ID#: __ __ __ __ __ __ Note: you only need to hand in the first 3 pages of this handout… TYPES OF STARS Modified from: When astronomers look through their telescopes, they see billions of stars. What can they learn from their observations? In class, we’ve learned that the shape of the spectrum (especially, the wavelength at which it reaches its maximum intensity) can be used to determine a star’s temperature. In addition, the locations (energies) at which absorption or emission lines occur can be used to “fingerprint” the star’s composition. The goal of this problem set is for you to understand that astronomers classify stars on the basis of two different criteria: (1) the intensity of one of the H absorption lines (called H-alpha, or H), and (2) on the basis of temperature. At the end of this handout, there are typical spectra of 7 stars. In each case there is one spectrum showing the part of the data that was acquired over the visible wavelength range (the x axis is given in terms of wavelength in Ångstroms, which are just an order of magnitude different than the nm we’ve been using in class) and the y axis is flux (which is essentially a measured of intensity). Below each big plot is a zoomed-in view of the area of the spectrum around 6560 Ångstroms (i.e., 656 nm). Question 1. Are these emission spectra or absorption spectra? How do you know? First, we will classify stars based on the "strength" of their H lines. Look at the spectra of the seven stars at the end of this worksheet. Using their spectra, rank the seven stars according to the strength of their Hα lines. If you can't rank them all easily, try coloring in the area between the line connecting the triangle centers and the actual spectrum. The bigger the colored area, the greater the line strength. Originally, astronomers classified those stars with the strongest hydrogen lines as 'A' stars, stars with the next strongest lines as 'B' stars, the next strongest 'C' and so on. Eventually, they realized that some letters were unnecessary, and dropped them from the classification system. The letter assigned to a star is called its spectral class. So the spectral classes that remain are A, B, F, G, K, M, and O. There is only one star of each class in this data. Question 2: Classification Based on Line Strength : Fill in the table below. Line Strength Greatest line area Least line area Star Number Spectral Type A B F G K M O Question 3: Which is hotter, a star that peaks at 5000 Å or a star that peaks at 6000 Å? How do you know? Question 4. Classification Based on Star Temperature. Look at the spectra of the seven stars again. This time, you can ignore the zoom-in beneath each panel. For each spectrum, trace the underlying continuum shape – in other words, draw a line that shows what the spectrum would look like if it had no emission or absorption lines. In each spectrum, identify the wavelength at which that that continuum peak is most intense. If the peak is not shown on the graph, then estimate where you think it might peak. Rank the stars according to peak wavelength of each star's thermal continuum, using the table below, and calculate their temperature using Wien’s Law. Remember that Wien’s law is expressed as max = 29,000,000/T(K) if wavelength is in Å. Peak Wavelength Peak at shortest wavelength Peak Wavelength (Å) Temperature (in K) based on Wien’s Law Star Number Spectral Class O B A F G Peak at longest wavelength K M Question 5. The Connection Between Temperature and Line Strength Look back to the tables you created above. In the first row of the table below, list the stars (1-7) in order of decreasing Hα line strength (strongest on the left, weakest on the right) based on your responses to Question #3. In the second row, list the stars by number, in order of decreasing temperature (hottest on the left, coolest on the right), based on you answers to questions 5 and 6. In the third row, add the spectra class that you decided upon for each star. Strongest Hα Line Spectral Type Hottest Temperature Spectral Class Weakest Hα Line Spectral Type Coolest Temperature Spectral Class Question 6. Are these two classification schemes (spectral type vs. spectra class) the same? Question 7. What two spectra classes of stars have the strongest H lines? Are these the hottest stars? Question 8. Which class of stars is the hottest? Which class of stars is the coolest? How strong are the Hα lines for these two classes of stars? Star #1 Star #2 Star #3 Star #4 Star #5 Star #6 Star #7