Western Civilization Final Exam Study Guide

 Western Civilization Final Exam Study Guide Western Civilization Final Exam Study Guide 2 Hundred Years War The Hundred Years War was a series of wars waged from 1337 to 1453 by the House of Valois and the House of Plantagenet, also known as the House of Anjou, for the French throne, which had become vacant upon the extinction of the senior Capetian line of French kings. -­‐ The conflict began when William (Duke of Normandy) led an invasion into England o He defeated the English King Harold II at the Battle of Hastings and declared himself the King of England.  Also being the Duke of Normandy he remained a possible heir to the French throne as well. • On the French side, the Capetian monarchs didn’t like the idea of having a neighboring king hold lands within their own kingdom -­‐ The specific events leading up to the war took place in France, where the unbroken line of the Direct Capetian firstborn sons had succeeded each other for centuries. o It was the longest continuous dynasty in medieval Europe. In 1314, the Direct Capetian, King Philip IV, died, leaving three male heirs: Louis X, Philip V, and Charles IV.  A fourth child of Phillip IV, Isabella, was married to Edward II of England, and in 1312 had produced a son, Edward of Windsor. • Who was a potential heir to the thrones of both England (through his father) and France (through his grandfather). -­‐ In 1324 France and England fought a short war in Gascony o England lost a lot of land in this war and focused on regaining them in the future. When Charles IV of France died in 1328 he left only his daughter o Thus the senior line of the Capetian dynasty ended  Creating a crisis over the French succession -­‐ In 1327, Edward of Windsor became King of England (Edward III) o He was also the nephew of Charles IV (King of France)  English interpretation of feudal law said Edward was a legitimate heir to the French throne -­‐ The French didn’t want an English King to rule France so they defended it by their interpretation of Sallic Law (that a royal inheritance could not pass to a woman or through her to her offspring) o Therefore the French thought that Philip of Valois was the most legitimate heir to the French throne -­‐ Edward III swept and dominated the English Cannel -­‐ Philip of Valois conquered Flanders (consumer of English wool) By Alex Grant Visit www.studypalooza.com Western Civilization Final Exam Study Guide -­‐
3 Edward III wanted to be French King Battle of Crecy (1346) o French used crossbows (took two people)  Had short range, but armor piercing abilities o English used longbows (versatile, long range, less power) The Plague (1347) o England (The Black Plague) o France Edward the Black Prince of Wales o Guerilla component in the Hundred Years War o Raped women o Destroyed villages Battle of Poiters (1356) o Introduction of the cannon o Cannons could destroy castles  Literally destroyed Feudalism Richard II pursued a fight against his own nobles and lost Henry V (1399-­‐1422) o Son of Richard II o Successor to the throne King John the Good o Wasn’t good o French King o Captured at Poiters  Didn’t get ransom paid to be freed Estates General – French Parliament o First Estate (church) o Second Estate (nobility) o Third Estate (Middle Class) o Etienne Marcel  Speaker of Estates General o Crown and Estates General did not get along  Crown had power of the purse o Wrote “The Great Ordinance”  Charles V signs it Charles V o Signs “The Great Ordinance” o Gives Estates General power o Rules in cooperation o Tired to rally support to over turn document (1367)  Jacquerie • Peasants of Northern France • Revolt against Estate General John Froissart o Plutarch of England and France By Alex Grant Visit www.studypalooza.com Western Civilization Final Exam Study Guide -­‐
4 At the end of the war Calais was the only land England controlled in France Kings eventually rule through Parliaments (1614) Last time Estates General met Charles VI (The Mad) o Ruled for 42 years o Harfleur – first major city to fall to English o Agincourt (1415) – English won  Similar to Battle of Marathon  All French nobles died o Treaty of Troyes  Named Henry V heir to Charles VI  Technically naming him King of England and France Charles VII o Battle of Orleans  Joan of Arc • Led French armies into battle against English o Won o Proved Charles VII worthy of Crown Outcome of the Hundred Years War o English only had Calais o Became less powerful o French king became more powerful Renaissance A cultural movement that spanned roughly the 14th to the 17th century, beginning in Florence in the Late Middle Ages and later spreading to the rest of Europe. -­‐ Innocent III – released knowledge (formerly forbidden knowledge) o Aristotelian knowledge  Medicine  Knowledge  Etc. -­‐ Pre-­‐conceived notions o World was flat o King was ruled by God -­‐ Humanism – type of art in Middle Ages -­‐ Gutenburg o Printing Press  Created mass production of books • Bible -­‐ Bruni – Inventor of Liberal Arts  Curriculum  Grammar  Philosophy By Alex Grant Visit www.studypalooza.com Western Civilization Final Exam Study Guide -­‐
5  History  Language Petrarch wrote in Italian Boccaccio wrote first novel (Decameron) Castiglione (Book of Courtier) – way nobleman should behave Machiavelli (The Prince) – how a ruler should rule Famous Renaissance Contributors o Michelangelo o DaVinci Major Dynasties o Medici – Florence  Banking • Started in Lombardi • Expanded to Florence  Giovanni Medici • Came from wealthy family • Usury = interest • Jews charged interest • Giovanni started interest in Christian  Cosimo Medici • Tried to position family in political position in Florence  Lorenzo the Magnificent • Used money to beautify the city of Florence  Machiavelli – Florencian ambassador to France  Dedicated “The Prince” to Lorenzo  Grand Duchy of Tuscany (c. 1800) – Medici Family o Borgias – Venice o Sforzas – Milan Renaissance in the North o Fugger Family became competition to Medici  Provided Newsletter • Told story of Mary Queen of Scot o Christian Humanism  Change of Christianity • Baptism • Communion • Holy Orders • Confessions o Science and Technology  Johannes Gutenburg • Printing press o Printed the Bible in mass Renaissance Popes o Julius II “warrior Pope”  Final resting in Sistine Chapel o Leo X wiped out treasury By Alex Grant Visit www.studypalooza.com Western Civilization Final Exam Study Guide 6 o Papel Curia tried to find a way to get more money  Wehrgeld • Worldcoin • Judge decided cost  Indulgences • Purchasable to be forgotten of sins o Johann Tetzel  Indulgences salesman • Could pay for ancestors forgiveness o Prince Albert of Brandenburg o Fredrick III (the Wise) of Saxony  elected Holy Roman Emperor  Owner of “Christian museum” o Martin Luther – starts protestant reformation  Very religious (saw life as war between good and evil) Reformation The Protestant Reformation, also called the Protestant Revolt or the Reformation, was the European Christian reform movement that established Protestantism as a constituent branch of contemporary Christianity. It was led by Martin Luther, John Calvin and other early Protestants. The efforts of the self-­described "reformers", who objected to the doctrines, rituals and ecclesiastical structure of the Catholic Church, led to the creation of new national Protestant churches. -­‐ Wittenburg – capitol of Saxony o Home of biggest collection of Christian memorabilia outside of Rome -­‐ Martin Luther o “Christians are to be taught to give to the poor or to lend to the needy is a better work than the purchases of pardons.” (Martin Luther) -­‐ heresy – religious treason -­‐ predestination – it was already decided that you were going to either heaven or hell (before you were born) -­‐ 95 Theses – Martin Luther’s 95 reasons that were bad about the Catholic Church -­‐ Diet of Worms (1521) – where Martin Luther was brought in front of the church -­‐ Charles V (HRE) – “How should the word of God be preached?” (Charles V (HRE)) “ appropriately, simply, directly and from a devout sincere heart.” (Martin Luther) -­‐ Protestantism’s Spread o Luther Reforms  Translation of the Bible (Vernacular)  Priest could be married  NO indulgences o Peasant Revolt (1524 – 1525) By Alex Grant Visit www.studypalooza.com Western Civilization Final Exam Study Guide -­‐
