L.UIVIIVIUIMI I Y INLVV:> A j r U R I 3 GL r \ C ^ fMZM I IUINI A MHUUINU m c IJLMIMUJ * M ulf Islands ; Look inside for Off Islands real estate SECTION B Wednesday, October 26, 1994 back... Jim Stevens recalls 80 years on Salt Spring By GRAEME THOMPSON Driftwood Staff Most people's memory of appendicitis includes pain, a trip to the hospital, anaesthetic-induced nothingness and then a return to normality. That's not how longtime islander Jim Stevens remembers it at all. And he's had appendicitis twice. In thel920s, when Stevens contracted appendicitis for the first time, it was a serious condition. Many died from it. Stevens remembered the pain, and a trip to the island's doctor, Dr. Lawson. But there was no anaesthetic. Instead, he was given a prescription of mineral oil. "I didn't like the mineral oil," he recalled. "It sapped all my energy." He said he was good at the 100yard dash before he got appendicitis. After the mineral oil regime, though, he never got his wind back. But he did keep his appendix and lived to have appendicitis again. Jim Stevens' family came to Salt Spring Island in the late 1880s from south-west England. Steven's uncle, Frank, arrived first and had a house built near Central. Known then as Stevens' Boarding House, it was the only hostelry on the north end of the island. "Mr. Bullock landed at the boarding house when he came to the island," Stevens said. "Before him, Rev. Wilson. Then Mr. (Fred) Crofton. All the old-timers." Stevens' father was Walter, Frank's younger brother. He arrived on the island about 1889. He helped build houses and clear land and raise a family of six children. Jim was the second oldest, and the only son. One of his favourite pals was Sam Beddis, who was about his age. The Beddis family had been very friendly to the Stevens when they arrived from England and the friendship lasted through the generations. "Sam was pretty good at doing things," Stevens said. "He used an old bicycle to make a paddle wheel for the raft. We would stay overnight on the beach. We would catch the loveliest salmon — spring and other." Later the boys had a clinkerbuilt boat with skiff sides and halfmoon bottom. Beddis put an old Evinrude single cylinder motor on it. Before that they used an old blanket for a sail. They would load up with cooked spuds and bacon and row across to Prevost Island, jigging for cod in the kelp beds offshore. Fish they brought home was canned. When he wasn't out fishing with his friend, Stevens was helping his father log on the island, an occupation he pursued on the island briefly before and after the Second World War. Choking, falling, bucking, skidding — these are all terms Stevens knows from his days in the woods. "It was hand-falling in those days," he said, thinking back 60 years. "A falling saw is a lighter saw, usually six feet long. It's lighter than a bucking saw. You'd use an ordinary chinook for bucking and a Royal Chinook for falling. It's better tempered." He remembered learning how to make a springboard hole, for the board that loggers would stand on to get high enough to reach above the really hard base of the tree trunk. And he also learned the intricate calls of the whistle-punk, when he worked with a team on a steam donkey operation. "The whistle-punk blows the whistle to let you know about what will happen with the log," he explained. "He would give a signal to the donkey puncher — different signals for different things: three toots for the main line; a trilling sound meant slack everything down." "You had to be accurate," he said. But in the 1930s, Stevens' interest in things mechanical took over from a career in the woods. He worked for Robin Justice at his garage in Ganges and took a mechanics correspondence course by mail. It was a course ran by the Motor Institute of America in Evanston, Illinois. "It was a really thorough course," he said. Sheets of material would come in the mail on every aspect of the motor car, even electricity. AT HOME WITH THEIR DOG: Jim Stevens was born on Salt Spring and has spent most of the last 80 years here, including 50 years with his wife, Olive. Jim Stevens has alternately worked as a logger, with provincial highways and on the ferWhen war broke out in 1939, he wanted to be in the air force, working on airplane engines. Unfortunately, everybody else did too. And when the recruiting officers saw his experience in automobile engines, he was fast-tracked to a job as MMMT: Motor Mechanic, Mechanical Transport. Off he went to Ottawa. He spent much of the war looking after "ref-tenders" or singleaxle trucks which hauled 800 gallons of airplane fuel at a time. Stevens had a knack for starting these particular trucks in the cold, for which his immediate officer, Eddie Bedard, was ever grateful. "You had to do a certain thing to get them to turn over without having to tow them around the yard," Stevens said. Strange as it may seem, Salt Spring winters, and the bit of snow that stuck to hilly island roads, was good training ground for driving these large fuel trucks in Ottawa. He returned to Salt Spring after the war with a new wife, Olive, and a baby daughter. His wife fell in love with a six-acre piece of property on Atkins Road, where they have lived ever since. After returning to logging work for a short while after the war, Stevens started working for the local highways crew in 1953. Most of the main roads had been put in by then — he remembers the first island road foreman, Joe Akerman, in the 1920s, and when Fulford-Ganges Road was gravelled for the first time in the 1930s— but there was still ongoing maintenance. And FulfordGanges Road was constantly being improved by making corners smoother and banking lanes. STEVENS B2 Stevens photographed by young artist —Karsh PENSIVE MOMENT: This photo of long-time residents Jim and Olive Stevens was taken nearly 50 years ago. They met in Ottawa during the war and moved to their present property on Atkins Road, where they raised three children. When Jim Stevens met his wife-to-be, Olive, in Ottawa, she was working at the city's premier hotel, Chateau Laurier. In the time-honoured custom of courting couples, they wanted to exchange pictures of one another. To that end, Olive recalled walking across the street from the Chateau into a tiny two-room studio to have her picture taken. It was run by a man named Karsh. Josef Karsh. "It was just a little studio, with a dark room at the back," she recalled. This was the beginning of what would become the most famous portrait studio in Canada. Karsh's work put Canada on the photographic world map. But when Olive walked into the Karsh studio, all that was well in the future. She sat down and had many pictures taken before Karsh said she could go. A few days later, she picked up the photo she would give to Jim. A few days later, however, on her way to work, Olive noticed something different about the small studio window across the street from the Chateau Laurier. "He put my picture in his window," she said, still with a hint of embarrassed indignation. "I couldn't go down the street. I had to cross to the other side. I was so embarrassed." After aiew embarrassed weeks, Olive phoned Mr. Karsh up and asked him to remove her picture from the display window. He complied with her request and that was the end of it. A DAY'S CATCH: Long-time resident, Jim Stevens, pictured here on the right, spent many happy hours on the waters around Salt Spring Island with Sam Beddis, left, scion of the family which homesteaded at Beddis Beach. Beddis was killed on active duty in the navy during the Second World War. COMMUNITY B 2 * WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1994 GULF ISLANDS DRIFTWOOD Erudite "darling" dog makes a library of the dailies Every dog has his day. I learned that aspect of a dog's life when I was in school. Until now I have accepted it in passing. Why not? What I cannot accept is that every dog is entitled to his newspaper. Still less to mine! The crux of the matter is that Darling is no darling in my book. Each morning, early, I get a newspaper. It comes to me wrapped and ready for reading. Until a week or so ago. I was away for a few days and I had forgotten to broadcast the fact. I returned home refreshed and eager to find my collection of dailies. But not a paper was to be seen. A few days later I was suffering the agonies of post-flu shottism and I elected to remain within the house. Outside was resting my newspaper. Later in the day I decided to recover the paper. But there was not a page to be seen. Where earlier had lain my target was nothing. 1 naturally condemned my family and my guests, but that didn't help overly much. Inspiration came only when my neighbour called to enquire at the state of my temper. Had I lost some papers? asked Eric McMahon. I admitted my loss and he was very apologetic, but he had found evidence around his garden. STEVENS From Page B1 He became good at driving trucks on Salt Spring, especially a '57 Dodge with a four-yard box which belonged to the highways department. "I really liked that truck," he recalled. But though he thought it was a well-made vehicle, occasionally the brakes would fail. He cites his "quick reflexes" for preventing disasters. He put lfXLOOO miles on that truck before the provincial government figured its time had come and replaced it with a "darn Mercury" which only had a three-yard capacity to boot. While Stevens retired from highways in 1974, and then retired from B.C. Ferries a few years later, he stayed active by breeding Shelties. Many islanders will remember his patience and firmness running dog obedience classes. Today, he stays active with t'ai chi Monday morning, carpet bowling in the afternoon and fivepin bowling Friday. Old Dr. Lawson's mineral oil clearly did not sap all his energy. TO BE FRANK F R A N K R I C H A R D S branch joined forces with the island volunteer fire department in the October issue of the veterans' magazine "Legion". Two pictures of islanders appear in the magazine. Presentation of $500 by Dick Ulingworth of the island Legion to the late Scotty Wild, of the Salt Spring Island Heart and Stroke Foundation, comes in black and white, while a colour picture shows fire chief Les Wagg receiving equipment valued at $6,000 from Bill Monahan and Betty Gait, president and past-president of the island Legion branch. Jeff Outerbridge, Rick Bahry and Pat Shouldice are seen taking part on behalf of the fire department. Furthermore, he accepted the blame for his dog's peccadilloes. That the errant dog answers to the uncommon name of "Darling" is neither here nor there. And it surely doesn't answer me. I remember a fellow who named his dog "Damn You!" and enjoyed the raised eyebrows when he was heard addressing the animal. Damn You was a well-mannered pooch, thereby disproving the adage about giving a dog a bad name. And that animal not only didn't read, but made no effort in that direction. So what's for Darling who is obviously building up a fair library as far as dog's libraries go? I have the answer. I shall write to Darling, myself, in the strongest possible terms to tell him, or her, to lay off my paper! Mention in despatches The Salt Spring Island Legion The old and the unknown I went to the hospital ball on Saturday night and thoroughly *** IDEAL RETIREMENT LIVING *** *—RK $129,000 (2 availab.e) 1 level, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 1100 sq.ft. living, carport or garage, 5 appliances & window coverings; A SAFE CLEAN ENVIRONMENT *** 19.72 ACRES-AGRICULTURAL * ESTATE LIVING ;,9 S#' .%k The Most Famous Basket in the World THIS IS A 61 secluded hectares, dominating panoramic vista, an elegant 2 level residence with 4 fireplaces. I/VAGON " r SINCE 1930 Traffic lights No question but Ganges is growing bigger. What with oneway streets and painted roads and traffic signs on every available stretch of sidewalk, it's just like living in the big city. What a lot we owe to the magnificent ministry of highways! Had we gone on in our own simple way through the sticks, we might be able even now to park a car where we want to be. As for finding our way through Ganges, it is fortunate that we do find private roadways and lanes to make up for the frustrations of Drirrmxxl YOUR community newspaper Take Note In today's Marketplace specific target marketing is required. I advertise weekly in other publications. Please telephone if you are interested in further particulars. mm, N R S SALT S P R I N G R E A L T Y L T D . 149 Fulford Ganges Road P.O. Box 6 9 , Ganges, B.C. VOS 1E0 Phone: (604) 537-551S Fax: (604) 537-9797 OCT. 27: SS Weavers & Spinners, Mahon Hall, 10:30-2pm. OCT. 29: Golden Hands Christmas Bazaar & lunch, Crofton Brook, 1 Mprn. OCT. 31: Family Fun Fest, Femwood gym, 6-8pm. OCT. 31 4 NOV. 1: Lady Minlo Hosp. Aux. Thrift Shop 1/2 price sale, 10am-4pm. NOV. 5: OAPO Bazaar, Central Hall, 1pm. NOV. 9: Island Watch public meeting, Anglican Centre, 7pm. NOV. 10: Fabric Guild meeting, lower hall of Library, 7pm. NOV. 17: Fabric Guild meeting, Library, 7pm. NOV. 19: Annual Anglican Parish Bazaar, Anglican Centre, 10-2pm, lunch served. EVERY WEDNESDAY - Seniors & Alzheimers support group, Seniors for Seniors bldg. 11am - Archery Shooting, SSI Rod & Gun Club, 7pm. - Playgroup for tots, Ganges United Church, 9:30-11am - Stamp Collectors all ages, Seniors For Seniors, 10am. - Cancer Support Group, Croftonbrook 10am.-12 noon (even/ 3rd Wednesday). - GISS Parents Group, School Lbrary, 7:30pm (2nd Wednesday of the month). - Narcotics Anonymous, Alano Club, Rainbow Rd. 7-8pm. - Core-Inn Committee Meetings, Core-Inn on McPhillips, 4:30-6pm - Special Olympics Bowling, Bowling Alley, 10am-11am. EVERY THURSDAY - Every 1st, 3rd & 5th, building fund-bingo, Meaden Had, 7pm. - Salt Spring Weavers & Spinners Guild, 10:30-2pm. - Seniors for Seniors lunches, 11:30 & 12:30, by reservation. - Scottish Dancing, New Anglican Church Had, 7-9pm. - Salty Wheels Square Dance Club, Central Hall, 7-9pm. EVERY FRIDAY - Smiles Cafe, Ganges United Church, 12-1pm. - Kids Klub, Community Gospel Chapel, 6-11 yrs.,3:15-5:00pm. EVERY SATURDAY - Narcotics Anonymous, Community Centre, Fulford Ganges Rd., 7-8pm. - Book Sale, Lbrary, 10am-3pm. • Steak dinners and dancing, Legion, 6:00pm. EVERY MONDAY - Story Time, Public Library, 9:30-10am (except holidays). - "Bandemonium" G.I.S.S.band room, 7pm-9pm. - Free blood pressure clinic, Seniors for Seniors 10-12noon (last Mon. ea. mo.). - Adud 22 rifle shooting, SSI Rod & Gun Club, 7-9pm. - Duplicate Bridge, Meaden Hall at the Legion, 12 noon. - Taoist Tai Chi, for Seniors, Lower Central Hall, 10am. -13 & up soccer & volleyball, Portlock Park, 6:30pm-9pm. - 8-12 year olds roller hockey, Portlock Park, 11am-2pm. - Story time (or preschoolers, Public Lbrary, 9:30-10am. EVERY TUESDAY - Duplicate Bridge, Meaden Hall at the Legion, 7pm. - Chess Club meeting, new High School, rm 204,7pm-10pra - 8-12 year olds soccer, Portlock Park, 11am-2pm. - Breast Cancer Support Group, Church, Drake Rd. 7pm, (every 2nd & 4th Tues). - Seniors choir practices, Seniors for Seniors, 10:30am. To havo your no charge ovent listed hero free, Just drop R off to the Driftwood office by noon Friday! YOUR COMMUNITY CALENDAR IS SPONSORED BY: COMMUNITY WKLCOMEfpr- missing one of the one-way streets and never being quite sure how to get back into Ganges. There is not the slightest question but that Ganges, denied the aid of the ministry, might yet be that odd little rural community it thought it was. But why are we denied traffic lights? If Ganges is to be the great city of Salt Spring Island, why no traffic lights? Just think of a Ganges with traffic lights at every intersection! We could imagine ourselves on Vancouver's Granville St. before the second world war! mXix&imii'nmmZx G O O D LEVEL A C R E A G E ; well treed; private; Rainbow Road; enquire now for further data Let us welcome you! Marlie Ketsey 537-9500 Jill Urquhart 537-5431 ^ ^ enjoyed the experience. There was a sharp reminder of the passing years, however. The guests were clearly divided into two categories. There were those who were my own age and whom I knew and whose names I had forgotten and there were those too young to be familiar and whose names I had never known. Who all was there? I can remember the days when I went to dine in the Fulford Hall and could recognize everyone there. That's age for you! Gosh! They must be getting old, those folks! MON 537-4422 320 UPPER GANGES RD. GIL MOUAT 537-4900 24 HRS. Your On Island Printer "Quality and Service Make the Difference" Islands Heritage Realty Inc. TEL: (604) 5 3 7 - 2 1 9 8 (24 hrs.) FAX: (604)537-2196 131 Lower Ganges Rd., Salt Spring Island, British Columbia VOS 1E0 % ip||pi»L'PiPi"!( BRINKWORTHY ST. MARY LAKE REDUCED-CALL NOW Two bedroom home with carport, sunroom, nicely landscaped plus it backs on a large field and has a mountain view. GREAT VALUE. ... before this rare 1.23 acre low-bank waterfront is gone. Sunny SW exposure; glorious views; 207 ft. ocean frontage; boat house; private; comfortable home. Offers invited on $119,000 BRIAN BETTS $579,000 MARSHALL UNDHOLM Is close by this near new immaculate home. Family room off kitchen, formal dining. Finished daylight basement. Pond with fish and lake views tool $479,000 MEL TOPPING fMSAbOvJ •-• J~f1tiE PRICE REDUCED Building lot in beautiful Vesuvius with pastoral and oceanviews. Over 1/4 acre in good area. A rare commodity on today's market Some vendor financing available. $105,000 MAGGIE SMITH | •• • . • • •• •-'••: ' • •• •• • ' MBBMMBMMBjVnm PRIVATE ESTATE On 3.39 acres; 3600 sq.ft. home; panoramic ocean &island views; private beach; outbuildings; sunny; landscaped; immaculate condition; cottage allowed. $489 000 MARSHALL LlNDHOLM WHAT A VIEW CUSTOM HOME ON ACREAGE * 1.67 private acres * 2600 sq.ft. home * 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms * Sunny SW exposure, oceanviews And a home thafs just as impressive. 4000 sq.ft. of top quality finishing and fixtures. What a wonderful place to pamper your guests & family. Call me for a detailed brochure. $354,000 DEREK TOPPING $699,000 BRIAN BETTS CUSTOM CONTEMPORARY Immaculate 3 bedroom home on 5 private acres. Well treed and sunny. A must to see. $274 000 FITZ LEE/PETER BARDON —- NO STAIRS CUSHEON LAKE Currently under construction. 2 bedroom, wrap around verandah, separate storage & laundry. Quiet area well priced, call for details. Enjoy lake views + privacy on this 3 acre property. 3 bedroom home, garden areas, partially fenced, sunny & private. $219,000 MEL TOPPING $289,000 MEL TOPPING iff f t TRULY UNIQUE Step back to yesteryear. 23+ac. with 600 ft. of lakefront. Remodelled original 5 br. farmhouse, barn & workshop and more! Sunny rural setting. $1,200,000 MAGGIE SMITH y<Jm srssaSSS^ fnsjjfff ^TV IP SUNNY PASTORAL VIEWS Spacious 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom home on 1.4 acres. Very reasonable. Second mortgage available. $174 500 FITZ LEE/PETER BARDON BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Well established fashion boutique in the heart of Ganges Excellent lease & location. Please call Maggie. For full details MAGGIE SMITH Marshal Undholm 537-5727 (res) Derek Topping 537-9796 (res.) YOUR OWN PARK 1.62 acres of landscaped privacy plus a 1600 sq.ft. home and cozy guest cottage. Right across from the lake too. Deer fenced and a separate garden area. Outbuildings & garage. $269,000 BRIAN BETTS 35 ACRES Southend location, sunny setting with excellent ocean and mountain views. Natural spring and drilled well. $335,000 MEL TOPPING Brian Berts 537-2198 (24 hrs.) Charlotte Wiesner 653-4384 (rat.) CALL TOLL FREE IN B.C. 1 EASY CARE LIVING! 1100 sq.ft. ' 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom * Walking distance to town 1 Moorage available Call today $174,500 DEREK TOPPING WHY PAY MOORAGE? This .46 acre waterfront tot is serviced with sewer hookup plus water system and includes part ownership in the private marina. A quiet and secluded part of Salt Spring. Call me for details. $159,900 BRIAN BETTS Maggie Snath 537-2198 (24 hrs.) Pater Bardon 537-2198 (24 hrs.) LOWBANK WATERFRONT For UNDER $300,0001 Four bedroom home with old world charm. Walk on beach, superb views. Try your offerl $299,850 FITZ LEE/PETER BARDON RtzLee 537-2198 (24 hrs.) 1-604-978-5818 Mel Topping 537-2426 (res.) B 4 * WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1994 COMMUNITY GULF ISLANDS DRIFTWOOD UNICEF drive begins this weekend SHOPPING EARLY: Islanders Norma Eves, left, and Margaret Haines, look over the cards and gifts UNICEF has put out for 1994. These items will be on sale at various coffee parties in November. For islanders trying to figure out what meaningful gifts to buy friends and relatives for Christmas, the UNICEF catalog has arrived. And Hallowe'en means volunteers and trick-ortreaters with official boxes will be asking for donations this weekend. Beautiful cards — including First Nations' designed cards — are the specialty of UNICEF, but the development aid organization which operates in 128 countries around the world has more than just greeting cards. There are delightful educational games for children aged three and up. Wall and desk calendars, mugs and jewellery are just some of the items which make great gifts and help make real changes in people's lives in developing countries. Island organizer Margaret Haines said she got involved in UNICEF because it is a grassroots organization which depends on volunteers to raise money for the work it does. UNICEF has a good record for ensuring the money it sends to aid projects around the world actually goes to the aid projects, and not to government officials along the way, Haines said. Most UNICEF projects around the world are related to providing clean water and sanitation for children and families. "You can't have healthy kids and communities without safe water and sanitation," she said. "UNICEF is doing a lot of work in Rwanda right now." Last year, islanders gave about $400 during the annual Hallowe'en pub crawl. Children who carried donation boxes while &leyuiic& and\ftu/&l If you want a luxurious estate on the ocean where careful attention has gone into every detail of location and construction: the orchard, the barn, the riding ring, the home - then this sumptuous 5-acre estate is for you! Host families needed for next year's Rotary Club foreign exchange students$1,236,000 Salt Spring Island Rotary Club is looking for host families for next year's exchange students. While the student would not come untii next August, organizer Allan Bruce said last week the club needs several host families in place by mid-November. The Rotary Club is the largest service club in the world, Bruce said. The aims of the club include spreading international understanding and improving world relations. As well as financing a number of development projects, notably water-drilling in places like the Philippines, the club sponsors this international student exchange program. Islanders may remember Lars Thoroe, a student from Germany, and Rekha Rao, from India. They were the most recent Rotary exchange students. "Most of the 25 years we've been in existence on the island, we've had Rotary exchanges," Bruce said. Some 40 students have come to the island in that period, and Salt Spring has sent away the same number. But this year, no host families David Rainsford Plumbing & Pumps Ltd. were found and so no students could come. That is one reason Bruce wants to get started on the program for next year. The long term exchange program runs from August to July, he said. The Rotary also offers onemonth exchanges, but Bruce is looking particularly for host families for the year-long program. Exchange students must attend school and are usually in grade 12 when they arrive on the island. Salt Spring Island is in a Rotary exchange zone which includes part of Washington State and the whole of Vancouver Island. Candidates for the exchanges are not necessarily members of a Rotary club or children of members, but are carefully selected by their local club for qualities of leadership, skill at speaking English and their ability to make the most of such an exchange. The Rotary club receiving the student gives him or her a monthly allowance and remaining costs are born by the student, who might raise money in his or her hometown for travelling expenses and spending money. Students do not spend their whole twelve months at the same house. They move around every two or three months, Bruce said, getting to know more than one family. The club likes its host families to have children, but that is not absolutely necessary. Families must enjoy the stimulation of having a foreign student in their home. "It's nice to have a foreign student stay with you," he said. "They learn about us. We learn about them." Students are often quite involved in island life - Thoroe was active in sports; Rao, in drama - and the host family will have to adjust to the needs of their student, as they would their own child. They must also be prepared to act as surrogate parents for the student on occasion, though Rotary Club members look after the student's welfare too. Anybody interested in being a host family for the 1995/96 school year should contact Allan Bruce at 537-5553 or 537-2799, or any other member of the Rotary Club. Over the past 26 years our reputation for dependable efficient service has been well established among Salt Spring residents. trick-or-treating last year collected more than four times as much: $1,662. In addition, islanders spent between $3,000 and $4,000 on UNICEF merchandise, including cards, calendars and gifts. Watch for kids with UNICEF boxes on Monday night and look out for advertisements of UNICEF coffee parties where UNICEF cards and merchandise can be purchased before Christmas. The first one is on November 3. EXCLUSIVE CALL ALLAN BRUCE BUS: 537-5553 w tej RES: 537-2799 CREEK HOUSE REALTY LTD. I(I4 I'iilliiiil-Oiinuv, Kri;i(l.l'.