TOWOTKOGA SBNTINBU THOBSOAY, MAY 17, 1884 PACE EIGHT THE SENTINEL PUTNAM An Ordinance of the Village of Ticonderoga, ' feiterod at the Post-OOc* at Tlocm. May 14—Mrs. George Vaughn has New York, establishing Daylight Saving Time. . Y., M Mwoad d m matter. opened her home on The HudsonThe Board of Trustees of the Village of Ticonderoga, New Cham plain Trail and is entertaining York, at a Special Meeting held at the Village Board Rooms, Comher sUter, Mrs. Celesta Klngaiey of munity Building, in the said Village on the 14th day of May, VICINITY CORRESPOND- Glens Falls. ENCE Miss Margaret Simpson and Mrs. 1934, pursuant to Section 91 of the General Municipal Law of the A. M. Ritchie were Whitehall visiState of New York, do hereby enact the following ordinance:— tors Tuesday. SHOREHAM The Standard Time within the corporate limits of the Village Robert Beat has purchased a new May 14—.Mr. and Mrs.E . H. car. of Ticonderoga. New York, shall be advanced one hour from that Moore have been guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carrol P. King entertained of the seventy-fifth meridian of longitude west from Greenwich, Mrs. McKee in Newtonville, Mass. Nimble Finger Club at her home at 2:00 o'clock A. M. on Sunday, May 27th, 1934, and that such | Miss Ina Smith was In Ticonder- the Wednesday afternoon. Standard Time so advanced shall remain in effect until 2:00 A. MJ oga Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Harris were son Frank on Sunday. September 9th. 1934, at which time the said Stand-1 w eMrs.^Larry Rourke and Hudson Falls visitors Tuesday. re Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Musser have ard Time so advanced shall be retarded to the mean astronomical 1 Mrs. inGteorge BrWpoitPecor sunday._ is visiting rel- moved to Gienburnie for the sumtime of such seventy-fifth meridian west from Greenwich. ! atives in Barre, Vt. r h t d t h t ll t public officers a It is further enacted that all courts, public officers and legal!" Mr. and Mrs. Ashley Belden andj n w*w.v,.. ,. i; Mr. and Mrs. Ashley Belden and i " YOUR MONEY— DRESSES y BAY OF DEPOSTT Ja < for the fine of th» month «* « wm# lyfonBalfowB$ usnal snart, Astatine. itl» bring, hu ererjthx turn. Hifhert interest safety. Ererrdollai under New York State If you want safety of principal with ^interest return, mail the coupon below. Interesting, w A new booklet, "Banking by ~«5.,;«i ~~^«rt,nuri;«rws wi+Vtin tVio RAIH Villftfffi of Ticonderosra children of Burlington spent Sundayj^ and official proceedings within the said Village of Ticonderoga children of Burlington s — «««<uv! Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Ritchie spent Mail for Profit", will be shall be and is hereby regulated by such ordinance. I ^Sr.^d M»MrE. w. n L™«e anaj - - - - - - - --------seat you FREE. Explain* btate of New \ o r k ) I children and Mr* W G Larra-bee I Whitehall attended services at wny you Denem %xy our County Of Essex V SS: iwere in Ripton Sunday. |U P church Sunday morning. J L Sneai f simple, banking by mail plan. Village Of Ticonderoga ) ••->-> I M r a n d M r s c L witherell re-! day - with : «parents, Argyle Mr. spentand Sun-Mrs. his iraed Send this coupon TODAY I, Walter L. Moore, Clerk of the Village of Ticonderoga, do; £ Saturday from Rochester, N. J. B. Shear. Mrs. C. P. King and two children hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing ordinance with Mr aad Mrs w A s t a l k e r of Home Savings Bank 23 Mrs. G. E. Dedrick and children the original ordinance duly adopted by the Village Board of • Middebury were callers in town sun- and attended National Hospital Day at 11 North Pearl St^ Albany, N. Y. Trustees on the 14thuday of May, 1934, and filed with me, and i day. Please send banking by mail the Moses Ludington hospital in TiDr a n