7  Luther sided with rich nobles  Ruined his public image John Calvin o attempted a protestant revolt in France  exiled  moved to Switzerland  theocracy – religion rules the country  consistory – Calvin’s form of the Spanish Inquisition o Reforms  Old testament justice  Consistory  Theocracy o Similar religion  Dutch Calvinism  Huguenots (France)  Anglicans (Puritans / English)  Presbyterians (Scotland) o Henry Tudor VII defeated Richard III at battle of Boseworth (1485) o Poynyngs Law o Henry VII s children  Arthur – prince of Wales  Mary = Louis of France  Margaret = James IV of Scotland  Marriage Politics o Arthur – held out for best offer  Katherine of Aragon in Spain • Married to Arthur  England received 100,000 crowns o “little Hank” (Henry VIII) married Katherine upon death of Arthur o Pope signed dispensation allowing “little Hank” to marry Katherine o Levitican Law  A man can’t sleep with his dead brother’s wife -­‐ Act of Supremacy o Made the Bishop and Cardinals sign a document saying that they switch their devotion from the Catholic Church to a Protestant Church  If they didn’t the could leave (sometimes exiled) -­‐ Tomas More – powerful lawyer (see Defense of the 7 Sacraments – pg. 22) o Exefctued by Henry VIII -­‐ Articles of Faith and Ceremonies – the merging of Lutheranism and Catholicism o Anglican Church  Got to keep Sacraments  Allow for salvation for faith alone  Got rid of indulgences By Alex Grant Visit www.studypalooza.com Western Civilization Final Exam Study Guide 8 Allowed: • Confessions • Transubstantiation • Private Masses -­‐ Jane Seymour – (Third Wife) o Had a male heir (Edward (VI)) o Jane died from disease -­‐ Henry VIII s killed Anne Boleyn -­‐ Heir Order: o Edward VI  If no children Mary o Mary  If no children Eilzabeth o Elizabeth Henry’s Wives: -­‐ Katherine of Aragon (First Wife) -­‐ Anne Boleyn (Second Wife) -­‐ Anne of Cleeves (Fourth Wife) o Represented a German noble family  Head of Lutheranism in Germany o Henry said he would not ride her o Divorce -­‐ Katherine Howard (Fifth Wife) o 16 years old o A bit of a whore o Was accused of adultery  Executed -­‐ Katherine Paar (Sixth Wife) o Survived  Was going to be executed • Henry died week before schedule execution -­‐ Book of Common Prayer o Written by Edward (VI)  In Vernacular -­‐ Edward VI o Inherited the throne at 10  Wore crown • Did not rule o Had tuberculosis  Died  Lived short life o Created a Bible of Written in English (see Book of Common Prayer above) o Embraced Lutheran teachings 
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9 Mary I • Guildford Dudley o Son of North Cumberland • Jane Grey o Became Queen for 9 days  Before she was executed Mary gave her a choice to beg for forgiveness • Couldn’t – so she was executed • Mary I o Understood it was her duty to bring England to Catholic fold  Married her cousin Philip II of Spain o Philip II of Spain  Philip did not become King • Became the Queen’s Husband (had no significance)  Was King in Spain o Got the name Bloody Mary  Executed about 3oo people • Never turned England back to the Catholic faith • Council of Trent (1545 – 1563) o Pope Paul III  Jesuits (soldiers of God) • Ignatius (Layola) Founder of Jesuit order o Education o Spreading the word of Christ o Lots of Missionaries • Needed to survive in order to become Queen o Classic “Bullshitter” • Mary died o Elizabeth became Queen • Was married to her country • Chief Councils o Roger Ascham  One of the greatest thinkers of the day • Tutored all of the Tudor children including Elizabeth (no pun intended) o Robert Cecil • Took a more diplomatic approach in 2nd half of her reign o Dutch Revolt (1572)  Ended up helping covertly • Deteriorated diplomatic relations between England and Catholic countries  Supported leader of Holland • William of Orange (stadtholder) Oranj o Mary – Queen of Scots By Alex Grant Visit www.studypalooza.com Western Civilization Final Exam Study Guide 10 The pawn in which the Catholic Kingdoms used to try throw Elizabeth off the English throne  Family Tree: • Marie de Guise — James V Catherine de Medici | | Mary Stuart (future Queen of Scots) — Francis II (Dauphin) Ruled very effectively  Understood she was a woman in a man’s world • Planted ideas in men’s brain o Men took create for ideas Scotland became center of Catholic plots for removing Elizabeth from English throne Elizabeth gathered all of the English Ambassadors  Told them that if any of the Catholic Kings or their sons were to marry Mary; then England would consider it and act of war Elizabeth offered Robert Dudley and Henry, Lord Darnley to Mary to marry  Offered if Mary and Henry had a son then she would name the son heir to the English throne John Knox – founder of Presbyterian in Scotland  Taught a form of Protestantism to James I When Elizabeth died; James I became King Mary kicked out of Scotland  James kept in Scotland; raised as protestant  Went to England • Elizabeth took her in Battle of Lepanto (1577)  Philip II of Spain led a Spanish fleet against the Turks in Greece Two ways the Catholic have to put up with religious threat  Muslims in the East (The Ottomans)  The Protestants (Elizabeth) Babington Plot  Tried to overthrow Elizabeth Throckmorton Plot (1587)  Casket Letters • All of the duplicate letters that Mary wrote  Evidence became so strong that Mary had to be executed • Elizabeth debated for months; for executing a Queen could get herself executed Spanish Armada (1588)  A Spanish fleet sent by Philip II to England to conquer it by military force  Sea Dogs – the English Navy (almost like Legalized Pirates) • Sir Francis Drake (most famous Sea Dog) 
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11 English Civil War o Short Parliament (1628, 1640 – 1642)  Petition of Rights  Taxes o Imposed the King James Bible of Scotland  Cause an uproar in Scotland • Created a War o Charles bribed them out  With money • Forced him to go back to Parliament o He didn’t want to do that. Grand Remonstrance o Document that told what was wrong with the King (similar to the 95 Theses) o Triennial Act  Parliament meets every three years Short Parliament becomes long Parliament after the King told the Speaker of the House to tell the people in Parliament that the Parliament was being dissolved. The People stormed the Speaker of the House’s stand. Parliament didn’t dissolve. Oliver Cromwell – rose the “New Model Army” (were honest sober Christians) o Battle of Naseby (1645) – first major victory of Parliament over the King o Cromwell decided that he was exile Charles I o Tried to get a trial against Charles I  How must one try a king? • You can’t the King is the judge  Tomas Pride • Pride’s Purge o An effort to water down the length of the Long Parliament  Stripped Charles of his royal status • He was tried • Put to death o Cromwell became the Lord Protector (military based government) of the Puritan Commonwealth o Richard Cromwell – son of Oliver  Restores Stuart dynasty • Charles II Enlightenment By Alex Grant Visit www.studypalooza.com Western Civilization Final Exam Study Guide 12 The Enlightenment is the era in Western philosophy, intellectual, scientific and cultural life, centered upon the 18th century, in which reason was advocated as the primary source for legitimacy and authority. -­‐ Hobbs – says that we gather in societies and choose a leader because they fear each other -­‐ Locke – believed men form societies and submit to law and a leader because they are giving up their natural rights (Social Contract) o “the supreme power cannot take from any man part of his property without his consent” o Which begs the questions: What is property?  