Chapter 10 Alkenes Introduction Structure and Synthesis of Alkenes • Hydrocarbon with carbon-carbon double bonds • Sometimes called olefins, “oilforming gas” Functional Group • Pi (π) bond is the functional group. • More reactive than sigma bond. • Bond dissociation energies: – C=C BDE 611 kJ/mol – C-C BDE -347 kJ/mol – Pi bond 264 kJ/mol Orbital Description • • • • • Sigma bonds around C are sp2 hybridized. Angles are approximately 120 degrees. No nonbonding electrons. Molecule is planar around the double bond. Pi bond is formed by the sideways overlap of parallel p orbitals perpendicular to the plane of the molecule. Bond Lengths and Angles • Hybrid orbitals have more s character. • Pi overlap brings carbon atoms closer. • Bond angle with pi orbital increases. – Angle C=C-H is 121.7° – Angle H-C-H is 116.6° Pi Bond • Sideways overlap of parallel p orbitals. • No rotation is possible without breaking the pi bond (264 kJ/mole). • Cis isomer cannot become trans without a chemical reaction occurring. Elements of Unsaturation • A saturated hydrocarbon: CnH2n+2 • Each pi bond (and each ring) decreases the number of H atoms by two. • Each of these is an element of unsaturation. • To calculate: find number of H atoms if it were saturated, subtract the actual number of H atoms, then divide by 2. • Or use formula : ½(2C+2-H) where C = number of carbons H = number of hydrogens Heteroatoms • Halogens take the place of hydrogens, so add their number to the number of H atoms. • Oxygen doesn’t change the C:H ratio, so ignore oxygen in the formula. • Nitrogen is trivalent, so it acts like half a carbon. E.g.: CH3-CH=CH-CBr3 CH2COH C4H5Br C2H4O (1 element of unsaturation) Propose a Structure: for C5H8 • First calculate the number of elements of unsaturation. • Remember: – A double bond is one element of unsaturation. – A cyclic ring is one element of unsaturation. – A triple bond is two elements of unsaturation. Structure for C6H7N? • Since nitrogen counts as half a carbon, the number of H atoms if saturated is 2(6.5) + 2 = 15. • Number of missing H atoms is 15 – 7 = 8. • Element of unsaturation is 8 ÷ 2 = 4. IUPAC Nomenclature • Parent chain is the longest chain containing the double bond. • -ane changes to -ene. (or -diene, -triene) • Number the chain so that the double bond has the lowest possible number. • In a ring, the double bond is assumed to be between carbon 1 and carbon 2. • A compound with two double bonds is a diene, three C=C is a triene and four C=C is a tetraene. Name These Alkenes CH2 CH3 CH CH2 1-butene but-1-ene CH3 C CH CH3 CHCH2CH3 H3C 2-sec-butyl-1,3-cyclohexadiene 2-sec-butylcyclohexa-1,3-diene CH3 2-methyl-2-butene 2-methylbut-2-ene CH3 3-methylcyclopentene 3-methylcyclopent-1-ene 3-n-propyl-1-heptene 3-n-propylhept-1-ene Br 7-bromo-1,3,5-cycloheptatriene 7-bromo-cyclohepta-1,3,5-triene Alkene Substituents = CH2 methylene (methylidene) - CH = CH2 vinyl (ethenyl) Name: methylidenecyclohexane - CH2 - CH = CH2 allyl (2-propenyl) Common Names • Usually used for small molecules. • Examples: CH3 CH2 CH2 CH2 ethylene CH2 CH CH3 C CH3 isobutylene propylene 2-methylpropene ethenylbenzene styrene H2C CH3 H CH2 isoprene 2-methylbuta-1,3-diene Cis-trans Isomerism • Similar groups on same side of double bond, alkene is cis. • Similar groups on opposite sides of double bond, alkene is trans. • Cycloalkenes are assumed to be cis. • Trans cycloalkenes are not stable unless the ring has at least 8 carbons. Name these: H CH3 Br C C CH3CH2 Br C C H trans-2-pentene trans-pent-2-ene H H cis-1,2-dibromoethene E-Z Nomenclature • Use the Cahn-Ingold-Prelog rules to assign priorities to groups attached to each carbon in the double bond. • If high priority groups are on the same side, the name is Z (for zusammen). • If high priority groups are on opposite sides, the name is E (for entgegen). Example, E-Z 1 H3C 2 H Cl 1 CH CH3 1 Cl C C 1 C C CH2 H H 2 2 2 2Z 5E 3,7-dichloro-(2Z, 5E)-2,5-octadiene 3,7-dichloro-(2Z, 5E)-octa-2,5-diene