Untitled - Institut Ranke Heinemann

Message from the President
An Asian campus of RMIT Melbourne
Study at an awarded university
Flexibility in your study plan
Student life and learning
Life on campus
Campus locations
Living in Vietnam
Volunteer work opportunities
Pathway programs
English for university
Undergraduate programs
Postgraduate programs
Entry requirements
Application process
RMIT Vietnam is the largest international offshore campus in the world and
has experienced significant growth in recent years. An overseas presence of
RMIT Melbourne, the Vietnam campuses in Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi offer
many programs, from business and management to design and engineering.
Our students have the unique opportunity to connect with industry and the
wider world through our international programs and faculty.
We encourage students to think independently as well as in teams:
to think critically and creatively and solve real-world problems.
Our students gain significant exposure to the industries in which they
will work through guest speakers, industry placements and hands-on
activities. This approach to success is a major reason our graduates are
in such high demand in Vietnam and globally - and why many graduates
are in full-time jobs within three months of graduating.
For RMIT Vietnam, being part of a world-class university means we
provide qualifications at internationally recognised standards, delivered
right here in Vietnam.
Our extensive partnerships and centres across the globe give our students a multitude of opportunities.
At RMIT Vietnam students can learn from experts in their field, gain access to new ways of thinking and
develop skills at the forefront of industry. They graduate with the knowledge and practical experience
needed to begin a career with a local enterprise or a multinational company.
For today’s students there are more numerous and diverse career paths available than ever before because
of advancing technologies and rapidly developing economies. RMIT Vietnam is committed to equipping our
students with the knowledge, skills and attitudes to make the most of this ever-changing world.
Professor Gael McDonald
President, RMIT University Vietnam
RMIT Vietnam is an Asian campus of Melbourne-based
RMIT, Australia’s largest tertiary institution. Established
in 2001, RMIT Vietnam offers an affordable international
education equal in quality and reputation to RMIT’s
Australian campuses.
With more than 6,800 students, this English
speaking university offers a dynamic environment
in which to learn. Whether you seek employment
with a multinational company or want to study at
postgraduate level, RMIT Vietnam offers a
qualification recognised by universities and
employers throughout the world. RMIT Vietnam has
a campus in each of Vietnam’s two largest cities:
Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi. RMIT Vietnam offers
state of the art facilities. Our largest campus in
Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon South) is situated in
spacious, treed grounds and includes a world-class
sports and recreation centre, soccer field, tennis
court and cafes as well as excellent student
accommodation. In Hanoi, the campus is based
in the CBD for easy access. Students on both
campuses can take advantage of high quality
teaching facilities, including online access to RMIT
Melbourne’s library.
RMIT is one of Australia’s
tertiary institutions
RMIT is also the
sixth most
in the world.
RMIT was
awarded the
5 out of 5QS
star ranking
for excellence in
higher education.
RMIT Vietnam offers a wide range of options for
students. You can choose to study your entire
program in Vietnam, or you may wish to stay
in Vietnam for one or two years and then complete
your degree in Australia. Either way you receive the
same RMIT qualification and testamur. Another option is
to study in Vietnam but spend a semester or two as an
exchange student in Australia or at one of RMIT partner
institutions around the world.
During your semester abroad you pay the RMIT
Vietnam fee. In Vietnam we teach three semesters
a year. This enables you to fast-track your degree. If
you choose a full-time load for three semesters in our
undergraduate degree program, you will be able to
complete your degree in two years. Or you can choose
to take a lighter load and complete your degree in three
years by taking fewer courses each semester. Either
way, you can choose your pace.
What is student exchange?
If you’re already studying at RMIT or one of our
partners, you’re in an ideal position to inject
some adventure into your learning experinence
by undertaking a Student Exchange to one of the
RMIT Vietnam campuses. Fees are still paid to
your home institution through whatever means
you currently utilise.
What is Study Abroad?
If your university is not an exchange partner with
RMIT, that is not a problem - we offer a Study Abroad
program that supports you every step of the way, from
orientation to ongoing learning support to assistance
with visas and accommodation. Fees are paid either
directly to RMIT Vietnam or via your home institution’s
Study Abroad program.
What is transfer?
Students from overseas universities can transfer credits
to existing programs and finish their degrees at RMIT
Scan this QR code to watch online testimonial videos:
Here at RMIT Vietnam we want to help you make the most
of your studies and enjoy your student life.
That’s why we offer academic and personal services to
help you improve your study performance, gain confidence
and benefit from the relationships you build here.
For you, coming to RMIT Vietnam is an exciting challenge
because it means moving to a new country.
We believe we can make the challenges of university in
another country a little easier by giving you the support
you need.
