uncertain future events not wholly within the con­­ Group and the return on LGT’s Princely Portfolio after trol of the entity. Or a contingent liability is a present adjustments for capital and refinancing costs. Options obligation that arises from past events but is not rec- granted under the scheme will, in ­normal circumstances, ognized because it is not probable that an out­­­­flow of only be exercisable within 3 to 7 years from the date resources embodying economic benefits will be required of grant of option. The annual costs of the scheme are to settle the obligation or the amount of the obligation charged to the profit and loss account. The accruals cannot be measured with sufficient reliability. are shown as other liabilities until their realization. Notes to the consolidated financial statements Pension obligations expense when they are due. Prepaid contributions are Group companies operate various pension schemes. recognized as an asset to the extent that a cash refund The schemes are generally funded through payments or a reduction in the future payments is available. to insurance companies or trustee-administered funds, determined by periodic actuarial calculations. The Client assets under administration Group has both defined benefit and defined contribu­ Client assets under administration are stated according tion plans. A defined benefit plan is a pension plan to the provisions of the Liechtenstein banking law. that defines an amount of pension benefit that an employee will receive on retirement, usually dependent Events after the reporting period on one or more factors such as age, years of service There are no events to report that had an influence and compensation. A defined contribution plan is a on the balance sheet and income statement for 2012. pension plan under which the Group pays fixed contributions into a separate entity. Management’s judgments The Group makes estimates and assumptions that affect The liability recognized in the balance sheet in respect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities within the of defined benefit pension plans is the present value next financial year. Estimates and judgments are con­ of the defined benefit obligation at the balance sheet tinually evaluated and are based on historical experi- date less the fair value of plan assets, together with ence and other factors, including expectations that are adjustments for unrecognized actuarial gains or losses believed to be reasonable under the circumstances. and past service costs. The defined benefit obligation is calculated annually by independent actuaries using Impairment losses on loans and advances the projected unit credit method. The present value The Group reviews its loan portfolios to assess impair­ of the defined benefit obligation is determined by ment at least on a quarterly basis. In determining ­discounting the estimated future cash outflows using whether an impairment loss should be recorded in the interest rates of high-quality corporate bonds that are income statement, the Group makes judgments as to denominated in the currency in which the benefits will whether there is any observable data indicating that be paid, and that have terms to maturity approximating there is a measurable decrease in the estimated future to the terms of the related pension liability. cash flows from a portfolio of loans before the decrease can be identified with an individual loan in that port- Based on the corridor approach, actuarial gains and loss- folio. This evidence may include observable data indi- es arising from experience adjustments and changes in cating that there has been an adverse change in the actuarial assumptions are charged or credited to income payment status of borrowers in a group, or national or over the employees expected remaining average work- local economic conditions that correlate with defaults ing lives if the net cumulative unrecognized actuarial on assets in the group. gains and losses exceed the greater of 10 percent of the defined benefit obligation and 10 percent of the fair Management uses estimates based on historical loss value of any pension plan assets. Past-service costs are experience for assets with credit risk characteristics and recognized immediately in income, unless the changes objective evidence of impairment similar to those in the to the pension plan are conditional on the employees portfolio when scheduling its future cash flows. The remaining in service for a specified period of time (the methodology and assumptions used for estimating both vesting period). In this case, the past-service costs are the amount and timing of future cash flows are reviewed amortized on a straight-line basis over the vesting period. regularly to reduce any differences between loss estimates and actual loss experience. To the extent that the net For defined contribution plans, the Group pays con- present value of estimated cash flows differs by +5 per­ tributions to privately administered pension insurance cent, the provision would be estimated 96 (2011: 201) plans on a mandatory, contractual or voluntary basis. lower. If the net present value d ­ iffers by -5 percent, the The contributions are recognized as employee benefit provision would be estimated 96 (2011: 191) higher. Notes to the consolidated financial statements 25 Impairment of goodwill Income taxes The fair value of goodwill is reviewed annually and The Group is subject to income taxes in numerous juris- management assesses whether an impairment charge dictions. Significant estimates are required in determin- needs to be recognized. ing the worldwide provision for income taxes. There are many transactions and calculations for which the Fair value of derivatives ultimate tax determination is uncertain during the ordi- The fair value of financial instruments that are not nary course of business. The Group recognizes liabilities quoted in active markets are determined by using valu­ for anticipated tax audit issues based on estimates of ation techniques. Where valuation techniques (for whether additional taxes will be due. Where the final example, models) are used to determine fair values, tax outcome of these matters is differ­ent from the they are validated and periodically reviewed by qualified amounts that were initially recorded, such differences personnel independent of the area that created them. will impact the income tax and deferred tax provisions in the period in which such determination is made. Changes in assumptions could affect reported fair value of financial instruments. For example, to the extent Based on the final outcome of the above-mentioned that management used a tightening of 20 basis points judgment areas (impairment losses on loans and in the credit spread, the fair value of derivative finan- advances, fair value of derivatives and impairment cial instruments would be estimated at -52 903 (2011: of afs equity investments), the Group would need to -81 507) as compared to their reported fair value of decrease income tax by 932 (2011: 3 373), in case of -48 409 (2011: -76 791) at the balance sheet date. favorable market conditions, and decrease income tax by 956 (2011: 3 422), in case of unfavorable market Impairment of available-for-sale equity conditions. investments The Group determines that available-for-sale equity Changes in accounting principles and presentation investments are impaired when there has been a Standards and interpretations that have been ­significant or prolonged decline in the fair value below adopted their cost (cost is defined as historical cost). This deter­ The Group applied the following new and revised mination of what is significant or prolonged requires standards and interpretations for the first time in the judgment. In making this judgment the Group evalu- financial year beginning on 1 January 2012: ates the following factors: (i) extent of the decline is n substantial (in excess of 20 percent of cost) or, (ii) the fair value is three balance sheet dates in succession 2011. Applied retrospectively) n (on a semi-annual basis) or more below cost. In addition, impairment may be appropriate when there is technology, and operational and financing cash flows. Amendments to IFRS 7 Financial Instruments: Disclosures on derecognition (effective 1 July 2011) n Amendments to IFRS 7 Disclosures – Transfers of n Amendments to IAS12 Income Taxes on Deferred evidence of a deterioration in the financial health of the investee, industry and sector performance, changes in IAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting – (effective 1 July financial assets (effective 1 July 2011) Tax (effective 1 January 2012) The adoption has not led to any changes in the Group Had all the declines in fair value below cost been ­considered significant or prolonged, the Group would suffer an additional 3 058 (2011: 22 460) loss in its financial statements, being the transfer of the total fair value reserve to the income statement. 26 Notes to the consolidated financial statements Accounting Principles. Standards and interpretations that have not yet n been adopted Numerous new and revised standards and interpreta- (effective 1 January 2013) n tions were published that must be applied for financial years beginning on or after 1 January 2013. The Group This new standard will lead to additional disclosures regarding fair value measurement. n IAS 27 (revised 2011) Separate Financial Statements n IAS 28 (revised 2011) Associates and Joint Ventures will be relevant to the Group are as follows: n Amendments to IAS 1 Financial Statement (effective 1 January 2013) Presentation regarding Other Comprehensive Income (effective 1 July 2012) n IFRS 13 Fair Value Measurement (effective 1 January 2013) has chosen not to adopt these in advance. The new and revised standards and interpretations that IFRS 12 Disclosures of Interests in other Entities (effective 1 January 2013) n Amendment to IAS 32 Financial Instruments – Offsetting Financial Assets and Financial Liabilities Amendments to IAS 19 Employee Benefits (effective 1 January 2014) (effective 1 January 2013) These amendments eliminate the corridor approach Other new and revised standards and interpretations: and calculate finance costs on a net funding basis. Based on initial analyses, the following new and revised Actuarial gains/losses have to be recognized through standards and interpretations which have to be applied other comprehensive income starting 1 January 2013. for financial years beginning on or after 1 January 2013 In accordance we are expecting slightly higher services are not expected to have any significant impact on the costs then in the past. reported results or financial position of the Group: IFRS 9 Financial Instruments (effective 1 January 2015) n IFRS 11 Joint Arrangements (effective 1 January 2013) n IFRS 9 is the first standard issued as part of a wider project to replace IAS 39. IFRS 9 retains but simplifies the mixed measurement model and establishes two primary measurement categories for financial assets: amortized cost and fair value. The basis of classification depends on the entity’s business model and the contractual cash flow characteristics of the financial asset. The guidance in IAS 39 on impairment of finan­ cial assets and hedge accounting continues to apply. n IFRS 10 Consolidated Financial Statements (effective 1 January 2013) The objective of IFRS 10 is to establish principles for the presentation and preparation of consolidated financial statements when an entity controls one or more other entity (an entity that controls one or more other entities) to present consolidated financial statements. Defines the principle of control, and establishes controls as the basis for consolidation. Sets out how to apply the principle of control to identify whether an investor controls an investee and therefore must consolidate the investee. Sets out the accounting requirements for the preparation of consolidated financial statements. LGT is continuing to analyze the implications. Currently LGT is not expecting significant impact. Notes to the consolidated financial statements 27 Details on the consolidated income statement 1 Net interest and similar income (TCHF) 2012 2011 63 536 54 680 108 576 104 718 31 672 39 384 0 735 203 784 199 517 Interest earned and similar income Banks Customers Interest income from investment securities Dividend income from investment securities Total interest earned and similar income Interest expense Banks -15 413 -9 397 Interest on certificated debt -37 759 -37 820 Customers 2 -39 473 -45 055 Total interest expense -92 645 -92 272 Net interest and similar income 111 139 107 245 2012 2011 Investment management fees 315 336 287 248 Brokerage fees 102 088 104 190 349 335 Income from services (TCHF) Commission income from securities and investment business Honoraria and consulting Administration fees and other income from investment business 135 705 94 851 Total commission income from securities and investment business 553 478 486 624 4 418 3 825 Commission income from other services Lending business 3 Accounts and clearing business 18 691 10 136 Total commission income from other services 23 109 13 961 Commission expenses -14 525 -12 907 Total income from services 562 062 487 678 2012 2011 Translation gain/(loss) 18 505 16 403 Trading gain/(loss) 59 767 50 354 43 810 54 098 2 319 682 Income from trading activities (TCHF) Foreign exchange, notes Interest and dividend income Profit/(loss) on securities trading Profit/(loss) on financial instruments designated at fair value Other trading activities Total income from trading activities 28 Notes to the consolidated financial statements 122 846 -39 076 7 818 -25 889 255 065 56 572 4 Other operating income (TCHF) 2012 2011 15 713 3 321 Income from investment securities Realized net result on available-for-sale securities Release of impairment losses on available-for-sale securities Total income from investment securities Realized net result on disposals of subsidiaries Realized net result on investments in associates 5 0 0 15 713 3 321 -150 -21 559 -437 57 654 Other 14 024 18 083 Total other operating income 29 150 57 499 2012 2011 salaries 228 407 238 015 bonuses 148 744 103 249 pension costs / benefits -51 629 21 815 social security costs 27 987 26 171 other personnel expenses 20 875 20 834 374 384 410 084 65 212 -17 975 Personnel expenses (TCHF) Personnel expenses, including Directors’ emoluments, consisting of Total personnel expenses before long-term incentive scheme Long-term incentive scheme 6 Total personnel expenses 439 596 392 109 Headcount at 31 December 1 830 1 779 Business and office expenses (TCHF) 2012 2011 rents and office expenses 33 559 37 046 IT expenses 34 860 32 560 information and communication expenses 20 019 20 389 travel and entertainment expenses 12 632 13 132 legal and professional expenses 23 329 27 967 advertising expenses 36 220 21 413 Business and office expenses, consisting of general expenses Total business and office expenses 15 082 21 663 175 701 174 170 Notes to the consolidated financial statements 29 7 Other operating expenses (TCHF) Note 2011 Depreciation on property and equipment 16 19 903 20 017 Amortization of intangible assets 17 41 861 27 411 Impairment on investment in associates 15 Other depreciation Total depreciation and amortization and impairment 5 593 0 2 012 3 984 69 369 51 412 Credit losses 11 2 102 4 424 Recovery of credit losses 11 -663 -1 636 Total credit losses/(recoveries) Provision for operational risks Other provisions 8 2012 1 439 2 788 12 371 -6 545 2 378 81 Total changes in provisions and other losses 14 749 -6 464 Total other operating expenses 85 557 47 736 2012 2011 12 385 12 340 Taxation (TCHF) Tax expense Current income tax expense Deferred income tax expense 19 827 6 066 Total income tax expense 32 212 18 406 Capital tax expense 1 327 1 684 Total tax expense 33 539 20 090 256 562 94 979 Reconciliation of the expected to the effective income tax expense Profit before tax Income tax expense calculated at a tax rate of 12.5% 1 (2011: 12.5%) 32 070 11 872 Tax rate difference on income components subject to foreign taxes 18 581 13 730 -18 439 -7 196 32 212 18 406 Income not subject to tax Total income tax expense 1 30 The rate used is the domestic tax rate of Liechtenstein. Notes to the consolidated financial statements 2012 2011 2 158 5 872 Deferred income tax expense comprises the following temporary differences Losses available for offset against future taxable income -98 -312 Provisions Accelerated depreciation for tax purposes 5 226 72 Financial instruments 1 278 -2 158 Other temporary differences 11 263 2 592 Total deferred income tax expense 19 827 6 066 1 442 -2 016 75 220 69 994 1 952 -2 686 Deferred income tax assets and liabilities relate to the following items Deferred income tax liabilities Accelerated depreciation for tax purposes Provisions Financial instruments Other temporary differences Total deferred income tax liabilities 25 311 13 373 103 925 78 665 Deferred income tax assets Losses available for offset against future taxable income Accelerated