University of Arizona ' Slide 19–1 Slide 19–3 • Registers $at (1), $k0 (26), and $k1 (27) are reserved for use by the assembler and operating system. CSc 453 Register Use Conventions: & • Register $0 is always ≡ 0. ' $ & % • The CPU contains 32 general registers numbered 0–31. Compilers and Systems Software Constant 0 Reserved for assembler Expression evaluation and results of a function Argument 1-4 Temporary (not preserved across call) Saved temporary (preserved across call) Temporary (not preserved across call) Reserved for OS kernel Pointer to global area Stack pointer Frame pointer Return address (used by function call) November 18, 2002 0 $1 $2 $3 $4–$7 $8–$15 $16–$23 $24–$25 $26–$27 $28 $29 $30 $31 Christian Collberg zero at v0 v1 a0 t0 s0 t8 k0 gp sp fp ra Usage MIPS Number c 2002 C. Collberg Copyright Slide 19–2 Name ' & CPU Registers • Registers $a0–$a3 (4–7) are used to pass the first four arguments to routines (remaining arguments are passed on the stack). • Registers $v0 and $v1 (2, 3) are used to return values from functions. • A MIPS processor consists of an integer processing unit and two coprocessors: coprocessor (0) handles traps, exceptions, and the virtual memory system; coprocessor (1) handles floating point processing. • Registers $t0–$t9 (8–15, 24, 25) are caller-saved registers used for temporary quantities that do not need to be preserved across calls. $ % $ % abs Rdest, Rsrc Absolute Value Put the absolute value of the integer from Rsrc in Rdest. † • Register $fp (30) is the frame pointer. • Register $ra (31) is written with the return address for a call by the jal instruction. • Register $gp (28) is a global pointer that points into the middle of a 64K block of memory in the heap that holds constants and global variables. The objects in this heap can be quickly accessed with a single load or store instruction. add Rdest, Rsrc1, Src2 Addition (with overflow) addi Rdest, Rsrc1, Imm Addition Immediate (with overflow) Put the sum of the integers from register Rsrc1 and Src2 (or Imm) into register Rdest. Same for sub. Move • MIPS is a load/store architecture, which means that only load and store instructions access memory. • Computation instructions operate only on values in registers. Slide 19–5 Slide 19–7 neg Rdest, Rsrc Negate Value (with overflow) Put the negative of the integer from register Rsrc into register Rdest. † Addressing Modes $ ' move Rdest, Rsrc Move the contents of Rsrc to Rdest. % & $ ' % & Integer Arithmetic II • Registers $s0–$s7 (16–23) are callee-saved registers that hold long-lived values that should be preserved across calls. • Register $sp (29) is the stack pointer, which points to the first free location on the stack. Slide 19–4 Slide 19–6 • The assembler will translate the more general form of an instruction (e.g., add) into the immediate form (e.g., addi) if the second argument is constant. CPU Registers. . . ' • Src2 is a register or an immediate value (a 16 bit integer). & ' & Integer Arithmetic I † Format div Rsrc1, Rsrc2 Divide (with overflow) Divide the contents of the two registers. Leave the quotient in register lo and the remainder in register hi. Address Computation (register) contents of register imm immediate imm (register) immediate + contents of register symbol address of symbol symbol ± imm address of symbol + or − immediate symbol ± imm (register) address of symbol + or − (immediate + contents of register) $ % $ % sll Rdest, Rsrc1, Src2 Shift Left Logical sra Rdest, Rsrc1, Src2 Shift Right Arithmetic srl Rdest, Rsrc1, Src2 Shift Right Logical Shift the contents of register Rsrc1 left (right) by the distance indicated by Src2 (Rsrc2) and put the result in register Rdest. † lui Rdest, imm Load Upper Immediate Load the lower halfword of the immediate imm into the upper halfword of register Rdest. The lower bits of the register are set to 0. div Rdest, Rsrc1, Src2 Divide (with overflow) Put the quotient of the integers from register Rsrc1 and Src2 into register Rdest. † mulo Rdest, Rsrc1, Src2 Multiply (with overflow) Put the product