Chattahoochee High School

Chattahoochee High
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The information in this book was the best available at press time. Watch for additional information and changes.
©2009 School Datebooks, Inc. All rights reserved.
No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in any retrieval system, or
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2880 U.S. Hwy. 231 S., Suite 200 • Lafayette, IN 47909 • (765) 471-8883 •
PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE....................................... 3
Chattahoochee High School Mission Statement..... 3
Lunch Period Times................................................. 4
Guidance Department (Ext. 134)............................. 5
Department Chairs.................................................. 5
Support Staff............................................................ 5
ACADEMIC INFORMATION................................... 6
Progress Report and Report Card Dates................ 6
Cumulative Average (CA)........................................ 6
Final Exams Policy.................................................. 6
Grade Level Assignments........................................ 6
Grade Reporting...................................................... 7
Grading Scale.......................................................... 7
Honor Graduates..................................................... 7
Dual Enrollment Classes / Accel Program
with Colleges...................................................... 7
Make-Up Work......................................................... 7
Recognitions............................................................ 7
Recovery Policy....................................................... 8
Schedule Changes District Policy Iha High
Schools (9-12).................................................... 8
Semester System with Year-Long Scheduling......... 8
Valedictorian / Salutatorian...................................... 8
MEDIA CENTER..................................................... 9
2013-2014 High School Testing Schedule............... 9
ATHLETIC INFORMATION................................... 10
ATTENDANCE INFORMATION............................ 11
Pre-Approved Absences........................................ 11
Excused Absences (FCBOE District Policy: JBD)...11
Unexcused Absences............................................ 11
Attendance Contract (FCBOE District
Policy: JBD)...................................................... 12
Check-In /Check-Out............................................. 12
Tardiness to Class................................................. 12
Chattahoochee Tardy Policy.................................. 12
Class Cuts............................................................. 13
Truancy.................................................................. 13
Driver’s License Certificate.................................... 13
State of Georgia Attendance Laws........................ 13
CAFETERIA.......................................................... 14
Homeroom/Lunch Period....................................... 14
COUNSELING....................................................... 15
College & Career Center....................................... 15
Graduation............................................................. 15
Non-Chattahoochee Educational Options............. 15
Transcripts............................................................. 16
Withdrawal From School....................................... 16
Work Permit........................................................... 16
ELECTRONIC NETWORK.................................... 16
Copyright Consideration........................................ 16
Public Posting Areas (Message Boards /Groups)....16
Real-Time Interactive Communications Areas...... 17
Monitoring the En, Including E-Mail....................... 17
Password Security................................................. 17
Vandalism.............................................................. 17
Termination of Privileges....................................... 17
GENERAL INFORMATION................................... 17
Accident Insurance................................................ 17
Affidavit of Residence (FCBOE Policy: JBC)......... 17
Cell Phones/Electronic Devices............................. 18
Change of Address And/Or Phone Number........... 18
Dances.................................................................. 18
Human Sexuality/Aids Education.......................... 18
Lockers.................................................................. 18
Main Office Hours / Procedures............................ 19
Medications........................................................... 19
Parking Lots........................................................... 19
Release of Records............................................... 19
Resource Officers.................................................. 19
School Bus............................................................ 19
Student-Centered Clubs and Organizations.......... 19
Teacher Blogs / Websites...................................... 19
Teacher- Parent Conferences................................ 19
Visitors................................................................... 20
Volunteers.............................................................. 20
Weather Emergency.............................................. 20
MOTOR VEHICLES.............................................. 20
Student Behavior................................................... 20
Fulton County Code of Conduct Rules.................. 20
State of Georgia Law............................................. 21
School Safety Zone............................................... 21
Code Section 16-11-127.1 Carrying a Weapon
at School or School Functions.......................... 21
Knives.................................................................... 21
Code Section 20-2-751.4 Bullying at School
or School Function............................................ 21
Chattahoochee Local Conduct Rules.................... 21
Chattahoochee Local Student Conduct
Expectations..................................................... 22
Chattahoochee Honor Code Policy....................... 23
Chattahoochee Disciplinary Cycle of
Interventions..................................................... 23
Private Detention................................................... 24
Public Detention.................................................... 24
Saturday Opportunity School ?(Sos)..................... 24
In-School Suspension (ISS).................................. 24
Out-Of-School Suspension (OSS)......................... 24
Chattahoochee Student Dress Code..................... 25
Chattahoochee High School
Welcome to Chattahoochee High School, a National Blue Ribbon School, Georgia School of Excellence,
and the proud home of the Cougars. Chattahoochee High School is one of seventeen high schools in the
Fulton County School System. During the 2013-2014 school year, Chattahoochee High School expects
to serve approximately 1,850 students in grades 9-12. The school day consists of seven 56-minute class
periods including a homeroom/lunch period. Over the past twenty two years, we have developed a tradition of being nationally competitive in academics, arts, athletics and service to the community. Our accomplishments in the 2012-2013 school year
substantiate this nationally-competitive claim. We are proud to be the 2013 Debate State Champions.
Once again, we were recognized as one of the top high schools in the state by Atlanta Magazine and one
of “America’s Best High Schools” in Newsweek Magazine. This past May we graduated over 92% of
our students, who received over seven million dollars in scholarships. We have distinguished ourselves
with service to the community by raising thousands of dollars for various charities including Hunt for the
Cure (Multiple Sclerosis), North Fulton Charities, Books for Africa, Ekal Vidyalaya, and Relay for Life /
American Cancer Society. Our Chattahoochee Cougars for the Cure team was named to the gold level
fundraising team, raising the most out of all the high school teams.
As we continue to lead in these areas, we will seek to build a community where everyone will participate
and share in our success. It is my hope that you will take advantage of all the opportunities that
Chattahoochee has to offer. The tradition of excellence continues at Chattahoochee High School with
a faculty that is dedicated to student achievement. With parents, staff, and students continuing to work
together, our national competitiveness is guaranteed.
This handbook is designed to provide you with information about Chattahoochee High School’s
programs, activities, guidelines and expectations. Additional information can be found on our website at Let’s work together to build Cougar Pride and make 2013-2014 the best school
year ever.
Tim C. Duncan
“Continuing the Tradition”
A community dedicated to learning and committed to excellence.
Lunch Period Times
4A 11:31 – 11:57
Fall Semester Subjects
8:25 - 9:21
9:27 - 10:23
10:29 - 11:25
11:31 – 12:28
12:34 – 1:31
1:37 – 2:33
2:39 – 3:35
My HR section
is: __________
4B 12:03 – 12:28
My HR period is: __________
5A 12:34 – 1:00
5B 1:06 – 1:31
Room #
I go to lunch during:
Each day all students should be out of the building by 3:45 unless supervised.