d M r s J -booklet. No obligation. that - , - P t Sh k ar °j n *£ ve conderoga Saturday afternoon. f that the same is a true and correct copy of such original and of; Mr. and Mrs. George Reagles of the Whole thereof. kers, N. Y. Schenectady spent the week end in Witness my hand and the official seal of the Village of Ticon-; Mrs. Frank Dumas of Shoreham camp h at Putnam Station. in Ticonderoga Tuesday. Center Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Peterson, Mrs. ^deroga, N. Y., on this 15th day of May, 1934. Charles CunningMr. ana and Mrs. Mrs. Celesta Mr, Mrs. unanes vanning-1 ^ . Walter L. Moore, gsibury spent Saturday evening CH7I £".?.". home at Larrabees Point. *° their|SinSb 24\v2 !^Li h S'»,;r* ~ conder_ Village Clerk. Ury spent a .. rtorr tuja Aim ADVBXSS and Mrs. S. V. Robbins and in Mr. Ticonderoga. sons Paul and Thomas of Silver Bay, BRIDPORT PUTNAM Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Barber of I May 14—A son was born to Mr.Ticonderoga, Miss Helen Robbins of May 15—Mr. and Mrs. Frank land Mrs. W. Either Saturday, May Rutland and Mrs. Vaughn and Mrs. 'erkins and Oscar Saville of Fort ill. Kingsley were Sunday guests of Mr. Ann spent Tuesday evening of las: ) Miss Hazel Davis returned from and Mrs. A. F. Peterson. week with Mr. and Mrs. George I the Mary Fletcher hospital where Miss Sylvia E. Comstock and Mer- ott,. I she has heen for treatment. L. Creedon of Montpelier, Vt. Robert Best lias purchased a Pon\ Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Noonan of rill were united in marriage by Rev. J. tiac sedan. 1 Pittsfteld, Mass, spent last week vis- S. Vance Saturday morning. Mrs. Harold Belden antf son BerUting relatives in town. Mary Perry of Montpelier ard spent Saturday in Glens Falls. |! Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Nedeau have andMiss Miss Margaret Ladgerwood of Mr. and Mrs. Lee E. Davis were named their daughter Arlene Cath- this place were the witnesses. lunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. O. H. erine. The new mission Sunday School Curtis of Ticonderoga. Rev. J. C. Emerson attended the at Bain's Corners has two handmade Harold Belden and Frank Thatchstate conference. quilts on sale at their S. S. room. took truck loads of cattle i Mrs. Edward Weeks has returned For further particulars inquire of to Bostonthree Corners, N. Y. the past ; from the Moses Ludington hospital. Mrs, J. S. Vance. week. GYPSY CREAM Large Bottle Qt, Bottle Best Grade I She is somewhat improved in health. Mrs. George Cummin gs substiMr. and Mrs. George Coltey and for Poison Ivy L1STERINE | Howard Stone and Frank Wilson MINERAL, OIL at the Central school Monday Mr. and Mrs. George Mott were 4Oc 59c if I are doing repair work ut the for-tuted 16 for Miss Elsie Mooney, who has been Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Allen 69c liner's farm in Snoreham this week. ill with grippe for several days. Mott at Putnam Corners. | Mrs. Joseph Boulia was taken to .85 Ponds Cream .25 .40 Castorla «2© Mr. and sMrs. Ray Clipper and Maillory O'Dell of Ticonderoga vis! a hospital in Burlington by anxbu- daughter .50 Dusting Powder .39 .25 Ex-Lax -1» Madeline spent Sunday ted his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. ! lance Wednesday. .35 Talcum, lb. can .23 .23 F e e a m i n t .19 with relatives in Pottersville. O'Dell, Sunday. | Mrs. John Giard was called td the Mother's Day was observed with .40 Almond Lotion 33 .50 Vicks Nose Drops— .39 Mrs. Rolland Bertrand I home of her parents Monday by theappropriate exercises at the U. P.andMr.sonand $1.25 Hndnnt Bath Tab. .89 $1.25 Pinkhams Com. $1.05 Frankie spent Sunday with srious illness of her mother, Mrs. chnrch Sabbath morning. .45 Bay Rum .82 .60 Alka Seltzer .58 Mrs. Emma Lillie at Shoreham, Vt. evi