(). Hu\ 22i>. (,;IHJI,. |t.( . "CATHEDRAL-GROVE11 WATERFRONT A path through towering cedars & firs winds through to the south & west facing homesite overlooking Fulford Harbour. This very special 1.92 acre property encircles its own beach to a headland from where the sunsets are "World Class." $429,000 |»!.F , r ^' Call David R. Duke for more information, or an appointment to view 653-4538 Call 537-2013/653-4494 for any of your plumbing requirements • Filtration Systems • Water analysis • Pumps • Water storage • Service calls . GULF ISLANDS REALTY LTD. P.O. Box 750, Ganges, B.C. V0S 1E0 Phone: (604) 537-5577 COMMUNITY GULF ISLANDS DRIFTWOOD WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 26,1994 A B 5 ;TEELEOFADEAL H VERY HOME WITH ACREAGE AFFORDABLE - Walk to beach - Excellent water - Comfortable mobile $119,000 3 bedroom modular 5 very private acres Municipal water $185,500 SOUTH END CHARM UPSTAIRS, DOWNSTAIRS: Salt Spring Island Pre-school children gather in, on and under their new loft. From left t o right top are Matthew Haydon, Andrew Walsh, Olivia Darwin and Katy Haydon. Below from left to right are Frances Darwin, Aurora Darwin, Koby Anderson and Tyler Anderson. Photo by Gail Sjuberg Pre-schoolers revel in creative loft established by a "community effort" Gulf Islands Secondary School students may have a beautiful new learning space, but so do the 30 children of Salt Spring Island Preschool. Part of their two-room school in the Community Centre was recently transformed into an 8 foot by 18 foot "loft," but as pre-school parent Helen Meurer observed last week, it is much more than "a big shelf with a ladder up to it." The loft's design promotes the imaginative work of its three and four-year-old users, with a play office currently set up in one section. Underneath another part is a dress-up comer which has already been transformed into a restaurant, campground and hospital. The loft's design promotes the imaginative w o r k o f its three and four-year-old users, w i t h a play office returned to the school after an eight-year absence. When she saw some preschool floor space had been lost by a renovation, she suggested constructing a loft similar to one at the Little Red School House Pre-school. Her idea was floated at a school meeting, and Suzanne Darwin volunteered the design services of husband Rodney. The loft is made primarily from red cedar donated by Ross McLeod of Deluxe Contracting Ltd., and Keith Shantz of Cabinets for Kitchens planed each piece of wood. The project also received donations of cash or materials from Pemberton Holmes, Salt Spring Insurance Agencies, Windsor Plywood, Mouat's Home Hardware, Burrit Bros. Carpets and Calypso Carpet. Barbara Haydon was project coordinator, and Lou Walsh oversaw the volunteer crew of fathers building the loft. Between August 23 and September 2, 10 pre-schoolers' "dads" tackled construction and six "moms" did the painting and varathaning. Haydon said the generosity and support received for the preschool's loft would not be forthcoming in all communities. But on Salt Spring, she said "I'm sure everyone knows of someone who will benefit from this project." Unique design - Great exposure - Over 5 acres $229,000 LOTS OF LOTS • 7.24 acres - central island location $159,000 • 3.87 acres great view $229,000 5.03 acres privacy & view $189,000 1.83 acres sunsets included $159,000 .66 acres low mairrtenance $149,000 cJOHN STEELE 537-4606-537-5515 NRS SALT SPRING REALTY LTD. jnl Ganges Road, P.O. Box <.«>. Ganges li.C I'lliine. (6(141 ", ( 7 . T i n fax: 11,(14) ", t7-"»7')7 Vii .()ir:(, •(> ",",",4 Van.Dir:278.aS9S Salt Springs Busiest Market Place. Driftwood Classifieds! - VENDOR SAYS SELL - ACROSS THE ROAD - - BRINKWORTHY - Three bedroom with den home is located in a quiet setting less than 14 minutes from the village. 2.72 acres with pond. Country kitchen with pine cabinets. Wood burning stove and the custom Venetian blinds are also included. Elaborate fort for hours of fun for the kids. Peaceful, trainquil setting. (199,600. $189,900. MLS /NRS Huge views out Fulford Harbour, with a beautiful sandy beach across the road. Just over one acre, level, good privacy - very quiet. Driveway and water developed. If you are looking for a top of the line v i e w / semi-waterfront lot THIS A MUST SEE! $219,000. MLS/ NRS Two bedroom / two bath home in popular adult park. Extensively modified - skylights, sunroom, patios, separate laundry room. Lovely gardens which are completely fenced. Private, quiet l o c a t i o n . Good time to make the move. $142,000. MLS/NRS - WATERFRONT - - MINUTES TO TOWN - - GANGES HOME OFFICE - One acre of level SUNNY, walk-on waterfront on St. Mary Lake. Private. The home has full length sundeck, three bedroom, t w o bath, undeveloped lower level, outbuildings. Great dock already in. $329,000. MLS / NRS Three bedroom / two bath home on sunny acreage. New roof, carpets and paint make this a great home, just move right in. Plus the wood is cut for the woodstove. On a lower level out of view is a large garage - 12' ceiling. Good water - 4 GPM. $214,000. MLS / NRS If you need a home office, this is the property for you; large four bedroom character home (pre-1930's) in good repair, 10 ft. ceilings, most of the original wood trim in place, straight grain wood floors in the living room, fireplace, PLUS a separate insulated and heated outbuilding with two-piece bathroom and room to expand into the single garage. $265,000. MLS/ NRS currently set up in one section. A cozy reading corner, "lite brite" cubbyhole and way-up-high play area have also been created by the loft. Those involved in the project are pleased with the generosity of local businesspeople and the willingness of several parents to volunteer time and expertise to the project. "This was a real community effort," said parent Brenda Anderson. The idea was initiated by teacher Barb Ruddell, who NRS SALTSPRING RLALT\ LTD. I4'l Fuhorcl Ganges Road, P.O. Box 69, Games, B.C. \ (IS 11 ll NORMAN ROtHWELL NRS SALT SPRING R E A L T Y L T D . Office: 5 3 7 - 5 5 1 5 - 24 Hr. Paging. Home 537-5103 COMMUNITY B 6 * WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1994 GULF ISLANDS DRIFTWOOD Works department approvesfiitureCentennial Park Thirty years ago October 16', 1964 • The Chamber of Commerce's application for a lease of the fill area next to the new boat basin in Ganges was approved by the Department of Public Works. The chamber planned to use the site for a park. Plans called for the park to be developed as a centennial project for the 1967 100th anniversary of confederation. If the park was approved as a centennial project, then federal and provincial funds would be available to develop the site. Suggestions for the park included a small parking lot, a ramp leading to the dock, a grassed area with shrubs, a foot path, benches and a children's playground. Ed Stephenson asked to have a lawn bowling green included in the park. Twenty-five years ago October 16,1969 • Sixteen pigs and seven rabbits were the prey for contestants in the second annual greasy pig contest. John and Mary Stepaniuk supplied the 16 six-week-old greased pigs while Joyce Roper supplied the rabbits. Children who sold the greatest number of tickets on a draw for hams were invited to join the scramble to catch a pig. For younger children, the goal was to catch a rabbit. Top catcher of the day was Ian Kyle, who won a bicycle for selling the most tickets (88) and also grabbed a pig. Eleven children caught pigs. They were: Colin Byron, Michele Larson, Alex McManus, Debbie Woodley, Danny Fraser, Janice Ryles, Tom Langdon, Sandra Williams, Brian Bogdanovich, Bobby Empey and Kyle. Adult catchers were Kathy Williams, Mrs. Syd Fraser, David Williams, John Helme and Andy Mitchell. The adults bid at an auction for the right to chase a pig. Rabbit catchers were Leah Kaye, Gordon Miller, Elizabeth Ronne, Warren Kyle, Cindy Howard, Danny Reynolds and Stephen Anderson. Master of ceremonies was radio personality Jack Webster, who had acquired a home on the island. The event raised an estimated $800 for Centennial Park. • Construction of a new 10room elementary school for Salt Spring was approved by trustees. The site of the new school would be determined by the concentra- DOWN THE YEARS tion of population growth on the island. The project, estimated to cost $350,000, would go to referendum that December. • An estimated $60,000 worth of business was brought to the island by tourists, according to a report to the Salt Spring Island Chamber of Commerce. Vice-chairman Joe Nickerson said 1,460 tourists dropped into the information bureau during the season. Twenty years ago October 16,1974 • Smoking in bed was the cause of a fire which killed a 38 year old Ganges woman. Norma Lisa Allan died in her home when her bed caught fire. The alarm was sounded Sunday morning when a King's Lane neighbour heard the windows blow out in the adjoining duplex suite. Allan was still alive but suffering from extensive burns. She died shortly afterward. She was believed to have been overcome by fumes before she could escape the fire. • A six hour rescue effort was required on Mayne Island to help a 14-year-old girl trapped in a rock crevasse. Janet Ebert and a friend were walking through the bush at Campbell Bay when Ebert slipped into a crevasse in the rocks and broke her leg. She was trapped in the rock cleft and could not get out. Her friend ran for help but did not reach a home for half-an-hour. The Mayne Island Fire Department, the island ambulance and a number of volunteers joined the effort. It was dark before they found the injured girl and fire chief Paddy Lambert was able to slip into the rock opening and put a splint on Ebert's leg. The rescuers then lifted Ebert out of the cleft, placed her on a stretcher and moved her down a 60-foot cliff to the beach, where she was transferred to a boat for the trip to Lady Minto Hospital. Two days later, she was home and recovering from her injury. gasoline tax for transit services without also providing bus service. Curtis noted the cabinet could suspend any enactment by the Urban Transit Authority. He commented on the issue at a public meeting. Island residents had opposed a plan to add a three cent tax to gasoline in the Capital Regional District in order to raise more money for public transit. Of the 300 people who responded to a Driftwood survey on the issue, 99 per cent were opposed to the tax. Ten years ago October 24,1984 • A proposal to make Musgrave Landing a development permit area was set for public hearing Halloween night. The development permit designation would give the Local Trust Committee more power to negotiate proposed subdivisions in the area. Included in the proposed development permit area were the Kellogg estate and the Rico Holdings properties. Five years ago October 18,1989 • Gulf Islands school district considered buying property at the corner of Churchill Road and Rainbow Road as a future school site. Board chairman David Eyles predicted both Salt Spring Elementary and Gulf Islands Secondary would need replacing, since both structures were outdated. • Salt Spring Islanders joined a 300-person demonstration against high noise and pollution levels at the Crofton Mill. Participants gathered at the Crofton dock and walked two kilometres to the pulp mill, where they heard a slate of speakers, including Randy Thomas of the Green Islands Society and Sue Hiscocks of the Sierra Club. Fifteen years ago October 17,1979 • Islands MLA Hugh Curtis promised the Social Credit government would not recognize any law which established a Upper bunks may not be safe Health Canada recently issued a warning that the upper bed of bunk beds can be hazardous when used for children under six years of age. There have been nine reported deaths in Canada since 1985 involving children under six using the upper bunk. In most cases, children slipped feet first between the guardrail and the mattress and suffocated when their heads did not pass through and their faces were pushed into the mattress. In addition, falls have led to hanging when the child's head became entrapped between the mattress and the wall. The distance between the lower edge of the guardrail and the upper edge of the bunk side should not exceed nine centimetres. Health Canada advises Canadians purchasing a bunk bed to check that the side along the wall is also equipped with a guardrail. They should look for warnings on the product and follow them carefully. Mattresses on upper and lower bunks should fit snugly on all interior sides of the bed. Children should always use a ladder when climbing to and from the upper bunk. They should avoid horseplay, which causes the majority of injuries associated with bunk beds. In the case of imported tubular metal bunk beds, parents should examine the welds for cracks. Usually, these metal bunk beds do not have any brand or model identification. Metal bunk beds with weld cracks should not be used. Making Kerry Century 21 Islands Realty Ltd. 1101 Grace Point Sq., Ganges, B.C. ISLANDS REALTY Ltt. .68 ac. east facing view lot looking at Mt. Baker & Active Pass. On water with septic permit in place. ONLY *120,000 For an appointment to view call RUSS CROUSE 604-537-5515 (24 hrs.) NRS SALT SPRING REALTY LTD. 149 Fulford Ganges Road P.O. Box 69. Ganges, B.C. VOS 1EO Phone: (604) 537-5515 Fax: (604) 537-9797 Vic.Dir:656-5554 Van.Dir:278-5595 Each office independently owned and operated. 31 Each office is independently owned and operated Pender 629-6417 or 629-6494 Saturna 539-2121 Galiano 539-2002 Mayne 539-5527 Islands Realty Ltd. SUE FOOTE JOHN FOOTE ALEX FRASER DON PIPER 629-6417 629-6417 629-6494 539-2121 O U T E R 7*#TT 537-9981 (24 hrs) GntuiK Salt Spring Island Head Office 537-9981 (24 hrs) happen! call I S L A N D RENDER VIEW LOT things ON THE LEVEL.. 3 bdrm & den LAKEFRONT home featuring new cabinets, carpets & paint. REDUCED TO $199,999 d b C A L L JOHN & SUE HIGH ON A HOME?? ..you bet!! 2 bdrms, den, sewing room & family rm, sep. garage/workshop & OCEANVIEWS!! $219,500 d b C A L L JOHN & SUE GREAT INVESTMENT 8 ac. with seasonal stream, adjacent to Prior Park. 2bdrm log home & rustic guest cottage. $325,000 d b C A L L JOHN & SUE JANET MARSHALL 539-2002 R R O R E R T I SATURNA LOOKING FOR A LOT We have them...starting at $52,500! Water, phone, hydro & cablevision available at lot line! C A L L JOHN & SUE dfe GEORGE PUHARICH 539-2002 WATERFRONT HOME Fabulous south-west views from the huge sun deck will make it hard for you to leave and walk the 280 acre common property to the dock. The three level home is just waiting for you to add a few finishing touches. Garry oak, arbutus & fir abound. Enjoy this very personal experience with nature. $449,000 C A L L DON 539-2121 d b WATERFRONT LOT Beautiful Cliffside Lot with spectacular southerly views across to San Juan Islands. Whales, porpoise, ships and a multitude of wild life at your door step, there is a BONUS of a charming little cabin with loft. Good value here $149,000 d b C A L L DON 539-2121 GALIANO YOUR OWN FOREST COTTAGE! Five acres, oceanviews, developed and cleared building site and a cozy 500 sq ft. cottage! $215,000 d b CALL JANET OR GEORGE $25,000 BELOW MARKET VALUE) Buy a 3 bdr home with in-law suite below close in before this bargain's gone! $169,900 d b CALL JANET OR GEORGE OPPORTUNITY KNOCKING) Buy this 1/30'th share in co-op community on 160 acres. Below advertised replacement cost! $44,900 d b CALL JANET OR GEORGE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Would you like to live on a beautiful Gulf Island CARE TO TRY AN OFFER??? but need some income? This maybe time for 3 bdr, 2 baths, hot tub spa room, over you to leave the Mad Rush and get involved in 1000 sq., ft. of decks, quest cottage, LOWBANK OCEANFRONT.. an island business. We have a grocery store workshop/garage, single level! 2.1 acres, gently sloping to the southwest, with with liquor, post office, hair salon, 3 apartment $299,500 d b a shared float in the protected cove $325,000 d b and room for further expansion. This great CALL JANET OR GEORGE C A L L JOHN & SUE opportunity is for sale or lease, d b BEST BUY ON WATERFRONT! CALL DON 5 3 9 2 1 2 1 SUNSETS A-PLENTY! half acre, walk-on beachfront with & OCEAN VIEWS tram EVERY room of this 3 THE ULTIMATE IN ISLAND UVING water system and dock. Minutes by bdrm OCEANFRONT bungalow. Stone fireRarely does a property like this come up tor sale. places in spacious living room & den. $490,000db Over 800 feet of sandy low bank waterfront in a boat from Montague! $99,000 d b CALL JANET OR GEORGE C A L L JOHN & SUE secluded bay with no public access. 13 plus acres, fenced and cleared. 2 year old 3700 sq. ft. magnifiOCEANVIEW ACREAGE! MAYNE cent Tudor home 2 bedroom caretakers cottage 2.58 ac. over-looking Browning Harbour, with and thats just the start. $1,400,000 d b driveway in to a level building site. $169,000 d b GOING, GOING, GONE! CALL DON 539-2121 C A L L JOHN & SUE This 2 acre parcel on community BEST BUY...LOT water may already be sold. Make LOG HOME.. Almost half an acre with "Huge" cedars, level offers now! d b Custom-built, with 2 fireplaces, vaulted ceiling easy to build, hydro at lot line, only $49,900 d b CALL JANET OR GEORGE & skylights 7 an OCEAN VIEW! $269,500 d b CALL DON 539-2121 CALL JOHN & SUE - C E N T U R Y 2 1 T H E S I G N O F Q U A L I T Y ( j U L r I^LANLii u m r n v u u u NEIL Wm. CONGO 537-9981 W E L I N t i U M T , U^-IVOCrWO, \W* EILEEN LARSEN 537-5067 KERRY CHALMERS 537-5823 JANET MARSHALL 537-5359 PATJACQUEST 537-5650 CHERYL BLAIR 537-1830 ANNE WATSON 537-2284 GEORGE PUHARICH 537-9111 MARY SMALL 537-5176 » PATH SPEED 537-9981 SALT SPRING PROPERTIES Immaculate 2 bedroom & den manufactured home • deer proofed organic gardens • profusion of flowers and fruit trees • ornamental pond • small cedar grove $187,500 db CALL KERRY 537-9981 This 2.26 ac. lakefront property offers exceptional exposure, a 3 bdr. custom built home, convenience to town and many extras too numerous to mention. Vendor motivated. $303,000 db CALL EILEEN 537-5067 Commercial oceanfront land with 64 seat restaurant & 2 br. residence. Fantastic location next to ferry terminal and popular swimming beach. Commercial moorage foreshore lease. $425,000 db CALL PAT 537-5650 Build your dream home on this easily accessible lot, which offers the potential of sea views plus lots of arable land for the avid gardener. $127,000 CALL EILEEN 537-5067 Just a glimpse of what you'll see when you selectively clear out your building sites. Almost 50 acres of arable and accessible land. Ideal for horses and youl $279,000 db CALL GEORGE OR JANET 537-9981 Escape the rat race! Peaceful, perfect, pastoral setting with valley views. Newer 2 br home with undeveloped lower level, set on 3 acres. Private, yet convenient location. $239,000 db CALL PAT 537-5650 Sought after Hundred Hills view, coastal mountains and Mount Baker with 2 bedroom home, double garage on landscaped .46 acres. Architect plans available if renovation desired. $199,000 db CALL KERRY 537-9981 Located right in the commercial heart of Ganges. Seaside patio overlooking harbour and future park. Licensed inside and out, brand new kitchen. Owner's selling for personal family reasons. $225,000 db CALL GEORGE OR JANET 537-9981 A landmark for over 40 yrs, this island business is ready, willing and able to do you proud. Just add stock and your imagination. $62,000 db CALL CHERYL 537-1830 Basking in the south sun is this cozy lakefront cottage which offers potential for lazy recreation-filled days. This property has a private front garden and includes a float and boathouse. $219,000 db CALL ANNE 537-2284 ntf From the North Shore to Mount Baker, and everything in between. This 4 br. 3500 sq. ft. custom built home offers a view and a quality of construction that is hard to duplicate. $550,000 Hard to find waterfront lot with sandy beach. Moor your boat in Gallagher Bay and enjoy sunny southern exposure. Water and power at road. $179,000 db CALL PAT 537-5650 CALL EILEEN 537-5067 Delightful home enjoying fantastic views of Mt. Baker, Active Pass & the beauty of the harbour & mainland mountains. Relax in a private setting just minutes from island amenities. $348,800 db CALL PAT 537-5650 • Southend "pine cottage" • completely renovated • skylights • one bedroom + den • new septic tank • peace & quiet • flower gardens • short stroll to best crabbing and clamming beach on island - delightful! $172,500 db CALL KERRY 537-9981 Try 5% down on this cozy cottage with knockout views of Cusheon Lake. This .39 ac. property experiences incredible sunshine and is only minutes away from great swimming and fishing. $165,000 CALL EILEEN 537-5067 • One bedroom charmer • pine floors • wood burning stove • fenced yard • lilacs, roses, hawthorne, laurel and flowering quince & cedar grove in backyard • studio space in basement. All this and only a hop skip and jump to town. Throw away your car keys! $159,000 db CALL KERRY 537-9981 Sweeping sunny lawns and natural wooded areas create a relaxfull environment. A perfect opportunity to own your own getaway cottage, have it managed and earn income. Call for further details. Priced from $99,000 to $159,000. Only 8 chalets left, db CALL ANNE 537-2284 • Cosy two bedroom tranquil cottage • .74 acre with rock gardens, and raised veggie beds • outbuilding/studio • two-car carport • paved driveway • pellet stove • large sunny deck with hot tub. Too good to miss, now $169,000 db CALL KERRY 537-9981 Half an acre of walk-on beachfront with good moorage potential. Community water system and dock. Boat access from Montague Harbour on Galiano, or across from Salt Spring Island! Only...