8:25 - 9:21
9:27 - 10:23
10:29 - 11:25
11:31 – 12:28
12:34 – 1:31
1:37 – 2:33
2:39 – 3:35
My HR section
is: __________
Spring Semester Subjects
My HR period is: __________
I go to lunch during:
Room #
Mr. Tim C. Duncan (Ext. 125)
Ms. Camille Carmen (Ext. 144)
Assistant Principal
Mr. Tim Corrigan (Ext. 127)
Assistant Principal
Dr. Gladys Peoples (Ext. 126)
Assistant Principal
Debra Bryant (Ext. 134)
Assistant Principal
Guidance Department (Ext. 134)
Students are assigned to a counselor according to the following division of the alphabet:
Lauren Corbett (A-E)
(Ext. 130)
College & Career Center (Ext. 156)
Julie Gracey
(F-La) (Ext. 150)
Records Coordinator:
Deborah Blount (Le-R) (Ext. 141)
Jan Turner
(Ext. 133)
Ebony Payno
(Ext. 131)
Bilingual Parent Liaison
(Ext. 179)
Graduation Coach:
Rebecca Lichliter (Ext. 143)
Department Chairs
Career Tech:
Fine Arts:
Health & PE:
Language Arts:
Paula Davis Julie Gracey
Dorsey Sammataro
JJ Hicks
Beth Cunningham
Kathy Smith
Teresa Engelberth
Anne Podber
Social Studies: Matt Crooks
Patti Pair
World Language: Blake Stetson
Support Staff
Athletic Director: Milo Mathis
(Ext. 142)
Cafeteria Manager: John Crouse
(Ext. 199)
Media Center:
Dale Folkins
(Ext. 171)
Resource Officers: Richard Grant
(Ext. 173)
George Walker
(Ext. 173)
Social Worker:
Alicia McClung
(Ext. 132)
Francis Portwood - Hill (Ext. 129)
Cluster Nurse:
Rose Moro
(Ext. 140)
Staff emails & links to Teacher Blogs are available at
Progress Report and Report Card Dates
Fall Semester
Six weeks Progress Report
Twelve weeks Progress Report
Fall Semester Report Card
Spring Semester
Six weeks Progress Report
Twelve weeks Progress Report
Spring Semester Report Card Week of September 23
Week of November 4
Week of January 13
Week of February 17
Week of April 7
Mailed: Week of June 2
Cumulative Average (CA)
Report cards show numeric grades and cumulative average (CA) for the reporting period. The cumulative
average is determined by adding all numeric grades together and dividing that total by the number of
courses taken.
Certain courses carry more weight. As of June, 2004, students enrolled in Advanced Placement, Honors,
and joint enrollment post-secondary option courses will receive an additional seven points to their final
passing grade. The seven additional points will be reflected on grade reports only, not under each
individual course nor used in the computation of cumulative averages.
Final Exams Policy
Attendance during final exams is mandatory. Students absent on final exam days must have a
parent/guardian contact the Attendance Office (770-521-7614) on the morning of the absence in order
for the absence to be considered as excused. Additional information is available under “Pre-Approved
Absences”, page 12.
During their final semester of attendance, seniors may exempt the final exam in any class in which they
meet the following criteria:
1. An average of 85 or higher in the seventeenth week
2. No more than four (4) absences from the class (excluding school-related activities and religious
holidays). Absences due to “Pre-Approved, Excused, Unexcused, ISS and OSS” reasons are
considered absences from class.
3. No more than four (4) tardy arrivals to the class
4. Seniors with more than four (4) absences must have a grade of 93 or higher in the seventeenth
week. This grade does not include honors points.
5. Submit a completed final exam exemption form
*For AP Students enrolled in a course that has an EOCT, students who take the AP exam will not have
an additional final evaluation activity.
*For AP Students enrolled in a course that does NOT have an EOCT, students will have an additional
final evaluation activity (practice AP exam) prior to the AP exam that will count 20% (15% for the class
of 2014) for their final grade.
Grade Level Assignments
A student entering high school in Fulton County is assigned a graduation year. Students will stay with
their class for all school activities for their freshman year only. Assignments beyond the freshman year
will be determined by the number of credits the student earns. To be promoted to the next level, freshmen
must have earned five credits, sophomores must have earned ten credits, juniors must have earned
11 credits and 17 credits must be earned to be considered a senior. Students who do not complete
high school within four years may be placed in an alternative school during their fifth year.
Grade Reporting
Progress reports will be issued every six weeks. A report card is issued at the end of each semester.
Credits will be earned at the end of each semester. These reports are given to the student to take
home for parental review. Parents are encouraged to use Home Access Center to check their student’s
progress at any time during the semester. Counselors and teachers will be glad to discuss with parents
the placement and progress of the student. A student’s transcript reflects all courses that have been
attempted in high school as well as grades, credit received, and cumulative average.
Grading Scale
Students will receive only numeric grades on report cards for each course taken.
90 - 100
70 - 79
80 - 89
0 - 69
Honor Graduates
The honor graduate list is established at the end of the first semester of the Senior Year. At graduation,
Fulton County recognizes students who have achieved a cumulative average of at least an “88” as
honor graduates. Rounding up is not used in computing the average (i.e. a student with an 87.95 would
not qualify). CHS further recognizes students with a cumulative average of at least a “92” as Magna
Cum Laude honor graduates and students with a cumulative average of at least a “96” as Summa Cum
Laude honor graduates.
Dual Enrollment Classes / ACCEL Program with Colleges
Colleges, universities, and technical schools who have dual enrollment agreements with the Fulton
County Schools allow students to combine the junior and senior years of high school with the freshman
and sophomore years of college or technical school while earning their high school diplomas. Students
desiring to enter a dual enrollment program with a college or vocational-technical school should discuss
their plans with their counselor.
Make-up Work
It is the student’s responsibility to request make-up work from the teacher on the first day back to school
and are expected to access homework and in-class assignments using the CHS teacher blogs at Students who are present for any portion of the school day are expected to
turn in all assignments due on that day in order to receive full credit for the assignments. Assignment
due dates that have been communicated prior to a full-day absence are always due upon the student’s
return to school when the due date occurred during the absence.
After an excused absence, a student will have the number of school days equivalent to the number
of days absent to make up the work. Make-up work missed due to an unexcused absence may be
penalized up to 10 points of the maximum value of the assignment. Make-up work or pre-approved
absence work submitted late will receive a zero. Any exceptions for extensions of time will be made
at the discretion of the teacher.
Students are honored if they have achieved:
Honor Roll
A student must be enrolled in 6 subjects to qualify for Honor Roll status. Students who achieve a
semester average of “90” or higher are named to the Honor Roll.
Principal’s List
Students who earn Honor Roll status at CHS for both Spring and the following Fall Semester will be
placed on the Principal’s List.
Recovery Policy
FCBOE High School Policy:
Opportunities designed to allow students to recover from a low or failing cumulative grade will be allowed
when all work required to date has been completed and the student has demonstrated a legitimate effort
to meet all course requirements including attendance. Students should contact the teacher concerning
recovery opportunities. Teachers are expected to establish a reasonable time period for recovery work
to be completed during the semester. All recovery work must be directly related to course objectives
and must be completed ten school days prior to the end of the semester. Teachers will determine when
and how students with extenuating circumstances may improve their grades.
Chattahoochee High School Policy:
After a minimum of two (2) major grades have been earned, recovery is available to students with a
cumulative grade below 74%. The maximum grade a student can earn for a recovery activity is 70%.
There will be only one recovery opportunity per failed major assignment or test. The individual teacher
will determine the means of recovery. The student must initiate the process within five (5) days of
notification of a failing grade on a major assignment/test.
Schedule Changes District Policy IHA High Schools (9-12)
Students are expected to complete courses for which they are enrolled. If changes are necessary, they
should be requested in writing by the parent/guardian within the first ten (10) school days of the
course. All course changes must meet the following criteria: an FTE-eligible course is available for the
student, space is available in an already scheduled course, the student’s graduation requirements can
be met within four years, and be approved by the teacher and guidance counselor.
Students may be allowed to transfer out of a course outside the 10 day period in the event of an
exceptional hardship or in response to a teacher recommendation. Failure in the course alone should
not be considered an exceptional hardship. Factors which interfere with a student’s mastery of the
content such as a catastrophic event or extended illness would be examples of an exceptional hardship.
Requests for exceptional hardships should be made in writing by the parent to the administration.
Semester System with Year-Long Scheduling
All schools in Fulton County operate on a system that divides the school year into two semesters of ninety
days each. Students take six classes per semester. Each class carries a 1/2 unit of credit.
Many courses (including language arts, mathematics, world language, science, and social studies) cover
an entire year but they are divided into two separate semesters of study. For example, students who take
biology may earn one unit of credit during the year because at the end of each semester a final grade
and an assignment of a 1/2 unit of credit will be recorded on the student’s academic record (if the grade
was “70” or higher). In order to maintain consistency and establish a greater rapport between students
and teachers, every effort will be made for students to remain with the same teacher for the entire year
when enrolled in year-long courses.
For a fee, students may enroll in FCBOE summer school classes. Each student may take a maximum
of two classes (1 unit) during the summer school semester.
