PreKindergarten Spanish

PreKindergarten Spanish
Distance Learning Program
Teaching a World Language in Pre-Kindergarten
The Goals of Nuevos Amigos
Program Design/What is Distance Learning?/Video Viewing Strategies
Letter to Parents
Certificate of Completion for Students
How to Implement Nuevos Amigos in the Classroom
Spanish Word Wall/Spanish Journal
Heritage Speakers/Spanish Fiesta
Instructions for Assessments – Units 1 and 2
Script for Administering Pre-K Unit 1 Assessment/Pre-Test
Unit 1 Assessment/Pre-Test
Script for Administering Pre-K Unit 2 Assessment/Pre-Test
Unit 2 Assessment/Pre-Test
Student Progress Chart
Pre-K Lessons 1-14
Teaching a World Language in Prekindergarten
Communication skills are the primary focus of language. Studies have
shown that the window of opportunity for learning a second language must take place before
the age of ten. (Jacqueline Thomas, Professor of Languages at Texas A&M, 1996)
Students learn about and experience other cultures as an integral part of
studying languages other than English. Children who have studied a world language develop a
sense of cultural pluralism (openness to and appreciation of other cultures). (Lipton, page
36) Because language acquisition is an important element in the learning development of the
kindergarten student, culture plays a vital role. Through art, music, dance, drama, poetry
and literature, second language acquisition can be easily developed. (LOTE, page 46)
A natural result of learning another language is the comparison of the
language being learned with the native language. Children who have studied a world language
show greater cognitive development in such areas as mental flexibility, creativity, divergent
thinking and higher order thinking skills. (Lipton, page 36)
Connections: Knowledge of other languages and cultures provides the tools and context
for connecting with other subject areas including the arts, health, social studies, sciences,
mathematics and English. Because linguistic development takes place simultaneously in the
early elementary grades, connections to the learning of basic concepts are readily acquired.
(LOTE, page 52) It has also been shown that children who have studied a world language in
the elementary school achieve expected gains and even higher scores on standardized tests
in reading, language arts and mathematics. (Lipton, page 36)
Learning languages other than English increases opportunities for
participation in communities in Texas, in other states and around the world. Students use
languages to enhance their personal and public lives and to meet the career demands of the
21st century. (LOTE, page 66)
*(A Texas Framework for Languages Other Than English, Texas Education Agency, 1997)
and (Gladys C. Lipton, Elementary Foreign Language Programs Fles* An Administrators
Handbook. Illinois: NTC, 1992)
By the end of the school year, the children will be able to –
Communication • Develop listening and speaking skills in a second language.
• Understand basic vocabulary and Spanish expressions
that are necessary for everyday communication.
• Respond to simple questions and commands.
Example: Students sing songs and play games in Spanish
to practice the language.
• Explore the cultural diversity and similarity within the
Spanish-speaking countries and the United States.
Example: Students compare how holidays are celebrated
in the United States and Mexico.
• Use the language to provide the tools and context for
connecting with other subject areas including arts,
health, social studies, sciences, mathematics and English.
Example: Students learn how to count from zero to ten.
• Demonstrate an understanding of the influence of one
language and culture on another.
Students compare how they greet each other in English
to the way they greet each other in Spanish.
• Use the language both within and beyond the school
setting through activities such as participating in
cultural events.
Students will participate in cultural events within
and outside the school setting.
Program Design
The program is divided into two units based on numbers, colors, shapes, places
in the neighborhood, songs and simple phrases. Each unit consists of a review
and an assessment. There is also a theme to every lesson.
New vocabulary is introduced in each lesson and reviewed in lessons 7 and 14.
Lessons have two sets of vocabulary words that can be adapted to different
skill levels: basic vocabulary and enrichment vocabulary. Each vocabulary list
has its own activity that reinforces the lesson.
What is Distance Learning?
• Distance - teacher and student are separated by distance.
• Learning - knowledge is gained through the use of technology.
• Technology bridges the distance - carries the message.
Video Viewing Strategies
In order for this program to be successful, the following procedures are
* Teachers are responsible for previewing and playing the lessons.
* Each lesson is to be viewed two times per week, if possible.
* It is suggested that one teacher/facilitator from each school is
designated as the coordinator of the program.
* Set a time for “Spanish only” and reflect it in your daily schedule.
* Encourage students to share the Spanish vocabulary with parents.
* Bring in songs, books and community resources.
* Repetition of vocabulary learned is to be used.
* Having fun and a good attitude makes a difference in the learning
performance of the students.
* Administer the assessments.
Prekindergarten Spanish
Distance Learning Program
Dear Parents:
¡Hola! (Hello!) Your child will be learning this and other Spanish expressions in
special age-appropriate video lessons. Your child’s school is one of the schools
participating in the NUEVOS AMIGOS distance learning Spanish program.