The Library
RMIT Vietnam’s library in both Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi has more
than 300,000 books, periodicals, e-books and e-journals. We also
have CDs, DVDs and magazines. But that’s not all. Our students also
have online access to RMIT’s huge library in Australia, across all
academic areas. Our library staff understand what students need for
their studies – and it’s not always silence! We also understand that
not all students know how to make the most of our library, so our
library staff are always ready to give a helping hand.
The Learning Skills Unit
When you need help with study skills, the Learning Skill Unit
is the place to go.
Staff there can work with you one-on-one. Or you can take a
hands-on workshop in the area you need help, such as how to get
higher marks on assignments, dealing with fear of exams or reading
and writing more effectively. The LSU helps students to be more
independent learners and achieve better results at university
- and even into their careers. And all their services are free of charge.
Counselling services
Talking to a student counsellor can help you with concerns or stress,
whether they are study-related or more personal.
RMIT Vietnam’s counsellors offer you help and support, and this free
service is completely confidential. The RMIT Vietnam counsellors are
very caring and are experienced in helping students with problems
that may affect their ability to perform well academically and live a
healthy life.
Welcoming you to RMIT
We want to celebrate your arrival in our beautiful country and at RMIT Vietnam. Our staff will welcome you at the
airport when you arrive, and once you have settled in, give you a tour of the city, whether it be Ho Chi Minh City
or Hanoi. A welcome dinner will give you the opportunity to meet other new students and give you a taste of
Vietnam’s delicious food and warm hospitality. And to provide information about everything you need to have
a fulfilling experience at RMIT Vietnam, you will be invited to Orientation Day, held a week before your first
semester begins.
Student Clubs
We know that social life is important to RMIT
Vietnam students. What better way is there to
meet others with common interests than to join
a university club?
On Orientation Day you can learn about the 33
student-run clubs over both our Vietnam campuses.
The clubs cover everything from sports, to culture
and community engagement.
The Student Council
The RMIT Vietnam Student Council is the key
advocate for student interests and rights on
campus. We try to influence positive changes to the
university’s structure, policies and procedures on
student matters and make sure that students are
represented on all relevant university bodies. All
council members are elected each year by RMIT
Vietnam students in a democratic process.
Besides conveying your opinions to the administration,
we are active in Green Heritage and produce the
regular student magazine, Blitz Magazine.
Sport and recreation
Sports and Recreation promotes healthy
lifestyles through state-of-the-art facilities on its
Ho Chi Minh City campus and many sports teams
on the Hanoi campus. Sports such as football,
badminton, tennis and basketball are available on
indoor and outdoor facilities in Ho Chi Minh City.
Dance and yoga studios are used by individuals
and clubs while our well-equipped gym is staffed
by qualified trainers. The Hanoi campus offers
students the chance to become involved in a
range of healthy activities on and off-campus.
Health and fitness
Life in a university can be demanding at times – but when
you feel good, no challenge is too great! The health
centres are here to help you achieve that goal.
Students can make appointments with Vietnam
and overseas-trained doctors in our health centres,
which are operated by International SOS; you can be
referred to a specialist if necessary. This service is free
and confidential.
We encourage students to maintain healthy habits
around sleeping, eating, alcohol and drug use and
maintaining an active lifestyle to stay fit.
Saigon South
This campus has eye-catching,
architect-designed buildings and is
surrounded by a leafy environment.
Just 15 minutes from the city centre it
offers world-class education facilities,
wireless technology, excellent sport and
recreation facilities and a large food
court with Vietnamese and Western
cuisines. Comfortable student
accommodation is also available.
Pham Ngoc Thach
Also in Ho Chi Minh City, RMIT
Vietnam’s original campus location
is a specialised English language
learning centre. Catering for students
preparing for RMIT higher education
programs, it is located close to the
centre of the city.
In an attractive inner-city location
adjoining one of the city’s most
picturesque lakes, this campus
offers degrees in commerce and
communication, business and
information technology.
The campus is fitted with the latest
state-of-the-art learning facilities,
including use of multimedia
technology and other innovative
features to allow for small group learning
in an informal, collaborative setting.
In culture, food and dramatic scenery Vietnam has it all. For your student experience you are
coming to a country with millennia of history and a geography that will leave you awestruck.
The vision of 2000 pointed limestone islands rising from the Gulf of Tonkin has astounded
millions of visitors to Halong Bay; it’s a spectacular sight valued as a World Heritage site
in northern Vietnam. The mediaeval city of Hoi An, with its Japanese merchant houses and
Chinese pagodas will intrigue you as you wander it laneways – and experience its cooking
schools and silk tailors. And while you are here you must walk and swim at Vietnam’s beachs
– the warm, calm waters of Mui Ne, the turquoise sea at Nha Trang and beaches on the most
beautiful island of all, Phu Quoc. But Vietnam’s major cities, Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City,
will be your main locations.
This fast-moving, ever-growing modern city is
populated by around 9 million people.
