Bob Mabe Dies DANBURY, NORTH men. Deep South Visitor the PERSONAL (Uncle Bob) Mabe, aged Capt. Jack Thore of Pilot Mt. Mrs. Davig ia a daughter late o: attending Oak Ridge College, is at KING NEWS Jacob Fulton. « | W. J. CAROLINA, DECEMBER 21, 1944. * « horr.e for a By E. P. NEWSVM «? . accompanied Mr. and Mrs. J. Wesley Pell was here Mrs. Louis Pettus, of Walnut by his brother S. F. Thore of Birfrom Weutiield. day Route 2. after c long ill- mingham, Ala., who is visit- ness. He is survived by three daugh- ing friends and relatives in Surry and Stokes holidays. during the Mrs. Sally Nunn of Greens- ters. visitors was pleasant in J. E. of Walnut town Hall Route Mrs. John Kernersville, Route 1; and Mrs. man of the "Pittsburg of *he in wiiuer Pettus; two sons, R. P. Mabe. of South" ?Birmingham. gets He U Walnut Cove, Route 1, and Wal- the Reporter irregularly, as he L c'l'iii o. 1 ' of Mrs. Rena Manuel of Danbury, Route 1, and Mrs. Minervi Mabe of Reidsville; two brothers. Cove. John G. Mabe of Walnut P.ou'e 2. and Will Mabe of Hii'.h sisters. Point; '<2 and grandchildren; says the boys over it and addressee in the when it corners the worn down. oflbe gets fight to S. are F. is a often ing 1 l-cei;t good deal about well, about i.y younger years than Jack younger. d.:.\'s money lie today ana Rule cigars. Christmas, Kuif says T? anJ ri- suiok- asked said, "Hill, evwiih me.' hasn't had any look off hiia out ! oi tuu> great-grandchildren. K. O. Shelton of Westfieid was crop yet. Funeral service:! were conducle I a Danbury visitor Tuesday, ?#» a a; itt Rosebud Christian Church afternoon. Walt TuUle officiated and burial G. E. Shelton was here Monday Sunday 2:.'10 o'clock from 1' rancisco. in tie church cemetery. Kl.'.cr J. A. Far.g and Elder I « ?* * # * Powell Mabe of the Duke Pov."r dam service, cn Dan « Company ii*n, ItCiv1 kiutijuy. *<>*«? Mrs. * and o!<l time lrap»*rr» Mr. and an J children spent Sunday with Mr. and Mis. Loftis at the County Home. will find thU l**»k ??? caneaatly altar* in SV.V X) 00 !.XTR Ac?sha-v r«!a in Sear* U«w*'>uck"a lti»h Kitiunal Fur Show Mr. and ! ? was Mrs. Tom Christian j Ernest Collins and j sons Ciaud Kirby of the Navy, sta* tior.ed at Little Creek, Va., spent who is suffering from an attack of pleurisy, friends Caraloa is right sick at * here # ? * ? ? Saturday from to some Well, Rural name legai mat- the stork in print report: is getting again. to Mr. and FALSE TEETH his More Firmly In Place Do your false teeth annoy and by slipping, dropping to Mr. and embarrass Here's his Mrs. Dolphud Michael, a daughter; or wabbling when you eat, laugh Mrs. Ramie Fulk, a son; to M>Tom Corns of Lawsonville was or talk? Just sprinkle a IHtie John C. a visitor in town Tuesday. Tom and Mrs. Hilary Southern, a son. FASTEETH on your plates. This »» # ? ? \ Ingram, paid u 21. ?Mrs. and Guy of Francisco were in has two boys in Germany, Thom- and to Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Haultown Monday. John C. is a stu- as, Jr., and James W. Both have er, a daughter. dent at State College, Raleigh. Is seen each other since being over Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Delp spen' home for a visit. Another son of there on the front. Tom is hav- Friday in Winston-Salem. Ernest is in the air corps at Pea- ing the Reporter sent to both of Thomas Wm. McGee, who i? sacola, Fla. them. Merry Xmas to these boys alkaline (non-acid) powder hotda false teeth more firmly and more comfortably. No gummy, gooey, Does not pasty taste or feeling. \u25a0our. Checks "plate odor" (<fenture breath). Get FASTEETH at ,any drugstore. (Bitot 1 ] , 1 I SCARS. ROIBUCK mnd CO. PHilMtolpfca. fMmyhrMtia IMr.t* mail me. without coat or ohliption. litest edition of "Tqx to Trappeft." also lux shipping a King, Dec. Ptlot # *? of Hall attending Westfieid spent Sunday with Mr. ters. and Mrs. S. P. Christian here. 5I * # ? *** ? 