The Super Newspaper - Fargo Public Schools

The Super Newspaper:
All about China
By Gogo, Kaiyuan, Tianshu, Lisa, Helen, Yu, Yutong, Zoey, Roger, and Maham.
Chinese Food
By Gogo
Chinese food is good to eat and it
has many kinds of them. I like to eat
starfish, crab (from the lake). And
some people like to eat bugs and
snakes (Not me! I think I will get ill).
But they think that is very good to eat.
I like to eat fish, duck, and chicken
(somebody cooks it and it is hot), that
was good to eat. In China, there are
many different kinds of sea food. They
are delicious and I like to eat sea food
like fish.
This is Chinese
food. We like to eat them. We eat
this much food at New Years. At New
Years, we like to eat dumplings
because we are Chinese.
These are crabs from the lake. These
taste super good. We just can eat it in
September because they are bigger
during that month. One time my dad
cooked 4 crabs but the crab were so
strong, they ran out. My dad saw
them and grabbed the crab and saved
a crab to eat.
Chinese Writing
By Gogo
China has many kinds of writing.
One kind of writing is using pencil and
one kind of writing is using another
kind of pen to write.
There are many writing class in
China. If you are good at writing
Chinese letters, you well be famous
and rich like my grandpa.
Every child needs to practice
writing. I practice writing too. I like to
practice writing because Chinese
writing is harder than English. My
grandpa is good at writing Chinese, so
he is so rich.
This is a
kind of writing. We use pen and pencil
to write this kind of letter. In China, a
third grader needs to use pen to write,
if you use pencil in third grade, maybe
you will in big trouble and you need to
write it again.
This kind of
writing is using this kind of pen. It is
hard to use this kind of pen to write.
So we need to learn this kind of
Chinese Moon Cake Day
By Gogo
Moon cake Day is on August 15th.
We eat moon cake on Moon Cake Day.
There are so many kinds of moon cake
in China. Like green bean, pepper,
and tofu in it and more kinds of moon
cakes. I don’t like moon cake.
We buy moon cake at the market.
There are many people at the market.
That is so cool.
On Moon Cake Day, everybody will
go outside and look at the white moon
and eat moon cake. We can go with
our friends.
Some moon cakes are big, some
moon cakes are little. Some moon
cakes are good to eat, some moon
cakes are not good to eat at all.
Children’s Day
By Gogo
Children’s Day is on June first, and
we have no school for three days. In
school, we also have a party, each class
can bring toys and a drink. We have
lots of fun at the party.
We also go shopping at the market.
There are many things like 40% off to
70% off. My mom buys many things
for me and my dad Children’s Day. She
buys some milk, some shirts, and
something to eat.
This is the picture about Chinese
Children’s Day party in kindergarten. It
looks so cool and fun. I wish I could go
is a picture of Chinese moon cakes.
They look really good to eat.
Sometimes if you’re really hungry they
are good. One time, my mom bought a
big moon cake, there are eggs in it,
and it tasted not really good, but my
mom and my dad like to eat that big
moon cake. I felt good because my
This picture is of the elementary school
mom and my dad are happy.
party at Children’s Day.
Mother’s Day
By Helen
On Mother’s Day in China we make cards for our mother, and we plant
flowers in school but the flowers will always be yellow, pink, or red. On
Mother’s day we also go back home early. The same things is that we make
cards, and we all plant flowers in school. The difference is we go home early.
On Mother’s Day we kind of just make things for our mother. The last thing we
need to do is draw the best picture for are mother. I like Mother’s Day because
it is nice to our mothers. She loves me, and I love her too!
Father’s Day in China
By Yu
We make cards. We do fun games, make presents, and buy new food.
We buy spicy meat, fish, and noodles. We have parties with friends and we put
pictures up. We go on fieldtrips. We buy things on Father’s Day and listen to
our dad on Father’s day.
Chinse Music
By Kaiyuan
China people like to listen music. I like listen to music that are the songs
with instruments. Adults like to listen to the music that is popular music.
The most popular instrument is the piano and guzheng and they are for
children, the guitar is for adults, and the flute for grandparents.
In China we listen to music on the computer, CD’s, and on Radio and we have
rook music in China too.
The Guzheng is for everyone.
The piano is for children
The guitar is for adults.
