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Ann. Bot. Fennici 49: 206–208
Helsinki 29 June 2012
ISSN 0003-3847 (print) ISSN 1797-2442 (online)
© Finnish Zoological and Botanical Publishing Board 2012
Ferrocalamus fibrillosus (Poaceae: Bambusoideae), a
new species from Vietnam
Hoang Nghia Nguyen*, Van Tien Tran & Van Tho Nguyen
Forest Science Institute of Vietnam, Dong Ngac, Tu Liem, Hanoi, Vietnam (*corresponding
author’s e-mail:
Received 12 Jan. 2010, revised version received 10 Apr. 2012, accepted 21 June 2010
Nguyen, H. N., Tran, V. T. & Nguyen, V. T. 2012: Ferrocalamus fibrillosus (Poaceae: Bambusoideae), a new species from Vietnam. — Ann. Bot. Fennici 49: 206–208.
Ferrocalamus fibrillosus H.N. Nguyen & V.T. Tran sp. nova (Poaceae: Bambusoideae)
is described and illustrated from Vietnam. It is similar to F. strictus and F. rimosivaginus but differs by the culm sheaths having erect and ca. 0.4–0.3 cm long auricles, and
setae ca. 0.4 cm long. There are 10 or 12 white cylindrical fibrils inside the internodes
and connecting two diaphragms.
The genus Ferrocalamus was described by
Hsueh and Keng (1982) based on a specimen
from south Yunnan in China. There are currently only two species in the genus: F. strictus
and F. rimosivaginus. They occur in the Yunnan
Province of China at elevations between 900 and
1200 m a.s.l. (Li & Stapleton 2006). Li and Stapleton (2006) also noted that this bamboo genus
is endemic and known only from the high mountain of Yinping Xian, in Yunnan province, China.
During field surveys in lowland areas of
Chiem Hoa district, Tuyen Quang province,
Vietnam in 2005, specimens of a flowering
bamboo species were collected by us. It is a
shrubby bamboo, with solitary branches at midculm; it has numerous spikelets, two glumes
and articulate rachilla, florets falling separately,
three stamens, two stigmas, and three lodicules.
Research of the literature (Hsueh & Keng 1982,
Wen 1984, Li & Stapleton 2006) showed that
these are characteristics of Ferrocalamus. The
species is also similar to F. strictus and F. rimosivaginus in certain characteristics but differs in
the auricled culm sheaths and leaf sheaths; also,
there are white cylindrical fibrils inside the internodes connecting two diaphragms.
Ferrocalamus fibrillosus H.N. Nguyen &
V.T. Tran, sp. nova (Fig. 1)
Species nova habitu F. stricto Hsueh & Keng et
F. rimosivagino Wen sed vaginis auriculis erecti,
ca. 0.4–0.3 cm longis, margine setae ca. 0.4
cm longis, 10–12 albo-fibrosum in internodiis
Type: Vietnam. Tuyen Quang Province, Chiem Hoa District, Kim Binh Commune, 122 m, 7 Apr. 2005 H.N. Nguyen,
V.T. Tran & V.T. Nguyen 0420 (holotype HN-LN: Herbarium
of the Forest Science Institute of Vietnam, Hanoi).
Etymology. The specific epithet refers to the fibrils
inside the internodes. Vernacular name: May lenh lang.
Rhizome monopodial, culms usually hard,
2–3 m tall, 0.8–1.2 cm in diameter, culm walls
0.3 cm thick, young culms solid; internodes
60–70 cm long; each node with one branch,
branches at mid-culm solitary, parallel to and
ANN. BOT. FENNICI Vol. 49 • Ferrocalamus fibrillosus, a new species from Vietnam
Fig. 1. Ferrocalamus �������
fibrillosus (from the holotype).
— A: Culm sheath. — B:
Dorsal view of sheath. —
C: Section of leafy branch.
— D: Branchlets with
leaves and flowers. — E:
Dorsal view of lemma. —
F: Ventral view of palea.
