POINTUNIONFREESCHOOL BAYPORT-BLUE DISTRICT NEWYORK BAYPORT, Boardof Education JamesS.March President CarolA. Cinelli VicePresident WilliamT. Barry JeanineBrowning JaneBurgess LeonardCamarda LauraJankowski AndreaM.O’Neill Andrew1. Wittman, Jr. Superintendentof Schools RichardW.Curtis AssistantSuperintendentfor Curriculum,Instruction, and GeneralAdministration JoanE.Grazda AssistantSuperintendentfor Business DorleeseJ.Stewart ) ChemistryCurriculum(revision Summer2002 Writers BrianCunningham BryanHoran BryanFranke MargaretRomaine Adopted 2004 2005 SchoolYear BAYPORT-BLUEPOINTUNIONFREESCHOOLDISTRICT BAYPORT,NEWYORK Chemistry Curriculum Labs Table of Contents Unit I Intro to Chemistry Lab 01: Lab 02: Lab 03: Lab 04: Lab 05: Lab 06: Lab 07: Lab 08: Lab 09: LaboratoryEquipment& Skills Introductionto Measurement The PaperAirplane Lab QualitativeObservationsof a ChemicalReaction QuantitativeObservationsof a ChemicalReaction MeasuringMass Uncertaintyin Measurement How Much Sugar is in Your BubbleGum? TemperatureMixing Unit 2 Physical Behavior of Matter Lab 10: Lab 11: Lab 12: Lab 13: Lab 14: Lab 15: Lab 16: Lab 17: Lab 18: Lab 19: Lab 20: Lab 21: Lab 22: PaperClip Formulas ProblemSolvingto Separatea Mixture(Inquiry) What Colorsare in Your Candy? Chemicalor PhysicalChangeLab ExploringEnergyChanges(Exothermic& Endothermic...) CaloricContentof Foods TheThree Phasesof Matter Molecules& Energy MeasuringEnergyChanges(Heat of Fusion) DiscoveringInstantCold Packs(Heat of Solution) Specific Heat Why Doesn’tthe BalloonBurst? Gas Law Lab Unit 3 Atomic Theory Lab 23: Lab 24: Lab 25: Lab 26: Lab 27: Lab 28: Who’s Counting?(atoms,mass, & moles) Atomic Coatings(the size of the atom) Line EmissionSpectraof Elements FlameTests (atomicemission& electronenergy levels) Isotopesof Pennies Bean Bag Isotopes Page -- 1 8 11 16 20 27 30 32 Page 36 37 38 41 43 49 51 53 56 62 66 67 68 Page 70 75 79 81 87 92 Unit 4 Periodic Table Lab 29: Lab 30: Lab 31: Lab 32: It’s in the Cards (Discoveringthe PeriodicLaw) Testingfor Metals Determiningthe Trendsin a Group DiscoveringPeriodicTrendsin Reactivity Unit 4 Bonding Lab 33: Lab 34: Lab 35: Lab 36: Lab 37: Propertiesof Ionic& CovalentCompounds BondmgPractice MakingModelsof Compounds CovalentMoleculesfrom a 3-DimensionalView MaqicSand Unit 6 Formulas, Equations, Moles, & Solutions Lab 38: Lab 39: Lab 40: Lab 41: Lab 42: Lab 43: Lab 44: Lab45: Lab46: Formulas& OxidationNumbers The ChalkLab Compositionof Hydrates RelatingMolesto Coefficientsof a ChemicalEquation PerfectCup of KoolAid Lab FactorsAffecting SolutionFormation Solubility& Temperature A HeatedDiscussion CommonGases(Physical& ChemicalProperties) Unit 7 Types of Reactions Lab 47: Lab48: Lab49: Lab 50: Lab 51: Lab 52: Exploring_Chemical_Changes Types_ofChemical_Reactions Preparing& TestingHydrogenGas (A microscaleapproach) ProducingHydrogenGasfrom CalciumMetal Reactivityof Metalsin Single-ReplacementReactions Double ReplacementReactions& SolubilityRules Unit 8 Kinetics & Equilibrium Lab 53. Lab 54: Lab 55: Lab 56: Lab 57: Lab 58: Lab 59: Lab 60: Introductionto ReactionRates (The Blue Bottle Reaction) Ratesof Reaction DeterminingReactionRate Catalysts,ReactionRates& ActivationEnergy The Effectof Temperatureon ReactionRate ExploringEquilibrium(It Works BothWays) ChemicalEquilibrium& Le Chatelier’sPrinciple Gas Phase Equilibrium Page 96 103 108 110 Page 113 115 118 123 125 Paqe 129 134 136 139 144 148 151 162 157 Page 173 176 182 187 189 191 Page 195 201 207 208 211 217 219 223 Unit 9 Redox Reactions Lab 61: Lab 62: Lab 63: Lab 64: Lab 65: Lab 66: Page ChangesDuring RedoxReactions The MirroredFlask Activitiesof Metals(Redox) The Gold Penny Lab Corrosionof Iron ChemicalHand-Warmer 228 229 230 234 2236 239 Unit 10 Acids & Bases Page Lab 67: Lab 68: Lab 69: Lab 70: Lab 71: Lab 72: Lab 73: Lab 74: Propertiesof Acids & Bases Acid, Base IndicatorLab (TableM) NaturalIndicators(Acids, Base,& the pH Scale) Acid-BaseTitration Titrationof VineqarLab Total Acidity (Titrationof Fruit Juices) Determinethe PHof an UnknownSolutionLab ChemMystery(The LimestoneCave) Unit 11 Organic Chemistry Lab 75: Lab 76: Lab 77: Modelsof OrqanicCompounds(Hydrocarbons) Modelsof Other OrganicCompounds(TableR) Saponification Unit 12 Nuclear Chemistry Lab 78: Lab 79: Lab 80: Lab 81: Half-LifeSimulation(Pennium) NuclearFissionChainReaction(dominoes) RadioactiveDecay:The Half-Lifeof an M&M BubbleGum Half-LifeLab Unit 13 Additional AP Chemistry Labs Lab 82: Lab 83: Lab 84: Lab 85: Lab 86: Lab 87: Lab 88: Lab 89: Lab 90: Atomic Spectra(Light,Energy,& ElectronStructure) QuantumLeap Lab (Probability& ElectronStructure) MagnesiumOxide (% Composition& EmpiricalForumula) FreezingPoint Depression(How LowCanYou Go?) FreezingPoint Depressionwith Antifreeze ClassicTitration (pH Curves& an Unknown) MeasuringAcid Strength(Ka valuesof Weak Acids) Heatsof Reaction& Hess’sLaw (Small-ScaleCalorimetry) The EquilibriumConstant(ComplexIon Formation) 12/04 241 247 250 255 261 263 267 269 Paqe 273 281 287 Page 291 294 296 298 Page 301 308 317 322 328 331 338 343 347 Page1 Introductionto Measurement - . 1 Introductionto Measurement Mass, Length, and Volume Introduction Muchofwhat we knowabout the physicalworldhas been obtainedfrom measurements made in the laboratory.Skill is required to designexperimentsso that careful measurements can be made. Skillis also neededto use lab equipmentcorrectlyso that errors can be minimized.Atthe same time, it is important to understand the limitations of scientific measurements. I Concepts .. rft Measurem • Accuracyand precision Background • • • Significantfigures • Experimentalerror I Experimentalobservationsoften include measurementsof mass, length, volume, temperature, and time. There are three parts to any measurement: • its numericalvalue • the unit of measurement that denotes the scale • an estimate ofthe uncertainty of the measurement. The numericalvalueof a laboratorymeasurementshould alwaysbe recordedwith the proper number of significantfigures. The number of significantfiguresdependson the instrument or measuring deviceused and is equalto the digitsdefinitelyknownfromthe scaledivisionsmarked on the instrument plus one estimated or “doubtful”digit. The last, esti mated, digit representsthe uncertainty in the measurement and indicates the precision ofthe instrument. Measurementsmadewith rulers and graduated cylindersshould always be estimatedto one placebeyond the smallest scale divisionthat is marked.If the smallestscale division on a ruler is centimeters, measure ments of length should be estimated to the nearest 0.1 cm. If a ruler is marked in millimeters,readings are usually estimated to the nearest 0.2 or 0.5 mm, dependingon the observer.The same reasoningapplies to vol. ume measurementsmade using a graduated cylinder.A 1O-mLgraduated cylinder has major scale divisionsevery I mLand minor scale divisions every0.1 mL.It is therefore possibleto “read”the volumeof a liquid in a 10-mLgraduatedcylinder to the nearest 0.02 or 0.05 mL.Three observers might estimatethe volume of liquid in the 10-mLgraduatedcylinder shown at the right as 8.32, 8.30, or 8.33 mL.These are all valid readings. It wouldNOTbe correct to record this volume of liquidas simply 8.3 mL. Likewise,a reading of 8.325 mL would be too precise. Introductionto Measurement _____ _____ _____________ T J Introductionto Measurement Page2 — Some instruments, such as electronic balances,give a direct reading—thereare.no obvious in an electronic rtainty or marked scaledivisions.This does NOTmean that there is no unc balance measurement; it means that the estimation has been carried out internally (by elec tronic means) and the result is being reporteddigitally.There is still uncertainty in the last digit. On an electronic centigram balance, for example,the mass of a rubber stopper might be measured as 5.67 g. If three observersmeasuredthe mass of the same rubber stopper, they might obtain readings of 5.65,5.67, and 5.68 g. The uncertainty of an electronicbal ance measurement is usuallyone unit in the smallest scaledivisionthat is reported—-ona centigram balancethis wouldbe ±0.01 g. Accuracyand precisionare two differentwaysto describethe error associatedwith measure ment.Accuracy describeshow “correct”a measured or calculatedvalue is, that is, howclose the measuredvalue is to an actual or acceptedvalue.The only wayto determine the accuracy of an experimentalmeasurementis to compare it to a “true”value—ifone is known! Precisiondescribesthe closenesswith which.severalmeasurementsof the same quantity agree. The precisionof a measurement is limited by the uncertainty of the measuring device. Uncertaintyis often representedby the symbol± (“plusor minus”),followedbyan amount.. Thus, if the measured length of an object is 24.72 cm and the estimated uncertainty is 0.05 cm, the length wouldbe reportedas 24.72±0.05 cm. Variationsamong measured results that do not result from carelessness,mistakes, or incorrect procedureare called experimental errors.Experimentalerror is unavoidable.The magnitude and sources of experimental error should alwaysbe consideredwhen &valuating the results of an experiment. I Experiment Overview The purpose of this activity is to make measurements using the metric system, to learn the meaning of significantfigures in the measurements, and to compare the accuracy and preci sion of laboratorymeasurements. Pre-Lab Questions 1. Howdoesthe concept of significantfigures relate to uncertainty in measurement? 2. A pipet is a type of specializedlab glasswarethat is usedto delivera specifiedvolumeof liquid.A5-mL pipet has major scale divisionsmarkedfor everymilliliterand minor scale divisionsmarked for every0.1 mL. Howwould you estimatethe uncertainty in volume measurementsmadeusing this pipet? Wouldit be proper to report that the pipetwas used to deliver3.2 mL of liquid?Explain. 3. Astack of ten musical compact disks is 1.15cm tall.Whatis the averagethicknessof one disk?Tothe nearest whole number, how many diskswillbe in a stack that is 5 cm tall? Flinn Chemlopic®Labs — Introductionto Chemistry Page3- Introductionto Measurement Materials Balance,centigram (0.01g) or milligram(0.001g) precision Beaker,50-mL Graduatedcylinders,10-,25-, 100-,500-, and 1000-mL Metric ruler, markedin millimeters Nickels,5—6 Pennies, 5—10(at least one ofwhich was minted in 1982 or before) Pipet, Beral-type Water Safety Precautions The materialsin this lab activity are considerednonhazardous.Always wear chemical splashgoggleswhen working in the laboratorywith glassware,heat, or chemicals. Procedure Part A. Volume Measurements There are five graduatedcylinders,each labeledand each containing a specifI quantity Of liquid to which some food coloringhas been added to make the volume easierto read. 1. Recordthe capacityand the major and minor sêaledivisionsof each graduatedcylinderin DataTableA. 2. Measurethe volumeof liquid in each cylinderand record the results in DataThb e A Rememberto includethe units and the correct number of significantfigures.. 3. Estimatethe “uncertainty”involvedin eachvolumemeasurementand enter the valuein DataTableA. Part B. Comparing Volume Measurements 4. Usetap water to fill a 50-mLbeakerto the 20-mLmark. Usea Beral-typepipet to adjust the water leveluntil the bottom ofthe meniscusis lined up as preciselyas possiblewith the 20-mLline. 5. Pour the waterfrom the beakerinto a clean, 25-mLgraduatedcylinder.Measurethe vol ume of liquid in the graduatedcylinderand record the result in DataTableB. Remember to includethe units and the correct number of significantfigures. 6. Transferthe liquid from the 25-mLgraduatedcylinderto a clean, 100-mLgraduated cylinderand againmeasure its volume.Recordthe result in DataTableB. Discardthe water into the sink. 7. Repeatsteps 4—6two more times for a total of three independentsets ofvolume measure ments. Drythe beakerand graduatedcylindersbetweentrials. Recordall results in Data TableB. 8. Calculatethe average (mean) volumeofwater in both the 25- and 100-mLgraduated cylindersfor the three trials. Enter the results in DataTableB. Introductionto Measurement IVinIIIIIII !,*J, ,44.t IIItç t’ni,,iit I 7J( 4 * the Diameter and Thickness of a Coin i in Data TableC. Report each measurement or calculationto the proper num , i,ii a/I cIa/ 1,u/icant figures.Don’tforgetthe units. r at .u Part C. Measuring ¶I• Usea metric ruler to measure the diameterof a penny.Recdrdthe measurementin both centimeters,(cm) and millimeters(mm). 10. Estimateand record the uncertainty involvedin this measurementof length. 11. Makea stack of pennies that is as close as possibleto 10millimetersin height. Count the number of pennies used to makethis 10-mmstack and record the result. 12. Measureand recordthe preciseheight of the stack of pennies in both centimeters and millimeters.Dividethe measuredheight of the stack of penniesby the number of to calculatethe “averagethickness”of a penny in millimeters.Recordthe result. pennies • 13. Measurethe thickness (in millimeters)of one penny chosenat random from your stack and enter this valuein DataTableC. 14. Repeatsteps 9—12using nickelsinsteadof pennies. • Part D. Mass Measurements 15. Obtainfivepenhiesand recordthe year in which each pennywas minted. Measurethe mass of each penny individuallyusing a centigram or milligrambalance.Recordthe results in DataTableD.Note: Makesure that at least one of the pennieswas minted in 1982or before. Flinn Chemlopic® Labs Introductionto Chemistry — Page5-Introduction to Measurement Name: _______________________ Class/Lab Period: ____________ Introduction to Measurement Data Table A. Volume Measurements Graduated Cylinder A MajorScale Divisions Capacity MinorScale Divisions Volume,of Liquid Estimated Uncertainty S B C ,D . E Data Table B. Comparing Volume Measurements MeasuredVolumeof “20 mL” of Water Trial 25-mLGraduatedCylinder 100-mL GraduatedCylinder 1 5 2 3 Average Data Table C. Measuring the Diameter and Thickness of a Coin Diameterof Coin Centimeters Penny Millimeters Uncertainty Centimeters Nickel Millimeters Uncertainty Introductionto Measurement Numberof Coinsin 10-mm Stack Measured Thickness of Stack Average Thickness of Coin Measured Thickness of Single Coin — Introduction to Meosurernent Page6 Data Table D. Mass Measurements Penny Mass YearMinted 1 2 •3 . 4 5 Post-Lab Questions (Usea separatesheetof paper to answer the followingquestions.) betweenthe scaledivisionsmarked on the graduated cylindersin hip 1. Whatis the relation Part A’ançlthe estimateduncertainty in volume measurements? 2. Which graduatedcylinder(s)gave the most precise volumemeasurement?Doesthe • number bfsignificantfiguresallowedfor each volume measurementin Part Areflectthe precision of the graduatedcylinders? 3. It is common td get differentvolume readings for each container in Part B.What explana tion can you offerfor an apparent decreaseor increase in volume? 4. For both the 25- and 100-mLgraduated cylinder measurements in Part B, calculate the deviation of each measured volume from the average. The deviation is equal to the absolute value of the difference between each measured volume and the average as follows: deviation = Imeasuredvolume — averagevolume I 5. Calculatethe averagedeviationfor both the 25- and 100-mLgraduatedcylindermeasure ments in Part B.The averagedeviationis equal to the sum of the individualdeviations from the averagedividedby the number of measurements.Reportthe volume measure ments for both cylindersin the followingform: average ± average deviation 6. The averagedeviationshowshow precisea series of measurementsare. Comparethe preci sion of the volumemeasurementsobtained using the 25-and 100-mLgraduatedcylinders. Dothese values reallyrepresent the precisionof the graduatedcylindersthemselves? 7. Assumethat the averagevolume found using the 25-mLgraduatedcylinder in Part B is the “true” or acceptedvalueof the volume.Calculatethe percent error for the average volumeofwater measured using the 100-mLgraduatedcylinder.The percent error is calculatedas follows: Imeasuredvalue acceptedvalue I x 100% acceptedvalue — percent error = 8. Doespercent error measureaccuracyor precision?Explain. Flinn Chemlopic®Labs — Introductionto Chemistry Page7- Introduction to Measurement 9. Are the averagethicknessand measurea thickness ofthe coins measuredin Part C the same?Whatfactorsmight explainthe difference?Whichmethod do you think givesa bet-. ter estimateofthe true thicknessof a coin? 10. Comparethe massesof the pennies measuredin Part D.Areall of the massesthe same, within the limits of uncertainty in the balancemeasurement?Arethere apparent differ ences basedon when the pennieswere minted? 11. Howdoesthe mass of a penny minted in 1982or beforecomparewith the mass of newer pennies.Tryto explainthe difference. Introductionto Measurement ThePaperAirplaneLab In class,you’velearnedthatthe scientificmethodallowsyou to solveproblems throughfocusedtrialanderror. Inthis lab, youwillbe usingthescientificmethod to figureout howto makeanairplanethatfliesfartherthananybodyelse’s. : Prelab Listthe six stepsof the scientificmethodin order: . . : Procedure 1) Makea paperairplaneof the type you are mostfamiliarwith. (If you don’t will showyou.) With knowhowto makea paperairplane,your instructOr yourlab partner,measurehowfar the paperairplanegoeseachtime you throwit. Distanceof throw1: Distanceof throw2: ____________ Distanceof throw3: Distanceof throw4: Distanceof throw5: ____________ Average distance of all five throws: © 2000 CavalcadePublishing(teachers visit www.cavalcadepublishing.com,students visit www.chemfiesta.com) ‘2) Whatyounowwantto do is makea guessaboutwhatmightmakethe paperairplanesfly better. Thiscouldbe a differentmethodof foldingthe planes.or someadditionto the planedesign. You maychangewhatev r you like, butrememberto ànlychangeone thing. In the spacesbelow,writedownhOwyou thinkthat you cangeta better flight distanceusingthe scientificmethod. . Purpose: Hypothesis: . . Materials: Procedure: Results: Conclusion: © 2000 CavalcadePublishing (teachers visit www.cavalcadepublishing.com,students visit www.chemfiesta.com) , ID Postlab Questions : 1) Was yourhypothesisdisprovedor confirmed?Explain,usingthe informationyouobtainedin yourexperiment. 2) Do you thinkthis is howscientistsconducttheir own research?Explain whyor why not. 3) Explainwhy it wasimportantthat you changeonlyonethingbetweenyour initialexperimentand yourlatercxperim&nt. 4) Do you thir k thatthescientificmethodis a goodwayto makescientific discoveries?If so, thenexplainwhy you thinkthisis. If not,explainwhy you thinkit isn’t. © 2000 CavalcadePublishing(teachersvisit www.cavalcadepublishing.com,studentsvisit www.chemfiesta.com) Date Name _________________________________ • ___________ of a QualitativeObservatgons Chemical Reaction Class ___________ Lab Textreference:Chapter1. pp. 2—4 PreLabDiscussion . Scientists rely heavily on experimentation. A good scientist must observe and interpret what is happening. Observing means using the senses: seeing, smelling, touching, hearing, and sometimes tasting NEVERTASTE CHEMICALSUNLESSINSTRUCTEDTO BYYOURTEACHER When scientists make observations, they try to’ be objective. Being objective means putting aside any preconceived ‘notions. Scientists are interested in what really occurs, not in what they wish would. occur. • After observations are made, scientists must make interpretations. Interpretations are based on previous knowledge and experience. Because people have different experiences, one scientist may interpret observa tions in one’ way while another may interpret the same observations to mean something else. When we interpret, we attempt to make sense out of observations. Scientists never assume that their interpretations are cor rect until they test hem fully and repeatedly. After complete testing, sci entists then come to their conclusions. In this investigation, you will make some qualitative observations of a chemical reaction. That is, no measurements will’be made. During a chemical reaction, one or more substances change into one or more other substances. The burning of wood, wax, oil, gasoline, and coal are examples of a chemical reaction known as combustion. The reactiQn you will study in this investigation is a combustion reaction. Purpose Carefully observe and interpret a chemical reaction. Equipment beaker, 250-mL Erlenmeyer flask, 125-mL glass square microspatula metric ruler microslide rubber stopper safety goggles lab apron or coat Materials candle (2-cm diameter) matches, 2 or 3 toothpicks, 2 limewatér solution Safety W string aluminum foil cobalt chloride paper fl A In this experiment, you will be working with an open flame. Tie back long hair and secure loose clothing. Also, wear safety goggles and a lab 1 apron or coat at all times when working in the lab. Be sure all matches and burned materials are completely extinguished before they are discarded. Procedure Record observations for each steip. 1. Note appearance, odor, and feel of the unlighted cnd1e. 2. Heat the bottom of the candle and secure it to a glass square on your lab bench. Light the candle and allow it to burn for several minutes. Note any changes. Bnefly describe the burning candle. 3. Blow out the flame and immediately place a lighted match in the “smoke” about 2 cm above the wick. See Figure 1-1.Note the result. I. Figure1-1 4. Use a microspatula to transfer a small amount of liquid from the bowl of the candle onto a microslide. Try to light it and note the result. 5. Place a toothpick into the soft candle next to the unhighted wick to form a wooden wick. Light the toothpick and note the result. 6. Place a length of string about 4 cm long on the glass square. Light it and observe its behavior. 7. Make a slit in a small piece of aluminum foil. See Figure 1-2. Light the candle. Place the foil between the base of the flame and the liquid in the candle bowl. Note the behavior of the flame. aluminumfoil Figure 1-2 2 Name . I /(3 of a Chemical Reaction(continued) QualitativeObservations Figure 1-3 8. Invert a 250-mL beaker over the lighted candle. See Figure 1-3. Note any substance that collects on the inside of the beaker. Test the liquid with cobalt chloride paper. 9. Invert a 125-mL Erlenmeyer flask over the lighted candle for several minutes. Remove the flask, turn it right side up, and add about 10 mL of the clear limewater solution. Stopper and shake the flask. Note any change in the limewater solution. ‘I II ii Observationsand Data . 3 1* . : ‘ ..I , I’ . and Questions Condusions 1. What phases (solid, liquid, gas) are present in the unlighted candle? In the burning candle? Which phase appears to take part in the chemical reaction? 4 Name . I of a Chemical Reaction(continued) QualitativeObservations .2. What part does the wick play in the burning of.the candle? What prop erties should the wick have? Explain the result when aluminum is placed between the liquid and the wick. Is the wick part of the chemical reaction? I 3. What two substances are indicated by the cobalt chloride and limewater tests? Is it possible that other substances are produced when the candle burns? Explain. —_____________________________ . 4. A source of energy is needed to start the burning of the candle. What energy source is used? Did the reaction give off or absorb heat? 5. Give an example, illustrating the difference between observation and interpretation. 5 • • Name Date ___________________________________ Class ____________ of a Observations Quantitative Chemical Reaction ____________ , Lab2 Textreference:Chapter 1, pp. 2—4 Pre-LabDiscussion • • • Most experiments require the investigator to. make some quantitative ob servations, or measurements. The numerical values of these measure ments are called data. The most frequently measurçd quantities in the chemistry laboratory are mass, volume, and tempez ature. When conducting an experiment of a quantitative ‘nature, the first step • in the procedure is to ‘nake and record measurements of the materials that are being investigated. If the materials take part in a chemical reaction (undergo chemical change), many, if not all, of the initial measured values probably will change. The nature and extent of these changes often help the investigator to understand what is taking place. Some of these ‘changes, sudh as temperature change, can be measured and, recorded as the reaction is taking place. When the reaction is ended, measurements again are made and recorded. The collected data from all of these mea surements provide an overall record of what quantitative changes took place during the reaction. When making measurements, you should keep in mend that the ’instrilments numerical values can be only as accurate as the used to make the measurements. These values also are affected by the care and skill of the person using the instruments. As you gain more experience in the laboratory, you will become more familiar with tbe limitations and accu racy of the various instruments you use. You also will become more skill ful in the use of these instruments and in carryng out various activities that are essential to a successful investigation. Scientists must be imaginative. In many cases, they must devise their own experiments and decide what measurements will provide useful infor mation. In this investigation, you will make measurements to determine the ‘effects of a chemical reaction (combustion). You then will be asked to decide how these measurements can be used to extend your under standing of the reaction. Purpose Make a quantitative investigation of a chemical reaction. Equipment laboratory balance ring stand iron ring wire gauze thermometer beaker, 250-mL graduated cylinder, lOO-mL watch or clock with second hand glass square safety goggles lab apron or coat Materials candle (2-cm diameter) matches, 2 or 3 7 /7: Safety In this experiment, you ‘v(rillbe working with an open flame! Tie back long hair and secure loose clothing. Also, wear safety goggles and a lab apron or coat at all times when working iii the lab. Be sure matches are com pletely extinguished before they are discarded. Procedure 1. Find the mass of the candle. 2. Measure exactly 100 mL of tap water in a graduated cylinder. Pour the water into a 250-mL beaker and place the beaker on a wire gauze as shown. in Figure 2-1. Measure the temperature of the water thermometer containing 100mL of water iron ring candle glass square ring stand Figure 2-1 3. Light the candle and place it on the glass square, as shown. Adjust the height of the ring so that the flame is 2 cm below the base of the beaker. Using the candle, heat the water for exactly 10 minutes. Extinguish the flame and measure the temperature of the water and the mass of the candle. 4. Relight the candle and repeat steps 1—3for a second trial. Observationsand Data Trial 1 Original mass of candle Mass of candle after burning Time candle burned Original temperature Final temperature Time water heated 8 of wat.er of water Trial 2 Name • 2 Quahti:tative Observationsof a ChemicalReaction (continued) Calculations For each trial, find: ThaI 1 Trial 2 1. The change in the mass of the candle 2. The change in the mass of the candle per minute 3. The change in the temperature of the water 4. The change in the temperature othe water per minute andQuestions Conclusions 1. Compare your trial results and calculations with those of other lab teams. Are your results exactly the same? How do you account for any dif ferences in data? If one set of data differs from another in an experiment, does this mean that one or both sets are wrong? Explain your answer. . ______________ 9 2. What doesthe term tate mean? a. What was the rate candle? b. What was the rate of heating of the water? . bEburning of the I 3. Explain how the heat from the combustion reaction iS related to the temperature change of the water. 4. Outline a laboratory more heat—a gram of type of experiment be better fuel? What other procedure that would determine which produces candle wax or a gram of alcohol. How could this used to decide which substance would make the I? factors might enter into choosing a fu t . 10 $ Name • ___________________________________ Date ____________ Mass Measuring Class ____________ Lab3 Text reference: Chapter 2, pp. 15—17 Pre-LabDiscussion For laboratory work in a general chemistry course, three basic types of measurement using the lab balance should be mastered. These are: measuring mass directly, “measuring out” a specific nass of a substance, and determining mass by difference. These three types of measurement and the techniques for making them are briefly descrihed in the following paragraphs. “ ‘1. Measuring mass directly. Direct measurement is used to deter mine the mass of a beaker or flask or similar object. This is the simplest type of measurement made with the balance. In a direct measurement, the object with a mass to be measured is placed on the balance pan, riders are moved into positions along the beams and the appl opriate until the pointer is balanced at the zero point. The mass of the object is read directly from the positions of the riders on the beams. This technique often is used to 2. “Measuring out” a substance. obtain a desired mass of a solid chemical, such as table salt, that exists in a granular or crystalline state. To do this, the balance riders are preset asured out then is to the desired mass reading. The substance being m added to the balance pan until the pointer is balanced at the zero point. Keep in mind, however, that chemicals should never be’ placed directly on the balance, pan. A piece of paper or a contairker of some kind should be placed on the pan to receive the substance being measured. The preset mass must then be equal to the mass of the’paper or container plus the mass to be measured out. This technique can be used for liquids as well as solids. The liquid is poured into a container resting on the balance pan with the preset mass equal to the mass of the empty con tainer plus the mass of the liquid to be measured out. 3. Determining mass by difference. Finding mass by difference is an important laboratory technique. As the name suggests, this tech nique involves subtraction. One common use for this technique is to determine the mass of a quantity of a substance, such as a liquid, that is in a container. In a case of this sort, it is necessary to subtract the mass of the empty container from the combined mass of the container and the substance. Another important use of this technique is to measure changes in mass that occur during a chemical reaction. In this experiment, you will learn how to perform all three types of measurement described here. In addition, you will gain valuable practice in using the laboratory balance and in handling different materials and apparatus. , • ‘, Purpose Practice the various techniques of measuring masses using the lab bal ance. Gain experience in the techniques of handling laboratory materials and equipment. 11 Equipment lab balance watch glass beaker, 150-mL beaker, 50-mL microspatula graduatedcylinder, 100-mL timer (watch or clock) safety goggles lab apron or coat Materials sodium chloride (NaCI) calcium chloride (CaC1 2) filter paper toy balloon coins (1 penny, 1 nickel) Safety Do not allow lab chemicals to come in contact with your sdn. Calcium chloride (CaC I2) removes moisture from the skin and can produce irrita tion and a burning sensation. If contact should occur, immediately flush the area with cold water. Always. wear safety goggles and a lab apron or coat when working in the Jab. Procedure PARTA MEASURING MASS DIRECTLY 1. Check your alance to make sure that the painter is prop erly “zeroed.” If an adjustment is necessary, consult your teacher. 2. Place a penny on the balance pan. Move the rider(s) until the pointer isbalanced (zeroed). Record the mass of the penny. 3. Repeat step .2 for objects listed below. Record the mass of each object. a. a nickel b. a watch glass c. a 150-mL beaker d. a I00-mL graduated cylinder PARTB MEASURING OUT A SUBSTANCE 4. Place a piece of filter paper on the balance pan. Move the rider on the front beam until the balance is zeroed. Record this reading. 5. Move the riders until they read exactly 7.50 g more than the reading you obtained in step 4. Record this setting. 6. Obtain a quantity of sodium chloride (NaCI) on a piece of paper. Using your microspatula, add this substance to the filter paper on the balance pan until the pointer is balanced. (If you add too much, remove enough with your microspatula to make the pointer balance.) Discard the NaCI and filter paper as in structed by your teacher. 7. Place a dry 50-mL beaker on the balance pan. Move the riders until the pointer is balanced. Record this reading. 8. Move the riders until they read exactly 22.0 g more than the reading you obtained in step 7. Record this setting. 12 Name • 3 __________ _______ MeasuringMass (continued) 9. In a 100-mL graduated cylinder, obtain exactly 30.0 mL of cold tap water. Stowly and carefully pour water from the graduated cylinder into the beaker on the balance pan until the pointer is balanced. Avoid splashing water onto the pan. Note and record the volume of water remaining in the graduated cylinder. Discard the water and dry the beaker. PARTC DETERMININGMASS BY DIFFERENCE • 10. Measure and record the mass of a watch glass: . Ii Using the procedure describeçl by your teacher, obtain 20— 25 crystals of calcium chloride (CaCl 2) on a piece of paper. Care fully transfer the crystals to the watch glass. 12. Measure and record the combined mass of the watch glass and calcium chloride. Note and record the time you make this measurement. 13. Using your microspatula, spread the crystals out on the watch glass. Study the crystals and record your observations. Set the watch glass and crystals aside to be reexamined later. . 14. Measure and record the mass of a piece of filter paper. 15. Obtain a quantity of sodium chloride (NaCl) on a piece of paper. Using your microspatula, place one heaping scoop of the NaCI on the filter paper. Measure and record the combined mass of the filter paper and Na(.l. 16. Add a second heaping scoop of NaCI to the sample on the filter paper. Measure and record the combined mass of the filter paper and the two scoops of NaCI. 17. Add a third heaping scoop of NaCI to the sample on the filter paper. Measure and record the combined mass of the filter paper and the salt. Discard the salt and the filter paper. 18. Measure and record the mass of a l50-mL beaker. 19. In a I0O-mL graduated cylinder, obtain exactly 30 rnL of cold tap water. Carefully pour this water into the beaker. Meas ure and record the combined mass of the beaker and water. 20. Inflate a toy balloon and tie off the open end so that no gas can escape. Measure and record the mass of the inflated balloon. 21. Puncture the balloon and allow all the gas t.o escape. Meas ure and record the mass of the deflated balloon. Discard the balloon. 22. Reexamine the calcium chloride crystals on the watch glass that you set aside earlier. Record your ol)servat.ions. • 23. Measure and record the combined mass of the watch glass and its contents. Not.e and record the time of this measurement. Discard the calcium chloride and clean and dry the watch glass. 13 Observationsand Data PARTA • 1. Mass of a penny g 2. Mass of a nickel g 3. Mass of a watch glass g 4. Mass of I50-mL beaker g 5. Mass of I00-mL graduated cylinder g PARTB 6. Mass of filter paper g 7. New setting (filter paper + 7.50g) g 8. Mass of 50-mL beaker g 9. New setting (50-mL beaker + 22.0 g) g mL 10. Volume of water remaining in graduated cylinder PARTC, 11 Mass of watch glass g 12. Mass of watch glass ± I2 CaC g 12 13. Time of measurement 14. Mass of filter paper g 15. Mass of filter paper + I scoop of NaCI g 16. Mass of filter paper + 2 scoops of NaCl g 17. Mass of filter paper + 3scoopsofNaCl g 18. Mass of 150-mL beaker g 19. Mass of 150-mL beaker + 30 mL of water 20. Mass of inflated balloon 21. Mass of deflated balloon 22. Mass of watch glass 23. Time of measurement 14 -f (after sitting) 2 CaCl 22 g _g g g Name * • 3 24 Measuring Mass (continued) Observations Calcium chloride crystals a. initial examination (step 12): b. later examination (step 22): Calculations e of water added to the beaker 1. Calculate the vo1un 9.. in step volume remaining in (initial volume graduated cylinder) — • 2. Calculate the mass o1 I mL of water. (mass of water ÷ volume of water) g 3. Using the mass-by-difference technique, calculate the mass of: 2 crystals added to the watch glass a. CaCI (step 12— step 11) g b. NaCl(1 scoop)(step 15 — step 14) g c. NaCI (2 scoops) (step 16 — step 14) g d. NaCJ(3 scoops) (step 17 — step 14) g 19— step 18) g p e. 30 mLof tap water (st l9 f. moisture absorbed by Ca(. (step 22 step 12) crystals g — 4. Calculate the difference in mass between the inflated balloon and the deflated balloon (step 20— step 21). 5. Calculate how much time, in minutes, elapsed between the two measurements of the CaCJ 2 23 step 13). (step — g _________ m 15 Conclusionsand ‘Questions 1. In steps 15—17of the procedure, you measured the combined masses of a piece of filter paper plus one, two, and three heaping scoops of NaCI, respectively. From Calculation 3(b), what was the mass of the first scoop of NaCI? b. From your data, calculate the masses of: the second scoop of NaCI (step 16 step 15) and the third scoop of NaC1 (step 17 step 16). c. Compare the masses of each individual scoop of NaCI as deter mined in (a) and (b) above. Are the three values identical? If not, how do you account for the differences? ‘ a. — — ,. ‘ 2. What measurements would you make to determine the average mass of a heaping microspatula of NaCI? ‘How would you use these measurements to arrive at an average mass? 3. The difference between the mass of the balloon when inflated and its mass after being punctured is not an accurate determination of the mass of the gas in the inflated balloon. Why is this? 16 Name . 3 ,A. MeasuringMass (continued) 4. Suppose you were asked to measure out 5 grams of calcium ‘chloride. Briefly describe how you would make this measurement. 5. Suppose that you wanted to know the mass of a quantity of orange juice that was poured into a drinking glass. Describe how you would determine this mass. 6. A beaker contains a quantity of a liquid. You want to know the com bined mass of the beaker and the liquid. Describe how you would go about making this determination. 7. Suppose you were asked to compare the mass of a nickel and of NaCI crystals. a. Which method would you use to determine the mass of the b. Which method would you use to determine the mass of crystals? c. Which of the two measurements is likely to be the more one? Explain. a sample nickel? the NaCl accurate . 17 Name Date _________________________________ Class ___________ ___________ t27 S Uncertaintyin Measurement Lab Textreference:Chapter3. pp. 50—55 Pre-LabDiscussion Laboratory measurements are never exact. The uncertainty of a measured quantity depends on the skill of the researcher and the limitations of the measuring instrument. These two factors determine the accuracy of a ,measurement. Accuracy reflects the nearness of a measurement to the actual or accepted value. When reporting experimental data, researchers record all digits they are certain of plus one digit they are uncertain of. These are known as significant figures. The uncertainty of the measure ment too is indicated. This depends on the size of the smallest increment on the scale of the instrument. When gathering data to solve a problem, skilled experimenters select instruments that will produce the desired level of acc Thus, they iracy. must know the level of accuracy possible ,with calibrated instruments commonly found in laboratories. By studying some simple laboratory equipment, a better understanding of uncertainty in measurement can be achieved. Purpose Examine some calibrated measuring instruments, make some measure ments, and record data. Report data using the correct number of signi.fi cant figures and scientific notation. Indicate the uncertainty of the meas urements. Equipment laboratory balance, four-beam centimeter ruler thermometer (O°—120°C) graduated cylinder, 100-mL calibrated pipets, burets, l0-mL graduated cylinder, triple-beam balance, meter stick safety goggles lab apron or coat Materials a coin, such as a nickel piece of paper, less than 10-cm square water Safety . Handle glassware with care, especially thermometers, pipets, and burets. They are fragile and easily broken. Always wear safety goggles and a Jab apron or coat when working in the lab. 19 Procedure Record all measurements in the data table. Report data to the correct number of significant figures and using scientific notation. Indicate the urements. uncertainty of the mea 1. Using the four-beam balance, measure and record the mass ,1 ofthe coin. the 2. Using the centimeter ruler, measure length of on side of the piece of papers 3. Using the thermometer, measure and record the temperature of the air in the laboratory. 4. Using the i0O-mLgraduated cylinder, measure and record the volume of a sample of water between 0 and 100mL. 5. Make additional measutements, as time permits, using cali brated pipets, bufets, a 10-mLgraduated cylinder, atriple-beam balance, a meter stick, and other devices provided. Observationsand Data . DATATABLE Instrument 20 , . S Measurement four-beambalance massof coin centimeterruler paperedge thermometer O°—120°C temperature of room air 100-migraduatedcylinder volumeof water Data Uncertainty Name________ • 4 ______________________________ Uncertainty in Measurement (continued) and QuestiOns Conclusions 1. What’ is the difference between precisiop and accuracy? Is a precise measurement always accurate? Explain. . T’. EE 2. A square piece of paper has an edge measuring 7.06 cr (using a centi meter ruler). How many significant figures should appear in the calculated Write the result correctly. )? surface area (A = S 3. Why do liquid vitamins for babies come wit.h a dropper pipet rather than a container marked with graduated lines, as on a graduated cylinder? Explain in terms of accuracy. . 21 How muchsugar is in yourbubblegum? A PercentComposition Lab t3O Name_____ bate___________ Thtroductjon: It is sometimes appropriateto analyze mixtures or to determine the properties of its various components.If compounds youread the label on the packageofany food,the ingredients in that food must be listed in order according to their mass.,The most abundantcomponent is listed first. In this experiment, you will determinethe percentageof sugarin a pieceof bubble gum.Basedon what the label says, you should be able to make an estimate (hypothesis)as to whatyoushouldexpectto find inthis lab. 1 pieceof bubblegumwithsugar(Bubblicious,, Materials: • Bubble Yum,Bazooka, etc.) Balance Hypothesis: thCLwhai percent of your gum is made up of sugar? Onthe bc:ickof this pagedesigna procedure.Thenmakea datachart of sugarin your to showdata. Finally,calculatethe percent composition piece of gum. Twopointsto consider:(1) The wrapper hasa mass.(2) Howlongwill youchewyourgum? * (31 Groupmembers: Questions for PercentSu9ar’in BubbleGumLob 1. What was the mass of the 1 pieceof gumbefore chewing? 2. What wasthe massof 1 pieceof gumafter chewing? grams grams’ ed 3. What was the massof dissoh sugar in1 pieceof gum? grams 4. What isthe percentageof sugarin1 pieceof gum?ShowyourWork ow. b • 5. Howdidthe percent that youcalculatedabovecompareto your hypothesis? 6. Howlongdidyouchewyourgum?. . minutes 7. Why didyoudecideto chewyourgum.for this particular lengthof time? formula: )? 8. What isthe molecular C1 2 H 1 0 2 massof sugar (molecular 5howyour workbelow. Besure to handin: • Thesequestionsanswered • The procedure • Thedatachart I, Name_____________________ Bayport-BluePointHS ChemistiyLab•• RATURE ThMP MIXING MATERiALS: beakers 2-400rril.. 2 5OmLbeakers beaker 1- lOOrnL 3‘thermometers hotplate water ice PROCEDURE: 200mL 1. In a lãrgébeaker,boilapproximately ofwater. 2. In a second 200mLof beaker,addiceto approximately water. 3. Foreachofthethreetrials,besureto recordtheexact ofboththehotandcoldwaterthatyou temperature onthedatachartto use.Also,shadethebeakers theamountofwaterinthebeaker. indicate a. Trial1: I. Intoa smallbeaker,pour3OmLofhotwater andrecordthetemperature ii. Intoa second smallbeaker,pour3OmLof coldwaterandrecordthetemperature iii. Predict thevolume& temperature thatyou willgetwhenyoumixthem 1133k iv. Mixthe 2 volumesofwater. Immediatel ’ recordthe temperature andthevolumeih the“Actual”column. b.Trial2: i. Repeatthe aboveprocedureusing2OmLof, hotwaterand4OmLof coldwater c. Trial3: i. Repeatthe aboveprocedureusing4OmLof hot waterand2OmLofcoldwater JtJ DATA: HOT COLD 3OmL 3OmL PREDICThD ACTUAL mL •••; mL , oc 4OmL mL oc mL oc 4OmL oc 2OmL oc mL oc mL .oc oc oc oc 2OmL , (31 QUES1IONS: Defineheat. Explain the 1. Definetemperature. between & heat. difference temperature 2. Howmanykilojoules (k.J)arein1.0Joules (3)? 3. Howmany)areinlkJ? thefollowing Celsius to Kelvin. 4. Convert temperatures formula ShOW & substitution. ALLwork,including c. —20°C a. 24°C. d. 18°C b.30°C e. 141°C thefollowing Kelvintemperatures toCelsius. 5. Convert formula& substitution. ShowALLwork,including a. 370K c. 418K b.241K (33 d. OK e. 81K 6. Whatdowemeanby“fixedpoints” ona temperature scale?Whatarethefixedpoints,indegrees, onthe & Celsius scales? Kelvin ‘7. If thetemperature of a’substance from wereincreased 32°Cto 48°C,howmuchwouldthetemperature increase ontheKelvinscale?EXPLAIN youranswer! vit: Act •1• (36 Paper Clip Formulas formulas and classifying matter l Purpose: To give students practice interpreting chernic Materials: 3 containers .containing three different size paper clips. The paper clips represent atoms of three different types. The following “atomic” symbols will represent each type of “atom”. R = regular plastic coated Jb =jumbo Sm = small metal Procedure: 1. You are to make the substances listed below and place them on a piece of paper lab&e (“chernica) formula style”). rh piv substance 1: 2 JbSm substance 5: R 2 Jb 4R substance 2: Sm 2 Jb + 2 R substance 6: 3ubstance3: 2 Sm + 3 R substance 7: 22 Sm) 3 Jb(R Substance 8: RSm 2 Jb 4 ‘I. substance 4: 3 Sm 2 Answer these questions on what you have made. I. Which of the above substances are elements? 2. which of the above substances are compounds? 3. Which of the above substances are mixtures? 4. How many total atoms are there in each of the above substances? Put the total under each model. 5. Which represent diatomic molecules? triatomic molecules? 6. How many molecules are there in each of the above substances? Reference: Adapted from Elna , Woodrow Wilson Chemistry Institute, 1995. r lem- I.iflgt • separate a Mixtuj MISSION POSSIBLE: to separatethe contentsof mixturein the cupif Youare challenged andare now possible.Eachof the cupsstarted with4 substances combinedintoone mixture. The contentsare: Sand Iron Filings PoppySeeds(like the roll) .5alf Crystals Thekey thing to rememberabout mixtures is that you start with somepieces. combinethem, andthen you cando somethingto pull those piecesapart again., Youwind up with the samemolecules(in the sameamounts)that you started with. Write a lab report with the following information: Objective Methodsand Materials • tesults Conclusionor Summary Youand your group write an objective. State howyou are goingto : Step ONE reach your objective (method)andthe materials neededto reach it. Ask mefor thematerials : (f possible).I’ll giveeverything I haveto Step TWO you. : Howdid your methodswork, (Results)canchangesbe made? Step ThREE What did you find? bid you support or disproveyour objective, how : Step FOUR do you know. Name Class Date What colors candli? areinqour (-3 Yellow dye #5 is an artificial food coloring approved by the FDA, but some people are allergic to this dye. Many candies contain Yellow #5 as part of a mixture to color the candies. Dye mixtures can be extracted from the candy and separated into their component colors using paper chromatography. The yellow food coloring that you buy in the grocery store: contains Yellow #5 and can be used as a reference standard. Separations by paper chromatography are possible because different sub stances have different amounts of attraction for the paper. The greater the attraction the substance has for the paper, the slower it will move up the paper with the solvent. PROBLEM Are,there any colored candies ‘that a person with an allergy to Yellow #, can safely eat? OBJECTIVES C) C • Observe separation of colors in dye mix tures. • interpret data to determine which can dies contain Yellow #5. a, 0. E C C) I a, 0 0 U, :0 HATEAIALS 10 cm X 10 cm piece of Whatman #1 filter paper. large jar with lid colored candy yellow food coloring small plastic cup water salt toothpicks ruler U, PROCEDURE I , 0 C, U, 8 0 U -C a 0 C) 1. Record your observations in the data table. 2. Make a fine line with a pencil about 3 cm from one edge of the piece of filter paper. 3. Place a small amount of water in a plas tic cup. 4. Dip the tip of a toothpick into the water. 5. Dab the moistened tip of the toothpick onto a piece of colored candy to dissolve some of the colored coating. Chemistry:Concepts and Applications AND CHEMLAD MINILAD WOANSHE CHEMLR .9 6. Place the tip of the toothpick with dye onto the filter paper to form a spot along the pencil line. 7. Remoisten the tip of the toothpick, and dab the same piece of candy to dissolve additional coating. Place the tip of the toothpick onto the filter paper on the same spot made in step 6. Repeat this step until a concentrated spot is obtained. 8. Using a new toothpick and fresh water, repeat steps 4 to 7 with a different col ored piece of candy. Make a new spot for each piece of candy, and keep a record in your data table. 9. Dip a fresh toothpick into a drop of the yellow food coloring to be used as a refer ence standard. Make a spot along the pencil line and mark the location of the reference spot. 10. Carefully roll the paper into a cylinder. The spots should be at one end of the cylinder. Staple the edges. Avoid touch ing the paper. 11. Add water to the jar to a level of about 1.5 cm from the bottom. Sprinkle in a pinch of salt. Close the lid and shake. 12. Place the filter-paper cylinder into the jar so that the end with the spots is clos est to the bottom of the jar. The water level must be at least 1 cm below the pencil line. Adjust the amount of water if necessary and close the lid. ChemLab 9’ 59 14. 15. 16. 17. from the top of the filter paper. Carefully remove the filter paper, open it flat, and mark the solvent edge (the farthest point the water traveled) gently with a pencil. Lay the filter paper on a paper towel to dry. For each piece of candy spotted, mea sure the distance from the original pen cil line to the center of each separated spot. Record these data in your data table. Some candies may have more than one spot. Measure and.record the distance from the original pencil line to the marked solvent edge. Record the distance from the original pencil line to the center of each spot separated from the reference spot of Yellow #5. I Y 3 HNliI UNC1UOE HNU 1. Interpreting Observations Do any of the candies contain Yellow #5? How can you tell? - .,, ...,-.,. I. ODSEAYAT)DNS DATA AND (distance from first pencil mark to solvent edge) Solvent distance: . OriginalSpot Distance(color1) Yellow#5 Reference Distance(color2) Distance(color3) w . C (V 0. E 0 () I Candy1 0 (V Candy2 0 C 0 , (I •0 (V Candy3 I C) (V Candy4 8 C (V 0 Candy5 > 0. 0 0 Candy6 60 Chemistry:Conceptsand Applications ChemLab9 2. Comparing and Contrasting Do any of the candies contain the same dyes? Explain. 2. Why was it important to use a pencil instead of a pen to mark the paper? 3. Inferring Which candies would be safe to eat if you were allergic to Yellow #5?, 4. Designing an Experiment Can you devise a better way to remove the dye from the candy and place a spot on the paper? 3. Why was it important to do the experi ment in a closed jar? 4. What makes the water move up the paper? 5. How did the rate of water movement up the paper. change as the water got high er on the paper? Suggest reasons why it changed. APPLY AND ASS[SS 1. On what portion of the paper are the substances with the greater attraction for the paper? What conclusions can you draw about the molecular polarities of these dyes? Chemistry:Conceptsand Applications ChemLab 9 61 Chemicalor PhysicalChangeLab Usewhatyou’velearnedaboutchemicaland physicalchangesto determineif, the followingstationsinvolvechemicalor,physicalchanges.Makesure yougive evidencefor yourdetermination. Station 1: Heatthe unknownin a crucible In thisstation,heatthe unknowncompoundin a crucibleuntilyou seea change take place. • Wasit a.chemicalor physicalchange? Whatevidencedo you haveto backup your guess? •Station2: Combinethe two solutions In thisstation,add ne dropperfulof compoundA intoa 50 mLbeakerfollowed by onedropperfulof compoundB. Makesureyou usedifferentdroppersfor’ eachsolution. , $ ,Was it a chemicalor physicalchange? Whatevidencedo you haveto backup your guess? Station 3: Heatthe unknown in a crucible In thisstation,heattwo largepiecesof the unknownin a crucibleuntil you seea changetakeplace. Wasit a chemicalor physicalchange? Whatevidencedo you haveto backup your guess? © 1999CavalcadePublishing For chemistryhelp,visitwww.chemfiesfa.com ‘Station 4: Heatthe unknownin a crucible In thisstation,heatone smallscoopfulof the uhknownin a crucibleuntilyou see a changetake place. Wasit a chemicalor physicalchange? Whatevidencedo you haveto backupyourguess? Station 5: Combinethe two solutioins lb thisstation,add onedropperfulof compoundA intoa 50mL beakerfollowed by onedropperfulof compoundB. Makesureyou usedifferentdroppersfor eachsolution. ’sicaI Wasit a chemicalor ph change? Whatevidencedo you havetobackup yourguess? Station6: Heatthe unknown in a crucible Inthisstation,addten dropsof the unknownto a crucibleand heatovera Bunsenburner. Wasit a chemicalor physicalchange? Whatevidencedo you haveto backup yourguess? © 1999CavalcadePublishing For chemistry help, visit www.chemfiesta.com Page1 ExploringEnergyChanges - ‘ExploringEnergyChanges Exothermicand EndothermicReactions Introduction The story of chemistry is the story of change—physicalchange, chemical change, and ener gy change. Energy in the form of heat is exchangedin almost everychemicalreaction or change in state. Somereactions require,heat in order to proceed. Other reactions release heat as they take place. In this experiment,we will investigateseveralprocessesin order to get a feelfor the amount of heat absorbed or releasedin physicaland chemicalreactions. Concepts ‘ • Thermochemistry • Heat ‘ , , • Exothermicvs. endothermic • Energy • Temperature • Systemvs. surroundings Background Thermochemistryis the study ofheat changesthat take place in a change ofstate or a chemical reaction—heatenergyis eIther absorbedor released.If a processreleasesenergyin the formof heat, the processis calledexothermic.A prcicèssthat absorbsheat is calledendothermic.How do we observeor measurethe heat changethat occurs in a physicalor chemicalchange? from one object to another due to a differencein Heat is definedas the energy transferr d observe Wedo not temperature. or measure heat directly—wemeasure the temperature change that accompaniesheat transfer.In a chemicalreaction it is often not possibleto measure the temperature of the reactants or products themselves.Instead, we measure the temperature change of their surroundings. The differencebetweenthe system and the surroundings is a keyconcept in thermochem istry. The system consists of the reactants and products of the reaction. The solvent, the con tainer, the atmosphere abovethe reaction (in other words, the rest of the universe)are con sidered the surroundings. Heat may be transferred from the system to the surroundings (the temperature of the surroundings will increase)Orfrom the surroundings to the system (the temperature ofthe surroundings will decrease). When a system releasesheat to the surroundings during a reaction, the temperature of the surroundings increasesand the reaction container feelswarm to the touch. This is an exothermic reaction—the prefixexo- means “out of’ and the root thermic means heat. Heat flowsout of the sytem. An exampleof an exothermicreaction is the combustionof propane in a barbecue grill to produce carbon dioxide,water, and heat. Equation 1 givesthe 8) 3H (C chemical equation for this reaction; notice that heat appears on the product side in the equation for an exothermicreaction. 8(g) 3H C ExploringEnergyChanges + 2(g) 50 — 2(g) 3C0 + 20(g) 4H + heat Equation 1 ExploringEnergyChanges Page2 — 4 When a system absorbsheat from the surroundings during a reaction, the temperature of the surroundings decreasesand the reaction container feelscoldto the touch. This is an endothermic reaction, where the prefixendo- means “into.”Heat flowsinto the system.A familiar exampleof an endothermic process is the melting ofice. Solidwater (ice) needs heat energy to breakthe forces holding the molecules together in the solid state. This physi cal change is representedbyEquation2; notice that heat appears on the reactant side in the equation for an endothermic reaction. 20(s) H + heat Equation 2 20(l) H — Experiment Overview The purpose of this experiment is to examinethe heat changes in physicaland chemical processesand to classifythem as exothermic or endothermic.In Part A, three reactions are carried out in heavy-duty,zipper-lockplasticbags.The bags make it easy to observeand feel the heat changes that occur. In Part B, the extent of heat transfer in one of these reactions willbe investigatedby measuring the resulting temperature change. The reactionwill be carried out in an insulated foam cup and the temperature of the solution will be measured as a function of time. Pre-Lab Questions 1. Readthe entire procedureand the recommendedsafetyprecautions.Whathazardsare associatedwith the use of hydrochloricacidin the lab?Howcan these hazardsbe reduced? 2. Classifyeach of the followingprocessesas a physicalchangeor a chemical change and as an exothermicor endothermic reaction. (a) Sugar is dissolvedin water in a test tube and the test tube feelscold. (b) Gasolineis burned in a car engine. (c) Wateris convertedto steam accordingto the equation H 20(l) + heat — 20(g). H 3. Twosolutions,hydrochloricacidand sodium hydroxide,were mixedand the temperature of the resulting solution was measured as a function of time. The followinggraph was recorded.Is the reactionbetween hydrochloricacidand sodium hydroxideexothermicor endothermic? 30 15 0 I I I 20 40 60 I I 80 100 120 Time(sec) Flinn Chemlopic”Labs — Thermochemistry Page3- ExploringEnergyChanges Materials Ammoniumchloride,NH 8—10g 4CI, Calciumchloride, CaCI 12—14 2, g Hydrochloricacid solution, HCI,1 M,40 mL Sodium bicarbonate,NaHCO 3—5g 3, Water,distilledor deionized Temperaturesensor or thermometer )* Computer interfacesystem (LabPro” Computeror calculatorfor data collection* Datacollectionsoftware(LoggerPro” )* *Optional Balance,centigram (0.0,1g precision). Beaker,400-mL Graduatedcylinders,10-and 50-mL Pen for labeling Sealabie,zipper-Jockplastic bag, 1 Spatula Insulated foam (Styrofoam®)cup, 6 oz, 1 Weighingdishes or small beakers, 4 . I Safety Precautions Hydrochloricacidsolution is toxic by ingestion or inhalation and is corrosiveto eyes and skin. Avoid contact with eyes and skin. Notify the teacher and clean up all spill immediate ly with largeamounts of water.Ammonium chlorideand calcium chlorideare slightly toxic by ingestion. Wearchemical splashgoggles and chemical-resistantgloves and apron. Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water before leaving the laboratory. Procedure . , I, Part A. Observing Heat Changes 1. Obtain3 weighingdishes or smallbeakersand labelthem A—C. 2. Weighout the appropriateamount ofsolidinto each weighingdish, accordingto the fol lowingtable.Recordthe exact mass of each solidin DataTableA. WeighingDish Solid Mass A B C Ammoniumchloride 2—3g Calciumchloride 3—4g Sodiumbicarbonate 1—2g 3. Opena zipper-lockplasticbag and pour the solidfromAinto the bottomofthe bag. Tiltthe bagso allthe solidfallsinto one corner ofthe bag, then laythe bag flat on the table. 4. Measure10mLof distilledwater in a graduatedcylinderand pour the water into the bag, trying to pool the water in the upper third ofthe bag. 5. Closethe zipper-lockbag and gently squeeze the bag to mixthe solidand liquid contents. 6. Feelthe sideofthe bag where the reaction is occurring and recordwhether the bag feels hot or cold to the touch. Observewhat happensas the contents mix.Recordall observa tions in DataTableA. 7. Washthe contents of the bag downthe drain with excesswater.Rinsethe insideof the bag with distilledwater and dry it using a paper towel. 8. Repeatsteps 3—6using sample B and 10 mL of distilledwater. 9. Washthe contents of the bag downthe drain with excesswater. Rinsethe inside of the bag with distilledwater and dry it using a paper towel. ExploringEnergyChanges Exploring Energy Changes Page4 - 46 10. Repeatsteps3—6usingsample C and 10rnLof 1Mhydrochloricacid solution. 11. Washthe contents ofthe bag downthe drain with excesswater.Disposeof the bagas instructed by your teacher., Part B. Measuring Temperature vs. Time Yourteacher will assign you and your group one of the reactionsfrom Part Ato study in more detail. Recordthe identity of the reaction assigned to you in DataTableB. Usethe fol lowing table to determine the required amount of solidand liquid for steps 13and 14. Reaction Solid (g) Liquid(mL) , A B C , ‘ Ammoniumchloride (6—7g) Calciumchloride (9-40 ) Soçliumbicarbonate(2—3g) Distilledwater (30 mL) Distilledwater (30 mL) Hydrochloricacid, 1 M (30mL) 12. Set an empty,dry Styrofoamcup into a 400-mLbeaker so that the cup is stable and will not tip over. 13. Weighout the requiredam9unt of solid in a weighingdish and record the identity and exact mass of the ‘solidin DataTableB. 0 rnLof the appropriateliquid in agraduatedcylinderand pour the liquid 14. Measure30 into the Styrofoamcup. Recordthe identity and volumeofthe liquid in DataTableB. 15. Plug a temperature sensor into the interface system. 16. Open and format a graph in the data collectionsoftwareso that the y-axisreads tempera ture in degrees Celsius.Set the minimum and maximumtemperature valuesat 0 and 40 °C,respectively. 17. Thex-axisshouldbe set for time in seconds.Set the minimum and maximumtime values at 0 and 240 sec, respectively. 18. Set the time intervalto take a temperature reading every10seconds. 19. Placethe temperature probe in the liquid in the Styrofoamcup. 20. Waitone minute (to allowthe temperature sensor to becomeacclimatedto the liquidtem perature), then press startto begincollectingdata.Immediately add the solidfrom the weighingdish into the Styrofoam cup and gently mix the contents using a stirring rod. 21. The system willautomaticallyrecord data for the allottedtime (240sec), then stop. 22. Removethe sensor from the Styrofoamcup and rinse it with distilledor deionizedwater. Washthe contents of the cup downthe drain with excesswater. 23. If possible,obtain a printout of the data table and graph from the computer. 24. CompleteData TableB: Usingthe data from the computer tableand graph of tempera ture vs. time, recordthe initial temperature of the solution (beforeaddingsolid)and the maximum or minimum temperature obtained after mixing. FlinnChemTopicLabs Thermochemistry — Page5- ExploringEnergyChanges •1 . Name: Class/Labperiod: ExploringEnergyChanges. Data Table A. Observing Heat Changes Reaction Solid + Liquid A 4C1(s) NH + B 2,(s) CaCI + Massof Solid (g) Observations . 20(l) H . 3(s) NaHCO 20(l) H - HCI(aq) , Data Table B. Measuring Temperature vs. Time 4ssigned Reaction . . Identity of Solid Massof Solid (g) Identity of Liquid . Volumeof Liquid (mL) Initial Temperature (°C) Maximumor Minimum Temperature (°C) ExploringEnergyChanges , ExploringEnergyChanges Page6 - 48. Post-Lab Questions Attach the printout of the data table and graph for Part B to your lab report. 1. Completethe followingResultsTableto indicatewhethereach reaction in Part A repre sents a physicalor chemicalchange and whether it is exothermicor endothermic. Reaction Physicalor ChemicalChange? Exotherinicor Endothermic? A B c I : : , 2. Achemicalchange involvesa change in the compositionof matter—the formationof a new chemicalsubstance (product)with physicaland chemicalproperties differentfrom those of the reactants. Describethe evidenceused to decideif any of the processesin Part A were chemicalchanges. 3. Didyou observeany qualitativedifferencesin the amount ofheat generated in the re c tions that were characterizedas endothermic in PartA? 4. ConsiderReactionA: Wasenergy releasedor absorbedby the reactants in this system? When you touched the reactioncontainer (the plasticbag)was energy being rIeased or absorbedby your hand? 5. Writea balancedequation for each of the processesin Part A.Rememberto includeheat on the reactant or product side,as appropriate. 6. In Part B,was the temperature that was measured a part of the system or the surround ings?Howlong did it take for the maximum or minimum temperature to be reached? 7. Describein wordsthe temperature versus time graph that was recorded in Part B. Be as specificas possible. 