Big Guns Engineering, Geoscience & Geomechanics Division 600, 640 – 8th Ave SW Calgary, AB T 403.294.1444 F 403.206.6196 MINI-FRAC ANALYSIS REPORT Well Name: Grizzly OV Leismer 8-18-77-8 Location: 1AA/08-18-077-08W4/00 Report Date: June 12, 2013 Prepared For: Grizzly Oil Sands Prepared By: Vivian Yuen-Lee, P.Eng., M.Eng. Reviewed By: Dickson Lee, P.Eng., M.Eng. Interpretations, analyses, recommendations, advice or interpretational data furnished by Big Guns Energy Services, hereinafter “BGES”, are opinions based upon inferences from measurements, empirical relationships and assumptions, and industry practice, which inferences, assumptions and practices are not infallible. BGES cannot, and does not, guarantee the accuracy or the correctness of any interpretation. The Customer assumes full responsibility for the use of such interpretations and/or recommendations and for all decisions based thereon. BGES shall not be responsible for the unauthorized distribution of any confidential document or report prepared by or on behalf of BGES for the exclusive use of the Customer. Big Guns Energy Services Grizzly 8-18 Mini-Frac BACKGROUND ........................................................................................................................ 2 SUMMARY OF TEST & RESULTS ............................................................................................................. 2 QUALITY CONTROL CHECK................................................................................................................... 3 TEST LIMITATIONS AND USE OF RESULTS ................................................................................................ 3 LOCATION ...................................................................................................................................... 4 TEST INTERVALS............................................................................................................................... 4 METHODOLOGY ...................................................................................................................... 5 IN-SITU STRESS THEORY .................................................................................................................... 5 PRINCIPLE OF MINI-FRACS .................................................................................................................. 6 ANALYSIS & INTERPRETATION .............................................................................................................. 7 G-Function ______________________________________________________________________________ 7 The Log-Log Plot of Derivative_______________________________________________________________ 8 Additional Diagnostic Plots __________________________________________________________________ 9 After-Closure Analysis ____________________________________________________________________ 10 Software Basis __________________________________________________________________________ 10 TEST DESIGN & PROCEDURE................................................................................................ 11 DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS ................................................................................................................. 11 DATA QUALITY CONTROL .................................................................................................................. 11 EQUIPMENT ................................................................................................................................... 12 Injection System_________________________________________________________________________ 12 Instrumentation _________________________________________________________________________ 12 TEST PROCEDURE ........................................................................................................................... 12 DATA ANALYSIS BY TEST INTERVAL .................................................................................... 14 MINI-FRAC TEST INTERVAL #1: MCMURRAY SAND @ 355.0MKB ............................................................... 14 G-Function Analysis ______________________________________________________________________ Log-Log Pressure Derivative Analysis ________________________________________________________ Sqrt(t) Analysis __________________________________________________________________________ Confirmation Test ________________________________________________________________________ Summary of Test in Oil Sands @ 355.0mKB ___________________________________________________ 15 16 17 18 21 MINI-FRAC TEST INTERVAL #2: CLEARWATER SHALE @ 306.0MKB ............................................................ 22 G-Function Analysis ______________________________________________________________________ Log-Log Pressure Derivative Analysis ________________________________________________________ Sqrt(t) Analysis __________________________________________________________________________ Confirmation Test ________________________________________________________________________ Summary of Test in Clearwater Shale @ 306.0mKB _____________________________________________ 23 24 25 26 29 MINI-FRAC TEST INTERVAL #3: CLEARWATER SHALE @ 301.0MKB ............................................................ 30 G-Function Analysis ______________________________________________________________________ Log-Log Pressure Derivative Analysis ________________________________________________________ Sqrt(t) Analysis __________________________________________________________________________ Confirmation Test ________________________________________________________________________ Summary of Test in Clearwater Shale @ 301.0mKB _____________________________________________ 31 32 33 33 36 MINI-FRAC TEST INTERVAL #4: CLEARWATER SHALE (TRANSITION) @ 293.5MKB ......................................... 37 G-Function Analysis ______________________________________________________________________ Log-Log Pressure Derivative Analysis ________________________________________________________ Sqrt(t) Analysis __________________________________________________________________________ Confirmation Test ________________________________________________________________________ Summary of Test in Clearwater @ 293.5mKB __________________________________________________ 38 39 40 40 43 EVALUATION OF PRINCIPAL STRESSES & FRACTURE REGIME ........................................... 44 TEST CONCLUSIONS .......................................................................................................... 46 REFERENCES ......................................................................................................................... 47 APPENDIX A RCBL INTERPRETATION .............................................................................. 48 1 Big Guns Energy Services Grizzly 8-18 Mini-Frac Mini-Frac Analysis for Grizzly OV Leismer 8-18-77-8 BACKGROUND The primary purpose of this report is to present the results and findings from a series of mini-frac tests performed in the subject well. These mini-frac tests are conducted to extract critical information, such as an estimate of in-situ stresses, leakoff characteristics and other reservoir parameters in the vicinity of the wellbore. Summary of Test & Results This series of mini-frac tests is primarily designed to determine the fracture closure pressure (or the minimum in-situ stress) and the estimated fracture gradient in the oil sands payzone as well as multiple capping layers. Key results presented below are converted to atmospheric pressures, using a standard barometric pressure of 93 kPa(a): SHmin (kP(a)) Gradient (kPa/m) (kP(a)) Sv Sv Gradient Clearwater Shale (Transition) 4494 15.29 6232 21.20 301 – 302 Clearwater Shale 5509 18.27 6392 21.20 306 – 307 Clearwater Shale 5171 16.87 6503 21.22 355 – 356 McMurray Sand 4613 12.98 7539 21.21 Test Interval (mKB) Formation 293.5 – 294.5 SHmin (kPa/m) The following plot graphically compares the magnitude of the two principal stresses in the test well. Fig.1. In-situ stresses in 1AA/08-18-077-08W4/00 2 Big Guns Energy Services Grizzly 8-18 Mini-Frac All data points on this plot demonstrate that the minimum in-situ stresses at the tested intervals are less than the calculated overburden stresses. As a result, a vertical fracture regime is generally expected at the test depths. Quality Control Check For each test interval, two injection cycles were analyzed for repeatability. The difference in closure stresses between cycles is presented on the plot below. With a difference of less than 1.5% in closure stresses between cycles in all three caprock layers, Big Guns Energy Services is of the opinion that the results from the tests interpreted are consistent and repeatable. The difference between cycles in the oilsands payzone is relatively larger; the second cycle yielded a closure stress that was 5.5% higher than the initial test cycle. The possible causes will be discussed in the body of this report. Difference in Closure Stresses between Test Cycles Difference in Closure Stresses -6.0% 290 -5.0% -4.0% -3.0% -2.0% -1.0% 0.0% 1.0% 2.0% 3.0% 4.0% 5.0% 6.0% 300 310 Depth (m) 320 330 340 350 360 Fig.2. Difference in closure stresses between test cycles at each interval Test Limitations and Use of Results Big Guns attempts to provide the best interpretation procedure possible. However, the properties that are estimated above are done on the basis of indirect measurements and are, therefore, uncertain. The interpretations, analyses and recommendations are opinions based upon inferences from measurements, empirical relationships and assumptions, and industry practice, which are not infallible. Big Guns Energy Services Inc. does not guarantee the accuracy or the correctness of any interpretation. The results of this report should only be used based on the Customer’s expert concurrence with the methodology and techniques used. The Customer assumes full responsibility for the use of such interpretations and/or recommendations and for all decisions based thereon. 3 Big Guns Energy Services Grizzly 8-18 Mini-Frac Location The subject well is located at LSD 08-18-077-08W4 within the Leismer field area. It is approximately 10km northwest of Conklin, AB, along Highway 881. Fig.3. Location of test well Test Intervals In this series of tests, the McMurray oilsands payzone along with three intervals of the capping layers were tested to determine the minimum in-situ stress. The following log section is highlighted for ease of reference. From 304.4 to 310mKB is a thin layer of Clearwater shale. A test interval is selected from this zone because it is expected to have different properties than the Clearwater shale immediately above it. In order to keep the frac to stay within the Clearwater shale, the test interval is selected at roughly 1.5 meters below the sandier caprock that ends at 304.3mKB, and 4 meters above the adjacent sand layer. 4 Big Guns Energy Services Grizzly 8-18 Mini-Frac Fig.4. Test intervals METHODOLOGY In-situ Stress Theory The in-situ stresses in the subsurface can be described by the magnitudes and orientations of three orthogonal principal stresses, σ 1 , σ 2 and σ 3, listed in descending order of magnitude. In geomechanics, compressive stress is normally defined as positive. These stresses are influenced by many factors, including weight of the overburden, tectonic movements, creep flow and plasticity, fluid pressure, etc. By definition, one principal stress will always be oriented perpendicular to a free surface. Because the present-day topography across the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin is relatively flat, and structurally the geology is closer to planar. Therefore, it is reasonable to describe one of the principal stresses as near-vertical, or perpendicular to the topography. The remaining two principal stresses, being orthogonal to the vertical principal stress, would lie approximately on the horizontal plane. The vertical stress is commonly referred to as S v , while the two horizontal stresses are denoted by S Hmax and S Hmin . The next figure illustrates the generalized orientation of the principal stresses in the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin. In this study, magnitudes of S v will be calculated from density logs and the S Hmin will be derived from mini-frac tests. 5 Big Guns Energy Services Grizzly 8-18 Mini-Frac Fig.5. Principal in-situ stresses in the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin Principle of Mini-fracs In a mini-frac, fluid is injected into the reservoir at high pressure that causes a tensile rupture of the borehole. Propagation of the fracture then occurs due to stress concentration at the edge of the fracture. Fractures naturally follow the path of least resistance, which means the fracture plane will be perpendicular to the lowest principal stress. Since the pressure at which a fracture closes corresponds to the least pressure required to keep that fracture open, the fracture closure pressure represents the smallest compression against the rock. Therefore, it is equivalent to the smallest principal stress acting on it. Fig.6. Typical orientation of fracture in the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin A mini-frac test consists of an injection and a fall-off period. During the injection phase, a controlled volume of water is injected into the well to create a short fracture in the formation. The created fracture penetrates the near-wellbore damaged area and exposes the undamaged formation to the flow transients. The formation immediately surrounding the well is stress relieved by the drilling of the well. The fracture directly connects the undamaged formation with the wellbore and forms an efficient flow passage for the pressure and stress response of the true formation to the injection. Once the fracture is open and has propagated a short distance, the pumps are shut down. Subsequently, the pressure declines and the fracture closes. Pressure data is recorded before and after the fracture closure. The next figure shows typical pressure response during a mini-frac test. When the injection fluid pressure exceeds the wellbore hoop stress, the formation breakdown occurs and a fracture is initiated. Most rocks and soils are assumed to have minimal tensile strength. The fracture propagates as the injection continues. At the end 6 Big Guns Energy Services Grizzly 8-18 Mini-Frac of the injection, the pumps are shut down. There is a rapid pressure drop since there is no friction pressure loss when the fluids slow down and eventually stop moving. The pressure at this instance, when the frictional pressure drop stops, is called the ISIP, or the instanteous shut-in pressure. Fluid begins to leak from the fracture into the formation immediately before closure happens. The fracture closure pressure is the pressure required to hold the fracture open after initiation, or to keep the fracture from just closing. After fracture closure, the pressure transient established around the wellbore propagates into the reservoir, transitioning into pseudo-linear and pseudo-radial flow periods. Fig.7. Typical mini-frac pressure vs. time plot Analysis & Interpretation Fracture diagnostic techniques described in SPE paper 107877, “Holistic Fracture Diagnostics”, are applied in the interpretation of test data. The objective of the analysis is to provide consistent interpretation that helps to give the most useful information available from the mini-frac tests. The prescribed diagnostic post shut-in pressure decline transient analysis includes a suite of analytical techniques through which bottomhole pressures and delta-pressures are plotted against different time scales. More than one method is used to identify the fracture closure. Instead of picking any individual diagnostic plots for interpretation, it is important to look at the whole suite of plots in order to gain a more comprehensive understanding of what information the test data is conveying. G-Function One important method that minimizes ambiguity and provides useful in-situ stress and leakoff information is the G-function analysis. The G-function is a dimensionless time function that relates shut-in time to total pumping time. This process uses derivative curves to identify leakoff mechanisms and fracture closure point through the characteristic 7 Big Guns Energy Services Grizzly 8-18 Mini-Frac shapes of the curves. The G-function plot features a pressure vs. G-time curve and semilog derivative of pressure vs. G-time curve. In many cases, the expected signature of the semilog curve is a straight line that passes through the origin. Fracture closure point is identified at the point when the G-function derivative curve starts to deviate from its straight tangent line in a normal leakoff (most ideal) case. Fig.8. G-function plot showing fracture closure This technique was introduced by Kenneth G. Nolte in 1979, and has been widely used in the industry. G-function does not assume a single planar fracture and will show the effects of multiple fracture planes propagating against different closure stresses. The normal leakoff model is applied to the sole case of perfectly linear pressure decay on the Gfunction P vs. G plot. This is the solution of the diffusivity equation for one-dimensional linear flow with constant pressure boundary conditions. However, deviation from this ideal behavior is generally expected. The other pressure fall-off scenarios are pressuredependent leakoff, fracture extension, height recession, and variable storage, etc. The Gfunction curves for each of these scenarios display a different signature; therefore, analysis and interpretation for each case are also handled differently. The Log-Log Plot of Derivative The log-log plot is a plot of the change in pressure with change in time after shut-in. This plot is extremely powerful in that it can be used to determine fracture closure, leakoff mechanism, and transient flow regimes, and after-closure transient flow regimes in the reservoir. This is also a common tool used to interpret well pressure transient test results. The log-log plot of change in pressure with change in time after shut-in features a pressure difference vs. change in time curve and its semilog derivative. It is common for the pressure difference and derivative curves to be parallel immediately before closure. It is also typical for the derivative curve to change from a positive slope to a negative slope when closure occurs. 8 Big Guns Energy Services Grizzly 8-18 Mini-Frac Fig.9. Log-log plot of derivative Because this plot lacks a distinct and clearly identifiable signature for closure, it is used only as a verification tool in this analysis. It is, on the other hand, a powerful tool in determining the transient flow regime in addition to the fracture closure. The slopes of the derivative curve are diagnostic of the flow regimes before and after fracture closure. For instance, a slope of >0.5 before closure indicates a period of fracture linear flow coupled with changing fracture or wellbore storage. A slope of 0.5 around the closure event indicates a period of formation linear flow. After closure, a slope of -1 indicates a fully developed pseudo-radial flow. Before Closure After Closure Slope Flow Pattern ¼ Bilinear ½ Fracture linear -¾ Bilinear -½ Formation linear -1 Pseudo-radial Description Fluid flows from the fracture along linear flow paths normal to the fracture and along the fracture. Fluid flows along the fracture thus increasing fracture width. Fluid flows from the fracture along linear flow paths normal to the fracture and along the fracture. (In reality, closure is unlikely to be truly instantaneous.) Fluid flows into the formation in paths normal to the fracture plane. Fluid flows radially into the formation from the wellbore. Additional Diagnostic Plots In order to consistently interpret test results, the pressure vs. squareroot of time plot can often be used to confirm the closure pressure identified by the G-function plot and the loglog plot of derivative. On a sqrt(t) plot, it has been commonly accepted that the p vs. sqrt(t) curve should form a straight line during fracture closure. However, exactly where closure occurs on this straight line has not been rigorously defined. Numerous sources define the correct closure pick as the inflection point on this p vs. sqrt(t) curve. Since a change in pressure response indicated by the derivatives is the only signal available for interpretation, we plot the 9 Big Guns Energy Services Grizzly 8-18 Mini-Frac inverse of the first derivative of p vs. sqrt(t), and the minimum of this derivative clearly shows the inflection point. Fig.10. Sqrt(t) plot showing fracture closure After-Closure Analysis Once closure is consistently identified, the after-closure flow data can be used to estimate reservoir properties if the pressure fall-off is long enough to reach either a formation linear flow or, ideally, a pseudo-radial flow. In a formation linear flow, fluid flows into the formation in a direction normal to the fracture plane. Pressure gradients within the fracture become negligible. Given time, the pressure transient progresses far enough into the reservoir and flows radially away from the wellbore. This flow regime is known as pseudo-radial flow. Under this condition, the far-field reservoir properties can be more accurately estimated from the decline of pressure transient. After a pseudo-linear and/or pseudo-radial flow regime has been identified, a Cartesian plot of pressure v. linear/radial flow time function can be constructed. On this plot, a straight line is drawn through appropriate data in the identified flow period. The y-intercept of this line gives an estimated pore pressure. Transmissibility can be calculated from the slope of this line. With a known net pay height and reservoir fluid viscosity, permeability can also be estimated. Software Basis The software used for the diagnostics, GOHFER, is a planar 3-D geometry fracture simulator with a fully coupled fluid/solid transport simulator. GOHFER stands for Grid Oriented Hydraulic Fracture Extension Replicator. It uses a planar grid structure to perform elastic rock displacement calculations and a planar finite difference grid for the fluid flow solutions. It incorporates the effects of secondary shear fractures and dilation of shear and existing natural fractures. To account for friction effects that skew mini-frac data, the software can determine pipe friction, friction loss across perforations, and nearwellbore tortuosity when used in combination with a step-rate (down) injection scheme at high rates. 