west kentucky community and technical college

Advanced Computer & Technology Applications
Carlisle County High School
Business Department
Ms. Annie Vandiver
1-270-628-3800 ext. 4118
Course Costs:
This course is a dual credit course with Murray State University. If student successfully completes the course
they will receive one credit at Carlisle County High School and three credit hours at Murray State University.
There are fees required for this course. Below is a comparison of the costs if taken at CCHS and MSU.
If course is taken at Carlisle County High School
Application to Murray State
Course fee
SimNet online book fee
Total Cost for dual credit
If course is taken at Murray State (CSC 199)
Application to Murray State
Course fee ($274/credit hour)
SimNet online book fee
Total Cost $935.00
30.00 (if the student is already enrolled at MSU this is not necessary)
30.00 (if the student is already enrolled at MSU this is not necessary)
Course Description:
This course is designed to provide students an advanced-level experience with practical applications through
hands-on instruction. Course content will include understanding of various hardware, software, operating
systems, care/operations, administrative applications, and employability skills. The software includes advanced
business applications using word processing, presentation, spreadsheets, database management, desktop
publishing, and electronic communication. Upon completion of this course, a student should be ready to take
the core level tests for MOS Certification and/or the Administrative Support Skill Standards Certificate.
Leadership development will be provided through FBLA.
Approved Program/Course Objectives:
See attached MSU CSC 199 syllabus
Learning Resource(s)/Text(s):
SimNet online version
The Office, 4th Edition (supplemented as needed by instructor)
Notebook, pen or pencil, flash drive, and pocket folder
Grading Criteria:
The final grade for the course will be determined by examining the number of points earned compared to the
number of points available. The grading scale to be used in determining grades is as follows:
A 90-100%
B 80-89%
C 70-79%
F or failing grade 69% and below
Honesty Policy:
See MSU CSC 199 course syllabus for academic honesty requirements.
Classroom Rules:
1. Be on time.
2. Respect others privacy, property, opinions, and feelings.
3. Stay on task.
4. Be attentive and follow procedures and directions the first time they are given.
5. No food or drink in the computer lab.
An on-going part of the Business Department’s curriculum centers around teaching students to be ethical,
honest, and moral employees for tomorrow’s business world. Any dishonest behavior in this classroom will be
dealt with by both the teacher and the administration. Immediate parental involvement should be expected by
the student.
In addition to these rules, all students must abide by the rules and policies set in the Student Handbook.
Students are allowed to leave the room (locker, bathroom, office) 2 times per nine weeks.
Make-up Work Policy:
Student attendance is imperative and students must come to class prepared, punctual and ready to learn. Only
students with excused absences will be allowed to make up class work or exams. Check with the instructor for
any make-up work applicable. Students with excused absences are allowed three school days to make up work
after returning from an absence.* Since this course is through MSU, the due dates will be set by the MSU
professor, not the CCHS instructor. Make-up work is YOUR responsibility.
*Under extreme circumstances, students might be allowed additional time to submit an assignment at the
discretion of the instructor.
Note: This syllabus may be changed at the discretion of the instructor. All students will be notified of these
changes in writing or orally.
Murray Sate application and FERPA agreement are required in order to take this course. Both will be supplied
by Ms. Vandiver during the first week of school.
Student must print their name and sign on the line below after they have read over this syllabus with their parent(s) or guardian(s). By signing,
the student agrees to follow ALL policies and procedures as described above for this class. Parent/guardian also needs to sign showing
agreement with policies and procedures as described above.
Student Name (print): _____________________________________
Student Signature: _____________________________________
Date: ______________________
Date: ______________________
2012 – 2013 School Year
Introduction to Information Technology
A. Title.................................................................. Introduction to Information Technology
B. Credits................................................................................................. 3 Semester Hours
C. Term ....................................................................................... 2012 – 2013 School Year
Name: ............................................................................................... Chad Wortham
Office Location ....................................................... 115 G Industry and Technology
Office Telephone number ................................................................... 270-809-3490
Department Secretary ......................................................................... 270-809-2094
Department Fax .................................................................................. 270-809-3199
E-mail .................................................................... chad.wortham@murraystate.edu
Office Hours .................................................. Monday – Friday, 8:00 am – 4:30 pm
High School Classroom TBA
As scheduled
CATALOG DESCRIPTION: This introductory computing course is designed for students pursuing
any program of study. It is intended to provide the student with knowledge about computing in
general and personal computing in particular. In addition to general concepts about computing in our
technological society, the student will acquire competency with Windows and its file management
system, word processing, spread sheet, database management, and presentation graphics software.
Corequisites: MAT 117, 140, or appropriate Math ACT score (ACT math score of at least 20.)