The traffic is dizzying; street and restaurant food
offerings and entertainment are full-speed. But
beyond that are glimpses of history and culture
in the gentle quiet of Chinese pagodas and the
creativity of the Fine Arts Museum.
Ben Thanh Market will thrill and confuse you with its
flurry of merchants pressuring you to buy. Ho Chi Minh
City’s tropical climate, with its two seasons of wet and
dry, brings temperature highs of between 31 and 35
degrees celcius, with 155 rainy days a year.
“We like exploring Ho Chi Minh City including
museums, pagodas and shopping areas. We hang
out with a Vietnamese buddy who shows us many
interesting local places to explore. She showed us
how to bargain. Living in Vietnam, you have to get
used to that; sometimes sellers try to charge high
prices so we’ve learnt to negotiate. We’ve been
here for six months already and really feel part of
the local community.”
Bachelor of Commerce, French study abroad student
Ben Thanh Market, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City
Culture and history are the key aspects of this 1000
year-old city, set on the Red River with around 8
million residents.
Hanoi’s French Quarter is a reminder that the city
was French Indochina’s capital from 1887. When you
walk its narrow historic streets with shops selling
everything from red candlesticks to lacquerware
and water puppets, you too may believe it is the
city’s historic heart.
Hanoi’s Temple of Literature, dedicated to Confucius
and the site of Vietnam’s oldest university established
in 1010, emphasises this view of the city.
Reminders of Vietnam’s more recent history in
the form of Ho Chi Minh’s Mausoleum where the
leader’s body is displayed, his humble stilt house
and his presidential palace are also in Hanoi.
In contrast, Hanoi is also the world’s fastest-growing
city, with many skyscrapers erected in recent years.
The city has a humid, sub-tropical climate of four
distinct seasons, with daily temperature highs of 19
and 33 degrees celcius throughout the year. Around
144 days of the year are rainy.
Cherry blossoms at the flower market, Hanoi
“Renting an apartment in HCMC is really cheap if
you come from a western country. There is a lot of
residential towers in District 7 with swimming pools.
You can eat for 2$, have a beer for 0.5$ and buy
really cheap clothes. However HCMC also offers
luxury restaurants and shops, so it depends on you.
But it will definitely stay cheaper than anywhere as
even for Asia it’s one of the cheapest big cities.
Honestly I think students can have a good quality
of life here. ”
Bachelor of Business (Marketing),
Student from Korea
Vietnam is a great place to use your skills to
help people.
This country’s drive to recover from the long-term
effects of war and to educate its population,
especially in the English language, gives many
young people the opportunity to volunteer in their
spare time and holidays.
Volunteers are welcomed by institutions and nongovernmental organisations caring for children
and young people affected by Agent Orange, or in
schools, hospitals and clinics looking after mentally
disabled children.
Tasks include helping local staff in providing
rehabilitation exercises and therapeutic treatments
for children, playing with children and entertaining/
educating them with games, music and arts and
renovation work such as painting murals.
In Hanoi, orphanages, disability centres, villages and
street children shelters need help to provide love,
attention, education and life skills for these children,
and to support the local staff at these placements.
Volunteers are needed to assist in caring for children,
teaching basic English, arts and crafts, music, sports
and other life skills where possible.
A different volunteer experience is in workcamps
preserving natural resources and helping communities in
rural areas such as beautiful Sapa in northern Vietnam.
The most popular way for young people to get around
in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City is motorbike.
You can buy or rent a bike, or for individual trips you
can often use xe ôm, (literally, “hug vehicle”)
motorbikes: unofficial, unregulated motorcycle taxis
where a passenger sits on the rear of a motorbike.
To ride a motorbike of more than 50cc in Vietnam
you need a license; helmets are compulsory.
Buses and taxies are also available and taxi fares in
Vietnam are lower than in many western countries.
Longer distance travel to other Vietnamese cities or
into the countryside can be done by long-distance
bus, train and by air.
Both Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City have vibrant food
scenes, from cafes and restaurants to street food.
Along with food on both RMIT campuses, cafes have
reasonably-priced food in comparison with western
countries, and street food is even cheaper.
A huge array of different Asian cultures – Chinese,
Japanese, Thai and Korean - as well as Vietnamese is
available everywhere. And as you are in Vietnam longer
with you will also locate venues with more western food
You will become an expert in Vietnamese best-known
dishes, Pho and Bun Bo, noodle dishes made tangy
and satisfying when you add a squeeze of lime and a
few leaves of Vietnamese mint.
Vietnamese coffee is incomparable – and it should
be because it’s grown here! Coffee shops tempt your
tastebuds on every street corner.
Clothing, shoes and toiletry items you will need are
readily available in Vietnam and at a reasonable price if
you shop in markets and local shops.
