DeANGELA BURNS-WALLACE, Ed. D. 1816 Hatton Drive, Columbia, MO 65203 703-862-2872 VICE PROVOST OF UNDERGRADUATE STUDIES Passionate educator and university administrator with expertise in educational policy that impact student access and success, particularly underrepresented minorities, low income, and first generation students A team leader with an effective combination of analytical, organizational, and interpersonal skills, who knows how to efficiently marshal human and financial resources, with a known reputation for identifying outstanding talent Demonstrated ability to create and implement innovative, data-driven solutions to existing problems, with the understanding of the impact on diverse populations and organizations Known for her superlative public presence and ability to skillfully manage sensitive international, diplomatic, and public relations initiatives Award winning Public Sector Administrator with credentials from distinguished higher education institutions Results oriented professional with over fifteen years of policy experience in various national and international environments-with expertise in Asia and Africa Cultivated a vast network of contacts and resources from the educational, private and government sectors EDUCATION & PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT AMERICAN COUNCIL ON EDUCATION, Washington, DC 2013-14 Emerging Leaders Fellowship Fellows spend an academic year on another ACE-member campus, working directly with presidents/chancellors and other senior leaders, observing how the institution and its leaders address strategic planning, resource allocation, development, policy, and other challenges. Placed at host institution University of Kansas o Worked directly with the Chancellor and key university leaders participating in strategic planning, government affairs, resource allocation, and student success initiatives o Shadowed and collaborated with various members of the University leadership team across both Chancellor’s and Provost’s staffs, as well as Deans and various faculty and administrators o Conducted 30 site visits at other institutes across the country – Stanford, Princeton, UC Berkeley, University of Georgia, University of Maryland, Metropolitan Community College, Lumina Foundation, NCAA, AAC&U, APLU, U.S. Department of Education and other higher education institutions and organizations impacting higher education UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA, Philadelphia, PA Ed. D. - Higher Education Management, with Distinction Dissertation: Diversifying the Ivory Tower: Complexities of Serving as a Senior Admissions Diversity Officer in an Evolving Anti-Affirmative Action Climate PRINCETON UNIVERSITY, Princeton, NJ Woodrow Wilson School of Public & International Affairs M.P.A. - Public Policy & International Affairs STANFORD UNIVERSITY, Stanford, CA B.A. - International Relations, with Honors, and African American Studies Burns-Wallace CV– page 2 of 7 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI, Columbia, MO ASSISTANT VICE PROVOST FOR UNDERGRADUATE STUDIES – DIV. OF THE PROVOST 2014 - Present Report to the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Studies and is responsible for a comprehensive University student success plan interfacing across all academic divisions, Enrollment Management, and throughout Student Affairs. Focus on student success across all populations – high ability, middle ability, at-risk, and special interest populations, facilitating gradations of success across all levels. Monitor accountability metrics and implement research to support student success initiatives across the University. Employ knowledge of current high impact practices and retention management strategies, and work with University partners in implementation. Pursue external partnerships and solicit funding to support student success efforts. Ensure that assessment, research, and analytics relative to retention and student completion support the University’s strategic goals. Advocate for undergraduate education. Establish and administer academic support policies, processes and procedures. Assign, supervise, and evaluate professional and support staff and provide orientation, training and support. Assist in Management of units $8 million shared budget and matrix manage of 13 units with over 250 team members. Articulate strategic vision, provide operational leadership and cultivate partnerships to facilitate undergraduate student success efforts campus-wide o Provide earlier interventions using predictive analytics to identify and overcome achievement gaps, design and implement student success initiatives, such as the Student Success Collaborative Strategy with EAB, launching technologies to track, monitor and advise students of their progress o Encourage pedagogical research, focusing on institutional and faculty issues o Create baseline assessments to track results and provide in-depth data analysis, profiling and data modeling to develop retention programs involving each department, identifying intervention points and leveraging the data to establish baselines and targets Provide guidance, as member of Undergraduate Dean’s Council, on university-wide enhancements to undergraduate education, as it relates to student success including the curriculum and new programs Coordinate the implementation of integrated planning and advising services technologies, including early alert systems through StarFish Retention Solutions, and degree audit and academic mapping software through College Source o University-wide implementation including non-academic units like Financial Aid and Residential Life o 100% students access to StarFish, 70% of department access to date Increase student ability to successfully navigate university policies and procedures