Valedictorian / Salutatorian
To be eligible for the honor of class valedictorian or salutatorian, a senior must have been an enrolled
member of the high school during the five consecutive semesters prior to the graduation date (fall
semester sophomore year through fall semester senior year).
1. The valedictorian is the senior with the highest cumulative numerical average at the end of the first
2. The salutatorian is the senior with the second highest cumulative numerical average at the end of
the first semester.
3. Grades on the student’s official transcript will determine the student’s Grade Point Average/Numerical
Media Center
The Media Center is open daily from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., providing support materials for the curriculum
and recreational reading. Members of the media center staff are always available to help students and
faculty locate and check out materials.
During the regular school day students may go to the media center only with a pass from a teacher. During homeroom, a gold pass from a subject area teacher is required and must include the homeroom
teacher’s signature. However, during their lunch periods, students may use the Media Center on a
space available basis. When the Media Center is open before or after school, it is not necessary for
students to have a pass or to scan in. However, at all other times an agenda or student ID is required
for access to the media center, and students must scan in upon arrival as well as departure.
At the end of each semester, all library materials must be returned and all fines cleared. Notices of fines
and overdue materials are placed in homeroom boxes for distribution by the homeroom teacher. Unpaid
fines will cause transcripts and grade report delays.
Student I.D. cards or agendas are required to check out Media Center books and other materials. A
date due card is stamped at the time of checkout. The checkout period varies according to the resource.
Reference and many reserve books are only available overnight. Fines of 75¢ per day are charged for
these books. Fines for regular checkout are 5¢ per day per book, not including weekends or holidays.
During a research project, materials are often placed on reserve, with limited checkout. Back issues of
magazines can be checked out at the circulation desk. The latest issues of magazines may not be checked
out. Flash drives are available for overnight check out and they may be purchased at the school store.
Our security system is designed to alert the Media Center staff if materials are taken from the Media
Center without being properly checked out.
A copy machine is available to students at 10¢ a copy. Color Laser printing is 50¢ per page. Regular
Laser printing is 10¢ per page.
2013-2014 High School Testing Schedule
High School Testing Dates
July 17, 2013
Georgia High School Writing Retest (GHSWT)
Grade 12
July 15-19, 2013
Georgia High School Graduation Retest (GHSGT)
Grade 12
Sep. 3, 2013-Mar 21, 2014
Georgia Alternate Assessment (GAA)
Grade 11
Sep. 9, 2013
Georgia HS Graduation Retest (GHSGT) Sc/ELA
Grade 12
Sep. 10, 2013
Georgia HS Graduation Retest (GHSGT) SS/Math
Grade 12
Sep. 25, 2013
Georgia High School Writing Test (GHSWT)
Grade 11
October 16, 2013
Grades 9-11
November 11, 2013
Georgia HS Graduation Retest (GHSGT) Sc/ELA
Grade 12
November 12, 2013
Georgia HS Graduation Retest (GHSGT) SS/Math
Grade 12
December 9-13, 2013
Georgia End-of-Course Tests (EOCT)
Grades 9-12
January 21-Mar. 3, 2014
Grades 9-12
February 26, 2014
Georgia High School Writing Retest (GHSWT)
Grades 11& 12
March 17-21, 2014
Georgia High School Graduation Test (GHSGT)
Grade 11
March 24-28, 2014
State-Required Remedial Testing
Grades 9 & 10
April14-25, 2014
End of Pathway Assessment*
Grade 11 and 12
April 28 – May 8, 2014
Georgia End-of-Course Tests (EOCT)
Grades 9-12
May 5-16, 2014
Advanced Placement (AP) Exams
AP students
ACT WorkKeys
Grade 9 and 12
*Questions regarding this assessment should be directed to (404) 346-4376
Please call (404) 763-5600, ext. 143 if you have any questions about this testing schedule.
Chattahoochee High School has traditionally been well-represented by outstanding student athletes.
CHS follows standards and rules established by both the Fulton County School System and the Georgia
High School Association. Any student wishing to represent Chattahoochee HS must meet eligibility
requirements as defined by these organizations and CHS.
The following regulations apply to all CHS student athletes:
1. To participate in athletics a student must pass five out of six courses the preceding semester. Summer
school is considered as an extension of Spring Semester.
2. A student must be present in school at least four (4) periods to be eligible to participate in a sport
that day.
3. Students who are assigned to Out-of-School Suspension may not participate in any school activity
until the day after their suspension ends.
4. Students who are assigned to In-School Suspension may not participate in any school activity until
the ISS term is completed.
5. All athletes must be on track for graduation at the beginning of each school year:
Freshman (1st year) entering 9th grade are eligible academically. Second semester first-year
students must have passed courses of at least 2.5 Carnegie units the previous semester in order
to participate.
Sophomores (2nd year)…………………5 Carnegie units and passed courses carrying at least 2.5
Carnegie units in the previous semester.
Juniors (3rd year)……………….10 Carnegie units and passed courses carrying at least 2.5 Carnegie
units in the previous semester.
Seniors (4th year)……………….16 Carnegie units and passed courses carrying at least 2.5 Carnegie
units in the previous semester.
6. Before a student may practice, try-out or participate in off-season workouts, a current GHSA Physical
Examination form must be on file at Chattahoochee.
7. Before a student may practice, try-out, or participate in off-season workouts, the student must show
proof of insurance.
8. All eligibility requirements established by GHSA must be met and maintained.
9. In order to earn an award, a student-athlete must remain in good standing on the squad (in the sport
he/she is participating) until the entire schedule has been completed and/or until he/she has been
released by the coach.
10. All athletes must obey training rules at all times, especially the general rules of the non-use of alcohol,
tobacco, and unauthorized drugs, as well as all local, state, and federal laws.
11. A student must return all equipment issued or pay the replacement cost of any item not returned.
Fall Sports
Winter Sports
Spring Sports
Cross Country Cross Country
Basketball Basketball
Football Cheerleading Diving Diving
Tennis Tennis
SwimmingSwimming Track Track
Wrestling CheerleadingLacrosse Lacrosse
Chattahoochee considers regular school attendance essential to successful learning. Since every school
day is important, “skip days” are not recognized, condoned, or excused by the CHS administration.
Anything less than perfect attendance may have a detrimental effect on the grade and learning for the
semester. Home Access is an effective resource for following a student’s attendance record.
The school building is open to students between 7:45 a.m. to 3:45 p.m. Students not in a supervised
activity should be out of the building by 3:45 PM. Early release students must leave campus immediately
upon dismissal.
Pre-approved Absences
Each year a student may request a maximum of six pre-approved absences by providing a written
note to their grade-level assistant principal at least 3 days prior to the absence. If approved, the
administrator will sign the written note and will send the student to the Attendance Window to obtain a
“Pre-Approved Absence” form. That form must be signed by each teacher and returned to the Attendance
Window prior to the absence. Pre-approved absences cannot be granted after the date of the absence.
All assignments missed during pre-approved absences are due on the first day back to school.
Pre-approved absences may be requested for:
1. Scholarship interviews - college visitations
2. A travel opportunity with educational benefits
3. A graduation or wedding of a close family member
4. A specialized educational experience
5. A circumstance mutually agreeable to the parents and principal
Pre-approved absences will not be granted during final exams except in cases of very unusual
circumstances. Requests for pre-approved absences during exam days must be submitted in writing
to the Principal.
Excused Absences (FCBOE District Policy: JBD)
Students are allowed to make-up all work missed due to an excused absence. For all absences, a written
note of explanation signed by a parent/ guardian is required within three days of the student’s return to
school. If your child is absent as a result of a doctor’s appointment, it is strongly encouraged that you
bring a return to school note from the doctor’s office for the absence. The written note should be turned
in to the Attendance Office. Emails and faxes will not be accepted. After three days notes cannot be
accepted. Failure to comply will result in absences being marked as “unexcused”.
Notes are not required for school-sponsored activities. Students serving as a page in the Georgia
General Assembly shall be recorded as “present” but a written note is needed to document the activity.