Property is everything that you create  You are your property -­‐ Philsophes – social thinkers -­‐ The Enlightened thinkers believed that science and reasons should be used to make decisions -­‐ Mercantilism – based on trade o Protectionist system -­‐ Francois Quesnay o Leader of physiocrats o Believed that agriculture more important than gold or silver o Solution to this was Free Trade -­‐ Denis Diderot o Brought the biggest thinkers of France together (called Encyclopedists) to write Classified Dictionary of the Arts and Sciences  Rosseau – wrote about music • Later wrote stories that instigated the public  Voltaire – wrote about literature • Later wrote about the social ills of France in plays  Montesquieu – wrote about science • Later wrote Spirit of the Laws o Wasn’t designed to make people worked up -­‐ “Liberte, Egalite, Fraternite” – Liberty, government, brotherhood o bases of many revolutions in the future French Revolution and Napoleon The French Revolution was a period of radical social and political upheaval in French and European history. The absolute monarchy that had ruled France for centuries collapsed in three years. French society underwent an epic transformation as feudal, aristocratic and religious privileges evaporated under a sustained assault from liberal political groups and the masses on the streets. Old ideas about hierarchy and tradition succumbed to new Enlightenment principles of citizenship and inalienable rights. -­‐ Prior to French Revolution o War of Jenkin’s ear (1730) By Alex Grant Visit www.studypalooza.com Western Civilization Final Exam Study Guide 13 English man who went to Cuba • Spanish cut his ear off • English went to war for the ear o War of the Austrian Succession (1740 – 1748)  Who should rule? • Women couldn’t rule in Austria • “pragmatic sanction” Maria Teresa could rule • Fredrick the Great started war (Prussia) o Seven Years War (1756 – 1763)  Also known as the French-­‐Indian War in America  England took over much of the French colonies • This left France without colonies o They had debt  So they taxed the minority • Instead of taxing the rich  The nobility refinanced the debt and moved on • France ended up going bankrupt • England had an Industrial Revolution  Steam Power  Cotton Gin o Cheap projects  Reinvested into new projects o Louis XV  Mme Pompadour • Had the most influence o Influenced Louis to ignore the parlemonts o Lit de justice  King says all o Convinced Louis XV to have Louis XVI to marry Marie Antoinette o Lost a lot of respect among the French people o Was called a prostitute in the French press  Mme de Barry • “apres moi le deluge” o after me the flood • bought a lot of things with money the king did not have Financial Problems o Transfer of power from aristocracy to bourgeoisie o Aristocrats wealth were based on the real estate they owned  Wine  Cheese  Bread o Nobility was able to stay out of financial trouble because they didn’t pay taxes o Bourgeoisie copied the lives of their greats 
By Alex Grant Visit www.studypalooza.com Western Civilization Final Exam Study Guide 14 Lived like them Hosted musicians etc. • Aristocracy felt “how dare they” o EX: “A guy buys a property on Brightwaters, after opening a chain of Crispy Creams.” o Aristocracy made laws to prevent the Bourgeoisie from rising too high in the social rankings  Venal Codes (Venality) • Couldn’t have official job on government’ • Couldn’t be in royal courts o Corvee – Nobility didn’t pay for damages to peasant property they destroy while hunting o Industrial Revolution  Steam Engine  Farming • Louis gave seeds to farmers Reformers o Turgot  One of the first finance minister that Louis XVI hired to try to manage the debt • When Turgot took office the debt was at 4 Billion Levis • Couldn’t tax the peasants • Thought that maybe the nobles could pay taxes o Not paying taxes was part of the nobilities Senatorial Rights o Turgot was fired because they thought he was a mad man because he tried to tax the nobility o Necker  A Swiss banker  Had no political background  Came up with the policy “compte rendu” • “Compte Rendu” – a scale of how much each noble family had to pay  He had to come up with a way to finance the American Revolution • Really had no way to finance the war, but it was a way to punch George III in the nose  Its sometimes said that the American Revolution caused the French Revolution  Not only had to finance domestic debts, also international debt  Dismissed in 1781 o Calonne  Exactly what the nobles wanted; somebody that did nothing  He pushed up the debt by 80 million levis  The nobility were playing for time  Agricultural was getting worse 
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15  1788 worst winter in centuries ; People were starving o Cardinal Brienne – did nothing but add more debt Start of the Revolution o The people wanted to call the Estates General (hadn’t been called since 1614) o Meeting of Nobles (1787); weren’t going to give up there rights o King would not bring back Estates General; Louis said NO! The people went APE-­‐SHIT!  18 million people starving  Tried to get private charities to pay for debt  Bread Riots (King sent soldiers to fire or crowds; how can a son kill a mother?) o Women played an important role in the beginning of the Revolution o Soldiers were sent to defend bakeries, but how could a son fire on his mother o Some people thought that the best thing to do was to “breakaway” from the kingdom  Small cities in the south began to form “breakaway” republics  The crown ended censorship o Marie Antoinette was a scapegoat  A lot of pornography was put out about her  She was thought to have driven the debt up o The people were unable to put the Estates General to sessions  But they were able to put Necker back into the financial minister position • Necker let big opportunities slip o He didn’t have to back bone to push his ideas forward o Finally Louis called the Estates General back into session  How would they vote? • Vote by order o The First Estates was the church o The Second Estate was the nobility o The Third Estate was middle class and some lower class • Abbe Sieyes o Wrote a pamphlet asking: “What is the Third Estate?”  The answer is everything • Vote by representation o 308 votes for the Church o 285 votes for the nobles o 621 votes for the people • Cahiers -­‐ Notebooks of “bills” that people wanted to see changed • Even though this seemed so hopeful, it wasn’t By Alex Grant Visit www.studypalooza.com Western Civilization Final Exam Study Guide 16 The King was nervous; thought he went too far o Wanted to vote the old way, wouldn’t vote the new way o July 14, 1789 the people rose up and attacked the Bastille prison  It wasn’t fully occupied  Bastille was the symbol of the King’s tyranny  Only 7 people in the prison • One of which was Marquees Desade o A bit insane o Wrote stories in his own blood and tapped it out to a inmate in the next room Demise of the Estates General o Third Estate had a simple majority; but they couldn’t really make bills on their own  They had to compromise with the other Estates o Were the nobility going to pay taxes?  Probably not but they had to compromise o Potentially the people could come together to comprise the problems of the country o When it happened it fell flat  Third Estate were happy with 621 a simple majority • They went door to door asking what the people wanted o They wanted to pay less taxes o Food  Members of the Third Estate wrote everything in cahiers • They were “armed” with things to do  How were they going to vote? • The king decided that each Estate had to meet in different rooms • The Third Estate was adamant • The leader of the Third Estate was Jean Bailly o Invited the other members to meet on the Tennis Court  Agreed on the Tennis Court Oath • First step towards freedom and change o Almost like the Declaration of Independence o Members agreed to form the National Assembly  There was no longer an Estates General National Assembly •
