Dear parents, welcome to a new week, We hope you enjoyed your long Eid holiday. I will start with the update followed by our schedule for this week: The Blog is now open!!! Check out the resources I have there. I will be adding new things from time to time, and I will share this with youJ . Check it out and tell me what you think !!! As for the plan of this week, September 27- October 1st, 2015 . We will be continuing as follows: 1-Conversational Arabic (Listening and Speaking skills): we are still reinforcing : How are you….. ﻛﻴﯿﻒ ﺣﺎﻟﻚ, Hello ,ﻣﺮﺣﺒﺎ, My name is …………. ﺍاﺳﻤﻲ, What’s your name ? ؟.. ﻣﺎ ﺍاﺳﻤﻚ How old are you ? kam omrak ? 2. Familiarity with the Arabic alphabet: Students will be revising the letters ﺏب،٬ﺩد. What animal has those 2 letters. They will identify both letters in their names if they have it, and in words while knowing the meaning of words using pictures. Students will guess the short sounds of the letter based on the rule we have been covering . 3. Writing Skills: Students will practice writing their names in Arabic besides practicing the letters ﺏب،٬ﺩد . 4. PYP Integration: Practice the song “ ﺃأﻫﮬﮪھﻼً ﻳﯾﺎ ﺃأﺻﺤﺎﺑﻲ،٬ً”ﺃأﻫﮬﮪھﻼ, meaning “Hello, my friends”. Keep Singing it !!! The students will be doing different activities, songs, using smart board technology just to name a few, to make learning Arabic fun and exciting to them. 5- Colors In Arabic: We will be listening to a song , and learning the names of the colors in Arabic . We will be looking for our the letters ﺏب،٬ﺩد in them. Important Notes and Links to Songs J - The folder will be sent with your child EVERY THURSDAY of the week with their H.W. Please, return the folders with the H.W the following WEDNESDAY. - If it happens that you see some papers with your child on days other than THURSDAY, these papers are EXTRA or OPTIONAL for your child, if so they wish to practice Arabic. Transliteration of The Song : Hello , Hello , my friends “Ahlan , Ahlan ya Ashaby” Ahlan , Ahlan ya Ashaby Ahlan Ahlan ya Ahbaby Kul saddeqin Lee Ar’ahu Abadan Abadan La Ansahu Links for the songs we sing in school: 7days of the week Arabic alphabet Color Thank you for your support, and for sharing your unique child with me!