$99,000 db CALL GEORGE OR JANET 537-9981 1300 sq. feet of bright spacious living area which includes two bedrooms, a den and two bathrooms. Five appliances, plus vacuum and more. Only two left. $165,000 inc. GST. Financing available at 9% on 1st and 2nd mortgages, db CALL ANNE 537-2284 A VIEW TO KNOCK YOU OVER A RESTFUL HAVEN BEYOND THE GATE GAZE OUT OVER THE HARVEST! SIMPLY THE BEST GALIANO COTTAGE Tucked privately away on 2 acres, this warm, inviting home enjoys exceptional harbour & Mt. Baker views. Newly renovated, its open plan features hardwood & tile floors, JennAir & massive fireplace. $369,000 db CALL PAT 537-5650 • Enchanting 2 bedroom recently renovated home • private .79 acre • Merit kitchen • new floor coverings • greenhouse and carport. Come feel the magic! $175,000 db CALL KERRY 537-9981 Pay your taxes with the apples that this two acre farm produces. Enjoy the serenity of the south end and relax in the cozy comfort of this home. $259,900 d b 180° views filled with marine activity, eagles soaring overhead, and a fabulous custom home in Maracaibo. Moorage, swimming lagoon, tennis and miles of trails to enjoy. $795,000 db CALL PAT 537-5650 At this price you can't afford not to buy this 3 bdr. home with bachelor suite below. Steps from beaches, school and ferries. Drilled well 3/4 acre lot! $169,900 db CALL GEORGE OR JANET 537-9981 URY CALL GEORGE OR JANET 537-9981 21 T SIGN OF Q U A L I T Y SERVICE - COMMUNITY A WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1994 WHAT'S •<- • 1 s La flg1- • K- - By TERRA TEPPER Driftwood Contributor Have you noticed the little bags of "gourmet" caramel com that are in the stores lately? They cost $4 for under half a pound. My mother's recipe given below makes 21/2 pounds, a whopping big batch, for $2.90 using margarine and peanuts, or $6.05 using butter and pecans. lY 1H W •te Baked Caramel Corn 6 quarts popped com 2 cups golden brown sugar * • • j J tIL$ I • FLOWER FANTASY: A semi-abstract representation of a flower-laden window box, this quilt was created by members of the Salt Spring Island Fabric Guild. Susan Ayers (above) quilted the piece which was donated for a raffle to support breast cancer research. «»«>t*vi*>n.Lenno» Guild gives 450-piece quilt A fabric mosaic of two-inch squares suggesting the work of impressionist painter Claude Monet is the latest creation of the Salt Spring Island Fabric Guild. On Friday, the detailed quilt was turned'over to the Canadian Cancer Society for use as a raffle prize. Money raised by the raffle will go towards research into breast cancer. Fabric artist Donna Johnstone said the choice of charity seemed appropriate, since all of the guild members are women. One member had a mastectomy and others have relatives who experienced the disease. At least half of the guild's 20 members worked on the three-byfour-foot quilt, creating the 450 pieces which form the quilt's image of a flower box filled with flowers, a window and a sky beyond. The quilt is designed for use as a wall hanging, Johnstone noted. She kept the quilt pieces in her studio over the summer and said assembling the sections was like piecing together an intriguing puzzle. "The colours have to blend together." This type of quilt has recently become very popular, Johnstone added. "They're really the rage in quilting right now." Once all the sections were completed, Susan Ayers quilted the piece. Forming the flower box section are dozens of tiny printed pieces of fabric with flower or flowerlike patterns. A few squares add whimsical touches: a couple of dragonflies, a butterfly, a lizard A R R B E A E V E I ° r H• o o eye, a panda bear, an otter and two bussing bunnies. All of the pieces were donated by fabric guild members, who searched through their individual collections of fabric to find appropriate patters. To create the sense of glass reflecting flowers, some flower patterned pieces were used in reverse, malting the colours more pale, Ayers explained. "They're called watercolour quilts," she said. She feels the unusual style looks best in halflight, when the individual pieces blend together. She pointed out breast cancer research is an especially appropriate charity for a craft group of women to support. Given statistics that one in nine Canadian women will develop breast cancer, Ayers said some members of the group could well develop the disease. OAPO regbn meets atFulford By MARGARET BAKER Driftwood Contributor The South Vancouver Island region of the Old Age Pensioners' Organization of B.C. convened last Tuesday when Duncan, Ganges, Sidney and Fulford branches met at Fulford Hall. Region steward Doreen Dibnah was present and reported that she had visited branches in Sooke and Victoria, as well as the branch at Satuma Island. This branch is somewhat out-of-the-way, and its delegates to regional meetings find it difficult to attend due to ferry schedules. However, this branch is very active and aware of the aims and objectives of the OAPO. Although the OAPO is nonpolitical, Dibnah said its members are deeply concerned with the welfare of all seniors, paying special attention to actions of federal and provincial governments that touch upon the affairs of senior citizens. During the lunch break, a video was shown featuring Ben Swanky, the keynote speaker at the June annual convention of the B.C. OAPO in Williams Lake. The next regional meeting will be held in Duncan in February. BEAUTIFUL HOME • Spacious, Custom Designed Level Entry Home, Quality Throughout • 3100 sq.ft. Fully Finished • Property is Level, Nicely Treed for Privacy & Easy t o Maintain • Salt Springs most sought after seaview * LOOKING FOR ACREAGE * 1) 5 SUNNY ACRES, SW Exposure, Quiet & Close t o T o w n , some Arable Land. Good Value O $129,000 2) 9.91 ACRES of Peace & Q u i e t very private. Great BIG Trees, Lots of Sun, Driveway w i t h power & water t o building site. 2 Ponds, walking trails & arable. By a p p t only. $189,000 3) 3.4 SEAVIEW ACRES in Vesuvius, Sunny SW Exposure, Huge Arbutus Trees, Beautiful Sunsets, Municipal Water. Zoned for House & Cottage. $225,000 CALL MIKE TO VIEW Caramel corn makes ideal Halloween treat 2 sticks margarine or butter 1/2 cup white com syrup Pinch of cream of tartar 1 tsp. baking soda 2 cups peanuts or pecans Pop corn and set aside. Bring brown sugar, margarine or butter, syrup and cream of tartar to a hard boil and boil for 5 minutes. Remove from heat and stir in soda and nuts. (It will foam up). Put corn in very large baking pan. Pour hot syrup over and mix 1 well, to coat. Bake for one hour at 200° F. oven, stirring every 15 minutes. Turn out onto wax paper covered surface and separate kernels. Store in tight container when cool. This would be ideal for Halloween. Questions, comments or requests? Please write to Terra Tepper, c/o Driftwood, P.O. Box 250, Ganges, B.C., V0S 1E0. Salt Spring culinary wizard Terra Tepper will contribute a regular recipe column for Driftwood. s ervice with integrity I NEW LISTING MARION MARKS 537-2453 SHELLI ROBERTSON 653-4347 TRULY SALT SPRING Privately situated on 7.5 acres, this two-bedroom plus den cedar home is surrounded and protected by tall, mature trees, including arbutus & cedar. A large, stone fireplace complements the livingroom and adds to the overall cozy atmosphere of this island home. A large 24' x 48' workshop invites the craftsman and an unfinished studio above is a bonus. A chicken house and playhouse add up to total island living. $299,000 please can S h e l l i w M a r i o n ton viewing 537-5515 »»**** NRS SALT S P R I N G REALTY L T D . 149 I ulford Ganges Road P.O. Box 69, Ganges, B.C. V0S 1E0 Phone: ((>U4> 537-5515 F.i\:(<,04) 537-9797 Vic.Dir:656-5554 Van.Dir:278r5595 LAKEFRONT LIVING FABULOUS VIEWS JUST MOVE I N ! PRIVATE RANCHER QUALITY HOME Private, Sunny SW Exposure i Small Orchard • Easy Care Grounds > 2 BD Home with Skylights 1 Vaulted Ceilings • Lots of Character 1 Large Deck & Dock - For Relaxing Thinking of Selling? Call Mike to Reserve This Space * Complimentary Market Evaluations Anytime * • • • • • Quiet Pleasant Neighbourhood Beautifully Developed Grounds 4 Bedrooms & 3 Bathrooms B&B Potential or Self-Contained Suite for Guests Income Potential SUNNY LOWBANK WATERFRONT APPROX. 200 Ft. OCEAN FRONTAGE • • • • • Situated in a Beautiful Bay Sandy Beach Quiet, Private Setting 1 2 0 P M Well 1 Acre T N 0 D E • COOKING GULF ISLANDS DRIFTWOOD L E D| 164 l-'uirurd-Cliingt-s U« CALL MIKE HARDY BUS: 537-5553 (24 tej RES: 537-4620 I COMMUNITY GULF ISLANDS DRIFTWOOD How swiftly has the summer gone Bowing out in muted tones To leave the moist rich ochre's that Caress the land through Autumn. Andfeel the bite ofthe year'sfirstfrost Tinge or tint the fading green To lay to sleep once more for winter is soon to come. The tired stalks of oats and rye no longer green. - Harold Summer The last couple of weeks seem to have heralded a change in season leaving us with cool nights, frosts on higher elevations and WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1994 A Garden soil needs tending now moist dewy mornings causing some of the summer droughtD E R E K D U F F Y ed things to perk up in a shortlived recovery just before their winter's snooze. ture and reclaim the debris from The soil - after giving its all for its productive season. the summer - waits in anticipaI like to mulch over patches of tion for its refreshment of nourish- garden that are finished for the ing compost to invigorate its struc- season now, leaving it to slowly GREEN THUMB rot into the top and create a nutrition layer for next year. Digging soil is only necessary to relieve compaction, thus aiding drainage. If the garden has had a lot of foot traffic during the year, then plunging a fork in is a very good idea. Turning the soil is a wonderful practice that teaches you valuable lessons regarding the state of your soil, its structure, water retention and general good health or not as the case may be. By being so close to it instead of removed from it by the interruption of a tiller, for instance, you begin to observe the impact your input has caused, and are more able to make decisions regarding the soil's well-being. I think of the layer of mineral soil that insulates our earth as a complex living membrane that can, like any skin, become easily infected if abused.Yet it has phenomenal self-healing mechanisms that can be activated with good practice. ULF ISLANDS REALTY LTD. P.O. Box 750, GANGES, B.C. VOS 1E0 Phone: (604) 537-5577 FAX: (604) 537-5576 ~\r BRINKUJORTHV PlflCC ~\r RS NCUJ - WITH IRK€VI€W * * * * * 'round thru wooded trolls fin artist's hideaway Tucked snugly In 1.41 secluded acres $203,000 MLS HENRI PROCTER 5 3 7 - 4 2 7 3 ;v SANSUM NARROWS SPKTRCUIRR * * * * * C RFFORDRBl€ VICUJ L O T ^ GCC€ll€NTFORHORS€S * * * * * PETER OR JOHN 5 3 7 - 5 5 7 7 f JOHN OR PETER 5 3 7 - 5 5 7 7 DflVTD DUKE 6 5 3 - 4 5 3 8 * * * * * 3 br. home around this kitchen Is equally kxgel Large ott. guest/office/workshop Sep. artist studio In the trees Sunny private 6.75 oc. on 2 tides $585,000 DRVID DUKE 6 5 3 - 4 5 3 8 NCU LISTING - ACRCAGC ^ * 8.19 acres of park-like land * Beautifully treed - fir Si arbutus * Great sunsets, possible sea view * Zoning for home ST guest cottage •Offers to $189,000 LUest Coast style 3 br. house Great weekend retreat Southfocing .67 ocre Just steps from the sandy beach $270,000 TH€ CHCF'S DOMAIN 1-2 acre seovlew property 2 blocks to waterfront occess Selective thinning will open view UJell log states 4 GPM $84,500 \r VOUCRNTBCRTTHCVRLUC! • Tastefully re-decorated * Larger 3 bedroom (1470 sq.ft.) home * Ensulte with Jetted tub * Vaulted ceilings in Lfi & DR. fireplace * Low maintenance home "$183,000 $149,900 JOHN OR PETER 5 3 7 - 5 5 7 7 SRNTY 5 3 7 - 2 7 7 3 * * * * * Logs, skylights Close to golf course + or - 1500 sq.ft., 3 bedrooms Stonework, hardwood Offered ot $225,000 JEUJEL 5 3 7 - 5 7 3 7 Over 250' oceonfront 2 acres of many arbutus S/LU exposure Water, hydro, phone 6i coble to property line $259,000 N€STL€D IN TH€ TR€€S * * * * * * * * * * • .32 ocre • Lovely easy care garden • Piped water • $189,000 DONNR REGEN 537-2845 or 1-978-1511 f NCAR CUSHCON LAK€ * * * * * Pastoral 7.96 acres Farmhouse LUorkshop, 500 sq.ft. barn ft-frame, large pond $249,000 * * * * * ( MOUNTAINTOP RCTRCRT ^ * * * * * Pastoral 3.6 acres (Manufactured home LUorkshop / shed 9 GPM well $189,000 DONNR REGEN 537-2845 or 1-978-1511 3.36 sunny acres 2600 + or - square feet, 3 bdrms. fitrium. fish pond, workshop, garage Some finishing to be done Offers to $289,000 JEWEL 5 3 7 - 5 5 7 7 DONNR RE6EN 537-2845 or 1-978-1511 HOBBV FARM, RNVONC? 1538 sq.ft. log home Magical light, wondrous views 27.49 acres Subdivision possibility $435,000 DONNR REGEN 537-2845 or 1-978-1511 "Our House" * New paint and carpeting • UJell built home with workshop • Pastoral setting * Room for o veggie garden "$169,000 MLS HENRI PROCTER 5 3 7 - 4 2 7 3 ^ 163 Fulford Ganges Rd. GULF ISLANDS DRIFTWOOD B I O * WEDNESDAY, JULY 20, 1994 CREATION SPORTS Judo, karate, t'ai chi, tae kwon I I What's the difference? By GAIL SJUBERG Driftwood Staff Chinese practitioners of martial arts were historically bound to keep their treasured knowledge secret. In North America these days, there is more likely to be confusion about differences between the most popular martial arts. While judo is frequently spoken in the same breath as "karate," Salt Spring Island certified Level II judo instructor and black belt Thom Quine points out it has more similarities to the sport of wrestling. Throws, flips, trips and wrestling on the ground are some of the maneouvers practiced in a judo class between two opponents. And they are used most effectively with delicate force. Judo, in fact, means "gentle way," says Quine. Knowing how to release one's self from an opponent's hold and re-direct an attacker's energy is a major part of judo technique. Pat Byron has a black belt in Shotokan karate. His classes emphasize learning "kata" - the series of hand, arm, body and kicking moves used against imaginary opponents. "There is no emphasis on one part of the body over the other," says Byron. Byron says most karate moves are learned within the first three months of instruction. After that it's a matter of concentrated "practice." Dispelling a few myths some younger participants have about karate is often necessary, he says. "It's nothing like what they see on T.V. with Power Rangers." Simon Rook has studied various kinds of t'ai chi and karate. He explains that all martial arts grew from the teachings of an Indian monk called Bodhidharma or Tamo, who taught a form of physical exercises and breathing to his disciples when he went to Hanon province in China in about 500 AiD. Basic forms aimed to develop strengths of five animals: the tiger, dragon, leopard, snake and crane. Okinawa Island, one of the Ryuku Islands in Southeast Asia, became a hotbed of development for martial arts. In Chinese hands until 1609, Japanese takeover led to the island becoming a cultural "mixing pot." Fearing an uprising by the Chinese citizenry, the Japanese outlawed the bearing of weapons, and practice of martial arts flourished there, said Rook. The Japanese took a particular interest in Okinawan Chinese "te" ("hands") combat methods, and modified some forms into karate in the first decades of this century. Master Funakoshi studied various martial arts and synthesized them into modern-day karate, with the word meaning "art of empty hands." Quine explains that judo was developed in the early 20th century by a Japanese man named Jigoro Kano, who based his work on kinesiology and an understanding of how the body moves and principles of leverage and momentum. Martial arts are generally categorized as "internal," such as the various kinds of t'ai chi, and "external," including karate, kung fu and the Korean tae-kwon-do. The Yang style of t'ai chi is practiced most widely today. A ANCIENT ART: Simon Rook works through one of the forms in Chen style t'ai chi. Daily practice energizes Rook, w h o also teaches Yang and Chen styles of t'ai chi on Salt Spring. A large number of youths are modification of the older Chen also involved in judo and karate style, it was initiated by Yang Lu on Salt Spring. Cheng in the late 18th century. T'ai chi is generally recogByron has ongoing karate nized for its health benefits, classes at the Activity Centre for rather than as a method of selfchildren from five years of age, defense, but as both Rook and isteens and adults. A karate club land practitioner Tao Kimball has existed on Salt Spring for points out, t'ai chi moves have more than 20 years, he said. martial arts applications. "T'ai There are currently between 50 chi ch'uan" in fact means and 60 regular members. The "supreme ultimate boxing." club is associated with a karate Rook says practice of a martial school in Sidney, and members art such as t'ai chi is considered have the opportunity to go to an integral part of a complete life tournaments. by the Chinese. People should Fostering respect for self and othhave a profession, feed the mind ers is also integral in martial arts. by reading the classics, and prac"I try to instill some of the phitice a martial art to strengthen the losophy behind it, which hopefully body and spirit. builds self-respect and respect for others," says Byron. One crucial Rook practiced Yang t'ai chi for tenet is "Never strike first and nevabout 20 years, but now prefers er strike in anger." the quicker Chen style. Quine says building respect, "It's a little more invigorating," confidence and inner power is an he says, although anyone who important part of learning judo. It takes up t'ai chi will find themis great for women who experiselves energized. ence fear of aggressors, and to Kimball teaches the "double channel anger in "a healthy direcYang" style of t'ai chi, where a tion." The entire community benemirror image of each series of fits by having moves or a young males, in "form," is done. Most karate particular, ex"Each movement has martial moves are learned pressing natural aggression arts applications," w i t h i n the first through the consays Kimball, trolled "fighting" "but you do it three months of of judo. more for health, instruction. After The "almost well-being, balzero" violence levance, flexibility t h a t it's a matter el of unarmed and mental relaxJapanese society ation." of concentrated illustrates the con"If you try to "practice." nection between relax, you are acthe practice of tually more powmartial arts and creating a non-vioerful," he adds. lent community, notes Quine. One Rook notes one obvious differmillion people in Japan have ence between t'ai chi and karate is earned black belts in judo, he says. that t'ai chi forms are more fluid His Mahon Hall classes include and rounded, while there is a warm-ups, learning new techniques "tightening up" at the end of and lots of opportunity to practice karate moves. with comparably-sized partners. Island Spirit is the name of Salt "I'm also keen on them going Spring's tae-kwon-do club, which to tournaments," he says, estimatmeets Monday and Thursday from ing some of his students could 6 to 7:30 p.m. Tae-kwon-do is reach the Canadian champigenerally described as a Korean onships in future. version of karate demanding more In addition to its self-defense legwork. merits, all martial arts practitionGord Singbeil has been practicers on the island say the fitness ing it for about four years. "There and health benefits are tremenis lots of kicks, jumping and spindous. Curious participants are ning," he says. welcome to contact instructors Paul Mazzei is the tae-kwon-do and check into the various classinstructor of a class that is popular es offered. with island youngsters. ISLAND BOUND REAL ESTATE BRAND NEW VIEW HOME • 2260 Sq. Ft. 2 level * SEA VIEWS & S U N - QUIET AREA • On 1/2 Ac. near OCEAN BEACH A H I K I N G TRAILS • 4 BEDROOMS, 1 1/2 Baths, FAMILY R M . PLUS M U C H MORE - VERY SPACIOUS FAMILY U V I N G • NOW $ 2 2 3 , 0 0 0 (Motivated Vendor) CALL GARY SPACIOUS HOME * FABULOUS V I E W S ! • G R A C I O U S S P L I T LEVEL - over 2000 Sq.Ft. ELLIS: • SEPARATE Studlo/.B.R A 2 P c Garage, & workshop • Many Excellent Features with SOLARIUM, Spacious Lv.Rm. & Fam.Rm., 3 Baths & 3 Bedrooms (in house) • IMMACULATE landscaping, paved drive & parking • PRIVACY on 2 'SUNNY VIEW ACRES' NEAR TOWN • In-ground watering system 'PEACEFUL SETTING • V e n d o r w i l l c o n s i d e r o f f e r s $415,000 CALL GARY PHYLLIS GREICO Office Manager Ltd LOOKING FOR OCEANVIEW ACREAGE? Call Darlene about this FANTABULOUS 6 8 ACRES LOCATED NEAR CUSHEON LAKE I LOOKING FOR PRIME OCEANFRONT? Call Darlene about this 187' of LOWBANK OCEANFRONT with an ARCHITECT DESIGNED HOME within a few feet of the water's edge I LOOKING FOB AN INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY? MOBILE • REDUCED TO S48\560 Call Darlene about this C4 & R ZONED ACREAGE - • I N S T A N T H O M E - I m m a c u l a t e 1990 70x14' ADJACENT TO THE FULFORD INN ! TO VIEW: • • Set on beautiful l e a s e d a c r e a g e CALL DARLENE O'DONNELL FOR DETAILS • O W N f o r U N D E R S 3 2 5 / m o . (lease extra) • With only $12,125 down (bank financing) • 2 bedrooms - Washer & Dryer negotiable CALL TOM OR S T O P BY FOR COFFEEI I A M M O T I V A T E D to LIST AND SELL your h o m e E V E N in today's m a r k e t ! Are you a m o t i v a t e d Vendor? CALL T O M for FREE M A R K E T EVALUATION PHONE: 537-5892 - PERSONALIZED A CONFIDENTIAL SERVICE - PAX: 537-5968 #2-174 Fulford-Ganges Rd.. Salt Spring Island, B.C. VSK 2V6 (at Embe Bakery) REAL ESTATE BOARD OF GREATER VANCOUVER — M.L.S. S P O RTS GULF ISLANDS DRIFTWOOD & R E C R E A T I O N WH".^,*™™*.,.,*.™ 'Zamboniitis' leads to Slugs downfall against slippery Squid Roe team By JIM BLACK Driftwood Contributor The Salt Spring Slugs have Rediscovered their knack of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory, following a Sunday night loss at the hands of Squid Roe of Sidney. This was particularly disconcerting after the team had such a great start, wirrning three of its first four games and tying the other one. The Slugs looked like they would continue their winning ways early on as Slug newcomer Kevin Porteous picked off a clearing pass at the four minute mark of the first period to give us the early lead. Porteous came to the Slugs in an off-season trade from the Falkland Foghorns in exchange for a case of beer and two pepper•oni sticks. The jury is still out on this deal but it is beginning to look like we came out the winners. Back to the game. Both teams were looking fairly well matched, with the play moving back and forth quite readily until Squid Roe tied the match up five minutes after Porteous' goal, on a goal mouth scramble. In net for the Slugs was our regular netminder, Mark Hughes, who once again put in a steady perfor- HIGH ROLLERS By RUTH HUME Driftwood Contributor If committing to a weekly league is not your cup of tea, consider sparing on an occasional basis. It's a great way to meet people and have exercise at the same time. Smurfs: Jesse Hume 78, Justine Watkins 89. Peewees: Jacquie Harkema 115, 122, Stephen Severn 115, 121, Alyssa Dares 103. Bantams: Dylan Hume 150, 139,142, Christine Anderson 133, Andra Bergsma 128,142,159. Juniors: Miles Hume 206, Lee Johnson 168. Special Olympics: Mahjor Baines 227, Sharon Way 189. Tuesday morning Golden Agers: Edie Gear 228/612, Isabelle Richardson 208, Audrey Illingworth 203, Jack Godwin 305/673, Jim Southern 262, Don Goodman 225, Gordon Parsons 219, John Richardson 204. Tuesday afternoon Golden Agers: Murray Anderson 213, 235/606, June Webb 201, Reg Winstone 208,223. Friday afternoon Golden Agers: Margaret Baker 213, 220/620, Ed mance. It looks like he will get lots drilled a low shot past the netminof work this season following the der after Pete Huser stripped the Slugs' most recent trade where we defender of the puck in the oppoPerhaps you have already designed your new home but you need working sent back-up netminder Glen sition end zone and fed the puck drawings. Or you have rough sketches and clippings hat need to be Mollon to the Guatemalan Gophers right onto Mclntyre's stick. Less converted into plans with considerable input from an experienced Designer. Maybe all you have settled is the number of looms and the total of the Central American hockey than two minutes later, these two square feet you can afford, and have no idea how to proceed. league in exchange for a hockey hooked up again on a nearly carFor over 30 years, we have been "taking it from there". We'll be glad to bag full of coffee beans. We all bon copy play which put the Slugs help you with your "HOMEWORK" and we'll be happy to discuss you plans hope Mollon does well down up 4-2 with just a few minutes without obligation. Give us a call. there and doesn't end up with remaining in the second period. Call BILL MONAHAN any scorpions in his jockstrap. But as has happened in the past, THE OMEGA DESIGN TEAM LIMITED the Slugs were The second perif l P.O. BOX 63, SALT SPRING ISLAND struck with a bad \ v od started with M V0S1E0 Tel. (604) 537-4290 both clubs dead- Porteous came to case of zamboniitis, between the locked at one goal apiece, but it the Slugs in an off- second and third periods. Once the didn't stay that season trade in puck dropped for way for long. Squid Roe went up exchange for a case the start of the third period it by one at the three of beer and two looked like the minute mark folhad lowing a two-onpepperoni sticks. teams one play. But the swapped uniforms. Slugs didn't let this bother them, Squid Roe came on hard and took as they continued their aggressive immediate control of the flow of the forechecking which paid off at the game and it wasn't long before they 11 minute mark with Paddy started changing the look on the Akerman drifting one into the net scoreboard as well. Two minutes off a nice passing play from into the third period, the opposition Johnny Procter. was swarming all over the Slug end Following that play, the Slugs zone. They managed to score on took control of play for the rest of Hughes, who lost his stick making a the period. Two minutes after save just seconds before that Akerman's goal, Todd Mclntyre This goal seemed to pick up Squid Roe even more and no matter what the Slugs tried, they Open the door of this charming 5 year old bungalow Allan 203, Frank Cullis 214, Gene couldn't slow Roe down. and consider the possibilities. It would be a wonderful Graham 230, Ken Robinson 222, Following that, things just got low maintenance rental; a terrific weekender or a Edie Gear 210. downright ugly, for the Slugs at perfect starter with excellent potential for expansion. Golf ladies: Maddy Cooper 205, least. It seemed no matter how hard The property is a full sunny acre with piped water in Shirley Parsons 250, Becky the boys tried, they couldn't buy a the popular Vesuvius area. Compare the cost of buildArmstrong 204, Maxine Whorley goal. Meanwhile, the Roe added 245, Connie Hardy 240, 228/643, four more to beat the Slugs, going ing today and look at the value offered. Marguerite McLarey 208. away with a score of 7-4, to hand The price has been reduced to $169,000. Wednesday afternoon ladies: the team their first defeat of the Linda Ramer 282, Sylvia Ryles 204, new season. Despite the loss, there For information Call: were some good signs for the Slugs Ann rnrnk 210, Mary Walker 203. Legion league: Gary Gaetz 235, on the ice. New team members D O N N A REGEN,CGA537-2845 Gary Whitehead 221, Shannon seem to be fitting into the line-up Pager 1-978-1511 quite well, the old team members Boehmer 201, Ron Stepaniuk 241, 276, 232/749, Janet Severn 204, are still holding together and playRon Cunningham 222, Angela ing not too shabbily and all of the Anderson 214, 236/612, Bobby boys should have the pleasure of Woods 237, Sharon Sykes 201, playing at least one more game P.O. Box 750, Ganges, B.C. V0S 1E0 Doug Sykes 218, Ben Martens 254, sans Deadstop, which should make Phone: (604) 537-5577 all of them sleep better. 236/687, Doug Wellington 236. Monday morning moms: Angela Anderson 203, 204, 254/661, Mary Anne Ben wood Serving The islands for 30 years 287. Wednesday evening: John Sutherland 228, 217, 206, Linda Schwagly 226, 205, Lucille Marcotte 243, Henry Schwagly 215, Lorraine Toller 204, 202, 229, Brian Hartley 206, 215, Maddy Cooper 202, Jim Pasuta MODERN HYDRAULIC EQUIPMENT 204, Denny Anderson Jr. 212, Bill Baker 218, Lois Coroy 219. Circus league: Ron -Seniors DiscountCunningham 261, 226/677, Glenn Tel. 4 7 8 - 5 0 6 4 Fax 4 7 8 - 2 7 4 9 228, 204, Brian Radford 200, 227 203/630, Gordon Ruckle 217, 3047 Glen Lake Rd., Victoria, B.C. V9B 4B3 Tony Farr 209. 