Commercial Uses of Ethylene Commercial Uses of Propylene => Other Polymers Stability of Alkenes • Measured by heat of hydrogenation: Alkene + H2 → Alkane + energy • More heat released, higher energy alkene. Substituent Effects • Zaitsev’s rule : More substituted alkenes are more stable. H2C=CH2 < R-CH=CH2 < R-CH=CH-R < R-CH=CR2 < R2C=CR2 unsub. < monosub. < disub. < trisub. < tetrasub. • Alkyl group stabilizes the double bond by two factors: (i) They are e- donating, thus contributing e- density to π bond (ii) Bulky substitutuents like alkyl groups are best situated as far apart as possible • Alkenes are less sterically hindered as compared to alkanes. Disubstituted Isomers • Stability: trans isomer > geminal > cis • Less stable isomer is higher in energy, has a more exothermic heat of hydrogenation. Cis-2-butene CH3 C C H Isobutylene Trans-2-butene CH3 H (CH3)2C=CH2 H CH3 -120 kJ C C CH3 H -117 kJ -116 kJ Relative Stabilities Cycloalkene Stability • Cis isomer more stable than trans. • Small rings have additional ring strain, making more reactive than a thpical C=C. • Must have at least 8 carbons to form a stable trans double bond. • For cyclodecene (and larger) trans double bond is almost as stable as the cis. • In acyclic alkenes, the trans isomers are usually more stable. Physical Properties • • • • Low boiling points, increasing with mass. Branched alkenes have lower boiling points. Less dense than water. Slightly polar – Pi bond is polarizable, so instantaneous dipoledipole interactions occur. – Alkyl groups are electron-donating toward the pi bond, so may have a small dipole moment. Polarity Examples H3C H H3C H H H propene μ = 0.35D CH3 H cis- 2-butene Vector sum = μ = 0.33D H3C H H CH3 tran-2-butene vector sum = 0 μ=0 Alkene Synthesis Overview • • • • • • E2 dehydrohalogenation (-HX) β ELIMINATIONS E1 dehydrohalogenation (-HX) Dehalogenation of vicinal dibromides (-X2) Dehydration of alcohols (-H2O) Catalytic cracking of petroleum industry method Dehydrogenation of alkanes Removing HX via E2 • Strong base abstracts H+ as X- leaves from the adjacent carbon. • Tertiary and hindered secondary alkyl halides give good yields. • Use a bulky base if the alkyl halide usually forms substitution products. • Is a reliable synthetic reaction especially if the alkyl halide is a poor SN2 substrate • Usually better for synthetic purposes because the E1 has a more competing reactions. Some Bulky Bases (CH3)2CH H3C N .. CH3 2,6-dimethylpyridine (CH3)2CH N: H diisopropylamine Hofmann Product • Bulky bases abstract the least hindered H+ • Least substituted alkene is major product, known as a Hofmann Product. E2: Cyclohexanes Leaving groups (both Br atoms in this case) must be trans diaxial. E2: Vicinal Dibromides • Remove Br2 from adjacent carbons. • Bromines must be anti-coplanar (E2). • Use NaI in acetone, or Zn in acetic acid. Br CH3 H Ph H + I-Br + Br- CH3 Br H H Ph Removing HX via E1 • • • • • Secondary or tertiary halides Formation of carbocation intermediates Carbocations may rearrange Use a weak nucleophile Usually have substitution products Dehydration of Alcohols • Reversible reaction • Use concentrated sulfuric or phosphoric acid, remove (by distillation) low-boiling alkene as it forms. • Protonation of OH converts it to a good leaving group, H2O+ • Carbocation intermediate, resembles E1 • Protic solvent (H2O) or HSO4- removes adjacent H+ Dehydration Mechanism Step 1: protonation of the hydroxyl group (fast equilibrium) Step 2: Ionization to a carbocation (slow, rate-limiting) Step 3: deprotonation to give the alkene (fast) Industrial Methods • Catalytic cracking of petroleum – Long-chain alkanes are heated with a catalyst to produce alkenes and shorter-chain alkanes. – Complex mixtures are produced. • Dehydrogenation of alkanes – Hydrogen (H2) is removed with heat, catalyst. – Reaction is endothermic (enthalpy unfavored), but entropy-favored. • Neither method is suitable for lab synthesis Reactions of Alkenes