of the integers from register Rsrc1 and Src2 into register Rdest. † Logical Operations I $ ' Load Immediate Slide 19–9 Slide 19–11 li Rdest, imm Move the immediate imm into register Rdest. mult Rsrc1, Rsrc2 Multiply Multiply the contents of the two registers. Leave the low-order word of the product in register lo and the high-word in register hi. % & $ ' % & Shifts & Rotations I Integer Arithmetic III ' Slide 19–8 Slide 19–10 rol Rdest, Rsrc1, Src2 Rotate Left † ror Rdest, Rsrc1, Src2 Rotate Right † Rotate the contents of register Rsrc1 left (right) by the distance indicated by Src2 and put the result in register Rdest. & ' & Shifts & Rotations I and Rdest, Rsrc1, Src2 AND andi Rdest, Rsrc1, Imm AND Immediate Put the logical AND of the integers from register Rsrc1 and Src2 (or Imm) into register Rdest. Same for or, xor, nor. not Rdest, Rsrc NOT † Put the bitwise logical negation of the integer from register Rsrc into register Rdest. $ % $ % Slide 19–12 Slide 19–14 jal label Jump and Link jalr Rsrc Jump and Link Register Unconditionally jump to the instruction at the label or whose address is in register Rsrc. Save the address of the next instruction in register 31. jr Rsrc Jump Register Unconditionally jump to the instruction whose address is in register Rsrc. seq Rdest, Rsrc1, Src2 Set Equal † Set register Rdest to 1 if register Rsrc1 equals Src2 and to be 0 otherwise. Same for sge, sgt, sle, slt, sne. Comparison Instructions II bczf label Branch Coprocessor z False Conditionally branch to the instruction at the label if coprocessor z’s condition flag is true (false). Slide 19–13 Slide 19–15 lb Rdest, address Load Byte Load the byte at address into register Rdest. The byte is sign-extended. Same for ld (Load Double-Word [64 bits]), lh (Load Half-Word [16 bits]), and (Load Word [32 bits]). beq Rsrc1, Src2, label Branch on Equal Conditionally branch to the instruction at the label if the contents of register Rsrc1 equals Src2. Same for bge, bgt, ble, blt, bne¿ beqz Rsrc, label Branch on Equal Zero Conditionally branch to the instruction at the label if the contents of Rsrc equals 0. Same for bgez, bgtz, blez, bltz, bnez. sb Rsrc, address Store Byte Store the low byte from register Rsrc at address. Same for sd (64 bits), sh (16 bits), and sw (32 bits). † $ ' † • Branch instructions use a signed 16-bit offset field; hence they can jump 215 − 1 instructions forward or 215 instructions backwards. • The jump instruction contains a 26 bit address field. % & la Rdest, address Load Address Load computed address, not the contents of the location, into register Rdest. Comparison Instructions I b label Branch instruction Unconditionally branch to the instruction at the label. $ ' % & Load & Store Instructions ' Jump & j label Unconditionally jump to the instruction at the label. ' & Comparison Instructions III † $ % $ % • Two 32-bit registers are required to hold doubles. Floating point operations only use even-numbered registers—including instructions that operate on singles. • Values are moved in or out of these registers a word (32-bits) at a time by lwc1, swc1, mtc1, and mfc1 l.s, l.d, s.s, and s.d pseudoinstructions. cvt.w.s FRdest, FRsrc Convert Single to Integer Convert the single precision floating point number in register FRsrc to an integer and put it in register FRdest. • The flag set by floating point comparison operations is read by the CPU with its bc1t and bc1f instructions. † s.s FRdest, address Store Floating Point Single Store the floating point single in register FRdest at address. † Floating Point Instructions I $ ' l.s FRdest, address Load Floating Point Single Load the floating float single at address into register FRdest. Slide 19–17 Slide 19–19 mov.s FRdest, FRsrc Move Floating Point Single Move the floating float single from register FRsrc to register FRdest. % & $ ' % & Floating Point Instructions III • The MIPS has a floating point coprocessor that operates on single precision (32-bit) and double precision (64-bit) floating point numbers. ' cvt.s.w FRdest, FRsrc Convert