When written documentation is provided, Georgia law excuses absences in the following situations:
1. Personal illness of the student
2. Attendance would be detrimental to student’s health (i.e.: medical appointment)
3. Serious illness or death in the immediate family
4. Religious holiday
5. Pre-approved absence (See the previous section)
6. Mandate by a court order or a government agency
7. Voting or registering to vote (Not to exceed ½ day)
8. Out-of-school suspension assignment
9. Conditions rendering attendance impossible or hazardous to the student
Unexcused Absences
All other absences not mentioned in the above sections, including absences due to truancy and class
cuts, are considered “unexcused”. Also, any absence for which a note from the parent/guardian is not
submitted to the Attendance Office within three days of the student’s return to school will be recorded
as unexcused, and the student’s grades may be impacted.
Attendance Contract (FCBOE District Policy: JBD)
Regardless of the reason, students who are marked absent for ten or more days from any class may be
required to provide a doctor’s statement in order to excuse future absences. Students who are placed
onto an attendance contract may receive disciplinary consequences for failure to comply with school
attendance rules and terms of their contract.
Check-in /Check-out
Failure to follow check-in or check-out procedures constitutes a class cut. Students failing to adhere to
CHS policy will be referred to an administrator for appropriate action. To check-in/check-out, a written
request from a parent/guardian is required stating:
1. The reason for a tardy arrival to or early dismissal from school. 2. The student’s homeroom section
3. A daytime phone number for the parent/guardian.
The request will be verified. If a student does not have a written request from a parent/guardian, the
check-in/check-out will be marked as an unexcused tardy or unexcused absence. For any check-in after the 8:25 bell has signaled the start of school, students must report to the Attendance
Office immediately and check-in. A student I.D. will facilitate the check-in process. Students who report
late to any class will not be admitted without a check-in pass from the Attendance Office.
To check-out, students should take a written request signed by a parent/guardian to the Attendance
Window prior to the start of the school day. The attendance secretary will issue a check-out pass to
the student stating when the student is authorized to leave campus. This pass must be presented to
the classroom teacher in order to be released from class.
Once on campus, students may not leave campus prior to the dismissal of school without checking-out through
the Attendance Office. This includes students who arrive on campus prior to the start of school but who must
leave before school begins. When a student is unable to be in school but wants to come onto campus to get
books, homework assignments, or to take a test, etc., the student must go through the Attendance Office.
On Exam Days, on Early Release Days and on days preceding a school holiday, including Thanksgiving,
Winter, or Spring Holiday breaks, requests to check-in or check-out must be made in person by a parent/
guardian at the Attendance Window.
Tardiness to Class
Instruction occurs in all CHS classrooms from bell to bell. After the tardy bell rings, students will not be
allowed in any class without a Tardy Pass from the attendance window or a written pass from a CHS staff
member. Excessive tardies (more than 2 per week or 4 or more to the same class per semester) will result
in progressive disciplinary consequences as published in the “Student Behavior” section of this handbook.
In all Chattahoochee classrooms, instruction occurs from bell to bell. If a student is not in class before
the tardy bell rings, a Tardy Pass, Check-in Pass or written note signed by a teacher will be required in
order to enter class. This policy is designed to encourage prompt arrival to class in order to minimize
disturbances that occur when students arrive late. Tardies to class will be tracked by the administration
on a weekly basis, and they may result in disciplinary consequences as shown below. Excessive tardies
to the same class over the duration of the semester may also initiate an administrator’s response.
Students will not be admitted into any class without a
Attendance Window Pass, Teacher Pass or Check-in Pass.
# of tardies per week
Administrative Response
1 day of Public Detention
2 days of Public Detention
4 or 4th to same class during semester
1 day of Saturday School
5 or 5th to same class during semester
1 day of Public Detention
+ 1 day of Saturday School
6 or 6th to same class during semester
2 days of Public Detention
+ 1 day of Saturday School
7 or 7th to same class during semester
1 day of ISS
8 or 8th to same class during semester
2 days of ISS
A class cut occurs when a student is absent from class for more than ten minutes without having
permission from their assigned teacher or authorization from the office.
**Juniors and Seniors- 5 tardies and/or unexcused absences to 1st period may result in your parking
permit being revoked.
Class Cuts
A class cut occurs when a student is absent from class for more than ten minutes without having
permission from their assigned teacher or authorization from the office to do so. Students who need to
leave class due to illness should report to class first, obtain permission to be excused from their
assigned teacher, and receive a written pass in their agenda to the Clinic. Students who become ill
and are not able to report to class first must report directly to the Clinic or Main Office – not a bathroom.
If a student is too ill to comply, he/she should have another student or teacher notify the office at once
for assistance.
Students absent from school without parental knowledge prior to the absence are truant. Truancy is a
major attendance violation. A truant student may face disposition as an unruly child (Ga. Code Section
Any child subject to compulsory attendance (6 yr – 16 yrs) who during the school calendar has more
than 5 days of unexcused absences. A truancy petition may be filed with Juvenile Court on students
who have excessive unexcused absences.
Driver’s License Certificate
With 24 hours notice, students may secure the Certificate of Attendance form required for a driver’s
license and permit at the Attendance Office. The student will need to complete part of the form and leave
it with the Attendance Secretary. On the following day the signed and notarized form may be picked up
at the Attendance Office.
State of Georgia Attendance Laws
Ga. Code Section: 20-2-690.1: (Minimum Number of Unexcused Absences)
Parents/guardians of school-age children who have five or more days of unexcused absences in a
school year are held responsible. This is a misdemeanor and could subject parents/guardians to one
or more of the following penalties at the discretion of the court:
1. A fine not less than $25.00 and not greater than $100.00,
2. Imprisonment not to exceed 30 days, or
3. Community service.
Each additional unexcused absence from school is considered an additional violation of the state
mandatory attendance policy and must be reported as a separate offense. Attendance information about
unexcused absences are monitored School Social Worker.
Ga. Code Section: 20-12-1180 (LOITERING AT OR DISRUPTING SCHOOL )
It is illegal to remain upon a campus or within a school safety zone when there is no legitimate need or
cause to remain. “Hanging out” with friends and other related activities are not considered legitimate
needs under the law. Violation of this law is a misdemeanor of a high and aggravated nature and will
be strictly enforced at Fulton County Schools. (At Chattahoochee, unsupervised students must leave
campus at 3:45 p.m.)
Ga. Code Section: 40-4-22: TAADRA
Any student who has ten or more school days of unexcused absences during the school year will be
subject to the rules of Georgia’s Teenage and Adult Driver Responsibility Act (O.C.G.A. 40-5-22). This
law mandates the school to report non-compliant students 14-17 years old for the purpose of denying or
suspending the driver’s license. In order to be eligible for a license, a student must satisfy the attendance
requirements for a period of one academic year prior to the application for an instruction permit or driver’s
license. The instruction permit or driver’s license will be revoked for a period of one year if a student
has more than ten school days of unexcused absences in any semester or has been found guilty of a
serious disciplinary infraction.
The breakfast and lunch programs at CHS are under the direction of the FCBOE Student Nutrition
Program (SNP) and follow guidelines set by Georgia Department of Education and the United States
Department of Agriculture. Students are encouraged to purchase affordable and well balanced meals,
a la carte selections are also available for purchase.
Menus, meal prices, and other nutritional information can be viewed at the SNP website at:
Families meeting specific income requirements may be eligible for Free or Reduced Meals. Paper
applications are available at the Counseling Center and are to be returned directly to the Cafeteria
Manager or applications can be completed on-line at: The process is:
only one application per household is needed (application is returned to the cafeteria manager of the
youngest child in the household), approval process may take up to ten days (cash payment is required
until approval), and all returning students need to complete a new application each year within the first 30
days of the new school year (the prior year’s status is maintained until the new application is approved).
On-line payments are available to interested parents who wish to make on-line credit card payments and
view their student’s meal account at: (please note there is a small charge made
by the vendor for this service). Checks and cash are also accepted; charging of meals is not permitted.