depreciation for tax purposes Provisions Financial instruments Other temporary differences 0 2 055 3 555 290 0 192 3 253 0 168 139 6 976 2 676 At 1 January 75 990 42 996 Income statement charge 19 827 6 066 Available-for-sale securities: fair value measurement 257 -478 Other changes 873 26 833 2 573 96 949 75 990 Before tax Tax (expense) Net of tax Total deferred income tax assets Movement on the deferred income tax assets and liabilities is as follows Cumulative translation adjustments At 31 December Income tax on other comprehensive income 2012 Before tax Tax (expense) Net of tax 2011 /Tax benefit Change in revaluation reserves Cumulative translation adjustments Other comprehensive income /Tax benefit 260 059 -257 259 802 -160 738 478 -160 260 10 433 0 10 433 14 351 0 14 351 270 492 -257 270 235 -146 387 478 -145 909 Notes to the consolidated financial statements 31 Details on the consolidated balance sheet 9 Cash in hand, balances with central banks (TCHF) 2012 Cash in hand Balances with central banks 29 010 31 682 5 872 476 2 586 409 Balances with post offices Total cash in hand, balances with central banks 10 2 473 1 875 5 903 959 2 619 966 Loans and advances to banks (TCHF) Loans and advances to OECD banks 2012 2011 3 730 205 6 144 109 Loans and advances to non-OECD banks Total loans and advances to banks 11 Loans and advances 2011 280 007 386 457 4 010 212 6 530 566 2012 to customers (TCHF) 2011 Gross Impairment Carrying Gross Impairment Carrying amount allowance amount amount allowance amount Mortgage-backed 3 181 005 -4 841 3 176 164 2 920 302 -3 547 2 916 755 Other collateral 3 626 836 -5 395 3 621 441 3 243 341 -5 465 3 237 876 457 764 -11 531 446 233 145 577 -11 415 134 162 7 265 605 -21 767 7 243 838 6 309 220 -20 427 6 288 793 Without collateral Total loans and advances to customers Specific allowance for impairment 2012 Mortgage- Other Without backed collateral collateral At 1 January 3 547 Charges to allowance 1 326 -30 0 0 Release of allowance Allowance utilized Reclassifications 5 465 2011 Total Mortgage- Other Without Total backed collateral collateral 6 155 15 167 4 060 2 828 15 298 -109 -524 -52 5 987 12 875 1 639 1 545 1 720 999 4 264 -663 -1 353 -37 -246 -1 636 -52 -84 -86 -83 -253 0 0 0 0 -639 989 -350 0 -2 -8 -36 -46 18 51 -152 -83 4 841 5 363 5 841 16 045 3 547 5 465 6 155 15 167 0 0 5 260 5 260 0 0 5 100 5 100 Charges to allowance 0 33 430 463 0 0 160 160 Release of allowance 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Currency translation At 31 December Portfolio allowance for impairment At 1 January Currency translation 0 -1 0 -1 0 0 0 0 At 31 December 0 32 5 690 5 722 0 0 5 260 5 260 Total allowance for impairment 21 767 20 427 2012 2011 76 558 101 541 Additional information on credit risks Non-performing customers’ loans Additional information about loans and advances is shown separately in the risk management notes. 32 Notes to the consolidated financial statements 12 Securities held for trading purposes (TCHF) 2012 2011 Total securities held for trading purposes 8 935 4 948 8 931 3 469 thereof listed 13 Financial assets designated at fair value (TCHF) Securities designated at fair value to match financial liabilities through profit or loss 14 2012 2011 595 902 658 481 Other securities designated at fair value through profit or loss 1, 2 2 846 500 2 880 082 Total financial assets designated at fair value 3 442 402 3 538 563 2012 2011 2 220 926 4 917 781 -22 984 -39 895 2 423 571 5 972 093 -2 715 823 -8 617 706 56 547 -11 347 At 31 December 1 962 237 2 220 926 Total investment securities 1 962 237 2 220 926 403 273 1 298 766 1 151 081 1 182 544 4 040 4 040 0 0 4 040 4 040 1 Thereof listed 1 552 258 (2011: 2 210 109) 2 Thereof subordinated securities 5 709 (2011: 5 781) Investment securities (TCHF) Available-for-sale securities At 1 January Currency translation Additions Disposals and redemption Revaluations thereof fixed-income securities maturing within one year thereof listed Specific allowance for impairment on available-for-sale securities At 1 January Release of impairment At 31 December Notes to the consolidated financial statements 33 15 Investments in associates (TCHF) At 1 January Additions Disposals Revaluation through other comprehensive income At 31 December 2012 2011 2 446 237 2 531 615 0 177 232 -265 -173 428 223 534 -89 182 2 669 506 2 446 237 801 393 575 957 66 152 38 958 Details of investments in associates Fixed-income Real estate investment trusts Equities 610 011 520 176 Hedge fund investments 585 026 621 745 Private equity investments 569 833 600 752 37 091 88 649 2 669 506 2 446 237 Cash Total investments in associates LGT’s investments in associates at 31 December 2012 Ownership interest in % of ordinary/participation Name Principal activity shares held LGT Capital Invest Limited, Grand Cayman Investment company 32.75 LGT Portfolio Management Limited, Grand Cayman Investment company 29.76 LGT’s investments in associates at 31 December 2011 Ownership interest in % of ordinary/participation Name 34 Principal activity shares held LGT Capital Invest Limited, Grand Cayman Investment company 28.72 LGT Portfolio Management Limited, Grand Cayman Investment company 26.55 Notes to the consolidated financial statements Investments in other associates (TCHF) 2012 At 1 January Additions Income Dividends Impairment Currency translation At 31 December 2011 0 0 8 336 0 -437 0 0 0 -5 593 0 -119 0 2 187 0 Details of investments in other associates Assets 5 019 0 Liabilities 2 956 0 Operating income Net profit/(loss) LGT’s investments in other associates at 31 December 2012 3 846 0 -1 327 0 Ownership interest in % of ordinary/participation Name Peak Holdings S.a.r.l., Luxembourg Quantis Investment Management Zrt., Budapest Principal activity shares held Clearing services/startup 30.20 Investment management company 30.00 Notes to the consolidated financial statements 35 16 Property and equipment (TCHF) Freehold Other Leasehold Office Motor bank freehold improve- equipment vehicles premises property ments 262 280 1 900 30 885 66 275 481 Total Cost At 1 January 2012 Currency translation 361 821 -22 0 -21 -58 0 -101 Additions 4 205 0 4 591 11 703 128 20 627 Disposals -2 069 -1 900 -2 131 -5 296 -248 -11 644 0 0 15 44 0 59 264 394 0 33 339 72 668 361 370 762 112 119 849 15 063 52 231 279 180 541 -2 0 -13 -31 0 -46 Addition to scope of consolidation At 31 December 2012 Accumulated depreciation At 1 January 2012 Currency translation Charge for the year Disposals Addition to scope of consolidation At 31 December 2012 6 581 19 4 069 9 128 106 19 903 -2 069 -868 -2 131 -5 296 -247 -10 611 0 0 11 36 0 47 116 629 0 16 999 56 068 138 189 834 147 765 0 16 340 16 600 223 180 928 Freehold Other Leasehold Office Motor Total bank freehold improve- equipment vehicles premises property ments 261 181 1 900 31 306 69 082 695 364 164 5 0 -97 -116 0 -208 3 799 0 2 514 8 957 173 15 443 0 0 471 -471 0 0 -2 705 0 -2 838 -7 054 -387 -12 984 0 0 -471 -4 123 0 -4 594 262 280 1 900 30 885 66 275 481 361 821 Net book value at 31 December 2012 Property and equipment (TCHF) Cost At 1 January 2011 Currency translation Additions Reclassifications Disposals Removal from scope of consolidation At 31 December 2011 Accumulated depreciation 108 288 811 14 981 51 787 505 176 372 Currency translation At 1 January 2011 0 0 -65 -133 0 -198 Charge for the year 6 536 38 2 967 10 411 65 20 017 0 0 348 -348 0 0 -2 705 0 -2 780 -6 581 -291 -12 357 0 0 -388 -2 905 0 -3 293 112 119 849 15 063 52 231 279 180 541 150 161 1 051 15 822 14 044 202 181 280 2012 2011 377 802 427 296 Reclassifications Disposals Removal from scope of consolidation At 31 December 2011 Net book value at 31 December 2011 Insurance value of tangible assets Insurance value 36 Notes to the consolidated financial statements 17 Intangible assets (TCHF) Goodwill Software Other in- Total tangible assets Cost At 1 January 2012 131 628 Currency translation Additions Disposals Addition to scope of consolidation At 31 December 2012 145 185 40 561 317 374 -59 0 -52 -111 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 28 428 0 20 950 49 378 159 997 145 185 61 459 366 641 Accumulated amortization and impairment 210 41 961 9 733 51 904 Currency translation At 1 January 2012 -6 0 0 -6 Charge for the year 20 143 14 518 7 200 41 861 0 0 0 0 20 347 56 479 16 933 93 759 139 650 88 706 44 526 272 882 Goodwill Software Other in- Total Disposals At 31 December 2012 Net book value at 31 December 2012 Intangible assets (TCHF) tangible assets Cost At 1 January 2011 141 628 155 046 40 825 337 499 Currency translation 0 -19 -264 -283 Additions 0 1 214 0 1 214 Disposals -10 000 -10 072 0 -20 072 Removal from scope of consolidation At 31 December 2011 0 -984 0 -984 131 628 145 185 40 561 317 374 211 28 659 5 886 34 756 Accumulated amortization and impairment At 1 January 2011 Currency translation -1 -1 0 -2 Charge for the year 0 23 564 3 847 27 411 Disposals 0 -10 072 0 -10 072 Removal from scope of consolidation 0 -189 0 -189 210 41 961 9 733 51 904 131 418 103 224 30 828 265 470 2012 2011 104 155 124 155 9 995 7 263 At 31 December 2011 Net book value at 31 December 2011 Goodwill Goodwill is allocated to the following organizational units (cash-generating units; CGUs) based on the anticipated synergies: LGT Bank (Schweiz) AG, Basel LGT Capital Partners AG, Pfäffikon LGT Capital Management AG, Pfäffikon Total 25 500 0 139 650 131 418 The three organizational units represent the level at which the goodwill is monitored for internal management purposes. The calculation of the realizable amount of the units was based on the respective fair value less costs to sell. The enterprise value was determined on the market prices of companies with similar business activities. The goodwill was reduced in 2012 in the amount of 20 143. Notes to the consolidated financial statements 37 18 Other assets (TCHF) 2012 2011 Precious metals 444 101 562 932 Pensions 124 509 42 518 Other Total other assets 19 Amounts due to banks (TCHF) Deposits on demand Time deposits Total amounts due to banks 20 Amounts due to customers (TCHF) Deposits on demand 30 129 635 579 2012 2011 774 396 963 595 457 006 891 537 1 231 402 1 855 132 2012 2011 9 758 402 7 487 934 Time deposits 7 746 355 8 416 659 Savings deposits 1 589 830 1 348 998 19 094 587 17 253 591 Total amounts due to customers 21 73 663 642 273 2012 2011 Certificate issues designated at fair value Financial liabilities designated at fair value (TCHF) 590 047 659 520 Total financial liabilities designated at fair value 590 047 659 520 There were no gains or losses attributable to changes in the credit risk for those financial liabilities designated at fair value in 2012 (2011: 0). 38 Notes to the consolidated financial statements Certificate issues designated at fair value at 31 December (TCHF) Product Nominal Interest Maturity 16 Fair value Fair value Date of 2012 2011 LGT GIM Index Certificates 1 up to 2004 issue EUR 51 131 – 28.02.2012 61 704 62 345 LGT GIM Index Certificates II 2 up to 2006 LGT GIM Index Certificates II/2 3 LGT GIM Index Certificates III 4 LGT GIM Index Certificates IV 5 value ’000 rate % EUR 137 924 – 30.06.2014 166 445 191 870 2006 EUR 34 659 – 31.03.2016 41 826 52 618 up to 2008 EUR 87 356 – 31.07.2016 105 420 118 122 continuously EUR 128 – 31.03.2018 155 835 continuously EUR 4 664 – 30.11.2013 5 628 5 551 Crown Absolute Return Index Certificates II 7 continuously EUR 1 231 – 31.07.2014 1 486 1 636 Crown Alternative SV Index Certificates continuously EUR 47 735 – 30.06.2017 57 606 56 965 continuously EUR 45 489 – 30.09.2014 54 895 58 029 continuously EUR 47 577 – 31.08.2017 57 415 54 503 continuously USD 1 964 – 31.12.2027 1 797 2 359 continuously USD 2 179 – 31.12.2027 1 993 2 778 continuously USD 12 057 – 31.12.2027 11 029 11 794 continuously USD 15 976 – 31.12.2027 14 614 23 500 continuously USD 8 783 – 31.12.2027 8 034 16 615 590 047 659 520 Crown Absolute Return Index Certificates LGT GATS Index Certificates 6 8 9 LGT M-Smart Allocator Index Certificates 10 LGT ex Equities Emerging Markets Leaders IU Certificates 11 LGT ex Equities GEM IU Index Certificates 12 LGT ex Fixed Income Emerging Markets IU Index Certificates LGT ex Hedge Funds GIM IU Index Certificates 14 LGT ex Hedge Funds GATS IU Index Certificates 15 13 Total certificate issues designated at fair value at 31 December Linked to the performance of LGT Premium Strategy GIM (EUR) index administered by LGT Capital Management Ltd. with a duration from 2002 to 2012 incl. two 5-year extension options. 2 Linked to the performance of LGT Premium Strategy GIM II (EUR) index administered by LGT Capital Management Ltd. with a duration from 2004 to 2014 incl. two 5-year extension options. 1 3 Linked to the performance of LGT Premium Strategy GIM II (EUR) index administered by LGT Capital Management Ltd. with a duration from 2006 to 2016 incl. two 5-year extension options. 4 Linked to the performance of LGT Premium Strategy GIM III (EUR) index administered by LGT Capital Management Ltd. with a duration from 2006 to 2016 incl. two 5-year extension options. Linked to the performance of LGT Premium Strategy GIM IV (EUR) index administered by LGT Capital Management Ltd. with a duration from 2008 to 2018 incl. two 5-year extension options. 6 Linked to the Crown Absolute Return (EUR) index administered by LGT Capital Partners Ltd. with a duration from 2003 to 2013 incl. two 5-year extension options. 7 Linked to the Crown Absolute Return II (EUR) index administered by LGT Capital Partners Ltd. with a duration from 2004 to 2014 incl. two 5-year extension options. 5 8 9 Linked to the Crown Alternative SV (EUR) index administered by LGT Capital Partners Ltd. with a duration from 2007 to 2017 incl. two 5-year extension options. Linked to the performance of LGT Premium Strategy GATS (EUR) index administered by LGT Capital Management Ltd. with a duration from 2004 to 2014 incl. two 5-year extension options. Linked to the LGT M-Smart Allocator (EUR) index administered by LGT Capital Management Ltd. with a duration from 2007 to 2017 incl. two 5-year extension options. 11 Linked to the LGT ex Equity Emerging Markets II (USD) index administered by LGT Capital Management Ltd. with a duration from 2007 to 2027 10 incl. two 5-year extension options. 12 Linked to the LGT ex Equity Emerging Markets III (USD) index administered by LGT Capital Management Ltd. with a duration from 2007 to 2027 incl. two 5-year extension options. Linked to the LGT ex Fixed Income Emerging Markets II (USD) index administered by LGT Capital Management Ltd. with a duration from 2007 to 2027 incl. two 5-year extension options. 14 Linked to the LGT ex Hedge Funds GIM IU (USD) index administered by LGT Capital Partners Ltd. with a duration from 2007 to 2027 incl. two 5-year extension options. 15 Linked to the LGT ex Hedge Funds GATS IU (USD) index administered by LGT Capital Partners Ltd. with a duration from 2007 to 2027 incl. two 5-year extension options. 13 16 Maturity represents the earliest possible notice. Notes to the consolidated financial statements 39 22 Certificated debt (TCHF) Bond issues (net book value) 1 2012 2011 1 441 845 1 391 337 920 1 005 Subordinated cash bonds (fixed-rate medium term notes) 2 Other cash bonds (fixed-rate medium term notes) Total certificated debt 130 221 124 509 1 572 986 1 516 851 1 Net book value of bond issues is calculated using the effective interest method. Bonds held by LGT Group companies are eliminated. 2 Interest 2012 is payable on the subordinated cash bonds at various rates ranging from 2.0625% to 2.9375%. The interest charge for the year on these bonds was 25 (2011: 28). Bond issues at 31 December (TCHF) Issuer LGT Finance Ltd. Date of Nominal Interest issue value rate % 18.05.2005 CHF 250 000 2.00 0 232 707 08.10.2009 CHF 250 000 2.125 08.07.2013 242 062 223 515 10.02.2006 CHF 250 000 2.25 10.02.2014 231 712 224 480 LGT Finance Ltd. 25.05.2011 CHF 200 000 2.125 25.11.2015 189 586 190 633 LGT Finance Ltd. 08.12.2009 CHF 300 000 2.75 08.12.2016 290 884 285 050 LGT Finance Ltd. 12.05.2010 CHF 250 000 2.50 12.05.2017 242 963 234 952 LGT Bank Ltd. 02.07.2012 CHF 250 000 2.00 02.07.2019 244 638 0 1 441 845 1 391 337 2012 2011 Other liabilities (TCHF) Capital tax Amounts due to bonuses 46 2 262 74 047 9 565 135 613 93 975 64 415 196 537 274 121 302 339 2012 2011 At 1 January 70 571 81 799 Current year expenses 17 830 6 012 Provisions released -3 081 -12 496 Provisions utilized -7 025 -3 170 Other Total other liabilities Provisions (TCHF) Currency translation Removal from scope of consolidation Reclassification At 31 December 40 Net book value 2011 LGT Finance Ltd. Amounts due to long-term incentive scheme 24 18.05.2012 Net book value 2012 LGT Finance Ltd. Total bond issues at 31 December 23 Maturity Notes to the consolidated financial statements -61 -30 0 -1 420 0 -124 78 234 70 571 25 Other reserves (TCHF) Revaluation reserves – investments in associates Revaluation reserves – available-for-sale securities Revaluation reserves – cash flow hedge Total other reserves 2012 2011 1 005 380 781 846 36 928 -3 650 6 606 10 916 1 048 914 789 112 781 846 928 682 Revaluation reserves – investments in associates At 1 January Disposals Net gain/(loss) from change in fair value At 31 December 0 -57 654 223 534 -89 182 1 005 380 781 846 -3 650 11 604 Revaluation reserves – available-for-sale securities At 1 January Disposals -15 713 -3 966 56 548 -11 766 -257 478 36 928 -3 650 At 1 January 10 916 9 086 Net gain/(loss) from change in fair value -4 310 1 830 6 606 10 916 Net gain/(loss) from change in fair value Deferred income tax At 31 December Revaluation reserves – cash flow hedge At 31 December Notes to the consolidated financial statements 41 26 Contingent liabilities, commitments and fiduciary transactions (TCHF) 2012 2011 227 532 200 691 Contingent liabilities Credit guarantees and similar instruments Other contingent liabilities Total contingent liabilities Committed credit lines and other commitments of which irrevocable commitments 80 474 81 922 308 006 282 613 313 008 335 870 306 526 327 267 1 139 702 2 379 282 0 8 923 1 139 702 2 388 205 2012 2011 361 307 682 021 0 325 939 Fiduciary transactions Fiduciary investments Fiduciary loans and other financial transactions in a fiduciary capacity Total fiduciary transactions Information about derivative financial instruments is shown separately in note 30. 