by partnering with the Registrar’s Office to identify strategies o Improved undeclared students retention rate and strengthened the student experience of prospective transfer students by implementing best practices and intrusive academic advising practices Strategically improve student success across all populations by leverages departments involved in high impact practices and strategies, such as Fellowship, Undergraduate Research, Service Learning, and Honors College Create and support a structure of accountability associated with student success metrics throughout the academic infrastructure, holding each unit accountable for assessing leading indicators, student success markers and building in continuous improvement o Launched a 30 member faculty and administrator University Student Success Committee which conducts institutional research on retention and converts research findings into action Develop strategies for addressing the quality of students’ learning environment by maintaining a current understanding of market trends which impact higher education and student development ASSISTANT VICE PROVOST – DIR. OF ACCESS INITIATIVES, DIV. OF ENROLLMENT MGMT. 2009 - 2013 Coordinated, implemented and evaluated the University’s strategic access, recruitment, and retention initiatives. Provided leadership and advice for the offices of Undergraduate Admissions, Financial Aid, Registrar, Veteran Affairs, Missouri College Advising Corp, and Student Information Systems. Advised the Provost Staff and Vice Provost regarding ways to build and support student diversity including strategies on access and persistence. Worked extensively across institutional divisions to accomplish strategic goals around access and student success. Knowledgeable of regulatory, professional, and ethical guidelines in enrollment management and financial aid. Burns-Wallace CV– page 3 of 7 Ensured compliance with University, state, federal, and outside agency regulations Implemented statewide college access and outreach strategy for University of Missouri in conjunction with Enrollment Management leadership team and divisions, identifying strategies to better leverage resources to help increase the college readiness and college-going culture around the state Implemented, monitored, and evaluated, in collaboration with university development officers, fundraising and partnership strategies to ensure sustainability of academic academies and other summer programs designed for underrepresented student groups STANFORD UNIVERSITY, Stanford CA ASSISTANT DEAN - OFFICE OF UNDERGRADUATE ADMISSION 2004 - 2009 Managed a highly selective freshman and transfer admission process with over 32,000 applications annually. Analyzed recruitment data and assessed programming to continue to improve the academic profile and geographic diversity of first year and transfer entering classes. Used advanced and innovative recruitment technology and techniques to further strategic goals. Provided leadership for faculty and alumni engagement programs. Supervised and evaluated performance and training of Admission Counselor, Assistant Director, and an Associate Director. Articulate spokesperson for the mission and values of the institution. Provided vision and strategic planning to the undergraduate admission diversity outreach strategies, including all multicultural, international, LGBTQ, disadvantaged, and first generation recruitment initiatives. Led team of 7 diversity outreach/recruitment coordinators to establish goals and plans for each academic year; monitored diversity yield; managed $900,000+ Diversity budget Member of the leadership team that migrated the entire admission process to a document imaging platform and fully electronic processing and evaluation system; coordinated the implementation of the Common Application as the sole undergraduate admission application Developed 11-prong Diversity Outreach and Recruitment Strategy that included a framework, standard operating procedures, signature programs, and resources for Admission officers at all levels o Secured one of the most diverse classes in the University history comprised of 53% of color, 17% first generation and 19% low-income o Increased the University’s visibility through four national programs that included the first joint university travel on Native American Reservations o Increased University’s national presence in the admission arena through participation at more than 10 national conferences and 6 national publications targeted at students of color and underresourced communities o Developed Community Based Organizations Database with more than 400 organizations nationwide and established new partnerships with over 150 organizations U.S. DEPARTMENT OF STATE, Washington, DC Rotated through the following assignments for the State Department as a Foreign Service Officer. SPECIAL ASSISTANT, ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR LEGISLATIVE AFFAIRS 2003 - 2004 Managed people, paper, and policy for high-pressure Washington, DC front office and Bureau of Legislative Affairs. Supervised 5 contract employees. Liaison between front office and Bureau staff, Executive Secretariat for Secretary of State, other Department bureaus and the Senate and House Foreign Relations Committees. Drafted, organized and managed movement of all memorandums to and from the Assistant Secretary and to the Secretary of State. Reduced year-long backlog down to a 22-day response time by designing and creating a database to track Freedom of Information Act requests. DEPUTY SPOKESPERSON, PUBLIC AFFAIRS – U.S. Embassy, Pretoria, South Africa 2001 - 2003 Worked with Senior Spokesperson to coordinate all public affairs activities at U.S. Mission headquarters and 3 consulate offices. Public Affairs Advisor to Ambassador and