Norsk akkreditering VII.1.2.1 NA Doc 26C: Requirements for calibration and control of volumetric equipment for accredited testing laboratories Mandatory/Krav Utarbeidet av: Sidenr: Saeed Behdad Godkjent av: Morten Bjørgen Versjon: 1.02 Gjelder fra: 01.03.2012 1 av 6 NA Doc 26C Requirements for calibration and control of volumetric equipment for accredited testing laboratories Document category: Requirement Accreditation type: Laboratories Purpose This document describes the requirements for calibration and control of volumetric equipment used in accredited testing laboratories. Alternative methods can be used in the cases where the words should and can is used in the document assumed the alternative methods gives equal results. Content 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Definitions and explanations ................................................................................................................... 2 General .................................................................................................................................................... 3 Calibration of volumetric equipment ...................................................................................................... 4 Control of volumetric equipment............................................................................................................ 5 References / relevant literature .............................................................................................................. 6 NA Doc 26C: Requirements for calibration and control of volumetric equipment for accredited testing laboratories VII.1.2.1 Versjon: 1.02 Side: 2 av 6 1. Definitions and explanations Traceability The result of a measurement or value of a standard that can be related to specific references (usually national or international standards) through an unbroken chain of comparisons, all of them with the associated uncertainty stated (Ref 1). Control A set of operations performed under specified conditions which verify that equipment meets the requirements of accuracy required. All types of controls that fall under this description shall be performed in accordance with a documented procedure. Balances Balances used for calibration and control of volumetric equipment shall be calibrated according to the requirements in NA Doc 26A (Ref 3). The balances shall be calibrated in the relevant range used for the volumetric calibration or control. The measurement uncertainty given in the calibration certificate shall be lower than the established requirements for the volumetric equipment. Thermometers Thermometers used for temperature measurements of liquids in relation to volumetric equipment shall be calibrated by an accredited calibration laboratory or controlled according to the requirements in NA Doc 26B (Ref 4). Calibration A set of operations performed in order to establish, under specified conditions, the relationship between values of the quantities indicated by a measuring system, or values represented by a material measure or a reference material, and the corresponding values realized by standards (Ref 1). Calibration shall primarily be performed by a calibration laboratory accredited by Norwegian Accreditation (NA), other accreditation bodies who are signatories of the multilateral agreements with EA (European Co-operation for Accreditation) or ILAC (International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation) or a national laboratory approved by NA. The calibration result shall be always stated with the associated measurement uncertainty NA Doc 26C: Requirements for calibration and control of volumetric equipment for accredited testing laboratories VII.1.2.1 Versjon: 1.02 Side: 3 av 6 2. General Volumetric equipment Many types of volumetric equipment are used in testing laboratories. Examples of such equipment are: volumetric flasks and graduated cylinders glass pipettes, disposable pipettes and automatic pipettes (fixed and variable volume, multi channel pipettes) dispensers and burettes auto-diluters and pipetting robots Volumetric filtration equipment Requirements for volumetric equipment will vary according to the application. The laboratory has the responsibility to show that the volumetric equipment meets the requirements. The laboratory should take into account any recommendations issued by the equipment supplier. External calibration External calibration of volumetric equipment shall primarily be performed by a calibration laboratory accredited for volumetric calibrations by: Norwegian Accreditation (NA) Other accreditation bodies who are signatories of the multilateral agreements with EA (European Co-operation for Accreditation) or ILAC (International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation) National laboratory approved by NA Internal calibration and control NA does not require external calibration of volumetric equipment if calibration and control is performed according to the requirements described in this document. The following requirements apply to accredited laboratories performing internal calibration and control of volumetric equipment: The laboratory shall designate personnel who have knowledge and expertise to perform internal calibration and control in a correct way. Training and approval of personnel shall be documented. Internal calibration of volumetric equipment shall be performed on an accredited calibrated balance and with recently boiled water. The water temperature shall be controlled during the internal calibration. Balances and thermometers shall meet the requirements described in section 1. If the water density differs from 1 g/cm3 the laboratory has to adjust the measurements accordingly (Ref 7). Generally control of equipment shall be performed as described above. However liquid adapted to the regular use of the equipment shall be used. If the equipment is sent to the provider for control, the laboratory shall ensure that the requirements given above are met. The calibration status of balances used for volumetric control performed by the provider shall be documented. Internal calibration and control of volumetric equipment shall be documented. Raw data shall be archived. NA Doc 26C: Requirements for calibration and control of volumetric equipment for accredited testing laboratories VII.1.2.1 Versjon: 1.02 Side: 4 av 6 Glass equipment Glass equipment labeled as class A/AS can normally be used without calibration. The laboratory is responsible to verify the validity, particularly for small volumes. Glass equipment labeled class B should normally not be used for quantitative analysis. Disposable equipment There is no requirement for calibration of disposable equipment if the manufacturer is