27 Pledged and assigned assets/assets subject to reservation of ownership, which are used to secure own liabilities (TCHF) 1 Book value of pledged and assigned assets (as collateral) of which investment securities of which financial assets designated at fair value Actual commitments 1 361 307 356 082 43 815 375 539 There are no assets subject to reservation of ownership. The assets are pledged for commitments in respect of Lombard limits at central banks, for securities deposits relating to X-Clear/Swiss Stock Exchange and limits for cash settlement of securities transactions with EUROCLEAR BANK SA. 28 Lending transactions and pension transactions with securities (TCHF) 1 Claims from cash deposits in connection with securities borrowing and reverse repurchase transactions Liabilities from cash deposits in connection with securities lending and repurchase transactions 2012 2011 2 1 135 885 1 633 033 0 452 484 0 315 369 0 315 369 1 349 277 1 854 652 101 620 414 128 Own securities lent or provided as collateral within the scope of securities lending or borrowing transactions, as well as own securities transferred from repurchase transactions of which capable of being resold or further pledged without restrictions Securities borrowed or accepted as collateral within the scope of securities lending or borrowing transactions, as well as securities received from reverse repurchase transactions, which are capable of being resold or further pledged without restrictions of which resold or further pledged 1 These transactions are conducted under terms that are usual and customary to standard lending, and securities borrowing and lending activities, as well as 2 Previous year figures restated. requirements determined by exchanges where the bank acts as an intermediary. 42 Notes to the consolidated financial statements 29 Financial instruments measured at fair value (TCHF) Fair value hierarchy IFRS 7 specifies a hierarchy of valuation techniques based on whether the inputs to those valuation techniques are observable or unobservable. Observable inputs reflect market data obtained from independent sources; unobservable inputs reflect the Group’s market assumptions. These two types of inputs have created the following fair value hierarchy: Level 1 Quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets for identical assets or liabilities. This level includes listed equity securities and debt instruments on exchanges and exchange traded derivatives. Level 2 Inputs other than quoted prices included within Level 1 that are observable for the asset or liability, either directly (that is, as prices) or indirectly (that is, derived from prices). This level includes investments in hedge funds, mutual funds, the majority of OTC derivative contracts and structured debt. Level 3 Inputs for the asset or liability that are not based on observable market data (unobservable inputs). This level includes mainly private equity investments, issued structured debt as well as equity investments with significant unobservable components. This hierarchy requires the use of observable market data when available. The Group considers relevant and observable market prices in its valuations where possible. Fair value measurement at the end of the period 2012 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total 8 931 4 0 8 935 Assets Securities held for trading purposes Derivative financial instruments 0 756 918 0 756 918 Financial assets designated at fair value 1 807 864 1 628 628 5 910 3 442 402 Available-for-sale securities 1 657 762 282 448 22 027 1 962 237 Total assets measured at fair value 3 474 557 2 667 998 27 937 6 170 492 Derivative financial instruments 0 802 876 2 451 805 327 Financial liabilities designated at fair value 0 590 047 0 590 047 Total liabilities measured at fair value 0 1 392 923 2 451 1 395 374 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total 3 468 1 480 0 4 948 Liabilities There have been no transfers from Level 2 to Level 1 and vice versa. Fair value measurement at the end of the period 2011 Assets Securities held for trading purposes Derivative financial instruments Financial assets designated at fair value Available-for-sale securities 0 1 435 273 0 1 435 273 2 313 172 1 216 139 9 252 3 538 563 925 637 1 283 565 11 724 2 220 926 3 242 277 3 936 457 20 976 7 199 710 Derivative financial instruments 0 1 509 829 2 235 1 512 064 Financial liabilities designated at fair value 0 659 520 0 659 520 Total liabilities measured at fair value 0 2 169 349 2 235 2 171 584 Total assets measured at fair value Liabilities There have been no transfers from Level 2 to Level 1 and vice versa. Notes to the consolidated financial statements 43 Reconciliation of Level 3 items Securities held Financial assets/ for trading purposes liabilities Available-for- 2012 sale securities Total designated at fair value Assets At 1 January 0 9 252 11 724 20 976 0 401 -634 -233 thereof in profit or loss 0 401 2 316 2 717 thereof in other comprehensive income 0 0 -2 950 -2 950 Purchases 0 832 18 176 19 008 Issues 0 0 0 0 Sales 0 0 -3 600 -3 600 Redemptions 0 -4 575 -3 639 -8 214 Transfers in/out of Level 3 0 0 0 0 0 5 910 22 027 27 937 At 1 January 0 2 235 0 2 235 Total gains or losses 0 216 0 216 0 216 0 216 Total gains or losses At 31 December Liabilities thereof in profit or loss thereof in other comprehensive income Purchases 0 0 0 0 0 0 Issues 0 0 0 0 Sales 0 0 0 0 Redemptions 0 0 0 0 Transfers in/out of Level 3 0 0 0 0 At 31 December 0 2 451 0 2 451 There have been no transfers either in or out of Level 3 in 2012. 44 0 0 Notes to the consolidated financial statements Reconciliation of Level 3 items Securities held Financial assets/ for trading purposes liabilities Available-for- 2011 sale securities Total designated at fair value Assets At 1 January 0 9 732 6 385 16 117 Total gains or losses 0 230 5 527 5 757 thereof in profit or loss 0 230 -304 -74 thereof in other comprehensive income 0 0 5 831 5 831 Purchases 0 0 0 0 Issues 0 0 7 476 7 476 Sales 0 0 -6 351 -6 351 Redemptions 0 -710 -1 313 -2 023 Transfers in/out of Level 3 0 0 0 0 At 31 December 0 9 252 11 724 20 976 At 1 January 0 1 935 0 1 935 Total gains or losses 0 300 0 300 0 300 0 300 Liabilities thereof in profit or loss thereof in other comprehensive income Purchases 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Issues 0 0 0 0 Sales 0 0 0 0 Redemptions 0 0 0 0 Transfers in/out of Level 3 0 0 0 0 At 31 December 0 2 235 0 2 235 2012 2011 1 507 -374 195 -94 There have been no transfers either in or out of Level 3 in 2011. Gains or losses included in profit or loss for financial instruments measured at fair value based on Level 3 Total gains or losses included in profit or loss for the period Total gains or losses for the period included in profit or loss for assets/liabilities held at the end of the reporting period Notes to the consolidated financial statements 45 30 Derivative financial instruments In the normal course of business, LGT Group and its subsidiaries use various derivative financial instruments to meet the financial needs of their customers, to generate revenues through trading and market-making activities, and to manage their exposure to fluctuations in interest and foreign exchange rates. Derivatives used for trading purposes include foreign exchange forwards, stock options and warrants as well as forward rate agreements (FRAs). Within the context of asset and liability management, interest rate swaps are primarily employed. LGT Group controls the credit risk from derivative financial instruments through its credit approval process and the use of control limits and monitoring procedures. LGT Group uses the same credit procedures when entering into derivatives as it does for traditional lending products. The following table summarizes the total outstanding volumes in derivative financial instruments. Positive and negative replacement values are stated at gross values, without taking into consideration the effect of master netting agreements. Types of derivative financial instruments held for trading (TCHF) 2012 Notional Positive Negative amount replacement replacement value value 302 039 3 796 7 192 769 10 74 400 598 Foreign exchange swaps Foreign exchange OTC options 2011 Notional Positive Negative amount replacement replacement value value 1 460 858 4 843 41 088 10 0 0 0 679 286 693 242 73 843 280 1 338 270 1 393 037 1 221 769 2 770 6 786 0 0 0 2 870 471 31 735 31 724 3 677 136 23 930 23 894 829 490 21 257 21 295 722 953 26 669 22 854 Interest rate products Interest rate swaps OTC options Foreign exchange products Foreign exchange forwards Precious metal products Precious metal forwards Precious metal swaps 227 0 1 1 467 244 0 363 416 6 435 6 599 610 575 18 014 18 011 109 957 1 210 1 332 8 552 22 22 68 705 832 832 65 854 5 481 5 481 Other products 412 068 1 998 3 971 305 397 5 902 7 677 Total contracts 80 579 509 749 329 772 984 80 696 072 1 423 375 1 512 064 Notional Positive Negative Notional Positive Negative Precious metal OTC options Derivatives on shares and indices OTC Options Credit derivates Swaps Types of derivative financial instruments held for hedging (TCHF) 2012 amount replacement replacement value 2011 amount replacement replacement value value value Interest rate products Interest rate swaps (Cash flow hedges) 380 000 7 589 0 400 000 11 898 0 Interest rate swaps (Fair value hedges) 1 750 030 0 32 343 0 0 0 1 130 030 7 589 32 343 400 000 11 898 0 Total contracts 1 LGT Group applied fair value hedge accounting for a portfolio hedge of interest rate risk for the first time in the 2012 reporting period by using interest rate swaps to hedge its exposure to market fluctuations of fixed-rate instruments. The fair value adjustment of the underlying instruments related to interest rate risk was 4 837. A matching amount of -4 863 is included in the replacement value attributable to derivative hedging instruments. 46 Notes to the consolidated financial statements 31 Capital resources Capital adequacy and the use of capital are monitored by the Group and by individual operating units, employing techniques based on the guidelines developed by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision and implemented by the Liechtenstein Government for supervisory purposes. The Basel Committee guidelines require minimum risk ratios for all international banks of 8%. These ratios measure capital adequacy by comparing the Group’s eligible capital with balance sheet assets, off-balance sheet commitments and market positions at weighted amounts to reflect their relative risk. Assets are weighted according to broad categories of notional risk, first being multiplied by a conversion factor and then being assigned a risk weighting according to the amount of capital deemed to be necessary for them. Off-balance sheet commitments and default risk positions are also multiplied and risk-weighted. Market risk is calculated with the standard approach. The Group and its individually regulated operations have complied with all externally imposed capital requirements throughout the period. The following table analyzes the Group’s capital resources as defined for regulatory purposes. Capital resources (TCHF) Capital resources thereof non-controlling interests thereof “innovative” instruments Other deductions Net core capital before adjustments 2012 2011 3 345 436 2 932 326 7 436 5 530 0 0 -463 214 -227 558 2 882 222 2 704 768 upper tier 2 capital 0 0 lower tier 2 capital 178 362 tier 3 capital 0 0 -272 882 -265 470 2 609 518 2 439 660 789 607 877 574 774 521 863 033 15 086 14 541 53 948 112 122 11 280 59 075 586 521 thereof foreign exchange risks 14 997 17 713 thereof commodities risks 27 070 34 811 Other deductions (intangible assets) Net capital resources Required capital (TCHF) Approach Credit risk Standard On-balance sheet Non-counterpart risks Market risk Standard thereof interest rate risks thereof equity position risks thereof option risks Operational risk Total Capital adequacy ratio Net capital resources Basic indicator 15 2 127 464 122 509 971 019 1 112 205 21.5% 17.5% 2 609 518 2 439 660 Notes to the consolidated financial statements 47 32Subsidiaries The Group’s principal subsidiary undertakings at 31 December 2012 were: Name Principal activity Registered office LGT Bank Ltd. Banking and investment management Vaduz – Liechtenstein 100.0 LGT Swiss Life Non Traditional Advisers Ltd. Investment advisers Vaduz – Liechtenstein 62.8 LGT Private Equity Advisers Ltd. Investment advisers Vaduz – Liechtenstein 60.0 LGT Capital Management Ltd. Investment management Vaduz – Liechtenstein 100.0 LGT Funds SICAV Investment advisers Vaduz – Liechtenstein 100.0 LGT Funds II SICAV Investment advisers Vaduz – Liechtenstein 100.0 LGT Investments AGmvK Investment advisers Vaduz – Liechtenstein 100.0 LGT Premium Strategy AGmvK Investment advisers Vaduz – Liechtenstein 100.0 LGT Fondsleitung Ltd. Investment advisers Vaduz – Liechtenstein 100.0 LGT Capital Partners Advisers Ltd. Investment advisers Vaduz – Liechtenstein 100.0 LGT Strategy Units (Liec) AGmvK Investment advisers Vaduz – Liechtenstein 100.0 LGT Financial Services Ltd. Services company Vaduz – Liechtenstein 100.0 LGT Audit Revisions AG Audit services Vaduz – Liechtenstein 100.0 LGT Bank (Switzerland) Ltd. Banking and investment management Basel – Switzerland 100.0 Artinba Ltd. Fine art services Basel – Switzerland 100.0 Global Fine Art Services Ltd. Fine art services Basel – Switzerland 100.0 LGT Capital Management Ltd. Investment advisers Pfäffikon SZ – Switzerland 100.0 LGT Capital Partners Ltd. Investment advisers Pfäffikon SZ – Switzerland 100.0 LGT Investment Partners Ltd. Investment advisers Pfäffikon SZ – Switzerland 100.0 LGT Holding International Ltd. Holding company Pfäffikon SZ – Switzerland 100.0 LGT Financial Consulting GmbH Consulting Frankfurt – Germany 100.0 Crown Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH Investment advisers Munich – Germany LGT Capital Partners (U.K.) Ltd. Fund distribution London – United Kingdom 100.0 LGT Bank (Ireland) Ltd. Banking Dublin – Ireland 100.0 LGT Capital Partners (Ireland) Ltd. Investment advisers Dublin – Ireland 100.0 LGT Fund Managers (Ireland) Ltd. Fund services Dublin – Ireland 100.0 4 48 Ownership interest in % of ordinary shares held 1 Notes to the consolidated financial statements 50.0 Name Principal activity Registered office Ownership interest in % of ordinary shares held 1 LGT Holding Denmark ApS Holding company Copenhagen – Denmark 100.0 LGT Fund Management (Lux) S.A. 5 Investment advisers Luxembourg – Luxembourg 100.0 LGT Bank (Singapore) Ltd. Banking and investment Singapore management 100.0 LGT Investment Management (Asia) Ltd. Consulting and advisers Hong Kong – China 100.0 LGT Capital Partners (Asia-Pacific) Ltd. Investment management Hong Kong – China 100.0 LGT (Middle East) Ltd. Investment advisers Dubai – United Arab Emirates 100.0 LGT Investment Management (Japan) KK Consulting and advisers Tokyo – Japan 100.0 LGT Holding (Malaysia) Ltd. Holding company Labuan – Malaysia 100.0 2 LGT Capital Partners (USA) Inc. Research services New York – USA 100.0 LGT Capital Partners Holding (USA) Inc. 2 Holding company New York – USA 100.0 LGT Clerestory LLC 3 Investment advisers New York – USA 100.0 LGT Bank (Cayman) Ltd. (formerly LGT Bank in Liechtenstein (Cayman) Ltd.) Banking and investment management Grand Cayman – Cayman Islands 100.0 LGT Finance Ltd. Financing Grand Cayman – Cayman Islands 100.0 LGT Investments Ltd. Investment management Grand Cayman – Cayman Islands 100.0 LGT Global Invest Ltd. Investment management Grand Cayman – Cayman Islands 100.0 LGT Participations Ltd. Investment management Grand Cayman – Cayman Islands 100.0 LGT Certificates Ltd. Investment management Grand Cayman – Cayman Islands 100.0 LGT (Uruguay) S.A. Bank representation Montevideo – Uruguay 100.0 1 Ownership interest equals voting interest. 