Pidgeon. .85 Frostilla .25 $1 Miles Nervine Tabs. .89 Mr. and Mrs. P. S. B. Adams and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dodge and Mr. The annual speaking contest was .50 Sunburn Lotion — .89 .30 Sal Hepatica .24 Doris of Whitehall spent Alonzo McCsube of~ Whitehall were dd Thursday night, May 10. The daughter .25 Tube Cold Cream . - .13 .85 Tad Salts .79 Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Orrat prize in Group 1 was awarded Warren lillie and Sunday with Mrs. lando O'Dell. .50 Palmolive Shampoo .25 .60 Rubine .49 Frances Ivenneville, second to Florence Lillie and daughter Anna. 050 Kienao .29 .30 Merks Soda. Phos._ .29 Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hall of orraine Newton and honorable J50 Woodburys wave set .39 C. Ulcher and Rotbert Clemin conderoga called at Charles Craig's .75 »oans Pills — .58 ention to Ernest Charbofineau. of S.Watervltet .50 Lady Esther Cream .45 are spending some Monday afternoon. he first prize in Group II was given .25 Carters Pills .21 .25 Kleenex .17 at the Ulcher Cottage. Mrs. Mrs. Lydia Crammond was a week Anna Cook, second to Leon Qnes- time .25 Ponds Tissue .17 .25 Seidlita Pow«rs .21 Ulcher and daughter Lois spent" end guest of Mrs. Harry Wright el and honorable mention to Mar- Friday at the cottage Ticonderoga. it ta Brown. Each speaker who did Mrs. Burns McLaughlin has rePound Glass Jars Clifford O'Dell of Astoria, L. I 25c. Box WATER GLASS ot receive a prize was given an COLD CREAM KOTEX 2 Boxes Pints and Quarts Erevsharp" pencil. There was aturned to Glens Falls after spend- is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. ing several days with local rela- Orlando O' Dell. 39c 25c 15c & 2 5 c ry large attendance. tives. Miss Gladys Mclntyre of Waverly, Miss Kathleen Harris was home Mas. is e'xpected home June 11th .05 Barbasol Shave Cr. .49 .50 Ipana Tooth Paste- .42 from Schroon Lake Sunday. for a three weeks' vacation. .85 Pafanolive Shave Cr. .25 .50 Squibbs Tooth Paste .88 Mr. and Mfcs. Bert Hack of Me- James Anderson spent Tuesday BENSON .85 Colgates Shave Cr._ .25 .50 Forhans Tooth Paste .42 chanicville Sfpent Monday with Mr. with John McLaughlin. May who 14—Mrs. Isa Wilcox, .89 McKesson Shave Cr. .29 .25 Colgate Tooth Paste .19 Several men from town started _>ent~the winter in Glens FalhTwith and Mrs. G. L. Lillie. .85 Williams Shave Cr. .29 .25 UstPrine Tooth P. .19 The following poem was written work Monday on a pulp wood job at er daughter Retta, came home last .85 Gem Blades .29 .85 Lyons Tooth Powder .29 by Lee Goodman and recited by his Blue Ridge. unday Miss Bertha Davis was a Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Gibbs and daughter, Miss Thelma Goodman, at Take Home a Pint of Our Take Home a Pint of Our spent several days last week the U. P. church Sabbath morning: guest of Mrs. Grant Thatcher in My Mother Crown Point. HOME MADE ICE CREAM ilh Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Gibbs. HOME MADE SHERBET My mother dear, to you I owe John Shear of Argyle was a week Miss Velma Bosworth was home Maple Nut, Coffee, ChocoFresh Fruit, Lemon, Orange, A debt I can't repay end guest of his parents, Mr. and ver the week end. late, Vanilla, Strawberry Pineapple and Raspberry You walked in shadows, so that I Mrs. J. B. Shear. The Young People's meeting was Could see the lighst of day Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Musser movt Kenyon King's last Sunday night. ed to Glenburnie Saturday where John Waite stpent last Sunday in they have employment for the sum In silent watches of the night •rwell. mer months. Mrs. Alice Micklejohn is visiting Through childhood's tender Mr. and Mrs. William Chester and town for a few days. years children of Montreal were week Mrs. E. A. Gibbs was in Rutland You guarded