PURPOSE: To introduce the student to fundamental information about computers and computing and
how this progressive technology affects and improves our lives. In addition, the student will be
instructed in the use of, and gain competency with, personal productivity software.
COURSE OBJECTIVES: At the successful completion of this course, the students will
Demonstrate a general understanding of computing and its uses,
Demonstrate proficiency in creating and managing files and folders,
Demonstrate word processing proficiency in creating research documents and papers
formatted according to any generally acceptable document formatting style,
Demonstrate competency in designing and using spreadsheets to assist in decision making,
Demonstrate competency in designing and querying simple databases,
Demonstrate proficiency in using presentation software to develop and to enhance oral
presentations, and
Be able to use specialized software like Murray State University’s Blackboard™.In addition,
the students will have developed sufficient knowledge to make informed decisions on the
selection of a personal computer and will be able to use that product effectively without
Assurance of Learning
Bachelor of Arts in Business (BAB) and Bachelor of Science in Business (BSB) programs: Graduates of the
Bachelor of Arts in Business (BAB) and Bachelor of Science in Business (BSB) programs shall be able to:
Goal 1: Fundamental Knowledge
Demonstrate a fundamental knowledge of the core business disciplines.
Goal 2: Problem-Solving and Decision-Making
Demonstrate effective problem solving and decision making skills in business situations.
Goal 3: Information Technology
Apply information Technology tools appropriately in the analysis of business problems.
Goal 4: Ethical Issues
Perform a structured analysis of ethical issues in business.
Goal 5: Global and Multicultural Dimensions
Demonstrate knowledge of the global and multicultural dimensions of the modern business
Goal 6: Oral and Written Communication
Communicate effectively in oral and written formats
Goal 7: Foreign Language [Bachelor of Arts in Business Programs Only]
Understand, speak, read and write a second language at the intermediate level.
COURSE CONTENT: Refer to “Course Sequence” below.
INSTRUCTIONAL ACTIVITIES: Instructional methodology will include lecture and discussion of
literacy concepts. Application concepts will be presented by lecture, demonstration and instructorsupervised activities. Approximately 30% of the time will be allocated for concepts and 70%
allocated for software applications.
FIELD AND CLINICAL EXPERIENCES: No specific field or clinical experience is mandated by
the instructor.
RESOURCES: Microsoft® Office™ Professional Software (Office 2010 or 2007 depending on
available high school technology), Computer with Microsoft® Windows.
GRADING PROCEDURES: Total points consist of the following:
Literacy concept exams
Application concept exam
Homework Average
Application Projects
Percent of grade
Grading Scale
80% - 89%=B
70% - 79%=C
60% - 69%=D
> 60%=E
Important points regarding this course include:
A. Office Application Pretests: At the option of your high school instructor, an examination may be
given prior to the introduction of each application. This pretest option will not exempt you from
completing any assignments in the application.
B. Office Application Tests: There will be four tests in the lab. Dates and times of all tests will be
announced in class. You are strongly discouraged from missing a test. Should circumstances
prevent you from taking a test at the scheduled time, your absence must be excused and the makeup test MUST be arranged with your high school instructor. Unexcused missed examinations will
be assigned a score of zero or your pre-test score, whichever is greater. Excuses are limited to
family emergencies and university or high school related required activities.
C. Literacy Concept Exams: Lecture exams will be delivered on-line during your scheduled lab time
through SimNet®. Tardiness will have a negative effect on your exam grades. Should
circumstances prevent you from taking an exam at the scheduled time, your absence must be
excused and the make-up exam MUST be arranged with your high school instructor. Unexcused
missed examinations will be assigned a score of zero.
D. Homework: Unless otherwise announced, homework is to be turned in prior to the beginning of
class on the day it is due. Homework may be submitted early but cannot be submitted late. The
Assignment Link for each assignment will be taken down on the day the assignment is due.
Students using Office 2010: With the exception of the Blackboard and Windows Explorer
assignments, all homework is to be submitted through SimNet® SimGrader. The Blackboard and
Windows Explorer assignments will be submitted through a Blackboard assignments link.
Students using Office 2007: With the exception of the Blackboard, Windows Explorer and
Access assignments, all homework is to be submitted through SimNet® SimGrader. The
Blackboard, Windows Explorer and Access assignments will be submitted though a Blackboard
assignment link.
E. Record and Verification of Grades: You should maintain a record of your grades and retain all
assignments returned to you until after final grades are posted. In addition, you should maintain a
back-up copy of all work. You will be provided the opportunity to verify your grades against the
instructor’s records.