2 have been established during 2012 3 has been acquired as per 30 November 2012 4 has been acquired as per 1 June 2012 5 has been acquired as per 28 September 2012 LGT Bank (Österreich) AG, Vienna has been liquidated as per September 2012. Notes to the consolidated financial statements 49 33 Operating segments Headquartered in Vaduz, Principality of Liechtenstein, LGT Group is the Private Banking and Asset Management Group of the Princely House of Liechtenstein. The Group’s segmental reporting comprises the four operating business units Private Banking, Traditional Asset Management, Alternative Asset Management and Operations & Techno­ logy. The remaining not directly connected revenue and expenses including consolidation adjustments are shown under Corporate Center. Operating segments at 31 December 2012 (TCHF) Total external operating income Total internal operating income 1 Total segment operating income (total revenue) Operating expenses Segment result before tax Tax expense 2 Non-controlling interests Net profit of LGT Group LGT’s reportable segments are strategic business units that Net interest and similar income 3 offer different products and services to external and internal Income from services customers. They are managed separately because each business Income from trading activities unit requires different technology and marketing strategies. Depreciation Credit (losses) recoveries The segment reporting reflects the internal management Change in provisions and other losses structure. The segments are based upon the products and Profit/(loss) of associates services provided or the type of customer served, and they Headcount reflect the manner in which financial information is currently evaluated by management. Results of these lines of business are presented on a managed basis. Both the external and the internal reports are prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). Private Banking offers private clients comprehensive services around the world. Traditional Asset Management (LGT Capital Assets under administration in CHFm 4 Segment assets Segment liabilities Investments in associates Property and equipment Goodwill and other intangible assets Capital expenditure Management) is a specialist in the allocation of assets and selection of investment managers, and manages and moni- Operating segments at 31 December 2011 (TCHF) tors a wide range of investment funds. Alternative Asset Management (LGT Capital Partners) is a specialist in the Total external operating income alternative asset classes of hedge funds and private equity. Total internal operating income 1 Operations & Technology (LGT Financial Services) is the IT Total segment operating income (total revenue) and business service provider. Operating expenses Segment result before tax The accounting policies of the operating segments are Tax expense 2 the same as those described in the summary of the Group Non-controlling interests accounting principles. Income and expenses are assigned Net profit of LGT Group to the individual business lines in accordance with current market prices and based on the client relationships. Indirect costs resulting from services provided internally are accounted for according to the principle of causation and are recorded as a revenue increase for the service provider and as a cost increase for the service beneficiary. Depreciation and pro­visions are stated at effective costs. Net interest and similar income 3 Income from services Income from trading activities Depreciation Credit (losses) recoveries Change in provisions and other losses Profit/(loss) of associates Information about the revenues from external customers for Headcount each product and service, or group of similar products and Assets under administration in CHFm 4 services, is not available and the cost to develop it would Segment assets be excessive. Segment liabilities Investments in associates Property and equipment Goodwill and other intangible assets Capital expenditure 1 Revenue from transactions with other segments at market prices. 2 The Group does not allocate tax expense (tax income) to reportable segments. 3 Management primarily relies on net interest income, not the gross income and expense, in managing the segments. 50 Notes to the consolidated financial statements Private Banking Traditional Asset Management Alternative Asset Management 690 057 32 205 112 989 10 815 43 251 22 281 Operations & Technology Corporate Center 5 Group 12 178 109 987 957 416 119 869 -196 216 0 700 872 75 456 135 270 132 047 -86 229 957 416 -455 292 -80 115 -100 838 -133 674 69 065 -700 854 245 580 -4 659 34 432 -1 627 -17 164 256 562 -33 539 -7 054 215 969 136 456 -71 -104 4 382 -29 524 111 139 340 272 75 290 132 942 3 685 9 873 562 062 216 145 -419 -992 625 39 706 255 065 -16 741 -24 -1 270 -20 757 -30 577 -69 369 -1 439 0 0 0 0 -1 439 -3 469 0 0 0 -11 280 -14 749 0 563 0 0 222 534 223 097 1 047 135 178 291 179 1 830 61 195 20 649 18 211 0 2 063 102 118 26 192 373 136 261 126 704 573 513 163 383 27 192 234 22 889 652 63 856 71 944 488 127 333 219 23 846 798 0 869 0 0 2 670 824 2 671 693 167 603 21 1 134 12 170 0 180 928 121 263 45 225 9 996 96 398 0 272 882 10 609 22 521 9 475 0 20 627 Private Banking Traditional Asset Management Alternative Asset Management Operations & Technology Corporate Center 5 Group 505 310 20 343 77 761 7 026 98 554 708 994 10 404 42 932 20 042 124 201 -197 579 0 515 714 63 275 97 803 131 227 -99 025 708 994 -449 744 -57 650 -71 915 -131 479 96 773 -614 015 65 970 5 625 25 888 -252 -2 252 94 979 -20 090 -4 548 70 341 131 169 -104 -33 2 537 -26 324 107 245 321 081 62 989 97 645 2 795 3 168 487 678 54 075 287 -1 765 459 3 516 56 572 -14 715 -19 -1 762 -29 679 -5 237 -51 412 -2 949 0 0 160 1 -2 788 -2 627 0 0 0 9 091 6 464 0 0 0 0 -146 836 -146 836 1 008 143 170 291 167 1 779 53 867 16 482 14 857 0 1 726 86 932 25 612 214 81 554 77 369 386 405 94 578 26 252 120 22 416 213 50 175 52 568 294 264 506 574 23 319 794 0 0 0 0 2 446 237 2 446 237 170 452 0 1 880 8 948 0 181 280 146 068 0 8 432 110 970 0 265 470 9 217 0 567 5 659 0 15 443 4 Assets under administration include double-counted assets and LGT’s Princely Portfolio. 5 Corporate Center includes the net result of the Princely Portfolio, net Group financing cost, the cost of all Group functions and consolidation adjustments. Notes to the consolidated financial statements 51 Geographical information at 31 December 2012 (TCHF) Revenues 1 Capital expenditure Non-current assets Liechtenstein 486 908 12 316 194 436 Switzerland 503 349 825 169 203 Other Europe -81 405 5 110 83 114 66 696 20 3 041 Asia -18 132 2 356 4 016 Group 957 416 20 627 453 810 Liechtenstein 307 350 8 653 211 068 Switzerland 318 637 3 256 130 564 Other Europe -78 712 93 99 264 Americas 2 Geographical information at 31 December 2011 (TCHF) Americas 2 Asia Group 52 95 002 230 2 763 66 717 3 211 3 092 708 994 15 443 446 751 1 Revenues are attributed to countries/regions on the basis of the LGT Group companies domicile. 2 Revenues: mainly fee income from Class Funds. Notes to the consolidated financial statements 34 Client assets under administration (CHF m) Client assets under administration (excluding Princely Portfolio) which are stated according to the provisions of the Liechtenstein banking law are as follows: 2012 2011 Client assets in own-managed funds 23 018 20 122 Client assets under management 24 803 25 525 Other client assets under administration 51 627 38 839 Total client assets under administration (including double counting) 99 448 84 486 12 416 11 413 12 342 5 758 10 515 8 562 1 827 0 0 -2 804 thereof double counting Net asset inflow thereof net new money thereof through acquisition thereof through disposal Client assets in own-managed funds This item covers the assets of all the actively marketed investment funds of LGT Group. Client assets under management The calculation of assets with management mandate takes into account client deposits as well as the market value of securities, loan-stock rights, precious metals and fiduciary investments placed with third-party institutions. The information covers both assets deposited with Group companies and assets deposited at third-party institutions for which Group companies hold a discretionary mandate. Other client assets under administration The calculation of other client assets under administration takes into account client deposits as well as the market value of securities, loan-stock rights, precious metals and fiduciary investments placed with third-party institutions. The information covers assets for which an administrative or advisory mandate is exercised. Double counting This item covers investment fund units from own-managed funds as well as certain assets that are included in client assets under management. Custodian assets Custodian assets are excluded. Notes to the consolidated financial statements 53 35 Pensions 2012 2011 2.0% 2.50% Principal actuarial assumptions Discount rate Expected net return on plan assets 5.00% 5.00% Average future salary increases 1.00% 1.00% Future pension increases 0.00% 0.00% Mortality tables used BVG 2010 GT BVG 2010 GT Average retirement age Employees covered by the major plans 1 Retirees covered by the major plans 60/60 60/60 1 507 1 519 424 410 The average life expectancy in years of a pensioner retiring at age 60 is as follows: Male 26.0 24.0 Female 28.6 26.5 855 337 775 440 -1 059 570 -1 026 513 -204 233 -251 073 Balance sheet (end of year) Fair value of plan assets Defined benefit obligation Funded status Unrecognized asset due to IAS 19.58 0 0 Unrecognized past service cost 0 0 Unrecognized actuarial (gain)/loss 328 742 293 591 Net asset/(liability) 124 509 42 518 Income statement Service cost -46 043 -43 323 Interest cost -26 439 -28 418 37 976 39 836 Expected return on plan assets Net actuarial gain/(loss) recognized in year -18 233 -4 060 Plan amendment 106 500 0 Past service cost -16 800 0 Employees’ contributions 16 571 17 503 Net pension expenses 53 532 -18 462 Actual return on plan assets 64 834 -55 853 42 518 31 311 Net pension expenses 53 532 -18 462 Employer’s contributions 28 459 29 669 124 509 42 518 81 991 11 207 Movement in the asset/(liability) recognized in the balance sheet At 1 January At 31 December Prepaid/(accrued) pension cost 54 2 1 Apprentices, trainees and certain part-time employees are not covered by the plans. 2 i.e. the net of employer’s contributions and net pension expenses. Notes to the consolidated financial statements 2012 2011 -1 026 513 -917 694 Movement in the defined benefit obligation At 1 January Current service cost -46 043 -43 323 Past service cost -16 800 0 Interest cost -26 439 -28 418 Plan amendment 106 500 0 Actuarial gains/(losses) -80 242 -64 588 Benefits paid At 31 December 29 967 27 510 -1 059 570 -1 026 513 775 440 811 631 37 976 39 836 Movement in the fair value of plan assets At 1 January Expected return on plan assets Actuarial gains/(losses) 26 858 -95 689 Employer’s contributions 28 459 29 669 Employees’ contributions 16 571 17 503 Benefits paid -29 967 -27 510 At 31 December 855 337 775 440 Major categories of plan assets as a percentage of the fair value of total plan assets Equity instruments 22% 22% Debt instruments 35% 35% Property 16% 19% Alternative investments 22% 18% Cash 4% 5% Other 1% 1% The plan assets include property occupied by the Group with a fair value of 16 822 (2011: 16 822). The expected return on plan assets is determined by considering the expected returns available on the assets underlying the current investment policy. Expected yields on fixed interest investments are based on gross redemption yields as at the balance sheet date. Expected returns on equity and property investments reflect long-term real rates of return experienced in the respective markets. The history of the plans for the current 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 -1 059 570 -1 026 513 -917 694 -813 508 -736 398 and prior periods is as follows: Present value of defined benefit obligation Fair value of plan assets Surplus/(deficit) in the plan Experience adjustments on plan liabilities Experience adjustments on plan assets 855 337 775 440 811 631 719 063 557 438 -204 233 -251 073 -106 063 -94 445 -178 960 990 -21 616 6 754 16 009 -20 201 26 858 -95 689 17 888 78 902 -181 951 The Group expects to contribute 31 368 to its defined benefit pension plans in 2013 (2012: 28 759). The measurement date for the Group’s defined benefit plans is 31 December. Notes to the consolidated financial statements 55 36 Long-term incentive scheme Movements in the number of options outstanding Number of series Year of issue 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Total Duration from 1.4.05 1.4.06 1.4.07 1.4.08 1.4.09 1.4.10 1.4.11 1.4.12 Duration to 1.4.12 1.4.13 1.4.14 1.4.15 1.4.16 1.4.17 1.4.18 1.4.19 34 325 2 183 2 794 2 879 3 108 3 329 0 14 652 At 1 January 2012 Granted Exercised 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 312 3 312 -34 -50 -15 0 -74 0 0 0 -173 Lapsed 0 0 -20 -37 -39 -38 -73 -16 -223 At 31 December 2012 0 275 2 148 2 757 2 766 3 070 3 256 3 296 17 568 Total Number of series Year of issue 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Duration from 1.4.04 1.4.05 1.4.06 1.4.07 1.4.08 1.4.09 1.4.10 1.4.11 Duration to 1.4.11 1.4.12 1.4.13 1.4.14 1.4.15 1.4.16 1.4.17 1.4.18 8 41 365 2 462 2 848 2 944 3 176 0 11 844 At 1 January 2011 Granted 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 378 3 378 Exercised -8 -7 -40 -262 0 0 0 0 -317 Lapsed 0 0 0 -17 -54 -65 -68 -49 -253 At 31 December 2011 0 34 325 2 183 2 794 2 879 3 108 3 329 14 652 2012 2011 Options outstanding at the end of the year were as follows: Number of series Year of issue Expiry date Exercise price (CHF) 7 2005 1.4.2012 25 769 0 34 8 2006 1.4.2013 28 194 275 325 9 2007 1.4.2014 32 634 2 148 2 183 10 2008 1.4.2015 37 061 2 757 2 794 11 2009 1.4.2016 32 859 2 766 2 879 12 2010 1.4.2017 34 760 3 070 3 108 13 2011 1.4.2018 13 871 3 256 3 329 14 2012 1.4.2019 12 877 3 296 0 17 568 14 652 In 2012, the fair value changes of the options of 65 212 were charged to personnel expenses (2011: 17 975 credited to personnel expenses). Significant inputs to determine the fair value of the options are the economic value added as described in the Group accounting principles under employee medium-term benefits and the exercise price shown above. 56 Notes to the consolidated financial statements 37 Related-party transactions (TCHF) 2012 2011 3 045 3 045 15 463 13 462 The following emoluments were made by the Group to the members of the Foundation Board and to Group and business unit executives during the year. Total emoluments of Foundation Board members Salaries and bonuses Long-term incentive scheme Total emoluments of Group and business unit executives 0 0 15 463 13 462 The following loans, advances and commitments made by the Group to and on behalf of the above-mentioned related parties were outstanding at year-end Advances 4 136 5 548 Mortgages and other loans 3 409 2 507 Total 7 545 8 055 Hedge fund and private equity co-investment plan of senior LGT managers Each year the employees of LGT Capital Partners Ltd., which acts as investment manager for LGT’s alternative assets investment vehicles, and members of LGT Group’s management are invited to invest in the same private equity and hedge fund investments as LGT’s customers. At 31 December 2012, LGT’s employees had committed a total of USD 51.0 million (2011: USD 49.6 million) to the alternative investment co-investment plans. Transactions with the Prince of Liechtenstein Foundation A number of Group transactions were concluded with the Prince of Liechtenstein Foundation (POLF), the beneficiary of the LGT Group Foundation, in the normal course of business, including loans, deposits and other transactions. The transactions were carried out at commercial terms and market rates and were reported as follows: Deposits 2012 2011 1 178 553 Transactions with post-employment benefit plans A number of Group transactions were concluded with post-employment benefit plans in the normal course of business, including loans, deposits and other transactions. The transactions were carried out at commercial terms and market rates and were reported as follows: Deposits 2012 2011 34 812 35 933 Advances to and due to investments in associates A number of Group transactions were concluded with investments in associates in the normal course of business, including loans, deposits and other transactions. The transactions were carried out at commercial terms and market rates and were reported as follows: 2012 Loans Financial assets at fair value and investment securities Deposits 2011 102 809 16 993 2 669 506 2 446 237 264 410 517 351 Notes to the consolidated financial statements 57 38 Operating lease commitments (TCHF) The group leases various offices and warehouses under non-cancellable operating lease agreements. The future aggregate minimum lease payments under non-cancellable operating leases are as follows: 2012 2011 Not later than one year 26 225 24 786 Later than one year and not later than five years 76 145 76 565 Later than five years Subtotal Less sublease rentals received under non-cancellable leases Total 29 725 39 515 132 095 140 866 16 401 24 273 115 694 116 593 Operating leasing expenses in the gross amount of 30 064 are included in operating expenses. (2011: 27 246). 