2 BEDROOM MOBILE OPPORTLMTY KNOCKS... ANSWER QUICKLY GULF ISLANDS REALTY LTD. TRI-K DRILLING LTD. 1-800-662-1822 SUPERB VIEW ACREAGE LOG HOME NEAR LAKE CALL DICKTRORY 537-2236 res. 1-978-5810 (B.C. ToU Free) • • • • .36 ac. on sewer & piped water Walk to shops, school, town, etc. Recently renovated A bargain at $129,500 VESUVIUS RANCHER > Great view of Ganges Harbour & M t Baker > Private & sunny, over 6 acres > Call to view this "gem" • • • • CONVENIENT & PRIVATE Very close to St. Mary Lake Park-like .96 ac. Ideal for the young or retired 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms CHANNEL RIDGE SEA VIEW CREEK HOUSE REALTY LTD. 24 Hour Phone 5 3 7 - 5 5 5 3 FAX 537-4288 164 Fulford Ganges Road (next to the Radio stuck) Box 220, Ganges, B.C. V0S 1E0 • • • • Near new 3 bedroom rancher Landscaped easy care 1/2 acre Close to beach, store, pub & ferry Sunshine All Dayl > Over 1500 sq.ft. rancher • Private fenced garden • Close to schools, shopping, hospital & restaurants • Within walking distance to town ^ • • • • Spectacular south-facing sunny sea views Split level 2 or 3 bedroom excellence 2.46 ac. treed privacy Jacuzzi tub, many extras! & 3 BEDROOM SEMI-WATERFRONT • Landscaped half acre • Workshop • $235,000 B 1 2 A WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 26, !994 S P O R E ' S & R E C R E A T I O N GULF ISLANDS DRIFTWOOD gtim&JW&'acvipJfil iAn>fTnoe&tment? This five acres with a new guest house in the quiet south end will return rental income while you wait to build your dream home. RENT WILL CARRY UP TO $100,000 OF MORTGAGE $244,000 ™ • Easy care • Easy construction site • Good well • Previously fenced • Treed & open • Lake access • Rocky bluff • Call me for details $129,900 dte &kio(ictf'fuul<Pieu>&> J^bwhanAWaterfront ,-$WF*B*3 L iLLL If you want the 100 Hills view from your living & dining room, decks, studio and hot tub, this is the home for you. Paved drive and orchard, too. • Renovated 3 bedroom home • Studio, paved drive • Great water • New foreshore lease $319,000 Only $499,000 CALL ALLAN BRUCE BUS: S37-SSS3 ON THE ATTACK: GISS Kicks midfielder Chris Jason (on the far right) breaks up a Cowichan attack in Salt Spring Island soccer action last weekend. 164 I iilli.iil-l.iim,, Kuiicl.l'.O. BUS 220, (Liny-.. I: ( Photo by Tony Richards Kicks, Cowichan settle for tie Salt Spring Kicks played solid soccer Sunday, and settled for a 22 tie with Cowichan. Chris Aiechele got the Kicks' first goal, but Cowichan answered with one of their own before the end of the first half. Richard Avedon-Savage put the Kicks up 2-1 in the second half, but they could not fend off a strong Cowichan team. Coach Don Morrison said a victory at Portlock Park Sunday would have given Kicks second place in the under 19 boys division of the Lower Island Youth s ervice with ntegrity Soccer League. They have now played all seven teams in their division and will do so two more times before the regular season closes at the end of Feburary. Kicks play Gorge Canadians in Victoria next Sunday. GISS Scorpions head for play-offs Gulf Islands Secondary School soccer Scorpions clinched the mid-Vancouver Island league title last Thursday by trouncing Brentwood 4-0. The senior boys came out flying, applying relentless pressure for 90 minutes while at the same time playing flawless defence. At the 25 minute mark Bill Beck flicked on a head ball to put GISS up 1-0. Before the half, Harrison Jason blasted home a terrific shot to make it 2-0. In the second half, Carl Ensminger continued to dominate the midfield, while teammate Richard AvedonSavage again shut down Brentwood's most dangerous striker. Sweeper Kalkin Brosseau and captain Eric Byron continually thwarted Brentwood forays into Scorpion territory and set up devastating counter-attacks. After Adrian Hingston made it 3-0, the Scorpions could sense the league title was theirs, and poured on even more pressure. Jason made a dashing run down the left flank, leaving three defenders in his wake, before ripping home his 11th goal of the season. Scorpions wrap up their regular season at home against Shawnigan Lake this Thursday. GISS will take on Barsby of Nanaimo the following week for the first round of the north Vancouver Island tournament. The top two teams will go on to Abbotsford for the provincial finals. I MARION MARKS 537-2453 Meet at Drummond Park at 10:15 a.m. Walk: Mt. Belcher with leader Betty Ball. Meet at Centennial Park at 10 a.m. Nov. 22 — Work party: Lopping with Brian. Meet at Centennial Park at 10 a.m. Nature outing: Walk to a beaver dam with Kathy Reimer. Meet at Centennial Park at 10 a.m. or Stewart Road fish hatchery at 10:15a.m. Nov. 24 — Monthly meeting, 7:30 p.m. Dessert and coffee reception for two special friends An "English Country Garden" Salt Spring Island Community Services 268 Fulford-Ganges Rd. 537-9971 No Better Lot Value K**t. Isv-SS&flB r _ ^*w^w»»j^ ' Built in 1991 in Brinkworthy ' 2 bedrooms ' 2 bathrooms (one ensuite) ' Mountain views ' Fenced-in garden ' Awning and window coverinas '4466,000 Now $149,900 MLS/NRS * Over half an acre * Cleared •Level * Nicely treed on lot line * In area of fine homes * Poss. sea glimpses from 2nd floor '$110,000 MLS/NRS Business Opportunity Oceanview * IJEHH^ preceded by a short information meeting at All Saints by-the-Sea Anglican Church. Nov. 29 — Hike: Actress and outdoorswoman Andrea Rankin hikes down the yellow brick road. Meet at Centennial Park at 10 a.m. Walk: Baker Road area with Carol Howell. Meet at Centennial Park at 10 a.m. Tickets for the December 13 Christmas lunch will be available at the November 15 and 22 hikes and walks, and also at the November 24 monthly meeting. Ticket price is $12.50. SHELLI ROBERTSON 653-4347 Look at What You're Missing! Trail and Nature Club gives schedule Following is the Salt Spring Island Trail and Nature Club schedule of activities for November. Nov. 1 — Hike: Reginald Hill a circuitous operation performed by Dr. Alan Clews. Meet at Drummond Park at 10:15 a.m. Walk: Maracaibo area with leader Edna Gatt. Meet at Centennial Park at 10 a.m. Nov. 8— Combined walk and hike on Portland Island. Reservations to Wally Priedolins at 537-4631. Nov. 15 — Hike: Mount Bruce "the hard way" with Fred Powell. 12* to) RES: 5 3 7 - 2 7 9 9 CREEK HOUSE REALTY LID. 4 m m ' ' ' ' ' Over 5 years in business Established clientele Tremendous goodwill Located in high traffic area Specializing in linens, gifts, wicker and crafts '$49,900 MLS/NRS * Two bedroom plus den * One and one half bathrooms * Very large living room * Close to elementary school * Close to beach * Four appliances included * $160,000 Reduced to $149,000 P i e a s e c a l l S h e l l i o r M a r i O n foraviewing 5 3 7 - 5 5 1 5 . . - s NRS SALT S P R I N G REALTY L T D . 149 Fulford Ganges Road P.O. Box 6 9 , Ganges, B.C. V0S 1E0 Phone: (604) 537-5515 Fax: (604) 537-979: Vic.Dir:656-5554 Van.Dir:27B->"»'/'> Insuring the Islands Since 1928 • Commercial • Residential • Tenants • Marine • Bonding • Travel/Medical ALL OF OUR SERVICES ARE FREE 24 HR. CRISIS LINE: Dial 0 and ask for ZENITH 2262 (no charge). Caller is connected with the Need Crisis Centre in Victoria. EMERGENCY FOOD BANK: Open Mon, Wed, Fri, 1-3pm. COUNSELLING SERVICES: Crisis and short-term counselling provided by Community Workers. ALCOHOL & DRUG PROGRAM: Prevention & treatment service is free and confidential. YOUTH CENTRE: For further information call 537-9971. djiilqpta Complete Motor Vehicle Licensing Service • Drivers' Licences * Out-of-province Registrations "Islanders Insuring Islanders » VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR: Office, food bank. RECYCLE DEPOT: Open Monday - Saturday from 10:00am-5pm, 349 Rainbow Rd., 537-1200. "GULF ISLANDS WELLNESS PROGRAMS COORDINATOR: Call Rhema Cossever at 537-4607" for Senior's Health Promotion. Salt Spring Insurance Agencies Ltd GRACE POINT SQUARE 537-5527 FAX 537-9700 GULF ISLANDS DRIFTWOOD Sharp tactics contribute to Old Boys win By MALCOLM LEGG Driftwood Contributor Salt Spring Pharmasave Old Boys 4 Castaways 1 Local Old Boys slammed their way to victory in their first road win and with a not-so-classic 4-1 win over Castaways. The victory did not so much result from great soccer ability, but from a tactical session the lads held the Tuesday prior to the game. The Old Geezers needed to brush up on soccer tactics and therefore held the first Soccer Tactics for Aging Geezers (also known as a STAG) on a Tuesday evening at Harbour House Hotel. The session was held in particular to help rookies like Dave Abley, Chris Cottrell, Tony Clair and especially "the Rookie" Drew Lindsay in understanding our soccer tactics. Over the seasons we have relied greatly on stimulants and rubs to help us last a full 90 minutes (like A535, Geritol, Advil). However, this season, such treatments did not seem to be working. Both injuries and losses were up. Tactically, we needed new aids to boost our old tired muscles into action. This session aimed to help us find some. Tim Stirrup recommended Black Sambura, but most agreed SPORTS By MALCOLM LEGG Driftwood Contributor The local under-17 girls took to the field last weekend with a new sponsor, Hazenboom Construction, and a new name, and almost staged a sensational second half comeback before dropping a 4-3 decision to an older Cowichan team. Once again, the Strikers faced the challenge of playing an older and certainly bigger opponent, but as the game wore on, the local squad showed it has the character to play these teams. Cowichan easily dominated the opening half and had it not been for the Strikers' jack rabbit goalie, Shelagh Baker, who sprung from side to side making spectacular saves, they would have had more than a 3-0 lead at the half. At the half, coach Mary-Anne Rome quickly regrouped the Strikers (or maybe we should call them the Boomers after our sponsor?) and shuffled the players in the hope of getting things going. Shelagh Baker came out of goal and moved to centre back with Stephanie Collette and the twosome combined beautifully to shut down Cowichan's attack. With the team settling down it was time to look for goals, and Sarah Myles led the charge, tearing into Cowichan's defence that rather than be taken internally it would make a better boot polish. Henry felt rusty nails might work, but experiments by Dave Abley showed a rather corrosive effect on one's mental state the following day. Cal suggested beer, but we already use this for after game relief. Gary thought Tequila might work, but based on what it does to worms, I doubt it. Drew, being a rookie, thought trying them all together might solve the problem, but unfortunately he left the meeting early saying something about "Molson rocks." It was finally decided we did not need any substances, but rather we should challenge the Salt Spring F.C. to a game in December to boost our egos. Chris Cottrell felt we would win easily, as everyone knows they have no forward line. Therefore, the game would stimulate our well-being at the expense of their's. These positive feelings must have carried over to Sunday's win as, according to Henry (who reported on the game in my absence), "They were no match for us, even with our team playing its worst game of the season." In fact, Henry said, "They were so bad that Cal McKay looked fast next to their best player." They were so bad that Henry, who was playing in goal, was out at center trying to find something to do. Ziggy Karl, Darryl Lister (with two) and Tony Clair did the damage to ensure the win, but my only question to Henry would be if they were so bad, how did they get a goal? Anyway, the win was deserved and the lads, tactics, egos and classic soccer will go again this Sunday, 10 a.m. at Portlock Park against Gorge Over 35's. and trying to create that allimportant first goal. Although she did not score, she helped her teammates level of play rise up a notch and they were quickly rewarded when Jocelyn Hazenboom broke loose to score the first goal. The Strikers were just warming up. They continued to press and won a corner-kick. Hazenboom took the cross, but it headed back out towards her and she calmly drilled a 25-yard shot in for goal number two. Cowichan panicked and quickly sent in their best line-up but the Salt Spring defence of Baker, Collette, Alanna Scott, Jana Tighe, Genesis Davies and Lara Brown held on. The goal post, several near misses and some stellar goalkeeping by Molly Lynesford made the difference. With time running out and the Strikers' timing, Cowichan finally broke through to score. One minute later the Strikers rallied once more with Kristi Kallip converting a long pass from Laurie Legg. Unfortunately, time ran out and the Strikers' comeback fell short. However, the Strikers can feel proud of the great effort they gave in the second half where they showed a lot of character. S P R I N G [NI, S T O R A G E 347 Upper Ganges Road 'Safer than Someone's Old barn' RESERVE TODAYCALl AY CALL 537-5888FOR SIZES & RATES •"«"'"»«*'»' WATERFRONT, VIEW, ACREAGE Strikers lose tough match to Cowichan S A L T Tactically, we needed new aids to boost our old tired muscles into action. & R EC R E M ION RE/MAX Realty of Salt Spring Island 136 Lower Ganges Rd.,Salt Spring Island, B.C.V8K29S office: 537-9977 or 1-800-506-6656 S ^ \ J 2.85 ACRES, 3000 SQ.FT. HOME. 3 bedroom, large kitchen, guest cottage, barn/workshop, trout pond, fruit trees. 5385,000 BEAUTIFUL ACREAGE. Blackburn Lake area. Five ac, distance mountain and valley view, second growth timber, zoned for main residence and guest cottage. Asking $135,000 WATERFRONT CABIN. .43 acres, view, community water, hydro and telephone, site for permanent residents. $169,000 GANGES HOME. Well kept four bedroom home, level nicely landscaped yard, mature kiwi, and convenient to amenities. $239,500 GREAT INVESTMENT NEAR GANGES. On the proposed Ganges bypass route, corner level lot, older 3 bedroom home, currently renting, bring your family and ideas. Asking $185,000 68 AC unobstructed oceanview plus good lake & valley view. Great farm, estate and/or retreat potential, nicely treed, meadow & pond. $399,000 OCEANFRONT ACREAGE. 7.54 ac. plus 1/5 interest in common property, boat launching ramp. Surrounded by Park Land. $385,000 NEAR NEW. Three Bedroom Rancher, close to St. Mary Lake and Fernwood School, carport and level yard. Good Starter or easy care retirement. Asking $189,000 SOUTH END HOBBY FARM. 32 ac, 6 to 8 ac. cleared and fenced. 3 bedroom modern home, barn, subdividable. $498,500 Call PATRICK AKERMAN 537-9977 (office) Realize Your Ore I'CJ&r Call Ed & Jean A Crowning Achievement Salt Spring Lamb! Away from the world, expansive Thrive on this rolling 2.01 ac. colonial home situated on knoll cleared & fenced lot in mid-island with rural and valley views. location. Sunny & warm, irrigation Superbly crafted throughout with pond, well, serviced, ready for your separate studio/workshop built to personal home plans. $149,500 match. Enjoy old world charm with Southwest Ocean View a fresh new look on 5 private, well Modem and Classy, 3 bd. treed acres. $498,500 spacious home located on private 5 acres overlooking the Sea Near New with South & West exposure. 2000 sq.ft. custom built 3 bd. Windows galore highlight the rancher on sunny & private 3.6 many fine features of this home, acres with south views over complementing the inside open Ganges Harbour. Within minutes of feeling and exposing the wondergolf, town and ferries. Fenced gar- ful views & serenity. Garry Oaks den, hot tub, grand brick fireplace. proliferate on easy care grounds. $359,000 Offered at below appraised value! $398,500 Fine Oceanfront Living Superior oceanfront home. Over 4000 sq.ft. overlooking Welbury Bay, Salt Spring Island. Energy-efficient custom 3 br, open post & beam design, all major living areas have ocean views, large entertainment room with hot tub and wet bar. Beach with wharf and water lease. $595,000 Exquisite house/hobby farm, on Salt Spring Island, 9 ac with guest house/clinic Ideal for professional, great location, panoramic valley and sea views. $669,000 5 acre waterfront lots in the protected bay of Long Harbour, Salt Spring Island. $211,000 Fulford Harbour Oceanfront 2.13 ac Docks, wharves, C4 and foreshore lease with 2 bd. home. $735,000 Lasqueti Island. Beautiful 1/2 ac, low bank oceanfront property with 2 modem cottages situated at the head of False Bay. S.W. facing. Complete get-a-way package, both houses tastefully furnished. Comes with boat motor, fishing gear, etc $238,000 To view, please contact Ed or Jean Davis, RFT^VIBX Salt Spring Island 136 Lower Ganges Road Office 537-9977 Office/Fax 537-9980 Home Office 537-2626 Home Fax 537-2687 YOUR OWN PARK Well maintained home on beautifully landscaped acre. Quietly situated on a cul-desac Massive stone fireplace in living room. Irrigation system. Security lights. Paved driveway. Established neighbourhood. Reduced to $219,900 Call AMY GOODWILL 537-9977 or 1-800-506-6656 RESIDENTIAL, COMMERCIAL, FARMS B 1 4 * WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1994 A R O U N D T H E I S L A N D S GULF ISLANDS DRIFTWOOD Rose talk revived by garden club SEAVIEW ACREAGE cert violinist Arthur Poison. This is a change from the previously scheduled concert series event. Several years ago, Galiano's Poison takes his audience on a now-retired Islands Trust reprejourney through time, the story of sentative Margaret Griffiths, the violin from its earliest forms to helped along by her husband George, gave her fellow garden advice on the planting of spring the modern electric "R.A.A.D." club members a talk on old roses. bulbs. The latter are most effective instrument. Fascinating insights The "history" was well received when planted in clumps — daf- into the instruments, techniques at the time and led to requests from fodils can take some shade, tulips and music of the violin will be a bonus to Poison's music. other groups about the islands for do best in full sun. other recitals. With well over 100 Second in the series is a Exhibits on the show bench varieties of old roses in their gar- were fewer than usual but of good Monday, February 6 performance den overlooking Active Pass, quality. Good chrysanthemums by "L'Ensemble Arion", one of George was able to personally were shown, as well as bouquets Canada's leading early music photograph all the colour slides of annuals. A vase of delphiniums groups. From Montreal, they bring used to illustrate the talk. was favourably commented upon the delicate and compelling phrasIslands Trust meetings kept by the judge, who also had appre- es of early baroque chamber Margaret from her garden during ciative comments to make on a music, played with authenticity her term of office but now, potted geranium and several love- and style. The three-concert series despite George's recent ill health, ly fall flower arrangements. In the concludes on March 6 with a pervegetable section, judge Jane formance by the Alberta the two are back in their garden tending a somewhat reduced num- Edwards was to see some fine Saxophone Quartet. Also known tomatoes, green peppers, onions, as the "Swinging Bovines", this ber of varieties. acclaimed virtuoso ensemble plays Galiano Garden Club members gourds and zucchinis. were recently treated to a samMembers John Sibbald and Bill everything from the classics to pling of the Griffiths' extensive Callaway have been named as the exciting new contemporary jazz. knowledge of roses. nominating committee for the Concert series memberships are Roses from China and the 1995 executive. Elections will be $39, and can be obtained from Bill Callaway at 539-2515 as availMediterranean are the ancestors of held at the November 16 potluck. able. Membership is limited to many of the varieties popular over about 100 due to limited space in the centuries, said Margaret Pumpkin carving the South Galiano Hall. Griffiths. Sport blooms, which appear on established rose bushes, The North Galiano Community have often become the stock from Association's annual pumpkin Health care services which new varieties have been carving party is scheduled for developed. Rose growers have, Sunday afternoon, October 30 at 2 Galiano's interim health planover the ages, been little affected p.m. Open to all island youngsters ners sent out a "request for inforby political events of the day, and their parents, this free event mation" questionnaire to island according to Griffiths. Napoleon's now in its tenth year, is always organizations recently. Empress Josephine established a popular. Dad or Mom (sometimes A second notice for householders notable garden of roses at both) arrive with a pumpkin (or will be printed in the November Malmalson (the first collection), pumpkins), a carving instrument issue of the Active Page. The planreceiving new varieties from other and the would-be carver or ners want input on what Galianoites countries, which were brought to carvers, and then the work begins. would like to see on the island in France by army personnel returnhealth care services. Among the Following the creative part of ing from foreign campaigns. The the afternoon, light refreshments questions asked are: "What do you blockade of the English Channel are served to the children. like most about our health care sysduring the Napoleonic Wars did Pumpkin pie will be available to tem in British Columbia, what do not stop the flow of specialty roses the adults at a nominal charge. you like most about our health care for the Empress's garden — wars services here on Galiano, what does of the nation was one thing, the Galiano lack in health care services, Christmas craft fair creation of a rose garden another. and what improvements would you The ever popular "Peace" rose, Preparations are now underway like to see?" grown from a seed in Europe just for North Galiano's fifteenth annuThe group's positive approach prior to the second world war, was al Christmas Craft Fair. The dates has been favourably received by smuggled to the United States in for this popular event are Saturday, island groups. The steering coman attache's case. Tended during November 12 and Sunday, mittee of the interim planning the war years on this side of the November 13. The Community group consists of Gloria Clothier, Atlantic, it came to public attention Hall, converted to a mall of bou- Kathlyn Benger and Don Clark. after the war and was received by tiques, will feature home baking, Clark is currently the alternate gardeners the world over with Christmas cakes and chocolates, interim chairman. Other members delight — a symbol for the future. crafts, sewing and knitting, design- of the planning committee are Al In other Garden Club news it was er shirts, floral arrangements and Elliott, Terry Waines, Bill Shead announced that arrangements are decorations for the house and the and Colette Gauthier. now well underway for the group's Christmas tree. A raffle is always a The committee meets regularly November 16 potluck luncheon and popular addition to the craft fair as on Thursday evenings at the Health award giving. Held at the North well. Hearty soup and unique Care Centre. They welcome input Hall, the luncheon will begin at sausage rolls will be served hot from islanders — in person at their noon. Entertainment includes two from the kitchen. meetings, in writing or by phone skits and a "Broadway musical". Crafts people wishing to partici- call. Phone Clark at 539-2478. Purveyor of the above information pate in this year's fair should contact The committee wants to know was president Ed Yeomans. Earlier Dorothy Ross at 539-2294 as scon as what gaps there are in Galiano's in the proceedings, Yeomans had possible, as display space is limited. health care services, what is needed taken a moment to thank those who here and what should be changed. arranged the club's very successful Those basic questions must be Concert series September harvest, flower and veganswered in the steering commitetable show. This winter's Gulf Islands tee's report, due at the beginning Show judge Aini Haksi gave her Concert Series begins on Thursday, GALIANO B15 monthly garden tips, including November 3 with renowned conBy ALISTAIR ROSS Driftwood Correspondent GALIANO • 1 acre, sunny, private, arable • 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, 2 sewing rooms • Quality built older home • Close to all services Asking '219,000 MOTES GLOBAL BOND FIND 1Yr. 3Yr. 11.3 15.8 5Yr. 10.2 per yr. per yr. "All of the fund's investments are in Government issued or guaranteed bonds MONTHLY INCOME PLEASE CONTACT *cf% NIGEL SEALE 537-1666 CALL NORM SLATER BUS: 537-5553 I » M FAX: 537-4288 I—- CREEK HOUSE REALTY LTD. IM I'ult'iirri-Uiiici's Knuil. P.O. U"\ 12B. tians&s. It.l A funny t h i n g happened o n (Gulf Islands Driftwood) the way t o w o r k (Gulf Islands Driftwood) I had my radio tuned In t o (Gulf Islands Driftwood) m y favourite station and w h e n (Gulf Islands Driftwood) I pulled in t o m y parking spot (Gulf Islands Driftwood) I felt this insatiable (Gulf Islands Driftwood) desire t o read the G u l l Islands D r i f t w o o d . SUBLIMINAL ADVERTISEMENT EASY AS PIE Subscribe to the Driftwood Send a Cheque or money order to: Gulf Islands Driftwood, Box 250, Ganges, B.C. V0S 1E0 Name Address Or use your Visa • or Mastercard • or Cheque D 12 Months D 6 Months D Yearly Subscription Rates: In the Gulf Islands $27.82* Elsewhere in Canada, $56.52* (6 Months $37.45*) Foreign $169.00 'Includes GST PRIVATE SUNNY "ISLAND" HOME Cute 2 bedroom home in the true Salt Spring style and spirit, nestled in a secluded sunny .77 acre lot in an area of fine homes. Lots of skylights, wood floor, & trim combined with the woodstove give . this house a warm cosy feel. Over 700 sq.ft. of s.facing decks are made for entertaining on summer evenings. A sleeping loft over the master bedroom helps with guest accommodation plus the insulated studio attached to the double carport could be extra sleeping quarters. Enjoy the tranquility and ease of your fenced, irrigated garden. Truly a Salt Spring home. $ 2 2 9 , 0 0 0 MLS/NRS Call JAMES LAUTENSCHLAGER (604)537-5515 (24 hr. paging) NRS SALT S P R I N G REALTY L T D . 