8. Completethe followingsentence to summarize the observationsand conclusionsfor the reactionin Part B:The reaction of ________________________________________ with is (exothermic/endothermic) an process in which ____________________________________ energywas (absorbed/released)by the system and the temperature of the surroundings (increased/decreased). FIinn Chem’I’opic”Labs — Thermochemistry 358 Unit Four:Thermodynamics and Kinetics 4.1.5 CALORICCONTENTOF FOODS Concepts to Investigate: Calorie (kilocalorie), calorie, food energy, heat. Materials: Aluminum soft drink can, ring stand, paper clip or twist-tie, test tube clamp, mod eling clay (or large eraser), straight pin, peanut, marshmallow, match. Safety: Never eat any food materials used in experiments! Principles and Procedures: Exothermic chemical reactions are essential for life. As you di gest food, glucose and other molecules are absorbed into thebloodstream and taken to cells to be metabolized. ]n the process of metabolism, energy is released and then stored in mole cules of adenosine tn-phosphate (ATP). ATPmolecules subsequently undergo an exothermic decomposition, and the energy released is used to power endothermic processes necessary for growth. We measure the energy that foods give us in terms of Calories. A Calorie (w itten with since with is kilocalorie 1000 calories small (written cab a “c”) or a large “C”) actually a a ne is the amount of energy required to raise one gram of water one degree ‘Celsius, a kilocalorie or Calorie is the amount of energy required,to raise 1000 grams (1 kg) of waler one es degree Celsius. Teenagers generally consume between 1500 and 3000 Cabot (kibocabories)’ of food energy each day. Those foods which release a large amount of chemIcal energy when metabolized are frequently referred to as “fattening” foods because people store excess energy as fat. In this activity you will investigate the energy content of some simple foods. in order to measure the caloric content of foods, it is necessary to construct a simple calorimeter such as illustrated in Figure H. Place 100 mL (lOOg) of water in an empty alu minum soft drink can, record the water temperature, and suspend the can from a ring stand using a twist-tie or paper clip as shown. Weigh a shelled peanut to the nearest tenth of a gram. Carefully skewer the peanut with a straight pin and embed the other end of the pin in a lump of clay to make a stand as shown. Light the peanut on fire and lower the can so that it is im mediately above the flame. The calorimeter will be accurate only if the heat from the burn ing food is used to heat the water in the can. To reduce heat loss to the surrounding environ ment, reflect it back to the can by surrounding the flame with a shield made of perforated aluminum foil. (It is necessary to make holes in the foil to allow oxygen in to sustain the flame.) When the peanut has been consumed by the flame, determine the increase in temper- CALCULATION 4.0CaI/g H ‘ j f 4 1 Thermochemistry 359 ature of the water in the can and calculatethe amountof energytransferredto the can in terms of calories by multiplying: 100 g water x • _°C = calories Convert this value to Calories (kilocalories)by dividingby 1000: calories x 1 CaI/1000 calories = _____ Cal Determme the numberof calones per gram by dividingby the‘massof the peanut — Cal/_ ut pe Cal/g Repeat the procedure using a miniaturemarshmallow,a cashew,or otherfood of your choice Which food has the grçatest amount of energyper gram? Questions r (1) Calculate the energy releasedper gram of food.Whichof’thefoodstestedcontainsthe most energyper gram” A. óries (2) 150-poundperson will burn approximately 750 Ca per hour playing a full court game of basketball.How many peanuts would they need to eat to give them •nough energy to play a one-hour game? (3) Energy from the combustionof the peanut was used to heat the water in the can. How is energy from the metabOlismof a peanut used in a human body? (4) Read the nutritionlabels of three cereals and determine the Caloric content per gram of each. (A sample calculation is shown in Figure 1.) Which one would you recom mend fora person on a weight loss diet? Why? (5) Do you think that this activity will yield a value that is higher or lower than the true caloric content of the food tested? Explain. me N THETHREE PHASES OF’MATTEk WARM-UP Complete the following table to review the properties of liquids and solids. Write “yes” or “no” in each column of the table. Solid Properly Assumes the shape of its container . . Liquid Can be formed into a sphere Flows . Crumbles MATERiALS •& EQUIPMENT • • • I clear plastic cup I craft stick . corn starch • • water measuring cups LAB SAFETY AND PROTOCOL Do not wash the material you are about to make down the sink. Throw it in the trash. PROCEDURE 1. Measure 1/4 cup (level) of corn starch into the paper cup. 2. Measure 1/8 cup (level) of water into the paper cup. 3. Stir quickly until the mixture is smooth. OBSERVATIONS? QUESTIONS 1. Does the material look like a solid or liquid (why 2. Poke your finger into the material. Does it behave like a solid or liquid (why)? 3. Take a spoonful of the material in your hand and roll it into a ball. Then place it on the desk. How did it behave when you tried to roll it into a ball? 4. Onthedesk? 5. Pick it up again and hold it for a few minutes. Do you observe any changes that demonstrate the presence of a gas” CONCLUSION Is this material a solid, liquid or gas? ‘ Name Date Class Molecvles ndEner L .‘sc3 As you break from a saunter to a full gallop to get to your next class, your kinetic energy changes. Your energy was increased by the muscles of your legs propelling you down the hallway. In terms, of energy transfer, the mus cles of your legs transferred energy obtained from the foods you have eaten. Can you observe changes in a substance as energy is transferred to it? PROBLEM 08)ECTIYES 0 .)I • Observe the temperature changes and changes of state when a molecular sub stance is heated and cooled. • Make and use graphs to analyze tem perature changes. • Interpret temperature changes in terms of the changes in the average kinetic ener gy of a substance’s molecules. beaker tongs timer test-tube holder hot plate 20-mm X 150-mm clamp and ring stand stearic acid test tube 400-mL beakers (2) Celsius thermometers (2) e t S It PRECAUTIONS SAFETY ‘3 e 0. C. ii 1. Use the data tables to record your obser vations. Label one Heating and the other Cooling. 2. Pour 300 mL of tap water into a 400-mL beaker and place the beaker bn a hot plate. 3. Place .a thermometer in the beaker of water. Thrn on the heat and monitor the water temperature until it reaches 90°C. C Maintain the water temperature at 90 control of the hot plate by using the heat or by adding cold water. 4. Half fill the test tube with stearic acid. Gently push the bulb of the second ther mometer down into the substance. After the temperature of the. thermometer has adjusted to the stearic acid, record this temperature in the fi.rst line of the Heating Data table. 5. Attach the clamp to the test tube and immerse the tube in the beaker of hot water as shown. Read and record the temperature and the physical state or 5S states of the stearic acid every 3onds until all of the material has melted and its temperature is about 80°C. 6. Pour 300 mL of cold tap water into the second 400-mL beaker. 7. Remove the test tube and contents from the first beaker and immerse it in the cold water in the second beaker. Read and record in the Cooling Data table the temperature and physical state or states of the stearic acid every 30 seconds until the material has solidified. I MATERIALS I CHEMLR PROCEDURE How does energy transferred to or from a molecular substance affect the average kinet ic energy of its molecules? ) CREMLRB RND MINILAB WORKSH _ Use beaker tongs when handling the beaker of hot water and a test-tube holder when handling the hot test tube. ) Chemistry: Concepts and Applications ChemLab10 67 c- HEATING:DATA ElaspedTime (s) PhysicalState (s, I, or g) Temperature(c) 0 . 15 30 . . 45 60 , , 75 90 , 1 0.5 . , ‘ 135 150 . ‘ 165 ‘180’ . ‘ . 195 ‘ , . . 210 , , 225 240 .255 . 270 285 300 315 330 345 360 375 390 405 , , COOLINGDATA ElaspedTime (s) 0. 15 PhysicalState (s, I, or g) Temperature (c) - • • , 30 . 45 , 60 75 . , 90 , 105 • 120 . . 135 150 165 , 180 . ‘195 . 210 . 225 240 255 , . 270 285 . 300 315 330 Part 2: Construct a graph for your heating & cooling data. Use MS excel to graph the data. Connect the data points with a straight line Label the appropriatesegmentswith with solid, solid & liquid, or liquid. Page1 MeasuringEnergyChanges - H Measuring Energy Changes Heat of Fusion Introduction A physicalchange ofstate or a chemical;reaction may be either exothermic or endothermic. Anexothermicreactionreleasesheat to its surroundings, while an endothermic reaction• absorbsheat from its surroundings. What is the source of the heat energy that is releasedin: an exothermicreaction?What happensto the heat energy that is absorbedin an endother mic reaction?Canthe amount of heat energy be measured? Concepts • Heat vs. temperature . Exothermicvs. endothermic • Heat of fusion • Heat of vaporization • Enthaipychange Background Iay Our every experiencetells us that energy’inthe form of heat is neededto melt ice or boil water. Imaginea beakeroiwater at room temperature on a hot plate. Asthe beakeris heated. the temperature ofthe water will increasesteadilyfrom 25 °C to 100 °C, the boiling point of water. If the water is heated further, it will begin to boil, but the temperature of the water in the beakerwill remain constant at 100°C until all of the water has been converted to steam. Allof this time, of course,while the temperatike has remained constant, heat has been added to the system.The heat absorbed by.thewater has been used to break apart the forces (e.g.,hydrogenbonding)betweenwater moleculesin the liquid phase. The amount of heat that must be absorbedto vaporizea specificquantity of liquid (usuallyone gram or one mole) is calledthe heat of vaporization. The heat of vaporizationfor water is 2260Joules.per gram. In a similar manner, heat is also required to melt ice. The amount of heat that must be absorbedto melt a specificquantity of solid is calledthe heat of fusion. Vaporizationand fusion are examplesof endothermic physicalchanges.The reversephysical processes must thereforebe exothermic.Whensteam condensesto water, for example,an amount of heat energy equal to the heat of vaporizationmust be releasedto the surround ings. This explainswhysteam burns are more dangerous than hot water burns. Heat is also releasedwhen water freezesto ice. The amount of heat transferred in these processes dependson the differencein the energy stored in each substance.This stored energy is calledthe heat content or enthalpy,and is representedby the symbolH. The enthalpy change (z H) for a physicalprocess or a chemical reaction is definedas the heat change that occurs at constant pressure. This is convenient, because most of the reactionsthat are carried out in the lab are in flasksor containers that are open to the atmosphere—thatis, they take place at a constant pressure equal to the barometric pressure. MeasuringEnergyChanges Measuring Energy Changes Page2 - %57 Equation 1 showsthe equalitybetweenthe change in enthalpy(AI-j)of a system and the amount of heat transferred,symbolizedby qp, for a reactioncarriedout at constant pressure. = Equation 1 qp The amount of heat (qp)transferred to a substance or objectdependson three factors:the mass (m) of the object, its specificheat (s), and the resulting temperature change (ST). See Equation 2. qp = m x s x AT Equation 2 The specificheat (s) of a substance reflectsits abilityto absorbheat energy and is defined as the amount of heat neededto raise the temperature of one gram of a substance by one degree Celsius.The specificheat ofwater is equal to 4.18 J/g°C. The temperature change T) is equal to the differencebetweenthe final temperature and the initial temperature (i. initiaiL T (i.\T = T nai — In most laborato situations, the temperature change is measured not for the system itself (the reactants and products), but for the surroundings (the solution and the re ction vessel). The amount of heat releasedby the system must be equalto the amount of heat absirbed by in urs the surroundings. The sign conventionin Equation 3 revealsthat the heat change oct the opposite direction. q(system) = —q(surrouñdings) Equation 3 For an exothermic reaction, the heat released by the system results in a temperature increase br the surroundings (ATis positive)and the heat absorbed by the surroundings will he a fsibive quantity. The heat releasedby the systemmust have the reversesign—it must he a ne iiive quantity. According to this convention, the enthalpy change for an exotlierinicreaction is alwaysa negativevalue. For an endothermic reaction, in contrast, the heat absurbed Iw the system results in a temperature decreasefor the surroundings (ATis negative)and the heat releasedby the surroundings willbe a negativequantity. The heat absorbed by the system must havethe oppositesign—it must be a positivequantity. Accordingto this convention, the enthalpy change for an endothermic reaction is alwaysa positivevalue. Experiment Overview The purpose of this experiment is to determine the temperature and heat changes that occur when ice melts. In Part A a heating curve will be obtained by melting ice in a beakeron a hot plate and measuring temperature as a function of time. In Part B ice will be placed in a beakerof warm water and the temperature change that is producedas the ice melts will be measuredand used to calculate the heat of fusion ofwater (the heat required to melt ice). FlinnChemlopic”Labs Thermochemistry — Page3- MeasuringEnergyChanges Pre-Lab Questions A sample of lauricacid—anorganic compound used to make soap—washeated above its, melting point in a test tube and then cooledin a bath ofwater until it solidified.The temperature of the lauric acid was measured as a function of time and the followinggraph was recorded. ________________ -.----—-- .‘, I a) a. ___________ E 20 0 I 2 I I I I 4 6 81012 Time (mm) e? 1. Whatis the physicalsignificanceof the flat region (plateau)on the cur 2. Usethe graph to estimate the melting point of lauric acid. 3. Is heat being absorbedor releasedby the lauric acid sampleas it solidifies? Materials Beakers,400-mL,2 Distilledor deionizedwater Graduated cylinders,100-and 250-mL Ice, crushed, about 200 mL volume Ice cubes, 2 Digitalthermometer Hot plate Insulated foam (Styrofoam”’)cup, 6 oz Stirring rod Beakertongs or Hothands® Safety Precautions Exercisecaution when using the hot plate and handling hot glassware.Remember that a “hot”hot plate looks exactly the same as a “cold”hot plate. Usebeaker tongs or Hothands® to handle hot glassware.Wearchemicalsplash goggles wheneverchemicals, heat, or glass ware are used in the laboratory. Procedure Part A. Temperature and Phase Changes 1. Obtain a 400-mLbeakerand fillthe beaker to the 150-mLmarkwith crushed ice. 2. Placethe digitalthermometer in the ice and measure its temperature (it should be between0 and 2 °C).Recordthe lowesttemperature as the initial temperature (time 0) in DataTableA. 3. Placethe beaker on the hot plate and adjust the heat setting to the halfwaypoint (for example,if the heat dial goes from 0—10,adjust the setting to 5). Stir the ice constantly using a stirring rod. MeasuringEnergyChanges MeasuringEnergyChanges Page4 - 4. Measurearid record the temperature of the ice very minute. Notein Data TableAthe temperature at whichall of the ice has melted. 5. Whenalt of the ice has melted,adjust the hot plate setting to its maximum value!(10 in the aboveexample)and continue heating and stirring the water.Donot allowth ther mometer to touch the bottom ofthe beaker. 6. Recordthe temperatureofthewater everyminute.Notein DataThbleA the temperatureat whichthe waterbeginsto boil.Continueheating until the waterhas boiledforthree minutes. 7. Turnoffthe hot plateand carefullyremovethe beakerusingbeakertongsor Hothand®heat protectors. Part B. Energy Needed to Melt Ice, 8. Obtain 100mL of warmwater (about 50 °C) in a graduatedcylinder.Measurethe initial volumeofwater to the nearest 0.2 mL and record this valuein DataTableB. 9. Place a Styrofoamcup in a 400-mLbeakerfor stabilityand pour the water into the cup. Measureand record the temperature of the warm waterto the nearest 0.1 °Cin Data TableB. 10. Obtainseveralice cubes.Shake any excesswater offthe icecubesand carefullyadd the ice cubesto the warm water bath. 11. Stir the ice/watermixtureuntil the ternperatur is around 0 °C (within 2—4°C).Add more ice, if necessary,to coolthe water to this temperature. 12. Whenthe temperature has reachedits lowestvalue (again,this should be between0 and 4 °C),record the temperature and immediatelyremoveany unmelted ice from the water bath using tongs. 13. Carefullypour the water from the Styrofoamcup into a 250-mLgraduated cylinder. Measureand record the finalvolumeofwater to the nearest 1 mL in DataTableB. Note: If a 250-rpLgraduatedcylinder is not available,measure the volume ofwater in two batches using a 100-mLgraduatedcylinder. FlinnChem’I’opic Labs — Thermochemistry Page5- Measuring Energy Changes I Name: eriod: Class/Lab F Measuring Energy Changes Data Table A. Temperature and Phase Changes Time (mm) Temperature (°C) Time (nun) Notes continued Temperature (°C) Notes continued ‘ 0’ •1 (initial) . . . Data Table B. Energy Needed to Melt Ice Initial Volume (Warm Water) MeasuringEnergyChanges Initial Temperature (Warm Water) Final Volume Final Temperature (Ice Water) (Ice Water) MeasuringEnergyChanges Page 6 - -Lab Post Calculationsand Analysis (Usea separatesheetof paperto answerthe /blluivin j qiwclit,ns.) Part A. Temperature and Phase Changes 1. Usingyour data, drawa graph of temperature (y-axis)versus time .(x-axis). 2. Note on the graph the temperature at whichall ofthe icehas meltedand the temperature at which the water startsto boil. • 3. Arethereanytemperatureplateaus(flatregionsofthecurve)on the temperatureversus timegraph?Namethe physicalpropertyofwatercorresponding to eachtemperature plateau. 4. Washeat being addedto the systemduring the times that the temperature remainedrela tivelyconstant?Usethe lawof conservationof energyto describewhat happenedto the heat energy that was absorbedduring this time. 5. Washeat being addedto the systemduring the times that the temperature was rising? Usethe lawof conservationof energy to describewhat happenedto the heat energy that was absorbedduring this time. Part B. Energy Needed to Melt Ice 6. Usethe appropriatedensityvaluefrom the followingtableof density versus temperature to calculatethe mass of warm water that was cooledby the ice in Part B. Temperature Densityofwater 40 °C 45 °C 50 °C 0.992g/mL 0.990g/mL 0.988g/mL 55 O 0.985g/mL 7. UseEquation 2 in the Background section to calculatethe amount of heat in joules releasedby the warm water as it cooled. 8. UseEquation3 to calculatethe amount of heat absorbedby the ice as it melted. 9. Determinethe volumeof ice melted in Part B and calculateits mass.Note: The density of water at 0 °C is 1.00 g/mL. Dividethe result in Question#8 by the mass of ice meltedto determinethe amount of energy absorbedper gram of ice as it melted. 10. (a) Usethe gram formula weight ofwater to calculatethe heat of fusion ofwater in kilo joules per mole (Id/mole). •(b)Writea chemical equation for melting ice and includethe energy term in kJ/mole. (c) The literature valuefor the heat of fusionof water is 6.02kJ/mole.Calculatethe per cent error in the experimentallydetermined heat of fusion. Percent error I experimental literature I x 100% literature — = . FlinnChemlopic”Labs Thermochemistry — Page1 DiscoveringInstantCold Packs - Discovering Instant Cold Packs • Heat of Soluflàn Introduction Instant cold packsare familiarfirst aid devicesused to treat injuries when ice is inavailable. Mostcommercialcold packs consist of a plasticpackagecontaining a white solid and an ‘inner pouch ofwater.Firmlysqueezing the pack causes the inner pouch to break. The solid • then dissolvesin the water producinga change in temperature. Can we measure the temper ‘ature change that occurs when the cold pack solid dissolvesin water and determine the heat change for this process? Concepts • Enthalpychange • Heat of solution • Calorimetry • Dependentand independent variables Background •1 The energyor enthalpychange associatedwith the process of a solute dissolvingin a solvent is calledthe heat ofsolution ). In the case of an ionic compounddissolvingin water, 501 H (i the overallenergychange is the net result of twoprocesses—theenergyrequired to breakthe attractiveforces (ionicbonds)betweenthe ions in the crystallattice, and the energy released when the dissociated(free)ions form ion-dipoleattractiveforceswith the water molecules. Heats ofsolutionand other enthalpychangesare generallymeasuredin an insulatedvessel called a calorimeterthat reduces or prevents heat lossto the atmosphereoutsidethe reaction vessel.The processof a solute dissolvingin water may either releaseheat into the aqueous solution or absorbheat from the solution, but the amount of heat exchangebetweenthe calorimeterand the outside surroundings should be minimal.When using a calorimeter,the reagents being studied are mixed directlyin the calorimeterand the temperature is recorded both beforeand after the reaction has occurred.The amount of heat changeoccurring in the calorimeter may be calculatedusing the followingequation: q = m x s x T, where m is the total mass ofthe solution (soluteplus solvent),s is the specificheat of the solution, and zT is the observedtemperature change. The specificheat of the solution is generallyassumed to be the same as that of water,namely,4.18 J/g°C. Experiment Overview The purpose ofthis inquiry-basedexperimentis to designand carry out a procedureto deter mine the enthalpychange that occurs when a “coldpack solid”dissolvesin water. Pre-Lab Questions Considerthe followingquestions or guidelines: 1. What information (data)is neededto calculatean enthalpychange for a reaction? 2. Identifythe variablesthat will influencethe experimentaldata. 3. Whatvariablesshould be controlled (keptconstant during the procedure)? InstantColdPacks Discovering Discovering Instant Cold Packs Pacjc 2 f3. variable iii an experiment isthe variablethat is changed by the experi 4. The independent variable respond to (dependson) changes in the ii’idepend ndciit menter,’whilethe dep it. ent variable.Choosethe ekpendent andindependentvariablesfor this experime 5. Discussthe factors that will ailed: the precisionof the experimentalresults. Materials Beaker,400-mL “Coldpack solid,” 15 g Distilledor deionizedwater Graduatedcylinder,100-mL Insulated foam (Styrofoam ’) cups, 6 oz Balance,centigram (0.01 g precision) Digitalthermometer or temperature sensor Spatula Stirring rod dishe Iing Wei Safety Precautions The coldpack solid is slightly toxic by ingestion and is a body tissue irritant.Avoidcontact of all chemicalswith eyes and skin. Wearchemicalsplashgogglesand chemical-resistant gloves and apron. Washhands thoroughly with soap and waterbeforeleaving the laboratory. Procedure. Part A. What Is on Instant Cold Pack? Completethe followingactivityto becomefamiliarwith the nature and amounts of materials in a commercialcold pack. 1. Obtaina labelof a commercialcold pack and write the name of the solidused in the pack. 2. Readthe warning informationon the label and record any hazardsassociatedwith this product. 3. Usingthe known charges of ions, write the formulaof the solid. 4. Calculatethe molar mass of the solid. 5. Determinethe total mass ofthe solid:Tarea largeweighing dish or ciip on the balance. Transferthe cold pack solidto the tared weighingdish. Recordthe mass of the solid to the nearest 0.01 g. 6. Calculatethe number of molesof solidin the pack. 7. Measurethe volumeofwater contained in the inner pouch. 8. Calculatethe mass ofwater in the commer cialcoldpack (assumethe density ofwater is 1.0g/mL). _______________ Nameof solid Warning Formulaof solid _______________ Molarmass . _______________ Massof solid Molesof solid Volumeof water _______________ Massof water Labs Thermochemistry FlinnChemTopic” — Page3- DiscoveringInstantCold Packs Part B. Measuring the Heat of Solution that occurs Designand carry out a procedure to determine the enthalpychange )(t 501 H when the cold pack soliddissolvesin water.Usea maximumof 5 grams of solid per measure ment. Write out the procedure in steps and construct a data table that clearly showsthe data that will be collectedand the measurementsthat will be made.Haveyour teacher check the procedure and data tablebefore beginning the experiment. Procedure 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Data Table. Enthalpy Change for Dissolving the Cold Pack Solid DiscoveringInstant ColdPacks .1 J’ DiscoveringInstant ColdPacks PU - N;une: $ iss/Lab Period: Cl _______________ Discovering Instant Cold Packs Post-Lab Calculations andAnalysis 1. Calculatethe heat energy c/zan.cle injoules when the cold pack soliddissolvedin water in your experiment.Recall:q = m x s x T, where s (specificheat of water) is equal to 4.18 J/g•°C. • 2. Calculatethe energy changeinjoules per gram of solid for the cold pack solid dissolving in water. • 3. Calculatethe energychange in units of kilo]oules per mole ofsolidfor the cold pack solid dissolvingin water.Todo this: (a) Convertthe heat energy change found in Qu stion #1 to kilojoules. (b) Convertthe grams ofsolidused in the experimehttp moles. (c) Dividethe energychange in kilojoulesby the number of molesof solid to determine the energy change in units of kJ/mole.If more than one trial was performed,calculate the averagevalue ofthe heat of solution also. 4. Usingthe result from Question#3c and the informationobtainedin Part A, calculatethe number of kilojoulesinvolvedwhen the entire cold pack is activated. 5. Circlethe correct choicesin the followingsentence to summarizethe heat change that occurs when the commercialcold pack is activated: “When the white solidin the commercialcold pack dissolvesin water, the pack feels (hot/cold) becausethe temperature of the solution (increases/decreases).Energy is (absorbed/released)from the surroundings during this reactionand the reaction is classifiedas (endothermic/exothermic).The sign of iH for the heat of solution is (positive/negative).” Flinn ChemTopicLabs Thermochemistry — Date Name - Specific Heat Purpbse:Calculatethe specificheat of glass marbles. 6. I. Materials: 6 glassmarbles laboratorybalance 400-mL beaker test tube test tube holder graduatedcylinder thermometer hot plate calorimeter Procedure: 1. Preparea hot-waterbath by filling the beakertwo-thirdsfull of water. Heat the beaker on the hot plate. 2. Using the laboratorybalance,determinethe mass of 6 glass marbles. 3. Placethe marblesinsidethe test tube and place the test tube in the hot-water bath. 4. Measureout 200 mL of roomtemp water and pour it into a clean, dry rature calorimeter. 5. Measure and recordthe temperature of the water. 6. To obtainthe temperatureof the glass marbles placethe thermometerinside the test tube when the water begins to boil. Continueheatingthe marblesin the hotwater bath untilthe temperatureremains constantfor 3 minutes. Recordthe temperatureof the marbles. .7. Carefullyremovethe test tube from the hot-waterbath using the test tube holder. Quickly transferthe marblesto the calorimeterbeing carefulnot to splash any water out of the calorimeter. 8. Place the thermometerin the calorimeternd recordthe temperatureof the water and the marblesevery 30 second until the temperatureremains constantfor four consecutivereadings. Observations: Time (mm) 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 . 2.5 Temperature(°C) ________________ ________________ _______________ ________________ __________ ___________ Mass_of_marbles Initial_Temp_of_marbles marbles Final_Temp_of 0 2 Mass_of_H 0 2 Volume_of_H 0 2 Initial_Temp_of_H 0 2 Final_Temp_of_H 1. Calculatethe change in temperaturefor the marblesand for the water. 2. Did the water gain or lose energy? Did the marbles gain or lose energy in the calorimeter? 3. Calculatethe heat transferredby the water, q water. 4. Calculatethe heat transferredby the marbles, q marbles. 5. Calculate the specific heat of the marbles. Name: Regents Chemistry: Bayport- Blue Point HS _________________________________ WlnjDoesn’ttheBalloonHurst? Balloons are rather fragile things. You know that they must be kept away from sharp objects. The also need to be kept away from flames. A fire can weaken the balloon and cause it to burst. However, in this experiment you will find out how you can hold a balloon directly in a flame without breaking the balloon. Materiajs • • • two round balloons, not inflated several matches water Procedure Inflate one of the balloons and tie it closed. Place 60 milliliters (¼ cup) of water in the other balloon, and then inflate it and tie it shut. Light a match and hold it under the first balloon. Allow the flame to touch the balloon. What happens? ________________________ Light another match. Hold it directly under the water in the second balloon. Allow the flame to touch the balloon. What happens with this balloon? _______________________ Why does the balloon with no water break in the flame? How does the balloon with water in it resist breaking in the flame? Water is a particularly good absorber of heat. It takes a lot of heat to change the temperature of water. It takes ten times as much heat to raise the temperature of I gram of water by 1°C than it does to raise the temperature of I gram of iron by the same amount. This is why it takes so long to bring a tea kettle of water to the boil. On the other hand, when water cools, it releases a great deal of heat. This is why areas near oceans or other large bodies of water do not get as cold in winter as areas at the same latitude further inland. Name: Regents Chemistry: Bayport-Blue Point HS ___________________________________ Directions: Your lab group is to complete stations 1-3., We ‘willdo station 4 as a class. Station 1: Bell Jar & Vacuum Pump Materials needed: jar, pump, marshmallow, balloon, tape Procedure: ed 1. Blow up the balloon until it has a diameter of about 8cm. Tie the balloon cIo and tape it to the side of the bell jar. 2. Close the bell jar and turn on the vacuum pump (which removes air from the jar). Explain what is happening to the balloon. 3. Turn off the pump and allow air back into the bell jar. 4. Place 2 marshmallows inside the bell jar, close the cover and turn on the pump. Explain what is happening. 5. Stop the pump and switch the hose so that you are allowing air back into the jar (see your teacher if you need help with this). Explain what is happening to the marshmallows now. Observations: Balloon: Marshmallows: What law is this representing? Station 2: Water Balloon in a Bottle Materials needed: water balloon (6cm), wide mouth bottle, matches, newspaper Procedure: 1. Place the filled water balloon on top of the bottle and note if there is a difference in size. 2. Lift the balloon. Light a SMALL piece of newspaper and drop it into the bottle. IATELY IMMED place the balloon over the mouth of the bottle. what is happening. Explain Observations: Size difference? How did the balloon go into the bottle? What law is this representing? v Station 3: Do Gases Occu ? Space Materials: small beaker, large beaker, water, newspaper Procedure: 1. Place a small wad of paper into the bottom of the smallbeaker. Be sure that the paper will not fall out when the beaker is upside down. 2. Fill the larger beaker half-fill with Water. 3. Invert the beaker with the paper and immerse it into the container with water so that no bubbles escape. You want to make sure that you do NOT tilt the beaker as you place it into the water. 4. remove the small beaker with the paper and observe the paper. Is the paper wet? Why or why not? Was there any air in the small beaker? If so, did it occupy space? How did you come to this conclusion? Station 4: 1101Air Balloons & Charles’s Law Materials: tissue paper, scissors, glue, heavy paper, hair drier Procedure: See attached sheets Page1 -Who’s Counting? . 1 H Who’s Counting? Atoms, Mass, and Moles Introduction Wecannot see atoms or molecules.Wecannot tOuchthem or feelthem to determine their size. But we can count them! How can that be? Concepts • Averageatomic mass • Molarmass • Moleconcept • Avogadro’snumber Background “Whenwe attempt to conceivethe number of particles in an atmo spherefgasJ,it is somewhat like attempting to conceivethe number of stars in the universe;we are confoundedwith the thought. But if we limit the subject, by taking a given volume of any gas, we seem persuadedthat.. the number of particlesmust be finite.” . Thesewords were written by John Dalton in 1808to describehis approachto the theory of atoms. Atoms may be invisible,immeasurablysmall; infinitesimalin size—but they are finite. Furthermore, as finite particles, atoms must have real properties. Allatoms of a given element have the same atorhic nass. Atomsof differentelements have differentatomic masses.Thesestatements—the cornerstone of Dalton’satomic theory— provideda starting point for calculating relativeatomic masses of atoms based on the mass percentage of elementsin compounds. There was still a long way to go, however,before Dalton’ssuggestionof actuallycounting atoms wouldbe possible. In 1811,ArnedeoAvogadro,an obscure Italian chemistryprofessor,publisheda stunning hypothesis—thatequal volumes of gases at equal pressures and temperatures contain equal numbers of atoms or molecules.This hypothesiswasso stunning that it was completely ignored for more than 50 years. It was not until manyyears after Avogadro’sdeath that his hypothesisbecameenshrined as a lawand acquireda numerical valueto go along with it. Avogadro’snumber is definedas the number of representativeparticles (atomsor molecules) containedin a specifiedmass, calledthe molar mass, of any pure substance. The averageatomic mass of atoms and Avogadro’snumber are routinely used todayby chemists all over the worldto count both atoms and molecules—chemistscount atoms by weighing them. “Countingbyweighing” makes it possibleto analyzecompoundsfound in nature and synthesizenew compounds in the lab. Who’sCounting? Who’sCounting? Page2 - /, 7 Experiment Overview The purpose of this activityis to discover,byanalogy,howchemists count atoms and mole cules. Knownquantities of rice and beans willbe counted out and their masses measured. The averagemass of a single rice grain or beanwill then he calculatedand used topredict the expectedmass of a much larger number of particles.t’inally, the accuracy of this “count ing byweighing”methodwill also be determined. Pre-Lab Questions “Countingbyweighing”is used in other applicationsbesideschemistry.A hardware store, for example,may sell nails in packagesof 500. Similarly,the officesupplystore probablycar ries boxesthat contain 100 paper clips. Do you think someone counts out,by hand everynail or paper clip in these products? , , 1. The averagemass of one paper clip is 0.39 g. Whatis the expectedmass of 100 paper clips? 2. A paper clip manufacturerfindsit more efficientto packagepaper clips in 100-gramlots. Howmanypaper clips wouldbe containedin a 100-gpackage? 3. In designinga labelfor this packageof paper clips,how manypaper clips would you’rec ommend the labeladvertise? Materials Navybeans, dried, about 75 g Wholerice, about 10g Weighingdishes, 4 Balance,‘centigram(0.01 g preciskn) Markingpen Safety Precautions Although the materials used in this activity are considerednonhazardous,followall normal laboratorysafety guidelines. The food-gradeitems that have been brought into the lab are consideredlaboratory chemicals and are for lab use only. Do not taste or ingest any materi als in the chemistry laboratory. Washhands thoroughly with soap and water before leaving the laboratory. Procedure 1. ReadParts Aand B in the procedure below.Predictwhether rice or beanswill givemore accurate results in the “counting-by-weighing”method. Developa hypothesisthat justi fiesyour prediction. Recordyour hypothesis,includinga brief,one-sentenceexplanation, in DataTableA. Part A. Average Mass of Rice and Beans All mass measurements should be made to the nearest 0.01g. Recordall mass measure ments and the results of all calculations in Data TableA. 2. Labeltwo weighing dishes“10”and “20”,respectively. 3. Neasure and recOrdthe mass of each weighing dish. Flinn ChemTopic’Labs — MolarRelationships& Stoichiometry Page3- Who’s Counting? 7d.. 4. Count out the appropriatenumber of individualrice grains into each weighingdish. 5. Measureand recordthe combinedmass of each weighingdish and rice sample. 6. Calculatethe averagemass of one rice grain in each sample “10”and “20.”Note: Report the results to the nearest 0.001 g. 7. Calculatethe “averageof the averages”to determinethe averagemass of a singlegrain of rice.Note: Reportthe result to the nearest 0.001 g. 8. Discardthe rice grainsas directed by your instructor. 9. Repeatsteps 4—8using navybeans insteadof rice. Part B. Counting by Weighing All mass measurements should be made to the nearest 0.01g. Recordall mass measure ments and the results of all calculationsin Data TableB. 10. Labeltwo weighingdishes“A’and “B”and measure and record the mass of each weigh ing dish. 11. Usethe averagemass of a singlegrain of rice to calculatethe predicted nass of 100rice grains. 12. Measureout two separatesamples,eachwith this predictedmass of rice grains, into weighingdishesAand B, respectively.Note: It may not be possibleto obtain the exact predicted mass. Get as close as possible—whetheraboveor belowthe predictedvalue: Rememberto take into account the mass of the weighing dish. 13. Count the actual number of rice grains in each sampleAand B. 14. Discardthe rice grains as directed by your instructor. 15. Repeatsteps 10—14 using navybeans instead of rice. Who’sCounting? Who’sCounting? Page4 - yl 7 Name: __________________________________ Class/Lab Period: _______________________________ Who’s Counting? Data TableA. Average Mass of Riceand Beans Will or beans rice give more accurate results in the method? “counting-by-weighing” Hypothesis: Sample Rice NavyBeans Rice NavyBeans ,Mass Weighingdish . Weighingdish and sample . Saniple • Average • . of one mass “particle” Weighingdish Weighingdish and sample “20” ‘ - Sample • ,. Averagemass of one “particle” . “Average-of-Averages” Mass of one particle Data Table B. Counting by Weighing Mass • Sample Predicted mass of 100 particles ‘ Weighingdish Weighingdish and sample A • Sample Number of particles Weighingdish B Weighingdish and sample Sample Number of particles Flinn Chemlopic” Labs — MolarRelationships& Stoichiometry Page5-Who’s Counting ? Post-LabQuestions (Useaseparatesheetof paperto answerthe follou ’ing questions.) 1. In Part A, doesthe averagemass dependon the number of particles in the sample?What f-averages”mass to calcu-, are the advantagesand disadvantagesof using the “average o late the expectedmass of 100 particles? 2. In Part B, what is the averagenumberof particlescontainedin samples.Aand B for both rice and beans? 3. Usethe followingequationto calculatethe percenterror in the “counting-by-weighing” ‘methodforboth rice and beans.Note:The number 100in the numerator and denomina tor is the predictedvaluefor the number of particles. Percent error = I(averagenumber of particles) 100 — 100I x 100% 4. The percent error describesthe accuracyof the “counting-by-weighing”method. Is this method more accuratefor rice or beans?Give possibleexplanationfor any differencein the accuracyofthe method for rice and beans. 5. Referbackto DataTableA: Doesthe accuracyof the results for rice versus beans agreeS with the hypothesisyou made prior to doing the experiment?Explain. 6. The mass of a mixture containing both rice and navybeans was foundto be 143.85g. The rice grainswereseparated from the navybeans by putting the mixture through a large strainer (the smallrice grains fell through the holes, the larger navybeans did not). The mass of the rice that separatedout was 4.65 g. Usethe results of the abóvèexperiment to’ estimate the number of rice grains and navybeans in the mixture. 7. Expressthe ratio of rice grains and navybeans in this mixture to the nearest whole num ber (e.g.,1:2,2:1, 1:3,etc.). 8. The mass of a single rice grain is extremelylarge comparedto the mass of a single atom. (Atypicalhydrogenatom has a mass of 1.66 x 10-24g—too small to evenimagine!) Chemiststherefore count atoms in large groups, calledmoles,where one mole contains 6.02 x 1023(Avogadro’s number) of atoms. Let’sdefinea food-moleas containing 602 particles(rice,beans, peas, etc.) Calculatethe mass of one food-moleof rice. This is the food-molarmass of rice. 9. Calculatethe mass of one food-moleof navybeans.This is the food-molarmass of navy beans: 10. (Optional)Writea short paragraph explaininghow a chemist would count the number ofatoms in a piece of aluminum wire. Includethe followingterms in the explanation: molar mass, mole, Avogadro’snumber. Who’sCounting? Page1 AtomicCoatings - Atomic Coatings The Size of an AtOm Introducton The size of an atom is too small to imagine.Counting the number of atoms in eve a micro scopic amount ofmaterial is an impossibletask—itwouldtake a billion years! It turns out, however,that it is possibleto applya thin surface coating of metal atoms onto another metal. This is done to change the properties of the underlyingor base metal. In this experi ment, the thicknessof a zinc metal coatingon galvanizediron will be determined and used to “count”the number of layers ofatoms in the coating. S Concepts • Atomicsize • Density,mass, and volume Background Galvanizediron is producedby coating iron with a thin layer of metalliczinc. Thd zinc coating protects the underlying iron metal against rusting or corrosion. Zinc is more reac tive than iron and thus reacts with oxygenin the air and with water beforethe iron does. In er this way,the zinc coatingprevents oxygenfrom reaching the iron. The grea reactivityof zinc continues to protect the iron even after the surfaceof the zinc has been broken or breached. Galvanizediron has many applications,including rain gutters, heating ducts, nails and screws,etc. The amount of zinc depositedon the surfaceof galvanizediron can be determined by react ing the zinc with hydrochloricacid,accordingto the followingequation. Zn(s) + 2HCI(aq) —‘ 2(aq) ZnCI + 2(g) H Equation 1 The products of the reaction are zinc chloride, which dissolvesin the hydrochloric acid solu tion, and hydrogengas, which bubblesout of the solution. Bymeasuring the mass of a piece of galvanizediron beforeand after its reaction with hydrochloricacid, the mass of zinc that reacted can be calculated.The mass of zinc can be related, in turn, to the number of layers of zinc atoms in the zinc coating by considering the density of the metal, the surface area of the galvanizediron, and the size of a zinc atom. Experiment Overview The purpose of this experiment is to determine the number of layers ofzinc atoms in the protectivecoating on a sheet of galvanizediron. Pre-Lab Questions 1. Readthe Procedureand the Safety Precautions.Whathazards are associatedwith the use of hydrochloricacid?What safetyprecautionsmust be followedto protect against these hazards? 2. The reactionrepresentedby Equation 1 must be carried out until all ofthe zinc has reacted.What visiblesign of reaction can be followedto determinewhen all of the zinc has reacted? AtomicCoatings AtomicCoatings Page2 - 7a Materials Balance,centigram (0.01-gprecision) Beakers,250-and 400-mL,1 each Forceps Galvanizediron sheets, about 3 cm x 3 cm square, 2 Hydrochloricacid solution, HCI,6 M, 50 mL Metricruler, marked in mm Paper towels Tapwater Safety Precautions • Procedure Hydrochloricacidsolution is toxic by ingestion or inhalationand is severely corrosiveto skin and eyes. Avoid contact with skinand eyes. The piecesof galvanized iron may have sharp edges that can cut skin. Handle the metal pieces with forceps. Wearchemical splash goggles and chemical-resistantgloves and apron. Washhands thoroughly with soap and water beforeleavingthe laboratory. , 1. Obtain a piece of galvanizediron and measure and recordits mass to the nearest 0.01 g using the centigram balance., 2. Measurethe length andwidth of the piece of galvanizediron using a metric ruler. Record the length’andwidth ofthe iron to the nearest 0.1 cm. 3. Placethe metal piece in a 400-mLbeakerand add enough 6 M hydrochloricacid to cover the metal (about 25 mL). 4. Letthebeakerstanduntil the rapidbubblingstops.Note:Whenthe reaction is complete, the piece of galvanizediron will begin to discolorand the solutionwill turn a pale green color. 5. Whenthe signs of reactionindicatethat all of the zinc has reacted, add about 200 mL of tap water to the reactionbeaker.This willdilute the hydrochloricacid solution and stop the reaction. 6. Pour offthe diluted acidinto a waste beaker as directedby your instructor. 7. Removethe metal with a forceps.Holdingthe metal with the forceps,rinse the metal thoroughly with tap water. 8. Dry the metal on a pieceof paper toweling.When the metal is completelydry,measure its massagain and recordthe value to the nearest 0.01 g in the data table. 9. If time permits, repeatsteps 1—8with a second piece of galvanizediron. 10. Return the used metal piecesto the instructor for disposal. FlinnChemlopic’Labs AtomicandElectronStructure — Page3—AtomicCoatings 7?, Name: Class/LabPeriod:’ Atomic Coatings Data and ResuJtsTable Thall Tha12 , Massof galvanizediron, initial . ‘Lengthof galvanizediron , . Widthof galvanizediron , Massof galvanizediron, final .‘ Massofzinc removed Volumeofzinc coating . ‘ ‘ Volumeofzinc coating per side Thicknessof coating per side ‘ . , ‘ Numberof layersofzinc atoms per side , Post-Lab Calculations and Analysis (Show all work.Enter the results of the calculationsin the Data and Results Table.) 1. Subtract the final mass of galvanizediron fromthe initial mass of galvanizediron to cal culate the mass of the zinc coating on the piece of galvanizediron. 2. The density ofzinc is equal to 7.13 g/cm Calculatethe volumeof zinc metal correspon 3. ding to the mass of the zinc coating on the piece of galvanizediron.Hint: Rearrangethe formulafor densityto solvefor the unknownvolume. Density = AtomicCoatings Mass Volume AtomicCoatings Page4 - 3. The zinc’coatingwas present on both sidesof the piece of galvanizediron. Dividethe total volumeof the zinc coating(Calculation#2) by two to determinethe volumeof the zinc coating per sideof the galvanizediron. 4. What is the formulafor the volumeof a rectangular solid?Rearrangethis formulato solvefor the unknown height (thickness)of a rectangular solidif the volume,length, and width of the solid are known.Checkwith the teacher beforesolving. * 5. Solvethe aboveequationfor the thicknessof the zinc coating per side ofthe galvanized iron: Substitute the knownvaluesfor the volume (perside) and the length and width of the galvanizediron into the formula. 6. The thicknessof a ream (500sheets) of piper is 5.0 cn. Comparethe thicknessof a piece of paper to the thicknessof the zinc coating. 7. The diameter of a single zinc atom is 2.7 x 1O cm. Dividethe thickness of the zinc coating per sideof the galvanizediron by the diameterof a single zinc atom to calculate the number of layersofatoms in the zinc coating. Numberof layersof zinc atoms Thicknessof zinc coating per side (cm ) Diameterof zinc atom (cm) . Flinn ChemTopic’Labs AtomicandElectronStructure — Name Date Class it Line Emission Spectro ofElements Emission spectra of elements are the result of electron transitions within atoms and provide information about the arran ements of electrons in the atoms. Observe and compare a spectrum from white light with the emission spectra of several elements. CHEMLAD AND MINILAII SHEETS WUR MINILAD 2.2 PROCEOUNE 1. Obtain a diffraction grating from the teacher. Hold it only by the cardboard edge and avoid touching the transparent material that encloses the diffraction ,grating. 2. Observe the emitted light from an incan descent bulb through the grating as you hold it close to your eye. Record ‘your observations. 3. Next, observe the light produced by the spectrum tube containing hydrogen gas’ and record your observations. It may be necessary for you tomove to within a few feet of tlie spectrum tube in order to effectively observe the emission spec trum. CAUTION: The spectrum tube operates at a high voltage. Under no cir cumstances should you touch the spec trum tube or any part of the transformer. 4. Repeat procedure 3 with other spectrum tubes as your teacher designates. = C, U 0 U 2. If each hydrogen atom contains only one electron, how are several emission spec tral lines possible? 3. How do you interpet the fact that other elements emit many more spectral lines than hydrogen atoms? ANALYSIS 1. How do you explain why only certain col ors appear in the emission spectra of the elements? C, 0 C 0 Chemistry: Concepts and Applications MiniLab 2.2 19 Blank Visible Spectra This page has been included for your convenience. You may photocopy or duplicate this page for use in recording observations and answering questions in this experiment. I IlillIllIll i ii i i I I Ii I I I 600 650 yellow orange I uuI I I IIl 600 i i III i I I I I I I I I 600 650 yellowccange I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I III I I. I i, 700 750, red I’J II 1I I I liii •. II II 11111111 650 1•III I II II 700 750 red yelloworange II II .111 II III1I III I II 111111 I I i i i I I , I I I I I I I I I I I i i i i 700 750 red I I I I I I I I I Ii i iii GOD 650 yellow orange II 700 750 red Page1 FlameTests — Flame Tests Atomic Emissionand ElectronEnergy Levels Introduction nent Just as a fingerprint is unique to each person, the color of light emitted by an ele heated in a flameis also unique to each element. In this experiment, the characteristic color of light emitted bycalcium, copper,lithium, potassium,sodium, and strontium ionswill be observed. Concepts • Atomicemission • Wavelengthand energy of light • Excitedvs.ground states • Flametests Background When a substanceis heated in a flame, the atoms absorb energy from the flame.This absorbed energyallowsthe electrons to be promoted to excitedenergy levels.From these excitedenergy levels,there is a natu ral tendency for the electrons to make a transition or drop backdown to the ground state. When an electronmakes a transition from a higher energy levelto a lower energy level,a particle of light called a photon is emitted (see Figure 1).Both the absorption and emissionof energyare quantized—only certain energy levelsare allowed. $ Excited Energy State — Emissionof Light (Photon) • — ____________ Ground State Figure 1. Absorptionand emissionof energy. Anelectron may drop all the way backdownto the ground state in a singlestep, emitting a photon in the process.Alternatively,an electron may drop backdown to the ground state in a series of smaller steps,emitting a photon with each step. In either case, the energy of each emitted photon is equalto the differencein energy betweenthe excitedstate and the state to which the electronrelaxes.The energy of the emitted photon determinesthe color of light observedin the flame.The flamecolor may be describedin terms of its wavelength,and Equation I may be used to calculate the energy ofthe emitted photon. AE = —s-A Equation 1 E is the differencein energy betweenthe two energy levelsin joules (J), h is Planck’sconstant (h = 6.626 x 10 Jsec), c is the speed of light (c 2.998 x 108mlsec), and A(lambda)is the wavelength of light in meters. The wavelengthsofvisible light are given in units of nanometers (1 m 1 x iO nm). See Table1 on the followingpage. FlameTests Flame Tests Page2 — The colorof light observedwhen a substanceis heatedin a flamevaries from one substance t , the to another. Becauseeach elementhas a differer spacingof electron energy 1evel in possibleelectron transitions for,agiven substance are unique.Therefore,the diff rence ofthe emitted photon, and the cdrresponding y energy betweenenergy levels,the exactener and color substance.As to wavelength a result, the colors observedwhen a are unique eacI substanceis heated in a flame may be used as a means ofidentification. The Visible Portion of the Electromagnetic Spectrum Visiblelight is a form of electromagneticradiation. Other familiarforms of electromagnetic radiation include ‘j-rays,X-rays,ultravidlet (UV)radiation, infrared (IR).radiation, microwave radiation, and radio waves.Together,all forms of electromagneticradiation make up the electromagneticspectrum. The visibleportion of the electromagneticspectrum is the only ion other formsof electromagnetic radia portion that can be detected by the human ey,e—’-—all are invisible. Visiblespectrum Violet 400 Blue Green Yellow 500 Orange 600 Red 700 Wavelength,?. (nm) Figure 2. The visiblespectrum. The visiblespectrum spans the wavelengthregion fromabout 400 to 700 nm (Figure2). Light of 400 nm is seen as violet and light of 760 nm is seen as red. Accordingto Equation 1, wavelengthis inverselyproportionalto energy. Therefore,violet light is higher energy light than red light. Asthe color of light changes, so dogs the amount of energy it possesses. Table1 lists the wavelengthsassociatedwith each of the colorsin the visible spectrum. The representativewavelengthsmay be used as a benchmarkfor each color.For example,instead of referring to green as light in the wavelength range 500—560 nm, we may approximatethe of An infinite of shades of each color may be 520 number wavelength a green light as nm. observed. Table 1. Representative. Wavelength,nm WavelengthRegion, nm Color 410 400—425 Violet 470 425—480 Blue 490 480—500 Blue-green 520 500—560 Green 565 560—580 580 580—585 Yellow-green ‘Yellow 600. 585—650 Orange 650 650—700 Red Flinn Chemlopic”Labs — Atomic and Electron Structure Page3—Flame Tests Experiment Overview The purpose of this experiment is to observethe characteristicflametest cOlorsof different metal compoundsand to use this informationto identifyan unknown metal ion. Pre-Lab Questions 1. Fill in the blanks:When an atom absorbsenergy,the electrons move from their state to an state. When an atom emits energy,the elec from state and give off trons move state to their a(n) ______________ ______________ _______________ _______________ 2. Is aflametest a qualitativeor quantitát ve test for the identity of an unknown?Explain. Materials Calcium chloride, 2O 0.5 g CaCl H, 0.5 g Copper(II)chloride,2O CuCl H , Lithium chloride,LiCI,0.5 g Potassiumchloride,KCI,0.5 g Sodium áhloride,NaCI,0.5 g Strontium chloride, 2O 0.5 g 6H, SrCl Unknownmetal chloride,0.5 g Safety Precautions Beakers,250-mL,2 Laboratoryburner Scoopor spatula Weighingdishes, 7 Woodensplints soakedin water, 7 Water,distilled or deionized •0• Copper(II)chlorideis highly toxic by ingestion;,avoidcontactwith eyes, skin, and mucous membranes.Lithium chlorideis moder toxic by ingestionand is a body tissue irritant. itely the wooden Fullyextinguish splints by immersing them in a beakerof waterbeforediscarding them in the trash to avoidtrash can tires. Wearchemicalsplashgoggles,chemical-resistant gloves,and a chemical-resistantapron. Washhands thoroughly with soap and water before leavingthe laboratory. Procedure 1. Fill a 250-mLbeakerabout half-fullwith distilledor deionizedwater.Obtainsevenwooden splints that havebeen soakedin distilledor deionizedwater.Placethem in this beakerof waterto continue soakingat your labstation. 2. Fill a second250-mLbeakerabout half-fullwith tap water.Labelthis beaker“rinsewater”. 3. Labelsevenweighingdishes Ca,Cu,Li,Na,K,Sr,and unknown.Placeonescoopful(about 0.5 g) ofeachsolidmetalchlorideinto the correspondingweighingdish. 4. Light the laboratoryburner. 5. Dip the soakedend of one of the woodensplints in one ofthe metal chlorides,then place it in the flame.Observethe color ofthe flame.Allowthe splint to burn until the color fades.Trynot to allowany of the solidto fallinto the barrel ofthe laboratoryburner. If necessary,repeat the test with the same splint and additionalsalt. FlameTests Flame Tests—Page4 L 6 6. Immerse the woodensplint in the “rinsewater”to extinguishit, then discardit in the trash. 7. Recordyour observationsfor the flamecolor producedby the metal chloride in the Data Table. 8. RepeatSteps 5—7for the other fivemetal chlorides.Recordyour observationsfor the flamecolor producedby each metal ion in the DataTable. 9. Perform a flametest on an unknownmetal chlorideand record its characteristic color(s) an’dthe probableidentity of the unknown in the DataTable. Flinn ChemTopic Labs ” — AtomicandElectronStructure — Flame Tests Page5 Name: ___________ iod: Class/LabPer I Flame Tests Data Table MetalIon Colorof Flame Calcium Cop,per Lithium Sodium Potassium Strontium Unknown ResultsTable Metal/FlameColor FlameTests A.(nm) A(m) tIE (J) FlameTests Page6 — Post-Lab Questions rd the approximatewavelengtho light 1. UseTable1 in the Background section to rec emitted for each knownmetal ion in the ResultsTable. 2. Converteachwavelengthin the ResultsTablefrom nanometersto meters. Show one sample calculationin the spacebelowand record all valuesin the ResultsTablet 3. The characteristiccolorof the sodiumflame‘isdue to tWoclosely-spacedenergy transi tion to calculatethe averageenergy(4E) tions. UseEquation 1 from the Background se correspondingtothe observedflamecolor for each metal.Show one samplecalculation in the space belowand recordall valuesin joules in the ResultsTable. 4. Whatevidenceis there from your results that the characteristiccolor observedfor each compound is due to the metal ion in each casç? Describean additionaltest that couldbe done to confirmthat the color is due to the metal ion. 5. A glass rod was heated in a burner flameand gave offa bright yellowflame.What metal ion predominatesin the glass rod? 6. The alkalimetals cesium (Cs)and rubidium (Rb)were discovered‘basedon their charac teristic flamecolors.Cesiumis named after the sky and rubidium after the gem color. Whatcolorsof light do you think these metals give offwhen heated in a flame? Flinn ChemTopic’Labs AtomicandElectronStructure — Isotopes of Pennies LabSheet •I Youwilldo a lab that willdealwith isotopes,mass number,and atomicmass.Before you begin your workIn the lab, try to explaintheseterms in yourown words.Afteryou havefinished the lab, you willhavea chanceto reviseyourexplanationsbasedon what you haveiearfledin the activity. Isotope Is Massnumber Atomicmass Nkir.s Scáen L mae M 1s L Sheet- lsc*cpeeol P vies iotmaJ ScienceNe1LIr*sSluderdSheenmaybe,uçxoóicedlot edt . pwpce Isotopesof Pennies LabSheet In 1982, the UnitedStates governmentchangedthe wa It mintedpennies. Before1982, pennies were madeof 95%copper and 5%tin. Now they are madeof zinc Coatedwith copper.Becausetheyweighdifferentamounts(havedifferentmasses),we can call them Isotopes of pennies. inthisexercise? • Whatdothetwokindsof penniesrepresent • Howdothe penniesdiffer? Howdo isotopes differ? haveincommon? • Whatdothe pennieshaveincommon?Whatdo isotopes Scien Afl n1s NetLiiks Lab Sheet - Isciopes ot Pemies iuserved. Scien NetLinks Student Sheet may be ,prodi.ced tat educatiemi pwpoees. Isotopes of Pennies LabSheet PartA 1. Obtaina sampleoftenpennies. 2. Weighseveralpre-1982(old)penniesandrecordtheiraveragemass 3. Weighseveralpost-i982 (new)penniesandrecordtheiraveragemass. _______ howmuchthreeoldpenniesplussevennewpenniesshouldweigh. 4. Calculate 410 findtheweighted 5. Divideyou,ranswerfornumber averagemassofthe penniesinthe samplecontainingthreeold plussevennewpennies. 6. Nowweighyoursampleofthreeoldandsevennewpennies.Recordthe mass. _______ 7. ‘Divide youranswerfornumbersixbytentofindthe averagemassof a pennyinyour sample. ’ g fiveto yourarwwerfornumberseven.Isthe weighted • Compareyouranswerfornumber averagemassclosertothemassofan old pennyora newpenny?Why? • Howisthisweighted averagemassrelatedtoatomicmass? Science Ne(Li*s Lab Sheer - Is 1opes of Pem.es SWtlied Sheets may be rexod s NeILM xed An ñ veserved. ScBi ’ls Ici ethicatior t pwposes. Isotopesof Pennies LabSheet Part B sixoldpenniesandfournewpennies. 1. Obtaina samplecontaining I * 2. Usingthe massof an old pennyand a new pennyfrom partA above,calculate a weighted ofallten forthis Youneedtofindthe of mass penniesand sample pennies. averagemass ‘dMdebytentofindtheweighted averagemass. _______ 3. Nowweighyoursampleof pennies.Recordthemass _______ 4. Dividethemassofyoursampleoftenpenniesbytentofind theactualaveragemassof a pennyinthis sample. Compareyouranswerfromnumbertwoto youranswerfornumberfour. Is.theweighted averagemassclosertothemassofan old pennyora newpenny?Why? e Scierx LiiI sN . reserv Afl ñ 1s Lab Sheef - Is*opes of Perwies S*udenfSheet may be re Scierv NetLief s ed xoths lot educabonal purposes. Isotopesof Pennies LabSheet PartC:The MysterySample frompartBto yourteacher.Geta canisterof pennies. 1. Returnyoursampleoftenpennies Don’t open It. Recordits identifyingnumberorletter_____ 2. Recordthe massoftheemptyfilmcanister, whichisonthe labeloftypecanister. _______ 3. Weighthe sealedfilmcanister tenmixedpennies. containing 4. Returnthecanister to yourteacher. Calculations: • Calculatethe numberofoldandnewpenniesin yourcanister. • Sincethetotalnumberof penniesisten,wecan saythattherearex oldpenniesp Ius 10— Thetotal ofthe with áss minus therr ofthe x newpennies. mass pennies(canister pennies isusefulhere. canister) • X timestheaveragemassofan old pennyplus(10 x) timesthe averagemassof a new Set upanequationandsolvefor pennyequalsthetotalmassofthepenniesinthecanister. Subtract thatnumber x. Thenyouwillknowhowmanyoldpenniesare inyourcanister. fromtento findthenumberof newpenniesthat are inyourcanister. —, • Showyourmathhere: • Howmanyoldpenniesdoyouhave? • Howmanynewpenniesdoyou have? • Whatpercentageofoldandnewpenniesdo youhave? ______ ______ cience NelLh*s Lab Sheel - l1opes oI Pemies All rr reserved. Scierv NeUJrlcs Student Sh 1s J may be reprodtxed for edurabor purposes. Page1 Bean Bag Isotopes - Bea,nBag Isotopes RelativeAbundanceand Atomic Mass Introduction At the beginningofthe 1gtb century, John Daltonproposeda new atomic theory—allatoms of the same element are identicalto one another and equal in mass. It wasa simpleyet revolu tionary theory. It was alsonot quite right. The discoveryof radioactivityat the beginning of th century madeit possibleto study the açtüal structure and mass of atoms. Gradually, the 20 evidencebeganto buildthat atoms of the saine element couldhavedifferentmasses.These atoms were calledisotopes.Howare ,isotope!sdistinguishedfrom one another?What i the relationshipbetweenthe atomic mass of an elementand the mass of each isotope? Concepts • Isotope • Percent abundance • MassnUmber • Atomicmass Background Twolinesofevidencein the early2Øth centurysuggestedthe possibleexistenceof isotopes.The first came fromwork byJ. J. Thomsonwith ‘positiverays,”positivelychargedstreams of atoms generated in gas dischargetubes.Whenthese positiverays were bent or deflectedin the pres ence of electricand magneticfieldsand then allowedto strike a photographicfilm,they left curved“spots”on the film at an angle that dependedon the mass and charge ofthe atoms. In 1912,Thomsonfoundthat when the gas in the tub was neon, he obtainedtwo curvesor spots. The majorspotcorrespondedto neon atomswith a mass ofabout 20 atomic mass units (amu).There wasalso a much fainter spot, however,correspondingto atomswith a mass of about 22 amu. Althoughthese results were consistentwith the existenceoftwo typesof neon atoms having differentmasses,theywerenot preciseor accurateenoughto be conclusive. The second line of evidencesuggesting the existenceof isotopescame from studies of radioactivity.Oneofthe products obtainedfrom the radioactivedecayof uranium is lead. When the atomic mass of lead deposits in radioactiveuranium minerals wasanalyzed,it was found to be significantlydifferentfrom the atomic mass of lead in lead ore. The actual com position of the leadatoms seemed to be different,dependingon their origin. In 1913, FrederickSoddy,professor of chemistryat the Universityof Glasgow,coinedthe term isotope to defineatoms of the same element that have the same chemical properties but differentatomic masses. The word isotopewas derivedfrom Greekwords meaning “same place”to denote the fact that isotopes occupy the same place in the periodic table (they are the same element) eventhough they havedifferent masses. Soddyreceivedthe NobelPrize in Chemistry in 1921for his investigationsinto the nature and origin of isotopes. Conclusiveproofforthe existenceof isotopescame fromthe workofFrancisW.Astonat CambridgeUniversity.Astonbuilt a modified,more accurateversionofthe “positiveray”appa ratus that Thomsonhad earlierused to studyions. In 1919,Astonobtainedprecisemeasure ments ofthe majorand minor isotopesof neon, correspondingto mass numbersof20 and 22, respectively.Astonreceivedthe NobelPrizein Chemistryin 1922forhis discoveryof isotopes. BeanBagIsotopes sean ScigIsotopes Page2 - 575 The moderndefinitionof isotopesis basedon knowledgeof the subatomic particlestructure of atoms. Isotopeshavethe same number of protons but differentnumbers of neutrons. Since the identity ,f an element dependsonlyon the number of protons (the atomic number), isotopeshavethe same chemical properties.Isotopesare thus chemicallyindistinguishable from one another—theyundergo the same reactions, formthe same compounds,etc. Isotopesare distinguishedfrom one another based on their mass number, definedas the sum of the number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus of the atom. Chlorine, for example,occurs naturally in the form of two isotopes,chlorine-35and chlorine-37, where35 and 37 represent the mass numbers of the isotopes. Each isotope of chlorine has a characteristicpercent abundance in nature. Thus, whether it is analyzedfrom underground salt depositsor from seawater,the element chlorine alwayscontains 75.8% chlorine-35atoms and 24.2%chlorine-37atoms. The atomic mass of an element represents the weighted averageof the masses of the isotopes in a naturally occurring sampleof the element. Equation 1 showsthe atomic mass calculationfor the element chlorine. The mass of each isotope is equal to its mass number,to one decimal placeprecision. Atomicmass (chlorine) = (0.758)(35.0amu) + (0.242)(37.0amu) = 35.5 amu Equation 1 Experiment Overview The purpose of this experiment is to investigatethe massproperties and relativeabundance of isotopesfor the “bean bag” element (symbol,Bg) and to calculatethe atomic mass of this element. Pre-Lab Questions 1. Neutrons were discoveredin 1932,more than 10 years after the existenceof isotopes was confirmed.What property of electronsand protons ledto their discovery?Suggesta possiblereasonwhyneutrons were the last of the three classicsubatomic particlesto be discovered. 