Reactions of Alkenes I Reading: Wade chapter 8, sections 8-1- 8-8 Study Problems: 8-47, 8-48, 8-55, 8-66, 8-67, 8-70 Key Concepts and Skills: • Predict the products of additions to alkenes, including regiochemistry and stereochemistry. • Propose logical mechanisms to explain the observed products of alkene addition reactions, including regiochemistry and stereochemistry Lecture Topics: I. Additions to pi bonds The pi bond of Alkenes requires 63 kcal/mol to break; C-C sigma bond is 83 kcal/mol, thus the reactivity of alkenes is dominated by the addition of reagents that cleave the pi bond to form more stable sigma bonds, such as C-H bonds (100 kcal/mol). Additions to alkenes are thus driven by thermodynamics- the tendency to form stronger bonds. A. Electrophilic additions Strong electrophiles shift the electron density of the double bond. Since the electron density of a pi bond is above and below the internuclear axis, the electrons in pi bonds are not as tightly held as those in sigma bonds. Thus the approach of a strong electrophile (or Lewis acid, bearing a partial or formal positive charge, to the pi bond distorts the electron cloud toward the electrophile, leaving one of the carbons of the double bond with a partial or formal positive charge (carbocation): E+ E+ 1. Addition of HBr to alkenes Addition of HBr (HCl, HI) to alkenes is an exothermic process which occurs regiospecifically. According to the Markovnikov rule, the proton ends up on the carbon with more hydrogen attached. Alternatively, this may be restated by saying that electrophilic addition of H-X to a double bond occurs in such a way that the more stable carbocation intermediate is produced. Halogen adds to the more highly substituted end of the double bond I HI CH3 HCl Cl H H3C H3C H3C HBr H3C H H3C CH3 Br CH3 H CH3 Br H H3C H not produced H+ Br- H3C H H3C H3C CH3 H3C H3C H H H H H3C Br CH3 CH3 Br- 2. Free radical additions to double bonds: Anti-Markovnikov regiochemistry This process was discovered as the “peroxide effect” and only works for HBr addition across alkenes. Peroxides contain a weak O-O bond which homolytically splits upon heating to generate an oxygen radical, initiating a radical chain reaction. Again, reaction of bromine radical (Br•, the electrophile) occurs in such a way that the more substituted radical (more stable radical) is produced; reaction of this radical with H-Br generates anti-markovnikov product and Br•, which continues the radical chain reaction. H3C H H H H3C HBr H Br H ROOR heat Anti-Markovnikov product H H Initiation: O heat O O O 2 O• O O O H + Br• Br OH O• Propagation: H H 3C H H H H H3C + Br• Br Br H H 2° radical X H 3C H3C H H Br 1° radical H Br H H H + Br• H Thus, Br• adds to the less substituted end of the double bond to give the more stable (more substituted) radical. Radical stabilites: 3°>2°>1° Note again that this peroxide-promoted radical reaction is much faster than ordinary electrophilic addition of H-X only for HBr addition to double bonds. II. Hydration of Alkenes A. Acid-catalyzed hydration of alkenes is the microscopic reverse of alcohol dehydration. The equilibrium is driven in the direction of the alcohol product in the presence of excess water. Markovnikov regiochemistry is observed; each step is an equilibrium Principle of Microscopic reversibility the forward and reverse reaction must follow the same pathway in microscopic detail. H H O H H 3C H H O H3C O H H H H O H H H H 3C H H3C CH3 H H3C CH3 H3C CH3 3° carbocation X H3C H 3C H H H3C H 3C H H CH3 H O CH3 Markovnikov Product 2° carbocation Acid-catalyzed hydration of alkenes is usually not a practical process, since presence of cationic intermediate indicates that rearrangements and polymerization may occur: Rearrangement: H 3C H 3C H H H O H H 3C CH2 H3C H3C H 3C H CH3 methyl shift H 3C H 3C H CH3 CH3 H2O H3C H 3C Cationic polymerization HO H CH3 CH3 H+ polymers B. Oxymercuration/Demercuration of Alkenes: Markovnikov Hydration Treating alkenes with mercuric acetate in water or an alcohol solvent is a mild method of obtaining Markovnikov hydration or alkoxylation products. No rearrangements or polymerization is observed in this process, since there is no carbocation intermediate. The reaction occurs through the intermediacy of a mercurinium ion, formed