149 I ul lot (I Ganges Road P.O. Box 6 9 , Ganges, B.C. V0S 1E0 VICTORIA ASSET M A N A G E M E N T GROUP INC. Figures as of June 30,1994. souby Pmpectut only. Past pwformanc* is no guarantee of bbue resets. inc (604i i : : - r . r i i r . vk .Dir:(»5fi i ^ V , i \ : K>(l4l r i ':'-')' AROUND GULF ISLANDS DRIFTWOOD THE ISLANDS Health planning under way By GAILTRAFFORD Driftwood correspondent The community health planning committee met Thursday, October 20 to discuss access to health care under the new organization of the community health council. Hospital service, continuing care, preventative medicine, mental health service, and alcohol and drug care constitute the five levels of health care. Provincial health care will be turned over to three levels of organization: the ministry of health, regional health boards and community health councils. Our local health council should be ready to begin taking over local issues this spring. The local community was described in some depth and an inventory taken of existing local services. Both assets and failings of these services were discussed. School services were deemed to be excellent and this should be maintained. Counselling services are much needed and wellused but they have been cut back. The community may face the potential of losing the services of a resident physician as the present isolation allowance is withdrawn. Difficulties faced by the community in finding and keeping a nurse practitioner were noted, as well as the lack of financial support for our 911 emergency response team. Communication, assessment, and case overloads were cited as problems for the SATURN A Concert series The first of the Gulf Islands Concerts series is "From Strad to Raad." Arthur Poison will be at the Community Hall Wednesday, November 2 at 8:00 p.m. to walk music enthusiasts through the ages with the violin from the early baroque period to the modern electric "Raad" instrument. Tickets for all three coming concerts are available in advance from Nancy Angermeyer or Priscilla Ewbank for $39. If you can only attend one concert, phone one of the organizers for details. These concert series have been excellent in the past and this From Page B14 of January. At that time, reports now being prepared on each of the southern Gulf Islands will be compared and a master plan for all the islands produced. With this deadline in mind, the Galiano group needs responses from community groups by October 30. It will then combine these ideas with those gleaned from individual householders. Deadline for the Active Page tear-outs is November 15. Drop-off boxes will be established at the following places for respondents' convenience: at the Corner Store, the bakery complex, and the Galiano Garage in South Galiano and at the Community Hall in the north. Visitors to North Galiano's Christmas Craft Fair (November 12 and 13) will be able to drop off their tear-outs at the hall at that time. A public meeting will air the planner's findings on December 3 in the Galiano Activity Centre. New Homes & Renovations General or Subcontract Pig barbecue home care workers. Barb Ropars spoke on behalf of the police advisory commission and asked that support services for the elderly, palliative care, and voluntary assistance be made available to seniors. When these services have been lacking, the RCMP have occasionally been forced to arrest someone to enforce treatment when they become a danger to themselves or others. The health care committee requests your input. Suggestions. will be received by Liz Kaey, and Pam Brown, either by phone or in writing. GALIANO South TjndConstmctkm year's choices should equal if not surpass that record. NOTES The semi-annual volunteer fire department pig barbecue is slated for Saturday, November 12. Tickets are available at both stores. This year, Bill and Christine Bender and the boys will entertain us with live dance music after dinner. Don't miss this island get-together. «™B»».«I«««»W Paul Adams 653-4589 150 Menhinick Dr., Salt Spring Is. B.C., V8K 1W7 Advertising doesn't cost it PAY$. 537-9933 Herb workshop Carol McGrath is returning to Saturna for the workshop, "Discovering Herbs". It will run from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Saturday, October 29, beginning at the Community Hall and including a short herb walk. McGrath will discuss the identification and preservation of herbs both wild and domesticated. She will recommend herbs to boost the immune system, and to treat colds and the flu. Call Eve Patterson at 539-5516 for more details. Bob Bossin concert Bob Bossin, a well-known folk musician from Gabriola Island, will be in concert Friday, November 4 at 8 p.m. at the Community Hall. Don't forget to get your tickets soon. After October 31 the price goes up. John Wiznuk is organizing this stop in Bossin's latest tour. SALT SPRING, GALIANO, MAYNE & OUTER ISLANDS WATERFRONT PROPERTIES tSs?£0r*il * 2.62 acres W.F. southfacing * 2900 sq.ft. home & cabin * Barn & horse coral * Fruit trees & garden * Walk on shell beach * Good moorage * MLS/NRS * $1,095,000 * 1/2 acre southfacing waterfront * Great building site * Water system, sewer, power * Dock and tennis facilities * Private strata development * Have a look "awesome" * MLS/NRS * $185,000 EXCELLENT FAMILY HOMES hltfdli * 2300 sq.ft. home on .63 of an acre * View of ML Baker, Active Pass & the North Shore mtns. * 4 bedrooms & 3 bathrooms * Separate guest suite * New paint, carpet & linol • * Double carport & more * MLS/NRS '$315,000 u>h:j^ * 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom home * Over 2000 sq.ft. plus shop * 1/2 acre, very sunny * Totally fenced, nice gardens * Great area for family * Only one owner * MLS/NRS * $199,500 TWO WELL PRICED HOMES ALMOST 50 ACRESI Look around Salt Spring and see how this acreage and price compares to lots less than half this see! Potential for dynamic ocean-views, too! Ideal for horses or sheep! $279,000 MLS PARKLIKE SETTING! Privacy and peace amid these five acres. Nestled among the fir trees sits a cozy guest cottage. A series of multilevel ponds divides the cleared main house site! $215,000 MLS L ^ SHARE IN COOPERATIVE! 1/30th share in community set amidst 160 forested acres on North Galiano. If you yearn to 'go back to the land,' this is the right place for you! $72,000 MLS WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? Ths bargain-pnced walk-on waterfront lot wont wait forever. You'd better buy now ox you'll be saying; "I should have bought..." like so many other procrastinating people. Only... $99,000! MLS #'Y*pB -I * ^ • 1 I • ^bjtvv^iaWJM * West facing view home * Over 2400 sq.ft. * 3 bedrooms, 2 baths * Quality construction * New carpets & landscaping * MLS/NRS '$229,900 * 4.97 sunny acres * Mixture of pasture & trees * Very private setting '1500 sq.ft. home * Quality construction * Great area for family * MLS/NRS '$225,000 ACREAGE + HOMES mm Trotman to Mayne Island Galiano's school principal Ken Trotman is going to Mayne Island to supervise the combined elementary and middle-school there. A popular and effective teacher and administrator, Trotman will be missed greatly on Galiano. POTENTIALLY GREAT VIEWS! HAVE BOAT, WILL TRAVEL! Two acres on the south end, botdering on parkWork in Victoria, live on the Gulf Islands. reserve! Minutes from ferry, and at amenities. Only minutes by runabout from Swartz Bay Look down over Mayne Island, Georgia government dock; yet this large five bedStraight and Mount Baker with clearing. room, 3 level family home seems far away. $124,900 MLS $399,000 MLS * 3.58 sunny acres * Manufactured home + addition * Zoning allows guest cottage * 8 GPM shared well * Close to town * Starter home * MLS/NRS * $175,000 * 900 sq.ft. 2 bedroom home * 1.66 private acres * Large cedars, firs & maples * Close to town * Great starter or retreat home * Qualifies for 5% CMHC mtg. * MLS/NRS '$154,000 SAVE THOUSANDS!! CEDAR HOME KITS $25 - $35 sq. ft. 85 Standard models 400-5000sq. Ft. or your custom plan. SPECIALIZING IN POST & BEAM DESIGNS Full color plan book $12 - Visa Island shelling crews available B.C. toll free 1-800-663-5693 4 SHIPPED WORLDWIDE LINWDDD HOMES 8250 River Road, Delta, B.C., Canada V4G 115 unstoju.c./i'n WATCH THE APPLES RIPENI Enough fruit on this two acre hobby farm to pay the taxes! Cozy and cute 3 bdr country home. All only minutes from Victoria ferry and Stowell Lake. $259,900 MLS OntuiK Islands Realty Ltd. 537-9981 £* WATCH THE DEER FROLIC! Once you've cleared yourself a view of Bennett Bay. On this two acre parcel, you'll have plenty to look at from your new homesite. Community water system available. $125,000 MLS Call GEORGE or JANET Salt Spring - 24 hrs. Salt5 3Sorlna W' V i n i l L I 7 - 9 5 5 -1 24 FAXhrs. P.O. Box 454, 1101 Grace Pt. Square, Ganges, B.C. V0S 1E0 - " Cf" NRS SALT SPRING REALTY LTD. >— 149 Fulford Ganges Road ^ T c J ! P.O. Box 69, Ganges, B.C. V0S 1E0 {\j Phane: (1)1)4) 337-5515 Fax:11.04) 5.17-9797 Vic.Dir;6Sfe-5554Van.Dm273-5595 ON C L A S S I F I E D S B16 * WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1994 GULF ISLANDS DRIFTWOOD 3E Call 537-9933 Now...Pay by "Direct Payment Machine' 06 DEATHS RATES Liners: $5.60 for up to 15 words; 20 cents each additional word. Frequency discounts available on request. Buy 2 weeks, get 1 free (private party ads only, prepaid cash, M/C or Visa.) Sorry, no refunds or changes. Semi Display: $9.20 per col. inch, .5 point border, add $2. Frequency discounts available. T o o L a t e T o Classify: Classifieds placed after noon Monday & before noon Tuesday, will be published unclassified, but not proofread, subject to availability of space. 15 words, $6.95, 30 cents each additional. Network Classifieds: Run your ad in community newspapers across the country or in the province of your choice. Call us for details. Regular deadlines for classified ads: Monday at noon. Too Late To Classify from noon Monday to noon Tuesday. WILD, Leslie George (Scotty). A memorial service will be held at the Salt Spring Island Legion Hall, October 29 at 2 p.m.. Donations to the Heart and Stroke Foundation of BC and Yukon appreciated in lieu of flowers. 43 INDEX TO CLASSIFICATIONS 05 Births 06 Deaths 08 Cards of Thanks 10 Celebrations 11 Coming Events 14 Community Services 17 Education 20 Engagements 23 In Memoriam 26 Legals 29 Lost and Found 30 Marriages 32 Meetings 34 Notices/Personal 35 Motices/Commercial 40 Personals 42 Travel 50 Business Opportunities 51 Business Personals 55 Help Wanted 60 Work Wanted BUSINESS SERVICES 100 Accounting 101 Airlines 102 Alarms 103 Appliance Repair 105 Architects & Designers 109 Autobody Repairs 110 Automotive Repairs 11*1 Awnings 112 Body Care & Health Services 114 Bed & Breakfast 115 Brickworks 116 Bulk Fuels 117 Cameras 118 Carpenters 119 Catering Services 122 Charters 125 Child Care 128 Chimney Cleaning 131 Cleaning Services 133 Computers 134 Concrete 137 Contractors 139 Courier Services 140 Day Care 141 Decking 142 Diving 143 Draperies 146 Drywall 147 Education 148 Electrical 149 Engineers 150 Excavating 151 Eyeglasses 152 Firewood 153 Flooring • 154 Florists 156 Gardening/Landscaping 157 Graphic Designers 158 Glass 159 Gravel Supply 160 Health & Fitness 161 Heating 162 Insulation 163 Insurance 164 Interior Design 165 Lawyers 166 Locksmiths 167 Marine Services 168 Masonry 171 Misc. Services 174 Moving & Storage 176 Music Lessons 177 Musical Services 180 Nurseries 183 Painting 186 Paving/Driveways 187 Pets/Livestock 189 Photography 192 Picture Framing 195 Plumbing 196 Printers 197 Pressure Washing 198 Property Maintenance 199 Publishers 200 Property Management 201 Recycling 202 Renovations 203Rentals 204 Resorts 207 Roofing 210 Secretarial Services 213 Sewing 216 Sheet Metal 219 Shoe Repair 220 Siding 222 Signs 226 Small Engine Service 227 Tile Setting 231 Tree Service 234 Towing 237 Trucking 240 TV & Radio Service 239 Upholstery 241 Vacuum Systems 242 Veterinarians 243 Water Analysis 244 Welding 245 Windows 300 Antiques 302 Appliances 304 Automotive 305 Boats & Marine 310 Building Supplies 315 Cars & Trucks 320 Clothing 322 Computers 325 Crafts 327 Equipment 329 Farm Items 330 Food Products 335 Furniture 340 Garage Sales 342 Garden Supplies 343 Health Supplies 350 Misc. For Sale 355 Motorcycles 360 Musical Instruments 365 Office Equipment 370 Pets/Livestock 375 Recreational Vehicles 376 Sporting Goods 377 Toys 379 Free/Recyclables 385 Wanted 386 Water Sales REAL ESTATE 400 Appraisals 410 For Sale 420 Financing430 Land Surveyors 440 Miscellaneous 450 Mobile Homes 460 Wanted RENTALS 500 Apt/Suites 510 Commercial Space 515 Holiday Accommodation 520 Houses 525 Rentals Misc. 530 Shared Accommodation 535 Situations Wanted 540 Wanted/Rentals TERMS Classified advertising accepted on a prepaid basis only. Visa, Mastercard and Direct Payment Debit Card welcome. Driftwood Publishing Ltd. reserves the right t o classify ads under a p p r o p r i a t e headings, set rates therefore and determine page locat i o n . Full, complete and sole copyright in any advertising produced by Driftwood Publishing Ltd. is vested in and belongs t o D r i f t w o o d Publishing Ltd. No copyright material may be reproduced in any form without the prior written consent of Driftwood Publishing Ltd. All claims and errors t o advertisements must be received by the publisher within 30 days of the first publication. It is agreed by any display or classified advertiser that the liability of the newspaper in the event of failure t o publish an advertisement or in the event that errors occur in the publishing of any advertisement shall be limited t o the amount paid by the advertiser for that portion of the advertising space occupied by the incorrect item only and t h a t there shall be no liability in any event beyond the amount paid for such advertisement. Driftwood Publishing Ltd. cannot be responsible for errors after the first day of publication of any advertisement . Notice of errors in the first week should immediately be called to the attention of the advertising department to be corrected for the following edition. All advertising is subject t o the approval of the publisher. Box 250, Ganges, B.C. V0S 1E0 MORRIS -Doreen Sheila nee Crofton), passed away eacefully October 20, 1994, at the age of 83 surrounded by her children In the Gulf Islands Lady Minto Hospital. The middle of seven children, born to Fred and Nona Crofton, pioneer Salt Spring family. Doreen was raised on Salt Spring and later helped her family manage the Harbour House Hotel. Predeceased by her loving husband, Fred; and her granddaughter, Tracey. She is survived by her three devoted children, Wendy Bousfield (Peter), Victoria; Robert (Fran), Whitehorse; and Jim, North Vancouver; brother, P. D. Crofton, Victoria; sister, Denise Crofton, Salt Spring; grandchildren, Tara, Naomi-Kate Smith (Morgan), Leah and Andrew; and great-grandson, Gwydion; her very long time friend, Theo Knight, Vancouver; and many nephews, nieces and friends. A loving mother, Doreen was a member of the I.O.D.E., Ladies Anglican Auxiliary and for many years a social reporter for the Driftwood, Sidney Review, Victoria Colonist and Cowichan Leader Newspapers. A funeral service was held at St. Mark's Anglican Church, Salt Spring Island, on Monday, October 24, at 1:30 pm., Right Rev. Barry Valentine officiated. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to Canadian Foundation for Ileitis and Colitis, Victoria Chapter, Box 5652, Station "B", Victoria, B.C. V8R 6F4 or to a charity of your choice. ...She is now at peace and 'Her Irish Eyes are Smiling" always. J 08 CARD OF THANKS T h e H o m e Support Services Society wishes to thank those businesses who generously contributed to an enjoyable evening held to thank the Home Support Workers of Salt Spring Island. Harlan's . Moka House Sharon's Jitterbugs Mouat's Trading Co. Salt Spring Soapworks Love My Kitchen Foxglove Flowers & Wine Pharmasave Changing Habits Thrifty Foods Stella's Boardwalk Cafe Video Ranch Pooh Corner Fraser Thimble Farms Color King The Kitchen Garden The Curries Bristol Cutter Hair Co. Boardwalk Greens Eggs from Pat's Chickens Pumpkins from the Pumpkin Fairy ifleds 08 CARD OF THANKS I I 11 COMING EVENTS I I 11 COMING EVENTS We would like to express our sincere thanks and gratitude to all who came to our assistance, sent flowers, cards and food, in the sudden passing of our beloved Les. In particular, we thank the excellent ambulance crew, the staff of Lady Minto Hospital, Dr. Graham and Dr. Crossland. We are also especially grateful to the wonderful staff of I.C.U. Royal Jubilee Hospital, Dr. Atkins, Dr. Meeks, Sheila, Chris, Marie and the rest of the staff for their efforts on Les' behalf, and their comforting care of us. Special thanks to Rt. Rev. Barry Valentine for his kindness to us all; to the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 92, and to Goodman Jones. MaryMollet, Jerri & Joe Manuck, Ted & Glenda Mollet, Bob & Ann Mollet, Anna & Cecil Moncey. 11 COMING EVENTS WHERE WATERS meet. Estuaries on Salt Spring. A presentation by Dr. Rob Butler, author, scientist, estuary biologist, Canadian Wildlife Service. A chance to learn about the importance of estuaries to our island, to discover how we can conserve these sensitive ecological areas. Anglican Church Hall, Lower Ganges Rd. & Park Drive, 1:30 pm. Wednesday, October 26, 1994. Welcome boaters, birders, beachcombers and all those who love our island home. Donation at the door to cover costs. A Salt Spring Ecosystem Stewardship Project. 43 SALTY SWEATERS Fitness Classes. Steps: Mon.-Wed.-Fri., 9 am. -10 am. All Saints By The Sea. Moderate Hi-Low Aerobics: Tuesday, Thursday, 9 am. - 10 am. 5:30 - 6:30 pm. Mahon Hall. Info, call Brenda, 653-4352. 43 "UP YOUR Ante" - A Hallowe'en Costume Quiz/Radio Show with Sid Filkow and Arvid Chalmers, Friday, Oct. 28. Prize for best costume. Character contestants wanted. Program time - 9:03 pm., $8 cover, Waterside Bistro, 537-4611. Reservations advised. 43 FIRST ANNUAL Family Fun Fest, Monday, October 31 at Fernwood Gym from 6 - 8 pm. Evening of fun for the entire family. Free admission, puppet plays, skits, cake walks and a variety of free games with prizes. Sponsored by the S.S.I. Pentecostal Church. Games for children to age 12. Children need to be accompanied by an adult or guardian to get in. 43 BASKET WORKSHOP. Learn to make a wicker basket. Sat. Nov. 12, 9:30-5:00 p.m. Call Joan 653-9565 or drop by the studio 1641 Fulford-Ganges Road. 43 TAI CHI with Simon Rook Monday nights in Fulford, Wed. & Thurs. nights in Ganges. 5375180. 43 COUNTRY CHRISTMAS Craft Fair, Dec. 10, 11 at the Salt Spring Centre. A unique family event with crafts, food and oldfashioned fun. Interested artisans, call 537-1630 for applications, , 43 GUITAR LESSONS. Beginner to intermediate. Also, songwriting and arranging electric bass, ukelele for children. 537-2294, Ramesh. 43 MAKE IT for Christmas. Stained Glass for beginners. Nov. 8, 10, 22, 24. 9-12. Bev, 537-9230. 43 INDOOR TENNIS lessons for Adults and Juniors by teacher with 30 years experience. Call 653-4820. 43 YOGA WITH Laura Klein (while Heather's away) at the United Church, Nov 1 to Dec 14. Integrating Body and Breath awareness while developing strength, flexibility and concentration. Tuesdays 9:30 -11 (Level 1) Wednesday 9:1511:15 (Level 2) Info 537-4077. 43 GOODS AND Services Auction, Sunday, Oct. 30, 2 pm. at the Core Inn. 134 McPhillips Ave. Over 50 items. Fundraiser for the Youth Project. 43 BIKE MARATHON, Sunday, Oct. 30, all ages welcome. Meet at 10 am. Portlock Park. Ends at the Core Inn. 43 P.G. WODEHOUSE addicts unite! Local chapter of The Wodehouse Society now forming. Info: 537-0753. 43 HALLOW THE We'en with the Peelers et al. B.P.H. Sat., Oct 29. Beautiful music. Dangerous Rhythms. 43 SALT SPRING PLAN GETTING THE ISLAND WE WANT ISSUE WORKSHOP: TOURISM OPTORTUNITIES AND IMPACT 7-10 p.m. Nov. 1,1994 All Saints-by-the-Sea (lower hall) 120 Park Drive, Ganges, B.C. Tourists - here, there, or everywhere? What are our goals for tourism on Salt Spring Island? What don't we want? How can we plan for tourism so its impacts are acceptable? Find out what other communities are doing to manage tourism. Future workshops include: The future of Ganges Village Core (Nov. 8); The future of Ganges Village Harbour (Nov. 15); The future of the upper Ganges Village area (Nov. 29). Plan to attend. For more information contact: ISLANDS TRUST Phone 537-9144 Fax:537-9116 #1206-115 FulfordGanges Rd. Salt Spring Island, B.C., V8K1A9 6 DAYS ONLY "Summer 95 LEISURE FURNITURE SHOW NOV. 3 - 8 (Old Furniture Store Next to Driftwood) UNICEF COFFEE PARTY November 3 - 10-3 pm. 186 Roland Road, Fulford Christmas Cards & Gifts Drop in any time. HALLOWEEN COSTUMES RENTALS & SALES Adults & Children Changing Habits Grace Point Sq. Oct. 26 - 31 10-6 (Closed Sunday) PRIVATE PARTIES! ALFRESCO'S RESTAURANT has private space available DAY or NIGHT for groups up to 70. For Christmas Parties and Breakfast, Lunch or Dinner meetings. Call Linda 537-5979 "WE SPECIALIZE IH GROUPS" HALLOWE'EN PARTY for 2 yr. - 7 yr. olds at THE LIBRARY Saturday, Oct. 29 2 - 3 pm. Costumes Welcome FUN, STORIES, FOOD! Burritt Bros. Carpets TRAVELLING RUG SHOW STARTS 10 AM. OCTOBER 26 RUNS THROUGH NOV. 2 For specials, discontinued styles and inventory clearance Rugs at unprecedented prices. It's a Buyer's Market! Burritt Bros. sp—.—— _ h since Carpets 1907 W H Y GO OFF-ISLAND FOR BETTER PRICING? when you can get those prices at S.5.I. y*teot, Lsecrvt • Carpet • Vinyl • Tile • Hardwood * QUALITY WORKMANSHIP 537-9455 CLASSIFIED!) GULF ISLANDS DRIFTWOOD 11 COMING EVENTS I I 11 COMING EVENTS I I 11 COMING EVENTS Say it with Flowers... ANNUAL SALT SPRING ISLAND COMMUNITY SERVICES SOCIETY WE OFFER FULL FLORAL SERVICE * Weddings * Anniversaries * Birthdays * Special Occasions OFFERING GROUPS ON: Growing from Separation and Divorce (Adults) Nov. 8 - Dec 20 MON.-SAT., 10-5 PM. Children Dealing with Divorce (Ages 11-14) Nov. 9 - D e c 21 Ask about our classes coming soon: wreaths, centrepieces and more! FLOWERS & WINE 537-2231 160 Fulford-Ganges Rd. Date Rape (Teens) Nov. 21 -Dec 29 Jan. 23 - Feb. 20 information and Registration 537-5111 MAIL #4 xDEPOT 126 \ M a i l B o x Upper \ R o n t a | S Ganges V _ Road > * Opposite / P o s t a l Moby's / S u p p l i e s available at Talking L e a v e s WATCH S O C I E T Y PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING with the SSI Trustees Wednesday, Nov. 7 Anglican Centre Park Drive 7 pm. Sponsored by The Islands Watch Society 537-2134 AY Nov€r|Blrl2 9:00 am - 5:00 p m . at the Community Centre on Ganges Hill (More parking available next door at Kingdom Hall) WIDE ASSORTMENT OF LOCAL CRAFTS Handmade wooden crafts, jewellery, Christmas ornaments, candy and much, much more. Shop in good time for Christmas and enjoy the social atmosphere and refreshments. Vendors welcome. For more information, call Liz at 537-4979. <$P™pnto 44" r?&^p I 5.S.I. WOODWORKERS CuitOl AGM Agenda: * Memberships ($5.00) * Financial Review * Guild's Show Info. (Nov. 18-20) * Plans for group trip to Western Washington W o o d w o r k i n g Show (Seattle Trade Centre) Nov. '94 * Proposals for Technical Workshops, YOGA: Monday 7 - 8:30 pm. Thursday 4 - 5:30 pm. Friday 9:30 - 11 am. T ' A I CHI Wednesday 7 - 9 pm. For information, call 537-2326 afternoons. SALT SPRING CONCERT SERIES Third Exciting Season "94-'95 * New Business * Talk & Discussion o n uses of local w o o d s including conversion and kiln drying of timber OCTOBER 27 7:30 pm. C O M M U N I T Y CENTRE MEETING ROOM (Ganges Hill) Old and New Members Welcome Information, call ILLTYD PERKINS 653-9392 "FROM STRAP TO RAAD": Oct. 29, 1994, GISS Rotunda. Renowned violinist Arthur Poison explores the techniques and music of the violin throughout the ages. "L'ENSEMBLE ARION": Feb. 4, 1995 'THE SWINGING BOVINES": March 4, 1995 You're invited to an informal Baha'i "Fireside discussion on Exploring the Sacred Thursday evening, Sept. 27 at 7:30pm Refreshments served The Kavelin/Popov home 192 Sun Eagle Drive Call 537'4647 IL'iAlrl iri 11:1 AT Salt Spring Centre November 18-19 6 hr. workshop 4- lunch $79 VISA/MC Limited registration 1-266-8871 PLUS BONUS CONCERT! 