2. Siliconoccurs in nature in the form of three isotopes,Si-28,Si-29,and Si-30.Determine the number of protons, neutrons, and electrons in each isotopeof silicon. 3. “Theatomic mass of chlorine represents the mass of the most common naturally occur ring isotope of chlorine.”Decidewhether this statement is true or falseand explainwhy. Materials Balance,centigram (0.01-gprecision) “Beanbag”element, symbolBg,approximately50 g Weighingdishes or small cups, 4 Labelingpen or marker Safety Precautions Although the materials used in this activity are considerednonhazardous,please observeall normal laboratorysafety guidelines. The food-gradeitems that have been brought into the lab are consideredlaboratory chemicals and are for lab use only. Do not taste or ingest any materials in the chemistry laboratory. Washhands thoroughly with soap and water before leaving the laboratory. Flinn ChemTopic’”Labs Atomicand ElectronStructure — Page 3- Bean Bag Isotopes Procedure 1. Sort the atoms in the “beanbag” element sample(Bg)into three isotoperoups (1, 2, and 3) accordingto the type ofbean. (Assumethat each type ofbean represents a different isotopeand that eachbean representsa separate atom.) Placeeach isotope group into a separateweighingdish or small cup. I 2. Countand recordthe number of Bgatoms in each isotope group. 3..Measurethe total mass of Bgatomsbelongingto each isotopegroup. Recordeach mass to the nearest0.01g in the datatable.Note: Zero,(tare) the balancewith an emptyweighing dish on the balancepan, then addallofthe Bgatoms of one typeto the weighingdish and recordthe mass.Dothis foreach isotopegroup. Data Table ResultsTable “BeanBag”Isotope (Bg) . AverageMass PercentAbundance I , 2 3 Post-Lab Questions (Usea separatesheet of paper to answer the followingquestions.) 1. Determinethe averagemass of each Bg isotopeto three significantfigures. Enter the results in the ResultsTable. 2. What is the total number of “bean bag”(Bg)atoms in the originalsample?Calculatethe percent abundanceof each isotope:Dividethe number of atoms of each isotopeby the total number ofatoms and multiply the result by 100.Enter the results to one decimal place in the ResultsTable. BeanBagIsotopes Bean Bag Isotopes Page4 - • 3. The atomic mass ofthe “beanbag” element (Bg)representsaweighted average of the mass of each isotopeand its relativeabundance.Usethe followingequation to calculate the atomic mass of Bg.Note: Dividethe percent abundanceof each isotope bi 100to obtain its relativeabundance.Relativeabundance = Percentabundance 100 Atomiciriass = (rel. abundanceisotopex mass i) + (rel. abundancejsotope x 2 0, + 2) (ret. 3) x abundancesotope massisotope 3 4. How many Bgatoms in the originalsample wouldbe expectedto havethe same mass as the calculatedatomic mass of the element? Explain. 5. The isotopesof magnesium(and their percent abundance)are Mg-24(79.0%);Mg-25 (10.0%),and Mg-26(11.0%).Calculatetheatomic mass of magnesium.Note: Toone decimal place, the mass of each isotope is equal to the mass number. Thus, the mass of an atom of Mg-24s 24.0 amu. 6. Copper(atomicmass63.5)occurs in nature in the form of two isotopes,Cu-63and Cu-65.Usethis informationto calculatethe percent abundanceof each copper isotope. 7. Explainwhy the atomic mass of copper is not exactlyequalto 64, midwaybetweenthe mass numbers of copper-63ançlcopper-65. 8. Radioactiveisotopes(radioisotopes)are widelyused in medicine.Becauseisotopeshave identicalchemicalproperties,the reaction and distributionof radioisotopesin the body is e-131, similarto that of their natural isotopes.Iodii for example,is an artificialradioiso tope thatis used to diagnosethyroid disorders.Whenadministered to a patient, the radioisotopeis taken up by the thyroid gland, wliereit is incorporatedinto the thyroid hormones,just as iodinein the diet wouldbe. Basedon wherethe followingelements are nd in the body,match each radioisotopewith its medical use. likelyto be foi 9. Sodium-24 a. studies of bone formation Phosphorus-32 b. red bloodcellstudies Calcium-47’ c. tracing bloodcirculation Iron-55 d. genetics (DNA)research (Optional)Astoncalledthe instrument he designedto measure the masses of atoms the mass spectrograph.Modernversionsof Aston’s massspectrograph,called massspectrom eters, are workhorseinstruments in chemical analysis,including forensics.Lookup mass spectrometry on the Internet and brieflydescribe twoapplicationsof this technologyin forensicanalysis. Flinn Chemlopic” Labs — AtomicandElectronStructure Page1 It’s n the Cards — It’s in.the Cards Discoveringthe PeriOdic”Law, Introduction S evements DmitriMendeleev’sdiscoveryof the PeriodicLawranks ‘asone of the greatest ac1i in the history of science.It has survivedthe test of time and stands to this dayas the single most important tool to understand the chemistry of the elements.Aswe try to understand ‘the essence ofthis great discovery,it is worthwhileto go back in time and look at how it was ‘achieved.Whatdid Mendeleevknowand when did he knowit? Concepts Periodiclaw • Periodictable • Atomicmass • Ionization energy Background Dmitri Nendeleev,a professorof chemistry at the Universityof St. In the years 1868—1870, of Petersburg in Russia,was intent on writing a new textbookof chemistry, called”Principles than Nore 60 individualelements a nd facts had been Chemistry. were ‘known, a great many discoveredabout their properties and compounds.Mendeleevknew the atomic masses of the the formulas of their compounds” elements, their densities, boiling points, melting points, with hydrogen, oxygen,and chlorine, and many other isolatedfacts.What was missing was a wayto organize these facts, a way to understand how individualfacts related to each other— in short, a way to classifythe elements. The followingquote is translated from Mendeleev’s first publishedreport of the periodic law: “1wished to establish some sort of system of elements in which their distribution is not guided by chance. but by some sort of definite and exact principle.” . . Mendeleevdecidedto arrange the elements systematicallyaccording to their atomic mass. Hewrote out the exact atomic masses (as they were knownat the time) in the margin of a list of the elements, then wrote out separate cards for each of the elements, with their atom ic mass and important chemical and physicalproperties. Using these cards, Mendeleev played“chemicalsolitaire” for several hours, finallycopyingto a sheet of paper the arrange ment he had worked out with the cards. With slight modification, this became Mendeleev’s firstPeriodicTableof the Elements. Experiment Overview The purpose of this activity is to re-create Nendeleev’sdiscoveryof the classificationof the elements and the periodic law using a special deck of element cards. The real properties of the elements, but not their names or symbols,are written on these cards.Asthe cards are arranged and rearranged based on logical trends in some of these properties, the nature of the periodic lawshould reveal itself. It’sin the Cards • It’sin the Cards Page2 - Pre-LabQuestions • I .• The element cards list all of the followingproperties for each element. Useyour textbook to write a clear definitionof each property.Givethe typicalunits for each numerical property,if appropriate. • ionization energy • Atomictnass • Atomicradius • Density • Meltingpoint • Electronegativity Materials Spèciàldeck of 31 element cards Procedure 1. Form a research group with two or three other students. Obtain a deck of element cards and spread the cards out on the lab table. 2. Each cd lists the properties of a single element (X),as shown below: Ionizationenergy Atomk radius Atomicmass Formulaof its oxide XbOC Formula’ofits chlorideXCIa Meltingpoint Density* !ormula of Its hydrideXHd Electronegativity for solidsand liquids,g/L for gases. 3 *Densjtyvalues are in units of g/cm 3. Workingin a collaborativemanner, discuss the possibilitiesfor arrangement of the ele ment cards with all members of the group, and lookfor a logicalarrangement of the cards.Considerthe followingquestions: • What are the similaritiesand differencesamong the elements? • Arethere any numerical or logical trends in their properties? 4. It is NOTwithin the rules of this game of chemical solitaire to look up information in a textbookor to use a modern periodic table as a guide! Mendeleev’sgreatest insight in creating the periodic table was in recognizing there were some gaps when the elements were arranged in logical order.He had the courage not onl(, to leaveblanks in his table for the missing elements, but also to predict their properties. Flinn ChemTopic Labs — The PeriodicTable I Poge3-It’sintheCarcls •• . • re.the 5. One ofthe element cardsis alsOmissingin your deckof cards. Decidewh missing ofthe elementsand element belongs in the arrangement rds if necessary rearrange the ca to accommodatethe missing element. 6. On the Data Sheet, fill in the Tableof the Elements to illustrate a logicalarrangement of the element cards.Todo this, write down onlythe atomic mass of each element, as shown on its card. Leavea blank space for the missing element.Note: The table is 8 x 8 and contains 32 more squares than are needed—plentyof room to arrange the elements many differentways. 7. Predict the properties of the missingelementby averagingthe properties Ofits nearest neighbors (in any direction).On the Da1 complete the card for the missing; aSheet; element by entering its predictedpropertiesalongsidethe name of each property. It’s in the Cards Name: _____________ Period: _L Class/Lab • It’s in the Cards Data Sheet Tableof the Elements Properties of the Missing Element . Ionization energy Atomic radius Atomic mass Formula of its oxide Formula of its chloride Melting point Density Formula of its hydride . . Electronegativity Flinn ChemTopicLabs — ThePeriodicTable Page 5—It’sin the Cards /. • Post-LabQuestions (Useaseparate sheet of paper to answer the following questurns.) 1. Mendeleev’sPeriodicLawcan be stated: “Thephysical and chemical properties of ele ments areperiodic functions of their atomic masses’ Lookingat your arrangement of the element cards, describein your own wordswhat the term “periodi function” means. 2. Someofthe the properties listed on each card are periodicproperties, others are not. Name one property that is periodicand one that is not. 3. The elements in the modern periodictable are arranged in order of increasing atomic number (insteadof increasing atomic mass).Why didn’tMendeleevuse atomic number to arrange the elements? 4. From your instructor, obtain a handout showingone possiblearrangement of the ele ment cards. Identifyeach of the elernehts on the handout with its atomic number and chemicalsymbol. .5. Usingthe possiblearrangement of the element cards obtained from your instructor, pick two of the numerical properties of the elements that are periodic and plot their values on the graphs below.Giveeach graph a descriptivetitle and labelthe axes. 0 I - --- - - • - - . 3• 34 It’s in the Cards 4 5: 6 78 5 67 - -- t - - - - , , 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 8 9 10 Ii 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Atomic Number It’sin the Cards-Page .6 /2/ I t-Lab Questions(continued) i 6. There are certain trends in the propertiesofthe elements,both within a column (fror top to bottom) and acrossa row (fromleftto right) in the periodictable.On the arrow for each property,write the wordincredsesor decreasesto describehowthat property changes. ,- Atomic Radius — Electronegativity — Ionization Energy H U Be II Ca Sc Ti V 20 21 22 23 24 Sr 38 Y 39 Zr 40 Nb Mo Tc Cs 55 Ba 56 Rn 88 Fr 87 42 W Hf 72 41 Ta 73 104 lOS 106 74 43 Re 75 76 7 Br K 19 Rb 37 27 Rh 45 Ic ‘Ti N 6 CuT Zn Ga Ge As Sc 31 28 32 33 34 29130 Pd Ag TCd ID Sn Sb Ic Cr Mn Fe Co Ni 26 Ru 44 Os C F 9 I C 17 12 25 B 5 Al 13 0 8 S 16 3 4, Na Mg 47I4 I Hg Si P 14 15 He 2 Ne 10 Ar 18 Kr 35 36 I Xe 46 Pt Au 49 11 50 Pb 51 81 52 Po 53 At 54 Rn 78 79] 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 , j La Ce 59 57}58 Ac Tb I I 107 108 109 Nd Pm Pa 91 60 U 92 61 Np 9j Sm 62 Pu 94 • Eu Gd 63 64 Am Cm 95 96 Tb 65 Bk 97 Dy Ho 66 Cf 98 67 s E 99 Er Tml Yb 68 69 70171 Pm MO No Lr tOO 101 102 jtO3 I 7. ,On the outline of the periodic table shownbelow,locate the following:metals, nonmetals, and metalloids (or sernimetals).Useyour textbook to definethese terms, if necessary. * 1 Flinn ChemTopic® Labs — The PeriodicTable ( Page7-It’ in the Cards / Post-LabQuestions(continued) 8. On the outline of the periodictable shown below,locatethe following:groups or families of elements, periodsor series of elements, noble gases, alkali metals, a/kaline earth metals, and halogens. Useyour textbookto definethese terms, if necessary. * 1 9. On the outline of the PeriodicTableshownbelow,locate the following:transition elements, inner transition elements, representativeelements. Useyour textbookto definethese terms, if necessary. * t * 1• It’s in the Cards EE Name Testing for Metals Can we determine jf something is a metal? Materials • • • • • D-size battery 1.5 volt light bulb Electrical tape Copper wire Wire cutter Different objects to test • Hammer White paper NQ’L’E: Water is not on the list of materials needed ! Procedure to test.for CONDUCTIVITY 1. Cut a piece of copper wire, tape bne end to the,positive end of the battery and wrap the other end around the bottom of the light bulb. 2. Cut another piece of copper wire and tape one end to the negative end of the battery. 3. Cut another piece of copper wire and tape one end to the bottom of the light bulb. 4. Take one of the objects you are testing, place the wire that is connected to the negative side of the battery to one end of the object and place the wire that is connected to the bottom of the light bulb to the other end of the object. 5. Repeat the last step until you have tested all the objects. . . , DO NOT USE ELECTRICITY FROM A WALL OUTLET THIS EXPERIMENT!! ! The experiment set-up should be as follows: FOR /2 Procedure to test for COLOR & LUSTER 1. Put on your safety goggles! 2. Take a piece of white paper, fold it in half, open it, and place it on the lab top. 3. Open vial I and shake about a pea-sized portion of the sample onto the white paper. 4. Observe the appearance of the sample and record your observations in the “color” and “luster” columns of the data sheet. 5. Do this for each of the samples you have. Procedure to test for MALLEABILITY I Put on your safet goggles! 2. Place a second piece of paper over the top of the sample you prepared in the section above. 3. Crush the sample with the hammer. 4. Remove the top piece of paper. 5. Observe the sample and record your observations in the “malleability” column of the data sheet. 6. Do this for each of the samples you have. iine: N OB.JECT COTNDUC’FIVITY COLOR LUSTER MALLEABILITY Name: Discussion: What properties of elements were you observing in this lab” What can you infer from your observations? Which objects had characteristics of metals? Is this true according to the Periodic Table? Why can metals conduct electricity? Explain in detail (at least 4 sentences). S List the properties of metals: 1. 4. List the properties of metals: I 4. S I Name: _________________ Definethe followingterms: Malleable: Ductile: • Conductivity: , Luster: • Which element displays the most metallic character? ___________________ Which element displays the least metallic character? ___________________ Which element has the highest electronegativity?Wbat does this tell you about the element? 4- Name_____________________________ Date____________ Class __________ ‘5 Laboratory Investigation Determining Trends in a Group Problem How does density change going down a group in the periodic table? Materials (per group) balance mL graduated cylinder 1O plastic weighing dishes leadshot(Pb) silicon pieces (Si) tin pieces (Sn) graph paper metric ruler - • Procedure O • •0 I - 1. Use the data table on the next page to record all of the measurements investigation. you obtain in this 2. Start with any element sample. Check to make sure that the pieces of the sample will fit inside the graduated cylinder. 3. Using a plastic weighing dish, measure outa sample of the element. The samples should mass at least 2.0 grams for silicon and tin and at least 5.0 grams for lead. Be sure to account forthe mass of the dish when measuring your element sample 4. Record the mass of the element sample in the appropriate place in your data table. 5. Pour about 6 mL of water into the graduated cylinder. Record the actual initial volume in your data table. 6. Add the element srnple to the water in the cylinder. Gently tap the side of the cylinder to release any trapped air bubbles. Record the final volume in your data table. 7. Calculate the volume of the element sample by subtracting the initial volume from the final volume. Record this number in your data table. 8. Carefully pour off the water, collect the wet pieces of the element sample, and dry them. 9. Repeat steps 2 through 8 for the remaining two elements. 10. Calculate the density of each element by’ dividing the mass of each element sample by its volume. Record these numbers in your data table. I Prentice-Hall, chapter 5 23 Date Name. 5 Laboratory Investigation Class __________ (continued) 4 Observations Measurement Silicon(SI) Massoftheelementsample(g) Initialvolumeof water(mL) Finalvolumeof waterandelementsample(mL) Volumeof elementsample(cm3) Densityof element(g/cm3) . Tin (Sn) 4 Lead(Pb) . .‘ • . . , 1. Why can you assume that the change in volume in the graduated cylinder is the same as the volume of the element arnple? 2. Which sample had the greatest volume? 3. On a separate sheet of graph paper, prepare a graph of density vs. period number for silicon, tin, and lead. 4 Analysis and Conclusions i. How does density change going down a group in the periodic table? 2. Use your graph to estimate the density of germanium (C, atomic number 6). (Ge, atomic number 32) and carbon 3. Calculate the percent error of the densities you determined as compared with accepted values. 4. What are some possible sources of error in your procedure? 5. On Yo;r Own Choose another group in the periodic table and look up the densities of the Do you observe the same periodic trend as you found in this experiment? elements in that roup. .4 24 Chapter5 C Prentice .Hafl. Inc. Name: ___________________________ Chemistry PeriodicTrends - Lab: DiscoveringPeriodicTrendsin Reactivity Objective: To comparethereactivitiesof differentmetals.. Materials: 1.“Catciummetal,Ca 2. Magnesiummetal,Mg 3.Aluminummetal,Al acidsolution,HCI(aq).Caution:HCI(aq)Iscorrosiv 4. Hydrochloric solution 5. Phenolphthalein 6. Distilledwater Sixtesttubesanda rack. Procedure: 1. Puton yoursafetygogglesand apron 2. Comparethereactionsof waterwith Ca,Mg andAl Ineachof threeof the giventesttubes,addaround10mlof water thenadd a fewflakesof anda coupleof dropsof phenolphthalein, calcium(tube1) magnesium(tube2) andaluminum(tube3). Recordyour observations;you shouldcheckfor the vigorof the reaction,andthe degreeof changein the colorof the reaction solution. 3. Repeatstep2, thistime comparingthe reactionsof the metalswith HCI(aq).Recordyour observations TeacherDemonstration: React;vityof GroupI Mt tals withwater. Analysis: Whatis thetrendin reactivityof the elementsin relationto their positionon the periodictable? Howwouldyouexpectbarium, cesiumandsiliconto react? Lab; DiscoveringPeriodicTrendsin Reactivity Metal Calcium Group Period Reactionin 1120 Color of SOlutionin 20 H Reactionin ‘IC’ Aluminum Solutionin HCI - . -__- Magnesium Color of 1 /, // :, NAME: Post-Lab Questions:Discovering Periodic TrendsinReactivity ‘I 1. List the metalsin orderof reactivity(accordingto your observat ons) in: 20: a.H __________________________ b. HCI: 2. Explainwhy the metalshave a varyingdegree of reactivity. I I * , I I 3. Why did the metalsreact differentlyin water than in acid? Explain. 4. Would you expect these trends with other groups of elements? Explain. Properties of Ionic & Covalent Compounds Problem How does the properties of ionic compounds differ from the properties of covalent compounds? Materials Salt Sugar 4 test tubes test tube rack Bunsen burner water 2 100 ml beakers stopwatch ters conductwity te vegetableoil Prelab Questions 1. What type of bonding is found in NaCI? Explain your answer. 2. Sugar has the chemical formula 06.C 12 H What ‘pe of chemical bondng is found in sugar? Explain your answer. Procedure 1. Label4testtubes 1—4. 2. Place a small sample of salt (about 1/5 of the test tube) in test tube #1. 3. Place an equal amount of sugar in test tube #2. 4. Using tongs, heat test tube #1 (salt) over the hottest part of the flame of a bunsen burner. Use the stopwatch to time how long it takes to melt the salt. 5. Repeat step 4 using test tube #2 (sugar). 6.. Fill test tube #3 halfway with vegetable oil. Place a small sample of salt in the test tube. Shake the test tube for about 10 seconds. Observe the results. 7. Repeat step 6 using test tube #4 with sugar. 8. Pour 50 ml of water into a 100 ml beaker. Pour some salt in & stir until dissolved. Repeat this step with using a 2 beaker & sugar. 9. Using the conductivity tester, test the electrical conductivity of both the salt& sugar solutions. /1*, $ Observations I. How long does it take for the salt to melt? 2. How long does it take for the sugar to melt? 3. Does the salt dissolve in the oil? 4. Does the sugar dissolve in the oil? 5. Which compound is a better conductor of electncity? Postlab Questions I. What does the time it took for the salt & sugar tell you about their boiling point? I 2. How do the properties of the alt & the sugar relate to their bonding? $ 3. Is sugar considered to be a molecular covalent solid or a network covalent solid? Justify your answer. 4. Would the sait conduct electricity in the solid phase? Explain how this differs from salt in an aqueous solution. 5. Suppose you were to accidentally mix the sugar & salt samples together. How would you be able to separate this mixture? $ e. Regents Chemistry Date: Unit 4 ________ - - - Cheniical Formula Lewis Structure - Type orlionding within the “molecule” (ionic, nonpolar covatent, polar covalent). Why? Ball & Stick 3 -I) Representation is the overall “molecule” ionic, nonpolaror polar? Why? - Type of Intermolecular Force present within this substance - 2 F 1111, 13 P :- -- - - 4 CF . KI - - Os’,. Clieniicnl Formula - Lewis Structure Type ol Bondingwithin the“molecule”(ionic, Bali & Stick3-D s theoverall “molecule”ionic, nonpolar covalent, Representation nonpolar or polar? Why? polarcovalent).Why? l’4 C ilL - . 11113 3 Nil Il - . . . Type of Intermolecular Forcepresentwithin this substance 4. Chemical Formula 1 1I . lewis Structure Typeof Bondingwithin the“molecule”(ionic, nonpoijir-covalent, polarcovalent).Why? Is theoverall “molecule”ionic, nonpolaror polar? Why? Ball& Stick3-D Representation Type f Intermolecular Forcepresentwithin this substance . c1 3 C11 . . - () II 2 N MgO 2 Co •• 0 - - 0 - Name Date // Class ‘. Models Mdkin ofCompounds At first glance, chemical formulas may look complicated. Once you know the rules for writing them, th look much more simple. Atoms or ions combine in y small whole number ratios. By this we mean such combinations as 1 N with 1 0 (NO) or 1 N with 2 0’s (NO Not every combi 2) or 2 N’s with 4 0’s (N 4). 2O nation will do, however. For ionic compounds, there is just one important rule: the total positive charge must equal the total negative charge. For example, in sodium carbonate the charge of the sodium ion is 1+ (Nat) and the charge of the carbonate ion is 2—(CO It takes, two sodiwn ions with a 321. total positive charge of 2+ to neutralize the 2—charge qf just one carbonate In this laboratory activity, you will practice ion, giving the formula 3.Na 2CO monatom combining e or polyatomic ions, to give the formulas for ionic compounds. negative ion formulas for the vertical 003 I YES [C columns and the positive ion formulas for the rows. • Use models of ions to assemble formulas. 5. Prepare a table for chemical names by • List correct formulas foi ionic compounds. repeating the labels described in step 4. • Name ionic compounds. from their Label it Table 2. formulas. 6. Using the ion models, assemble formulas for the compounds formed by each posi MATERIALS — tive ion with each negative ion. Remember: positive charges must equal negative charges. 7. Count the number of ions of each charge sheets of ion models (3) in each formula and write the formula in scissors the appropriate space in Table 1. 8. Write the name for each compound in PROCEDURE Table 2. 1. Cut up the ion model sheets into individ AND DATA OOSEAYATIONS ual ions. models the ion into 2.; Separate two piles: Negative ion formulas: Use these formulas positively charged ions and negatively for the vertical columns, left to right. charged ions. F C1 Br 42 S0 30 2H C 3. Note that positive ion models have -4and ion the 2 3 CO 4 P0 7 0 2 Cr 3 N0 negative charges on right models have charges on the left. This Positive ion formulas: Use these formulas for arrangement allows you to match the the horizontal rows, top to bottom. charges so that they are neutralized. K 4 Li 4 Na 4 NH 4 Ag Note also that when the +‘s and —‘sare 2 Ba 24 Ca 24 Fe i 24 Mg lined up, the symbols are in the correct order to write chemical formulas. F Br cr 4. Prepare a table for formulas similar to the one under Data and Observations. 4 NH Labe1 it Table 1 and include all the ion 4 K formulas listed under Data and Observations. In the order given, use the LAB MANUH a a. 0 C) I a C I I 8 0 0 ) 0 , 4 Li ..... * - Ad ANALYSIS 1. Which of your positive ions is not a metal ion? 2. What is a binary compound? Which of your negative ions always form binary compounds with metal ions? CONCLUSIONS 1. Even experienced chemists always double-check formulas after they have written them. Check all of your formu las for the correct numbers of positive and negative ions so that the charge equals zero. Also check to see that poly atomic ions have parentheses around them if there is more than one in a formula. Correct any errors. 2. Check the names in Table 2. In which of these names must a Romart numeral be used? Why? 3. What kinds of positive and negative ions always combine in a one-to-one ratio? Give two examples of compounds with ions in a one-to-one ratio. AND EXTENSION APPLICATION 1. All the compounds in this activity are composed of charged ions. What class of compounds is composed of ions? What class of compounds is composed of atoms, not ions? 4. What is the largest number of ions in any of your formulas? What is the total positive charge and the total negative charge in each formula with this many ions? Give two examples of these formulas. 2. Two ionic compounds often react so that the positive and negative ions change and NaCl places. For example, AgNO 3 Name react to form AgCI and NaNO 3. the two compounds formed by the reac tion between barium nitrate and potas sium sulfate. What are the formulas for these compounds? 3. Find a bottle of vitamins or soft drink or a package of cookies. Check the ingredient names on the label and make a list of any that you think are ionic compounds. How could you tell? 1.IonModels fortorq bor L Ion Models—p. 1 S-i / I Lab5 -1 a E 0 C) I 0 0 C 0 0 I U 0 8 C 0 C, 0. a 110 Chemistry: Concepts and Applications Lab Manual S-i IoriMo forL 1.eIs boi torL /?,‘ I I ion Models — Chemistry: Concepts and Applications p. 2 Lab 5 -1 Lab Manual Ti 1 1.IonMo eIs forLahoratort S-i /‘ $ Ion Lab 3 Models—p. ,+ — — ’ 2 Ca 2 3 CO 2 4 S0 + — ÷ — -1 5 — Ba ci- Na’ Cl Na + K’ + . ‘ ‘ Br — 7 0 2 Cr . I S + K’ Br — O 3 H 2 C — ’ 2 Mg — ‘ . + + 0 3 H 2 C I 1 C — 0 3 H 2 .C Br — Na’ + a E 0 C.) ’ 2 Fe . .4 Li + + I I + — — ’ 3 Al 3 4 P0 + ,J S - 3 N0 UI4 S ’ 3 ‘Al — —1 Ti 2 2 3 C0 Chemistry: Concepts and Applications + NH +. + — 0 I+ L . .5 + - + — + — 3 4 P0 + 0 C COVALENTMOLECULESFROMA 3 DIMENSIONALVIEW ENGAGEMENT When two atoms share a pair of electrons,,a single covalentbond is formed. Each atom provides one of the electronsof the pair. If thetwo atomsare alike,the bondis said.to be nonpolar covalent. If the atoms are unlike,with one exertinga greaterattractiveforce on the electrons,and.the bond is polar covalent,then more than one pair of electronscanbe shared.This results in a double or triple bond. Moleculescanbe either polar A group of atoms heldtogetherby covalentbondsis called a molecule . or nonpolar.If bonds are nonpolar,the moleculeis nonpolar.If bonds are polar, moleculescan still be nonpolar if the charge distributionthroughoutthe moleculeis symmetrical.A molecules symmetry depends on its shape, that is, the positions in space of the ‘atoms making up the molecule. Some possibleshapesare linear, angular(bent),pyramidal,andtetrahedral. Although we represent moleculeson paper as, being two-dimensionalfor convenience,,hey are actually three-dimensional.By building molecularmodels,chemists come to understandthe bonding, shapes,and polarityof even the mostcomplexmolecules. PURPOSE Buildthree-dimensionalmodelsof somesimplecovalentmolecules. Predicttheir shapesand polaritiesfrom knowledgeàf bondsand moleculepolarityrules. EQUIPMENT molecularmodel buildingset ‘,, $I SAFETY: Follow all safety procedures as reviewed by your instructor science agreement. as well as reviewyour EXPLORATION 1. Obtain a molecularmodel buildingset. Studythe colorcode identifyingthe differentkindsof atoms. 2. Observethat the followingatoms have one hole which represents1 bonding site: hydr.ogen,fluorine, chlorine, bromine,and iodine. The atoms with two holes are oxygen and sulfur. A nitrogenatom has three holes,and a carbonatom hasfour holes. 3. Constructmodelsof the followingmolecules: 2 H HF OH 3 CH 0 2 .H H 2 C 0 2 H 4 CH CI CH 2 02 2 Cl 2 N S 2 H 3 NH 2 CO • 0• • S • S .. EXPLANATION 1. Which moleculeswere nonpolarbecauseall bonds were nonpolar?Be sureto citeevidence. $ • • . , I’ -. I 2. Which moleculeshad polarcovalentbondsbut were nonpolarbecauseof symmetry?Be sureto cite evidence 3. Which two shapesappearedto producepolar molecules?Besureto citeevidence EXTENSION I. Nametwo types of substancesthat do not containmoleculeswithcovalentbonds. /‘ W Insidèsand henlithekidsplayatthe beach, theylearnhowto build and modelponds, canals, sandcastles. learnabout Theyalso theproperties ofwaterandsand: Waterwetssaidandflowsfreely Sandisdenser between thegrains. If a lotofwater andsinke. thanwater, is mixed withsand,itactsmorelike a fluidthanasolid:Thewetmixture thekids’ andresists slides, slumps, sand to construct aperfect attempts Themoat,buifttorotéct the castle. ittocol sand castle, causes eventually fromthe whenwetsandflows lapse Butthere castle’s foundation. is another typeof sand,caliedmagic thisway. behave sand,thatdpesn ’t sand Years ago,magic wassoldas suggested atoy.Theinstructions waterinalargeglassbowland putting otmagic ina smallamount sprinkling likebeach ofsinking, sand.Instead sandwouldfloat!By sand.themagic spunkling moreandmore ontothesandraft.ftcouldbe tothebottom. macetoplunge It youweretoholdbeach sanoinonehandandmagic saneintheotherandlower the bothhanasintothewater, beachsanewould clearly showindividual grains.The would sand,however, magic tobesurrounded bya appear likeplas layerlooking silvery ncfilm Whenyoultheoyour iianasouiofthewaler,the beachsancwouldbewet. wrrnesgrains clumping Beach sandismostlymineral intotinypieces. quartzbroken Itschemicalnameis siIi a and thegrainsconsist ofsilicon and bonded ina covalently oxygen, three-dimensional network of billionsofatoms. Theinterior 01theparficlecontains twiceas byDavidRRobson I atomsassilicon manyoxygen andcanberepresented atoms, bythe formula2 of thesurface K) However, .5 theparticle containsoxygen a1onthai bonded arecovalently tohydrogen atoms(seeFigure 1).These arepolar covalentbonds,likethe0—H bondsin Thismeans watermolecules. thatboth thesurface ofthesandaridthewater molecules havepositiveandnëgativè electncai and,consequently, charges waterisattiactedlothesand.Water ‘wets sand(thatis,adropatwater willspread outonasandgrain instead intoa bead.)Inthejargon. olgathering ofchemistry, thesand grains arehydrophilic—water loving. 01magic togetherThegrains sanewouldnotbeclumpec tact,theywould IoQemef—tn bepertectlycry! Thisis sandwas memagic oecause surrounoed byalargeairbub bie:theSilverylayerwasthe curvecsurtaceotthebubble. This experiment begins with a layer of motoroil floating on water Whatismawcsaneandwhy (top photo). When Magic Sand is added (bottom photo), it sinks and oo C ac sostrangetv? carries a glob of oil with it to the bottoni. B ChEMMAflERS. JiL 19 Where’sthe magic? sandisbeach sand Magic withminute coated particles. ot treated silica. chemically Researchers at theCabot Corporation perfected a forexposing glass, process andothermaterials silica, to ofasilicon compound vapors called thmettiy$chlorosilane, inFigure Asshown SiCl. )3 (CH molecules attach 2,these to themicrospheres andgiveita ofnonpolar newsurtace cova These lentbonds. bonds do notattract waterandthus make theparticles hydropho bic—water hating. of Whena fewgrains sandaresprinkled on magic thepolarwatermole water, otherpolarwater culesattract molecules sostronglythat /2g. i3 • Ho— 3 e--cH I + D 3)10,5C_/ t . 4 . - r” — 1 ’i)4 4 Figure1: Mostsandis impure silica, whichhas a networkof oxygen and silicon atoms. At the surface,the oxygen forms poLarcovalent bonds wilhi hydrogenatoms.These0—H groupsCartypartialelectrical chargesthat attractsimilar partialchargesin water mole cules.Theawaction of oppo site chargesmakeswater adhereto eachgrain of sand. Figure2: Magicsandconsistsof ordinarysand grains coated with tiny particles of pure silica which have received a Wecial chemicaltreabneriLWhen the particles are exposedto trimethylhydroxys llane, a reactiontakes place betweentwo —OHgroups. on nat This resuits in the for of water, and the bondingof the silanecompound to the silica particles. Foilowingthis treatment, the exterior of the particle contains -CH 3 groups that are soluble in oil but are insoluble in water. thesur through tt preventthegrainsofmagicsandfrombreaking ey ratherthick.Whenthemagic faceuntilThelayerofsandbecomes thesamesurlace lension effectalsokeepsit dry. sandfinallysinks, Theair between cannotbeforcedoutbecause thewater thegrains willnotflowbetween Thehydrophobic oil molecules grains.However, willreadily flowbetween thegrains,andmagicsandcanabsorba of oil. surprisingquantity Magic at wi’t Figure 3: DiggingthroughfrozenArctic soil normallyrequireshoursof work with power tools. To speedunderground repairs, utility companies can cover electrical junctionboxeswithmagicsand and cap the sandwith just a fewinches of soil Rainwater flows around,not through, the magicsand (color)and, whenthe soil freezes solid, the magic sand remains dry and Ipose. It is easy to breakthroughthefrozencap,then shovel awaytheloose magicsand. Theutilitiesprefer wires toburyelectricandtelephone toprotect themfromtheharshweather boxneeds, but,if awireorjunction it isnearlyimpossible todigupThedeeply duringthe winter, repair If the unctionboxiscovered withmagic frozen earth. sand,however, ii canbeserviced themagicsand remains easilybecause dry and looseyearround 3). (seeFigure 44 The future of magicsandis in yourhands all been Theapplications described above have tested successfully usedtoday.The manufac WhentheCabotCorporation w ork of notbeing originallydeveloped are but,foravariety reasons, magicsand, it mighibeuseful for cleansing W.Estes issearchingfor sand,the Cidlord waterof oilycorflarnina turerofmagic Company, ersexpected f or sand?It so. o f beuseful f or C an think thatmagic sand application magic I t non. wasalsosuggested newuses. you a new might the Chern fromoil in coastal When i dea. then tankers Waters. experiments totest enter petroleum s pilled s imple trapping trysome your Mattersmagicsandcontest. spnnkledonfloatingpetroleum, magicsandwouldmixwiththeoily ke it sink.Thiswouldpreventthepetro material.addweight,andrr REFERENCES marshesandbeaches leumfromcornarninaling and,theoretically, VIlz, E. MagicSand:Morielrigthe Hydrophobic EfieciandRevec5eoTested Dernonstrabons, Phase Liquid Cl Journal ot matography, to beter dredgedfromThebottom. permitthepetroleum 1990,67 6). 512. II youhaveeverraisedpottedplants,youknowhowdifflailt it ls Educatia, 1982, 59,155. of Cflem,r ,a! al Hcthnan, & B.Journ theplants,theywilt;overto waterthemcorrectly.If youunder-waler waler,andtherootsrot.Theproblemis thattherootsofmostplants needtobeexposed to bothwaterandair. If yougivethe planttoo muchwaler,youwill displace thevitalair.WhenmagicsandIsadded topothngsoil,thehydrophobic grainspermitairto flowbetween them,butnotwater,andthusmairttain to thesur openair channels face. testedbyutilitycompanies intheArctic. Magicsandhasalsobeen CHEM MATFERS.APRIL 1994 9 -4 Name ______________________ ., 11/07/01 MagicSandLab.. Directions: Please answer the following questions based on the article entitled, Magic Sand and your chemistry knowledge. Be sure to use complete sentences. Please use a separate piece of paper. When you’r fmished, your lab group may try the experiment listed that follows. . Questions: 1. What mineral is the main component of beach.sand? 2. What type of bonding does the mineral of beach sand contain? 3. What feature of the surface of a grain of sand makes water attracted to it so that the water wets the sand? 4. What are polar covalent bonds? 5. What do the terms hydrophobic and hydrophilic mean? 6. in what way is magic sand different from ordinary beach sand? 7. How does this difference affect the attraction o.fwater for the surface of the grains of sand? In other words, why does the magic sand float in water when the beach sand sinks? 8. The Esies Company had two uses in mind when they developed magic sand. Name one. 9. Why can magic sand absorb oil but not water? IO.The article suggested thai magic sand might improve soil conditions for plants.How can magic sand improve the soil in which plants are raised? I l.How is magic sand useful in the Arctic? 12.Can you think of a new application for magic sand? Experimenton the back * a I Eiperiment:. S . 1. Add waler to a large test tube untilit is about two-thirds full. Place the test tube in a test tube rack. 2. Using a metric ruler and a marker, make a mark on the test tube 5mm above the top of the waterlevel line. 3. Use a graduated cylinderto measure 3m1of vegetable oil.or motoroil. 4. Using a plasticpipette,.add the vegetableoil to the test tube to form a layerabout5mm deep. ml 5. Measurethevolumeof vegetable oil used. 6. Using theelectronicbalanceand a plastic weigh boat,measure two :graims of magic sand. 7. Sprinkle just enoughmagic sand on the oil to cause it to sink. Continueto addmagic.sandto the test tubeuntilall theoilhas sunk to thebottom. 8. Weighthe amount of magic sandthatremains(unused). 9. ,Use yourdatato answer the followingquestion. S . . __________ On January 7, 1994, a barge carrying 1.5 million gallons of heating oil strucka reef just 300 meters from San Juan’smain touristbeach. About 750,000 gallons (about2,840,000 liters) of oil spilled into the surrounding water. S 1. Accordmg to your experiment, calculate how much magic sandwouldbe requiredto sink the oil that was spilled. 2.. If magic sand costs 90 cents per pound, whatwould be the cost of this muchsand? Name ’ /2 Class Date Oxidation Formulas and Nvmhers Oxidation numbers and the charges of ions give the information needed to write the formulas of many chemical compounds. Only a few guidelines are needed. 1. In a neutral compound, the charges on ions, or the oxidation numbers, balance out to zero. 2. One positive charge balances one negative charge. 3. Ions with positive charges or positive oxidation numbers are written first. 4. Subscripts show the relative numbers of atoms or ions in a compound. 5. To show more than one of a polyatomic ion, the symbol is enclosed in parentheses and the subscript follows; for example, 4 2(S0 )3.A1 In this activity, you will use paper models to show how chemical formulas are derived from oxidation numbers. OAJEC11YES MATERIALS a C 0) C - C, E 0 () 1 C, C.) - ) 0 I V. 0 V. V-V. - - paper sheet of ion models PRO CEO HHE 1. Cut out each of the ion squares on your sheet of ion models. 2. Assemble the ions for a compound con taining nickel(II) and iodide ions. To do 2 ion on a piece of this, place the Ni DATA AND DOSED VHTIONS C, C, Combining Ions C, nickel(II) and iodide 0) 0 0 C 0) C -V. B-2 paper. Place enough 1 ions alongside the 2 Ni ion to balance the dharges. 3. Record the formula and nam of the com pound of nickel(II) and iodine in a data table similar to the one shown. 4. Use the rules listed in te introduction and in your textbook for writing forn ulas and naming compounds. Assemble the ions for five compounds from the follow ing list and record their formulas and names in your data table. Nickel(III) and chlorite; zinc and oxide; copper(I) and sulfide; nickel(IH) and chlorate; tin(II) and sulfite; copper(lI) and iodide; tin(IV) and sulfide; nickel(III) and oxide; copper(II) and sulfite; zinc and hydrogen sulfite. • Write formulas of chemical compounds. • Name chemical compounds. scissors pencil I MANU L1U 0 C.) Chemical Formula 2 Ni! Name of Compound nickel(II) iodide 515 NRLY 1. Some oompounds are’described as “bina ry compounds.” Whet does this mean? List theformulas and names of any binary compounds you have constructed 2. Which elements on your list form ions with two different oxidation numbers? 3. Parentheses must be used to show more than one of a polyatomic ion. List the formulas of any cOmpounds on your list where this was necessary: CONCLUSIONS Should the formulas you have written be described as molecular formulas? Explain. EXTENSION QNII QPPLICHTIQN /3 1. Some elements have more than one oxidation number. To show the oidation number of such elements in a coi ipound, a Roman numeral is given in the name of the compound. Give names for :the • following compounds. a. UF 5 c. PbCI 2 b. :UF d. PbC1 6 4 2. Manganese has an oxidation number of 4÷ in a number of compounds. Write the formulas and names of compounds of manganese (IV) with oxygen and ne. brorn • 3. Which of the following are molecular formulas? 20 H NaBr 4 CH 80C • 4H 4 MnSO 4. Hydrogen peroxide and water both con tain the same two elements. Using reference materials, write the chemical formulas for these two substances and describe their properties and uses. C a’ a’ C a’ a E 0 0 I a’ C a’ a 0 .5 0 a’ a’ a’ 0 C C C) 0 • > a. 0 C) 46 Chemistry:Concepts and Applications Lab Manual, Chapter 5 Is for or 1.IonMod tor S-i Ion Models — p. 1 /j/ 5-1 Lab d E 0 0 I 0 0 C 110 Chemistry: Concepts and Applications Lab Manual eIs L Ion Mo bordtorq for L Ion Models — H Lab 5-1 p. 2 + — 2 Ca — 2 3 CO S042 + — + 4 NH + Na + . + 2 Ba Na” + + + + + 2 Ba + Li + — Li + F — ’ 2 Mg + Li d Li’” + + C C a C 0 + - + - w (0 - 2 Fe I C C 0 3 N0 + - + — 01 3 H 2 C 3 NO Br - ci 2 Fe (0 Br — Br I (0 C, - Ci- - Ci 0) 8 C 0) Ag 0 a 0 0 — + — 2 4 S0 Chemistry: Concepts and Applications Ag + 2 4 S0 Lab Manual Ti 1 S-i 1.IOn Models Ior forLdbor /J3 /s Ion Models — p. 3 • Lab 5-1 + — + — + — — — CI. Na’ Cu- Na + — Br- K’ + — Br- K + Ba? • 2 3 co 2 so 2 Ca . + — , 7 0 2 Cr . + — O 3 H 2 C — 0 3 H 2 C , . 2 Mg I : + — ci — 0 3 H 2 C 0 0 + • — Br Na’ + 0 ’ 2 Fe • + Li “4 + 3 AI 4 PO + K + 1.11.1 — — a. E 4 NH + 0 I 0 + + 0 C 0 •0 0 I + — + ,J • + 0U 0 8 C 0 3 N0 3 AI — • 2 3 C0 . 112 + Chemistry: Concepts and Applications 0 0 - + — + — 3 4 P0 0) > a 0 0 /J, Lah ’1 tha i,, To determinethe numberof chalk particles needed to Purpose: write your full name. “ Materials: Chalk, balance, blackboardor construction, paper, paper towel, metric ruler Procedure: I. Wipe a pièce chalk free of dust’particleswith a paper towel. 2. Using the electronic balance determinethe mass of the chalk to the nearest 0.01 de of calcium carbonateonly.) gram. (Assume’tlat the chalk is n - 3. Using the chalk, write your full name •on the,,blackboard (or dark colored constructon paper). The letters should be no bigger than 5 cm eack ’of 4. Wipe the chalk fre dust again. 5. Reweigh the chalk to the nearest 0.01-grain. Observations: Mass of chalk prior to writing _________________ Mass of chalk after writing __________________ MassOfchalk used ______________ Questions: (Be sure to show all”of your calculauons.) I. Whatis the chemical formulafor calcium carbonate? 2. What type of bonding does calcium carbonatehave? 3. Whatis the grain formula mass of calcium carbonate? /Js 4. Flow many moles of calcium carbonatewere used towrite yur of chalk? name with a piece 5. How many molecules of calcium carbonatewere used to write your name with a piece of chalk? 6. What percentby mass of calcium carbonate is made up of calcium? 7. How many grams of calcium are in used in writing your name wth a piece of chalk? 8. Calciumcarbonate is found in limestone eggshells and seashells, it is also used in certain brands of antacids to help neutralize stomach acid and prevent heaitburn. Write a balanced equation for the following reaction: Aqueous hydrochloric acid reacts with solid calcium carbonate to yield (produce) liquid water, carbon dioxide gas and aqueous calcium chloride. Be sure to use Reference Tables E, K and the Periodic Table of Elements to help. 9. Whatis the coefficient of hydrochloric acid when the reaction is balanced? 10. How many moles of calcium carbonatewould be needed to neutralize 10 moles of hydrochloricacid? Date Name__ S Class _________ __________ Lab of Hydrates • composition Textreference:Chapter7. pp. 154—1S pre-Lab Discussion • + Hydrates are ionic compounds isalts) that have a definite amount of water (water of hydration) as part of their structure. The water is chemically combined with the salt in a definite ratio. Ratios vary in different hydrates but are specific for any given hydrate. The formula of a hydrate is represented in a special manner. The 2O. xH hydrate of.copper sulfate in this experiment has the formula CuSO 4 The unit formula for the salt appears first, and the water formula is last. The raised dot means that the water is loosely bonded to the salt. The coefficient x stands for the number of molecules of water bonded to one unit of salt. This special ‘ormula. like all other formulas, illustrates the law of definite composition. When hydrates are heated, the “water of hydration” is released as vapor. The remaining solid is known as the anhydrous salt. The general reaction for heating a hydrate is: --e — .- hydrate • anhydrous salt + water The percent of water in a hydrate can be found experimentally by accurately determining the mass of the hydrate and the mass of the anhydrous salt. The difference in mass is due to the water lost by the hydrate. The percentage of water in the original hydrate can easily be calculated: mass H.,O x 100 O = percent H mass hydrate - In this experiment, as was mentioned, a hydrate of copper sulfate will xH,O). The change froTTT hydrate to anhydrous salt is be studied (CuSO 4 accompanied by a change in color: 4CuSO ‘rH,() blue -‘ — 4CuSO white + 0O xH Tlus investiganon should aid in the understanding of the formulas and composition of hydrates and the law of definite composition. Purpose Determine the percentage Of water in a hydrate. Equipment evaporating dish, porcelain crucible tongs microspatula laboratory balance ring stand iron ring wire gauze laboratory burner safety go,ggles lab apron or coat 57 Materials 4 SO copper sulfate hydrate. Ct Safety ,O xH fl Do not touch a hot evaporating dish with your hands. Te hack long hair and secure loose clothing when working around anopen ftámv. Now the’ caution alert symbols here and beside certain st.eps in the edure.’ ‘Pro Refer to page xi to review the special precautions associated with each symbol. Be sure to wear a lab apron or coat and safety goggles when working in the lab. Procedure 4 1. Prepare the setup shown in Figure 11-1. Figure 11-1 2. Heat the dish with the hottest part of the flame for 3 minutes. 3. Using crucible tongs, remove the evaporating dish from the apparatus. Place it on an insulated pad and allow it to cool for several minutes. 4. Find the mass of the evaporating dish to 0.Ol g. Record the mass in the Observations and Data section. 5. With the evaporating dish on the balance, measure into it exactly 2.00 g of copper sulfate hydrate. Record the data below. 6. Place the evaporating dish + hydrate on the wire gauze. Gently heat the dish by moving the burner back and forth around the base. Increase the heat gradually. Avoid any popping and spattering. 7. Heat strongly for 5 minutes or until the blue color has disap peared. During heating, a microspatula may be used to spread” the solid and break up any “caked” portions of the hydrate. Be careful not to pick up any of the solid on the microspatula. If the edges of the solid appear to be turning brown, remove the heat momentarily and resume heating at a gentler rate. 58 ( Name — 1 7 icic; 11 Compositionof Hydrate (continued) $ S. Allow the evaporating dish to co for about a minute. im I, mediately fInd the mass of the dish arthydi-ous sail. and record the data below. — Observationsand Data a. Mass of evaporating dish b. Mass of evaporating dish c. Mass of evaporating dish + - hydrate anhydrous salt ___________ g ___________ g ___________ g Calculations 1. Find the mass of the hydrate used (b —a). 2. Findthemassofthewatèrlost(b—c). 3. Find the percentage of water in the hydrate: • percent H.,O = - mass water x 100 mass hydrate Conclusions and Questions 1. The true value for the percentage of water i.his is your experimental error? hydrate is 36.0%.What 2.- Why must you allow the evaporating dish to cool before measuring its mass? 3. Why must you measure the mass of the anhydrous salt immediately upon cooling? 59 Name Date _________________________________ ___________ Class ___________ Lab RelatingMolesto of a Coefficients ChemicalEquation Text reference: Chapter 10. pp. 233—238 Pre-Lab.Discussion The mole is defined as Avogadro’s number (6.02 x 1023)Of particles. These particles may be atoms, molecules, formula units, ions, electrons, etc. The concept of the mole is very important, especially wheh dealing with quan titative studies of chemical reactions. When alculating quantities of solids or liquids, molar masses are used. The molar mass of a substance is the mass, in grams, of 1 mole of particles of that substance. When calculating quantities of gases, molar volumes are used. The molar, volume is the volume occupied by 1 mole of a gas at STP. Chemical reactions are represented by balanced chemical equations. Proper interpretation of ap. equation provides a great deal of information about the reaction it represents and abput the substances involved in the reaction. For example, the coefficients in a balanced equation indicate the number of moles of each substance. Thus, the ratio of moles of a substance to moles of any other substance in the reaction can b determined I at a glance. In this experiment, iron filings will be added to an aqueous solution of copper(1l) sulfate. A single replacement reaction will take place, the products being iron(ll) sulfate and copper metal. The balanced equation for this reaction is: Fe(s) + 4(aq) CuSO — 4(aq) FeSO + Cu(s). The quantities of iron and copper sulfate used as reactants will be such that the copper sulfate will be in excess. Thus, the iron will be the limiting factor in determining the number of moles (gram-atoms) of prod ucts that will be formed. As the equation shows, the number of moles of copper produced should be equal to the number of moles of iron reacted. This experiment should aid in the understanding of balanced equa tions and single replacement reactions. Purpose Find the ratio of moles of a reactant to moles of a product of a chemical reaction. Relate this ratio to the coefficients of these substances in the balanced equation for the reaction. Equipment S balance burner beaker, I00-niL beaker, 250-mL graduated cylinder, 100-niL ring stand iron ring wire gauze glass stirring rod safety goggles lab apron or coat 75 14o Materials 4) copper sulfate crystals (CuSO iron filings (Fe) H Safety Tie back long hair and secure loose clothing when working with an open flame. Note the caution alert symbol under “Procedure” and follow the precautions indicated. Always wear safety goggles and a lá.b apron or coat when working in the lab. Procedure 1. Find the mass of a clean, dry 100-mL,beaker. Record this as (a) in your data. table: 2. Measure o%It8.0 grams of copper sulfate crystals (CuSO 4) and add these to the beaker. 3. Measure 50.0 mL of water in a graduated cylinder and add it to the crystals in the beaker. While one lab partner continues with steps 4 and 5, the other partner should carry out the instructons in stèp6. 4. Set up the apparatus as shown in Figure 15-1. Heat the mix w ture in the beaker to j’ust bek boiling. DO NOT ALLOWTHE LIQUID TO BOIL. ’ ‘,I 100-mL beaker Figure 15-1 5. Continue heating and stir the mixture until the crystals are completely dissolved. Turn off the gas and remove the burner. 6. Using the balance, measure precisely 2.24 grams of iron filings. (Remember: do not place any reagent directly on the balance pan.) Record this mass as (b) in the data table. 7. Add the iron filings, smaLl. amounts at a time, to the hot copper sulfate solution. Stir continuously. After all the iron has been added and the mixture stirred, allow the beaker to sit for 10 minutes while the reaction proceeds. Record your observa tions as (d) in the data table. 76 Name 74’. ‘15 Relating Moles to Coefficients ofa Chemical Equation (continued) 8. Decant the liquid into a 250-mL beaker as shown in Figure 15-2. Do not disturb the solid at the bottom of the beaker. settled precipitate Figure 15-2 9. Add about 10 mL of water to the solid in the 100-mL beaker. Stir vigorously in order to wash off the solid. Let the solid settle and decant the liquid. Repeat the washing. 10. Spread the solid out on the bottom of the beaker and place the beaker in a drawer or oven to dry. Complete step 11 and the rest of this experiment at the beginning of the next lab period. 11. Find the mass of the beaker and the dry copper metal. Re cord this as (c) in the data table. andData Observations a. Mass of empty beaker _g b. Mass of iron filings c. Mass of beaker + copper g _g d. Visual observations: 77 Calculations Use the following information, as. needed, to carry out the calculations: mass(g) no. of gram-atoms g-atomic mass of Fe gatomic mass of Cu $ g-atomic mass = = 56 g Fe/g-atom Fe 64 g CuJg-atom Cu 1. Find the mass of the copper produced: c — a _____________ g 2. Find the number of g-atoms of copper produced: 3. Find the nupiber of g-atoms of iron reacted: 4. Find the whole number ratio of g-atoms of iron to g-atoms of copper Conclusionsand Questions 1. ‘How,does ‘the ratio found in calculation 4 compare with the ratio 9f the coefficients of the same two metals in the balanced equation for the reaction? 2. How many moles (g-atoms) of copper sulfate are used to produce the solution in this experiment? Why is this amount of copper sulfate said to be “in excess”? 3. Explain why the iron is the limiting factor in this experiment. 78 Name ‘ 15 RelatingMolesto Coefficientsofa td. ChemicalEquation(continued) ment 4. A general description of the single replac reaction in this exper + + salt in solution “new” metal ixnent is: metal “new” salt solution. another for Give a balanced equation example of this type of single re placement reaction. — 5. Give general descriptions of two other types of single replacement of each type. reactions. Using balanced equations, give a specific exa nple $1 : 6. Consider’&he reaction: Cu(s) -I- 2AgNO 3(aq) 2Ag(s) + Cu(N0 3)2(aq). ‘If 3 moles of copper metal reacts, how many moles of silver metal will be s produced? — •,, . t, --. — --. ‘ 79 Name Perfect Cup of Kool Aid I Pcirtl: YourPerfectCup Goal: Makea cupof KoolAid that you betievetastesperfect. 1. Youhaveto makesure that you weighthe amountof fJavoredmix that you add to yourcup. Massadded(g) (Besure to weighyour mix on TAREbweighing“paper) 2. Nowaddthe water. Makesure that you record the amountof water youare addingusinga VERYCLEANgraduatedcylinder. We havenewcylinders that are to be usedfor this lab. bo NOT useoneoff the shelf! Volumeused(mL) , ‘ _______ 3. betermine the MOLARITYof your KoolAid usingthe steps found on the questionsheet. Part II: Dilutions **Assumethat your perfect cup was1OM. Howmanymolesare in 1L of 1OMKoolAid? 1. Measureout 5 ml of perfect KoolAid anddilute with water to 20 ml. Observations- what did you notice aboutthe color? 2. Measureout 5 ml of perfect KoolAid anddilute with water to 50 ml. Observations- what did you notice about the color? 3. Measureout 2 ml of perfect KoolAid anddilute with water to 50 mI.Observations-)what did you notice about the color? /4 Calculations: 1. What is the molarity of eachof your diluted solutions? Remember,we assumedthat everyone’sperfect KoolAid is 1OM. V 1 M V 2 M 2. Howmanymolesare there in eachof your diluted solutions? Molarity molesof solute/Liters of solution Name PerfectCupof KoolAidLabQuestions 1. befinethefo llowjngterms: • Solution- • Solute- • Solvent • Molarity - — 2. What were the solutes in the Kool Aid Lab? 3. What was the solvent in the Kool Aid Lab? ______ ___ 4. What is the Molarity (M)equation? 5. How many grams of sugar (crose) Perfect Cup of Kool Aid? did you use to make the _________________ 6. How many grams of Kool Aid powder did you useto make the Perfect Cup of Kool Ad? __________________ 7. How many milliliters of water did you use to make the Perfect Cupof Kool Aid? ________________ Flip the page over. /47,. Use the following information aboutKickin’Kiwi—LimeKoolAid to answerthe questiOnsthat follow. Be sure to show your calcukrtions. Ingredients/Directions to mcikea singlepackageof Kickin’Kiwi Lime KoolAid: 1 package: 4.8 gramsof KoolAid pOwder 1 cup of sugar (sucrose) 190 grams 2 quarts of water: 1892milliliters (1.892Liters ) A student wants to makeoneglassofKoOlAid. The gloss holds 200 ml of water. 8. How manygrams of KoolAid will the student need? - ___ _________ 9. How manygrams of sugar will the student need? 10. What is the formula mass of sucrose )? 21 H 12 (C 1 0 2 11. How many moles is 1.90grarrts of sucrose? _____________ 12. How many grams of sugar are needed to make a 200-mJof a 2.78 M solution of Kool Aid? ______________ Page 1 FactorsAffectingSolutionFormation - FactorsAffecting Solution Formation An Inquiry-BasedApproach IntroductiOn Coppersulfate,a crystallineblue solidthat readilydissolvesin water, is an important agri cultural chemical.In solidform the compound is mixedinto animal feedsto prevent copper deficiencyin farm animals.Solutions of copper sulfate are sprayedon plants, including wheat, potatoes,tomatoes, grapes, and citrus fruits, to control fungus diseases.Although copper sulfateis solublein water,the rate at which it dissolvescan be fast or slow,depending on conditions.Whatfactorsaffectthe rate a which an ionic soliddissolvesin water? ‘ Concepts • Solution • Solubility • Solute • Solvent Background Asolution is a mixtureof two tr more pure substancesthat is homogeneousor uniform throughout. Thesubstancethat is being dissolvedis calledthe solute, and the substance that does the dissolvingis called the solvent. Solubility,definedas the amount of solute that will dissolvein a givenamount of solventat a particular temperature, depends on the nature of the solute and the solvent,and how they interact. Althoughthe solubilityof a compound governs howmuch solute may dissolve,it does not predict how fast the solute will dissolve. ’hich a solidwill dissolvein a liquid are the Some of the factorsthat may affectthe rate at particle size ofthe solid,the temperature of the solvent, the amount of stirring or agitation of the mixture, howmuch solute is already dissolvedin the solvent, and the presence of other dissolvedsolutes. The process of an ionicsolute dissolvingin water is a surface phenomenon. Free-moving water moleculesrandomlycollidewith ions on the surfaceof the solid.The water molecules interact with the ions bymeans of ion-dipoleattractive forcesand gradually“chip”awayat the surface ions,helpingto separate them from the bulk crystal.Asthe surfaceions dissolve, the next layer of ions becomesthe new surface layer.This interaction at the surface of a crys tal continues until the crystal is completelydissolvedor until the solution can accept no more solute. Understandingthe way in which an ionic solute dissolvescan help us design conditions to optimize the rate at which the solid dissolves. Experiment Overview The purpose of this inquiry-basedactivity is to investigatethe effectsof crystalsize, degree of mixing, and temperature on the rate at which copper(1J)sulfate pentahydrate dissolvesin water. 45H) (CuSO 2O FactorsAffectingSolutionFormation FactorsAffectingSolutionFormation Page2 - /4’Z Pre-Lab Questions • 1. Use the “surfacemodel”describedin the Backgroundto predict liow changing each of the followingvariableswill change howfast a crystallineionic compounddissolvesin water: (a)amount of stirring or agitation;(b) temperature of water; (c) size of th crystals. 2. Outline a seriesof tests to determine howeach variablewillaffectthe rate at which cop per(II) sulfate pentahydratedissolvesin water. Each test should lookat the effectof changing onlyone variableat a time—allof the other variablesmust be controlled or held constant for comparison. 3. Readthe Materialssectionand the recommendedSafety Precautions.Write a step-bystep procedure for the experiment,including any safetyprecautions that must be fol lowed.Note: There are two crystal sizesof copper sulfate.Useabout 0.2 g of the fine crystal gradeas the control variable.Fill the test tubesabout one-third fullwith distilled or deionizedwater. Materials fine crystals, 1—2g Copper(II)sulfate, 2O 45H, CuSO crystal lumps, 0.2 g Copper(II)sulfate, 2O 45H, CuSO Distilledor deionizedwater Ice Balance,centigram (0.01g) precision Beakers,100-mL,2 Graduatedcylinder,10- or 25-mL Hot plate or hot water Mortarand pestle Spatula Stirring rod (optional) nal) ti Stoppersto fit test tubes, 3 (op Testtubes, large, 3 Testtube clamp ‘Testtube rack Thermometer Timer Weighingpaper or dishes Safety Precautions Copper(II)sulfate is moderately toxic by ingestion and is a skin and respiratorytract irritant.Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Wearchemicalsplashgoggles and chemicalresistantgloves and apron. Washhands thoroughly with soap and water before leaving the laboratory. Procedure the procedurewith your instructor and reviewall safetyprecautions. 1. Veri1 ’ 2. Carryout the procedure and record all data in a suitabledata table. 3. Answerthe followingPost-Lab Questions. Flinn ChemTopic’Labs SolubilityandSolutions — Page3- FactorsAffectingSolutionFormation / Post-Lab Questions 1. Whateffectdid mixingor shaking have on the rate at which the solute dissolvedin water? Givespecificevidencefrom your tests and explainin terms of the “surfacemodel”for solutionformation. 2 Howdid increasingthe temperature of the solvent change the rate at which copper sulfatedissolvedin water?Wasthe oppositeeffectobservedwhen coppersulfate was dissolvedin coldwater? 3. Usethe definitionof temperature and the kinetic theory to explainthe effectof tempera ture on the rate of solution formationfor coppersulfate. 4. In some cases,increasing the temperature may be a disadvantagein preparinga solutioh. Suggesta possiblecase where heating the solution might be a problem, 5. What was the effectof crystalsize on the rate of dissolving?Howdo these results support the surfacemodelfor solution formation? 6. Usethe results of this experimentto predict howthe rate of dissolvingwouldbe affectedif you tried to dissolvemore copper sulfatein a solution that alreadycontained some copper sulfaterather than in distilledwater.Note:Assumethat the total (combined)amount of solute is lessthan the solubilitylimit of copper sulfate. 