10 Big Guns Energy Services Grizzly 8-18 Mini-Frac The software was developed by Dr. Bob Barree, of Barree & Associates, in collaboration with Stim-Lab, a division of Core Laboratories. It is used extensively in many applications, such as hard rock/tight gas, naturally-fractured reservoirs and moderate-permeability oil sands, without requiring special tuning. Besides mini-frac analyses, GOHFER is commonly used in the oil and gas industry for the design, analysis and optimization of hydraulic fractures. TEST DESIGN & PROCEDURE Design Considerations The design of a mini-frac includes defining the objectives and outputs of the test, establishing adequate injection rates and volumes, selecting test intervals, and defining perforating requirements. The selected injection rate must be substantially larger than the leakoff rate to establish fracture, but an excessive volume may overpressure the surrounding rocks, thereby altering the in-situ stress states. More than one test cycle is supported as a means of ensuring quality data and achieving consistency in the closure pressure interpretation. Nevertheless, one must be aware of the potential alteration in closure stress in the later cycles. Unconsolidated sands may dilate and shear when effective stress changes. Therefore, flow and mechanical properties may not be static. Perforation damage due to compaction and plastic deformation of the rock surrounding the perforation tunnel is real and has been documented even in unconsolidated sands. This phenomenon is known as the “stress cage effect”. The shock of perforating causes a high residual stress concentration around the perforation tunnel, which will affect which and how many perforations break down. Once breakdown is achieved, and if a fracture is generated, the leakoff, closure stress, and formation flow capacity measurements will not be affected by the perforation damage as they are controlled by the properties along the face of the fracture. What may be altered is the total height of formation accessed by a small volume, low rate injection test, so that estimation of permeability may not be possible. Multiple intervals are usually run from the bottom up due to completion logistics. Data Quality Control In order to ensure the accuracy and quality of data obtained, the following measurement and procedural quality control methods are practised: Multiple points of measurements are taken at the wellhead and bottomhole with additional backup bottomhole recorders. Both bottomhole and surface sensors have high resolutions and current calibration certificates. 11 Big Guns Energy Services Grizzly 8-18 Mini-Frac A pressure memory recorder is set with every wireline retrievable isolation plug to detect communication between test intervals. More than one injection cycle is performed for repeatability and in case of anomalies. Equipment Injection System Constant and controlled injection of test fluid is accomplished through the use of a specialized low-rate injection unit designed to inject 0.2 to 140 L/min. up to 21MPa. The system provides an automated flow rate control by means of a DCS (Digital Control System). This injection system eliminates fluctuations in flow rate, thus yielding betterquality pressure response data. Instrumentation Due to wellbore dynamics and the delicacy of the tests, a high precision and multiredundancy monitoring system is critical to the success of the tests. High resolution data is required to detect very subtle changes. Both bottomhole and surface pressure sensors used in these tests have a resolution of ±0.0003% full scale and an accuracy of ±0.025% full scale. Multiple pressure, temperature and flow measurements are taken from downhole and at the surface to ensure accurate and reliable data. It is important to have bottomhole measurement as it can provide more information about the true reservoir response. A grease injector and pressure head are used to ensure a good quality seal on the wireline connecting to the downhole instrumentations. Test Procedure Prior to testing, it is critical to ensure that only clean and formation-compatible water is injected into the test zones. This prevents any formation damage from the injection of unknown wellbore fluid which will impact the results of the tests. Perforations are made at 1.0m intervals at the target depths. The main purpose of perforating is to break through the casing and cement sheath in order to ensure good communication with the formations without creating a significant stress cage effect. Big Guns believes that cased-hole mini-fracs are preferred because of better isolation and no induced stresses from inflatable packers are applied to the formation. One important means for verifying the consistency of test data is to conduct more than one injection cycle using varying injection schemes. The induced fracture is opened and reopened so that successive pressure declines can be monitored to obtain consistent fracture closure pressure. However, there may be instances when the falloff data becomes invalid for analysis due to noise, fluid expansion in the wellbore and mechanical artifacts. The mini-frac tests presented in this report consist of a series of injections at slightly varying rates and natural pressure declines. The results of two injection cycles are compared for consistency and repeatability. 12 Big Guns Energy Services Grizzly 8-18 Mini-Frac After testing each interval, an isolation plug is set with memory pressure and temperature recorders to continue monitoring the interval. This allows for identification of any communications when testing subsequent intervals above the isolated interval. 13 Big Guns Energy Services Grizzly 8-18 Mini-Frac DATA ANALYSIS BY TEST INTERVAL The following analyses are presented in the same order as the intervals were tested. Please note that all analyses have been done in gauge pressures, while the final gradients are presented in absolute pressures. Mini-Frac Test Interval #1: McMurray Sand @ 355.0mKB A mini-frac test was conducted in the 355.0 – 356.0mKB interval on June 4, 2013. Fig.11. Plot of pressure and rate vs. time Two injection cycles were conducted in this interval. The first injection was held at 130L/min. for 4.5 minutes. After the first cycle, the wellhead was vented to allow the fluid level to drop. The second injection was conducted at 145L/min. for 4 minutes. As observed, the second cycle displays a slightly lower propagation pressure and a smoother pressure falloff. Both test cycles have been analyzed and compared for consistency. With its smooth pressure falloff profile, the second cycle will be examined in details, while the first cycle will serve as a means of verification. 14 Big Guns Energy Services Grizzly 8-18 Mini-Frac Fig.12. Second injection cycle G-Function Analysis The G-function is a dimensionless function of shut-in time normalized to pumping time. The following plot features a bottomhole pressure curve displayed in blue and its semilog diagnostic derivative curve displayed in red. The shape of this diagnostic derivative shows signs of transverse storage mechanism, meaning that excessive fluid was stored in the fracture and a secondary fracture network immediately prior to shut-in. The fracture closure likely occurred when the bottomhole pressure reached 4775 kPa(g). This closure event is marked by the vertical line [C]. 15 Big Guns Energy Services Grizzly 8-18 Mini-Frac Fig.13. G-function derivative plot for test interval @ 355mKB Log-Log Pressure Derivative Analysis The log-log plot of change in pressure from ISIP vs. shut-in time features a change-inpressure curve in blue and its semilog derivative curve in red. The slope of this semilog derivative curve is diagnostic of the flow regime established before and after fracture closure. Marker [C] is the unique closure pick from the G-function. Just before closure, these two curves are roughly parallel, thus confirming that the closure pick is in the right location. After fracture closure had occurred, there were brief periods of formation linear and what appears to be pseudo-radial flow. 16 Big Guns Energy Services Grizzly 8-18 Mini-Frac Fig.14. Log-log plot of ΔP vs. time for test interval @ 355mKB Sqrt(t) Analysis On a pressure vs. squareroot of time plot, the pressure vs. sqrt(t) curve forms a straight line during fracture closure. Our closure pick is at the inflection point on the straight-line section of this curve. Because the change in pressure response indicated by a derivative is the only signal available for interpreting the closure, the best way to observe the closure is to plot the first derivative of p vs. sqrt(t) and find the point of maximum amplitude of the derivative. The software used for this analysis plots the inverse of the derivative; therefore, the minimum on the derivative curve represents the closure event. As can be seen, the closure determined by the G-function (shown as vertical line [C]) lands roughly at the minimum of the sqrt(t) inverse derivative, thereby confirming that this closure pick is correct. 17 Big Guns Energy Services Grizzly 8-18 Mini-Frac Fig.15. Pressure vs. sqrt(t) plot for test interval @ 355mKB Confirmation Test To test repeatability of results, the first injection cycle was also analyzed. Fig.16. First injection cycle 18 Big Guns Energy Services Grizzly 8-18 Mini-Frac Similar to the previous analysis, this G-function derivative shows signs of transverse storage in the reservoir. This typically occurs when a network of secondary fractures are opened and act as extra storage space for the test fluid. The fracture closure likely occurred when the bottomhole pressure reached 4520 kPa(g). The resulting closure event is marked by the vertical line [C]. Fig.17. G-function plot for the confimation cycle @ 355mKB On the following log-log plot, the closure indication is at the point where the semilog derivative and the delta p curves depart from their parallel trend. After closure, the semilog derivative curve shows a brief period of potential pseudo-radial flow, as indicated by the -1 slope, that was later masked by wellbore effects. 19 Big Guns Energy Services Grizzly 8-18 Mini-Frac Fig.18. Log-log plot for the confirmation cycle @ 355mKB Although the sqrt(t) inverse first derivative shows multiple minima, the closure pick is at the lowest point on this curve. This serves as a good confirmation that the closure pick is correct. Fig.19. Sqrt(t) plot for the confirmation cycle @ 355mKB 20 Big Guns Energy Services Grizzly 8-18 Mini-Frac Summary of Test in Oil Sands @ 355.0mKB A two-cycle mini-frac was conducted in the McMurray Oil Sands in the interval of 355 – 356mKB. A fracture was clearly initiated, and a network of secondary fractures was also observed through the diagnostic plots. Closure pressures were found using a combination of the G-function, the log-log and the sqrt(t) analyses. There was a 5.5% difference in the closure pressures acquired from the two cycles. Although the second cycle shows a slightly lower fracture propagation pressure, it also shows a higher ISIP and closure pressure than the previous cycle. This may be caused by the mobility of bitumen and dilation of the sand as a result of the previous injection. All key parameters calculated from this test are tabulated below: BHP at Closure: Cycle 1 Cycle 2 4520 kPa(g) or 4613 kPa(a) 4775 kPa(g) or 4868 kPa(a) Closure Gradient: 13.0 kPa(a)/m Variation of Closure between cycles: ISIP: 5.5% 5772 kPa(g) or 5865 kPa(a) Fracture Gradient: 16.5 kPa(a)/m 21 Big Guns Energy Services Grizzly 8-18 Mini-Frac Mini-Frac Test Interval #2: Clearwater Shale @ 306.0mKB A multi-cycle mini-frac was conducted in the 306.0 – 307.0mKB interval on June 5, 2013. Fig.20. Plot of pressure and rate vs. time The original program consisted of two injection cycles. However, when the real-time analysis showed a masked closure by anomalous wellbore effects during the second cycle falloff period, an additional cycle was warranted. The first injection was held at 100L/min. for 3 minutes. When the pressure declined to hydrostatic, the well was vented off for over an hour before starting the next cycle. The third cycle involved an injection at 80L/min. for 3 minutes. The first cycle is presented in detail while the third cycle will be presented as a confirmation test. 22 Big Guns Energy Services Grizzly 8-18 Mini-Frac Fig.21. First injection cycle G-Function Analysis The G-function plot features a pressure curve displayed in blue and its diagnostic Gfunction derivative curve displayed in red. On this plot, there is an early peak in the derivative, which may represent horizontal fractures closing or wellbore fluid expansion, followed by a subtle signature of transverse storage. The closure likely occurred when the BHP reached 5110kPa(g). This closure event is marked by the vertical line [C]. The subsequent derivative spike may be caused by gas entering the wellbore. 23 Big Guns Energy Services Grizzly 8-18 Mini-Frac Fig.22. G-function derivative plot for test interval @ 306mKB Log-Log Pressure Derivative Analysis The log-log plot of pressure vs. shut-in time features a delta pressure curve in blue and its semilog derivative with respect to shut-in time displayed in red. The closure pick based on the G-function analysis is marked by the vertical line [C]. It is common for the pressure difference and the semilog derivative curves to be roughly parallel immediately before closure. After closure, the derivatives show signs of wellbore artifacts followed by a potential leak in the system, which is likely a leak behind the casing. 24 Big Guns Energy Services Grizzly 8-18 Mini-Frac Fig.23. Log-log plot of ΔP vs. time for test interval @ 306mKB Sqrt(t) Analysis The sqrt(t) plot features a pressure vs. sqrt(t) curve in blue and its 1 st derivative in green. Since the change in pressure response indicated by a derivative is the only signal available for interpreting the closure, we observe the closure pressure on the sqrt(t) plot by finding the point of minimum amplitude of the inverse derivative. In this case, the initial dip corresponds to the early spike on the G-function semilog derivative, which may represent horizontal fractures closing or wellbore fluid expansion. The previously determined closure falls roughly on the slight derivative minimum. 25 Big Guns Energy Services Grizzly 8-18 Mini-Frac Fig.24. Pressure vs. sqrt(t) plot for test interval @ 306mKB Confirmation Test To test repeatability of results, the last injection cycle was also analyzed. Fig.25. Third injection cycle 26 Big Guns Energy Services Grizzly 8-18 Mini-Frac The anomalous pressure bumps in the falloff phase are likely results of gas from the formation entering the wellbore. The G-function derivative of the third cycle displays very similar characteristics as that of the first cycle. There is a probable closure when the bottomhole pressure reached 5078kPa(g). Fig.26. G-function plot for the confirmation cycle @ 306mKB On the following log-log plot, the semilog derivative and the delta p curves are roughly parallel before closure. Post closure, the semilog derivative curve shows a slope steeper than -1, indicating wellbore effects. 27 Big Guns Energy Services Grizzly 8-18 Mini-Frac Fig.27. Log-log plot for the confirmation cycle @ 306mKB The early dip in the sqrt(t) inverse derivative corresponds to the early spike on the Gfunction derivative immediately after shut-in. The closure marker falls approximately on the actual derivative minimum, which is very subtle and. Fig.28. Sqrt(t) plot for the confirmation cycle @ 306mKB 28 Big Guns Energy Services Grizzly 8-18 Mini-Frac Summary of Test in Clearwater Shale @ 306.0mKB A multi-cycle mini-frac was conducted in the Clearwater shale at the depth of 306 – 307mKB. A fracture was clearly initiated in all three cycles. However, all three cycles show signs of gas entering the wellbore, thus disturbing the natural falloff. Closure pressures were found using a combination of the G-function, the log-log and the sqrt(t) analyses. Because the fracture closure in the second test cycle was disturbed/masked by wellbore effects (likely gas entry), the first and third cycles are analyzed and compared for consistency. There was a 1.4% difference in the closure pressures acquired from the two cycles. All key parameters calculated from this test are tabulated below: BHP at Closure: Cycle 1 Cycle 3 5110 kPa(g) or 5203 kPa(a) 5078 kPa(g) or 5171 kPa(a) Closure Gradient: 16.9 kPa(a)/m Variation of Closure between cycles: ISIP: -0.62% 7520 kPa(g) or 7613 kPa(a) Fracture Gradient: 24.8 kPa(a)/m 29 Big Guns Energy Services Grizzly 8-18 Mini-Frac Mini-Frac Test Interval #3: Clearwater Shale @ 301.0mKB A mini-frac test was conducted in the 301.0 – 302.0mKB interval of the subject well on June 6, 2013. Fig.29. Plot of pressure and rate vs. time The original program consisted of two injection cycles. Since the first cycle test displayed a rugged pressure falloff profile, a third injection cycle was included. The first injection was held at 100L/min. for 4 minutes. When the pressure declined to hydrostatic, the well was vented off for over an hour before starting the next cycle. The second cycle involved an injection at 140L/min. for 3 minutes. Finally, the additional injection was conducted at 120L/min. for 3 minutes. Unfortunately, because the fracture closure was masked by probable gas entry into the wellbore, the last cycle does not provide useful results. The first cycle is presented in detail while the second cycle will be presented as a means of verification. 30 Big Guns Energy Services Grizzly 8-18 Mini-Frac Fig.30. First injection cycle A step in the pressure trend was observed about half-an-hour after shut-in. Nevertheless, the interpretation of the fracture closure was not affected. G-Function Analysis This G-function plot displays a pressure curve in blue and its diagnostic semilog derivative in red. Based on this plot, there is a probable closure when the bottomhole pressure reached 5441kPa(g). The early derivative spike may be associated with horizontal fractures closing or wellbore fluid expansion, followed by a near-normal leakoff mechanism. 31 Big Guns Energy Services Grizzly 8-18 Mini-Frac Fig.31. G-function derivative plot for test interval @ 301mKB Log-Log Pressure Derivative Analysis The following log-log plot of change in pressure versus shut-in time features a delta pressure curve in blue and its semilog derivative in red. It is common for the delta p and the semilog derivative curves to be parallel immediately before closure, which is roughly the case. After-closure, the shape of the diagnostic derivative is affected by a pressure anomaly. Fig.32. Log-log plot of ΔP vs. time for test interval @ 301mKB 32 Big Guns Energy Services Grizzly 8-18 Mini-Frac Sqrt(t) Analysis On a pressure vs. sqrt(t) plot, the closure is indicated by the minimum amplitude of the inverse derivative curve. The initial dip corresponds to the G-function derivative’s early spike. On this plot, the inverse derivative minimum is subtle and difficult to pick with certainty. The closure point is marked by the vertical line [C]. This marker roughly coincides with the slight derivative minimum. Fig.33. Pressure vs. sqrt(t) plot for test interval @ 301mKB Confirmation Test To test repeatability of results, the second injection cycle was also analyzed. 