Integer to Single Convert the integer in register FRsrc to a single precision number and put it in register FRdest. Floating Point Instructions • This coprocessor has its own registers, numbered $f0–$f31. Slide 19–16 Slide 19–18 c.eq.s FRsrc1, FRsrc2 Compare Equal Single Compare the floating point single in register FRsrc1 against the one in FRsrc2 and set the floating point condition flag true if they are equal. Same for c.le.s. & ' & Floating Point Instructions II abs.s FRdest, FRsrc Floating Point Absolute Value Single Compute the absolute value of the floating float double (single) in register FRsrc and put it in register FRdest. neg.s FRdest, FRsrc Negate Single Negate the floating point single in register FRsrc and put it in register FRdest. add.s FRdest, FRsrc1, FRsrc2 Floating Point Addition Single Compute the sum of the floating float singles in registers FRsrc1 and FRsrc2 and put it in register FRdest. Same for div.s, mul.s, sub.s $ % $ % ' Memory Layout Slide 19–20 Slide 19–22 • The frame pointer points just below the last argument passed on the stack. The stack pointer points to the first word after the frame. & ' & Procedure Call • A stack frame consists of the memory between the frame pointer ($fp), and the stack pointer ($sp). • At the bottom of the user address space (0x400000) is the text segment (instructions). • As typical of Unix systems, the stack grows down. • The program stack ( 0x7fffffff) grows down, towards the data segment. $ ' Memory Layout. . . Slide 19–21 Slide 19–23 1. Pass the arguments. The first four arguments are passed in registers $a0–$a3. The remaining arguments are pushed on the stack. % & $ ' % & Procedure Call—At the call site 2. Save the caller-saved registers. This includes registers $t0–$t9, if they contain live values. • Above the text segment is the data segment ( 0x10000000). The static data portion contains objects whose size and address are known to the compiler and linker. Dynamic data is allocated by malloc through the sbrk system call. 3. Execute a jal instruction. $ % $ % Service print int print float print string read int read float exit Code 1 2 4 5 6 10 Args Res $a0 $f12 $a0 2. Save the callee-saved registers in the frame. $fp is always saved. $ra needs to be saved if the routine itself makes calls. $s0–$s7 (if used by the callee) need to be saved. 3. Establish the frame pointer by adding the stack frame size to the address in $sp. $v0 $f0 Procedure Call—Returning from the call $ ' % & $ ' % & System Calls. . . ' • System calls return values in register $v0. Procedure Call—At the called routine 1. Build the stack frame by subtracting the frame size from the stack pointer. Slide 19–24 Slide 19–26 • Load the system call code into register $v0 and the arguments into registers $a0. . .$a3. & • You can communicate with the OS through the system call (syscall) instruction. ' & System Calls printf("the answer = %s", 5) .data .asciiz "the answer = " .text li $v0, 4 # system call code for print_str la $a0, str # address of string to print syscall # print the string li $v0, 1 li $a0, 5 syscall 1. Place the returned value into $v0 (if a function). Slide 19–25 Slide 19–27 str: 2. Restore any callee-saved registers that were saved upon entry (including the frame pointer $fp). 3. Pop the stack frame by adding the frame size to $sp. 4. Return by jumping to the address in register $ra. # system call code for print_int # integer to print # print it $ % $ % Exit the simulator. read "file" Read file of assembly language commands into SPIM. Also load "file". run Start running a program. step Step the program 1 instruction. continue Continue without stepping. print $N Print register N . print addr Print the contents of memory . reinitialize Clear memory and registers. breakpoint addr Set a breakpoint. FP0 FP2 FP4 FP6 (r0) (at) (v0) (v1) (a0) (a1) (a2) (a3) 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12 R13 R14 R15 = = = = 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 FP8 FP10 FP12 FP14 (t0) (t1) (t2) (t3) (t4) (t5) (t6) (t7) = = = = = = = = = = = = quit