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17 o Nobles saw that their days were numbered so the moved to other Absolute Monarchies  They became known as Émirgré (Emigrants)  They tried to convince the kings of Europe to attack France and destroy the Revolution o The king (Louis XVI) sent the army to surround the National Assembly  The people of Paris then attacked the prison at Bastille • Became the first battle of the Revolution (Fall of the Bastille) o Which late became French Independence Day (July 14, 1789)  Louis XVI said that he would remove his forces from the National Assembly  The National Assembly didn’t trust Louis XVI so they made a army • The National Guard o Lafayette – became the General of the National Guard  Lafayette later helped America in the American Revolution  Le Grand Peur – The Great Fear • Peasants did not trust the nobility o So they banded together to make armed vigilantly groups o They thought if they could destroy the papers that made them a peasant they wouldn’t be a peasant anymore o While the peasants were at it they destroyed the whole house  Out of “No where” on August 5th, 1789 the nobility pretty much gave up all of their rights  Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen (Paul Marat) • Said all French men were equal • Said all men were given the right of freedom of speech, freedom, press, and property  March of the Women – 7,000 women rallied for food by marching to Versailles  Convinced the women to go through the National Assembly • They brought the Royal Family with them back to Paris o Accomplishments –  Judges had to run for election  Called for new elections to create the Legislative Assembly  Organized France into 83 provinces Phases of the National Assembly o The National Assembly called for new elections to form the Legislative Assembly By Alex Grant Visit www.studypalooza.com Western Civilization Final Exam Study Guide -­‐
18 o Legislative Assembly was the first real elected representatives  Legislative Assembly consisted of men 25 years of age and older and PAID TAXES o Money wasn’t universally coinage  National Assembly decided that they were going to print paper money • Called assignats • Cured Financial Problems temporarily o King and Queen basically tried to leave France  Flight to Varenne  FAILED • Almost made it to the border of France and Austria o Radicals wanted to get rid of the Monarchy o The Legislative Assembly had to deal with these ideas o Jacobin Club  Radical group in France that supported further Revolution o People couldn’t run for Legislative Assembly if they served on the National Assembly o In the election of 1791 many people didn’t have a handle on politics Legislative Assembly o 750 people voted into the Legislative Assembly  About 1/3 of them were conservatives (thinking that the Revolution had done enough)  About 1/3 of them were radicals (where they were trying to get rid of the monarchy)  About 1/3 of them were moderates o Political Terms derived from the Legislative Assembly  Right Wing – your ideals are conservative  Left Wing – your ideals are radical  Moderate – your ideals are in the middle o Both parties wanted war  Conservatives wanted war in the chance that they would lose to the Austrians and Prussians and the monarchy would be restored  Radicals wanted war so that they could get independence o Prussians and Austrians formed an alliance o France declared war o Alliance said if King and Queen are harmed then Paris would be burned down to the ground  They had to get to Paris first though End of the Monarchy o September Massacre  Legislative Assembly basically started a rumor that the nobles were going to kill revolutionary soldiers  The Nobles and Priest were in jail • The government released the nobles and priest from jail By Alex Grant Visit www.studypalooza.com Western Civilization Final Exam Study Guide 19 The people (the mob) went Ape-­‐Shit killed nobles and priest • But there was no order o They would just kill people that dressed nice Legislative Assembly decided that they would vote again for a new government • Estates General • National Assembly • Legislative Assembly • National Convention  Allowed any adult male to vote  Pretty much allowed radical ideals • The people that supported the Constitutional Monarchy came from the region of France called Girondin (Girondists) • The moderate elected 435 members o The radicals basically brainwashed the moderates into supporting the Revolution The Reign of Terror (1792-­‐1794)  Guillotine • Basically the lethal injection of the 18th century • Created by a noble to kill nobles  Committee of Public Safety • Deiced who would be killed by the Guillotine o Georges Jacques Danton o Maximillen Robespierre War between France and Austria/Prussia  France occupied Brussels  France basically won and started to spread Revolution France killed Louis and Mary Antoinette England, Austria, and Prussia declared war France declared war back Law of Suspect  If the people did not sleep, eat, and drink the revolution you were a counter-­‐revolutionist single will Georges Jacques Danton and Maximillen Robespierre were killed by the guillotine because they were accused of forming a military dictatorship Citizen / citizeness Levee en masse  Party of the People Revolutionary Calendar  Thermidor – hot (one of the months on the French Revolutionary Calendar)  Brumaire – fog (took the place of November) Country became more atheistic 
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20  Closed Churches  Re-­‐opened as Temples of Reason o Thermidorean Reaction  Middle class reaction to the excesses of the Terror The Directory and the Rise of Napoleon o To vote you had to be 25 years old, pay taxes and you couldn’t be poor (but if you served in the army for the revolution you automatically had the right to vote) o Two Councils  The Upper House • Council of Elders – to run you had to be 40 and prove that you were married  The Lower House • Council of 500 o The Directory (also the name of the government)  Were picked by the upper house o Passed a Constitution (Constitution of Year 3) o Made peace with Frances enemies o Then had to solve the financial crisis o Paul Barras  Emotional life was intertwined with Napoleon • Napoleon basically won her affection  Napoleon was an up and coming artillery officer • Was successful in putting down a riot against the Constitution of Year 3  Barras needed Napoleon more than Napoleon needed him The Rise of Napoleon o Born in Corsica (an island of the coast of Italy) on August 15, 1769 o Papa Bonaparte had a minor role in the government of Corsica  When France took the island Papa Bonaparte became an important member of the Corsican government for France o Papa Bonaparte put Napoleon in the ecole Militaire  Napoleon was good with artillery o English attacked Toulon  Napoleon defended Toulon • Proved himself successful  Became Brigadier General in his early 20’s o A plan to attack Austria  Three locations  Barras made Napoleon Commander of the South • He was successful o Both Paul Barras and Napoleon loved the same woman  Josephine Beauharnais o Napoleon knew that the French government was planning a renewal of conflict with Austria and that the French would attack from three places By Alex Grant Visit www.studypalooza.com Western Civilization Final Exam Study Guide -­‐