33 Big Guns Energy Services Grizzly 8-18 Mini-Frac Fig.34. Second injection cycle The G-function derivative shows the signature “humps” of a pressure-dependent leakoff mechanism. Fracture closure likely occurred when the bottomhole pressure dropped to around 5416kPa(g). Fig.35. G-function plot for confirmation test @ 301mKB 34 Big Guns Energy Services Grizzly 8-18 Mini-Frac Before this closure marker, the delta P curve and the diagnostic derivative are roughly parallel. Fig.36. Log-log plot for confirmation test @ 301mKB On the following sqrt(t) plot, the initial derivative dip corresponds to the early spike on the G-function derivative. The subsequent minimum corresponds to the PDL signature “hump”. Overall, this inverse derivative does not display any clears closure signatures for interpretation. Fig.37. Sqrt(t) plot for confirmation test @ 301mKB 35 Big Guns Energy Services Grizzly 8-18 Mini-Frac Summary of Test in Clearwater Shale @ 301.0mKB A multi-cycle mini-frac was conducted in the Clearwater shale in the interval of 301 – 302mKB. For each test, a fracture was clearly initiated. Closure pressures were found using the G-function plots and confirmed with the log-log and the sqrt(t) analyses. There was a 0.45% variation in the closure pressures acquired from the two cycles. All key parameters calculated from this test are tabulated below: BHP at Closure: Cycle 1 Cycle 2 5441 kPa(g) or 5534 kPa(a) 5416 kPa(g) or 5509 kPa(a) Closure Gradient: 18.3 kPa(a)/m Variation of Closure between cycles: ISIP: -0.45% 7954 kPa(g) or 8047 kPa(a) Fracture Gradient: 26.7 kPa(a)/m 36 Big Guns Energy Services Grizzly 8-18 Mini-Frac Mini-Frac Test Interval #4: Clearwater Shale (Transition) @ 293.5mKB On June 7, 2013, a multi-cycle mini-frac test was conducted in the interval of 293.5 – 294.5mKB. Fig.38. Plot of pressure and rate vs. time The original program consisted of two injection cycles. Since the first cycle test displayed a disturbed pressure falloff profile, a third injection cycle was added. The first injection was held at 80L/min. for 3 minutes. The next cycle involved an injection at 120L/min. for 3 minutes. Finally, the additional cycle was conducted at 150L/min. for 4 minutes. The second and last test cycles have been analyzed and compared for consistency. 37 Big Guns Energy Services Grizzly 8-18 Mini-Frac Fig.39. Second injection cycle G-Function Analysis This G-function plot displays a pressure curve in blue and its diagnostic semilog derivative in red. Based on this plot, there is a good closure indication when the bottomhole pressure reached 4401kPa(g). 38 Big Guns Energy Services Grizzly 8-18 Mini-Frac Fig.40. G-function derivative plot for test interval @ 293.5mKB Log-Log Pressure Derivative Analysis The following log-log plot of change in pressure versus shut-in time features a delta pressure curve in blue and its semilog derivative in red. It is common for the delta p and the semilog derivative curves to be parallel immediately before closure, which is clearly the case. A steep after-closure slope indicates that the flow regime was impacted by wellbore effects. Towards the end of the test, the positive derivative slope is an indication of a leak, likely behind the casing. Fig.41. Log-log plot of ΔP vs. time for test interval @ 293.5mKB 39 Big Guns Energy Services Grizzly 8-18 Mini-Frac Sqrt(t) Analysis On a pressure vs. sqrt(t) plot, the closure is indicated by the minimum amplitude of the inverse derivative curve. According to this plot, the unique closure pick determined from the G-function lies precisely on the 1 st derivative minimum. This serves as a good confirmation that the closure pick is correct. Fig.42. Pressure vs. sqrt(t) plot for test interval @ 293.5mKB Confirmation Test To test repeatability of results, the last injection cycle was also analyzed. 40 Big Guns Energy Services Grizzly 8-18 Mini-Frac Fig.43. Third injection cycle Similar to that of the first cycle, this G-function derivative shows a near-normal leakoff mode, with a good closure indication when the bottomhole pressure reached 4454kPa(g). Fig.44. G-function plot for the confimation cycle @ 293.5mKB 41 Big Guns Energy Services Grizzly 8-18 Mini-Frac On the following log-log plot, the semilog derivative and the delta p curves are clearly parallel before closure. Fig.45. Log-log plot for the confirmation cycle @ 293.5mKB Lastly, the indicated closure lies precisely on the sqrt(t) first derivative minimum. Therefore, the closure pick has been confirmed by all three diagnostic plots. Fig.46. Sqrt(t) plot for the confirmation cycle @ 293.5mKB 42 Big Guns Energy Services Grizzly 8-18 Mini-Frac Summary of Test in Clearwater Shale (Transition) @ 293.5mKB A multi-cycle mini-frac was conducted in the Clearwater formation in the interval of 293.5 – 294.5mKB. A fracture was clearly initiated in all test cycles. The first test cycle showed pressure anomalies during the falloff and is therefore not selected for this purpose. Closure pressures were confirmed by all three diagnostic plots and were very consistent between the two chosen cycles. All key parameters calculated from this test are tabulated below: BHP at Closure: Cycle 2 Cycle 3 4401 kPa(g) or 4494 kPa(a) 4454 kPa(g) or 4547 kPa(a) Closure Gradient: 15.3 kPa(a)/m Variation of Closure between cycles: ISIP: 1.18% 5597 kPa(g) or 5690 kPa(a) Fracture Gradient: 19.4 kPa(a)/m 43 Big Guns Energy Services Grizzly 8-18 Mini-Frac EVALUATION OF PRINCIPAL STRESSES & FRACTURE REGIME A critical part of mini-frac tests is to determine the minimum in-situ principal stress in the tested intervals, which is then used to determine the fracture orientation. Because the topology of the subject region is horizontal, one of the principal stresses can reasonably be generalized as vertical and equivalent to the overburden stress. The other two principal stresses will, therefore, be oriented horizontally, perpendicular to the vertical overburden stress. Fig.47. Principal in-situ stresses in the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin According to the Geological Atlas of Western Canada Sedimentary Basin published by the Alberta Geological Survey, the minimum horizontal principal stress in this general region is commonly running in the NW-SE direction, while the maximum horizontal principal stress is oriented NE-SW. In order to confirm fracture orientation in the subject well, borehole image logs and core testing are recommended. Fig.48. Horizontal stress trajectories near test area (Source: Alberta Geological Survey) 44 Big Guns Energy Services Grizzly 8-18 Mini-Frac A hydraulic fracture will usually penetrate the formation in a plane normal to minimum stress, or parallel to the plane of maximum stress. After shut-in occurs, the fluid leaks off from the fracture to the formation and the pressure declines. At the point when the fluid pressure can no longer hold the fracture open, or is high enough to keep the fracture from just closing, the closure pressure (or stress) is obtained. This stress is considered as the minimum stress acting normal to the fracture and, therefore, the minimum principal stress. In the following plots, overburden stresses, S v , were calculated from a density log taken from the subject wells and are represented by the blue line. From the depth of 150m to 365m, the S v /depth gradients range from 21.18kPa/m to 21.67kPa/m. Fig.49. Magnitude of stresses at 1AA/08-18-077-08W4/00 In general, the above plot shows that the minimum in-situ stresses at the tested intervals are significantly less than the calculated overburden stresses. As a result, a vertical fracture regime is generally expected at the test depths. 45 Big Guns Energy Services Grizzly 8-18 Mini-Frac TEST CONCLUSIONS From the interpretation of the radial cement bond log, there was cement to surface. The radial cement bond log also indicates good to excellent bonding to casing and acceptable bonding to formation at all four test intervals. Weak bonding to formation was observed in 289 to 290.5 mKB, immediately above the uppermost test interval. Four sets of mini-frac tests were conducted in the subject test well. In each of the minifrac tests conducted, fractures were clearly initiated, and closure of the induced fractures was confirmed. Closure pressures were determined based on the G-function derivative curve and confirmed by the sqrt(t) and log-log curves. Two cycles from each test interval were analyzed and compared for consistency. The variation of closure pressures between cycles was less than 1.5% in all caprock intervals, and 5.5% in the oilsand payzone. Interpretations, analyses, recommendations, advice or interpretational data furnished by Big Guns Energy Services, hereinafter “BGES”, are opinions based upon inferences from measurements, empirical relationships and assumptions, and industry practice, which inferences, assumptions and practices are not infallible. BGES cannot, and does not, guarantee the accuracy or the correctness of any interpretation. The Customer assumes full responsibility for the use of such interpretations and/or recommendations and for all decisions based thereon. BGES shall not be responsible for the unauthorized distribution of any confidential document or report prepared by or on behalf of BGES for the exclusive use of the Customer. 46 Big Guns Energy Services Grizzly 8-18 Mini-Frac REFERENCES Barree, R.D., Barree, V.L. and Craig, D.P. (2007). Holistic Fracture Diagnostics. In Proceedings of 2007 Rocky Mountain Oil & Gas Technology Symposium , paper 107877. Society of Petroleum Engineers. Denver, CO, USA. Barree, R.D., Barree, V.L. and Craig, D.P. (2009). Holistic Fracture Diagnostics: Consistent Interpretation of Prefrac Injection Tests Using Multiple Analysis Methods. In SPE Production & Operations Journal (Vol. 24, pp. 396-406). Society of Petroleum Engineers.Denver, CO, USA. Bell, J.S., Price, P.R. and McLellan, P.J. (1994). In-situ stress in the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin. In Mossop, G.D. and Shetsen, I., (Comp.), Geological Atlas of Western Canada Sedimentary Basin (pp. 439-446). Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists and Alberta Research Council. Calgary, Alberta. Hannan, S.S. and Nzekwu, B.I.(1992). AOSTRA Mini-frac Manual: Field Testing, Analysis and Interpretation Procedures. AOSTRA Technical Publication Series 13 . Alberta Oil Sands Technology and Research Authority. Edmonton, Alberta. Lizak, K., Bartko, K., Self, F., Izquierdo, G. and Al-Mumen, M. (2006). New Analysis of Step-Rate Injection Tests for Improved Fracture Stimulation Design. In Proceedings of International Symposium and Exhibition on Formation Damage Control , paper 98098. Society of Petroleum Engineers. Lafayette, LA, USA. 47 Big Guns Energy Services APPENDIX A Grizzly 8-18 Mini-Frac RCBL INTERPRETATION 48 Big Guns Energy Services Grizzly 8-18 Mini-Frac 49 GRIZZLY OIL SANDS MAY RIVER AREA, WABISKAW FORMATION CAPROCK INTEGRITY STUDY Prepared for GRIZZLY OIL SANDS Prepared by Weatherford Laboratories (Canada) Ltd. th 1338A – 36 Avenue N.E. Calgary, Alberta T2E 6T6 Canada June 3rd, 2013 The items, advice, recommendation or opinions delivered hereunder are delivered for informational purposes only and client acknowledges it is accepting all "as is". Client further agrees to not disclose except as expressly permitted by Weatherford. Weatherford makes no representation or warranty, express or implied, of any kind or description in respect thereto, including, but not limited to the warranties of merchantability and/or fitness for a particular purpose, and such is delivered hereunder with the explicit understanding and agreement that any action client may take based thereon shall be at its own risk and responsibility. Client shall have no claim against Weatherford as a consequence thereof. The foregoing disclaimer of warranties and representations shall apply to any entity receiving by, under or through client and client shall indemnify Weatherford for any claims arising from any entity so receiving from client. © Copyright 2013 Weatherford - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Weatherford Labs File #:CL-60873 GRIZZLY OIL SANDS TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Tables List of Figures List of Appendices i ii iii iv SUMMARY Study Objective Caprock Testing Mercury Injection Capillary Pressure 1 1 1 3 DISCUSSION 5 PROCEDURES AND EQUIPMENT Core Handling and Sample Selection Caprock Testing Experimental Equipment Mercury Injection Capillary Pressure Tests Mercury Injection Capillary Pressure Data Calculation General Displacement Test Equipment Core Mounting Stacked Core Multi-Port Core Flow Heads Pressure Measurement Temperature Control Filtration Fluid Displacement 7 7 7 7 8 8 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 11 May River Area, Wabiskaw Formation Caprock Integrity Study i Weatherford Labs File #: 60873 GRIZZLY OIL SANDS LIST OF TABLES TABLE 1: Test # 1: Well I.D. #:08-18-077-08W4/00 – Summary of Core and Test Parameters, Approx. 304.83m depth – Wabiskaw Formation TABLE 2: Test # 1: Well I.D. #:08-18-077-08W4/00 – Displacement Test Summary, Approx. 304.83m depth – Wabiskaw Formation TABLE 3: Test # 1: Well I.D. #:08-18-077-08W4/00 – Gas Intrusion Testing at 235°C, Approx. 304.83m depth – Wabiskaw Formation TABLE 4: Summary of Mercury Injection Capillary Pressure Test Results TABLE 5: MICP Test Summary – Sample FD2 (08-18) TABLE 6: MICP Test Pressure Data – Sample FD2 (08-18) May River Area, Wabiskaw Formation Caprock Integrity Study ii Weatherford Labs File #: 60873 GRIZZLY OIL SANDS LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE 1: Test # 1: Schematic: Caprock Testing Experimental Apparatus FIGURE 2: Test # 1: CT Scans and Samples Selection Points FIGURE 3: Test # 1: Long Term Vertical Permeability Test – Cartesian Scale FIGURE 4: Test # 1: Long Term Vertical Permeability Test – Semi-Log Scale May River Area, Wabiskaw Formation Caprock Integrity Study iii Weatherford Labs File #: 60873 GRIZZLY OIL SANDS LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDIX A: SEM and XRD Results APPENDIX B: CT Scans APPENDIX C: Caprock Integrity and Mercury Injection Test Results May River Area, Wabiskaw Formation Caprock Integrity Study iv Weatherford Labs File #: 60873 GRIZZLY OIL SANDS SUMMARY STUDY OBJECTIVE At the request of Kristian Nespor of Grizzly Oil Sands, Weatherford Laboratories Canada Ltd. (Weatherford) conducted a caprock integrity study to evaluate the low and elevated (steam condition) permeability and potential seal integrity of supplied caprock samples overlying the proposed thermal EOR zone in the May River area. CAPROCK TESTING A requirement for a successful thermal EOR application is generally the presence of a thick, continuous confining shale caprock over top of the bitumen producing formation to act as a containment seal for high pressure steam that would be used for a cyclic steam, steam drive or SAGD injection operation. One (1) sample of cored Wabiskaw formation caprock was retrieved from well Grizzly OV Leismer 8-18-77-8, from the depth range of 304.70 m to 304.96 m. This sample was retrieved by Weatherford and transported in a refrigerated (not frozen) condition back to the laboratory for analysis. Computerized Tomographic (CT) scans were conducted on the refrigerated core to select two intervals of representative material (containing no coring induced fractures or poor gauge core) for caprock testing purposes. Brine permeability measurements were conducted at both low (20˚C) and high (235˚C) temperatures at a confining overburden pressure to evaluate the integrity of the caprock. These brine permeability measurements at 235°C were followed by a series of 235°C gas permeability measurements (using water saturated nitrogen gas to simulate steam) to evaluate high temperature steam permeability of the caprock. Results of this test are summarized in the following Figures and Tables: May River Area, Wabiskaw Formation Caprock Integrity Study 1 Weatherford Labs File #: 60873 GRIZZLY OIL SANDS GAS INTRUSION TESTING AT 235°C Cuml Time Hours 24 48 71 96 168 Applied Gas Pressure kPa 103 207 413 799 1599 Gas Rate cc/hr at P and T 0.080 0.250 0.550 1.150 2.370 Gas/Steam Permeability mD 0.00021444 0.00033345 0.00036768 0.00039738 0.00040922 The sample from the 304.70 m to 304.96 m interval of well Grizzly OV Leismer 8-18-778 recorded a low temperature brine permeability of approximately 0.0005 mD, which is less than the 0.001 mD threshold normally desired for competent thermal caprock. When the sample was heated to 235°C the permeability dropped sharply to approximately 0.00007 mD which is well within the specifications of what would be considered acceptable high temperature caprock. Once again, the variations in permeability between 20°C and 235°C may be due to microfractures not visible in the CT scans healing during thermal expansion or clay expansion and plugging effects with the increased temperature. The steam/gas permeability at 235°C was 0.0003 mD which is once again within acceptable specifications for thermal caprock. The results May River Area, Wabiskaw Formation Caprock Integrity Study 2 Weatherford Labs File #: 60873 GRIZZLY OIL SANDS suggest that at steam chamber temperature the shale appears to form a low permeability vertical seal which should adequately contain the steam chamber (assuming this sample is representative of the caprock interval as a whole). The transient spike in permeability observed in all tests during the heat-up phase is an experimental artifact associated with the thermal expansion of the water phase present in the core which increases apparent displacement rate and delta P, this transient permeability is not actually a valid permeability number. The stabilized low and high temperature permeability values removed from this transient region should be taken as reflective of the true in-situ permeability of the caprock. It should be noted that this work does not quantify the tectonic condition of the shale and if any natural existing fracture or faults that may broach the caprock are present, then the caprock integrity may be compromised. Laboratory measurements conducted in this report merely quantifies the physical integrity of the intact caprock matrix at low and high temperature conditions. Additional regional geological studies need to be combined with this work by Cenovus to verify the lateral continuity and integrity of the Clearwater shale over the proposed pilot/commercial project area to complement this work. MERCURY INJECTION CAPILLARY PRESSURE A mercury injection test (drainage cycle only) was completed on sample FD#1 (08-18) from the Caprock test location to determine the pore structure of the samples. The results are presented below: SUMMARY OF MERCURY INJECTION CAPILLARY PRESSURE TEST RESULTS * Median Pore Throat Types ‡ Threshold Air MICP Pore Throat Micropores Mesopores Macropores Intrusion Sample Depth Permeability Porosity Size Pore Dia Pore Dia Pore Dia Pressure I.D. (m) (mD) (fraction) (µm) < 1 micron 1-3 micron >3 micron (kPa) 8.1% 0.0% 447 Well 08-24-090-15W4/00 FD2(08-18) 304.97 n/a 0.218 0.06 92% Notes: * Median Pore Throat Size: Pore throat diameter at 50% mercury saturation of pore volume. ‡ Threshold pressures are converted from air/mercury to air/water system using published values of air/water interfacial tension. May River Area, Wabiskaw Formation Caprock Integrity Study 3 Weatherford Labs File #: 60873 GRIZZLY OIL SANDS The results from the mercury injection testing show a close to maximum micropore structure (92%) and a median pore throat diameter of 0.06 microns and are in agreement with the caprock data. May River Area, Wabiskaw Formation Caprock Integrity Study 4 Weatherford Labs File #: 60873 GRIZZLY OIL SANDS DISCUSSION Samples of cored caprock from well Grizzly OV Leismer 8-18-77-8 were retrieved by Weatherford and transported in a refrigerated (not frozen) condition back to the laboratory for analysis. CT scans were conducted on the refrigerated core to select two intervals of representative material (no coring induced fractures or poor gauge core). These CT scans and the exact location of the core that was taken for the caprock test (secondary sample was preserved as back up) are contained in Figure 2 and Appendix B. Brine permeability measurements were conducted at both low (20˚C) and high (235˚C) temperature to evaluate the integrity of the caprock. Results of these tests are summarized in Tables 1 to 3 and in Figures 2 to 4. The transient spike in permeability observed in all tests during the heat-up phase is associated with the thermal expansion of the water phase present in the core which increases apparent displacement rate and delta P, this transient permeability is not actually a valid permeability number. The stabilized low and high temperature permeability values removed from this transient region should be taken as reflective of the true in-situ permeability of the caprock. Sufficient pore pressure was maintained at all times to ensure that the water present in the core remained as a liquid phase (to avoid steam expansion effects fracturing the core). For acceptable thermal caprock an effective low and high temperature permeability to brine/steam of less than 0.001 mD is desirable. It should be noted that this work does not quantify the tectonic condition of the shale and if any natural existing fracture or faults that may broach the caprock are present, then the caprock integrity may be compromised. Laboratory measurements conducted in this report merely quantifies the physical integrity of the intact caprock matrix at low and high temperature conditions. The air-mercury capillary pressure data was converted to air-water capillary pressure data using interfacial tension and contact angles for a typical air-water system. The median pore throat diameter is 0.06 microns. The threshold pressure for mercury to intrude the pore spaces was converted from air/mercury to air/water system using values for air/water IFT; the threshold pressure is 447 kPa for sample FD2(08-18). The irreducible wetting phase saturations are May River Area, Wabiskaw Formation Caprock Integrity Study 5 Weatherford Labs File #: 60873 GRIZZLY OIL SANDS determined by the intersection of the horizontal and vertical asymptotes presented in Appendix C. May River Area, Wabiskaw Formation Caprock Integrity Study 6 Weatherford Labs File #: 60873 GRIZZLY OIL SANDS PROCEDURES AND EQUIPMENT CORE HANDLING AND SAMPLE SELECTION – CAPROCK Preserved state (refrigerated) core material was obtained by Weatherford, one (1) sample of cored Wabiskaw formation caprock was retrieved from well Grizzly OV Leismer 8-1877-8, from the depth range of 304.70 m to 304.96 m. CT Scans (Figure 2 and Appendix B) of the cores were obtained and based on this, Weatherford and Grizzly Oil Sands jointly selected the caprock interval for testing. CAPROCK TESTING One test was conducted on the provided core material to quantify low and high temperature permeability using the apparatus presented in Figure 1. The following procedure was used for the refrigerated state caprock sample. 