students taking AP Chemi

Student Name: ___________________________________________________________________________________
All students taking AP Chemistry are required to complete a review packet prior to the start of the
course. The packet is designed to help the student review material that was learned in their
prerequisite chemistry course. The material is necessary for the student to successfully begin AP
Chemistry. A pretest will be administered the first day of class to assess the student’s knowledge of
the science concepts covered in the packet. The pretest will not be reflected in the 1st 6 weeks
grading, however the work done in the summer packet will be graded.
The teacher will personally consult with the parent and student to discuss their future in the class if:
1. the student does not show adequate knowledge of the subject material covered on the
2. the student does not complete the summer work packet by the first day of class.
3. the student does not turn in the summer work packet on the first day of class.
If you have any questions, please email Karey Moore ( at your earliest
**Note there are two “m’s” in the email address.
I have read and understand the information written above.
Student signature:
Parent/Guardian signature:
I attest that all of the work contained in this packet is my own.
Student signature:
Aledo High School AP Chemistry Summer Work Packet
Mrs. Moore – Room 309 – please feel free to email me anytime over the summer
Welcome to AP chemistry! The AP curriculum includes all of the topics and labs that must be
completed before students take the AP chemistry test on Monday, May 2, 2016. You will find AP
chemistry to be challenging. There is much to cover in this course and that requires hard work from
all involved. It is important for you to keep pace with all assignments and come in for help if you find
yourself struggling. We cannot slow down if you don’t understand a topic. You should expect this
class to be SIGNIFICANTLY more difficult than your first chemistry class.
The goal of the summer packet is to help you prepare by reviewing much of what you learned
in Pre-AP chemistry. We need to use our class time wisely and will not be able to review all the
necessary components from chemistry.
You will need to have access to the internet at home to be successful in this class. There will
be many times you will need to access the class fusion page for homework, studying, and other
projects. You need to have access to a computer and a printer at home as well. If this is an issue for
you, please let me know immediately so arrangements can be made. You can expect homework
and reading assignments every night, as well as take-home work over academic year breaks to help
us cover and review material without wasting class time.
 It is a review of basic content covered in chemistry 1 or Pre-AP chemistry, which you may not
have seen for over a year.
 It provides the necessary fundamentals you will need to be successful in AP chemistry. To not
do the assignment, or to do it poorly is to seriously endanger your prospects of being successful
in AP chemistry.
 There will not be enough time before the AP exam in May to cover the necessary content
without a head start.
Students are encouraged to work together to complete the summer assignment.
THAT DOES NOT MEAN COPY!!! You should spread out the following assignments over
several weeks. Do not try to cram them in towards the end of summer or you will get
stressed out and overwhelmed before school starts!
AP Chemistry will be taught with the assumption that all students are taking the AP exam in the spring.
AP Chemistry First Day Test – the following concepts will be tested on day 1. Be prepared!
 Polyatomic ions (name, symbol, charge)
 Variable charges for transition metals
 Naming acids
 Naming ionic compounds
 Naming covalent compounds
 Using significant figures appropriately
This assignment should be completed and ready to turn in by the FIRST DAY of class in August 2015,
no excuses. All work should be done neatly and clearly on paper and organized in the order it was
assigned. All work for every problem including units throughout is necessary for AP. This is an
expectation on the AP exam in the spring and you need to get into the good habit early!
Summer Work Checklist:
Part 1: Why are you taking this course?
- A short, concise paragraph answering the following questions (1) Why are you
taking this course? And (2) What do you hope/expect to get out of the course?
Part 2: Memorize charges of common ions
- If you have been my student before you no doubt remember my famous Einstein
speech about how memorizing “stuff” is a waste of brain cells. I still feel that way,
however this is a VITAL part of AP chemistry. They will not give you an ion chart on
the test, so it is essential that you have this part done prior to school beginning or it
will set you back all year. I suggest flash cards and lots of practice.