This program was designed especially for Prekindergarten students. Your child
will delight in sharing his or her knowledge with you.
Studies have shown that the earlier a second language is introduced the more
successful the acquisition. Please encourage your child to teach you the new
vocabulary words, songs or games that he or she has learned.
I look forward to having your child participate in NUEVOS AMIGOS this year.
Rebecca García
Rebecca García
Spanish Distance Learning Teacher
How to Implement
Before starting the program:
(1) Spanish Word Wall
(2) Spanish Journal
Before viewing the program:
(1) Preview the video.
(2) Read the story to the
(3) Write or glue vocabulary
onto the Spanish Word Wall.
View the video:
(1) Show the video to the
class at the beginning of week.
(2) Students repeat the
(3) Students sing songs.
View the video again:
(1) Show the video again
during the middle of week.
(2) Students repeat the
(3) Students sing songs.
After viewing the video:
(1) Practice singing songs
(2) Learning Centers:
Drama Center - Sing songs
and have students find words
on the Spanish Word Wall.
Game Center - Play games.
After viewing the video:
(1) Practice singing songs.
(2) Learning Centers:
Writing Center - Have the
students write in Spanish
Reading Center - Have
students read to a friend.
Spanish Word Wall
(1) Select a space to secure the Spanish Word Wall.
(2) Leave enough space between letters to glue the vocabulary cards.
(3) Use the uppercase letters except for “rr.”
L Ll M
R rr S T
Spanish Journal
(1) Students may use a notebook, spiral, folder or stapled paper.
(2) The notebook cover should have name of student and title: “My
Spanish Journal.”
Spanish Journal
Heritage Speakers
Students whose native language is Spanish can definitely enhance the program
by providing many assets such as:
• Provide assistance in the pronunciation of Spanish words and share their
knowledge of other words that are used in their country of origin.
Example: La pluma for a ballpoint pen in Mexico is also called el bolígrafo or
el boli in Spain and in some of the Spanish-speaking countries.
• Also, if speakers of Spanish question the usage or pronunciation of a word
or expression, tell them that they are fortunate to now know two ways of
saying the same thing. Example: The color café for brown is also called
marrón, and the color anaranjado for orange is also known as naranja.
Heritage Speakers of languages other than Spanish can also offer
enriching opportunities to talk about their native language, cultural
customs and traditions.
Spanish Fiesta
Take this opportunity to prepare a performance for family and friends. What
a better way to exhibit what the students have learned than to have them
perform the songs! Students may perform on the school stage and later have
refreshments in their classroom to show off their class work.
Here’s an example of an invitation:
¡Bienvenidos a la fiesta de (Name of Class)!
Come and join our fiesta! Watch us sing our songs in Spanish!
Instructions for Assessments for Unit 1 and 2
As students acquire a second language, assessment and evaluation serve as an
important tool in maintaining students’ enthusiasm for language learning.
Oral Language Assessment – The goal of the Spanish program is to develop
oral language communications skills in a second language. Therefore, the
different manners to test the various levels of language learning can
incorporate the informal and formal types of assessments.
Types of Assessment: Informal and Formal Assessments
Informal Assessments – These exams can be spontaneous and may be
administered without reflecting a score result. It may be as simple as taking
note as to how two students are using the newly acquired Spanish vocabulary
or looking at the drawings and writings in a student’s Spanish Journal.
Formal Language Assessments – It is necessary to give formal assessments,
but they are not to be given as to create anxiety in the students. Create an
atmosphere in which the students see formal testing as something between
you and them. Use this assessment as a tool for helping the learner.
Formal Assessments – Use the Unit I and Unit 2 Assessments to measure the
basic vocabulary after viewing the lessons within each unit.
Assessment Strategies:
* Group Assessment – Observe and monitor activity while the group is
performing a song, poem or game.
* Portfolio Assessment - Create portfolios of written work and projects, and
you may even take pictures of the Group Assessment. Observe and monitor
activity while the group is performing a song, poem or game.
* Peer Assessment – Many of the activities are designed for pair and group
work. By playing games together and singing songs, students can practice the
language with each other.
Script for Administering Unit 1 Prekindergarten
Unit 1 Pre-Test covers lessons 1-7
Materials to gather:
• Assessment
• One pencil per child
• Crayons in purple and yellow
Question #1: Greetings at School
Teacher: ¡Hola, amigos! It’s time to find out what you know in Spanish. Put your pencil on
number one and take a look at two pictures. You are seeing two pictures that show someone
saying ¡Hola! (Hello) and saying Adiós.(Goodbye). Listen to the greeting that I will say and
circle the greeting you hear. Listen first, then circle, and then check your answer.
Question #2: All About Me
Teacher: Let’s continue and now place your pencil on number 2. Look at these two pictures.