21  Napoleon wanted to lead one of the armies o The Directory allowed him to lead the army of the South  Napoleon marched into Italy  At first it didn’t go well o The Directory was hoping that Napoleon would possibly get lost and possibly die in Italy  A lot like Caesar in Gaul o Supplies improved because all the armies had to do was steal the food o Napoleon fought against Sardinia  Defeated them; had Sardinia send money to Paris annually to reduce the debt o The Austrians and Prussians rose an army of 70, 000 people to fight against Napoleon’s 40, 000 o Napoleon pretty much defeated Austria and he occupy much of Austrian Italy  Austria had to pay France annually like Sardinia  Organized land into Cisalpine Republic o The northern armies conquered Austrian Netherlands (Belgium) o With the approval of The Directory, Napoleon wanted to attack the Middle East  Specifically Egypt  So that he could cripple the English trade line o Middle East  Starts in Palestine (Israel) • Acre in Haifa o The place where Napoleon started his invasion  Moves through Syria, Lebanon  Find Rosetta Stone  The French fleet were following the French army along the coast  The English were the best navy • Horatio Nelson = Napoleon  Trapped the French Fleet on the Nile River and destroyed it • Napoleon was trapped • The Directory had taken on some additional countries • Napoleon made his way back and made it to France again The Reign of Napoleon -­‐ Napoleon did in fact become emperor -­‐ The Directory needed Napoleon more than Napoleon needed The Directory -­‐ The Directory was a lot like the 1st Triumvirate in Rome -­‐ Napoleon just wanted to fight -­‐ The Directory didn’t support Napoleon but Napoleon was making money for the country because of his victories By Alex Grant Visit www.studypalooza.com Western Civilization Final Exam Study Guide 22 -­‐
Defeated Austria, but wanted to make England suffer without actually attacking the kingdom o So Napoleon concluded that he would attack India  India was becoming the crown colony for England because they lost America in the Revolution (Cotton) o Napoleon asked The Directory for an army to campaign in the Middle East o Initially he was quite successful -­‐ Battles -­‐ Europe was becoming Republicanized -­‐ 3rd Coalition S.H.A.R.P.E.S. until Holland was captured -­‐ Napoleon could never really be counted out -­‐ Napoleon defeated the 3rd Coalition -­‐ People were tired of war -­‐ The people thought that Napoleon could end the war and bring France to peace -­‐ 1st Brumaire o The day Napoleon overthrew the state o No fighting o The Council of Elders helped Napoleon overthrow The Directory o Napoleon installed a new government called the Consulate  The days of the Republic were over; The people were pleased o The French were successful BECAUSE of Napoleon o He was a good judge of characters; he was shrewd o Napoleon wanted the Émigrés to come back if they swear loyalty to the country o Good political move because that way Napoleon would have people of means backing him -­‐ Napoleon named himself Consul for Life; but got tired and wanted to be named Emperor; the Pope was about to put the crown on Napoleon’s head but in a split second Napoleon took the crown and put it on his own head -­‐ Reached an agreement (Concordat); The church had to recognize the Revolution o The Pope could appoint Bishops and regulate Catholic education Napoleonic Empire -­‐ Code Napoleon  Reforms  Established all men as equal  Destroyed Feudalism  Workers weren’t allowed to strike By Alex Grant Visit www.studypalooza.com Western Civilization Final Exam Study Guide -­‐
23 o Used in Latin America; Some countries in Europe and even Louisiana Napoleon created the National Bank of France o Pretty much got France out of debt o France was fiscally more responsible England renewed hostility against France o Pretty much a naval war o With England fighting France again in 1803 Napoleon wanted to invade England o As the French began to spread Revolution  They thought that the English people would immediately rise up and defeat it’s king • It didn’t happen because there had been a history of Constitutional Monarchy o Napoleon was running out of money for preparing for war with England  Napoleon sold Louisiana Territory for $25 million • Then lost interest o France created a coalition with Spain and Sweden o The opposing coalition was the rest of Europe o England proved their naval superiority at the Battle of Trafalgar (1805)  France and Spain had a sizable fleet  They drove the English fleet to Trafalgar • Horatio Nelson was the leader of the English Navy o Came up with a tactic called the “Crossing of the T”  Expose the English broad side so they could rain terror among the helpless ships on the opposing side o Battle of Ulm – French victory over the Austrians o Battle of Austerlitz – French victory over the Austrians and Russians o Berlin Milan Decrees – All English ports controlled by the coalition would be closed and issued a statement to all neutral countries saying if they traded with England their ships would be sunk o Peace of Pressburg ended the war of the 3rd Coalition Napoleonic Wars (1800 – 1815) o Battle of Austerlitz  Led to the Peace of Pressburg • Forces Austria to give up lands to France o In Italy and within the Austria itself o Russia had to withdraw its armies from Europe Nepotism By Alex Grant Visit www.studypalooza.com Western Civilization Final Exam Study Guide -­‐
24 o Napoleon would reward his siblings with control of the territories that he conquered  They were not qualified, but he was just being kind to his family -­‐ Dissolved the Holy Roman Empire and named it the Confederation of the Rhine o It was nothing more than another state of France  But it had people to fight in his army  Napoleon gave the Confederation of the Rhine certain freedoms • Diet of Frankfurt o Allowed Germans to talk about there own problems without the interference of the French government -­‐ Fredrick William III (Prussia) declared war against France o Not a good idea because it didn’t have any allies  Defeated by Napoleon • Battle of Auerstadt • Battle of Jena  Berlin was taken  Prussia then allied with Russia and then they were both defeated by Napoleon at the Battle of Friedland  Treaty of Tilsit (1807) – Between Russia, Prussia and France • Had to reduce the size of their army • Lost half there territory • Had to pay a large fine End of the Napoleonic Age o Continental System  Countries would trade amongst themselves on Continental Europe (excluding England)  England pretty much bullied the nations that cooperated with Napoleon  So the Continental System pretty much failed o Peninsular War  Napoleon invaded Spain; He introduced the freedoms of France to Spain  He said that he was saving Spain from England; England launched and attack through Portugal to help free Spain from France; The Duke of Wellington (England) gained a lot of experience during the wars in Spain o Napoleon divorced his wife Josephine and married the Princess of Austria (Marie Louis)  It gave him some sort of royal connection; they had a child (but it didn’t live long) o Napoleon made a tragic mistake By Alex Grant Visit www.studypalooza.com Western Civilization Final Exam Study Guide 25 He invaded Russia because Tsar Alexander (Russia) opened all of the