Español AP: 2012-2013 1 AP Spanish Language Summer Activities **NOTE: All students enrolled in an AP course are required to take the AP exam in May in order to receive the weighted credit. ($87 exam fee) The AP Spanish Language exam will evaluate your ability to read, write, listen to, speak and watch authentic Spanish language in action. This summer assignment is developed to allow you to practice these skills over summer, as to retain the knowledge that you have acquired over the past three years. The assignment is the bare minimum, and we encourage you to go above and beyond. Try changing your facebook/myspace settings to Spanish, as well as your cell phone and ipods. Pre-set various Spanish speaking stations to your radio. Watch your favorite movie dubbed over in Spanish. Look up some awesome new artists online, buy their CD and memorize all of their songs. Watch news and/or sports on the Spanish speaking channels. Check out Vogue from different Spanish speaking countries (in stores or online). Basically, follow your passions and find their Spanish speaking equivalent! I understand that summers can be busy. I do not expect that you spend hours on these assignments every week. I do expect that you practice your Spanish regularly and improve your skills over the summer. The due dates are not as important as making sure you do all of the activities throughout the summer, especially since the assignment is designed to provide continual use of the language all summer long which in turn will directly impact your performance in the course. The following activities are the minimum requirements to be completed by all students enrolled in the AP Spanish Language course. These assignments will be graded and entered into the grade book in the fall, so they will impact your success in the course. TO DO (approximately every other week over the course of the entire summer): Write an email in Spanish to your pen-pals. Start off by introducing yourself, likes, dislikes, interests, hobbies, etc. Then just maintain communication and get to know the other people. In case you need it, some potential e-mail topics can include: o o o o o o Discussing a recent date that went really well (or really poorly) Talking about seeing an old friend, and how it made you feel Describe a family party that you went to Talk about a trip you took over the summer Discuss your group of friends and why they are important to you Describe your favorite toy growing up Talk about a vivid memory you have of your childhood Describe the funniest thing that has happened to you in Spanish class o Share your most embarrassing moment o Describe your favorite genre of music and why you like it o Describe the best teacher you’ve ever had o o You must send a minimum of 5 e-mails to your pen-pal of approximately 60 words in length each, but don’t forget that you will also be responding to the e-mails sent to you. Your teacher will assign pen-pals. -My pen-pal is: name- email: _____________________________________________ *In order to receive credit, make sure to always copy to Señorita Magaña and Señora Serrano; cc: and Read 2 articles and take an online quiz for each. (see details below) Watch 2 movies and take an online quiz for each. (see details outlined below) Practice grammar by doing activities on as outlined below (only as needed-not a requirement!) Español AP: 2011-2012 2 Speak Spanish by leaving 2 voice recordings via Google Voice (see numbers and details below) Write 5 emails to your pen-pal and TWO formal five paragraph essays turn in via e-mail on the following suggested due dates. Don’t forget to include an introduction paragraph (including a thesis statement), three supporting paragraphs and a conclusion paragraph. Also, remember to cc: and (see bellow for prompts and details) SUGGESTED DUE DATES AND ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR THE ASSIGNMENTS LISTED ABOVE Again, all assignments are due at the end of the first week of school, except the 2 formal essays. This outline simply suggests the timeline for you to follow. **** Thursday May 31st: -Go to and sign up for a free account. You will never be expected to pay for any activities or registration- ONLY do the free activities, quizzes, and tests-the test results will automatically be sent to my teacher account. Remember: This is only a recommendation! You are coming into the course already knowing all the content, so use this opportunity to refine your skills. -TURN IN BOTH CONTRACTS SIGNED to Señorita Magaña in room E108, see end of this document for contracts,(pages 4 and 5) By June 15th: -Call Google Voice and record an introduction (2 minutes minimum). Introduce yourself: who are you? what are your interests? who do you know that will be taking AP Spanish next year? what are your strengths? and what is most difficult for you? (in terms of Spanish). Students with last name beginning with letter: A-N call 408-782-4016 O-Z call 408-461-9030 -Online Prueba #1. View the movie: Real women have curves Rated PG-13, Directed by Patricia Cardosa and produced by George LaVoo. Check your email for the Online Prueba #1 accessible via google doc’s. -Don’t forget to send an e-mail to your pen-pal! and send a copy to Srita. Magaña and Sra. Serrano By June 22th: -Online Prueba #2. Read Article 1 and take Online Prueba #2. Check your email for access to both the article and the Online Prueba via google doc’s. -Don’t forget to send an e-mail to your pen-pal! and send a copy to Srita. Magaña and Sra. Serrano By June 29th: -Essay #1. Question: ¿Cuál tipo de educación es mejor: las escuelas públicas o privadas? ¿Porqué?. Don’t to include an introduction paragraph (including a thesis statement), three supporting paragraphs and a conclusion paragraph. Turn in via e-mail, send a copy to Srita. Magaña and Sra. Serrano By July 13th: -Prueba #3. View the movie: Bajo la misma luna Rated PG-13, Directed by Patricia Riggen. Check your email for the Online Prueba #3 accessible via google doc’s. -Don’t forget to send an e-mail to your pen-pal, send a copy to Srita. Magaña and Sra. Serrano, read an article, and do a listening activity. Español AP: 2011-2012 3 By July 20th: -Call Google voice and record an update of how your summer has been going (2 minutes minimum), what’s new, what you think about what’s been