1. Mount full diameter core sample as selected by Grizzly Oil Sands and Weatherford in a ductile lead sleeve to allow vertical permeability measurements along the long axis of the full diameter core section. 2. Apply 2765 kPag of nominal overburden pressure and 2900 kPag of pore pressure. 3. Apply variable differential pressure with fresh water at 20˚C for an approximate 200 hour period and measure stable permeability to water (if any) at 20˚C after this time period. 4. Heat to 235˚C maintaining overburden at 2765 kPa and pore pressure at 2900 kPag (to ensure single phase water is maintained) and apply variable delta P for an approximate 200 hour period and measure stable permeability to fresh water at 235˚C after this time period. 5. Apply water saturated Nitrogen gas at 2900 kPa pore pressure with 2765 kPa of overburden pressure at 235°C at gradually increasing pressure levels over an approximate 200 hour period to measure effective gas (simulated steam) permeability at HPHT conditions. EXPERIMENTAL EQUIPMENT Figure 1 provides a schematic illustration of the core flood apparatus which was utilized to conduct the low and elevated temperature condition caprock studies. The core material is mounted in a special ductile high temperature lead sleeve equipped with dual pressure ports to facilitate fluid injection, production and detailed differential pressure measurements. The core material inside the sleeve is mounted in a high temperature core cell capable of temperatures up to 300˚C at pressures of up to 25 MPa. The external annular space in the pressure jacket is filled with heat transfer oil and pressurized to the required net confining overburden pressure so May River Area, Wabiskaw Formation Caprock Integrity Study 7 Weatherford Labs File #: 60873 GRIZZLY OIL SANDS the core material is stressed back to the same bottomhole pressure stress condition as observed in the reservoir. Heat is applied using a submersible high temperature heating system located in the heat transfer oil surrounding the core material and monitored using a series of paired RTD platinum thermocouples to control and verify temperature profiles which exist in the system or using a high temperature airbath accurate to 0.5˚C. Back pressure on the system is maintained using a regulating back pressure valve with 0.1% control point accuracy. Differential pressure across the core material is monitored using a series of digital Yokogawa court strain gauge pressure transducers to quantify differential pressure measurements to determine permeability values. Fluid displacement is affected using highly precise and accurate positive displacement pumps capable of displacing at rates from 0.1 to as high as 8000 cc/hour at pressures of up to 70 MPa of with 0.01 cc volumetric accuracy in a pulsation-free manner. All displaced fluids are filtered to 0.5 microns tolerance to remove any suspended solids or particulate material which may cause plugging of the porous media under consideration. All wetting surfaces in the displacement apparatus are either 316 stainless steel or Hastalloy to minimize corrosion potential during elevated temperature displacements. MERCURY INJECTION CAPILLARY PRESSURE TEST Air-mercury capillary pressure tests were performed using an automated Micromeritics Autopore 9220 instrument with a maximum mercury intrusion pressure of 414 MPa (60,000 psia). The cleaned and dried samples were placed in a specially designed penetrometer and evacuated under vacuum. Mercury was then injected at multiple pre-determined pressure levels up to 414 MPa. At each equilibrium pressure level, the volume of mercury intrusion is determined by the change in capacitance of the penetrometer reference cell. MERCURY INJECTION CAPILLARY PRESSURE DATA CALCULATION Data from the mercury injection apparatus is used to calculate the pore entry radius with the following equation: Ri = 2T • cosθ • C Pc Where: Ri = Pore radius, microns Pc = Capillary pressure in laboratory, psi T = Interfacial Tension, Dynes/cm May River Area, Wabiskaw Formation Caprock Integrity Study 8 Weatherford Labs File #: 60873 GRIZZLY OIL SANDS θ= C= Contact angle, degrees Conversion constant = 0.145 For the air/mercury data directly from the laboratory: The contact angle θ = 130 degrees The interfacial tension T = 485 dynes/cm For the derived air/water data: The contact angle θ = 0.0 degrees The interfacial tension T = 72 dynes/cm If reservoir data of gas/oil or water/oil interfacial tension and an oil/rock contact angle is available, the laboratory air/mercury data can be deduced to represent reservoir conditions. GENERAL DISPLACEMENT TEST EQUIPMENT Equipment that is used in conventional displacement experiments is common to most core flow evaluation techniques. General descriptions of the laboratory equipment utilized for these tests appear in the following paragraphs. Core Mounting The core sample to be tested is placed in a 1½” inch ID flexible confining sleeve. The ductility of the sleeve allows a confining external overburden pressure to be transferred to the core in a radial and axial mode to simulate reservoir pressure. The core, mounted within the sleeve, is placed inside a 3.0 inch ID steel core holder that can simulate reservoir pressures of up to 69 MPa. This pressure is applied by filling the annular space between the core sleeve and the core holder with non-damaging mineral oil. The annular fluid is then compressed with a hydraulic pump to obtain the desired overburden pressure. The core holder ends each contain two ports to facilitate fluid displacement and pressure measurements at each end of the core. Stacked Core Stacked (composite) cores are constructed to reduce experimental error by increasing the pore volume of the porous media utilized for the experiment. Increasing the amount of rock volume, which possesses stabilized saturation apart from the inlet and outlet phenomena, can also reduce end effect errors. May River Area, Wabiskaw Formation Caprock Integrity Study The longer core composed of several shorter samples is 9 Weatherford Labs File #: 60873 GRIZZLY OIL SANDS constructed by mounting the core samples end to end and placing wafers of thin porous fibre between the samples to ensure capillary continuity between the rock faces. The stacked core technique has application for both secondary waterflood displacement experiments as well as enhanced displacement where mixing zone length or chemical adsorption is of concern. Multi-port Core Flow Heads The portions of the core holder directly adjacent to the injection and production ends of the test cores are equipped with radial distribution plates to ensure that fluid flow is uniformly distributed into and out of the core sample. These heads are used for experiments that involve fluids that are pre-filtered to remove large suspended solids, which could entrain in the flow ports. All wetted surfaces of the flow equipment are made from high grade stainless steel. Pressure Measurement Pressure differential is monitored using Validyne pressure transducers. The transducers are mounted directly across the core and measure the pressure differential between the injection and production ends. The pressure transducers have ranges of sensitivity ranging from 0 to 2 psig and 0 to 4000 psig and are rated as accurate to 0.01% of the full-scale value. The appropriate transducer size is selected based upon the expected permeability and associated range of accompanying differential pressures for a given core sample. The signal from the pressure transducer appears on a multi-channel digital Validyne terminal from which the test operator records pressure readings during the displacement processes. The signal can also be downloaded to a computerized continuing data acquisition system for long term runs. Temperature Control The core holder and associated injection fluids are contained in a temperature controlled air bath to simulate reservoir temperature. The oven contains a circulating air system to eliminate internal temperature gradients and can control at temperatures from 20 to 200 °C with a rated accuracy of ±1 °C. Filtration All injection fluids are filtered to 0.5 microns before use to remove any potentially plugging suspended particles (unless unfiltered fluids are requested). An in-line 0.5 micron filter is also presented directly before the core as a backup filtration system (removable if unfiltered fluids are desired). May River Area, Wabiskaw Formation Caprock Integrity Study 10 Weatherford Labs File #: 60873 GRIZZLY OIL SANDS Fluid Displacement A highly accurate positive displacement pump is used to inject fluids into the core. The pump can inject fluids at rates from 0.6 to 8200 cc/hr and at pressures of up to 69 MPa, with an accuracy of ± 0.01 cc. The pump is filled with distilled water that displaces hydrocarbon fluid, test fluid or immiscible buffer fluid which in turn displaces test fluid into the core relative to the specific application. The experimental system has been designed to minimize dead volumes and to ensure that the entire system is at pressure equilibrium prior to any fluid change. Backpressure on the system (for full reservoir condition tests) is controlled using a 316 SS controlling backpressure regulator rated accurate to 0.5% of the setpoint value. This regulator allows for the smooth production of fluids from the system at any required flowrate and setpoint pressure. May River Area, Wabiskaw Formation Caprock Integrity Study 11 Weatherford Labs File #: 60873 GRIZZLY OIL SANDS TABLE 1 SUMMARY OF CORE AND TEST PARAMETERS TEST #1, SAMPLE FD2(08-18) - WELL 08-18-77-08W4 APPROX. 304.83 M DEPTH - WABISKAW FORMATION Well Location 08-18-77-08W4 Depth 304.70 - 304.96 meters Sample Length 26.7 cm Sample Diameter 7.21 cm Sample Flow Area 40.8 cm2 Sample Bulk Volume 305.2 cc Temperature Range 20 to 235 Displacement Fluid deg C Steam Condensate (fresh water) Overburden - axial (vertical) 2765 kPag Overburden - radial (horizontal) 2765 kPag Pore Pressure 3930 kPag Injection Pressure Variable kPag Differential Pressure Variable kPag May River Area, Wabiskaw Formation Caprock Integrity Study Weatherford Labs File #: CL-60873 GRIZZLY OIL SANDS TABLE 2 DISPLACEMENT TEST SUMMARY TEST #1, SAMPLE FD2(08-18) - WELL 08-18-77-08W4 APPROX. 304.83 M DEPTH - WABISKAW FORMATION Cuml Displacement Applied Delta Cuml Water Water Temperature Water Vertical Time Hours Fluid P Value kPag Production cc Rate cc/hr deg C Viscosity mPa.s Permeability mD 0.0 24.0 48.0 72.0 96.0 120.0 144.0 168.0 192.0 216.0 240.0 264.0 292.0 316.0 340.0 364.0 388.0 412.0 Water Water Water Water Water Water Water Water Water Water Water Water Water Water Water Water Water Water 1599 1599 1599 1599 5 5 1599 1599 1599 1599 1599 1599 1599 1599 1599 1599 1599 1599 0.00 0.20 1.40 3.10 43.20 69.60 71.80 73.80 74.80 77.40 78.10 79.30 80.60 81.60 81.90 82.50 83.10 83.90 0.0000 0.0083 0.0500 0.0708 1.6708 1.1000 0.0917 0.0833 0.0417 0.1083 0.0292 0.0500 0.0464 0.0417 0.0125 0.0250 0.0250 0.0333 20 20 20 20 215 235 235 235 235 235 235 235 235 235 235 235 235 235 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 0.13 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 n/a 0.00009689 0.00058131 0.00082352 0.77745482 0.46770243 0.00012187 0.00011079 0.00005540 0.00014403 0.00003878 0.00006648 0.00006173 0.00005540 0.00001662 0.00003324 0.00003324 0.00004432 Note: Red cells indicate permeability increase due to thermal expansion effects. May River Area, Wabiskaw Formation Caprock Integrity Study Weatherford Labs File #: CL-60873 GRIZZLY OIL SANDS TABLE 3 GAS INTRUSION TESTING AT 235 DEG C TEST #1, SAMPLE FD2(08-18) - WELL 08-18-77-08W4 APPROX. 304.83 M DEPTH - WABISKAW FORMATION Cuml Time Applied Gas Hours Pressure kPa 24 48 71 96 168 103.00 207.00 413.00 799.00 1599.00 May River Area, Wabiskaw Formation Caprock Integrity Study Gas Rate Gas/Steam cc/hr at P and T Permeability mD 0.0800 0.2500 0.5500 1.1500 2.3700 0.00021444 0.00033345 0.00036768 0.00039738 0.00040922 Weatherford Labs File #: CL-60873 GRIZZLY OIL SANDS TABLE 4 SUMMARY OF MERCURY INJECTION CAPILLARY PRESSURE TEST RESULTS Sample Depth Air Permeability MICP Porosity I.D. (m) (mD) (fraction) FD2(08-18) 304.97 n/a 0.218 * Median Pore Throat Size Pore Throat Types Micropores Mesopores Macropores Pore Dia Pore Dia Pore Dia (µm) < 1 micron Well 08-24-090-15W4/00 0.06 92% ‡ Threshold Intrusion Pressure 1-3 micron >3 micron (kPa) 8.1% 0.0% 447 Notes: * Median Pore Throat Size: Pore throat diameter at 50% mercury saturation of pore volume. ‡ Threshold pressures are converted from air/mercury to air/water system using published values of air/water interfacial tension. May River Area, Wabiskaw Formation Caprock Integrity Study Weatherford Labs File #: CL-60873 GRIZZLY OIL SANDS TABLE 5 MERCURY INJECTION CAPILLARY PRESSURE TEST SUMMARY Well Location: 1AA/08-18-077-08W4/00 Core I.D.: FD2 (08-18) Core Depth: 304.97 m Routine Core Analysis Air Permeability (mD) : N/A Routine Core Analysis Porosity (fraction): N/A Mercury Injection Test Sample Data Sample Weight (g): 11.1 Corrected sample porosity (fraction): 0.218 Grain Density (g/cc): 2.66 Conformance Correction Vol. (cc): 0.097 Total Pore Surface Area (m²): 152 Median Pore Diameter (micron): 0.060 Conformance Correction (percent of P.V.): 7.5% * Threshold Pressure (kPa): 447 Pore throat size distribution: Macropores (pore throat dia. > 3.0 microns): 0.0% Mesopores (pore throat dia. 1.0 - 3.0 microns): 8.1% Micropores (pore throat dia. < 1.0 microns): 91.9% Conversion Factors for Data Calculation Mercury Density (g/cc): 13.5 Air / Mercury Interfacial Tension (dynes/cm): 485 Air / Mercury Contact Angle (degree): 130 Air / Water Interfacial Tension (dynes/cm): 72 Air / Water Contact Angle (degree): 0.0 Water Density for transitional height calculation (kg/m³): Air Density for transitional height calculation (kg/m³): 1000 0.0010 * Threshold pressure - pressure at which mercury first enters the pore system. May River Area, Wabiskaw Formation Caprock Integrity Study Weatherford Labs File #: CL-60873 GRIZZLY OIL SANDS TABLE 6 MERCURY INJECTION CAPILLARY PRESSURE DATA Well Location: 1AA/08-18-077-08W4/00 Core I.D.: FD2 (08-18) Core Depth: 304.97 m Air/Mercury Capillary Pressure (MPa) 0.447 0.552 0.624 0.792 0.967 1.200 1.550 1.90 2.31 2.94 3.65 4.46 5.49 6.84 8.61 10.45 13.16 16.57 20.16 24.90 33.12 38.50 48.72 59.49 72.38 90.10 112.3 136.7 171.0 205.2 239.6 275.2 309.1 343.6 377.4 402.2 Derived Air / Water Capillary Pressure (MPa) 0.103 0.127 0.144 0.18 0.22 0.28 0.36 0.44 0.53 0.68 0.84 1.03 1.27 1.58 2.0 2.4 3.0 3.8 4.7 5.8 7.6 8.9 11.3 13.7 16.7 20.8 25.9 31.6 39.5 47.4 55.3 63.5 71.4 79.3 87.2 92.9 May River Area, Wabiskaw Formation Caprock Integrity Study Air Permeability (mD) : N/A Porosity (fraction): N/A Wetting Phase Saturation (fraction) 1.00 0.990 0.982 0.966 0.949 0.929 0.902 0.877 0.850 0.816 0.785 0.756 0.727 0.697 0.664 0.635 0.600 0.557 0.512 0.449 0.342 0.286 0.218 0.174 0.140 0.110 0.085 0.067 0.050 0.035 0.028 0.019 0.013 0.005 0.001 0.000 Pore Throat Diameter (Microns) 2.788 2.261 1.997 1.575 1.289 1.038 0.805 0.658 0.541 0.425 0.342 0.280 0.227 0.182 0.145 0.119 0.095 0.075 0.062 0.050 0.038 0.032 0.026 0.021 0.017 0.014 0.011 0.009 0.007 0.006 0.005 0.005 0.004 0.004 0.003 0.003 Height of Transition (m) 0.000 2.455 4.172 8.113 12.24 17.77 25.92 34.10 43.74 58.62 75.37 94.46 118.7 150.5 192.1 235.5 299.3 379.6 464.0 575.6 769.3 895.9 1136 1390 1693 2111 2633 3207 4016 4820 5631 6467 7265 8078 8875 9458 Weatherford Labs File #: CL-60873 GRIZZLY OIL SANDS FIGURE 1 TEST #1 - SCHEMATIC CAPROCK TESTING EXPERIMENTAL APPARATUS APPROX. 304.83 M DEPTH - WABISKAW FORMATION Vertical Stress Production Constant Delta P f l o w d i r e c t i o n Horizontal Stress Full Caprock Core FullDiameter Diameter Caprock Core Approx. 8 to 15 cm in Length Approx. 30 cm in Length Injection May River Area, Wabiskaw Formation Caprock Integrity Study Weatherford Labs File #: CL-60873 GRIZZLY OIL SANDS FIGURE 2 TEST #1 SAMPLE FD2(08-18) - WELL 08-18-77-08W4 CT SCANS AND SAMPLES SELECTION POINTS APPROX. 304.83 M DEPTH - WABISKAW FORMATION May River Area, Wabiskaw Formation Caprock Integrity Study Weatherford Labs File #: CL-60873 GRIZZLY OIL SANDS FIGURE 3 TEST #1 - SAMPLE FD2(08-18) - WELL 08-18-77-08W4 LONG TERM VERTICAL PERMEABILITY TEST APPROX. 304.83 M DEPTH - WABISKAW FORMATION May River Area, Wabiskaw Formation Caprock Integrity Study Weatherford Labs File #: CL-60873 GRIZZLY OIL SANDS FIGURE 4 TEST #1 - SAMPLE FD2(08-18) - WELL 08-18-77-08W4 LONG TERM VERTICAL PERMEABILITY TEST APPROX. 304.83 M DEPTH - WABISKAW FORMATION May River Area, Wabiskaw Formation Caprock Integrity Study Weatherford Labs File #: CL-60873 GRIZZLY OIL SANDS APPENDIX A SEM & XRD RESULTS May River Area, Wabiskaw Formation Caprock Integrity Study Weatherford Labs File #: 60873 Scanning Electron Microscopy and Bulk and Glycolated Clay X-Ray Diffraction Analysis One Sample Sample ID: FD2(8-18) Weatherford Laboratories File #CL-60873 GR 19501 2013 GR Petrology Consultants Inc. Suite 8, 1323 – 44th Avenue N.E. Calgary, Alberta T2E 6L5 Tel: 403-291-3420 Fax: 403-250-7212 E-mail: April 2013 Scanning Electron Microscopy and Bulk and Glycolated Clay X-Ray Diffraction Analysis Table of Contents Table of Contents ............................................................................................................................. i Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 1 General ........................................................................................................................................ 1 Documentation ............................................................................................................................ 1 Description of Samples ................................................................................................................... 2 GR-001: FD2(8-18): 304.97m .................................................................................................... 2 Appendix ......................................................................................................................................... 4 Method of Analysis ..................................................................................................................... 4 GR 19501 2013 i Scanning Electron Microscopy and Bulk and Glycolated Clay X-Ray Diffraction Analysis Introduction General Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) photography and bulk and glycolated clay X-ray diffraction (XRD) analyses were conducted on one well consolidated sample (Sample ID: FD2(8-18): 304.97m). Table 1A presents bulk X-ray diffraction (XRD) results. Glycolated clay XRD results are provided on Table 1B. Plates 1 to 3 contain SEM photographs. Documentation The following tables document the SEM, EDS and XRD report: Table 1A: Bulk Fraction X-Ray Diffraction Data. Table 1B: Glycolated Clay Fraction X-Ray Diffraction Data. Plates 1 to 3: SEM Micrographs. X-Ray Diffractogram. GR 19501 2013 1 COMPANY: P.O. #: FILE NUMBER: Weatherford Laboratories 9523510 CL-60873 GR FILE #: GR 19501 2013 FORMATION: McMurray TABLE 1A BULK FRACTION X-RAY DIFFRACTION DATA GR Sample ID Sample # GR-001 FD2(8-18) Depth (m) Qtz KFd Plag Dol Sid Pyr Cal Kaol Ill Chl M-L Smec Total Clay 304.97 58.5 5.5 6.1 15.2 1.5 2.1 1.0 1.3 4.5 2.7 1.6 Present 10.1 Qtz - Quartz - SiO2 Pyr - Pyrite - FeS2 Kaol - Kaolinite - Al2Si2O5(OH)4 KFd - Potassium Feldspar - KAlSi3O8 Cal - Calcite - (Ca,Mg)CO3 Ill - Illite - (K,H3O)Al2Si3AlO10(OH)2 Plag - Sodium Feldspar - NaAlSi3O8 Chl - Chlorite - (Mg,Fe,Al)6(Si,Al)4O10(OH)8 Dol - Dolomite - CaMg(CO3)2 M-L - Mixed Layer (Rec - Rectorite - K1.2Al4Si8O20(OH)4·4H2O) Sid - Siderite - FeCO3 All units are in percent unless otherwise noted. 19501 TABLE 1A.xlsm Total Clay - Kaol+Ill+Chr+M-L+Smec Smec - Smectite COMPANY: P.O. #: FILE NUMBER: Weatherford Laboratories 9523510 CL-60873 GR FILE #: GR 19501 2013 FORMATION: McMurray TABLE 1B LESS THAN 2 MICRON GLYCOLATED CLAY FRACTION X-RAY DIFFRACTION DATA GR Sample Sample # ID GR-001 FD2(8-18) Depth (m) Total Clay in Bulk Sample Total Smectite in Bulk Sample Kaolinite Illite Chlorite Mixed Layer Smectite 304.97 10.1 0.65 9.6 47.1 36.9 - 6.4 All units are in percent unless otherwise noted. 