me with gentle love two end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Saturday to see her great grandAnd kissed away my tears Holmes. daughter. Mr. and Mrs. P. S. B. Adams an< Mrs. Flora Hough had a poor How often in my ignorance daughter Doris of Whitehall spen eek last week. I 'grieved your loving heart, j the week end at the home of Warren Mr. and Mrs. Harry Humiston But with a smile and gentle voici ! Lillie. isited at Mrs. Ruth Norton's TuesYou hid the painful part Mr. and Mrs. William Max and ay. children of Glens Falls were Sunday Miss Joyce Wilcox and her mothYou taught me how at eventide guests of Mr. and Mrs. William er were in Glens Falls Sunday. To speak with God in prayer Bain. And how the angels came each Mr. and Mrs. Jack Darrow of night Whitehall attended the Mothers' To see me kneeling there. Day Service Sunday at the U. P. FOR PROMPT SERVICE church after which they were dinYou led my faltering footsteps ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. George AND QUAMTY WORK Aubrey. back Telephone 326 Roy Best and son Edward visited When from the path I'd stray Sorrow and pain I'd never know relatives in Starksville, Vt. SaturCHAMPLAIN VALLEY DRY If you could have your way. day. CLEANERS Mrs. Augusta Vaughn has opened - Cor. Lake George Ave. and h summer. Her H It's when I think of your great her house for the Jogues Place sister Mrs. Celeste Kingsley of love Fort Ann, will live with her. And what you've done for me Members of the N. R. A. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Best, son EdI pray to God that I shall live "IT PAYS TO IJOOK PIT" ward and daughters Gertrude and As you would have me be. Maude expect to spend this week end at West Haverstraw with Miss Now to all mothers here below Ruth Best at the New York State Or in that realm divine Proposals for Bids j Reconstruction Home. Let's bow our heads and to them Remodeling General Plumbing Work Mrs. Augusta Vaughn and Mrs. say at Essex County Jail, ElizabethCeleste Kingsley were Sunday dinGod (bless you, Mather Mine. town, New York ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Sealed proposals endorsed as aPeterson. bove will be received by the Clerk Mrr and Mrs. FTank Moore and CHILSON of the Board of Supervisors of Essex Mrs. iA. Peterson spent Monday in (Too late for last week) County at the office of said Clerk, at Whitehall. Elizabeth town, New York, until 2:00 Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dedrick and May 8—We are glad to report P. M. Daylight Saving Time on Sat-that the sick are on the gain. Mrs. children were Sunday guests of Mrs. urday, June 2d, 1934, and will be Chauncey Huestis, who has been Claudia Dean in Fair Haven. opened /publicly by the Auditing and having a terrible time with hemorMr. and Mrs. Warren Lillie and Purchasing Committee of the Board rhages of the nose and rheumatism, Mrs. Roy Harrie were in Ticonderof Supervisors of Essex county at a is some better and Harland Stubing oga Monday. meeting to be held at said Clerk's is enough improved that his nurse, Office on that day. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Mrs. Frank Stoweil, moved him to her home for his convalescence. , See our All claims against ALTA M. The work for which said bids are Mrs. Addie Hanna and Mrs. Alice BARNARD, late of Crown Point, N. new designs in genuine invited consists generally of remov- Moore of Ironville were guests last Y., must be presented to her Exing the present old plumbing fix- wiiek of Mrs. Mary Anson Moore, ecutrix, at the office of Thomas W. Congoleam Gold Seal Rugs. tures, pipes, etc., at the said Essex Mrs. Fred Hunsdon and other rela- McDonald, Esq., Port Henry, N. Y., County Jail and installing modern tives here. I The colorings are beautibefore November 24th, 1934. new