No student may cut or allow others to cut into the cafeteria lines. Students are reminded that everyone
is expected to clean up their own trash in the cafeteria or outside in the picnic area as there are no
personnel to “bus” tables. Failure to follow these expectations is considered a disciplinary infraction.
Questions or comments can be directed to the Cafeteria Manager at 770-521-7657.
Homeroom/Lunch Period
All students are scheduled for a lunch/homeroom class during fourth or fifth period. Homeroom is a class
that may be used for study, make-up work or research. After checking in with the homeroom teacher,
students may go to the Media Center if they have a gold pass from a subject-area teacher. This option
is available on a space-available basis. Homeroom teachers are not allowed to initiate Media Center
passes, and the Media Center passes must be provided by a teacher in support of a classroom-based
activity. During the school year, special events will be made available to students during homeroom
such as assemblies and guest speakers.
During lunch students may dine together in the cafeteria or Cougar Courtyard. During lunch students
may visit the Main Office and the Counseling Center. Students may study and relax in designated areas
where supervision is provided. However, all other areas of the building and campus - including
academic halls, the gym lobby, parking lots, senior lounge, D-Hall couches, athletic facilities and portable
classrooms - are considered unauthorized areas during lunch.
Students are not allowed to order and/or purchase food from outside vendors during the school
day, and disciplinary action may occur for violation of this rule. Parents are asked to avoid the delivery
of food items to students during the school day. Lunchtime guests (including parents) are not allowed.
Senior Homeroom/Lunch. Seniors will be given the privilege of an extended lunch period. As
students become seniors, they are nearing a time in their life when they must begin to assume more
responsibility for their decisions. Thus, an assumption is made that seniors will benefit if they are given
more responsibility to determine how they will use their extended lunch period. Students should keep in
mind that the freedom to make these decisions is a privilege that may be removed by the administration
if they fail to observe the rules of the school.
To assist in the dissemination of important information, seniors will meet weekly in the auditorium during
their lunch period. These meetings are mandatory, and attendance will be taken. Failure to attend
may result in disciplinary action.
Counselors at CHS work with students individually and in groups to aid in personal, social, career, and
educational development. In addition to school-based counselors, there is a graduation coach and one
social worker who also provide assistance. Counselors provide the following services:
1. Enroll students
2. Advise students concerning course selections
3. Confidential counseling for personal problems
4. Facilitate group appointments for parents with multiple staff members
5. Assist students and parents in making personal and educational decisions
6. Assist students with study skills improvement or provide names of tutors
7. Information on college admissions and scholarships
Except in emergency situations, students should adhere to the following procedure whenever they
wish to see a counselor:
1. Students should make an appointment to see a counselor. To make an appointment, the student
should complete an appointment request form in the Guidance Office with the appropriate counselor.
The counselor will send for the student as soon as possible.
2. Students may visit the counseling center before school begins, during their lunch period, or after
school is dismissed for the purpose of making an appointment.
3. A student should never be absent from class for the purpose of making an appointment or to visit the
counseling center unless he/she has permission and a written pass from the teacher whose class
he/she is missing.
College & Career Center
The Chattahoochee High School College & Career Center is an integral part of the counseling services
offered to all students. The goal of the center is to assist students in exploring college and career
options by providing career interest inventories, college visit opportunities, scholarship information,
and postsecondary option resources (4-year colleges, 2-year colleges, technical schools, military, etc.).
Students may participate in graduation exercises after all requirements for a High School Diploma or
an Individualized Education Diploma have been met. A student who has not passed a section of the
GHSGT or an equivalent EOCT may meet the criteria for a state waiver. To determine eligibility for a
waiver, the student should submit a request to the local superintendent. Assistance with this process is
available through the student’s counselor. Information about the criteria for waivers and variances can be
found at
Non-Chattahoochee Educational Options
Summer school, Fulton Virtual School, and Georgia Virtual School are examples of options that are available for completing coursework outside the traditional Chattahoochee curriculum offerings. Information
is available through each student’s counselor who must approve all coursework prior to registration.
Transcript requests should be made in the Guidance Office through the records coordinator. Seniors
should make requests directly on their “transcript request card”. The cost is $3.00 per transcript. Most
in-state colleges accept official electronic transcripts from the high school through gacollege411. For
out-of-state colleges, students must pick up their official transcript from the counseling office 1-2 days
following the request. If a letter of recommendation is needed from a counselor, please allow up to 2 weeks.
Withdrawal from School
A parent/guardian is asked to contact the Guidance Office prior to student withdrawal. During the last full
day of attendance, the student should obtain a withdrawal form from the Guidance Office and circulate it
to each of his/her classroom teachers. The completed withdrawal form should be returned to the Guidance
Office at the end of the day. All financial obligations must be met before student records will be forwarded.
Work Permit
The necessary forms and information for obtaining a work permit are available from the Guidance Office.
Electronic Network
(Reference: FCBOE Policy IFBGA – Electronic Network Access Policy)
*Applicable changes will be posted to the Chattahoochee website
The School System’s EN is to be used solely in support of the School System’s educational mission. All
other uses are strictly prohibited. The EN shall not be used to publish or transmit any information that: (1)
violates or infringes upon the rights of any other person (2) contains material that would be considered
abusive, profane or sexually offensive to the average person; (3) contains any advertisement or solicitation
of goods or services that are not school-related; (4) relates to the user’s personal business or commercial
activity; (5) solicits the performance of any unlawful act; (6) encourages the use of controlled substances;
or (7) violates any local, state or federal law, Board policy or procedure or school rules.
Computer systems around the world have access to the EN; therefore, the School System cannot control
the information available on the EN. Some of the information that can be accessed on the EN may be
inaccurate, defamatory, obscene, profane, sexually explicit, threatening, racially offensive or otherwise
objectionable. Parents should be aware that such materials are on the EN and should caution their children
not to access such materials. Knowingly accessing or otherwise bringing such materials into the school
environment is prohibited and will be grounds for discipline, including the loss of user privileges or access.
Copyright Consideration
Many written materials are the personal property of the author or other persons. Copyright laws protect
these ownership interests. It is not always possible, particularly in the midst of classroom activity, to
know whether a particular material is protected by copyright laws and, if so, whether a particular use
is permitted as “fair use.” Therefore, students should assume that any material they access on the EN
is the property of another and that use of the material is restricted by copyright laws, unless there is
definitive evidence to the contrary.
Material downloaded from the EN should not be distributed to others unless such permission is obtained
from the owner of the copyright or his/her authorized representative. Users shall not upload computer
programs or software of any kind onto the EN unless they obtain permission in advance from authorized
school personnel. Users may upload onto the EN only material they authored or material that clearly does
not belong to any other person. The School System accepts no responsibility for violation of copyright
laws by employees, students or other users.
Public Posting Areas (Message Boards / Groups)
Messages can be posted on the EN from computer systems around the world. The School System has no
control over the content of messages posted from these other systems. The administration will determine
which message boards and groups are most beneficial to the educational mission of the School System
and will carry these on the EN. Use of any other message boards or groups is prohibited. Messages
posted locally may be removed by school personnel if they are in violation of Board policy, procedures
or school rules. Misuse of message boards or groups may result in termination of the user’s access
and/or other disciplinary measures.
Real-time Interactive Communications Areas
Students shall not use the real-time conference features of the EN (talk/chat/Internet relay chat) for
electronic chit-chat or other non-educational or non-work-related communications. Users also must
abide by any restrictions posted on the EN regarding interactive communications.
Monitoring the EN, Including E-mail
Use of the EN is limited to support of the School System’s educational mission. Therefore, information
transmitted or received over the School System’s EN (including E-mail) should not be considered “personal”
or “private.” Messages may be opened and read by the school principal, department head or other appropriate
personnel without the consent of the sender or intended recipient. Local, state or federal officials may also
obtain access to electronic communications in connection with investigations or other purposes. In addition,
messages sent over the EN may be subject to disclosure under the Open Records Act.