One is of a child pointing to himself saying yo, and the next picture is of amigos. Please
listen to the word I will say. Circle the word I say. Listen first, then circle, and then
check your answer.
Question #3: Home and Family
Teacher: Place your pencil on number 3 and listen to the two greetings. I will say buenos
días and buenas noches You are to circle the greeting that I will say. Please listen to the
word I will say and circle the greeting. Listen first, then circle, and then check your
Buenas noches.
Buenas noches.
Buenas noches.
Buenos días.
Buenas noches.
Question #4: Neighborhood Stores
Teacher: Place your pencil on number 4. Take a look at these pictures of two doors. Look
at one that is abierto and the other that is cerrado. You are to find the picture of the
door that is abierto or cerrado. Listen first, then circle, and then check your answer.
Question #5: Staying Well and Safe
Teacher: Let’s continue and now place your pencil on number five. We will be using the
crayons to color the two objects. Color the grapes purple and the sun yellow. When you
have finished coloring the two pictures, place your crayons down. Now, listen to the color I
will say and circle the object. Listen first, then circle, and then check your answer.
Question #6: Sharing
Teacher: Place your pencil on number six. You are looking at two faces with two different
feelings. One face is happy, and one face is sad. I will say the feeling that one of the faces
is feeling, and you will circle that feeling. Listen first, then circle, and then check your
Script for Administering Unit 2 Prekindergarten
Unit 1 Pre-Test covers lessons 8-14
Materials to gather:
• Assessment
• One pencil per child
Question #7: Bears Everywhere!
Teacher: ¡Hola, amigos! It’s time to find out what you know in Spanish. Put your pencil on
number one and take a look at two pictures. You are seeing two pictures that show a bear
and a monkey. Listen to the animal that I will say and circle the animal you hear. Listen
first, then circle, and then check your answer.
Question #8: Let’s Explore the Sky!
Teacher: Let’s continue and now place your pencil on number 9. I will be calling out the
names of a moon and stars in Spanish. Circle the picture I will call out. Listen first, then
circle, and then check your answer.
Question #9: The Weather
Teacher: Place your pencil on number 10. You will look at two pictures. One picture is of a
cloud; the second picture is of rain. Now, circle the picture I will say. Listen first, then
circle, and then check your answer.
Question #10: Transportation
Place your pencil on number 11. You will see pictures of a bicycle and a train. Circle the name
of the picture I will say. Listen first, then circle, and then check your answer.
Question #11: Animals on the Farm
Teacher: Place your pencil on number 12. You will see pictures of a farm and animals. Circle
the name of the picture I will call out. Listen first, then circle, and then check your answer.
Question #12: Water Animals
Teacher: Place your pencil on number 13. You are looking at the pictures of two animals.
One picture is of a fish, and the other is of a turtle. You are to circle the picture of the
animal that I call out. Listen first, then circle, and then check your answer.
Student Progress Chart
Check the appropriate box under each relevant item. There is space available for comments
and an example of comments is given.
Student’s Name ________________________
1. Listens but does not respond orally.
Date: ____________
Comment: ______________________________________
2. Listens and repeats.
Comment: ______________________________________
3. Sings along with videotape.
Comment: ______________________________________
4. Sings along with the class.
Comment: ______________________________________
5. Responds to commands appropriately.
Comment: ______________________________________
6. Answers non-personal questions.
Comment: ______________________________________
7. Answers personal questions.
Comment: ______________________________________
8. Participates in classroom activities.
Comment: ______________________________________
9. Is willing or volunteers to speak Spanish. ο
Comment: ______________________________________
10. Writes and draws in Spanish journal.
Comment: ______________________________________
Repeats (more) easily.
Pronunciation seems to be (more) accurate.
Is able to sing (some/more/all of) the song(s).
Nuevos Amigos
Lesson 1: Greetings at School
Objective: Students will become exposed to a second language by listening,
reading, writing and speaking by using an informal and fun approach.
Basic Vocabulary:
uno – one
rojo – red
círculo – circle
escuela – school
Hola. – Hello.
Adiós. – Goodbye.
Activity One: Sing the “Nuevos Amigos Pre-K Theme Song.” The song is
sung to the tune of “Ten Little Indians.”
“Nuevos Amigos”
¡Hola, amigo! ¡Hola,
¡Hola, amigo! ¡Hola,
¡Hola, amigo! ¡Hola,
¡Hola, Nuevos Amigos!
“New Friends”
Hello, friend! Hello, friend!
Hello, friend! Hello, friend!
Hello, friend! Hello, friend!
Hello, New Friends! (Repeat)
Activity Two: Have the students practice saying hola (hello) to teachers
and administrators working at the elementary school.
Student: ¡Hola, _____! (Hello!)