fixtures, waste, vent and water Mrs. Leon Smith and Mrs. Frank Dated, May 9th, 1934. ' fully rich—fit to grace any piping and all the necessary steel, Armstrong of Watervliet were guests Harriet E. Brooks, brick, concrete and painting work. of friends here Saturday night and Executrix. I room in your home! Plans and specifications may beSunday. Thomas W. McDonald, obtained by communicating with the Henbert, Charles and Victor Hall Atty. for Executrix, \ , Remember this: For real said Clerk of the Board of Supervis- and Joseph Thomas spent a few days Port Henry, N. Y. 24m6 \ value and all-round satislast week at Port Henry, helping ors at Elizabethtown, New York. 1 their uncle, Dennis Cheney. Proposals shall be accompanied by faction, no other low-priced Mr. and Mrs. Roland Miner are by a ear last Saturday—or hurt so a certified check payable to the badly she had to ibe killed. When County of Essex, New York, or mon- keeping house in Port Henry. - floor-covering equals a Mrs. Kate Moore was a dinner one of the neighbor's boys was ridey deposit of 10% of the amount of ing her she threw him off and ran genuine Congoleum Rug. the ibid. Successful bidders will be ,guest of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Huns- into-the road in front of a car. The required to give a bond in the a-don Sunday. Goodro-w boy, who was riding her, Come in soon to see them* S. P. Smith of Putnam was a callmount designated by the said Auditer at Ersia Smith's one day recently. bed his arm injured and had to ing and Purchasing Committee. Irave it in a sling for several days. Wilford Smith and Harold Osier The said Committee reserves the Mr. and Mrs. Myorn Sherwin and right to reject any or all proposals. were in Elizabethtown Tuesday to daughter of Comstock were guests take the test for driving licenses. Essex County Board of Supervisors, Billy Tread way had the misfor of Mrs. Ralph Moore and Mrs. ClemBy Chairman of Auditing and mie Hall Sunday. tune to have his pony "Jennie" killPurchasing Committee. V..*. .« ~ , / PROM-m- Formal Gowns . $7.95 to $12.95 OUR ENTIRE STOCK IS NEW AND DIFFERENT Half sizes. A new selection. Polka dots, pastelles, light prints. 18»/2 to 24»/i -* $7.95 and up LINEN SUITS Picqnes, e t c $3.98 & $5.98 TRY CONRON'S FIRST SILK SWAGGER SUITS In Soft Pastelle Shades And Save Money. Cot Prices For $7.95 FRIDAY and SATURDAY You Must See These Dresses to Appreciate Them II Always Try Conron's First ^ SPECIAL OF 9x12 ft. $6.75 A. B.DRAKE Only one dress of a kind—be strictly Come! in and let Mrs* Renss show you the Latest Fashions BALCONY DRESS DEPT. TI-ECONOMY STORE BANK BLOCK Telephone 440 TICONDEROGA, N. Y. I Ti - Economy Store Leads in Values as well as quality. When yen boy at the Ti - Economy Store you are sore of t k BEST FOR THE LEAST Boys' All Wool Blue Cheviot Suits for confirmation, $7 (\r communion or graduation. 4-piece suit, sizes to 11 H> • « 3 3 Men Suits, all wool in assorted shades, blue serge, oxford gray, brown, Etc. Only p Hart Schaffner & Marx Suits only $ 2 5 SHOES Women's White Oxfords With Flap SHOES Men's all while sport shoes $1.98 $2.75 White Pumps. Spike Heels. A to C Widths Black and white ventilated sport oxfords $2.75 $2.49 White Sandals. High heels or Cuban heels AH white buckskin. Plain toe or wing tip $2.95 $3.95 White Moccasins. Low heels. AH widths Boys' black-white Sizes 1-6 $2.98 $2.49 Children's Oxfords. Black or tan. Sizes to 2 Boys' Sneex Sizes to 6 79c $1.25 Children's Sandals. Patent leather or white $1.35 PANTS Sanforized. Slax striped $1.49 White Flannel Slax $2.75 DRESS SHIRTS Fast color Broadcloth 88c Men's Work Shoes $1.95 WORK PANTS Khaki or gray $1.00 MEN'S UNION SUITS Long legs, short sleeves 75c WOMEN'S WASH DRESSES Fast Color 79c TI-ECONOMY STORE BANK BLOCK Telephone 440 TICONDEROGA, N. Y.