7. Write a short paragraphdescribing an optimum procedure for preparinga solution. FactorsAffectingSolutionFormation Page1 Solubilityand Temperatu.e - Solubilityand Temperature A Solubility Curve Introduction Solubility,definedas the amount ofsolute that willdissolvein a givenamount of solvent, dependson temperature. The solubilityof potassiumnitrate, for example,increasesfrom 14 g in 100 g of waterat 0 °C to about 247 g in 100 g ofwater at 100°C—a1700%increase!While these solubilityfactsare interesting,they do not allowus to predict the solubilityof potassi urn nitrate at any other temperature. The temperature dependencefor the solubilityof a sub stance can only be determinedby experim&nt,byconstructing a solubilitycurve. Concepts • Solubility • Saturated solution • Saturation temperature • Solubilitycurve Background A solution that containsthe rnaximumamount ofsolutethat willdissolveat a particular tem perature is calleda saturated solution.The onlypracticalwayto knowfor sure that a solution is saturated iswhether or not there is undissolvedsolid present. Undissolvedsolute playsan activerole in the saturated solution. For ar ionic compound, ions continuallybreak apart from the undissolvedcrystal and enter the solution.At the same time, dissolvedions from the solution also recombineto form new crystals.Whenthe solution is saturated, the rate at which the soliddissolvesis exactlyequalto the rate at which solid recrystalizesfrom the solu tion. As a result, the mass of dissolvedsolute in solution remains constant once the solution is saturated—aslongas the temperature doesnot change. Sincethe solubilityof a substance dependson temperature, the amount of dissolvedsolute present in a saturated solutionalso dependson temperature. The solubilityof a solute is usuallyreported as the mass ofsolute in grams that willdissolvein 100 grams ofsolventat a specifiedtemperature. The temperature at which a saturatedsolution is prepared is calledthe saturation temperature. In this experimentwe will prepare a series of solutions, each containing a premeasured amount of potassium nitrate in a knownamount of water. The mixtureswillbe heated to 80—90°C until all the solid has dissolved.The solutions will then be cooleduntil the first signs of crystal formation are observed.The temperature at which crystals first appear is the saturation temperature for that concentration of potassium nitrate. The solubilitycurve for potassium nitrate willbe generated by graphing the solubility of potassium nitrate versus the saturation temperature for each solution. Experiment Overview The purpose of this experiment is to construct a solubilitycurve for potassium nitrate in water by measuring saturation temperatures for six differentsolution concentrations. Workingin groups of four, each pair of students will prepare three differentsolutions and measure their corresponding saturation temperatures. The solubilityof potassium nitrate in each solution willbe calculatedand plotted against the saturation temperature to construct the solubilitycurve for potassium nitrate in waler. Solubilityand Temperature Solubilityand Temperature Page2 — Pre-Lab Questions 1. Manysolutes, includingpotassiumnitrate, have a tendencyto remain in solution even after it has been cooledto belowthe saturation point This phenomenon is known as supersaturation. Readthe entireProceduresectioncarefully.What measure is taken to prevent supersaturationduring this experiment? in 5.0 g ofwater was heated 2. Amixture containing 2.75 g ofammonium chloride (NH 4CI) to dissolvethe solidand then allowedto coolin air.At61 °C, the first crystalsappeared in solution.What is the solubilityof ammonium chloride (in g of NH 4CI per 100 g of water) 61 °C? at 3. The solubilityof ammoniumchloridein water was measuredas describedin this experi ment and graphedas follows.Usethe solubilitycurve to predict the solubilityof ammoni urn chloride in water at 40 °C. CI 4 SolubilityCurvefor NH 90.--p 60 ____________________ (50 20 0 10 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 °C Temperature, 4. One of the students doing the experimentonly had time to measure the saturation tem peratures for three solutionsat 51 °C, 61 °C, and 80 °C,respectively.Lookingat the graph above,do you think the student wouldhavebeen ableto accuratelypredict the shape of the solubilitycurve based on these three points?Explain. Materials about 3 g Potassiumnitrate, KNO 3, Distilledor deionizedwater Balance,centigram precision Gloves,heat-resistant, or Heat protector Hot plate Spatula Beakers,50- and 250-rnL Beral-typepipet, thin stem Test tubes, small, 3 Testtube clampor holder Thermometer,digital Waxpencil or labeling pen Flinn Chemlopic’Labs — SolubilityandSolutions Page3- Solubilityand Temperature •/Sj Safety Precautions Potassium nitrate in solidform is a strong oxidant and a lire and explosionrisk when heat ed or in contact with organicmaterials.It is also a skin irritant.AvoidcontacZwith skin and eyes. Wearchemicalsplashgogglesand chemical-resistantglovesand apron. Usecau tion when working with a hot water bath and a hot plate. Wearheat-resistant gloves or a d water heat protector when handling hot glassware. Washhands thoroughly with soap th before leaving the laboratory. Procedure 1. Form a workinggroup with three other students and divideinto two pairs. Each pair of and measure their students will preparethree differentsolution concentrations (A—C) saturation temperatures.One pair ofstudents will use the SeriesI massesshown in the reagents tablein step 4, the other pair of students will use the SeriesII masses. Both pairs of students may share the same hot water bath (step2). 2. Preparea hot waterbath (80—90 °C)for use in step 10:Fill a 250-mLbeakerabout twothirds fullwith hot tap water and place it ona hot plate at a medium-highsetting. . record the 3. Obtainthree cleanand dry test tubes and labelthem A,B, and C.Measureand of each table. tube in the data test mass empty 4. Usingthe followingtable as a guide, add the recommendedamount of potassium nitrate Notethat the massesgivenare ranges—anywherein this mass to each test tubeA—C. range is fine,as long the exact mass used in step 5 is recorded. A B C Mass of KNO g (Series 1) , 3 0.45—0.50 g 0.70—0.80 g 1.20—1.30 g Mass of KNO , 3 g (Series 11) 0.35—0.40 g 0.90—1.00 g 1.50—1.60g Test tube 5. Measureand recordthe combinedmass of each test tube and.potassiumnitrate. 6. Usea clean, thin-stem pipet to add20 drops ofdistilledwater to each test tube A—C. 7. Place a 50-mLbeaker on the balance pan to support the test tubes. Zero (tare) the balance with the emptybeakerin place,then placetest tube Ain the beakerand measure the mass of the test tube and its contents. Recordthe total mass ofthe test tube plus solid pluswater in the data table.Note: The mass ofwater in each test tube shouldbe at least 0.90 g. If not, add one or two more drops ofwater to the tube and measure the total mass again. 8. Repeatstep 7 fortest tubes B and C. 9. Placeall ofthe labeledtest tubes in the hot water bath. 10. Immerse the thermometer in test tube C. Gentlystir the mixture in test tube C using an up-and-downmotion of the thermometer until the soliddissolvescompletely.Note: At this point the solidsin the other test tubes should also have dissolved,evenwithout stir ring, since they contain lesssolid. Solubilityand Temperature Solubilityand Temperature Page4 - /j 11. Wearingg!ovesor usinga heat protector, rernpvethe hot waterbath from the leat source. 12. Usea test tube clampto removetest tube C irom the hot water bath and allowthe tube and contents to cool slowlyin air. Observethe solution closelyto watch for the first signs of crystallization. 13. Movethe thermometer gently up and downto stir the solution, make sure it is homoge neous, and ensure constant, evencooling.Stirring the solutionwill also encourage crys tal formation and preventsupersaturation. 14. Measurearidrecord the temperature the instant crystallizationbegins in the test tube (this is the saturation temperature).Note: Th crystalswillbe colorlessin a colorless solution and willriotbe easyto see. Watch closely—itwilllooklikesnow! 15. Removethe thermometer fromthe test tube and wipe it oncewith a clean paper towelto removepotassium nitrate crystals.Warmthe thermometer brieflyin the hot water bath, dry it with a paper towel,and placeit in test tube B. • 16. Repeatsteps 12—15 with test tubes B and A,in that order.Rememberto record the satu ration temperature or eachsolution in the data tableand to clean the thermometer before transferringit to a new solution. 17. Share the data for the SeriesI and SeriesII solutions betweenboth pairs of students in your working group. Completethe data table for all solutions (Series I and Series II). 18. Disposeof the potassiumnitrate solutions as directed by your instructor. Flinn ChemTopicLabs SolubilityandSolutions — Page5- Solubilityand Temperature I ne: Na Class/LabPeriod: •Solubilityand Temperaturf Data Table Massof test tubeplus KNO 3 pluswater . Massof test tube plus KNO 3 Massof empty test tube Sample , A Series! Saturation temperature ‘, , B •c A Series!! . • ‘ , B C , Post-Lab Calculations and Analysis (Usea separate sheet of paper to answer the followingquestions.) Construct a Results Tableto summarize the results of the followingcalculationsfor all solu tions (SeriesI and Series II). 1. Calculatethe mass of potassium nitrate and the mass ofwater in each solution. 2. Calculatethe ratioof the massopotassium nitrate to the mass ofwaterfor each solution. and 1.06 g H Example:For 0.47g KNO 2 20, the mass ratio is equalto 0.47 g/1.06 g or 0.44. 3. Multiplythe mass ratio by 100to determine the concentrationof each saturated solution in grams of potassium nitrate per 100 grams ofwater. 4. Plot a graph of solubilityof potassiumnitrate (in g ofsolute/100g ofwater)on the y-axis versustemperatureon the x-axis.Scaleeachaxisas necessary.Drawa smooth, best-fit curvedline though the data points. Don’tforgetto labeleachaxisand givethe graph a title! 5. Usingyour graph,estimate the solubilityof potassium nitrate in water at (a) 0 °C; (b) 50 °C;and (c) 100 °C. 6. Usingyour graph,predict the temperature at which each of the followingmixtures of in 25 g H potassium nitrate in water wouldform a saturated solution: (a)25 g KNO 3 20; the in 250 Convertthe concentrationsto units for Hint: (b) 100 g KNO gH 3 20. proper solubilitybeforereferring to the graph. 7. Definethe terms saturated, unsaturated, and supersaturated as they applyto solutions. Usecompletesentences. Solubilityand Temperature Solubility and Temperature - Page6 /5g. 8. Basedon your graph, classifyeach of the followingsolutionsas either unsaturated or supersaturated at the indicatedtemperature. Assumethat the solutions do not contain in 100g H in 50 g H 20 at 40 °C;(b) 60 g of KNO 3 3 20 any undissolvedsolid.(a)75 g KNO °C. at 80 Explainyour reasoning. 9. Some of the water may have evaporatedfromthe test tubes beforetheir saturation tern peratures were measured.Whateffectwouldthis error have on the solubilityof potassi urn nitrate for a solution?Wouldthe correspondingsaturation temperature be too high or too lowas a result of this error? 10. Allthermometers have a lag time—it takes a little whileto register or report a tempera ture change. Whateffectwouldthis error have on the solubilityof potassium nitrate for a solution?Wouldthe correspondingsaturation temperature be too high or too low as a result of this error? Flinn ChemTopic’Labs SolubilityandSolutions — Page1 CommonGases - Common Gases Physicaland ChemicalProperties Introduction id odorless, It’s easyto overlookthe chemistry of gases—becausemany gases are colorlessai we may not noticethem. If we reflect on the environmental impact of differentgases in the atmosphere,however,we realizethat not all gasesare the same. Just likesolidsand liquids, all gases havecharacteristic physicaland chemical properties. Let’slook at the properties of some commongases. Concepts Physicalproperty • Chemicalproperty Background Pure substances,whether solid or liquidor gas, have a constant compositionor chemical and gaseous carbon dioxide(C0 makeup. Solidcoppermetal (Cu),liquidwater (H are 20), 2) examplesof pure substances.Pure substanceshavecharacteristicphysicaland chemical prop erties that can be usedto describeand analyzethem. A physicalproperty is a characteristicof matter that can be observedor measuredwithout changing the chemical composition. Examplesof physicalproperties include color,odor;physicalstate (at rqom ‘temperature), conductivity,meltingpoint, boilingpoint, and solubility.A chemical property describesthe abilityof a substanceto undergo changes in its chemical composition.Examplesof chemical properties includeflammability,acidity,and corrosion. Experiment Overview The purpose of this experiment is to prepare fivecommon gases and observetheir physical and chemical properties. Pre-Lab Questions 1. Readthe entireProcedureand the accompanyingSafety Precautions.Whathazards are associatedwith the use of nitric acid? 2. Whatis the proper procedure for smellinga chemicalin the lab? Enter the 3. Completethe followingbalancedequations for the reactions in test tubes A—E. name and formulaof each gas in the data table. (a) NaHCO 3(aq) + HCI (aq) (b) Cu(s) + 4HN0 3(aq) (c) NH 4CI(aq) + —‘ NaOH(aq) NaCl(aq) + H 20(l) — 3)2(aq) Cu(N0 + 20(l) 2H NaCl(aq) + H 20(l) — (g) + + + 2 (g) (g) + (d) 2H (g) 20(aq) 20(l) 2H Note: The catalyst (Mn0 is not represented in the balancedchemical equation. 2) — ______ (e) Mg(s)+ 2HCI(aq) CommonGases —‘ 2(aq) MgCI + (g) CommonGases Page2 - /54 Materials : 0.1 g Ammoniurnchloride, NH 4CI, •Copper foil,Cu, 5-mm square H Hydrogenperoxide,l12O2, 3%, 5 mL • Hydrochloricacid, HCI,3 M, 7 mL Magnesiumribbon,Mg,2-cm strip 0.1 g Manganesedioxide,Mn0 2, Nitric acid, HNO 6 M, 1 mL 3, Sodium bicarbonate solution, Nal-1C0 0.1 M, 2 mL 3, Sodium hydroxidesolution, NaOH,3 M, 1 mL Water,distilled or deionized Beaker,150-mL Forceps Graduatedcylinder, 10-h L Litmus paper, 1 piece Matches Parafilm®,3-cm square piece Spatula Stirring rod Test tubes, medium, 5 Testtube rack Washbottle Woodsplints, 3 Safety Precautions Nitric acid is severely corrosiveand a strong oxidizing agent. Workwith nitric acid in a fume hood only and do not remove from the hood. Hydrochloricacid is toxic by ingestion or inhalation and is cbrrosiveto skin and eyes. Sodium hydroxide is a corrosiveliquid and is especiallydangerousto the eyei Notify your teacher and clean up all spills immediately. Hydrogenperoxide is a skin and eye irritant.Avoid contact of all chemicals with eyes and skin. Copperfoil edgesare sharp and may cause cuts; handle with care or use forceps. Wear chemical splash goggles and chemical-resistan/gloves and apron. Washhands thoroughly with soap and water before leaving the lab.Neverspiff any substance in the chemical labo ratory—to detect the odor of a substance,place th open container about 6 inches away vard the nose. from the nose and use your hand to waft the vapors to Procedure and place them in a test tube rack. 1. Labelfivemedium test tubes A—E 2. Pour 2 mL of 0.1 Msodium bicarbonateinto test tube A. 3. Add2 mL of 3 M hydrochloricacid into test tube Aand observethe color and odor of the gas. Recordthe observationsin the data table.Note: If the gas has no color or odor,write colorlessor odorless,respectively. 4. Lighta wooden splint and insert the burning splint welldowninto the test tube (but NOT into the liquid). Recordthe observationsin the data table. • 5. Bringtest tube B to the fume hood and carefullyadd 1 mL of nitric acid to the test tube. 6. Placetest tube B in a rack in the fume hood and add one small piece of copper foil. Observeand record the color of the gas in the data table. Caution: DoNOTattempt to smellthe odor of the gas! Leavethe test tube in the fume hood. 7. Adda small amount (abouta spatula-full,approximately0.1.) of solid ammonium chlo ride to test tube C, followedby 5 mL ofwater.Stir to dissolve the solid. 8. Placethe test tube in a 150-mLbeaker containiii ahout 75 niL of hot tap water. Ftinn CIiemTopic Labs — ChemistryofGases Page3- CommonGases 9. Add10 drops of3 Msodium hydroxideto test tube C. Gentlyswirlthe test tube to mixthe contents and cautiouslyobservethe odor. Recordthe colorand odor ofthe gas in the data table.Caution:Toobservethe odor,hold the test tube about 6—8inches awayfrom the nose and use your hand to waftthe vapors towardyou. DoNOT“sniff”the odor of any chemicalin the laboratory. 10. Moistena strip of litmus paperwith a drop ofdistilledwater and place the moistenedlit mus paper on top oftest tube C.Recordthe colorof the litmus paper in the data table. 11. Pour 5 mLof3% hydrogenperoxidesolution into test tube D. 12. Adda small amount (about the sizeof a grain of rice) of manganesedioxideto test tube D and gently swirlthe test tube to initiate the reaction.Observeand recordthe color and odor ofthe gas in the data table. 13. Sealthe mouth oftest tube D bystretching a piece of Parafilm®over the top ofthe tube. Allowthe test tube to sit undisturbedfor 1—2minutes. 14. Preparea burning wood splint. 15. Removethe Parafilmfrom the test tube. Quicklyblowout the splint so that’it is glowing rather than burning. Insert the glowingsplint downinto the test tube a’mostto the liq uid, then bring it out. Recordyour observationsin the data table. 16. Carefullyadd5 mLof 3 M hydrochloricacid to test tube E. 17. Strike a match, carfullyadd one piece of magnesium ribbon into the acid in test tube E, and quicklyplacethe lighted match directlyabovethe mouth ofthe test tube. Record your observations,including the color and odorof the gas, in the data table. 18. Disposeof the contents oftest tubes A—E as directed by your instructor. CommonGases CommonGases Page4 - /& • Name: __________ Class/LabPeriod: - CommonGases DataTable Physicaland ChemicalProperties of CommonGases Name and Formula of Gas , Color and Odor Test TubeA . Burning Splint Test ‘ • Name and Formula of Gas TestlubeB , Color Nameand Formula of Gas • Color and Odor Test Tube C Litmus Test Nameand Formula of Gas Colorand Odor Test Tube D GlowingSplint Test • Test Tube E , Nameand Formula of Gas Colorand Odor MatchTest Flinn ChemTopic Labs — Chemistryof Gases Page5- CommonGases Post-Lab Questions 1. Identifythe commongas or gases prepared n this experiment: (a) Contributesto industrial smog and air pollution? _______________ (b) Lightestelement in the universe? _________________ (c) Neededfor the burning of fossilfuelsand for respiration in animals? ____________ (d) Dissolvesreadilyin water and is used as a fertilizer? (e) Combustible? _______________ (0 Extinguishesa flame? _______________ (g) Has an odor? _______________ (h) Requiredfor photosynthesis? 2. Explainthe observationsof the glowingsplint test for oxygen. 3. Explainthe observationof the litmus test forammonia. 4. Circleand labelthe physicaland chemical properties in the followingdescription of chlorine: “Chlorineis a greenish-yellowgas that dissolvesin water and is toxic to humans. It combines violently with sodium metal to form sodium chloride,a white solid that melts at 800 °C.” 5. Consult a PeriodicTable: Name the elements that exist as gases at room temperature and give their symbolsor formulas.Hint: Recallthat some elements exist as diatomic moleculesin their free state. 6. (a)Which gaseouselements (seeQuestion#5) are toxic? (b) Which gaseous elements are consideredinert or unreactive? CommonGases /. Name: Chemistry Lab: Bayport- Blue Point HS 0 A Heated Discussion Analyzing (lie Value and Uses of Different Temperature Scales July 8, 2003 ? Hot Enough for You? Scientists Ask Fast Enough for You BVKENNETHCHANG Today, temperatures in New York City are expected to be in the 90’s, and most New Yorkers will think of the temperature as a warm, soggy, sensation on the skin. Physicists have a different notion. To them, temperature is, in a simple sense, speed. “It’ssome measure of the random motion of the various degrees of freedom,” said Dr. Robert J. Schoelkopf, a professor of applied physics at Yale. For example. molecules of air or water bounce into one another like the Ping-Pong balls in the machine that picks lottery numbers. The collisions transfer energy between the molecules, producing a bell-curve distribution of speeds, and the average kinetic energy of the molecules corresponds to temperature. While the speeds of individual molecules constantly change, the distribution of speeds remains the same, determined by the temperature. The higher the temperature, the faster, on average, the molecules jostle into one anoiher at cooler temperatures, the molecules uidlv. move more lan While scientists have a precise definition of temperature. measuring it precisely is an art still being refined. Most thermometers, including the familiar mercury thermometer invented by Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit in the early 1700’s.have been based on the fact that the jostling of molecules causes gases and liquids to expand when heated. Technological innovations have led to new types of thermometers, including those that use temperature-dependent electrical resistors or measure infrared light radiating from warm bodies. At the frontiers of science, scientists have devised techniques to take the temperatures of ultracold atoms, surfaces of distant stars and trillion- 0 /13. degree firestorms of colliding atoms. Biologists have also only begun to understand how livingcreatures measure and regulate temperature. Dr. Schoelkopf and colleagues at Yale have invented a thermometer that measures temperature based on electrical noise not that different from the static heard on radios. (Radio static is itself asort:of temperature measurement Radiation left over by the Big Bang has cooled to a few degrees above absolute zero in the past 13 or so billion years, suffusing the universe in a bath of microwaves that can be picked up by microwave receivers and heard as a static hiss.) The new thermOmeter,.clçscribedlast month in thejoumal Science, consists oftwo pieces of metal on a silicotichip separated by athin strip of insulator. Under the strange rules of quantum mechanics, electrons can occasionallyhop back and forth across the gap a low hiss of electrical iioise. With rising temperatures, electrons bounce off one another and the atoms in the metal with more momentum, producing more electrical nbise. The loudness of the noise thus giyes the temperature. — That idea is not new but until now such thermometers have needed to be carefully calibrated. . he innovation of Dr. Schoelkopfsgroup is to.apply a voltage that pushes a number of electrons across the gap, regardless of the temperature. That allows the thermometer to calibrate itself “It has a certain simplicity, which is attractive,” said Dr. Wes Tew, a physicist at the National Institute of Standards and Technology in Gaithersburg. Md., who was not involved with the research. The device’s simplicity and accuracy over a wide temperature range could make it useful as a reference thermometer, especially at ultracold temperatures. The studs’of heat goes back at least as far back as the second century B.C. when an engineer named Philo of Byzantium observed that gases expand when heated and contract when cooled. Galileo Galilei is generally credited as the first to turn this observation into a thermometer around 1600. But while early crude thermometers could measure relative rises and falls in temperature, the lack of a universal temperature scale made it difficult to compare readings of different thermometers. Fahrenheit. the German physicist who invented the mercury thermometer, devised the temperature scale still in use in the United States, setting the / freezing point of water at 32 degrees and the boilin point at 212 degrees. Anders Celsius. a Swedish astronomer, set up a competing temperature scale inreverse, putting th boiling point of water at zero degrees and the freezing point at 100 degrees. Others later inverted the scale, putting the freezing.point at zeroand the boiling point at 100. Experiments showed that’under constant pressure,:any gas steadily shrinks in volume as the temperature drops. in 1848, a Scottish chemist, William Thomson, later Lord Kelvin, realized that extrapolating this trend, the shrinking gas would disappear entirely at about minus-273 degrees Celsius, and he proposed a new temperature scale that defined the new zero as the temperature where the gases would disappear. Because temperature is a measure of speed,.this coldest possible temperature,’ known as absolute zero or minus-459.67 degrees on the Fahrenheit scale, is where everything comes to almost a,complete stop. Sdentists have since reflnec the temperature standard several times. Because the boiling and freezing points of water vary with altitude, the Kelvin scale is now set by the triple point of water a precise temperature and pressure where ice, liquid water and steam coexist. The triple point is, by definition. 273.16 kelvin. “That’sth,e only temperature we know,” Dr. Tew said. “Allthe other temperatures must be experimentally determined.” — ‘ ‘ In the latest tweaking of the standard in 1990. water at one atmosphere’s pressure no longer boils at exactly 100 degrees Celsius, but 99.974 degrees (or in Fahrenheit, the boiling point is no longer 212 degrees, but 211.95 degrees). To help people calibr thermometers, the standard offers 17 wellte measured temperatures including the triple point of hydrogen (minus434.8 degrees Fahrenheit), the melting point of gallium (85.6 degrees Fahrenheit) and the freezing point of copper (1,984 degrees Fahrenheit). Dr. Schoelkopf has begun testing, his noise thermometer against some of the standard temperatures. He believes that it should work for about one-hundredth of a degree temperatures ranging from very cold above absolute zero to room temperature, although accuracy tails off at the upper end of that range. “We can try to see what the limits of our thermometer are,” he said. — — But the noise thermometer, or indeed any other thermometer. is useless for experiments where physicists cool atoms to a few billionths of a degree above absolute zero. Jr would be impossible to cool a thermometer to the temperature it was trying to measure. “We’re talking really, really / cold.” said Dr. WilliamD. Phillips, a physicist at NIST w.h shared the Nobel Piize in Physics in 1997 for developing techniques to cool atoms with lasers. Instead, physicists revert to the notion of temperature as speed. They turn off the electromagnetic fields that trap the atoms and then a short time later, shoot a flash of laser light to illuminatethe size of the expanding cloud. “That will give you a good measure of what the velocities of the atoms are,” Dr. Phillips said. At the high end of the temperature spectrum. astronomers use a different trick. Since they cannot stick thermometers into distant stars, they take advantage of a property of matter: heated, it emits light. The distribution of wavelengths of emitted light follow a characteristic bell curve, but the peak shifts depending on the temperature. The peak wavelength of light from the sun. for example, is green. which corresponds to,à surface temperature of about 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit. The hiss from the cosmic background microwaves tells the average ernperature in the universe: above absolute zero. minus-454.8 degrees Fahrenheit. a few degr es Ear thermometers that measure body temperature work by the same concept. People also emit light, but at longer infrared wavelengths not visible to the human eye. A sensor in the thermometer scans for the peak wavelength of infrared light, which tells the temperature of the ear drum area. The ear drum shares the same blood vessels as the hypothalamus, the region of the brain that regulates body temperature. No one yet knows how internal thermometers work, and only in the past few years have biologists begun to understand how the body senses external temperatures. In 1997, researchers led b’ Dr. David J Julius. a professor of cellular and n ’ University of California at San Francisco. were the first to identi a protein cells. At temperatures above 108 degrees Fahrenheit. the protein, which thr opens a pore to let in sodium, calcium and potassium ions. The ions charge message of pain to the brain. “Most mammals. certainly humans and primates. have a pretty welldefined threshold for where hot stimuli become noxious,” Dr. Julius said. (The same protein responds to capsaicin. a molecule in chili peppers, producing the fiery taste.) Three other proteins that detect various degrees of warni and hot have since been found. A couple of years ago, Dr. Julius isolated a protein that sends sensations of cool at temperatures below 77 degrees Fahrenheit. /&, In March in the journal Cell,’Dr. Ardem Patapouti n, a professor of cell biOlogyatthe Scripps Research institute in San Diego, reported finding a protein receptor that detects painfullycold temp&atures below 59 degrees Fahrenheit. Dr. Patapoutián’s group has spliced the gene that produces this protein.in other types.of cells like hamster ovaries that then became sensitive to cold. In the Cell paper, Dr. Patapoutian quoted from a John Updike essay: “Cold is an absence, an absence of heat, and.yet it feels like a presence.’ of his research Dr. Patapoutian has been meaning to tell Mr. Updj e him because that’s how it works,” send these “I have to findings. papers Dr. Patapoutian said. For the living ceatures, cold is a separate sensation, although probably not one that will be felt today. ht Copvri 2003 The N York Times Company /7 Name: Chemistry Lab: Bayport-BJuePoint HS A Heated Discussion Analyzing tIle Value and Uses of Djfferent Temperature Scales RelatedNew YorkTimesArticle “HOTENO JGHFOR YOU?SCIENTISTSASK, FAST ENOUGHFOR YOU?” By KENNETH CHANG, July 8, 2003 Objectives Students will: 1. Explore the colloquial definition of temperature. 2. Learn about how scientists define temperature by reading’and discussing the article You?ScientistsAsk, Fast Enough/or You?” “Hotfo’r Enough 3. In groups, measure how the phase of water changes with temperature; record and graph their results and convert their findings between the three main temperature scales. : Resources/Materials “Hot Enough for You? Scientists Ask, Fast Enough for You?” article HOT PLATES WATER ICE THERMOMETERS BEAKERS GOGGLES ICE BATHS HOT BATHS I CALCULATORS Pre-Lab Discussion What is the temperature today? How does that compare with the temperature from yesterday? How is temperature measured (with what instrument and in what units)? Why is knowledge about temperature important? . I Procedure u?” 1. Read the article “Hot Enough for You? Sci ntistsAsk,Fast Enough for Y focusing on the following questions which are to be answered on looseleaf: How do scientists define temperature? On what principle about gases and liquids is a thermometer based? How does the newly invented thermometer measure temperature? Why is the new thermometer useful? What are some of the different temperature scales used around the world? What is absolute zero, and how is it defined? What is the triple point? Why is it important? 4 How do.ear thermometers work? What are “internal thermometers”? How are scientists investigating how they work? j. How does the protein identified by Dr. David Julius regulate temperature inthe organisin in which it is produced? a. b. c. d. e. f g. h. i. 2. You will be addressing the following question in today’s lab experiment: , How does temperature affect the phase of water? a. Working with your lab Group, perform the ativity that has been assigned to your group based on your Group number. b. In your experiments, you will need to record the temperature ofthewater (either in the boiling state or the ice cube) inside the glass beaker. c. To heat up the water, students will use a hot’plate. To cool down the water, students will use an ke bath. d. On the observation form. you will convert the temperatures you recorded in all 3 temperature scales (Celsius. Fahrenheit. and Kelvin). 3. You must complete the observation chart included in this lab packet. You will be makin an observation AND recording the temperature every 30 seconds for 15 minutes. 4. After you have finished collecting your data (15 minutes) you will make a graph of your data on graph paper. You must have axes labels, units and a TITLE! Temp (units) You are to do this on GRAPH PAPER! Time (minutes) For all evennumberedgroups You will beginWithan ice cube and slowly heat t on a : hot plate for 15 minutes. You will make observations about the temperature chan and e the hot physical appearance on plate. You will begin with boiling water and slowly cod! it in For all odd numberedgroups : an ice bath for 15 minutes. You will make observations abQut the temperature change and physical appearance on the hot plate. GROUP I will measure the temperature change of an ice cube experiencing the addition of heat over time. Group members will measure data in degrees Celsius. Materials needed: hot plate, thermometer, ice cube, and g!ass beaker. GROUP 2 will measure the temperature change ofboiling water experiencing a loss of heat over time.. Group mbers will measure data in degrees Celsius. Materials needed: ice bath, thermometer, boiling water, and glass beaker. GROUP3 will measure the temperature change of an ice cube experiencing the ad tion of heat over time. Group members will measure data in degrees Fahrenheit. Materials needed: hot plate, thermometer, ice cube, and glass beaker. GROUP 4 will measure the temperature change of boiling water experiencing a loss of heat over time. Group members will measure data in degrees,Fahrenheit. Materials needed: ice bath, thermometer, boiling wat’er,and glass beaker. . GROUP .5will measure the temperature change of an ic cube placed in a solution of salt water experiencing the addition of heat over time. Group members will measure data in degrees Celsius. Materials needed: hot plate, thermometer, ice cube, salt and glass beaker. GROUP 6 vill measure the temperature change of boiling salt-water solution experiencing a loss of heat over time. Group members will measure data in degrees Celsius. Materials needed: ice bath. thermometer, boiling water, salt and glass beaker. GROUP 7 will measure the tem erature change of an ice cube in a solution of salt water experiencing ihe addition of heat over time. Group members will measure data in degrees Fahrenheit. Materials needed: hot plate, thermometer. ice cube, salt and glass beaker. GROUP 8 will measure the temperature change of boiling salt-water solution experiencing a loss of heat over time. €roup members will measure data in degrees Fahrenheit. Materials needed: ice bath, thermometer, boiling water, salt and glass beaker. Post Lab Ôuestions & Analysis 1. How does temperature 2. Answer •, the following affect the phase of water questions discussing how water reacts to temperature changes: a. What happens to the molecules of water as temperature is increased or decrëase ? b. c. What is the starting temperature of an ice cube What starts to happen physically to the ice cubeast mperature d. How e. Briefly define the following: can the phase change between liquid and gas be observed? Freezing Boilin2 Cotidensailon Phase change Solid Liquid Gas is increased? 3. Groups 5-8 performed the experiment using a salt-water solution. Use the following chart to find the Group that you are to compare data with. Answer following questions: S Groups I & 5 share data Groups 3 & 7 share data Groups 2 &.6 share data Groups 4 & 8 share data How will temperature affect the phase changes of a salt solution? . How does this compare with that of water? Collect data and make a general conclusion of how boiling point elevation and free±ing point depression are evidenced by your experiment. compared with the standard paints of water. i7& e Observation Form: How does temyerath Group’#: Temp Scale used: ya1 Thser Temp (.°C) (minuI sL 0-0.5 Solution Type.: Observations Temp (K) Temp (°F) , : • S 0.5-1 1-1.5. 1.5-2 . •• , 2-2.5. 2.5-3 3-3.5 3.5-4 44.5 4..5-5 5-5.5 5.5-6 6-6.5 6.5-7 ? affect the phase of water •‘ , _______ ., . . I . 5 0 . , S S • 5 S . 0 0 • , S : : 1_7•5 7 7.5-8 8-8.5 8.5-9 9-9.5 9.5-10 10-10.5 10.5-11 11-11.5 11.5-12 12-12.5 12.5-13 — 3-I 1 —.I 1 3. 13.5-14 14-14.5 14.5-15 0 . 0 , 0 0 . 0 __________ Name Date Class I Chemic ExpIorin nqes Ch Most reactions can be classified into five major types. As you carry out this experiment, you’ll observe examples of each of these types. In doing so, you will also learn to recognize many of the physical changes that accompany reactions. CHEMIRD AND ILQVWORHSHE MI CflEMIRII 6 EM PR QAL PRO C[0IIHE What are some of the physical changes that indicate that a reaction has occurred? For each of the following reactions, record in the data table all changes that you observe. Synthesis Reaction 1. Place 50 mL 0.1M CuSO in a 125-mL 4 flask. 2. Place 1.6 g granular copper and 0.8 g powdered sulfur on a watch g’ass and mix together thoroughly with a spatula. 3. Heat the flask on a hot plate set at high until the solution begins to boil. 4. Stir the Ca/S mixture into the boiling solution. 4 CuSO 5. Continue boiling until a black solid forms. Decomposition Reaction 1. Place 100 mL of saturated Ca(OH) solu 2 tion (limewater) in the 250-mL flask. 2. Add finely ground CaCO to a large test 3 tube until it is one-fourth full. Stopper the tube with the stopper/glass tube/rub ber tubing assembly, and clamp the tube to the ring stand. 3. Light a laboratory burner, and begin to heat the test tube. Submerge the end of the rubber tubing into the limewater so that any gas produced in the tube will bubble through the limewater. 4. Continue heating the CaCO until you 3 observe a change in the limewater. The 2 causes limewater to presence of CO become cloudy. o0JECTIYES • Observe physical changes that take place during chemical reactions. • Compare changes that take place during different types of chemical reactions. MATERIALS C 0 a 0 C) I 0 C 0 :2 0 C, U 0 8 C 125-mL flasks (4) balance hot plate watch glass spatula stirring rod lab burner file new penny 250-mL flask ice tongs 100-mL graduated cylinder large test tube and one-hole stopper with glass tube and rubber tubing attached ring stand test-tube clamp 0.IM CuSO 4 granular copper, Cu powdered sulfur, S 3, CaCO finely ground saturated Ca(OH) 2 solution, limewater GMHCI 0.5M 3Na 2CO 0.5M CuCI 2 0 C, 0 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS a Wear an apron and goggles. Use care when handling hot objects. Dispose of the reaction mixture and products as instructed by your teacher. Chemistry:Concepts and Applications ChemLab 6 41 S!ngle-Displacement Reaction 1. Place 30 mL 6M HC1 in 125-mL flask. 2. Using ,a file, cut six,0.2-cm notches evenly spaced around .the perimeter of a new penny. 3. Place the penny in the flask of acid and, leave it in a fume hood overnight. • •Double-Displacement Reaction 1. Add 25 mL 0.5M 3Na and 25 mL 2CO 0.5M CuC1 to a 125-mL flask. 2 2. Swirl the flask gently until you observe the formation of a precipitate. Combustion Reaction 1. Light a laboratory burner and adjust the air and gas supplies until the flame is blue. Observe what happeps. 2. Using tongs, hold a flask or beaker with • ice in it about 10’cm over the flame for • approximately one minute. Move the flask away from th flame and observe the bottom of the flask. ANALYZE ANO CON.CLOOE 1. Making Inferences Which observa tions noted during each of the reactions indicated that a reaction had occurred? 3. Making Inferences Write the name and formula of the a) black solid formed in the synthesis reaction. b) gaseous product of the decom osition . reactior c) solid product of the decomposition reaction. d) pale blue precipitate in the doubledisplacement reaction. e) liquid product of the combustion reaction. 4. Observing and Inferring Explain how the penny changed during the sin gle-displacement reaction. What would happen if a pre-1983 penny, which is solid copper, were used? 0 0, C 0, E 0 0 I 0 , a 0 C 0 0 > (a C.) 0) 8 C a, ’ 0 2. Comparing and Contrasting What did all of the reactions have in common? 42 Chemistry: Concepts and Applications 5. Relating Concepts Is energy a reactant or product of the combustion reaction? ChemLab6 >‘ 0 0 ANO ASSESS APPLY S /73-; Were there any physical changes that often occur during a reaction that you did not observe while doing this ChemLab? If so, what were they? 2. Write balanced chemical equations for all of the reactions carried out. 3. Why do you think pennies are no longer made from only copper metal? ‘I •• • ANO ODSEHYAIJONS DATA I Observations Reaction Synthesis . Decomposition S displacement Single C) Double displacement Combustion Chemistry: ConceptsandApplications ChemLab6 43 Name Date ___________ Class _________________________________ ___________ Reactions Lab Typesof Chemical S 6. /7 14 Text reference: Chapter9. pp. 215—217 Pre-LabDiscussion There are many kinds of chemical reactions and several ways to classify them. One useful method classifies reactions into four major types. These are: (1) direct combination, or synthesis; (2) decomp9stion, or analysis; (3) single replacement; and (4) exchange of ions, or double rep’acement. Not all reactions can be put into one of these categories. Many, however, can. In a synthesis reaction, two or more substances (elements or cornpounds) combine to form a more complex substance. Equations for synthesis reactions have the general form A + B —p AB. For example, the formatioi of water from hydrogen and oxygen is written 2H 2 + 02 20. 2H A decomposition reaction is the opposite of a synthesis reaction. In decomposition, a compound breaks down into two or more simpler sub stances (elements or compounds). Equations for decomposition reactions A + B. The breakdown of water into its elements have the form AB is an example of such a reaction: 2H 20 2 + 02. 2H tanc in a compound is In a single replacement reaction, one ub replaced by another, more active, substance (an element). Equations for single replacement reactions have two general forms. In reactions in which one metal replaces another metal, the general equation is X + YB XB + Y. In those in which one nonmetal replaces another nonmetal, AX + Y. The following equations illustrate the general form is X + AY these types of reactions: Zinc metal replaces copper(1l) ion: —‘ —+ — — — Zn(s) + 4(aq) CuSO —* + 4(aq) ZnSO Cu(s) Chlorine (a nonmetal) replaces bromide ions: 2(g) C1 + 2XBr(wj) —÷ + I(aq) 2KC 9(t) Br In a double replacement reaction, the metal ions of two different ionic compounds can be thought of as “replacing one another.” Equations for AD + GB. Most this type of reaction have the general form AB + CD replacement reactions, both single and double, take place in aqueous solu tions containing free ions. In a double replacement reaction, one of the products is a precipitate, an insoluble gas, or water. An example is the reaction between silver nitrate and sodium chloride in which the precipi tate silver chloride is formed: — 3(aq) AgNO • + NaC1(aq) — AgCI(s) + 3(aq) NaNO All of the types of reactions discussed here may be represented by balanced molecular equations. Reactions involving ion exchanges may be represented by ionic equations also. In this investigation you will be con cerned only with molecular formulas and equations. In a balanced equa 69 tion, the number of atoms of any given element must be the same on both sides of the, equation. Multiplying the coefficient and the subscript of an element must yield thesame result on both sides of the bdanced equation. In this investigation you will observe examples of the four types of reactions described above. You will be expected to balar the equations ce representing the observed reactions. Purpose Observe some chemical reactidns and identify reactants and products of those reactions. Classify the reactions and write balanced equations. Equipment burner crucible tongs microspatula test tubes, 15x 180-mm (7) test tube holder test tube rack ‘ ‘ wood splints sandpaper, fine evaporating dish safety goggles lab apron or coat Materials zinc, mossy (Zn) e, 10 cm (Cu) copper wii magnesium ribbon, 5 cm (Mg) copper(II) carbonate (CuCO 3) 6 M hydrochloric acid (FICI) 4) 1M copper(II) sulfate (CuSO 0.lM zinc acetate (Zn(C 30) 2H 0.1 M sodium phosphate 4)(Na 3PO 1M sodium sulfite (Na 3) SO Safety In this investigation ‘ou will be working with open flames, heating chem icals, handling acids, and producing gaseous products. You should review the safety procedures for these activities given on pages ix—x. Burning magnesium produces a very bright, hot flame. Make sure you hold the burning metal at arm’s length and do not look directly at it. Remember never to smell a chemical directly. Review the accepted method of wafting gases toward your nose as illustrated on page xi. Pay special attention to the safety symbols beside certain steps in the procedure. Refer to page xi to review the special precautions associated with each symbol. Wear safety goggles and protective clothing at all times when working in the lab. Procedure PART A SYNTHESIS 1. Use fine sandpaper to clean a piece of copper wire until the wire is shiny. Note the appearance of the wire. 2. Using crucible tongs, hold the wire in the hottest part of a burner flame for 1-.2 minutes. Examine the wire and note any change in its appearance caused by heating. 3. Place an evaporating dish near the base of the burner. Examine a piece of magnesium ribbon. Using crucible tongs, 70 Name . 14 . 1 /7rP Reactions(continued) Typesof Chemical hold the sample in the burner flame until the magnesium starts to burn. DO NOT LOOK DIRECTLYAT THE FLAME.HOLD THE BURNING MAGNESIUM AWAY FROM YOU AND DIRECTLY OVEI THE EVAPORATING DISH. When the ribbon stops burn ing, put the remains in the evaporating dish. Examine this prod uct carefully. PART B DECOMPOSITION 4. Place 2 heaping microspatulas of copper(II) carbonate 3)(CuCO in a clean, dry test tube. Note the appearance of the sample. 3 O 5. Using a test tube holder, heat the Cu strongly for about 3 minutes. E ctinguish the flame and then insert a burning wood is present, 2) splint into the test tube. If carbon dioxide gas (CO it will put the flame out. Note any change in the appearance of the residue in the test tube. PARTC SINGLEREPLACEMENT 6. Stand a clean, dry test tube in the test tube rack. Add about 5 mL of 6 M hydrochloric acid (HCI) to the tube. CAUTION. Handle acids with care. They can cause painful burns. Do not inhale any JICI fumes. Now carefully drop a small piece of zinc metal (Zn) into the acid i’n the test tube. Observe and record what happens. 7. Using a test tube holder, invert a second test tube over the mouth of the test tube in which the reaction is taking place. See Remove the inverted tube after abQut 30 seconds 1. Figure l4 insert and quickly a burning wood splint into the mouth of the the presence of hydrogen gas.) Note the indicates tube. (A “pop” of the substance in the reaction test tube. appearance I.. Figure 14-1 . solution 8. Add about 5 mL of I M copper(ll) sulfate (CuSO 4) in of zinc metal Place small tube. amount a to a clean, dry test the solution. Note the appearance of the solution and the zinc before and after the reaction. 71 PARTD DOUBLEREPLACEMENT 9. Add about 2 mL of 0.1 M zinc acetate 2H )(n(C 3O to a add about tube. 2 mL of 0.1 M test sodium Next, clean, dry solution to the test tube. Observe phosphate tribasic (Na 4) PO what happens and note any changes in the mixture. 10. Add about 5 mL of 1 M sodium sulfite 3)(Wa solution to 2SO a clean, dry test tube. To this solution, add about 1 mL of 6 M HCI. Note the odor given off by wafting some of the gas toward your nose. DO NOT SMELL THE GAS DIRECTLY. 0 Observations and Data . DATATABLE Before reaction Sample A. Synthesis After reaction , . 1.Cu 2.Mg . B. Decomposition 3. CuCO 3 . C. Single Replacement 4.Zn+HCI 5. Zn + . . 4 Cu50 0. Double Replacement 6. Zn(C ) 0 3 H 2 7. Na 3 SO 72 + +HCI ., PO 3 Na 4 . Name S 14 Typesof ChemicalReactions(continued) Equatiohs 0 Balance each of the equations by inserting the proper coefficients where needed. Write the’•names of the reactant(s) and product(s) below the molecular equation for each reaction. PARTA SYNTHESIS 1. Cu(s) + 02(9) — CuO(s) 2. Mg(s) - 02(g) —p MgO(s) PARTB DECOMPOSITION 3. (s) 3 CuCO CuO(s) — + 2(g) C0 PARTC SINGLEREPLACEMENT 4. Zn(s) + I-ICJ(aq) 5. Zn(s) + 4(aq). CuSO + 2(aq) ZhCI —p — 4(aq) ZnSO 2(g) H ,+ I Cu(s) PARTD DOUBLEREPLACEMENT 6. 30)(aq) 2H Zn(C 7. 2Saq) 3(Na O + + 3Paq) 4(Na O HC1(aq) - —i (’iq) 3O 2H NaC NaCI(aq) + + 20(1) H + 3s) 4)2(Zn P0 2(g) S0 I Conclusionsand Questions 1. In this experiment, what method was used to test for the presence of for CO 2 gas? Write a balanced equation for 2 CO gas? What is another te t this test. S 73 /1 • • : 2. What test was used to identify hydrogen gas? Write a balanced equation to represent this test. ,H H 3. Balance the equations below and identify the type f reaction rep resented by each equation. + + a. AgNO 3(aq) Cu(s) 3)2(aq) Cu(N0 Ag(s) b. BaC1 + + 4() BaSO 2(aq) 2Saq) 4(Na O NaC1(aq) + NaBr(aq) + Br c. C1 2(g) I(áq) NaC 2(1) —p d. KCIO + (g) 2 0 3(s) lçs) K I — . —‘ .— e. AIC1 3(aq) f. H (g) 2 + + 2(g) Q 4OH(aq) NH —p t 74 — 20(g) H I(aq) 4C NH + 3(s) Al(QH) Page1 Preparingand TestingHydrogen Gas • - ’, /k Preparing and TestingHydrogen Gas A MicroscaleApproach Introduction Hydrogenis the most abundant element in the universeand the second most abLrndantele ment in livingthings. Despiteits abundance,very little hydrogen is found on Earth in the ‘free state as hydrogengas. This is because hydrogen is easilyoxidizedand combines readily with many other elements,includingcarbon, oxygen,and nitrogen. How can hydrogen gas ‘be prepared in the lab? Concepts • Hydrogengas • Physicalproperties • Chemicalproperties • Flammability Background Hydrogengas was first studied in 1766by Henry Cavendish,who isolatedthe “inflammable air” produced in the reaction of metals with acids.The true chemical nature o this gas was not understood until about 20 years later, when Lavoisiercorrectly explainedthe reaction that occurs when the gas combineswith oxygentQmake water. Lavoisiernamed the gas “hydrogen”from the Greekwords meaning “water-former.”Mostof the hydrogen on Earth is found in water and in petroleum-basedproducts (oil and gas). Hydrogen gas is also the most abundant element in the universe—itis the “fuel”that makes our sun and stars burn brightly. Experiment Overview The purpose of this experiment is to collect hydrogen gas bywater displacementand study its properties. Hydrogengas will be generated by the reaction of zinc metal with hydrochlo ric acid. Pre-Lab Questions 1. Readthe Procedure section and the accompanyingSafely Precautions. Whathazards are associatedwith the use of hydrochloricacid? 2. Write a balancedchemical equation for the reaction ofzinc metal with hydrochloricacid. 3. What are the twomajor gases in air? Which one will probablyreact with hydrogen in the “TestforIVlixtureofAir and HydrogenGas?”Whatis the likelyproduct of this reaction? Materials Hydrochloricacid, HC!,3 IVI,20 mL Zinc,granular, Zn, 1 g Soapsolution, 2 mL Barstraw iJ-Iype pipet bulbs, 2 J3cr cn PreparingandTesling Ilvdru Gas Bunsen burner Gas-deliverystopper, size 00 Plastic cup, 10-oz Test tube, small Toothpicks,wood,3 Preparing and TestingHydrogenGas Page2 - /15. Safety Precautions Zinc dust may be flammable. Hydrochloricacid is toxic by ingestion and inhalation and is ills immedi severely corrosiveto skin and eyes. Notify your teacherand clean up all acid sj is flammable.Avoid.contactof all chemicalswith eyes and,skin. Wear ately. Hydrogengas chemical splashgoggles and chemical-resistantgloves and apron. Washhands thoroughly with soap and water beforeleaving the laboratory. Procedure 1. Placeabout 0.5 grams of granular zinc into a small test tube and insert the gas-deliverystop per (seeFigure 1). Gas-DeliveryStopper 2. Fill a pipet bulb with water so that the hydrdgen by the displacementofwater. cted gas can be coil 4 3. Set up the gas generatoras shown in Figure 2. To generate the hydrogengas,remove the gas ery deli stopper,fillthe test tube about 4/5 full with 3 M hydrochloricacid, and replace the stop per. Thereshouldbe only.a smallair space betweenthe acidand the bottom of the stopper.. Thiswill reducethe time neededto.flush the air out of the gas generator. 4. Placethe pipet-buibfull of water on top of the gas-deliverystopper to collectthe hydrogen gas by water displacement(seeFigure 2). 5. Collecta pipet-buibfull of the gas. 4 HydrochloricAcid Zinc Figure 1. Pipet Bulb unit Gas-generating Gas-DeliveryStopper / Testfor Pure Hydrogen Gas 6. Totest for pure hydrogengas, bring a pipet-bulb fullof the gas to a Bunsen burner, mouth down. Holdingthe pipet bulb horizontally, placea flamingtoothpicknear the mouth of the pipet bulb and quicklysqueeze the bulb of gas. Record your observationsin the data table. PipetBulbs Figure 2. Collecting the gas Testfor Mixture of Air and Hydrogen Gas 7. Fill a pipet bulb about ¼ full ofwater. Collect enough hydrogen gas to displacethe water in the bulb. 8. Totest the hydrogen—air mixture,bring the pipet bulb to a Bunsen burner, mouth down. Holdingthe pipet bulb horizontally,place a flamingtoothpick near the mouth of the pipet bulb and quicklysqueezethe bulb of gas. Recordyour observationsin the data table. Flinn ChemTopic” Labs — Chemistry of Gases Page3- Preparingand TestingHydrogen Gas Relative Density of Hydrogen Gas Soap 9. Insert a bar straw so that it telescopesinto the gas-delivery stopper of thegas-generatorurlit (seeFigure3). 10. Whilethe hydrogengas is beinggenerated,pla ce a filmof solution the ofthe straw mouth soap (usingyour finger)at so that a bubbleof hydrogengas can be formed. 11. Whenthe bubbleis approximately1 cm in diameter,raise the apparatusjust abovepour headand gently blowupward at the bubblein order to jar the bubbleoose without breakingit. Recordyour observationsin the data table. 12 Disposeof the test tube contents as directedbyyóur Instructor. PreparingandTestingHydrogenGas ______ I BarStraw Gas-Delivery Stopper Zinc Figure 3. Preparing and TestingHydrogenGas Page4 - Name: Class/LabPeriod: Preparing and TestingHydrogen Gas Data Table I Testfor Pure HydrogenGas •0 TestforMixtureof Air and HydrogenGas RelativeDensityof HydrogenGas Post-Lab Questions 1. Is hydrogengas lighter or heavierthan air? Explainbasedon your observations. 2. Comparethe observationsmade when pure hydrogenwas tested versus when a mixture of hydrogenand air was tested. (a) Whichreaction was more explosive?Why? (b) Writea balancedchemical equation for the reactionof hydrogenand oxygen. Flinn Chemlopic”Labs — Chemistryof Gases Page5- Preparing and Testing Hydrogen Gas 3. Summarizethe physicaland chemica!propertiesof hydrogen gas by indicatingwhether •the followingstatements are True or False: (a) Hydrogen,gas is colorless. (b) Hydrogendoes not diffusein air. _______________ (c) Hydrogenis very solublein water. _______________ (d) Hydrogenhas a greater density than air. _______________ (e) Hydrogenis flammable. _______________ (1) Hydrogensupports combustion. _______________ • (g) Hydthgenand air will explodewhen ignited. 4. The reaction of metalswith acids is a general reaction that workswith a wide variety of differentmetalsand mineral acids.Writebalancedchemical equations for the reactionsof: _______________ (a) Zincth sulfuricacid. • (b) Aluminumwith hydrochloricacid. Preparingand TestinjHvdrugcii (;is Producing H drogen Gos Metal FromCalcium Procedure: 1. 2. 3. 4. Putyour safety goggles on. e top withwater. flaskalmostto tF FillanErlenmeyer Fill a beakeraboutthree-fourths full withwater. Add2 dropsof phenolphthalèin solutionto boththe beakerand the is an indicator. Erlenmeyerflask Phenolphthalein 5. Preparetwotest tubesfor hydrogenco ection. Fillthemboth with • water andinvertthe full tubes into the beakerof water Pkiceyour finger over the mouthof the test tube while inverting.Thi will out of the test tubes whenyou helppreventthe water from coming turn them upsidedownand placethem into the beaker. 6. Obtaina smallpieceof calciummetal(peasize) anplaceit. intothe centerof the Erlenmeyerflask Attach the rubber stopper/rubberglass tubing connector to the openingof the flask Extend the rubber-glass tubingintothe beakerof water. What doyouobserve happening? 7. As the hydrogen gas is producedandbubblesintothe beaker, place oneof the test tubes over the bubblesto collectthe gas by water Continue to fill the test tube with hydrogengas until displacement. allof the water inthe test tube hasbeendisplaced. 8. Usinga match,lighta woodensplint. 9. Test for the presence of hydrogengas by inserting a glowing wooden splintintothe mouthof the inverted test tube.Be sure to of the test tube awayfrom other people.What do aimthe opening youobservehappening? 1O.Repeat steps 7-9 for the secondtest tube. 11.Makenoteof the changesthat havetaken placein the Erlenmeyer flask The water has turned pink and there shouldbe a white precipitateat the bottom. Swirlthe flask if yourdon’tsee it. that follow. 12.Pleasecleanupand answerthe questions Questions for Lob ProducingHydrogenGasfrom Calcium Metal birections4 Pleaseanswer on ‘a sepc1r ate pieceof paper. •1 - 1. 2. 3. 4 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. • What is the chemical symbolusedfor”calcium? In what periodandgroup is calciumlocated? (Give the #‘s) What isthe family name for the group that containscalcium? How many’valenceelectrons does calciumhave? What type iondoes calciumbecomewhenit reacts with other elementsor compounds? boes calcium like to gainor loseelectrons? What type Ofelementiscalcium? (Metal,’nonmetal,semimetal) lookedlike before it wasplaced.in the bescribewhatthe calciumphysically flask filled withwater? What are someof the chemical properties this ‘metalhas? Listfour. Thecalciummetal reacts with the water to produce hydrogengs. Write a balanced equationin the spacebelowto demonstrate this reaction. Be sure to includeboththe reactants and products and their phaseof mattei’’ I + 10. Wasthe reactiOnbetweencalciumandpjjeferendothermicor e.xothermic? Howcanyou tell? usedfor? 11. What wasthe phenolphthalein 12. Howdid youknowthat hydrogengas wasproduced? 13. The hydrogen burns In the presence of the glowingwooden splint to producewater. When mixedwith oxygen, hydrogenignitesand makes a bark or pop noise. Write a balancedequationin‘the spacebelowto demonstratethis reaction. Be sure to includeboth the reactants and productsandtheir phaseof matter. ‘ + + 14. bo youthinkother metalswouldhavea similarreactionwith water? If so, whichones? be more or less 15. Wouldsodiumbe moreor less reactive?Wouldaluminum reactive? 16. At the end of the reaction the directions ask you to observe a white precipitate?What is a precipitate? What is the name of the white precipitateformed?.(Hint Lookat the reactionyou wrote out for question #9) k 1! Name______________________________ Class pate____________ __________ 9 Laboratory Investigation Reactivity of Metals in Single-Replacement Reactions Problem Which metals will replace each other in single-replacementreactions? Mateiials (per group) • four small pieces of the following metals: coppez. magn sium, the solutions of dilute nng foUo compounds: HQ, Cu 2, d 12-wellspot plate (or12 small test tubes) paperand pencil Procedure iron 2, MgCI 3 FeCl ‘ 1. Makesmalllabelsfor each ofthe wells on the spot plate.Each label should list one ofthe metali being used and one p1the compounds Thereshouldkel2 labels in all. 2. Placea piece of copperin eachof fourwells on the spot plate. 3. Add enough HO to cover the copperin the first well. Labelthis well with the label that lists the copper in the thirdwell 2, copperand HO. Coverthe copperin the second well with Cud with MgCI fourth and the with Labeleachwell well 2, 3. FeC1 accordingly. copperin the 4. Repeatsteps 2 and 3 using magnesium in clean wells on the spot plate. 5. Repeatsteps 2 and 3 us ng iron in clean wells on the spot plate. 6. In the datatablebelow, recordany signs of chemical change that you observe in eachof the wells. Possiblechanges couldinclude changes in color orstate,or the productionof bubbles. , Observations C Prentace-Hall, Inc. • Chapter9 23 .. . Name_ 9 Laboratory Investigation . .. , /X7 Date____________ C’ass __________ (continued) (. 1. Whichof the metals reactedwith the most compounds? 2. Whichreacted with the fewest compounds? Analysis and Conclusions 1. Describe what happened in thechemicalreactions you observed. 2. List the metals you tested from most reactive to least reactive. 3. Which of the metals you tested were able to replace the hydrogen in HG? 0; I.. 4. Where would .hydrogen as in acid, be placed in the activity series you listed? ’ce geferc, blc T Do your experimental results 5. Compare your results with C etni5trq the table? Explain possible reasons for disagreement. agree with 6. On YourOwn Testthe same threemetals for reactivity with water. Can any of these metals replacehydrogenin water?Is any metal capableof replacinghydrogen in water? 1) 24 Chapter9 C Pr.mic.-Haft. M c. DATE NAME_ ___________ Double Replacement Reactions & Solubility Rules (Table F) Purpose: Observe the formation of various precipitates and, based on your observations. formulate a hypothesis, regarding general solubility rules. Materials: I test plate, pipets, safety goggles, lab apron, & beakers containing solutions: A) B) C) D) 0.1 M AgNO. 0.1 M Ba(NO 1)2 0.] M Cu(N0 1)2 0.1 M Pb(NO 1) 2) 3) 4) 0.IM KC1 0.1M KOH 0.IM KI 0.IM K,S0 4 Safety Warning: Bases such as KOH, will dissolve animal & vegetable tissue including skin. You must wear goggles during the lab to protect against the possible splashing of these solutions. Procedure: 1. Obtain a test plate. Clean & dry it if necessary. Place it over the data sheet. 2. Place 4 drops of each solution in the tray in the row or column indicated. Solution A in the 1 4 wells of row A. Solution B in the 1St4 wells of row B. Solution C in the 1 4 wells of row C. Solution D in the IS 4 wells of row D. Solution I in the 4 wells of column 1. Solution 2 in the 4 wells of column 2. Solution 3 in the 4 wells of column 3. Solution 4 in the 4 wells of column 4. Note: Do not touch the tip of the dropper on the tray. Do not tip the tray. Place the droppers back in the proper cups. 3. Record observations for the 16 reactions on the data table provided. (Include in your observation color, appearance of the solution, & / or any precipitates that form. Conclusion: 1. Write the equation for the dissociation of each salt on the sheet provided. 2. For each precipitate formed in the experiment, circle the equation for the double replacement reaction that occurred. Use the sheet provided. 3. Which ions were soluble? Where there exceptions? 4. Which ions were insoluble (formed a precipitate)? Where there exceptions? 5. Compare your answers to questions 3 & 4 with Reference Table F? V Write anequation for the dissociationof ach • A. 1 •AgNO 4 • B. 3), Ba(N0 4 C. )2 Cu(NO 4 D. 1), •Pb(NQ 1. KC1 4 • .2. KQH 3. KI 4. SO 4K : 4 salt in solution water). /73. For each double replacement reaction thaf occuned in the experiment. cikle the precipitate formed. 4 AgCI KOH 4 I AgO KI 4 Ag! 1. AgNO +KCI 2. 3 AgNO + 3. . AgNO + 4. 2AgNO 5. ), B’a(NO + 6. 3)J Ba(NO 1) Ba(N0 4 . 2KCI 4 • + 2KOH 4 + 2K1 + 4 K,S0 KNO + KNO + -4- KNO 2SO .Ag 4 BaSO + Ba(OH). ‘2 2KNO + •,÷ 2KNO + 2KNO 3 2KN0 4 BaSO +2KN0 3 2KCI 4 CuSO + 2KOH 4 Cu(OH). Cu(NO + 2K] 3 Cu!, 12. 1)Cu(N0 + .SO 4K 9’ 4 CuSO + 2KNO 13. )Pb(NO + 2KCI 4 4 PbSO + 1 2KN0 14. L Pb(NO + 2KOH 3 , Pb(OH) 15. 1)Pb(N0 + 2K1 4 , Pbl 16. . Pb(NO + SO K 4 4 PbSO 8. 3)2 ‘Ba(N0 9. ), Cu(NQ .+ 10.. 1) Cu(NO 11. 2S0 4÷K . + + + 2KNO + 2KNO 2KNO + 2KNOI 1 2KN0 + 2KNO —i-. te MicropI fDI .‘ U) U, C’) C’ U C C C C U C 0 C. U C.) Chemistry: Concepts and Applications Lab Manual Page1 Introductionto ReactionRates - Introduction to Reaction Rates. The “Blue Bottle” Reaction Introduction Howfastwill a chemicalreaction occur?If a reaction is too slow,it may not be practical. If the reaction is too fast, it may explode.Measuringand controlling reaction rates makes it possiblefor chemistsand engineersto make a variety of products, everythingfrom antibi otics to fertilizers,in a safeand economicalmanner. The purpose of this experiment is to investigatehow the rate of a reaction can be measured and how reactionconditionsaffect reaction rates. Concepts • Kinetics • Reactionrate • Collisiontheory • Oxidation—reduction 1 Background Kineticsis the study ofthe rates of chemicalreactions.Asreactants are transformedinto products in a chemicalreaction, the amount of reactantswill decreaseand‘theamount of products willincrease.The rate of the reaction can be determined byrneasuring the concen tration of reactants or productsas a function of time. In some cases, it is possibleto use a simple visualclue to determine a .reactionrate. Thus, if one of the reactant is coloredbut the productsare colorless,the rate of the reaction can be followedby measuring the time it takes for the color to disappear.The averagerate of the reaction is then calculatedby dividingthe molar concentration(M)of the coloredreactant by the time neededfor the color to disappear. Dependingon howfastthe reaction occurs, the rate wouldbe reported in units of either Wsec or M/min. Reactionsinvolvingthe organic dyemethylene blue providea convenient exampleto study reaction rates. Methyleneblue (abbreviatedMB)existsin two forms,a reducedform and an oxidizedform, that havedifferentcolors.The reducedform of methylene blue (MBrd) j5 is blue. The reduced form is easilyconvertedto the colorless,whilethe oxidizedform (MB 0) oxidizedform by mixing it with oxygenin the air (Reaction1). The oxidizedform, in turn, can be convertedbackto the reduced form bytreatment with a reducing agent, such as dextrose,a reducing sugar. MBrd + Reaction] MB 2— 0,O Blue Colorless with In this experiment,we will study the rate of reaction of the blue, oxidizedform MB 0 dextroseand potassiumhydroxideto give the colorless, reduced form MBrd (Reaction2). If the initial concentration of MB in solution is known, the rate of the reaction can be deter 0 mined by measuring the time neededfor the blue color to disappear. 0MB Blue Ii I4 diicl Ion to ReactionRates + dextrose + KOH—* MB Colorless Reaction2 Introduction to Reaction Rates Page2 - / • Experiment Overview The purpose of this experiment is to investigatehow changing the temperature o the reac tants or how changing the concentration of potassiumhydroxidewillaffectthe rate of reac tion of methylene bIuë The basic process is alwaysthe same—whena colorlesssolution containing MBrd is shaken,it turns blue (Reaction1). The time neededfor the solution to turn colorless (Reaction2) will be measuredand will thep be used to determine the average rate of reaction. Pre-LabQuestions • 1. Definethe terms oxidation and reduction.Note: Consultyour textbook,if necessary,for definitionsand examples. 