One problem is in larger sizes, as Vietnamese people
are small. This is overcome cheaply by buying fabric
and having your clothes made.
Many international students starting their university studies are moving away from home for the
first time so creating a budget is important. Vietnam is a great place for international students
since living costs, even in Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi, are much lower than in many other cities
in Asia and abroad. Although living costs will vary depending on your lifestyle, location and
individual circumstances, below is a general guide to living costs in Vietnam.
USD 300 - USD 600 / month
RMIT’s International Student Support
office helps students to find suitable
accommodation. The type and location
of accommodation you are living in will
affect the price
USD 25 / month
The costs depends on your amount
of usage
USD 15 - USD 20 / month
The costs depends on your amount
of usage
Electricity, gas and water
Mobile Phone with 3G
USD 15 / month
Unlimited package
USD 100 - 200 USD / month
Bus 30 cents / ticket
Taxi 50 cents / 1km
Motorbike taxi 35 cents / 1 km
Transport costs
Average cost for daily meals
Living on campus is often hailed as the ultimate
in university experiences. At the Saigon South
campus, you can do it in style in a studio apartment
that gives you privacy to make the most of your study
and quiet time, or in a shared apartment that reduces
your costs and expands your social scene. Two airconditioned restaurants, four cafes, two large outdoor
cafeterias, a convenience store, a stationery shop
and a gym nearby if you choose to stay in the student
accommodation at Saigon South.
Fee (USD)
per student / 4 weeks
Fee (USD)
per annum
Single Unit
Twin Bed Unit
Three Bed Unit
Five Bed Unit
Apartment Type
Studying at RMIT University Vietnam puts you at the centre of your study.
With small class sizes and a student-centred approach, you’ll engage in
exchanges with other students who have grown up with completely different
experiences from your own.
You’ll receive individual attention from lecturers who are experts in their fields
and study using advanced technologies to make your learning experience
up-to-the-minute relevant.
Industry connections
RMIT will give you a head start by connecting you
to the leading organisations in your field such as
Unilever, Intel, Nielsen, TNS, ANZ, KPMG, Deloitte, EY,
CSC, Saatchi & Saatchi, Toyota, TRG International,
Silkroad, Park Hyatt and more.
Through practical projects, opportunities for work
experience and study exchanges to over 31 countries,
RMIT’s internationally recognised degrees will set you
up for a global career.
Academic quality
RMIT Vietnam is proud of the quality of its academics,
having attracted dedicated educators to its Vietnam
campuses from all over the world. These experts
are highly qualified in their field but also bring their
extensive industry experience. This is the RMIT Vietnam
advantage; we bridge the gap between theory and
practice. Our academics hold qualifications from
Masters to PhD, with many being well published in their
field of expertise.
Academic workload
(credit points)
Credit points are used in RMIT Vietnam degree
programs to measure academic workload. A full-time
program load will usually consist of 48 credit points
in a trimester or 144 credit points for a year. Courses
(subjects) at RMIT Vietnam consist of 12 credit points.
Teaching methods
Classes are taught in English in a combination
of lectures, seminars, tutorials and workshops with
studio, practical and laboratory sessions. Students
learn core information in lectures, followed by
small group discussion in seminars and tutorials.
Assessment is ongoing throughout the semester and
may include examinations, essays, reports, oral class
presentations, group projects, research projects,
laboratory projects and practical assignments.
Academic staff
by nationality
Africa (2%)
Australia (20%)
New Zealand (2%)
Europe (12%)
Canada (5%)
United States (11%)
UK (8%)
Asia (16%)
Vietnam (15%)
Singapore (2%)
Malaysia (7%)
Diploma of Commerce
4 semesters
Ho Chi Minh City
The Diploma of Commerce program is designed to
develop critical thinking and analytical skills that will be
important to your future in many fields and
professions. These skills will also support your further
studies at RMIT Vietnam and provide you with a solid
foundation to pursue many degree programs. After
completing this program, you can transition into your
chosen degree program easily and receive credits for all
of the recognised courses.
The Diploma of Commerce offers pathways to diverse
careers in a range of industries. Possibilities include:
» Advertising
» Banking and Finance
» Customer Services Management
» Human Resources
» Retailing
» Promotion and Public Relations
Preparatory Program
The Preparatory Program is a pathway for entry into:
- Bachelor of Engineering
(Electronic & Electrical Engineering)
- Bachelor of Information Technology
The program will help you develop your English
competency and academic skills while studying first
year engineering or IT courses. The 8 modules of
academic English are designed and taught to
prepare you for success in the degree program.
When you enter the Bachelor program you will receive
full credits (48 credit points) for the engineering or IT
courses completed.
At RMIT Vietnam, English courses are designed
to refine your language skills and equip you for
success in your study in one of our pathway,
undergraduate or postgraduate programs.