The flute is for grandparents.
Weather and Landforms in China
By Helen
When it is summer in China it is hotter than Fargo’s summer, and when it is
summer, my family and I go to the swimming pool. When it is winter in China,
the snow is very dirty and we still have to go to school every day. We have
flowers in China when is spring! When fall comes we have a lot leaves on the
ground! China’s and America’s seasons are kind of similar, but the summer is a
lot hotter in China.
I like spring because there are a lot of flowers when it is spring!
Mount Everest
I haven’t see a Mount Everest before but I have see a lot when I go to America
on an airplane.
There is not a lot people in the Deserts.
Tropical Jungle
In the Topical Jungle, there are a lot mountains and animals.
Rainbow Mountains
The Rainbow Mountains have lots of colors. They are beautiful!
Animals of China
By Lisa
In China, there are not a lot of pandas. They are endangered species.
They live in the mountains of central China. The pandas eat bamboo. I like
pandas because they are cute.
These are dogs painted to look like pandas. I have not seen this in China.
This is a big panda dog and a small panda dog. They are cute too. Not a lot of
people have pets in China because there isn’t enough room for them and there
isn’t enough time to take care of them. Dogs are the most popular pets in China
because they are loyal.
This is a very, fat, brown rabbit. My mom’s student gave me a rabbit as a pet. It
is black, white, and brown. Her name is Little Feng. The rabbit eats bamboo,
leaves, and grass. I keep her in a little cage.
This is a deer. Deer are brown, and they eat grass. I have not seen a lot of deer
in China because the deer live in the mountains.
This is a blue frog. I have not seen a frog in China, but they live in the forest.
There are monkeys and orangutans in China. They eat bananas and fruit. I have
not seen one in China, but they live in the jungle.
This is a white snake. They live in the grass in the jungle. You will die if they
bite you.
These are raccoons. Raccoons are black, white, and gray. They look like a dog.
Raccoons eat leaves, meat, garbage, and anything they find.
This is a fox. It is gray, brown, white, and black. Fox eat meat.
This is a black bear. They live in the forest. They eat meat and fish. Most of
these animals can be seen in the zoo.
Chinese Money
By Lisa
6.21 yuan equals one US dollar
These are Chinese yuans.
The Chinese Government
By Tianshu
This is the president of China.
His name is Jianping Xi. The president
is elected by the National People’s
Congress for a 5 year term. Jianping is
on his second five year term. He is a
good man. He helped make our country
better, and make us safe.
This is like the Chinese flag. It
represents China, and this same
picture is on the soldiers’ hats.
China’s Flag
By Kaiyuan
On the Chinese flag, the big star
represents China, and the 4
small stars represents the
people of China. Chinese flag
has only two colors. The colors
are red and yellow. The flag is
red, the star
Is yellow.
This is
china the student they raise their arm
to salute hand up in air to salute the
Volunteering Day
By Tainshu
In China, Volunteering Day is
March 5th. This is the day the Chinese
Young people and Young students help
the poor people and the elderly
people. The Chinese people celebrate
it because it gives them an opportunity
to express their love and passion.
Volunteering Day is a big holiday.
Most of the activities are in the school,
and there are sales at the market.
The Chinese government decided on
the date March 5th because, on that
day in 1963, the greatest leader of the
new China, Mao Zedong, called on all
to learn from Leifeng. He was an
orphan, but he always helped the
young and the old. That day is
celebrated by young people, especially
Chongyang Festival
By Tianshu
Chongyang festival is a very
important festival in China. Chong
means double, and yang means the
biggest. Chongyang festival is
celebrated on September 9th. You see
there are two nines and that is
Chongyang. On Chongyang festival
day, many people climb mountains,
which is a traditional custom. And
what I want to tell you is that my
grandfather was born on Chongyang.
Chinese Art
Drawing, Painting, Statues, Carving
By Tianshu
This drawing of an Eagle is by the famous artist, Kuchan Li .
Baishi Qi is famous for drawing shrimp.
Baihong Xu is famous for drawing horses.
This is a painting of a woman from a long time ago. She wrote a famous book
and everybody knows it.
This is pottery with a blue beast painted on it. The blue beast represents the
star called Sirius. This star in China is known as the “heavenly wolf”
This is an 8th century statue of a bronzed Buddha. He is touching his small left
finger to his right thumb. This is a sign of teaching.