Reactivity of C=C • Electrons in pi bond are loosely held. • Electrophiles are attracted to the pi electrons. • Carbocation intermediate forms. • Nucleophile adds to the carbocation. • Net result is addition to the double bond. Electrophilic Addition • Step 1: Pi electrons attack the electrophile. • Step 2: Nucleophile attacks the carbocation. • Because the carbon atoms of a double bond are both trigonal planar, the elements of X and Y can be added to them from the same side or from opposite sides. Types of Additions Addition of HX (1) Protonation of double bond yields the most stable carbocation. Positive charge goes to the carbon that was not protonated. Addition of HX (2) CH3 CH3 C CH CH3 H Br CH3 CH3 C CH CH3 + H _ Br CH3 CH3 C CH CH3 + H + Br CH3 CH3 C CH CH3 Br H _ Regiospecificity • Markovnikov’s Rule: The proton of an acid adds to the carbon in the double bond that already has the most H’s. “Rich get richer.” • More general: In an electrophilic addition to an alkene, the electrophile adds in such a way as to form the most stable intermediate. • HCl, HBr, and HI add to alkenes to form Markovnikov products. Alkenes Hydrohalogenation—Reaction Stereochemistry • Recall that trigonal planar atoms react with reagents from two directions with equal probability. • Achiral starting materials yield achiral products. • Sometimes new stereogenic centers are formed from hydrohalogenation: A racemic mixture → Alkenes Hydrohalogenation—Reaction Stereochemistry • The mechanism of hydrohalogenation illustrates why two enantiomers are formed. Initial addition of H+ occurs from either side of the planar double bond. • Both modes of addition generate the same achiral carbocation. Either representation of this carbocation can be used to draw the second step of the mechanism. Alkenes Hydrohalogenation—Reaction Stereochemistry • Nucleophilic attack of Cl¯ on the trigonal planar carbocation also occurs from two different directions, forming two products, A and B, having a new stereogenic center. • A and B are enantiomers. Since attack from either direction occurs with equal probability, a racemic mixture of A and B is formed. Alkenes Hydrohalogenation—Reaction Stereochemistry • Hydrohalogenation occurs with syn and anti addition of HX. • The terms cis and trans refer to the arrangement of groups in a particular compound, usually an alkene or disubstituted cycloalkene. • The terms syn and anti describe stereochemistry of a process— for example, how two groups are added to a double bond. • Addition of HX to 1,2-dimethylcyclohexene forms two new stereogenic centers, resulting in the formation of four stereoisomers (2 pairs of enantiomers). Hydrohalogenation—Reaction Stereochemistry Hydrohalogenation—Summary Free-Radical Addition of HBr • In the presence of peroxides, HBr adds to an alkene to form the “anti-Markovnikov” product. • Only HBr has the right bond energy. • HCl bond is too strong. • HI bond tends to break heterolytically to form ions. Free Radical Initiation • Peroxide O-O bond breaks easily to form free radicals. R O O R heat R O + O R • Hydrogen is abstracted from HBr. R O + H Br R O H + Br Electrophile Propagation Steps • Bromine adds to the double bond. H H + H .Br H H3C H3C . H Br H • Hydrogen is abstracted from HBr. C C Br + H Br C C + Br Br H Electrophile Anti-Markovnikov ?? CH3 CH3 C CH CH3 CH3 CH3 C CH CH3 Br + Br X CH3 CH3 C CH CH3 Br 2o • Tertiary radical is more stable, so that intermediate forms faster. 