2. In the part of this experimentin which methyfeneblue changes from blue to colorless,is it being oxidizedor reduced?Whatreactant is causing this change?Is this reactant acting as an oxidizingagent or a reducingagent? 3. Collisiontheory offersa simpleexplanationfor howreactions occur—reactingmolecules must first collide.In order for collidingmoleculesto be convertedinto products,they must collidewith enough energyand with a suitableorientation to break existingbonds (in the reactants)and form newbonds (in the products).Anyfactorthat changes either the total nunTherofcollisionsor the averageenergy of the collidingmoleculesshould affectthe reaction rate. ing the temperature should affectthe rate (a) Usingcollisiontheory,predict how increa of a chemicalreaction.State the prediction in the form of an if/then hypothesisand givea reason for your hypothesis. (b) Usingcollisiontheory,predict how increasing the concentrationof a reactant should affectthe rate of a chemicalreaction. State the prediction in the form of an if/then hypothesisand givea reason for your hypothesis. Materials “Bluebottle”solution for Part A, 10 mL* 0.1 M, 12 mL Dextrosesolution, 06,C 12 H 1 mL Methyleneblue solution, 0.1%, Potassiumhydroxidesolution, KOH,3.0 M, 6 mL Water,distilled or deionized Washbottle Labelingor marking pen Metricruler Stopwatchor clock (watch)with second hand • Beakers,100- or 150-mL,4t Beral-typepipets, thin-stem, 4 Graduated cylinder,1O-rnL Hot plate or warm water Ice or coldwater Test tubes, medium, 3 Testtube rack Thermometer Stoppersto fit test tubes, 3 *Theblue bottle solution contains dextrose,potassium hydroxide,and methylene blue. tSeveralgroups may share beakersto make water baths at different temperatures. FlinnChemTopicLabs Kinetics — Page3- Introductionto ReactionRates Safety Precautions Potassium hydroxidesolution is a corrosiveliquid;it is particularly dangerousto eyes and may blisterand burn skin. Avoid contact with eyes and skin and clean uj all spills immedi ately. MEthyleneblue is slightly toxic by ingestion. Wearchemical splashgoggles and chemical-resistantgloves and apron. The dextrOse(sugar)solution will attract ants. Rinse off all work areaswith water and wash:hands thoroughly with soap and water before leaving the laboratory. Procedure Part A. Effect of Temperature L Obtainfour100-or 150-mLbeakersand • makewaterbathsat approximatelythe followingtemperatures:10 °C,20 °C, 30 °C;and40 °C.In orderto obtain tion times, avoidtern • convenientrea peraturesapve 40 °C or below10 o Tie a knot 2. Obtain four,thin-stem pipets and place. a mark 2 cm fromthe bottom on each pipet bulb. 3. Fill each pipet bulb to the 2-cm mark with the “bluebottle”solution. Tie a knot in the stem of each pipet to seal it. (SeeFigure 1.) 4. Place one pipet into each of the four water baths from step 1. Let the pipets stand in the bath for 3—5minutes. Recordthe temperature of eachwater bath in the datatable. Label Solution 2 cm 5. Removethe pipet from the 20 °Cwater bath, start timir ç, fivetimes and immediatelyreturn it to the ‘ater bath. Figure 1. then quicklyshakethe pipet 6. Stop timing whenthe blue color fades completelyand the solutionturns colorless. Recordthe elapsedtime in secondsin the data table. 7. Repeatsteps 5 and 6 with the other three pipets. Recordall time and temperature read ings in the data table.Note: Tryto shake the pipets the same wayeach time. Aftershak ing, return the pipetsto their respectivewater baths. 8. Disposeofthe pipetsas directed by your instructor. Part B. Effect of Concentration 9. Obtainthree mediumtest tubes and stoppers and labelthem #1—3. 10. Usinga graduatedcylinder,add 3.0 mL of dextrosesolution to each ofthe three labeled test tubes. Introductionto ReactionRates Introduction to Reaction Rates Page4 - /71 11. Addone drop of methylene blue solutionto each test tube. 12. Measure1.0mLof3.0 M potassiumhydroxidesolution into a clean graduated cylinder, then add 2.0 mLof distilledwaterto get a finalvolumeof3.0 mL. 13. Pour the contents of the graduatedcylinderinto test tube #1. Stopper the test tube and shake gentlyto mixthe solutions. 14. Measure2.0 mLof 3.0 M potassiumhydroxidesolution into a clean graduated cylinder, then add 1.0mLof distilledwater to get a finalvolumeof3.0 mL. 15. Pour the contents of the graduatedcylinderinto test tube #2. Stopper the test tube and shake gentlyto mixthe solutions. 16. Measure3.0 mLof 3.0 M potassiumhydroxidesolution into a clean graduated cylinder. 17. Pour the contents of the graduatedcylinderinto test tube #3. Stopperthe test tube and shake gentlyto mixthe solutiOns. 18. Allowthe test tubes to sit undisturbedat room temperature until the blue color fades. Note: This may take a fewminutes. 19. Checkthe temperature ofthe solutionsto be sure theyare allabout the same temperature. Recordthe temperature in the data table. 20. With your finger firmly on the stopper,shake test tube #1 vigorouslyfivetimes nd immediatelystart timing. 21. Stop timing when the blue color fadescompletelyand the solution turns colorless. Recordthe elapsedtime in secondsin the data table. 22. Repeatsteps 20 and 21 using test tube #2 and then againusing test tube #3. 23. Disposeof the contents of the test tubes as directed by your instructor. FlinnChemTopic” Labs — Kinetics Page5—Introductionto ReactionRates Name: Class/LabPeriod: _____________ Introduction to Reaction Rates I Data Table Part A. Effect of Temperature Temperature, °C Reaction Time, sec Part B. Effectof Concentration TestTube 2 1 3 ReactionTime,sec Temperature,°C . . Post-Lab Questions 1. Howdidthe reactiontime change as the temperature waschanged in Part A? 2. Howis the rate of a reaction related to the time of reaction? 3. What effectdoes temperature have on the rate of the “bluebottle”reaction? 4. Accordingto a general “rule of thumb” for chemical reactions, the rate of a reactionwill roughly doublefor every 10 °C increasein temperature. Dothe kineticsof the “bluebot tle” reactionfit this general rule? Introductionto ReactionRates Introduction to Reaction Rates Page6 - • 5. On a separate sheet of paper,make a graph çf the results in Part A byplotting the reaction time in seconds on the y-axisversus the temperature in kelvinson the x-axis.’ 6. Usingthe graph, estimatehowlong it wouldtake forthe reaction to occur at 275 K and at 325 K.Discusswaysthe graph could be improvedto give,better estimates. = 7. Usethe “dilution”equation (M o calculatethe concentration of potassium ) 2V M 1V B. each tube #1—3 i n Part in test hydroxide 1 M = =‘ concentrationof KOHbefore mixing concentrationof KOHafter mixing Samplecalculationfor test tube #1: M2 — 1V 2 V = volumeof KOHbefore mixing volumeof KOHafter mixing ‘ )(3.OM)(1.OmL (6.O’mL) 050M 8..The concentration of methyleneblue in Part B is approximately2.0 x 10 M.Dividethe ction time in secondsto calculatethe average concentration’of methyleneblue by the re rate of the reaction in units ofWsec for each test tube #1—3. 9. Doesthe rate of the “blue bottle”reaction depend on,the concentration of potassium hydroxide?Discussin generalterms the effectof reactant concentration on the rate of a chemicalreaction. 10. Howmuch did the rate of the reaction,change when the concentration of KOHwas doubled(test tubes #1 and 2) or tripled (test tubes #1 and 3)? FlinnChemlopic” Labs — Kinetics Name Date ____________ Class ___________________________________ ed ____________ “ Ratesof Reaction Lab32 lext reference: Chapter17. pp. 47 _475 Pre-Lab Discussion • • The rate of a chemical reaction is the nine required for a given quantity of reactant(s) to be changed to product(s). Reaction rate usually isexpres sed in terms of moles per unit tune. This rate is affected by several factors, including the nature of the reactants, concentration f the reactants, tern perature, pressure, and the presence of catalysts. in this experiment, you will study the effects of temperature and concentration. TtiA chemical reactidn is the result of çffective collisions between pa des of .nts. Increasing the temperature of a system raises the aver ract2 age kinetic ‘éner&vof the particles of the system. This results in more collisions and, of greater importance, more effective collisions per unit time. This affects the rate of the reaction. At constant temperature, increasing the concentration of one or more of the reactants increases the number of particles present and, hence, the number of collisions. This affects the rate of the reaction. In this experiment, two solutions will be mixed, and the completion of the reaction will be marked by a color change. One solution contains The other contains the hydrogen sulfite ion (HS0 3) the iodate ion.( 3). 10 and soluble starch. The entire reaction takes place in two stages. The ionic equations for these stages are: I. 3(aq) 10 2. 5V(aq) • ± 3(aq) 3HS0 -4- 6H ’(aq) — -4- 10 3(oq) F(aq) — -4-3S0 42T(aq) (aq) 3l + 3H(aq) -4- 3H 2O(1) In the presence of starch molecules (not shown), molecular iodine (12) produces a characieristic blue color. The rate of the entire reaction can be determined by timing the interval between the time the two solutions are mixed and the appearance of the blue color. By varying the concentra tion of one of the reactants (at constant temperature) and then varying the temperature alone, you can observe and record the effects of these two factors on reaction rate. This experiment should provide a better understanding of reaction rates and the factors that affect these rates. Purpose the concentration of a reactant has on the rate of a chemical reaction. Study the effect that changing the temperature has on the rate of a chemical reaction. Formulate hypotheses about how reaction rates are affected by changes in temperature and in concentration of reactants. Study the effect that changing 163 Equipment beal 25Q-rnL er. beakers. 100-mL(2) timer (StOp watch or cluck with second hand) safety goggles lab apron or coat graduatedcylinders. ]O-mL (2) test tubes. 18x]50-mm(2i thermometer Materials Solution A (with JO. ion) distilled water ice cubes Solution B (with HSO. ion and soluble starch) Safety Avoid spilling reagent solutions on your skin or clothing. \ash off any spills immediately with cold tap water. Note the caution alert symbols here and with certain ‘steps in the Procedure.” Refer to page xi to review the precautions associated with each symbol. Always wear safety goggles and a lab apron or coat when working in the lab. Procedure , I’ PARTA 1. Using a clean. do’, l0-mL graduated çyIin er. measure exactly 10.0mL of SolutionA and pour it into a ]00-mL beaker. 2. Using a second 10-mL graduate. measure exactly 10.0mLof Solution B and pour it into a second ]00-mL beaker. 3. Prepare to time the reaction. While one lab partner pours Solution A into Solution B, the second partner should im mediately start timing the reaction. Pour the solutions back and forth several times from one beaker to the other to ensure thorough mixing. Then allow the mixture to stand At the instant a color change occurs, the partner timing the reaction should note the elapsed time. Record this in your data list. Rinse and dry the beakers and graduated cylinders. 4. Measure exactly 10.0mL of Solution B into one of the beak ers. Using a clean graduated cylinder, measure exactly 9.0 mL of Solution A into the other beaker. Dilute this solution by adding exactly 1.0 rnL of distilled water. Follow the step 3 instructions for mixing the solutions arid timing the reaction. Record the elapsed ume in your data list. Rinse and thy the beakers and graduated cylinders. 5. Repeat step 4 four more times, using increasingly dilute samples of Solution A. Use the following ratios of Solution A to distilled water (in mnL):8 to 2; 7 to 3; 6 to 4; and 5 to 5. Rinse and dry the beakers and graduated cylinders after each trial. Record elapsed times in Part A of Observations and Data. 1 164 Name •32 Ratesof Reaction(continued) PART B 6. Measure 10.0rnL of Solution A into one test tube and 10.0 mL of Solution B into a second test tube. 7. Half mi a 250-mLbeaker with cold t.ap water. Add ice cubes to the. water and stir carefuliy with the thermometer. Continue stirring (and adding ice as needed) until the temperature of the ice-water mixture is about 5°C. Figure 32-1 8. Place thetwo test tubes in the ice-water bath arid let them stand until the solutions are at the same temperature as the ice water (Figure 32-1).Always rinse and wipe the thermometer a.Iter removing ii from a sohition. 9. When the solutions are at the same temperature as the ice water, prepare to time the reaction. One lab partner should start timing the reaction the instant the second partner pours Solution A into Solution B. Quickly pour the mixture back and forth from test tube to test tube several times and return the mixture to the ice-water bath. At the instant a color change occurs, note the time elapsed. Measure the temperature of the mixture im mediately. Record the exact temperature and elapsed time in ‘our data table. Discard the mixture as instructed. Rinse arid dry the test tubes. 10. Repeat step 6. 11. Prepare a water bath at a temperature of about 15°C.Repeat steps 8 and 9 at this new temperature. Record your observations in your data table. 12. Repeat these procedures using warm baths at the following temperatures: 25°C;35°C; 45°C. Use warm tap water to prepare these baths. Rinse and dry the test tubes after each trial. 165 ObservationsandData PARTA I SoJutio B (rnL ) 10 20 H Solution A irnL ,Tirne(sec ) (mL 0 10 10 i 10 8 2 10 7 3, 10 6 4’ 5 10 PARTB DATA TABLE Trial : Time(sec) Temperature(CC) • 1 .i 2 3 4 I ‘ . , ,. I .,. • : .1 Calculations 1. Plot your data from Part A on the grid provided. Draw a line through the plofled points to produce a curve showing the effect of concentration of reactants on reaction rate. I 166 Name ________________________ Ratesof Reaction(continued) 24 0) E C ° 0) 20 16 12 8 4 0! j 0 1 I 2 3 I I 4 5 I I 6 I I 7 i 8 9 10 ml of SolutionA 2. Plot your data from Pan B on the grid provided. Draw a line through the pinned points to produce a curve showing the effect of temperature on reactiOn rate. 32 28 24 U a) a) 20 E 16 C t t 0) 12 S 4 0 ii’ 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 lemperalure (CC) 167 and Questions ConclusionS I. Basedon your experimental data. make a general stateme ht (hvpoth. esis).aboutthe effect of concentration of reactants on reacticrn ra t’. 2. Make a similar hypothesis about the effect of temperaturt on reacuon rate. 3. Whatother factors affect the rate of a reaction? 4. How doesthe collision theory relate to the rate of a chemical reac icn? ( ( 168 ‘S. % 5-., g Determining Reaction Rate Problem Observations Howdoes concentrationaffectreactionrate? Volume of Volumeof Volumeof Reaction Water MCI Time 3 O S 2 Na Beaker (ml) (mL) .) (mL (a) Materials (per group) 3 graduatedcylinders 5 125-mLbeakers,labeled1—5 0.20 M Na ’ 3 O S 2 2.OMHCI distilledwater sheetof white‘paper black markingpen timer or stopwatch , 2. , 3, , Procedure 1. Use graduatedcylindersto measureand add 0.20 M Na and distilledwaterto. 3 O S 2 the beakersas desôribedbelOw: Beaker 3 O S 2 Na 1 2 3 4 5 10.0mL 20.0 mL 30.0 mL 40.0 mL 50.0 mL Water 40.0mL 30.0 mL 20.0mL 10.0mL 0.0 mL 2. On a sheetof paper, use the markingpen to writethe letterX smallenoughso that it can be coveredby a beaker.. 3. PlaceBeaker1 on the X. Usethe remaining graduatedcylinderto add 5.0 mL of 2.0 M HCI to the beaker.Be carefulto use proper safetyprecautionswhenworkingwith acid. 4. Recordthe timeat whichthe HCIis added. Immediatelygive the beakerone gentle swirl and place it back on the X. Look through the solutionat the X and record the time at whichthe X is no longervisible. 5. RepeatStep4 for the remainingbeakers. 744 — 1. Whatvisibleindicationis therethat a chemicalreactionis occurring? 2. Howis the concentrationof Na 3 O S 2 affectedby the volumeof distilledwater? 3. Whathappensto the reactiontime as the volumeof distilledwaterincreasesrelativeto the volumeof Na ? 3 O S 2 4. Preparea graph of time versusvolumeof 3 O S 2 Na by plottingtime alongthe x-axis and volumealongthe y-axis. Analysis and Conclusions affect 1. Howdid the concentrationof Na 3 O S 2 the rate of the reaction? 2. Doesyour graphsupportyour conclusionfor Question1? Explain. 3. In this investigation,what are the variables? Whatis the control? 4. Basedon your data,whatdo you think might be the ratelawfor this reaction? 5. On YourOwn With your teacher’sper mission,repeatthis experimentkeepingth concentrationof Na constantand 3 O S 2 HCI. concentration of varyingthe Unit Four: Thermodynamicsand Kinetics 398 ENERGY REACTIONRATESANDACTIVATION 4.3.4 CATALYSTS, Concepts to Investigate: Reaction rates, catalysts, activation energy, autocatalysts; doliision theory. solutionfrom drugstore(higherconcentrations Materials: PartI: Hydrogenperoxide(H ) 0 2 are avaiJablefrom chemicalsupplycompanie andwork better,but must be handledwith dioxide (Mn0 activatedchar ), 2 greatercaution),apparatusshownin Figure’K, manganese potassiumiodide(KI), ) 4 (KMnO , potassium coal, calciumcarbonate(CaCO ), 3 permanganate spatula; Part2 Sugarcubes,activatedcarbon(fireplaceash),tongs,ceramictile or ashtray, matchor burner. Principles and Procedures: A catalyst is a substance that speeds up the rate of a chemical re action and can be recovered at the end of the reaction in its original form. Often only a trace of a catalyst is sufficient to accelerate a reaction A catalyst speeds up a reaction by ‘provid ing a set of elementary steps with more favorable energetics than those that exist n’its ab sence. Catalysts are classified as heterogeneous when the reactants and catalyst are in differ ent phases (for example, solid catalyst and liquid or gas reactants) or homogeneous when the catalyst is in the same phase as the reactants and products. y required to Catalysts increase the rates of reactions by decreasing the activation ener in collision order the to react, colliding particles must initiate a reaction. According to theory, have a total kinetic energy equal to or greater than ‘theactivation energy, the minimum amount of energy required to initiate a chemical reaction. If the minimum energy is not available, the particles remain intact and no change results. If the energy is available, the particles enter a transitional structure called an activated complex that results from an effective collision and that persists while old bonds are breaking and new bonds are forming. Figure L shows the en ergy relationship among reactants, products, activated complex and catalyzed activated corn plex. Note that the presence of a catalyst (curved dotted line) reduces the activation energy required. As a result, a larger percentage of the collisions occurring in a catalyzed reaction meet the energy requirements to react, and the reaction proceeds more rapidly. In the reaction illustrated, the products are more stable than the reactants, and the reaction is exothermic and• is accompanied by a release of heat (—i 1i1). The reverse reaction is endothermic. Heat is ab sorbed and the reactants are more stable than the products. Note that I1 is positive in an en dothermic reaction. J ‘ Aciivated Complex id :_ K L / ‘ aj,is ,c Re Produci.s Time ‘ 4.3 Chemical Kinetics 399 Part 1: Catalysts: Hyd ogen peroxide is a colorless liquid used as a rocket propellant, dis infectant, and bleaching agent. You may have used a dilute hydrogen peroxide solution to sterilize a wound. Hydrogen peroxide slowly decomposes into water and oxygen: + 02(g) (aq)— 2O 2H (1) j Thisprocess can be accelerated by the addition of numerous substances, particularly salts of such metals as iron, copper, manganese, nickel or chromium. It should be noted that these substances accelerate the decomposition of hydrogen peroxidL but are not consumed in the process. Such substances are known as catalysts. Set up a gas collection device as illustrated in Figure K. Fill the test tube with water, cover the mouth, and invert into a container of water so no water is lost from the tube. Place three grams of manganese dioxide in a large test tube and clamp to support as shown. In sert a stopper assembly equipped with a delivery funnel and bent glass tube as illustrated. Add 5 mL of 3% hydrogen peroxide through the delivery funnel. Coiiect the test tube of gas, and set aside. Continue collecting gas in additional tubes until the reaction ceases. r, stopp Now add more hydrogen peroxide and continue until you have collected 5 test tubes of oxy gen. Note that the manganese dioxide is not used up in the reaction. It remains visible in the tube, and promotes the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide repeatedly. Manganese dioxide is therefore considered to be a catalyst, and the reaction can be written: S ‘ 2H202(aq) M002 )2H20(l) +02(g) Note that the manganese dioxide is written above the arrcw, indicating that it is not changed, but only catalyzes the reaction Unstopper the first tube of gas collected, and test for the pres ence ofoxygen by inserting a glowing splint or smoldering match. Test each of the remain ing tubes in the same manner. The flame should glow brightest in the final tube because it contains relatively pure oxygen, while the first tubes may contain some air displaced early in the reaction. Decant the hydrogen peroxide from the reaction flask and add fresh hydrogen peroxide to the old manganese dioxide. Does manganese dioxide continue to promote the production of oxygen? Repeat this activity using 3 grams each of activated charcoal, potassium permanganate, potassium iodide, and calcium carbonate. Record your results in Table 3. Which of the ma terials appear to be catalysts? Part 2: Catalysts in combustion: Hold a sugar cube with a pair of tongs above a ceramic tile, ashtray or other fireproof surface, and try to burn it with a match or laboratory burner (Figure M). Since the melting point of sucrose is only 185°C, the sugar cube melts before it Table 3: Testsfor Catalysts Rate of Bubbling manganese dioxide activated charcoal calcium carbonate potassium permanganate potassium iodide Glowing Splint Test Catalyst? 400 Unit Four: Thermodynamics and Kinetics burns. Dip a second cube in very fine powdered activated charcoal (carbon) or ash from a fire place or ashtray. When a match is brought to this cube, the cube burns readily. The carbon acts as a catalyst in the combustion of sugar. Questions ashes,aclivalcd charcoal,or carbon powder (1) What is the purpose of a catalyst? (2) Describe in your own words the meaning of “activation energy” and “activated com plex.” (3) Although the heat of formation (LIH = 285.8 kJ/mol) and the free energy change G = —237.2kJ/mol) for the reaction of hydrogen and oxygen to form waterare quite’ (L and oxygen (02) are mixed at room temperature, they do high, when hydrogen (H 2) not combine spontaneously to form water (H Explain. 20). (4) A catalyst lowers the activation energy for a reaction. Explain. 4.3 Chemical Kinetics 395 ON REACTIONRATE 4.3.2 THE EFFECTOFTEMPERATURE Concepts to Investigate: Reaction rate, temperature. Materials: Part I: Vinegar, baking soda (NaHCO beakers, side arm flasks or flasks fitted 3), with stoppers and tubing; Part 2: Alka Seltzer® tablets, thermometer, plastic film canisters (optional). Principles and Procedures: Part 1: The effect of temperature on neutralization of vinegar: Determine the approxi mate rate of carbon dioxide production (in mL of carbon dioxide per unit time) as a function of temperature using the apparatus described in 4.3.1 (Figure G). Repeat the investigation us ing undiluted vinegar at temperatures of approximately 0°C, 15°C, 30°C, 70°C. Use an ice bath or hot plate to achieve the reqpired temperatures. Report your results in Table 2 and plot them in Figure H. 1 C I ( 2 -J E H - * HC 0 3 H 2 3 NaI-1C0 —* NaC O H 2 2 (g) H CO 0 2 I temperature Part 2: The effect of temperature on antacid reactions: Heartburn (acid indigestion, sour stomach) is a common problem associated with anxiety or an acidic diet. An exces sively acidic stomach may cause considerable discomfort that can be relieved by neutral ization of stomach acids. Numerous products are sold to combat heartburn, one of which is and Alka Seltzer®. Alka Seltzer® contains calcium dihydrogen phosphate 4)2(Ca(H P0 Table 2: The Effect of Temperature on Reaction Rate Temperature, C° ReactionRate,mL C0 /s 2 Unit Four: Thermodynamicsand Kinetics 396 sodium hydrogen carbonate (NaHCO 3). follows: + 2NaHCO 3(s) Ps)0 4)2(Ca(H 20(l) 2 2C0 (g)+ 2H stances When placed in water, these sul 2 + Ca react as ) (aq) + 2Na* (aq) 42 (aq) + 2HP0 Note ihat one of the products is carbon dio*ide gas. It is this gas that causes you to burp af ter swallowing a glass of dissolved Alka Seltzer®.When Alka Seltzer! is placed in waler it fizzes vigorously. The rate of the above reaction can be gauged by the apparent rate of bub bling. Place a fresh tablet of Alka Seltzer® in ice water, water at room temperature, and wa ter that is near boiling (Figure 1.) Which one fizzes fastest? • ,,S II.iIJ, ij 1,1’ ::: • . ,q. _. Ps)O 3 (Ca(H )2 2C0, (g)4 2H O(I) apprwumalely900c 2NaJ1CO,(s) + Ca(aq)4 2HPO (aq) 2 + 2Na(aq) 0°C An interesting alternative to this activity is illustrated in Figure J. Put on goggles and a lab coat. Fill one plastic film container one third full with ice water, and.a second with wa ter at room temperature. Do not use hot water because water may splatter and cause burns! Place an Alka Seltzer®tablet in the canister, seal, stand back, and record the time at which the top pops off. Repeat two or three times at each temperature and determine average val ues. Questions (1) Describe your observations of the relationship between temperature and rate of reac tion. What would you predict concerning the rate of reaction if both the concentration and (2) temperature were increased? (3) Food spoils rapidly at room temperature, but when placed in a refrigerator or freezer, food can be kept for extended periods. Explain. (4) Explain the difference in the “fizzing” of Alka Seltzer® at different temperatures. Page1 ExploringEquilibrium — ExploringEquilibrium It Works Both Ways Introduction The word equilibrium has two roots: cqui, meaning equal, and libra, meaning weight or balance. Our physicalsense of equilibrium—in the motion of a seesawor the swing of a pendulum—suggestsan equal balanceof opposing forces.Howdoesthis physicalsense of’ Let’sexplore the nature and consequences equilibrium translate to chemical equilibr üm? of equilibrium in chemicalreactions. Concepts ‘ , Reversiblereactions • Chemicalequilibrium • Complex-ionreaction • indicators Acid—base .. Background • Physicalchanges,such as melting ice or dissolvingsugar,are often introduced by noting that these processescan be easily reversed.Some common examplesof chemical change, such as burning woodor spoilingfood,generallycannot be reversed.Acloser lookat chemi ‘cal change, however,revealsthat many chemicalreactions are also reversible. Considerthe followingexampleof a.reversibl•echemical reaction.At high pressures and in the presence of a catalyst,nitrogen and hydrogen.react to form ammonia.If the temperature is high enough, however,ammonia decomposeso reform its constituent elements.The reaction can go both ways!This reversiblereaction is representedsymbolicallyusing double arrows (Equation1). 2(g) N + 2(g) 3H 3(g) 2NH Equation 1 What hajpens when nitrogen and hydrogenare allowedto react?In a closedsystem, the concentrations of nitrogen and hydrogen will decreaseand the concentration of ammonia will steadily increaseas the reaction proceeds in the forwarddirection. Soon, however,the concentration ofammoniawill be large enough that the reverse reactionwill begin to take placeat a significantrate as well. Eventually,as the reaction occurs in both the forwardand the reversedirections,the number of ammonia molecules being formedwill becomeequal to the number ofammonia molecules being consumed.At this point, no further changes willbe observedin the overallconcentrations of nitrogen, hydrogen,and ammonia.This is the point of chemicalequilibrium. Chemicalequilibriumis definedas the state where the rate of the forwardreaction equals the rate of the reversereactionand the concentrations of reactants and products remain constant with time. Notethat this definitiondescribesa dynamicpicture of equilibrium.The reactions continue, but there is an equal balanceof opposingreaction rates. What happens when the equilibrium is disturbed?Any factor that changes the rate of the forwardor the reversereaction will change the amounts of reactants and products that are present at equilibrium.Reactionconditions that are known to affectthe rates of chemical reactions includethe concentrations of reactants and the temperature. In this experiment, ExploringEquilibrium ExploringEquilibrium Page2 — we will investigatehow changes in reaction conditionsaffectthe amounts of reactants and products present at equilibrium. Experiment Overview The purpose of this experimentis to explorethe nature ofchemicalequilibriumand to identify conditionsthat affectthe positionof equilibrium.Twodifferentreversiblereactionswillbe studied. Reactionof iron(1I1)nitrate with potassiumthiocyanate will be used to study complex-ion 2 equilibrium. Iron(III) ions react with thiocyanate ions to form FeSCN complex ions (Equation2). The effectsof changing the concentrations of reactants and of changing the reaction temperature will be investigated. 3(aq) Fe + 2aq) FeSCN SCN1aq), Equation 2 The properties of an indicatorwillbe used to study acid—base equilibrium.An indicator is a form substances that havedifferentcolors. dye that can gain or lose hydrogen ions to Equation 3 summarizes the reversiblereaction of the indicatorbromcresol green (H n). HIn represents an uncharged indicator moleculeand 1n an indicatoranion formedafter the moleculehas lost a hydrogen ion. The color of the indicator in the presence of either excess H or OH-ions (see Equation4) willshow how changing the concentration of a product affectsthe equilibrium shown in.Equation 3. HIn(aq) t GolorA (aq) H W(aq) + OHiaq) — + In aq) ColorB zuation 3 E Equation 4 90(I) H Pre-Lab Questions 1. True or False:At equilibrium,no more reactants are transformedinto products. If false, rewritethe statement so that it correctlydescribes the nature of chemical equilibrium. 2. True or False:At equilibrium, the concentrations of reactants and products are equal. If false,rewrite the statement so that it correctly describesthe nature of chemical equilibrium. 3. Paper coatedwith cobaltchlorideis sold commerciallyas moisture-sensitivetest strips to estimate relativehumidity levelsbetween20 and 80 percent in air. The following. reversiblereaction takes place with water: 2(CoCI s) Blue + 20(g) H t: 96H(s) CoCl 2O Pink (a) Whatcolor do you think the paper will be when the humidityis low (20%)?What cuIrir will il h when the humidity is high $0%)? (hI ‘l’licI:si itili with a color chart to esl;iiii;itc inteniiecliatehumiditylevels.Predict cnlor that might he ohscrved whcu the humidity is about 50%. strips coilie inli;Ic Flinn Chemlopic’ Labs — Equilibrium Page3- ExploringEquilibrium Materials ’mcresol green indicator,0.04%, 1 mL Bro 0.1 M, 4 mL lron(I1I)nitrate solution, Fe(N0 3), Hydrochloricacid,HCI,0.1 M, 2 rnL Potassium thiocyanatesolution, KSCN,0.1 M, 4 mL Sodium hydroxidesolution, NaOH,0.1 M, 2 mL Sodium phosphate(monobasic)solution, 0.1 N, I mL 2P0 4,NaH Water,distilledor deionized Washbottle ‘ Beaker,50-mL Beakers,250- or 400-mL,2 Beral-typepipets,,graduated, 8 Hot plate Ice Labelingor marking pen Stirring rod Test tubes, small, 6, Testtube rack Thermometer Safety ‘Precautions Potassium thiocyanate is toxic by ingestion. Dilute hydrochloricacidandsodium hydrox idesolutions are skin and eye irritants. Jron(III)nitrate solution is also a possib/eskin and body tissue irritant;it willstain clothes and skin. Avoid contact of all chemicalswith eyes and skin. Cleanup all chemical spills immediately. Wearchemical splashgoggles and chemical-resistantgloves and apron. Washhands thoroughly with soap and water before leaving the laboratory. , ‘, Procedure Part A. Complex-Ion Equilibrium of Iron(III) and Thiocyanate Ion 1. Fill two beakers(250-or 400-mL)half-fujiwith tap water.Addice to one beakerto prepare an ice-waterbath (0—5°C) for use in step 8. Heat the secondbeaker on a hot °C) for use in step 9. Donot boil the water. plate to preparea hot water bath (70—80 2. Observeand recordthe initial colorsof the Fe(N0 3) and KSCNsolutions. 2’: 3. Preparea stocksolution of FeSCN In a clean50-mLbeaker,measure 40 mL of distilled and water.UsingseparateBeral-typepipets for each solution, add 1 mL of 0.1 M Fe(N0 3) 2 mL of 0. 1N KSCN.Mixthoroughly with a stirring rod. 4. Labelsixclean test tubes 1—6.Usinga graduated,Beral-typepipet, add 1 mL of the 2 FeSCN stocksolution to each test tube 1—6. 5. Add10 drops ofdistilledwater to test tube 1. Gentlyswirlthe test tube to mixthe solu tion and recordthe color of the solution in the data table.Testtube 1will be used as the control solutionfor comparison purposes in steps 6—10. 6. Add10 drops of 0.1 M Fe(N0 to test tube 2. Gentlyswirlthe test tube to mix the solu 3) tion and comparethe color of the resulting solution to the control in test tube 1. Record the color comparisonin the data table. 7. Add10 drops of 0.1 MKSCNto test tube 3. Gentlyswirl the test tube to mix the solution and compare the color of the resulting solutionto the control in test tube 1. Recordthe color comparisonin the data table. ExploringEquilibrium ExploringEquilibrium Page4 - 8. Add10 drops of distilledwater to test tube 4 àr d placethe sample in an ice-waterbath. tube from the icebath and compare the color of the the After3—5minutes, remove test solution to the control in test tube 1. Record,the color comparisonin the data tble. 9. Add10 drops of distilledwater to test tube 5 and place the sample in a hot water bath at 70—80°C.After2—3minutes, remove the tube from the hot water bath and conipare the color of the solution to the control in test tube 1. Recordthe color comparison in the data table 10. Totest tube 6, add 10 drops of 0.1M 4.NaH 2PO solution in the data table. Recordthe colorand appearanceof the 11. Washthe contents ofthe test tubes downthe drain with eccess water and rinse with dis tilledwater. Part B. Acid-Base Equilibrium Of Bromcresol Green 12. Obtain 2’mL of distilledwater in a clean test tube and add 5 drops of 0.04%bromcresol green. Swirl gently and record the color of the solution in the data table. 13. Add3 drops of 0.1M1-ICIsolutionto the test,tube. Swirlgently and record the new color of the solution in the data table. 14. Add0.1MNaOHdropwiseto the solution until the originalcolor is restored. Shake gently and record the number of drops of NaOHaddedand the color of the solution in the data table. 15. Continueadding0.1MNaOHdropwiseuntil a total of 5 drops of NaOHhavebeen added in steps 14and 15combined. Canthe process be reversedto obtain a color that is intermediate between that in steps 13 and 14? 16. Add0.1 M HCIagain dropwisevery slowlyuntil the solution reaches a “transition” color the two colors recorded above (steps 13and 14).Swirl gently between midwaybetwe n drops to avoid overshootingthe transition color.Recordthe number of drops of HCI required and the color in the data table.Note: It may be necessaryto add half a drop ata time. 17. Washthe contents of the test tube downthe drain with excesswater and rinse with dis tilledwater. FlinnChemTopic”Labs — Equilibrium Page 5- ExploringEquilibrium “7 Name: Class/LabPeriod: ExploringEquilibrium Data Table Part A. Complex-IonEquilibriumof Iron(III) and ThiocyanateIons Colorof KSCN Solution Colorof Fe(NO 3) Solution Test tube 1 •C9lorofcontrolsolution (step5) Test tube 2 Colorafteradditionof Fe(N0 3) Test tube 3 Colorafteradditionof KSCN(step7) Test tube 4 Colorofsolutionafter cooling(step8) Test tube 5 Co!orofsolutionafter heating (step9) Test tube 6 Co]orafteradditionof 4NaH 2PO ,• (step6) , (step10) Equilibriumof BromcresolGreen Part B. Acid—Base Initialcolorof indicatorsolution (step12) ColorafteradditionofHCI(step13) Colorafteradditionof NaOH(step14) Numberof drops ofNaOHadded(step14) Amountof HCIrequiredto obtain“transition”color (step 16) Transitioncolor (step16) Post-Lab Questions (Usea .eparate sheet of paperto answer the followingquestions.) 1. Writethe chemicalequation for the reversiblereaction of iron(1II)ionswith thiocyanate ions in Part A.Labelthis Equation A.Usethe informationin the data table to write the color of each reactant and product underneath its formula. 2. Howdid the color of the solution in Part A change when additionalreactant—either in step 6 or KSCNin step 7—wasadded?Explain the observed color changes: 3) Fe(N0 Addingmore reactant to an equilibrium mixture of reactants and products increases the rate of the (forward/reverse)reaction and thus (increases/decreases)the amount of product. 3. Howdo the results obtained in steps 6 and 7 demonstrate that both reactants and prod ucts must be present at equilibrium? 4. Howdid the colorof the solution in Part A change when it was cooled (step8) or heated (step9)? Howdo these results demonstrate that the reaction shownin EquationAdoes ExploringEquilibrium Exploring Equilibrium Page6 — indeed occur in both the forwardand reverse directions? ions combinedwith iron(III) ionsand removedthem from solution. 5. In step 10, 4-H 2P0 Howdid the color of the solutionin Part A change when 4NaH was added?Explain 2PO the observedcolorchange:Removingone of the reactants from an equilibriummixture of reactants and products decreasesthe rate of the (forward/reverse)reactionand thus (increases/decreases)the amount of product. I 6. Afterobservingthe effectof 4NaH on the equilibriummixture in step 10,a student 2PO 3 and SCN-ions were still present in solution. Suggest additional doubtedthat both Fe couldbe doneto provethat both reactants are still present at this point. experimentsthat 7. Writethe chemical equation for the reversiblereactionof bromcresol green with water in Part B. Labelthis Equation B.Hint: Referto Equation3 in the Background section. 8. Usethe color changes observedfor the indicatorbeforeand after adding HCI(steps 12 and 13)to predict the colorsof the HIn and 1n formsofbromcresol green. Writethe col ors of HIn and 1n underneath their formulasin EquationB. Explainyour reasoning. vard pr Hint: AddingHC1increasesthe concentration of H ions.Which reaction, for I reverse,wouldthat increase? 9. Explain the observedcolor change:Addingmore productto an equilibrium mixture of reactantsand products increasesthe rate of the (forward/reverse)reaction ana thus p (increases/decreases)the amount of product. 10. In step 14,hydroxideions reactedwith and removedW ions from solution (seeEquation 4 in the Background section).Whatcolor changewas observedwhen NaOHwas added? Explain the observedcolor change:Removingone ofthe products from an equilibrium mixture of reactants and products decreasesthe rate ofthe (forward/reverse)reaction and thus (increases/decreases)the amount of product. 11. Whatform(s)of the indicator were most likelypresent when the transition color was observedin step 16?Howdoesthis observationprovidevisual proof that not all reactions “go to completion?” FlinnChemlopic”Labs — Equilibrium Date___________ Class Name _________________________________ • ____________ and ChemicalEquilibrium Principle Le Chatelier’s Lab3 Textreference:Chapter18. pp. 524—527 Pre-Lab Discussion In most of the chemical reactions you have studied so far, at least one of the reactants has been “used up.” The point at which a reactant is used up marks the end of the reaction, and the reaction is said to have “gone to completion.” Under ordinaiy circumstances, the prOduct(s) of such reactions are not able to react to re-form the original reactants. Thus, these are “one way” reactions. They proceed in one direction only. Many other chemical reactions do not go to completion. Rather, the products of these reactions remain in contact with each other and react to re-form the original reactants. Such reactants are said. to be reversible. In a reversible reaction, the forward and reverse reactions proceed at the same time. When the rates of the twç reactions are equal, a state of chemical equilibrium is said to exist. Under such conditions, both the forward and reverse reactions continue with no net change in the quan tities of either products or reactants. A state of equilibrium is affected by concentration and temperature and, if gases are involved, by pressure. If a system at equilibrium is sub jected to a change in one or more of these factors, a stress is placed on the system. According to Le Chatelier’s principle, when a stress is placed on a system at equilibrium, the equilibrium will shift in the direction that tends to relieve the stress. Equilibrium will be reestablished at a different point, that is, with different concentrations of reactants and products. In this experiment, we will study two equilibrium systems. The equilib rium equation for the reversible reaction of the first system is: 3 Fe + SCN (light brown) ± Fe 2(SCN) (red) The addition of any substance to the system that increases the concentra 3 tion of Fe or SCN will favor the forward reaction. This will cause the shift to the right. The addition of any substance that de to equilibrium of these ions will have the opposite effect. the concentration creases •The equilibrium equation for the second system is: 422CrO (yellow) + 3O 2H ± 207Cr (orange) + 20 3H The addition of an acid to this system increases the H concentration 3O and causes the equilibrium to shift to the right. The addition of any sub concentration will have the oppo 3O stance that causes a decrease m H site effect. By studying these two systems, you should achieve a better under standing of equilibrium systems and their responses to stress. 175 Purpose • is Study equilibrium systeI Le Chatelier’s principle. and their responses to stress described by Equipment beaker, 100-mL graduated cylinder, 10-niL test tubes, 13 X 100-mm (5) test tube rack • Materials : 0.1 MFeCI 3 0.1 MKSCN I, 0.IMKC distilled water. • Safety 6 • dropper pipet marking pencil safety goggles lab apron or coat 0.1 4MK 2CrO 0.1 2O Cr 7MK I L0MHC 1.0M NaOH fl A Handle the HCI and NaOH solutiOns with care. They are corrosive sub stances and can injure .the skin or eyes. Flush any spills with cold water and report tFiem to your teacher. Note the caution alert symbols here and with certain steps in the “Procedure.” Refer to page xi to review the precautions associated with each symbol. Always wear safety goggles and a lab apron or coat when working in the lab. Procedure PARTA 1. Using a marking pencil, number four test tubes 1 through 4 and stand the tubes in a test tube rack. 2. Measure out 5 mL of 0.1 M FeCl and pour it into a 100-mL 3 beaker. Add 5 mL of 0.1 M KSCN to the same beaker. Dilute the contents of the beaker with distilled water until the solution is a light reddish-orange color. Divide the solution equally among the four numbered test tubes. Set test tube I at one end of the rack to be used for color comparison. 3. Using a dropper pipet, add 0.1 M FeCl 3 drop by drop to the solution in test tube 2 until a color change occurs: Record your observations in Part A of “Observations and Data.” Rinse the pipet. 4. Repeat step 3, but instead of FeCI add the following solu 3, tions drop by drop to the test tube indicated. Rinse the pipet after each use. 0.1 M KSCN test tube 3 0.1 M KCI test tube 4 Record your observations. 5. Discard the solutions. Wash and rinse the test tubes and invert them in the rack to drain. PART B 6. Using a marking pencil, number four test tubes 5 through 8. Stand the tubes in a rack. 176 Name 34 andLeChatelier’s ChemicalEquilibrium Prindple (continued) A A Pour 5 mL each into 7. Measure out 10 mL of 0.1 M 4.K 2CrO test tube 5 and test tube 6. Rinse the graduated cylinder and Diyide this equally between Cr 7.MK measure out 10 mL of 0.1 2O test tube 7 and test tube 8. 8. Using a dropper pipet, add 1.0 M HCI drop by drop to test tube 5 until the color changes. Record your observations. 9. Repeat step 8 with test tube 6. As soon as the color changes, rinse the pipet and use it to add 1.0 M NaOH drop by drop to the solution until the color changes again. Record your observa tions for this step. 10. Using the pipet, add 1.0 M NaOH to test tube 7 until the color changes. Record your observations. 11. Repeat step 10 with test tube 8. As soon, as the color changes, rinse the pipet and use it to add 1.0 M HC1 to the solution until the color changes again. Record your observations. Observations and Data PARTA Color test tube 2 test tube 3 test tube 4 PARTB Color Change test tube 5 test tube 6 test tube 7 test tube 8 — Conclusionsand Questions 1. Write equilibrium equations for the reversible reactions that take place m Part A and Part B. 177 to the 3 :2. Using Le Chatelier’s principle, explain how the addition of FèC1 solution in test tube 2 (6tep 3) affected the equilibrium that existed in the of the other solution,. Give similar explanations for the addition of ech substances (step 4). J :‘ H : 3. Using the equilibrium equation for the reaction and Le Chatelier’s prin ciple, explain the color changes noted in Part B. S 178 Page 1 Gas PhaseEquilibrium - Gas Phase Equilibrium Pressure and Temperature Introduction Manyimportant reactionsthat take place in the atmosphere involveequilibrium concentra tions of gas phase reactants and products. Whatvariablesaffectthe position of equilibrium for reactions in the gas phase? Concepts I chemical equilibrium • tlier’s LeCh Gas-phasereactions • Nitrogen oxides principle Background Burning fossilfuelsfor energy “drives”our societyand our economy.It is also a major source of environmentalconcerns and challenges.The releaseof large amounts of carbon dioxidefrom the combustionof oil and gas, for example,is a subject of controversybecause of its pos contribution to globalwarming. In addition to carbon dioxide,burning fossil ible fuelsalso producesa variety of sulfur and nitrogen oxides.Sulfur oxidesare formedvia the •oxidationof sulfur-containingimpurities in coaland oil (Equations 1 and 2) and are a major cause of acid rain. Nitrogen oxidesare formedwhen nitrogen and oxygen—themain compo nents of air—combinewith one another incar engines, power plants, orin car exhaust (Equations 3 and 4). Nitrogen oxidesare a major component of photochemicalsmog and air pollution. S(s) ÷ 02(g) 2(g) 2S0 2(g) N 2N0(g) + —‘ 02(g) 2(g) S0 Equation 1 3(g) 2S0 Equation 2 + 02(g) : 2N0(g) Equation 3 + 02(g) t 2(g) 2N0 Equation 4 As can be seen froth Equations 2—4,most of the gas phase reactions that take place in the atmosphere are reversiblereactions. Conditionsthat affectthe position of equilibrium for gas phase reactions are therefore of enormous importance in determining the environmen tal impact of burning fossilfuels. In this experiment,we will consider the properties of nitrogen dioxideand investigate howthe principles of equilibrium applyto its reactions. is a toxic, reddish-browngas with an irritating odor.It is primarily Nitrogen dioxide(NO 2) responsiblefor the brownishhaze that hangs over many of the world’slargest cities due to air pollution. Nitrogen dioxideis also quite reactive.In the presence of sunlight, for exam ple, it undergoesa light-induced “photochemical”reaction to produce ozone (Equation5). High levelsof nitrogen oxidesin the atmosphere are associated,therefore, with high ozone levelsas well. light < + Equation 5 2(g) N0 2(g) O 3(g) > NO(g) + 0 GasPhaseEquilibrium Gas Phase Equilibrium Page 2 — The high reactivityof nitrogen dioxidemeans that it reacts even with itself—twomoleculesof which is a colorlessgas at room 204, 2 combine to form the “dimer,”dinitrogentetroxide,N NO reversiblereaction and quicklyreaches a Formationof is (Equation6) temperature. a 204 N position of equilibrium.The relativeamounts of N0 present at equilibrjumdepend 2and 204 N LeChâtelier’s and Principle. temperature, accordingto on pressure : 2(2N0 g) Red-brown Equation 6 4(Ng) 2O Colorless Experiment Overview The purpose of this experimentis to study the effectsof changing the temperature and pres in a sealedtube at equilibrium.LeChâtelier’s sure on the relativeamounts of NO 4 2O 2 and N Principlepredicts how a change in conditionswillaffectthe equilibrium for a reversible chemicalreaction—thereactionwillshift in a directionthat tends to reducethe effectofthe imposedchange. Theeffectof changingthe temperature dependsonwhether the reactionis exothermicor endothermicas written, whilethe effectof changing the pressure dependson number of gaseousmoleculeson the reactant versu product side of the reaction equation. •the Pre-Lab Questions (Show al/work on a separate sheet of paper.) 1. DrawLewiselectrondot structures fOrthe nitrogen oxidesmentioned in the Background and dinitrogen tetroxide N section:nitric oxideNO,nitrogen dioxideNO 2, 4 2O 2. Usethe electron dot structures ofNOand NO 2 to explainwhy these moleculesare consid ered highly reactive. 3. Although both N 2 and 02 are naturallypresent in the air we breathe, high levelsof NO and NO 2 in the atmosphereoccur mainly in regions with large automobile or powerplant emissions.The equilibriumconstant for the reactionof N 2 and 02 to give NOis very small.The reaction is, however,highlyendothermic, with a heat of reaction equalto +180ki (Equation7). 2(g) N + 02(g) + 180 kJ : Equation 7 2N0(g) (a) UseLeChâtelier’sPrincipleto explainwhy the concentrationof NOat equilibrium increaseswhen the reactiontakes placeat high temperatures. (b) UseLeChâtelier’sPrincipleto predict whether the concentration of NOat equilibrium should increasewhen the reaction takes placeat high pressures. Materials 2 Sealed,jumbo pipet bulbs containing NO 2, Beakers,250- or 400-mL,2 Ice Water Hot plate Thermometer Forcepsor tongs White paper (for background) FlinnChemlopic” Labs Equilibrium — Page3- Gas PhaseEquilibrium Safety Precautions Nitrogen dioxideis a highly toxic gas. The gas willbe supplied in sealedpolyethylene pipèt bulbs.Do not cut the pipet bulbs orpuncture them in any way. Do not continue with the procedure if you see any breaks or tearsin the bulbs or if you see yellow stains on your hands. Immediately take any leakingpipets to the fume hood and notify your teacher. Wear chemical splashgogglesand chemical-resistantgloves and apron. Washhands thoroughly with soap and waterbeforeleaving the laboratory. Procedure’ 1. Filltwo beakers(250-or 400-mL)half-fullwith tap water.Heat one beaker on a hot plate to prepare a hot-waterbath (75—80 °C) for use in step 4. Addice to the secondbeakerto for ice-waterbath (0—5 ° C) an use in step 5. prepare 2. Measurethe roomtemperature and record it in the data table. 3. Obtaintwosealedpipet bulbs filledwith nitrogen oxidesfrom your teacher.Observeand record the colorofthe gas at room temperature. 4. Usingforcepsor tongs, placeone pipet bulb in the hot-waterbath for 2—3n inutes. Measurethe temperature of the bath and observethe color ofthe gas. Recordthis data in the data table. ‘ 5. Useforcepsor tongs to remove the pipet bulb from the hot-waterbath, then immersethe bulb in the ice-waterbath. Measurethe temperature of the bath and observethe color of the gas. Recordthis data in the data table. 6. Alternate immersingthe pipet bulb in the hot-waterand ice-waterbaths.Arethe color changesrepeatable?Recordall observationsin the data table. 7. Placethe bulb on a piece ofwhite backgroundpaper.Doesthe gas return to its original colorwhen the bulb returns to room temperature? 8. Takethe secondpipet bulb and hold it verticallyat one end. Squeezeon the bulb and bend it over to compressthe gas into a smallervolume. Tryto squeezethe gas into about one-halfits originalvolume. 9. Observeand record any immediatecolor changes that occur when the gas is compressed. 10. Continue squeezingthe pipet bulb in this manner for 2—3minutes. Observeany further colorchanges that may occur. Comparethe color of the gas againsta white background with that in the first pipet bulb, which should be at room temperature. 11. Return all pipet bulbsto your teacher for disposal. GasPhaseEquilibrium Gas PhaseEquilibrium Page4 - Name: ________________ Class/LabPeriod: ______ Gas Phase Equilibrium Data Table Effectof Temperature and Pressure on 204theN0 —N Equilibrium Room temperature , Colorof gas at room temperature Temperature of hot-water bath , Colorof gas in hot-water bath , r bath Temperature of ice-wat Colorof gas in ice-waterbath Observations upon further heating and cooling Colorof as when volume was initially reduced , . S , Final color of gas after volume was reduced Post-Lab Questions 1. Writethe chemicalequation for the reaction of NO 2 to formthe dimer N 204. color of each compoundunderneath its formula. Includethe 2. Whatcolor changewas observedwhen the gas was cooled?In what direction did the equilibriumshift? 3. Whatcolor changewas observedwhen the gas was heated?In what direction did the equilibriumshift? Flinn Chemlopic” Labs — Equilibrium Page5- Gas Phase Equilibrium 4. Areboth reactantand product gasespresent in the uri in;iJ temperature?Explain. uqiiilihrniiii inixtui* ;il ruuIll 5. Usethe results ofthe heating and cooling experimentsLudecide whether the dimeriz; tion reactionof NO 2 is endothermic or exothermic.lcwrite the diemical equation for the reactionto includethe heat term on the reactant or product side, as needed. 6. UseLeChâtelier’sPrincipleto explainthe effectof temperature on the gas phase equilibri um involvingNO 2 and N 204. 7. Writethe equilibriumconstant expression(massaction expression)for th nitrogen oxide equilibrium.Doesthe value of the equilibriumconstant dependon temperature? 8. Accordingto Boyle’sLaw,what happenedto the pressure insidethe bulb when the bulb wassqueezedto halfits original volume?UseLeChâtelier’sPrincipleto predict how this reaction. —N pressure change shouldaffectthe position of equilibrium for the 204N0 9. Discussthe color changes observedwhen the gas volume was reduced.Dothe changes agree with the predictionmade abovefor the effectof pressure? 10. Whatother factorsor conditions might haveinfluencedthe color changes observedwhen the bulb wassqueezed?Hint: Did any of the other gas variables (P,V,T,n) change? GasPhaseEquilibrium Name Date Class 20 Laboratory Investigation S Changes During Red ox Reactions Problem What changes occurduring redox reactions? Materials (per group) 24 well-reaction plates miaopipettes containing the following solutions: 1.OMHcI 1.0 M Cu(N0 3)2 3)2 1’.OMZn(N0 small pieces of Mg, Cu, Zn Procedure 1. Place 10 to 12 drops of HO into each of the wells of three well-reaction plates. Add one piece of Mg to one of the wells, Cu to a second well, and Zn to a third well. Record your observations in the data table below. 2. Place 10 to 12 drops of Cu(N0 3)2 observations in the record your • 3. Place 10 to 12 drops of Zn(N0 3)2 record your observations in the in a dean well. Add a piece of Zn to the well. After 5 minutes, data table. in a dean well. Add a piece of Cu to the well. After 5 minutes, data table. . 4. Following your teacher’s instructions, discard all solutions and clean all well-reaction plates. Observations Reactants Observations Substance oxidized Substance reduced HCI+Mg HCI+ Cu HCI+Zn )2 3 Cu(N0 + Zn )2 3 Zn(N0 + Cu 28 Chapter20 f_____ I C -I4aII. enti P Inc. THEMIRRORE FLASK PROCEbURE: 1. Add lOml of .25Mdextrosesolutionto a clean bottle. of .1OMsilver nitratesolutionto a150m 1 1 beaker. 2. Add 30m 3. While stirring, add concentratedammoniumhydroxidedrop-wiseto the silver nitrate solutionin the beakeruntilthe gray-biackprecipitateforms. Continue adding ammoniumhydroxidedrop-wisewith swirling untilthe silver diammine ionic complexforms and the solutipnJUST becomesclear and colorless. ‘4. Add 15m1Qf.80M potassiumhydroxideto the beaker. The silver hydroxide splid usuallyprecipitatesagain,so add concentratedammoniumhydroxide . drop-wisewith swirling untilthe solutionjust clear 5.’ Pourthe contentsof the beakerinto your bottle and put the cap on. Swirl so the liquid contactsthe entire innersurface. Continuefor five minutes. 6. Pourthe liquid into the waste containerand hnsethe bottle. Describeall of the chemicalchangesthat you obsdrvedduring the lab. Write as many chemicalreactionsas possibleto explain the observations. What happenedto the silver during this process? Whatevidencedo you have for this conclusion? ¼ Name_________________ Bayport- Blue Point High School Chemistry Lab- Redox Unit ACTWIT1E. Of METAL& RE.DOX PURPOSE The objective of this experiment is to rank in order sveral metals on the basis of their chemical activity. The results can then be compared to the Activity Series in the reference table to test for accuracy. DISCUSSION Active metals react with acids to produce hydrogen gas. The rate at which bubbles of hydrogen are produced when various metals are placed in acid solution can be used to’ indicate the reactivity of the metals. In the reaction, the metal is oxidized while the .I{ from the acid is reduced to H 2(g). The most active metals are the most easily oxidized. 4MATERIALS Chemicals iron nail galvanized nail copper tack aluminum nail 6 M HCI solution (500 mL concentrated HCJ solution diluted to 1.00 liter with distilled or deionized water) Eguirment test tubes or smallbeakers test tube rack . .TAZARDS Concentrated solutions of HCI will burn skin and damage clothing. Fumes from acid can be caustic and/or irritating; do this experiment in a well-ventilated area (hood, if available). Goggles must be worn throughout this experiment. Created by M.Romaine Page 1 of 4 3/. PROCEDURE 1. Place a different metal ineach of four test tubes 2. Add just enough 6 M HCI solution to cover the metal. Add the acid to each of the test tubes at the same time so that you are able to compare the rates. 3. Record the relative activity of each metal based upon the rate at which hydrogen is released. 4. Test the gas released by the galvanized nail with a burning splint to confirm that it is hydrogen. 5. Rank the four metals from lowest to highest activity. DISPOSAL Dilute the acid with water and flush down the drain with water. Metal pieces can be. discarded with solid waste. . . I i4TLPS . Some metals form an oxide coating on the surface that will prevent further oxidation; these should be cleaned with steel wool before testing their reactivity. Even though’the metals chosen forthis experiment may have an oxidd coating, they should give the correct order of activity without cleaning because of the large differences in activity. OBSERVATONS How did each metal react in the presence of the acid? METAL OBSERVATION I Place the metals in order of reactivity (from least to greatest). < According to your Activity Series Reference Table, list the metals in order of reactivity (least to greatest). < Created by M.Romaine Page 2 of4 4. 0 POST LAB QUESTIONS 1. Define: I OxidatiOn: Reduction: Oxidation State: ________________________________________________________ Electrochemistry: _________________________________________________________ ElectrolyticCeIU______________________________________________________________ VoltaicCell: ___________________________________________________________ the half-reactions for the reactions of copper & hydrogen, iron & hydrogen, and aluminum & hydrogen: Be sure to include electrons afid oxidation numbers. in each reaction, indicate which species is being oxidized and which is being reduced. 2.Wiite COPPER & HYDROGEN Half- reaction Half. reaction Net reaction OXIDIZED______________ ON REDUCED______________ & HYDROGEN Half- reaction Half- reaction Net reaction OXIDIZED______________ Created by M.Romaine REDUCED______________ Page 3 of 4 tf 53 ALUMINUM & HYDROGEN Half- reaction Half- reaction Net reaction OXIDIZED______________ REDUCED_______________ 1) Answer ALL parts of this question! a) What is one problem associated with acid rain that, is illustrated by this experiment? b) What other problems are associated with acid rain?.; c) Some metals are galvanized to prevent “rusting.” If zinc reacts with acid readily, as discovered in this experiment, why is iron coated with zinc? d) How could this hypothesis be tested in the laboratory? . a) b) c) d) Created by M.Romaine Page4 of4 TheGold PennyLab In this lab,youwill be convertinga regularpennyintoa “gold”penny. In doin so, you arefollowinga traditionthat goesbackto theearliestdaysof chemistry. Themodempracti e of chemistrystartedwiththe studyof alchemyin medieval Europeandthe MiddleEast. Alchemistsbelievedthatby doingcertainchemical reactions,you couldturncheapmetalsinto gold. Someof themdid, anyway the otherswouldconvincepeoplethat they coulddothis andsellthemthe secret. By thetime anybodyrealizedthatthe “secret”didn’twork,they’dbe long gonewiththe money. — In this lab, you’llbe doinga reactionin whichcopperappearsto turnintogold. We’lltalkaboutwhat reallyhappenslater. Safety: In this lab,’it is very importantthat you wearyourgogglesat all times,andwork withthe chemicalsin thehood. Thechemicalsthat weare workingwith are extremelydangerous,and cancauseseriousinjuryif an accidentoccurs! “ Experiment: Takea pennyanddropit intothe boilingsodiumhydroxideandzinc 1) t for abouttwo minutes. mixture. Le it s1 2) Pullthe pennyoutof thewaterwith a pair,of crucibletongsandlet it cool and dryon a papertowel. DO NOT’TOUbHTHE.PENNYWITHYOUR BAREHANDS! Recordthe appearanceof the pennyhere: 3) Withthe crqcibletongs,holdthe pennyoverthe Bunsenburneruntilyou observea colorchange. Oncethe colorhas changed,immediately removethe pennyfromthe heatand let it cool on the barebenchtop. Don’tput it on a papertowel the papertowelwouldcatchfire. — ‘—Recordthe appearanceof the pennyhere: What happened? Whathas happenedis thatthe zincthat was boilingin the sodiumhydroxide formeda thin layerovertheoutsideof the penny. Whenthe pennywas heated overthe Bunsenburner,the silveryzinc coatingmixedwiththe copperof the pennyandcausedthe pennyto turn “gold”. © 2000 CavalcadePublishing For chemistry help, visit www.chemfiesta,corn Basically,youformeda mixtureof zincand coppercalledbrass. Brassis a metal that hasfrequentlybeenconfusedfor gold,especiallybypeoplewhodon’tsee gold very much. Repeatthe experiment: Dothe experimentoveragain,exceptthistime changesomethingaboUtthe way you did it. Changeonly onething! Hereare somesuggestionsaboutwhat’you mightwantto try: Leavethe pennyin thesodiumhydroxide/zinc solutionfor a different of time length Heatthe pennyfor a differentlengthof time overthe Bunsenburner Trycleaningthe pennyoff withwaterbeforeheatingit. - - In the sectionbelow,writedownwhathappenedin yOursecondexperiment : Whatdid you do differentlythe secondtimethanthefirst? Here’swhat happenedthe secondtimethatdidn’thappenthefirst time: Questions: What’san alloy? Is brassan alloy,or is it different?Whatdo youthink, 1) and why? 2) Couldyou turnothermetalsinto gold if you didthe right reaction?Whyor why not? You mightwantto searchfor informationaboutalchemyto answerthis question. 3) Why do you think you gota differentresultthesecondtime you did the experiment?Explainwhatyou think happened. © 2000 Cavalcade Publishing For chemistryhelp, visit www.chemfiesta.com Date Name _________________________________ • Class ___________ of Iron Corrosion ____________ Lab 44 Text reference: Chapter 22. pp. 655—660 Pre-Lab Discussion Corrosion is a redox reaction in which a free metal is oxidized, or “cor roded,” ‘•by some oxidizing agent. In nature, the oxidizing agent is fre quently atmospheric oxygen dissolved in water. Perhaps the most familiar free iron, Fe, , example of corrosion is the rusting of iron. In this reactioi 3 2 and Fe ions. In the reduction half-reaction, oxygen, is oxidized to Fe ions. °2, reacts with water to form 0H The rusting of iron usually is considered to be a destructive change, and considerable time and money are expended to prevent it. One method, ‘which you will observe in this experiment, makes use of a “sacrificial” metal. If iron is placed in contact with a more active metal (one that is more easily oxidized), the more active metal will be corroded instead of the iron. Metals situated below iron on the table of standard electrode potentials can function as sacrificial metals. In this experiment, indicators will be used to signal the formation of 2 Fe ions and 0H ions as products of the corrosion of iron. One such 2 indicator, the hexacyanoferrate(1Il) ion, turns blue in the presence of Fe of 0H ions. ions. The other, phenolphthaiein, turns pink in the presen This experiment should help promote a better understanding of corrosion and of oxidation-reduction reactions. ‘p Purpose Observe the corrosion of iron and investigate conditions related to corro sion. Equipment balance burner graduated cylinder, IOO-mL beaker, 250-mL ring stand iron ring wire gauze glass stirring rod dropper pipet petri dishes (2) steel wool or emery paper metric ruler safety goggles lab apron or coat MateriaJs 0.1 M 6K (potassium hexacyanoferrate(IlI)] 3Fe(CN) copper wire, 5-cm agar powder zinc strip, 5-cm 1%phenolphthalein solution iron nails (4) distilled water • Safety Observe all general lab safety precautions. Always wear safety goggles and a lab coat or apron when working in the lab. 227 Procedure 1. Set up a ring stand, ring, and wire gauze. Add 200 mL of distilled water to the 250-mL beaker and heat 1* boiling. While the water is being heated, clean four iron nails with steel wool or emery paper. 