Password Security
Passwords provide an important means of monitoring EN use and preventing security violations. Therefore,
attempts to log in to the EN using another person’s password, or falsely posing as a School System
administrator, or engaging in other security violations will be grounds for termination of privileges and
other disciplinary measures. Users should immediately notify an administrator if their password is lost or
stolen or if they believe that someone has obtained unauthorized access to their password.
Computer vandalism is prohibited and may result in immediate termination of EN access and other disciplinary
measures. Prohibited conduct includes creating computer viruses, harming or attempting to harm or destroy
the School System’s hardware, software or data; harming or attempting to harm the data of another user,
computer tampering (hacking/altering hard drives), computer misuse (this includes downloading executable
files, unauthorized internet browsers, filter bypassing utilities, games and non-curriculum music and video
files), software piracy (Unauthorized use or distribution of software). A student shall not alter or attempt to
alter school licensed technology and/or school hardware, steal or attempt to steal school licensed technology
and/or school hardware. Abuse of a computer system may also subject the abuser to criminal penalties.
Termination of Privileges
A student’s access to, and use of, the EN will be discontinued when the student graduates from high school,
withdraws from the School System or is suspended or expelled by the School System or violates any of
the codes outlined above. A student whose access to the EN has been suspended or terminated may
request, in writing, a review of the decision by his/her designee. Whenever possible, a final determination
shall be sent to the student in writing within ten working days of receipt of the request for a review.
Accident Insurance
Students must be covered by medical insurance in order to participate in school activities. Information
regarding school insurance and claim forms are available in the Main Office but any agreement for insurance
is between the student and the company. Accident insurance is available for all CHS students through
T.W. Lord & Associates, the insurance carrier. The premium will be collected early in September for those
students wishing to enroll. Any student who wishes to file a claim for insurance is responsible for providing
a complete insurance claim form to office personnel as soon as possible after the accident. The school and
Fulton County Schools do not provide student insurance of any kind. We offer the student a service only.
Affidavit of Residence (FCBOE Policy: JBC)
1. ALL “Affidavit of Residence” forms require a seal and stamp from a notary public documenting the
signature of the parent/guardian.
2. Newly enrolling students to Fulton County and rising 9th grade students must provide a completed
“Affidavit of Residence” form AND two acceptable proof of resident documents.
3. ALL returning 10th and 11th grade students must provide a completed “Affidavit of Residence” form along
with a notarized parent/guardian signature. No documents showing proof of residence are required.
4. ALL 12th grade students are exempt from the “Affidavit of Residence” requirement.
5. If proof of residency is delayed, the student will be provisionally enrolled for a period of 30 calendar
days. Following the provisional enrollment period, the student may be withdrawn after a 10 day
notification period is given.
Cell Phones/Electronic devices
Students may use cell phones on school grounds before or after the regular school day. Before the sound
of the 8:25 bell that starts first period, students must turn off cell phones and music devices and store the
devices in an unseen place. This procedure will help to ensure that cell phones, camera phones and music
devices are not used for inappropriate reasons while also protecting our classrooms from disruptions.
During lunch and between classes, a telephone is available for student use in the Main Office. Usage of
communication devices is never allowed on any FCBOE vehicle or during an emergency drill or evacuation.
Students may use personal electronic devices before school, after school, and while at lunch. During
class and all instructional activities, including class changes, personal listening devices are never to be
worn, used, or visible without the explicit permission of the teacher.
Students who are found with electronic communication devices in the “on” position, in use, or in view
during the school day, including class changes, shall have the device confiscated and disciplinary
consequences applied. A parent or guardian may pick up all confiscated electronic devices during the
normal operating hours from the Main Office the day it is confiscated. The student may pick up their
device the following day. A student’s refusal to relinquish their electronic device will result in additional
disciplinary consequences. The school is not responsible for lost or stolen electronic devices.
Change of Address and/or Phone Number
The data clerk in the main office should be informed immediately when a student has a change of
residence, email address and/or phone number. In this way, school communications - especially those
of an emergency nature - and grade reports will reach the student’s home promptly. Changes in phone
number and email may also be made through the HomeAccess program. However, all address changes
must be done through the data clerk. The Data Clerk may be contacted at 770-521-7600, Ext. 137.
Students at Chattahoochee have an opportunity to attend a number of extracurricular dances during
the school year including homecoming and prom. Students may bring a non-CHS student to the event
as a guest/date if the person meets the following criteria: the person is in high school or has graduated
and is under the age of 21.
Human Sexuality/AIDS Education
All high school students are required to take General Health. During this course, sexuality education and
AIDS education units will be taught. The school system believes that all students should have access to
factually accurate and appropriate information about these topics. Students who are armed with the facts
are better able to make good, healthy decisions. We also believe that abstinence from sexual activity is
best for school-aged young people. All instruction in this unit is predicated upon this belief. These units
will not start until after the first six weeks of the semester.
At least one week prior to the beginning of these units, a letter will be sent home informing parents/guardians
of their right to remove their minor student from this unit of instruction. Parents or guardians should sign
and return the form if they do not want their student to participate, and an alternative assignment will be
provided. All materials used in the course are available for parental/guardian review. The student’s health
teacher should be contacted through the school office to make an appointment to see these materials.
Hall Locker rental fee = $15 / year Locker Room rental fee = $10 / semester
1. Hall locker assistance is provided in the media center.
2. Locker Room locker assistance is provided in the Physical Education coaching office.
2. Locker fees are not refundable. All locker information is kept confidential.
3. Lockers should be locked at all times.
4. For security reasons, students should not share lockers or locker combinations.
5. Valuable items, money and personal property should not be brought to school or left in lockers.
6. The school is not responsible for lost or stolen textbooks, valuable items, money or personal property.
7. Damage to lockers may result in disciplinary consequences.
8. Searches of specific lockers or locker areas may be conducted in accordance with State Law.
Main Office Hours / Procedures
Although staff members may be present beyond the posted hours, service to the public is limited to the
hours from 7:45 until 4:15. Classroom instruction will not be interrupted to provide for the delivery of
messages, lunch, forgotten class assignments, flowers, balloons, etc. to students. Students are encouraged to check in the Main Office between classes or during lunch if they believe an item may have been
left for pick-up. If a family emergency occurs, please contact the student’s administrator for assistance.
Failure to follow CHS procedures about medications will result in disciplinary consequences. All
over-the-counter medications must be carried in the original container along with a written note from
parents/guardians providing authorization for possession by the student. All prescribed medications
must be stored in the clinic in the original container with a completed clinic authorization form.
Parking Lots
Students are not permitted in any parking lot during the school day without authorization from the
Administration. Students are not permitted to remain in parked cars before or during school hours.
Release of Records
In accordance with the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act, school records for a student may be
released only with the parent’s permission if the student is under 18 years of age (except when records
are required by an educational agency in which the student seeks or intends to enroll). If a student is
18 or older, the student may grant permission for records to be released.
Resource Officers
Chattahoochee High School is staffed with two School Resource Officers (Ext. 173). The law enforcement officers protect the students and the school from theft and vandalism, act as a resource for student
concerns, assist in the investigation of student problems, and function as liaison between the school and law
enforcement agencies. School Resource Officers are certified police officers possessing full arrest powers.
School Bus
The school bus is an extension of the school. Students are expected to conduct themselves properly
at all bus stops and while riding a school bus. The bus driver has the same authority that a teacher has
in a classroom. Misbehavior on a school bus will result in the loss of the privilege of bus transportation
or other disciplinary consequences. Due to safety concerns the following behaviors are prohibited on
a school bus: eating, drinking, shouting, extending body parts out of the windows, use of a cell phone,
and throwing objects.
If a student must ride a bus other than his/her own, a written request from a parent/guardian must be
presented in the Assistant Principals’ Office prior to the start of the school day. Requests will not be
accepted once the school day has begun. The request should include the reason for the bus change
and a phone number that will provide contact with the parental/guardian. If a parent/guardian cannot
be reached for verification, the request must be denied. Requests can only be accepted for changes
involving one or two days. Requests for bus changes involving more than two days must be made through
the Fulton County Transportation Office (770-667-2970).