This sequence of academic English modules builds
and extends your language competency beyond
that of general language programs. It equips you
with an understanding of how to study within a
truly international program - one that requires you
to think outside the box, express your ideas and
critically evaluate concepts. You will use RMIT
English Worldwide course materials to develop
theories and concepts within an international
education framework.
“I started studying English two years ago at the
lowest level; I couldn’t speak English for even a
minute. As I learnt English to level five, my skills
improved dramatically. We learnt English by writing
essays and delivering presentations;the teachers make it fun by encouraging group work and
discussions. This approach made me enjoy doing
assignments as well as going to class every day. “
(Economics & Finance)
6 semesters
Ho Chi Minh City
6 semesters
Ho Chi Minh City
The Bachelor of Commerce provides you with the
skills and knowledge to succeed in any aspect of the
business world. While building a strong foundation
of business knowledge and expertise in economics,
accounting, finance, marketing, computing,
management and law, the interdisciplinary program
allows you to pursue electives that further develop and
define your interests and career path.You may choose
specialisation in the area of:
» Management
» Marketing
» Accountancy
» Business Information System
» Entrepreneurship
» Logistics and Supply Chain Management.
RMIT Vietnam has established extensive
networks with leading companies in Vietnam such
as Ernst and Young, Intel, Colgate-Palmolive,
Proctor and Gamble, HSBC, Sheraton Hotel and
Mercedes-Benz. As part of the Commerce program,
you will have opportunities to gain experience within
there companies and many others.
Equipped with the skills and knowledge to address
the emerging demands and complexities of the
global business industry, you can be part of the
next generation of business leaders.
RMIT Vietnam’s Bachelor of Business (Economics
and Finance) prepares its graduates with the
necessary skills and knowledge to solve complex
problems and contribute to the global economy.
As a student, you will learn about the role of
the state bank in creating a stable investment
environment, how to read and analyse complex
economic indicators and how to evaluate a
potential investment.
Graduates will be capable of managing enterprises
in the public and private sectors. You will gain
knowledge and skills in the core areas of business,
economics and finance, and the capability to apply
these skills in multidisciplinary environments. This
program prepares you for a range of occupations and
industries such as:
» Banking
» Stockbroking
» Funds management
» Insurance and superannuation
» Private sector or government organisations
requiring high-level, technical expertise in financial
or economic analysis
(Business Information Systems)
9 semesters
Ho Chi Minh City
6 semesters
Ho Chi Minh City
The Bachelor of Business (Business Information
Systems) program will develop your capabilities
to apply technological innovation to real business
problems. The program will help you become a highly
skilled, well-rounded professional who can design,
propose, implement and effectively manage business
systems. You will develop communication skills that
are keys in executing plans for systems that increase
an organisation’s productivity, internal communication
and other information-driven operations.
Graduates from RMIT Vietnam understand business,
have highly developed IT and problem solving skills,
and communicate in both local and international
business environments effectively. Many of RMIT
Vietnam’s Business Information Systems graduates
are now working in leading companies like Deloitte,
TRG International, Alterian, Votiva, KPMG, Bangkok
Bank and other major companies in a wide range
of fields including:
» Software development
Bachelor of Business (Marketing) program prepares you
with skills to develop innovative marketing solutions for
businesses, and will be uniquely prepared to become a
leader in the marketing industry.
As global economy booms and new businesses
emerge, the demand for highly skilled marketing
professionals grows. The opportunities are diverse,
and positions for marketing professionals exist in
nearly every industry. Whether your goal is to work
for a large international company or a small local
business, your knowledge and expertise will prepare
you to take on a variety of roles globally.
As a graduate from the Bachelor of Business
(Marketing), you can pursue opportunities
within many marketing disciplines, including:
» Business-to-business (B2B) marketing
» Direct marketing
» Agriculture
» E-commerce and e-marketing
» Social media
» Marketing communications
» Business advisory services
» Marketing information systems
» Sales and marketing
» Market research
» Food and beverage
» Construction
» Product management
» Retailing
» Sales
» Advertising
» Events management and publishing
» Public relations
6 semesters
Ho Chi Minh City
6 semesters
Ho Chi Minh City
The Bachelor of Business (Management) program
prepares graduates with the necessary skills and
competencies to effectively lead a team and business
to successful outcomes. By providing you with a
rigorous academic program that develops your
communication skills, business acumen and
organisational understanding, the Bachelor of
Business (Management) program is your key to
success as the leader of any business. You will
develop a strong foundation in the broad spectrum
of operational disciplines while also exploring
aspects of people management and teamwork to
prepare you for your future leadership role.
Nearly every company requires the leadership of
business professionals with the skillset you will
possess upon graduation from the Bachelor of
Business (Management) program. You will have the
ability to manage and execute a variety of operations
vital to the success of any business.