'THE LITTLE EAGLES OF SIBERIA": Feb. 16, 1995 SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: $39 for all 3 concerts plus bonus concert. ADMISSION BY SUBSCRIPTION ONLY! For info: 537-4289 Send cheque to: CONCERT SOCIETY c/o Tilly Crawley 262 Maliview Dr. Salt Spring Island, B.C. V8K 1B1 Subscriptions also available at Pegasus Gallery, Sharon's, and at the door at the first concert. TA'I CHI Beginners and on-going. Central Hall Thurs. 9:30-10:30 am FIRST CUSS FREE For more info, $/or Registration CALLTA0 537-4487 tfn SUN DOG GROOMING Caring & Gentle 537-5334 537*9893 14 COMMUNITY SERVICES CRISIS LINE for Salt Spring toll-free 1-975-7054. tfn DRESSINGS FREE to cancer patients by the Order of the Eastern Star. Contact Dee Roberts, 653-4655. tfn FAMILIES OF Schizophrenics meet in homes for mutual support Call 537-9237 or 537-5264. tfn ACOA (ADULT Children of Alcoholics) meet Wednesdays at 7:30 p.m., S.S. Community Centre; Thursday, 1 p.m., Fulford. Children of dysfunctional families very welcome, tfn NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS meet Saturdays 7-8 pm., Community Centre; Wednesdays, 7-8 pm. Central Office across from Elementary School. For information, call 1383-3553. tfn ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS SERVICES MEETINGS Salt Spring 537-2317 or 537-2270 Galiano 539-2235 or 539-5770 Pender 629-3312 Ladies only Thursday nights 5:15 p.m. Please call 537-5538 or 653-4699. Babysitting provided. Alanon/Alateen A program for family and friends of alcoholics. For further information call 653-4288 or 537-2941. 17 EDUCATION INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL of Auctioneering, Canada's oldest established auction school. Learn to be a professional auctioneer from some of the best in the business. Join us! Olds College, Olds, AB. Next class Oct. 17/94. 1-800-465-7578 or 1-800-561-5316, free brochure. Visa/M.C. accepted. 17 EDUCATION A NEW Career? Lots of jobs available. Trained Apartment, Condominium Managers needed - ail areas. We can train you now! Free Job Placement Assistance 681-5456/1-800665-8339. LOVE DECORATING? Yearning to make it YOUR business? Unique course offering intensive training on all aspects of the business. We'll show you howl Call (800)952-0101. 23 IN MEM0RIAM WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 26,1994 A 34 NOTICES/ PERSONAL 35 NOTICES/ COMMERCIAL POETRY CONTEST $24,000 in prizes yearly. Possible publication. Send one original poem 20 lines or less: National Library Of Poetry, Box 704-1365 Owings Mills. Md 21117. Salt Spring Chiropractic 35 NOTICES/ COMMERCIAL GREAT EXPECTATIONS in Arts & Crafts. Looking for high quality art and/or crafts to display and sell in our oceanfront gallery. Interested in all forms painting, pottery, fabric, etc. Special interest in seasonal Christmas Crafts. Call 5374146. 45 $100 REWARD 'AIRIDAEZA For information leading to return of English style saddle taken from barn on Rainbow Road. - DESCRIPTION Barnsby, 17, all purpose, reddish brown, long leathers, #4 stirrups with white rubber foot pads and has black mark on pommel. Wonderful Containers, Garden Design and Maintenance Lorraine H a m i l t o n 537-4923 In Memory of Yarah Jan. 26/75 - Oct. 27/93 Just to let you know sweet friend... We still think of you always Think of your special happiness. Dreams that you are still here with us. Thoughts of the fun times before Clear memories of your high spirit We don't want you to think we forgot you. You will always be in our hearts Your cheerful face above us forever. We know you will always be here for us silently Just to let you know sweet friend... We will think of you always and forever And we miss you very much. Love always, Sky & Amy CALL 537-4595 43 Harlan's Coffee of the Month 34 NOTICES/ PERSONAL TAX TIME is coming! Do you have your papers in order? I will sort your papers, set up a filing system & show you how to use it. Introductory residential package (for current year) is $119.99 plus tax. Call Debbie at 5371565 for this and other organizCOUNSELLOR TRAINING ing projects. 43 Institute of Vancouver offers corNEED MONEY? Have space? respondence courses for the certificate of Counselling Storage space urgently needed Studies to begin on the 15th of for small amount of household belongings. Must be dry and the month. For a brrjehure Phone Toll-free 1-800-665- secure. Will pay $25/month. 7044. 537-0753. 43 113McPhillipsAve. DO YOU HAVE YOUR COPY? 537-5596 Harlan's 537-4434 Next to Pharmasave SALT SPRING ISLAND UNITED CHURCH SUNDAY WORSHIP will begin at 10:30 am for the winter months EFFECTIVE SUNDAY OCTOBER 3 0 off the BABS O'BRIEN AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL Gr. 72 invites all supporters of A.I. to become involved locally in this vital humanitarian work. A meeting will be held October 27 in the library of Ganges Elementary School at 7:30 pm. 43 XmasWish Book Coffees-Teas-Chocolates gaLLeRjy 32 MEETINGS Sears per pound until Oct 31/94 FREQUENT BUYER CARD AVAILABLE ON REQUEST 26 LEGALS 29 LOST & FOUND I T S HERE! TRIPLE GOLD $l"OFF SCOTT POINT Waterworks District. Notice of Special General Meeting to be held 7.30 pm, November 11, 1994 at the clubhouse of Royal Vancouver Yacht Club, 241 Scott Point Drive, Salt Spring Island. 43 FOUND SOMETHING? Driftwood would like to match up what you have found with the person who owns it. Call in your found ads at no charge. Free "Found" ads, a community service of Gulf Islands Driftwood, Mon. - Fri., 8:30 - 4:30, 5379933. tfn SINGLE ISOTONER glove on Hereford. Found Oct 16. Call 537-1432. 43 CAMERA FOUND at Beaver Point Hall, Call 653-4692 43 LOST SET Keys on ring. Yellow/Orange/Green Tassel. Call 537-2158. 43 FOUND: GLASSES were left at Dairy Queen recently. Owner may claim at Driftwood. 43 FOUND: DROP-shape, ornate earring with amethyst stone. Call 653-4802. 43 DR. ALDA BLANES wishes to announce her return to practice Tuesdays 2-6 pm Saturdays 12-4 pm commencing November 1,1994 Call 537-4142 for an appointment Featuring Silk wear Handpainted and pieced Kimonos Also New Stock of Vests MEG BUCKLEY Pottery Large C a s s e r o l e s Bowls T e a Pots as well as D e c o r a t i v e Pieces Open Mon.-Sat. 10-5 CLOSED SUNDAYS By the Post Office 537-4525 PAY NO G.S.T. Lady Minto Gulf Islands Hospital Auxiliary THRIFT SHOP OUTSTANDING HALF-PRICE SALE OCTOBER 3 1 & NOVEMBER 1 Ccnlar B e a c h Resort's Banquet Room offers the ideal setting for your Christmas & New Year holiday get togethers. The banquet room extends out over the lake decorated with holiday lights creating a festive party atmosphere. Catering is available for small & large parties. A choice of dinner menus is available or bring your own potluck dinner. HOLIDAY PACKAGES AVAILABLE Reserve your date early. Call 537-2205 48 GRACE POINT CONFERENCE CENTRE 43 Wilderness Watch Observe, Record and Report - 537-4569 - Salt Spring Island Wilderness Watch Members will be increasing patrols on Salt Spring Island between Nov. 5-Nov. 13. Please report any unethical or unlawful acts against Wildlife, Livestock & Public or Private Property. Sponsored by the SSI Rod & Gun Club gqumP Fully appointed Conference/Meeting Room available by half day, day or hourly rental. Accommodates groups to 30. For reservations, phone 537-2059 B18 * WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1994 35 NOTICES/ COMMERCIAL VISIT OUR CHRISTMAS CORNER • Ornaments • Candles •Decorations • T a b l e Cloths •Garlands • Potpourri and more... J,-**, Sidney -JPfgf Pharmacy Ltd. 2416 Beacon Avenue, Sidney 656-1168 ^gg/tfr HOME D E S I G N CENTRE ^Sffeni FALL WALLPAPER SALE 40 % OFF OCT. 15-NOV. 30 320 Upper Ganges Rd. 537-2111 TRANS ISLANDS DRIVING SCHOOL • New Driver Training • Refresher C o u r s e s • Defensive Driving Program Call SHEILA JOHNSON Certified Driving Instructor 537-1113 SLEEPING BAGS CLEANED HERE! "Friendly Service From People You Know". SALT SPRING Linen & Dry Cleaners Professional Dry Cleaners Shirt Service & Laundry Coveralls & Shop Towels Linen Rentals & Service Entrance Mats Sanitation Supplies 116 Hereford A v e , Ganges 537-2241 ATTENTION LAND OWNERS Take advantage of record high log prices. For an estimate on your timber value please contact J . Langdon Logging select logging in the Gulf Islands since 1975. Local references available. Call 537-9327 after 6:00 p.m. 40 PERSONALS OVERCOME ALL impotence problems caused by aging, medications, surgery, diabetes etc. Get the facts: Performance Medical, Box 418, Valemount, B.C. VOE 2 X 0 . 1-800-6630121. GULF ISLANDS DRIFTWOOD (J L A S S 1 F 1-E D 5 40 PERSONALS PSYCHIC ANSWERS Rated #1 in Canada. Talk live one on one. Certified psychics with mystical powers, find out about your future, concerns about love, money or career. Call now 1900-451-4055 24 hrs. a day for instant answers. Must be 18+, $2.99 per minute. In Canada call: 1-900-451-4055. LIVE PSYCHICS, one on one 1(900)451-3530 Ext. 3560. $3.99 per minute must be 18yrs. Newcall Ltd. (602)954-7420. 42 TRAVEL ITP ALL About Travel - contact Helen Ramsey - Salt Spring's agent for your travel arrangements. 537-2364 or 537-2399, fax. tfn ESCORTED HONG KONG Christmas shopping tour, Nov. 28, 8 days, $1,569. Call Sharon or Wendy at Thomas Cook Travel, Duncan. 1-748-6113. 44 MEXICO: BEACHFRONT APARTMENTS available January to March. 20 minutes North of Puerto Vallarta at Bucerias. $500-$600/month U.S. - weekly available. Phone: Don (604)537-9517 for more information. 50 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES TELECOMMUNICATIONS: INDIVIDUALS, organizations, fundraisers, schools, etc. can earn 6% royalty income on customers long distance bills for life. Save 25% to 35% off B.C. Tel's regular discount rates including calling cards, ceilulars. No fees. Call 537-1953. 43 EXCELLENT INCOME opportunity for motivated, healthminded individuals. Work from your home. For free audio tape and information package call Kalen. 1-800-832-8854. 45 EXTRA INCOME. Four unique home based businesses. Free information. Send S.A.S.E. to: Glenwynne Enterprises, 2021960 River Road, Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 2C3. HOME PARTY Plan of the 90's. Full-time or part-time career opportunities. Mom's Pantry Products Food Co exploding in B.C.! Be part of the growth. 1-800-350-6667. TELECOMMUNICATIONS: Individuals, organizations, fundraisers, schools, religions, sports can earn 6% royalty income on customers long distance bills, for lifel Save and earn. No experience needed, training available. Save additonal 25% to35% oft BCTel's regular discount rates, including calling cards, ceilulars, no fees. 1(800)700-3994. Fax: 1 (800)700-9909. GREAT FAMILY hotel rates. Holiday Inn Calgary Airport, close to shopping, airport. Free parking, indoor pool, sun deck. Bring this ad in - $59.95 for up to 4 persons. For reservations VEHICLE LEASE: Drive a new vehicle. Write off the cost. No 1(800)661-5095. down payment required. Any make, any model. Call Michael (604)531-0924/(604)341 -2645 for pre-approval. D#8367. KWIK KERB - Own your own business. P/T or F/T. Installing If you're visiting friends and on-site, continuous concrete, family across Canada or in landscape edging, total equipthe USA, ask us how you can ment, proven system, training. 1-800-667-KERB. save up to $50.00 on a multidestination ticket. Purchase START YOUR own homebased by 01 Dec. 94. business! Watkins is today's best business opportunity! For free information contact: P.S. Special low fares now Independent Marketing Director, available to Australia in 218 Meglund Crescent, November and early Saskatoon, Sask, S7H 4Z6. 1 December. 800-263-2999. Please see us for details COMPUTERIZED EMBROIand reservations. DERY business. For $49,600 you can set up at home or with EVA TRAVEL any other business. This high LOCATED IN CREEKHOUSE profit opportunity is now avail156 Fulford Ganges Rd. able in this area. Call Denis in Open Mon. - Fri. 9 - 4:30 p.m. Calgary at 1 -800-661 -9069. Sat.10a.rn. -2 p.m. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY * 537-5523 People interested in starting their own business * Small 43 investment secured by inventory - WATERPROOF VINYL DECKING. Please call (604)8828783. GOURMET CINNAMON BUNS - Turn key locations available in Kamloops, Vernon, Nanaimo. Contact B.C. Sticky Bun Co. 824-9241, Norm Zimmerman. HAVE YOU TRIED A N ALL I N C L U S I V E 51 BUSINESS HOLIDAY? PERSONALS Club Med & other companies offer various worry-tree ADD A Little Spice! Lovely roomates - Karen, Linda, Cheryl vacations to the sun and have exciting personal photos to various destinations with all share. Free info: Karen, Box or some inclusions. 670-GB, Kelowna, B.C. VIY 7P2. Adults please. * Inquire about our DURALINE MEDICAL PRODChristmas Lights and UCTS offers the most compreShopping Trip to hensive selection of bladder Vancouver, Dee. 13. (and bowel) management products. Free home delivery. Plain Call us first at packaging. For more informaTHE TRAVEL SHOP tion call 1-800-461-5006. MORTGAGES/PLC'S. Any rea537-9911 son, anywhere in B.C. Call 3281939/240-9672 (24 hours availM-F9am.-4:30Sat9am.-2 ability) Emerald Capital Licensed Mortgage Brokers. MEET SOMEONE new. Casual, Romantic or Intimate Encounters: 100's of women, men & couples in B.C. Call 1900-451-6855, 24 Hrs, $2/MIN, 18+. EVAS TRAVEL TIP SENIORS! Thomas Cook OVER 60 S FREEDOM FLYER PLAN Choose between a 4 or 8 one-way ticket package on Air Canada regularly scheduled flights across Canada, including Florida! 4 trips $689 8 trips $1089 For more information, contact Salt Spring Island agent DENISE HEATON 537-4550 43 55 HELP WANTED FREE E M P L O Y M E N T COUNSELLING Persons interested in career counselling, job search techniques, resume writing, U.I. sponsored training, contact Carol or Marta at Peninsula Employment 656-0851 for appointment Wednesdays on Salt Spring. 60 WORK WANTED IF YOU ever need a truck and driver, give me a call in the evening at 537-5248, ask for Damian. tfn HANDYMAN SERVICES. Now accepting additional clients for fall house/yard maintenance. Reliable work. Reasonable cost. 537-9165. 45 JOURNEYMAN CARPENTER will help with planning and permits. Foundations, framing, exterior and interior finishing. All work guaranteed. By hour or contract. Ken 537-9942. tfn HOUSECLEANING. FAST and efficient. Have references. Phone Donna, 537-5816. 43 HANDYMAN SERVICE carpentry. Roofing, plumbing, repairs. Have chainsaw, weedeater, truck. Phone John at 653-4254. 47 EXPERIENCED MALE health care worker seeks part time homecare work. 653-4966. 46 QUALIFIED NANNY. Daycare worker looking for work and/or room for rent for November. Leave a message for Elizabeth at 653-2080. 43 CARPENTER FOR your needs. New construction, renovations, additions and everything else. Quality workmanship. References. Phone 537-9705. 43 EXPERIENCED, ABLE worker seeks jobs. North of Ganges. Chopping, digging, general labour. Call Robb, 537-2137. 43 EAGLE CLEAN-UP. Hauling, reno, debris, drywall, garbage, topsoil, sand & gravel. 5372615. 45 HELP AN aspiring writer complete his first collection of short stories this winter. Hire him now, at reasonable rates, to garden, landscape, clean-up, paint, chop wood, etc. Call Andreas at Createch Writing Co. 537-9366. 44 EXPERIENCED CARPENTER available for any project. Alan Montrichard, 537-4510. 44 QUALIFIED COMPANION to care for someone young at heart touring islands, attending interesting events, sitting by the sea, high tea at the Empress? I am moving to Salt Spring soon changing from hospital whites to walking boots. David, 360-9668. 44 RELIABLE, CONSCIENTIOUS woman, available for house cleaning/yard work. Experienced. Call Joan, 6539565. 43 HANDYMAN SERVICE, no job too small, too large. Small renos and yard maintenance, etc. 5374572. 43 LANDSCAPING, GARDENING, painting, yard work, etc. Hard working. Reasonable rates. Seniors' discount. Call Nova, 653-4968. 44 WINDOW CLEANER seeking work. Over 18 years experience. Call John at 537-4465. 45 HELPING HANDS around the house, gardens, farm or with child care/ pet care. Experienced/reliable. Good rates. 653-9043. 44 MATURE RELIABLE carpenter who doesn't run on "Salt Spring Time" would like to do your 55 HELP WANTED small or large renovations, deck, OFF-THE Waterfront Gallery fences or whatever you may has an opening for a permanent have, dreamed up to do. Call 43 part-time Sales Person. If you 537-2480. are an outgoing self-starter and FALL GARDEN clean up. would enjoy selling high quality Experienced, efficient, knowllocally made crafts, please edgeable. Lorraine - Pairidaeza deliver resume to Store. 43 Garden Services. 537-4923. 43 REQUIRE CAT OPERATORS RANCH HAND Wanted. Fulltime position available Nov. 1, for seismic line clearing. 1994 for reliable, self-motivated Preference given to those with person to work on mixed farm in experience being lead operator Pemberton. Some experience and second cat. Valid first aid an asset. Accommodation avail- ticket required. Contact Roy or Shannon (403)835-2266. able. Phone: (604)894-6944 or (604)894-5704. Fairview, AB. LOOKING FOR A Self-moti- CLUB MONDIALE. Earn extra vated person for small engine cash! Sales consultants needed repairs on chain saws, lawn and for line of great quality children's garden equipment. Also needed and ladies casual clothing. For for parts purchaing and inven- home party/catalogue order call tory control. Send resume; CLUB MONDIALE collect Northern Metalic Sales, Box (604)254-2100 or (604)5261630, Chetwynd, B.C. V0C 1 JO. 1173. I 60 WORK WANTED LEGAL COUNSEL - Family Law. A Staff Lawyer is required for the Smithers Native Community Law Office. This is a permanent position. Under the direction of the Executive Director, the successful candidate will be working with a small self managing group. This lawyer will be responsible for conducting and supervising work primarily in the area of family law. The successful candidate will be a lawyer with three (3) or more years experience in general practice and particularly experience in family law. Knowledge of Gitksan and Wet'Suwet'en and other aboriginal cultures an asset. Salary negotiable. Excellent benefits. Interested candidates should apply in writing before November 30, 1994, to: Von Sarac, Executive Director, Wedzen Kwe Community Law Office Society, P.O. Box 2118, Smithers, B.C. V0J 2N0. Ph: 847-2600. Fax: 847-3600. 105 ARCHITECTS & DESIGNERS AFFORDABLE & UNIQUE design/construct ion/renovations/additions. Big or small. Call Greg Watson Design & Construction (O) 537-2418; (R) 537-2482. 43 110 AUTOMOTIVE REPAIRS ^ - -** WINDOW CLEANERS JANITOR SERVICE • Carpets Steam Cleaned • We also offer CARPET GUARD TREATMENT 537-9841 tfn 'pted4 Stent 2 RESIDENTIAL CLEANING SERVT •Construction • Carpet & upholstery- cl 537*1455 |3rofesstarmI ^amesttc ^er&tccB 'Managing the mundane with a touch of Victorian cfxum" Call now for an estimate 537-5298 10 am. - 4:30 pm. COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE REPAIRS IfcSSOJ GULF ISLAND • Banded • hatred • Unifar.-,ied SALT SPRING ESSO > • * • — * v T B, raet t*e r l e 131 CLEANING SERVICES * Accessories ME & EWE JANITORIAL SERVICES • Residential & Commercial • Carpet & Upholstery Cleaned •SCOTCHGARD 537-4554 or 537-9300 Mon-Fri 7:30 am. - 7 pm. Sat 8 am - 7 am; Sun 9 am - 6 am. Corner of Rainbow Rd. ana Jackson Ave. • Windows 537-2946 tin 134 CONCRETE GULF COAST MATERIALS IIO\ lltHIN COLLISION L T D . Serving the Gulf Islands Salt Spring, Gallano, Mayne, Panders • Certified Body Men • Expert Body & Frame Work • Custom Painting • Glass Work • ICBC Claims • Rust Check Service 537-2513 115 Desmond Cresc., Ganges 111 AWNINGS * READY MIX * WASHED GRAVEL * REINFORCED STEEL * BAGGED CEMENT * DRAIN TILE * CONCRETE PRODUCTS * SCAFFOLDING RENTAL 537-2611 Rainbow Road Box 456, Ganges, B.C. TRADITIONAL & ROLL UP Choose from a large selection of European & North American Colours - FREE E S T I M A T E S - PVC WORLD 537-5408 "A Salt Spring Company" NOVEMBER BOOKING SALE FOR SPRING DEUVERY Order Now & Save $28 128 CHIMNEY CLEANING U HOGAN cCHIMNEY 137 CONTRACTORS For All Your Plumbing Needs Call . . . " Lee the Plumber " Tel. 5 3 7 - 1 0 6 8 New and old construction 1 ^ THE PLUMBERS WAJtEHOUSE 105 Mr*httltf>*^ve. Open8»h-5teh Mon.'^eat. tfn SWEEPS 653-4-411 MdJUAcp. VLC.WJE.I, Q.C/Mt\dA<ttd>^ •Cleaning & Repairs mm \XL •Chimney installations •Firewood ; •Certified Master Sweep CW.E.I. Certified tfn ADVERTISING DOESN'T COST-IT PAYS! Call Jeff, Damaris or Carol " 537-9933 "QUALITY H O M E S O F DISTINCTION" Box 4 4 1 , Ganges, B.C. V0S 1E0 Serving Salt Spring for 31 years Telephone 537-5463 tfn C L A S S I F I E D S GULF ISLANDS DRIFTWOOD 156 GARDENING/ LANDSCAPING 146 DRYWALL 137 CONTRACTORS Sunset PATIO STONE: Flagstone & rough for g a r d e n or building. One Ton dump for hauling and yard clean-up. 537-1952, 44 Acoustics ^t^PcotrifUcboA • Custom Homes • Additions •Renovations • Commerclol • Construction Management • Remote Island Construction &DrywaJl RENOVATIONS INCLUDING: • Drywall • Painting • Ceiing Systems • Steel Studs • Insulation Vapour Barriers RON PARLEE 537-5679 Jim Sudden Tel/ (B.C. Cert, i n fox 537-4330 Wall/Celling Inst.) 537-5247-537-5092 Box 1389, Ganges, B.C. LANCER CONTRACTING LTD * COMMERCIAL * CUSTOM HOMES * RENOVATIONS * ADDITIONS 653-4437 PRICELESS INGREDIENT. Lee t h e Plumber's Warehouse Electrical Supplies & Supplier 185 McPhillips Rue. 537-1868 150 EXCAVATING V l Gerry Bourdin or office > 653-4678 Perry B o o t h BRIAN DAWES OWNER-OPERATOR AWES Dashwood Construction Ltd. Custom Homes • Renovations .Additions • Timbenrame joinery 21/9S H years ol accurate km.imhip oil Sail Spring NATURE'S SUNSHINE Herbal products now available on Salt Spring. Call Brian at 537-1565 for orders. 43 171 MISC. SERVICES • • • • Wheelchairs & Scooters Lift chairs Walkers & Canes Bath aids and more ... SALES, SERVICE & RENTALS Open Monday • Friday 10:00 a.m. • 5:00 p.m. Upper Ganges Centre 537-1990 J & A OIL BURNER SERVICE JOHN COTTRELL Certified Oil Burner Mechanic 537-9314 128 Bullock Creek Rd„ Ganges, B.C. tfoy*t44dclt0>t BESLEY ROSE CONST KlICI KIN Custom Homebuilder Keeping 17 years experience "Satisfaction Guaranteed" owned 10/95 140 DAY CARE TREEFROG DAYCARE - full or part-time day care for children 6 months to five years. For more information or to arrange a visit, call 653-4998. Alt/odd/tfn 141 DECKING Construction & Repair Call MIKE VERGE 537-1812 HOME SERVICES LTD. 142 DIVING KEN'S MOBILE Marine Service. Moorings installed & inspected. Hull cleaning & inspection, props & zincs replaced, salvage, underwater video. 537-9449. 44 146 DRYWALL RENEGADE R E N O V A T I O N S . Steel studs, boarding, taping, tile s e t t i n g . S e r v i n g the Gulf Islands. 537-9127. tfn A HOME SERVICES LTD. RENEGADE RENOVATION! FREE ESTIMATES 537-9127, cell 537-7658 2 0 3 RENTALS experience & KEN ACKERMAN Piano Service. Tuning, repairs, appraisals, refinishing and reconditioning. Pianos bought or sold. For friendly advice, call 537-4533. 46 JOLY PIANO Service. 15 yrs. experience fine tuning, repairs, refinishing, appraisals, lessons. Also: Wind Harps for sale. 5374286. 43/alt. Locally operated 183 PAINTING • Rock Walls GLAZE EFFECTS & colour matching a specialty. Firm written e s t i m a t e s s u p p l i e d . C a l l Carter Creative 537-1151. 44 163 INSURANCE 537-2873 1 5 1 EYEGLASSES Gulf Islands Optical NEW H O U R S Tuesday-Friday 10:00-5:00 Closed Saturdays 323 Lower Ganges Road (Lancer Building) RICHARD WEATHERALL (Optician) 537-2648 Office 537-5294 Residence DON'T PAY YOUR CAR OR HOME INSURANCE ...without talking t o us first!! All w e ask is for an PAINTING (Interior - Exterior) WALLPAPERING MARY HUGHES 653-2336 3S/95 TOM opportunity t o q u o t e . Island Savings Insurance Services Ganges...537-4542 YES, WE DO PERMITS VOLQUARDSEN 537-5188 P.O. B o x 3 8 5 G a n g e s , B.C. VOS 1EO Wall papering & painting 537-1968 CLOSED SUNDAYS Equipment Rental Sales & Service Your Island Representatives for: TORO, SHINDAIWA, SIKKENS PAINTS, BEAM BUILT-IN VACUUMS, EXHIDE BATTERIES, HYDRAUUC HOSES AND FITTINGS *••• RENT-A-TRUCK or SCOOTERS 344 Lower Ganges Road (NexttoGVM) 2 0 7 ROOFING ROOFING Shake 'n' Shingle RE-ROOF NEW REPAIRS • Free Estimates • 5 Year Warranty RON CALBERY 537-2084 Serving the Gulf Islands Since 1981 Box 1187, Ganges AVAILABLE N O W PRO-TEC ROOFING LICENSED JOURNEYMEN ROOFERS * Torch o n * REPAIR SPECIALISTS 152 FIREWOOD N o Job Too Small FREE ESTIMATES All Classes Of Insurance Serving Salt Spring 13 years C o m p e t i t i v e & Reliable LOGS WANTED 537-9531 HONEST OL'S FIREWOOD GUARANTEED CORD Cut, Split & delivered Split cedar fence rails 653-2305 Dave • 7 5 3 - 0 0 5 0 (Nanaimo) 2 2 7 TILE SETTING KONIG & SON FIREWOOD Insurance "Lee the Plumber" Salt Spring Insurance Agencies 24 Hour Emergency Serv RENEGADE RENOVATIONS. Tile setting, ceramic tile, Mexican p a v e r s . All your tile needs. Call 537-9127. tfn 2 3 1 TREE SERVICE Ttel.5371068 (1972) Ltd. OFFICE HOURS: 9:00a. m.-4:30p.m. Monday - Friday Fax 537-9700P.O. Box 540, Ganges, B.C. (leave message) tfn 3 0 2 APPLIANCES G O O D S E L E C T I O N of c l e a n , r e c o n d i t i o n e d a p p l i a n c e s at Island Furniture in Sidney, 6563032. tfn CHEST FREEZER, 7 cu ft, excellent condition $125. 5374150. 45 304 AUTOMOTIVE TRIUMPH SPITFIRE, 1976, runs w e l l . Needs restoration. $1500.653-4053. 47 ENGINES REBUILT from $795. ENGINE remanufacture from $995. 6 months to pay. 6 Year 120,000 warranty. Bond Mechanical building engines for 28 years. 872-0641, 8-8, 7 days. CANADA ENGINES Ltd. Quality r e m a n u f a c t u r e d engines 6cyl from $995. V8 from $1,095. 