Deadline: MARCH 1 Return to: Graduate Program Assistant Animal Science Advising Center 1202B Meyer Hall, UC Davis One Shields Avenue Davis, CA 95616 (for the following academic year) APPLICATION FOR ANIMAL SCIENCE GRADUATE TEACHING ASSISTANTSHIPS DATE:_____________________ NAME:__________________________________________________________________________________ (Last) (First) (Middle) ADDRESS:_______________________________________________________________________________ (Number and Street) (City) (State) (Zip Code) PHONE #:(____)_____________________ E-MAIL ADDRESS:____________________________________ STUDENT ID # :_____________________________________________________________________ ¾ Are you currently a registered UCD graduate student? YES_______ NO_______ OR ¾ Have you submitted an application for admission to Graduate Studies at UCD? YES_______ NO_______ ¾ MAJOR (or proposed major)______________________________________________________________ ¾ DEGREE (M.S., Ph.D.) program___________________________________________________________ ¾ MAJOR PROFESSOR (or proposed major professor) ______________________________________ ACADEMIC PREPARATION List all Colleges/ Universities Attended Dates Attended Graduated? Degrees and Yes/No Dates received Location (City/State/Country) Major Subjects REFERENCES (Request letters from at least three individuals in a position to evaluate your potential to fulfill the responsibilities of a Teaching Assistant. Letters should be sent to the Animal Science Advising Center, see address at top of page.) NAME ADDRESS To insure consideration, return this form to the Animal Science Advising Center by the March 1 deadline. All students (entering and continuing) are responsible for submitting copies of their transcripts from all colleges attended. Return to: Graduate Program Assistant Animal Science Advising Center 1202B Meyer Hall, UC Davis One Shields Avenue Davis, CA 95616 Deadline: MARCH 1 (for the following academic year) ¾ Quarters you are applying for support: SUMMER _______ FALL_______ WINTER_______ SPRING_________ (for continuing students only) ¾ Continuing students: List departmental courses you feel qualified to serve as TA: ¾ Are there quarters you prefer not to be assigned as a TA? Give reasons. ¾ Please describe your previous experience and/or background that would be useful for teaching in Animal Science. Attach additional sheets as needed. Since the field of Animal Science includes physiological aspects of food-producing animals, many of the laboratories in our undergraduate classes involve invasive procedures or dissections. Are you willing to fulfill TA responsibilities for these classes? YES _____ NO _____ Please note that the Department of Animal Science typically will not provide departmental support to M.S. students beyond their second year of graduate study or to Ph.D. students beyond their fourth year in the program (third year if the student also completed the M.S. degree in the Department). CERTIFICATION I certify that all the statements made here are true, complete, and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief, and are made in good faith. Signature of Applicant:_________________________________ Date:_________ The University of California, in accordance with applicable Federal and State Law and University policy, does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, disability, age, medical condition (cancer-related), ancestry, marital status, citizenship, sexual orientation, or status as a Vietnam-era veteran or special disabled veteran. The University also prohibits sexual harassment. This nondiscrimination policy covers admission, access, and treatment in University programs and activities. Inquiries regarding the University’s student-related nondiscrimination policies may be directed to Student Judicial Affairs Director, 463 Memorial Union, (530) 752-1128.