Enrichment Vocabulary:
oficina – office
biblioteca – library
gimnasio – gymnasium
cafetería – cafeteria
clínica – clinic
Activity Three: Have the students repeat the names of the different
places at the elementary school by replaying video lesson 1.
Student 1: Oficina (office)
Student 2: Biblioteca (library)
Student 3: Gimnasio (gymnasium)
Student 4: Cafetería (cafeteria)
Student 5: Clínica (clinic)
Culture Lesson: Can you say hola and adiós to your friends in Spanish?
Assessment: 1. Have the students sing the theme song.
2. Have the students say “hola” and adiós to friends,
teachers and administrators.
3. Have the students make a Spanish vocabulary book
and read to family.
Nuevos Amigos
Lesson 1: Greetings at School
uno - one
círculo - circle
Hola. – Hello.
rojo - red
escuela - school
Adiós. – Goodbye.
Nuevos Amigos
Lesson 2: All About Me
Objective: Students will learn how to say what their name is in Spanish.
Basic Vocabulary:
yo – I
dos – two
azul – blue
amigos – friends
Me llamo (name). – My name is (name).
Activity One: Have the students practice saying Hello! My name is (name) to
each other, teachers and family members.
Student: ¡Hola! Me llamo (name).
Activity Two: Have the students make patterns using the colors red and
blue. Have them say the colors while they make the pattern. They can also
count the pattern.
Student 1: Rojo, azul (red, blue).
Student 2: Uno, dos (one, two).
Enrichment Vocabulary:
cabeza – head
cara – face
ojos – eyes
nariz – nose
Activity Three: Have the students say the chant and point to the parts of
the body. Play the video again to say the chant.
“Cabeza, cara, ojos y nariz”
Cabeza, cara, ojos y nariz,
Ojos y nariz, ojos y nariz.
Cabeza, cara, ojos y nariz,
Ojos y nariz.
Manos,hombros, rodillas y pies,
Rodillas y pies, rodillas y pies.
Manos,hombros, rodillas y pies,
Rodillas y pies.
“Head, Face, Eyes and Nose”
Head, face, eyes and nose.
Head and nose, eyes and nose.
Head and nose, eyes and nose.
Eyes and nose.
Hands, shoulders, knees and feet,
Knees and feet, knees and feet.
Hands, shoulders, knees and feet,
Knees and feet, knees and feet,
Knees and feet.
Culture Lesson: Did you know that me llamo really means I call myself?
Assessment: 1. Have the students make a class voice recording of them
saying “¡Hola! Me llamo (name).”
2. Have the students say colors in azul and rojo in Spanish
while making a pattern at the math center.
3. Have the students make a Spanish vocabulary book using
the black line masters and read to family.
Nuevos Amigos
Lesson 2: All About Me
dos - two
azul - blue
yo - I or me
amigos –
Me llamo (name).
My name is (name).
Nuevos Amigos
Lesson 3: Home and Family
Objective: Students will learn how to greet each other and family members
in Spanish.
Basic Vocabulary:
casa – house
tres – three
cuadrado – square
amarillo - yellow
Buenos días. – Good morning.
Buenas noches. – Good night.
Activity One: Have the students greet each other during the morning and
during the night in Spanish.
Student 1: Buenos días (Good morning).
Student 2: Buenas noches (Good night).
Activity Two: Have the students count from one to three.
Student 1: Uno, dos, tres.
Enrichment Vocabulary:
familia – family
papá – father
mamá – mother
hermano – brother
hermana – sister
abuela – grandmother
abuelo - grandfather
Activity Three: Have the students draw their family. Have them label their
family in Spanish.
Culture Lesson: Can the students greet friends and family using greetings in
Assessment: 1. Have the students say greetings in Spanish.
2. Have the students count from one to three.
3. Have the students make a Spanish vocabulary book using
the black line masters and read to family.
Nuevos Amigos
Lesson 3 Home and Family
tres - three
cuadrado - square
amarillo - yellow
casa - house
Buenos días. –
Buenas noches. –
Good morning.
Good night.
Nuevos Amigos
Lesson 4: Neighborhood Stores
Objective: Students will learn the names of a neighborhood and how to say
that a store is opened or closed in Spanish.
Basic Vocabulary:
abierto – opened
cerrado – closed
tienda – store
cuatro – four
verde - green
sí – yes
no – no
Activity One: Have the students use the housekeeping center and pretend
to open and close a door while saying opened and closed in Spanish.
Student: Abierto (opened).
Student: Cerrado (closed).
Activity Two: Have the students count from one to four.
Student: Uno, dos tres, cuatro (one, two, three, tour).
Enrichment Vocabulary:
un cuadrado verde – a green square
un cuadrado azul – a blue square
Activity Three: Have the students draw one green square and one blue
square in the writing center, and have them identify their drawings.
Culture Lesson: Do you know how to say “No” in Spanish?
Assessment: 1. Have the students identify whether a door is opened or
closed in Spanish.