Russian ports  In Napoleon’s opinion not only did Russia defy The Berlin Milan decree, but they also defied The Treaty of Tilsit (where Russia agreed to be an ally of France if they were to fight England)  Invaded with almost 1 million men • Occupied Moscow – after the Battle of Borodino • The Russians made guerilla attacks against the French • The winter became really brutal; forced Napoleon to leave Russia • As he left Tsar Alexander was nipping at his feet • He made it back to Paris in 1813; Only had 100,000 men left of the about 1 million • He had to raise a new army because all of his former enemies declared war on him again; Held his own at Battle of Lepzig, but had to surrender at the Battle of Nations Allies sent Napoleon into exile in Elba (off the coast of Italy); wasn’t far enough Napoleon was back; in the mean time Louis XVIII was declared the King of France Napoleon made it back to France with his new army in March of 1815 The allies felt that they were threatened again Decided that they had to defeat Napoleon in one final battle, Battle of Waterloo Could’ve been successful, but Napoleon made another mistake; Napoleon reached a cross roads outside of Waterloo if he took a right he would’ve surround the ally army instead of fighting them head on; Napoleon Lost! Napoleon exiled to St Helena (middle of Atlantic) Revolution didn’t work; no Republic; Congress of Vienna treated France well 
Unification, Nationalism, and Imperialism -­‐ Italian Unification o Piedmont Sardinia  A kingdom in Italy  Came out of the Revolution of 1848 very well • The king was Victor Emanuel II (1849 – 1878) o From the House of Savoy  Reorganized into a Constitutional Monarchy o Camillo de Cavour  Thought that Italy should be united as one By Alex Grant Visit www.studypalooza.com Western Civilization Final Exam Study Guide 26 Had to prove that it would benefit them to be part of Piedmont Sardinia • Built railroads that extended throughout Italy  Dropped trade fees  Ran into trouble with the Catholic Church  If he wanted to fight Austria he needed help • Sided with France in the Crimean War • Piedmont needed France to fight Austria • Austria declared war on Piedmont • France pounced  By political means Piedmont 4x its side • Took basically all of Italy except The Papal States and the Kingdom of Twp Sicilies o Giuseppe Garibaldi  Gathered 10,000 red shirts and invaded Sicily in the south  Won and liberated Italy German Unification o German Confederation -­‐ the new Confederation of the Rhine o Metternich System o Bruschenshaft  Talked about German Unification often • Through violence • Metternich didn’t like this o So he issued the Carlsbad Decrees  This forced them to go “underground” o Prussia thought that they could take a real role in the unification of Germany  They created a free trade system called zollverein o Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels  Wrote the Communist Manifesto • Thought that a country would only be successful if the working class ruled and that there was a constant struggle between the social classes o Prussia  People were quite violent • Frederich William IV said that if the people stopped the violence then he would give a constitution and an assembly (Frankfurt Assembly) o Didn’t get Constitution right away but did get it later on o Came up with to possible plans for the unification of Germany  Grosse-­‐Deutsch -­‐ the unification under Austria o Austria was not in the position to take control of a unified Germany  Kleine-­‐Deutsh -­‐ the unification under Prussia 
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27 o Frederich William IV said that the crown had not been offered from clean enough hands Otto von Bismark -­‐ from the noble class of Prussia • He was an ambassador; was chosen to be the chancellor • Came up with speech “Blood and Iron” said Prussia could lead Germany with war Queen Victoria “grandmother of Europe” – supported Prussia Prussia needed an excuse to go to war with Austria so when they beat Denmark Bismarck did not keep his promise to give Schleswig or Holstein to Austria  Led to the Austro Prussian War (1866) lasted 7 weeks – Prussia won Bismarck changed the German Confederation into the North German Confederation – some states from zollverein demonstrated alligance to Prussia North German Confederation formed  Bismarck made a two house legislator • Reichstag (male suffrage) o Lower house • Bundesrat (all princes from the countries that joined) o Upper house The throne of Spain becomes vacant  Wilhelm had his candidate  Napoleon had his candidate (1867) Austria asked Hungary to jointly rule the Austrian Empire  It became the Austro–Hungarian Empire • This pissed of Slavs o In the future the Austro-­‐Hungarian Prince Franz Ferdinand was assassinated by a Serbian Nationalist Group (who are Slavs) (1870) History repeats itself  The king of Spain dies but had no heir Kaiser Wilhelm was in bad health – goes to EMS (a body cleansing spa)  French and Kaiser Wilhelm agree that maybe Napoleon’s candidate was better • Caused Bismarck to lose his reason for war with France o So Bismarck doctored the telegram to France  France took this offensively • Declared war on Prussia Franco Prussian War  Prussia had alliances and France fought by themselves • In a matter of months Prussia defeated France o Treaty of Frankfurt  France gave up territory  Paid Germany By Alex Grant Visit www.studypalooza.com Western Civilization Final Exam Study Guide 28 The Germany Emperor was crowned at Versailles • Germany was unified in France o Kaiser Wilhelm became Kaiser Wilhelm I  The Kaiser reigned; but Bismarck ruled o Germany became a very progressive nation in Europe o Bismarck started a program called Kulturkampf  Wanted to weaken the authority of the Catholic Church • It worked so some of the Catholic states in the south joined the new Germany • The Social Democratic Party was going to be hard to weaken o So he embraced the ideals of the Social Democratic Party Beginnings of Imperialism o Bismarck wanted to get the legacy of the Congress of Vienna o Bismarck believed Germany could do that through alliances (ironically this caused WWI)  In 1873 Bismarck created the Dreikaiserbund – Austria, Germany, Russia o Drei – three o Kaiser – emperor o Bund – league • Primarily to maintain peace in Europe • Alliance didn’t last because of the Slav problem o Russians left the league • Italy later joined the league o Bismarck pissed off England because formerly England keep the peace in Europe now Germany was keeping the peace o Berlin Conference (1876, 1885)  Mainly over Colonialism • Congress of Vienna maintained peace on the European Continent o But there were conflicts over colonies o England didn’t want to join but did because Germany recognized Queen Victoria as the Empress of India o When Kaiser Wilhelm I died he was succeeded by his grandson Kaiser Wilhelm II  He became the emperor  Kaiser Wilhelm II didn’t see eye to eye with Bismarck • Wilhelm II basically ruined all of Bismarck’s accomplishments in keeping the peace of the Congress of Vienna • He was very jealous of England o Wanted a piece of Imperialism action 
By Alex Grant Visit www.studypalooza.com Western Civilization Final Exam Study Guide 29 o Spent the next 25 years bringing the world closer to war -­‐