load run step clear print breakpt help terminal mode set value Slide 19–29 Slide 19–31 Control Buttons = = = = = = = = Cause = 0000000 BadVaddr = 00000000 LO = 0000000 General Registers 00000000 R16 (s0) = 0000000 R24 (t8) = 00000000 00000000 R17 (s1) = 0000000 R25 (s9) = 00000000 00000000 R18 (s2) = 0000000 R26 (k0) = 00000000 00000000 R19 (s3) = 0000000 R27 (k1) = 00000000 00000000 R20 (s4) = 0000000 R28 (gp) = 00000000 00000000 R21 (s5) = 0000000 R29 (gp) = 00000000 00000000 R22 (s6) = 0000000 R30 (s8) = 00000000 00000000 R23 (s7) = 0000000 R31 (ra) = 00000000 Double Floating Point Registers 0.000000 FP16 = 0.00000 FP24 = 0.000000 0.000000 FP18 = 0.00000 FP26 = 0.000000 0.000000 FP20 = 0.00000 FP28 = 0.000000 0.000000 FP22 = 0.00000 FP30 = 0.000000 Single Floating Point Registers Text Segments User and Kernel Text Segments [0x00400000] [0x00400004] [0x00400008] [0x0040000c] [0x00400010] [0x00400014] [0x00400018] [0x0040001c] 0x8fa40000 0x27a50004 0x24a60004 0x00041090 0x00c23021 0x0c000000 0x3402000a 0x0000000c lw R4, 0(R29) [] addiu R5, R29, 4 [] addiu R6, R5, 4 [] sll R2, R4, 2 addu R6, R6, R2 jal 0x00000000 [] ori R0, R0, 10 [] syscall Data Segments Data and Stack Segments [0x10000000]...[0x10010000] 0x00000000 [0x10010004] 0x74706563 0x206e6f69 0x636f2000 [0x10010010] 0x72727563 0x61206465 0x6920646e [0x10010020] 0x000a6465 0x495b2020 0x7265746e [0x10010030] 0x0000205d 0x20200000 0x616e555b [0x10010040] 0x61206465 0x65726464 0x69207373 [0x10010050] 0x642f7473 0x20617461 0x63746566 [0x10010060] 0x555b2020 0x696c616e 0x64656e67 [0x10010070] 0x73736572 0x206e6920 0x726f7473 .byte b1, ..., bn Store the n values in successive bytes of memory. Assembler Directives. . . $ ' R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 = 00000000 = 00000000 .asciiz str Store the string in memory and null-terminate it. % & Register Display EPC HI .align n Align the next datum on a 2n byte boundary. .data The following data items should be stored in the data segment. ' $ & % xspim PC = 00000000 Status= 00000000 Slide 19–28 Slide 19–30 exit Assembler Directives ' # Execute ’prog’ & > spim -file > spim (spim) ' & SPIM Terminal Interface .float f1, ..., fn Store the n floating point single precision numbers in successive memory locations. .space n Allocate n bytes of space in the data segment. .text The next items are put in the user text segment. .word w1, ..., wn Store the n 32-bit quantities in successive memory words. 0x726f6e67 0x74707572 0x6e67696c 0x6e69206e 0x00205d68 0x64646120 0x00205d65 SPIM Version 3.2 of January 14, 1990 SPIM Messages $ % $ % .data .word 10 .word 20 .word 30 .asciiz "The result is: " .asciiz "\n" .text .globl main Slide 19–33 Slide 19–35 to 1 1 _p _i # Beginning of loop: Load p and i. p = p * i. $32: lw $24, _p lw $25, _i mul $8, $24, $25 sw $8, _p Example – System Calls. . . main:lw lw addu sw li la syscall li lw syscall li la syscall li syscall $2,_b $3,_c $2,$2,$3 $2,_a $v0, 4 $a0, res # # # # # # load b load c add store in a syscall 4 (print_str) $v0, 1 $a0, _a # syscall 1 # (print_int) $v0, 4 $a0, nl # syscall 4 # (print_str) $v0, 10 # syscall 10 # (exit) $ ' % & $ ' % & .data .word 0 .word 0 .asciiz "\n" .text .globl main main: # Initialize p and i li $14, sw $14, sw $14, Example – System Calls ' (spim) reinitialize (spim) load "fac.sp" (spim) run 1 2 6 24 120 720 5040... _p: _i: _nl: _a: _b: _c: res: nl: Slide 19–32 Slide 19–34 Assembly and Execution: & main () { int i, p=1; for(i=1; i<=10; i++) { p = p * i; printf(p); } } ' & Example 2 – Branching $ % $ % The Virtual MIPS Code: lw li addu sw main Slide 19–36 Slide 19–38 _a: _b: main: .globl .word 0 .word 0 $2,_b $3,0x0012d687 # 1234567 $2,$2,$3 $2,_b li $v0, 10 syscall Example – Procedure Call void P (a,b) int a,b; {int c=a+b;} main () {P(5,6);} ' $ % & • Some of the assembly instructions we’ve seen are actually virtual instructions – they are not actually implemented by the hardware. Instead, the assembler translates them into “real” instructions. ' $ & % Example 4 – Large Ints. . . # Print p. li $v0, 1 