3o Hydration of Alkenes + H C C alkene + H2O H OH C C alcohol • Reverse of dehydration of alcohol • Use very dilute solutions of H2SO4 or H3PO4 to drive equilibrium toward hydration. Mechanism for Hydration H H C C + + H2O H + H O H H + C C + H2O H + H O H C C + C C + H O H C C H H O + H2O C C + H3O + Orientation for Hydration • Markovnikov product is formed. H H H3C + H3C .. H2O: CH3 .. H2O: + O .. H CH3 H H3C CH3 + CH3 H .. H3C H + CH3 H H O+ CH3 H3C CH3 H HO H3C CH3 CH3 + H3O+ Indirect Hydration • Oxymercuration-Demercuration – Markovnikov product formed – Anti addition of H-OH – No rearrangements • Hydroboration – Anti-Markovnikov product formed – Syn addition of H-OH Oxymercuration (1) • Reagent is mercury(II) acetate, Hg(OAc)2. which dissociates slightly to form +Hg(OAc). • +Hg(OAc) is the electrophile that attacks the pi bond. Note: OAc is the abbrev. of COOCH3 H3C CH3 H3C CH3 + Hg(OAc)2 H2O H3C HO CH3 HgOAc NaBH4 H3C HO CH3 H Oxymercuration (2) The intermediate is a cyclic mercurinium ion, a three-membered ring with a positive charge. Oxymercuration (3) • Water approaches the mercurinium ion from the side opposite the ring (anti addition). • Water adds to the more substituted carbon to form the Markovnikov product. Demercuration Sodium borohydride, a reducing agent, replaces the mercury with hydrogen. Advantages and Disadvantages of Oxymercuration-Demercuration Advantages • Gives better yields than direct acidcatalysed hydration • Avoids the possibiliti of rearrangements • Does not involve harsh (acidic) conditions Disadvantages • Highly toxic Alkoxymercuration-Demercuration • Follows the reaction pathway or mechanism of oximercurationdemercuration • If the nucleophile is an alcohol, ROH, (instead of water, HOH) the product is an ether • Markovnikov orientation of addition Hydroboration • Borane, BH3, adds a hydrogen to the most substituted carbon in the double bond. • The alkylborane is then oxidized to the alcohol which is the anti-Markovnikov product. Borane Reagent • Borane exists as a dimer, B2H6, in equilibrium with its monomer. • Borane is a toxic, flammable, explosive gas. • Safe when complexed with tetrahydrofuran, THF. Stoichiometry H3C CH3 3 H3C CH3 + BH3 THF H3C CH3 B H 3 H3C H2O 2, -OH CH3 3 H Borane prefers least-substituted carbon due to steric hindrance as well as charge distribution. OH Mechanism • The electron-deficient borane adds to the least-substituted carbon. • The other carbon acquires a positive charge. • H adds to adjacent C on same side (syn). Oxidation to Alcohol • Oxidation of the alkyl borane with basic hydrogen peroxide produces the alcohol. • Orientation is anti-Markovnikov. Addition of Halogens • Cl2, Br2, and sometimes I2 add to a double bond to form a vicinal dibromide. • Anti addition, so reaction is stereospecific. Mechanism for Halogenation • Pi electrons attack the bromine molecule. • A bromide ion splits off. • Intermediate is a cyclic bromonium ion. H3C H3C + CH3 CH3 Br + Br-Br H3C H3C CH3 CH3 bromonium ion Mechanism (2) Halide ion approaches from side opposite the three-membered ring. (resembles SN2) H3C H3C Br CH3 CH3 + Br-Br + CH3 H3C H3C Br CH3 .. :Br: .. CH3 H3C CH3 CH3 Br Examples of Stereospecificity Br H H 3C Br H CH3 H CH3 H CH3 Br 1800 H CH3 H CH3 Br Br Br CH3 Br R H H R Br CH3 H 3C H Br Br Br H CH3 H CH3 1800 CH3 CH3 H H H CH3 Br Br Br CH3 H S H R CH3 Br Br Test for Unsaturation • Add Br2 in CCl4 (dark, red-brown color) to an alkene in the presence of light. • The color quickly disappears as the bromine adds to the double bond. • “Decolorizing bromine” is the chemical test for the presence of a double bond. Formation of Halohydrin • If a halogen is added in the presence of water, a halohydrin is formed. • Water is the nucleophile, instead of halide. • Product is Markovnikov and antistereochemistry. Regiospecificity The most highly substituted carbon has the most positive charge, so nucleophile attacks there. Hydrogenation • • • • • Alkene + H2 → Alkane Conditions: At room T & 1 atm Catalyst required, usually Pt, Pd, or Ni Finely divided metal, heterogeneous Syn addition, syn stereochemistry Epoxidation • Alkene reacts with a peroxyacid (sometimes called peracids) , a carboxilic acid that has an extra O atom in –O-O-(peroxy) linkage to form an epoxide (also called oxirane). • Usual reagent is peroxybenzoic acid (m-chloroperoxybenzioc acid, MCPBA) for its desirable solubility properties: The peroxyacid dissolves, then the spent acid precipitates out of solution. R R OH O