o Imperialism  England was good to its colonies for the most part • Didn’t over exploit • And rewarded colonies with government, reforms etc. o In the mid to late 18th century there was a movement of Christian Revivalism  The vehicle for civilization was Christianity  Rudyard Kipling “White man’s Burden” – was the white man’s job to rule o Imperialism in Africa (Voyage around Africa could take 6 months)  Egypt: gained independence from Ottoman Empire in mid 1800s • Built Suez Canal; England became a protectorate of Egypt o Sudan was hostile; Egypt and England won Sudan in war Imperialism o Fashoda – this could’ve potentially been the start of the first world war  The English and French became really close to war o Italy held Libya and minor colonies on the east side of Africa o Social Darwinism  Past Political Scientist basically created a hierarchy of human social classes o Terra Incognita  The late comers to Africa basically got the Terra Incognita o Imperialism in Asia  The former capital of Japan was Edo  Japan was never conquered by a European Imperial Power  China was pretty much by European open for European occupation o English controlled Hong Kong, Burma, Malaysia, Singapore o French controlled Shanghai, French-­‐Indo China o Portuguese controlled Moakai o Holland controlled the Dutch East Indies  A rich colony; had pretty much everything o Germany controlled Tsingtao o Russia filled out its natural boarders closer to Japan  In the 1880 the Russians started work on the Tran-­‐Siberian Railway • It connected European Russia to Pacific Russia  India was first settled by the Portuguese By Alex Grant Visit www.studypalooza.com Western Civilization Final Exam Study Guide •
30 As a wedding gift England gets a part of India and that was it’s first foot-­‐hole in India British East India Company o Managed the affairs in American and India as well o They were the middle man of the government o India was expanded by the Company  The English did not really have a big royal influence in India but after the Sepoy Mutiny (1857) (“Black hole of Calcutta”) the English really began to take prominence Causes of World War I -­‐ (1881) Germany, Austria-­‐Hungary, and Italy join together to form and alliance -­‐ France felt surrounded so they went to go find friends o Went to England; England wanted to remain isolated o Went to Russia and Russia accepted  Entente Cordiale (1894 – 1904) • France financed the Trans-­‐Siberian railway • Russia help defend France  England got the wake up call that Germany was getting powerful and joined the Entente Cordiale and they became the Triple Entente (1907) -­‐ Germany’s economy was booming and they began to rival England o Germany announced that they would build a bigger navy o England’s policy was that they had to have a navy twice the size of their two closest competitors o England counteracted this by building the next generation ship  The Dreadnought -­‐ Pan Slavism: Balkan Wars o The Dutch controlled South Africa  The colony was taken over by England  The colonist wanted to a free country • The colonist became know as the Boers in the Boer Wars  English eventually won o Berlin Baghdad Railroad really was actually built to be able to send troops to Baghdad o Kaiser made a State visit to places in Africa, then to Jerusalem  Then he went to meet his cousin Nicholas of Bjorko  Signed the Treaty of Bjorko (1905) • This was an embarrassment because Germany had prior commitments to France By Alex Grant Visit www.studypalooza.com Western Civilization Final Exam Study Guide o
31  They communicated through the Willy-­‐Nicky Letters Many countries supported France in their claim to North Africa  Interestingly Italy supported France as well • Germany sent a war ship the Panther Pan Slavism – the concept in which Slavs deserved their own homeland Ottoman’s treated Slavs horribly Austro – Hungarians treated Slavs as second class citizens First Balkan War  The combined armies of the Balkan states overcame the numerically inferior and strategically disadvantaged Ottoman armies and achieved rapid success. As a result of the war, almost all remaining European territories of the Ottoman Empire were captured and partitioned among the allies.  Ensuing events also led to the creation of an independent Albanian state. Despite its success, Bulgaria was dissatisfied over the division of the spoils in Macedonia, which provoked the start of the Second Balkan War. Second Balkan War  The Second Balkan War was a conflict which broke out when Bulgaria, dissatisfied with its share of the spoils of the First Balkan War, attacked its former allies, Serbia and Greece. • Serbia wants to get to the Mediterranean Sea • Lager countries of Europe basically pull them back and say STOP IT Black Hand  A terrorist group operated out of Serbia underground • Had their hand in a lot of assassination in Europe The king of Austria had a son he was heir to the throne  Went on vacation with his girlfriend wanted to get married; but they couldn’t because she was a commoner • So they killed themselves  Archduke Franz Ferdinand was selected heir to the throne • He was assassinated in June • All of Europe was at war by August • It took about a whole month for the Austrians to declare war • All of the alliances come into effect Schleiffen Plan  Germany’s plan in case of an outbreak of war  Didn’t think England would go to war to protect Holland’s neutrality Russian Revolution -­‐ The Romanov Dynasty had been on the Russian throne for 300 years in 1913 By Alex Grant Visit www.studypalooza.com Western Civilization Final Exam Study Guide -­‐
32 o And they partied hard Michael Romanov was the first of the dynasty in 1613 o In 1613 the country was more of an Eastern looking country  They used to ruled by Mongolia and Taters o From his first marriage had a daughter named Sophia  When Michael died she used the body guards of the Tsar • Once she had there backing she became the Tsarina o From his second marriage he had Peter (who became Peter the Great)  Peter was allowed to live  Peter from a young age was told that he might be able to become king • He used the body guards of the Tsar to establish himself as king • Overthrew Sophia in 1698 and became king – he was around 20 years old – became Peter the Great • Established the city of St. Petersburg to make Russia more of a Modern European country o Became known as the window of the west • Wanted to go to countries in Europe incognito o Nobles were mad that he left and they revolted o Peter later targeted them in his later reform campaigns  Taxed boyars (nobles) for keeping their beards • The Russians wanted to become a bigger power in Europe o They allied with their neighbors and attacked Sweden (who was the great Northern power in Europe)  Charles XII – leader of Sweden at the time • A lot like Napoleon – always won o Russia failed a first o But Peter took the time to re-­‐train his armies and went back to Sweden to defeat them o Peace of Nystadt really established Russia as the power of the North o Alexander II – emancipates the slaves of Russia  Was killed by Peter Lenin in 1881 (brother of Vlad Lenin) o Alexander III – adopts “Russification” – all of the power of the king was put into his hands – organization of secret police o Duma – Russia pariliment o Russia industrializes – one of the late comers to the industrial age o Phenomenon of Industrial Revolutions are that they create new social classes  Therefore they needed representation in the Russian Parliament • Kadets – Russian middle class (moderate views) By Alex Grant Visit www.studypalooza.com Western Civilization Final Exam Study Guide 33 Narodniks – Slav (believed in Pan Slavism pg. 70) Marxist – an extension of Carl Marx o Mensheviks – in number where the greater number in the Marxist party o Bolsheviks – small in number but their ideologies were accepted by Lenin o They mainly wanted to build the Trans-­‐Siberia Railway, but they had little money  The French invested greatly into the Russian Revolution o Russo Japanese War  New leader was Nicholas II  The Japanese made a sneak attack on the Russians at Port Arthur and their whole fleet was destroyed  Russia