— G: Dorsal view of
palea. — H: Stamen. —
I: Gynoecium. — J: Lodicules. Scales: 2 cm for A;
0.2 cm for auricles in B, 4
cm for sheath in B; 2.5 cm
for C; 15 mm for D; 5 mm
for E; 5 mm for F–I; 0.6
mm for J.
nearly as thick as culm. 10 or 12 white cylindrical fibrils present inside internodes and connecting two diaphragms. Culm sheaths trapeziform,
persistent, 8.5–22 cm long, lower base of culm
sheaths 5.5–7 cm wide, upper base 1.5–2 cm
wide, covered with densely standing black hairs
on abaxial surface; margins with short white
hairs; blade reflexed 0.2(0.3)–2(3) cm, lanceolate, concave at base; auricles erect, ca. 0.4–0.3
cm long, setae ca. 0.4 cm long; ligule ca. 0.1
cm high, with 0.1 cm long hairs. Leaf blade
oblong-obovate, base broadly rounded to broadly
cuneate, with smooth hairs on lower surface,
32(45)–8(10) cm, veins in 10–12 pairs; ligule
ca. 0.3 cm high, setose; leaf sheaths purple,
with reddish brown hairs; auricle erect, 0.4–0.6
cm long, margin setose, ca. 1 cm long; petiole
ca. 0.2 cm long. Inflorescence panicle on leafy
flowering branches, flower rachis flat with 3–4
swollen lines; spikelets 15–20 mm long, florets
2–3 and one sterile at top of flower, articulate
and bright pedicel; glumes 1 or 2, the largest
Nguyen et al. • ANN. BOT. FENNICI Vol. 49
Table 1. Morphological comparison of Ferrocalamus fibrillosus with its congeners.
F. fibrillosus
F. strictus
F. rimosivaginus
Fibrils inside internodes
Culm sheaths
Leaf sheaths
2–3 m tall,
0.8–1.2 cm diameter
auricles erect, 0.4–0.3 cm
auricles erect, 0.4–0.6 cm
5–7 m tall,
2–3.5 cm diameter
auricles absent
auricles absent
5–7 m tall,
2–4 cm diameter
split at apex, auricles small
auricles small
5(6)–2(3) mm; veins in 8–12 pairs and apically
swollen at tip; lemma 9(10)–2.5(3) mm; veins
in 11 pairs, midrib conspicuous at 1/2 upper
part, apically swollen at tip; palea longer than
lemma, 2-keeled, clasping styles and stamens,
top obtuse, 9(11)–2.5(3) mm; veins in 11 pairs;
lodicules 3, triangle-shaped, apex acute, 1.5(2)–
1(1.2) mm; stamens 3, filaments free; stigmas 2,
white, sword-shaped with long hairs, originated
on top of ovary. Caryopses unknown.
Distribution. Kim Binh and Phu Binh Commune, Chiem Hoa District, Tuyen Quang Province, Vietnam.
Habitat. The plants grow naturally in
Manglietia conifera plantations and mixed with
native Schizostachyum forests, at elevations
below 200 m a.s.l. They can be found scattered
or in patches along streams and in the foothills.
They were flowering in 2005. The flowering
period extends from April to May. The shoots are
edible. They were found in only two communes
and their habitat is under good protection.
This species is similar to F. strictus and F.
rimosivaginus in general appearance. The distinguishing characters are given in Table 1.
The authors express their sincere thanks to IPGRI, especially
to Dr. L. T. Hong for supporting the field surveys of bamboo
species in Vietnam; to the Ministry of Science and Technology, and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
for supporting the research project on Conservation of Forest
Genetic Resources in Vietnam which also includes bamboo
species; to the National Foundation for Science & Technology Development for supporting the research project on Enumeration of Bamboo taxa in Southern and Central Vietnam.
Dr. C. M. A. Stapleton is thanked for critical remarks on the
manuscript. Mr. Philip Blackwell provided valuable assistance in editing the manuscript.
Hsueh, C. J. & Keng, P. J. 1982: A new bamboo genus in
China. — J. Bamboo Res. 1(2): 137–139.
Li, D. & Stapleton, C. M. A. 2006: Ferrocalamus. — In: Wu,
Z. Y., Raven, P. H. & Hong, D. Y. (eds.), Flora of China,
vol. 22, Poaceae: 135. Sci. Press, Beijing & Missouri
Bot. Garden Press, St. Louis.
Wen, T. H. 1984: New taxa of Bambusoideae in China (I). —
Journal of Bamboo Research 3(1): 28–43.
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