As a graduate from the program, you can expect
to find opportunities in a range of commercial,
professional, industrial and not-for-profit organisations.
Business leaders are in demand within nearly every
industry, and with a strong educational background
and professional experience you can advance to
management positions within many companies and
businesses, large or small.
The Bachelor of Business (Entrepreneurship) program
prepares graduates with the skills, knowledge and
understanding of how and why entrepreneurial
ventures are successful in an unpredictable and
changing global business environment. The program
captures your energy and creativity while developing
your competencies in critical thinking, communication
and understanding of contemporary business
practices. You will work with faculty staff who are
experienced in building new businesses in many
countries and you will gain awareness of various
disciplines that will enable you to start your own
company or develop an existing company to be
more profitable and successful.
The Bachelor of Business (Entrepreneurship)
program draws on RMIT Vietnam’s connections
with business experts and internationally recognised
academic quality to provide you with the theoretical
and practical training necessary for the modern
business world.
You will be prepared to start your own business in
a variety of areas, or use your knowledge to grow
an existing business. You can develop specific
operations and capabilities within a company or
work with a young start-up company targeting a
specific area of the market. The knowledge and
experience you gain in the program will enable
you to take any company in any field to the next
level of success.
By engaging with real entrepreneurs experienced in the
challenges of starting a business, you will gain unique
understanding enabling you to pursue your career goals
and aspirations.
(International Business)
6 semesters
Ho Chi Minh City
6 semesters
Ho Chi Minh City
Major companies in nearly every industry are
transcending borders and expanding to countries
around the world. The Bachelor of Business
(International Business) will develop your
understanding of international business practices
and extend your communication, teamwork, and
critical thinking skills. These skills will prepare you
to take on roles with organisations that operate
between many countries or have multiple locations
around the world. By gaining hands-on experience
through work-integrated learning courses, you will
be able to apply your knowledge to real-world
business challenges.
The Bachelor of Business (Accountancy) program
prepares you with skills involving analysis, project
management and problem solving. The program
further prepares you for work with a strong foundation
of business knowledge and the ability to communicate
effectively in an international environment.
You will be prepared to pursue positions in a variety
of disciplines including:
» Budget Planning
» finance, marketing, public relations, or logistics of
corporations whose core business is export and
import of goods and services
Graduates from this program possess skills sought
out by companies worldwide, an employment
opportunities are available in every sector. You can
establish your career in one of the many dynamic
fields including:
» Auditing
» Cost accounting
» Financial accounting, management & planning
» Insolvency management accounting
» consultancy companies advising private and public
sectors in trade-related issues
» Tax accounting
» allied industry bodies including those involved in
agriculture, mining, telecommunications, manufacturing,
transportation, banking, advertising and tourism
» Stockbroking and funds management
» government departments and authorities including
those involved in trade facilitation, diplomatic and
foreign affairs, economic research, international
relations, and national promotional activities.
You can even elect to start your own business within
a range of industries that operate in the international
market place.
» Treasury
» Management consultancy
Information Technology
(Electronic and Electrical Engineering)
7 semesters
Ho Chi Minh City
8 semesters
Ho Chi Minh City
This program provides you with the skills to be a part of
a dynamic and influential field and prepare you to create
the technology that will shape tomorrow.
By combining your knowledge of IT theory and
practice with hands-on experience, the Bachelor of
Information Technology will enable you to develop and
execute IT solutions for countless organisations within
the private and public sectors.
The skills required to secure jobs are not limited to
technical skills but also include communication,
teamwork, and problem solving ability. As a graduate of
the Bachelor of Information Technology program, you
will be highly skilled in all of these disciplines and
be prepared to succeed in this dynamic and exciting
field. You will have access to careers in a wide variety
of roles, including positions with software and game
development companies, IT consulting firms and
companies selling hardware and software. Some IT
graduates have even started their own software
development businesses. Common positions in the IT
industry open to you as a graduate are:
» Business consultant
» Web developer
» User-interface designer and programmer
» Game and animation programmer
» iPhone and android developer
» System administrator
» Software architect
» Project manager
» Business and data analyst
» Security analyst
» Technology researcher
» Social media marketing manager
» Start-up CEO
Work in the smart-technology world of today, our
lives are filled with the products of skilled electrical
and electronic engineering: mobile phones, tablets,
flat-screen televisions, refrigerators, air conditioning,
security devices and many more. As an engineer you
will be at the forefront of devising and developing
those products.
You will design, develop, implement, manufacture,
apply and maintain a variety of electronical and
electronic devices, circuits and systems. You will
also work on systems for electric power generation,
distribution, utilisation and control, as well as on
electronic systems for computing, communications
and industrial automation.
