Unit: Immigration & Migration Objective Sheet 1. Explain why immigrants left their countries to come to the U.S. [Push & Pull] * The American Dream * Oklahoma Land Rush * Homestead Act of 1862 2. Describe the immigration patterns throughout U.S. history. * Immigration Patterns (1860-1920 & today) * Old (N) vs. New Wave (S&E) 3. Describe how immigrants came to the U.S. * Indentured Servants * Middle Passage * Steerage * Angel Island * Ellis Island * Government Inspections * Medical Inspections 4. Describe how immigrants were helped in the U.S. * * * * * * Assimilation Culture Shock Ethnic Communities Political Machines Tenements Working Conditions * * * * * * Child Labor Settlement Houses Americanization Movement Social Gospel Movement Melting Pot v. Salad Bowl Transcontinental Railroad (Irish & Chinese) 5. Discuss restrictions placed on immigrants. * * * * * Chinese Exclusion Act Gentlemenʼs Agreement Nativist KKK Immigration Restriction League * * * * * Emergency Quota Act of 1921 Immigration Act of 1965 Old Wave (N) vs. New Wave (S.E.) Race (Discrimination) 6. Define imperialism & trace the U.S. expansion through history. * * * * * * * * Manifest Destiny Imperialism Monroe Doctrine 13 Original Colonies Louisiana Territory Oregon Territory Florida Texas * * * * * * * * American South-West Gadsden Territory Alaska Hawaii Cuba – Philippines – Puerto Rico Removal (Trail of Tears) Extermination (Wounded Knee) Assimilation (Boarding Schools) Unit Notes: Immigration & Migration Objective #1: Explain why immigrants left their countries to come to the U.S. A. Most Immigrants came to the U.S. for the same reason regardless of time period 1. Why did they come: PUSH: Political & Religious Oppression Population Increase Flee Wars Famine Poverty PULL: Farmland Opportunity Jobs Money Resources American Dream Freedom 2. HOMESTEAD ACT OF 1862__________ (Columbian Exchange) Congress gave 160 acres of free land to settlers if they cultivated it for 5 years? Objective #2: List groups who came to the U.S. and where they came from. A. Colonial – 1840ʼs NORTHWESTERN EUROPE? B. 1850ʼs-1920ʼs Who / Where 1. NORTHWESTERN EUROPE______ 1860-1880? (OLD – LIKED) 2. CENTRAL EUROPE_____________ 1880-1900? 3. SOUTHERN & EASTERN EUROPE 1900-1920? (NEW – DISLIKED) [FACED MORE DISCRIMINATION] C. AFRICA__&__MEXICO__&__ASIA_____ Present: Who / Where? Objective #3: Describe how immigrants came to the U.S. A. Colonial 1. INDENTURED SERVANTS___________ Worked for 4-7 years in exchange for passage to America? 2. MIDDLE PASSAGE_________________ Voyage to America on a slave ship? B. 1850ʼs-1920ʼs 1. STEERAGE_______________________ Passage in the ships cargo hold, below the waterline? 2. ELLIS ISLAND____________________ The immigrant inspection station off of New York Harbor where Europeans entered? a. HEALTH PROBLEMS &_____________ Medical examiners looked for? CONTAGIOUS DISEASE____________ b. LITERACY TESTS - ABILITY TO WORK - $25 Government inspectors required what 3 things for entry into the U.S.? 3. ANGEL ISLAND___________________ The immigration inspection station in San Francisco where Asians entered the U.S.? a. HARSHER & MORE RACIST_________ How were the procedures & conditions different from Ellis Island? Objective #4 Describe how immigrants were helped in the U.S. A. 1850ʼs-1920ʼs 1. ASSIMILATION___________________ Process of becoming a part of the a culture? a. MELTING POT___________________ This assimilation theory holds that immigrants will give up their culture to take on the culture of the U.S.? b. SALAD BOWL___________________ This assimilation theory holds that immigrants hold onto their culture while taking on the culture of the U.S.? c. CULTURE SHOCK________________ Confusion & anxiety resulting from immersion in a different culture? 