This is called Viewing Plum Blossoms by Moonlight by Ma Yuan. It is a poem
about the time, place, and mood.
This is a bamboo carving.
This is a sculpture of a woman dancer in the Tang Dynasty.
This is a cool building in China. It is a market where you buy clothes.
This is a Chinese building that’s really famous. It’s called Birdnet.
Art is China is very beautiful!
Clothes in China
By Helen
This is a traditional Chinese dress. When they were married a long time
ago they wore a dress like this.(in old china)
This is a traditional Chinese dress for children.
This is a traditional dress for men.
This is a dress from a long time ago. Every man would wear this every day, but
the king would wear red, yellow, and gold dress.
School in China
By Lisa
Schools in China are very different than schools in America.
This is my uniform in China. The colors of the dress are white and black with a
red scarf. We wear uniforms only on Mondays and Tuesdays. We wear regular
clothes on the other days. We wear our hair in a braid every day.
Here we are reading outside. We read books for one hour. The school work in
China is harder than in America.
This is my school in China. The picture on the left is where I learn. I have six
classes every day. They are: math, English, music, drawing (art), gym, and
Chinese. In China, we go to school from 7am to 5pm and we have one hour
thirty minutes of homework. But in America we go to school from 8am to 3pm
and we don’t have any homework.
This is my playground. I can run with my friends.
This is my school bus. I ride the bus every day, and I sit by my friends. The bus
ride takes about fifteen to twenty minutes. I don’t like riding the bus because it
is too noisy.
This is my classroom in China. There are 46 students in my class. I have six
different teachers. It is a big room, bigger than in America. My favorite part of
school is painting and music. I like art better in America because the art room
in China is outside and it is too hot.
These are my friends in my class and my Chinese teacher in the back. We eat
lunch in school. My favorite lunch is soup and my least favorite food in China
are vegetables. In America, I bring my lunch to school, but I like American pizza.
This is a sports meeting at our school.
This is my best friend Kiki. She comes to my home, and her father and my
father are friends. We like to play with dolls. She is very nice.
This is my other best friend, Lemon. She likes to drink lemon juice and that is
how she got her American name. We play dolls together too, and we like to
draw pictures.
Chinese Christmas
By Kaiyuan
In China, only about one percent of people are Christians, most of people
know a few thing about Christmas because this Christmas is only often
celebrated in Major Cities. In there are Christmas trees, lights. And other
decorations on the streets and in department stores. Santa Claus is called Shen
Dan Lao Ren and has grottos in my family, we are not Christians.
This is a picture about Chinese Christmas, this town have a giant Christmas tree
like 7m tall.
New Year’s Day
By Yu
On New Year’s Day in China, we watch TV of New Year’s Day celebrations.
We put a dragon pictures up and we put a face of a dragon and get red stings
and make a diamond. We get some yellow strings and make two balls, and put
them together and hang them on the wall. We get a red pocket with a dragon
picture on it every year. You will put money in it and give it to someone. When
you get it, you will put it under your pillow until the next day because your
money is safe.
These are pictures of what we hang on our walls for New Years.
This is a Chinese fire work. Really cool, right?
On New Year’s Day I think I will get…
For Chinese New Year, I want to buy Legos and books. –Roger
For Chinese New Year, I will save my money to go to college someday. -Zoey
I am from Pakistan, and I celebrate Id. I want to get chocolate and candy. I also
would like toys and stickers. –Maham
For Chinese New Year, I want to buy strawberry cake and cheese pizza. I want
to buy Frozen toys. I want to buy an Elsa doll. –Yutong
For Chinese New Year, I will save some of my money to buy larger things, and I
will buy pencils, Barbie’s, and books. –Helen
For Chinese New Year, I will save my money. When I save a lot of money, I want
to buy a house. –Yu
For Chinese New Year, I want to buy a fan for three dollars and a Chinese knot.
For Chinese New Year, I want to go eat KFC, give the money to my family to
save it for school. –Gogo
For Chinese New Year, I want to give my money to my family. –Kaiyuan
For Chinese New Year, I will give my money to my family. –Tianshu
Have a Happy New Year! I will miss each of you, and I wish you well on your new
journeys. - Mrs. Forthun 