You have a unique opportunity to transfer directly to
RMIT Melbourne upon completing 96 credit points at
RMIT Vietnam. In Melbourne you can complete the
same degree or change your specialisation to another
engineering field such as:
» Aerospace engineering and avaiation
» Automotive and mechanical engineering
» Civil engineering
» Computer and network engineering
» Electrical engineering
» Electronic and communications engineering
» Engineering management
» Environmental engineering
» Mechatronics and manufacturing
systems engineering
(Professional Communication)
Applied Science
(Fashion & Textiles Merchandising)
6 semesters
Ho Chi Minh City
6 semesters
Ho Chi Minh City
The Bachelor of Communication (Professional
Communication) program provides you with expertise
and knowledge in professional writing and editing,
corporate communications and advertising and other
key skills in the field of professional communication.
This program produces highly competent graduates
with the creative ideas, language skills and business
awareness to become internationally competitive
professionals in the field of communication.
As a graduate from the program, you will be
knowledgeable and work-ready for professional
roles in Vietnam and overseas, including:
» Public Relations Manager
» Advertising Manager
» Creative Director
» Advertising Copywriter
» Web Content Manager
» Government Relations Manager
» Internal Communications Executive
» External Affairs Director
» Guest Relations Supervisor
» Hospitality and Tourism Manager
» Communications Specialist
» NGO Communications Officer
» Event Manager
» Social Media Planner
» Account Manager
The Bachelor of Applied Science (Fashion & Textiles
Merchandising) program will build your skills and
knowledge to develop and execute marketing and
merchandising campaigns. You will develop your ability
to make decisions at a leadership level within a global
textile and fashion market and build your expertise in
customer analysis and evaluation for making effective
decisions as a merchandiser. You will learn to conduct
research and analyse customer information to solve
complex problems within an unpredictable and
demanding industry.
If you have a flair for fashion and a mind for business,
then you are uniquely suited for a career in the fashion
and textiles merchandising industry. A merchandiser
is at the front line of a fashion business to promote,
customise and apply global trends in the local market
or expand local brands to an international level in the
fashion industry. You will develop storyboards, assess
fashion trends, negotiate supply contracts and drive
strategic planning.
A graduate from this program will be ready to thrive in
various areas of the fashion and textiles industry like:
» Fashion Design
» Advertising and Marketing
» Brand Management
» Product Development
» Buying
» Visual Merchandising
» Logistics and Supply Chain
» Social Media
» E - retailing
(Digital Media)
6 semesters
Ho Chi Minh City
The Bachelor of Design (Digital Media) program
captures the demands of the emerging design field and
prepares graduates to transform their creative ideas into
dynamic digital creations. By providing you with access
to state of the art equipment, studios and labs and the
most cutting edge digital technology, the Bachelor of
Design (Digital Media) program prepares you with the
tools you will need to succeed in this growing field. You
will gain hands-on experience at some of the leading
media and advertising companies in Vietnam and upon
graduation be fully prepared to apply your creativity to
an exciting career.
The demand for digital media professionals is
ever-growing and diverse, and opportunities can
be found in advertising, film, television, animation,
internet development and mobile technologies
Professional roles for graduates are available in a
range of careers, including:
» Advertising and media production
» Web design and internet application development
» Audio and video production and post-production
» 3D modelling and animation
» Motion design and special effects
» Interactive game development
» E-commerce, marketing and business
» Communication and PR
» Information architecture design
» Software development
(interface and interaction design)
“Studying at RMIT Vietnam has given me
the chance to get to know a culture vastly
different from my own. Through both
interpersonal and intrapersonal development,
this has changed my world view and broadened
my perspective on life. Stepping outside my
comfort zone has taught me more than I could
have imagined.These qualities will be valuable
to my future career as the world becomes
an increasingly globalised place. Nowadays,
we are no longer restricted to business just
within our own country. Thus, an international
understanding and appreciation is an invaluable
asset in the workplace. “
Bachelor of Design (Multimedia Systems),
Australian student exchange
Master of Business
1 or 2 years
Ho Chi Minh City
The RMIT MBA program in Vietnam is equivalent to
that offered by RMIT Melbourne, one of the top 30
MBA providers in the Asia-Pacific region as ranked by
QS Global 200 Business School Report 2012: AsiaPacific Analysis. This one-year, full-time program entails
a dynamic curriculum that fosters the critical skills
and knowledge to help you to progress professionally
and enjoy enhanced employment opportunities. As a
graduate from RMIT Vietnam’s MBA program, you will
be equipped with strategic business acumen as well
as developing sharp management knowledgeand an
innovative entrepreneurial mindset.