2. Have the students name the shape of a rectangle and the
color green in Spanish.
3. Have the students make a Spanish vocabulary book and
read to family.
Nuevos Amigos
Lesson 4: Neighborhood Stores
cuatro - four
verde - green
abierto - opened
cerrado - closed
tienda - store
sí - yes
no - no
Nuevos Amigos
Lesson 5: Staying Well and Safe
Objective: Students will learn how to ask each other how they are doing in
Spanish and also how to count from one to five.
Basic Vocabulary:
fruta – fruit
morado – purple
rectángulo - rectangle
cinco – five
¿Cómo está? – How are you?
Muy bien. – Very well.
No muy bien. – Not very well.
¿Y usted? – And you.
Activity One: Have the students greet each other in Spanish.
Student 1: ¿Cómo está? (How are you?)
Student 2: Muy bien. ¿ Y usted? (Very well. And you?)
Student 1: No muy bien. (Not very well).
Activity Two: Have the students count five items from one to five.
Student: Uno, dos tres, cuatro, cinco (one, two, three, four, five).
Enrichment Vocabulary:
manzanas – apples
plátanos – bananas
sandías – watermelons
naranjas – oranges
uvas – grapes
arándanos - blueberries
Activity Three: Have the students use the fruit in the housekeeping center
and name the fruit in Spanish.
Student 1: manzanas (apples)
Student 2: plátanos (bananas)
Student 3: sandías (watermelons)
Student 4: naranjas (oranges)
Student 5: uvas (grapes)
Student 6: arándanos (blueberries)
Culture Lesson: Did you know that many of the shapes are very similar to
how they are pronounced in English?
Assessment: 1. Have the students count from one to five.
2. Have the students name the different shapes in Spanish.
3. Have the students make a Spanish vocabulary book and read
to family.
Nuevos Amigos
Lesson 5: Staying Well and Safe
morado - purple
cinco - five
rectángulo - rectangle
¿Como está? –
How are you?
No muy bien. –
Not very well.
fruta - fruit
Muy bien. ¿Y usted? –
Very well. And you?
Nuevos Amigos
Lesson 6: Sharing
Objective: Students will learn how to say happy and sad in Spanish and
practice sharing while using polite words such as please and thank you in
Basic Vocabulary:
feliz – happy
triste – sad
cero – zero
anaranjado – orange
por favor – please
gracias – thank you
Activity One: Have the students practice using polite words while sharing
food and items by saying please and thank you in Spanish.
Student 1: Can I play with your ball? ¿Por favor? (Please?)
Student 2: Sí (Yes).
Student 1: Gracias (Thank you).
Student 1: May I please have a piece of fruit? ¿Por favor? (Please?)
Student 2: Sí (Yes).
Student 1: Gracias (Thank you).
Activity Two: Have the students play the pantomime game by having one
student make a sad or happy face, and the students will say feliz or triste.
Student 1: (Student displays a happy face.) Feliz
Student 2: (Student displays a sad face.) Triste
Activity Three: Have the students talk about what the number “cero”
stands for and have them relate it the concept of nothing.
Culture Lesson: Did you know that using manners is a way of sharing with
Assessment: 1. Have the students draw a happy and a sad face and label in
2. Have the students practice using their manners with others.
3. Have the students make a Spanish vocabulary book and read
to family.
Nuevos Amigos
Lesson 6: Sharing
cero - zero
feliz - happy
anaranjado - orange
triste - sad
gracias - thank you
por favor –
Nuevos Amigos
Lesson 7: Review of What We Have Learned
Objective: Students will review the vocabulary learned in lessons one
through six.
Lesson 1Basic Vocabulary:
uno – one
rojo – red
círculo – circle
escuela – school
Hola. – Hello.
Adiós. – Goodbye.
Lesson 2 –
Basic Vocabulary:
yo – I
dos – two
azul – blue
amigos – friends
Me llamo (name). – My name is (name).
Lesson 3 –
Basic Vocabulary:
casa – house
tres – three
cuadrado – square
amarillo – yellow
Buenos días. – Good morning.
Buenas noches. – Good night.
Lesson 4 –
Basic Vocabulary:
abierto – opened
cerrado - closed
cuatro – four
verde – green
sí – yes
no - no
Lesson 5 –
fruta – fruit
cuatro – four
morado – purple
rectángulo – rectangle
¿Cómo está? – How are you?
Muy bien. – Very well.
¿Y usted? – And you?
No muy bien. – Not very well.
Lesson 6 –
feliz – happy
triste – sad
cero – zero
anaranjado – orange
por favor – please
gracias – thank you
Activity One: Sing the “Nuevos Amigos Pre-K Theme Song.” The song is
sung to the tune of “Ten Little Indians.”
