L03_Examen Study Guide -2015

Examen Lección 3: La Familia 12/8 – 12/10
All reference and vocab handouts are under the Lec. 3 icon on our class website.
Tutorials and Practice: www.vhlcentral.com ; www.quizlet.com
1. Present tense of regular ER & IR verbs
2. Present tense of tener & venir
3. Descriptive Adjectives
4. Possessive Adjectives
5. All four vocabulary Lists (approximately 100 words)
Writing Exam: jueves, el 10 de diciembre (30pts)
For this writing exam you will be asked to write specific sentences about a member of your family.
Your sentences will be graded on correct grammar, vocabulary and task completion. Your
sentences should use varied vocabulary and provide as much detail as possible.
Writing sample includes required information: 1) name 2) relationship to you
3) profession
4) age 5) place of origin
6) description
7) activities
Writing sample uses correct grammar.
Writing sample uses varied vocabulary.
Writing sample is appropriate and provides detail.
Writing sample shows effort.
Multiple Choice Exam: martes, el 8 de diciembre (50pts)
Listening: The listening portion of the exam will ask you to match expressions of tener with
situations you hear in Spanish. For example, you hear: Tú crees que diez más quince son
veinticinco, and you match it up with the phrase: Tienes razón. Make sure to study tener
expressions and other vocabulary to do well on this section.
Reading: Read a couple of paragraphs about a student from Mexico and answer true or false
questions about what you read. Make sure that you know the vocabulary from Lessons 1-3 in
order to do well on the reading section.
Vocabulary: Match a Spanish description of a family member to a Spanish word. It is similar to
the review activity in your packet. Make sure you know all of the family vocabulary words.
Adjectives: Choose the descriptive or possessive adjective which best completes each sentence.
You will need to review the rules on making descriptive adjectives match what they are describing
in number and gender. Also review the meaning and use of possessive adjectives.
-AR/-ER/-IR verb conjugations: Match the different endings needed to verbs when given an
infinitive and a subject.
-ER/-IR verb meaning: Choose the correct verb according to the meaning of a sentence.
Tener or Venir: Choose the correct conjugation of either tener or venir according to the sentence
you read.
Speaking Exam: miércoles, el 9 de diciembre (20pts)
Your ability to understand and produce acceptable Spanish will be tested, so you must give a
complete answer.
For this speaking exam you will see a picture of a person (or various people) and be asked to say
5 specific sentences about what you see.
Here are the 8 types of sentences you would be asked to use (only 5 will be asked on the day of
the exam).
1. A sentence about their personality. (use ser and an adjective)
2. A sentence about their looks. (use ser and an adjective)
3. A sentence about where they are located. (use estar)
4. A sentence about what they have. (use tener)
5. A sentence about how old they are. (use tener….años)
6. A sentence about where they come from. (use venir)
7. A sentence about what they are doing. (use an –ar, -er or –ir verb)
8. A sentence about what they like to do. (use gustar + infinitive)
This is the rubric you will be graded on:
4: Response is appropriate and provides level appropriate detail. Correct
grammar and pronunciation are used.
3: Response is appropriate but may lack detail. May be small mistakes in
grammar and pronunciation.
2: Response may be inappropriate. Grammar and pronunciation mistakes make
response unclear.
1: Student does not respond or responds with 1-2 words. Not enough is said to
give an assessment.