58 Notes to the consolidated financial statements 39 Business combinations (TCHF) Insurance-linked business On 1 June 2012, LGT acquired the insurance-linked securities business and the respective assets under management from Clariden Leu AG. Since this date the insurance-linked business, which has become part of LGT Capital Management AG, Pfäffikon, has been fully consolidated according to the acquisition method. The business contributed 11 998 to operating income and 4 989 to LGT‘s Group profit in the period from 1 June to 31 December 2012. If the business had been already purchased on 1 January 2012, the operating income of LGT Group would have been amounted to 965 985 and the Group profit to 220 600. Details of the net assets acquired and goodwill are as follows: Cash paid Deferred payment 42 450 4 000 Total purchase price 46 450 Fair value of net assets acquired 20 950 Total goodwill 25 500 The goodwill arising from the acquisition consists largely of the synergies expected from combining the operations as well as the personnel know-how. The assets and liabilities arising from the acquisition are as follows: Fair value Intangible assets 20 950 Net assets 20 950 Minority interests 0 Net assets acquired 20 950 Purchase price paid in cash or cash equivalents 42 450 Cash and cash equivalents in purchased business Cash outflow on acquisition 0 -42 450 Clariden Leu Fund Management (Lux) S.A., Luxembourg On 28 September 2012, 100% of the share capital of LGT Fund Management (Lux) S.A., Luxembourg (formerly Clariden Leu Fund Management (Lux) S.A.) was acquired. Since this date, LGT Fund Management (Lux) S.A. has been fully consolidated according to the acquisition method. The entity contributed 19 to operating income and -95 to LGT‘s Group profit in the period from 28 September to 31 December 2012. If LGT Fund Management (Lux) S.A. had been already purchased on 1 January 2012, the operating income of LGT Group would have been amounted to 963 420 and the Group profit to 220 583. Details of the net assets acquired and goodwill are as follows: Cash paid Deferred payment 928 0 Total purchase price 928 Fair value of net assets acquired 785 Total goodwill 143 The entire goodwill arising from the acquisition has been written-off as per year-end 2012. Notes to the consolidated financial statements 59 The assets and liabilities arising from the acquisition are as follows: Fair value Loans and advances to banks 1 978 Other assets Other liabilities 34 1 227 Net assets 785 Minority interests 0 Net assets acquired 785 Purchase price paid in cash or cash equivalents 928 Cash and cash equivalents in purchased entity 0 Cash outflow on acquisition -928 Clerestory Capital Advisors LLC, New York On 30 November 2012, 100% of the rights of LGT Clerestory LLC, New York (formerly Clerestory Capital Advisors LLC) was acquired. Since this date, LGT Clerestory LLC has been fully consolidated according to the acquisition method. The entity contributed 1 485 to operating income and -209 to LGT‘s Group profit in the period from 1 to 31 December 2012. If LGT Clerestory LLC had been already purchased on 1 January 2012, the operating income of LGT Group would have been amounted to 958 556 and the Group profit to 216 493. Details of the net assets acquired and goodwill are as follows: Cash paid Deferred payment Total purchase price Fair value of net assets acquired Total goodwill 2 669 0 2 669 -116 2 785 The goodwill arising from the acquisition consists largely of the synergies expected from combining the operations as well as the personnel know-how. The assets and liabilities arising from the acquisition are as follows: Fair value Property and equipment Other assets Other liabilities Net assets Minority interests Net assets acquired Purchase price paid in cash or cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents in purchased entities Cash outflow on acquisition 12 57 185 -116 0 -116 2 669 0 -2 669 Acquisition-related costs of 1 212 have been charged to business and office expenses in the consolidated income statement for the year ended 31 December 2012. 60 Notes to the consolidated financial statements Risk management Risk management framework and process Risk is defined by the adverse impact on profitability of several distinct sources of uncertainty. Taking risk is inherent to the financial ­business and an inevitable consequence of being in business. This note presents information about the Group’s risk exposure and the objectives, policies and processes for measuring and managing the different risk categories. The risk policy of LGT Group comprises two key elements. The risk strategy, which details the overall approach to risk-taking desired by the Board, and the risk principles, which translate the risk strategy into operating standards for both the risk organization and the required risk processes. Consistent with the overall business strategy, the aim of risk management is to achieve an appropriate balance between risk and return and minimize LGT Group employs the “Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment Process” (ICAAP), based on the standards of the Basel Committee on Banking Super­ n tio ica tif 2. Risk gui de lin es 3. Risk managem en t 1. R isk id en potentially adverse effects on the financial performance of the Group. vision, to ensure a capital basis appropriate to its risk situation. Several risk management policies are designed to identify and analyze the different risk v re sk 5. Ri categories, to set guidelines, appropriate risk limits and controls, to monitor the risks and adherence to limits with reliable and up-to-date information ie systems and to regularly review the risk categories. The figure illustrates the w five equivalent key elements of the LGT Group risk process. 4 . R i s k c o n t ro The Foundation Board is responsible for the Group’s risk policy and its regular l review. On a daily basis risk monitoring is conducted by the line management. The overall responsibility lies within the executive management teams of each business unit. The risk controlling unit oversees the risk-taking activities of the Group. The control of risk is thus conducted outside of and independently of line management. LGT Group’s risk controlling unit is responsible for risk supervising and risk reporting for the whole Group. LGT Group has identified several types of risk to which it is exposed to and applied them in ICAAP. Strategic and business risk Market risk Liquidity and funding risk Credit risk Operational risk Pension risk Interest rates Currency Equity prices Asset and liability management Counterparty default Concentration Collateral Processes Employees Technology External Funding status of pension liabilities Regulatory and reputational risk Strategic risk Strategic risk is the danger of losses arising from strategic decisions, changes in the economic and competitive environment, inadequate or insufficient implementation of strategic objectives, or lack of capability to adjust to changing economic needs. Moreover, it comprises the danger of losses resulting from the dependency on highly qualified staff. Market risk Market risk is the risk that the fair value or future cash flows of a financial instrument will fluctuate because of changes in market prices. Market risks arise from open positions in interest rate, currency and equity products, all of which are exposed to general and ­specific market movements and changes in the level of volatility of market rates or prices such as interest rates, credit spreads, foreign exchange rates and equity prices. The Group separates exposures to market risk into either trading or non-trading portfolios. The market risk arising from trading and non-trading activities is monitored by Group Risk Controlling and for the trading portfolios by the Risk Management of the Trading Department. Regular reports are submitted to Group Management and the heads of the business units. Notes to the consolidated financial statements 61 Trading portfolios also include those positions arising from market-making transactions where the Group acts as principal in the m ­ arket. Non-trading portfolios primarily arise from the interest rate management of the Group’s banking assets and liabilities. Non-trading portfolios also consist of foreign exchange and equity risks arising from the Group’s held-to-maturity and available-for-sale investments. Market risk measurement As part of the management of market risk, the most important measurement category for the Group is the sensitivity analysis of its trading and non-trading portfolios, to estimate the market risk of positions held, based on assumptions for changes in interest rates, foreign exchange rates, equity prices and volatility. The Board sets limits on the total market value change that may be accepted for the Group, trading and non-trading separately. These limits are monitored by Group Risk Controlling for the trading portfolios on a daily basis, and for the non-trading portfolios on a monthly basis. On the basis of the sensitivity analysis the Group undertakes various hedging strategies and also enters into interest rate swaps to match the interest rate risk associated with loans to which the fair value option has been applied. The table on the next page shows a summary of LGT Group’s sensitivity analysis. In addition, market risks on the trading portfolios are managed by limiting the volume and maximum loss accepted overall and by p ­ osition. LGT Group performs stress tests to get an indication of the potential size of losses that could arise in extreme conditions. The stress testing applies stress movements of each risk category and ad hoc stress testing, which includes applying possible stress events to ­specific positions or regions. The stress testing is tailored to the business and typically uses scenario analysis. Market risk organization and reporting Responsibility for risk control lies with the Asset and Liability Committee (ALCO) which defines basic principles for the refinancing activity of the LGT Group (focusing on medium to long-term money) and advises the Group CEO on capital market transactions. The control of the ALM risks is primarily applied by way of an active management of the repricing gaps in the different time bands. Transactions carried out in the ALM area must be notified to the ALCO by a representative of Group Risk Controlling at the next meeting. Moreover, the Group Trading and Investment Committee (GTIC) is responsible for the regular review of all trading activities and to ensure the effectiveness of the risk policy, risk processes and the risk organization. 62 Notes to the consolidated financial statements Summary sensitivity analysis Negative fair value change at 31 December 2012 (TCHF) Interest rate Currency Equity price +100 bp -20% -10% 9 641 274 077 574 14 231 230 436 704 0 0 266 951 23 872 504 513 268 229 Interest rate Currency Equity price +100 bp -20% -10% Trading portfolio/designated at fair value 11 850 316 011 785 Non-trading portfolios 21 513 216 048 20 377 0 0 244 624 33 363 532 059 265 786 Trading portfolio/designated at fair value Non-trading portfolios Investment in associates Total Negative fair value change at 31 December 2011 (TCHF) Investment in associates Total Effects on Group net profit and equity n Currency risk: The price gains resulting from the valuation are booked to profit and loss. Currency changes for non-trading nonmonetary items are booked directly to equity. n Interest rate risk: The financial investments are assigned to the category “Financial investments at fair value through profit and loss”. Changes in the value of interest rate instruments contained in financial investments are reported in the income statement. In the case of derivative hedging transactions (cash flow hedges), changes in the fair value of the effective component of the hedging transaction are recorded directly in equity. n Equity price risk: The valuation is carried out at current market prices. The equity price risk is fully reflected in the income statement. Foreign exchange risk The Group takes on exposure to the effects of fluctuations in the prevailing foreign currency exchange rates on its financial position and cash flows. The Group CEO sets limits on the level of exposure by currency and in aggregate for both overnight and intraday positions, which are monitored daily. Foreign exchange risk strategy and measurement Exchange rate risk control is implemented within the framework of LGT Group’s overall appetite for risk. The aim of an appropriate AL risk management system is to manage the exchange rate risk of LGT Group and the Group companies to optimum effect. The limits must be applied using appropriate limit types to reflect the risk. In this context gap limits for limiting matching maturities within specific maturity segments are used. The following table summarizes the Group’s exposure to foreign currency exchange rate risk at 31 December. Included in the table are the Group’s financial instruments at carrying amounts, categorized by currency. Notes to the consolidated financial statements 63 Foreign exchange exposure Swiss Francs Euros US Dollars Other Total at 31 December 2012 (TCHF) Cash in hand, balances with central banks Loans and advances to banks Loans and advances to customers Securities held for trading purposes Financial assets designated at fair value Available-for-sale securities 5 877 613 24 251 898 1 197 5 903 959 508 833 780 011 1 796 596 924 772 4 010 212 3 699 558 1 083 389 1 512 326 948 565 7 243 838 793 0 2 137 6 005 8 935 1 484 254 1 130 421 231 491 596 236 3 442 402 810 057 180 264 243 739 728 177 1 962 237 Investments in associates 2 671 693 0 0 0 2 671 693 Remaining assets 1 450 192 39 484 23 982 435 300 1 948 958 16 502 993 3 237 820 3 811 169 3 640 252 27 192 234 63 476 398 503 367 366 402 057 1 231 402 4 761 128 4 451 573 6 893 586 2 988 300 19 094 587 0 552 579 37 468 0 590 047 Total assets Amounts due to banks Amounts due to customers Financial liabilities designated at fair value Certificated debt 1 562 705 10 281 0 0 1 572 986 Remaining liabilities 1 307 804 19 268 13 560 17 144 1 357 776 Total liabilities 7 695 113 5 432 204 7 311 980 3 407 501 23 846 798 Net foreign exchange exposure of balance sheet 8 807 880 -2 194 384 -3 500 811 232 751 3 345 436 -5 398 529 2 176 384 3 463 205 -227 728 13 332 3 409 351 -18 000 -37 606 5 023 3 358 768 Swiss Francs Euros US Dollars Other Total 2 595 302 21 643 1 324 1 697 2 619 966 Loans and advances to banks 1 560 453 1 924 795 2 261 450 783 868 6 530 566 Loans and advances to customers 3 542 574 689 205 1 259 618 797 396 6 288 793 Derivative financial instruments Total net foreign exchange exposure Foreign exchange exposure at 31 December 2011 (TCHF) Cash in hand, balances with central banks Securities held for trading purposes 2 140 1 480 1 328 0 4 948 1 302 833 1 141 432 492 805 601 493 3 538 563 Available-for-sale securities 1 140 687 416 151 205 300 458 788 2 220 926 Investments in associates 2 446 237 0 0 0 2 446 237 Financial assets designated at fair value Remaining assets Total assets Amounts due to banks Amounts due to customers Financial liabilities designated at fair value Certificated debt 27 059 35 480 569 323 2 602 121 4 221 765 4 257 305 3 212 565 26 252 120 231 081 328 135 1 090 722 205 194 1 855 132 4 345 867 4 065 511 5 948 305 2 893 908 17 253 591 0 602 474 57 046 0 659 520 1 513 622 3 229 0 0 1 516 851 Remaining liabilities 1 824 931 111 006 16 149 82 614 2 034 700 Total liabilities 7 915 501 5 110 355 7 112 222 3 181 716 23 319 794 Net foreign exchange exposure of balance sheet 6 644 984 -888 590 -2 854 917 30 849 2 932 326 -3 610 819 868 183 2 759 841 -32 919 -15 714 3 034 165 -20 407 -95 076 -2 070 2 916 612 Derivative financial instruments Total net foreign exchange exposure 64 1 970 259 14 560 485 Notes to the consolidated financial statements Interest rate risk Interest rate risk associated with non-trading financial instruments (loans and advances, fixed-income securities, term deposits, certificated debt, and derivative financial instruments) is part of the Group‘s asset and liability management process. Interest rate risk is measured by the use of gap analysis and interest rate sensitivities. The Asset and Liability Committee decides on any appropriate use of derivative financial instruments. The principal interest-related derivatives used are interest rate swaps and forward rate agreements. LGT Group also applies fair value hedge accounting to mortgage loan portfolio interest rate risk. Interest rate risk strategy and measurement Interest rate risk control is implemented within the framework of LGT Group’s overall appetite for risk. The aim of an appropriate AL risk management system is to manage the interest rate risk of LGT Group and the Group companies to optimum effect. The limits