Introduction to Incentives: Naked Economics, Ch.2

UNIT – “Economic-Minded Citizenship: Why Incentives Matter”
Lesson 1 – Introduction to Incentives: Naked Economics, Ch.2 “Incentives Matter”
Guided reading and discussion with Think-Pair-Shares of text chapter.
Curriculum & Standards:
 NYS Core Curriculum
o Economics, the Enterprise System, and Finance
 2A – “Characteristics, pillars, and goals of the US economy…”
 3B – “Challenges for the US and other market based systems”
 NYS Learning Standards
o Standard 4: Economics, Key Idea 2
 Economics requires the development and application of the skills needed to make
informed and well-reasoned economic decisions in daily and national life.
 NCSS Standards
o 7. Production, Distribution, and Consumption
 “People have wants that often exceed the limited resources available to them.”
 National Voluntary Standards for Teaching Economics
o 4 – “People respond predictably to positive and negative incentives”
o 8 – Prices send signals and provide incentives to buyers and sellers…”
 Jump$tart Coalition Personal Financial Management Guidelines
o 4D – “Explain how taxes, government policy/regulation, and inflation impact saving and
investment decisions.”
Objectives – Students will be able to:
 List and describe the economic incentives involved in rhinoceros poaching in southern Africa
 Explain the impact of scarcity in rhinoceroses (near extinction) on the price of their goods
 Verbally synthesize their knowledge of the rhinoceros market to another more local consumer good
Necessary Equipment & Materials:
 Naked Economics Chapter 2 – a preview is available at the following link, but I highly recommend adding it
the your classroom library.
Introduce book, provide brief biography of author and summary of the books main mission of
teaching economic concepts through fun examples and interesting stories
Begin reading chapter 2
Pause books to ask questions and checks for understanding
o *NOTE – Unfortunately, I am unable to export my notes from my Kindle version of
Naked Economics which mark points where I will stop for conversations. I am confident
you will find the book easy to talk about and an invaluable tool at teaching basic economic
Nicholas M. Lind
UNIT – “Economic-Minded Citizenship: Why Incentives Matter”
Lesson 1 – Introduction to Incentives: Naked Economics, Ch.2 “Incentives Matter”
 Read book throughout class, assign remainder of chapter for homework and begin next class with
summary discussion using notes from homework reading
-responses to in-class checks for understanding
-participation during Think-Pair-Shares
-notes and responses during beginning of next class on remainder of book
Nicholas M. Lind