2. Using the balance, measure out 2.0 g of agaz powder. When the water is boiling vigorously, put out the flame and slowly add the agar to the water, stirring constantly. When the agar has Rinse the dropper dissolved, add 10 drops of 0.1 M N) 3Fe( 6.K pipet and add five drops of phenolphthalein solution. 3. Place one. bent iron nail and one straight iron nail into one of the petri dishes. Be sure the nails do not touch and are positioned as hbwn in Figure 44-1(a). 1 Figure 44- $ e of the remaining nails with copper wire and 4. Tightly wrap on the other with the inc;strip. Place these nails in the other petri dish, as shown in Figure 44-1(b). 5. When the agar solution is cool enough, pour it into each petri dish to a depth of 0.5 cm. Make and record observations in the. time remaining. At the end of the lab period, place the dishes in your drawer to be observed on the following day. Observationsand Data Petri dish (a): Petri dish (b): 228 Name 44 Corrosionof iron (continued) and Questions Conclusions 1. Explain why corrosion occurred at the sites indicated by the blue color inpetri dish (a). 2. What is the whitish material surrounding the zii cwrapped iail in petri dish(b)? the zinc-wrapped nail showed no evidence of corrosion, 3. Explain w y while the copper-wrapped nail did. . . 4; .Woulda magnesium wrapping prevent the corrosion of iron? Explain. 5. Why would sodium metal not be appropriate as a sacrificial metal in this experiment? . 229 Unit Four: Thermodynamids and Kinetics 354 4.1.3 CHEMICALHAND-WARMER Concepts to investigate: Exothermic reactions, rusting, corrosion, oxidation. Materials: 100 mesh iron powder (unoxidized electrolytic powder, 100 mesh or finer), ver miculite (from garden store), salt, plastic ‘bag, twist-tie. Safety: Wear goggles and lab coal. p ‘ Principles ann’ Procedures: Frostbite is a condition that results from, the formation of ice crystals in body tissues. Circulation is reduced drastically, and tissues become numb and turn a grayish blue. Gangrene, the death of tissues due to lack of oxygen, will set in if blood flow ceases. Those who work outdoors in cold climates’often carry chemical hand-warmers to pre vent frostbite in emergency situations. In this activity you will make your own hand-warmer. Mix’25 g of unoxidized iron.powder (iron powder must be gray or black,’not red or and 5 g of vermiculite together in a small plastic chlàridé) brown), I g of table salt (sodium bag that is.supported by a beaicer (Figure E). When all the materials are evenly distributed, add approximately 5 mL of water, remove all the air and seal the bag. To activate your handwarmer, open the bag and allow oxygen to enter. Gently knead the bag to mix the contents and note any changes in temperature (Figure F). Unoxidized iron rustsrapidly when exposed to salt water and oxygen, generating a substantial amount of heat: 4Fe(s) + 30 2(g) le LVI=-1652kJ/mo 2’O. 2Fe (s) ” your hand-warmer by removing the air from the bag and re Is it possible to “turn off sealing it? Try it and monitor the temperature of the bag for 10 to 15 minutes. What happens if you once again open the bag and allow air to re-enter? What is the role of sodium chloride in this reaction? Repeat the procedure described above, but,without the salt. Compare this reaction to the previous one. Does sodium chloride facilitate the oxidation of iron? 25 Fe powder I NaCI 5 vermiculite 5 ml. H,O E 4Fe(s) + 2(g) 30 —, 3 2O 2Fe (s) H= -1652k) F Questions (1) Is this an exothermic reaction? How do you know? (2) ‘Why is it necessary to open the hand-warmer bag to start‘thereaction? • 4.1 Thermochemistry S 355 (3) What effect does removingthe,air and sealingthe bag have upon the temperatureof the hand-warmer? (4) Does sodium chloridefacilitatethis reaction?Explain. (5) Salt is often added to melt ice on streets. Driverscomplaiflthat this salt causes their cars to rust. Is this a valid complaint?Explain. G I U • I -- II ‘In , > l. ni S I S Page1 Propertiesof Acidsand Bases — Properties of Acids and Bases Idenflfkation.and CIassificat oñ Introduction Acidsand basesare useful reagents in the chemistrylaboratoryand playan important role in biologyand nature. What are acidsand bases?What propertiescan be used to distinguish acidsand bases?Let’sexplorethe properties of acidsand basesand identifythe characteristic featuresthat willallowus to classifysubstances as acidsand bases. Concepts • Acidsand bases • Activemetals • pH Scale • Indicators • Conductivity • Neutralization Background 4he origin of The word acid is derivedfrom the Latinverb acerewhich means “to (be)sour.”‘l the word acid revealsa characteristic physicalproperty of acids—theytaste sow Lemons, oranges, and grapefruitsare calledcitrus fruits because they contain citric acid, an acidic compoundwhichgivesthem their sour taste. Althoughtaste is an interestihg property of the foodswe eat, it is NOTa property that we will use in the chemical.laboratoryto classify, compoundsas acids or bases.The followingpropertiesare typicallyused toclassify com pounds as acids or bases. Conductivity. Someacidsand bases ionizecompletelyinto ions when dissolvedin water. Solutions that contain large numbers of dissolvedions conduct an electric current and are called electrolytes.Other weakeracidsand bases may ionize only partiallywhen dissolvedin water and may conduct electricityonlyweakly—theyare calledweak electrolytes. Substancesthat do not produce dissolvedionswill not conduct electricityand are called nonelectrolytes. Effect on Indicators. Indicators are organic dyesthat change color in acidic or basic solu tions. One of the oldestknownacid—baseindicatorsis litmus, a natural dye obtained from lichens. Its use was describedas early as the sixteenth century. Litmus paper,prepared by soaking paper in a solution of the dye, is often used as a general test for acids and bases. Phenolphthaleinis another indicator that shows a color change as solutions change from acidic to basic. Althoughthese indicators are usefulfor broadlyclassifyingsubstances as acids or bases,they are not able to distinguish among differentlevelsof acidityor basicity. Byusing combinationsof different indicators,however,it is possibleto obtain a spectrum of color changesovera wide range of acidity levels.Universalindicator and pH paper are two products that use combinationsof indicators to rank substances from most acidic to least acidic, or most basic to least basic. ThepH Scale. The pH scaleis a numerical scalethat is used to describethe relativeacidityor basicityof a solutionand is relatedto the concentrationof H 3O ions.TheabbreviationpH stands for “powerof hydrogen”—adifferenceof one unit on the pH scale correspondsto a 3O ions.Pure water contains extremely poweroften differencein the concentrationof H PropertiesofAcidsandBases Propertiesof Acidsand•ases — Page2 small, but equal,concentrationsof H 3O and0H ionsdue to self-ionization(Equation1). Acidsahd’basesare substancesthat alter the cöñëëntrationsof H 3O and OH-ions in solution. 2O(l) H + 20(I) H ‘— aq) 3O H + OW(aq) Equation 1 Reaction with Metals.Acidsreact with so-calledactivemetals—reactivemetals such as mag nesium and zinc—toproducehydrogengas and solutionsof metal ions.The reactionof dif ferent metalswith acidsis a well-knowntest used to rank metals from most activeto least active.Reactionof a single activemetal with a varietyofdifferentsolutions is one of the best methods to identifyacidsand to compare their relativeacidity. Neutralization reactions. Acids‘andbasesreact‘witheach other to giveneutrql products— solutions that are neither acidic nor basic.The products of neutralization of an acid and a base are an ionic compound(generally,referred to as a salt) and water.The amount of acid that will react with a specificamount of base is governedbystoichiometry.Neutralization reàctiôns are frequentlyused In the laboratoryto determinehow much of an acidic or basic compoiind is present in a substance. Experiment Overview The purpose ofthis cperiment is to explore’the propertiesof aqueous solutionsand to classify them as acidic,basic,or neutral. The resultswillbe usedto developworkingdefinitionsand to analyzethe pH scalefor identifyingacidsand bases. Pre-Lab Questions ‘ , Acidwit, acid rain, and an acid test—these familiar expressionssuggest some interesting properties and uses ofacids. 1. The phrase acidwit is definedin the dictionaryas humor that is sharp, biting, or sour in nature. In the laboratory,acids present a hazard becausethey are corrosive.Whatis meant by the term corrosive?Howdoesthis relateto acidwit? 2. Acid rain is recognizedas a growingdanger to the environment. Brieflydescribetwo problems associatedwith acid rain. 3. (Optional)The phraseacid test has entered the popularvocabularyto describea severebut conclusivetest ofwhether something is authentic. Whatis the origin of the term acidtest? Materials Aceticacid solution, CH 3COOH, 0.1 M, 6 mL Ammoniasolution, NH 0.1 M, 4 mL 3, Hydrochloricacid solution, HCI,0.1 M, 6 mL Magnesiumribbon or turnings, Mg, 5 pieces Phenolphthaleinsolution, 0.5% in alcohol, 2 mL Sodium hydroxidesolution, NaOH,0.1 M, 8 mL Universalindicator, 1 mL Washbottle and distilled or deionizedwater Conductivitytester Forceps Litmus paper, neutral, 5 pieces pH test strips, wide range Pipets,Beral-type,5 Reactionplate, 24-well Stirring rod White paper (for background) Flinn ChemTopic Labs — AcidsandBases Page3—Propertiesof Acidsand Bases Safety Precautions 0 All of the acidsand basesused in this lab are corrosiveto eyes, skin, and other body tissues. They are toxic by ingestion.Avoid contact of all chemicalswith eyes and skin. Notify your teacherand clean up all spills immediately with largeamounts of water.Magnesium metal ’ne. Keep away from flames. is a flammablesolidand burns with an intense fla solution and is flammable.It is moderately toxic by based Phenolphthaleinis an a1cohoi from flames other ignitionsources. Wearchemical splash goggles and ingestion.Keep away and chemical-resistantgloves and apron. Washhands thoroughly with soap and water before leaving the laboratory. Procedure •Part A. Classifying Acids and Bases 1. Obtaina 24-wellreaction plate and place it on a piece ofwhite paper as shownbelow. Notethat eachwellis identifiedby a unique combinationof a letter and number, where ‘the letter refersto the horizontal row and the number to the verticalcolumn. • • 2. Labelfivepipets 1—5and fillthem with solution,as shown below. Label Solution 1 Hydrochloric Acid 2 Acetic Acid 3 Distilled Water 4 Ammonia 5 Sodium Hydroxide 3. FillwellsA1—A5 in RowAabout two-thirdsfullwith the correspondingsolutions 1—5. Note: Thewellsin a 24-wellreaction plate have a 3-mL capacity.Addabout 2 mL (40 drops) ofsolutionto eachwell. 4. Testeach solutionin RowA (wellsA1—A5) using a conductivitytester. Describeeach solu tion as a strong conductor,weak conductor,or non-conductorand record any additional observationsin DataTableA.Rinsethe conductivitytester with distilledwater and wipe clean betweeneach test. 5. Testeach solutionin RowA (wellsA1—A5) using a piece of neutral litmus paper. Record the color ofthe paper in DataTableA.Note: Dipa stirring rod into the solution, then Properlics of Acidsand Bases Properties of Acids and Bases Page4 - touch the stirring rod to the test paper.Whenused in this way,one test paper may be used for more than one solution.Be sure to wipe the stirring rod clean before testing each new solution. Recordthe color of each solu 6. Add1 drop of phenolphthaleinsolution to eachwellA1—A5. tion in DataTableA. in RowB. 7. Add20 drops of solutions 1—5to the correspondingwellsB1—B5 8. Testeach solution in RowB (wellsB1—B5) using a pH test strip. Usethe color chart on the pH paper containerto assigna numerical pH value to each solution. Recordthe pH valuefor each solution in DataTableA. Recordthe color of each solution in 9. Add1 drop of universalindicatorto eachwellB1—B5. DataTableA. in RowC. 10. Add20 drops ofsolutions 1—5to the correspondingwellsC1—C5 11. Addone small piece of magnesium metal to each solutionin wellsC1—C5. Observeany that takes of if reaction he speed placend compare reaction, any, in each well. apparent Recordall observationsin DataTableA. Reactions of Acids and Bases 12. Carefullyadd 20 drops of hydrochloricacid (solution 1), followedby 1 drop of,phenolph thalein, to eachwellDl and D2. Part B. Neutralization 13. Carefullyadd sodium hydroxide(solution5) one dropat a time to the solution in wellDl until a stable color change occurs. Stir the solution in betweendrops. Recordthe number of drops of sodium hydroxideadded (Trial1) in DataTableB. 14. Add10 drops of distilledwater to the solution in wellD2. Repeatstep 13to test the solu tion in wellD2.Recordthe number of drops of sodium hydroxideadded (Trial2) in Data TableB. 15. Carefullyadd 20 drops ofaceticacid (solution2), followedby 1 drop of phenolphthalein, to each wellD5and D6. 16. Carefullyadd sodium hydroxide(solution 5)one dropat a time to the solution in wellD5 until a color change occurs. Recordthe number of drops ofsodium hydroxideadded (Trial1) in DataTableB. 17. Add10 drops of distilledwater to the solution in wellD6.Repeatstep 16to test the solu tion in wellD6.Recordthe number of drops of sodium hydroxideadded (Trial2) in Data TableB. Disposal 18. Usingforceps,remove ny piecesof unreacted metal fromwellsC1—C5. Disposeof these metal piecesas instructed by your teacher. Rinsethe contents of the reaction plate down the drain with plenty of excesswater. FlinnChemTopicLabs AcidsandBases — Page5- Properhesof Acidsand Bases • ‘I _____________________________________ Name: Class/LabPeriod: Propertiesof ‘Acidsand Bases Data Table A. Classifying Acids and Bases Solution 1 2 3 4 5 Hydrochionc Acid Acetic Acid Distilled Water Ammonia Sodium Hydroxide •. Test Property Conductivity . Litmus Paper , ‘ lein Phenolphtha pH Test Paper ‘ . , UniversalIndicator Reactionwith Magnesium ‘ . , Data Table B. NeutralizatIon Reactions of Acids and Bases HydrochloricAcid Numberof Drops of Sodium HydroxideAdded (Trial 1) Numberof Drops of Sodium HydroxideAdded(Trial 2) Propertiesof Acidsand Bases AceticAcid Properties of Acids and Bases Priqc 6 24S Post-Lab Questions (I’c I.;’/)I)(/I( :I-o/pa/.er .cIl to answer the followingqu stions.). Ii e cii tduct ivitvtest to identifyeachsolution in Part A as a strong elec— I. UseIhe resuIt: dk electmivic, OF nonelectrolyte. trolvtc, W( 2. Whichsoluhoiis in Uart A reactedwith magnesium metal?Writea balancedchemical equationbr the reactionof eachacid in Part Awith magnesium. 3. Strongacidsionize completelyin water to form ions and are thus strong electrolytes.In contrast, weak acidsdo not readilyionizein water—infact,lessthan 1%of the mole cules are probablyionizedat any given time. Weakacidsare thereforeveak electrolytes. Classifyeach acid as either a strong or weakacid.Whichreactedfasterwith magnesium metal, the strong acid or the weakacid? 4. Writechemicalequationsfor ionizationof the strong and weakacids in water.Identifythe common ion that is produced in acidic solutions. 5. Howcan litmus paper and phenolphthaleinbe used to tell whether a solution is an acid or a base?Be specific. 6. Usethe combinedresults of the conductivityand indicatortests to identifythe basicsolu tions in Part A. Classifyeach as a strong versus weak base. 7. Writechemicalequations for the ion-formingreactionsofthe strong and weak base n water.Identifythe common ion that is produced in basicsolutions. 8. Comparethe pH data for the solutionswhich you labeledas acidsand bases.What pH val ues can be assignedto acidsand bases,respectively? 9. Comparethe pH valuesof strong versus weakacidand strong versus weak base solutions. Howdoes pH varywith the “strength” of an acid or base,respectively? 10. Explainthe color change observedfor the indicator in the neutralization reaction of hydrochloricacid in Part B.Whatis the pH range of the finalsolution? 11. (a) Write separate, balancedequations for the neutralizationreactionsof hydrochloric acid and aceticacidwith sodium hydroxide. (b) Usethe stoichiometryof the balancedchemical equationsto explainthe number of drops ofsodium hydroxiderequired for complete neutralizationof the acids. (c) Didthe strong and weakacids require equal number of drops of sodium hydroxide? Explain. (d) Did addingwater to the acidsolutions change the number of drops of sodium hydrox ide required for neutralization?Explain. 12. Completethe followingtable to summarize the properties ofacidsand bases. Acids Property Bases Conductivity Litmus Phenolphthalein Reactionwith metals . pH FlinnChemTopicLabs AcidsandBases — NAME______________________ DATE_____________ ACID, BASEINDICATORLAB (TableM) Purpose: Your job is to find out how each of thhe indicafors reacts or changcs in soh.tons of various ph. Materials: 30 small plastic cups methyl orange bromthyrnol blue lein phenolphtha bromcresol green thymol blue various pH solutions (4-10) Pr’ocedure: Read all of the directions in the procedure before you begin. 1. Label the plastic cups according to the data chart below. 2. Fill each cqp with 10 drops of the correct pH solution (4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, & 10) fEomthe labeled bottles. 3. Predict the color of the solution in each cup based on Table M. h of ea ops 4. Test each of the solutions h adding 2-3.d indicator in the apropriate blank in the’chart. 5. Put the color you see the indicator change to n the cnect 1hL Common I fl(liu. II 1 Acid—Base Indicators hitV A It I\Jt ,, I Color Change )I I It.IuI!.:( ( .‘ii,i-(.li;ii t ii fl)(’tII\ Ot I)lOfl II. )Iii J)l o. oIj)IIt: ” ‘(1lu - iihorIec’ ’: Ii iitniu’ .— co oflcr l)rO — thvrno)I ((Ito IIo v — re(l . )tu I t tO) too tO) hhie I( n’vto)1)11 v veIIo tn blue cups. DATATABLE Indicat pH Solution or Prediction 4 A Methyl Orange B C D Bromthymol Phenolphtha Bromcresol Blue Green lein . I Results • ‘ Prediction 5 , : . Results . , Results Prediction 7 ‘ 8 . , Results Prediction I , Results 9 I Prediction . Results 10 . . Prediction 6 Thymol Blue Prediction Results , 9617 4 - I Page 1 - Name: 1) • witha pH of9.0 to turnblue? Whichindicatorwould cause a sodiumhydroxidesokflioti th 1 brange and pheno C) bis 1fl B) Iitnijsand methylorange D) thymolblue and litmus S . 2) • 3) r isaddedto’a beaker containing Methyl orange indicatc a solutionofHCIwitha pH of2.OiWhat colorchange occws as NaOH(aq)isadded to thebeaker? B) yellowto red A) blue to red C) red to yellow Thynxlblueindicatorisaddedtoa solutioninwhichthe [H3(Y]= I x 10-11.Whatcolorwillthe solution.. appear? B) blue C) yellow A) pink I)) red Household vinegarhas a pH of approximately3.0. Which‘ould appearyellowwhen added to a vinegar . .4) D) red to blue solution? , .• C) litmus • A) bromcresol’greçn D) methylorange B) phenolphthalein • What,isthe pH of solutionthatchangesboth methylorange and litmusindicatorsred? 5) B) 2 C) 8 D) 4 A) ‘6 blueindicator.What colorwillthe Niiiic acidis addedto a otas bromthymol ium hydroxidesolutioncontaining 6) is solutionbe once allof thebase neutralizEd? ‘C) pink B) yellow D) colorless A) red . . •. . 7) showninthetablebelow. The,resultsof testinga colorlesssokaionwiththreeindicators,are Indicator red litmus bluelitmus • Result blue blue phenolphthaleinpink Whichformulacould representthesolutiontested? A) NaOH(aq) B) CJ J(aq) O H C) C61-11206(aq) D) HC I(aq) . Page1 Natural Indicators — Nàturàl Indicators Acids,Bases,and the pH Scale Introduction Rosesare red,violetsare blue—or are they? Red roses, as well as many other flowersand fruits, contain natural indicatorsthat are sensitiveto acidsand bases.The color of a natural acid—base indicatordependson pH. Oneofthe mostwell knowneffectsof natural indicators in plants occurs in the hydrangeaor snowballplant. Hydrangeaflowersare bluewhen grown in acidic soils,pink or red in basicsoils.Howdo the colorsof natural indicatorsvary with pH? Concepts • Indicators • Extraction • pH Scale • Weakacid • Conjugatebase • Equilibrium Background II Indicators are dyesor pigments that can be isolatedfrom a varietyof sources, including plants, fungi, and algae.Almostany flower,for example,that is red, blue, or purple in color contains a classof organicpigments calledanthbcyaninsthat changecolor with pH. The use of natural dyesas acid—base indicatorswas first reported in 1664by Sir Robert Boylein his collectionof essaysExperimentalHistory of Colours.Indeed, Boylemade an important contribution to the earlytheory of acidsand bases byusing indicatorsfor the experimental classificationofthese substances.The idea,however,may actually have originated much earlier—medievalpainters used natural dyestreatedwith vinegar and limewaterto make differentcolorwatercolorpaints. Acid—base indicators are large organic moleculesthat behave as weak acids—theycan donate hydrogen ions to water moleculesto form their conjugate bases (Equation 1). The distinguishing characteristic of indicatorsis that the acid (HIn) and conjugate base (Inj forms are differentcolors. HIn(aq) + H 20(l) (colorA) t 1n(aq) + H (aq) 3O (colorB) Equation I The abbreviationfin represents an uncharged indicator molecule, and Inan indicator ion after it has lost a hydrogen ion. The color changes of acid—baseindicators illustrate an appli cation of reversiblereactions and equilibrium. Becauseindicators are weak acids, the reac tions summarized in Equation I are reversible.Reversiblereactions can easilybe forced to go in either direction,depending on reaction conditions.The actual color of an indicator solution thus reflectsthe position of equilibrium for Equation 1 and dependson the concen tration of H ions (and hence the pH). 3O There are three possiblecases. (1) Mostof the indicator moleculesexist in the form HIn and the color of the solution is essentiallythe color of HIn. (2) Mostof the indicator molecules exist in the form 1n and the color ofthe solution is essentiallythe color of In-. (3) The solu tion contains roughlyequal amounts of the two forms and the resulting color is intermedi ate betweenthat of Hin and 1n. The exact concentrations of H 3O at which cases 1—3will NaturalIndicators Natural lndkators Page2 — predominate depend oq the structure of the indicator moleculeand the equilibilum con stant for Equation 1. Differentindicatorsthus change color at different pH ranges. Natural indicatorsolutions are obtainedby tr ating flowersand fruits with a solvent to remove (dissolve)the solublecomponents.This process,calledextraction, is sim to the lar procedure used to make a cup oftea using a tea bag. Thesolidis crushed or ground and extractedwith an appropriatesolvent,such as boilingwater,ethyl alcohol,or rubbing alcohol. The color of an acid—base indicator dependson the concentration of H ions,which is 3O most convenientlyexpressedusing the pH scale.The mathematical relationship between pH and [H is given in Equation 2. ] 3O pH = Equation 2 ] 3O —log[H The H in water ranges from 1 M (10°)in 1 M hydrochloric acid to io’ M 3O ition concentr in 1 Msodium hydroxide.In pure water, which is neutral (neither acidic nor basic),the H 3O concentration is equal to iO M.The logarithm of the concentration is the “powerof ten” exponent in these concentrationterms. Thus, the negativelogarithms (Equation2) of typi cal H concentrations are positivenumbers from 0—14.The pH scale ranges from 0—14, 3O with 7 being neutral. cids have pH values less than 7, whilebases have pH values greater than7. Withinthe pH range ofacid solutions,either a more concentratedor a strong acidsolution willhave a lowerpH than a less concentratedor a weakacidsolution,respectively.Thus, the pH valuesof 0.1 and 0.01MHCIsolutions are 1 and 2, respectively,whilethe pH of 0.1 M aceticacid is about 3. Onthe basicsideofthe pH scale, either a more concentrated or strong basesolutionwillhave a higher pH than a lessconcentratedor a weakbase solution, respec tively.Thus, the pH valuesof 0.1and 0.01M I’JaOHsolutionsare 13and 12,respectively,while the pH of 0.1Mammoniais about 11.Rememberthat the pH scaleis logarithmic—asolution of pH 3 is ten times more acidicthan a solutionof pH4, and 100times more acidicthan a solutionof pH 5. Figure 1 summarizesthe pH scaleand the pH range ofacidsand bases. 0 1 2 3 .4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 -4 Strong acids Weakacids Weakbases Neutral Strong bases Figure 1. The pH Scale Experiment Overview The purpose of this experiment is to extract natural indicatorsfrom flowersand fruits and designa procedure to investigatetheir color changes as a function of pH. Aset of standard acidand base solutions of known pH (pH = 2—12)willbe provided.The results will be used to construct color charts of the indicators. In Part B, the natural indicators willbe used, along with other knownindicator solutions, to analyze the pH values of unknownsolutions. FlinnChemlopic® Labs AcidsandBases — Page3—Natural Indicators Pre-Lab Questions Phenolphthalein is a synthetic indicatorthat is ctlorless when the pH <8 and red when the pH> 10.The pH range from 8—10is the “transition range” for phenolphthakin. When phe nolphthalein is addedto solutions havinga pH between8 and 10, the indicator is intermedi for phe ate in color betweencolorlessand red, or variousshadesof pink. The color chan es summarizedin the and indicators colorcharts twoother following nolphthaiein (Thble are 1).Areasshadedwith hash marks indicate pH intervalsin which the color of the indicator changes from one form to another.Note:Alizarinexhibitstwo differentcolor transitions, between5—7and 11—13, respectively.At pH values greater than 12alizarin appears violet. Table 1 pH Indicator 1 2 Alizarin 5 6 7 8 9 10. Colorless Phenolphthalein BromthymolBlue 4 3 12 Red Yellow Yellow 11 Blue Red 1. Whatwillbe the intermediatecolorof bromthymolblue in a solutionof pH 7? 2. Acolorlesshouseholdsolution was tested with the three indicatorsshownabove.The solution was colorlesswith phenolphthalein,yellowwith bromthymolblue, and orange with alizarin.Whatisthe pH ofthe solution?Be as specificas possible. Materials Standard acid and basesolutions of known pH (pH2—12),5 mL each Flowersor fruits (roses,violets,geraniums, pansies,petunias, peaches,cherries, cranberries, grapes, plums), about 5 g Indicator solutions, 5 mL each Beakers,100-and 150-mL,1 each Color pencils, 1 set Thymolblue Methylorange Pipets,Beral-type,5 Reactionplate, 24-well Bromthymolblue Funnels and filter paper (optional) Isopropyl(“rubbing”)alcohol, 50 mL “Unknown”acidsand bases, 5 mL each Hot plate (optional) Mortarand pestle (optional) Water,distilled or deionized Safety Precautions Thestandardacidand basesolutions used in this experiment are body tissue irritants. Avoidcontact of all chemicals with eyes and skin. Isopropyl alcoholis flammable. Keep away from flames and other ignition sources. Wearchemical splashgoggles and chemicalresistant gloves and apron. Washhands thoroughly with soap and water before leaving the laboratory. NatLIIdI Indic.itI IFS Natural Indicators Page4 — --Procedur Preparation. Extraction of, Natural Indicators 1. Obtainabout 5 g of’flowerpetals or fruit skin.Note: For smallfruits that are not easily peeled,use the entire fruit. 2. Tear,chop, grind,.or crush the plant materialand place the piecesin a 150-mLbeaker. • 3. Coverthe samplewith water or isopropylalcohol.Usea minimum amount of solvent (approximately50 mL). 4. if water is used as the solvent,heat the mixture,to just belowthe boilingpoint using a hot plate or bunsen burner setup. Donot heat the mixture if isopropylalcoholis used. 5. After15 minutes,’decantor filterthe mixture into a clean, 100-mLbeaker.The indicator solutiOnshould be clear,not cloudy.’ • Part A. Indicator Color Changes 6. Desigr a procedureusing the standard acidand basesolutionsof known pH to determine the color changes for the natural indicatorsolution and the pH intervalsin which the color changes occur. 7. Construct a data tableto recordthe results. 8. Showthe data tableand discussthe proposedjrocedure with your instructor. 9. Carry out the procedureand record the results: Part B. Classifying Unknown Solutions 10. Designa procedureusing your natural indicatorsolution and at least one other synthetic indicatorto determinethe pH valuesof unknownsolutions.Hint: Chooseindicatorsthat will giveyou the narrowest range possiblefor the pH valueof each unknown.The color charts for the availableindicatorsare shown in Table2. 11. Construct a data table to record the results. 12. Showyour data tableand discussthe proposedprocedurewith your instructor. 13. Carryout the procedureand record the results. Table 2. pH Value ThymolBlue MethylOrange UromfhyrnolBlue 0 J1 j 2 3 Red 5 6 j 7 8 9 10 Yellow 11 Blue Yellow Red Yellow Blue FlinnChemlopic® Labs AcidsandBases — Page5- Natural Indicators H Name:_______________________________________ Class/LabPeriod:__________________________________ Natural Indicators Post-Lab Questions 1. Assumethat the pH 2 color of the natural indicator represents its most acidicform (HIn) (a) Whatis the pH range in which the rpôst acidicform predominates? (b) Calculatethe lowestH 3O concentrationat whichthe indicatorstill existsin this form. 2. Assumethat the pH 12color of the natural ‘indicatorrepresents its most basicform (m l. (a) Whatis the pH range in which the most basicform predominates? ‘(b) Caictilatethe highest H 3O concentrationat whichthe indicatorstillexistsin this form. 3. For one ofthe unknownacid—base solutions that you tested, explainwhy you chose the combinationof indicatorsyou did to determine the pH valueof the solution.What is the advantageof using multiple indicators, rather than a single indicator,todeterminethe pH of a substance? 4. Construct a Results Tableto summarize the properties of the unknowns. (a) Estimatethe pH value of each unknown. eachsolution as acidic or basic. (b) CiassiI ’ (c) Withineachclassof unknowns—acidsand bases—arrangethe solutions in order from leastacidicto most acidicand least basicto most basic,respectively. Natural Indicators Name ‘ Date ___________ Class ___________ Lab Acid-Base Titration 39 Text reference:Chapter20. pp. 584—586 Pre-LabDiscussion . In the chemistry laboratory. it is sometimes necessary to experimentally determine the concentration of an acid solution or a base solution. A procedure for making this kind of determination is called an acid-base titration, in this procedure. a solution of known concentration, called the asured volume of standard solution, is used to neutralize a precisely m the solution of unknown concentration to which one or two drops of an 1icator have been added. if the solution of un appropriate acid-base in known concentration is acidic, a standard base solution is added to the acid solution until it is neutralized. If the solution of unknown concentra tion is basic, a standard acid solution is added to the base solution until it is neutralized. When carrying out an acid-base titration, you must be able to recog • • nize when to stop adding the standard solution, that is, when neutrallza • tion is reached. This is the purpose of the acid-base md$cator mentioned above. A sudden change in color of the indicator signals that neutralization has occurred. At this point, the number of hydronium ions from the acid • is equal to the number of hydroxide ions from the base.tThe point at which this occurs is called the end point of the titration. When the end point is reached, the volume of the standard ‘solution used is carefully determined. Then. the measured volumes of the two solutions and the known concen tration of the standard solution can be used to calculate the cohcentration of the other solution. The following steps tell how to calculate the un known concentration: 1. Write the balanced equation for the reaction. From the coefficients, determine how many moles of acid reacts with I mole of base (or vice versa). Use the coefficients to form a mole ratio. 2. if the mole ratio vs 1:1. the following relationship can be used to calculate the unknown concentration: = > molarirv of the acid solution molarity of the base solution volume of the acid solution ’a 1 = volume of the base solution The equation for this relationship can be rewriflen to find the solution of unknown concentration. For example. if the molarity of the base were unknown, the equation would be where 3M 1 M = = =. X Mb= 13 3. if the mole ratio vs not 1:1, the calculation of the unknown molar isv is slightly more complicated. For example, if 2 moles of standard 201 2S acid solution is neededto neutralize 1 mole of baseof ut known. tration. the following relationship exists: MaX V 8=2(Mb> The 2 in this equation iS concen Vb) known as the mole factor. In Part A of. this experiment, yOu will determine the) molarity of a solution of NaOH by titrating it with a standard solution of -IC1.The equation for this reaction is I HC ‘+ NaOH —. NaCI + 2b H Because the mole relationship of H* to 0H is 1:1, no mole factor will be needed in your calculations: In Part B of the experiment, you will titrate household white vinegar. Most commercial vinegar contain at least 4%acetic acid by,weight. You will use the NaOH solution whose molarity you determined in Part A for the utrat4on of he vinegar. Up to this point in your laboratory work, most of your quantitative experiments have required you to calculate mass relationships. This is known as gravimetric analysis. Titration requires you té use volume relationships. a technique known as volumetnc analysis. This experiment should lead to a better understanding of theproper ties of acids,and bases, neutralization reactions, and titration techniques. Purpose Determine the molarity of a NaOH solution by titrating it with a standard HCI solution. Determine the molarity of a sample of white vinegar. Equipment burets. 50-mL (2) buret stand double buret clamp graduated cylinder. J0-mL Erlenmeyer flask. 250-rnL beakers. 250-mL (2) dropper pipet pipet, l0-mL suction bulb safety goggles lab apron or coat - Materials 0.100 M HCI(standard solution) NaOH (concentration unknown) phenolphthalein Safety distilled water detergent solution white vinegar Fl Follow all precautions for working with acids and bases. Note the caution alert symbols here and with certain steps in the ‘Procedure.” Refer to page xi to review the precautions associated with each symbol. Always wear safet goggles and a lab coat or apron when working in the lab. 202 Name 39 Acid-BaseTitration ‘(continued) Procedure PARTA TITRA11ONOF BASEOF UNKNOWNCONCENTRATiON 1. Wash two burets with detergent solution. Rinse them thoroughly. first with tap water. then with distilled water. 2. Obtain about 100 mL of standard acid solution in a clean. A dry 250-mL beaker. Obtain about the same’ amount of the base of unknown concentration in a second 250-mi. beaker. CAU TION: Handle thesesolutions with care. They can causepain ful burns f they come iv contort with the skin., 3. Pour about 10 mL of acid into one buret and rinse the inside surface of the buret thoroughly. Allow the aqid to run out the buret tip. Fill the buret to slightly above the 0.0-mL mark with acid. Then allow the acid to flow out the buret tip until the bottom of the rneniscus is at the 0-mL mark (see Figure 39-1). Be’ sure there are no bubbles in the tip. If bubbles are present, add a little more acid to the buret and allow it to drain through .. the tip until it is free of bubbles and the meniscus is at 0.0 ml. 4. Repeat step 3 using the base solution in the second buret. Figure39-1 with step 5 of the “Procedure,” one tab partner should carry out the instructions while the secondpartner records the data. Starting 5. Place a 125-mL Erlenrneyer flask under tIW’acid buret as in Figure 39-2. Holding a sheet of white’ paper behind the buret to make the ‘scale easier ‘to read. allow exactly 10.0,mL of acid to flow into the flask. 6. Add exactly 10.1)mL of distilled water to the flask. Then. using a clean dropper pipet. add three drops of phenolphthalein. Swirl ‘the flask to mix all the ingredients. 7. Place the flask on a sheet of white paper under the buret (ont.aining the base solution. To avoid splashing. he sure the tip of the buret is in the flask (See Figure *4-2). 8. Swirling the flask gently. begin the titration by adding NaOH to the flask drop by drop (untiriu’ until a faint pink color re ’ occurs (the pink mains for about 30 seconds. If overutration color is too deep). follow ‘our Iea(’hers instructions for correct ing this condition. 9. Note and record the exaci final volume reading on the scale of the base buret. Discard the solution in the flask as instructed. Wash and rinse the flask F through fl. It is not necessary JO. Repeat the titration step . to refill the buret.s. Simply read anti record the initial volumes carefully ’ of the solutions in the hureL mL mL Figure39-2 After one tab partner has completed two ratwns vi theJiaOH, the tab partners should sv?fch roles, The recording partner .clioukl complete two trials (step.c ! thruugh 9) u’hile the other partner takes over the recording duties. NOTE: Be sure to read and record the initial volumes ui the solutions in the burets at the beginning of each trial, fit 203 I. PARTB TITRATIONOFWHITEVINEGAR 11. Using a pipet and, suction bulb,measure 10 rnL of white mL Erlénrñeyer flask. Add 100 mLof distilled vinegar into a 25O water. 12. Add three drops of phenolphthalein and carefuily titrate. using the same NaOH solution used in Part A. 13. If overtitration occurs, add a measured amount of vinegar to the flask (using the pipet) until the solution is colorless. This time, reach the end point carefully by titratthg drop by drop with the NaOH solution. Observationsand Data PARTA DATATABLE mall TnaI2 HCI NaOH Initial reading . . TnaI3 HCI NaOH HO Tr al4 NaOH HO . NaOH I . , Finalreading . Volumeused . . PARTB Total volume: white vinegar Total volume: NaOH solution = ______________ _____________ Calculations PARTA For each tnai. calculate the molarity of the NaOH solution using the relationship M. 204 Thai] ______ Tha12 _______ Tha13 _______ Tha14 _______ ‘Name : Acid BosCLab Titration - Pleaseanswer the following questionsbased on the lab and experiment results. 1. What was the averageMolarity of NaOH’from your 4 trials in Part A? 2. Why do you perform 4 trials fOr this lab? ‘3. What is the’ Titration equation? 4.. What does Ma stand for?’ 5. What was the Ma for this lab’ 6. What is an acid base titration used for? - 7. What does the ‘equivalence’ or ‘end point’ mean? 8. What was the nameof the indicator used in this lab? 9. befine the term standard solution, 10.What was the standard solution used in this lab? ii. A student performinga titration onon acidsolutionwith NaOHneversaw acolor thange.Why didthestudent not seea colorchange? acid 12.Write a balanced equationfor the reactionbetween hydrochloric andsodium hydroxidefor thislab.Whattypeof reactionisthis? ‘13.Namesomesourcesof error for thislab. 14.If 30.0 mlof 0.500 M KOHis neededto neutralize10.0mlof HCIof whatisthe Molcirityof the HCI? unknown concentration, Name ____________________ Date ___________________ Titration ofVinegár Lab Purpose: To determine the molarity of an upknown concentration of P1 )(HC 2 0 vinegar 3 which is also known as acetic acid. Materials: 50 ml of HC 0 3 H 2 2 150 ml beakers 1 150 ml Erhlenrneyer Flask 2 Burets 50 ml of NaOH Bromthymol Blue Procedure: 1. Obtain 50 ml of an unknown concentration of acetic acid in a clean 150 ml beaker. ) 0 3 H 2 (HC rd Obtain 50 ml thestand ml beaker. . base solution in a separate clean 15Ô 3. Fill the acid buret with the acetic acid up to the 0 mark, Fill the base burét with NaOH up to the 0 rnark I t 4. Measure 10 ml of NaOHfrom the bur flask. into a 150 ml Erhlenmeyer 5. Add 3 or or 4 drops of Bromthymol blue to the flask. 0 3 H 2 6. Begin titrating (adding) the HC until the endpoint is reached. from the buret to the flask 7. Repeat steps 4-6 for Trial 2. 8. Repeat steps 4-6 for Trial 3. Data Trial2 Tnall Tnal3 Vinegar NaOH Vinegar NaOH Vinegar NaOH InitialReading FinalReading /olume Used Questions: 1. What was the standard solution used ih this experiment? 2. What was the molarity of the standard solution used in this experiment? 3. What is the titration equation? 4. Calculate the molarity of the HC (Ma) 0 3 H 2 work) your from Trial 1. (Show.’ 1 5. Calculate the molarity of the HC 0 3 H 2 work) your (Ma) from Trial 2. (Show 6. Calculate the molarity of the HC 0 3 H 2 your work) (Ma) from Trial 3. (Show 7. Calculate the average molarity of the HC 0 3 H 2 (Ma). Page1 —TotalAcidity TotalAddit Titration of FruitJuices Introduction The refreshingtaste of fresh fruit juices’isdue to a complexblend of flavorsand fragrances. Fruit juices get their sweettaste from sugars, especiallyfructoseand glucose, and their sour or tart taste from acids, such as citric acid and tartaric acid. The balanceof sugar to acid content is one ofthe main factors responsiblefor the appealingtaste of fruit juices—too much sugar, and the juice will taste bland, but too much acid, and the juice will taste sour. The “total acidity”of fruit juices is determined by titration with sodium hydroxide. Concepts neutralization • Acid—base • Stoichiometry • Titration • Concentrationand molarity Background The main acids present in fruits and fruit juices are citric acid (in citrus fruits), tartaric acid (in grapes), and malicacid (in apples). OH OH OH I I —CH 2— C—CH COOH HOOC HOOC—CH—CH— COOH HOOC 2—CH— —CH COOH OH COOH Citricacid Tartaricacid Malicacid Figure 1. Organic acids in fruits and fruit juices The amount of citric acid in citrus fruit juices can be determined by titration with a standard solution of sodium hydroxide.(Astandard solution is one whose concentration is accurately known).Citric acid is a tricarboxylic acid—it has three ionizable or “active”hydrogenatoms in its structure. Onemole of citric acid therefore reacts with three molesof sodium hydrox neutralization reaction shown in Equation 1. idevia the acid—base OH HOOC—CH 2— CH COOH OH + COOH Citricacid 3NaOH C—CH -O 2-— CH CO + 2O 3H Equation 1 2-C0 Citrateion In the titration of a citrus fruit juice with sodium hydroxide,a sodium hydroxidesolution of known molarity is carefullyadded to a measuredvolume of fruit juice containing phenolph thalein as the indicator.The exactvolume of sodium hydroxidethat must be addedto reach the phenolphthaleinendpoint (pH> 7) is measured and then used to calculatethe concen tration of citric acid in the juice. TotalAcidity TotalAcidity Page2 — Experiment Overview The purpose of this experimentis to compare the citric acid content in a variet of fruit juices. The concentration of cittic acid in each juice willbe determined by titration with sodium hydroxidesOlution.Phenolphthaleinwill be added as an indicator to detect the equivalence,point in the titration, that is, the point at which all of the citric acid has been neutralized by reactionwith sodium hydroxide. Pre-LabQuestions 1. Basedon your previousobservationsof their taste, rank the followingjuices with respect to their acid content:Orange,white grape, pineapple,and grapefruit. wn in Figure 1, determine the molecular 2. Usingthe structural formulaof citric acid sh moIa formulaof citric acidand calculateits mass(g/mole). 3. A 10.0-mLsampleof pineapplejuice was titrated with 0.100Msodium hydroxidesolu tiOn.The averagevolumeof NaOHrequired to reachthe endpointwas 12.8mL. (a) Calculatethe number.of molesofsodium hydroxiderequired to reach the endpoint. imber of moles of citric’aciddividedby the number of moles (b) Usingthe male ratio (n ofsodium hydroxide)for the neutralization reactionshown in Equation 1,determine the number ‘ofmolesof citric acid in 10.0’mLof pineapplejuice. (c) Multiply,the number of moles of citric a,cidbyits molar mass to calculatethe mass of citric acid in 10.0mLof the Juice. (d) The concentrationof acid in juices is usually expressedin grams of acid per 100mL ofjuice.What is the concentration Ofcitric acidin pineapplejuice? Materials . ‘ Fruit juices (orange, white grape, pineapple,and grapefruit,etc.), 50 mL each Phenolphthalein indicator solution, 0.5 or 1%, 2 mL Sodiumhydroxide(standard)solution, NaOH,0.100 M, 100mL Water,distilled or deionized Beaker,50-mL,or small cup, 1 Beakers,100-or 150-mL,2 Beral-typepipet, graduated Buret, 50-mL Buret clamp Erlenmeyerflask, 125-mL Graduatedcylinder,25- or 50-mL Ring stand Testtube, large Washbottle White paper for background F’linnChemlopiC Labs ChemistryofFood — Page3—TotalAcidity Safety Precautions - Sodium hydroxidesolution is irritating to skin and eyes. Notify your teacherand clean up ar chemical all spills immediately.Avoidcontact of all chemicalswith eyes and skin. We splash gogglesand chemical-resistantgloves and apron.All food-gradeitems that have been brought into the lab are consideredlaboratorychemicalsand are for lab use only. Do not taste or ingest any materials in the chemistry laboratory.Do not remove any remain ing food items from the lab after they have been used in the lab. Washhands throroughly with soap and water beforeleaving the lab. !rocedure 1. Obtainabout50 mLof fruit juice in a 50-mLbeaker or small cup aridrecord the identity of the juice in the data table. 2. Obtainabout 75 mL ofstandard sodium hydroxidesolution in a 150-mLbeakerand record the precisemolarity of the solution in the data table. 3. Pour about 5 mLoffruit juice into a large testtube and add 1 drop of phenolphthalein. 4. Usinga graduated,Beral-typepipet, add 0.1 Msodium hydroxidein 1-mLpQrtiOnS until the juice sampleturns pink or red. Gentlyswirlthe test tube while adding the sodium hydroxidesolution.Recordthe volumeofsodium hydroxidein the data table. 5. Basedon this “rough titration” of 5 mL ofjuice, estimateand record th volumeof sodi um hydroxidethat willbe neededto titrate 20.0mL of juice. Usethisestimate as a guide to determinewhento “slowdown”in the titration (see step 13).Hint: If3 mL of sodjum hydroxideis neededto reach the “rough”endpoint,beginadding sodium hydroxidedropwise (step 13)afterabout 8 mL of NaOHhavebeen added. 6. Rinse a clean50-mLburet with two 5-mL portions of the sodium hydroxidesolution. 7. Clampthe buret to a ring stand and placea “waste”beakerunder the buret. Fillthe buret to abovethe zero mark with the sodium hydroxidesolution. Open the stopcockto allow any air bubblesto escapefrom the tip. Closethe stopcockwhen the liquid levelin the buret is betweenthe 0- and 10-mLmark. 8. Recordthe preciselevel(initial volume) of the solution in the buret.Note:Volumesare read fromthe top downin a buret. Alwaysread from the bottom of the meniscusand rememberto includethe appropriate number of significantfigures.See Figure 2. Figure 2. Howto read a buret volume. TotalAcidity TotalAcidity Page4 — ?M. 9. Measure20.0 mL of fruit juice in’a graduated cylinder and transfer the juic into a flask.Rinse mL 125 the meyer Erle graduatedcylinder with three 1O-mLportions of distilled or deionized water and add the rinse solutions to the Erlenmeyer liask. 10. Add2—3drops of phenolphthaleinindicatorto the Erlenmeyerflask. 11. Positionthe flaskand the buret so that the tip of the buret is inside the mouth:of the flask.Placea pieceofwhite paper under the flaskto makeit easier to detect the color change at the endpoint. 12. Open the stopcockto add the estimatedamount ofsodium hydroxide(see step 5) to the juice sample.Gentlyswirlthe flaskto mixthe contents. 13. Continue to add sodium hydroxideslowly,drop bydrop,while swirling the flask.Usea wash bottle to rinse the sidesof the flaskwith distilledwater during the titration. secondswhile swirling the flask, 14. When a faint pink color appearsand persists for 15—20 the endpoint has been reached.Closethe stopcockand recordthe finalburet reading (finalvolume) for Trial,1 in .thedata table. I 15. Pour the contents of the flask into the sink.and rinse the flaskwith distilledwater. 16. Repeatthe titration (steps 8—15)with a second20.0-mLsample of fruit juice. 17. (Optional)Iftime permits, completea second set oftitrations with a differentfruit juice. Flinn ChemTopic Labs — Chemistry of Food Page5—TotalAcidity Name:-— -. Class/Lab Period: Total’Acidity Data Table Titration of FruitJuice Nameof JuiceTested ‘ RoughTitrationData(Step4) ‘ EstimatedVolumeof NaOHNeededto Titrate20.0 mLof Juice PreciseMolarityoi NaOHStandardSolution ThaiI InitialBuret Reading . FinalBuret Reading Volumeof NaOHAddedat Endpoint* b *Post Thai2 ‘ . . Calculation #1. Post-LabCalculationsand Analysis (Usea separate sheet of paper to answer the followingquestions.) 1. Determine the volume of sodium hydroxide added at the endpoint for each trial and enter the results in the data table. 2. Calculate the number of moles of sodium hydroxide required to reach the endpoint for each trial. 3. Based on the mole ratio for the neutralization reaction of citric acid with sodium hydrox ide, determine the number of moles of citric acid present in 20.0 mL of juice. 4. Calculate the mass in grams of citric acid in 20.0 mL of juice for each trial. 5. What is the averageconcentration of citric acid in the fruit juice in units of grams of citric acid per 100 mL of juice? 6. Compare the average citric acid concentration in different juices. Based on class data, rank the juices from most acidic to least acidic. Does this ranking agree with the predic tions made in Pre-LabQuestion #1? TotalAcidity nATE_____________ NAME Determine the pH of an Unknown Solution Lab Purpose: Your job is to determine the pH of an unknown solution using the inklicators listed in Reference Table M. 25 small plastic cups methyl orange bromthymol blue phenolphthalein bromcresol green blue mol th red & blue litmus paper 5 unknown solutions Materials: Procedure: You will develop a procedure to determine the pH. Hints: 1.’ Think out the procedure first. 2. Write it down. 3. Construct a data table to rcord your observations. 4. Write down any data. 5. Make your determination based on your data. List your lab partners: Solution 1: Solution 2: Solution 3: Solution 4: Solution 5: omewo.rkAssignment: Reactthe ChemMysterybelowanduseinformationalresourcesavailableat home ReferenceTable,etc) to answerthe following: (Internet, textbook,encyclopedia, ChemMystery TheLimestoneCaveman You have been out for a walk when you come upon a man dead in a limestone cave. You do not see any bruise, wound, or mark on his body. You are asked to solve, the, mystery of how. the man died. Upon searching the scene, you discover a deep hole in the limestone floor that contains traces of acetic acid. Some ,bubbling is still occurring. How might the man have died? Answerthe following: . 1. What is the chemicalformulafor aceticacidandcarbonicacid? 2. What is the commonnamefor householdacetic acid, andwhat is it used for? 3. What is the chemicalformulafor limestone(alsomarble,or chalk)? — Name________ ’-Lab-Activity—- The Dissolving Cave: and Acidic Solütioñs A Reaction between CaCO 3 Ifltroduction In this lesson the chemical effects of an acidic solution on limestone is investigated.Limestoneis the same chemicallyas chalk or marble and will react with• acidic solutions. When rainwaterpasses through he atmosphere, it absorbs some carbon dioxide from the air. Water and carbon dioxide combine to form carbonic acid. This acid is weak, but over long periods of time it can do mtich damage. When this acidic rainwater passes through limestone, it will “dissolve” the limestone. This process forms many caves. Rocks on the surface are also etched by rainwater.In this experiment students will produce a solution of’carbonic acid. They will then observe ‘the changes in pH and a, chemical reaction. Two indicators will be used to determine the pH changes of the solutionsand during‘thereaction. Materials , Calciumcarbonate(CaCO3)(chalk or marble chips) BromcresolGreen indicator BromthymolBlue indicator 100-migraduatecylinders Household vinegar ‘‘ ‘ ,. ReferenceTable M Two 250-mi beakers,’ Goggles Spoon Soda Straw s Indicator 1. Fill a graduatedcylinder with 100 ml of distilled water. Transfer the water to a 250-mi beaker. Repeat this stqp a second time. 2. Put four to 15 drops of Bromcresol green indicator in one of the beakers, and 15 drops of Bromthymol blue indicator in the other beaker. Gently swirl the contents of each beaker and place them on a white piece of paper. Producing “Acid Rain:” 4. Put goggles on. Using a soda straw, slowly blow bubbles into each solution for about a minute.Write down your observations on the data chart. 5. Based on the colors of each solution, determine the approximatepH of each solution. Explainwhy you have chosen these pH values. Note: Be sure to use Reference Table M: Acid Base Indicators. This table shows what colors each of these indicatorshas for various pH conditions. 6.Now place a: small amount of calcium carbonate powder, chalk, or marble chip into each-solution;-Write-your observationsonthe data-chart; do The Effects of Another Acidic SoJution -Vinegar: Many ancient Greek and Roman monuments have stoçd against natural erosion for centuries. However with acid rain, these ancient monuments, modern monumelits, gravestone markers, and even concreteroadways are susceptibleto the corrosive nature of Acid Rain. 7. Startwith an empty, clean and dry 250-mlbeaker. 8. Place a spoonflilof calcium carbonatein the beaker.This will be our “monument” 9. Using a graduated cylinder,measure and place 20m1of acetic acid (vinegar) into the beaker containingthe calciumcarbonate.Record your observations. Observations Step 4. Step5. Step 6. Step 9. I 74 Questions 1. Describe 3 physical andJorchemicalproperties of the calcium carbonatç. 2. How does acid rain form? 3. Based on your observationsin the lab, what is the pH of acid rain? 4. What is the effect of acidrain on structuresmade of calciumcarbonate? 5. Using your observations,explain which is a stronger acid carboflicacid.or acetic acid. — 6. Write a balanced reaction between calcium carbonate and acetic acid? (Hint: Water and a gas are two of the three productsproduced.) 7. What is the identity of the gas produced in step #9? 8. How could you test for the presence of the gas evolved in the reaction between. calciumcarbonateand vinegar? 9. Two different indicators were tsed in this lab investigation. WoWd phenolphthaleinbe an appropriateindicatorfor this lab? Explain. 10. Based on the information provided in the ChemMystery and lab activity, how might the man have died in the cave? References: Experiment http://vlc.atu.edu/phsc 1021/2002-falllexp09/expo9.html ChemMysteiy http://www.geocities.comlvannamontanalChemMystery.html ‘fl3 Name ______________________ SI. + Móde of O k a Objectives: CompoundsHydrocarbons •. To improve your knowledge of organic compounds. S 2. To be ableto coflstruct models of simple organic compounds. 3. Tobeablelà transfer model structureto diagrams on paper. Please readthefollowing carefully: • You will each be given a molecular model building kit Each colored ball represents an • element A black.l)all with four holes represents carbon and a yellow ball with one hole . Using the kit, “you will make three-dimensionalmodels of some represents hydrogen organiócompounds. Fromthese models, you will draw theirstructural formulas. in the balls represent avaiiable electrons and those must be used up when The hole s balls. Wooden pegs are used for single bonds (2 shared electrons), while spnng joining are used for double and triple bonds (4 and 6 shared electrons, respectively). • • . • . • Be sure to use Reference Tables P and Q to help you construct your molecularmodels. Reference Table P contains a list of organic prefixes. The prefixes show the number of carbon atoms.in the compoun& For ecample, the prefix “eth” means that a hydrocarbon compound contains two carbon atoms. Reference Table Qcontains informationabout the Use the general formula to three types of hydrocarbons: alkanes. aIken and alk n. help you determinethe structure of an organic compound. The “n” in the general formula equals the numberof carbon atoms in the compound. For example, ethane is an alkane ethene is an alkene and has the molecular formula and has the molecular formula C 6 2H !2 .c ’4 • have only single bonds between carbon carbon atoms and carbon hydrogen Mk atoms. Alkçj have a double bond between two carbon atoms only and alkyjj have a triple bond between two carbon atoms only. Procedure: — — + S 1. Wrte the molecular formulas for each of the hydrocarbonscarbon molecules listed in the boxes on the following pages. 2. Then,using the molecular models kit construct a model of each. + 3. Draw a colorful picture of each model you builci 4. Answer the questions that follow. + Methane Ethane Propane Butane Ethene Propene Butene Ethyne Pentane - Propyne Compounds that have the sam Isomerof Butane molecular formula but different structural formulas are called isomers. For example n-butane and methyl propane have the same but the molecular. formula, 10 41-1 ,C arrangementof the atoms are quite different. In the box to the right, drawan isomerof butane. 6909-I -Page] Name: _____________________________ I) ‘The compound C4HIO belongs to the series of’hydmcarbons with the general formula A) C2H2n 2 • B) CnH2n 2) •. • C) CnH2n D) CnH2n+2 What is the general formula for an alkyne? C) CnH2n A) CnH2n..6 2 B) CnH2n D) CnH2n+7 The members of the alkaneseries ofhydrocarbonsare similar in that each member has thesame C) empirical formula A) structural formula D) molecular formula B) generalformula _3) ‘ 4) Which set of formulas represents members of the same homologous series? CH4O C) C2H4,C3H6,C41-Ig A) C,C1-14, D) CF12,CH3, CH4 •B) C2H2,C2F14,C2H6 formula The compound C2H2 belongs tothe series ofhydrocarbons with thegeneral _5) • A) C2nr12n2 B) C H _6) 7) ‘ C) CnH2n. 2 H2n D) C2, number ofcovalent bonds in a molecule of methane is Thetotal C) 3 B) 2 A) I D) 4 ofbutene? What is the total number ofhydrogen atoms in a molecule C)10 B)6 A)8 D)4 ofethyne? Whatisthenumber ofhydrogenatomsina molecule ‘C)8 B)2. A)6 _8) series? Whichcompoundbelongs tothealkene B) C21-L4 A) C6H6 _9) 10) 11) C) C2H2 JUPAC name endsin molecule contains atriple Ifa hydrocarbon bond., its C) -ene B) -y,ie A) -one ofthealkane series? Whatisthegeneral formula Cn}ln-f A) -2 2 B) Cn1Hl2n C) CnHpj. D) Cn}12,?-4-2 • D)4 D) C6H14 D) -ane • 1 12) I Page 2 does each compound contain only one double bond pmoIecule? In which pair of b1rocarbons C) A) C4}lg and C2H 4 C2H6 C2H2and — 13) • 6909 - - C2H2.and C3H6 )-C6H6and-C7H ”-’D •• Which structuralformularepresentsa compound that is a member of the alkene series? HH A) C—H H—C C) B) •HH I I H—C—C—H D) H—C—C—OH I HH HH H—C=C—H HH 14) A hydrocarbon molecule containing one tr pie covalent bond is classified as an C) alkane A) aikvne D) alkene B) alkadiene . , .15) — Given the compound: H H H H I I I I H—C—C=C—C—H I I H H Whatis the general formulaof the hydrocarbon series of which this compound is a member? C) CnH2n A) CnH2n D) CnH2n..2 12n-{-2 B) Cn} • — 16) A molecule of ethaneand a molecule of ethene both have the same C) molecular formula’’ A) number of carbon atoms D) empirical formula B) number of hydrogenatoms ( Alkane Data Table a •Nas. Methane - tiki Fov awMg D • 4 CH Ethane T • • Propane • • : Draw 2 Butane Pentane • Draw 2 • • - -. -. - Alkyne Data Table Nas.,a a Fo,mt Ethyne Propyne Butyne Draw 2 Alkene Data Table tz Nas. Fou.,i.ea awMg D - Ethane Propene Butene Draw2 Name I. Modelsof Other OrganicCompounds Table R — Objectives: 1. To improve your knowledge of other organic compounds and their fimctional groups. 2. To be able to constructmodels of simple organiccompounds. 3. To be able to transfer model structure to diagrams on paper. Please read thefollowing carefully: You will each be gven a molecular model building kit. Each colored ball representsan element., A black bail with four holes represents carbon; a yellow bali with one hole represents hydrogen a red ball with two holes representsoxygen a blueball with three holes represents nitrogen; arid a green ball with one hole represents any halogen (Cl , F, Br and I) Using the kit, you will make three-dimensional models of some organic compounds. rom these models, you will draw their structural formulas. • .‘ The holes in the balls represent available electrons and those must be used up when joining balls. Wooäen pegs are used for single bonds (2 shared electrons), while springs are used for double and triple bonds (4 and 6 shared electrons, respectively). • Be sure to use Reference Tables P and R to help you construct your molecular models. Reference Table P contains a list of organic prefixes. The prefixes show the number of carbon atoms in the compound.. For example, the prefix “but” means that a compound contains four carbon atoms. Reference Table R contains infonnation about different classes of organic compounds and their functional groups. in the general formula, the letter “R” represents the rest of the molecule. For example, methanol is an alcohol ethanoic acid is an 3OH; (functional group —01-1)and has the molecular formula CH molecular formula and has the acid 5 OOI{ 2H C (functional group -COOFI) orgamc • The way in which the molecular formula is written, the general formula and the functional groups are the keys to determining the structuralformula of these organic compounds..Watch for structures that have a double bond between a carbonand oxygen atom. Procedure: I. Classify and write the name for each of the organic molecules listed in the boxes on the following pages. Identifythe functional group by circling it in the molecularformula. 2. Then, using the molecular models kit constructa model of each. 3. Draw a colorful picture of each model you build. 4. Answer the questions thatfollow. . 2 _______ 5OH 2H C HCOOH 3CHO CH 3CI CH OH CH 32C CH 5 OOCH 2H 3C 2 3N CH 3 ONH CH 2C H COCH 3CH 3OH CH HCOOH Try this one: I,2 dichioropropane 9338-1 -Page 1 Name: _______________________________________________ — I) What class compoundscan be representedas R—O1-l? of organic ‘ A) alcohols B) acids 2) —CH CH 3 The molecule C) D) is a meffil)erofaclass esters ethers of organic compoukidscalled 0 A) ketones B) aldehydes ‘C) alcohols D) ethers Methanal is the IUPAC name A) ether _3) for an’ , , , B) aldehyde C) alcohol D) acid What type of compound is representedby the structuralformula shownbelow? H H HH I I 1.1’ H—C—C—0—C—C—H II• •Il H H HH C) a ketone D) an ester A) an ether B) an aldehyde 5) The general A) structural formula for aldehydes is 0 0 II 2 C—R — 1 R C) R—C” \ OH 0 B) R—C ‘ \ H D) —O—R 1 R 5 2S 6) What type of compound is represented by the fo1lo ng stTucturaiformula? HHO. H I I ‘II H—C—C—C—O—C—H I I I H HH C) an ether D) an aldehyde A) a ketone B) an ester What type of compound is represented by the structural formulashownbelow? _7) 0 3 \H CH C 2 A) an aldehyde B) anether — 8) H C) an ester D) an acid Which structural formula representsan acid? H H.O A) * H—C—C—H I H H B) _9) C) H—C—C—OH I I H H D) H 0 I .‘ H—C—C \ I OH H C). 0 ii 2 C—O—R — 1 R D) —O—R 1 R 2 H H—C—C—H I I OHOH H What is the general structural formulafor a ketone? 0 A) A—C” OH B) 0 I 2 C--R — 1 R 9338-l-Page2 9338-1 -Page3 10) — What is the genei l sfructw’alformula for an ether? 0 —C—R 1 R 2 • 0 D). R—c( B) 2,R 1—O—R H ii) — What is the struetural formulafor 1,2-dibromoethane? • H A) B) 12) H BrBr D) HC—C—C H I. I I HHH Br—C—Br I H What is the structural formulafor ethanol? HH A) B) H C) H—C—C—H II HH HH II H—C—C—OH I I HH H—C—C” I OH H HH D) H—CC—H H _13) Thestructure H—C—< isanexainpJeofwhaitypeofsubstance? H A) akelone B) analdehyde Br C) H—C—C—Br I •I HH -C—C—H HI 1. BrBr H • H H C) an ester D) an amine Name ____________ Class____________ ., $ -- Date ___________________________________ Lab •Saponification Textreference:Chapter25. pp. 740—742 Pre-Lab Discussion Fats are esters formed from glycerol (an alcohol) and a long-chain organic acid (a long-chain fatty acid). The formation of a fat can be represented by the equation: 0 ii ‘I H • HO—C—H • HO_C!_.H •. 0 H ± 3RC—OH HO—C—H R—C—O-—C—H± > long-chain fattyacid I • 0 H 3HOH II ‘ R—C—O—C—H glycerol alcohol)” (an • • ,, a glycerol ester (áfat) Soaps are metallic’ salts of fatty acids. Soaps are made by boiling solid fats or liquid fats (oils) with a solution of a strong base. This reaction is If the fat from the equation above reacts with a called saponification. such NaOH, a soap and glycerol are formed: as strong base, O 1-1 II I H R—C—O—C—H • HO—C—H 0 O R—C—O—C—H + 3NaOH I > 3RCONa asoap 0 HO—C—H HO—C—H H glycerol R—C—O—C—H . H a glycerol ester (a fat) 253 In condensed form, this equation can be written: 5 H 3C (RCOO) + 3NaOU — 3RCOONa +. 5(OH) H 3C - in this experiment, soap will be made by reacting a liquid fat with sodium hydroxide dissolved in ethanol. Purpose I, Prepare soap from liquid fat and a strong base. Equipment beaker, 25-mL graduated cylinders, 10-mL and I 00-mL evaporating dish ring stand iron ring wire gauze microspatula test tube, l3XIOOLmm glass stirring rod, funnel burner watch glass cork rubber gloves safety goggles lab apron or coat Materials I saturated NaCI solution. litmus paper filter paper oil, cottonseed or olive ethanol 30%NaOH solution distilled water Safety 6 fl A Sodium hydroxide solution is corrosive. Wear rubber gloves, handle it with care, and avoid spills on your skin or clothing. Flush any spills with cool water and report them to your teacher. To protect against spattering, carry out the experiment with a watch glass on top of the evaporating dish. Tie back long hair and secure loose clothing when working with an open flame. Ethanol is flammable; keep the burner flame away from it. Note the caution alert symbols here and with certain steps in the “Proce dure.” Refer to page xi to review the specific precautions associated with each symbol. Always wear safety goggles and a lab apron or coat when working in the lab. Procedure A 254 l. Measure out 4.0 mL of cottonseed or olive oil and pour it into a clean, dry evaporating dish. Add 4.0 mL of ethanol and 2.0 mL of 30% NaOH solution to the oil. CAUTION: Handle this solu tion carefully. 