Yahoo Finance – SPARE Closes the Meal Gap with a

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SPARE Closes the Meal Gap with a
Smartphone App
Now the Simple Act of Dining Out Can Feed Hungry Americans In Need
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November 4, 2014 9:15 AM
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What to read next
If you could help solve food insecurity in America by
simply rounding up your restaurant tab, wouldn’t you? A
new smartphone APP called SPARE, designed to do
just that, launches today in Las Vegas at the Money
20/20 conference. SPARE is the brainchild of Andra
Tomsa, a 28-year-old entrepreneur who worked as a
bartender while getting her Master's Degree in
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Economic Development from Fordham University.
"I watched people drop hundreds of dollars on dinner
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and drinks. It just seemed like there should be a way to capture just a fraction of that money and put it
towards feeding the hungry,” notes Tomsa of her inspiration for creating SPARE.
After learning that 1 in 6 Americans are food insecure, millennial entrepreneur and New Yorker Tomsa
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created SPARE to close the hunger gap by supporting local hunger relief efforts. With an initial kickoff in
New York City, which currently leads the country in the number of missing meals, SPARE plans to roll
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out nationally. The free app is now available for download in the iTunes Store as "SPARE."
SPARE allows users to round up their restaurant bills to the nearest dollar simply by capturing a picture
of their receipt. Each donation, always $.99 or less, is sent to support Food Bank for New York City,
City Harvest, City Meals on Wheels or New York City Rescue Mission based on the user's preference.
Each $1.00 raised helps feed four New Yorkers. SPARE’s goal is to inspire NYC residents to close the
current 235 million meal gap and end hunger in the city by simply "rounding-up" after dining out.
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"It’s unbelievable to think closing the meal gap is actually possible with help from technology and a bit of
good intention. Each time a New Yorker goes out for a drink or a meal, they can donate their spare
change to make it happen," adds Tomsa.
Users can watch their city’s meal gap close in real time as the app tracks how many people users have
helped feed. Frequent users receive gifts like free drinks, appetizers or discounts from participating
bars/restaurants. SPARE users can also share their philanthropy on social media, posting their impact
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