“Nuevos Amigos”
¡Hola, amigo! ¡Hola,
¡Hola, amigo! ¡Hola,
¡Hola, amigo! ¡Hola,
¡Hola, Nuevos Amigos!
Activity Two: Have the students count from zero to five in Spanish and
find items that are red, blue, yellow, green, purple and orange.
Students: cero, uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco.
Students: ¿Es rojo o azul?
Student 1: Es rojo.
1. azul
2. amarillo
3. verde
4. morado
5. anaranjado
Assessment: 1. Have students sing the theme song.
2. Have students name the colors in Spanish.
TEKS for lessons 1-7:
101 – Counts concrete objects to five or higher.
105 – Arranges sets of concrete objects one-to-one correspondence.
116 – Combines, separates, and names “how many” concrete objects.
206 – Begins to predict what comes next when patterns are extended.
208 – Begins to recognize patterns in their environment.
301 – Identifies an object by color, size, shape and position.
305 – Begins to recognize, describe and name shapes.
107 – Predicts what will happen next based on previous experience.
108 – Shares observations and findings with others through pictures,
discussions or dramatizations.
Language and Early Literacy:
1A – Listens with increasing attention.
1B – Listens for different purposes.
1C – Understands and follows simple oral directions.
2A – Perceives speech sounds with increasing ease and accuracy.
2B – Produces speech sounds with increasing ease and accuracy.
5A – Becomes increasingly sensitive to the sounds of spoken words.
5B – Begins to identify rhymes and rhyming sounds in familiar words,
participates in rhyming games, and repeats rhyming songs and poems.
3A – Shows a steady increase in listening and speaking vocabulary.
3B – Uses new vocabulary in everyday communication.
3C – Refines and extends understanding of known words.
Social Studies:
1A – Shares ideas and takes turns listening and speaking.
1B – Cooperates with others in a joint activity.
Nuevos Amigos
Lesson 8: Bears Everywhere!
Objective: Students will learn how to identify the bear in different sizes
and continue counting in Spanish from one through six.
Basic Vocabulary:
oso – bear
café – brown
seis – six
triángulo – triangle
mira – look
Te quiero. – I love you.
Activity One: Have the students recite the chant “Oso.”
Oso, oso, turn around,
Oso, oso, touch the ground.
Oso, oso, close your eyes.
Oso, oso, get down low.
Oso, oso, I love you so!
Activity Two: Have the students count items from one through six in
Student: Uno…dos…tres…cuatro…cinco…seis (one, two, three, four, five,
Enrichment Vocabulary:
Levanta la mano. – Raise your hand.
pequeño – small
mediano – medium
grande – large
Activity Three: Have the students identify items that are small, medium
and large.
Student 1: Pequeño (small).
Student 2: Mediano (medium).
Student 3: Grande (big).
Culture Lesson: Did you know that you can read the same story of
Goldilocks and the Three Bears in Spanish?
Assessment: 1. Have the students recite “Oso.”
2. Have the students count from one to six in Spanish.
3. Have the students make a Spanish vocabulary book and read
to the family.
Nuevos Amigos
Lesson 8: Bears Everywhere!
seis - six
triángulo - triangle
¡Mira! - Look!
café - brown
oso - bear
Te quiero. - I love you.
Nuevos Amigos
Lesson 9: Let’s Explore the Sky!
Objective: Students will learn vocabulary and a sentence to be able to
name items in the sky at night and day.
Basic Vocabulary:
luna – moon
estrellas – stars
sol – sun
blanco - white
siete – seven
Yo veo (name of item). – I see (name of item).
Hasta mañana. – Until tomorrow; See you tomorrow.
Activity One: Have the students sing the traditional song of “Twinkle,
Twinkle, Little Estrella.”
“Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Estrella”
Twinkle, twinkle, little estrella
How I wonder what you are.
Up above the world so high.
Like a diamond in the sky.
Twinkle, twinkle, little estrella
How I wonder where you are.
Activity Two: Have the students make a mural of a night sky and label the
stars and moon in Spanish. Also, have the students make a day sky and label
the sun in Spanish. The students can now exchange murals and identify
items in Spanish.
Student 1: Yo veo las estrellas (I see the stars).
Student 2: Yo veo la luna (I see the moon).
Student 3: Yo veo el sol (I see the sun).
Activity Three: Have the students say hello to each other and then say
goodbye by saying see you tomorrow.
Student 1: ¡Hola! (Hello!)
Student 2: ¡Hola! (Hello!)
Student 1: Hasta mañana. (See you tomorrow!)
Student 2: Hasta mañana. (See you tomorrow!)
Culture Lesson: Did you know that the Maya Indians from Mexico and
Central America were one of the first astronomers? People who study the
stars and sky are called astronomers.
Assessment: 1. Have the students greet each other and say until tomorrow
in Spanish.