Student-Centered Clubs and Organizations
Chattahoochee High School offers the opportunity for participation in more than 60 student extra-curricular
clubs. Please access our website at for a complete listing of these clubs. If you
are interested in creating a club, please contact Ms. Lange in the Assistant Principal’s office.
Teacher Blogs / Websites
At links are provided to each staff member’s blog and/or website. The purpose of
these postings is to provide current information about academic expectations in each of our classrooms,
including homework assignments and daily class activities. A direct link to the teacher’s email is also provided.
Teacher- Parent Conferences
Parents are encouraged to communicate frequently with school staff. Email is the most effective
way to contact CHS teachers. The email address of each CHS faculty member is available at Parents should allow 24 hours for a response. A conference involving multiple
teachers and staff members may be requested by contacting the Guidance Office at 770-521-7620.
Visitors who have school-related business must park in a visitor spot, sign-in through the main office, and
receive a Visitor sticker. Parents of currently-enrolled students or prospective students who wish to set up
classroom or school visitation may make these arrangements through the Counseling Office. Individuals
who are not enrolled in CHS are not to be on campus while classes are in session - including lunch periods.
Chattahoochee students are not permitted to bring friends, relatives or guests to school with them.
Parents and community members who volunteer their time and talents significantly enrich the Chattahoochee learning environment. Persons interested in serving as volunteers should contact the Main
Office (770-521-7600, Ext. 120). All volunteers must sign in through the Main Office and park only in
spaces reserved for visitors. Parent volunteers are particularly welcome in the Main Office, Media Center,
and The College and Career Center.
Weather Emergency
During periods of inclement weather when school may have to be closed, students and staff are encouraged to listen to local television networks and radio stations (750 AM).
Because a limited number of parking spaces are available on campus, parking is assigned each semester
to the juniors and seniors who qualify and who have submitted an application. The parking application
is to be submitted electronically and is available on line at at the link to the “Student
Parking Process”. The system for parking applications is based on a lottery.
Distribution System/Parking Regulations
The system governing the distribution of Parking Permits favors Seniors. It is published at:
There will not be a hardship application process due to the lottery system.
As a socializing institution, the staff of Chattahoochee High School accepts the responsibility of helping
our students to learn appropriate behavior as they develop into mature members of society. Many
discipline problems can be minimized through prevention. However, sometimes adult intervention is
both desirable and necessary. Problem behavior will be handled quickly and decisively as teachers and
administrators intervene and restore a supportive learning atmosphere.
Fulton County Code of Conduct Rules
To maintain a positive school climate, the Fulton County Board of Education, the Superintendent, and/
or their designees have established a Code of Conduct governing student behavior and discipline.
Compliance with these requirements is mandatory. Annually, parents and students receive a copy of
the Fulton County Code of Conduct that summarizes our discipline guidelines outlining standards of
conduct, means of reporting misconduct, and possible disciplinary sanctions. Disciplinary responses
to conduct rule infractions will reflect a progressive disciplinary process. Some behaviors may also be
reported to law enforcement authorities.
Rule 1: Disruption and Interference with School
Rule 2: Damage, Alteration, or Theft of School Property
Rule 3: Damage, Alteration, or Theft of Private Property
Rule 4: (Physical or Verbal) Assault or Battery or Abusive Language to a School Employee
Rule 5: (Physical or Verbal) Assault or Battery or Abusive Language by a Student to any Person other
than a School Employee
Rule 6: Threats, Harassment, Bullying, Disrespectful Conduct and Acts of Bigotry
Rule 7: Sexual Harassment
Rule 8: Weapons and Dangerous Instruments (Weapons Categories: I, II, and III)
Rule 9: Alcohol and Other Drugs/Psychoactive Substances
Rule 10: Disregard of School Rules; State, Federal and/or Local Laws; Directions or Commands
Rule 11: Unexcused Absences
Rule 12: Dress and Grooming
Rule 13: Tobacco Use
Rule 14:Gambling
Rule 15: Sexual Misconduct/Sexual Offenses
Rule 16: Technology Offenses
Rule 17: Gang Related Activity
Rule 18: School Bus Disciplinary Rules/Interference with a School Bus
Rule 19: Off-Campus Misconduct
Rule 20: Encouraging Violations of Code of Conduct
State of Georgia Law
School Safety Zone: A School Safety Zone is defined as in, on, or within 1,000 feet of any
property owned or leased by the school board.
CODE SECTION 16-11-127.1
Carrying a Weapon at School or School Functions
It is a felony to be in possession of a weapon on school property or within a school safety zone. It is a
designated felony act for a juvenile (under 17 years of age) found guilty under this statute. A designated
felony act calls for a mandatory five year sentence and the juvenile will automatically serve a minimum
of twelve months in the juvenile detention facility and serve the remainder of the sentence on probation.
The possession of any type of knife on the campus of any Fulton County school is prohibited. If the blade
of the knife is less than two inches, the incident can be handled through the local school administration.
If the knife is a switchblade or if the blade is more than two inches in length, the knife is considered to
be a weapon under the law and possible expulsion and/or arrest will result. Any type of switchblade
knife is considered a weapon.
CODE SECTION 20-2-751.4
Bullying at School or School Function
This law is applicable to students in grades six through 12. It prohibits bullying of a student by another
student and shall require such prohibition to be included in the student code of conduct for middle and
high schools in that school system. Local board policies shall require that, upon a finding that a student
has committed the offense of bullying for the third time in a school year, such student shall be assigned
to an alternative school.
Chattahoochee Local Conduct Rules
An orderly and efficient operation of the school day is provided at Chattahoochee so that learning may
take place in our classrooms. It is the responsibility of each of our students to know and to abide by CHS
rules and regulation. Self-discipline and consideration of others are essential for a successful educational
setting. The responsibility for development and maintenance of this self-discipline is a combined effort
of students, parents, teachers, administrators, and the community that established the accepted value
system. The authority of CHS personnel is in effect when the student is:
1. on school grounds;
2. off school grounds at a school activity, function, or event;
3. traveling to and from school or a school activity, function, or event.
Chattahoochee Local Student
Conduct Expectations:
A. Always follow the directions of any Chattahoochee adult staff member.
B. Keep your voice at normal conversation volume.
C. Avoid disruptive behavior in school including horseplay, public display of affection, etc. Disruptive
behavior is defined as any behavior that interferes with the educational process.
D. Students are responsible for damage to or loss of their books. Books without a FCS barcode label
will result in a book fine. Fine fees are paid in the Main Office.
E. Students may use personal listening devices before school, after school, and while at lunch. During
class and all instructional activities, including class changes, personal listening devices are never
to be worn, used, or visible without the explicit permission of the teacher. External speakers, radios
without headphones, etc., are not permitted.
F. During an emergency or an emergency drill, students are to stay in a group and follow the directions
of their teacher. The use of cell phones is prohibited at this time.
G. Students are not permitted to remain in parked cars before or during school hours. Students must
receive permission from office personnel to return to their cars.
H. Students who fail to arrive to any class on time must immediately report to the Attendance Window.
I. Students may not leave class for any reason without a pass, which includes the student’s name, the
date, time, destination, and the teacher’s signature.
J. Students may not leave campus once they have arrived unless they have checked out through the
Attendance Office.
K. Students may not visit other schools during the school day or on a teacher workday.
L. Food and/or drinks are to be consumed only in designated eating areas such as the cafeteria, senior
lunch area, front canopy entrance or Cougar Courtyard. This rule is in effect at all times from the
time the building opens each morning until school is dismissed. Exceptions can only be made by
the principal and are normally reserved for class functions.
M. Students who are serving out-of-school suspension and in-school suspension are restricted from
representing the school in any extracurricular activities until the entire suspension period is completed.
