
Rebecca Miller
Professor McCandless
English 1102
April 4, 2012
Annotated Bibliography
“Do Fast Food Restaurants Contribute to Obesity?” the National Bureau of Economic
Research. 2012. Web. (
-“Do Fast Food Restaurants Contribute to Obesity,” provides confirmation that people who eat fast food
have a higher risk of obesity. The authors go into studies wondering if children whose schools are closer
to fast food have a higher risk of obesity. The answer is yes. “One possible explanation is that proximity
to fast food reduces the costs of fast food, principally travel costs. A second explanation is that easier
access to food tempts consumers who have self-control problems.” They then move in to conducting
several more interesting analyses. As the author conclude, “policies restricting access to fast food near
schools have significant effects on obesity among school children, but similar policies restricting the
availability of fast food in residential areas are unlikely to have large effects on adults.” I will be able to
use this article to support that fast food is responsible for obesity. Also, it raises another question to
obesity in that why are children more susceptible to its trap than adults?
Bezerra, Ilana N, Cintia Curioni, and Rosely Sichieri. "Association Between Eating Out
Of Home And Body Weight." Nutrition Reviews 70.2 (2012): 65-79. HealthSource - Consumer
Edition. Web. 3 Apr. 2012.
-This full article is in a pdf file. However, I think from reading the abstract that this will bring in some
point I haven’t touched on yet. The title in general caught my eye because what does it be to eat out of
home and body? They talk about how eating out also cause weight gain so this article is along the lines of
what I have already been researching. With the full text I think some good insights can be pulled together
for my paper.
Dietz Jr., William H., and Steven L. Gortmaker. "Do We Fatten Our Children At The
Television Set? Obesity And Television Viewing In Children And Adolescents."
Pediatrics 75.5 (1985): 807. Health Source - Consumer Edition. Web. 3 Apr.
-This article caught my attention immediately because of its title. It was something that suddenly became
such a reality when I thought about it. Does our television really have that much power to contribute to
obesity in America’s children and teenagers today? I think it might. I’m excited to research this point
more because I think it will be something that people are interested in and will want o know more about
because how prevalent TV is in America’s daily culture. At first, it only provided the abstract but the pdf
file is there with all its content.
Grotz, V. Lee. "A Look At Food Industry Responses To The Rising Prevalence Of
Overweight." Nutrition Reviews 64.2 (2006): S48-S52. Health Source Consumer Edition. Web. 3
Apr. 2012.
-This article caught my attention and interest quicker than the rest because of its title. I liked it because it
gave me a response from someone rather than just a cause of too why obesity it present. My paper will
need responses other than just mine and so I’m glad I found this article to give me that. Also, fast food is
a cause of obesity and so I’m excited to see how I can incorporate their response since they are partly to
Lohr, Riskind. “New Scientific Study Indicates the Eating Quickly is Associated with Overeating.” 2012.
Obesity in America. Web.
-How to cite???
-This article is a new view into why obesity is so prevalent in America. Who would ever think eating fast
could be the root of this nationwide problem? According to The Endocrine Society’s Journal of Clinical
Endocrinology and Metabolism (JCEM), rushing through a meal “curtails the release of hormones in the
gut that induce feelings of being full.” Their experiment of two different paced eaters confirmed their
conclusion; eating fast increases ones rate of gaining weight. With Americans fast paced schedule no
wonder obesity is so prevalent!
Ruskin, Gary. "The Fast Food Trap.. (Cover Story)." Mothering 121 (2003): 3444. Health Source –
Consumer Edition. Web. 3 Apr. 2012.
-This will be a very helpful article when trying to support or make a point in my paper. It tries to answer
questions, such as, how commercialism creates overweight children, the tragedy of childhood obesity,
why childhood obesity came to the US, television and obesity, marketing junk food and more. With its
wide range, yet relatable focus topics I think this article will provide helpful research for my paper.