19501 TABLE 1B.xlsm Intensity (Counts) 8000 GR 19501-001 2013; X-ray diffractograms Red - Bulk Raw Spectrum Black - Bulk Theoretical Pattern Blue - Glycolated Clay 6000 4000 2000 0 Quartz, syn ● SiO 2 Albite, ordered ● NaAlSi 3 O8 Microcline ● KAlSi 3 O8 Dolomite ● CaMg(CO 3 )2 Kaolinite-1A ● Al2 Si2 O5 (OH) 4 Siderite ● FeCO 3 Rectorite ● K1.2 Al4 Si8 O20 (OH) 4 4H 2 O Illite-2M1 (NR) ● (K,H 3 O)Al 2 Si3 AlO 10 (OH) 2 Pyrite ● FeS 2 Clinochlore-1MIIb ● (Mg,Fe,Al) 6 (Si,Al) 4 O10 (OH) 8 Calcite ● (Ca,Mg)CO 3 Nontronite-15A ● Na 0.3 Fe 2 Si4 O10 (OH) 2 4H 2 O Beidellite-18A ● Ca 0.2 Al2 Si4 O10 (OH) 2 6H 2 O 10 20 30 Two-Theta (deg) GR Petrology 40 50 60 Sample ID: FD2(8-18) A GR-001 1 B 304.97m 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 A B C D C E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Plate 1 GR 19501 2013 B D C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R Sample ID: FD2(8-18) A GR-001 1 B 304.97m 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 A B C D C E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Plate 2 GR 19501 2013 B D C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R Sample ID: FD2(8-18) A GR-001 1 B 304.97m 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 A B C D C E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Plate 3 GR 19501 2013 B D C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R Scanning Electron Microscopy and Bulk and Glycolated Clay X-Ray Diffraction Analysis Description of Samples GR-001: FD2(8-18): 304.97m The sample generated a good quality diffractogram indicating the sample is mainly composed of crystalline compounds. X-ray diffraction analysis shows the crystalline components of the sample consist of 89.9% non clay components and 10.1% clay minerals. Non clay components in the bulk fraction include: 58.5% quartz [SiO2]. 5.5% potassium feldspar (microcline [KAlSi3O8]). 6.1% plagioclase feldspar (albite [NaAlSi3O8]). 15.2% dolomite [CaMg(CO3)2]. 1.5% siderite [FeCO3]. 2.1% pyrite [FeS2]. 1.0% calcite [CaCO3]. Total clay minerals comprise 10.1% of the bulk XRD fraction of sample GR-001 and include: 1.3% kaolinite [Al2Si2O5(OH)4]. 4.5% illite [(K,H3O)Al2Si3AlO10(OH)2]. 2.7% chlorite (Mg,Fe,Al)6(Si,Al)4O10(OH)8. 1.6% mixed layer (K1.2Al4Si8O20(OH)4•4H2O) The presence of smectite. Glycolated clay analysis shows a slightly different distribution of clay minerals, as glycolation fully expands smectite rich clays and allows the volume of smectite to be quantified. As a result, the relative volume of other clay minerals drops in the glycolated clay fraction when compared to the bulk fraction. The glycolated clay fraction consists of: 9.6% kaolinite. 47.1% illite. GR 19501 2013 2 Scanning Electron Microscopy and Bulk and Glycolated Clay X-Ray Diffraction Analysis 36.9% chlorite. 6.4% smectite [montmorillonite, glycolated [(Na,Ca)0.3Al2(Si,Al)4O10(OH)2·• H2O]. The mixed layer clays detected in the bulk fraction were detected as separate fractions of illite and smectite in the glycolated clay fraction of the XRD. Note smectite forms 0.65% of the bulk sample. Plate 1: Relatively low relief in overview A shows the low to moderate volume of intergranular porosity in sample GR-001. Patchy, variably distributed intergranular porosity (medium yellow arrows) is slightly enhanced by at least minor volumes of leached and microporous grains (O-10, View B, O-8, View D). Minor volumes of grain rimming illite and chlorite (medium green arrows), pore blocking siderite cement (small red arrows, View C) negatively impact porosity and permeability in GR-001. Plate 2: Additional high magnification SEM views detail: Variable volumes of partially blocked intergranular porosity: medium yellow arrows, Very minor volumes of poorly formed kaolinite, likely recrystallized from detrital grains: medium blue arrows, Pyrite framboids: medium orange arrows, Grain coating illite / smectite: medium purple arrows, Incipient quartz overgrowths: large green arrow, View A, Dolomite cement: M-6, View D. Plate 3: Features illustrated on this Plate include: Variable volumes of partially blocked intergranular porosity: medium yellow arrows, Highly leached and microporous feldspar grain: K-6, View D, O-8, View D, Pore bridging clay minerals variably admixed with bitumen: large green arrows, Grain coating illite / smectite: medium purple arrows, Poorly formed kaolinite: medium blue arrows. GR 19501 2013 3 Scanning Electron Microscopy and Bulk and Glycolated Clay X-Ray Diffraction Analysis Appendix Method of Analysis The sample (GR-001) was submitted for Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and bulk and clay x-ray diffraction analysis (XRD). Diffraction data was acquired using a Phillips XRG-3100 X-ray diffraction System. X-radiation was produced by a long fine focus Cu X-ray tube running at 40kV and 30mA. The Phillips goniometer was equipped with theta-compensation slit optics and a Cu Ka monochromator. The resulting diffraction data was then analyzed using the industry standard MDI Version Jade 2010 software package and the ICDD PDF-4+ powder diffraction database. A sub-sample from each sample was lightly disaggregated. Two equivalent fractions of each disaggregated sample were selected for bulk analysis and for analysis of the less than 2 micron size fraction. The fraction selected for bulk analysis was manually ground to a fine powder using an agate mortar and pestle. The resulting powder was carefully packed onto a glass sample holder to present a flat powder pack surface for powder diffraction analysis. Diffraction data on the bulk sample was acquired over a range of angles from 2 to 65 degrees with a step size of 0.05 degrees and a dwell time of 2 seconds/step. Glycolated clay samples were prepared from a separate fraction of each disaggregated sample. The coarse powders were stirred into approximately 100 ml of distilled water with a small amount of Calgon to reduce surface tension and to aid clay dispersion. The resulting slurries were then stirred for about 2 minutes while immersed in an ultrasound bath. The water with suspended clay was poured into a 100 ml cylinder and allowed to settle for four hours leaving particles less than 2 µm in suspension. The clay suspensions were then siphoned into centrifuge tubes for high-speed centrifugal clay separation. Following centrifugal separation, the remaining water was decanted and the clay slurry was pipetted unto frosted glass slides and allowed to dry. Dried samples were placed GR 19501 2013 4 Scanning Electron Microscopy and Bulk and Glycolated Clay X-Ray Diffraction Analysis in a chamber containing a glycol-saturated atmosphere for 24 hours. Diffraction data on the resulting clay slides was acquired over a range of angles from 2 to 40 degrees with a step size of 0.05 degrees and a dwell time of 2 seconds/step. Data acquired from the bulk fraction was used to calculate the relative abundance of all rock components. The relative abundance of specific clay minerals within the clay fraction was determined using data obtained from the 2 micron size fraction. GR 19501 2013 5 GRIZZLY OIL SANDS APPENDIX B CT SCANS May River Area, Wabiskaw Formation Caprock Integrity Study Weatherford Labs File #: 60873 GRIZZLY OIL SANDS WELL 8-18 CT SCANS May River Area, Wabiskaw Formation Caprock Integrity Study Weatherford Labs File #: CL-60873 GRIZZLY OIL SANDS WELL 14-18 CT SCANS May River Area, Wabiskaw Formation Caprock Integrity Study Weatherford Labs File #: CL-60873 GRIZZLY OIL SANDS APPENDIX C CAPROCK INTEGRITY & MERCURY INJECTION TEST RESULTS May River Area, Wabiskaw Formation Caprock Integrity Study Weatherford Labs File #: 60873 Grizzly Oil Sands TABLE 1 SUMMARY OF MERCURY INJECTION CAPILLARY PRESSURE TEST RESULTS Sample Depth Air Permeability I.D. (m) (mD) FD2(08-18) 304.97 n/a MICP Porosity * Median Pore Throat Size Pore Throat Types Micropores Mesopores Macropores Pore Dia Pore Dia Pore Dia (fraction) (µm) < 1 micron Well 08-24-090-15W4/00 0.218 0.06 92% ‡ Threshold Intrusion Pressure 1-3 micron >3 micron (kPa) 8.1% 0.0% 447 Notes: * Median Pore Throat Size: Pore throat diameter at 50% mercury saturation of pore volume. ‡ Threshold pressures are converted from air/mercury to air/water system using published values of air/water interfacial tension. Leismer Area, Clearwater Formation Caprock Integrity Evaluation Study Weatherford Labs File #: CL-60873 Grizzly Oil Sands TABLE 2 MERCURY INJECTION CAPILLARY PRESSURE TEST SUMMARY Well Location: 1AA/08-18-077-08W4/00 Core I.D.: FD2 (08-18) Core Depth: 304.97 m Routine Core Analysis Air Permeability (mD) : N/A Routine Core Analysis Porosity (fraction): N/A Mercury Injection Test Sample Data Sample Weight (g): 11.1 Corrected sample porosity (fraction): 0.218 Grain Density (g/cc): 2.66 Conformance Correction Vol. (cc): 0.097 Total Pore Surface Area (m²): 152 Median Pore Diameter (micron): 0.060 Conformance Correction (percent of P.V.): 7.5% * Threshold Pressure (kPa): 447 Pore throat size distribution: Macropores (pore throat dia. > 3.0 microns): 0.0% Mesopores (pore throat dia. 1.0 - 3.0 microns): 8.1% Micropores (pore throat dia. < 1.0 microns): 91.9% Conversion Factors for Data Calculation Mercury Density (g/cc): 13.5 Air / Mercury Interfacial Tension (dynes/cm): 485 Air / Mercury Contact Angle (degree): 130 Air / Water Interfacial Tension (dynes/cm): 72 Air / Water Contact Angle (degree): 0.0 Water Density for transitional height calculation (kg/m³): Air Density for transitional height calculation (kg/m³): 1000 0.0010 * Threshold pressure - pressure at which mercury first enters the pore system. Leismer Area, Clearwater Formation Caprock Integrity Evaluation Study Weatherford Labs File #: CL-60873 Grizzly Oil Sands TABLE 3 MERCURY INJECTION CAPILLARY PRESSURE DATA Well Location: 1AA/08-18-077-08W4/00 Core I.D.: FD2 (08-18) Core Depth: 304.97 m Air/Mercury Capillary Pressure (MPa) 0.447 0.552 0.624 0.792 0.967 1.20 1.55 1.90 2.31 2.94 3.65 4.46 5.49 6.84 8.61 10.45 13.16 16.57 20.16 24.90 33.12 38.50 48.72 59.49 72.38 90.10 112.3 136.7 171.0 205.2 239.6 275.2 309.1 343.6 377.4 402.2 Leismer Area, Clearwater Formation Caprock Integrity Evaluation Study Derived Air / Water Capillary Pressure (MPa) 0.103 0.127 0.144 0.18 0.22 0.28 0.36 0.44 0.53 0.68 0.84 1.03 1.27 1.58 2.0 2.4 3.0 3.8 4.7 5.8 7.6 8.9 11.3 13.7 16.7 20.8 25.9 31.6 39.5 47.4 55.3 63.5 71.4 79.3 87.2 92.9 Air Permeability (mD) : N/A Porosity (fraction): N/A Wetting Phase Saturation (fraction) 1.00 0.990 0.982 0.966 0.949 0.929 0.902 0.877 0.850 0.816 0.785 0.756 0.727 0.697 0.664 0.635 0.600 0.557 0.512 0.449 0.342 0.286 0.218 0.174 0.140 0.110 0.085 0.067 0.050 0.035 0.028 0.019 0.013 0.005 0.001 0.000 Pore Throat Diameter (Microns) 2.788 2.261 1.997 1.575 1.289 1.038 0.805 0.658 0.541 0.425 0.342 0.280 0.227 0.182 0.145 0.119 0.095 0.075 0.062 0.050 0.038 0.032 0.026 0.021 0.017 0.014 0.011 0.009 0.007 0.006 0.005 0.005 0.004 0.004 0.003 0.003 Height of Transition (m) 0.000 2.455 4.172 8.113 12.24 17.77 25.92 34.10 43.74 58.62 75.37 94.46 118.7 150.5 192.1 235.5 299.3 379.6 464.0 575.6 769.3 895.9 1136 1390 1693 2111 2633 3207 4016 4820 5631 6467 7265 8078 8875 9458 Weatherford Labs File #: CL-60873 Grizzly Oil Sands FIGURE 1 MERCURY INJECTION CAPILLARY PRESSURE Well Location: 1AA/08-18-077-08W4/00 Core I.D.: FD2 (08-18) Core Depth: 304.97 m Air Permeability (mD) : N/A Porosity (fraction): N/A Capillary Pressure Vs Wetting Phase Saturation 1000 Air-Mercury Capillary Pressure (MPa) 100 10 1 0.1 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Wetting Phase Saturation (fraction) Leismer Area, Clearwater Formation Caprock Integrity Evaluation Study Weatherford Labs File #: CL-60873 Grizzly Oil Sands FIGURE 2 MERCURY INJECTION CAPILLARY PRESSURE Well Location: 1AA/08-18-077-08W4/00 Core I.D.: FD2 (08-18) Core Depth: 304.97 m Air Permeability (mD) : N/A Porosity (fraction): N/A Derived Air-Water Capillary Pressure Vs Wetting Phase Saturation Derived Air-Water Capillary Pressure (MPa) 100 10 1 0.1 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Wetting Phase Saturation (fraction) Leismer Area, Clearwater Formation Caprock Integrity Evaluation Study Weatherford Labs File #: CL-60873 Grizzly Oil Sands FIGURE 3 MERCURY INJECTION CAPILLARY PRESSURE Well Location: 1AA/08-18-077-08W4/00 Core I.D.: FD2 (08-18) Core Depth: 304.97 m Pore Throat Types: Air Permeability (mD) : N/A Porosity (fraction): N/A Macropores ( > 3 micron diameter) = Mesopores (1 - 3 micron diameter) = Micropores ( < 1 micron diameter) = 0.0% 8.1% 91.9% Pore Size Distribution 1.0 0.9 0.7 Macropore Mesopores Micropores Wetting Phase Saturation (fraction) 0.8 0.6 MEDIAN PORE THROAT DIAMETER = 0.060 micron 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 Pore Throat Diameter (microns) Leismer Area, Clearwater Formation Caprock Integrity Evaluation Study Weatherford Labs File #: CL-60873 Grizzly Oil Sands FIGURE 4 MERCURY INJECTION CAPILLARY PRESSURE Well Location: 1AA/08-18-077-08W4/00 Core I.D.: FD2 (08-18) Core Depth: 304.97 m Air Permeability (mD) : N/A Porosity (fraction): N/A Pore Size Distribution 1.0 0.12 MEDIAN PORE THROAT DIAMETER = 0.060 micron 0.9 0.1 0.8 0.08 0.6 0.5 0.06 0.4 0.04 0.3 Incremental Mercury Saturation Cumulative Mercury Saturation 0.7 0.2 0.02 0.1 0 2.7883 1.2893 0.541 0.2271 0.0947 0.0376 0.0172 0.0073 0.004 0.0 Pore Throat Diameter (microns) Leismer Area, Clearwater Formation Caprock Integrity Evaluation Study Weatherford Labs File #: CL-60873 Grizzly Oil Sands FIGURE 5 MERCURY INJECTION CAPILLARY PRESSURE Well Location: 1AA/08-18-077-08W4/00 Core I.D.: FD2 (08-18) Core Depth: 304.97 m Air Permeability (mD) : N/A Porosity (fraction): N/A Height of Transition Vs Wetting Phase Saturation 500 450 400 Height Above Free Water (m) 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Wetting Phase Saturation (fraction) Leismer Area, Clearwater Formation Caprock Integrity Evaluation Study Weatherford Labs File #: CL-60873 GRIZZLY OIL SANDS ULC GEOMECHANICAL LABORATORY TESTING GRIZZLY OIL SANDS MAY RIVER CAPROCK CORE 08-18-77-08 W4 REPORT AUGUST 2013 ISSUED FOR REVIEW EBA FILE: E12103087-01.002 This “Issued for Review” document is provided solely for the purpose of client review and presents our interim findings and recommendations to date. Our usable findings and recommendations are provided only through an “Issued for Use” document, which will be issued subsequent to this review. Final design should not be undertaken based on the interim recommendations made herein. Once our report is issued for use, the “Issued for Review” document should be either returned to EBA or destroyed. LIMITATIONS OF REPORT This report and its contents are intended for the sole use of Grizzly Oil Sands (Grizzly) and their agents. EBA Engineering Consultants Ltd. does not accept any responsibility for the accuracy of any of the data, the analysis, or the recommendations contained or referenced in the report when the report is used or relied upon by any Party other than Grizzly, or for any Project other than the proposed development at the subject site. Any such unauthorized use of this report is at the sole risk of the user. Use of this report is subject to the terms and conditions stated in EBA’s Services Agreement. EBA’s General Conditions are provided in Appendix A of this report. RPT – May River Caprock Core - IFR EBA Engineering Consultants Ltd. operating as EBA, A Tetra Tech Company 14940 - 123 Avenue Edmonton, AB T5V 1B4 CANADA p. 780.451.2121 f. 780.454.5688 GEOMECHANICAL LABORATORY TESTING – MAY RIVER CAPROCK CORE EBA FILE: E12103087-01.002 | AUGUST 2013 | ISSUED FOR REVIEW TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................... 1 2.0 LABORATORY TEST PROGRAM ................................................................................................ 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 3.0 CT Scan Imaging of Core ......................................................................................................................2 Specimen Preparation ...........................................................................................................................2 Porewater Fluid Chemistry ....................................................................................................................2 Index Tests ............................................................................................................................................2 Unconfined Compression Tests.............................................................................................................3 Swell Test Method A ..............................................................................................................................3 Consolidated Drained Direct Shear Tests .............................................................................................3 Consolidated Drained (CD) Triaxial Compression Tests.......................................................................4 RESULTS.......................................................................................................................................... 5 3.1 3.2 3.3 Swell Test (Method A) Test Results for Lower Clearwater Samples.....................................................5 Drained Direct Shear Test Results for Lower Clearwater Shale formation ...........................................5 Consolidated Drained Triaxial Test Results for Lower Clearwater Shale samples ...............................5 4.0 DISCUSSION................................................................................................................................... 6 5.0 CLOSURE......................................................................................................................................... 7 TABLES Table 1 Table 2 Table 3 Table 4 Table 5 Table 6 Table 7 Table 8 Table 9 Table 10 Table 11 Details of Received Cores from May River Area Details of Specimen (Lower Clearwater Shale) Tested Details of Atterberg Limits Test Details of Hydrometer Test Details of Specific Gravity Details of Unconfined Compression Test Details of Swell Test (Method A) Details of Direct Shear Tests Details of Consolidated Drained Triaxial Tests on Lower Clearwater Shale Formation Summary of Mohr-Coulomb Strength Envelope Parameters Young’s Modulus and Poisson’s Ratio for Lower Clearwater Shale Formation FIGURES Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4 Geological Stratification Table of 08-18-77-08-W4, May River, Alberta Stress vs. Wetting Induced Swell/Collapse Strain, Lower Clearwater Shale Summary of Direct Shear Test Results for Lower Clearwater Shale Formation Mohr Circle Plots for Peak Values for Consolidated Drained Triaxial Tests conducted on Lower Clearwater Shale Formation i RPT - May River Caprock Core - IFR GEOMECHANICAL LABORATORY TESTING – MAY RIVER CAPROCK CORE EBA FILE: E12103087-01.002 | AUGUST 2013 | ISSUED FOR REVIEW Figure 5 Consolidation Drained Triaxial Compression Tests Strength Envelop (s’-t) for Lower Clearwater Shale Formation PHOTOGRAPHS Photo 1 Photo 2 Photo 3 Photo 4 Photo 5 Photo 6 Lower Clearwater Shale Formation, Triaxial Specimen (confining stress 500 kPa before shear (CD-1) Lower Clearwater Shale Formation, Triaxial Specimen (confining stress 500 kPa after shear (CD1) Lower Clearwater Shale Formation, Triaxial Specimen (confining stress 1500 kPa) before shear (CD-2) Lower Clearwater Shale Formation, Triaxial Specimen (confining stress 1500 kPa) after shear (CD-2) Lower Clearwater Shale Formation, Triaxial Specimen (confining stress 3500 kPa) before shear (CD-3) Lower Clearwater Shale Formation, Triaxial Specimen (confining stress 3500 kPa) after shear (CD-3) APPENDICES Appendix A Appendix B Appendix C Appendix D Appendix E Appendix F EBA’s General Conditions Index Test Results Unconfined Compressive strength Test Result Swell (Method) Test Results Consolidated Drained Direct Shear Test Results Consolidated Drained Triaxial Test Results ii RPT - May River Caprock Core - IFR GEOMECHANICAL LABORATORY TESTING – MAY RIVER CAPROCK CORE EBA FILE: E12103087-01.002 | AUGUST 2013 | ISSUED FOR REVIEW SYMBOLS B: Degree of saturation (%) cpeak: Effective cohesion at peak strength state (kPa) cpost: Effective cohesion at post-peak strength state (kPa) D: Depth (m) d: Displacement rate (mm/min) E: Young’s modulus (MPa) e: Void ratio Gs: Specific gravity LL: Liquid limit (%) n: Porosity P: Applied stress (kPa) PI: Plastic index (%) PL: Plastic limit (%) Speak: Peak strength (kPa) Sresid: Residual strength (kPa) w: Water Content (%) : Strain rate (%/min) fail: Axial strain at failure state (kPa) peak: Axial strain at peak strength state (kPa) dry: Dry density (kg/m3) wet: Wet density (kg/m3) peak: Shear strain at peak strength (%) back: Back pressure (kPa) cell: Cell pressure (kPa) n: Normal consolidation stress (kPa) c: Effective consolidation stress (kPa) 1,fail: Effective major principal stress at failure state (kPa) 3,fail: Effective minor principal stress at failure state (kPa) ϕpeak: Effective angle of internal friction at peak strength state (Deg) ϕpost: Effective angle of internal friction at post-peak strength state (Deg) iii RPT - May River Caprock Core - IFR GEOMECHANICAL LABORATORY TESTING – MAY RIVER CAPROCK CORE EBA FILE: E12103087-01.002 | AUGUST 2013 | ISSUED FOR REVIEW : Poisson’s ratio iv RPT - May River Caprock Core - IFR GEOMECHANICAL LABORATORY TESTING – MAY RIVER CAPROCK CORE EBA FILE: E12103087-01.002 | AUGUST 2013 | ISSUED FOR REVIEW 1.0 INTRODUCTION Grizzly Oil Sands ULC (Grizzly) retained EBA Engineering Consultants Ltd. operating as EBA, A Tetra Tech Company (EBA) to conduct a laboratory program to evaluate the geotechnical strength properties of received mudstone core samples reported to have been taken from the “Lower Clearwater Shale” formations from May River area of Grizzly’s operation at 08-18-77-08 W4, Alberta. EBA outlined the scope of services to Mr. Kristian Nespor in a letter dated February 8, 2013 and subsequently EBA was authorized to proceed with this laboratory testing on February 11, 2013. The work was carried out under Grizzly P.O. No. P130072-1365-001. Grizzly’s representative Weatherford Laboratories (Weatherford) shipped core samples collected from May River area for this testing program on March 6, 2013. Geological field logging and markup of the cores were carried out by others and is beyond EBA’s scope for this project. Four cores were received for this project as outlined in Table 1 in the Tables Appendix. One of the cores (i.e., Core 10, Box 2) was stored in a PVC pipe that was previously split open and the rest of the cores were preserved in wax. The geology information received from the Client states that the Lower Clearwater Shale in this area are laterally continuous and consist of grey, silty shales with occasional (i.e., >5% by volume) very find grained sands. The sedimentary structures within this unit are consistent with a low energy, distal depositional environment. The Lower Clearwater Shale ranges between 14.8 and 19.9 m thick, averaging 17.6 m over the development area, with the base of the Lower Clearwater Shale averaging 252.0 m true vertical depth subsea (TVDSS). Figure 1 in Figures Appendix presents a schematic of stratification table of the geology of this area. It should be noted on Figure 1 that the Wabiskaw member and the Lower Clearwater Shale are nearly continuous and similar in structure. The scope of work included the following: One Atterberg Limit test to determine the plastic limit and liquid limit, one hydrometer to determine particle size distribution and one specific gravity test on a representative soil sample; Three consolidated drained direct shear (DS) tests to determine peak strength and residual strength properties at varying normal stresses; Three consolidated drained (CD) triaxial compression tests at varying effective confining stresses to determine stress-strain and shear properties; One unconfined compressive strength (UCS) test; and One Swelling test to determine wetting induced swell or collapse of the sample. 