\1 SPANISH 320,Ob~ SYLLABUS SPRING 2006 Introduccion al estudio de la literatura hisp8nica Professor: Dr. Janice Wright Office: 118 J.e. Long Phone: 953-5412 Office Hours: 7:45-9:45 am MWF or by appt. College of Charleston Dept. of Hispanic Studies 312 J.C. Long Phone: 953-7619 Honor Code: As a student at the College of Charleston, you have signed the Honor Code, and you will be expected to adhere to it in this class. Any suspected violations will be referred to the Judicial Board. You should be aware that violations of the Honor Code include any type of cheating on exams, plagiarizing written work from any source, using electronic translators, and receiving assistance from another person on any project. MATERIAL TO BE USED IN TIllS CLASS: --TEXTBOOK: Carmelo Virgilio et al. Aproximaciones al estudio de la 5thed., 2004 (Paperback) literatura hispimica. New York: Random House, --LARGE HARDBACK ENGLISH/SPANISH, SPANISHlENGLISH DICTIONARY --HANDOUTS --folder with loose notebook paper to serve as portfolio for written work EVALUATION: 3 hour (50 minute) exams~15% each Writing assignments, handouts/essays-15% Preparation/Participation-15% Written Essay-15% Final oral presentation-l 0% GRADING SCALE: 90-100% A 87-89 B+ 80-86 B 77-79 C+ 70-76 C 65-69 D 64 below F . -, 2 ABSENCE POLICY: Spanish 320 is a participation class, and you are expected to attend on a regular basis. If you miss classes, it is your responsibility to find out what material was covered during your absence and study that material so that your participation remains active. As indicated on the table below, your grade will be lowered for each absence after three (3). Frequent or extended absences will prevent you from assimilating and discussing class content and will influence negatively both your in-class and examination performances. You will receive a written warning after the fourth (4) absence. After six (6) absences, you will be withdrawn for excessive absences (WA). ABSENCES: 1-3 4 5 6 Grade not affected Grade dropped 20% Warning Letter Grade dropped 30% Withdrawn for excessive absences (WA) COURSE DESCRIPTION AND OBJECTIVES: Spanish 320 is an introductory course to the study of Hispanic literature. You will read texts written by both Spanish and Latin American authors. This course will prepare you for the 300 level literature survey courses (361/62, 371/72). At the end of this course, you will be able to--A) understand the general characteristics of the different literary genres (ensayo, narrativa, poesia, teatro). B) analyze literary texts using basic skills; for example, close reading, comparison/contrast, placing a work within its literary movement. C) become familiar with the evolution of the literary genres throughout western culture--literary movements from the Middle Ages to the present (la edad medial el renacimiento y barroco (Siglo de oro)/ el romanticismo/ el realismo/ movimientos de vanguardia (Siglo XX). D) appreciate the importance of literature in understanding Hispanic cultures. r " 3 E) use critical thinking to appreciate literature as a complex and fundamental expression of the human being, both male and female. G) improve your Spanish skills-listening, speaking, reading, writing, and cultural exposure-as you read the literary texts, write homework assignments and essays, take exams, listen to lectures, and participate in class discussions. DETAILS OF CLASS REQUIREMENTS: A) You will READ ALL TEXT ASSIGNMENTS, COMPLETE ALL HOMEWORK, and come to class prepared to PAR TICIPATE IN CLASS DISCUSSION-I 5% of your FINAL GRADE=CLASS PREPARATION/ PARTICIP ATION! On your homework and essays, you will be asked to think about and answer certain questions regarding the texts we are reading. In class, you will have the opportunity to work in pairs and small groups with your classmates. PLEASE TAKE THIS GROUP WORK SERIOUSLY! YOU WILL BE ASKED TO REPORT AT THE END OF THE ACTIVITIES! B) There are 3 hour (50 minute) exams. They consist of both essay questions and short answer questions requesting specific information. You will be able to choose from among 2-3 essay questions and from the short answers as well. These exams will last 1 class