from the reaction of the alkene with +Hg(OAc). Because of the presence of a partial positive charge on the more substituted carbon of the mercurinium ion intermediate, the nucleophile (water or an alcohol) attacks the more substituted carbon to give the anti-hydroxy-organomercurial intermediate. The C-Hg bond is reduced with NaBH4 in NaOH to give the alcohol/ether product, in which Markovnikov regiochemistry is observed. Note the anti relationship between the OH (OR) and Hg(OAc) in the intermediate. +Hg(OAc) Hg(OAc)2 + -OAc OAc H3C H Hg +Hg(OAc) H Hg(OAc) H 3C H H 3C H3C H 3C -H+ δ+ H 3C H O H H H H2O NaBH4, HO- Mercurinium ion H 3C H H 3C H H O H Markovnikov Product OAc OAc +Hg(OAc) NaBH4, HO- CH3 Hg Hg CH3 H δ+ H 3C D D H 3C D H3CO H3CO CH3O H D Anti relationship between OCH3 and H Anti relationship between OCH3 and Hg Yields in the oxymercuration/alkoxymercuration/demercuration process are high, the reaction occurs under mild conditions, and no rearrangements or polymerizations are observed C. Hydroboration: Anti-Markovniknov hydration of an alkene BH3 is a reagent in which the boron atom is electrophilic (it contains an empty p-orbital on B, since BH3 lacks an octet). The reaction occurs in a single step through a fourcentered transition state in which the electrophilic boron atom attacks the less hindered carbon atom of the alkene. In so doing, the electron density of the double bond is shifted toward the B atom, leaving the more highly substituted carbon atom with a partial positive charge. This regiochemistry of boron addition to alkenes is also favored by sterics. All three B-H bonds on BH3 are reactive, so with 1/3 of an equivalent of BH3 to alkene, a trialkyl borane results. The second step of the reaction is treatment of the organoborane with basic peroxide, which oxidizes the C-B bond, producing ultimately boric acid and the alcohol product. H H empty p orbital H H B H H H 3C δ+ H 3C B H Higher energy T.S. H H H H3C H H3C B H BH3•THF H3C H3C H H H H B H 3C δ+ H H H H 3C H H O alkene pi bond acts as a nucleophile in attacking Lewi acid (electrophilic) BH3 H3C CH3 H H H B H 2 more times H H H H3C H 3C H H H H H2O2 HO- B H3C H 3C H 3C H 3C H H H A trialkyl borane CH3 CH3 H H H Anti-Markovnikov product Stereochemically, borane addition to alkenes results in a syn addition of H and OH across the double bond: BH3•THF H D CH3 D CH3 D B H H H H3C B H H H2O2 HO- D H H3C O H Syn addition of H,OH across alkene Hydroboration is a Stereospecific Reaction H3C 1. BH3•THF H C 3 H H OH H3C S + H 2. H2O2 HO- H3C R CH3 CH3 R H S OH E H3C 1. BH3•THF H H3C 2. H2O2 HO- CH3 OH R R H3C H3C + S CH3 H H S H OH Z Hydroboration is also stereospecific: stereoisomeric reactants lead to stereoisomeric products III. Catalytic hydrogenation Addition of H2 across alkenes requires a transition metal catalyst. The syn addition of hydrogen gas occurs at the metal surface in a stepwise process. Hydrogen is added to H D D D H2, cat. Pd or Pt D H the same side of the alkene that is adsorbed to the metal surface. Heterogenous catalysis takes place when the reactants (alkene, H2 gas) are in a different phase from the reactants Homogenous catalysis takes place when the reactants and catalyst are in the same phase. Wilkinson’s catalyst is an example of a homogenous catalyst. A chiral catalyst may be employed to enantioselectively reduce double bonds. This process is very important in chemical industry. A chiral catalyst consists of a transition metal complexed to a chiral ligand, typically a chiral bis-phosphine. ClRh(PPh3)2 OH H3C H (Wilkinson's catalyst) OH R H CH3 OH S racemic Cl2Ru(P*) H3C P* = chiral bis-phosphine OH H OH R 96% e.e. Additional Problems for practice: 1.) Write a mechanism which accounts for the formation of the observed product(s) in the following reactions: a. + + HCl Cl Cl b. Br + HBr 2.) Show how you could prepare the following compounds from an alkene: H3CO a. c. CH3 b. OH d CH3CH2C(CH3)2 CH3 Br Br OH e. CH3CH2CHCHCH2CH3 CH3 3.) Draw mechanisms for and show the products of the following reactions. Remember to indicate the regio- and stereochemistry of the products CH3 H2, Pt a. CH3 b. 1. Hg(OAc)2 CH3CH2OH 2. NaBH4, HO- 1. BH3•THF H CH3CH3 2. H2O2, HO- c. HBr HBr ROOR heat e. 1. BH3•THF 2. H2O2, HO- f. 1. BH3•THF 2. H2O2, HO-