N. Students who are assigned to an out-of-school suspension may not be present on any Fulton County
property or campus until the suspension period is completed.
Chattahoochee Honor Code Policy
In an effort to encourage fair assessments and to authenticate learning, the Chattahoochee faculty
supports a strong policy against cheating. Unless directly stipulated by the teacher, collaboration on
class work, assignments, and homework is not acceptable. The use of electronic devices to display or
communicate information regarding a school assignment/assessment, unless allowed by the teacher,
will be a violation of the Honor Code. Students who willingly provide other students with access to their
work are in violation of the CHS Honor Code.
Students guilty of cheating will receive a grade of “0” on the assignment or test. The assignment may
not be made up (students who have a “0” are not eligible for recovery). Additionally, an Honor Code
Violation Form will be completed by the teacher and filed with the administration. Violations may be
considered by faculty in making future recommendations for membership in honor clubs. Students
receiving an Honor Code violations will be assigned consequences as outlined in the Fulton County
Code of Conduct & Discipline Handbook.
Students are required to sign the following honor pledges as applicable:
For Major Tests:
“I, ___
(student name)______, hereby affirm that I neither gave nor received any help on this test.
Furthermore, I used no sources of information to answer questions other than those explicitly approved
by my teacher.”
For Projects and Papers:
“I, ___ (student name)______, hereby affirm that this project/paper is entirely my own work. Further,
I declare that I fully understand the concept of plagiarism and made every effort to avoid it, including not
sharing part or all of my research or writing or other work except in circumstances explicitly approved
by the teacher.”
Acts of plagiarism include, but are not limited to:
1. use of words or ideas from a published source without proper documentation;
2. use of the work of another student (e.g. copying another student’s homework, composition, or project);
3. use of excessive editing suggestions of another student, teacher, parent or paid editor.
Chattahoochee Disciplinary Cycle of
Many rule violations are handled immediately by teachers through the use of conferences, phone calls,
private detention assignments, counselor referrals, school social worker referrals, behavior contracts,
etc. Other violations will be referred to an assistant principal. If a student is referred to an administrator,
the administrator will determine if a rule was violated. If a consequence is appropriate, the response will
follow a progressive disciplinary response and may include movement on the Fulton County Student
Responsibility Cycle.
When a student violates school rules and a disciplinary consequence is assigned, special arrangements
will not be offered to students. Students must make their own arrangements for transportation. Students
on work programs must make arrangements with their employers to serve assigned detentions. Students
assigned to suspension may not attend or participate in any extracurricular activity until the suspension
term is complete. Failure to serve assigned consequences will result in an escalation of the disciplinary
response. Chattahoochee High School follows the FCS progressive disciplinary intervention cycle.
Private Detention
Teachers have the authority to assign private detention for failure to follow classroom rules and procedures.
Private detention is supervised by the assigning teacher. The determination of the detention date, time
and location is at the teacher’s discretion; however, a minimum of 24 hours notice will be provided.
Failure to serve a private detention will result in referral to the Administration.
Private detention with a teacher has priority over public detention. Students having private detention
must bring a note from a teacher documenting the private detention consequence in order for a public
detention assignment to be rescheduled.
Public Detention
Public Detention is a 45-minute silent study period. Written notice will be provided to the student. During
the week of the assigned Public Detention, students may select which day(s) of the week best fits their
schedule and out-of-school responsibilities. Public Detention is held on Tuesday/Thursday afternoons
at 3:45 AND on Tuesday/Thursday mornings at 7:30. Failure to serve Public Detention is considered a
disciplinary infraction and will result in discipline outlined below.
Students who arrive after the tardy bell will not be admitted. Students arriving without study materials
will not be allowed to serve Public Detention. No food or drink is permitted. Sleeping or putting one’s
head down is not permitted. Students sent out of detention for disciplinary reasons will not be given
credit for that day and may be referred to an administrator.
Saturday Opportunity School (SOS)
For some attendance and behavior infractions, students are assigned to one or more sessions of Saturday
Opportunity School (SOS). SOS is held each Saturday, 8:00 - 11:00 a.m., in the cafeteria. Students must
be in their assigned seats, with books and work materials at 8:00 a.m. Students are not admitted late
to SOS. The session consists of silent supervised study and community service work. Students who
are removed from SOS for sleeping or inappropriate behavior will not receive credit for attending SOS.
Failure to serve SOS is considered a disciplinary infraction and will result in discipline outlined below.
Public Detention Consequence
1st miss
2 PDs
2nd miss
3rd miss
Rule 6 for Insubordination
per code of conduct
4th miss
Rule 6 for Insubordination
per code of conduct
Saturday School Consequences
1st miss
2 days SOS
2nd Miss
1 day ISS
2 days ISS
3rd miss
Rule 6 for Insubordination
per code of conduct
4th miss
Rule 6 for Insubordination
per of code of conduct
In-School Suspension (ISS)
For some behavior infractions, students will be isolated with an in-school suspension teacher during
the school day. Teacher-assigned work will be provided and a one hour community service period is
included. A student assigned to in-school suspension will report to the designated area and be seated
prior to the tardy bell. Failure to arrive before the start of the school day will result in an automatic public
detention assignment for the following week of school. The student must cooperate with the in-school
suspension teacher or face additional consequences. Students who do not complete the full day will not
receive full ISS credit for that day, and they must return the following day to make up all missed time.
Out-of-School Suspension (OSS)
Students who are suspended out-of-school are expected to access homework and in-class assignments
using the CHS teacher blogs at Also, students may contact teachers using the
“Contact Me” link included on each blog. Assignments and homework are due on the day the student
returns to school. It is the student’s responsibility to contact their teachers to obtain assignments and
arrange a time to complete missed assessments during their OSS. Suspended students must not be
on school property for any reason, at any time, including all extracurricular activities.
High school students are expected to develop social skills that include the ability to make good decisions
about when and where certain types of clothing are appropriate. At Chattahoochee we encourage our
students to “dress for success” by choosing attire for school that is sensible and safe. Furthermore,
clothing that is provocative or inflammatory is not to be worn to school because it may distract from the
learning environment. Clothing must respect the personal beliefs and religious rights of all students and
staff. Dress code decisions are subject to interpretation by the CHS staff and administration.
Clarifications of Chattahoochee dress standards are as follows:
1. Modesty and neatness are good “rules of thumb”. Clothing must not expose bare midriffs or cleavage,
must not display uncovered undergarments and must not permit visibility of undergarments through
sheer fabric.
2. Shoes must be worn.
3. Students may not wear sunglasses in the building.
4. Ornamentation or clothing with writing, slogans, pictures, or symbols that depict or insinuate messages
in support of alcohol, tobacco or drugs is prohibited.
5. Ornamentation or clothing that depicts obscenities, profanity, vulgarity, racism, nudity, sexual
innuendo, gang affiliation, or violence is prohibited.
6. Beachwear or swimming attire is prohibited.
7. Sleepwear is prohibited including flannel/cotton pajama tops or bottoms, robes, and bedroom slippers.
8. Studded apparel and chains that are greater than 6” in length are prohibited.
9. During the school day, blankets and pillows are prohibited.
10. Head coverings: During the school day, students may not wear head coverings including hats,
hoods, visors, bandanas, scarves, head wraps, etc. unless the apparel is part of the student’s
customary religious attire.
11. Jeans: The waistline of jeans/pants must be worn at the waist AND above the buttocks and not
display undergarments.
12. Three finger standard: Both shoulders should be covered with fabric that is as least as wide as
the width of three fingers and not display undergarments.
13. No holes standard: Holes, rips and tears in clothing are not allowed.
14. Tops: Armholes must not be oversized exposing skin or undergarments under the arms or across
the shoulders and back.
15.Mid-thigh standard: The length of shorts/skirts must be one inch below the tips of the fingers
when the waistline of the garment is worn at the waist and the arms are held down by the side. This
includes any item being worn over leggings or tights.
16. Necklines: Plunging necklines are prohibited. The low point of the neckline must be higher than
the sleeve seam or the armpit.