2. Set up the ring stand, wire gauze, evaporating dish, watch glass, and burner as shown in Figure 50-1. Heat the mixture the flame away p gently with a very low flame. CAUTION: Kee from the ethanol, which is higidy flammable. Name 50 Saponification(continued) Figure50-1 3. Continue heating for 10 minutes. Stop heating when the odor of fat has disappeared and the oil has dissolved. 4. Allow the mixture to cool. During this time, place 10.0 mL of distilled water in a 25-mL beaker and heat tc just below boiling. 5. When the evaporating dish is cool enough to touch, add the hot water to the mixture in the dish. Then add 12.5 rnL of satu rated NaCI solution and stir the mixture. 6. Filter the mixture, collecting the liquid in the baker. Discard the liquid and keep the solid on the filter paper. 7. In a test tube, dissolve I microspatula of your soap in 10.0 mL of distilled water. Test the solution with litmus paper and record your observations. 8. Add about 1.0 mL of tap water to the solution in the test tube. Cork the mouth of the tube and shake vigorously. Record your observations. I.., Observations Litmus test: Shaking test: . 255 Conclusions and Questions 1. What do the processe of saponification and esterificatio mon? How do these processes differ? .1 i have in com .0 2. To what class Of compounds do fats belong? Soaps? • • 3. Describe the contents of the test tube after shaking it (step 8). Did any white precipitat? (scum) appear? If so, explain its presence. I. 4. •The formula for the lrocarbon radical (R—) in the fat glycerol stear hy Write an equation showing the reaction of glycerol stearate ate is H 17 .C with sodium hydroxide to produce the soap sodium stearate. I 5. How are soaps treated commercially before they are marketed? I 256 z’97 Name___________________ Bayport-Blue Point High School • Chemistry Lab- Nuclear ChemistryUnit r ‘Ha If—Life.simu,ation • Objectiv To detenninethe half-life Ofthe radioisotope “pennium”. Discussion This lab will help you to understand the idea bf half-life as it relates to our iapter- NuclearChemistry. Usinghalf-lives is,.animportant part of carbon cj dating to detenmne the approximate age of artifacts.and fossils. Remember: always use your reference tables to find the half-life of vanous isotopes! In this experiment, heads up pennies will represent parent atoms of pennium and tails down pennies will represent the daughter atoms from the decay. Materials Box 120 pennies Stopwatch or clock with second hand Procedure 1. Countout 120 pennies and lay them in your box, all HEADS UP! a. Record this as 0 daughter atoms and 120 parent atoms in the data chart provided. b. This is recorded as time 0. Created by M.Romaine Page 1 of3 down 20 ,times. Be sure to time how long it takes you lo shake the box 20 times. This represents the timing of the decay process. 3. Open the box and count the TAILS UP pennies, which represent the the lid and shake the box with moderate 2. Cover force Up & daughter atoms. Remove all TAILS UP pennies from the box. a. Subtract this number from the original number of heads-up pennies to determine the remaining number of parent atoms. b.. Record the time taken for shaking, the number of daughter atoms and the number of parent atoms. 4. Repeat steps 2 & 3 seven more times, or until you have run out of pennies in the box. Data Total & Observations Elapsed Time I Number I Atoms NumberofParent Atoms (HEADS up) of Daughte,r (TAILS up) ‘I ‘ 0 seconds I . P . . Making a Graph You have to construct a graph of your data radioisotope penniuin. Plot the number of remaining parent atoms the time on the horizontal axis (x-axis). to detenmne the half-life of the on the vertical axis (y-axis) and Quesiions Define: Radioisotope: Created by M.Romaine Page 2 of 3 ‘9j. 9t Pare atom: Daughter atom: Half- Life: 1. Does exactly the same fraction,of penniuni atoms decay during eh half-life? What does this suggest about half-life? Why are such when actual atoms are involved? ous variations not likely to be ob I $ II 2. If you started with one MOLE of pennies, how many would remain afier 10 half-lives? Show ALL work. 3. If you took a longer time to shake the box in this case, how would the half-life be affected? Does changing conditions like this control the half-life of a real atom? Explain. Crealedby M.Romaine Page 3 of 3 Name Bayport-Blue Point High School Unit r.Chemistiy ChemistryLab- Nuc1e rtiuc1e orl, flss S Cj Re thn a nuclearchainreactionusingdominoes. Purpose: To simujate Materials Onesetof çlominoes pergroup Stopwatch Procedure PARTA iii a straightlineso that hen 1. Placetheentiresetof dominoes youknockthefirst onedown,theotherswillfall over. 2. Tipthefirstdominoandtimehowlongit willtakefor the entiresetto fall. 3. Repeatthisat least3 timesandtakethe averageof thethree trials. AverageTime-) Part A ________________ PARTB 1. Arrangetheentiresetof dominoesin a patternso thatif you knockdownthe 1st, it willknockdown2 othertiles,whichwill eachknockdown2 othertiles,andsoon 2. If youneedhelpdecidinghowto set upyourtiles,seeme! 3. Tipthefirstdominoandtimehowtongit willtakefor theentire setto fall. thisat least3 timesandtakethe averageof thethree 4. Repeat triaIs. AverageTime-) Part A Created by M.Romaine Page 1 of2 Questions: 1. W”hatis a chainreaction? 2. Explainthe processof nuclearfission.Bespecific! to simUlatea nuclearfission 3. Explainhowwe usedthedominoes chainreaction. S S fellfaster? 4. Whichgroupof dominoes 5. Howdoesthisshowtheeffectof a chainreaction? 1% Crealed by M.Romaine Page 2 of 2 / Radioactive Decay: The Half-Life of an M&M Name________________________ INTRODUCTION: Half-life is defined as the time required for one half of the nuclei of a radioactive isotope to decay, or change into another element. In this activity. M&M’s will be your “nuclei”. They are considered to be radioactive if their M&M emblem is face up If the M&M emblem is the radioactiveM&M . has decayed and’the M&M is no longer radioactive, thus it can be removed from the sample. PURPOSE: lation To create a sin representing radioactive decay. To graph data showing the l mass remaining radioactive. relationship between time elapsed ani MATERIALS: 80 M&M’s. cup. paper plate PROCEDURE: 1.1You are given a bag with 80 M&M’s. Toss #1 on the data table is already filled in; the number of M&M’s still radioactive is 80. In the cohimnmarked “Prediction for Next Toss” write the number or radioactive nuclei you think you will have with your next toss. 2. Place all the M&M’s in the cup. cover with you hand and shake them up 5 times, then pour them into the plate. 3. Remove and eat if you would like) all M&M’s that are emblem down (thus decayed). Count the number of M&Ms with the emblem facing up (still radioactive). Record this number as toss 2 on the data table. 4. Return the radioactive M&M’s to your cup. Repeat steps two and three until all of the vYs M& are one and you have recorded the tosses on the data table. 5. Qjgpj your data by putting “toss number” along the x axis and radioactive” along the y axis. Title this graph “Group Results”. — “ ofM&M’s still — 6. Combine class data and but title this “Class Results”. ji these results in the same manner as described in step 5 Radioactive Decay: The Half-Lifeof anM&M DATA TABLE Toss O Number of 1radioactive M&M’s I, Prediction for next toss • 80 . : ‘ ‘ Class average radioactiv e M&Ms : , ., 6 . ‘ ., S , ‘ ]() : ‘‘ 11 ANALYSIS: i; When vas the rate of decay faster, during the first or last trials? S 2. \Vhat factor does the rate of decay depend upon? 3. Based on your graph. what kind of relationship exists between time that has elapsed and the mass of M&M still radioactive? Answer tlic klIo questions using the analogy that each toss represents a halfving the half-life of an M&M is 12 seconds. consider life. Also. 4. What is the number of seconds required for a radioactive M&M to pass through three half-life periods? 5. How nlall\ rams of a 60 gram sample of M&M’s would remain after 24 seconds? 6. Ifvou started vithi 400 radioactive nuclei, how many would remain undecayed after three half-lives? 7. Stroniiiim-90 has a half-life of 28.8 years. If ou start with a 10-gram sample of how much will be left after 11 5.2 years? Justi ’ ). strontiun1your answer. 8. Whydid we pool the class data? 9. How m:mv hf-Iives 2 nuclei to decay to 6.25% (0.376x 1023)? would it take for 6.02 x 1O BubbleGum . Problem:Whatis the half-lifeof bubble gum? Materials: I piece of bubble gum per group member Balance Clock or stop watch Procedure: . 1. Obtan I piece of gum and form a group of four students. Do not chew the . gum just yet. 2. Have each group member place his or her gum on a balance. Be sureto . . . leave the wrapper on. 3. Using the balance, measure the total mass of the group member’s gum. 4. Record the total weight of the unchewed gum on the data chart columnA. 5. Now, have each member chew his or her piece of gum for Accurate timing is important. Do not throw out the wrappers . minute. 6. Using the balance, weigh the chewed gum on the wrappers. 7. Record the total weight of the chewed gum on the data chart column B. 8. Repeat procedures # 5 - 7 until a total of 14 minutes has passed. 9. Complete the entire data chart. 10. Graph your data. 11. Compare your results to other group’s data. 12.Answer the questions that follow. 29 Questions Could you feel a change with the gum in your mouth over time? What change did you notice? e? Why did the group’s gum lose mass over tiir What is meant by the half-lifeof a radioactiveelement? What was the half-lifeof your group’sgum? What representedthe radioactivedecay in the gum? Whatdid you noticç by comparingyour results with other groups? If your group were to continuethe experiment,wouldthe mass of the chewed gum continueto decline? Why or Why not? .‘ Time minutes) A Total Weight Unchewed B Chewed Weight C Difference I % Decay . :• . . 1 ‘1 2 ,‘$ ‘ , 3’,’ 4 5 6’ ,‘ . ‘ , 7. ,. ., . , ‘ . Page 1 AtomicSpectra — 2t (3 Atomic Spectra Light,Energy, and ElectronStructure Introduction Sunlight passingthrough a prism produces a rainbowof colors—thevisiblespectrum. The separation ofwhite light into its component colors occurs when light wavesof different wavelengthsare bent by different amounts. When a pure atomic gas such as hydrogenor helium is subjectedto a high-voltageelectrical discharge,light is producedand the gas glows.When this light is passedthrough a diffractiongrating, however,the spectrum it pro duces is different.Insteadof giving the familiar rainbowof colors, the light emitted by the gas givesa series of bright, colored lines. The seriesof bright lines is calledanatomic emis sion spectrum and is unique to each element. Concepts • Atomicemission spectrum • Quantization of energy • Electron energy levels • Electron transitions Background The phenomenon of atomic spectra has been knownsince the mid-1800s.Their cause, how ever,remained unexplaineduntil the structure of the atom and, in particular, its electronic structure, was olved. Rutherford’sdiscoveryof the nucleus of the atom in 1911answered many questions concerning the structure of the atom. It also raised many new questions, including,where are the electrons? In 1913NielsBohr proposeda modelof electron structure that would explainthe phenome non of atomic spectra.Accordingto Bohr’smodel,an electron is restricted to certain specific orbits around the nucleus of the atom. Theseorbits differin their distancefrom the nucleus and in their energy levels.Electrons that are closerto the nucleus ae lowerin energy than electrons that are farther awayfrom the nucleus. This ideais calledthe quantization of energy—electronscan only occupyspecificenergy levels,they may not haveintermediate energy levelsbetweenthese allowedstafes.The picture that is often used to describethis idea is the rungs on a ladder.Anelectron must alwaysbe on one of the energy rungs, not betweenthem. Anelectron ry be “excited”or promoted from a lower energy levelto a bing higher energy levelbyabsot energy of the appropriatewavelength.Conversely,an elec tron may be “relaxed”down to a lower energy levelfrom a higher energy levelby emitting energy of the appropriatewavelength,in the form of a photon. • AtomicSpectra Bohr’stheory successfullypredicted the atomic spectrum of hydrogen.Whenelectrical energy is suppliedto hydrogenatoms in a gas dischargetube, also called a spectrum tube, the atoms absorb energyand the electronsare promotedto excitedenergy levels.Onceexcit ed, however,the electronshave a natural tendencyto drop backdownto a lower energy level by emitting light of the appropriatewavelengthand energy.The emitted light for a given transition is observedthrough a diffractiongrating as a bright line in the emission spectrum of hydrogen. Atomk Specirci Page2 — Therelationshipbetweenthe energyof light andits wavelengthisshownin Equation1. Equation 1 AEis thedifferencein energybeb veen the two energylevelsin joules,h is Planck’sconstant 8 mlsec),andX(lambda) = (h 6.626 x iO Jsec), c is the speedof light (c = 2.998 x i0 is thewavelengthof light in meters. WhenBohrcalculatedtheallowedenergylevelsfor theelectronin the hydrogenatom,he foundthatthe resultscorrectlypredictedthe wavelengths in the of visiblelight observed emissionspectrumof hydrogen(Figure1). £6 £4 3 E . L Violetindigo Blue I ____ Red Figure1. fhe Bohr modelof electronstructurewasfoundto beinadequate for atomscontainingmore than oneelectron.However, theideathat only certainstableelectronenergylevelsare allowedhasendured.Thedevelopment of quantummechanics in the 1920sbuilt on theidea of quantizedenergylevelsandintroducedtheideaof thewavenatureof matterto describe the propertiesof electrons.Accordingto quantummechanics, thelocationof an electronis not restrictedto specificorbitsbut canonly bedefinedin termsof the probabilityof finding an electron.A systemof atomicorbitalswasintroducedto accountfor the arrangementof electronsaroundthenucleusof anatom.Anatomicorbitalis a regionin spacewherean electronmaybefound.Atomicorbitalsdifferin their size,shape,andorientationin space, andalsoin their energy.Thecharacteristicatomicemissionspectrumof an elementcanbe of atomicorbitalenergylevelsfor its atoms,. interpretedbasedon the uniquearrangement In this experiment, wewill useaspecialinstrument,calledaspectroscope, to viewthe “bright line”emissionspectraofdifferentelementsandto determinetheirwavelengths. A spectro containsa diffractiongratingthatseparates light intoits componentwavelengths. scope. Experiment Overview Thepurposeof this experimentisto recognizecontinuousversuslineemissionspectrafor Thespectroscope will alsobeusedto observe varioussourcesof light usingaspectroscope. theatomicspectraof differentelementsin spectrumtubesandto identifythe elementsthat may.bepresentin fluorescentlights,streetlamps,novelty“neon”lamps,etc. Flinn ChemTopic’Labs — Atomicand Electron Structure Page3—AtomicSpectra 5 (3a Pre-Lab Questions 1. Readthe Procedureand the Safety Precautions.Whathazards are associatedwith the use of spectrum tubes?What precautions must be followedto avoidthese hazards? 2. What aspect of Bohr’soriginal modelof electronstructure is still includedin the currently acceptedtheory of electronstructure? 3. What aspect of Bohr’soriginal modelof electron structure is no longer consideredvalid in the currently acceptedtheory of electron structure? 4. Assumethat an atom has a total of four possibleenergy levelsand that an electron can “jump”up or downbetweenany of these energy levels.Drawa modelof these energy lev els similar to Figure 1and use it to predict the maximumnumber of spectral lines in the emissionspectrum. Materials Colored pencilsor crayons Diffractiongrating, such as Flinn C-spectra®,or Holographicdiffractiongrating (optional) Gas discharge (spectrum)tubes, such as hydrogen,helium, mercury, and neon Light sources, such as incandescentand fluorescent lightbulbs,street lamps,neon signs, and novelty“neon”lamps Power supply Ringclamps,2 (optional) Ring stand (optional) Spectroscope Safety Precautions Spectrum tubes operateat very high voltages and can produce a largeelectric.hock. Do not touch the ends of the tube when the power supply is on. Do nót touch the contacts on the transformerwhen the power is on. Make sure the power supply is turned off before inserting or removing the spectrum tube. Toextend the life of the tubes, do not leave the tubes on for more than 30—45sec at a time—cycle the power on and off as needed to com plete the observations.Spectrum tubes may get very hot. Never touch a spectrum tube when the power is on. Afte turning off the power,allowthe tube to coolbefore removing it from the power iupply. Procedure 1. Usingthe spectroscopeor a diffractiongrating, observethe continuous “rainbow”spec trum from an incandescentlightbulb. 2. Observethe colorsof light in the visiblespectrum and the wavelengthrange for each color band.Sketchthe spectrufrnofwhite light using coloredpencils in the appropriate wavelengthboxesin the Spectrum Table.Notethat the units of wavelengthon the spec troscopeare nanometers(1 nm = iO m). AtomicSpectra Atomic Spectra Page4 — (yo 3. (Optional)For optimum viewingof the emission spectra of gas dischargetubes, stabilize the spectroscopeon a ring stand. Set up a ring stand in front of the powersupplyand attach one ring clamp. Placethe spectroscopeon the ring clamp and adjust the height of the ring clamp so that the eyepieceon the spectroscopeis approximatelylevelwith the middleof the gas dischargetube. Attach a second ring clampon top of the spectroscope so that it will be held firmlyin position without moving. 4. Withthe power Oft ask the instructor to insert the hydrogenspectrum tube betweenthe contacts on the powersupply. 5. Movethe power supplyso that the spectrum tube is about3—5cm awayfrom the spectroscope. 6. Turn on the poweron the powersupply and observethe atomicemission spectrum of hydrogen.Workwith a partner to note the principal featuresin the hydrogenspectrum. 7. Turn OFFthe powersupply.Recordthe followinginformationin the DataTablefor the emissionspectrum of hydrogen:the number of lines,their colors,and their approximate wavelengths. 8. Usingcolored pencils,sketch the atomic spectrum of hydrogenin the wavelengthboxes in the Spectrum Table.Turn the powersupplyon and off,as necessary,to completethe observationsin steps 7 and 8. .9. Checkto make sure the power supply is oIl;then ask the instructor to removethe • hydrogenspectrum tube and insert a mercury spectrum tube. 10. Observeand note the atomicemissionspectrum of mercury. 11. Turn OFFthe powersupply.Recordthe followinginformationin the DataTablefor the emissionspectrum of mercury: the number of lines,their colors,and their approximate wavelengths. 12. Usingcolored pencils,sketch the atomic spectrum of mercuryin the wavelengthboxesin the Spectrum Table.Cyclethe powersupplyon and off,as necessary,to complete the observationsin steps 11and 12. 13. Repeatsteps 9—12for any other gasspectrum tubes that are available. 14. Usinga spectroscope,observethe spectrum ofvisiblelight obtainedfrom a fluorescent’ light. Whatkind of spectrum is produced?If any bright lines are present, record the num ber of lines, their colors,and their approximatewavelengthsin the DataTable. 15. (Optional)Usinga spectroscope,observethe emissionspectrum of other light sources, such as neon signs, street lights,headlights,noveltylamps,etc. Whatkind of spectrum is produced?If any bright lines are present, recordthe numberof lines, their colors, and their approximatewavelengthsin the DataTable. FlinnChemTopic Labs Atomicand ElectronStructure ’ — Page 5- AtomicSpectra C3as•: Name: Class/LabPeriod: Atomic Spectra Data Table LightSource Spectrum (Number of Lines) Colors(Wavelength, nm) Incandescent Light Hydrogen SpectrumTube , Mercury SpectrumTube SpectrumTube (optional) . . Fluorescent Light S S NoveltyLamp (optional) S Street Light (optional) s . Spectrum Table S S S 700—650 650-600 600—550 550—500 500—450 450—400 LightSource nm nm IncandescentLight HydrogenSpectrumTube MercurySpectrumTube AtomicSpectra nm nm nm nm S : , S S S AtomicSpectra Page6 — , (396 Post-Lab Calculations and Analysis 1. Accordingto Equation 1 in the Background section, the energy of light (z E) is inversely proportionalto its wavelength(X)—asthe wavelengthincreases,its energydecreases. Basedon the spectrum observedfor incandescentwhite light, rank the colorsin the visi ble spectrum from highest energy to lowestenergy. 2. Doall of the colorsof light in the visiblespectrum span about the same wavelength • “width”—thatis, do the bandsof color appear equallywide or narrow? 3. Whatcolor of light in the visiblespectrum appears brightest? Doesthis mean that it is the •highestenergy light? ulate 4. UsingEquation 1, cak the energy (.E) correspondingto each line in the atomic • emissionspectrum of hydrogen. 5. Asshown in Figure 1, the visibleemissionspectrum of hydrogenisdue to transitions fromexcitedenergy levelsdownto the second principalenergy level(n = 2). Thus, the • highestenergy violetline is due to the transition fromn = 6 to n = 2, and the lowest 2. Enter the energy values energy red line is due to the transitionfromn = 3 to n (Question4) from highestto lowestin the followingtableand fillin the missing entries. FlinnChemlopic”Labs AtomicandElectronStructure — Page7—Atomic Spectra 6. Plot the energy of each line versus 1 1 — n. finaI Whatdoesthe graph tell you? on the followinggraph. ‘flitial Emission Energy vs. 6.00 x 10_19 9 5.00xl0 4.OOx 10-19 U 3.OOx 10-19 9 2.00x10 L 9 1.00x10 0.00 x 1019 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 1 0.25 1 — final 0.2 fl. flitial 7. Whatis unique about the spectrum obtainedfor a fluorescent light? Whatelement is used in fluorescept light fixtures? 8. (Optional)Discussany interesting or unique features of other typesof light sources that the gasesused in other light sources based ’ were examined.Is it possibleto identil on their emissionspectra? AtomicSpectra Page 1-Quantum Leap Lab Quantum Leap Lab Probability and Electron Structure Introduction The picture at the right illustrates a popular viewof the elec tron structure of the atom—electrons orbiting the nucleus in fixedpaths. The picture is wrong! It is impossibleto know the precise locationof an electron around the nucleus of an atom at any given time. The location of an electron can only be describedin terms of the total probability of findingan electron within a region of space. BohrModelofAtom Concepts • Quantum mechanics • Electron energy levels • Heisenberguncertainty principle • Atomicorbitals Background Throughout the years, significant progress has been made in our knowledgeof the atom. Atoms were originallydescribedas the smallest particles of matter. Thediscoveries,in turn, of the electron, the proton, and the neutron destroyed the notion of the indivisibleatom. Knowledgeof the subatomic particle make-up of the atom raised new questions—whereare the electrons?In 1913,Niels Bohr developeda modelfor the hydrogenatom in which the electron was assumedto move in definite orbits, called energy levels,about the atomic nucleus. The amount of energy the electron possesseddependedon its distance from the nucleus, with the outer electrons having the most energy.WhileBohr’stheory for the struc ture of the hydrogenatom wasvery.successful,it failedto hold true for atoms with two or more electrons. Hencethere wasa need for an improvedmodelof electronstructure. • • • 0 0 The quantum mechanicalmodel,or quantum mechanics,was developedas awayto describe the motion ofsmall particles(electrons)confinedto tiny regions of space.The exactposition of an electronat any given instant is not specified;nor is the exactpath that the electron takes about the nucleus.Theexactlocationof the electronat any given time can never be’ knownwith certainty.The Heisenberguncertainty principlestates that there is a fundamen tal limitationto howpreciselyboth the position and the momentum of an electron can be known. Quantummechanicsdescribesthe probabilityof findingan electronwithin a given region of space.In other words,no longer should we think ofdefiniteorbits of electrons around the nucleus(asin the Bohrmodel).Rather,we shouldthink of regions of space, commonlycalledatomicorbitals or electron clouds,which represent the most probableareas where an electron maybe found,dependingon the amount of energy that the electron possesses.Thesizeand shape ofatomicorbitals are derivedfromcalculationsthat assume that theelectronacts as a waverather than as a particle. 0 QuantumLeapLab uan turn Laap Lab - Page2 Experiment Overview The purpose of this activity is to investigate byanalogy the relationship between probabil ity and the electronic structure of an atom. A marble will be dropped repeatedlyonto a bull’s-eyetarget. The regions of space around the central bull’s-eyewill be defined, as shown on the target sheet (Areas1—6).In each region, there will be a specificprobabili ty of locatinga spot resulting from the impact of the marble drop. The activitywill be car ried out at two distancesfrom the target rep resenting different energy levels.Asmallscaleversionof the target is shown in Figure 1. 6 Figure 1. TargetAreas (1—6) The pattern of spots on each target sheet will be used to imaginethe three-dimensional properties of an atomic orbital.Thus, each spot will representa point in three-dimensional space around the bull’s-eye(analogousto the nucleus) wherethe marble (analogousto the electron) is capableof landing (or most likelyto be found).The region of space (analogousto an atomic orbital) in which the marble has a high probabilityof landing will definethe size and shape of the orbital. Pre-Lab Questions 1. What is the fundamentaldifferencebetweenan electronorbit and an atomicorbital? 2. In this activity,the marblewillbe droppedfrom twoheights7—-knee-level level(1.5m). Which height representsa higher energylevel?Explain. (0.5m) and eye- 3. Form a hypothesisto predict how increasingthe energyof the marl willaffectthe over le all size of the area wherethe marbleis likelyto land.Relatethis hypothesisto the energy and size of is and 2s orbitals. Materials S 2-sheet set TargetSheet, Knee-Level,9ncarb less, TargetSheet, Eye-Level,carbonless,2-sheet set Marble Meterstick Safety Precautions j Although this laborator activity is considerednonhazardous,please observeall normal laboratorysafety guidelines. FlinnChemlopic”Labs Atomicand ElectronStructure Page3- QuantumLeap Lab Procedure Knee-Level Target (Target Distance = O.5 m) 1. Obtain a target sheet set labeled“knee-level”and a marble.The target sheet set contains carbonless paper that will leave an imprint on the bottom sheet when an object strikes the top sheet. 2. Tracethe bull’s-eyetarget pattern with marked areas on the top sheetof the 2-sheetset. 3. Chooseone person to be the “Dropper”and one person to be the “Catcher.”Laythe knee level target sheet on a smooth, hard floor. 4. The “Dropper”should hold the marble in one hand and bend downon one knee over the center of the target. The approximatedistance or height fromwhichthe marbleshould be dropped is 0.5 m. 5. Havethe “Catcher”sit down next to the target sheet and be preparedto catch the marble immediatelyafter the first bounce.Note: Practice bouncing the marbleon the floorfirst to be sure the “Catcher”can catch it beforethe secondbounce. • 6. The “Dropper”should carefullydrop (donot throw!)the marble fromthe waist(about 0.5 m), aiming for the bull’s-eye.The “Catcher”should catch the marble immediately after the first bounceto be sure the marble doesn’tleavemore than one mark per drop on the target heet. 7. Repeatthis procedureapproximately100times over the same target. For ease of count ing, the “Dropper”should make a tallymark after each drop in the TallyBoxon the Quantum LeapDataSheet. Each hit will leavea mark on the bottom “copy”sheet. 8. After100 drops,carefullyseparatethe bottom “copy”sheet from the top sheet. Notethe pattern of marks on the copy sheet. Eye-Level Target(Target Distance = 1.5 m) 9. Repeatsteps 1—8usingan eye-leveltarget sheet set, with the “Dropper”and the “Catcher” switchingjobs. The “Dropper”should drop the marblewith the arm fullyextendedfrom eye level,aiming for the bull’s-eye.Tryto drop the marblefrom a distanceofabout 1.5 m. • 10 Carefullyseparatethe bottom “copy”sheet from the top sheet. Again,note the pattern of marks on the copysheet. QuantumLeapLab Quantum Leap Lab—Page4 (3 Name: _______________________________ Class/Lab Period: ___________________ Quantum Leap Data Sheet Knee-Level Eye-Level TallyBox ResultsTable Knee-level trget Distance = 0.5 m 1’ AreaNumber Eye-level Thrget Distance = 1.5 m Area Number Number of Hits 1 1 2 2 3 4 3 . , , 4 , 5. +6. Number of Hits 5 6 . Flinn ChemTopic Labs — Atomicand Electron Structure Page5- Quantum Leap Lab (3/d. Post-Lab Questions (Usea separatesheetof paperto answerthe followingquestions.) 1. Circleeach mark made by the marble on both target sheets. For eachsheet,count the number of hits in each target area (1—5)by counting the number of circles.Count any hits madeoutside areas 1—5as area 6. If a marble landed exactlyon the line betweentwo areas, count its location as the higher number area. Recordthe results in the Results Table. 2. Construct a bar graph for each target sheet. Labelthe horizontal axisas the area number, and the verticalaxisas the number of hits. Space the bars evenly,makingeach the same width. Drawthe height of each bar proportionalto the number ofhits in that area. 3. Which area on each target sheet (Areas1—6)receivedthe most hits? 4. Whydon’tall the marbles dropped from a specifiedheight land in the samespot? 5. Asthe distancefrom the bull’s-eye(nucleus)increases,what happensto the probability distribution of findingthe marble (electron)? 6. What is the overallshape that the spots made on the target sheet?Whatdifferencescan be seen betweenthe knee-leveltarget sheet and the eye-leveltarget sheet? 7. The two-dimensionalpattern of spots on the paper is intendedto simulate a three-dimen sional atomicorbital’.Whathape wouldthe pattern havein three-dimensionalspace? 8. Comparethe heightsof the bars on the knee-levelgraph and the eye-levelgraph. Explain the shift in the heights of the bars toward or awayfrom the origin (Area1). 9. Is there anyway to predict the exactlocation of any onemarble drop on the target? Explain. 10. Describethe relationshipbetweenthe energy ofanelectron (dropheight) and its proba ble distanceawayfromthe nucleus of an atom (bull’s-eye). QuantumLeapLab Teacher’sNotes (3/i, Quantum Leap Target Sheet Knee-Level 6 Quantum LeapLab Teacher’sNotes Quantum Leap Target Sheet Knee-Level 6 QuantumLeapLab Teacher’sNotes (3/3 Quantum Leap Target Sheet EyeNLeve’ 6 Flinn Chemlopic”’Labs — Atomicand ElectronStructure Teacher’s Notes C3/ó. Quantum Leap Target Sheet Level Eye 6 Flinn ChemTopic Labs ’ Atomicand ElectronStructure Page 1 MagnesiumOxide - Magnesium Oxide Percent Compositionand Empirical Formula Introduction There is an officialdatabasethat keeps track of the knownchemicalcompoundsthat existin nature or havebeen synthesized in the lab.The databaseis updateddaily.Currently,over 20 million different inorganic and organic compounds havebeen recognized.Twentymillion compounds—howis it possibleto identifyso many differentcompoundsand tell them apart? Concepts • Percent composition • Empirical formula • Molecularformula • Percent yield Background The composition of a chemical compound—whatit is madeof—canbe describedat least three differentways.The percent composition gives the percent by mass of each element in the compound and is the simplest way experimentallyto describethe compositionof a sub stance. Accordingto the lawof definite proportions, which was first formulatedin the early 1800s byJosephProust, the elements in a givencompoundare alwayspresent in the same proportion by mass, regardless of the source of the compoundor howit is prepared. Calcium carbonate, for example,contains cal,ciutn,carbon, and oxygen:it is present in eggshellsand seashells,chalkand limestOne,minerals and pearls. Whether the calciumcarbonate comes from a mineral supplementon a drugstore shelf, or from seashellsat the ocean shore, the mass percentage of the three elements is alwaysthe same: 40% calcium, 12% carbon, and 48% oxygen. The percent compositionof a compound tel’s us what elements are present in the compound and their mass ratio.In terms of understanding howelements come together to make a new compound,however,it is more interesting to knowhow manyatoms of each kind of element are in a compound.Sinceall the atoms of a given elementin a compound havethe same averageatomic mass, the elementsthat are present in afixed mass ratio in a compound must alsobe present in a fixednumber ratio as well.The empiricalformula describesthe composi tion of a compoundin terms,ofthe simplest,whole-numberratio ofatoms in a molecule or The formulaunit ofthe compo ind. The formulaof calcium carbonate,for example,is CaCO . 3 empirical formulagivesthe ratio of atoms in a compoundand doesnot necessarilyrepresent the actual numberof atoms in a moleculeor formulaunit. it is possible,in fact, for many differentcompoundsto share:the same empiricalformula. The organic compoi:indsacetyleneand benzene,for example,havethe same empiricalformula, CH—onehydrogenatom for everycarbonatom.Thesetwocompounds,however,havediffer ent propertiesanddifferentmolecularformulas—C for acetyleneand C 2H 6H for benzene. Noticethat in both casesthe molecularformulais a simplemultipleof the empiricalformula. Themolecularformulaof a compoundtells us the actualnumberofatoms in a single mole cule of a compound.In order to findthe molecularformulaof a compoundwhoseempirical formulais known,the molar or molecularmass of the compoundmust also be known. MagnesiumOxide Magnesium Oxide Page 2 - C3/8 Enthis experiment, the percent composition and empirical formulaof magnesiumoxide,the main compound that is formedwhen magnesium metalcombineswith oxygenin air, willbe determined. Heating magnesium in the presence nI air causes the metal to ignite and burn—lots of light and heat are given offand a new compound is obtained. Accordingto the lawof conservationof mass, the total mass of the products of a chemical reaction must equal the mass of the reactants. In the case of the combustionof magnesium, the followingequa tion must be true: Massof magnesium + Massof oxygen = Massof magnesium oxide If both the initial mass of magnesium and the final mass of the magnesium oxideare meas ured, the increase in mass must correspond to the mass of oxygenthat combinedwith mag nesium. The percent composition and empirical formulaof magnesium oxide can then be calculated,based on the combining ratios of magnesium and oxygenin the reaction.Finally, once the formula of magnesium oxideis known, the amount of magnesium oxidethat was producedcan be comparedagainst the maximumamount possiblebased on 100%conver sion of the magnesium used in the experiment. This informationcan be used to calculate the percent yield of magnesium oxidein the reaction. Experiment Overview The purpose of this classic experiment is to determine the percent composition and empiri cal formulaof magnesium oxide. Pre-Lab Questions A piece of iron weighing85.65 was burned in air. The mass of the iron oxide producedwas 118.37g. 1. Usethe lawof conservationof mass to calculatethe massofthcygenthat reactedwith the iron. 2. Usethe molar mass of oxygento calculatethe numberofmolesof o, ygen atoms in the product. 3. Usethe molar mass of iron to convertthe mass ofiron usedto moles. 4. Usethe ratio betweenthe number of molesof iron and numberof moles of oxygenatoms rula to calculatethe empiricalfo of iron oxide.Note:Fractionsof atoms do not exist.In the case wherethe ratio of toms results in a decimalfraction,such as 1.5:1,the ratio shouldbe simplifiedbyconvertingit to the nearestwholenumber ratio. The ratio 1.5:1, for example,is convertedto 3:2 bymultiplyingboth termsbytwo. Materials lvlagnesiumribbon, 25 cm ‘Crucibleand cruciblelid, 15-or 30-mL Crucible tongs ‘Bunsenburner Ring stand and ring clamp Balance,centigram(0.O1-gprecision) Claytriangle Scissors Wiregauzewith ceramiccenter Guide (optional), Laboratory‘Techniques Labs MolarRelationships FlinnChemTopic & Stoichiometry ’ — Page3- Magnesium Oxide Safety Precautions Magnesium is a flammable metal. Magnesium bums with an intense flame.Donot look directly at burning magnesium. The light contains ultraviolet light that may hurt your eyes. Donot inhale the smoke produced when magnesium is burned.Handlethe crucible and its lid only with tongs. Do not touch the cruciblewith fingers or hands. Thereis a sig nificant burn hazard associatedwith handling a crucible—rememberthat a hot crucible looks exactly like a cold one. Always keep your face at arm’s length from the crucible.Wear chemical splash goggles and chemical-resistant gloves and apron. Washhands thoroughly with soap and water before leaving the laboratory. Procedure 1. Set up a Bunsenburneron a ring stand beneath a ring clampholdinga clay pipestemtriangle. (SeeFigure 1.) DoNOT light the Bunsenburner. 2. Adjustthe height of the ring clampsothat the bottom of a crucible sitting in the clay triangle is about 1 cm abovethe burner. This will ensure that the cruciblewillbe in the hottest part of the flamewhen the Bunsen burner is lit (step7). 3. Usingtongs to handlethe crucible (see Figure2), measure the mass of a clean,dry empty crucibleand its lid to the nearest 0.01 g. Recordthe mass in the data table. Figure 1. 4. Measurea 25-cm length of magnesiumrib bon and cut the magnesiumto this length. 5. Wearinggloves,coilthe metal ribbon around a pencilto obtain a looseballof metal. 6. Placethe coiledmagnesiumribbonin the bottom of the crucibleand measure the combinedmass ofthe crucible,cruciblelid, and magnesium.Recordthe mass in the data table. 7. Placethe coveredcruciblewith its lid on the claytriangleas shownin Figure 1. Light the Bunsenburner and brush the bottomofthe cruciblewith the flamefor 2—3minutesto slowlyheat the crucibleand its contents. MagnesiumOxide Figure 2. Magnesium Oxide - Page4 8. Placethe burner on the ring stand and heat the crucihic in the hottest part of the flame. (See Figure 3.) Notethe approximatetime. 9. After3 minutes,usecrucibletongsto carefullylift thelid a small amount. Thiswill allowair to enter the crucible. Caution:Donot open the lid too far, because doing so willallowthe metal to ignite. There will be some smoke produced.Donot inhale the smoke!Donot lean overthe crucible. Keepthe crucibleat arm’s length at all times. Blueinnercone shouldbe touching thecrucibie. Figure 3. 10. Replacethe lid and continue to heat the crucible.After3 minutes, again liftthe crucible lid to allow more air to enter the crucible. Replace,thelid immediatelyif the metalstarts to burn or the amount of smoke increases greatly. 11. Continue heating the cruciblefor a total of 15minutes.Approximatelyeverythree min utes, lift the cruciblelid to allowair to enter. 12. After15 minutes, turn offthe gas source and removethe burner. 13. Usingtongs, removethe cruciblelid and place it on a wiregauze on the bench top. With the tongs, removethe cruciblefrom the claytriangleandplaceit on the wire gauzeas well. (See Figure2.), 14. Allowthe crucibleand its contents to cool completelyon the wire gauze for at !east’lO minutes. 15. Measurethe combinedmass ofthe crucible,cruciblelid,and magnesium oxideproduct. Recordthe mass in the data table. 16. (Optional)Iftime permits,dump the contents ofthe crucibleonto a watch glass.Usinga arance and consistencyof the product. Is any spatula,break up the solidand note the app magnesium ribbonstill present? Recordall observationsin the data table. 17. Dump the contentsof the crucibleinto the wastebasketand carefullyclean the crucible andcrucible lid. FlinnChemTopic° Labs MolarRelationships& Stoichiometry — Page5- MagnesiumOxide j (3 Name: Class/LabPeriod: Magnesium Oxide Data Table Massof CrucibleandLid , Massof Crucible,Lid, andMg Ribbon Massof Crucible,Lid,andProduct Appearanceof Product Post-Lab Calculations and Analysis (Show all work on a separate sheet of paper.) 1. Calculatethe mass of magnesium metal and the mass of the product. Usethe lawof conservationof mass to calculate the mass of oxygenthat combinedwith the magnesium. 2. Calculatethe percentcomposition of magnesiumoxide. • 3. Usethe molar massesof magnesium and oxygenatoms to calculatethe number of moles of each reactant. 4. Calculatethe ratio betweenthe number of molesof magnesiumused and the number of molesof oxygenin the product. Whatis the empiricalformulaof magnesium oxide?; 5. Write a balancedchemical equation for the formationof magnesium oxidefrom magne sium metaland oxygengas. 6. Usethe moleratio of magnesium oxideto magnesiumfromthe balancedchemical equa tion and the molar mass of magnesium oxideto calculatethe theoreticalyield of product. The theoreticalyieldof a product in a chemicalreactionis the maximum mass of product that can be obtained,assuming 100%conversionof the reactant(s). 7. The percentyieldreflectsthe actual amount of product formedas a percentageof the maximumthat might havebeen obtained.Usethe followingequationto calculatethe percent yieldof magnesiumoxideproducedin this experiment. % yield = actual mass of product(g) x 100% theoretical mass(g) 8. Discusssourcesof error in this e’çperimentthat might account for a percent yield lower than 100%.Bespe ific. MagnesiumOxide Page1 FreezingPoint Depression - , (32 Freezing Point Depression How LowCan You Go? Introduction People who livein northern states are familiarwith winter and the snowy,icy rdads that go with the season. Roadcrewsspread salt (sodiumchloride, calcium chlorideor a salt mix ture) on the roads in order to lowerthe temperature at which freezingoccurs. If the road already has ice on it, the salt helps to melt the ice, forming a solutionwith a lower freezing point than that of pure water. Let’sinvestigatethe effectof dissolvedsolutes on the freezing point of a solution and determine which solute has the greatest effecton the freezingpoint. Concepts • Freezing point • Freezingpoint depression • Colligativeproperty • Molality Background n The freezingpoint of a liquid is the temperature at which the forcesof attracti among molecules are just great enough to causea phase change from the liquidstate to the solid state. Strictly speaking,the freezing(or melting) point of a substance is the temperature at which the liquid and solid phasesare in equilibrium. During the freezingprocess of water, for example,water molecules cometogether to form the more orderly,crystallinepattern of ice molecules.When any solute (such as salt) is added to a solvent(such as water), the crystallinepattern is interrupted by the presence of the salt “impurity.”Salt and other dissolvedsolutes interferewith the ability of the solvent to crystallize(solidify)and the solution remains liquidevenat a temperature belowthe freezingpoint of the pure solvent.Thus a solution alwayshas a lowerfreezingpoint than its pure solvent.This phenomenon is termed freezingpoint depression. is definedas the differencein temperature betweenthe Freezingpoint depression(AT 1) of and that of its pure solvent.The freezingpoint depression of the solution freezing point a solution after the addition of a solute can be calculatedusing Equation 1. 1 AT = 1 x m x i K Equation 1 1AT is the change in freezingpoint (the freezingpoint depression) in °C,K 1 is the freezing point depressionconstant (1.86 °C/mfor water solutions),m is the molalityof the solution (the solution concentration in moles of solute per kilogram of solvent), and i is the number of particles formedwhen the solute dissolvesin the solvent. Freezingpoint depressionis a colligativeproperty of a solution.Ideally,a colligativeproperty dependsonlyon the number ofsolute particlesthat are formedwhen the solute dissolvesin a givenmass ofsolvent.It doesnot dependon the size or the identity of the particles.Boiling point elevationand osmoticpressure are other examplesof colligativepropertiesof a solution. FreezingPointDepression Freezing Point Depression Page2 — ’i. L3 Certain solutes lowerthe freezingpoint more than other substances.Whena molecular is dissolvedin waler,the moleculesdo not dissociate compound such as sucrose )01(C 212 H 12 and remain as single particles. Ionicsolutes, on the other hand,dissociateinto ion!swhen dissolvedin water.Thus, one formulaunit of sodium chloride(NaCI)dissociatesin water to produce two particles—onesodium ion (Nat) and one chlorideion (Clj. One unitofcalci when placed in water dissociatesinto three particles—onecalcium ion urn chloride (CaCl 2) and two chloride ions (Cl). Lookingat Equation 1, it can be seen that the freezing 21 (Ca depressiondepends point on the number of particles in solution.The more particles in solu tion, the greater the change in freezingpoint should be. Experiment Overview The purpose of this experimentis to measure the freezingpoint of pure water and the freez ing point depression forvarioussolutions.The effectof the concentration and number of dissolvedsolute particles on the freezingpoint of water willbe determined. Pre-LabQuestions • • Read the eptire procedure carefully,then answer the followingquestions. 1. What factorswill be heldconstantwhen determining the freezingpoint depressionfor each solute in this experiment? 2. Whyis it important to keep the thermometer offthe bottomof the beaker? te ratur 3. Why is it necessaryto measurethe temp assuming it to be 0.0 °C? of the pure ice-watermixture, insteadof Materials Aluminumchloride 2O 30g. 36H, hexahydrate,AlCl Calciumchloride dihydrate, 2O 30 g CaCl H, Sodium chloride, NaCl,30 g 30 g Sucrose, ,01H 2C12 Crushed ice, 320’g Water,tap or distilled Balance,0.1 g Beakers,250-mL,4 Graduatedcylinder (optional) Thermometer Tonguedepressorsor plasticstirrers, 4 Weighingdishes, 4 Safety Precautions Aluminum chlorideand calciumchlorideareslightly toxic by ingestion.Sodium chlorideand sucroseare not consideredhazardous;however,the chemicalsprovidedare for laboratoryuse only and are not intendedforhuman consumption.Avoidcontactof all chemicalswith eyes and skin. Wearchemicalsplashgoggles,chemical-resistantgloves,and a chemical-resistant apron. Washhands thoroughlywith soap and water beforeleavingthe laboratory. Flinn Chemlopic°Labs — SolubilityandSolutions Page3- FreezingPoint Depression Procedure • Form a workinggroup with three other students and divideinto twopairs.Each pair of stu dentswill measurethe freezingpoint ofwaterwith their thermometer (steps2—6)and then determinethe freezingpoint depressionfor two of the solutes.Atthe conclusionof the experi ment, both pairs ofstudents in eaëh group willshare their dataand completethe’datatable. 1. Labelfour 250-mLbeakers#1—4. • 2. PlaceBeaker#1 on the balanceand tare the balance,if the balanceis electronic. 3. Add100 grams of ice-waterto the beaker by (a) first addingapproximately70—80grams of crushed iceand (b)then addingenough water so the total mass of ice plus water is about 100 g. Recordthe precisemass of the ice-watermixtureto the nearest tnth of a gram in the data table.Note: If the balancedoesnot have a capacitylargeenough,weigh the ice in a small weighingdish and then place it in the beaker.Measurethe remainingwater using a balanceor graduatedcylinder. 4. Stir the ice-watermixturewith a tongue depressor. 5. Carefullyinsert a thermometer into the ice-watermixture.Holdthe thermometer slight ied ly offthe bottomof the beaker so that the thermometer bulb is surroun on all sidesby the ice-watermixture. I ’ the temperature readingto stabilize.Recordthe temperature ,f the pure ice 6. Waitfor water mixturein °Cto the nearest tenth of a degreeon the data sheet. Beaker # 1—Sodium Chloride 7. In a weighingdish,weighout 30.0 g ofsodium chloride.Recordthe precisemass of the sodium chloridein the data table. 8. Addthe sodiumchlorideto the ice-watermixture in Beaker#1. 9. Stir the contents of the beakerwith a tongue depressoruntil the mixture has a slushy appearance. 10. Carefullyinsert a thermometer into the mixtureand measure the temperature. Stir only with the tongue depressorand not with the thermometers. Holdthe thermometer in the beakerwith one hand to read the temperature and stir with the woodenstirrer with the other hand. 11. Continueto stir the mixturewith the tongue depressor.Recordin the data table the low est temperature (to the nearest tenth of a degree) that the mixture reachesbefore rising again. This may take some time, as the salt doesnot immediatelydissolvein the icewater. Beaker #2—Sucrose 12. Repeatsteps 2—11for Beaker#2, using 100.0grams of icewater and 30.0 grams of sucrose. Rememberto record precisemasses and temperature readings to the nearest tenth of a degree. FreezingPointDepression Freezing Point Depression Page4 - Beaker #3—CalciumChloride 13. Repeatsteps 2—11for Beaker#3, using 100.0 grams of ce water and 30.0 grams ofcalci um chloride.Rememberto record precisemasses and temperature readingsto the near est tenth of a degree. Beaker #4—Aluminum Chloride 14. Repeatsteps 2—11for Beaker#4, using 100.0grams ofice water and 30.0 grams of alu minum chloride.Rememberto record precise massesand temperature readingsto the nearest tenth of a degree. 15. Disposeof the solutions bypouring the mixtures downthe drain with plenty of water. Rinsethe beakerswith tap water. FlinnChemTopicLabs SolubilityandSolutions — Page 5- Freezing Point Depression 6. C3 Name:_____________ Class/LabPeriod: _________ Freezing Point Depression Data Table Freezing Point of Water ___________ Beaker Number Solute 1 Sodium chloride,NaCI 2 Sucrose,01C .2H12 3 Calciumchloride, CaC1 2O H 4 Aluminumchloride 3 AlCl 20 6H Mass of Ice + WaterS Massof ,Solute LowestTemperature of Mixture . , ____ Post-LabCalculationsand Analysis (Showall work ona separate sheet of paper.) Fill in the results of all calculationsfo Questions#1—7in the ResultsThble. 1..Determinethe molar mass ofeach solute. Rememberto includewatersof hydration. 2. Calculatethe number of moJesof each solute using the exactmass of the solute from the DataThbleand its molar mass. 3. Calculatethe experimentalvalueofthe freezingpoint depression,AT 1 for each solute, using the equation below. 1 (pure solvent) T — 1 (solution) = 1AT (in °C) T 4. Calculatethe AT 1 per moleofsolute. 5. For each solutethat dissociatesin water,write a balancedequation for its dissociation reaction. Determinethe idealvalue ofI for each solute. This is the number of particles formedwhen one formulaunit of the solute dissolvesin water.Note: Watersof hydration are NOTincludedin the valueof i. 6. Calculatethe concentrationof each solution in molality,in, definedas the number of molesofsolute per kilogramof solvent. Molality = m FreezingPointDepression = molesof solute kilogramofsolvent Freezing Point Depression Page6 — 7. Calculatethe theoreticalvalueof the freezingpoint depressionfor each solute based on the molalityof the solution (m) and the idealnumberofsolute particles(i). UseEquation 1 from the Backgroundsection, Kf = 1.86°C/m,and the calculatedvaluesfor m and i. 8. Compare the experimentaland theoreticalvaluesof ATfforeach solute. Discuss’possible sources of error in this experimentand their likelyeffecton the experimentalAT 1 values. 9. Whichsolute had the greatest freezingpoint depressionper mole?Whichhad the least?Is this what wouldbe expected?Explain. 10. Preparea graph of AT 1/mole shown by the graph. on the y-axisversus i on the x-axis.Describethe relationship ResultsTable BeakerNumber Solute 2 1 I NaC 4 3 CaC1 2O H 2C12 01H 36H AlC1 2O MolarMass (g/mole) . Molesof Solute 1(exp) AT . , . . 1(tiT exp) mole I (idealvalue) m 1AT (theor) FlinnChemTopic’ Labs SolubilityandSolutions — Name Date_ ______________________________ Class ___________ (328 Freezing Point Depression withAntifreeze Lab 45 APPLICATION Text reference. Chapter 15 Introduction Have you ever wondered how antifreeze lowers the freezing point of water in the cooling systems of automobiles? In the latter part of the nineteenth century the French chemist François Raoult noted that the vapor pressure of a solvent was lowered by the addition of a solute (Raoult’s Law), and that the freezing points of solutions also were lowered. Eventually, the following mathematical expression that related freez ing point depression and molalitv (moles of solute per kilogram of sol vent) was developed. = ,m K In this equation, T is freezing point depression, K is the molal freezing point constant for the solvent, and m is the molality of the particles in solution. As you can see from the equation. the lowering of the freezing point depends on the concentration of dissolved particles present. In the case of a nonelectrolyte, the molality of the nonelectrolyte and the rnolality of particles in solution are the same (a 1:1 ratio). For electrolytes, the molality of particles is equal to the molality of the electrolyte times the number of ions in the chemical formula of the compound. Automobile manufacturers make use of the principle of freezing point depression to protect engines from freezing in cold weather. Anti freeze, a nonelectrolyte, is added to the water-filled radiator that cools the engine. Under most conditions the presence of the antifreeze molecules in the water is sufficient to keep the system from freezing. the freezing point depres In this investigation you will detë rriTine sion of antifreeze solutions by cooling them in an ice-salt bath. You will also use this information to find the molar mass of ethylene glycol. Pre-Lab Discussion Readthe entirelaboratoryinvestigationand the relevantpagesof your textbook.Thenanswerthe questionsthatfollow. 1. What is the mathematical relationship between freezing point depres sion and molalitv? _______________________________________ 2. What is a colligative property? © Prentice-I-laH,inc ’ Freezing Point Depression with .4n:zrrt’t’: 245 Name Lab U Safety 45 - Wear your goggles and lab apron at all times during the investigation. Commercial antifreeze is primarily ethylene glvcol, which is highly toxic. The ice used in the investigation could become contaminated with anti freeze by accident. Do not eat the ice. Note the caution alert symbols here and with certain steps of the Procedure. Refer to page xi for the specific precautions associated with each symbol. Procedure Put on your goggles and lab apron. Half fill a 600-mL beaker with ice and cover it with about 20 grams of sodium chloride (NaCI). Stir this ice-salt mixture with a stirring rod until it reaches a constant temperature at or below 10°C. Cover the outside of the beaker with paper toweling or aluminum foil with the reflective side in. 2. Half fill a test tube with distilled water and place it in the ice bath. Rinse the stirring rod and use it to stir the water gently until ice crystals first appear. Use a thermometer to measure the freezing point and record it in the Data Table. CAUTION: Thermometers are fragile. Do not use the thermometerasastirring rod. 1. I — jj thermometer papertowel foil 600-mLbeaker - testtube antifreeze-water mixture iceandsalt Figure 44-1 . 3 o .4aII © Prentice- Find the mass of a 250-mL beaker. Leaving the beaker on the balance, set the balance for an additional 10.00 grams. Add antifreeze to the beaker carefully from a 10- or 25-mL graduated cylinder. CAUTION: Antifreeze is toxic. Do not drink it. If you spill any, rinse it off with plenty of water and tell your teacher. When the balance is close to equalization, add the final antifreeze with a dropper. Now add 100 mL of distilled water to the beaker and stir thoroughly with the stirring rod. In a similar fashion, prepare a second solution using 20.00 grams of antifreeze. Label the beakers Solution I and Solution 2. Inc Freezing Point Depression 247 Name Lab Critical Thinking: Analysis and Conclusions 1. Permanent antifreeze is almost 1OOethylene glycol (1, 2 ethanediol, F.OH) 2)4(C -1 2. 45 PL 0 I Calculate its molar mass. (Applying concepts) Calculate the percent error in both trials. (interpreting data,’ Solution I Solution 2 3. What do you think are the major sources of error in this investigation? How might some of them be reduced? (interpreting data) Critical Thinking: Applications 1. Could freezing point depression be used for substances not soluble in water? (Making predictions) 2. What effect on the freezing point depression of water would a 1 in solution of the ionic substance (NH have? (Making predictions) 4)1PO 3. What assumption investigation? 4. is made about the density of distilled water in this (Making inferences’ ______________________________ Would this method of molar mass determination other substances Preriiice-Hafl. inc be practical for soluble in water? (.4ppliiing concepts) FreezingPoint Depressionwith Antifree:e 249 Page1 ClassicTitratiOn • — ClassicTitration pH. Curves and an Unknown Introduction One of the most commonquestions chemists haveto answer is howmuch of something is present in a sample or a product. Ifthe product contains an acid or base, these questions are, titrations can be used to measure the concentration usually answeredbytitration. Acid—base of an acid or base in solution and to calculatethe formula (molar)mass of an unknownacid or base. Concepts Acidsand bases • Neutralizationreaction • Titration • Equivalencepoint • Titration curve Background Titration is a methodofvolumetric analysis—the use ofvolumemeasurementsto analyze an unknown. In acid—base chemistry,titration is most often used to analyzethe amount of acid or base in a sampleor solution. Considera solution containing an unknown amount of hydrochloricacid.In a titration experiment,a knownvolumeof the hydrochloricacid solu tion would be “titrated”by slowlyaddingdropwisea standard solution of a strong basesuch as sodium hydroxide.(Astandard solution is one vhose concentration is accuratelyknown.) The titrant, sodium hydroxidein this case, reactswith and consumes the acidvia a neutral ization reaction (Equation1). The exactvolumeof base neededto react completelywith the acid is measured.Thisis calledthe equivalencepoint of the titration—the point at which stoichiometric amounts of the acidand base havecombined. HCI(aq) + NaOH(aq) — NaCl(aq) + H 20(l) Equation 1 Knowingthe exactconcentrationand volumeaddedof the titrant gives the number of moles ofsodium hydroxide.The latter, in turn, is related bystoichiometryto the number of moles of hydrochloricacid initiallypresent in the unknown. Indicators are usuallyadded to acid—base titrations to detect the equivalencepoint. The end point of the titration is the point at which the indicator changes color and signals that the equivalencepoint has indeedbeen reached.For example,in the case of the neutralization reaction shownin Equation 1, the pH of the solutionwouldbe acidic (< 7) beforethe equiv alence point and basic (> 7) after the equivalencepoint. The pH at the equivalencepoint should be exactly7, correspondingto the neutral products (sodium chloride and water). An indicatorthat changescolor around pH 7 is therefore a suitable indicator for the titration of a strong acidwith a strong base. The progress of an acid—base titration can also be followedby measuring the pH of the solu tion beinganalyzedas a function of the volumeof titrant added.A plot of the resulting data is called a pH curveor titration curve. Titration curves allowa precise determination of the equivalencepoint ofthe titration without the use of an indicator. ClassicTitration ClassicTitration Page2 — Experiment Overview The purpose of this experiment is to analyze the shape of the titration curve for neutraliza tion of hydrochloric acidwith sodium hydroxideand to determine the concentrationof an unknown hydrochloric acid solution. In Part A,pH measurements may be madeelectroni callyas a function of time using a pH sensor attached to a computer or calculator-based interface system, or manuallyas a function of volumeadded using a pH meter. In Part B, the titration will be repeated with the use of an indicator to detect the endpoint. Pre-Lab Questions The approximateconcentration of a hydrochloricacid solution is 0.5 M.The exactconcentra tion of this solution is to be determined by titration with 0.215Msodium hydroxidesolution. 1. A 10.00-mLsampleof the HCIsolutiOnwas transferred bypipet to an Erlenmeyérflask and then diluted byaddingabout 40 mL of distilledwater.Whatis the approximateH 3O concentrationand pH of the solution in the flaskbeforethe titration begins? 2. Phenolphthaleinindicatorwas added,and the solutionin the flaskwas titrated with 0.215M The exactvolumeofNaOHrequired NaOHuntil the indicatorjust turned pink (pH 8—9). was22.75mL.Usethe followingequationto calculatethe concentrationof HCIin the origi nal 10.00-mLsample. Mb >( Vb • = nM X V Mb = molarity of standard basesolution Ma = unknown molarity of acidsolution Vb = volumeof baseadded Va = initialvolumeof acid solution of mole ratio molesof basethat (number reactwith one moleof acid) n 3. Onestudent accidentally“overshot”the endpointand added23.90mLof 0.215MNaOH.Is the calculatedconcentrationofHCIlikelyto be too high or too lowas a result ofthis error? Materials Hydrochloricacid solution, HCI,unknownconcentration, 40 mL Phenolphthalein indicator solution, 0.5%, 1 mL Sodium hydroxide(standard)solution, NaOH,approximately0.1 M, 75 mL* Water,distilled or deionized Beakers,250-mL,2 pH Sensor or pH meter Buret, 50-mL Computer interface system (LabPro)t Erlenmeyerflask, 125-mL Computeror calculator for data collectiont Pipet and pipet bulb or filler,10-mL Datacollectionsoftware(LoggerPro)t Stirrer and stirring bar (optional) Washbottle *Consultyour teacher to obtain the preciseconcentration ofsodium hydroxide. tOptional FlinnChemTopic®Labs — AcidsandBases Page3 ClasskTitratioh Safety Precautions Dilute hydrochtoricacidand sodium hydroxide silutions are irritating to skin and eyes. Notify your teacherand clean up all spills immediately with largeamount. of water. Phenolphthalein is an alcohol-basedsolution and is flammable.It is moderately toxic by ingestion. Keep away from flames and other ignitIonsources.Avoid contact of all chemicals with eyes and skin and wash hands thorOughlywith soap and water beforeleaving the labo ratory. Wearchemicalsplashgoggles and chemical-resistantgloves and apron. Procedure S Part A. Measuring a Titration Curie 1. Usinga volumetricpipet, transfer 10.00mLofthe “unknown”hydrochloricacidsolution to a 250-mLbeaker. 2. Adddistilledwaterto the solution in the beakeruntil the liquidvolumeis at about the 150-mL mark. 3. Carefullyadd‘astirrin bar to the solution and‘placethe beaker on a magnetic stirrer. 4. ObtainabOut75 mLofstandardsodium hydroxidesolution and record the precisemolar ity of the solutionin DataTableA. 5. Obtain aclean50-mLburet and rinse itiwith two 5-mL portions of standardsodium hydroxidesolution. 6. Clampthe buret to a ring stand and placea “waste”beaker,under the buret. Fill the buret to abovethe zero markwith sodium hydroxidesolution.Openthe stopcockto allowany air bubblesto escapefrom the tip. Closethe stopcockwhen the liquid levelin the buret is betweenthe 0- and 1O-mLmark. 7. Recordthe preciselevel (initialvolume) ofthe solutionin the buret. Note:Volumesare read from the top downin a buret. Alwaysreadfromthe bottom of the meniscusand nber remei to includethe appropriatenumber of significantfigures.(SeeFigure 1.) 8. Positionthe buret over the beaker so that the tip of the buret is within the beakerbut at least 2 cm abovethe liquid surface. 9. If using a pH sensor and computeror calculator-interfacesystem, proceedto step 10.If usinga pH meter,proceedto step 22. mL (not •24.55) Figure 1. How to read a buret volume. ClassicTitration Figure 2. Setup. ClassicTitration Page4 — - .Computer- or calculator-based data collection: 10. Insert a pH sensor into the beaker.Adjust the levelof the sensor so that the bottohi 2 cm of the sensor is submerged in liquid. Do not allowthe sensor to come in contact with the stirring bar. Clamp the sensor in position. (SeeFigure 2.) ii. Plug the pH sensor into the interface system. • 12. Open andformat a graph in the data collectionsoftwareso that the y-axis reads pH on a scaleof 0—14. 13. Set the x-axisfor time in seconds.Set the minimum and maximumtime valuesat 0 and •300 sec, re pectively. • 14. Set the time intervalto take a reading everysecond. 15. Waitabout 30 secondsto allowthe pH’sensorto adjust to the solution pH, then press start to begincollectingdata. • 16. Immedi tely open the stopcockon the buret and beginaddingsodium hydroxidesolution slowlyto the flask.Adjustthe drip rate from the buret to addabout one drop per second. 17. Trynot to change the drip rate during the course of the titration. 18. The system should automaticallyrecord data for the allottedtime (300sec), then stop. •19. Closethe stopcockon the buret when data colleFtionhas ended.Removethe sensor from the beakerand rinse it with distilledwater. 20. Obtain a printout of the titration graph from the cOmputer. .’e the sodifimhydroxidesolution in the 21. Note: If proceedingto Part Bat this time, sa buret. Skipsteps 1—3in Part Band proceedimmediatelyto step 4. Alternative procedure using a pH meter: 22. Insert the pH electrodefrom a pH meter into the beaker.Adjustthe levelof the electrode so that the bottom 2 cm of the electrodeis submerged in liquid.Donot allowthe elec trode to come in contactwith the stir bar. (SeeFigure2.) 23. Whenthe pH reading has stabilized,record the initial pH of the solution in DataTableA. 24. Addabout 1 mLof sodium hydroxidesolution to the beaker.Recordthe exact buret read ing in DataTableA. 25. Recordthe pH of the solutionin DataTableA. 