1, «#? Reid George I tters Route visit to Danbury * LiiltdUttui. Lot' Rufe King was here ding a charger the -1 lace Calif.; two ' Mabe, of Ontario, killing ho c s wood, Cove, F. Smith in the week-end with his family in her home just south of town. this week. Mr. Smith who is ilie Ted Cox of Walnut Kills. Army, the U. S. father of Register of Deeds KoHarvey D. Pulliam of Mount who has been stationed at Camp bah, is now in his 90th year. Mrs Blanding, Fla., has a Airy was among the business visireceived Smith's health is better. medical discharge and has return- tors here Saturday. tr 4 ed to his home here. Mr. and Mrs. David Calloway ot Zephry Johnson, aged 66, died Klltin Mi3. Lem Mabe hiu returned were among the w<?ek-en<i lrorn a Winston hospital whcie suddenly at his home in the Mtn. visitors here. View section Thursday from a she rcceiveJ treatment. Walter Kiser, who suffered a heart attack. He had just returnlight stroke a few weeks since at Eurley Mabe says he woke up ed to his home from King. Th' his li'iino in the Dry Springs seca children and in the night and told liis wil _? h. widow, several tion, shows some improvement. number of grandchildren surwas hongry. She got up and rooked and Burley ate a pound o. vive. Burial was conducted fro n Kphram Joyce Dead pork cliops after which he Mount Olive Church Sunday. Canada, Dick Verstreten of win peacefully. Martinsville, Va.? Funeral servis on his way to Saint Petersburg. ices were conducted Sunday spend spen winter, I'la. to is 1the for Mr. and Mrs. Lcff H. Mabc ot ing a few days with Arthur Kirby Kphram Joyce, aged 82, native of Walnut Cove visited Danbury Satnear Five Forks. Kirby cured to- Stokes county, but a resident of urday. ncer, Va., for many years. bacco for Verstreten the past sea-Xson. Mr. Joyce died Friday at hia W. T. Brown \va.> here 'rorn Eugene Moser is building a nice ho: a.'ti r a lingering illnesd. Route 1 Saturday. new home at Timmons Cross The funeral was hald at Smith's Roads east of King on the Dan I liapt I, near the home, with Rev More snow and sleet Saturday River Road. D-an Galloway in charge. Burial ?just a few k lists. Tink Shore and Lin Southern was in Snyder family graveyard. j 4made a business trip to North lion To Hold Attorney Chaa. Helsabejk Wilkesboro Friday. R. S. F. like Jack is a former Stokes Lausoitville who reported tne peoBayer boy, now a successful business pie oi ins section ousy 4; boro, the Among WeUi.esuuy Mon- James i Wednesday days , ter, was here i 79. died at the home of a daugh- few View. ? CHE DANBURY REPORTER, ??* 100 percent Americans, Cove, doing their bit. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE In Beaver Island, Stokes County an honorable discharge, was here V. F. Smith of Lawsonville and Roland Tilley of Germanton, here Mondav. have a farm of approximately 150 I ?*a today. acres in Beaver Island Township, Stokes County, being- a part of the old W. L. News is received that Mrs. J. 1 L. Christian of Pinnacle, who has| Hairston farm. Christmas Wreaths been seriously ill in Winston hosThis farm is rectangular in shape, Q practically level except for a small and and pital, is much better, will j Samuel Edwards of Westfield spring branch that runs through the probably be removed home this was here Tuesday, ar.d had some part. There are about 40 acres week. Mrs. Christian is the moth- beautiful wooded i Christmas wreaths which O er of Mrs. S. E. Petree here. for cultivation with approximately he had made himself and which four acres of tobacco allotment. sold very readily. Mrs. Sarah F. Cook is visiting j Mr. Edwards, who lives with Has about a hundred acres of wood her husband Sam Cook at camp E.King, was afflicted v.ith infa lar.d f°r timler and there is some merin California. The husband has tile paralysis when he was s:> Q chantuMe timber on it. \u25a0 I will sell this land for a reasonable been in service in the Pacific years old. price. Cook, While Mrs. who was form-' erly Miss Sarah Flinchum, daugh ! Anyone interested may see me, or ter of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Flin-1 write to 8 Wachovia Bank Building-, Winston-Salem, N. C. chum, is away, the 4-month-oUI child is beine; cared for by Mr. FRED S. HUTCHENS. | * Walnut who is home from the army with * # « J I K- i ? ? I ] \ . ?jqgSgJ ; If stocks pile up in fertilizer plants and agents' warehouses, the stream of supply will chol:? up. They must move fast or the lack of man-power will cause a para- ?»