Part 3: Read and review the following chapters in the book
- Reading implies taking notes on any topics you are not familiar with or do not
understand so that you will have them to study from and/or to ask me questions in
the fall. GET USED TO READING!!! This is absolutely necessary for AP Chemistry.
o Chapter 1: Chemical Foundations pp. 1-37
 Everything in this chapter is basic but important. You may skim through
See Part 3
it if you find it easy. Learn all of Table 1.1 – SI Units (p. 8) except
luminous intensity, and Table 1.2 (p. 9)
 Pay attention to rules for significant figures .
on page 4.
o Chapter 2: Atoms, Molecules, and Ions pp. 39-77
 Simple review. All sections are important.
o Chapter 3: Stoichiometry pp. 79-129
 Be sure to know general types of reactions and how to balance a
chemical equation.
 Be able to perform all types of math.
 Get the general idea of mass spectrometry on page 80.
- It is recommended that you do advanced reading and note-taking on chapters 4,
5, and 6 as well because these will be near the beginning of the course and will be
covered very quickly because they are also a review of chemistry. There are forms
to fill out at the end of this packet for each chapter.
Part 4: Complete the practice problems provided
Part 5: Come to school in the fall with –
o Your COMPLETED summer packet
o Scientific calculator
o LARGE notebook (2-3”) designated specifically for AP chemistry
o Enthusiasm and a great work ethic!
Remember… on the AP exam you must
show all work including units or you will lose
points. If you get the correct answer but do
not show work, you will not receive any
points. In this class and in this packet, credit
WILL NOT be given for answer-only
So… you need to show all work for every problem including:
 Equation you will be using (if applicable)
 Knowns/unknowns (if applicable)
 Plugged in equation and any algebraic work
Keep your work neat and organized. Keep the “grader” in mind. If the grader has to work to find
your work and answers, you will lose points. Make it easy for the grader to give you all the points you
*Part 3 Alternate Instructions – Sorry about this! Okay, so we don’t have online access to our textbook
right now so I have attached outlines for the first three chapters of the book in the packet (pgs. 1518). Read through those and then seek additional review from your chemistry notes, notebooks, or
online resources such as Kahn Academy and/or Bozeman Science. Part of being a successful AP
Chemistry student is your ability to be resourceful! You are still responsible for the concepts outlined
in chapters 1-3. There are ample free resources online. You can also purchase the textbook
(Zumdahl, Chemistry 5th Ed.) on Amazon for about $5.00, including shipping. Our book is pretty
outdated, so it is cheap, but still a really good resource. Purchasing the book is NOT required, but
might me a good idea!  Again, my apologies for any inconvenience.
AP Chemistry
Name: ______________________________________ Chapter: ______ Sections: ______
Chapter Name: __________________________________________________________________________________
Vocabulary Terms:
Major Equations:
MAJOR CONCEPTS, with a brief explanation of each, you must have something for EACH section in
the chapter, use the front and back of this paper as necessary, include all relevant information
AP Chemistry
Name: ______________________________________ Chapter: ______ Sections: ______
Chapter Name: __________________________________________________________________________________
Vocabulary Terms:
Major Equations:
MAJOR CONCEPTS, with a brief explanation of each, you must have something for EACH section in
the chapter, use the front and back of this paper as necessary, include all relevant information
AP Chemistry
Name: ______________________________________ Chapter: ______ Sections: ______
Chapter Name: __________________________________________________________________________________
Vocabulary Terms:
Major Equations:
MAJOR CONCEPTS, with a brief explanation of each, you must have something for EACH section in
the chapter, use the front and back of this paper as necessary, include all relevant information
AP Chemistry
Name: ______________________________________ Chapter: ______ Sections: ______
Chapter Name: __________________________________________________________________________________
Vocabulary Terms:
Major Equations:
MAJOR CONCEPTS, with a brief explanation of each, you must have something for EACH section in
the chapter, use the front and back of this paper as necessary, include all relevant information
AP Chemistry
Name: ______________________________________ Chapter: ______ Sections: ______
Chapter Name: __________________________________________________________________________________
Vocabulary Terms:
Major Equations:
MAJOR CONCEPTS, with a brief explanation of each, you must have something for EACH section in
the chapter, use the front and back of this paper as necessary, include all relevant information
AP Chemistry
Name: ______________________________________ Chapter: ______ Sections: ______
Chapter Name: __________________________________________________________________________________
Vocabulary Terms:
Major Equations:
MAJOR CONCEPTS, with a brief explanation of each, you must have something for EACH section in
the chapter, use the front and back of this paper as necessary, include all relevant information