1 RPT - May River Caprock Core - IFR GEOMECHANICAL LABORATORY TESTING – MAY RIVER CAPROCK CORE EBA FILE: E12103087-01.002 | AUGUST 2013 | ISSUED FOR REVIEW 2.0 LABORATORY TEST PROGRAM 2.1 CT Scan Imaging of Core Weatherford provided core images using CT-Scan ray radiography of the samples. The images were viewed by EBA to assess the suitability of the cores for geomechanical testing prior to exposing the cores. The cores were imaged in 1.5 m increments. 2.2 Specimen Preparation All of the received samples were exposed without disturbing the 73 mm diameter core sample. The required length of the sample for testing was extracted. The remaining sample was wrapped with plastic in multiple layers and stored in EBA’s moisture room. Triaxial specimens were trimmed with a standard geotechnical trimming tool to a nominal diameter of approximately 50 mm and height of approximately 100 mm in a moisture room. The trimmed specimen was measured and weighed, photographed, and then installed in the triaxial cell immediately. The direct shear specimens were trimmed with the direct shear box trimming tool to a nominal diameter of 45.3 mm and a height of 20 mm. Trimming spoils were used to determine the initial specimen moisture content. The unconfined compression test specimens were trimmed with a standard geotechnical trimming tool to a nominal diameter of approximately 72 mm and height of 144 mm in a moisture room. The trimmed specimen was measured, weighed, photographed, and then installed on EBA’s compression device. Swell test specimens were carefully trimmed while inserting into the cylindrical consolidometer ring. Details of the test specimen used for the laboratory tests are provided in Table 2 in the Tables Appendix. 2.3 Porewater Fluid Chemistry To reduce the effects of geochemistry, EBA was instructed to use a porewater with 1% Sodium Chloride (NaCl) solution to approximate the in situ water chemistry. Weatherford supplied the porewater to EBA. The porewater solution was used to saturate the triaxial, direct shear, and swell test specimens. 2.4 Index Tests Atterberg Limit index tests, hydrometer particle size analyses, and specific gravity tests were performed following ASTM D43181, ASTM D4222, and ASTM D8543 respectively. The test results are summarized in Tables 3, 4, and 5 in the Tables Appendix. The detailed individual test results for index tests are provided in Appendix B. ASTM 2008. D4318 Standard test methods for liquid limit, plastic limit, and plasticity index of soils. ASTM International, volume 4.08, Soil and Rock (I), West Conshohocken, PA. 2 ASTM 2008. D422 Standard test method for particle size analysis of soils. ASTM International, volume 4.08, Soil and Rock (I), West Conshohocken, PA. 3 ASTM 2008. D854 Standard test method for specific gravity of soil solids by water pycnometer. ASTM International, volume 4.08, Soil and Rock (I), West Conshohocken, PA. 1 2 RPT - May River Caprock Core - IFR GEOMECHANICAL LABORATORY TESTING – MAY RIVER CAPROCK CORE EBA FILE: E12103087-01.002 | AUGUST 2013 | ISSUED FOR REVIEW 2.5 Unconfined Compression Tests One unconfined compression test (QU-1) was performed on an unconsolidated sample from Lower Clearwater Shale formation as described in ASTM D21664. After trimming, the specimen was installed within test platens and sheared to failure at a constant rate of 0.5%/min. Upon completion of the test, the apparatus was disassembled and specimen was photographed. The tested specimen was used to measure the sample water content. Table 6 in the Tables Appendix summarizes the unconfined compression test result. 2.6 Swell Test Method A The swell test (Method A) was undertaken to estimate the swell potential (both percent swell and swell pressure) for the caprock specimen from Lower Clearwater Shale formation by testing at vertical stresses 25, 75, 150, and 350 kPa following ASTM D45465 (S-1 to 4). A summary of the swell test (Method A) results is provided in Table 7 in the Tables Appendix. 2.7 Consolidated Drained Direct Shear Tests Three consolidated drained direct shear tests (DS-1 to 3) were performed on Lower Clearwater Shale formation according to ASTM D30806 at effective normal stresses of 0.5, 1.5, and 3.5 MPa. The trimmed specimen was installed in the direct shear box and consolidated under the effective normal stress. The consolidation data was used to calculate the box displacement rate to achieve a drained condition during shear. The specimen was then sheared under a constant strain rate until the maximum displacement of the shear box was reached to derive peak shear strength. The residual shear strength was determined by displacing the box manually three times to establish complete failure then shearing it under a constant displacement rate. Two methods are commonly used to calculate the box displacement rate for drained condition, Head’s (1992) and ASTM. Head’s rate was found to be slower and it was used to determine the peak strength and residual strength under the normal stress. The displacement rate for all three direct shear tests was 0.005 mm/min. A summary of direct shear test results is provided in Table 8 in the Tables Appendix. Dry density, void ratio, and porosity were calculated from measured water content and specific gravity values. ASTM 2008. D2166 Standard test method for unconfined compressive strength of cohesive soil. ASTM International, volume 4.08, Soil and Rock (I), West Conshohocken, PA. 5 ASTM 2008, D4546 Standard test method for one-dimensional swell or settlement potential of cohesive soils. ASTM International, volume 4.08, Soil and Rock (I), West Conshohocken, PA. 6 ASTM 2008. D3080 Standard test method for direct shear test for soils under consolidated drained conditions. ASTM International, volume 4.08, Soil and Rock (I), West Conshohocken, PA. 4 3 RPT - May River Caprock Core - IFR GEOMECHANICAL LABORATORY TESTING – MAY RIVER CAPROCK CORE EBA FILE: E12103087-01.002 | AUGUST 2013 | ISSUED FOR REVIEW 2.8 Consolidated Drained (CD) Triaxial Compression Tests A total of three consolidated drained triaxial tests were conducted on specimens from Lower Clearwater Shale at effective confining stresses of 0.5, 1.5, and 3.5 MPa following ASTM D47677. After trimming, the specimens were installed in a triaxial cell. The specimen saturation was performed under a back pressure of 400 kPa for CD-1 and a backpressure of 500 kPa for CD-2 and 3. In all cases an effective confining stress of about 10 kPa (i.e., the cell pressure is about 410 kPa for CD-1 and 510 kPa for CD-2 and 3) was applied for saturation. The saturation of specimen was confirmed by achieving the degree of saturation at least 95% (Skempton’s B value = 0.95). Once saturation was confirmed, the specimen was allowed to consolidate under the required effective confining pressure. Volume and height changes during the consolidation were measured. After the consolidation was completed, the specimen was sheared under drained conditions by applying an axial load through advancing the piston at a constant rate of strain. The strain rate was determined from the consolidation data. The strain rate was 0.01 mm/min for CD-1 and 0.005 mm/min for CD-2 and 3. Shearing was continued until a post-peak strength was reached. During shearing, the axial displacement, axial load, and volume change were measured continuously. To maintain a drained condition, the sample drainage valve was kept opened such that pore pressure of the specimen was maintained constant during shearing. Maintaining constant pore pressure and cell pressure resulted in the constant effective lateral stress (σ3') under drained conditions. The effective minor principal stress (σ3') was calculated from applied constant cell pressure and measured pore pressure. The effective major principal stress (σ1') was calculated from axial load, cross section area of specimen, and σ3'. The area of the specimen was calculated from measured height change of the specimen during deformation. With the completion of the final measurement, the apparatus was disassembled; the specimen was removed, slabbed, and photographed. For all specimens the final mass and water content were measured. Table 9 in the Tables Appendix summarizes the CD triaxial tests. The following properties were calculated with the test results. Effective angle of internal friction (ϕ') and effective cohesion (c') calculated from a line that passes through the peak strength state plotted on the modified Mohr-Coulomb s'-t graph where s'=(σ1'+σ3')/2 and t=(σ1'-σ3')/2; Modulus of elasticity (Young’s modulus) using the tangent modulus at approximately 50% of the peak strength on the stress-strain curve; and Poisson’s ratio at peak strength state (failure). Dry density, void ratio, and porosity were calculated from measured water content and specific gravity values. ASTM 2008. D4767 Standard test method for consolidated undrained triaxial compression test for cohesive soils. ASTM International, volume 4.08, Soil and Rock (I), West Conshohocken, PA. 7 4 RPT - May River Caprock Core - IFR GEOMECHANICAL LABORATORY TESTING – MAY RIVER CAPROCK CORE EBA FILE: E12103087-01.002 | AUGUST 2013 | ISSUED FOR REVIEW 3.0 RESULTS The index tests (Atterberg Limits, hydrometer and specific gravity) are presented in Appendix B. The unconfined compression test result for Lower Clearwater Shale formation is presented in Appendix C. 3.1 Swell Test (Method A) Test Results for Lower Clearwater Samples Figure 2 in the Figures Appendix presents stress versus wetting induced swell or collapse from the result of four swelling tests. Appendix D includes the time versus swell curve for each test. From Figure 2 it can be deduced that swell pressure which is the minimum pressure required for preventing swelling is approximately 340 kPa. The free swell which is the swell strain corresponding to a near zero stress of 1 kPa is approximately 15%. 3.2 Drained Direct Shear Test Results for Lower Clearwater Shale formation The summary page of consolidated drained direct shear test for Lower Clearwater Shale formation is presented in Figure 3 in the Figures Appendix. Test plots and data for all three consolidated drained direct shear tests are included in Appendix E. Effective angle of internal friction (ϕ'peak) at peak strength state was calculated from a line fitted through the peak stress states plotted on the Mohr-Coulomb graph. Effective cohesion (c'peak) was calculated from the line intercept of shear stress axis (y-axis). The strength parameters at residual stress state (ϕ'resid and c'resid) were also calculated as described above. For the direct shear tests: ϕ' = tan-1(slope); and c' = cohesion intercept on vertical axis. The Mohr-Coulomb parameters are summarized in Table 10 in the Tables Appendix. 3.3 Consolidated Drained Triaxial Test Results for Lower Clearwater Shale samples Three Triaxial compression test results on Lower Clearwater Shale formation including summary page, test plots, and specimen description page results are included in Appendix F. Mohr circle plots for peak values were plotted and presented in Figure 4 in the Figures Appendix. Modified Mohr-Coulomb s'-t graph, as presented in Figure 5, was used to determine linear best-fit slope angle (α) and vertical axis intercept (a). The s'-t linear best fit slope angle (α) and vertical intercept (a) were converted to the Mohr Coulomb parameters, as presented in Table 10 in the Tables Appendix, using equations: ϕ' = sin-1(tanα) c' = a/cosϕ' 5 RPT - May River Caprock Core - IFR GEOMECHANICAL LABORATORY TESTING – MAY RIVER CAPROCK CORE EBA FILE: E12103087-01.002 | AUGUST 2013 | ISSUED FOR REVIEW Post peak strength values from each triaxial tests were used and plotted into modified Mohr-Coulomb s'-t graph to determine the post peak friction angle (ϕ') and cohesion (c'). Table 10 in the Tables Appendix presents the post peak strength for Lower Clearwater Shale formation. From the Mohr circle plot shown in Figure 4, it can be seen that reasonable linear failure plot can be drawn. Considering linear failure envelop, Mohr Coulomb parameters were determined from s'-t plot that is presented in Figure 5 in the Figures Appendix. Table 11 in the Tables Appendix presents Young’s modulus at one-half the maximum deviatoric stress (E50) and Poisson’s ratio for each consolidated drained triaxial test. Photographs 1 to 6, in the Photographs Appendix, show the pre and post failure of triaxial specimens. 4.0 DISCUSSION All of the cores sent to EBA were reported by Weatherford to be from Lower Clearwater Shale formation. Based on the integrity of the samples received most of the tests for this program were conducted from samples collected from Core 10, Tube 2 (304.50-306.00 m). However, the unconfined compression test and one swelling test (S-4) were conducted on samples from Core 6, Tube 1 (294.33-294.64 m). The results show Core 6, Tube 1 samples had slightly higher moisture content and higher void ratio when compared to samples from Core 10, Tube 2. The swelling pressure for the Lower Clearwater Shale was determined to be 340 kPa. There are various empirical equations to estimate swelling pressure based on Atterberg Limits, Clay fraction and water content of the soil. Estimations of swelling pressure based on empirical equations suggests swelling pressure to be around 250 to 300 kPa for the formation. If swelling pressure is a key parameter in the geomechanical modelling, appropriate conservatism should be used for this reported parameter. 6 RPT - May River Caprock Core - IFR GEOMECHANICAL LABORATORY TESTING – MAY RIVER CAPROCK CORE EBA FILE: E12103087-01.002 | AUGUST 2013 | ISSUED FOR REVIEW 5.0 CLOSURE We trust this report meets your present requirements. If you have any questions or comments, please contact the undersigned. EBA Engineering Consultants Ltd. Prepared by: Reviewed by: Nafisul Islam, M.Eng., P.Eng. Geotechnical Engineer Direct Line: 780.451.2310 x355 Mark D. Watson, M.Eng., P.Eng. Principal Consultant Direct Line: 780.451.2130 x277 /my 7 RPT - May River Caprock Core - IFR GEOMECHANICAL LABORATORY TESTING – MAY RIVER CAPROCK CORE EBA FILE: E12103087-01.002 | AUGUST 2013 | ISSUED FOR REVIEW TABLES Table 1 Details of Received Cores from May River Area Table 2 Details of Specimen (Lower Clearwater Shale) Tested Table 3 Details of Atterberg Limits Test Table 4 Details of Hydrometer Test Table 5 Details of Specific Gravity Table 6 Details of Unconfined Compression Test Table 7 Details of Swell Test (Method A) Table 8 Details of Direct Shear Tests Table 9 Details of Consolidated Drained Triaxial Tests on Lower Clearwater Shale Formation Table 10 Summary of Mohr-Coulomb Strength Envelope Parameters Table 11 Young’s Modulus and Poisson’s Ratio for Lower Clearwater Shale Formation RPT - May River Caprock Core - IFR GEOMECHANICAL LABORATORY TESTING – MAY RIVER CAPROCK CORE EBA FILE: E12103087-01.002 | AUGUST 8, 2013 | ISSUED FOR REVIEW Table 1: Details of Received Cores from May River Area Core No. 9 Tube Sample No. Top Depth, m Bottom Depth, m Comments 2 FD1 (14-18) 317.40 317.70 14-18-77-08 W4 11 2 FD2 (14-18) 323.96 324.26 14-18-77-08 W4 6 1 FD1 (08-18) 294.33 294.64 08-18-77-08 W4 10 2 - 304.50 306.00 08-18-77-08 W4 Table 2: Details of Specimen (Lower Clearwater Shale) Tested 3 3 Test No Qu-1 Depth (m) w (%) γdry (kg/m ) γwet (kg/m ) e n 294.34-294.49 16.5 1,752 2,041 0.52 0.34 S-1 305.61-305.64 11.8 1,905 2,130 0.40 0.29 S-2 305.15-305.18 12.8 1,814 2,046 0.47 0.32 S-3 305.18-305.21 12.6 1,880 2,119 0.42 0.30 S-4 294.51-294.54 17.0 1,778 2,080 0.50 0.33 DS-1 305.00-305.02 11.4 1,918 2,137 0.39 0.28 DS-2 305.03-305.05 12.5 1,953 2,197 0.36 0.27 DS-3 305.08-305.10 11.8 1,966 2,197 0.35 0.26 CD-1 305.32-305.43 13.4 1,846 2,095 0.44 0.31 CD-2 305.45-305.55 13.5 1,861 2,112 0.43 0.30 CD-3 305.75-305.85 12.7 1,930 2,175 0.38 0.28 Table 3: Details of Atterberg Limits Test Test No. AL-1 AL-2 Formation Depth (m) LL (%) PL (%) PI (%) Modified USCS Symbol Soil Description Lower Clearwater Shale 305.30 62 15 47 CH High Plastic Lower Clearwater Shale 294.4 60 18 42 CH High Plastic Table 4: Details of Hydrometer Test Test No. H-1 Formation Depth (m) Soil Description Lower Clearwater Shale 305.30 Clay and Silt Formation Depth (m) Gs Lower Clearwater Shale 305.30 2.66 Table 5: Details of Specific Gravity Test No. SG-1 Table 6: Details of Unconfined Compression Test Test No. QU-1 Tables Formation Depth (m) Qu (kPa) Speak (kPa) εpeak (%) Lower Clearwater Shale 294.34-294.49 152 76 5.8 GEOMECHANICAL LABORATORY TESTING – MAY RIVER CAPROCK CORE EBA FILE: E12103087-01.002 | AUGUST 8, 2013 | ISSUED FOR REVIEW Table 7: Details of Swell Test (Method A) 305.61-305.64 Initial Moisture Content (%) 11.8 Final Moisture Content (%) 20.4 305.15-305.18 12.8 19.8 S-3 305.18-305.21 12.7 S-4 294.51-294.54 17.0 Test No. Depth (m) S-1 S-2 Dry Density (kg/m³) Applied Pressure (kPa) 1,905 25 Initial Specimen Height (mm) 25.18 1,814 75 25.24 17.4 1,880 150 19.3 1,778 350 Specimen Deformation (mm) % Swell % Collapse 2.39 9.49 - 0.67 2.64 - 25.50 0.40 1.57 - 25.28 -0.02 - 0.06 Table 8: Details of Direct Shear Tests σn (kPa) Test No Depth (m) Displacement Rate, d (mm/min) speak (kPa) sresid (kPa) DS-1 305.00-305.02 500 0.005 415 145 DS-2 305.03-305.05 1500 0.005 1045 415 DS-3 305.08-305.10 3500 0.005 2066 965 Table 9: Details of Consolidated Drained Triaxial Tests on Lower Clearwater Shale Formation Test No. CD-1 Depth (m) B (%) σcell (kPa) σback (kPa) σ'c (kPa) ε (%/min) σ'1,fail (kPa) σ'3,fail (kPa) ε fail % 305.32-305.43 95 900 400 500 0.01 2044 500 3.4 CD-2 305.45-305.55 97 2000 500 1500 0.005 4209 1500 4.6 CD-3 305.75-305.85 96 4000 500 3500 0.005 9459 3500 3.3 Table 10: Summary of Mohr-Coulomb Strength Envelope Parameters Test Triaxial Direct Shear Formation Lower Clearwater Shale Test No. Peak Strength State ϕ'peak (deg) c'peak (kPa) CD-1 to 3 25.3 131 DS-1 to 3 28.6 177 Residual State (Direct Shear tests) ϕ'resid c'resid (deg) (kPa) Post Peak State (Triaxial tests) ϕ'post-peak c'post-peak (deg) (kPa) 19.0 15.3 0 7 Table 11: Young’s Modulus and Poisson’s Ratio for Lower Clearwater Shale Formation Tables Test No. CD-1 Confining Stress (MPa) Depth (m) E50 (MPa) ν 0.5 305.32-305.43 46.8 0.38 CD-2 1.5 305.45-305.55 84.0 0.46 CD-3 3.5 305.75-305.85 223.0 0.48 GEOMECHANICAL LABORATORY TESTING – MAY RIVER CAPROCK CORE EBA FILE: E12103087-01.002 | AUGUST 2013 | ISSUED FOR REVIEW FIGURES Figure 1 Geological Stratification Table of 08-18-77-08-W4, May River, Alberta. Figure 2 Stress vs. Wetting Induced Swell/Collapse Strain, Lower Clearwater Shale Figure 3 Summary of Direct Shear Test Results for Lower Clearwater Shale Formation Figure 4 Mohr Circle Plots for Peak Values for Consolidated Drained Triaxial Tests conducted on Lower Clearwater Shale Formation Figure 5 Consolidation Drained Triaxial Compression Tests Strength Envelop (s’-t) for Lower Clearwater Shale Formation RPT - May River Caprock Core - IFR Lower Clearwater Shale Wabiskaw Member Clearwater Formation Upper Clearwater Sand Wabiskaw C McMurray A Sand McMurray C McMurray Formation McMurray A Shale Lower McMurray Beaverhill Lake Formation Figure 1: Geological Stratification Table of 08-18-77-08-W4, May River, Alberta. 