2. Have the students count from one to seven in Spanish.
3. Have the students make a Spanish vocabulary book and read
to family.
Nuevos Amigos
Lesson 9 Let’s Explore the Sky!
siete –
sol -sun
blanco –
estrellas - stars
luna - moon
Yo veo (name of item). – Hasta mañana. Until tomorrow.
I see (name of item).
(See you
Nuevos Amigos
Lesson 10: The Weather
Objective: Students will learn how to use Spanish vocabulary to identify
the weather in Spanish.
Basic Vocabulary:
tiempo – weather
nube – cloud
lluvia – rain
ocho – eight
gris - grey
óvalo – oval
Está frío. – It’s cold.
Está caliente. – It’s hot.
Activity One: Have the students sing the traditional song of “The Itsy,
Bitsy Spider.”
“The Itsy, Bitsy Spider”
The Itsy, Bitsy Spider
Went up the waterspout
Down came the lluvia and
Washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and
Dried up all the lluvia
And the Itsy, Bitsy Spider
Went up the spout again.
“La araña pequeñita”
La araña pequeñita
subió, subió, subió.
Vine la lluvia y
Se la llevó.
Salió y el sol y
Todo lo secó.
Y la araña pequeñita
subió, subió, subió.
Activity Two: Have the students practice using weather vocabulary in
Spanish while working on the calendars in the morning.
Activity Three: Have the students count from one to eight in Spanish.
Student 1: Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho (one, two,
three, four, five, six, seven, eight).
Culture Lesson: Can you sing “The Itsy, Bitsy Spider” in Spanish?
Assessment: 1. Have the students count from one to eight in Spanish.
2. Have the students identify cold and hot weather in Spanish.
3. Have the students make a Spanish vocabulary book and read
to family.
Nuevos Amigos
Lesson 10: The Weather
ocho -eight
gris - grey
nube -cloud
óvalo -oval
tiempo –
lluvia -rain
Está frío. - It’s cold.
Está caliente. -It’s hot.
Nuevos Amigos
Lesson 11: Transportation
Objective: Students will learn the names of different types of
transportation in Spanish, and students will also learn how to recognize when
a red light stops traffic and a green light moves traffic ahead.
Basic Vocabulary:
carro – car
autobús – bus
bicicleta – bicycle
tren – train
negro – black
nueve - nine
alto – stop
adelante - go
Activity One: Have the students describe what a triangle is and have them
recite “Formas” in Spanish.
Un triángulo, rectángulo, círculo y cuadrado.
If you look closely where you’re been,
You’ll surely see the shapes you’re in!
What is a triangle with sides of three?
A musical triangle, ding, ding, ding,
A slice of pizza with everything!
Activity Three: Have the students count from one to nine in Spanish.
Student 1: Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho, nine (one,
two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine).
Culture Lesson: Can you sing “The Wheels on the Bus” in Spanish?
Assessment: 1. Have the students count from one to nine in Spanish.
2. Have the students identify different types of
3. Have the students make a Spanish vocabulary book and read
to family.
Nuevos Amigos
Lesson 11: Transportation
nueve – nine
autobús –
negro - black
carro –
bicicleta - bicycle
tren –
alto –
adelante –
Nuevos Amigos
Lesson 12: Animals on the Farm
Objective: Students will learn the names of farm animals.
Basic Vocabulary:
granja – farm
animales – animals
diamante – diamond
rosado – pink
diez - ten
¿Cuántos hay? – How many are there?
Hay (number). – There is/are.
Activity One: Have the students sing the traditional song “Old Mac Donald
had a Farm.”
“Old MacDonald had a Farm”
Old MacDonald had a farm, e-i-e-i-o.
And on this farm had had a vaca, e-i-e-i-o.
With a moo, moo, here.
Here a moo, there a moo.
Everywhere a moo, moo.
Old MacDonald had a farm, e-i-e-i-o.
vaca/moo, moo
cerdo/oink, oink
oveja/baa, baa
pato/quack, quack
Activity Two: Have the students use the sentence structure to state what
farm animals they see.
Yo veo (name of farm animal). – I see (farm animal).
vacas (cows)
cerdos (pigs)
gallinas (chickens)
cabras (goats)
patas (ducks)
caballos (horses)
gansos (geese)
Activity Three: Have the students draw a farm with farm animals. Have
the students count the number of farm animals they have.
Student 1: ¿Cuántos son? (How many are there?)
Student 2: Hay (There are) (number of farm animals).
Culture Lesson: Can you name the number of farm animals in Spanish?
Assessment: 1. Have the students count from one to ten in Spanish.
2. Have the students make a farm animal book.
Nuevos Amigos
Lesson 12: Animals on the Farm
diez - ten
rosado - pink
animales - animals
diamante –
granja - farm
¿Cuántos hay? –
Hay (number). –
How many are there?
