The “Era of Good Feelings”? (1816 -1824) Essential Question: What were the major characteristics of the ”Era of Good Feeling? ” The Election of 1816 [The Demise of the Federalist Party!] James Monroe [1816-1824] John Quincy Adams: Secretary of State The Convention of 1818 The West & the NW: 1819-1824 Adams-Onis Treaty, 1819 [“The Transcontinental Treaty”] US Population Density 1810 1820 The American System p Tariff of 1816 p Chartering of the Second Bank of the United States [BUS]. Henry Clay, “The Great Compromiser” p Internal improvements at federal expense. - National Road The American System: The National [Cumberland] Road The Erie Canal E E E 1817 – 1825. 363 miles Albany to Buffalo. Much further than any other American or European canal. The American System WEST got roads, canals, and federal aide. EAST got the backing of protective tariffs from the West. SOUTH ?? The Panic of 1819 CAUSES??? The Election of 1820 The Compromise of 1820: A Firebell in the Night! The Tallmadge Amendment All slaves born in Missouri after the territory became a state would be freed at the age of 25. Passed by the House, not in the Senate. The North controlled the House, and the South had enough power to block it in the Senate. The Monroe Doctrine, 1823 Referred to as “America’s Self-Defense Doctrine” 1. What foreign policy principles are established? 2. What warning is given to the European countries? Monroe Doctrine 3. What would the US do if the warning was not headed? The Election of 1824: The “Corrupt Bargain” The Election of 1824: The “Corrupt Bargain” Popular Vote Electoral Vote Andrew Jackson 43% 99 J.Q. Adams 31% 32 William Crawford 13% 41 Henry Clay 13% 37 Candidate Map 10.2 The Americas, 1830 Give Me Liberty!: An American history, 3rd Edition Copyright © 2011 W.W. Norton & Company