Study guide for test on Anglo-‐Saxon history and Beowulf Test date

Study guide for test on Anglo-­‐Saxon history and Beowulf Test date: Tuesday, 9/22 Format: a mixture of matching, multiple choice, short answer and short essay; there will be some short passages, either from Beowulf or from another similar text, and you will be asked to locate traits of the writing and comment on characters or ideas in the passage. Anglo-­‐Saxon history Study materials: Textbook, notes handout “Notes on the Anglo-­‐Saxon Period” Invasions: what groups came and their impact, the reasons for the Norman invasion -­‐ there are no dates on the test Religion: Christianity’s arrival Language: where the Anglo-­‐Saxons’ language came from, what it was called, how it came to become a written language Beowulf Study materials: Textbook, handouts/notes sheets: “Beowulf: the prologue,” “Beowulf: Review questions on the opening sections,” “Questions on the Battle with Grendel,” “Beowulf: Anglo-­‐Saxon epic characteristics and notes” Characters—know who these characters are, what tribe they are with: Healfdane Hrothgar Edgetho Higlac Beowulf Wiglaf Grendel Grendel’s mother dragon Events—know what happens, how the battles differ Literary traits of Anglo-­‐Saxon literature—see front side of “Beowulf: Anglo-­‐Saxon epic characteristics and notes” kenning, alliteration, caesura, imagery: know what they are, be ready to locate them in a passage theme: be ready to provide and discuss a theme that comes up as the poem goes along or one that comes out of the poem as a whole Epic traits—see the back side of “Beowulf: Anglo-­‐Saxon epic characteristics and notes” Be ready to identify and discuss how Beowulf fits those traits Beowulf as a hero Be ready to discuss Beowulf’s qualities as a hero Christianity in the poem Understand how and why Christianity appears in the poem 