6yr 1 2 0 , 0 0 0 k m limited w a r r a n t y . 580-1050 or 1-800-665-3570. 12345-114 Ave. Surrey. BCAA Approved. 3 0 5 BOATS & MARINE MUST SELL now: fabulous 22' Cabin Cruiser, reliable, great shape, comfortable, fully equipped, ready to go. $7500 obo. 537-4155. tfn WINTERIZE NOWI Our factory trained technicians perform a 24 point check. Call for appointment: Harbours End Marine & E q u i p m e n t L t d . D e a l e r s for J o h n s o n , O.M.C., Mercruiser, Volvo. 122 Upper Ganges R d . (at t h e h e a d of G a n g e s Harbour). 537-4202. tfn KEN'S MOBILE Marine Service. We come to y o u ! Complete Marine Service & Repair. Inboards, Outboards, Sterndrives & Diesels. Complete diving sen/ices. 537-9449. 44 90% OF marine repairs result from not winterizing your motor p r o p e r l y . P h o n e us for f r e e advice or let us do it for you. W e buy & s e l l u s e d b o a t s a n d motors. Tohatsu Outboard Dealer, 2 year warranty. Ross The Boss Marine Sales & Service, 537-9908. tfn C A L 2 5 , c l e a n 9,9 H o n d a 4 stroke engine. Main Genoa jib spinnaker. $9,500. 537-9593. 43 WANTED: 10 hp, 4 stroke outboard in good condition - low hours, prefer Honda, please call 653-4614. 44 PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED A D I N THE DRIFTWOOD MONDAY - FRIDAY 8 AM. • S PM. DEADLINE NOTICE New end old construction 537-5527 2 4 3 WATER ANALYSIS 185 McPhillips Hue. * Shingles * °%,. For AH Your Plumbing Needs Call . . . 537-1068 HOURS: "BURNS" Burns Firewood. Full cord split and delivered. Quality seasoned w o o d ! Help wanted with your chainsaw. Seasoned Firewood logs w a n t e d . 6 5 3 9258. 43 Motor Vehicle Office Lee t h e Plumber's Warehouse BUILT-IN URCUUMS Sales & Installations 1B5 McPhillips Rue. Mon. - Fri. 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Saturday 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Holidays 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Over 15 yrs. Experience FIREWOOD: ALDER or Maple, split. Call 653-2391. 43 SYSTEMS for all your filtration needs. * Tar & Gravel * 195 PLUMBING & HEATING 2 4 1 VACUUM W R RENTALS E LTD. FAX 5375504 You Warm CALL DON MACKEY Grace Point Square 537-5837 Shop 537-5263 Lee the Plumber RAINBOW • Could Save $$$! tfn DECKS M I K E VERGE 537-1812 RESERVE AHEAD 537-2877 • Septic Fields RON BESLEY 537-5538 537-5888 347 Upper Ganges Rd. 177 MUSICAL SERVICES 26v Byron R o a d Soft Spring Island. B.C. V8K 1C8 • Excavating SAFE, CONVENIENT & ECONOMICAL RATES FROM $45/M0NTH Features: • Electronic access • Security monitoring • Climate controlled • One level loading • 8 affordable sizes LEGALLY ZONED AND INSURED SAFER THAN ANY OLD BARN! Custom Upholstery • Marine • Commercial • Domestic • e • * • L a n d Clearing Road Construction 174 MOVING & STORAGE • Blown Insulation • Fiberglass Batts 100% • Mini E x c a v a t o r SALT SPRING GARBAGE COLLECTION SERVICE 537-2167 SALT SPRING MINI STORAGE 161 HEATING J 4 years 537-5050 6 For all y o u r h o m e health care needs IvHkeSawcbuk (604) 537-5299 Don Dashwood plANDQvf)RAPEKx' VglPHQ15IERY Call your Island Home Improvement Specialist 162 INSULATION 537-2604 RENOVATIONS REMODELLING REPAIRS 160 HEALTH & FITNESS EXCAVATING LTD. • Basements • Back filling • Landscaping • Road building • Drainage • Ponds 25 T O N CRANE SERVICE • Hourly rates or contract W E T A K E T h e Fear O u t Of ICBC. Major ICBC injury claims. Joel A. Wener, trial lawyer for 25 years. Call free 1-800-665-1138. Contingency fees. Simon, Wener & Adler. 168 MASONRY ACCENT ELECTRIC LTD. COMMITMENT IS THE 2 3 9 UPHOLSTERY J. MATIAS MASONRY: Specializing in fireplace, stone, blockwork, glass block, floor tile & interlocking brick. Jose 1 -AYSSI 35. 43 SALT SPRING MEDICAL SUPPLY ANDRE 537-2156 2 0 2 RENOVATIONS "Everything From The Ground Up" 148 ELECTRICAL Construction Ltd. Residential & Commercial Personalized service from plans to completion 165 LAWYERS LAKESIDE LAWN & Garden pruning, hedge trimming, garden cleanup. Doug, 537-5019. 44 tfn WALTER HUSER &S0NS WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 26,1994 * B 1 9 Wayne Langley Gulf Island Tree Services 'Dangerous trees' • Sectional removal • Topping • Limbing • Views • House sites Fully Insured LEE THE PLUMBERS WAREHOUSE 105 McPhillips Ave. Open 8lsh-5ish Mon. -Sat. Kr 537-9662 Regular Classified Deadline: MONDAY NOON Too Late t o Classify Deadline: TUESDAY NOON CLASSIFIEDS B 2 0 * WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 26,1994 DUC 3 0 5 BOATS & MARINE WANTED: SABOT, well maintained & reasonably priced. I'm an 11 year old boy wanting to learn to sail. Call Ian, 537-5417. 43 16 FOOT FIBREGLASS runabout. 35 hp. Johnson plus 2 hp. Johnson. Trailer. All good condition. Ready to use. Will demonstrate to serious buyers. $2800.537-5013. 45 35' OFFSHORE steel cutter. New sails, Loran, VHF, auto pilot, zinced in and out. Replacement, twice asking price. 537-2480. 45 3 1 0 BUILDING SUPPLIES TIMBERS/LUMBER Salvage at Yarrows Shipyard plus windows, doors, plywood, roof trusses. Esquimalt (604)920-8381. STEEL BUILDINGS: "Cheaper Than Wood". QuonsetStraightwall quonset, Structural Steel Buildings. B.C. Company, we won't be undersold. Service and satisfaction guaranteed! Western Steel Buildings 1 -800565-9800. FUTURE STEEL Buildings Quonsets 25'X30' $5,462., 30'X40' $6,593., 35X50' $8,478. Straightwall Quonsets 25X30' $5,922., 30X40' $6,999. Endwalls, Sliding Doors, Freight to Vancouver & GST included 1 800-668-5111. CABINETS 1/2 PRICE. In stock, countertops/vanities also. Cash & Carry Cabinet Warehouses: "4278 Lougheed, Burnaby 2989277 ** 19700 Langley Bypass, Langley 534-7273 ** 800 Cloverdale Ave., Victoria 4751159 " 561-11th Ave., Campbell River, B.C. 287-8787. •"2580 Bowen Rd, Nanaimo 756-9229."1868 Spall Rd., Kelowna, 860-6638. 1982DATSUN King Cab truck, 1986 motor, rusty box. $1200 obo. 653-2042. 43 TOYOTA TERCEL , 1983, SR5, 2 DR. HBK. $1,400. Call 6539066. 43 1972 FORD GALAXY. New battery, starter, tires. $1,300 obo. 537-5958. 43 1988 CHEV. BARRETTA. 100,000 km, good shape, asking $4,800 o.b.o. After 6:00 p.m. call 537-1001. 43 1987 CHEV S-10 HD shocks, overload springs, 8-ply tires. Am/fm cass. Excellent condition. $4000 obo. 537-5054. 44 WANTED: IMPORT, 4 cylinder, economical car for family. Reasonable condition, reasonable price. Please call 6534802. tfn 1986 CADILLAC DEVILLE. New Motor & Tires. Can be seen at Ganges Auto, 537-9221. 45 1987 TOYOTA Tercel, 4 Door, Std. Very good condition. Original owner. Asking $5300, phone after 6pm, 537-4706. 44 TRUCKS! TRUCKS! TRUCKS! Choose from $2,000,000 light duty truck inventory. We beat the competition. Call collect Ed Klassen G.M. Fleet/Lease Dept. Brad/Rob/Peter. 594-2277 D#5370. WANTED... 89-94 model cars or trucks to purchase for cash or will consign. We will pay top dollar for the right vehicle. Call collect Hlndle Pontlac Bulck, Duncan at 748-4331 '94 MAZDA TRUCKS 5 s p d . trans., ps/pb $ WEST WIND HARDWOOD INC. Clearly Your Lumber Store HARDWOODS & FINE PLYWOODS 1-800-667-2275 per LEASE OR BUY Zero down O.A.C. or purchase for $ Now Located at: #5-10189 McDonald Park Road Sidney - (North of Slegg Lumber) Windsor Plywood 22300 10,888 00 Quality by phone. We deliver to you. All makes A models. LEASE/BUY/FINANCE Kerry Williams OPEN: Mon. - Sat 8 a.m.-5:30 p.m. for all your building needs. Locally owned and operated "WE PRIDE OURSELVES ON SERVICE" FLEETWOOD MOTORS LTD. 1-800-663-7918 WINDSOR 3 2 2 COMPUTERS COMPUTERS - I.B.M. compatibles and accessories, Macintosh accessories, software, printers, displays, prompt local service in our fully equipped facility. Desktop publishing and laser ffn printing from I.B.M. and Mac 315 CARS & TRUCKS disks, image scanning. Call for free consultation. Tribal Drum 1979 FORD LTD car, runs well, Communications, at the Fulford tfn good tires $ 150 537-4036. 44 Marina, 653-4720. 1980 CHEV SHORT box, 1/2 COMPUTER SERVICE and ton, 305 automatic. 537-5275. sales. IBM compatibles, fast, 44 friendly, mobile service from a 1981 SUBARU SEDAN. Good certified technician. 537-5948. 3/95 condition. $600. Please call 6534303. 44 IBM COMPATIBLE computer, 1989 TOYOTA CELICA GT, 286 AT, monochrome monitor, automatic, 84,000 kms. 4 new 40 mg. hard drive, two HD disk tires. Sunroof, Red. Well-main- drives, CGA card, mouse, tained. 537-1481. 45 modem, WP5.1, DOS 6.2, Plus other software. $600. Call 537LINCOLN VERSAILLES 1977, 1357. 43 120,000 kms. $475. Phone Marcottes Garage. 537-9423. 3 2 7 EQUIPMENT 43 VOLVO DIESEL 1983, immacu- FOUR WATER TRUCKS, fuel late interior. Little rust on exte- trucks, 4x4 backhoes, Bobcat, rior. Economical. Loaded. $3250 Kenworth dump truck, seven Obo. 537-2289. 45 loaders, three farm tractors, 40 VERY ORIGINAL 1970 VW. ton lowbeds, 1213 crusher, Westfalia, Partially Restored complete belly dump, end $350 .Call 537-4993. 43 dumps, 740 grader, three pavers, compactors. Call Vic '68 VOLVO SW122 for parts or 493-6791. fix the clutch and drive it. Call 537-5825, No reasonable offer AMBULANCE, 5 backhoes, 5 refused. 45 dumptrucks, 8 Cat loaders, 1976 DODGE TRADESMAN EX200LC Guarded and Thumb, van. Good running condition, 3 lowbeds, 3 belly dumps, 6 $350. Call Robin, 653-2377. 45 compactors service trucks. Call 1976 EX U-HAUL, 3 ton moving Vic 493-6791. truck. $3,900 or trade for van. Rainbow Rd., Ganges 537-5564 Fax 537-1207 Call 653-9054. 43 1987 TOYOTA Corolla Hatchback. White. 5-speed, 2door. 54000 miles. Great mileage, excellent condition, original owner. $3900. 5371967 or 537-1983. 43 GULF ISLANDS DRIFTWOOD ALES I 3 5 0 MISC. FOR SALE I I 3 5 0 MISC. FOR SALE SATURDAY, OCTOBER 29, rain or shine, starts at 9 am. 164 Norton Rd. 43 SPECIAL California Valencia Oranges * * * » & . Sweet and Juicy-Great for Juicing Oct 26-29/94 at the MOBILE MARKET Creekside on McPhillips 537-1784 SOLUTIONS 15%-25% off See our flyer! IN-STORE DEMO FREE SAMPLES Wed., Oct. 2 6 Sat., Oct. 29 Organic Raw Cheddar Cheese and 7 Grainers Low Fat Crackers NATURAL FOODS in the Trading Co. Bldg. Lower Ganges Rd. 537-2325 335 FURNITURE PINE FURNITURE. No particle board. Choose from bedroom suites, bunk beds, bookcases, wardrobes, desks and much more. Proudly made on Vancouver Island. The Pine Factory, 618 Herald Street, Victoria, 383-1857 and 5201 Trans Canada Hwy., Duncan, 746-8886. 30/95 DOUBLE SIZE Futon and standard bed frame, frame 1 yr. old. $120. Call 537-1819. 45 COMPLETE KING size bedroom suite, mattresses $ 950. 2 twin beds with mattresses, Head & Foot board, $200. each. Couch table, glass top, $120, occasional table, $50. Three matching tables, 2 end & 1 couch table, $150. 2 armchairs, $35. Big sideboard, $160. Call 537-1317. 44 CHINESE CARPET, 9 x 12. Luxury quality. $600. Antique oak gate-leg table. 4 foot diameter open, 2 x 4 closed, 4 x 6 extended. $600. Phone 5379484. 45 44" ROUND. WHITE, Ikea kitchen table/four chairs, $120. 19" colour TV, $50. 537-5077 eves. 45 DINING ROOM table, oval, $290; matching sideboard w/glass doors, $390. TV/VCR cabinet, $130. mahogany coffee table, claw feet, $225; daybed, $159,537-1804. 45 3 4 0 GARAGE SALES 808 LONG HARBOUR Rd., kids' clothes, toys, some furniture. Fri. 3-7 pm, Sat. 10-4 pm. No early birds. 43 MOVING OFF- Island Sale, lots of tools, furniture, everything. Saturday, October 29 9 am - 2 pm, 108 Fer De Lance. 43 MOVING IN sale: 8 a.m. - 1 p.m. Saturday Oct. 29, 216 Wildwood Cres. 43 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 29. 195 LePage Road, 10 a.m. Rain or shinel 43 STILL CLEANING! Renovating: more antiques, collectibles, rugs, toys, sporting equipment, appliances. 301 Tripp Road, Sat. Oct. 29,10 am. 43 105 HUMPHREYS HILL: Sofa and 2 chairs, ottoman, ladies bicycle, exercise bike, small tables, garden tools and others, Cuisinart, etc. 10 am Sat, Oct 29 and Sun Oct 30. 43 DECK SALE Child's play kitchen, roller skates, kids toys. FABRIC: Hoffman Christmas Golds. Sunday, Oct. 30, 12 pm. to 4 pm. 353 West Eagle Drive. 537-5654 WE SELL new and used chainsaws and service new chains and accessories. "Why pay more when you can phone" Ross The Boss Mobile Marine and Equipment. 537-9908. tfn CABINET SEWING machine. Also metal student's desk with drawers. Satellite system. Offers. 537-2657. 43 GREMLIN FREE. Fax and phone equipment by Panasonic. SATURDAY The perfect companions for your home or office communications. OCTOBER 2 9 537-4522. 43 9 AM. - 2 PM. QUALITY KNIGHT mobile F A R M E R S INSTITUTE home. 10' x 38'. Older, good condition. Covered porch 3 4 2 GARDEN included. $8000. 537-5163. 43 SUPPLIES SEASONED FIREWOOD for sale by the truck load or cord. SALE 15% OFF hedging cedar Very reasonable prices. 53743 and privet as well as pampas 1810. grass, coteneaster and selected HEINTZMAN PIANO $1300. conifers. Fulford Valley Tree Propane stove and tank, $150. Farm, 2258 Futford-Ganges Rd. 12 inch chainsaw, $75. 2 nonOpen 9 to 5. Closed CSA woodstoves, $50 ea. 653Wednesday. 43 2042. 43 FIVE ALL-SEASON tires 3 5 0 MISC. FOR SALE P205/75R15. $150. 9 ft. rowing dinghy, $600. Large aquamarine STORAGE TANKS, high-density with 2 pumps, $60. Call 537polyethylene: water storage 5657. 44 (house/vehicle); septic tanks; Dboxes; rainwater barrels (c/w PORTABLE DISHWASHER, vented lid, strainer and threaded $199. Custome made sectional drain); fish containment tanks couch, off white. Antique china 44 available. Gulf Islands Septic cabinet, $150. 653-9566. Ltd. 653-4013. tin ROLL ENDS are available once ESTHETICS, WAXING, facials, more at The Driftwood. Various body work, hair and more at The sizes available, starting at $5 Natural Beauty Shop, 115 and up. First come, first served, 43 McPhillips ave„ 537-4622. tfn personal shopping only. COOLER, COMMERCIAL refrig- GAMEBOY & SIX games and erator, with sliding glass doors. battery pack, $150. Battery pack $900. 653-4364. tfn for Game Boy or Game Gear, $35. Riding helmet, $20. Riding FOR SOME haunting music, boots, size 9 1/2 $25. Girls bike, check our our CD selection. For $25. Fireplace set, $20 (near hex-free equipment you can't new) Glass front stereo cabinet beat, a Technics system from $30. New Pkg. (24) Electrolux Quadratic Solutions Inc. 537- filter bags, $7.50. please call 4522. 43 537-2789 evenings. 44 NORCO BOY'S mountain bike, $100. 653-4364. tfn OPAL WALKER c/w seat, backstrap, basket. Top of the line, as ASSORTED ONE gallon trees new, cost $525, asking $375 and shrubs, $3.50. Two gallon obo. Gold chesterfield, loveseat, Rhodos and dwarf Conifers, tub armchair, ottoman. Very $8.50. 5 gallon common bam- large & comfy. 2 end tables, cofboo, $12.50. Hemlock and fee table. Large framed picture, Leylandii, $9.50. Large selection $325 obo. for all. Full length of trees, shrubs and Bonsai. Ivory lined drapes, 9' w. and 18' Peninsula Flowers Nursery, w. Sell for drycleaning bill. $125 8512 West Saanich, Sidney, for both. Call 537-2845. 43 652-9602. 42 NEW POSTAL Code? Address labels and rubber stamps made order, et cetera on Hereford. MAKITA 8 1/4" Table saw, $350. to alt/odd/tfn Pine, half louvered bi-fold doors, 537-5115. 4' opening $125. Sapphire and FOR SALE: two wheels w/winter tires, P155/80R13, about 10,000 diamond nng $275. 537-5139. 44 kms. Fits Toyotas. $750 obo. 537-9242. 45 FRESH SALMON: 1.25/lb. Arriving mid week. 150 Leisure SOREL BOOTS: beautiful new size 8 unisex. Suede uppers, fur Lane. For orders call 537-1210. 44 cuffed. Felt liners. Rated -40° C. Asking $80 (retail $115). 653RECHARGEABLE ALKALINES 45 are here! The ideal companion 4993. for your portable stereo. ANTIQUE SOLID oak corner Charger and four batteries, china cabinet, curved glass $29.99 at your local Radio doors. $500 obo. 537-1152. 45 Shack dealer, Quadratic NEW 45 CALIBRE colt pistol. Solutions Inc., 537-4522. 43 Still in box. $500 firm. No SINGLE BED with boxspring, swaps, serious inquiries only. 43 set of twin beds with spring and After 6 pm. 537-2715. frame, two small black dressers, ROYAL ALBERT "Memory older Singer sewing machine Lane" assorted dishes for sale. with cabinet, child's school desk Call 537-9150. 43 and a regular desk. Two HAMMOND, Colonial lamps and a Baldwin ORGAN Organ (great for kids). Call 537- Romance Series 124 XL. 5304. 44 Excellent condition, $650. Call 537-9850 after 4:30 p.m. 45 KINDLING: RESERVE your MORSO FIREPLACE. Cast iron, crackling dry, winter supply now. wood burning fireplace, $20/half load, $ 35/extra large airtight, load. 537-9282 days, 537-9648 stove. Asking $300. 537-2277. 45 evenings. 45 SMALLER COMMERCIAL MOVING SALE: Large, sturdy Cappuccino machine, $400. Ice oak, double pedestal desk. $175 machine, $250. Hoover Upright O.B.O. antiques: mahogany Vacuum, $25. 537-9710 or 653- radio cabinet, dressing table 2350. 44 stool, beautiful old treadle sewing machine. Fireplace PINE BOOKCASES $200 each. tools, mixer, toaster oven, 2 ten Small animal cage with feeder, speed bikes in excellent condiwater bottle, etc. $50. Older tion, 10" b & w TV, wooden door Fiberglass boat, trailer, 50hp and other miscellaneous items. Merc outboard. Used on Reasonable prices. 537-9304. 43 Okanagan Lakes, $2,200. 537- SSI LIONS GARAGE SALE 5139, eves. 44 BOYS 18-SPEED, mountain bike, includes bags, racks, speedometer, lock. Paid, $450. Asking $275 obo. Geoff, 6534048. 44 WIEDER FLEX band exercise unit, like new, $125. 537-4279. 44 SEVEN PAIRS curtains, gent's duffle coat, black, large. Highland kilt, MacDonald tartan, excellent ocndition. Call 5371062. 43 WOODBURNING KITCHEN stove, cast iron, enamel, heavy. $125 obo. 537-2045. 43 KNOW YOUR spooksl Name the characters and country of origin of the characters on our front windows. Five correct answers will get a prize. Quadratic Solutions Inc. 5374522. 43 FOR SALE: 85 - 8' cedar posts. $300,537-9531. 43 DRAWING TABLE, custom 42"x30", roller stool, $150; chain saw, Poulan Micro Super, 16" bar, $125. 537-1221. 45 MATCHING DRESSERS w/mirror, $150; 3 drawer, metal filing cabinet, $75; old-style stereo in cabinet, $40. Call 653-9054. 43 CLOTHES DRYER: Good working condition, $100; Free couch. 216 Southbank Dr; 537-9787. 45 SNOW TIRES, R-13 , 2 for $130; Ikea 3/4 bed, $80; vintage trunk, $85; single water bed, $75; fancy dog house, $20; metal desk, $75; double box spring, $50. 537-5482. 43 JOTUL STOVE: Excellent to heat cabin, $395 plus 16"x16" chimney blocks. Call 537-5027. 45 PURE WOOL rug, 11 1 / 2 x 8 1/2, Greek Flokati, off-white, $160; a'ntique desk, secretary, $85. Call 537-9705. 43 LARGE AMANA almond fridge, transparent shelves, used three years. Cost $1200, $500 obo. Craftsman 10-inch table saw with stand, little used, cost $280, $100 Obo. 537-0753. 45 KARAOKE - MR. Entertainment, Canada's largest Karaoke dealer, has the largest selection of singalong tapes and related Karaoke products. Call now for our free catalogues 1-800-6617464. NEW NINTENDO, SEGA CARTRIDGES! 40/1 games in one cartridge for regular Nintendo system. $54.95, also 53 games in one cartridge for Sega $109.95. VISA/C.O.D. Not available in stores, immediate delivery 1-800-948-8048. SEMI-PRECIOUS CABOCHONS, cloisonne beads, amethyst chunks, etc. Webs n' Things, 537-1037. 43 FRASER'S THIMBLE 175 ARBUTUS 537-5788 7 days a week 10 am -4:30 pm rr FARMS JAPANESE MAPLES 20 % OFF CLEMATIS 30 % OFF Pre-Order FRUIT & NUT TREES now! - HELP RECYCLE Bring your empty pots and containers for us to reuse. WE GIVE PERSONALIZED SERVICE HOME DESIGN U N I I I I STOVES & TILE... Did you know that one of the best selections is available right here on Salt Spring? Visit us today! 320 Upper Ganges Rd. 537-2111 tin BEACHCOMBER Home Leisure SPAS & CHEMICALS Bring your water in for free analysis. In the Home Design Centre 320 Upper Ganges Road 537-2111 tin FOOD GRADE PLASTIC BARRELS 200 litres/45 gallons Ideal for water storage, compost, floats for docks or... $20 each. 10 or more-SI 5 each. 244-8103 Lionel CLASSIFIED GULF ISLANDS DRIFTWOOD 3 6 0 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 3 7 9 FREE/ RECYCLABLES HEINTZMAN PIANO. Canadian made. $1300. Will help move. 653-2042. 43 ELECTRIC GUITAR, $200. Drum machine, $150. Please phone 537-9631. 43 HAVE YOU heard a Wind Harp lately? Wonderful spontaneous, relaxing music played by wind, Call 537-4266 44 ROSEWOOD UPRIGHT Grand Piano, $450 obo. 537-1152. 45 10' X 46' TRAILER. Fridge, stove, furnace, 4 piece bath, 2 bedrooms. Older but solid construction. $10,000. 537-7646. 44 1980 WILDERNESS, 17', excellent condition, fully equipped, sleeps 5, includes all towing equipment, $6,500, o.b.o. 5371719. 43 1974 - 26' TERRY Travel Trailer. Self-contained. New awning. Air conditioning, 2-way fridge, 4 burner stove and oven. A must sell. Oregon built. $8200 obo. 537-4807. 44 HEART MUSIC (Est. 1976) v-tf Musical Instrument Repair JOHN AKEHURST 653-4238 365 OFFICE EQUIPCORONA ELECTRIC typewriter, good condition. Philips dictating machine, $80. 6534364. tfn 3 7 0 PET/LIVESTOCK KITTENS, VERY playful and adorable, need good home urgently. Free. Please call 6534802. tfn RETIREMENT HOME needed for 20 (Laying?) hens. Please call Unda, 653-9568. 44 TWO KITTENS: grey and white boy, spotted tabby girl, are looking for good homes. Good mousing stock. Call 653-9392. 44 HURRY ONLY five left, young Rabbits (Rex & Himalayan) must go. Rabbit, Goat and Chicken manure for sale 537- 4046. 44 WANTED: GOOD country home for 1 year old, Blue Tick Coon Hound. Neutered, great with kids. Regrettably allergies force us to part with this wonderful dog. 539-3225 43 OSTRICH CHICKS $2,800$6,000/pair. Raise for 2 years then will lay 30-100 eggs/year x 40 years, information package and video 1 (800)653-7383. Free delivery. ALPACAS: Rare, calm, intelligent, beautiful. Mind-boggling returns for farmers/investors! Breeding stock for sale - boarding available. Free videotape and information kit. Best is yet to come! Royal Canadian Alpaca Ranch (403)955-8066. HOMES ' URGENTLY NEEDED FOR CATS 1 - Adult neutered longhaired Tabby 1 - 8 mo. male tabby/white 1 - 4 mo. female tortoiseshell 1 - 4 mo. male fluffy, black/white 1 - neutered male, fluffy grey/white, green eyes 1 - black neutered male, super friendly DON'T FORGET TO BUY YOUR SPCA CAT COLLARS FROM FOXGLOVE OR G.I. VETERINARY CLINIC. PLEASE CALL: S.P.C.A. Salt Spring Island Branch 537-2123 Memberships and donations to Box 522, Ganges 375 RECREATIONAL VEHICLES TRIANGLE R.V. CENTRE offers excellent highway exposure for your consignment vehicle. Also parts, service,propane, sani-station and 24 hour car and R.V. wash. Vancouver Island's only complete RV centre. Triangle Homes Ltd., Sidney. Your first R.V. centre off the ferry. 6561122. DL5916. 20/95 1976 TRAVEL TRAILER, 17' three-burner propane stove with oven, 3 way fridge, toilet, sleeps 6. Good condition. $3200. 5371789. 44 4 1 0 FOR SALE/ REAL ESTATE FOUR BEDROOM, 2 bathroom on 2-3/4 acres near Fernwood School. Brand new kitchen and family room with woodstove. $225,000.537-1789. 43 INVESTMENT/REVENUE in Ganges. Three Bedroom rancher, .31 ac lot. Attractive older home. Reliable tenants in place. No Agents. $154,900. 1604-756-6259. 44 RECREATIONAL LAND For Sale by Owner. Small lots to large acreages. Oceanfront, lakefront, streams, ranchland located throughout BC. Terms available. Free brochure. Niho 3 7 6 SPORTING Land & Cattle Company Ltd. GOODS 521-7200. PROPERTIES TO Be Sold for KAMAZA SKIS, 185 cm, boots - unpaid taxes. Crown Land availsize 8 and poles, $75. Call 537- ability. For information on both, 4685. 43 write: Properties, Dept. CN, Box 5380, Stn. F, Ottawa, Ontario 3 7 9 FREE/ K2C 3J1. GRANISLE, B.C. Overlooking RECYCLABLES the beautiful Babine Lake. An THIS COLUMN is designed for ideal recreational/retirement setfree recyclable items only. There ting with unbeatable real estate is no charge to place items in values: efficiencey studio this column. Ads must submitted "suites" from $19,900 - one bedin person at the Driftwood office, room "view" units with balconies 126 Upper Ganges Road before - $29,900 - three bedroom townFriday, 4:30 p.m. Sorry no tele- houses - $34,900. 8% financing (3 year) available. Don not miss phone placements permitted, tfn outl The Grand Isles Resort SALT SPRING Island Recycle 1(800)661-6577 or (604)338Depot, located at 349 Rainbow 6622. Rd. is open every day except Sunday from 10 am. to 5 pm. This service is operated by Salt Spring Island Community Services. Please call the recycle Affordable, useable, depot at 537-1200, or commuwaterfront. 2.18 ac. nity services at 537-9971 for lot w i t h 100" beachinformation on materials accepted for recycling. tfn front that y o u can walk or drive onto. FREE: WORKING clothes dryer, dishwasher, stove. Not working: Great views, drivedishwasher, clothes washer. way into lovely build653-9393, pager 977-1010. 43 ing site. If y o u are POTTED PALM tree, grapefruit really quick it's yours tree. Call 537-2237. 43 for $189,000. CAMEL-BACK COUCH, frame in good condition, needs recovering, Call 537-1664. 43 Ideal Hobby Farm. 15 ARTIFICIAL CHRISTMAS Tree, acres w i t h w e l l , 6 ft. Call 537-5077, 43 driveway i n , near FENCING, VARIOUS types. Call 537-5482. 43 Booth Canal. Has 2 creeks on property. $249,000. A LIONS B & B opportunity, great house, 5 acres with panoramic view. MAJOR PRICE REDUCTION NOW $425,000. RECYCLE YOUR OLD GLASSES Your old prescription lenses can be a gift of sight Boxes located at: • Pharmasave • Bank of Montreal • Bank of Commerce • Island Savings Credit Union • Gulf Islands Optical 3 8 5 WANTED/ MERCHANDISE WANTED: IMPORT, 4 cylinder economical car for family. Reasonable condition, reasonable price. Please call 6534802. tfn WANTED FOR recycled bird houses: old oil cans (BA, Shell, Esso, etc.), cigarette tins, copper scraps, old cowboy boots and shakes. Will pick up. Call Mike, 653-4498. 