happening over the summer in general (from the news that you’ve been reading & listening to throughout the summer). Students with last name beginning with letter: A-N call 408-782-4016 -Don’t forget to send an e-mail to your pen-pal. O-Z call 408-461-9030 By July 27th: -Don’t forget to send an e-mail to your pen-pal send a copy to Srita. Magaña and Sra. Serrano. -Essay #2. Question: ¿Las escuelas deben tener un horario de “block” (clases de dos horas) o un horario tradicional (clases de una hora)? (Pueden usar varios fuentes del internet para apoyar tu argumento) . Don’t forget to include an introduction paragraph (including a thesis statement), three supporting paragraphs and a conclusion paragraph. Turn in via e-mail, send a copy to Srita. Magaña and Sra. Serrano. By August 3rd: - Online Prueba #4. Read Article 2 and take Online Prueba #4. Check your email for access to both the article and the Online Prueba via google doc’s. -Don’t forget to send an e-mail to your pen-pal and send a copy to Srita. Magaña and Sra. Serrano ¡Nos vemos el primer día de las clases! *Additional website/resources: podcasts, activities -podcasts with text, activities podcasts activities, practice podcasts, videos, news, sports, programming from España activities, practice periódico de España United Nations radio en español-podcasts videos, podcasts, can slow speaking down & read-along with the text proficiency tests & practice recordings on a variety of topics from native speakers trailers, cultural stories, advertisements-super divertido Spanish-English dictionary Español AP: 2011-2012 4 CONTRACT 1- STUDENT I understand that: - I am required to take the AP Spanish Language Exam in May at a cost of approximately $85 (there is a fee reduction application for students on the free/reduced lunch program & all students will be accommodated, regardless of their financial situation-as long as they work this out with your Spanish AP teacher at the beginning of the 2nd semester). -If I do not take the exam, my transcript will be adjusted to reflect Spanish 4 (no weighted credit toward GPA) for both semesters. -The workbook REPASO, can be used as a write-in workbook, if I buy it at the cost of $25, or as a textbook (I cannot write in it and I’m responsible for keeping it clean and in good condition) if I choose not to pay for it. -Daily practice, including listening to the radio/pod-casts from various parts of the world, the news, music, movies, etc., speaking with as many people as possible, speaking only Spanish in-class, reading magazines, newspapers, articles, subtitles with videos/movies in Spanish, and writing as much in Spanish as possible, is very important in order to be prepared and comfortable in the class and on the day of the test. -I must take responsibility for my own learning and success. -There will be one chapter of the REPASO book due every Monday and a quiz for that chapter on the same Monday. We will work on the REPASO chapters during class, some days, and in groups, at times-therefore it is best to carry it with you to class, daily. -We will also have weekly presentations of news stories from around the Spanish-speaking world. Each student will present to the class, on a rotating basis of weekly to every few weeks. -Since we take responsibility for our own learning, we will take the time to get our own practice outside of class with speaking, listening (subscribe to Pod-casts in Spanish), reading, and writing. -All of my work will be my own; I will not copy from others or from the Internet without citing properly and prior teacher authorization. -I will take the time and initiative to make sure I understand everything; when I don’t, I’ll ask questions to other students and the teacher and come for help. I understand my responsibilities as outlined above and agree to make an honest and complete effort to become more able to communicate effectively in Spanish and succeed on the AP Spanish Language Exam in May. ------------------------------------* Student signature ---------------------* Today’s date ---------------------------------------------------------* Student’s email *REQUIRED-TURN IN BOTH CONTRACTS SIGNED to Señorita Magaña -room E108 Español AP: 2011-2012 5 CONTRACT 2- PARENT I ______________________________________ understand my child’s responsibilities as outlined above, I’m aware that all students enrolled in an AP course are required to take the AP exam in order to receive the weighted credit, and I agree to support him/her in their effort to become more able to communicate effectively in Spanish to succeed on the AP Spanish Language Exam in may. I also understand that the following movies/videos may be used to enhance learning and understanding, since many issues, cultural norms, history topics, and common themes are best expressed and understood through stories and movies (please feel free to preview or check into any of the following movies to have a better understanding of their content and let me know if there is one that you would not like your student to see): Rojo amanecer Al otro lado Gol Romero Bajo la misma luna** Guantanamera Selena Buscando a Leti Il Postino Spanglish Casi Casi La bestia Tango Cilantro y perejíl La boda del gringo Todo sobre mi madre Cinco amigas La historia oficial Todos somos estrellas Como agua para chocolate La lengua de las mariposas Un día sin mexicanos Danzón Los de abajo Voces inocentes Días bárbaros Los niños invisibles Volver El abuelo, mi padre y yo Machuca Y no se trago la tierra El analfabeto Mar adentro Zapata El espejo enterrado Marcelino, pan y vino El internado Maria llena eres de gracia El norte Marianela El orfanato Mi familia El sur Motorcycle Diaries/ Diarios de motocicleta Evita Pan’s Labyrinth/ El laberinto del Fresa y chocolate Fauno Frida Real women have curves** ** Movies to be watched as part of summer homework assignments. Along with a variety of short award-winning films that are included with the packets for ¡IMAGINA! and many clips from the news, family shows on Spanish-language TV stations or documentary clips from Spanish-language TV. ------------------------------------Parent’s signature ---------------------Today’s date ---------------------------------------------------------Parent’s email(s) /phone # -TURN IN BOTH CONTRACTS SIGNED to Señorita Magaña-room E108