must be applied using appropriate limit types to reflect the risk. The following limit types are used in this context: n n Gap limits for limiting matching maturities within specific maturity segments. Interest rate sensitivity limits for limiting the maximum potential loss on the market value of equity resulting from detrimental market movements in interest rates. The following analysis shows the absolute changes in market values given a change of the respective key rate by +100 basis points. Interest rate sensitivity analysis (CHF m) All currencies 2012 Within More than More than More than 6 months 6 and 1 and 5 years less than less than 12 months 5 years Total 2.1 -4.5 -1.5 2.4 -1.5 -1.3 -4.9 5.1 -3.1 -4.2 CHF 2012 5.4 25.2 4.7 3.2 38.5 CHF 2011 -3.2 25.0 10.1 -2.9 29.0 USD 2012 -1.8 -14.5 -1.0 -0.5 -17.8 All currencies 2011 USD 2011 -0.4 -9.8 -1.5 -0.1 -11.8 EUR 2012 0.6 -6.8 -2.4 -0.3 -8.9 EUR 2011 1.9 -12.7 -3.1 0.0 -13.9 The table below summarizes the average interest rate by major currencies for monetary financial instruments not carried at fair value through profit or loss: 31 December 2012 31 December 2011 CHF in % EUR in % USD in % CHF in % EUR in % USD in % Loans and advances to banks 0.16 0.27 0.49 0.22 0.65 0.60 Loans and advances to customers 1.46 1.70 1.87 1.59 2.45 1.79 Available-for-sale securities 2.42 0.84 1.58 2.31 1.32 1.88 Amounts due to banks 0.22 0.15 0.33 0.18 0.72 0.19 Amounts due to customers 0.15 0.02 0.14 0.15 0.31 0.15 Certificated debt 2.20 1.05 – 2.38 – – Assets Liabilities Notes to the consolidated financial statements 65 Liquidity risk Liquidity risk is the risk that an entity will be unable to meet a financial commitment to a customer, creditor or investor in whatever location or currency. The management of liquidity is primarily directed toward ensuring that local funding requirements can be met. The distribution of sources and maturities of deposits is managed actively in order to ensure access to funds and to avoid a concentration of funding demand at any one time or from any one source. Sources of liquidity are regularly reviewed by a separate team in Group Treasury to maintain a wide diversification by currency, geography, provider, product and term. Liquidity management is subject to the overall monitoring and control of Group Treasury, which also manages excess liquidity for individual entities. LGT Bank Ltd., Vaduz, which attracts the majority of customers’ cash deposits within the Group, also performs the Group Treasury function. The Group’s liquidity management process includes: n day-to-day funding, managed by monitoring future cash flows to ensure that requirements can be met. The Group maintains an n maintaining a portfolio of highly marketable assets that can easily be liquidated as protection against any unforeseen interruption active presence in global money markets to enable this to happen; to cash flow; monitoring balance sheet liquidity ratios against internal and regulatory requirements; and n managing the concentration and profile of debt maturities. n Group Treasury also monitors unmatched medium-term assets, the level and type of undrawn lending commitments, the usage of overdraft facilities and the impact of contingent liabilities such as standby letters of credit and guarantees. The assumptions regarding gross loan commitments are based on expert opinions and also differentiated by the type of limit and the client type. In the following table, assets and liabilities are structured according to contractual terms. It summarizes the overall funding and investment structure of the Group. 66 Notes to the consolidated financial statements Cash flow of assets and liabilities at 31 December 2012 (TCHF) Within More than More than More than More than 1 month 1 and 3 and 1 and 5 years less than less than less than 3 months 12 months 5 years 0 0 Cash in hand, balances with central banks 5 903 959 0 Loans and advances to banks 2 105 387 1 142 713 771 234 Loans and advances to customers 3 703 380 796 014 940 370 0 2 816 0 42 822 779 20 890 100 4 666 1 721 817 302 936 0 Securities held for trading purposes Derivative financial instruments Financial assets designated at fair value Available-for-sale securities Investments in associates Remaining assets Total assets Amounts due to banks Total 0 5 903 959 0 0 4 019 334 1 602 689 358 557 7 401 011 6 130 0 8 946 12 583 856 207 652 6 487 76 510 874 499 365 1 265 080 0 3 490 928 514 345 269 558 870 678 40 738 1 998 255 2 671 693 0 0 0 2 671 693 0 533 918 0 0 0 533 918 54 843 108 28 273 416 15 064 382 3 952 230 405 782 102 538 918 1 027 153 136 439 65 563 3 939 0 1 233 094 Amounts due to customers 17 345 109 733 199 712 777 316 518 0 19 107 603 Derivative financial instruments 42 802 609 20 848 470 12 638 762 228 054 7 600 76 525 495 0 590 047 0 0 0 590 047 6 767 10 228 291 230 1 112 214 284 958 1 705 397 0 164 128 0 0 0 164 128 61 181 638 22 482 511 13 708 332 1 660 725 292 558 99 325 764 17 899 48 074 28 783 164 372 53 880 313 008 Within More than More than More than More than Total 1 month 1 and 3 and 1 and 5 years Financial liabilities designated at fair value Certificated debt Remaining liabilities Total liabilities Committed credit lines Cash flow of assets and liabilities at 31 December 2011 (TCHF) less than less than less than 3 months 12 months 5 years 0 Cash in hand, balances with central banks 2 619 966 0 0 Loans and advances to banks 3 980 277 1 251 148 1 312 404 0 0 6 543 829 Loans and advances to customers 2 763 921 730 816 999 470 1 685 400 270 779 6 450 386 Securities held for trading purposes Derivative financial instruments Financial assets designated at fair value Available-for-sale securities Investments in associates Remaining assets Total assets Amounts due to banks 0 2 619 966 0 4 666 0 280 0 4 946 37 360 615 19 399 939 17 830 624 178 552 4 438 74 774 168 61 780 1 159 174 411 761 2 050 821 12 411 3 695 947 298 388 758 219 606 475 558 142 54 433 2 275 657 0 2 446 237 0 0 0 2 446 237 0 645 625 0 0 0 645 625 47 084 947 26 395 824 21 160 734 4 473 195 342 061 99 456 761 1 585 366 49 498 218 876 4 073 0 1 857 813 Amounts due to customers 15 745 453 582 605 662 457 291 136 0 17 281 651 Derivative financial instruments 37 280 827 19 401 136 17 928 352 197 870 6 700 74 814 885 0 659 520 0 0 0 659 520 7 775 7 896 282 012 1 079 446 273 060 1 650 189 0 131 439 0 0 0 131 439 54 619 421 20 832 094 19 091 697 1 572 525 279 760 96 395 497 115 552 58 551 21 063 140 704 0 335 870 Financial liabilities designated at fair value Certificated debt Remaining liabilities Total liabilities Committed credit lines Notes to the consolidated financial statements 67 Derivative cash flows at 31 December 2012 (TCHF) Within More than More than More than More than 1 month 1 and 3 and 1 and 5 years less than less than less than 3 months 12 months 5 years Total Derivatives held for trading/hedging Foreign exchange derivatives Outflow 42 802 014 20 846 292 12 626 963 196 617 0 76 471 886 Inflow 42 822 631 20 888 203 12 577 369 197 016 0 76 485 219 Outflow 595 2 178 11 798 31 437 7 600 53 608 Inflow 148 1 897 6 487 10 637 6 487 25 656 Interest rate derivatives Other derivatives Outflow 0 0 0 0 0 0 Inflow 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total outflow 42 802 609 20 848 470 12 638 761 228 054 7 600 76 525 494 Total inflow 42 822 779 20 890 100 12 583 856 207 653 6 487 76 510 875 Within More than More than More than More than Total 1 month 1 and 3 and 1 and 5 years Derivative cash flows at 31 December 2011 (TCHF) less than less than less than 3 months 12 months 5 years Derivatives held for trading/hedging Foreign exchange derivatives Outflow 37 280 397 19 398 123 17 914 011 158 784 0 74 751 315 Inflow 37 360 506 19 397 077 17 820 984 157 034 0 74 735 601 Interest rate derivatives Outflow 430 3 012 14 341 39 086 6 701 63 570 Inflow 108 2 861 9 640 21 518 4 439 38 566 0 0 0 0 0 0 Other derivatives Outflow Inflow 68 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total outflow 37 280 827 19 401 135 17 928 352 197 870 6 701 74 814 885 Total inflow 37 360 614 19 399 938 17 830 624 178 552 4 439 74 774 167 Notes to the consolidated financial statements Credit risk Credit risk is the risk that a counterparty of a financial instrument fails to meet its contractual obligation and causes LGT Group to incur a financial loss. Credit risk exposures arise principally in lending activities that lead to loans and advances, and investment activities that bring debt securities and other bills into the Group’s asset portfolio. Further there is also credit risk in derivative financial instruments and off-balance sheet financial instruments, such as loan commitments and financial guarantee contracts. Within LGT Group credit risk is primarily incurred by LGT Bank Ltd., Vaduz. Therefore the credit risk management and control are centralized in this unit. The conservative lending policy is established by internal directives, guidelines and written policy papers. These guidelines include: (i) regulations on maximum single credit lines, (ii) limits on unsecured lending exposures to any one customer or customer group, and (iii) strict credit handling procedures and internal controls. Credit risk strategy Lending is an integrated part of the business philosophy of LGT Group and thus complementary to the wealth management s­ ervices offered. Any transaction must be viewed in the context of the whole client relationship. It is not the policy of LGT Group to extend credit facilities on a stand-alone basis, but only in conjunction with assets deposited or to be deposited with LGT Group. The risk appetite of LGT is low to moderate. The center for lending business within LGT Group is the credit function at LGT Bank Vaduz. As part of its comprehensive system for monitoring lending exposures, regular reports are provided at a Group level to the Foundation Board on (i) credit risk ratings, (ii) allowances, (iii) country exposures and (iv) bank limits. Stress Testing on securities and property collateral is executed regularly and on an ad hoc basis if requested by management. In addition, ad hoc reports of special events, as well as daily reports of global exposures to specific customers, are also provided on request. Credit risk measurement Loans and advances In measuring credit risk of loans and advances to customers and to banks at a counterparty level, the Group assesses the probability of default of individual counterparties using internal rating tools. They have been developed internally and combine statistical analysis with credit officer judgment and are validated, where appropriate, by comparison with externally available rating data. The Group regularly validates the performance of the rating tools and their predictive power with regard to default events. Debt securities and other bills For debt securities and other bills, external ratings such as Standard & Poor’s or Moody’s are used for managing the credit risk exposures. The credit function at LGT Bank Vaduz is responsible for extending counterparty limits, while Treasury is managing the individual positions within these limits. The investments in those securities and bills are viewed as a way to gain a better credit quality mapping and maintain a readily available source to meet the funding requirement at the same time. Assets by countries In addition to the limitation of credit exposures of customers or customer groups, LGT Group has restricted the group of countries in which credit risks may be incurred. Limits are established for these countries which are reviewed by the Foundation Board at least annually. The table below shows the allocation of assets by countries: Assets by countries/country group (TCHF) 1 2012 in % 2011 in % 12 703 846 46.7 8 790 719 33.5 Europe 6 276 361 23.1 9 185 065 35.0 Americas 2 4 489 677 16.5 4 706 616 17.9 Asia 1 666 280 6.1 1 611 204 6.1 Other countries 2 056 070 7.6 1 958 516 7.5 27 192 234 100.0 26 252 120 100.0 Liechtenstein and Switzerland Total 1 Based on risk domicile of the assets 2 Mainly Class Funds Notes to the consolidated financial statements 69 Derivative financial instruments The Group maintains strict control limits on net open derivative positions. At any time, the amount subject to credit risk is limited to the current fair value of instruments that are favorable to the Group, which in relation to derivatives is only a small fraction of the contract, or notional values used to express the volume of instruments outstanding. This credit risk exposure is managed as part of the overall lending limits with customers, together with potential exposures from market movements (an add-on factor is calculated depending on underlying risks and time to maturity of the contract). Settlement risk arises in any situation where a payment in cash, securities or equities is made in the expectation of a corresponding receipt in cash, securities or equities. Daily settlement limits are established for each counterparty to cover the aggregate of all settlement risk arising from the Group’s market transactions on any single day. As member of the CLS (Continuous Linked Settlement) network LGT is able to mitigate major parts of its daily settlement risk via forex netting. Off-balance sheet financial instruments The primary purpose of off-balance sheet financial instruments is to ensure that funds are available to a customer as required. LGT Group has credit commitments in the form of guarantees and standby letters. These credit commitments carry the same credit risk as loans, and therefore the same lending criteria and identical limitation processes are applied. Risk limit control and mitigation policies LGT Group systematically manages, limits and controls concentrations of credit risk. As part of the credit risk management policy, exposures are structured by placing limits on the amount of risk accepted in relation to one borrower, or groups of borrowers, and to geographical segments. The risks and their changes are closely monitored on a revolving basis and subject to an annual or more frequent review, when considered necessary. Centralized loan approval procedures ensure a consistent lending process. In line with the conservative credit policy a major part of the Group’s credit exposure is mitigated. The principal collaterals used within LGT Group are mortgages over residential properties and charges over financial instruments such as debt securities, equities and funds. Upon initial recognition of loans and advances, the fair value of collateral is based on valuation techniques commonly used for the c­ orresponding assets. In subsequent periods, the fair value is updated by reference to market prices or indexes of similar assets. Because of the fact that mortgages are granted primarily within Liechtenstein and Switzerland, LGT Group is exposed to the market trends of the real estate sector in these countries. Collateral accepted as security for assets (TCHF) 2012 2011 1 143 504 1 645 764 Fair value of financial assets accepted as collateral that the Group is permitted to sell or repledge in the absence of default When trading derivatives with banking counterparties in the Interbank market, the Group uses netting and credit support agreements to mitigate credit risk. 70 Notes to the consolidated financial statements Impairment and provisioning policies The Group’s policy requires the review of individual financial assets that are above materiality thresholds at least annually or more regularly when individual circumstances require it. Impairment allowances on individually assessed accounts are determined by an evaluation of the incurred loss at balance-sheet date on a case-by-case basis, and are applied to all individually significant accounts. The assessment normally encompasses collateral held (including reconfirmation of its enforceability) and the anticipated receipts for that individual account. Assets are summarized separately if contractual interest or principal payments are past due but the Group believes that impairment is not appropriate yet. Distribution of loans and advances by credit quality (TCHF) Neither past due nor impaired Past due but not impaired Impaired Total loans and advances (gross) Less allowance for impairment Total loans and advances (net) 2012 Loans and Loans and Loans and advances advances advances advances to customers to banks to customers to banks 7 012 334 4 010 212 6 041 974 6 530 566 213 145 0 232 002 0 40 126 0 35 244 0 7 265 605 4 010 212 6 309 220 6 530 566 21 767 0 20 427 0 7 243 838 4 010 212 6 288 793 6 530 566 Loans and Loans and Loans and Loans and Distribution of loans and advances which were past due but not impaired (TCHF) 2011 Loans and 2012 2011 advances advances advances advances to customers to banks to customers to banks 158 058 0 171 593 0 Past due 31–60 days 12 387 0 11 248 0 Past due more than 60 days 42 700 0 49 161 0 213 145 0 232 002 0 Past due up to 30 days Total Collectively assessed impairment allowances are provided for: (i) portfolios of homogenous assets that are individually below materiality thresholds; and (ii) losses that have been incurred but have not yet been identified, by