decided to send it’s Baltic Fleet to Japan for revenge • English had signed a naval alliance with Japan o Russia wasn’t allowed to go through the English Channel o Had to go all the way around Scotland, Africa, etc. to Japan o Japan knew they were coming and when they got there the were destroyed…again Kadets o Conservative Social Class Narodniks o Nationalist / Slavs Marxist -­‐ an extension of the Carl Mark o Mensheviks – in number where the greater number in the Marxist party o Bolsheviks – small in number but their ideologies were accepted by Lenin -­‐ Russo Japanese War o The Japanese made a sneak attack on the Russians at Port Arthur and their whole fleet was destroyed o Russia decided to send it’s Baltic Fleet to Japan for revenge  English had signed a naval alliance with Japan • Russia wasn’t allowed to go through the English Channel • Had to go all the way around Scotland, Africa, etc. to Japan • Japan knew they were coming and when they got there the were destroyed…again -­‐ Revolution of 1905 o The working class was upset by the status of Russia o Tsar Nicholas II was a wimp – he was controlled by women  Tsar Nicholas II wanted to help the people  Sent Father Gapon to assess the status of the people •
By Alex Grant Visit www.studypalooza.com Western Civilization Final Exam Study Guide 34 Was completely disgusted and stopped to organize a peaceful protest o Cossacks – the king’s best chivalry  Heard a gunshot and they went lose on the crowd pretty much killed everyone in sight o Soviets – workers councils o Zemstvos – peasant councils October Manifesto – Tsar Nicholas II promised a constitution, civil liberties, and elections for a new Duma o The Bolsheviks didn’t trust the Tsar o Nicholas II dissolved the Duma because the ministers of state felt they should be responsible to the Duma not the king  Did rule through a prime minister – Peter Stolypin • Erased the debt of the peasants • Created a new group of peasants – Kulaks o Wealthier peasants o He was assassinated WWI no Duma; so the Zemstvos were put in charged of supplying the army Rasputin – a Siberian Monk, so he says he heard the plead of the Empress who’s son had a blood disease o Treks 6,000 miles on foot to cure the child (Tsarevich Alexis) o Got on good terms with the Royal Families  Made military plans, appointed military positions • While he screwed around with their wives  He became the target of what happened in the country  Was killed – believed when he died it would all fall apart…and it did Duma brought back o Felt they had responsibilities to Russians allies o Rather conservative The Petrograd Soviet form an alliance with the Duma and create a Provisional Government o The results in the March Revolution o The only problem with the Provisional Government was that they refused to pull out of the war and focus on domestic issues o The Duma wanted to create reforms o In March of 1916, Tsar Nicholas gave up the throne to his son  Thought it was a bad idea because he was afraid he wouldn’t live • Tsar Nicholas declared a Republic o The Bolsheviks demanded that Russia should be taken out of the war  Thought the war should be managed by the workers  Thought the land should be redistributed to the peasants •
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35  Thought the Soviets should carry out the war  April Theses: “Peace, Land and Bread” o Lenin left the country went to Finland  Tried to overthrow the government but failed so they had to dispersed and tried again in October • This time it worked o War was the big issue the people were suffering and the Provisional Government refused to remove it’s self from the war o Germany helped Lenin make it to Petrograd  Germany was willing to help because Russia would get out of the war • 1917 America into the war; Russia out of the war o Wanted to have a workers revolution, but it wasn’t that easy  Marx didn’t believe Russia was ready • Didn’t think they were industrialized enough o So they basically rose up and took control of Petrograd  Lenin called a Dictatorship of the Proletariat  Believes that there should be an election of all of the Soviets o Lenin thought that if the workers in Russia revolted then the workers of the world would unite  Didn’t really work out that way o Treaty of Brest-­‐Litovsk (1918) got Russia out of the war  Leon Trotsky – commissar of foreign affairs  Joseph Stalin – commissar of nationalities  Lenin – party secretary (rigid election) Local -­‐> Provincial -­‐> District -­‐> Republic -­‐> Politburo -­‐> Party Secretary Lenin started the Checka which became the KGB Bolsheviks became known as the Communist Treaty of Versailles o The French wanted revenge and they got them back  The treaty was really unfair to Germany o It’s military was reduced o They had to give up a lot of land o Article 231  The war guilt clause – Germany had to accept the guilt of starting the war o Germany manufacturing centers were taken by the allies Russian Revolution o Russian and French Revolution different in the respect that the Russians had a civil war and the French didn’t  Counterrevolution – led by the Whites against the Reds o Decided that they had to execute the Royal Families  The Soviets lied to the Royal Family had said they had to get a picture for the passport in order to go to England • Instead there were 5-­‐6 men with machine guns that shot them By Alex Grant Visit www.studypalooza.com Western Civilization Final Exam Study Guide -­‐
36 o War Communism – when new land was taken Soviets would spread communist ideals o They became the U.S.S.R. o On paper people had rights; but realistically people had NO rights Lenin had a stroke and didn’t make clear who was to succeed him o It was supposed to be Trotsky o Instead it was Josef Stalin – who was really a loose cannon  Becomes Party Secretary  Thought Russia should be industrialized • 1st Five Year Plan o Thought that the production coal and steel should be improved drastically – so he did nd
• 2 and 3rd Five Year Plans – were not successful o Hitler was a bad leader, but Stalin was worst – killed 15 million people Quotes -­‐ “Terror is nothing but prompt, inflexible justice…” (Maximilien Robespierre) -­‐ “Paris is worth a mass” (Henry IV) -­‐ “L’etat c’est moi!” (Louis XIV) -­‐ “The next major war will occur because of some stupid thing in the Balkans” (Bismarck) -­‐ “The state of monarchy is the supremest on Earth” (James I of England) -­‐ “Let me say our system of government does not copy the institutions of our neighbors. It is more the case of our being a model to others than our imitating anyone else. Our constitution is called a Democracy. . .” (Pericles) -­‐ “ . . . if the day will not be settled by resolution or the votes of majorities in assemblies but by Blood and Iron!” (Bismarck) -­‐ “People are absolved from obedience when illegal attempts are made upon liberties or property.” (John Locke) -­‐ “Man is born free and everywhere he is in chains” (Jacques Rousseau) -­‐ “Things the way they are will last through my lifetime” (Louis XV) -­‐ “My men fight like women and my women fight like men” (Xerxes) -­‐ “Building Socialism in One Country” (Joseph Stalin) By Alex Grant Visit www.studypalooza.com Western Civilization Final Exam Study Guide 37 -­‐
“Here I stand, I can do no more, God help me.” (Martin Luther) -­‐
“vini, vidi vici” (Julius Caesar) -­‐
“I wish all you Romans had one head” (Caligula) -­‐
“un roi, une foi, une loi” (Henry IV) -­‐
“Peace, Land and Bread” (Lenin) -­‐
“Apres moi les deluge” (Madame de Pompadour) -­‐
“The enemy of my enemy is my friend” (Richelieu) -­‐
“The act of conception is a mass of perdition” (St. Augustine) -­‐
“By this sign conquer” (Constantine) By Alex Grant Visit www.studypalooza.com 