f To make decisions based on my values and beliefs.
f To always be treated with RESPECT in all of my relationships.
f To my own body, thoughts, opinions, beliefs, and property.
f To choose and keep my friends—at any time.
f To not be abused—physically, emotionally or sexually.
f To leave a relationship or friendship - at any time.
f To say NO!
f To be treated as an equal and a person of sacred worth.
f To disagree.
f To live without fear and confusion from anger expressed by those I am in relationship with.
f To change my mind at any time.
f To live out my faith/beliefs in all my relationships.
f To not threaten to harm myself or another.
f To encourage the pursuit of dreams for all.
f To support others emotionally.
f To communicate, not manipulate.
f To support rather than humiliate or demean others.
f To refuse to abuse—physically, emotionally or sexually.
f To take care of myself as part of God’s good creation.
f To allow others to maintain their individuality.
f To respect myself and others.
f To be honest.
Adapted from “Dating Rights” http://www.atg.wa.gov/dating-rights. Washington State Office of the
Attorney General. Used by permission.