Homework for the week of February 1, 2016


This is a two-page homework sheet

Homework for the week of February 1, 2016







Monday (due Tuesday):

Read and complete the questions in the Creation of Empire reading that you took from the table in the Butler Lab. If you misplaced it, it’s on my website under Imperialism.

Tuesday (due Wednesday):

Review the terms to define and the questions before you read from the textbook.

Read pages 680 - 687.

Using complete sentences, explain the definitions and importance of the following words.

For the people, please explain their actions and how those actions are important: a. Commodore Matthew Perry b. Seward’s Folly d. imperialism e. expansionism c. isolationism f. Alfred Mahan g. Samoa h. Spheres of Influence

Respond to the following, with details, using complete sentences:


How does American involvement in the Boxer Rebellion demonstrate imperialism?


When Roosevelt was president between 1901 and 1909, he liked to use the phrase

“speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far.” Think about how actions in Japan illustrate that many years before Roosevelt the United States was able to “speak softly” because it carried a “big stick.” Explain what the big stick was in Japan and how it allowed the United States to speak softly.

Wednesday (due Thursday):

Review the terms to define and the questions before you read from the textbook.

Read pages 688 - 692.

Using complete sentences, explain the definitions and importance of the following words.

For the people, please explain their actions and how those actions are important: a. Reconcentration b. José Martí c. Yellow Journalism and the SA War d. “Remember the Maine ” e. Dewey at Manila Bay g. Rough Riders f. Emilio Aguinaldo h. protectorate

Respond to the following, with details, using complete sentences:


How is the Platt Amendment similar to or different from the Foraker Act? Make sure


your response includes geography.

Look up the word ironic. (You will have to look up irony, too.) Based on events in

America from 1775 until 1783, why could American actions in the Philippines after the

Spanish-American war be considered ironic?

Thursday (due Friday):

Review the terms to define and the questions before you read from the textbook.

Read pages 693 - 699.

Using complete sentences, explain the definitions and importance of the following words. For the people, please explain their actions and how those actions are important: a. isthmus b. diplomacy (use m-w.com) c. William C. Gorgas d. “speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far” e. Roosevelt Corollary f. Pancho Villa (include John J. Pershing)

Respond to the following, with details, using complete sentences:


Gunboat diplomacy is foreign policy that is supported by the use or threat of military force.

Write and underline the definition in your composition book and explain how diplomacy in the early 1900s could be called gunboat diplomacy.


Was dollar diplomacy different from big stick diplomacy? Support your answer with specific details.


Woodrow Wilson’s style of diplomacy has been called moral diplomacy because he worked to condemn imperialism and spread democracy. Explain how Wilson’s beliefs could gain this title and whether they deserve this title.


Go to http://www.pancanal.com/eng/general/howitworks/index.html

and watch the clips for transit, operations, and dimensions. Be prepared to discuss how a canal works.


Enjoy your weekend.