2. POLITICAL MACHINE_____________ Immigrants were offered help getting jobs, housing, and help with citizenship, in exchange for their vote, by? a. ETHNIC COMMUNITIES___________ Neighborhoods made up of immigrants from the same country? (same culture & language) 3. CHEAP LABOR_____________________ unskilled Immigrants were exploited for? a. DANGEROUS & LOW WAGES______ Owners saved money by making working conditions? b. IRISH & CHINESE_______________ These 2 groups of hated immigrants could only get these dangerous, low paying jobs build the transcontinental railroad? c. CHILD LABOR__________________ Many families could not afford to survive without? d. OVERCROWDED TENEMENTS_____ Workers could only afford this type of housing? 4. SETTLEMENT HOUSES____________ Community centers in city slums which provided assistance & friendship to immigrants (education - health care - insurance- socials)? 5. AMERICANIZATION MOVEMENT_____ Night school to educate adult immigrants? 6. SOCIAL GOSPEL MOVEMENT_______ They helped the poor (immigrants), like Jesus, so they could go to heaven? Objective #5: Discuss restrictions placed on immigrants A. 1850ʼs-1920ʼs 1. RACE___________________________ One of the main reasons immigrants were restricted from entering the U.S.? a. SOUTHERN & EASTERN EUROPEANS This new wave of immigrants (Late 1800ʼs) were disliked even by older immigrants? b. MORE DISCRIMINATION____________ This new wave of immigrants (1890ʼs) faced? 2. NATIVIST________________________ They Show overt favoritism towards native-born Americans? (suspicion & fear) a. IMMIGRATION RESTRICTION LEAGUE Campaigned to keep the “undesirable classes” (S. & E. Europeans) out of the U.S. using laws to limit immigration? b. KKK_____________________________ Discriminated against & launched vicious attacks on African Americans, Catholics, Jewish, & immigrants? 3. CHINESE EXCLUSION ACT__________ Legally excluded first ethnic group to U.S.? 4. GENTLEMENʼS AGREEMENT________ Japan agreed to limit itʼs immigration to the U.S.? 5. EMERGENCY QUOTA ACT OF 1921___ Limited immigration to the U.S. by setting up a quota system? (sets the maximum number allowed in) Base on how much we liked the country 6. IMMIGRATION ACT OF 1965_________ Replaced the Emergency Quota Act of 1921 with a maximum amount per nation or region at 20,000? Objective #5: Define imperialism & trace the U.S. expansion through history. Native Americans (3 GOVERNMENT POLICES: Removal – Extermination – Assimilation) A. REMOVAL 1. TRAIL OF TEARS_________________ President Jackson ignored the Supreme Court & sent the Cherokee Indians to reservations? B. EXTERMINATION_(KILL)___________ Prevailing attitude towards “INDIANS”? 1. WOUNDED KNEE_________________ Hatred toward Native Americans leads to a MASSACRE A T? C. ASSIMILATION__________________ A plan to get Native Americans to give up their way of life to adopt “white” culture? 1. BOARDING SCHOOLS________ Native American children were sent here to help assimilate them into “White” culture? American Imperialism MANIFEST DEST INY: Belief that God wanted the U.S. to expand west to the Pacific ocean? (LEADS TO IM PERIALISM ) Territ ory Date Take n IMPERIALISM: stronger nations extending control ove r the pe ople, MARK ETS, or the RAW MATERIALS of a weaker nati ons 13 Original Colonies 1783 American Revo lutiona ry War Louisiana Territory 1803 Purchased from France ($15 million) * DOUBLES S IZE of U.S. Oregon Territory 1818 Treaty with Great Britain (54-40 or Fight) Florida 1819 Purchased from Spa in (5 million) Monroe Doctrine 1923 Protected the W. hemisphere from European re-colonization (U.S. interference begins?) Texas 1845 Annexation American Southwest 1848 Mexican American War Gadsden Territory 1853 Purchased from Mexico (10 Million) Alaska 1867 Purchased from Ru ssia ($7.2 Million) Hawaii 1898 Plantation owners overthrow Queen & asked to be annexed by the U.S.A. Cuba, Philippines, Puerto Rico 1898 Spanish American War