a carboxylic acid O O OH a peroxy acid Mechanism One-step, concerted electrophilic reaction. Several bonds break and form simultaneously. Epoxide Stereochemistry No rotation around the double-bonded carbons, so cis or trans stereochemistry is retained. m-chloroperoxybenzoic acid precipitate Opening the Epoxide Ring • Most epoxides are easily isolated as stable products if the solution is not too acidic. • Acid catalyzed. Any moderately strong acid protonates the epoxide. • Water attacks the protonated epoxide (back-side attack), opening the ring. • Anti orientation, trans diol is formed. One-Step Reaction • To synthesize the glycol without isolating the epoxide, use aqueous peroxyacetic acid or peroxyformic acid. • The reaction is stereospecific. Epoxides vs Glycol • Epoxidation reagents can be chosen to favour either epoxide or glycol. • Peroxyacetic acid is used in strongly acidic water solutions to yield glycols. (through the protonation of epoxide) • Peroxybenzoic acids are weak acids that can be used in NON nucleophlic solvents such as CCl4 to yield epoxides. • Refer p357, figure 8.8 for more examples Syn Hydroxylation of Alkenes • Alkene is converted to a cis-1,2-diol • Two reagents: – Osmium tetroxide (expensive, highly toxic & volatile), followed by hydrogen peroxide or – Cold, dilute aqueous potassium permanganate, followed by hydrolysis with base Mechanism with OsO4 Concerted syn addition of two oxygens to form a cyclic ester. Stereospecificity If a chiral carbon is formed, only one stereoisomer will be produced (or a pair of enantiomers). Permanganate hydroxylation • Syn stereochemistry • Slightly reduced yields in most cases as compared to OsO4. • Provides a simple chemical test for the presence of an alkene, colour changes fr deep purple to murky, opague brown colour of MnO2. Oxidative Cleavage • Both the pi and sigma bonds break. • C=C becomes C=O. • Two methods: – Warm or concentrated or acidic KMnO4. – Ozonolysis. • Used to determine the position of a double bond in an unknown alkene. Cleavage with MnO4 - • Permanganate is a strong oxidizing agent. • Glycol initially formed is further oxidized. • Disubstituted carbons become ketones. • Monosubstituted carbons become carboxylic acids (fr aldehydes). • Terminal =CH2- becomes CO2. Examples CH3 H3C O CH3 CH3 KMnO4 (warm, concd.) CH2 + (warm, concd.) CH3 OH O KMnO4 H3C COOH COOH O + CO2 Ozonolysis • Reaction with ozone forms an ozonide. • Ozonides are not isolated, but are treated with a mild reducing agent like Zn or dimethyl sulfide (CH3)2S. • Milder oxidation than permanganate. • Products formed are ketones or aldehydes. • A common method to determine the position of double bonds in alkenes Ozonolysis Mechanism • Formation of ozonide, then reduction with dimethyl sulfide (CH3)2S). Ozonolysis Example CH3 CH3 (1) O 3 H3C (2) (CH3)2S CH2 H3C CHO CHO O + H2C O - Comparison between MnO4 cleavage & ozonolysis • Both MnO4- cleavage & ozonolysis break C=C bond & replace it with carbonyl (C=O) groups. • In MnO4 cleavage, any aldehyde products are further oxidized to COOH. • In ozonolysis-reduction, aldehyde products are generated in the DMSO reduction step & are not oxidized. Alkenes Alkenes in Organic Synthesis Suppose we wish to synthesize 1,2-dibromocyclohexane from cyclohexanol. To solve this problem we must: Alkenes Alkenes in Organic Synthesis Working backwards from the product to determine the starting material from which it is made is called retrosynthetic analysis. Predict the MAJOR products of the following reactions, and give the structures of any intermediates. Include stereochemistry where appropriate. (a) H3C (b) (c) (e) H3C HCl (1) Hg(OAc)2.H2O (2) NaBH4 CH3 CH3 CH3 (f) HCl + H , H 2O ROOR (g) CH3CO3H CH3 OsO4 H2O 2 (d) (h) CH3 (1) BH3.THF - (2) H2O2, OH CH3 - KMnO4, OH (cold, dil.) Show how you would synthesize each compound using methylenecyclohexane as your starting material. CH2 (a) (d) CH3 (b) OH O (g) OH (e) Cl Br CH3 OCH3 (c) OH (f) OH OH