Committed to delivering the best-quality educational
experience, RMIT Vietnam’s MBA program structure
enables you to:
» Gain exposure to international business theory
and practice that broaden your business vision
» Access and analyse multiple case studies that
simulate real work situations
» Develop a wide range of analytical and
managerial skills from teamwork and problem
solving to time management and budget control
» Acquire an in-depth understanding of how
organisations in various industries operate with
in social, cultural, and legal frameworks
» Take advantage of an optional exchange
semester at RMIT Melbourne, Australia
An MBA gives you the opportunity to boost your
existing undergraduate degree with advanced skills
in business, leadership and management. Any career
you wish to pursue will benefit from your increased
knowledge and ability. Graduates from RMIT
Vietnam’s MBA program have pursued successful
careers in:
» Banking and finance
» Marketing and communications
» IT and computing
» Management
» Education and training
» Government positions
Many of our MBA graduates also go on to
entrepreneurial pursuits in their own businesses.
The Swanston Academic Building,
RMIT University Melbourne
RMIT Vietnam has three semesters per calendar year, with intakes each semester.
Semester 1: February - May
Semester 2: June - September
Semester 3: October - January
Minimum academic admission requirements to
enter the RMIT Vietnam Higher Education programs
is as follows:
Minimum academic admission requirements to enter
the RMIT Vietnam Postgraduate programs is as follows:
» You have completed a Vietnamese Year 12 with
a GPA of 7.0 or above.
A bachelor degree in any discipline from a recognised
tertiary institution with a Grade Point Average (GPA) of
Credit or above.
» or you have completed the International
Baccalaureate (IB) diploma with 25 points minimum
» or you completed Cambridge GCE ‘A’ Levels Minimum 7 points for 3 ‘A’ Level subjects
For further entry requirement by country visit
our website:
If you do not meet the direct entry requirements,
the diploma & preparatory programs will provide you a
pathway into the degree.
Tuition Fee
For current tuition fee, please visit our website: http://www.rmit.edu.vn/tuition-fees
Option One
An English language proficiency test can be used for admission. Test requirements are listed below:
Type of English
Proficiency Test
Indicative Minimum Scores for Study Level
(minimum English proficiency scores may differ between programs at the
same level)
Higher education (Undergraduate and Postgraduate)
IELTS (Academic)
(no band less
than 5.5)
(no band less
than 5.5)
(no band
less than 6.0)
(no band
below 7.0)
(Paper based)
550 (TWE 4.0)
580 (TWE 4.5)
600 (TWE 5.0)
TOEFL (Internet Based
Test – iBT)
Overall score
of 79 with
minimum of
19 in all sections
Overall score
of 92 with
minimum of 20
in all sections
Overall score
of 100 with
minimum of
24 in writing
and 22 in all
other sections
Overall score
of 106 with
minimum of
24 in all sections
Pearson Test
of English
(Academic) (PTE(A))
(no band less
than 42)
(no band less
than 50)
(no band
less than 58)
(no band
less than 65)
(no band
less than 72)
Cambridge English:
Advanced (CAE)
CAE Grade C
(no band less than
CAE Grade B
(no band less
than Good)
CAE Grade B
(no band
less than Good)
CAE Grade A
(no band
less than
(no band
below 7.5)
* TWE = Test of written English
IELTS (General) is not accepted for admission into RMIT university programs. Where an English language proficiency test is used for
admission, the test must be taken no more than two years prior to the RMIT program commencement date.
Option Two
Students who successfully completed an approved English subject in an International Senior secondary
certificate (year 12) qualification or equivalent.
Option Three
Complete level 7 at RMIT English worldwide (REW).
Check that the program
you wish to apply for is
available in the intake of
your choice.
Make sure you check
the entry requirements,
English language
prerequisites and
selection tasks of
each program.
This information is
available in the
program summary.
To ensure that your
application is
processed in a timely
manner, you must
submit a complete
set of supporting
documents in the
application checklist.
Acknowledgement of application:
Complete and submit
your application to
or to the rmit
representatives in your
Institut Ranke-Heinemann
Schnutenhausstrasse 44
45136 Essen
Tel. 0049-201-252552
Institut Ranke-Heinemann
Theresiengasse 32
1180 Wien
Tel.: 0043-1-4060224
RMIT Vietnam will send you an email acknowledging receipt of your application. Then you will receive your letter
of offer within five working days. RMIT Vietnam’s admissions team will contact you if they require additional
information to process your application.
Bewerbungsunterlagen downloaden unter:
Für weitere Infos:
---------------------------------------------------Institut Ranke-Heinemann
Berlin, Essen, München, Stuttgart, Hamburg oder Wien.
Adressen unter:
www.ranke-heinemann.de oder
Institut Ranke-Heinemann
Schnutenhausstrasse 44
45136 Essen
Tel.: 0049-201-252552
Institut Ranke-Heinemann
RMIT University Theresiengasse
Vietnam 32
1180 Wien
International Student
Recruitment Office
Tel: +84 8 3776 Tel.:
Fax: +84 8 3776www.ranke-heinemann.at
Email: International@rmit.edu.vn