16 Stress versus Wetting-Induced Swell/Collapse Strain, Method A May River Caprock Core Geomechanical Testing of Grizzly Oil Sands 08-18-77-08 W4 14 12 May River Wabiskaw Shale Vertiical Strain, % 10 8 6 4 2 0 -2 0 50 100 150 200 Vertical Stress, kPa Figure 2: Stress vs. Wetting Induced Swell/Collapse Strain, Lower Clearwater Shale. 250 300 350 400 SUMMARY of DIRECT SHEAR TEST RESULTS ASTM D3080 Project : May River Geomechanics Sample No.: Core 10 Project No. : E12103087-01.002 Depth (m): 305.00-350.10 Client: Grizzly Oil Sands Date : May 10, 2013 Attention: Kristian Nespor Tested By: SK Office: Edmonton Email: 3000 peak line Residual line Shear Stress (kPa) 2250 1500 750 0 0 750 1500 2250 3000 3750 4500 Normal Stress (kPa) Inferred Shear Strength Parameters :- Cohesion Intercept Peak Strength: Residual Strength: Inferred Angle of Shearing Resistance (kPa) (Degrees) 177 28.6 7 15.3 Reviewed By: Data presented hereon is for the sole use of the stipulated client. EBA Engineering Consultants Ltd. operating as EBA A Tetra Tech Company is not responsible, nor can be held liable, for use made of this report by any other party, with or without the knowledge of EBA. The testing services reported herein have been performed to recognized industry standards, unless noted. No other warranty is made. These data do not include or represent any interpretation or opinion of specification compliance or material suitability. Should engineering interpretation be required, EBA will provide it upon written request. Figure 3: Summary of Direct Shear Test Results for Lower Clearwater Shale Formation. P.Eng. 10000 Mohr Circle Plots for Peak Values Consolidated Drained Triaxial Test May River Caprock Core, Wabiskaw shale formation Geomechanical Testing of Grizzly Oil Sands 08-18-77-08 W4 9000 8000 7000 6000 CD1 (500 kPa) 5000 Shear Stress, kPa CD2 (1000 kPa) CD3 (2500 kPa) 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 Normal Stress, kPa Figure 4: Mohr Circle Plots for Peak Values for Consolidated Drained Triaxial Tests Conducted on Lower Clearwater Shale. 10000 3500.0 s'-t plot for Peak values Consolidation Drained Triaxial Test May River Caprock Core, Wabiskaw shale formation Geomechanical testing of Grizzly Oil Sands 08-18-77-08 W4 3000.0 y = 0.4281x + 188.45 R² = 0.9981 t = (σ'1-σ'3)/2 2500.0 2000.0 1500.0 s'-t plot for peak values 1000.0 Linear (s'-t plot for peak values) 500.0 0.0 0.0 1000.0 2000.0 3000.0 4000.0 5000.0 6000.0 s'=(σ'1+σ'3)/2 Figure 5: Consolidation Drained Triaxial Compression Tests Strength Envelop (s'-t) for Lower Clearwater shale Formation. 7000.0 GEOMECHANICAL LABORATORY TESTING – MAY RIVER CAPROCK CORE EBA FILE: E12103087-01.002 | AUGUST 2013 | ISSUED FOR REVIEW PHOTOGRAPHS Photo 1 Lower Clearwater Shale Formation, Triaxial Specimen (confining stress 500 kPa before shear (CD-1) Photo 2 Lower Clearwater Shale Formation, Triaxial Specimen (confining stress 500 kPa after shear (CD-1) Photo 3 Lower Clearwater Shale Formation, Triaxial Specimen (confining stress 1500 kPa) before shear (CD-2) Photo 4 Lower Clearwater Shale Formation, Triaxial Specimen (confining stress 1500 kPa) after shear (CD-2) Photo 5 Lower Clearwater Shale Formation, Triaxial Specimen (confining stress 3500 kPa) before shear (CD-3) Photo 6 Lower Clearwater Shale Formation, Triaxial Specimen (confining stress 3500 kPa) after shear (CD-3) RPT - May River Caprock Core - IFR GEOMECHANICAL LABORATORY TESTING – MAY RIVER CAPROCK CORE EBA FILE: E12103087-01.002 | AUGUST 2013 | ISSUED FOR REVIEW Photo 1: Lower Clearwater Shale Formation, Triaxial Specimen (confining stress 500 kPa before shear (CD-1) Photo 2: Lower Clearwater Shale Formation, Triaxial Specimen (confining stress 500 kPa after shear (CD-1) Photographs E12103087-01.002 GEOMECHANICAL LABORATORY TESTING – MAY RIVER CAPROCK CORE EBA FILE: E12103087-01.002 | AUGUST 2013 | ISSUED FOR REVIEW Photo 3: Lower Clearwater Shale Formation, Triaxial Specimen (confining stress 1500 kPa before shear (CD-2) Photo 4: Lower Clearwater Shale Formation, Triaxial Specimen (confining stress 1500 kPa after shear (CD-2) Photographs E12103087-01.002 GEOMECHANICAL LABORATORY TESTING – MAY RIVER CAPROCK CORE EBA FILE: E12103087-01.002 | AUGUST 2013 | ISSUED FOR REVIEW Photo 5: Lower Clearwater Shale Formation, Triaxial Specimen (confining stress 3500 kPa before shear (CD-3) Photo 6: Lower Clearwater Shale Formation, Triaxial Specimen (confining stress 3500 kPa after shear (CD-3) Photographs E12103087-01.002 GEOMECHANICAL LABORATORY TESTING – MAY RIVER CAPROCK CORE EBA FILE: E12103087-01.002 | AUGUST 2013 | ISSUED FOR REVIEW APPENDIX A EBA’S GENERAL CONDITIONS RPT - May River Caprock Core - IFR GENERAL CONDITIONS GEOTECHNICAL REPORT This report incorporates and is subject to these “General Conditions”. 1.0 4.0 USE OF REPORT AND OWNERSHIP This geotechnical report pertains to a specific site, a specific development and a specific scope of work. It is not applicable to any other sites nor should it be relied upon for types of development other than that to which it refers. Any variation from the site or development would necessitate a supplementary geotechnical assessment. Classification and identification of soils and rocks are based upon commonly accepted systems and methods employed in professional geotechnical practice. This report contains descriptions of the systems and methods used. Where deviations from the system or method prevail, they are specifically mentioned. Classification and identification of geological units are judgmental in nature as to both type and condition. EBA does not warrant conditions represented herein as exact, but infers accuracy only to the extent that is common in practice. This report and the recommendations contained in it are intended for the sole use of EBA’s Client. EBA does not accept any responsibility for the accuracy of any of the data, the analyses or the recommendations contained or referenced in the report when the report is used or relied upon by any party other than EBA’s Client unless otherwise authorized in writing by EBA. Any unauthorized use of the report is at the sole risk of the user. Where subsurface conditions encountered during development are different from those described in this report, qualified geotechnical personnel should revisit the site and review recommendations in light of the actual conditions encountered. This report is subject to copyright and shall not be reproduced either wholly or in part without the prior, written permission of EBA. Additional copies of the report, if required, may be obtained upon request. 2.0 5.0 ALTERNATE REPORT FORMAT 6.0 Both electronic file and hard copy versions of EBA’s instruments of professional service shall not, under any circumstances, no matter who owns or uses them, be altered by any party except EBA. EBA’s instruments of professional service will be used only and exactly as submitted by EBA. STRATIGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGICAL INFORMATION The stratigraphic and geological information indicated on drawings contained in this report are inferred from logs of test holes and/or soil/rock exposures. Stratigraphy is known only at the locations of the test hole or exposure. Actual geology and stratigraphy between test holes and/or exposures may vary from that shown on these drawings. Natural variations in geological conditions are inherent and are a function of the historic environment. EBA does not represent the conditions illustrated as exact but recognizes that variations will exist. Where knowledge of more precise locations of geological units is necessary, additional investigation and review may be necessary. Electronic files submitted by EBA have been prepared and submitted using specific software and hardware systems. EBA makes no representation about the compatibility of these files with the Client’s current or future software and hardware systems. ENVIRONMENTAL AND REGULATORY ISSUES Unless stipulated in the report, EBA has not been retained to investigate, address or consider and has not investigated, addressed or considered any environmental or regulatory issues associated with development on the subject site. 1 General Conditions - Geotechnical.docx LOGS OF TESTHOLES The testhole logs are a compilation of conditions and classification of soils and rocks as obtained from field observations and laboratory testing of selected samples. Soil and rock zones have been interpreted. Change from one geological zone to the other, indicated on the logs as a distinct line, can be, in fact, transitional. The extent of transition is interpretive. Any circumstance which requires precise definition of soil or rock zone transition elevations may require further investigation and review. Where EBA submits both electronic file and hard copy versions of reports, drawings and other project-related documents and deliverables (collectively termed EBA’s instruments of professional service), only the signed and/or sealed versions shall be considered final and legally binding. The original signed and/or sealed version archived by EBA shall be deemed to be the original for the Project. 3.0 NATURE AND EXACTNESS OF SOIL AND ROCK DESCRIPTIONS GENERAL CONDITIONS GEOTECHNICAL REPORT 7.0 11.0 DRAINAGE SYSTEMS PROTECTION OF EXPOSED GROUND Excavation and construction operations expose geological materials to climatic elements (freeze/thaw, wet/dry) and/or mechanical disturbance which can cause severe deterioration. Unless otherwise specifically indicated in this report, the walls and floors of excavations must be protected from the elements, particularly moisture, desiccation, frost action and construction traffic. 8.0 Where temporary or permanent drainage systems are installed within or around a structure, the systems which will be installed must protect the structure from loss of ground due to internal erosion and must be designed so as to assure continued performance of the drains. Specific design detail of such systems should be developed or reviewed by the geotechnical engineer. Unless otherwise specified, it is a condition of this report that effective temporary and permanent drainage systems are required and that they must be considered in relation to project purpose and function. SUPPORT OF ADJACENT GROUND AND STRUCTURES Unless otherwise specifically advised, support of ground and structures adjacent to the anticipated construction and preservation of adjacent ground and structures from the adverse impact of construction activity is required. 9.0 12.0 BEARING CAPACITY Design bearing capacities, loads and allowable stresses quoted in this report relate to a specific soil or rock type and condition. Construction activity and environmental circumstances can materially change the condition of soil or rock. The elevation at which a soil or rock type occurs is variable. It is a requirement of this report that structural elements be founded in and/or upon geological materials of the type and in the condition assumed. Sufficient observations should be made by qualified geotechnical personnel during construction to assure that the soil and/or rock conditions assumed in this report in fact exist at the site. INFLUENCE OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY There is a direct correlation between construction activity and structural performance of adjacent buildings and other installations. The influence of all anticipated construction activities should be considered by the contractor, owner, architect and prime engineer in consultation with a geotechnical engineer when the final design and construction techniques are known. 10.0 OBSERVATIONS DURING CONSTRUCTION 13.0 SAMPLES Because of the nature of geological deposits, the judgmental nature of geotechnical engineering, as well as the potential of adverse circumstances arising from construction activity, observations during site preparation, excavation and construction should be carried out by a geotechnical engineer. These observations may then serve as the basis for confirmation and/or alteration of geotechnical recommendations or design guidelines presented herein. EBA will retain all soil and rock samples for 30 days after this report is issued. Further storage or transfer of samples can be made at the Client’s expense upon written request, otherwise samples will be discarded. 14.0 INFORMATION PROVIDED TO EBA BY OTHERS During the performance of the work and the preparation of the report, EBA may rely on information provided by persons other than the Client. While EBA endeavours to verify the accuracy of such information when instructed to do so by the Client, EBA accepts no responsibility for the accuracy or the reliability of such information which may affect the report. 2 General Conditions - Geotechnical.docx GEOMECHANICAL LABORATORY TESTING – MAY RIVER CAPROCK CORE EBA FILE: E12103087-01.002 | AUGUST 2013 | ISSUED FOR REVIEW APPENDIX B INDEX TEST RESULTS RPT - May River Caprock Core - IFR ATTERBERG LIMITS TEST REPORT ASTM D4318 Project: May River Caprock Testing Sample Number: Borehole Number: Core 10 Project No: E12103087-01.002 Depth: 305.30 - 305.45m Client: Grizzly Oil Sands ULC Sampled By: Attention: Kristian Nespor Date Sampled: Email: Date Tested: Tested By: MN May 17, 2013 Sample Description: Plasticity Chart Plasticity Index (Ip) 50 CH 40 CI 30 20 CL 10 CL-ML MH or OH ML or OL ML 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Liquid Limit (Wl) Liquid Limit (W 1) : 62 Natural Moisture (%) Plastic Limit : 15 Soil Plasticity: High Plasticity Index (Ip) : 47 Mod.USCS Symbol: CH Remarks: Reviewed By: Data presented hereon is for the sole use of the stipulated client. EBA is not responsible, nor can be held liable, for use made of this report by any other party, with or without the knowledge of EBA. The testing services reported herein have been performed by an EBA technician to recognized industry standards, unless otherwise noted. No other warranty is made. These data do not include or represent any interpretation or opinion of specification compliance or material suitability. Should engineering interpretation be required, EBA will provide it upon written request. C.E.T. ATTERBERG LIMITS TEST REPORT ASTM D4318 Project: Geomechanical Testing Sample Number: on Grizzly Oil Sand cores Borehole Number: Project No: E12103087-01 Depth: Client: Weatherford Canada Partnership Sampled By: Attention: Kristian Nespor Date Sampled: Email: Date Tested: Core 6 Tube 1 294.4 m Tested By: KTP July 22, 2013 Sample Description: Plasticity Chart Plasticity Index (Ip) 50 CH 40 30 CI 20 CL 10 CL-ML MH or OH ML or OL ML 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Liquid Limit (Wl) Liquid Limit (W 1) : 60 Natural Moisture (%) Plastic Limit : 18 Soil Plasticity: Plasticity Index (Ip) : 42 Mod.USCS Symbol: High CH Remarks: Reviewed By: Data presented hereon is for the sole use of the stipulated client. EBA Engineering Consultants Ltd. operating as EBA A Tetra Tech Company is not responsible, nor can be held liable, for use made of this report by any other party, with or without the knowledge of EBA. The testing services reported herein have been performed to recognized industry standards, unless noted. No other warranty is made. These data do not include or represent any interpretation or opinion of specification compliance or material suitability. Should engineering interpretation be required, EBA will provide it upon written request. C.E.T. PARTICLE SIZE ANALYSIS (Hydrometer) TEST REPORT ASTM D422 Project: May River Caprock Testing Sample No.: Client: Grizzly Oil Sands ULC Borehole/ TP: Core 10 Project No.: E12103087-01.002 Depth: 305.30- 305.45m Date Tested May 15, 2013 Tested By: MN Location: Description **: Particle Size Percent Passing CLAY, and Silt - Brown Clay size Silt Size Sand Fine Gravel Medium Coarse Fine Coarse 100 100 mm 75 mm P 90 e r 80 c e n 70 t 50 mm 38 mm 25 mm 19 mm 13 mm 10 mm 60 F i n 50 e r 40 5 mm 2 mm 850 µm 425 µm 250 µm 100 150 µm 100 75 µm 100 27 µm 76 18 µm 68 11 µm 60 8 µm 55 5 µm 52 3 µm 45 1 µm 37 b y 30 Material Description Proportion (%) M 20 a s s 10 Clay Size * 41 Silt Size 59 Sand 0 Gravel Cobbles 0 0 0 2 80 Particle Size (µm) 400 2 5 20 Particle Size(mm) 75 Remarks: * The upper clay size of 2 µm is as per the Canadian Foundation Manual. ** The description is behaviour based & subject to EBA description protocols. Reviewed By: Data presented hereon is for the sole use of the stipulated client. EBA Engineering Consultants Ltd. operating as EBA A Tetra Tech Company is not responsible, nor can be held liable, for use made of this report by any other party, with or without the knowledge of EBA. The testing services reported herein have been performed to recognized industry standards, unless noted. No other warranty is made. These data do not include or represent any interpretation or opinion of specification compliance or material suitability. Should engineering interpretation be required, EBA will provide it upon written request. P.Eng. Specific Gravity of Soil ASTM D854 Project: May River Caprock Testing Borehole No: Core 10 Project No.: E12103087-01.002 Depth: 305.30- 305.45m Client: Sample Description: Grizzly Oil Sands ULC Date Tested: 27-May-13 Tested By: MN CLAY, and Silt - Grey. TRIAL 1 2 Pycnometer No. P Q Wt. of Soil, Pycnometer & Water (g) 311.24 313.32 Wt. of Pycnometer (g) 93.89 92.67 Wt. of Dry Soil (g) 29.35 34.41 23 23 Wt. of Pycnometer & Water @ Tx ºC (g) 292.89 291.86 Specific Gravity 2.668 2.657 Temp. of Soil & Water (Tx ºC) Avg. Specific Gravity 2.663 Gs = Where: Wo Wo + Wa - Wb W o = Dry wt. of soil W a = Wt. of Pycnometer & Water @ Tx ºC W b = Wt. of Soil, Pycnometer & Water Gs = Specific gravity of sample Remarks: Reviewed By: Data presented hereon is for the sole use of the stipulated client. EBA Engineering Consultants Ltd. operating as EBA A Tetra Tech Company is not responsible, nor can be held liable, for use made of this report by any other party, with or without the knowledge of EBA. The testing services reported herein have been performed to recognized industry standards, unless noted. No other warranty is made. These data do not include or represent any interpretation or opinion of specification compliance or material suitability. Should engineering interpretation be required, EBA will provide it upon written request. 3 GEOMECHANICAL LABORATORY TESTING – MAY RIVER CAPROCK CORE EBA FILE: E12103087-01.002 | AUGUST 2013 | ISSUED FOR REVIEW APPENDIX C UNCONFINED COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH TEST RESULT RPT - May River Caprock Core - IFR UNCONFINED COMPRESSION TEST ASTM D2166 Project: May River Geomechanics Test Number: QU-1 Project No.: E12103087-01.002 Test Hole No.: FD1 Client: Depth (m): 294.34-294.49 Date Tested: May 30, 2013 Grizzly Oil Sands Attention: Soil Description: Silty Shale Initial Sample Conditions Moisture Content (%): 3 Wet Density (Mg/m ): 3 Dry Density (Mg/m ): Rate of Strain (%/min): 16.5 2.041 1.752 0.5 Peak Stress (kPa): 152 Strain @ Peak Stress (%): 5.8 Compressive Stress (kPa) 200 150 100 50 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 Strain (%) Remarks: Reviewed By: Data presented hereon is for the sole use of the stipulated client. EBA Engineering Consultants Ltd. operating as EBA A Tetra Tech Company is not responsible, nor can be held liable, for use made of this report by any other party, with or without the knowledge of EBA. The testing services reported herein have been performed to recognized industry standards, unless noted. No other warranty is made. These data do not include or represent any interpretation or opinion of specification compliance or material suitability. Should engineering interpretation be required, EBA will provide it upon written request. P.Eng. GEOMECHANICAL LABORATORY TESTING – MAY RIVER CAPROCK CORE EBA FILE: E12103087-01.002 | AUGUST 2013 | ISSUED FOR REVIEW APPENDIX D SWELL (METHOD) TEST RESULTS RPT - May River Caprock Core - IFR Log Time vs. Deformation 1 2.40 2.20 2.00 10 100 1000 Job Number…………….: E12103087-01.002 Test Number...................: S-1 Test Hole Number……..: 08-18-77-08 W4 Depth .…......................…: 305.61-305.64 m Load to (kPa)……………: 25 Date………………………: 05-28-2013 1.80 Deflection, mm 1.60 1.40 1.20 1.00 0.80 0.60 0.40 0.20 0.00 -0.20 Time (min.) 10000 100000 Log Time vs. Deformation 1 2.40 2.20 2.00 10 100 1000 Job Number…………….: E12103087-01.002 Test Number...................: S-2 Test Hole Number……..: 08-18-77-08 W4 Depth .…......................…: 305.15-305.18 m Load to (kPa)……………: 75 Date………………………: 05-29-2013 1.80 Deflection, mm 1.60 1.40 1.20 1.00 0.80 0.60 0.40 0.20 0.00 -0.20 Time (min.) 10000 100000 Log Time vs. Deformation 1 2.40 2.20 2.00 10 100 1000 Job Number…………….: E12103087-01.002 Test Number...................: S-3 Test Hole Number……..: 08-18-77-08 W4 Depth .…......................…: 305.18-305.21 m Load to (kPa)……………: 150 Date………………………: 05-29-2013 1.80 Deflection, mm 1.60 1.40 1.20 1.00 0.80 0.60 0.40 0.20 0.00 -0.20 Time (min.) 10000 100000 Log Time vs. Deformation 1 2.40 2.20 2.00 10 100 1000 Job Number…………….: E12103087-01.002 Test Number...................: S-4 Test Hole Number……..: 08-18-77-08 W4 Depth .