45 WANTED: OLD chenille bedspreads. 537-4854. 45 WANTED: MOUNTAIN bike for 7 yr old boy. Please call 5374487. 44 4 1 0 FOR SALE/ REAL ESTATE SPIRITUAL SANCTUARY: 5 secluded acres, giant maples and cedars. Rare parklike setting. Crafted 1600 sq ft home. South facing, garden, creek and pond. Near lake and ocean. $290,000.537-2116. 43 FIVE SOUTH end acres with mountain views. Southwestern exposures. Magnificent sunsets, quiet peaceful setting. Water, hydro. $159,000. 653-4117. 43 MULTI-LEVEL HANDCRAFTED home with view of Ganges Harbour. Large old barn, organic garden with Tots of fruit. Phone 537-2272 for appointment to view. 5 - 8 pm. 45 36.8 ac. Waterfront Dream. Very special w i t h 1800" beachfront, w i t h grassy rolling benches. $875,000. Nice retirement rancher w i t h double garage, 1 acre landscaped lot on Galiano. NOW REDUCED TO $248,000. T O VIEW T H E S E OR A N Y OTHER LISTED PROPERTY, CALL P A U L OR L I A N E SUTTON FUTURE REALTY. 537-4556 OR F A X 5 3 7 - 4 5 5 1 OR 2 4 HR. PAGER 477-2288. 4 5 0 MOBILE HOMES FACTORY DIRECT. Single and double wides. Quality manufactured homes. 1-800-667-1533 "If we can't make a deal-well pay your way home!" DREAMING OF A New Home? Let Noble Homes team of architects design the home of your dreams. Unique in every way! Trades welcome 1(403)4473414. 4 6 0 WANTED/ REAL ESTATE WANTED: "LEASE to buy" house and small acreage^ hobby farm or fixer-upper OK. Call 537-1376. 44 5 0 0 APT/SUITE RENTALS TWO BEDROOM oceanfront private suite. All new. Includes hydro. $750/month. Call between 7 - 8 pm. 537-9885. 45 AVAILABLE DEC 1. Two bedroom, ground floor of house. $550/month plus share of utilities. Call 1-604-844-3827, leave message. 43 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 26,1994 A B21 5 2 0 HOUSES FOR RENT THREE BEDROOM large view home available immediately. References required. $950/mo. 537-2438. Call Larry. 43 FURNISHED TWO bedroom house in Vesuvius. Close to store, beach, pub. $700/mo. plus hydro. Nov 1. 537-9876. 43 THREE BEDROOM House for Rent on 1 acre. Partly furnished 5 1 0 COMMERCIAL and piano and cat. Call 5371086 45 SPACE FOR RENT SMALL WATERFRONT house. 800 SQ. FT. RETAIL space on Ideal for responsible couple. Hereford Ave. Phone 537-1045. Woodstove, 4 appl., no smoktfn ing. Available long term. Nov. 1. $750/mo. Call M & M Garvey FOR LEASE: 2,000 sq. ft. air- (Property Management), 653conditioned commercial building 9989. 43 in rapidly-expanding northeastern B.C. Prime downtown loca- THREE BEDROOM home for tion. Ph: 531-9511 or fax: 538- rent December 1 on women-oriented farm. Beddis Rd. 2047 for information. $830/mo. 537-4987. 44 SPACIOUS OLD Island House. LANCER BUILDING Available Dec. 1st, Long term. 3 bedroom, Studio, large kitchen, SPACES FOR RENT huge living room, woodstove, fireplace, Oil/Wood furnace. Large garden, fruit trees, etc. The following spaces are avail- Waik to town. No dogs, $850. able in this health care orientated /mo., plus utilities. 537-5424. 44 building located on the main drag. These smaller units are NEW TWO bedroom, 2 bathroom, fully furnished home on available on a month to month 25 secluded acres overlooking basis or long term lease. A great Fulford Valley. Available Dec. 15 way to try out your business with- to April 15, 1995. $700/mo. Sorry N/P, N/S. 653-4117. 44 out locking into a lease. Very high CHANNEL RIDGE Home, 3 visibility location. Rents include bdrm., all appliances. Minimum utilities and all other common 6 month lease. Suited to professional couple. $900/mo. No expenses but telephone. pets. 537-4279. 44 TRY LIFE on Salt Spring! Enjoy 160 sq ft upstairs - $300/mo 180° panoramic oceanviews. Fully furnished luxury home, 210 sq ft upstairs - $340/mo weekly or monthly. (604) 537114 sq ft upstairs - $270/mo 9894. 44 350 sq ft upstairs - $525/mo THREE BEDROOM oceanview home available Nov. 1 or earlier. House will be for sale. Looking These upstairs areas can be eas- for clean and tidy renters. ily combined. Some have great References required. Presently renting at $950. Will be asking views! We also have a large $700/mo. Call Myles, 537-5515. 43 ground level retail space available at a great rate! Call Peter or NOVEMBER 1 - 2 bdrm. Gaylene at NORTH END FIT- house, Fulford Valley - cathedral ceiling/open concept. Wood NESS - 537-5217 OR 537-9190 and electric heat, spring water, for viewing and complete details. N/S, references required $725 /mo., Call Collect between 4:30 6:30 p.m. (416) 266-9729. 43 VIEW ONE bedroom cottage, UPPER GANGES CENTRE long term, very private. All major appliances and wood stove. has the f o I lowing commercial $700/month. Phone 537-9110. space for rent 43 1.454 sq. ft. upstairs office, $6/ft. Triple Net THREE BEDROOM house for 2.416 sq. ft. upstairs office, rent, now to June 15, 1995. $6/ft. Triple Net Semi-waterfront in Fernwood 3.600 sq. ft. ground floor area. Great ocean views. 4 storefront appliances. N/P please, N/S 4.1773 sq.ft. ground floor only. $875/month. 1-598-0082. storefront 45 NOTE: the last 2 are EXTRA LARGE 1 bedroom and available as one unit den, renovated, ground floor, For more information, private entrance, 4 appliances, please call Ron Teale fireplace, sauna, N/S, N/P. Long 537-5521 term, references. $700/mo utilities included. 537-2980. 43 5 2 0 HOUSES FOR RENT PARK PLACE estates, 2 bdrm. retirement townhome. Garage, single level, walk to Ganges, available July 1. One year lease available. $825/mo. includes lawn maintenance, water, garbage. No smoking. References please. Contact Eric Booth, 537-5568. tfn COTTAGE - ONE bedroom, furnished, lakeview, sunny, no pets. $600 per mo. Includes hydro, cablevision.Available now till May 31, 1995. Non-smoking. 537-2702. 43 THREE BEDROOM 1-1/2 baths, view duplex, W & D, large yard on Maliview. Available Nov. 1. $750. Long term. 537-9192. 43 THREE BEDROOM plus Den partially furnished house. Short Term, 2-6 Months. Available Oct. 15 or Nov. 1. $950/mo. 537-4899 or 1-541-2671. 43 BEDROOMS AVAILABLE at Costerton Farm. Shared facilities. W/d, d/w, hot tub, private. $275 to $425 includes utilities, food extra including prepared meals. Non-smoking, no pets. Vegetarian only. Phone Linda, 537-5240 for interview. tfn WATERFRONT EXECUTIVE Grace Point townhome. Two bedroom, 2 1/2 baths, luxury living. Downtown. N/S. $1200/month. Phone 537-9819. 43 CUSHEON LAKEFRONT, 2 bedroom House sunny, dock, boathouse $600 per month Nov. 1. 656-0859 44 LONG TERM, 2 bedroom, sunny, clean, Vesuvius, N/S, references, $775/mo. Call 5379169. 44 S.S. PROPERTY WATCH Security while you're away Gardens * Pets * Plants OUR SPECIALTY 5 2 0 HOUSES FOR RENT Island Explorer Property Management Limited Residential & Commercial Management 604-537-4722 • - 1 BR., mobile, N/S, N/P, $575/mo. • 1 BR., suite, $600/mo. - 3 BR. 27 acres, N/S, N/P, $800. Call Dan 537-4722 - Oceanview, Ganges area, 2 levels. 4 BR., N/P. Nov.-July, $1000. Call Wilf 537-2589 5 3 0 SHARED ACCOMMODATIONS ACCOMMODATION AVAILABLE for outer islands student. 537-5268. 4& QUIET ROOM near Fernwood. Prefer working, N/S, N/D person. $350/month. 537-2130, 44 ROOM AND share large house, Ganges area, $375 and share hydro. N/S, N/P. 537-2272. 5 - 8 pm. 45 535 SITUATIONS WANTED/RENTALS SHARED ACCOMMODATION or companion, elderly lady needs a temporary home while waiting for Pioneer Village. Nonsmoker, non-drinker, no pets. 653-9566. 44 MATURE RESPONSIBLE female wants to house-sit for winter months. Refs. available. N/S. Contact Peggy, 537-4155. 44 GOING AWAY for the winter? Couple, N/S, N/D, will houseslt. Local references available. 5379321. 43 5 4 0 WANTED/ RENTALS SALT SPRING Rental wanted. January to Mid-April. Retired Executive Husband & Wife (Early sixties, Non-Smokers) require upscale House or Condo. Local References available. Phone 537-4739. 44 WANTED ACREAGE with long term lease with house and outbuildings preferred. David 3609668. 44 STUDENT NEEDS covered, dry area to store antique V.W. 6534616. 45 Bonded i Licensed PETER JACQUEST 537-4529 L e a s i n g or looking to l e a s e in t h e Southern GulF I s l a n d s ? TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY MOVING SALE: Saturday 9-12. Corner of Mountain Road at Isabella Point Road. Futon, cot, kitchenware, tools, books. MIXING BOARD. Mackie 1604 and Fostex 8 track reel to reel, $2,000 for pair with Snakes. Roland Jazz Chorus 120, $500. S h o r t a n d Long 537-1350. Term Rentals. SHARED ACCOMMODATION: person to share clean, comfortCall Bev Gerry able 3 bdrm. home at Fulford, 1-800-774-1417 o r $300 per mo. plus 1/3 utilities. 629-6889 Wood & Elec. heat. 653-9166. GARDEN RUN to riot? Call PENDER I S L A N D Sean 537-0708. To tame overgrown fruit and foliage trees and PROPERTY flower beds. MANAGEMENT HALF GLASSES with case L i c e n s e d Co found Saturday, October 22 outside Fulford Hall. May be claimed in Driftwood office. TOO LATE TO SNOW GUARDS: Stop the avalanche, save your gutters, CLASSIFY plants and personal injury and PLEASE NOTE: Too late to property damage from sliding ice classify ads are accepted only and snow. Phone and leave after 12:00 pm, Monday, and message for Craig Selbee at before Tuesday at the rate of 537-9422. $6.95 for 15 words or less, and SALE: two baby African 30$ for each additional word. FOR Pigmy goats, $185 for the pair. They are accepted on a first One C.S.A. approved come first served basis, and are wood Osburn stove with fan, $550. Will printed only If space permits. bring to Salt Spring. 1-658-8404, The Driftwood cannot be between 6pm and 9pm. responsible for errors or omissions as these ads may not be MUST SELL! 1982 Honda Civic proof read because of time con- hatchback. Runs well. Offers on straint. $500. 537-5021. COMMUNITY B22 A WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1994 TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY HEWLETT-PACKARD Deskjet 540, brand new w/all packaging and software, 100 pages used, full warranty, prints black or colour, up to 600x300 dpi. Paid $500 w/PST/GST, will sell for $450, no GST/PST Call 6534536. FLY-FISHING COURSE includes fly-casting, fly-tying, flyfishing. Begins January 95. Complete course $ 150. For details, 537-4948. AVAILABLE NOV 1. Rooms for rent $350/month, includes utilities. 537-4053, leave message. FOR RENT: Bedroom in home for single mature working person. N/P. 653-9316. Leave message WANTED LARGE Freezer in good condition, Call 537-1210. CARE WHILE you're not there. House sitter for pets, plants, property. References available, Denise 537-5633 Leave message. FOR SALE 75 Dodge Dart 318. Needs some work. New radial tires, mag wheels. $450 OBO 537-9632 evenings. AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY 1 Bedroom, fully furnished home on 3 wooded acres. N/S ,No pets. $625/month. Just bring your suitcase. Call Pat 5372005. FOR RENT: long term. Beautiful new 3 bdrm., 3,000 sq. ft., 2 bathrms., upstairs studio, gourmet kitchen, Ige. laundry rm. wraparound decks on 3 acres. Insulated shop with office. $1,600 per mo. or $1,200 without shop, adult oriented. 5374541 or eves. 653-4363. UNITED WAY Salt Spring Island. Community Services Society. Help us help by giving to the community through the United Way. Help to support the Food Bank, Counselling for Adults and Youth in Crisis, residence for the mentally challenged, the recycling depot, and many more community services. Pledge forms may be picked up and donations dropped off at the following locations. Fernwood Seaside Market, Vesuvius Store, Pattersons Store Fulford, Pharmasave Ganges, Gulf Island Realty Ganges, The Travel Shop Ganges. Please join in the spirit of giving. FREE TIRES all shapes and sizes of worn tires. Will deliver quantity. 537-9383. MOM AVAILABLE for childcare and after kindergarten pickup. Lots of local references. Angela, 537-9181. Also, highchair and large car seat needed. CHRISTMAS IDEAS - stop in at Western Cyclogical. We have bicycles, accessories and clothing. 126 Upper Ganges Rd. 537204a FOR RENT: 4 bdrm., 2 bathroom home. New kitchen, family room with woodstove. Level 2 3/4 view acres near Fernwood. $950/month. 537-1789. SEEKING HOUSESITTING situation for the winter. Woman experienced in caring for homes and animals. Call Sharon, 5371665. HAIR EXTRAORDINAIRE. Still going strong. Hair cuts, perms and colours. Organic products. 537-5538. - •*? - —' %* ** GULF ISLANDS Secondary School University Day on Nov. 2. Representatives from BCIT, UBC, SFU, UVIC, and Malaspina College will meet with students from 10:30 - 11:30 and 12:30 - 2 pm. Parents are welcome and encouraged to attend. FALL PLANTING is best. Conditions now favour good root establishment. Call Rainbow Nursery and Landscape. 5374346. FOR SALE: ceiling fan with brass and glass light and wooden blades. $25. Mahogany louvered bi-fold door, 94 1/2 h. x 36" wide, asking $40. Call 5374595 eves. "UP YOUR Ante" - A Hallowe'en Costume Quiz/Radio Show with Sid Filkow and Arvid Chalmers, Friday, Oct. 28. Prize for best costume. Character contestants wanted. Program time - 9:03 pm., $8 cover, Waterside Bistro, 537-4611. Reservations advised. HELP WANTED: Cook /nanny/housekeeper required Monday through Thursday, 3:006:30 pm. for 9 & 10 year old boys. Wages negotiable. Begin October 31. Ken Mackie, 5372717. YES WE Do! Landcaping, patio installation and garden design. Call Rainbow Landscapes. 5374346. ATTENTION CONTRIBUTORS, SSI Guilds Pre-Christmas Sale. Ready for pickup at Waterfront Gallery: information & inventory sheets, posters. Further information, contact your guild representative^ GARAGE SALE: Saturday only, October 29, 9-5. Furniture, antique table and chairs, etc. 330 Woodland, off Mobrae. FOR SALE 1978 14'x55' Two bedroom mobile home in good condition to be moved. Offers to $ 19,000 Call John 537-1129. FOUND: LARGE Rag doll, found at Drummond Park, Sunday October 23. 653-4817. Poppy time upon us TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY ONE BEDROOM furnished cottage. November till May/95, $600/monthly includes hydro, cablevision. No pets. 537-2702. WHY FLY to Reno? Dine and gamble on the Island, Nov. 12. Lie, no, 792963. RODRIGO'S UNPLUGGED in Fulford, Friday. Open Stage, Oct. 28, 8 pm. - 11 pm. Be part of the magic. Phone Rodrigo for your 15 minutes of fame. 6539222,653-4601. SCHOOL DISTRICT #64 has a temporary position available for a Maintenance 5 classification Carpenter. The position will run from November 1, 1994, to January 31, 1995. The qualified applicant will live on Mayne or Galiano Islands and possess a BC Ministry of Labour trade ticket in carpentry, and have a minimum of two years experience in building maintenance and construction. The position will involve travel to all the districts outer island schools performing a variety of maintenance functions. Applications will be received at the District Administration Office, 112 Rainbow Road, Salt Spring Island, attention Ken Sparling (Secretary Treasurer) until 4 pm on Friday, Oct. 28, FOR RENT: for seniors or adult oriented. Waterfront, very comfortable and cosy 2 bdrm. wood and elec. heat. 537-4541 or eves. 653-4363. DIG INTO our "Trick or Treat" bag of savings at "A Thousand Words". Free mats, v-grooves, or percentages off with every framing order until Oct. 31. Donl miss this scary deal at 785 Fulford-Ganges Rd, 537-5131. FOR RENT: long term 3 bdrm. lower duplex. Children welcome. Wood and electric heat. 5374541 or eves. 653-4363. LEGAL SERVICES: If you are selling, buying or mortgaging residential real estate, call Brian Lercher, Lawyer/Notary Public, 20 years experience. 653-9055. FULL TIME Position available which requires dealing with the public. Good organization and communication skills required. Some computer experience preferred but not essential. Send resume c/o Driftwood, Dept. "J", P.O. Box 250, Ganges, B.C. V0S1E0. HAULMARK ENCLOSED trailer, 18 ft. x 7 ft. x 6 ft. high. 5 months old. Double axle, elec. brakes inc. towing package. $4,750. 537-1358. FOR SALE 10ft x 30ft Dock with gangway, $750 or offers call 537-9475 What Driftwood Readers Are Buying... Asked which of the following items were purchased in the previous 12 months, our reader's responses were: GULF ISLANDS DRIFTWOOD The imminent appearance of red poppies on lapels, jackets and hats means Remembrance Day is almost here. More than 15 million poppies are distributed across Canada each year as men and women, young and old, veterans and civilians pay silent and colourful tribute to the memory of Canadians who have died in war. More than 1.7 million Canadians have fought in four major wars this century and more than 114,000 died in them. Made by veterans and their dependents in Montreal and Toronto, the poppy is worn to remember those who died. But money given to the poppy fund each year goes toward the living. There are more than 600,000 veterans in Canada. The average age of a Second World War vet is about 71. Remembrance Day poppy fund money is used for such things as the purchase of medical equipment, funding medical research and funding accommodation and care facilities for veterans. The red poppy became the symbol of remembrance in western countries after the first world war. It was inspired by the poem In Flanders' Fields written by a dying Canadian soldier after the Battle of Ypres in 1915. Members of the Royal Canadian Legion will be manning various island post, providing poppies in exchange for donations. Estuaries subject of speech Information on the ecological significance of estuaries, where freshwater streams and rivers meet the ocean, will be presented today at 1:30 p.m. by Dr. Rob Butler of the Canadian Wildlife Service. Butler will be speaking in the Anglican Centre, at the corner of Lower Ganges Road and Park Drive in Ganges. Entitled Where Waters Meet, the presentation is sponsored by the Salt Spring Ecosystem Stewardship Project. Butler is an author, a scientist and an estuary biologist. The protection of estuaries was one of the issues addressed by the shoreline bylaw proposed by the Local Trust Committee earlier this year. The bylaw was dropped in August, following opposition at a public hearing, and the issue was referred to the Official Community Plan review. The presentation is free but donations at the door are welcome to help cover costs. FIVE STAR MOVING - your local moving specialists - • Regular trips to Vancouver & Victoria Friendly, reliable & professional * Owner/operated • Fully licensed & insured • Reasonable rates Our reputation it everything to ut. We care about giving you 100% satisfaction! 537-9501 Fax 537-9204 93% men s, women s & children s clothing 80% hardware supplies 75% automotive repairs 60% automotive parts & supplies 54% home decorating items 47% fertilizer 36% small appliances 36% major home building supplies 29% home entertainment equipment 28% home furnishings 21% broadloom, flooring 20% major appliances Canadian Facts Local Market Research Survey, April 1992 GULF ISLANDS DRIFTWOOD COMMUNITY GULF ISLANDS DRIFTWOOD WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1994 A B23 Canadian Criss Cross by Walter D. Feener 1 J 2 3 15 19 18 1 21 27 1r 6 10 11 24 25 26 42 43 17 f 31 32 20 28 ii 33 36 35 9 8 ' ,3 12 30 5 34 38 39 40 P 44 46 • 47 48 49 52 C 1r 55 ACROSS 1. An ocean: abbr. 4. Emotional outbursts 8. Playwright Coward 12. Wing 13. Dig like a pig 14. Seaman's rating 15. Cherry stone 16. Childish 18. Belittle oneself 20. Eye part 21. Buying preferment 23. Complete^-"" 27. Of sound 29. Red dye 30. Dwell on 32. Die spot 34. Takes from 35. Mild oath 37. Stone lifting N^device 39. Next to last syllable-.^ 41. Pampas cowboy 44. Army vehicle 46. Soiled spot 47. Nutritious starch 51. Hinged cover 52. geste 53. Protuberance 54. French summer [ 50 54 57 offering 22 Shrill bark 24 Having two equal sides, as a triangle 25 Costa 26 Fourteenth DOWN letters 28 Painting 1. Mamas & medium 2. Plausible excuse 30 Not square 3. Twin-hulled 31 Grow up boat 33 Al Bundy's wife 4. Dear 36 Large number companion 38 Spent unprofitably 5. Group of atoms 40 Sea birds 6. Bean curd 7. Barrel part 42 Hispaniola 8. Swimming pool 43 Command 9. Japanese sash 45 Collection of standing water 10. Building extension 47 Presidential nickname 11 Actress Meriwether 48 Race a motor 17 Hawaiian 49 Charlotte goose 50 Lyric poem 19. Restaurant 55. Always 56. Coasting vehicle 57. Knight's title LITTLE GIRLS' BEST FRIEND: EAGLE Three and one-half year old Cecelia Fraser gives Gertie an appreciative hug. The photo was taken at Fraser's Thimble Farms on Salt Spring. Answers on Page B8 Photo by Damans ttumsby DECKING ^^L^J^ Vinyl for sundecks and. roof decks INTERIOR - EXTERIOR FINISHING EAGLE C O N T R A C T I N G Rod Terry 537-5275 SUBARU FALL DEMONSTRATOR CLEARANCE SALE 1993IMPREZA SEDAN Auto, air cond., P.W., P.D., AM/FM radio NOW %m. 1994 LEGACY LS SEDAN Full load including all-wheel drive NOW *-: $ %946. 1994 LEGACY S. WAGON 4x4 Alpine Ski edition NOW '21,969 GOODS & SERVICES AUCTION Auctioneer: Arvid Chalmers SUNDAY OCT. 30th / 2pm 50 items - including, a bike, arts & crafts, excavating work, dinners, rentals... at the CORE INN 134McPhillipsAve. *>N. a fundraiser for the Core Inn youth project A/ SAUNDERS SUBARU 474-2211 1782 ISLAND HWY. Reach the Driftwood through Raven Net BBS on Salt Spring. Call 5 3 7 - 9 5 2 2 A W t U N O U M T , UVIUDCn « , i:RV« GULF ISLANDS DRIFTWOOD I SOLD ATIONAL The Sign NRS SALTS Leader REAL ESTATE SERVICE® ;.;. •: SALT SPRING OCEANFRONT . :;:-• Call Robert Campsall 537-1015 OCEANFRONT SANSUM NARROWS One quarter mile oceanfront 168 acres of rugged beauty West-facing and sunny $650,000 MLS/NRS . 537-5515 (24 hrs) • 18 acres on the ocean • Views east to Salt Spring Island • Well treed 2 acre bldg. lot • Driveway & well & services to lot line • Several good building sites • Good bldg. site and all day sun • $ 1 2 9 , 0 0 0 MLS/NRS • $ 1 8 9 , 9 0 0 MLS/NRS LISTEN TO YOUR WAVES LAP!! DREAM HOME AWAITS YOU!! ROSCOMMON LOT16MANSELLRD. anytime • Architect designed • 3 beds • 3 baths • Walk-on waterfront • Over 200' wide • Soaker Jacuzzi tub • Huge master Call James Lautenschlager 537-5515 (24 hr paging) • New 1 & 2 story town houses • 2 bedrooms, 5 appliances • Close to all the conveniences « $149,900 to $179,000 MLS/NRS Call Bob • Level and sunny • Trincomali Channel at your door • Both 1.08 ac. • Sewer and water systems • 2.72 acres' Large decks for barbecues • 3.64 acres zoned for guest cottage. • Both spectacular views • Easy to build on • $339,000 MLS/NRS • $199,000 MLS/NRS • Lot #9 $95,000; Lot #8 $96,000 • O n e $115,000 MLS/NRS CHECK PRICES IN NEIGHBOURHOOD READY-TOGO BUSINESS • 2 acre building lot • 3 bedrooms, excellent craftsmanship • 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms • 2 car garage, 800 sq. ft. basement • Well in place • Seasonal creek • Proven to fill a need • Custom built and finished • .91 acres in Quarry Drive area •$131,500 MLS/NRS • Bring offers to $150,000 MLS/NRS • $267,000 MLS/NRS • $263,000 MLS/NRS / BUILDING LOT ——^Si, - / * / w J J - ^ - * « V i ' —' / / ¥ REALLY GOOD VALUE CLOSE TO TOWN-LOVELY YARD • 9.28 ac. with spectacular views • .75 acre building lot • 3 bdr renoved bungalow • 1/2 acre • Ocean access nearby • Cleared • Good bldg site with easy access • On municipal water • New: roof, cabinets,, & carpets • Seasonal creek • Level • 7 GPM drilled well • Well treed & well located • Fenced yard • Close to shops • Perc test was done in 1990 •$214,000 MLS/NRS • $91,000 MLS/NRS • $189,000 MLS/NRS • $79,000 MLS/NRS or Felicity Anne 1 Quality, immaculate residence 1 Year round, deep water dock 1 Pirve setting, fully landscaped 537-2374 NEED HEADING HERE • New luxury home 3200 sq. ft. • 180°oceanviews, southest exposure • 1.39 parklike, landscaped acres > $625,000 MLS/NRS $910,000 MLS/NRS UNIQUE SOUTH SALT SPRING HOME NEED FAMILY • Walk to Ganges • In-law suite > Prestige location, 1650 sq. ft., 3 bdr • Excellent assumable mortgage • 1 acre sunny lot • town water • $ 2 1 5 , 0 0 0 MLS/NRS > All appliances > Sunny 1.6 ac. waterfront > $419,000 MLS/NRS Stride Aust Bob Howe Felicity Grant Patricia Fraser Russ Jerry Crouse Charish 537-5828 653-4542 537-2374 537-1854 527-5203 537-1303 Myles Wilson 537-4506 John Steele 537-4606 Norman Rothwell 537-5103 Shelli Robertson 643-4347 SALT SPRING REALTY LTD. P.O. Box 69, Ganges, B.C. V0S1E0 149Fulford-GangesRd. Call Marion Marks or Shelli Robertson 537-5515 (24 hr paging) Call Patricia Fraser Call NEED HEADING HERE John Steele 537-4606 CUSTOM QUALITY HOBBY FARM • 2.3 useable acres with pond • Lots of sun, trees, privacy OCEANVIEW ACREAGE 653-4542 Call • Fully equipped auto marine repairs • Convenient leased location Call Don Robertson 537-5515 (24 hr paging) Howe EXCELLENT BUILDING LOT T W O WATERFRONT LOTS •Valdes Island Call Patricia Fraser or Bruce Mills 537-5515 (24 hr. paging) Call Jerry Charish 537-1303 Don Robertson 653-4347 Dennis O'Hara 653-4101 Gil Mouat 537-4900 Fulford Branch Office - 653-9555 • Vic. Dir. 656-5554 • Van. Dir. 278-5595 D r o p in or call our office for your free NRS bi-weekly catalog Bruce Mills 537-5515 (24 hr. paging) Bob Campsall 537-1015 James Lautenschlager 537-2141 Marion Marks 537-2453 Bruce Mills 537-9782 GANGES OFFICE 537-5515 (24 hrs.) 537-9797 (FAX)