U.S. Mission in South Africa. Coordinated information dissemination, press guidance, and media releases to further U.S. government goals, including implementing strategies to create support for U.S. government’s war on terrorism. Cultivated relationships with key government officials, newspaper editors, journalists, and TV and radio directors. Wrote speeches and remarks for the Ambassador and Deputy Chief of Mission. Coordinated press outreach events for Presidential, Secretarial and other Cabinet-level visits. Burns-Wallace CV– page 4 of 7 Developed and executed short- and long-term nationwide media-training plan to provide essential skills to South African media, with special emphasis on community radio sector Developed Press Launch for the negotiations of U.S. and Southern Africa Customs Union Free Trade Agreement Managed logistics, budget, contracting services and equipment for 400 member U.S. delegation to the United Nations World Summit on Sustainable Development CONSULAR OFFICER – U.S. EMBASSY, Beijing, China 2000 - 2001 Adjudicated over 10,000 Non-Immigrant Visa (NIV) applications with a focus on fraudulent detection. Updated and expanded visa tracking system for Student and Exchange Programs. Arranged public outreach efforts, including trips to major universities, to demystify the student visa application process. Worked with Fraud Prevention to collect, analyze and report accurate information on the return rates of Student Exchange Programs. Conducted private briefings for U.S. school officials, exchange officials, recruiters and admission officers on visa regulations, procedures and potential problems. Created I-20 files on 350 schools recruiting in China to maintain accurate university information and solidify relationships as well as anti-fraud procedures to protect the process. Developed outreach campaign educating 2000+ Chinese students about the U.S. visa process. MANAGEMENT OFFICER – U.S. CONSULATE, Guangzhou, China 1998 - 2000 Supervised five American employees and 30 Chinese contract employees who provided administrative services to a medium-sized Consulate General. Procured local and non-local equipment and supplies. Oversaw facilities maintenance and renovation of offices and residential units; motor pool operations; shipping, packing and customs; property inventory and disposal; property management and warehousing. Served as Principal Contracting Officer and Safety and Health Officer with a $2 million contractual authority. Special projects included long-term planning and implementation of New Consulate land negotiation, Y2K readiness, 16 residential and 6 office section renovations. Saved $172K in renovation costs by changing ineffective renovation strategies Increased office space 30% and completed renovations project on time and under budget RECRUITER 1998 - 2004 Ad hoc recruiter for the State Department Foreign Service and fellowship programs. Appointed as Secretary of State’s Hometown Diplomat Spokesperson for Missouri. Selected as a Career Counselor for entry level Foreign Service Officers. Profiled as an up and coming African American Foreign Service Leader by the State Department on their website and recruitment materials. TEACHING EXPERIENCE ASSISTANT PROFESSOR, ADJUNCT, College of Education, University of Missouri, 2010-Present Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis 9405: College Access Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis 9408: Strategic Enrollment Management Ph.D. Committee member (2 completed, 4 in progress) GUEST LECTURER, Stanford University, 2005 - 2009 Focused on access to higher education, with particular emphasis on educational policy that impacted students’ postsecondary access and eventual success. Topics included: affirmative action, pre-college access programs, preparation and transition, financial aid, selective college admissions, and standardized testing. CSRE 203A: The Changing Face of America, Strategies for Civil Rights and Education in the 21 st Century ED 417: Research and Policy on Postsecondary Access ED 381: Multicultural Issues in Higher Education Burns-Wallace CV– page 5 of 7 SELECTED UNIVERSITY COMMITTEES & APPOINTMENTS UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI, Columbia, MO, 2009 - Present Equity Resolution Hearing Committee (Student Title IX hearings) Honors College Review Access to Success Campus Coordinator Academic Retention Services Advisory Committee Excellence in Advising Selection Committee Commission on Student Success NIH-IMSD Minority Science Training Grant Advisory Board Mizzou Black Men’s Initiative Advisory Council Chancellor’s Diversity Initiative Advisory Council Missouri College Advising Corps Advisory Council STANFORD UNIVERSITY, Stanford, CA, 2005 - 2009 Freshman, Sophomore, & Transfer Academic Advisor, University Undergraduate Advising Program Leland Scholars Bridge Program Development & Advisory Committee Cap & Gown - Women’s Honor Society Alumni Board African American Staff Group Advisory Council Resident Assistant Training Facilitator Chair & Member, Numerous University Search Committees SELECTED COMMUNITY & PROFESSIONAL LEADERSHIP BOARD OF DIRECTORS Co-President, Stanford National Black Alumni Association Member, SAT National Advisory, The College Board Member, Stanford Alumni Association Member, Infinite Scholars, St. Louis, MO Member, Heart of Missouri United Way Member, College Horizons Member, St. Louis Graduates Advisory Board Member, Black Community Service Center (BCSC) Advisory Board, Stanford University Co-Chair, A Dream Deferred: The Future of African American Education, The College Board Chair, 20th Class Reunion Stanford University SCHOLARSHIP & FELLOWSHIP SELECTION Scholarship Evaluator, Gates Millennium Scholars, UNCF Scholarship Evaluator, DELL Scholars, DELL Foundation Scholarship & Grant Selection Committee, The Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers Selection Board, Pickering Foreign Affairs Fellowship, U.S. Department of State Rhodes, Marshall, Fulbright, and Truman Interview Committees, Stanford University Fulbright Interview Committee, University of Missouri-Columbia Fulbright Selection Committee, U.S. Department of State, South Africa ALPHA KAPPA ALPHA SORORITY, INC., Kappa Chi Omega Chapter, Columbia, MO Committee Chair, Public Relations Committee Chair, Protocol Burns-Wallace CV– page 6 of 7 SELECTED PRESENTATIONS Background includes numerous presentations on college readiness, access, and persistence including development of case studies and professional development workshops. Maximizing the Impact of Student Success Analytics - Conference Session, College Board's National Forum, accepted for Nov 2015 Smart Policies to Increase College Access and Completion Policy Session – Panelist, National Black Caucus of State Legislators (NBCSL) 2014 Annual Legislative Conference, Dec 2014 Academic Advising and Courageous Leadership - The National Academic Advising Association Keynote, Feb 2014 “Faculty and Staff Pipelines - Mentoring and Growing Our Own” – Kansas-Missouri Summit on Access, Attainment and Completion, Sept 2012 Future of Higher Education – Panelist, Missouri Association of Student Financial Aid Personnel (MASFAP), invited for Nov 2015 Student Voices: NYC Urban Ambassadors - Keynote Moderator, College Board's A Dream Deferred National Conference, Mar 2015 Micro-aggressions and Conflict Resolution in the Workplace - UMKC Women of Color Leadership Conference Empowering Women through Creative Leadership, May 2014 Courage Leadership and Student Success, Opening Keynote - Kansas Board of Regent's Michael Tilford Conference on Diversity & Multiculturalism, Oct 2014 Expanding Access to Selective College Admissions through Community Partnership - Conferences Session, College Board's A Dream Deferred National Conference, Mar 2015 “Middle School to Workforce Development: Strategic Access Partnership” – Noel-Levitz 2011 National Conference on Student Recruitment, Marketing, and Retention, Summer 2011 SELECTED PUBLICATIONS Author of numerous admission recruitment and access publications in print and online for Stanford University, University of Missouri, The U.S. State Department, and local College Access Networks. AUTHOR Maximizing the Impact of Student Success Analytics: Building Organizational Capacity for Data Analytics in Student Success (in progress) Two Roads Less Traveled: A Comparative Case Study of Black Alumni Giving in Selective Institutions (in progress) Hobson’s College Guide for African American Students - “Educating Students to live in a diverse world” Hobson’s College Guide for Latino Students - “Five Ways to Get Your Family Involved in the College Process” Hobson’s College Guides - “10 Common Application Mistakes” EDITORIAL ROLES Section Editor, Handbook of Urban Educational Leadership Editorial Advisory Board, New Directions in Educational Leadership: Innovations in Research, Teaching and Learning WEBSITE CONTENT DEVELOPMENT (archived version only) Burns-Wallace CV– page 7 of 7 SELECTED HONORS & AWARDS 2015 Inducted into Stanford Associates, Honors 10 years of consistent high-quality service to Stanford University with lifetime membership 2014 Selected as one of 50 Missourians You Should Know, Ingram’s Magazine 2014 Stanford Associates Board of Governors Award of Merit which recognizes a single significant volunteer achievement – Stanford Black Alumni National Summit 2013 Stanford Associates Board of Governors Award of Merit which recognizes a single significant volunteer achievement - Stanford National Day of Service 2009 Distinguished Alumnus Award for mentorship and service, Woodrow Wilson School, Princeton University 2009 Gold Award for External Publications, Annual Education Advertising Awards for African American, Latino, and American Indian, Alaskan Native, and Native Hawaiian Diversity Brochures at Stanford University 2008 Faculty/Staff Mentor of the Year, Black Community Services Center, Stanford University 2004 Superior Honor Awards for Innovative Technological Contributions to the Bureau of Legislative Affairs, U.S. Department of State 2003 Two Meritorious Honor Awards for Contributions to the United Nations World Summit on Sustainable Development, U.S. Mission to South Africa, U.S. Department of State 2000 Meritorious Honor Award for Superior Services at the U.S. Consulate Guangzhou, China, U.S. Department of State CONSULTING ENGAGEMENTS Consultant to College and Universities, non-profit organizations, and other entities working in and around higher education: Evaluator of Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher Education (CAS) programs in student affairs and admissions Assessor of undergraduate and graduate admission process and procedures Advisor on college application process planning and development Trainer for national professional development organizations and individual institutions in cultural competencies, micro-aggressions, multigenerational workplace differences, diversity and inclusion and strategic planning Clients include Emory University, Stanford University, Arkansas Commitment, Educational Pathways, NACAC, NCAN, and NACADA PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS Member, National Association of College Admission Counselors (NACAC) Member, American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO) Member, American Education Research Association (AERA) Member, National College Access Network (NCAN) Associate Member, Association of Black Admission and Financial Aid Officers of the Ivy League and Sister Schools (ABAFAOILSS) LANGUAGES Conversational Chinese Proficient in verbal and written French