move $a0, $8 syscall # Print a newline. li $v0, 4 la $a0, _nl syscall # Load i. Increment i. Store i. Loop if i is <= 10. lw $9, _i addu $10, $9, 1 sw $10, _i ble $10, 10, $32 # Exit program. li $v0, 10 syscall ' & main () { int b; b = b + 1234567; } ' & Example 4 – Large Ints The MIPS Code: Slide 19–37 Slide 19–39 • There is no instruction to load a 32-bit address or literal integer into a register (why?). Instead, the assembler translates li $3,0x0012d687 into two instructions: one loads the upper 16 bits, one the lower 16 bits. • Similarly, each branch/jump/call instruction has a delayed branch slot. This is an instruction that in the program looks like it comes after the jump, but which actually gets executed before the jump is made. The assembler automatically fills these delay slots. P: main: .text subu addu sw addu j $sp, $14, $14, $sp, $31 subu sw li li jal $sp, 32 $31, 28($sp) $4, 5 $5, 6 P 8 $4, $5 4($sp) 8 $ % $ % You can only use even-numbered floating-point registers (i.e. $f0 $f2 $f4...) for single-precision numbers. Can odd-numbered floating-point registers be used for some other kind of number? If so, what kind? If not, what is the point in having them? # Load 1234567 into $3. First the upper 16 bits, then the lower. lui $1, 18 ; li $3,0x0012d687 # 1234567 ori $3, $1, -10617 if a > b then --Slide 19–41 Slide 19–43 when a and b are floating point number? When I try ”bczt label ” or ”bc1t label” I got spim parse error spim: (parser) syntax error on line 21 bczt L10 ^ Attempt to execute non-instruction at ... You use ’c.le.s’ etc to compare two floating point numbers. This sets the floating point coprocessor condition flag. See page 19 of the spim manual. Then use ’bc1t label’ to jump (page 15 of the manual). Confused Student Email I ' $ & % $ ' % & What is the instruction for branch # Load the value of b. First the upper 16 bits of # b’s address is loaded, then the lower 16 bits are # added in, and b’s value is loaded into $2. lui $1, 64 ; lw $2,_b lw $2, 36($1) # Perform the add. Then load the address of b and store $2. addu $2, $2, $3 ; addu $2,$2,$3 lui $1, 64 ; sw $2,_b sw $2, 36($1) Double precision (64-bit) FP numbers are stored in registers $f0+$f1, $f2-$f3, etc. Confused Student Email V Example 4 (C) – The Real MIPS Code ' & Slide 19–40 Slide 19–42 When SPIM was executing the assembly language instruction mul.s $f2, $f0, $f1 it give the message Bit 0 in FP reg spec and stopped execution. Could you tell me what this message means and why it is coming up? Thank you. ' & Confused Student Email II Dr.collberg: I am quiet confused about: ’.align 2’ usage. In manual it says ”.align n aligns the next datum on a 2n byte boundary”.What does it really use for?(ie.why we need it?) when we should use it? On the Mips, every variable has to be aligned (start on) an address that is a multiple of the variable’s size. So, a 4 byte variable has to be allocated to an address that is a multiple of 4, e.g. 4,8,12,16,20,.... $ % $ % How could I load the value of Char from memory so I can do "<" operation ? Because if I generate .data .float 0.0 .data Slide 19–44 Slide 19–46 PROGRAM P1; VAR F1 : REAL; BEGIN F1 := 4.14; END. main: F4.14: la $8, F1 .data .float 4.14 .text l.s $f2, F4.14 swc1 $f2, ($8) .data address: .asciiz "a" lw $1,address I got a error message from spim: ----Unaligned address in inst/data fetch: Exception 4 [Unaligned address in inst/data fetch] occurred and ignored--- And I have no idea about that . Confused Student Email VI. . . $ ' % & ' $ & % Homework Confused Student Email VI ' F1: & How do I load a floating point literal? ' & Confused Student Email VIII • Try out spim and xspim. Slide 19–45 Slide 19–47 • Write some small MIPS programs and execute them using spim. • Single step through a program. Try both the virtual and the bare (use spim -bare) machine. CHARs are one byte long. Use ’lb’ and ’sb’ (load and store byte) when you’re working on CHARs. ’lw’ loads a word (4 bytes). On the Mips words have to be aligned on a 4 byte boundary, which is why Spim complains. $ % $ %