using the available historical experience, experi­ enced judgment and statistical techniques. Impaired loans and advances (TCHF) 2012 Loans and Loans and 2011 Loans and Loans and advances advances advances advances to customers to banks to customers to banks Specific allowance for impairment 16 045 0 15 167 0 Portfolio allowance for impairment 5 722 0 5 260 0 21 767 0 20 427 0 Total LGT Group obtained assets by taking possession of collateral held as security. Repossessed properties are sold as soon as practicable, with the proceeds used to reduce the outstanding indebtedness. Carrying amount of collateral and other credit enhancements obtained (TCHF) Residential, commercial and industrial property 2012 2011 481 481 Loans and advances to banks are highly diversified with a large number of mainly European banks of prime quality. Over 33 percent of counterparties had a rating of at least “AA”, and 86 percent a rating of at least “A”. LGT is closely monitoring these positions and applies strict criteria in order to assess whether or not a bank qualifies for lending. Credit lending is typically granted to LGT Bank’s private banking clientele in the context of the bank’s comprehensive wealth management business. Lending activities are granted in accordance with conservative lending and valuation criteria with a robust tracking record; the majority of mortgage loans remains concentrated in Liechtenstein and Switzerland. Loans and advances to customers are qualitatively assigned within an internal rating system. Notes to the consolidated financial statements 71 Operational risk Operational risk is defined as the risk of loss resulting from inadequate or failed internal processes, people and systems or from external events. They can be caused deliberately or accidentally or be of natural origin and encompass all elements of the organization. Operational risks are inherent in all types of products, activities, processes and systems. LGT Group has established a group-wide Operational Risk Committee which provides the Group CEO with support in the early identification of these risks and in implementing appropriate measures. These tasks are based on the principles stipulated in the ‘Sound Practices for the Management and Supervision of Operational Risk’ issued by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision. The set guidelines ensure that risk management takes care of all defined risk categories: Internal and external fraud Employment practices and workplace safety n Customers, products and business practices n Damage to physical assets n Business disruption and system failures n Execution, delivery and process management. n n Operational risk measurement The operational risk measurement approach is based on appropriate measures adapted for business units, such as an internal monitoring system, and on the three dimensions risk self-assessment, key risk indicators and error event data base, in which the above risk categories are assessed. In case of essential operational risk events, the business units and group functions immediately inform Group Risk Controlling that analyses, monitors and reports relevant data and initiates appropriate actions. Regulatory risk Regulatory risk is the overall risk that a change in laws and regulations or a non-compliance with them will materially impact a security, business, sector or market. A change in laws or regulations made by the government or a regulatory body can increase the costs of operating a business, reduce the attractiveness of investment and/or change the competitive landscape. Therefore the regulatory risk management of LGT Group focuses on the early identification of new regulatory requirements, the effective adoption of new regulatory requirements within LGT Group and the implementation of processes and procedures to ensure that all business lines within LGT Group permanently meet the respective legal and regulatory requirements. Reputational risk Ultimately, if risks are not identified, adequately managed and monitored, this may lead – apart from financial losses – to reputation being damaged. Reputational risk is defined as the risk of potential damage through deterioration of LGT Group’s reputation or due to negative perception of its image among customers, counterparties, equity holders and/or regulatory authorities. LGT Group pursues a holistic reputation risk management consisting of both preventive measures and a dedicated crisis management. Preventive measures are defined within the code of conduct introduced by LGT Group. Within the crisis management LGT Group has established processes and organizational structures to address crises and specifically trained all corresponding employees in order to guarantee quick and adequate responses to potential crises. 72 Notes to the consolidated financial statements Fair value of financial instruments not carried at fair value Fair value information is used for business purposes in determining an enterprise’s overall financial position. Fair value information permits comparisons of financial instruments having substantially the same economic characteristics. Financial assets (TCHF) 2012 2011 Carrying amount Fair value Carrying amount Fair value Loans and advances to banks 4 010 212 4 015 996 6 530 566 6 538 994 Loans and advances to customers 7 243 838 7 366 166 6 288 793 6 409 725 Financial liabilities (TCHF) Amounts due to banks Amounts due to customers Certificated debt 1 231 402 1 232 474 1 855 132 1 856 680 19 094 587 19 100 575 17 253 591 17 256 411 1 572 986 1 688 337 1 516 851 1 626 117 Loans and advances to banks The estimated fair value of loans and advances to banks is based on discounted cash flows using prevailing market interest rates for debts with similar credit risk and remaining maturity. Loans and advances to customers Loans and advances are stated net of impairments. The estimated fair value of loans and advances to customers represents the discounted amount of estimated future cash flows expected to be received. Amounts due to banks or to customers The calculation of the fair values of the amounts due to banks or customers is based on the discounted cash flow method using interest rates for new debts with similar remaining maturity. Certificated debt The aggregated fair values are calculated under the discounted cash flow method. The model is based on a current yield curve appropriate for the remaining term to maturity. Notes to the consolidated financial statements 73 Pillar III disclosures according to Basel II Geographical credit risk Switzerland Oceania North America Liechtenstein Latin America at 31 December 2012 (TCHF) Loans and advances Liquid assets Loans and advances to banks Loans and advances to customers 5 877 561 68 4 786 1 036 656 882 973 1 241 97 066 196 466 1 039 381 772 98 712 107 733 632 855 65 537 1 459 761 5 062 0 1 337 969 0 Securities 23 598 499 218 538 821 471 697 102 088 Other assets 71 056 1 579 1 089 164 652 211 Mortgages Replacement value after netting 23 248 290 17 442 626 117 963 8 719 969 606 170 766 937 3 430 792 170 494 Contingent liabilities 18 781 2 655 12 018 107 889 6 489 Commitments 14 248 82 1 208 2 765 0 Total Off-balance sheet Deposit and reserve liabilities Add-ons Securities General allowance 0 0 35 584 4 912 0 278 014 287 20 390 107 177 304 555 0 0 0 0 -1 077 0 0 -3 663 0 Total reporting period 9 030 490 609 194 836 137 3 649 872 177 287 Total 2011 6 166 952 583 459 1 234 914 2 445 085 87 449 17 447 13 161 20 145 891 7 537 0 906 2 545 0 Europe Caribbean Asia Africa Total 56 883 0 156 4 5 941 150 Impaired loans Impaired loans Specific allowance Loans and advances Liquid assets Loans and advances to banks 2 552 698 292 389 369 755 4 121 899 Loans and advances to customers 1 310 143 975 700 503 151 37 768 4 113 371 Mortgages Securities Other assets Replacement value after netting Total 226 085 0 123 356 0 3 152 233 2 673 964 2 214 702 550 555 0 7 074 643 4 200 43 799 6 883 11 293 480 52 480 34 659 1 556 163 756 918 6 876 453 3 269 152 1 575 026 38 701 25 453 694 59 260 45 852 7 724 4 786 265 454 Off-balance sheet Contingent liabilities Commitments 34 820 68 33 0 53 224 Deposit and reserve liabilities 15 753 126 0 0 56 375 347 598 98 625 3 334 237 855 966 -1 505 5 138 1 166 28 5 382 Add-ons Securities General allowance -8 661 -99 -32 0 -13 532 Total reporting period 7 323 718 3 418 862 1 587 251 43 752 26 676 563 Total 2011 9 735 675 3 821 797 1 498 257 73 406 25 646 994 10 557 172 834 8 50 228 8 162 99 32 0 19 281 Impaired loans Impaired loans Specific allowance 74 Notes to the consolidated financial statements Segmentation of credit risk 0% 10% 20% 35% Liquid assets 5 941 150 Loans and advances to banks 1 078 778 Loans and advances to customers 50% 0 0 0 0 0 2 704 062 0 337 989 2 722 918 0 118 021 3 364 49 651 37 843 0 0 2 142 032 582 103 953 083 0 927 101 0 2 216 247 2 778 0 16 125 98 1 736 at 31 December 2012 (TCHF) Loans and advances Mortgages Securities Other assets Replacement value after netting Total 607 603 0 67 741 0 15 947 11 344 153 0 3 833 050 2 145 494 3 203 673 173 574 0 10 990 180 352 1 702 0 1 296 1 746 630 Off-balance sheet Contingent liabilities Commitments Deposit and reserve liabilities Add-ons Securities 0 0 0 0 0 11 380 0 470 209 1 161 926 0 0 0 0 0 -13 532 0 0 0 0 11 517 277 0 4 315 545 2 147 421 3 366 581 6 909 636 0 7 479 862 1 930 954 3 699 062 Impaired loans 2 338 0 0 1 173 0 Specific allowance 5 750 0 14 967 0 75% 100% 150% ≥ 200% Total 0 0 0 0 5 941 150 General allowance Total reporting period Total 2011 Impaired loans Loans and advances Liquid assets Loans and advances to banks 0 110 960 0 4 121 899 118 779 1 096 979 3 659 0 4 113 371 Mortgages 0 384 239 6 016 0 3 152 233 Securities 0 823 593 2 154 619 0 7 074 643 Loans and advances to customers Other assets Replacement value after netting Total 0 272 743 0 0 293 480 10 65 617 0 0 756 918 118 789 2 643 281 2 165 254 0 25 453 694 0 80 358 0 0 265 454 Off-balance sheet Contingent liabilities Commitments 0 47 850 0 0 53 224 Deposit and reserve liabilities 0 56 375 0 0 56 375 229 212 221 0 0 855 966 0 0 5 382 0 5 382 Add-ons Securities General allowance 0 0 0 0 -13 532 Total reporting period 119 018 3 040 085 2 170 636 0 26 676 563 Total 2011 119 124 3 149 393 2 358 963 0 25 646 994 Impaired loans 3 347 37 345 6 025 0 50 228 Specific allowance 1 364 11 186 0 0 19 281 Impaired loans Notes to the consolidated financial statements 75 Credit risk/credit risk reduction at 31 December 2012 (TCHF) Covered by Covered by Mortgage- Other financial guarantees backed collateral collateral Total and credit derivatives Loans and advances Liquid assets 0 0 0 0 0 Loans and advances to banks 1 135 885 0 0 0 1 135 885 Loans and advances to customers 2 568 981 13 908 43 438 153 936 2 780 263 34 750 0 3 049 191 3 018 3 086 959 0 0 0 0 0 Mortgages Securities Other assets Replacement value after netting Total 2 567 0 419 32 3 018 596 446 0 0 10 369 606 815 4 338 629 13 908 3 093 048 167 355 7 612 940 169 786 8 215 207 3 788 181 996 1 694 0 10 655 8 12 357 Off-balance sheet Contingent liabilities Commitments Deposit and reserve liabilities 0 0 0 0 0 9 090 0 1 2 200 11 291 Securities 0 0 0 0 0 General allowance 0 0 0 0 0 Total reporting period 4 519 199 22 123 3 103 911 173 351 7 818 584 Total 2011 4 535 983 15 066 2 868 199 145 448 7 564 696 Impaired loans 2 291 0 31 913 47 34 251 Specific allowance 5 750 0 4 134 0 9 884 Add-ons Impaired loans 76 Notes to the consolidated financial statements Credit risk/distribution according counterparty or sector States and Public Administrative Multilateral central banks authorities facilities development at 31 December 2012 (TCHF) banks Loans and advances Liquid assets Loans and advances to banks Loans and advances to customers Mortgages Securities 5 941 150 0 0 0 402 355 29 782 284 902 44 043 69 231 106 411 13 738 29 761 0 0 20 0 880 827 5 283 277 168 272 240 Other assets 540 0 224 391 Replacement value after netting 902 123 776 836 7 295 005 141 599 576 828 347 271 Total Off-balance sheet Contingent liabilities 2 950 4 740 542 Commitments 0 0 1 296 0 Deposit and reserve liabilities 0 0 0 0 115 176 2 537 0 0 0 0 0 Add-ons Securities General allowance -3 414 0 0 0 Total reporting period 7 294 656 141 779 581 401 347 813 Total 2011 3 752 173 16 346 317 970 84 950 Impaired loans Impaired loans Specific allowance 0 0 14 0 572 110 14 134 International Banks Corporates Retail 0 0 organizations Loans and advances Liquid assets 0 0 Loans and advances to banks 0 2 138 984 7 113 0 Loans and advances to customers 0 449 210 1 659 914 1 729 662 Mortgages 0 18 480 18 917 63 515 Securities 0 1 957 708 1 266 337 0 Other assets 0 16 001 4 024 271 872 Replacement value after netting 2 445 436 615 46 534 37 064 Total 2 445 5 016 998 3 002 839 2 102 113 0 45 240 127 892 87 514 Commitments 0 286 4 165 36 823 Deposit and reserve liabilities 0 0 56 375 0 Off-balance sheet Contingent liabilities Add-ons 1 888 342 207 135 237 86 352 Securities 0 0 0 0 General allowance 0 -62 -844 -9 046 4 333 5 404 669 3 325 664 2 303 756 0 8 656 720 3 327 100 1 433 656 Impaired loans 0 0 465 4 367 Specific allowance 0 284 5 092 4 757 Total reporting period Total 2011 Impaired loans Notes to the consolidated financial statements 77 Credit risk/distribution according counterparty or sector Mortgage- Overdue backed Investment Covered notes in associates at 31 December 2012 (TCHF) Loans and advances Liquid assets 0 0 0 0 Loans and advances to banks 0 -14 0 0 41 061 14 378 0 0 3 015 192 36 109 0 0 0 0 266 954 0 419 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 056 672 50 473 266 954 0 Loans and advances to customers Mortgages Securities Other assets Replacement value after netting Total Off-balance sheet Contingent liabilities 207 0 0 0 10 654 0 0 0 Deposit and reserve liabilities 0 0 0 0 Add-ons 1 0 0 0 Securities 0 0 5 382 0 Commitments General allowance 0 -166 0 0 Total reporting period 3 067 534 50 307 272 336 0 Total 2011 2 825 943 57 745 3 789 0 Impaired loans 1 173 44 209 0 0 Specific allowance 1 030 7 288 0 0 Investment Other Total Impaired loans Short-term fund shares Loans and advances Liquid assets Loans and advances to banks 0 0 0 5 941 150 1 214 734 0 0 4 121 899 Loans and advances to customers 5 0 0 4 113 371 Mortgages 0 0 0 3 152 233 Securities 0 2 148 126 0 7 074 643 Other assets 9 0 0 293 480 Replacement value after netting Total 231 623 0 0 756 918 1 446 371 2 148 126 0 25 453 694 365 0 0 265 454 Off-balance sheet Contingent liabilities Commitments 0 0 0 53 224 Deposit and reserve liabilities 0 0 0 56 375 287 453 0 0 855 966 0 0 0 5 382 Add-ons Securities General allowance 0 0 0 -13 532 Total reporting period 1 734 189 2 148 126 0 26 676 563 Total 2011 2 825 777 2 344 825 0 25 646 994 Impaired loans 0 0 0 50 228 Specific allowance 0 0 0 19 281 Impaired loans In certain cases, our Pillar III disclosures can differ from the way we manage our risks and how these risks are disclosed in other sections of this annual report. 78 Notes to the consolidated financial statements LGT Group Foundation 79 Report of the statutory auditors 80 LGT Group Foundation – report of the statutory auditors Income statement Income statement (TCHF) Note 2012 2011 0 5 Interest paid and similar charges -1 544 -5 177 Net interest -1 544 -5 172 100 341 75 717 98 797 70 545 -72 -134 Interest and dividend income Interest earned Current income from participations Total interest and dividend income Income from commission and service fee activities Commission expenses Income from financial transactions (all from trading activities) Other operating income 1 Total operating income 412 482 51 210 47 094 150 347 117 987 Administrative expenses Personnel expenses 2 -18 571 -7 689 Business and office expenses 3 -27 320 -12 369 Total administrative expenses -45 891 -20 058 Other operating expenses -12 675 -1 422 0 -1 816 affiliated companies and securities treated as current assets -1 367 -6 621 Profit for the period 90 414 88 070 296 325 283 255 90 414 88 070 386 739 371 325 Allowances for impaired loans and increase of provisions for contingent liabilities and credit risk Depreciation, allowances and provision on subsidiary undertakings, Appropriation of available Foundation earnings Balance at the beginning of the period Profit for the period The Foundation Board proposes to the Foundation Meeting of 25 April 2013: Payment to the Prince of Liechtenstein Foundation Balance to be carried forward -150 000 -75 000 236 739 296 325 The accounting principles and the notes on pages 83 to 91 form part of these accounts. The accounts on pages 83 to 91 were approved by the Foundation Board on 25 April 2013 and are signed on its behalf by H.S.H. Prince Philipp von und zu Liechtenstein, Chairman, and Olivier de Perregaux, CFO. LGT Group Foundation – income statement 81 Balance sheet Balance sheet (TCHF) Note 2012 2011 4 777 815 Assets Loans and advances to banks (subsidiary undertakings) 777 815 Other loans and advances to customers (subsidiary undertakings) of which on demand 5 0 587 508 Participations (shares in associated companies) 6 1 181 084 1 387 850 Other assets 7 Total assets 74 567 59 639 1 256 428 2 035 812 451 333 1 280 500 0 0 451 333 1 280 500 17 169 7 589 Liabilities Amounts due to banks 8 of which due daily of which other loans Other liabilities 9 Accrued expenses and deferred income 16 968 3 432 45 175 33 922 339 044 339 044 296 325 283 255 90 414 88 070 1 256 428 2 035 812 4 936 4 970 Guarantees and similar instruments 1 981 492 1 673 789 of which for affiliated companies 1 954 679 1 649 536 9 888 11 943 Provisions 10 Foundation capital Profit/loss to be carried forward Profit for the period Total liabilities 11 Off-balance sheet items (TCHF) Collateralization guarantees and similar instruments Put options 1 Contract volume The guarantees and similar instruments are valued with the carrying amount except 2 (2011: except 2) guarantees without specified amount, which are valued with their pro memoria value. 