There is/are (number).
Nuevos Amigos
Lesson 13: Animals on the Farm
Objective: Students will learn the names of farm water animals.
Basic Vocabulary:
agua – water
pez – fish
peces – many fish
tortuga – turtle
dorado - gold
Me gusta. – I like it.
No me gusta. – I don’t like it.
Activity One: Have the students sing “Ten Little Goldfish” to the tune of
“Ten Little Indians.”
“Ten Little Goldfish”
Uno little, dos little, tres little goldfish,
Cuatro little, cinco little, seis little goldfish,
Siete little, ocho little, nueve little goldfish,
Diez little goldfish swimming!
Activity Two: Have the students create a pattern using a golden diamond
and a turtle. Have the name the items in Spanish.
Student: Diamante, tortuga, diamante, tortuga… (Diamond, turtle,
diamond, turtle…)
Activity Three: Have the students create a shape book. Label the shapes
in Spanish.
Title of book: “Las formas” (The Shapes)
Author: Por (By) (name of student)
Culture Lesson: Can you name the number of water animals in Spanish?
Assessment: 1. Have the students count from one to ten in Spanish.
2. Have the students read a book on water animals.
3. Have the students make a Spanish vocabulary book and read
to family.
Nuevos Amigos
Lesson 13: Water Animals
peces - fishes
agua –
pez - fish
dorado - gold
tortuga - turtle
Me gusta. - I like it. No me gusta. I don’t like it.
Nuevos Amigos
Lesson 14: Review of Lessons 8-13
Objective: Students will review Spanish vocabulary and phrase structures
learned in lessons 8-13.
Lesson 8 –
Basic Vocabulary:
oso – bear
triángulo – triangle
seis – six
café – brown
mira – look
Te quiero. – I love you.
Lesson 9 –
Basic Vocbulary:
sol – sun
luna – moon
estrellas – stars
siete – seven
blanco – white
Yo veo (name of item). – I see (name of item).
Hasta mañana. – See you tomorrow.
Lesson 10 –
Basic Vocabulary:
nube – cloud
lluvia – rain
óvalo – oval
ocho - eight
¿Está frío? – Is it cold?
¿Está caliente? – Is it hot?
Lesson 11 –
Basic Vocabulary:
autobús – bus
carro – car
bicicleta – bicycle
tren – train
nueve – nine
negro - black
alto – stop
adelante – go
Lesson 12 granja – farm
animals – animals
diamante – diamond
diez – ten
rosado – pink
¿Cuántos hay? – How many are there?
Hay (number of items). – There are (number of items).
Lesson 13 Basic Vocabulary:
agua – water
pez – fish
peces – many fish
tortuga – turtle
dorado – golden
Me gusta. – I like it.
No me gusta. – I don’t like it.
Activity One: Have the students sing “Ten Little Goldfish” to the tune of
“Ten Little Indians.”
“Ten Little Goldfish”
Uno little, dos little, tres little goldfish,
Cuatro little, cinco little, seis little goldfish,
Siete little, ocho little, nueve little goldfish,
Diez little goldfish swimming!
Activity Two: Have the students name the different shapes in Spanish.
Student 1: Triángulo (triangle).
Student 2: Óvalo (oval).
Student 3: Diamante (diamond).
Culture Lesson: Can you choose your favorite word in Spanish?
Assessment: 1. Have the students count from one to ten in Spanish.
2. Have the students create a Spanish Journal and write as
many Spanish words as possible.
3. Have the students make a Spanish vocabulary book and read
to family.
TEKS for lessons 8-14:
101 – Counts concrete objects to five or higher.
105 – Arranges sets of concrete objects one-to-one correspondence.
116 – Combines, separates, and names “how many” concrete objects.
204 – Counts by ones orally to 10 and higher.
206 – Begins to predict what comes next when patterns are extended.
208 – Begins to recognize patterns in their environment.
301 – Identifies an object by color, size, shape and position.
305 – Begins to recognize, describe and name shapes.
107 – Predict what will happen next based on previous experience.
108 – Share observations and findings with others through pictures,
discussions or dramatizations.
Language and Early Literacy:
1A – Listens with increasing attention.
1B – Listens for different purposes.
1C – Understands and follows simple oral directions.
2A – Perceives speech sounds with increasing ease and accuracy.
2B – Produces speech sounds with increasing ease and accuracy.
5A – Becomes increasingly sensitive to the sounds of spoken words.
5B – Begins to identify rhymes and rhyming sounds in familiar words,
participates in rhyming games, and repeats rhyming songs and poems.
3A – Shows a steady increase in listening and speaking vocabulary.
3B – Uses new vocabulary in everyday communication.
3C – Refines and extends understanding of known words.
Social Studies:
1A – Shares ideas and takes turns listening and speaking.
1B – Cooperates with others in a joint activity.