Stuff I need to commit to or know about the AP Physics 1 Trimester 1 Course at Anoka HS Leader = Mr. Hauge (763) 506 - 6391 (Anoka HS) or “There is no science in this world like physics. Nothing comes close to the precision with which physics enables you to understand the world around you. It's the laws of physics that allow us to say exactly what time the sun is going to rise. What time the eclipse is going to begin. What time the eclipse is going to end.” Neil deGrasse Tyson, American scientist CONGRATS ON BEING THE FIRST AP PHYSICS CLASS AT ANOKA HS IN 3 YEARS! Learning physics at the AP level will challenge you in high school and will help you dramatically in collegeď This term you will learn about Newton’s 3 laws and the physics of projectiles. Text: Cutnell, J. D., Johnson, K.W. "Physics." 6th Edition. John Wiley and Sons Inc. 2005. You should have done well in Honors Algebra or Trig as the pre-requisite for this class. Please take the time to familiarize yourself with the class policies. (Please initialize each line below) 1)______ I need to bring 4 things to class EVERY day. The 4 things are a) lined paper without frills b) a 3-hole flat folder or 3 ring binder c) a TI-30B ($15) or better calculator d) a pencil Materials can be loaned from Mr. Hauge but it distracts from the more important activities of the day. 2) _________ I know that Mr. Hauge is available before school 7:10-7:40 and after school until about 3:30 in room 171 if I need help. 3) I know that physics can be hard to learn and I know that I have options for learning the material in physics class. Mr. Hauge cares about you and your grade in physics. BUT, he’s not a good mind reader – Sometimes you need to step up and advocate for yourself. Here are some things that will support your desire for a good grade in physics. ________ 4)_____ I know that I must submit all graded activities before the unit test for credit. I understand that I will have to think about what it going on in class and explain phenomena. I accept that the teaching techniques in physics will not emphasize RECALLING information. In physics, you will be asked to solve problems!!! 5)___The grading standards are identical to calculus at AHS A=88.0+, B=75.0-87.9, C=62.0-73.9, D=50.0-61.9, F <= 49.9 [ B+ = top 3.0% and A- = bottom 3.0% of A range, same for C+ and D+) 6)_____ My grade will be based on daily activities, labs, tests and the term final Practice problems (10%) – Starred and double starred problems from the text. Labs (25%) – Inquiry based experiments are a key part of the AP Physics 1 curriculum. Unit Tests (50%) – All AP physics questions are unique, be patient – you will develop the flexibility. Final Exam (15%) – Trimester 1 keeps building on the previous topic, this may be the last unit test. Here’s some miscellaneous stuff 7)____ I will have a folder just for physics. I will engage everything in the 3 rings except the cheat sheet. Just put everything in the folder based on when you completed the work or received the graded assignment. Mr. Hauge will check folders at the end of the trimester. 50 points will be earned for a complete folder. 8)____ I get 4 locker / bathroom passes per term. 9)____ All equipment and books must be properly returned before leaving class. I know that I do not need to bring a book to class. 10)___ Assignments for planned absences will be provided before leaving and completed upon return from planned absences. If not complete, then I will come in before or after school until assignments are complete. 11)____ I know that all school rules apply in room 171. Student’s Printed name Student’s Signature “All science is either physics or stamp collecting.” Ernest Rutherford, New Zealand Scientist