? ? THEATRE Stuart, Virginia ? Mrs. Rose York of Walnut Cove visited Mrs. J. J. Booth and Miss Ola Campbell Sunday. Sandy Rogers was here Sunday and Monday, Dee. 24-25 "MEET TIIK PEOPLE" Lucille Ball Dick Powell of Saturday. #»* * was here Tilley of Germanton He Saturday. rc"V«i his father Jim Tilley quite fc had formerly lived here, 1 (Jim Pile oil motetiols on dry boards in bom or sl.ed stroke Pile motenols separately. several years #** * Tuesday, Dee. 26 The wild life of our woods, fields and streams is the source of one of this nation's great crops- raw furs. And all oxer America, thousands of folks who love the outdoors are getting sport and "LOUISIANA HAY RIDE" Judy Canova ' "ed. and Thurs., Dec. 27th ago. "ONCE UPON » A - 281 Destroy the bogs *he» you «? th. contents TIME" il .- W - . UM ?»» -v? MT -?" t>* | < ( i I C I | s » .onjnd V i welcome extra-carh from traplines. lit proving a healthful am) profitable way to make use of spare tune in the winter months. * .-ufeess apnears to come quickly with a little practice, for last season hundreds of very young hoys were among the trappers who sent regular pell shipmelts to the nation's raw fur marketing centers. Older men. women too. are finding trapping a real money-making hobby. I Blair There's real sport, they say. matchyour wits with the sly four-footed learning to recognize thrir tracks, homes and f.eding places and catching them! What's more, there'# healthful fresh air and exercise--and dchghttul lews of woods. fields and streams. There's the fun of learning to skin the animal and g'-t the pelt ready f"r iimrkct.nij. And. best of all. there's the check that come* hack to provide money for some of the things you want. Byway of encouragement?expert* predict a gaod fur aop this season! ing creatures, » of Walnut Cove's leading business \ 5555555?*! Unßv ryw -* , \ it ? ! ...... .»? *?' M Thi. m.vf ?' pubhahmd .o A" *"" .<o »» r»» *" th. «... M.l, IXl| Janet 1 Mrtlllxtr HOW...Toko Cary Grant Friday and Saturday, Dee. 29-"< "DEVIL RIDERS" Mr. and Mrs. Harry Davis ofj Buster Crjbbe Walnut Cove suppered at the after n Also "THE UNDERDOG" with evening Cafe Sunday Barton Maetane mountain visit. Mr. Davis is one, ««? II Till It's Sun-1 j Jeriv Mabe and boys were day aft moon visitors here. | Keep piles dose together L????l can. | . Raleigh I # Q Farmers, Boys, Older Men, Women Run Traplines ? I II MANY EARN EXTRA CASH* TRAPPING IN SPARE TIME " > | 0 STUART and Mrs. Sid. lyzing shortage. Take the Chilean Nitrate situation for example. To supply the quantity needed for 1945 crops, many cargoes must be unloaded each month at each port, then n.oved outby train ahd truck for immediate allocation. It must move out of agents' hands as fast as it moves in. If not, the choke-up starts and works back to the ports, even back to the ships. Already there's a threatened shortage of nitrogen, due to sharply increased war ntvds. Unless you help smash the bottle-neck by taking your nitrate as soon StOMIM TIOS \u25a0 r as it is offered, the shortage will become acute. Thousands of tons will pile up at U.S. ports or on the docks inChi,e The °nly plaCeChil can Nitrate does you any good is on your crops. Get yours now. ..while you iopen f \u25a0 a crisis in the making! g II I . There's ? jj H ! NOW are I FERTILIZER I Powell Neal of who ? I TAKE YOUR * ? » i