…......................…: 294.51-294.54 m Load to (kPa)……………: 350 Date………………………: 05-30-2013 1.80 Deflection, mm 1.60 1.40 1.20 1.00 0.80 0.60 0.40 0.20 0.00 -0.20 Time (min.) 10000 100000 GEOMECHANICAL LABORATORY TESTING – MAY RIVER CAPROCK CORE EBA FILE: E12103087-01.002 | AUGUST 2013 | ISSUED FOR REVIEW APPENDIX E CONSOLIDATED DRAINED DIRECT SHEAR TEST RESULTS RPT - May River Caprock Core - IFR DIRECT SHEAR TEST ASTM D3080 Project: May River Geomechanics Test Hole No.: Core 10 Project No.: E12103087-01.002 Depth (m): 305.00-305.02 Client: Grizzly Oil Sands Test No.: DS-1 Date Tested: April 19, 2013 Machine: 2 Description: Mudstone, blocky Preparation: Undisturbed Normal Stress (kPa) = 500 Peak Stress (kPa) = Moisture Content (%) = Wet Density (Mg/m ) = 415 Residual Stress (kPa) = 11.4 3 2.137 3 Dry Density (Mg/m ) = 145 1.918 Shear Stress (kPa) 600 Peak Residual 400 200 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 Horizontal Deflection (mm) Vertical Deflection (mm) 0.4 0.2 0.0 -0.2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 Horizontal Deflection (mm) Remarks: Reviewed By: Data presented hereon is for the sole use of the stipulated client. EBA Engineering Consultants Ltd. operating as EBA A Tetra Tech Company is not responsible, nor can be held liable, for use made of this report by any other party, with or without the knowledge of EBA. The testing services reported herein have been performed to recognized industry standards, unless noted. No other warranty is made. These data do not include or represent any interpretation or opinion of specification compliance or material suitability. Should engineering interpretation be required, EBA will provide it upon written request. P.Eng. DIRECT SHEAR TEST ASTM D3080 Project: May River Geomechanics Test Hole No.: Core 10 Project No.: E12103087-01.002 Depth (m): 305.00-305.02 Client: Grizzly Oil Sands Test No.: DS-1 Attention: 0.000 Date Tested: April 19, 2013 Moisture Content (%) 3 Wet Density (Mg/m ) 3 Dry Density (Mg/m ) Initial Final 11.4 19.6 2.137 2.294 1.918 1.918 Horizontal Displacement Vertical Displacement Shear Stress Horizontal Displacement Vertical Displacement Shear Stress (mm) (mm) (kPa) (mm) (mm) (kPa) 0.00 0.07 0.15 0.25 0.34 0.44 0.53 0.64 0.74 0.84 0.94 1.05 1.15 1.26 1.36 1.46 1.57 1.67 1.77 1.87 1.98 2.08 2.18 2.28 2.39 2.54 2.69 2.84 2.99 3.12 3.30 3.46 3.61 0.000 0.001 0.001 0.006 0.011 0.016 0.024 0.032 0.036 0.038 0.041 0.043 0.044 0.044 0.045 0.046 0.046 0.051 0.055 0.055 0.057 0.059 0.062 0.064 0.066 0.071 0.074 0.075 0.079 0.081 0.078 0.075 0.075 0.0 68.7 136.7 212.7 289.9 349.1 391.4 414.7 404.8 393.3 362.7 319.9 307.0 299.8 292.9 288.9 284.1 279.8 274.4 270.0 266.6 264.1 262.8 260.9 258.9 255.9 252.5 249.6 247.8 242.7 234.3 230.6 227.4 3.76 3.91 4.07 4.22 4.38 4.53 4.68 4.84 4.99 5.14 5.28 5.43 5.58 5.73 5.89 6.04 6.19 6.34 6.49 6.64 6.80 6.95 7.10 7.30 7.50 7.70 7.90 8.10 8.30 8.50 8.71 8.91 9.11 0.074 0.076 0.075 0.075 0.075 0.074 0.076 0.076 0.077 0.076 0.076 0.075 0.075 0.074 0.074 0.074 0.073 0.073 0.072 0.072 0.071 0.071 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.069 0.069 0.069 0.071 0.073 0.074 0.077 224.9 223.2 220.8 218.7 216.1 214.6 212.5 210.5 208.7 207.6 205.4 204.5 203.1 202.1 201.1 200.0 197.9 197.0 196.4 194.9 194.0 192.2 191.0 188.4 185.6 184.4 183.4 181.5 179.8 179.2 177.6 176.4 175.7 RESIDUAL STRENGTH TEST ASTM D3080 Project: May River Geomechanics Horizontal Displacement Vertical Displacement Sample No.: Shear Stress Horizontal Displacement Core 10 Vertical Displacement Shear Stress (mm) (mm) (mm) 0.000 (kPa) 0.0 (mm) 0.00 8.43 -0.083 (kPa) 164.0 0.15 -0.016 46.0 8.64 -0.082 164.0 0.34 -0.031 108.2 8.84 -0.081 163.5 0.53 0.73 -0.042 -0.047 131.5 140.5 9.05 9.25 -0.081 -0.080 163.3 162.9 0.93 1.14 1.34 1.55 1.75 1.95 2.16 2.36 2.57 2.77 2.97 3.18 3.38 3.59 3.79 4.00 4.21 4.41 4.61 4.82 5.02 5.22 5.41 5.61 5.82 6.02 6.23 6.43 6.62 6.83 7.03 7.23 7.43 7.62 7.83 8.03 8.23 -0.054 -0.059 -0.062 -0.066 -0.069 -0.070 -0.073 -0.073 -0.076 -0.076 -0.076 -0.076 -0.079 -0.079 -0.082 -0.079 -0.082 -0.083 -0.084 -0.081 -0.088 -0.080 -0.094 -0.086 -0.083 -0.087 -0.087 -0.084 -0.085 -0.084 -0.084 -0.083 -0.084 -0.085 -0.083 -0.084 -0.083 148.2 153.4 165.0 169.7 169.8 170.1 170.7 168.1 167.7 169.7 172.1 174.8 175.7 176.0 176.8 177.7 177.5 177.0 177.2 177.0 176.4 175.9 174.7 173.8 173.1 172.5 171.8 170.2 170.4 169.4 168.3 167.1 166.3 165.6 165.4 164.8 163.8 9.45 9.66 9.86 10.06 10.26 10.45 10.65 10.85 11.06 11.26 11.45 11.66 11.85 12.05 12.25 12.45 12.65 12.84 13.05 13.25 13.45 13.66 13.86 14.07 14.28 14.49 14.70 14.90 15.11 15.28 -0.081 -0.079 -0.079 -0.079 -0.078 -0.077 -0.077 -0.076 -0.077 -0.074 -0.074 -0.074 -0.074 -0.070 -0.069 -0.071 -0.070 -0.070 -0.070 -0.069 -0.068 -0.067 -0.066 -0.065 -0.064 -0.064 -0.064 -0.063 -0.061 -0.061 162.0 161.4 161.0 160.6 159.8 159.4 158.8 158.7 158.3 157.1 156.5 155.5 154.9 154.7 154.2 153.6 152.5 152.1 150.7 149.8 149.1 148.8 148.2 147.5 147.3 147.1 146.9 145.8 145.5 144.9 DIRECT SHEAR TEST ASTM D3080 Project: May River Geomechanics Test Hole No.: Core 10 Project No.: E12103087-01.002 Depth (m): 305.03-305.05 Client: Grizzly Oil Sands Test No.: DS-2 Date Tested: April 26, 2013 Machine: 2 Description: Mudstone, blocky Preparation: Undisturbed Normal Stress (kPa) = 1500 Peak Stress (kPa) = Moisture Content (%) = Wet Density (Mg/m ) = 1045 Residual Stress (kPa) = 12.5 3 2.197 3 Dry Density (Mg/m ) = 415 1.953 Shear Stress (kPa) 1500 Peak Residual 1000 500 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 Horizontal Deflection (mm) Vertical Deflection (mm) 0.4 0.2 0.0 -0.2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 Horizontal Deflection (mm) Remarks: Reviewed By: Data presented hereon is for the sole use of the stipulated client. EBA Engineering Consultants Ltd. operating as EBA A Tetra Tech Company is not responsible, nor can be held liable, for use made of this report by any other party, with or without the knowledge of EBA. The testing services reported herein have been performed to recognized industry standards, unless noted. No other warranty is made. These data do not include or represent any interpretation or opinion of specification compliance or material suitability. Should engineering interpretation be required, EBA will provide it upon written request. P.Eng. DIRECT SHEAR TEST ASTM D3080 Project: May River Geomechanics Test Hole No.: Core 10 Project No.: E12103087-01.002 Depth (m): 305.03-305.05 Client: Grizzly Oil Sands Test No.: DS-2 Attention: 0.000 Date Tested: April 26, 2013 Moisture Content (%) 3 Wet Density (Mg/m ) 3 Dry Density (Mg/m ) Initial Final 12.5 18.7 2.197 2.317 1.953 1.953 Horizontal Displacement Vertical Displacement Shear Stress Horizontal Displacement Vertical Displacement Shear Stress (mm) (mm) (kPa) (mm) (mm) (kPa) 0.00 0.08 0.17 0.25 0.32 0.41 0.50 0.59 0.68 0.79 0.89 1.00 1.10 1.21 1.31 1.42 1.52 1.62 1.78 1.93 2.09 2.24 2.38 2.54 2.69 2.84 3.00 3.15 3.31 3.46 3.62 3.77 3.92 0.000 0.001 -0.001 -0.003 -0.004 -0.008 -0.010 -0.012 -0.013 -0.016 -0.017 -0.022 -0.024 -0.026 -0.026 -0.028 -0.031 -0.031 -0.030 -0.033 -0.034 -0.031 -0.033 -0.033 -0.032 -0.032 -0.032 -0.030 -0.029 -0.027 -0.027 -0.027 -0.028 0.0 52.3 120.2 271.2 504.0 685.6 829.5 950.1 1045.3 1040.8 967.2 851.8 824.0 800.1 776.4 759.2 745.9 732.5 714.1 699.9 688.7 679.0 670.7 662.6 654.3 648.7 641.3 636.4 632.1 626.9 620.5 615.6 611.8 4.08 4.23 4.38 4.54 4.69 4.84 4.99 5.14 5.29 5.44 5.59 5.74 5.89 6.04 6.20 6.35 6.50 6.65 6.80 6.95 7.10 7.25 7.45 7.64 7.85 8.05 8.25 8.45 8.66 8.86 9.06 9.27 9.47 -0.028 -0.027 -0.026 -0.026 -0.025 -0.025 -0.022 -0.021 -0.020 -0.020 -0.016 -0.017 -0.016 -0.012 -0.011 -0.009 -0.006 0.000 0.002 -0.001 0.006 0.008 0.013 0.017 0.019 0.015 0.015 0.017 0.013 0.010 0.009 0.006 0.006 607.6 604.7 602.1 598.0 594.6 591.8 586.2 581.7 579.3 576.5 574.2 573.0 569.4 567.3 564.6 564.0 561.9 561.4 559.4 559.9 557.7 556.9 555.4 553.2 547.8 541.0 537.7 535.6 531.9 525.8 519.6 515.5 512.0 RESIDUAL STRENGTH TEST ASTM D3080 Project: May River Geomechanics Horizontal Displacement Vertical Displacement Sample No.: Shear Stress Horizontal Displacement Core 10 Vertical Displacement Shear Stress (mm) (mm) (mm) 0.000 (kPa) 0.0 (mm) 0.00 8.18 -0.111 (kPa) 459.3 0.16 -0.014 102.1 8.39 -0.111 457.5 0.35 -0.028 248.2 8.59 -0.110 456.4 0.54 0.74 -0.040 -0.052 318.4 345.5 8.79 8.99 -0.113 -0.114 454.5 453.2 0.94 1.14 1.35 1.55 1.76 1.96 2.16 2.37 2.56 2.77 2.97 3.18 3.38 3.58 3.79 3.99 4.11 4.26 4.45 4.66 4.85 5.05 5.25 5.45 5.66 5.85 6.05 6.26 6.47 6.66 6.87 7.07 7.27 7.47 7.60 7.78 7.98 -0.061 -0.070 -0.076 -0.081 -0.087 -0.092 -0.095 -0.099 -0.102 -0.103 -0.104 -0.106 -0.106 -0.107 -0.108 -0.110 -0.110 -0.111 -0.112 -0.111 -0.112 -0.107 -0.112 -0.112 -0.112 -0.112 -0.112 -0.111 -0.110 -0.111 -0.110 -0.110 -0.110 -0.109 -0.110 -0.111 -0.111 363.9 379.4 392.1 404.1 415.2 424.3 433.4 441.0 445.2 449.1 453.3 457.4 460.5 462.9 467.0 470.9 473.6 474.9 475.1 475.2 475.7 476.0 475.3 474.3 474.9 474.3 473.2 472.7 471.8 471.1 469.9 468.3 467.2 466.1 464.4 462.2 461.0 9.17 9.38 9.58 9.78 9.98 10.18 10.38 10.57 10.77 10.97 11.18 11.37 11.57 11.76 11.96 12.16 12.36 12.55 12.75 12.96 13.15 13.35 13.56 13.76 13.97 14.18 14.39 14.58 14.79 14.99 -0.113 -0.115 -0.115 -0.120 -0.120 -0.119 -0.121 -0.120 -0.122 -0.120 -0.123 -0.122 -0.123 -0.126 -0.126 -0.127 -0.127 -0.130 -0.131 -0.133 -0.133 -0.135 -0.135 -0.138 -0.141 -0.137 -0.142 -0.144 -0.146 -0.149 452.2 450.7 449.5 447.9 446.6 444.8 443.0 441.7 440.1 438.2 436.9 435.4 433.9 432.6 431.2 428.5 426.9 425.7 425.4 424.9 424.2 422.9 421.7 420.9 420.3 419.5 418.5 417.4 416.2 414.9 DIRECT SHEAR TEST ASTM D3080 Project: May River Geomechanics Test Hole No.: Core 10 Project No.: E12103087-01.002 Depth (m): 305.08-305.10 Client: Grizzly Oil Sands Test No.: DS-3 Date Tested: May 6, 2013 Machine: 2 Description: Mudstone, blocky Preparation: Undisturbed Normal Stress (kPa) = 3500 Peak Stress (kPa) = Moisture Content (%) = Wet Density (Mg/m ) = 2066 Residual Stress (kPa) = 11.8 3 2.197 3 Dry Density (Mg/m ) = 965 1.966 3000 Shear Stress (kPa) Peak Residual 2000 1000 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 Horizontal Deflection (mm) Vertical Deflection (mm) 0.2 0.0 -0.2 -0.4 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 Horizontal Deflection (mm) Remarks: Reviewed By: Data presented hereon is for the sole use of the stipulated client. EBA Engineering Consultants Ltd. operating as EBA A Tetra Tech Company is not responsible, nor can be held liable, for use made of this report by any other party, with or without the knowledge of EBA. The testing services reported herein have been performed to recognized industry standards, unless noted. No other warranty is made. These data do not include or represent any interpretation or opinion of specification compliance or material suitability. Should engineering interpretation be required, EBA will provide it upon written request. P.Eng. DIRECT SHEAR TEST ASTM D3080 Project: May River Geomechanics Test Hole No.: Core 10 Project No.: E12103087-01.002 Depth (m): 305.08-305.10 Client: Grizzly Oil Sands Test No.: DS-3 Attention: 0.000 Date Tested: May 6, 2013 Moisture Content (%) 3 Wet Density (Mg/m ) 3 Dry Density (Mg/m ) Initial Final 11.8 18.0 2.197 2.319 1.966 1.966 Horizontal Displacement Vertical Displacement Shear Stress Horizontal Displacement Vertical Displacement Shear Stress (mm) (mm) (kPa) (mm) (mm) (kPa) 0.00 0.08 0.17 0.24 0.32 0.39 0.49 0.56 0.65 0.74 0.83 0.93 1.02 1.12 1.22 1.33 1.43 1.53 1.64 1.74 1.85 1.95 2.06 2.16 2.26 2.36 2.46 2.62 2.77 2.93 3.08 3.23 3.39 0.000 -0.008 -0.016 -0.024 -0.032 -0.040 -0.047 -0.055 -0.063 -0.071 -0.079 -0.091 -0.098 -0.104 -0.111 -0.114 -0.120 -0.124 -0.128 -0.130 -0.134 -0.138 -0.140 -0.139 -0.147 -0.150 -0.151 -0.155 -0.160 -0.166 -0.170 -0.174 -0.178 0.0 105.7 268.9 390.9 652.1 883.8 1097.6 1288.1 1470.7 1631.1 1759.5 1870.7 1982.8 2059.3 2066.4 2051.8 2035.2 2012.0 1990.7 1968.8 1911.0 1881.3 1859.8 1843.6 1826.5 1809.5 1794.6 1742.0 1701.4 1667.6 1637.6 1614.2 1593.1 3.55 3.70 3.85 4.01 4.17 4.32 4.47 4.63 4.78 4.93 5.08 5.23 5.38 5.54 5.69 5.84 6.00 6.15 6.30 6.45 6.61 6.76 6.91 7.06 7.26 7.46 7.66 7.86 8.07 8.27 8.47 8.68 8.88 -0.180 -0.183 -0.187 -0.187 -0.191 -0.194 -0.196 -0.198 -0.200 -0.203 -0.207 -0.210 -0.213 -0.214 -0.215 -0.216 -0.218 -0.217 -0.222 -0.225 -0.226 -0.230 -0.232 -0.234 -0.235 -0.236 -0.236 -0.237 -0.239 -0.240 -0.241 -0.243 -0.245 1575.3 1559.4 1544.0 1529.0 1514.2 1502.4 1489.8 1475.0 1463.4 1452.5 1440.0 1431.6 1421.8 1410.7 1401.8 1393.6 1385.8 1375.8 1369.0 1361.7 1354.2 1347.4 1339.1 1333.3 1324.1 1314.2 1303.1 1293.5 1280.5 1270.2 1261.0 1250.5 1240.4 RESIDUAL STRENGTH TEST ASTM D3080 Project: May River Geomechanics Horizontal Displacement Vertical Displacement Sample No.: Shear Stress Horizontal Displacement Core 10 Vertical Displacement Shear Stress (mm) (mm) (mm) 0.000 (kPa) 0.0 (mm) 0.00 8.36 -0.175 (kPa) 999.7 0.16 -0.010 124.3 8.56 -0.179 997.5 0.33 -0.021 347.8 8.77 -0.184 995.6 0.48 0.66 -0.031 -0.043 605.8 809.5 8.97 9.17 -0.184 -0.185 994.8 992.7 0.86 1.06 1.26 1.46 1.66 1.87 2.08 2.28 2.47 2.68 2.88 3.08 3.29 3.50 3.71 3.91 4.11 4.32 4.52 4.73 4.93 5.12 5.33 5.53 5.73 5.94 6.13 6.34 6.54 6.75 6.95 7.15 7.35 7.55 7.75 7.96 8.15 -0.053 -0.063 -0.071 -0.073 -0.076 -0.080 -0.085 -0.092 -0.097 -0.099 -0.102 -0.104 -0.107 -0.111 -0.117 -0.119 -0.120 -0.124 -0.132 -0.136 -0.135 -0.136 -0.140 -0.140 -0.147 -0.149 -0.153 -0.153 -0.154 -0.158 -0.163 -0.162 -0.166 -0.171 -0.169 -0.173 -0.177 887.1 925.0 951.7 969.7 984.5 996.2 1005.7 1013.6 1019.3 1024.8 1029.9 1034.2 1037.7 1039.6 1041.0 1041.3 1042.5 1042.3 1042.5 1039.6 1038.4 1037.9 1035.9 1032.8 1032.6 1029.3 1027.5 1024.3 1021.9 1017.9 1015.3 1012.5 1010.2 1007.0 1005.5 1004.1 1001.8 9.38 9.59 9.79 10.00 10.19 10.39 10.59 10.79 11.00 11.19 11.39 11.60 11.80 12.00 12.20 12.40 12.59 12.79 12.99 13.20 13.40 13.61 13.82 14.02 14.23 14.44 14.65 14.86 15.06 -0.188 -0.191 -0.192 -0.194 -0.194 -0.195 -0.197 -0.200 -0.201 -0.201 -0.206 -0.207 -0.210 -0.212 -0.213 -0.215 -0.215 -0.217 -0.217 -0.220 -0.225 -0.218 -0.222 -0.224 -0.227 -0.229 -0.232 -0.234 -0.237 991.4 989.3 988.5 987.8 985.8 985.2 983.3 982.5 982.6 981.6 980.7 981.7 980.7 980.8 981.4 978.9 978.3 977.2 974.2 973.3 971.8 970.6 971.3 970.5 969.1 968.1 967.3 967.3 965.5 GEOMECHANICAL LABORATORY TESTING – MAY RIVER CAPROCK CORE EBA FILE: E12103087-01.002 | AUGUST 2013 | ISSUED FOR REVIEW APPENDIX F CONSOLIDATED DRAINED TRIAXIAL TEST RESULTS RPT - May River Caprock Core - IFR Consolidated Drained Triaxial Test ASTM D 4767 Project: May River Geomechanics Page 1 of 3 Test Number: CD-1 Project No.: E12103087-01.002 Sample No.: Core 10 Client: Depth (m): 305.32-305.43 Date Tested: April 5, 2013 Grizzly Oil Sands ULC Soil Description: Silty Shale Back Pressure (kPa): Cell Pressure (kPa): Strain Rate (%/mm): 400 900 0.010 Initial Diameter (mm): Initial Height (mm): Specific Gravity: 50.25 102.55 2.66 Pore Pressure Parameter B: Time for 100% Consolidation (min.): 0.95 47 Consolidation Pressure (kPa): Area after Consolidation (cm2): 500 18.52 Deviator Stress @ Failure (kPa): Effective Major Stress @ Failure(kPa): 1544 2044 Axial Strain @ Failure (%): Effective Minor Stress @ Failure (kPa): 3.4 500 Initial Final Moisture (%) Dry Density (Mg/m3) Wet Density (Mg/m3) Void Ratio Saturation (%) 13.4 18.3 1.846 1.881 2.095 2.225 0.44 0.42 80.9 100 2000 Deviator Stress (kPa) 1500 1000 500 0 0 5 10 Axial Strain (%) 15 20 Consolidated Drained Triaxial Test ASTM D 4767 Project: May River Geomechanics Page 2 of 3 Test Number: CD-1 Project No.: E12103087-01.002 Sample No.: Core 10 Client: Depth (m): 305.32-305.43 Date Tested: April 5, 2013 Grizzly Oil Sands ULC 0.0 -4.0 -8.0 0 5 10 15 20 Axial Strain (%) 5 4 s'1/s'3 Volume Change (cm3) 4.0 3 2 1 0 5 10 Axial Strain (%) 15 20 Consolidated Drained Triaxial Test ASTM D 4767 Project: May River Geomechanics Page 3 of 3 Test Number: CD-1 Project No.: E12103087-01.002 Sample No.: Core 10 Client: Depth (m): 305.32-305.43 Date Tested: April 5, 2013 Grizzly Oil Sands ULC 1000 q ((s'1-s'3)/2) 750 500 250 0 0 250 500 750 1000 1250 1500 p' ((s'1+s'3)/2) Remarks: Reviewed By: Data presented hereon is for the sole use of the stipulated client. EBA Engineering Consultants Ltd. operating as EBA A Tetra Tech Company is not responsible, nor can be held liable, for use made of this report by any other party, with or without the knowledge of EBA. The testing services reported herein have been performed to recognized industry standards, unless noted. No other warranty is made. These data do not include or represent any interpretation or opinion of specification compliance or material suitability. Should engineering interpretation be required, EBA will provide it upon written request. P.Eng. Consolidated Drained Triaxial Test ASTM D 4767 Project: May River Geomechanics Page 1 of 3 Test Number: CD-2 Project No.: E12103087-01.002 Sample No.: Core 10 Client: Depth (m): 305.45-305.55 Date Tested: April 15, 2013 Grizzly Oil Sands ULC Soil Description: Silty Shale Back Pressure (kPa): Cell Pressure (kPa): Strain Rate (%/mm): 500 2000 0.005 Initial Diameter (mm): Initial Height (mm): Specific Gravity: 50.96 98.24 2.66 Pore Pressure Parameter B: Time for 100% Consolidation (min.): 0.97 160 Consolidation Pressure (kPa): Area after Consolidation (cm2): 1500 18.34 Deviator Stress @ Failure (kPa): Effective Major Stress @ Failure(kPa): 2709 4209 Axial Strain @ Failure (%): Effective Minor Stress @ Failure (kPa): 4.6 1500 Initial Final Moisture (%) Dry Density (Mg/m3) Wet Density (Mg/m3) Void Ratio Saturation (%) 13.5 18.6 1.861 1.857 2.112 2.202 0.43 0.43 83.2 100 4000 Deviator Stress (kPa) 3000 2000 1000 0 0 5 10 Axial Strain (%) 15 20 Consolidated Drained Triaxial Test ASTM D 4767 Project: May River Geomechanics Page 2 of 3 Test Number: CD-2 Project No.: E12103087-01.002 Sample No.: Core 10 Client: Depth (m): 305.45-305.55 Date Tested: April 15, 2013 Grizzly Oil Sands ULC 0.0 -2.0 -4.0 0 5 10 15 20 Axial Strain (%) 5 4 s'1/s'3 Volume Change (cm3) 2.0 3 2 1 0 5 10 Axial Strain (%) 15 20 Consolidated Drained Triaxial Test ASTM D 4767 Project: May River Geomechanics Page 3 of 3 Test Number: CD-2 Project No.: E12103087-01.002 Sample No.: Core 10 Client: Depth (m): 305.45-305.55 Date Tested: April 15, 2013 Grizzly Oil Sands ULC 2000 q ((s'1-s'3)/2) 1500 1000 500 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 p' ((s'1+s'3)/2) Remarks: Reviewed By: Data presented hereon is for the sole use of the stipulated client. EBA Engineering Consultants Ltd. operating as EBA A Tetra Tech Company is not responsible, nor can be held liable, for use made of this report by any other party, with or without the knowledge of EBA. The testing services reported herein have been performed to recognized industry standards, unless noted. No other warranty is made. These data do not include or represent any interpretation or opinion of specification compliance or material suitability. Should engineering interpretation be required, EBA will provide it upon written request. P.Eng. Consolidated Drained Triaxial Test ASTM D 4767 Project: May River Geomechanics Page 1 of 3 Test Number: CD-3 Project No.: E12103087-01.002 Sample No.: Core 10 Client: Depth (m): 305.75-305.85 Date Tested: April 25, 2013 Grizzly Oil Sands ULC Soil Description: Silty Shale Back Pressure (kPa): Cell Pressure (kPa): Strain Rate (%/mm): 500 4000 0.005 Initial Diameter (mm): Initial Height (mm): Specific Gravity: 50.28 99.49 2.66 Pore Pressure Parameter B: Time for 100% Consolidation (min.): 0.96 400 Consolidation Pressure (kPa): Area after Consolidation (cm2): 3500 17.42 Deviator Stress @ Failure (kPa): Effective Major Stress @ Failure(kPa): 5959 9459 Axial Strain @ Failure (%): Effective Minor Stress @ Failure (kPa): 3.3 3500 Initial Final Moisture (%) Dry Density (Mg/m3) Wet Density (Mg/m3) Void Ratio Saturation (%) 12.7 16.5 1.930 2.009 2.175 2.340 0.38 0.33 89.1 100 Deviator Stress (kPa) 9000 6000 3000 0 0 4 8 Axial Strain (%) 12 16 Consolidated Drained Triaxial Test ASTM D 4767 Project: May River Geomechanics Page 2 of 3 Test Number: CD-3 Project No.: E12103087-01.002 Sample No.: Core 10 Client: Depth (m): 305.75-305.85 Date Tested: April 25, 2013 Grizzly Oil Sands ULC 0.0 -1.0 -2.0 0 4 8 12 16 Axial Strain (%) 5 4 s'1/s'3 Volume Change (cm3) 1.0 3 2 1 0 4 8 Axial Strain (%) 12 16 Consolidated Drained Triaxial Test ASTM D 4767 Project: May River Geomechanics Page 3 of 3 Test Number: CD-3 Project No.: E12103087-01.002 Sample No.: Core 10 Client: Depth (m): 305.75-305.85 Date Tested: April 25, 2013 Grizzly Oil Sands ULC 6000 q ((s'1-s'3)/2) 4500 3000 1500 0 0 1500 3000 4500 6000 7500 9000 p' ((s'1+s'3)/2) Remarks: Reviewed By: Data presented hereon is for the sole use of the stipulated client. EBA Engineering Consultants Ltd. operating as EBA A Tetra Tech Company is not responsible, nor can be held liable, for use made of this report by any other party, with or without the knowledge of EBA. The testing services reported herein have been performed to recognized industry standards, unless noted. No other warranty is made. These data do not include or represent any interpretation or opinion of specification compliance or material suitability. Should engineering interpretation be required, EBA will provide it upon written request. P.Eng.