F. Additional outside work: No additional work will be accepted for “extra credit” or “grade
G. Group Work/Collaboration: CSC 199 assignments and projects are NEVER group or team
projects. All work presented is to be the work of the student presenting it. Special software tools
will be used to identify duplicated work. Faculty/staff of CSC 199 make no attempt to determine
who created the work and who duplicated it. Both parties will receive a 0 for the assignment on
the first offense and an “E” for the course on the second offense. All instances of duplicated
work will be reported to the Dean’s Office as stipulated in the College of Business’ Academic
Honesty Policy, see below.
H. Term Project: Completion of the term project is required for successful completion of the course.
Failing to complete the Excel, Access or PowerPoint Projects will result in a grade of zero for that
assignment. Failing to complete the term project (Word) will result in a final grade of “E.”
Projects may be submitted early but will not be accepted if late. The Assignment Link for each
application project will on Blackboard and will be taken down on the day the assignment is due.
I. Surveys: Occasionally an instructor may want to administer Blackboard surveys to collect data
for his/her research. Participation is voluntary.
ATTENDANCE POLICY: You are expected and strongly encouraged to attend all class meetings on
time in order to gain maximum benefit from the course. Class attendance will be recorded and will
affect your final grade. Your high school’s attendance policy will be strictly enforced.
For high schools using Office 2010:
Integrated SimNet/SimGrader Code for Office 2010 authorization code.
For high schools using Office 2007:
Integrated SimNet/SimGrader Code for Office 2007 authorization code.
XIV. PREREQUISITES: Corequisites: MAT 117, 140, or appropriate Math ACT score (ACT math score
of at least 20.) (Introductory word processing skills are helpful.)
POLICY ON COPYRIGHTED SOFTWARE: The College of Business and the Murray State
University policy on copyrighted microcomputer software is:
Such software will not be illegally copied; no member of the faculty, staff, or student body will illegally
make copies of copyrighted microcomputer software.
Federal law protects copyrighted microcomputer software, and illegally copying such software would be a
violation of federal law. In addition, removal of computer software constitutes theft of university property,
regardless of the physical value of the diskettes, manuals, etc.
All students of the University community are expected to follow this College Policy and to adhere to
federal law. Any one who is found illegally duplicating or removing software will be subject to University action
and will be assigned a failing grade. Any student found loading software on lab equipment or modifying
existing microcomputer configurations would be banned from using the College of Business microcomputer
XVI. ACADEMIC HONESTY: The Academic Honesty Policy of the College of Business will be
consistently followed. A copy of this policy can be found at CoB_Academic_Honesty_Policy. In
cases where a student has been determined to have committed an act of dishonesty, the penalty
assessed by the instructor or university will be administered irrespective of the university calendar.
XVII. NON-DISCRIMINATION POLICY STATEMENT Murray State University endorses the intent of
all federal and state laws created to prohibit discrimination. Murray State University does not
discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, religion, age,
veteran status, or disability in employment, admissions, or the provision of services and provides,
upon request, reasonable accommodation including auxiliary aids and services necessary to afford
individuals with disabilities equal access to participate in all programs and activities. For more
information, contact Sabrina Y. Dial, Director of Equal Opportunity, Murray State University, 103
Wells Hall, Murray, KY 42071-3318. Telephone: 270-809-3155 (voice), 270-809-3361 (TDD).
XVIII. ACCEPTANCE OF RULES AND GUIDELINES: Being registered for this class implies that you
agree to and accept the guidelines of this course as set forth in this syllabus.
COURSE SEQUENCING: The following materials are to be covered.
A. Application Portion: Following the outline in Microsoft Office 2010™: a lesson approach. (OR
1. Word Units 1 through 3.
2. Excel Units 1 through 3.
3. Access Units 1 and 2.
4. PowerPoint
B. Lecture Portion: Following the outline in Using Information Technology.
1. Chapters 1 through 6.
XXI. COURSE DELIVERABLES: The following graded activities are to be completed:
A. Application Portion:
1. Exams: One each in Word, Excel, Access and PowerPoint.
2. Homework:
a) Blackboard assignment
b) Windows Explorer assignment
c) Word: Three assignments, one for each unit.
d) Excel: Three assignments, one for each unit.
e) Access: Two assignments, one for each unit.
f) PowerPoint: One assignment
3. Application Capstone Projects:
a) Term Project (Word and a charting from Excel)
b) Excel Project
c) Access Project
d) PowerPoint Project
B. Concepts Portion:
1. Lecture Exam 1 covering Chapter 1 and 2 materials.
2. Lecture Exam 2 covering Chapter 3 and 4 materials.
3. Lecture Exam 3 covering Chapter 5 and 6 materials.