1 Put option in favor of a Group company. The accounting principles and the notes on pages 83 to 91 form part of these accounts. 82 LGT Group Foundation – balance sheet Notes to the financial statements Accounting principles Introduction Loans and advances The accounting principles are in accordance with the These items are calculated at nominal values. Value Liechtenstein Law on Persons and Companies (PGR) adjustments for identifiable individual risks are set off and the Liechtenstein Banking Law and its directives. against the corresponding asset positions. A summary of the most important accounting prin­ ciples, which have been applied consistently, is set Financial liabilities and provisions out below. These items are shown at nominal values. Provisions have been created for operational and other risks. Basis of accounting The accounts are prepared using the historical cost Derivative financial instruments convention. All transactions are recorded on a trade Derivative financial instruments that are held for trad- date basis. ing purposes are valued at their fair market value with changes in fair market value recognized in income from Foreign currencies trading activities. The related positive and negative Revenue items denominated in foreign currencies are replacement values are stated at gross values. Income translated at the exchange rates ruling on the dates of and expense arising on derivatives used in the context the transactions. Assets and liabilities denominated in of asset and liability management, primarily interest foreign currencies are translated at the exchange rates rate swaps and forward rate agreements, are recog- ruling on the balance sheet date, except financial fixed nized on an accrual basis, as this reflects the Group’s assets, which are translated at historical rates. Exchange risk management. differences are entered in the income statement. Risk management Participations Risks are defined by the adverse impact on profitability Participations represent investments in subsidiary of several distinct sources of uncertainty. LGT Group undertakings and are stated at cost, less any provision Foundation is exposed to market risks, credit risks, for permanent diminution in value. liquidity risks, operational and business event risks. The Foundation Board is responsible for the risk policy Debt instruments and shares and its regular review. The risk policy comprises two Realized gains or losses arising from the disposal of key elements: securities are entered in the income statement. n Securities held as current assets (short-term assets) are shown at market value. Other securities are stated at the lower of cost or market value. risk strategy, which details the overall approach to risk-taking desired by the Board; and n risk principles, which translate the risk strategy into operating standards for both the risk organization and required risk processes. Dividends Proposed dividends from subsidiary undertakings are Risk management on a daily basis is conducted by the accrued as receivables in the accounts. line management. The overall responsibility lies within the executive management teams of each business unit. The risk controlling unit oversees the risk-taking activities of LGT Group Foundation and reports directly to the Board. LGT Group Foundation – notes to the financial statements 83 Details on the income statement and balance sheet Overview LGT Group Foundation was established on 20 July 2001 and is the top holding company of LGT Group. Its purpose is the holding of the majority of the subsidiaries of LGT Group. For a complete list of subsidiary undertakings see note 6 below. The profit for the business year 2012 amounts to 90 414. The balance sheet total decreased by 779 384 or 38.3% to 1 256 428. 1 Other operating income (TCHF) 2012 2011 50 396 37 207 Income from subsidiary undertakings (license fees, income from service level agreements and service charge for comfort letters) Other 814 9 887 51 210 47 094 2012 2011 salaries 3 545 3 440 bonuses 6 157 4 221 pension costs 267 302 social security costs 559 450 Total other operating income 2 Personnel expenses (TCHF) Personnel expenses, including Foundation Board members, consisting of other personnel expenses Personnel expenses before long-term incentive scheme 3 608 249 11 136 8 662 Long-term incentive scheme 7 435 -973 Total personnel expenses 18 571 7 689 2012 2011 Business and office expenses (TCHF) Business and office expenses, consisting of information and communication expenses travel and entertainment expenses legal and professional expenses advertising expenses other expenses Total business and office expenses 84 LGT Group Foundation – notes to the financial statements 46 60 736 698 6 557 6 874 19 919 4 326 62 411 27 320 12 369 4 Loans and advances to banks (subsidiary undertakings) on demand The loans and advances to banks are bank accounts with LGT Bank Ltd., Vaduz. 5 Other loans and advances to customers The loans and advances are due from subsidiaries and are not secured by collateral. 6 Participations (TCHF) Acquisition cost Accumulated depreciation Opening balance Investments Depreciation Disposals/Capital decrease Liquidation Closing balance 2012 2011 1 495 830 1 175 515 -107 980 -107 653 1 387 850 1 067 862 114 318 320 315 -1 084 -327 -320 000 0 0 0 1 181 084 1 387 850 All participations of LGT Group Foundation are unlisted. LGT Group Foundation – notes to the financial statements 85 Name Principal activity The subsidiary undertakings LGT Bank Ltd. Banking and investment management of LGT Group Foundation LGT Swiss Life Non Traditional Advisers Ltd. Investment advisers at 31 December 2012 were: LGT Private Equity Advisers Ltd. Investment advisers LGT Capital Management Ltd. Investment management LGT Funds SICAV Investment advisers 1 LGT Funds II SICAV 1 Investment advisers LGT Investments Ltd. Investment advisers 1 LGT Premium Strategy Ltd. 1 Investment advisers LGT Fondsleitung Ltd. Investment advisers LGT Capital Partners Advisers Ltd. Investment advisers LGT Financial Services Ltd. Services company LGT Audit Revisions AG LGT Strategy Units (Lie) AGmvK Audit services 1,7 Investment advisers LGT Bank (Singapore) Ltd. Banking and investment management LGT Investment Management (Asia) Ltd. LGT Capital Partners (Asia-Pacific) Ltd., Hong Kong Investment management LGT Holding (Malaysia) Ltd. Holding company LGT Bank (Cayman) Ltd. Banking and investment management LGT Finance Ltd. Financing LGT Global Invest Ltd. Investment management LGT Participations Ltd. 5 Investment management LGT Certificates Ltd. 86 Consulting and advisers 8 6 Investment management LGT (Uruguay) S.A. Bank representation LGT (Middle East) Ltd. 9 Investment advisers 1 Companies with variable share capital structure, only part of fund manager held by LGT Group Foundation. 2 Partly held via LGT Global Invest Ltd., Grand Cayman. 3 Voting rights held via LGT Bank Ltd., Vaduz. 4 Partly held via LGT Bank Ltd., Vaduz. 5 Share capital decrease by CHF 1. 6 Company with variable share capital structure, only founder’s shares held by LGT Group Foundation. 7 Acquired as per 1 June 2012. 8 Acquired as per 10 February 2012. 9 Founded in December 2012. LGT Group Foundation – notes to the financial statements Registered office % of voting % of capital rights held held Share capital (paid in) Net profit of the Vaduz – Liechtenstein 100.0 100.0 CHF 291 200 800 CHF 167 644 Vaduz – Liechtenstein 62.8 62.8 CHF 1 000 000 CHF 2 896 subsidiary in business year 2012 (‘000) Vaduz – Liechtenstein 60.0 60.0 CHF 1 000 000 CHF 14 943 Vaduz – Liechtenstein 100.0 100.0 CHF 1 000 000 CHF -4 075 Vaduz – Liechtenstein 100.0 100.0 CHF 50 000 CHF 0 Vaduz – Liechtenstein 100.0 100.0 CHF 50 000 CHF 0 Vaduz – Liechtenstein 100.0 100.0 CHF 50 000 CHF -6 Vaduz – Liechtenstein 100.0 100.0 CHF 50 000 CHF 0 Vaduz – Liechtenstein 100.0 100.0 CHF 1 000 000 CHF 57 Vaduz – Liechtenstein 100.0 100.0 CHF 250 000 CHF 3 183 Vaduz – Liechtenstein 100.0 100.0 CHF 1 000 000 CHF -8 651 Vaduz – Liechtenstein 100.0 100.0 CHF 100 000 CHF -11 Vaduz – Liechtenstein 100.0 100.0 CHF 50 000 CHF 0 Singapore 100.0 100.0 SGD 370 000 000 CHF 4 263 Hong Kong – China 100.0 2 100.0 2 HKD 24 000 000 HKD 1 840 Hong Kong – China 100.0 100.0 HKD 66 000 000 HKD -1 061 Labuan – Malaysia 100.0 100.0 CHF 90 100 000 CHF -89 955 Grand Cayman – Cayman Islands 100.0 3 100.0 4 USD 600 000 CHF 8 572 Grand Cayman – Cayman Islands 100.0 100.0 USD 50 001 CHF 1 387 Grand Cayman – Cayman Islands 100.0 100.0 CHF 4 CHF 46 753 Grand Cayman – Cayman Islands 100.0 100.0 CHF 7 CHF -214 Grand Cayman – Cayman Islands 100.0 100.0 CHF 1 CHF 0 Montevideo – Uruguay 100.0 100.0 UYU 9 647 616 USD -26 Dubai – United Arab Emirates 100.0 100.0 USD 17 000 000 USD -618 The book value of the participations in banks and finance companies is CHF 823 351 526. LGT Group Foundation – notes to the financial statements 87 7 Other assets (TCHF) Dividend proposed from LGT Bank Ltd., Vaduz Receivables from subsidiary undertakings Receivables from others Total 8 9 Amounts due to banks (TCHF) 782 6 180 10 809 74 567 59 639 2011 1 280 500 Total 451 333 1 280 500 Other liabilities (TCHF) 2012 2011 Bonuses 6 050 4 268 986 986 9 108 1 725 444 148 Others 581 462 17 169 7 589 2012 2011 Opening balance 33 922 41 671 Current year expenses 12 675 1 422 -631 -9 171 Total Provisions (TCHF) Provisions released Provisions utilized -791 0 Closing balance 45 175 33 922 2012 2011 Equity at the beginning of the business year 710 369 697 299 Payment to the Prince of Liechtenstein Foundation -75 000 -75 000 Statement of changes in equity (TCHF) Profit for the period Total equity at the end of the business year Headcount Headcount at 31 December 88 48 048 4 323 2012 Long-term incentive scheme 12 64 064 451 333 Social security costs 11 2011 Amounts due to LGT Bank Ltd., Vaduz Salaries 10 2012 LGT Group Foundation – notes to the financial statements 90 414 88 070 725 783 710 369 2012 2011 9 8 13 Analysis of balance sheet by origin Foreign % Domestic % Total % 0 0.00 777 100.00 777 100.00 at 31 December 2012 (TCHF) Assets Loans and advances to banks Other loans and advances Participations 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 659 190 55.81 521 894 44.19 1 181 084 100.00 Other assets 55 0.07 74 512 99.93 74 567 100.00 Total assets 659 245 52.47 597 183 47.53 1 256 428 100.00 0 0.00 451 333 100.00 451 333 100.00 Liabilities Amounts due to banks 0 0.00 17 169 100.00 17 169 100.00 Accrued expenses and deferred income Other liabilities 16 654 98.15 314 1.85 16 968 100.00 Provisions 12 675 28.06 32 500 71.94 45 175 100.00 0 0.00 725 783 100.00 725 783 100.00 29 329 2.33 1 227 099 97.67 1 256 428 100.00 Foreign % Domestic % Total % 0 0.00 815 100.00 815 100.00 Other loans and advances 587 508 100.00 0 0.00 587 508 100.00 Participations 865 925 62.39 521 925 37.61 1 387 850 100.00 Foundation capital Total liabilities Analysis of balance sheet by origin at 31 December 2011 (TCHF) Assets Loans and advances to banks Other assets 719 1.21 58 920 98.79 59 639 100.00 Total assets 1 454 152 71.43 581 660 28.57 2 035 812 100.00 0 0.00 1 280 500 100.00 1 280 500 100.00 Liabilities Amounts due to banks 0 0.00 7 589 100.00 7 589 100.00 Accrued expenses and deferred income Other liabilities 1 627 47.41 1 805 52.59 3 432 100.00 Provisions 1 422 4.19 32 500 95.81 33 922 100.00 0 0.00 710 369 100.00 710 369 100.00 3 049 0.15 2 032 763 99.85 2 035 812 100.00 Foundation capital Total liabilities LGT Group Foundation – notes to the financial statements 89 14 Breakdown of assets according to 2012 % 2011 % 597 183 47.53 581 659 28.57 2 345 0.19 719 0.03 country/country group (TCHF) Liechtenstein Europe excl. Liechtenstein Americas 255 224 20.31 575 224 28.26 Asia 401 676 31.97 878 210 43.14 1 256 428 100.00 2 035 812 100.00 US Dollars Euros Other Total Total assets 15 Foreign exchange exposure Swiss Francs at 31 December 2012 (TCHF) Assets Loans and advances to banks Other loans and advances Participations 777 0 0 0 777 0 0 0 0 0 872 967 15 224 0 292 893 1 181 084 Other assets 74 567 0 0 0 74 567 Total assets 948 311 15 224 0 292 893 1 256 428 Liabilities Amounts due to banks 449 000 0 0 2 333 451 333 17 169 0 0 0 17 169 Accrued expenses and deferred income 16 756 40 98 74 16 968 Provisions 33 900 0 11 275 0 45 175 Other liabilities Foundation capital Total liabilities Foreign exchange exposure 725 783 0 0 0 725 783 1 242 608 40 11 373 2 407 1 256 428 Swiss Francs US Dollars Euros Other Total 815 0 0 0 815 at 31 December 2011 (TCHF) Assets Loans and advances to banks Other loans and advances Participations 587 508 0 0 0 587 508 1 097 024 224 0 290 602 1 387 850 Other assets 58 984 0 0 655 59 639 Total assets 1 744 331 224 0 291 257 2 035 812 Liabilities Amounts due to banks Other liabilities Accrued expenses and deferred income Provisions Foundation capital Total liabilities 90 LGT Group Foundation – notes to the financial statements 1 280 500 0 0 0 1 280 500 7 589 0 0 0 7 589 3 432 0 0 0 3 432 32 500 0 1 422 0 33 922 710 369 0 0 0 710 369 2 034 390 0 1 422 0 2 035 812 16 Analysis of current assets and liabilities On demand by maturity at 31 December 2012 (TCHF) Within More than More than 3 months 3 and less 12 months Total than 12 months Current assets 777 0 0 0 777 Other loans and advances Loans and advances to banks 0 0 0 0 0 Other assets 0 7 503 64 064 3 000 74 567 777 7 503 64 064 3 000 75 344 0 451 333 0 0 451 333 Total current assets Current liabilities Amounts due to banks Other liabilities 0 1 025 16 144 0 17 169 Accrued expenses and deferred income 0 843 4 125 12 000 16 968 Total current liabilities 0 453 201 20 269 12 000 485 470 Within More than More than Total 3 months 3 and less 12 months Analysis of current assets and liabilities On demand by maturity at 31 December 2011 (TCHF) than 12 months Current assets Loans and advances to banks Other loans and advances Other assets Total current assets 815 0 0 0 815 587 508 0 0 0 587 508 0 5 591 48 048 6 000 59 639 588 323 5 591 48 048 6 000 647 962 0 1 060 500 220 000 0 1 280 500 Current liabilities Amounts due to banks 17 Other liabilities 0 609 6 980 0 7 589 Accrued expenses and deferred income 0 3 316 116 0 3 432 Total current liabilities 0 1 064 425 227 096 0 1 291 521 Emoluments to members of the management The emoluments to the members of the Foundation Board and to the Group and business unit executives employed by the Foundation are disclosed under note 37 in the consolidated financial statements of LGT Group Foundation. LGT Group Foundation – notes to the financial statements 91 International presence and imprint AustriaSalzburg Media relations Christof Buri Vienna Phone +423 235 23 03 BahrainManama ChinaBeijing Germany Frankfurt am Main Dispatch Iris Dreier Hong Kong Hong Kong Phone +423 235 20 51 IrelandDublin JapanTokyo LiechtensteinVaduz NetherlandsRotterdam SingaporeSingapore SwitzerlandBasel Berne Chur Davos Geneva Lausanne Lugano Pfäffikon Zurich United Arab Emirates Dubai United KingdomLondon United States of America New York UruguayMontevideo 92 International presence and imprint Portrait of Prince Joseph Wenzel I of Liechtenstein During his stay in Paris (1738–1741) Prince Joseph Wenzel I of Liechtenstein had himself painted, twice, by the French portraitist Hyacinthe Rigaud who was probably the greatest of the period. In each case ensuring that he was recorded in his full regalia and with an almost imperial demeanour. To mark his appointment as Austrian Ambassador, the prince ordered a luxury vehicle from the best manufacturers in Paris, his celebrated Golden Carriage, which was both technologically and stylistically one of the most advanced of its day. It was in this carriage that Joseph Wenzel I of Liechtenstein would arrive at Versailles and at the Louvre; and it was also in this carriage that Isabella of Parma, the bride of the later Emperor Josef II, made the journey from Parma to Vienna. © LIECHTENSTEIN. The Princely Collections, Vaduz–Vienna The illustrations in this brochure are details from Hyacinthe Rigaud, “Portrait of Prince Joseph Wenzel I of Liechtenstein”, 1740 LGT Group is represented in more than 20 locations in Europe, Asia and the Middle East. A complete address list can be seen at 50027en 0513 1.2T GUT LGT Group Foundation Herrengasse 12 FL-9490 Vaduz Phone +423 235 11 22 Fax +423 235 16 77