period. C) You will write a 5 page (minimum), typed, double-spaced, critical analysis of a novel, a group of short stories, essays or poems, or a play. Comparative studies are also an option. The sixth (6) page will be the bibliography (minimum 3 critical works-no internet entries, please!). THIS ANALYSIS MUST COVER MATERIAL NOT SPECIFICALLY STUDIED IN CLASS! You will first hand in a rough draft for 50% credit. I will comment on the rough draft---organization/style and grammar/vocabulary-and provide you with an error correction key. Using the key and following my instructions, you will turn in the fmal copy for the ~ , I " 4 second 50% credit. This process will be complete by the last class period of the semester. D) The fmal exam period will be used for student presentations in Spanish of the written papers. Your presentation should be timed to fill approximately 10 minutes. An important part of your presentation grade will be your delivery, Spanish language skills, appropriate timing, interest level, etc. Anything you can use to help your classmates understand and keep up their interest will be useful. Use the board, prepare a colorful handout, diagram, outline, drawing, etc. PRACTICE YOUR PRESENTATION! Similar presentations will be grouped together and a question/answer period will follow each group. Think of a question to ask or a comment to make. The QUESTION/ANSWER PERIOD is considered PART OF YOUR CLASS PARTICIPATION GRADE! , '. 5 TENTATIVE CLASS DISTRIBUTION Week 1: Jan. 9-13 SCHEDULE, SPRING 2006 Introduccion al curso, el "syllabus" Introduccion general (pags.I-8) Introduccion a la narrativa (pags. 9-19) Practica-l (b/d/f), 2 (aIb), 4 (aid), 5 (a-d), 6 (c/d) (pags.19-24) Week 2: Jan. 18-20 (Lunes, 1/16, Martin Luther King Holiday) Panorama historico (pags.24-39, CuestionariolIdentiticaciones, pag. 40) Week 3: Jan. 23-27 Lectura: Don Juan Manuel, un cuento del Conde Lucanor, (pags. 41-45/Cuestionario, Identiticaciones) ***Aplicar "El Cuento: Guia General para el Lector (400) al Conde Lucanor y a los cuentos siguientes Week 4: Jan. 30-Feb. 3 Emilia Pardo Bazan, "Las medias rojas" (pags. 49-52, CuestionariolIdentiticaciones) Ana Maria Matute, "Pecado de omision" (pags. 73-77, CuestionariolIdentiticaciones) Week 5: Feb. 6-10 Realismo magico latinoamericano Juan Rulfo, "i,No oyes ladrar los perros?" (pags. 68-72, CuestionariolIdentiticaciones) Week 6: Feb. 13-17 PONERSE AL DIAlREPASO 2/17-EXAMEN 1 Week 7: Feb. 20-24 Tues., 2/21, Last day to withdraw with "w" Introduccion a la poesia (pags. 124-137) Practica-(144-147, solo B) Panorama historico (pags. 148-158) CuestionariolIdentiticaciones , Week 8: Feb. 27-Mar. 3 Week 9: Mar. 6-10 Week 10: Mar. 13-17 Week 11: Mar. 20-24 6 Aplicar a la Poesia: la Guia General para el Lector (158-159) Poetas del Siglo de Oro: Garcilaso de la Vega (pags. 162-64) El tema del "carpe diem" 3 Poemas sobre la muerte--Luis de Gongora (171-72), Francisco de Quevedo (174-175/ Handout), Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz (178179/Handout) Spring Break Dos poetas romanticos: Gertrudiz Gomez de Avellaneda (pags. 183 184) Jose Marti (pags. 188-190) El Modemismo: Ruben Dario (pags. 195196) La Poesia del siglo XX: Federico Garcia Lorca (pags. 212-213/ Handout) Cesar Vallejo (pags. 205-207) Seis Poemas sobre la Poesia: Juan Ramon Jimenez "Vino, primero, pura"(202-203); Huidobro, "Arte poetica" (208-209) Pablo Neruda, "Verbo" (221-223) Octavio Paz, "El sediento" (225-226) Gloria Fuertes, "Sale caro ser poeta" (223-224) Week 12: Mar. 27-31 Week 13: Apr. 3-7 PONERSE AL DIAIREP ASO 3/31 EXAMEN II Introduccion al drama (pags. 238-250) (practica 251-58, A-C/B-E) Panorama historico (258-271/Cuestionario/ Identificaciones) Aplicar al Drama: la Guia General para el Lector (273) 7 Week 14: Apr. 10-14 Osvaldo Dragoo: "Historia de un hombre que se convirti6 en perro" (pags. 282-288; Cuestionario/ Identiticaciones) Week 15: Apr. 17-21 Paloma Pedrero: "Resguardo personal" (pags.316 -323; CuestionariolIdentiticaciones Week 16: Apr. 24 4/24 EXAMEN III READING DAY: SUNDAY, APRIL 30 FINAL EXAMS BEGIN: APR. 26 AND END MAY 3 FINAL PRESENTATION FOR SPANISH 320: WED., APRIL 26,12-3 PM ...; ~..-:.t "