ISO 9001 certified and the quality certificate from the manufacturer shows a satisfactory volumetric calibration/control. On receipt disposable equipment shall be controlled on the batch level by random sampling. “Black box” instruments with integrated volumetric equipment There is no requirement to calibrate the volumetric units in the "black box" instruments containing integrated volumetric units. Such instruments are controlled indirectly by the use of internal control program for each method. In addition, such instruments shall have satisfactory service and maintenance programs which are documented. Others For equipment delivering large volumes, such as dispensers, it is sufficient to control the volume by volumetric flask class A / AS. It is the responsibility of the laboratory to determine if this is sufficient. For small volumes where gravimetry is not suitable, photometry can be used. 3. Calibration of volumetric equipment Calibration shall be performed on all volumetric equipment that may have an impact the analytical result. Calibration frequencies will depend on the type of equipment, how it is used, how often it is used, maintenance requirements and the laboratory’s requirement of accuracy. It is up to the laboratory to show that the selected calibration frequency is sufficient. A good rule of thumb is to carry out the calibrations of new equipment with a high frequency in the beginning. The obtained results can be used to establish a more adequate calibration frequency. Internal calibration shall be performed according to a written procedure, and the measurement results shall be documented. Internal calibration shall include at least the following elements: repeatability reproducibility determination of maximum error For equipment with variable volumes shall calibration be performed in an adequate number of volumes. Multichannel pipettes shall be calibrated on all channels. Repeatability The purpose of the determination of repeatability is to ensure that the equipment can deliver repetitive measurements with satisfactory dispersion. The determination is done by performing measurements under the same conditions using the same operator and the same equipment. When controlling equipment with variable volume settings, the volume shall not be adjusted between the measurements. The volume setting shall be fixed during all the measurements. Reproducibility NA Doc 26C: Requirements for calibration and control of volumetric equipment for accredited testing laboratories VII.1.2.1 Versjon: 1.02 Side: 5 av 6 The purpose of the determination of reproducibility is to ensure that the handling of the equipment with different operators and different settings of the adjustable equipment does not affect the results significantly. The determination is done by varying the mentioned parameters as much as possible and to adjust the volume between each of the replicates. Determination of maximum error The laboratory shall determine the maximum error. Determination of maximum error for volumetric measurements is performed either by weighing the equipment with and without liquid or by weighing dispensed or delivered volume. For equipment weighed with and without liquid, the mass of the liquid divided with the density * of the liquid will give the correct volume. Such weighing shall be according to requirements specified described in Section 2, Internal calibration and control. Vequipment m equipment liquid * Density of the liquid shall be determined according to the descriptions in recognized publications, e.g. Handbook of Chemistry and Physics (Ref 7). The determination can advantageously be carried out in connection with the determination of repeatability and reproducibility. When it is not suitable for adjustable equipment to determine the repeatability of all volumes used, determination of the maximum error has to be carried out separately. 4. Control of volumetric equipment Purpose The purpose of the volumetric control of equipment is to ensure that the volume does not change over time and is no longer in compliance with the requirements. The control shall be performed according to a written procedure. Except for the number of measurements, shall the control be performed and documented in the same manner as described in Section 3, Reproducibility. For volumetric control, it is normally sufficient with one control measurement. Control data should be plotted in a trend chart (control chart) to facilitate the monitoring of equipment stability. The laboratory shall have a written procedure for performance of volumetric control and monitoring of control data. Control frequency Control frequencies will depend on the type of equipment, how it is used, how often it is used, maintenance requirements and the laboratory’s requirement of accuracy. It is up to the laboratory to show that the selected frequency is sufficient to prove that the volumetric equipment is functioning satisfactorily. A good rule of thumb is to carry out the controls of new equipment with a high frequency in the beginning. The obtained results can be used to establish a more adequate control frequency. If the control interval of adjustable pipettes exceeds 1 week, the laboratory shall have documentation available on the acceptance of the extended interval in relation to the accuracy requirements. Based on the control results the laboratory shall be decide whether the equipment should be approved or not. Requirements for control results Requirements for control results can be specified as an interval where the results shall be within. The interval shall be based on scientific criteria related to the method where the volumetric equipment is NA Doc 26C: Requirements for calibration and control of volumetric equipment for accredited testing laboratories VII.1.2.1 Versjon: 1.02 Side: 6 av 6 used. The laboratory shall specify the interval in accordance with the measurement uncertainty of the test method. 5. References / relevant literature 1. ISO/IEC Guide 99 International vocabulary of metrology; Basic and general concepts and associated terms (VIM) 2. NA Dok 52 Angivelse av måleusikkerhet ved kalibreringer (Norwegian translation of EA 4/02) 3. NA Doc 26a Requirements for calibration and control of balances in accredited testing laboratories 4. NA Doc 26b Traceability requirements of the temperature measurement for accredited laboratories 5. EURAMET/cg-19/v.01 Guidelines on the determination of uncertainty in gravimetric volume calibration 6. NS-EN ISO/IEC 17025 General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories 7. Handbook of chemistry and physics, 8. NMKL procedure 13 Volumetric control 9. ISO 8655 Piston-operated volumetric equipment (Part 1-7) Kryssreferanser Eksterne referanser