26. Addanother 1-mLincrement ofsodium hydroxidesolution.Recordboth the buret read ing and the pH in DataTableA. 27. Continue adding sodium hydroxidein 1-mLportions. Recordboth the buret reading and the pH after each addition. 28. Whenthe pH beginsto increaseby more than 0.3 pH units after an addition, decreasethe portions of sodium hydroxideaddedto about 0.2 mL. 29. Continue adding sodium hydroxidein about 0.2 mL increments.Recordboth the buret readingand the pH after each addition. FlinnChemlopic® Labs AcidsandBases — Page5—ClassicTitration LA3S 30. Whenthe pH change is again about 0.3 pH units, resume adding the sodium hydroxide in 1-mLincrements.Continue to record both.theburet reading and the pH after each addition. 31. Stop the titration when the pH of the solution is greater than 12.Recordthe finalvolume of solution in the buret and the final pH. 32. Note: If proceedingto Part Bat this time, savethe sodium hydroxidesolution in the buret. Skipsteps 1—3in Part B and proceedimmediatelyto step 4. It may be necessaryto refillthe buret at this point. Part B. Analyzing an Unknown 1. Obtainabout 75 mLof standard sodium hydroxidesOlutionand record the precisemolar ity of the solutionin DataTableB. 2. Rinse a clean50-mLburet with two 5-mL portionsofthe sodium hydroxidesolution. 3. Clamp the buret to a ring stand and placea “waste”beakerunder the buret. Fillthe buret to abovethe zero mark with sodium hydroxidesolution. Open the stopcock to,allowany air bubblesto escapefrom the tip. Closethe stopcockwhen the liquid levelin the buret is betweenthe 0- and 1O-mLmark. 4. Recordthe preciselevel (initialvolume) ofthe solutionin the buret in DataTableB. Note: Volumesare read from the top downin a buret. Alwaysread from the bottom of the meniscusand rememberto includethe appropriatenumber of significantfigures.(See Figure 1.) 5. Usinga pipetor graduatedcylinder,transfer 10.00mL of the unknown hydrochloricacid solution to a 125-mLErlenmeyerflask. 6. Addabout 20 mLof distilledwater to the flask,followedby 2 drops ofphenolphthalein indicator. 7. Positionthe flaskunder the buret so that the tip ofthe buret is insidethe mouth of the flask.Placea pieceofwhite paper under the flaskto make it easier to detect the color change ofthe indicatorat the endpoint. 8. Open the stopcockto allowapproximately5—8mLofthe sodium hydroxidesolution to flow into the flaskwhilecontinuouslyswirlingthe flask.Observethe color changesoccurring. 9. Continueto addsodium hydroxideslowly,drop-by-drop,while swirling the flask.Usea wash bottle to rinsethe sidesof the flaskwith distilledwater during the titration. 10. When a faint pink color appears and persists for 10secondsor more while swirling the flask,the endpointhas been reached.Closethe stopcockand record the finalburet read ing for TrialI in DataTableB. 11. Pour the solutionout of the flaskinto the sinkand rinse the flaskwith distilledwater. 12. Repeatthe titration (steps4—11)with a secondsampleof hydrochloric acid. Recordall data for Trial2 in DataTableB. 13. (Optional)11time permits, completea third trial. ClassicTitration ClassicTitration Page6 — 336. Name: - b C1ass/L Period: ClassicTitration Lab Data Table A. Measuring a Titration Curve Standard NaOH Concentration Initial Buret Reading • . Initial pH , Buret , Buret Reading pH • Reading pH (continued) Data Table B. Analyzing an Unknown Standard NaOH Concentration , Initial Buret Reading Final Buret Reading Trial1 Trial2 , Trial3 (optional) Flinn ChemTopic®Labs — AcidsandBases Page7—ClassicTitration Post-LabQueshons (Usea separatesheet of paper to answerthe followingquestions.) Part A. Measuring a Titration Curve 1. Obtain a graph ofthe pH curve from Part A.Note:Ifthe pH data was collectedmanually using a pH metei draw a graph of pH (y-axis)versusvolumeof NaOHadded(x-axis). Labelthe axes,including the appropriateunits. • 2. Describein wordshowthe pH changesduring the course of the titration. Bespecific. 3. Whatis the theoretical equivalencepoint for the titration of a strong acidwith a strong base?What happensto the pH of the solution as it approachesthe equivalencepoint? 4. Drawa horizontalline across fromthe pHat the equivalencepoint to the titration curve, followedbya verticalline downfrom this point on the titration curve to the x-axis. 5. Phenolphthaleinis often used to detect the endpoint in the titration ofa strong acidwith a strong base.It changes color fromcolorlessto pink at about pH 9. Drawa horizontal line across from pH 9 to the titration curve, followedbya vertical line downfom this point on the titration curve to the x-axis.Is there a large differencebetweenthe volume of NaOHaddedat the equivalencepoint versus the indicatorendpoint?Whyor why not? Part B. Analyzing an Unknown 6. Calculatethe unknown molarityof the HCIsolution (Ma) for trials 1 and 2, as well as the averagemolarity.Note: SeePrelabQuestion#2. 7. Considerthe followingpotential sources of error in the titration. Fill in the blank: “H”ifthe error wouldhavecausedthe calculatedmolarityof HCIto come out too high. I to come out too low. “L”if the error wouldhavecausedthe calculatedmolarityof HC “N”if the error wouldhavehad no effecton the the calculatedmolarity of HCI. a. Therewasa littledistilledwaterin the Erlenmeyerflaskbeforethe titration began. b. There wasa little HCIin the Erlenmeyerflaskbeforethe titration began. c. There wasa little distilledwaterin the buret beforeyou began and you forgotto rinse it out with NaOH. _____ d. Youadded3 drops of phenolphthaleininsteadof2 drop& e. SomeNaOHsolutiondrippedinto the Erlenmeyerflaskbeforethe initialNaOHvolume was measured. ______ f. Whileyou weretitrating, some NaOHdrippedout onto the table instead of into the Erlenmeyerflask. _____ 8. Completethe followingsentenéewith a creativebut appropriateanalogy:Performinga titration withou an indicatoris like __________________ : I;ss Ii I i;i Page 1 Measuring Acid Strength — Measuring Acid Strength Ka Values of Weak Acids Introduction Acidsvary greatly in their strength—-theirabilityto ionize or produce ionswhen dissolvedin water.What factorsdetermine the strength of an acid?In this experiment,the strength of acidswill be measured bydetermining the equilibrium constants for their ionization reac tions in water. • Concepts • • WeakacId • Conjugate base Equilibrium constant • Neutralizationreaction Background • The modern Brønsteddefinitionof an acid relies on its abilityto donate hydrogen ions to other substances.When an acid dissolvesin water, it donates hydrogen ions to water mole cules to form H 3O ions. The general form’ofthis reaction, called an ionization reaction, is shown in Equation 1, where HAis the acid and A- its conjugate baseafter loss of a hydrogen ion. The double arrowsrepresent a reversiblereaction. I HA(aq) + H 20(l) A(aq) + Equation 1 (aq) 3O H The equilibriumconstantexpression(Ka)forthe reversibleionizationof an acidis givenin Equation2.,The squarebracketsreferto the molar concentrationsofthe reactantsand products. [A-J[H 0j [HA Ka Equation 2 Not all acids, of course, are created equal. The strength of an acid dependson the value of its equilibrium constant Ka for Equation 1. Strong acids ionizecompletelyin aqueous solution. The valueof Ka for a strong acid is extremelylarge and Equation 1 essentiallygoes to com pletion—onlyH 3O and A- are present in solution. Weakacids, in contrast, ionize only par tially in aqueous solution. The value of Ka for a weakacid is much lessthan one and and H Equation 1 is reversible—allspecies(HA,A—, are present at equilibrium. ) 3O Polyproticacidscontain more than one ionizablehydrogen. Ionization of a polyproticacid occurs in a stepwisemanner, where each step is characterized by its own equilibrium con stant (Kai,Ka 2 etc.). The second reaction (removalof the second acidic hydrogen)always occurs to a much smaller extent than the first reaction, and so Ka2 is alwayssignificantly smaller than Kai• Sulfuricacid 4)(H and phosphoric acid 4)(H are examplesof 2S0 3P0 polyproticacids. MeasuringAcidStrength 2A(aq) H + 20(J) H HAiaq) + 70(l) H t HAiaq) 2iaq) A + + (aq) 3O H (aq) 3O H • 1 K = = MeasuringAcid Strength Page 2 - 33C The ionizationconstant of a weakacid can be determined experimentallybymeasuring the 3O concentration in a dilute aqueous solution of the weakacid.This procedure is most H ofthe weakacid and its cqnjugate ts accurate when the solution contains equal molar amour base.Consideracetic acid as an example.Aceticacid (CH 3COOI-l) and the acetate anion The acid—base equilibriumconstant expressionfor p air. represent conjugate a 3COOj (CH ionizationof acetic acid is shown in Equation 3. If the concentrationsof acetic acid and acetate ion are equal, then these two terms cancelout in the equilibriumconstant expres sion, and Equation 3 reduces to Equation 4. Ka = COO-]1H jECH 3O 3COOHJ’, [CH Equation 3 0h1 3 Ka =[H Equation4 In this experiment, solutionswillbe prepared in which the molarconcentrations of an unknown acid and its conjugate base are equal. The pH of thesesolutionswill then equal the PKafor the acid.The definitionof PKais closelyrelated to that of pH. Thus, pH = and PKa = ogK The substancesthat willbe tested are salts of polyptotic, 30’i —log[H . acids that still contain an ionizablehydrogen. Sodium bisulfate,for example,is a weakacid ion is a weakacid—the equilibrium cdn ions. The HS0 salt; it contains Na and HSO 4 4stant for ionizationof HSO correspondsto Ka 42 for sulfuricacid. 2Saq) 4(H 0 + 20(l) H 4(aq) HS0 + 20(l) H t 4(aq) HS0 42aq) SO + + (aq) 3O H Kai (aq) 3O H 2 Ka = ____________ 4 j-iso Experiment Overview The purpose of this experimentis to measure the pKavaluefor ionizationof an unknown weakacid. Solutions containingequal molar amounts ofthe weakacid and its conjugate basewill be preparedby “half-neutralization”of the acid.Their pH valueswill then be meas ured and used to calculatethe PKavaluefor the unknownand determine its identity. Pre-Lab Questions(Usea separate sheet of paper to answer the followingquestions.) Phosphoricacid is a triprotic acid (three ionizablehydrogens).Thevalues of its stepwiseion . , and Ka izationconstants are Kai = 7.5 x iO , 3 ‘= 4.2 x iO’ 2 = 6.2 x 1O Ka 1. Writethe chemicalequation for the first ionizationofphosphoricacid with water. 2. Writethe equilibriumconstant expression(Kai) forthis reaction. 3. Whatwouldbe the pH of a solutionwhen 41[H 3P0 Note: pH = —log J. 3O H 2P?0 411H FlinnChemTopic® Labs — AcidsandBases Page3—MeasuringAcid Strength • O. c3 • 4. (Optional) Phenolphthaleinwouldnot be an appropriateindicatorto use to determineKai, • for phosphoricacid. Whynot? Choosea suitableindicatorfrom the followingcolorchart. pH Indicator 1 2 F 3 5 Colorless Phenolphthalein • MethylRed Red , OrangeIV Orange Peach 6 . 8 7 9’ 10 Pink , j 11 Red Yellow Orange Yellow, Materials Unknownweakacids, about 0.5 g each Phenolphthaleinsolution, 0.5%, 1 mL Sodium hydroxidesolution, NaOH,0.1 M, 15 mL Washbottle and distilled or deionizedwater pH Meter Weighingdishes,2 Balance,centigram (0.01 g precision) Beaker,150-mL,I Erlenmeyerflask,125-mL, Graduatedcylinder,50- ‘or100-mL Pipets,Béral-type,2 Stirring rod •, , Safety Precautions Acids and basesare skin and eye irritants. Avoid contact of all chemical with eyes and skin. Inform the teacher and clean up all acid and base spills immediately. Phenolphthalein is an alcohol-based solution and is flammable. Keep the solution away from flames. Wear chemical splash goggles and chemical-resistant gloves and apron. Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water before leaving the laboratory. Procedure I. Labeltwo weighingdishes#1 and #2. 2. Obtainan unknownweakacidand record the unknownnumber in the data table. 3. Measureout a small quantity (0.15—0.20 g) ofthe unknowninto each weighing dish. Note: It is not necessaryto knowthe exact mass of each sample. 4. Usinga graduatedcylinder,measure precisely50.0mL of distilledwater into a 150-mL beaker. 5. Transfersample#1 to the water in the beakerand stir to dissolve. 6. Usinga graduatedcylinder,transfer precisely25.0mL of this acid solution into an Erlenmeyerflask. 7. Add3 drops of phenoiphthaleirisolution to the acidsolution in the Erlenmeyerflask. 8. Usinga Beral-typepipet, add sodium hydroxidesolutiondropwiseto the flask.Gently swirlthe flaskwhile adding the sodium hydroxidesolution. MeasuringAcidStrength Measuring Acid Strength - Page4 (34/. 9. Continue adding sodium hydroxidedropwiseand swirling the solutionuntil a faint pink color persiststhroughout the solution forat least5 seconds.This is called he endpoint. Note:A pink color developsimmediatelywhen the baseis added. hut fadesquicklyonce the solution is swirled.When nearing the endpoint, the pink color beginst fademore slowly.Proceedcautiouslywhen nearing the endpoint.SO as not to”overshoot”it. At this point the solution in the beakercontains exactlyone-halfof the originalamount of IA. The Erlenmeyerflaskcontains an equal acid, essentiallyall ofwhich is in the acid form, ibaseA obtained neutralization. amount of the conjugate by 10. Pour the contents of the flaskbackinto the beaker.Pour the solution backand forth a few times to mix.Note:It is important to transfer the solution as completelyas possiblefrom the flaskbackinto the beaker. 11.,Usinga pH meter,measure the pH of the resulting solution in the beaker,whichcontains equal molar amounts of the acidand its conjugatebase.Recordthe pH in thedatatable. 12. D spose of thebeakercontentsdownthedrainandrinseboththebeakerandthe Erlenmeyerflaskwith distilledwater.Dry the beakerwith a paper towel. ple 13. Repeatsteps 4—12using sari #2. F’linnChemTopic® Labs Acidsand Bases — Page5- MeasuringAcid Strength i (31 Name: ___________________ Class/LabPeriod: _________ Measuring Acid Strength Data Table. UnknownLabel Thai pH Sample#1 Sample#2 . Post-Lab Questions (Usea separatesheetof paperto anstherthe followingquestions.) 1. Averagethe pH readings for each trial (samples#1 and 2) to calculatetheaverage PKa value for your unknownweakacid. 2. Comment on the precision(reproducibility)of the PKa determinations.Describesources of experimentalerror and their likelyeffecton the measured PKa(pH)values. 3. The followingtable lists the identitiesof thepossible unknowns in this experiment. valuefor each acid.Note: PKa = Completethe table bycalculating the 4 Acid Formula Potassiumdihydrogenphosphate 2PO 4KH Potassiumhydrogensulfate 4 KHSO P Ka K of 4H 3P0 = 6.2 x 10 of 4H 2S0 = 1.2 x 10-2 Potassiumhydrogenphthalate 4O 8H KHC K of H 840 2C = 3.9 x 1O Potassiumhydrogentartrate 6 O 4H KHC K of H 406 2C = 4.6 x iO . 4. Comparethe Picavaluefor your unknownwith the informationin the table. Determine the probableidentityof the unknown. 5. Write separateequations for the unknown dissolvingin water and for the ionization reac tion of the weakacidanion that this salt contains. 6. Whywas it not necessaryto knowthe exact mass of each acid sample? 7. Whywas it not necessaryto knowthe exactconcentrationofthe sodium hydroxidesolution? 8. Whywas it necessaryto measure the exactvolume of distilledwater used to dissolvethe acid,as well as the exactvolume,of solutiontransferredfrom the beakerto the Erlenmeyerflask? 1;isiirii .AciFSI lL( ii Page 1 Heats of Reaction and Hess’sLaw - 3. L3 Heats of Reaction and Hess’sLaw Small-Scale Calorimetry Introduction The reaction of magnesium metal with air in a Bunsenburner flameprovidesa dazzling demonstration of a combustion reaction. Magnesiumburns with an intense flamethat produces a blinding white light. This reaction was utilizedin the earlydays of photography as the source of “flashpowder”and later in flashbulbs.It is still used today in flaresand fire works. Howmuch heat is produced when magnesium burns? Concepts • Heat of reaction • Heat of formation • Hess’sLaw • Calorimetry Background Magnesiumreacts with oxygenin air to form magnesiumoxide,according to Equation 1. Mg(s) + ½0 2(g) — MgO(s) + heat Equation 1 Asmentioned above,a great deal of heat and light are produced—thetemperature of the flame can reach as high as 2400 °C.The amount of heat energy produced in this reaction cannot be measured directly in the high school lab.It is possible,however,to determine the amount of heat producedby an indirect method, using Hess’sLaw. The heat or enthalpychange for a chemical reaction is calle the heat of reaction (H i ). The enthalpychange—definedas the differencein enthalpybetweenthe productsand reactants—is equalto the amount of heat transferredat constant pressure and dies not depend on howthe transformation occurs. This definitionof enthaipy makes it Øossibleto determine the heats’of reaction for reactions that cannotbe measured directly.Accordingto Hess’sLaw,if the same overallreaction is achievedin a seriesof steps, rather than in one step, the enthalpychange for the overallreaction is equalto the sum of the enthalpy changes for each step in the reactionseries. There are tvo basic rules for calculating the enthalpy change for a reaction using Hess’sLaw. Equations can be “multiplied”bymultiplyingeachstoichiometriccoefficientin the bal anced chemicalequationby the same factor.Theheat of reaction (All) is proportionalto the amount of reactant. Thus, if an equation is multipliedby a factor of two to increase the number of molesof product produced,then the heat of reactionmust also be multi pliedbya factoroftwO. • Equations can be “subtracted”b reversingthe reactants and products in the balanced chemical equation.The heat of raction (AH)for the reversereaction is equal in magni Iu(I(’ Heatsof Reactiti I Ie’. hut oppositen sign’to that of the forwardreaction. I.. v Heats of Reactionand Hess’s Law Page 2 - (34# Considerthe followingthree reactions: Mg(s) + 21-ICI(aq) 9(aq) MgCI —* MgO(s) 9(g) l-1 + + 21-ICI(aq) 9(g) ½0 — — 9(aq) MgCI Equation A 9(g) I-1 + + Equation B 0(!) 9 F1 Equation C 20(l) H It is possibleto express the combustion of magnesium (Equation 1) as an algebraicsum of EquationsA,B, and C. ApplyingHess’sLaw,therefore, it should also be possibleto deter mine the heat of reaction for Equation 1 by combining the heats of reaction for Equations A—C in the same algebraicmanner. Note: Chemical equations may be combined byaddition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Experiment Overview The purpose of this experimentis to use Hess’sLawto determine the heat of reactionfor the combustionof magnesium(Equation 1). The heats of reactionfor EquationsAand Bwillbe measured by calOrimetry.The heats of reactionfor these tworeactionswill then be combined algebraicallywith the heat of formationofwater (EquationC)to calculatethe heat of reaction for the combustionof magnesium. Pre-Lab Questions 1. Reviewthe Background section. ArrangeEquationsA—C in such a way that they add up to Equation 1. 2. UseHess’sLawt&expressthe heat of reactionfor Equation 1 as the appropriatealgebraic surn of the heats of reactionfor EquationsA—C. . The heat of reactionfor EquationC is equalto the standardheat of formationofwater.The heat offormationof a compoundis definedas the enthalpychange forthe preparationof one moleof a compoundfromits respectiveelementsin their standardstates at 25 °C. Chemicalreferencesourcescontaintablesof heats offormationfor many compounds. Lookup the heat offormationofwaterin your textbookor in a chemicalreferencesource such as the CRCHandbookof Chemistryand Physics. Materials HydrochloricAcid,HCI,1 M, 60 mL Magnesiumribbon,Mg,7-cmstrip Magnesiumoxide,MgO,0.40 g Balance,centigram (0.01g precision) Calorimeter,small-scale Digital thermometer or temperaturesensor Forceps Graduatedcylinder,25- or 50-mL Metric ruler, markedin mm Scissors Spatula Stirring rod Washbottle and water Weighingdish Precautions i Safet Hydrochloricacid is toxic by ingestion and inhalationand is corrosiveto skin and eyes. Magnesium metal is a flammablesolid. Keepaway from flames.Do not handle magnesium metal with bare hands;Weqrchemicalsplash gogglesand chemical-resistantgloves and apron. Washhands thoroughlywith soap and water beforeleavingthe lab. FlinnChemTopic Labs Thermochemistry ’ — Page3 Heats of Reactionand Hess’sLaw - (343: Procedure Recordall data for PartsA and B in the Data Table. Part A. Reaction of Magnesium with Hydrochiork Acid 1. Obtain a 7-cm strip of magnesium ribbon and cut it into two piecesof unequal length, roughly 3- and 4-cm each.Note: Handlethe magnesium ribbon using forceps. 2. Measurethe exactlength of each piece of magnesium ribbon to the nearest 0.1 cm. 3. Multiplythe length of each piece of Mg ribbon by the conversionfactor (g/cm)provided by your teacher to obtain the mass of each piece of Mg. 4. Massa clean,dry calorimeter to the nearest 0.01 g. 5. Usinga graduatedcylinder,add 15 mL of 1 M hydrochloricacidto the calorimeterand measure the combinedmass of the calorimeterand acid. 6. Usinga digital thermometer or a temperature sensor, measure the initial temperature of the hydrochloricacidsolution to the nearest 0.1 °C. 7. Addthe first (shorter)piece of magnesium ribbonto the acidand stir the solution until the magnesiumhas dissolvedand the temperature of the solutionremains constant. 8. Recordthe final temperature of the solution to the nearest 0.1 °C. 9. Rinsethe contents of he calorimeterdownthe drainwith excesswater. 10. Dry the calorimeterand mass it again to the nearest0.01 g. 11. Repeatsteps 5—9using the second (larger)piece of magnesiumribbon. Part B. Reaction of Magnesium oxide with Hydrochloric Acid 12. Massa clean,dry calorimeterto the nearest 0.01 g. 13. Usinga graduatedcylinder,add 15mLof 1 MHCIto the calorimeterand measure the combinedmass ofthe calorimete and hydrochloricacid. 14. Tarea small weighing’dishand addabout 0.20 g of magnesiumoxide.Measurethe exact mass of magnesiumoxideto the nearest 0.01 g. 15. Usinga digitalthermometer or a temperature sensor,measure the initial temperature of the hydrochloricacidsolutionto the nearest 0.1°C. 16. Usinga spatula,addthe magnesiumoxideto the acid.Stir the reaction mixture until the temperature remainsconstant forseveralfive-secondintervals.Recordthe final tempera ture ofthe solutionto the nearest 0.1 °C. 17. Pour the reactionmixturedownthe drainwith excesswater.Rinseand dry the calorimeter. 18. Repeatsteps 12—16 usinga secondsampleof magnesiumoxide. 19. Washthe contentsofthe calorimeterdownthe drainwith excesswater. HeatsofReactionandHess’sLaw Heats of Reaction and Hess’sLaw - Page 4 (346. Name: Class/LabPeriod: Heats of Reaction and Hess’sLaw Data Table ReactionA (Mg + HC I) Trial 1 . Trial2 ReactionB (MgO + HC1) Trial2 Trial1 Massof Calorimeter(g) Massof Calorimeter+ HC1Solution (g) Massof Mg(ReactionA) or MgO(ReactionB) (g) InitialTemperature(°C) FinalTemperature(°C) Post-Lab Calculationsand Analysis (Show all work on a separatesheet of paper.) Construct a ResultsTableto summarize the results of all calculations.For each reaction and trial, calculate the: 1. Massof hydrochloricacidsolution. 2. Totalmass of the reactants. 3. Change in temperature, AT = — Tinjtiai• 4. Heat (q) absorbedby the solutionin the calorimeter.Note: q = m x s x AT,where S is the specificheat of the solutionin J/g°C. Usethe total massof reactants for the mass (m) and assume the specificheat is the sameas that of water,namely,4.18 J/g °C. 5. Numberof molesof magnesiumand magnesiumoxidein ReactionsAand B, respectively. 6. Enthalpychange for each reactionin units of kilojoulesper mole (Id/mole). 7. Averageenthalpychange(heatof reaction,)AH forReactionsAandB.Note: Theenthalpy changeis positivefor an endothermicreaction,negativeforan exothermicreaction. 8. UseHess’sLawto calculatethe heat of reactionfor Equation1.Hint: See your answer to PreLabQuestion#2. 9.’The heat of reactionfor Equation1 is equalto the heat offormationof solid magnesium oxide. (a) Lookup the heat of(ormationof magnesiumoxidein your textbookor a chemical referencesource. (b) Calculatethe percenterror in your experimentaldeterminationof the heat of reaction for Equation 1. FlinnChemlopic”Labs Thermochemistry — Page 1 The EquilibriumConstant — (317 The Equilibriumconstant Complex Ion Formation Introduction For any reversiblechemicalreactionat equilibrium,the concentrationsofall reactants and products are constant or stable.Therewillbe no further net change in the amounts of reac tants and products unlessthe reactionmixture is disturbed in someway.The equilibrium of the position of equiIibriu for any reversible constant providesa mathematical descrip iôn chemical reaction.Whatis the equilibr constart and how can it be determined?, un Concepts Chemical equilibrium • Equilibriumconstant Complex-ionreaction • Colorimetry Background Any reversiblereactionwill eventuallyreach a position of chemical equilibrium. In some cases, euilibrium favorsproducts and it appears that the reaction proceedsessentiallyto completion. The amount of reactants remaining under these conditionswill be very small. In other cases, equilibrium favorsreactants and it appears that the reaction occurs only to a slight extent. Underthese conditions, the amount of products present at equilibrium will be very small. These ideas can be expressedmathematicallyin the form of the equilibriumconstant. Considerthe followinggeneral equation for a reversiblechemical reaction: aA + bB t cC + dD Equation 1 The equilibriumconstant Keq forthis general reactionis givenby Equation2, wherethe square bracketsreferto the molar concentrationsofthe reactants and products at equilibrium. Equation 2 Keq = The equilibriumconstant gets its name from the fact that for any reversiblechemical reaction, the valueofKeqis a constant at a particular temperature. The concentrations of reactants and productsat equilibrium will vary,dependingon the initial amounts of materials present. The specialratio of reactants and products describedby Keqwill always be the same, however,as long as the system has reached equilibrium and the temperature does not change. Thevalueof Keqcan be calculatedif the concentrations of reactants and products at equilibriumare known. The reversiblechemicalreaction of iron(IIl) ions (Fe 3 with thiocyanate ions (SCN—) pro vides a convenientexampleto determine the equilibrium constant for a reaction.Asshown 3 and SCN ions combine to form a special type of combined or “complex” in Equation3, Fe 2. ion having the formulaFeSCN + SCN1aq) 3aFe q) Paleyellow Colorless TheEquilibriumConstant 2(FeSCN aq) Blood-red Equation 3 The Equilibrium Constant Page2 — The equilibrium constant expression or thi Keq ‘ i’ lu i un 4. Equation4 = I Ky n 3 Iiiuwn cuncentrations of Fe The value of Keqcan be determined experiment xii iIlv and SCN— ions and measuring the concentration ul l’cSCN uns equilibrium. Asroted in Equation3, the reactant ions are paleyellowand colurless. t’csptcl ively,while the product 2 ions are blood-red.The concentration of FeSCN complex iuiis equilihriunrwill be pro portional to the intensity of the red color. A specialsensor or instrument called a colorimeter cai be used to measure the absorbance of light by the red ions. The more intense the red color,the greater the absorbancewill be. The wavelengthof light absorbed by the red ions is about470 rim. Noneof the other ions present in solution absorb light at this wavelength.Aslongas the same size container is used to measure the absorbanceof each solution, the absorbancewill be directly proportion 2 al to the concentration of F’eSCN ions. Experiment Overview The purpose of this experiment is to calculatethe equilibriumconstant for the reaction of iron(1II)ions with thiocyanate ions. The reaction will be tested under different copditionsto determine if the equilibriumconstant alwayshas the same numericalvalue. There are two parts to the experiment. 0 In Part A,a referencesolution and a series of test solutionswillbe prepared. The’ 3 ions with a known referencesolution will be preparedbymixinga large excessof Fe amount of SCN-ions. Accordingto LeChâtelier’sPrinciple,the large excess of iron(III) ions 2 should effectivelyconvert all of the thiocyanate ions to the blood-redFeSCN complexions. 2 The concentration of FeSCN complexions in the referencesolution will essentiallybe equalto the initial concentration of SCN-ions. The test solutionswill be prepared by mixing 3 ions with differentconcentrationsof SCN— ions. Thesesolu a constant concentration of Fe 2 FeSCN ionsat equilibrium. tions willcontain unknownconcentrationsof In Part B, the absorbariceofboth the referencesolutionandthe test solutionswillbe measured 2 in the test solutionswillbe calculated bycolorimetry.The unknownconcentrationsof FeSCN the absorbanceofthe referencesolution. their absorbance to bycomparing readings Labs FlinnChemlopic ’ — Equilibrium Page 3 The EquilibriumConstant - ‘I Pre-Lab Questions (Show all work on a separate sheet of paper.) 1. The referencesolution in Part Awillbe prep red by mixing 9.00mL of0.200M Fe(NO )3 3’ solution and 1.00mL of 0.00 MKSCNsolution.The concentration pfFe ions in the 0 ence efe before any reaction occurscan be calculatedusing the so-called solution (M 2) “dilution equation,”as shown below. 1V M 1N V 2 V = = = = Dilution Equation 2V M concentrationof solution before mixing = 0.200M Fe(N0 3) volumeofsolution before mixing = 9.00mL finalvolumeof referencesolution after mixing = 9.00 + 1.00mL M 1V 2 V = (0.200 M)(9.00mL ) ‘(10.00‘mL) = = 10.00mL 0.180M Usethe dilution equation to calculatethe concentrationof SCN ions in the reference solution beforeany reaction occurs. 2 2. “The equilibriumconcentrationof FeSCN ions in the referencesolution is essentially concentrationof the SCN ions in solutionbefore to I equ any reactionoccurs.”Use LeChâtelier’sPrincipleto explainwhy this statement is true. 3 and SCN-stocksolutionsthat willbe 3. The followingtablesummarizesthe volumes of Fe mixedtogetherto prepare the test solutions in Part A.Usethe dilution equation to calcu 3’ late the concentrationsof Fe and SCN ions in each test solution beforeany reaction in scientificnotation in the DataTable. s occurs. Enter the results of these.calculatio of Hint: The finalvolume (V each test solutionis 10.00mL. 2) I Volumeof 0.0020 M Solution 3) Fe(N0 Volumeof 0.0020 M KSCNSolution Testsolution #1. 5.00mL 1.00mL 4.00mL Testsolution#2 5.00mL 2.00mL 3.00mL Testsolution #3 5.00mL Sample Test solution #4 , 3.00mL 5.00mL 4.00mL 5.00mL 5.00mL , Testsolution #5 TheEquilibriumConstant Volumeof Distilled WaterAdded ‘ , 2.00mL 1.00mL 0.00mL The EquilibriumConstant Page4 - MateriaIs_. 0.0020M,30 mLt 0.200M, 10 mLt Iron(HI)nitrate, Fe(N0 3), Potassium yariate, KSCN,0.0020M, 1 mL thio Water,distilled or deionzied Colorimeter sensor or spectrophotometer Computer interface system (LabPro),15* Computeror calculator for data collection, 15* Datacollectionsoftware (LoggerPro)* *Not required if spectrophotometer is used tContajns 1 Mnitric acid as the so!vent. Irón(III) nitrate, Fe(N0 3), rs ik& I3e 6 ftst tuhes,50—m L, Cuvetleswith uk, c nr l;r rii .Labeliii r n pen 5- or 10-mL,3 il-tvpe, Pipets, serulngic Pipet bulb or pipct filler Stirring rod Tissuesor lens paper, lint-free Thermometer Washbottle Safety Precautions Iron(III) ni trate solution contains I N nitric acid and is d corrosiveliquid;it willstain skin and clothing.Notify the teacherqnd clean up all spills immediately.Potassiumthiocyanate is toxic by ingestion; it an generatepoisonous hydrogen cyanidegas if heated strongly. Avoid contact of all chemicalswith eyes and skin. Wearchemical splashgoggles and chemical-resistantgloves and apron. Washhands thoroughly with soap and water before leavingthe laboratory. Procedure I Part A. Preparing the Solutions 1. Obtainsix50-mLbeakersor large test tubes and labelthem #1—6for the test solutions and referencesolution. 2. Usinga separatepipet for each reagent to be added,combinethe followingvolumesof reagents to prepare the test solutions.Note:There are two differentiron “stock”solu Readthe labelscarefullybeforeuse! tions, 0.0020Mand 0.200M Fe(N0 3). Reagents • Sample 0.0020 M Fe(N0 3) 0.0020 f4 KSCN DistilledWater Testsolution#1 5.00mL 1.00mL 4.00 mL Testsolution#2 5.00mL 2.00 mL 3.00mL Testsolution#3 5.00mL 3.00mL 2.00mL Testsolution#4 5.00mL 4.00 mL 1.00mL Testsolution#5 5.00mL 5.00mL 0.00mL FlinnChemTopic” Labs — Equilibrium Page 5- The EquilibriumConstant U57 3. Prepare the referencesolution #6 bymixing 9.00mL of 0.200M Fe(N0 and 1.00mL of 3) 0.0020M KSCNin beaker#6.Note: Usethe same pipets that were used in step 2. 4. Mixeach solution using a stirring rod. Rinsethe stirring rod and dry it betweensolutions. 5. Measurethe temperature of one of the solutionsand record it in the data tab’e.This will be assumedto be the equilibriumtemperature for all of the solutions. Part B. Colorimetry Measurements 6. Fillsix cuvettesabout ¾-fullwith the solutions from Part Aand arrange them in order on a labeledsheet of paper to keep track of the solutions.Do not write on the cuvettes. 7. Handlethe cuvettesby their ribbedsides or their tops to avoidgetting fingerprintson the surface.Wipethe cuvetteswith lint-freetissue paper or lens paper. 8. Connectthe interfacesystem to the computer or calculatorand plug the calorimeter sen sor into the interface. 9. Select Setup and Sensors from the main screen and choose“Colorimeter.” Note: Manynewer sensors have an automatic calibration feature that automatically calibrates the colorimeter before use. If the sensor has the autocalibration feature, set the wavelengthon the calorimeter to 470 nm (blue), press the autocalibration key,and proceed to step 14. If the sensor does not have the autocalibration feature, followsteps 10—13to calibrate the calorimeter with a “blank”cuvette containing only distilled water. 10. SelectCalibrateandPerformNow from the Experimentmenu on the main screen. 11. Fill a cuvetteabout¾-fullwith distilledwater.Wipethe cuvette with a lint-free tissue, then placethe cuvettein the calorimeter compartment. 12. Set the wavelengthknob on the calorimeter to 0%T—theonscreen boxshould read zero. Press Keep when the voltage is steady. 13. Turn the wavelengthknob on the calorimeter to 470 nm (blue)—theonscreen boxshould read 100.PressKeep when the voltage is steady. 14. Return to the main screen and set up a livereadout and data table that will record absorbance(as a function of time). 15. Select Setup followedbyData Collection.Clickon SelectedEvents to set the computer for manual sampling. 16. Removethe “blank”cuvette from the calorimeter compartment and replace it with the cuvette containingtest solution #1. 17. Press Collecton the main screen to begin absorbancemeasurements. TheEquilibriumConstant record The Equilibrium Constant Page 6 — ,. c35 matically 18.Whentheabsorbancé readingstabilizes,pressKeep on themainscreento aut Note: Theabsorbance theabsorbance measurement. measurement ild sho appear tablewill alsocontaina time reading,whichmay Theonscreen in a datatableonscreen. beignored. andreplaceit with thecuvette 19.Removethecuvettefromthecolorimetercompartment containingtestsolution#2. 20. Whentheabsorbance readingstabilizes,pressKeep on themainscreento automatically recordtheabsorbance measurement. andwith the referen e 2.1.Repeatsteps19and20with theothertestsojutions#3—5 solution#6. 22. PressStopon th mainscreento e d printout of thedatatable. thedatacollection, If possible,obtaina process. in theDataTable. 23. Recordtheabsorbance datafor solutions#1—6 24. Disposeof thecontentsof thecuvettesand,ofthe remainingtestsolutionsasdirectedby your instructor.Followyourinstructor’sdirectionsfor rinsinganddryingthecuvettes. Flinn Chemlopic” Labs — Equilibrium Page7- The EquilibriumConstant 3. L35 Name: Class/Lab Period: The EquihbriumConstant Data Table Temperature Sample 341* IFe Absorbance ESCN1* 0 , Testsolution#1 Testsolution#2 Testsolution#3 .. Testsolution #4 Testsolution #5 •1 Referencesolution #6 . *These are the concentrations of ions in solution immediatel after mixing and before any reaction has ’ occurred. See the Pre-LabQuestionsfor calculations. Post-Lab Calculations and Analysis (Usea separate sheet of paper to answer the followingquestions.) 1. Asdiscussedin the Background section and the Pre Lab Questions, it is assumedthat essentiallyall of the thiocyanate ions present in the reference solution will be converted 2 to product. What is the concentration of FeSCN ions in the reference solution? For Questions 2—7,construct a Results Tableto summarize the results of the calculations. 2. For each test solution, the absorbance (An,where n = 1—5)should be directly propor 2 2 tional to the equilibrium concentration of FeSCN ions. The concentration of FeSCN ions can be calculated by comparing its absorbance versus that of the reference solution 2 (Aref).Usethe followingequation to calculatethe equilibrium concentration of FeSCN ions in each test solution#1—5.Enter the results in the Results Table. 2] IFeSCN 21ref (An/Aei) x (FeSCN = 3 ions in each test solution #1—5:subtract 3. Calculatethe equilibrium concentration of Fe 3 ions 2 the equilibriumconcentration of FeSCN ionsfromthe initial concentration of Fe (see the DataTable).Enter the rsults in the Results Table. +l 3 IFe TheEquilibriumConstant eq, n — — 3’ Fe ‘initial ‘ — 2 FeSCN The EquilibriumConstant Page8 - (.354, 4. Calculatethe equilibrium concentration o?SCN ions iii each test solution #1—5:subtract 2 the equilibriumconcentration of FeSCN ions from the initial concentratiod of SCN ions (seethe Data Table).Enter the results in the Results ‘lihlc’. Jeq lSCN • n = Tiinitiai ‘lS - 2’ [FeSCN i1 5. UseEquation 4 in the Background section to calculatethe valueof the equilibrium con stant Keq for each test solution#1—5.Enter the results in the Results Table. 6. Calculatethe mean (averagevalue) of the equilibriumconstant for the fivetest solutions. • 7. Calculatethe averagedeviation for Keq:Find the absoiutevalueof the differencebetween each individualvalueof the equilibriumconstant and the mean. The averageof these dif ferencesfor solutions#1—5is equal tà the averagedeviation. 8. The averagedeviationdescribesthe precision of the results. Doesthe precision indicate that the equilibriumconstant is indeed a “constant”for this reaction? Explain. • 9. ribe Desc the possiblesources of error in this experimentand their likelyeffecton the results. • Fllnn Chemlopic° Labs — Equilibrium (353, iftia. & rz.re. Materials 60n112% Polyvinyl alcohol •5m1,IOml, or .15m1012% Sodium Tetraborate (see your teacher) Craftstick/spoon Large StyrOfoam cup or 250m1glass beaker Plastic pipette Food coloring (various colors) Powder-free/non-latex gloves Paper towels, Sthall plastic bags (ZI ,loc) lOOm!graduated cylinder lOml graduated cylinder Procedure 1. Measure 6Oml ,f polyvinyl alcohol into the large Styrofoam cup or 250mi beaker. Take a look at it and give it a stir or two. Notice the iocation of any bubbles that have formed. Add 2 drops of food coloring to the polyvinyl alcohol and mix. This will add color to your slime. •• 2. Measure about 5m1,lOmi,or 15mJ of sodium tetraborate solution (see your teacher for the in a lOmi graduated cylinder’and pour it into he cup containing the ) specific amount polyvinyl alcohol. Check out the location of the bubbles. Stir quickly with the craft stick to produce the slime. 3. Examine the properties of the cross-linked polymer (i.e., play with the stuff). Scoop it out of the cup and let it flow between your fingers. Is it a solid or a liquid? Is it elastic? Does it bounce? Compare the viscosity of your slime with the two solutions used to create the slime the polyvinyl alcohol and sodium tetraborate. Write down your observation relating to the physical properties of your slime on the back of this page. How does this lab relate to the concept of chemical bonding? — 4. When you’re all done, you can save the slime for a few days by putting it in a plastic bag. What’s happening When you mix polyvinyl alcohol with a bit of water, you make a substance that is known as a polymer and that the sodium tei.raborate solution is a cross-linking’ substance that binds the polymer chains together to make the solution thicker. So, as the polymer chains get more ‘bound-together, it gets harder for them to move around, and your slime starts to be . more like Silly-puny -S6. (3 Name #i Lab - Measuring Liquid Volume With a Graduated Cylinder Purpose I, Materials Red, blue and yellow food coloring Water 3 100-mIbeakers 6 paper cups 50-mI graduated cylinder 66 Marker I Procedure 1. Label each paper cup with the markerA, B, C, D, E, andF. 2. FIll threebeakers with 50 ml of water. Add a few drops of food colonng to each beaker so that you have one beakerof red water, one of blue water, and oneofyeHow water. 3. Into paper cup A measure 19-mi of red water. 4. into paper cup C measure 18-mi of yellow water. 5. Into paper cup E measure 18-mi of blue water. 6. From paper cup C measure 4-mi and pour the 4-mi into paper cup D. 7. From paper cup E measure 7-mi and add it to papercup D. Mix gently. 8. Fromthe beaker of blue waler measure 4.-miand pour it into paper cup F. Then from the beakerof red watermeasure 7-mi and add it to paper cup F. Mix gently. 9. From paper cup A measure 8-mi of and pour it into paper cup B. From papercup C measure 3-mi and add it to paper cup B. Mix gently. 10. Complete datatable that follows. II. Clean up. II L35T andConclusions Qbservations I Complete the data table below by listingthe final colors in each paper cup. Giv the total amount of water in each paper cup in millilitersml). • Paper Cup Color of Water Total Amount of Water (ml) , : A , B C •• D $ ,, F Checkyourchart with your teacher. Go backandfill inthe purpose of this lab. What weresome sources of error? I., 2. , Name — Date I I F’—-’ F—in this activity You will compare the rates of two different reactions. Materials (per group) 2 test tubes I arttadd tablet water vinegar test tube rack Procedu.re 1. Put on your goggles and lab apron. 2. Fill one test tube half full with water and the other test tube half full with vinegar. 3. Break the antacid tablet into two equal parts. 4. oDp one piece of the antacid tablet into the test tube with water and the other into the test tube with vinegar. 5. Compare the reaction in the two tubes. I Questions 1. What differences did you observe between the reactions rn the two test tubes? 2. Does the chemical reaction occur more rapidly in one of the test tubes than in the other? How do you know? 3. Why do you think there is a difference between the rates of the chemical reactions that occur in each of the two solutions? 9. aw N N rro,se - e ke co 1i Q +\- s ceac4 c, ‘ -- 7• 5 (3 Name: Bäypon-BluePOintHS: Che iistry Date: ______________________________________ bapt -- ___________________ ers SIiIf Pre-LabDiscussion: andtheShape Shifters inthisactivityaremadeof Commercial Shrinky-Dinks® Depending polystyrene, acommonpolymer. uponhowtheyaremanufactured, have the abilityto shrinkwhenheated. andcertain other polymers can polystyrene Whentheshrinkable isheatedat lowtemperatures, it doesnot polystyrene themolecules form to return to theiroriginal newproducts; merely decompose Thismeansthatnochangein massis expected.. (notstretched) configurations. theirresponse Oneclassification scheme of polymers involves to heating. soften unaltered in thisheating Thermoplastic polymers onheating,are chemically and canbeheatedand meltedanynumberoftimes.Thermosetting process, andcannotb polymers aresetintothe desiredformduringpolymerization themto degrade extensive reformed; heatingcancause ordecompose. Polystyrene isathermoplastic inthatit softensduringheating.Butwhatcauses the shrinking? - issomewhat unusual. Theshrinking Mostcommonsolids, abilityof polystyrene whenheated, eitherexpandbeforetheymelt intoliquids(forexample, metals) or andothershrinkable woodintocharcOal). (forexample, Polystyrene decompose exhibittheirshrinkingnaturedueto thewaytheyaremanufactured. As plastics these stretched heated, outintoafilm,thenquickly theyareproduced, plasticsare tl themolecules ofthe polymerin their cooled. Thesuddencoolingufreezes thisprocess, stretched-out Tovisualize configuration. imaginehowa personmight askedto freezewhilein themiddleof doingjumpingjacks. appearif suddenly withinthemarereleased Whenthe plastics areheatedonceagain,themolecules fromtheir“frozen”configurations; theyreturnto theiroriginaldimensions, i ntheobserved shrinkage. resulting 1. Rinse and dry one clear piece of polystyrene. This is labeled with a recycle “Code 6” on the bottom. a. It must be completely dust free! 2. Using the permanent markers, draw a design on your piece of plastic. 3. Weigh the plastic (after coloring). 4. Trace the piece of plastic in the observation section. 5. Place the plastic on the tray covered with aluminum foil and put into the toaster oven. 6. Heat at 325°. 7. The piece is ready after the edges have curled up 8. Carefully remove from oven and allow to tool. 9. Weigh the piece after shrinking and record the mass. 10. Trace the piece after shrinking. . Observations: I Weight before: Weight after: Difference: FORLB ______________ _______________ include your design (in COLORED PENCIL-not marker) AFTER- include your design (in COLORED PENCIL- not marker) . Post lab questions: r; DiliñeheaL 2. Was this a physical or a chemical change? Explain!’ 3. What effect did heating the plastic have on the motion of the particles of the • plastic? Explain! 4. What happened o the color on the plastic? Did you notice any changes? 5. Describe the process for preparing polystyrene for commercial use. This is found in the prelab discussion. . --.-- . . $1 II Name:______________________________________ FLOATING CANDI -4!S Studentswill observea combustionreactionanddeducethe components necessaryfor the reactionto occur.They will also see the relationshipbetween pressure,volume, and numberof molecu!esfor gasses. Substitutions Materials votive candle 2 small jars with diameter largerthan votive candle 2 400-mLbeakers candletper I aluminum pie pan I large petndish water (withoptionalfood coloring) matches beakerwith water jar with watqr , . • Procedure 1. Place a votive candlein the centerof a petn dish or an aluminumpie pan and light it. 2. Carefully, pour somewater into the dish or pan untilthe candleis floating. 3. Quickly,place the invertedjar over the candleand allow it to rest on the bottomof the pan. Reportthe results. e votive candle again and repeatsteps 1-3. Makesure you dry 4. Light tt the invertedjar eachtime you repeat. 5. LISt the sequenceof events and the reasonfor each. Repeatsteps 1-3, as desired. Data and Observations Sequencethe eventsthat you observe. 2. 3. 4. 5. (J63. Disposal All solidmaterialsmaybe placedinthetrashcan,andthe liquidsmaybe pouredintothesink. Questions We will review your data & observations as a class BEFORE you answer the questions. Useyourknowledge of the gaslawsandthe principlesof combustion to explaineachof theobservations listedabove. 1. 2. 4. 5. ‘ame_ Date How Many Drops :Ca y PiIé.on a Penny? H 4O S 3 A LICATIO Tex: Refererice Chapt ’r j Introduction Have you ever seen how water striderscan walk across the surtaceof a pond. or how a mosquito can land on a puddle of water without sinking? Although the strider’s weight pushes down on the water, forces within the water create a “skin” that supports the strider on the waters surface. This phenomenon is called surface tension. The forces within water that are responsible for surface tension origi nate at the molecular level. As ‘ou knqw, a water molecule is polar. The oxygen atom has a partial negative charge. and each hydrogen atom has a partial positive charge. As a result, electrical attractions occur between the oxygen atom of one molecule and the hydrogen atom of another molecule, as illustrated in Figure 40—1.These intermolecular attractive forcesare called hydrogen bonds (H-bonds). H H 1• :b H e watermoiecu Figure ... O—H 0—H H H rlyaroQenbonairigbetween watermoiecuies 40—1 Surface tension can be affected by substances dissolved in water. If substance interferes with hydrogen bonding, the surface tension of water decreases. If a substance enhances hydrogen bonding. the surface tension of the water increases, in this invesbga on, you will observe the effects of several solutes in water. The ionic or molecular structures of the solutes you will be using are illustrated in Figure 4.0-2 or. the next page. You will use your knowledge of molecular geometry and the behavior of molecular dipoles to make predictions about the effects of these solutes on the surface tension of water. In Part A. you will investigate the surface tension of water by seeing how many drops of water can be piled on top of a penny. You will observe the shape and behavior of the water as surface tension holds the drops of water together. in Part B. you will design your own experi merit to determine the effects of three substances on the surface tension of water: liquid detergent. sodium chloride (NaCI), and sodiu.m carbon 3). CO ate (Na 2 ) renlice.P1aH.Inc J How Many Drops Can You Pile on a Penny? 217 4O Name T (36 sooiurncnionoe(NaC1) - Sothurn cartonate(Na,C 3’ - Na 2Na aetergentmolecule Na H H ‘H’HHH \/• \/ H’’ N / /C /N H \ H /\ C C C C C C /,•\ ‘/\ /\H/\ \ HH 1HH HH 3H H HH • , ‘ :0: C—c 1/ \/‘ /C\ H / nonpolarend / C—S—O: :0:, H polar,chargecena I, Figure 40-2 b Pre-L ssion Disci Read.the entirelaboratoryinvestigationand the relevantpages of your textbook.Thenanswerthe questionsthat follow. 1. Explain how the intermolecular forces between water molecules act e to create the “skir” or ‘surfa tension upon which water striders cart walk. 2. What causes water molecules to be polar? 3.’ Which part of a detergent molecule aUows it to dissolve in water? Which part of a detergent molecule allows it to dissolve in cilv substances? ________________________________________________ 4. Predict whetherthe nature of deteigent molecules would increase or decrease hydrogen bonding in water. Explain. — (T, 218 0 Pvennce-I-4aft. Inc. Date C’ass (366. 110W $ f0: fl 11I fl C ? oll pvon penn fi The ii te onof water allows it to bead up on many surfaces. In this MithLab, you will compete to see who can deposit the most drops of water arid the most drops of an aqueous detergent solution on a penny. CHENLRB RKC MINILAS SHEE1E WDR MINILA8 13.1 PROCEDURE 1. Lay a penny flat on your lab table. 2. Fill a microtip pipet with tap water, and count the number of drops you can deposit on the penny before water spills over the edge. Record the number of drops. 3. Fill another microtip pinet with a deter gent solution prepared by your teacher, and repeat the process. Record the num ber of drops. NDL VSIS ID 1. How is surface tension demonstrated in this experiment? 2. Which has the lower surface tension: the water or the aqueous detergent solution? \\That accounts for this fact? L C C C C Chemistry:Concepts and Appkcations MiniLab13.1 87 Bubble Making Lab • i&rstand Purpàse: Toi Lab# H, ___ the role of a hydroscopic substancein a solution Hypothesis: Saftey: Materials: Procedure: In this lab.you will be working off of your desks Clean the desktops we1l Next .. you will obtain a beaker and add 50 ml of water to it. Now add a teaspoon of dish detergent (Joy, Palmolive) to the beaker. After you mix the solution well, poor a small amount onto the desktop. Then take a straw and try to, blowa bubble. If successful, measure the bubble ring once it pops. Determine which detergent makes the largest bubble. Finally, all of the groups will be given an assignment. Each group will stall with 100 ml of water in a beaker. Then they will each be assigned a specific number of drops of glycerol The goal is to have each group measure the size of this bubble. Each group will share their data on the blackboard and chart the data foi-mthis portion ‘ofthe lab. Data: Drops of Glycerol •5drops — 10 drops 15’drops 2odrops 25 drops 30 drops 35 drops 40 drops 45 drops 50 drops 55 drops 60 drops ‘65drops 70 drops Size of bubble ., ‘ . . Observation(s): Conclusion / Theory: Define4 Sw-facetension, Cohesiveness, Adbesiveness, and hydroscopic substance. Cover these points: 1) Why can’t we blow bubbles with plain water? 2] What is the role of the detergent? 3] How does cohesiveness come into play in the water molecule? 4] Surface tension relates to cohesiveness. What effect on surfacetension should the substance added have on the water? Lab: MakingMedievalMesses The yearis 1450. You are the chemistfor a smalltownin Europe.Oneof the, villagershas broughtyoutwoflasks; one containsan acid,andthe other containsa base. The problemis thatthe labelshavefallenoffof the flasks,and hedoesn’tknowwhichflask containswhatsolution. As townchemist,yourjob is to determinewhichof theflaskscontainsacid andwhichcontainsbase. Becauseof yourlimitedtechnology,you haveonlythe followingmaterials: Acidicsolution Basicsolution Extractof cabbage Testtubes Goggles(Theseyou mustuse,no matterhowyou solvethe problem!) Good luck! © 2000 CavalcadePublishing For chemistryhelp, visit www.chemfiesfacom Name______________________________ Date____________ Class 7—2Explore Bending Water In this activity you will explore the effect of a negatively charged comb on streams of different liquids. Materials (per pair) plastic or nylon comb 35-mL syringe with plunger removed 200-mL plastic cup distilled water ethanol mir)eral oil or vegetable oil paper towel - Procedure 1. Put on your goggles and lab apron. hold the syringe tube upright, plug up the small hole at the bottom with a tr1er 2. Have one pa finger, and fill the tube with distilled water. 3. The other partner should comb his or her hair vigorously to build up a negative charge on the comb. 4. The first partner should uncover the hole in the syringe and let the water drain in a thin stream into the cup. The second partner should hold the charged comb about 10 cm below the bottom of the syringe and move it close to the flowing stream of water. Do not move the comb into the stream of water. CAUTION: Clean up any spilled liquids immediately. 5. Note any changes in the flow as you bring the comb closer to the stream of water. 6. Clean and dry out the syringe with a paper towel. Repeat the activity with the alcohol and the mineral oil. Write your observations in the chart below. Liquid Effectof chargedcombon the liquid distilledwater ethylalcohol mineraloil . Questions 1. Compare the effect of the charged comb on the three liquids. 2. Why do you think the negatively charged comb did not have the same effect on all three liquids? 3. Predict how a stream of water would respond to an object with a positive charge. S Chapter7 11 4.2Heat Transfer 377 4.2.2 CONDUCTIONAND COMBUSTION kindlingpoint,heat conductivity, combustion. Concepts to Investigate: Conduction, Materials: Insulated copper wire, candle, matches. Safety: Wear goggles in this activity and whenever using an open flame. .‘ Principles and Erocedüres: The ability to use fire for heating, light, cooking and metal ons. Modern civilizations con \smelting was essential for the development of early civilizati tinue tci rely upon fire to meet ever growing energy demands. Coal, natural gas and oil are burned to produce energy necessary for transportation, industry and homes. Three criteria are required to sustain fire: fuel, oxygen and sufficient temperature. A tire will be extinguished if the fuel is consumed, the oxygen is depleted or the temperature drops below the kindling point (the minimal temperature at which combustion may be sustained). Water is effective in extinguishing many types of fires because it reduces the temperature of the fuel source below the kindling point. (Water has a high specific heat and a high heat of vaporization, and there fore.absorbs a great amount of energy as it is heated and boiled.) Is it possible to extinguish o prevent fire using metal rather than water? Strip the insulation from a 30-cm section of a 40-cm length of copper wire. Wind the lower the coil’over ‘bare wire into a coil as shown in Figure C. To extinguish the cndleflame, a lit candle. Re-light the candle, and lower,the coil over the flame slowly so that the coil is heated by the flame as it is lowered. Is it possible to lower the coil slowly enough that the flame is not extinguished? Allow the coil to cool, and re-light the candle. Heat the coil in the flame of a laboratory burner and then lower it over the candle flame (Figure D). Is the flame extin guished as before? Why or why not? D C Table 1: Average Thermal and Electrical Conductivities at Room Temperature copper aluminum zinc brass iron nickel steel Thermal Conductivity 2 s’cm cal Electrical Conductivity ohm’cm’ 0.92 0.50 0.27 0.26 0.16 0.14 0.12 0.59 0.38 0.17 0.13 0.10 0.15 0.03 rs’ m -a L371. 378 Unit Four: Thermodynamic and Kinetics Questions i of copper wire is lowered Over it? (I) Why is the flame extinguished when a cpol cdi flame in such the coil the over (2) Is it possible to lower a manner that the candle remains lit? Explain. (3) Would it be easier to extinguish the candle if you used iron wire rather than copper wire? Explain (see Table 1). I, L (3 364 Unit Four: Thermodynamicsand Kinetics 4.1.8 ENTROPYANDENTHALPY Concepts to in vestigate: Entropy, entha]py, free energy, Gibbs free energy equation, sponta neous processes. Materials: Wide rubber bands, goggles, ring stand, paper clips, weights, hair dryer. Safer)’: Wear goggles. Principles and Procedures: Part 1: Put on goggles! Hold a strong, wide rubberband tightly across your forehead. Quickly stretch the rubber band while keeping it pressed to your skin. Does the temperature of the rub ber band increase or decrease? After approximately.20seconds, relax the rubber band. Does the temperature rise or fall when the rubber band is relaxed? The stretching of the band is not a spontaneousprocess because it will no occt with r from We band is the outside. know that the exothermic out energy stretching J1) jez (negati’ since heat is released and felt by thermoreceptors in the skin. An analysis of the Gibbs free energy equation indicates that if z’iGis positive, and H is negative, then the change in enS) must be negative if the equation is tropy (z to be balanced: -C. \G=ziH-ThS Thus, the arrangement of molecules in a stretched rubber band must be less random (lower entropy) than when relaxed. Part 2: Place a wide rubber band over a lateral post on a ringstand. Using a paper clip, hang weights (fishing weights, washers, bal ance weights, etc.) from the rubber band un til it is fully stretched as shown in Figure N. Measure the length of the rubber band, and then heat it with a hair drier. Does the rubber band shorten or lengthen? Is this what you expected? Record the percentage change in length. Questions (I) Is the relaxation of the rubber band a spontaneous process? Explain. Is the iG value of the rubber band relaxation process positive or negative? Explain. Is (2) stretching the band exocherrnic or endothermic? Is the contraction of the band exoihermic or endothermic? Explain. Did the rubber band shrink or expand when heated? (3) (4) Is the arrangement of molecules more orderly when stretched or relaxed? Is the en tropy of the band greater when stretched or relaxed? Explain. (5) What is the driving force that causes a stretched band to contract (relax)? (6) Why does healing the stretched rubber band cause it to contract? c.- Li ‘O here’s the mission,youare goingto balanceequationsor Ms K wayyou wouldlike to lookal it. Step One: whichever ‘., •• Assigneachelementin your problema different color MaM. Step Two: Placethe numberof M&M’s for eachelementonyour paper. StepThree: Choosea coloror an elementandsee if there is anevenamounton either. side.of the..orrow.If NOT..,go tb step four...’ Step Four: Match up the nuthberof M&M s on either side by changingthe coefficient or numberin front of the compoundor element. Try to usethe smallest coefficient possible. Step 5: List the elementsunderthe equationandthe numberof them on either side of the arrow.’ PRACTICE:Fill in the blanks. 1. CO , • ___ C): 9 2 2CC) :.- 2. 3. • __ . 3 ___NH • __ 0: 02 9 . 3 ___HNO ’ 0 2 __H 0 2 ___H — - — For each Equation set up your M&M’sto determine the nurnber’of elements on either side of the equation. *TitIe your paperand put your names on it.. .. AndAwaywe 6©©©©©©©©©©©. 1. __N 2. CuO + 3. __NH 3 4. 4 AIPO + 3 __NH __ 4 __Cu: + 02 + __NO + 2 _H + + + 4 2 __Ca(OH) __ O H 3 AI(OH) +“, - Good Luck they do get harder as you 90 along don’t be afraid to coh pare numbers right away for either side. (’P’ 3 .Co — the *5ometimes it is easier to odd up either side and find commondenominators between them. ton’t forget, some time.s there is more than 1 occuronce for each element on the same side of the arrow. 0 KEEPPO5IiIVE... AN!) KEEPTRYING YOU WILL SUCCEEb. As Albert Einsteinsaid, Imagination is MORE important than knowled9e.” . Using the Scientific Method Introduction You will be given four common substances which when mixed wi-ilproduce a number of cheth±calreactions. The two solid are sodium.bicarbonate ( baking soda) and calcium chlor .de ice melting compound ) while the two liquids are water and• phenol red ( swimming pool indicator The object of this experiment is to mix the four chemicals and to carefully observe the results. Next you will be expected to set up a series of experiments to determine which substances are responsible for each of the observed changes. Safety 1. Wear protective goggles throughout the experiment. 2. Leave a small opening in the ziplock bag when the four chemicals are mixed 3. The ziplock bag can be placed in the waste basket a d the microscale reaction plates can be rinsed in the sink. Procedure Part One Observations 1. Describe the properties of each substance which you,will be using during the experiment. 2. Mix two tablespoons of calcium chloride and one tablespoon of sodium bicarbonate in a freezer type ziplock bag. Shake and list your observations. 3. Mix 10 ml of water with 10 ml of phenol red and report your observations. 4. Now pour the liquid mixture into the ziplock bag containing the two solids. Squeeze out as much air as possible from the ziplock bag and seal it. Make complete and detailed observations. Part Two Student Experimentation 1. Which combinations caused the observed changes? 2. Using a microscale reaction plate, a microthermometer and small amounts of the four chemical, conduct a series of experiments to determine which substances are responsib’e for each of the observed changes. Data Analysis 1. Prepare a chart indicating the experiments performed and their results 2. From your data, indicate which combinations of chemical are required to produce each of the observed changes. $ ‘.15Clues found from Colby Nyc’s Murder 1. A janitor found Mr. Colby Nye’s lifeless body behind his desk at 8:00pm. 2. Jack.Mackenzie is Colby’s business partner and Robin’s older brother. 3. Colby has been married to Robin for 9 years. 4. Jack Mackenzie was at his country estate at the time of the murder. 5. Colby left his office at 6:20pm to mail Jack a self-addrçssed envelope with some contracts for him to sign. Colby returned to his,office at 630pm. 6. Colby told Robin the day before the murder that he wanted a divorce because he was in love with Lynda. 7. Lynda & Colby were having an affair for 3 months. 8. Lynda is Jack Mackenzie’s‘wife& a close friend of Robin. 9. Jack was forced into th partnership with Colby after Jack’s father died & left Colby half of the busines in order to provide for Robin. 10. Robin showed up at Colby’s office at 7:00pm. They had a few drinks & argued. 11. Lynda showed up at Colby’s office at,7:15pm & saw Robin running out of the office. 1’2.Lynda told Colby she would never forgive him for tdlin Robin they were having an affair & wished him dead. 13. Lynda left the office at 7:20pm. 14. Colby Nye was killed by excessive amounts of potassium cyanide, which was ingested & found in his stQmach. 15. No traces of potassium cyanide were found in either food or liquid tested at the scene of the crime. Based on these clues try & answer these questions. 1. Who killed Colby Nye? 2. How was the poisoned administered? 3. What was the killer’s motive? L3T The murderofColbyNye 1. Who killed ColbyNye? JackMackenzie 2. How was the poisonedadministered? Thecyanide was placed on the self-addressed envelope provided by Jack Mackenzie. 3. What was the killer’s motive? To have total control of the business. Explanation Jack Mackenzie hated ColbyNye fromthe minute he laid eyes on him; and that was before he was forcedinto partnershipth him. So after workingwith the 1 man he despisedmoreth n’ anyoneelse, his levelof hatred roseto an all newhigh. Jack new nothingabout his wife’s affair with Colby;all he knewwas that he needed to get Colbyout of thç business& his family’s life. Insteadof trying to buy him out & waste evenmore moneyon his lazy brother-in-law,Jack would simplymurder Colby& all his problemswouldbe solved. If his partner was to meet with an untimely death, Jackhad to make sure that he was nowherethe officeat the timeof the murder. Jack wouldgo away to his countryestate the same weekthat their secretarywouldbe on vacation. WithJack & their secretaryaway fromthe office that wouldleaveColbyall aloneto handle everydetail. He wouldhave no otherchoicethan to handle all the annoying office choreshimself such as sealing & mailing envelopesas well as answeringthe phones. Before Jack left town, he placeda contract & a self addressed stamped envelopeon Colby’sdesk. He thenleft a note with Colby, insisting that he sign the contract & mail it back to Jack at his country estate. Unfortunatelyfor Colby,the envelope’sadhesivewas laced with potassiumcyanide(KCN). As soonas he lickedthe envelope, it wouldonly be a matter of time beforethe poisontook effect. Colby mailedout the letters& went back to his office& eventually died. A few dayslater,whilethe murder investigationwas wellunder way, Jack receivedthe letter in the mail & destroyedthe envelope. The murder weaponwas neverdiscovered,& the murderer of ColbyNye was neverbroughtto justice.