FRENCH III OVERVIEW I. REGIONS OF FRANCE GOAL: Develop an awareness of the effects of historical events, famous people, and geography upon francophone Europe and communicate feelings accurately in French. ASSESSMENT: Students will prepare an individual project over an aspect of French culture or history to be evaluated using a checklist of criteria covering content, grammar, speech, vocabulary, and visuals. OBJECTIVES: A. Culture and History: Identify geographical places, critical historical events, famous persons, and specialty products of various francophone regions and evaluate their effect on French culture. B. Vocabulary: Communicate information about French history, culture, and regional specialties using appropriate French vocabulary. C. Grammar: Express enthusiasm and dissatisfaction in French using correct grammatical structures. D. Use the imperfect verb tense and the passé compose accurately. II. FAMILY DUTIES, RESPONSIBILITIES, AND PERSONAL TASTES GOAL: Increase facility with use of French vocabulary and grammar and develop understanding of cultural behaviors regarding family chores and responsibilities. UNIT ASSESSMENT: Written and oral testing of relevant vocabulary and grammar and social practices of French families. OBJECTIVES: A. Use appropriate French vocabulary to speak and write about household chores and family responsibilities. B. Use French grammar accurately to express personal tastes. 61 III. FASHION AND SHOPPING GOAL: Increase facility with use of French vocabulary and grammar and develop understanding of cultural practices. UNIT ASSESSMENT: Students will be tested through written and oral evaluation on French vocabulary, the use of the future and conditional tenses, and cultural behaviors related to fashion and shopping. OBJECTIVES: A. Use the French future and conditional verb tenses to express future plans, careers, conditions, and intentions. B. Use appropriate French vocabulary related to express personal tastes in fashion, hair, colors, and shopping. IV. LE PETIT PRINCE BY ANTOINE DE SAINT-EXUPERY GOAL: Integrate the four language skills—listening, reading, writing, and speaking—in the study of a French literary work. UNIT ASSESSMENT: Students compose essay “Ma Rencontre avec le Petit Prince” (“My Encounter With The Little Prince”). A scoring guide including French vocabulary and grammar skills, comprehension, and supported response will be used to evaluate performance. OBJECTIVES: A. Compare and contrast characters in Le Petit Prince by Antoine de SaintExupéry. B. Evaluate the effect of historical events and cultural practices on characters in Le Petit Prince. 62